#hey sam have i ever mentioned how blessed i feel to have you in the drarry and zukka fandoms both?
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bibbidibobbidibucky · 4 years ago
his moon and star | b.b
Summary: Just a look into Y/N and Bucky's night as they spend time with their new baby girl, Emily.
Pairing: dad!Bucky x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,205
Warnings: Flash backs are in italics! Language, mentions of sex
A/N: I've always loved reading dad Bucky stories. They make my heart explode so I figure why the hell not write one lol. Plus I've always pictured Bucky as a girl dad. He radiates that energy to me! 😂 Hope you guys enjoy and feedback is always welcome! I had to add that gif because its so soft and I am a weak bitch.
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The door closed behind Bucky and your head lifted to look at the clock on the stove.  Home two hours early.  You smiled to yourself as this had been a recurring theme since your daughter, Emily Rebecca Barnes, was born two months ago.  He said he loved nothing more than coming home to his girls after a long day training new recruits.
You dried your hands and smiled over at him as he walked into the kitchen, “Hey you.  You know I really like this whole you coming home early thing.”
He smiled as you wrapped your arms around each other as your lips met.  Kissing Bucky always lead to you feeling butterflies in your stomach and you knew that feeling would never fade away.
Bucky slowly pulled away from the kiss and pecked your nose, “That makes two of us.  Where’s our girl?”
You smiled up at him, “She’s asleep.  She just went down for her nap about half an hour ago.”
“Means I get some alone time to love up on you then,” he chuckled before pecking your lips once more.  “I’m gonna go shower real quick then I’ll be back down to help you with dinner okay, Doll.”
You smiled and nodded as you went back to moving around the kitchen as Bucky made his way upstairs to your room, but first he had to see his little star.
He started calling Emily his star not long after the two of you found out the two of you were having a little girl.  He would talk to your baby bump every night before bed about anything and everything.
“And then your Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam proceeded to get their asses kicked and Daddy had to swoop in and save them.  They would be lost without me sometimes.”
You playfully smacked his arm and laughed, “Easy on the language there mister.  You know she can hear you right?”
That just made Bucky laugh more, “You didn’t seem to have a problem with that dirty mouth of yours the other night when we were having sex.  If I recall correctly you were cursing more than I was.”
You felt the heat run to your cheek and tried to hide your smile but failed.  You giggled and shrugged your shoulders as Bucky kissed your bump, “Okay fair enough.”
He smiled at you lovingly before laying his head day gently against your stomach.  Being a super soldier with impeccable hearing that meant Bucky could hear the little heartbeat of your child.  His child.  Something he never thought he would have with how his life has played out and he’s so happy to be wrong about that.  He had you, his moon as he liked to call you, and you were carrying his child.  His little star.
His hand rubbed against your belly and he hummed, “Mommy and Daddy love you little star.  Just a few more months til we get to meet you.  You’re gonna be beautiful just like your mother.”
You smiled and combed your fingers through his hair, “Little star huh? I like it.”
Bucky smiled and leaned up to crawl up beside you.  He kept his hand resting on your stomach as he kissed you sweetly.  “I have my moon and my star.  Got everything I need right here in my arms.”
Emily was fast asleep as Bucky looked down at her in her crib.  He smiled to himself as he looked at her bottom lip that was poked out, something that you did when you slept.  She looked just like you and Bucky loved that.
He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her head before whispering, “Love you little star.”
He smiled and reluctantly moved from her room so he could shower.  He would spend all day looking at her if he could.  That’s all he wanted really, to spend his days with just his two girls.
After dinner you were cleaning up as Bucky fed Emily her bottle.  He walked around the kitchen with her in his arms and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him as he talked to her.
“You were a hungry little one weren’t you, Em.  That’s okay though, Momma gets a little grumpy when she’s hungry too.”  He laughed as you playfully glared over at him.
You bit your lip as you smiled and shook your head, “Like you don’t ever get grumpy like the old man that you are when your stomach starts growling.”
He nodded and smiled as he looked back down at Emily as she wrapped her little hand around one of his fingers, “Momma makes a fair point.”
As she finished the bottle you took her from Bucky to burp her while he followed the two of your to the living room.  You rubbed her back a little before gently patting it as the three of you sat down on the couch.
“Still can’t believe we have a baby sometimes.  Seems too perfect to be real.”  Bucky smiled and kissed your temple as he watched the two of you.
“I know what you mean. We….”  You were interrupted as Emily let out a small burp which made you and Bucky laugh.  “Now it’s time for us to cuddle with Daddy now that you’ve got a full.  That sound good Em?”
She wiggled in your arms a little as she cooed up at you as you spoke to her.  That had to be one of your most favorite sounds since she came into this world.  It felt like she was trying to talk back or mimicke you.
“Think she’s agreeing with you, Y/N.”  Bucky smiled and wrapped his arms around you as you leaned into him.
A few minutes passed and that’s all it took for Emily to fall asleep.  A full tummy and being cuddled always did the trick for her and you were thankful for that.  Cuddling with her and Bucky was always the best way to end your day.
Bucky rubbed his thumb along Emily’s little hand and kissed your head again, “Whatcha thinking about baby?”
“How we got so lucky to have this little star as our daughter and how lucky I am to call you the love of my life.”  You turned your head and smiled lovingly at him.
He pressed his lips to yours in a soft yet passionate kiss.  You hummed softly before he slowly pulled away.  “We are lucky.  We’ve been blessed with a beautiful little girl.  I’ve got her and her Momma right here in my arms and that’s all I ever want.  To have my moon and star right here with me.”
Your heart fluttered and you smiled more; he could be such a romantic sometimes.  “I love you, Buck.  You and Emily both and that’s never gonna change.”
He smiled as he pulled you closer, careful not to wake Emily.  “I love you too, Y/N.  Always have and always will.  Love my girls.”
A household full of love was something that Bucky never expected after everything that’s happened but he was so glad to be wrong.  His moon and star would always guide him back to that home and for that he was forever grateful.
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darks-ink · 4 years ago
Prompt: How does being constantly exposed to high amounts of ectoplasm affect the citizens of Amity Park? Prompt by: @robotbeowulf Word count: 2,487
[AO3] [FFN] [more Phic Phight fics]
Danny shrugged, shifting his backpack to lie a little more comfortably on his shoulders, and pretended very hard to be a regular student. It wasn’t easy, but it hadn’t been easy for the last two years. The constant secret-keeping from everyone was wearing on him.
Not to mention the constant ghost attacks, of course. He was pretty sure all of Amity Park was covered in a thick film of ectoplasm by now, considering how much of it he and the other ghosts spilled and fired during the almost-constant battles. Sure, his parents said that the stuff evaporated and then returned to the Ghost Zone, but his parents also said that humans couldn’t have ghost powers, and Danny was the (mostly) living proof that that wasn’t true, either.
He was jerked from his thoughts—literally—by a fist, grabbing him by the shirt and slamming him against the lockers he had been walking by.
“Hi, Dash,” Danny muttered, trying to hide away his weariness with apathy. “Good morning to you too.”
“Fentonia,” Dash growled back, leaning in close to Danny’s face. A little too close, thank you, ever heard of personal space? “Finally.”
Danny bit back the automatic reply—aw, were you waiting for me?—and settled for grimacing at Dash.
Not that that went over well, of course, because Dash’s other hand found its way to Danny’s shirt as well. With Danny well in his grasp, Dash lifted him, slamming him against the lockers again, this time with his feet off of the ground—no easy way of getting out. Not without using his powers, at least.
“What’s wrong, Fenturd?” Dash asked, pressing Danny against the lockers even harder. “Ghost got your tongue?”
Ha ha, how creative. How funny. Danny was sure he’d come up with funnier jokes in his sleep. “Fuck off,” he grunted at Dash as his back was slammed against the hard metal behind him again.
“Ooh, he’s got bite today.” Dash leaned back a bit, a vicious grin on his face, then crowded Danny against the lockers again. “Oh, no, never mind. Looks like he’s all bark.”
Danny snarled back at Dash before he’d really thought about it—before he could stop himself, really. It wasn’t even words, really, just an animalistic snarl and the pulse of his core that meant his eyes were glowing.
Oh, fuck. And Dash was way too close to miss that.
“Hey, there you go!” Dash… cheered? The fists clenched in Danny’s shirt released, and his feet thumped down on the ground before he’d really caught on to what was happening. Dash was already turning away from him, nudging Kwan. “See, I told you Fenton could do it too!”
That… was not the reaction he’d expected to get to ghostly glowing eyes. What the fuck?
Kwan laughed audibly, and Danny wrenched his eyes away from Dash and towards the other boy. The… the laughing, visibly cheery boy.
Seriously. What was going on?
“So, uh… No bullying anymore today?” Danny asked, and then felt like he could kick himself. Absolute moron. Who asks that sort of thing?
Dash snorted, apparently amused (amused???) by Danny’s idiotic question, and waved a dismissive hand. “What’s the point? I got what I was after.”
Okay? Good? That explained absolutely nothing. If anything, Danny felt even more confused. Had Dash seriously been bullying him trying to get him to glow eyes his? To snarl at him?
Apparently he vocalized that last thought, because Kwan’s eyes turned back to him, a hesitant grin on his face.
And then Kwan’s eyes flashed a bright, glowing, cyan.
Danny, still leaning against the lockers he’d been pressed to, froze up automatically. He knew what that meant. Had spent enough time combing through his parents’ research—and with his own experience—to know that briefly glowing eyes couldn’t be caused by ordinary ghostly causes. An overshadowing ghost altered the eye-color of their host, but that was constant.
And, if there had been a ghost, Danny would’ve felt them. He’d grown more than strong enough to sense ghosts even if they were hidden in a host.
“He’s had them for a while.” Dash spoke casually, like this wasn’t a big fucking deal. “We couldn’t find anybody else with that brand of ecto-contamination, y’know, so Kwan was feeling super down about that.”
“Dash,” Kwan groaned, sounding put-upon. As carefully as Danny listened, the only thing he could hear was the undercurrent of care Kwan held for Dash. For his friend.
“Shut up, man.” Dash nudged his friend, then picked up his explanation that didn’t explain anything. “See, but I knew I had seen you do them too. The glowy eyes, I mean.” Dash underlined the latter with a vague gesture at his own eyes. “So I just had to push you into doing them while Kwan could see, to prove that he wasn’t the only one.”
“Uh.” Danny blinked at them, feeling like he missed everything Dash had said after the words “ecto-contamination”. What?
No, seriously, he knew he’d uttered that word a lot these past five minutes—even if only in his head—but what?
“You had to get him angry, though,” Kwan muttered, bumping shoulders with Dash. “You know that’s not the only way to make them glow.”
“Yeah, but it was the easiest to push him into,” Dash easily admitted.
And then, while Danny was still reeling, feeling like he’d missed at least seven steps in this conversation, Kwan stepped in closer and shot him a bright smile. “Thanks, Fenton. I feel a ton better.”
“Uh, yeah.” Danny blinked, watching the two of them wander off like nothing happened. “You’re welcome?”
“Man, what was all of that?” he muttered to himself, staring at the empty hallway for a moment before pushing himself away from the lockers. He desperately needed to talk to Sam and Tucker, see if they had any idea what all of that was about.
Somewhere, he kind of wished that Jazz was still in Amity. She would definitely know what the hell all of that was all about.
Seriously. Dash had just casually muttered the words ecto-contamination, and then suggested that it was common enough for there to be accepted variants of it.
How had Danny missed all of that?
“There’s Val,” Sam whispered, leaning in closer. Danny followed her gaze and, indeed, there was the girl they’d been looking for all morning.
Well, it figured that they wouldn’t manage to pin her down until lunch, but it was frustrating nonetheless. Sam and Tucker hadn’t known what the stuff with Dash and Kwan had been about, either, so they had decided to ask the only person they could reasonably ask: Valerie Gray.
But that, in turn, meant that they had to just sit on the knowledge until lunch.
At least she had picked a distant enough seat that they could talk in private. Small blessings.
“Let’s hope she actually knows what’s going on,” Tucker muttered, before nudging Danny forward. “You go first, dude.”
So quick to sacrifice him to the ghost huntress. Danny shook his head but walked over, slipping into the seat opposite of Valerie. “Hey, Val.”
“Danny,” she greeted him back, raising an eyebrow at Sam and Tucker, who sat down on either side of him. “Well, this feels like an interrogation all of a sudden.”
He shot Sam a meaningful glance, but she just grinned back, pushing herself to sit more squarely on the seat. Rude.
“Danny had a weird interaction with Dash and Kwan this morning,” Tucker started explaining, breaking the tension before it could really go anywhere. “We were hoping you could offer… I dunno, some clarification, since you know them better than we do.”
She snorted, leaning back slightly. “They’re Dash and Kwan. Every interaction with them is weird.”
“Well, yeah, but they were…” Danny paused, briefly hesitant to mention it—what would Valerie think of ghost-powered humans?—before powering through. “They were talking about ecto-contamination, and known variants of it.”
The look they got in response was flat. Flat, and clearly confused.
After a long and exceedingly awkward moment of silence, Valerie cleared her throat and asked, clearly hesitant, “None of you noticed?”
“Noticed what?” Tucker frowned, glancing between the three of them and Valerie.
“That pretty much everyone in Amity Park has ghost-like traits?” She raised a questioning eyebrow at them. “Everyone, but especially the kids here at Casper High, has ecto-contamination so bad that we’re all, well. Becoming a little ghost-like.” She paused, shook her head, then asked. “None of you seriously noticed?”
Danny drew back, considering his words, but before he could really think about it, Sam had already flapped a dismissive hand. “The three of us spend so much time in and around Fentonworks that we’re already contaminated to hell and back,” she dryly explained. “And honestly, Valerie, how much time do we really spend with anyone outside our direct circle?”
“Fair enough,” Valerie allowed with a shrug. “Right, so, it mostly seems to be caused by the Portal and the constant ghost attacks. I mean, obviously, right?”
“Right,” Danny agreed, ignoring the way his stomach was turning. He’d tried so hard to keep everyone safe, but had the presence of ghosts been endangering them all along? Had the spilled ectoplasm really affected people, and so badly too?
“Now, what we started noticing pretty early on is that people generally only display a single ghost power, once they become contaminated enough to actually have a discernible ghost power. Some people consider them distinct variants: people with invisibility, with intangibility, flight, etcetera.”
Sam and Tucker both hummed, thoughtfully. Valerie raised her other eyebrow at that, then shook her head and continued on.
“Generally people don’t get contaminated enough to display more than those basic powers, but exceptions exist, I guess. And your contamination is probably way worse than anyone else’s, except maybe actual ghost hunters like the Fentons.” She made a face. “And that’s assuming their jumpsuits don’t protect them, which I doubt.”
“I’m pretty sure they do,” Danny mumbled, trying to inconspicuously watch both of his best friends from the corner of his eyes. The more Valerie explained about the ecto-contamination that apparently haunted all of Amity Park, the more their expressions twisted into something they usually called “suddenly understanding weird shit that had been happening”.
It was, unfortunately, a somewhat common expression these days. What with ghosts becoming a common thing, and all that.
“I… Some of the plants in my greenhouse grow unusually well whenever I’m near. Some even seem to react to my presence…” Sam admitted, her voice quiet, uncharacteristically reluctant. After a moment of hesitation, she tacked on, “And sometimes, when I really really don’t want to deal with my parents, they just… overlook me, like I’m not there at all.”
Like she was invisible, they all heard, despite the fact that Sam didn’t say the words.
Seemingly encouraged by Sam’s admission, Tucker added on, “I rarely, if ever, charge my tech. Their batteries just don’t seem to empty as long as I have them on me. And sometimes when I’m digging into code, it feels like… like I can alter it directly, like I’m tapping into some inner world that doesn’t—shouldn’t—exist.” Just like Sam, Tucker also paused for a moment. “When I’m running from a ghost or whatever, sometimes I run into an alley that I know has a dead end and never hit the wall.”
Like he was just phasing through it, going intangible before he hit it.
Danny swallowed through the clog he suddenly found in his throat, watching Valerie turn a meaningful look to him. She wanted him to tell her about his— his ghost powers. But he couldn’t just pretend all of his powers came from the contamination of living at Fentonworks, could he?
And he definitely couldn’t pick certain powers as acceptable and others as not.
“I… I guess weird shit has happened to me too, yeah,” he finally admitted, cautiously, hoping she guessed the source of his reluctance wrong. “But I never really thought about it, to be honest. Anything I could blame the ecto-contamination for could just as easily be caused by actual ghosts.” And in a way it was, of course. Anything caused by his ecto-contamination was caused by an actual ghost: Phantom.
“But,” he tacked on, knowing Valerie wouldn’t just let that lie. She was far too stubborn not to investigate. “Dash and Kwan apparently saw me with glowing eyes?”
Valerie hummed, then nodded. “That makes sense, I guess. I know Kwan has the glowing eyes variant as well, so that would explain why they’ve been targeting you.”
“It’s been around that long?” Sam asked, leaning forward, clearly curious despite herself. “I figured it would’ve taken longer than that to show up.”
“Oh, no, that was long after I got kicked out of the group,” Valerie said dismissively. “But Kwan saw me with a ghost scanner one day, and he begged me to scan him. I guess he was seriously worried that he had been overshadowed, even if overshadowing doesn’t work like that.”
“I don’t think he got rid of that fear, to be honest.” Danny shrugged, uneasy. “At least, he seemed pretty cheered-up when I, uh, glowed my eyes at him and Dash.”
Tucker snorted, and Danny could see Sam crack a grin as well, probably at his word choice. Well, fuck them. What did you call it, if not “glowing your eyes at them”?
“Anyway, I can’t help but notice that we all told you, but you haven’t said a word about what you can do,” Sam prodded, nudging Valerie. “Come on, Val.”
“Yeah, that does seem a little unfair.” Tucker leaned forward as well, an expression of genuine curiosity on his face.
And, honestly? Danny kind of wanted to know as well. Her ghost hunting suit probably hadn’t protected her, and her new suit definitely didn’t. If anything, the Technus-made suit probably had just worsened it.
“I…” Valerie visibly hesitated, then gave in. “I can fly, a little. It’s not really all that great, but at least I won’t break anything if I ever fall out of a tree or something.”
She said it with a light tone, like it was just a casual joke. All Danny could think of, however, was all the times he’d seen Valerie fall off of her hoverboard, especially at the start.
He carefully does not wince.
“That’s pretty neat,” he forced himself to say instead. “Less lame than glowing eyes, at least.”
Valerie grinned back at him, but before she could say anything the bell rung.
“Guess we’d better head to class,” Sam said with a grunt, pushing herself off of the bench.
“Yeah.” Tucker got up as well, then nodded at Valerie. “Thanks for the explanation, Valerie.”
Danny followed suit, shooting her a smile. “Same. Thanks, Val.”
She had given him a lot to think about.
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bluehourbucky · 4 years ago
Comfort Crowd
college!bucky x reader
summary: exams don't go well bucky's there to comfort you
tw: f bomb, self doubt, college!bucky? , exam talk, mentions of s*x and bj
a/n: so this is my first time writting and this is for @babyboibucky 's 3k writting challenge I really just wanted to participate they are my fav author and I really just enjoy their work so I wanted to give it a try . This is college!bucky from PROJECT V , currently my fav Bucky but Bee still hasn't posted surfer!bucky so we'll see. Also I am sorry I do not know how to put keep reading thing :(
@babyboibuckywrites this is bee's writting blog where you can find all her writting and all 3k entries 🥰
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
You were looking at the screen of your laptop, results of your exams staring at you, mocking you.
Failed. Failed. Passed 95%. Failed.
This is not what you wanted to see. No matter how good one of your exams went those failed exams had a harder impact. You felt like you did enough, apparently that was not the case.
Bucky and you had been studying for exams together, yes maybe you did have some sexy times but still you studied.
Your phone kept going off and you assumed it was Bucky, you were right.
Bucky: *insert picture*
Bucky: aced those fucking exams
Bucky: let's have a celebration fuck
Bucky: *insert picture* we're waiting ;)
Looking at Steve and Sam's messages made you laugh because this isn't the first time Bucky sent a dick pic into the gc on accident thinking it was his and yours chat.
Bucky being impatient dumbass that he is he decided to call you since you weren't replying. You didn't really want to answer but you knew he would assume something was wrong.
"Babyyyy!!!! Why aren't you replying?? I even blessed you with a beautiful picture of my dick." Bucky whined over the phone like a child which made you snort and roll your eyes.
"I'll come over or you come here cus' Steven here would hate that." You heard Steve say something along the lines "I'll kill you or myself If I catch you fucking again!" Bucky probably fliped him off as he always does.
"Sorry It's shark week I'm not feeling well you know how I get." That was bs you finished your period a week ago but that was the only excuse you could think of.
After twenty minutes of convincing Bucky you don't want him to come he ended the call but not before telling you that Steve and him are going for drinks to celebrate and if you feel better to come.
You were suddenly feeling very jealous but at the same time angry that Bucky's results were much better than yours. It wasn't fair or nice yet that's how you felt along with selfpity.
Every time you failed an exam you couldn't help but fall into the hole of self doubt-were you smart enough to finish college- was everything you ever achived just pure luck- and similar things to those were always around. Usually Bucky would reassure you that that that wasn't true but you felt like it would be selfish of you to tell him while he was so happy about doing so well.
Not wanting to sulk in your place you packed up and went to your favorite place to sulk.
"For fucks sake!"
"Hey Sam!!" you greeted a very annoyed Sam, cheerfully.
"What now? Did you have another fight with Bucky because if you did I'd like you to leave." Sam was still pissed about last time after you and Bucky fucked in his room, he banned you both from visiting his place.
"No, just didn't wanna be alone." he was visibly confused by your statement but let you in nontheless. You could tell he had questions, he did choose not to ask more. That's exactly why you came to Sam's he doesn't ask questions just let's you be until you're ready to talk.
You made yourself comfortable, took some of Sam's food and went to his bedroom. When you are in a shitty mood you just close off and eat.
Sam didn't mind he could tell something was wrong, though seeing you cleared his fridge he wasn't very happy.
"Hey, you ate all my food!"
You lifted your head from the pillow and looked at him sadly. It was very obvious you were crying.
"Oh." Sam approached you and sat down on the bed near your legs. That only made more tears fall.
"Sweetheart." you hiccuped and wiped your tears.
He only shook his head, giving you a hug rubbing your back letting you cry. Sam also without you knowing texted Bucky to tell him where you are.
You don't know how much you've been crying but what made you jump was a loud bang of door closing.
One moment you were lying in bed and in the next one you were in Bucky's lap? When did he even come how did he know you were. When you tried to move your head from his chest he just pushed it back.
"Shh.. There,there, daddys here no need for tears."
"THAT WAS ONE TIME BUCKY ONE TIME!!!!!" You yelled into his chest and hit him. However it did make you laugh which was probably the point.
"So tell daddy what's wrong." Sam made gagging noises at Bucky's comment, Steve just let out a sigh and pulled Sam out of the room.
Being in Buckys arms was so comforting, he also pushed the hair out of your face looking at you for an explanation. When you didn't Bucky started giving you wet rasberries over your face as well as tickles to your stomach. You couldn't help but giggle and push his head away.
"OKAY OKAY I'LL TALK." He stopped and pulled you back into his lap, leaving soft kisses on your neck
"So I failed three exams out of four so I just felt sad but I didn't want to bother you with that. It wouldn't be fair because you did really well and and " you took a deep breath but before you could say more Bucky stopped you.
"Baby, you know you can always talk to me no matter what. Especally for these things. Plus these exams prove nothing and they don't determine if you'll be successful or not. Besides if anything should make you feel dumb is when we do dumb shit together. Like that time we ripped out nipple peircings as soon as we got them."
That made you chuckle and he did have a point.
"Failing one or two or even five exams doesn't make you dumb you can always pass them some other time anyways. Now that we're done with that time for me to have a treat." Bucky said and pulled your sweatpants down making you gasp. Just as he was about to slip off your panties a very very angry Sam was stomping his way to you.
"What's your problem I was about to have some pussy just because you don't does not mean you have to get jealous!" Your favorite dumbass replied.
That of course set off a small friendly disagreement between the two.
"Okay let's go I'm horny." Bucky threw you over his shoulder like in the movies however it did not go well. He threw you a bit too hard so you slipped over and in the attempt to catch yourself you heard your wrist snap.
"Fuck are you okay?!" Sam, Steve and Bucky asked in unison.
"Uhm yes? Though I think my wrist is broken."
"Let's go. I'm driving you to the ER" Steve said shaking his head taking the keys thinking :What did I do to deserve this punishment"
"Oh no it's your right arm no handjobs for at least 3 weeks. Nevermind we'll train your left arm don't worry." Bucky said kissing your left wrist.
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testingcheats0n · 4 years ago
Massive Dream SMP Fic Rec!!
Hey- Hi, I just feel like there are a ton of fanfiction that's really underrated in this fandom- so I'm going to dump it on your dash!!! Most of it is going to be Tommy-centric or SBI-centric, but they are very good!
Source: Me
Finished Fanfics:
Multi-chaptered Fanfics:
that's, like, a hundred miles by No_one_you_know
Dream would kill him. Dream was going to kill him- he was going to- no, he wouldn’t. Dream was his friend- friends don’t hit each other- Dream was supposed to take care of him- Dream /was/ taking care of him.
It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think. He couldn’t clear his thoughts as he stumbled to the family computer, pulling up a tab on google and frantically typing the name into the search bar.
The words Technoblade Watson stared back at him, the little black bar at the end of the letters blinking slowly, mocking him.
Why, of all people, did it have to be Technoblade?
in short: the one where dream sucks as a parental figure, tommy runs away, and visits his least favorite family member technoblade
Hard-hitting, but has a happy ending, though I recommend reading the prequel (in the same series) first, otherwise, it's lowkey depressing.
you’ll rise above (crowned by an overture bold and beyond) by azvremoon
Tommy is not sixteen. He has faced too many open wounds, dripping ichor onto blood-stained warzones, to be just a child. He is Blood and War and needless Death, an all-in-one special of everything that can ruin reality.
(Tommy is the blood god. No one should know, but this server can't stop pushing him over the edge.)
+2 more Works that were Inspired by this one
Tommy is a BAMF and Dream, Technblade, and Phil get fucked it is what it is.
Responsible Forever by SilverWing15
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” /////
“So,” Techoblade says, slow and deliberate, his face shows clearly just how unbelievable he finds all of this, “you saw a boy last night, in the middle of the night, living with raccoons and eating our garbage?”
“I know how insane it sounds,” Phil says, “but I know what I saw. We need to help him, who knows how long he’s been out here?”
“Okay,” Wilbur interrupts, “let’s say that raccoon-boy is real. What is it you want us to do? We can’t go searching the woods for specific bunch of raccoons, I don’t know if you’ve noticed Phil but there are a lot of them out there.”
“Going out and hunting him isn’t going to get us anywhere,” Techno says, “we have to let the raccoon-boy come to us. He’s already come once, you know how tenacious raccoons are. If they came to the garbage pit once, they’ll come again. We just have to set a trap.”
“Those raccoons aren’t gonna know what fucking hit them,” Wilbur mutters.
Or: RaccoonInnit taken well beyond its logical conclusion
Tommyinnit is a Raccoon boi that lives with other Raccoons
Protecting the Traumatised Youth by spookyserpent
Sam blinks. “What?”
Even behind the mask, Sam has the distinct impression that Dream is grinning at him. “A week and he was begging for my attention, even after I stole and burnt his armour, even after the beatings. He couldn’t stand me leaving him because I was the only one to show up, to pay him attention. It was hilarious.”
Sam is going to be sick.
Or, Sam decides to ask Dream about his intentions and ends up becoming a big brother to Tommy and Tubbo. All the while, Dream and George fight, Niki and Jack plan child murder and Ranboo is slowly getting adopted into the SBI.
Awesamdad written back when it was possible... ahhh
Chaos In a Bottle by Lovetribable
After a realization, Tommy leaves the pillar, but instead of going to Techno. He just disappears, leaving everyone to think he's gone.
It takes a war to bring him back.
+2 Sequels and an Alternative Ending
Dadinnit!! + A Sympathetic Dream
Absolutely Anything For Them by Numanum
“There’s a lot you don’t understand, Tubbo,” Dream sighs, meeting his eyes cooly. Tubbo, back against a tree, shudders at his tone, at the look on his face.
The sword at his neck skims across his skin as Dream shifts his grip on it, and he flinches back into the rough bark behind him. Dream smiles at his reaction, seeming pleased- like the cat that’s been toying with a mouse that always tries to run no matter how many times it’s caught. And, despite this being his first encounter alone with the man, he thinks that the comparison is fairly accurate; Tubbo has never felt smaller than he does now. There’s supposed to be a buddy system to prevent things like this- he shouldn’t be alone here, stuck in this situation.
Or: Tubbo becomes a traitor to save everyone and has to struggle with his choices
Traitor Tubbo, but it has the happiest ending possible since it follows the rest of the story.
Where Did You Come From, Kit? by KadeAK (zacixn)
Hybrids are an ancient species of humans crossed with animals, blessed with the favour of nature. They used to live in peace on the SMP’s land, but ever since the dawn of humanity’s modern culture, they have become ostracised and hunted by their once-brethren. Now, the once-thriving subspecies of hybrids have been reduced to ashes, the majority of their peoples struggling to survive in a city capital that can't stand their presence.
To the members of L’Manburg, General Wilbur Soot is just another mildly prejudiced human being, stuck with a hybrid fox kit for an adopted child. However, that assumption could not be farther from the truth. As it turns out, there's a reason why he is the man he is today.
This fic is entirely pre-L’Manburg.
Part of a series, very good.
Take It Easy by sweet_magnolias
Five times Techno scared Michael, one time Michael scared him, and the resolution of those fears.
AKA - Techno learns how to be an uncle.
Technoblade's POV, so expect some Tubbo bashing on the margins of all that Michael fluff.
I suppose it’s never my time to die, is it? by Birb_Whale
The first time it happens, he barely remembers. The second time is when he realized. The third... Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern
“It’s not your time to die yet, Tommy”
Messed up, but not unrealistic. Purely for the Hurt/Comfort lovers.
This Wasn't Planned, But It'll Work Out by Anonymous
Dream isn't sure what to think when he finds a kid on his doorstep, but he can't just leave him there, now can he?
(He doesn't know what he's getting into, or what he's gotten the kid into, either)
Long, and angsty, with a bittersweet ending Imo.
let's play a game by Aria_Cinabun
Tommy was once a slave. That's gone now - shoved in his past with the memories of blood and gore and death. He wants to forget who he was; what he has to do to survive. Of course, the Elementalists will always come back to haunt him. They aren't the ones who killed his mother, but they're close enough. And now he and his brother have been dragged into the mess, as Elementalists with their own, separate covens, to find the Pit - the place where he'd lived and killed and hurt for the first twelve years of his life. His coven can't know. Can't know who he really is, what he can really do. Can't know anything about his past. He doesn't want a coven full of Elementalists who don't trust him; one of whom he's pretty sure despises him. He doesn't want that life. He wants the life of a pickpocket, on the streets, because nobody questions street kids, and nobody comes asking about his past and pushes him to tell his secrets that he holds closest inside. Tubbo tries to tell him to trust people. But trust is how you die.
Good fantasy AU, has SBI, and is thus fluffy.
Turn of the Tide by SilverWing15
Tommy’s fins twitch at the mention of Dream’s ancestors. Dream talks about them a lot, how they made their fortune hunting down mer pods, how they were cruel and greedy. Nothing like Dream is. They’ve both overcome their roots he says.
Tommy is nothing like the wild mer out in the ocean, who spend their lives scraping by just to survive, who kicked him out of the pod when he was a baby because he was too small. He’s also better than the pit mer, who can’t overcome their wild instincts and know nothing but fighting.
He’s different from them, he’s better than them. He’s Dream’s. //// OR: Change is like the tide, when it comes, you can only sink or swim. You would think that a mer would be better at keeping afloat.
Mermaid AU Pooog. Part of a series.
Snapped by AmberRunnel
“You don’t know what I went through in that prison cell.”
Jack burst out laughing, blinded with rage and the overwhelming urge to hurt Tommy, to give him everything he deserved. “Oh, is the poor child traumatized? You want pity now?” He twisted his blade, and Tommy’s axe was sent clattering to the ground.
“If the prison was so awful, why don’t I send you back there?”
Jack doesn't handle Tommy's revival well. There's a simple solution, though. Kill Tommy, and Dream revives him right back into that cell. Problem solved, kid dealt with.
It takes a few confrontations for Jack to realize he's an asshole.
It's fucked up, but god does it hurt in a good way.
the sky is coming down blue by salinesolution
An imagining of New Milo's perspective throughout the Skyblock Randomizer adventure. What did he think of the world he found himself in, and how did Wilbur's feelings and actions change things for him? Here's my way of answering those questions.
He made the fish think, funniest shit I've seen.
You told me to be a hero (so let me die like one) by spiromachia
"You told me to die like a hero," the blond interrupted, spinning on his heel to face the others, holding his arms wide open, "So why not fulfil the ending that was always meant to be."
Across the battle field, through the chaos and destruction, a tree burned.
Even the sound of explosions and cries and bloodshed felt distant enough for the world to become silent for a few moments, each individual slowly coming to the same conclusion, each of their bodies tensing.
Tommy's face broke out into a grin as he lowered his head, glowering at the people around him, and Philza's face flashed with recognition.
"Kill me."
Or... In the middle of Doomsday, Tommy decides to ask Technoblade to be the Lycomedes to his Theseus.
Heavy and dark, but at least Dream gets it.
tomorrow night by meridies
Tommy is desperately searching for his missing brother. Techno is the reluctant psychic who unfortunately got dragged along.
or, two people, more alike than different, learn what it is to have a family at their side.
It's cute what can I say :]
maple syrup by itisjosh
"We could run," Tubbo stares at the sun. "We've got everything we've ever wanted right here. We could run."
"Yeah," Tommy agrees, feeling his head swim. "We could."
(or, tommy and tubbo run away together)
Children get away from toxic adults :)
Why’d it have to be so sunny? (The sun shouldn’t shine without you.) by AToZRainToBe
‘A realisation hits Phil in the face like a truck. “Wi- Ghostbur,” Phil says, turning to his grey-scale, translucent, actually-dead son. “You definitely told Tubbo that Tommy’s alive, right?”’
To get away from Dream, Tommy agrees to fake his death, going with the cover story that he jumped from the pillar in Logstedshire. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell Tubbo.
Misunderstandings are one of my favorite tropes.
sugar and ice by princedemeter for Aenqa
“He is my son,” Philza says. “Mortal or not, I would see him grow strong.”
Technoblade looks down on earth, at the tiny, angry bundle of cloth and pinking, wrinkled skin. This mortal child, he thinks, lungs filled with breath from the king of gods himself, will not grow strong.
It's mostly centered around Technoblade and Wilbur with Phil being a shitty dad. Pog Gods AU.
a matter of time by meridies
Tommy is twelve years old when his wings first appear, and he is twelve years old when Phil tells him, "All it takes is time and patience, Tommy, and soon you'll be flying even better than me."
or, Tommy grows up feeling like a failure, and it takes him a while to figure out where he's happiest.
Tommy is just finding his place in the world. Powers AU.
That Time a Baby Decided to Raise a Baby by Scitrust
Tubbo wasn't good at making excuses, so when Schlatt asked him why he was leaving in the night, he made something up on the spot. That had been months ago.
At least he sort of had an alibi for that, now.
Or, in which Tubbo finds a baby in the woods on his way to see Tommy, and promptly adopts it.
Part of a collection!! Read it all.
spider lily by blue000jay
Wilbur has a body.
The freckle on the base of his left pinky finger (shared with Techno). The scar on his chin from when he was twelve and over ambitious, diving into too-shallow water. The scar on his throat from the final control room, and the puckered skin on his shoulder from the poisoned arrow that killed him next. Various other nicks and things that litter his skin from years of rebellion and living wild, a kid thrown into a vicious world with too little self-preservation.
(Resurrection AU, for when/if Wilbur comes back.)
The author knows how it's like to live with chronic pain, and it shows :(
Hands tied loose by rabiddog
"Let's run away, Tubbo." Tommy breathed; a wide grin split across his face as his hope grew. "Let's get out of here – far away. We can go anywhere, can't we? Let's just go, you and me right here, right now."
Tommy needs to leave. He has to get out of L'Manburg, he has to leave the Dream SMP for his own sanity, and he wants Tubbo to come with him.
But Tubbo has a family now, a better life - something that he can't give up... not even for his best friend.
Unhappy ending :(
The serpent underneath by rabiddog
Tommy and Techno sit at the memory-filled bench and talk. Technoblade reminisces, he talks, he admits his pent-up feelings, he cries. And Tommy? Tommy listens. (That's all he can do.)
“I’m sorry for everything, you know? For all of it. I’m so sorry about... about the first war, about the withers and the fighting, about...” Technoblade's fingers began to curl around Tommy’s blonde locks. “About Wilbur and everything after. I'm so, so sorry.”
Damning choices by rabiddog
Ranboo would have never expected to find himself in a horrifying situation such as that one - quite literally sandwiched between a rock and a hard place, with three lives dangling over his head and the answer on the tip of his tongue.
Tubbo, Michael, Tommy.
It's his choice. He chooses who lives, and who dies. His new family, or his first friend. But Ranboo... Ranboo already knows.
"Ranboo," He hissed out, voice cracking and somewhat staticky, "It's not your fault. It's not. You had no other choice; I know that, okay? I- I know that- I know- I know..."
Jealousy is a disease by rabiddog
Tommyinnit isn't new to the idea of jealousy. He understands it completely. He understands the way it runs rampage through his body each time he catches even a glimpse of Tubbo and Ranboo's new relationship, he understands that the emotion makes his heart clench uncomfortably from time to time. He sees it, feels it, and yet he doesn't care.
He doesn't care at all.
"You took Tubbo away from me. You took him away. You took my best friend, and now he's- now he's not my best friend anymore, and I-!"
Word of Honour by rabiddog
Tommy could only stand and stare as Technoblade agreed to hand him over to Dream - as his brother traded him off like he was nothing. Like Tommy wasn't important.
Technoblade was a man of honour. He was a man of pride and sticking to his word. He knew that he owed Dream a favour, and no matter what that favour might be, he'd be compliant with it. Nothing would change his mind. (Not even Tommy.)
Almost canon. F.
Sweet Repentance by rabiddog
Perhaps Tommy should have told Phil about his arguably life-threatening injury the minute his father had opened the door. But of course, Tommy being Tommy, did not.
Dying seemed like a nice enough option as long as he was with his family.
Tommy just wanted acceptance, forgiveness, and peace. He wanted to close his eyes for the last time and finally be able to let go.
Tommy dies painfully.
A White Tulip by astervoid
He picked the white tulip from the bottom of the stem, standing up carefully as he held it pinched between his fingers. It would die now, inevitably, but Tommy relented and held the flower to his chest. What a silly, stupid thing to ground him. He almost hated that it made his breaths come easier and his steps feel lighter. Almost.
Tommy & Ranbooo chill on the bench.
lying to the authorities (again) by touchgrass
"Please tell me that my right-hand-man, my soon-to-be vice president, one of the people I trust the most on this godforsaken server, did not lie straight to my face and tell me he was twenty-fucking-years-old.”
Tommy opened his mouth to protest, but then closes it shut at the furious look on Wilbur's face. Oops.
It is the day of the elections and Wilbur Soot could not have chosen a worser time to realize that half his staff is underage.
The ONLY fic with this premise I've seen on Ao3.
Dear Theseus by rabiddog
Tommy had thought that they'd won - thought that they'd finally beaten Dream, and that everything would be okay. As it turns out, however, apparently Dream had called in that favour from Technoblade after all.
“Please,” Tommy whispered after a beat, quivering hands edged upwards to hesitantly press against the tip of the sword striking through his chest. Why, why, why? Why him? Why now?
Tommy almost wins.
A Shifting World by AplusIsRoman
How was Wilbur supposed to know it would end like this?
The smoke hung in the air and soot clung to his skin. His brother - adopted, but older by two minutes - stood back-to-back with him. The chilling cries of people and the calls of the withers rang through the air above the chasm that was once his home.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
How could he have known this would happen?
Sequel to A Child's World
Age-swap AU. Has a prequel.
heart of the sea by RyDyKG
Here is the secret that he barely thinks about, a secret that he shoves deep and far down in himself:
Wilbur Soot is a siren, and he’s not exactly proud of that fact.
Wilbur-centric. Urban Fantasy AU.
He knows, ok? by Ralli
By some means, Techno has given his raccoon younger brother some cotton candy. It doesn’t end as well as either of them would like.
Very, very cute :)
that's it, it's split (it won't recover) by Jk_Kat
Tommy has always been the fighter.
He has never been the fought for, and he knows it, with every whisper Tubbo directs at Ranboo, with every glance thrown his way- Tommy knows, the way he wishes he didn't, that they think he's dead.
If they're so convinced he's still dead, maybe the one good thing left he can do for them is die.
Or, Tommy gets addicted to being dead and thinks that nobody cares about him. The people who very much do try to pull him back from the brink before Dream can't resurrect him anymore.
Messed up, but with a happy ending.
Hugs 'n PTSD by rabiddog
Ranboo knew from the start that the recovery process would be hard - that moving on from quite literally being beat to death would be something hugely difficult to step away from, and that's if Tommy could even manage it at all.
He knew that it would be stressful and arduous, demanding and tough... he just hadn't expected to be holding Tommy through a PTSD-induced panic attack only days after his release from Pandora's Vault.
Ranboo isn't typically an overbearingly protective person. But for Tommy? He just might be.
I love this author if you can't tell.
Big Men don't cry by Shiny22Snivy
The room is small and warm, almost stifling compared to the cool openness of the ravine. It’s cosy and candlelit, and a chest sits open in the corner, full of what looks to be burnt rags of a former smart suit. And sitting in rumpled blankets on a bed, cradling a mug of something steaming, sits Tubbo.
At first, Tommy forgets all about Niki’s vague warning. He’s just so happy to see his best friend again, alive and well and all in one piece. Tubbo’s okay. Tubbo’s okay, and in front of him, and suddenly everything bad in the world is gone, if only for just a moment.
And then Tubbo turns to look at him.
Clingyduo fluff.
sins of the father (i broke all my bones that day i found you) by ryter
The thing that hurt Wilbur most was when he saw Fundy tear down the walls of L'Manburg. After all, those walls had gone up to protect his son. But in this world, Fundy trusts his father just a little bit more, and it ruins him.
Or: there's only one way Wilbur never becomes the villain. It's unclear whether this was the better path.
Sad, but cathartic.
i’m dropping ALL the fucking revived tommy headcannons on you guys today get ready for some ANGST
this is different from what i usually post but it was fun
i don’t think there’s a lot i need to put warnings for, obviously there are mentions of the way tommy died and the aftermath of that (i.e. injuries and trauma), but if there’s anything that needs a warning please tell me!
What it says on the tin- not really a fic.
Unfinished Stories:
Ongoing (Less than a month since the last update):
Over the River Styx by CorpseArt
I feel like we should name him.
There’s a scuffle at the back of his mind as he rolls up, curling tight with a shiver despite the heat of the flames licking up his back.
I mean, he’s like – us, but like a worse version clearly because oh man, this is just weirdness. There’s a flare of a tangle of emotions, complicated and fearful, resentful and livid with anger. I can’t believe this is what I’ve been reduced to, stuck in the mind of this- this child.
He’s like your age, Tommy. Are you calling yourself a child?
I mean, I am one so fucking duh. Child murderer.
Or: trauma bonding in the most unconventional of senses.
Just- Read it. Show the writer your support, it's unique, it's amazing and there needs to be more of it.
If history is dead and gone by iregretallmydecisions
“Don’t come any fucking closer,” Tommy shouted, startling Phil into stepping back. Tommy was still looking around wildly, like a trapped animal “Don’t fucking do it.” ---- In which Tommy finds himself faced with his splintered family, while it was still mostly whole. The past is not an easy place to be when the future was not kind. His family is forced to deal with the fall out.
It's better than Rewind, but you didn't hear that from me.
Wilbur Soot's Redemption (OR Ghostbur's Retry) by luckykitty0523
Wilbur had many regrets in his life, being lost in his madness and the urge for revenge drowned leaving a shell of who he once was. It was only in his dying moments that he regained himself but it was already too late for him leaving him drowning in wishes and regrets. However waking up in another different universe where wilbur was never born and family soulmates exist, so when wilbur said he wanted to fix the mistakes he never expected this turn of events.
In one world wilbur dies and he would return as a ghost missing his memory and trying to fix what he did in life but in this one wilbur dies and wakes up in another world where soulmates exist and the wilbur of that world was never born so wilbur/ghostbur takes his place and tries to make up his mistakes to the other version of his friends.
Wilbur adopts SBI + Fundy + Dream.
A Talk Long Overdue by penink
Tommy has his first therapy session with Puffy.
Tommy gets therapy.
Into the Night by Interjection
“Don’t touch me,” Tommy hisses, leaning against the railing. “I will - I will-”
They’re a hundred stories up. Wind lashes against Phil’s face. Next to him, Sam makes choked noise.
“But why?”
Tommy looks up to meet Phil’s eyes, terror struck so deep in those pale blue irises Phil thinks they must hold all the world’s fears within them.
“You’ll die,” he whispers. “And then I’ll die. But I’ll come back.”
“And I don’t want to come back.”
Others have the freedom to live. Tommy doesn’t even have the freedom to die.
But maybe they can teach him that living doesn’t have to be so bad.
(Superpowers AU where whenever someone touches Tommy, they both die. But Tommy will always come back to life eventually. He just wants it to end - but instead, he’s on the run, terrified of how his power will be exploited if he’s caught.
A few people reluctantly team up to save him.)
Funky SBI dynamics + a Sam that cares. Also a lot of angst.
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Feeling faint
Tom Holland x Sister!Reader, Holland Family X Sister!Reader, Harrison Osterfeild X Platonic!reader
Summary: Your brothers comfort you after you faint at Tom's wedding.
Warnings: mentions blood, a concussion, fainting, fluff.
Reader's age: 15
Request: Anon
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A/n: Thank you for the request! Also so sorry bought the name though 🤣 also like I just made the bride an OC so ya.
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It was all going good, you were stood behind your brothers in a row, Harrison was the best man, your brothers were groomsmen and you had the honor of being a grooms woman. You were just behind Paddy, as you watched your soon-to-be sister-in-law come down the aisle. Once her dad was by his seat the officiant started.
"Thank you, please be seated. Today we gather to lift Tom Holland and Amelia Williams up in celebration of ever-lasting love. In the presence of their beloved family and friends, Tom Holland and Amelia Williams will pronounce their love through this ceremony and begin a lifelong journey together."
"On this day, we offer gratitude for the blessings that have been bestowed upon Amelia and Tom. In this fast-spinning, always-changing world they have at last found peace and comfort in one another." He continued, you started swaying slightly feeling faint. You subtly leaned forward putting a hand on Paddy's shoulder in an attempt to hold yourself up as you watched the ceremony.
The ceremony was just about over and you were still feeling faint, you were still leaning on your older brother as the officiant finished: "By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church Ministries, before your families and your friends, I now pronounce you lawfully and spiritually united Please seal your marriage with your first wedded kiss." Once they pulled away from the kiss and were about to walk down the aisle a loud thud was heard along with Paddy exclaiming help. Everyone turn to looked seeing you laying there unconscious, Paddy was already down by your side. Harry and Sam moved quickly to come to your sides followed by Harrison, Tom, Amelia and your parents. Most of the crowd was standing but no one came much closer.
"She's breathing." Sam announced. After a few seconds, you were opening your eyes.
"W-what happened? Why does my head hurt so much?" You asked your family.
"You fainted your okay." Dom said. "Give her a bit of space.
"Oh... Sorry." You mumbled putting your hand up to your head where it hurt.
"It's okay." Your sister in law said softly. You moved you hand back to looked at it wide eyed.
"I don't think that's good." You said out of it.
"Yeah, that isn't." Your mom gently moved your hair out of the way to look at what happened. "We need towels over here." She said to which Harry hurried off to grab some.
"I don't feel so good." You mumbled eyes closing.
"Woah no Tom don't let her close her eyes." Dom said.
"Hey look at me." Tom said, your eyes opened slightly seeing Tom and Haz standing there.
"Oh hi. Did I ruin the wedding?" You said your words slurred a bit.
"Paddy go get her water please." Harrison asked.
"No you didn't ruin the wedding bun." Tom assured. "Just keep your eyes on us."
"Okay." You smiled, "did I ruin my dress? I wiked it." You slurred. Sam chuckled from behind you where he was standing with your mom and dad, while they looked at your head. "It wasn't a joke!"
"Your dress is fine. Sam don't be such div." Harry said handing your mom the cloth.
"Yeah don't be such div." You looked at your brother and stuck your tongue out. Paddy finally came back with the water bottle and passed it to Tom.
"Y/n drink this. Mum is she okay?"
"I'm gonna take her to the hospital I'll keep you posted don't worry." Nikki said. "Dom help me get her up."
You took a sip from your water and looked at your sister-in-law. "I'm sorry." You said once again.
"It's okay." Tom and Amelia answered.
"If you say so I guess." You mumbled eyes closing.
"Y/n look at me." Harrison said catching it immediately.
"What I'm tired." You said glaring at the man.
"You got to stay awake." Sam said as he and Harry got you to your feet, Nikki still holding the cloth to your head.
You were back from the hospital just into time for the reception. Tom was the first to greet you of course as he was quite worried, Sam and Paddy were close behind along with Harrison. Harry and Dom went along with you and Nikki. Harry was there to hold the towel and make sure you stayed awake. You were stitched up and had a bandage on your head but otherwise, you were fine. The doctors chalked your faint up to you not eating or drink enough that day. Once you got liquids and a snack you started to get back to yourself but you were feeling super embarrassed and bad about fainting and taking the attention off of the newly weds.
"How are you feeling?" Amelia asked when you came into the venue the reception was being held in.
"I'm fine, I'm sorry about early." You said giving an apologetic smile.
"It's fine stop apologizing." Tom interjected. "You couldn't avoid it."
"Yeah, I guess." You mumbled though you were still embarrassed.
"It really wasn't that big of a deal. Your fine." Amelia assured you once again. You shrugged, before turning around noticing your other two brothers and Harrison standing there.
"Are you okay?" Paddy asked.
"I'm fine.." You mumbled. You didn't like the attention, now normally you'd love it since you are usually over shadowed by your brothers but today was supposed to be about Tom and his wife then you faint. It was the one day that you didn't want any attention on you.
"That's good." Sam smiled. You shrugged rolling your eyes.
"She's fine look still as sassy as usual." Harrison teased. He was like a fifth brother to you so you two acted like siblings.
"Shudup." You grumbled.
"Okay what's wrong?" Tom asked you as his wife walked off to do something.
"Nothing... Just fainting in public is embarrassing.. And fainting at a wedding more so." You mumbled. "And I still feel bad about taking the attention off of you and Amelia." You added.
"Oh y/n. No one's mad at you for fainting at our wedding." Tom assured you once again.
"Everyone is just glad your okay." Sam added on smiling at you.
"I guess..."
"Are we not going to talk about the fact she was talking like she's fainted in public before?" Harry inquired.
"No we are not." You said simply.
"Okay. But really it was funny." Paddy said, "and explained why you were leaning on me the whole ceremony."
"It was kinda funny." Harrison said chuckling.
"Oh woah you found my pain funny." You said jokingly.
"There your back to yourself! Yes now we have a reception to get to come on." Tom said giving you a quick hug before leaving to find his wife.
"So when have you fainted before?"
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A/n: How was it? I'm not good at comforting people so writing it is semi-hard for me. Also, I think I wrote the wedding well... Idk I haven't been to one since I was 3. And I don't remember anything about that except walking up to a guy who I honestly know if he was the groom or the groom's brother. (The groom is an identical twin)
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vdlest · 4 years ago
Definition of Heaven
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Husband!Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
You found out you were pregnant with Bucky's baby when the blip took place. You keep the baby and raised him by yourself. You have always believed that Bucky will come back to you and your son, Gabriel. Five years later, the Avengers won, Bucky came home to you and Gabriel.
For the past 5 years, it has always been just you, your son, Gabriel, and the rest of the Avengers like Nat and Steve. You found out you were pregnant with Bucky's child when the blip took place, and during that time, Bucky was in Wakanda and that's where he vanished in thin air just like everyone else who got snapped out because of the son of a bitch creature, Thanos.
It was Steve who told you that Bucky vanished as well, so you told him about your situation, about your pregnancy. He and Nat suggested that you stay with them in the compound to make sure your safe pregnancy and to help you as well throughout your journey to motherhood, which you happily agreed on. You stayed with them and they helped you a lot, they made your journey easier, however, the thought of Bucky is still in your mind and your heart. You always miss him, and you told yourself you'll always love him.
After nine months of nurturing and sheltering your baby inside you, you finally gave birth to a handsome healthy baby boy. When you saw your baby's blue eyes, you knew he got it from Bucky. You ended up naming him Gabriel, the name of your late grandfather who raised you after your parents died. Gabriel gave light to your darkness, not just to you but to everyone else like Nat and Steve. You did everything to raise him well, a strong and brave one, who's not afraid to do what is right and good. His first crawl, first step, first walk, first word, you witness them all, and you wished Bucky did too.
Five years later, Steve and Nat had a strong belief that they can actually bring everyone back but it's high-risk. With the help of the remaining avengers, Clint, Thor, Bruce, and the shrinking guy, Scott or he calls himself the Ant-man, they were able to retract all the infinity stones in the past, but like what was mentioned, it's high-risk. Nat risked her life to be able to get the soul stone. Losing her broke your heart, she's like a sister to you. But she's not the only avenger who fell, Tony Stark did too when he snapped his fingers to save everyone.
Despite the pain of losing two important people in your life, Bucky came home to you and your son. When he found out about Gabriel, he instantly kneeled in front of your son as he introduces himself as his father. You could still remember how Gabriel answered him, I know, I always see your picture on mom's locket. Then, your Gabriel opened his arms to give Bucky, his dad, a hug of a lifetime. You can't help but feel emotional while watching them meet each other. Bucky may not be able to see him for the past five years, you know, he would make it up to both of you, especially to Gabriel.
The morning breeze embraces your body as you go out on your room's balcony to have your morning coffee. The two boys are still sleeping in the master's bedroom of the house that you and Bucky bought after the blip. Your view is the sun shining above the small village you are living in, just like how the sun shines on the world again after five years of darkness.
After Tony's funeral, everything happened so fast. You, Bucky, and Gabriel reunite as a family, just like everyone else did with theirs. Bucky did everything to make it up to you and Gabriel, he worked hard and you both finally had the means to move into your dream house and here you are now, living in the life you wanted for so long.
"Perfect view, isn't it?"
You turned around and saw Bucky about to join you on the balcony. He's wearing his white shirt and his favorite pajamas.
"Good morning," you greeted him, "I thought you are still asleep with Gabriel inside, I didn't want to wake you up. You two are like snoring machines," you joked.
He chuckled as he makes his way towards where you are standing.
You and Bucky were able to pick up where you left off everything before the blip. You two became inseparable after the blip, both of you are scared of losing one another again. You haven't talked about getting married yet but you are already happy and contented with the life you have right now, it's like you're living in heaven already beside your two angels.
As he comes closer to you, he grabs your mug and placed it on top of a table, afterwards, he put both of your hands around his neck and his hands are on your waist. You two almost look like dancing.
Being five years away from him was like living in hell, you always miss him and there were nights when you'll just cry yourself to sleep. But when Gabriel came into your life, you knew you had to be strong for both of you. You just silently hope that one day, Bucky will find his way home to you. And he did.
He stared at you, a smile on his face, "Did I ever say thank you to you?" he suddenly asked.
You frowned, "Thank you?" you chuckled, "For what?"
"For being the love of my life, for choosing me, for bringing Gabriel to our lives, for living this life with me," he put strands of hair at the back of your ear as he cups your cheeks, "Thank you for being so brave all these years. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally," he said while staring at your eyes wistfully.
There he is again. Being sentimental about the time he lost and the time he could've been with you to support you.
He always feels so sorry for not being there for you when you found out that you're having a baby, for not being there when you're experiencing morning sickness, for not being by your side when you are screaming at the top of your lungs as you push Gabriel out of your womb. You understood his regrets but you have always believed that he may not be physically there, he is there with you, he's inside your heart.
"I could've been there for you when you found out that you're pre--"
You put your finger on top of his lips and shushed him, "Stop it, will you?" You removed your finger on his lips, moving your hands on both of his cheeks, "How many times do I have to tell you that you should stop saying those things? Bucky, we are here and you'll never lose us again. We'll never lose each other again," you vowed. "And you don't have to thank me for those reasons you mentioned because I did those things out of love, out of my love for you," you rested your forehead against his chin, "I did those things because I love you."
"And I love you too," he murmured, feeling his kiss on your forehead, "I love you and Gabriel more than my own life."
Bucky being a father to Gabriel is amazing. You could see his eagerness to make it up to him not just by giving him toys or any tangible things, but by giving him the attention, time, and love your son deserves. There were times you'd see him reading books about fatherhood and how to be a good father. You could really see his great effort to get to know fatherhood even more.
"Dad, Mom?"
You and Bucky slightly pulled away from each other as you both hear Gabriel behind the two of you.
"Hey, munchkin," you detach yourself from Bucky, as both of you make your way towards to doorframe where your son is standing in his pajamas. You and Bucky kneeled in front of your son, "Had a good sleep?" you asked him, fixing his messy brown hair.
"Yes, I had a good dream too!" Gabriel excitedly said, switching his eyes between you and Bucky.
Bucky pulled Gabriel in between the two of you, "Can you tell me and your mom about your dream?" he asked.
Gabriel nodded, still smiling from ear to ear, "I dreamed of seeing mommy in a beautiful white gown, and you're wearing a white suit, daddy," he said while excitement is still in his eyes. "I also saw Uncle Steve, Uncle Clint, Uncle Sam, Aunt Wanda, and the rest of your friends!" he added.
You and Bucky exchanged glances when you both heard what Gabriel's dream is about.
"What else did you see?" Bucky asked while his eyes are still looking at you.
"You and Mommy kissed," Gabriel continued then he sighed, "Then Daddy said he will take care of you forever, he will make you happy every single day."
You and Bucky kept on staring at each other while Gabriel is talking about his dream, that you two are getting married in his dream. The two of you haven't talked about getting married just yet, but Bucky already gave you his word and you have faith in him.
Gabriel went inside again to brush his teeth, leaving you and Bucky on the balcony again.
Bucky stood up and helped you next to stand up as well. He held both of your hands once you are both standing in front of each other.
"Our son's growing nonstop," Bucky reflected.
You nodded, "I know," you playfully pouted your lips, "Our baby is growing too fast."
"So what do you say about giving him a little sister or a little brother?" he teased you, then he planted a kiss on the back of your hand, "Or should we plan our wedding first?"
"Are you really sure this is what you want?" you asked him, your smile slowly fading away.
Bucky's brows furrowed, "What do you mean?" he seems puzzled. "What do you mean if I'm sure if this is what I want?" he added.
You took a deep breath, "Bucky, I just want to be sure you really want this whole thing, me as your wife, us as one family. Not that I don't trust you or I don't want you to, but I just want to make sure that I'm not forcing you to do this," you stuttered.
"Y/n, you're confusing me."
"Okay," you sighed, "Bucky, before the blip, we are together, right? It wasn't really our plan to have a baby, but it happened anyway. Gabriel is the biggest blessing for us, I just don't want you to think that you have an obligation to me, to marry me just because you have a baby with me. I want you to marry me for the right reason, not because I have your child." Your hand moved on top of his, "Bucky, I love you. You know that, right? But I don't want to pressure you into enteri--"
"Look, y/n," he said, stopping you from finishing your sentence, "I know this wasn't our original plan, this wasn't I had in my mind five years ago when I thought of us and our future, but I couldn't think of any best way of having a future with you. Before the blip, I kept on asking myself why I had to go through those pain all those years, and when I met you, I finally understood why. Those pain will bring me to you, my lightbringer. Now, I have more reason to let go of my past, I have you and Gabriel now. I have both of you as my family," he walked closer to you and cupped your face, "And don't think that I am marrying you as an obligation or what because it would be my pleasure and my honor to marry an amazing woman. I will marry you, not because you are the mother of my child but because I want you to be my wife, I want to see you every single time I wake up and before I go to sleep. I want to grow old with you and it may sound cliche as it is, it's true. I want to spend my life with you."
His words made your worries disappeared. His words made you believe that he's the guy who would make all your worries and doubts vanish in thin air.
"So I gonna ask you now," he let of your face and he removed his dog tags around his neck, "Will you marry me?"
It was a spontaneous proposal. He doesn't have a ring with him, but all he could offer and give you are his dog tags. It may not be the usual way of proposing to women, but you couldn't think of any best alternative for that one. Anyway, you like uniqueness.
You smiled at him, "Yes, I will marry you, James Buchanan Barnes."
Bucky pulled you towards him and kissed your forehead, "I love you," he said before kissing your lips next.
After he kissed you, he puts on his dog tags around your neck.
"I knew it will look more good on you," he said, staring at his dog tags on your neck.
You chuckled, "I love you, Bucky."
He pulled you towards him for a hug and you knew at that very moment, you have everything you'll ever gonna need in your life.
Having Bucky and your son, Gabriel by your side forever is your definition of heaven.
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aynanasstuff · 4 years ago
Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar// Sam Wilson x Desi!Reader.
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Summary: Sam and y/n are childhood friends who drift apart as life gets in the way. However, in that moment,it's like no time has passed.
(Okay quick A/N:i've mentioned y/n is desi but just to further clarify, in this scenario y/n is indian desi. since the word desi encapsulates a lot of people from a lot of countries, i just thought id mention that y/n is indian here. thanks! hope you enjoy it!)
Sam's phone call was a surprise, to say the least. The man was off saving the world, being a hero, making headlines. It didn't make sense for him to be calling you out of the blue.
Growing up in Louisiana wasn't easy as a dark skinned desi girl. The red that some people adorned their values with bled through a lot, some of their beliefs didn't align with the red bindi your mom adorned. It was difficult finding a community, let alone one you could truly say were your friends. Sam Wilson, however, was more than eager to be a part of your colorful life. You lived right next door when you were kids and he seemed more like a blessing than a neighbor. You absolutely loved dancing and Navratri was a time where loud garba music was blasting in your house all the time. Curious little Sam couldn't help but wonder what was happening and walked up to your door, knocking on your door impatiently. You opened the door, looking at the little boy who seemed to be about your age, maybe older by a year or two. "Hey, um, what's up? I live next door, my name's Sam." "Y/n", you say as you extend your hand out to the boy, waiting for him to shake it but his eyes were stuck on you. You thought it was because something was wrong with you while he thought you were the most beautiful 8 year old in the world, in your little chaniya choli and a dainty maang teeka in your parted black bob and payals around your ankles.
"Beta,kya kar rahi hai? Bola hai na darwaza akele mummy ke bina mat kholna?!"(what are you doing,kid? Haven't I told you not to open the door without mommy?!) ,your mom yelled as she ran to the door, halting beside you. "Mummy, yeh Sam hai. He said he lives next door. Aur yeh mujhe khade khade bas ghoore ja raha hai".(this is Sam,he's standing here staring at me)
Sam, realizing he's been really impolite begins talking,instantly kicking in his southern manners, "Ma'am, I'm Sam, i live next door!" "Hi Sam, what can we do for you?", your mom asks the boy with a smile, her annoyance melting away. "Well, I heard really loud music and it's nothing like what the folks around here play, um not to say you're not a part of the neighborhood, I mean you are and I'm not here to talk badly about the music because I really like the music that's why I'm here and yeah I was wondering why you're playing the loud music, it's not that I have a problem with it or anything,like I said,"he finally finishes rambling, "I really like the music." Sam takes a huge breath in as he stops. You giggle in response and your mom smiles at him. "Well Sam, today is a very special day! We're going to be celebrating a festival called Navratri!", your mom replies, "It lasts for nine whole days! We dance a lot, we eat a lot, we pray to Goddess Durga and have a lot of fun,isn't that right,baccha?," she turns to you responding with a nod. "The music playing is called garba music, isn't it fun to listen to?" "Yes, ma'am, it is!," Sam replies excitedly.
"Sam! Where are you, boy?!" Sam perks up, realization hitting him. He was late for dinner and will now have to listen to his mom set him straight. "Well ma'am, I guess I'll leave now, my ma's calling for me, it was nice meeting y'all!" He does a little hat tip, smiling sheepishly. "Sam, come over sometime if you want! You can listen to as much garba music as you like!", your mom calls out to him. "Yeah Sam, I'll teach you how to dance!", you say, confident in your ability to make him your friend. Sam smiles, "Yes ma'am, I will! Oh and y/n, I really hope you do!" He almost has to hold in his excitement so as not to skip and give it away. That fortunate day paved the way for a beautiful, nurturing friendship. Your families became acquainted with each other and they, too, loved each other's company.
The friendship you shared with the boy with the toothy grin sooned turned into something more. You were both too scared to admit it, knowing that if it was unrequited, you'd both lose something that was far too precious to take a chance on. The day before Sam left for his first tour, the two of you spent a few choice hours in each other's presence by the dock, under the stars. "Abhi na jao chhod kar, ke dil abhi bhara nahi," you hummed under your breath as you fought tears knowing the distance would probably not sustain your friendship. It wasn't out of fear that you'd lose him, it was out of the fear that maybe losing him would be better than having to be so close and yet miles away from his heart. "What's that you're singing?", Sam asked, his warm brown eyes making you feel protected against the cold breeze over the water. You reply, with a twinkle of melancholy in your dark eyes, "Just a song."
But the both of you knew it was more than that.
The tours, the avenging, the war, the blip ; Sam Wilson still hadn't forgotten about you. You hadn't forgotten about him either.
You both had a way of staying with each other without having to be there in your form. You lived in each other's minds and hearts and mended each other's cracks with those parts of yourselves.
This didn't mean you had actually seen each other since that night by the dock. The both of you only had a couple phone calls keeping you connected after. But time did as time does and you felt yourselves drifting away.Neither of you tried to reconnect either. Sam felt it was the right thing to do, to spare himself some heartache; so did you. Your lives were vastly different after he left for his tour and the two of you wanted to disturb the balance in your lives after.
So as you sat on the sofa in your childhood home in Louisiana as the sun shone brightly, Sam's name on your phone made your heart drop to your stomach. What could he possibly be calling about?
So much had happened, in your lives, your friendship, the world in general, even the universe if you will. You couldn't help but wish he wanted to build the spark that always was a part of your friendship into a fire that gave you some much needed warmth.
"Hello?," you answer, picking up the phone. "Hey y/n, " you hear Sam on the other end and you find yourself letting out a sharp breath you didn't know you'd held in, " how you doin'? ". " I'm good, Sam. How are you? "you respond. He answers in a single word, "Good ". As much as this small talk felt like it was sucking the life out of you especially because you guys were once inseparable , you were okay with just hearing his voice after all this time. However, you couldn't just pretend this attempt at conversation by Sam and you was exactly normal between the two of you. So, you decided to tell him exactly how it is. "Sam, I-", he cuts you off" Open the door, y/n", "What?", "Open the damn door, y/n", you can almost hear his smile through the phone.
You walk towards the door, almost too fast, nearly tripping over your teapoy and you open the door, hands shaking with nervous hope. "Hey, you," Sam smiles at you with that same toothy smile you'd seen all those years ago during Navratri, "miss me?" You couldn't help but tackle him in a hug, distance and longing and silent innocent grudges be damned and in that moment all you could do was thank Durga Ma for bringing him to your door all those years ago.
Wow, that was a doozy and a half to right. This was my first ever fic y'all!! I'm so excited to publish it here! I really hope y'all liked it, this one means a lot to me! So enjoy it, like it, do whatever but DON'T PLAGIARIZE IT BECAUSE THAT JUST MAKES YOU PATHETIC!
Also tagging the besties:
@lil-stark @jacquessouvenier heyyyy
That's all! Byeee y'all <3
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lupinblacktheone · 4 years ago
Notes: Hey, guys. This is my first bullet fic ever (is that the name? If someone knows how people call this thing, please let me know). It's centered on Robby and Johnny. I hope you enjoy it!
P.S: Please note that this contain some bad words and mentions to alcohol. If these themes are emotional triggers for you, please don't read. Your mental health comes first. Always.
A few weeks before Shannon Keene gives birth, her – obviously drunk – boyfriend suggests they give up the child.
They do that and break up not much later.
The baby is adopted by a rich family. They name him Robby.
Life goes on, the LaRussos have two more kids after Robby: Samantha and Anthony.
Robby loves to do Karate with dad and Sam and to play videogames with mom and Anthony – she doesn’t like to play; she just wants to spend quality time with her boys.
When the Science teacher talks about Genetics, Robby asks him: “Why don’t I look like no one in my family?”
“Maybe you are adopted”, the man answers.
During dinner, inquires whether he’s adopted or not and what does that mean.
Amanda and Daniel exchange a look. Sam takes Anthony’s little hand and drags him out of the room.
Daniel talks about the night when they met Robby.
He was living in a foster home with an old lady who was friends with Amanda’s parents. She couldn’t keep him for much longer because she was too ill.
“Who are my biological parents?”, Robby is sort of glad that he can use this new, complicated word correctly.
“We don’t know, because they wanted it to be a closed process”, Amanda says.
Robby cries because he’s confused. He was taught that parents love their children and his first parents didn’t love him. Why they didn’t love him?
Daniel tucks him in and says, while smooching his forehead softly: “I love you, son.”
The boy jumps and reaches for a hug.
“I love you too, dad”, he says, kissing the man’s cheek.
A little later, Sam and Anthony enter Robby’s room and climb into his bed to cuddle him.
Robby cries again, because he realizes how loved he is.
Nowadays, Johnny is dating Carmen Diaz, who has a son, Miguel.
Johnny and the kid get along – he’s even teaching him Karate.
Every once in a while, he wonders what happened to his first child – shit, why did they decide for a closed process?
All he knows is that the baby was a boy and was taken in by an old lady – why didn’t they give him at least a name?
High School begins and Miguel meets a kind boy in English class.
He has green eyes and soft, golden hair.
Miguel soon invites his new friend to have dinner at his home.
The boy says yes.
When Yaya meets Robby, she automatically thinks he has a crush on Miguel and vice-versa.
Johnny almost sees Shannon in the kid’s gaze.
There’s something else in him. Something that reminds Johnny of that Jersey guy from High School.
Robby leaves after the meal. Miguel puts the plates on the dishwasher and goes outside to train with Johnny.
“So, what’s his story?”, Johnny asks while blocking a kick.
Miguel tells him everything he knows about Robby – this is quite a lot by now.
“Then, Robby had to see a therapist, in order to deal with his feelings towards his past.”
“What past?”, Johnny is really interested. Miguel is an excellent storyteller.
“Oh, he is adopted. Bit of a shock when he found out.”
Johnny talks with Carmen, about this later that night.
She already knows her boyfriend has another son, a biological one, but she never imagined there would be a chance of meeting him.
“Do you think Miguel could tug a strand of Robby’s hair so I can have it tested?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal, John. How about we talk to his parents instead?”
“That’s pretty boring, but yeah, let’s do your thing.”
It takes a while, but they finally call the LaRussos and organize a dinner date.
Sam, Robby and Miguel are at Golf n Stuff with some kids from school. Anthony will be playing World of Warcraft in his room all night long.
Johnny immediately feels awkward, because Daniel looks much younger than him – and the man has three kids and also runs the biggest dealership in the Valley.
Carmen does the initial talking – bless her – but Johnny’s in charge of the bomb, obviously.
“I know it’s weird but… my ex was pregnant and I suggested we give up the kid, because we were broke and not parent-material”, and also, I was drunk and stupid “so, if that’s fine by you, maybe we can have a DNA test?”
“We’ll talk with Robby and let you know”, Amanda promises.
The visitors are gone. It’s Daniel’s turn to collapse.
“I remember his face, asking why his biological parents didn’t love him. I always thought they had died or something like that, but no. They. Gave. Up. On. Him.
Despite his bitter, sad memories, Daniel wants to get along with his kid’s possible other father. To achieve this, he’ll have to get over that long-lasting rivalry with Johnny Lawrence.
So he invites the man to grab a drink and chat.
“Thanks for the invite, but I don’t drink alcohol.”
“I see”, he Is surprised. Somehow. “How about some Karate instead?
“Sounds good.”
The “get-in-good-terms” thing turns out well.
Amanda and Daniel take Robby out for a special dinner at his favorite sushi place – and made sure to pay Sam a good cash to babysit Anthony.
“So, huh… a guy contacted us. He thinks he might be your biological father and asked for a DNA test.”
“What did you say to him?”
“That we would talk to you first.”
“And what do you think of this?
“Without the test, there’s no way of knowing if he is your father or not, but we just want what is best for you.”
“If this guy happens to be my biological father, I can still live with you, right?”
“Of course you can. You’re our son and always will be.”
He agrees to do the test after discussing the matter with Miguel.
Daniel and Amanda’s only requirement is that Robby doesn’t get to know “the guy” unless the result is positive.
Waiting for the results almost kills everybody with expectation.
The email arrives, announcing that Johnny and Robby are father and son.
The first thing Amanda does is calling Robby to let him know he can meet his biological father.
The encounter is set up at a restaurant.
Everybody is, once again, anxious to death.
This time, Anthony wants to tag along and give his big brother emotional support.
“Hello, son”, is the first thing that Johnny says when the LaRussos join them at the table.
Robby is simply amazed.
He takes a look around the table. Everyone is just as surprised as him – except Johnny, Daniel and Amanda, of course.
Amanda gives her son a gentle smile and places a hand on his shoulder, encouraging him.
“Hi, dad.”
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sleeperswakewriting · 4 years ago
Have you ever read the rivetra fic "in all of the lives we are" on fanfiction net? Because I did and parts of it are canon in my head. What I really want to ask is :can you too please bless us with a canonverse reincarnation fic?
I haven't read it but I bookmarked it to read later! Thank you for the rec, anon! I have a canonverse reincarnation fic that I scrapped when I first got back into writing. I plan on writing one in the future with a lot more depth, but I'll share this draft since I don't plan on going back to this fic in particular. Warning, meh writing ahead 😅
“And then my soul saw you and it kind of went, "Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you.”
— Iain Thomas, I Wrote This For You
Childhood; where threads begin, or were they there all along?
The world is a cruel place, is the mantra Levi murmured to himself over and over again.
Kenny left him when he was 10 and after giving the police the run around, he found himself in a group home for children with disturbed conduct, also known as, the leftovers in the system. The leftovers that even foster care didn’t want to look twice at because everyone in this shitty place was just as fucked up as the last kid.
Mom, why did you have to die and leave me with Uncle Kenny? Did you know he was a gang leader? Or maybe you knew being part of a gang was better than this hellhole.
He wasn’t stupid, he knew his mother was a whore, and if the feds ever found out he was living in a brothel they would’ve taken him in an instant. So maybe it was luck that he had the amount of time with her that he did.
He still remembered how she desperately tried to shield him from her work, locking him in the closet when he was small, and when he got bigger, hiding underneath the bed and saying very sternly Levi, my love, you can’t make a sound or else mommy is going to get in trouble. Remember to cover your ears, just like we practiced.
And then when she died, it didn’t come suddenly. It was coughing in the middle of the night, him begging her to please let him find a doctor and he didn’t care about the consequences, he just wanted them to be together, but his mother shook her head and insisted she would be fine.
She wasn’t, of course, and Kenny both saved and damned him. He learned how to fend for himself, beat men twice his size, and take their wallet while they were recovering from his blows. He learned how to use a knife threaten people, and while his size threw people off, he used that to his advantage.
Even though he didn’t have his knives here, he knew how to fight hand to hand, and he was itching to land a blow to the next kid who tried to steal his dinner. It was his third month into the group home, and he was on his “last warning” as the head said, and next stop was juvie. He didn’t care, his life was at the end of the line and he was only 11.
“Hey, dip shit. Gimme your cookie.” Levi glanced at the boy who suddenly appeared, some new comer who clearly didn’t know his reputation. The boy was older and bigger than him, he guessed around 13 or 14, but he didn’t care. He ignored him and took a stab at the stale meatloaf.
“Did you fucking hear me? I said give me the goddamn cookie.” Levi sighed at the idiocy of this place, he knew what it was like to starve and despite the shit he gave this place, he couldn’t complain about the three (shitty) meals they got a day and the roof over his head. The company was much to be desired and that’s what usually got him into trouble.
“Tch. Go bother someone else, I’m not interested,” he said cooly, and the boy’s face grew red. Levi balled his left fist under the table, ready to throw a punch the minute he got too close to him.
“You little fucker—“ The boy began, but before Levi could take a swing at him, his shirt collar was pulled back by a smirking brown haired boy.
“Hey, hey, Matty, you don’t want to pick on him. Didn’t you hear that he landed Sam in the hospital last month?” Immediately the boy called Matty paled and backed off instantly.
“This little guy did that? Respect, Sam was a piece of shit anyway,” he muttered the last sentence and waved Levi away.
Levi shrugged and returned to his dinner, not paying the newcomer any mind but the boy took it upon himself to sit across from him, grinning. “You’re welcome,” he said, biting into his apple. “The name’s Furlan. You’re Levi, right?”
“Didn’t ask for your help,” Levi quipped, looking up at the eerily jolly boy, narrowing his eyes. “Since you know my reputation, you might not want to stick around.”
Furlan laughed, and Levi a twinge of irritation as he continued talking instead of walking away like everyone else did. “I don’t think you’re that scary, Levi. From what I heard, you don’t start fights, right? I think the guys think you’re an easy target since you’re…Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re really short. Even though everyone’s afraid of you, I think, if they’re like me, they’re really just impressed that someone around here isn’t afraid to fight the bullies.”
Levi didn’t say anything to that, he was just trying to survive into the next fucking day, and didn’t think of himself as some sort of savior. But, if Farlan believed in him, maybe he wasn’t so fucked up as he thought.
He sighed, giving the boy a once over as he knew the step he was about to take. To be vulnerable. To give a shit about someone else for the first time in forever.
“So, what brought you here?” He said, as if he said those words before, the words rolling naturally off of his tongue not from an 11 year old, but someone who’s carried the weight of a lifetime.
And just like that, the threads intertwined again.
ii. Adolescence; where threads cross over but never touch
“First day of senior year, Eld! I have a good feeling about this—we’re going to ace our SATs, get into the same college, and we’re going to see the world!” Petra exclaimed, swinging her backpack as they walked to school. Eld chuckled, and flicked Petra’s forehead.
“See the world, huh? With what money? I don’t remember you applying to jobs with me and Gunther over the summer, and now you’re broke.”
Petra huffed and took a playful swipe at Eld’s shoulder. “You know I was helping my dad with his business over the summer. Oruo can vouch for me, he stopped by a couple times to help us—for free, no less!” Petra smiled, thinking about the laborious, but fruitful summer that her family had thanks to everyone’s hard work. Her dad’s hardware business was small compared to the big box stores, but their customers appreciated the charm and personalized customer care that the Ral’s offered. “He’s really grown up, hasn’t he? In grade school he wouldn’t be caught doing something without recognition, and I don’t even know if he mentioned to you two that he was helping out Fridays and Saturdays.”
“Hmm, yeah I guess you could say that,” Eld mused, shaking his head internally at Petra’s obliviousness. She, along with him, were usually the perceptive ones in their little friend group, but he supposed being childhood friends blinded her to certain things, like Oluo’s long time crush on her. Sure, he flirted with her, but he flirted with everyone, and it wasn’t until their sophomore year of high school that he started wanting to seriously date only Petra, but she took his advances as one of a matured best friend and less as a guy in love with his best friend. Eld wondered how involved he should get, maybe doing Oluo a favor and dropping a few hints to Petra that Oluo was a great guy despite his arrogance, and he has come along way since their freshman year.
But, the blond knew that Petra’s feelings for Oluo would remain as best friends, and after her most recent breakup with some guy who seemed like a short stint for junior prom and as a member of the girl’s soccer team, she couldn’t very well go alone…well, it wasn’t a surprise they parted ways shortly after prom.
She confided in Eld that she wanted to start college fresh and with new opportunities, and she would be damned if she let a guy decide her future. It wasn’t like she was going to turn down a date from a cute guy, but she wanted to be very clear that it wouldn’t be more than a few casual dates. Besides, she said to Eld and Gunther, one hazy summer evening when they were eating ice cream at the county fair, who needs a significant other when they all had each other? They then raucously toasted with their popsicles in the air to their future, wherever it took them, and love be damned!
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blushing-starker · 4 years ago
starker + 9 🥺
Peter's doing it again. Trying to merge with Tony, fuse their bodies together even when the boy knows it isn't possible unless several bones are tossed away. But it's his boyfriend. Peter doesn't stop attempting something unless a freight train knocks him out. There are, unfortunately, no trains in the tower.
He's kidding.
(He's not, Tony's got a pointy elbow digging into a stomach a bit too fleshy for his liking, skinny knees knocking harshly against his own and fluffy hair up to his nose. He loves the kid, he does. But these cuddle sessions are leaving purple bruises every time Pete forgets his strength and squeezes Tony lovingly.
It's cute.
He's dying.)
The screen flashes, sunset orange assaulting them as the Manda(d)lorian blows up what looks like the alien monster Thanos stored his troops in. Peter, a painful blessing, wiggles even closer to provide comfort and chase away horrible memories he's too young to have. It's one of the only reasons Tony's thankful for the age difference; Peter was too busy enjoying his childhood with May and Ben to really focus on the demons that haunted the concrete jungle and, years later, the billionaire's nights.
A stray curl of brown hair goes into Tony's mouth, now Pete's in his lap and Jesus, he needs to exercise with Rhodey if the kid can so easily get him winded. It's ridiculous, Pete can't be much more than a hundred and twenty pounds when he's wet but his chest still heaves like the time he and honey bear had to sprint through the whole MIT campus so they wouldn't be late for a final test.
Maybe he's just tired from playing with Morguna yesterday? Yeah, that makes a lot more sense than his spiderling exhausting Tony so suddenly when just two days ago he pinned Peter to the wall and-
Sniffling. There's sniffling. His shirt is wet, tremors are wracking Peter's blanket covered body and what the hell happened, no enemy is near, nobody died and his boyfriend didn't mention anything bad getting him down at school. Oh god, is his lover hurt? No, no, Friday would have notified Tony. He thinks about all the dates May has drilled into his head and no traumatic anniversary is even close to today.
Pete hides his face against the arc reactor for all of two nanoseconds before Tony is tugging him up like a sorrowful puppy, tucking the boy's knees on either side of his hips so Tony can properly face the creature softly sobbing.
"Hey, hey, baby, what's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you wanna shut that off, head to our room and cuddle under your fave blankets? Maybe eat breakfast at midnight? Cuz you know I can wake Sam up and he'll cook that French Toast you like. With the, you're still crying. Oh, hey. I can steal Strange's cape. There's my puppy eyed boy. Tell me what's wrong and I'll snatch it in five minutes."
He'd feel bad about negotiating, but Peter has strictly informed Tony in the past that there's no other way to get him out of his head. A cause and effect type of dynamic helps Peter rationalize; if he explains the situation, Tony can help resolve it. It's a system that always makes things bearable, brings Peter back into reality much more quickly than anything else. Unless there are puppies. Then he can skip away from internal shadows in chase of cute dogs within five seconds.
"It's just," Tony inhales deeply, mentally prepares himself for nightmares, terrible flashbacks or another bully determined to make his baby sad, "don't laugh. I'm serious about this, ok?"
That lower lip wobbles and he's ready to go, body prepared to leap off the building and hunt down any threat that's causing half of his heart to sob like this. "I promise I won't laugh at you. I would never, ever laugh at something that causes you pain, Pete. I promise I'll help in any way I can. Tell me what's wrong."
A slow inhale now so Peter can copy him and explain without being in the verge of an attack. Two, five, ten beats of his heart dedicated to calming the kid. He still burst into tears.
"You're just such a good dad, Tony." Pete crumbles, cries into his neck and what the fuck just happened? How is this his life? Something chirps from the tv and Baby Yoda runs towards his father. The exact same way Morgan ran to Tony last night.
Even if Peter dumps him because of it, he's canceling the fucking show.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, are you drunk? Or high? I'm gonna put you to bed and you will sleep until those neurons wake up again because this is the weirdest thing you've ever done. Come on, no, don't use your super strength, that's cheating."
His sweet, adorable, exhausting boyfriend shakes his head, refuses to move and Tony relents, huffs into warm hair just to be petty. "You're so soft with her, Tony, just like Mando and the baby. And it's really cute, and pure, and wholesome, ok?"
"So you're crying about it at midnight?"
"I'm a sensitive person, Mr Tin Can.
"Jesus, Pep wasn't like this when pregnant," it's a low murmur but Pete still slaps his arm, sends Tony flailing onto the floor with the kid on his lap. Definitely gonna work out with Rhodey.
"You see? This is what you do to me, Peter. Give me a heart attack and bruises. I think we're gonna invade some professor's office to fix an unfair grade and you're crying because of a green puppet."
"Hey! He's more than that, he's adorable." More sniffling. He's getting this kid a therapist.
"FIne, an adorable green puppet. I'm gonna get you waffles and the cape and access to the show if you stop giving me injuries. Now help me up, I'm pretty sure my back can't take this."
Nothing. Not a twitch. Why does Tony always fall for the stubborn ones? "I'll let you braid my hair with Morgan tomorrow, so please assist an old man, oh God." Peter heaves him up, nearly throws Tony into a wall before controlling that superhuman strength and leaving his boyfriend upside down on his shoulder.
Well, at least he isn't crying anymore.
(They watch the next episode with Morgan. They both sob on his chest, mutter something about being a wonderful father and yeah, he's happy they think that, glad he's creating a better legacy than the one he inherited but Tony's 99% sure every Avenger is wiping away tears and there isn't enough Kleenex for all of them when they wail about "pure and wholesome" relationships.
He buys the team Baby Yoda plushies. Just to calm them down.)
(Peter finds one hidden away in the closet and grins because his boyfriend is as much of a dork as he is.)
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
Quarantine On Crack...yet again
Until Dawn Gang + Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, Underage Drinking, Shameless Flirting
Genre: Crack, Humor
Summary: Time to check on our favorite gang who are still quarantined together and have still surprisingly not murdered one another. The lodge is still intact, which is promising. And everyone still has all seven of their limbs. How long will this simulation of peace last for is the real question.
Requested by my dear Until Dawn Anon who I haven’t heard from in so long 🥺 Hii dear! I have missed you tremendously! Here we are again to witness the craziness of our babies and I hope you’ll join me on the rollercoaster once again! Sorry it has taken me so long to write the long-ago-promised part 2 to the crack fic but here it finally is! Hope you enjoy it! Love and miss you, Vy ❤
“Alright folks, the delivery has arrived!“ I announce as Josh, Sam and I stumble through the front door of the lodge, each one of us carrying large boxes of food and toiletries. Bless the Washingtons for still sending us food, if I were them, Lord knows I’d either forget to do so or simply not do it because I didn’t feel like it. Hey, I’m not saying I hate these people, I’m just insinuating that they would not among my priorities had I been the one responsible to send them food. They should be in that case - but I’m being very honest when I say they wouldn’t be.
“Finally!“ Jess and Emily are so in sync for two people who supposedly can’t stand each other, it’s scary. Not that I wasn’t already scared of them to begin with. I just have a hard time dealing with them. But they are good in bed so I keep them around...
“What do you mean ‘finally’? We still have food from last week.“ Matt points out, a slight frown on his face when he lifts his head from the book he’s reading.
“We ran out of coffee capsules, duh!“ Jess says as though she’s addressing the most obvious thing to a person with very low IQ.
Matt does the smart thing of rolling his eyes and returning to his book. Speaking of which, I’m sending another blessing to the Washingtons for having the GRAND library here. I know I would’ve gone nuts and murdered half of these bitches if I didn’t have a book or two to keep me busy. That’s how things are with me, I either have a book to read or I’m committing a murder rampage. No in-between, at least not with these people.
The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs attracts our attention. Mike, Mr. Golden Boy comes down the stairs and plops down next to Jess, wrapping his arm around here, “There better be some beer in there.” He winks at me. Yeah, that’s Mike alright - has his arm around one girl, winks at another.
“I swear to God, if you two try to have a sword fight with empty beer bottles again, one of you is getting sent to the cabin.“ Josh warns us, taking on the parent role for once.
“Whoa there, Dr. Phil! Send us to the ranch next, why don’t ya!“ I roll my eyes at him, seeing his expression beg to change into a smile at my joke while he’s trying to maintain his no-funny-business look.
“Can we go unbox these things already? My arms are dead by now.“ Sam complains and doesn’t wait for an answer from us as she takes off with a rather fast pace towards the kitchen.
Josh and I are quick to follow. Much to my dismay, in order to reach the kitchen, we have to pass by where Emily is sitting. Since I haven’t already put in a request for a restraining order against her, passing within grabbing distance of her is risky as all hell. But you know me, I love risks. Passing in front of her I get ballsy and even give her the finger as I go. 
“You’ll regret that, Y/N! You’ll fucking regret it!“ She calls after me in teasingly threatening manner that almost makes me chuckle, however I keep my features as still as the ones of a statue and I don’t turn back around.
Sam and Josh have already cut the boxes open and have started moving the products from the box onto the kitchen counter and island. I grab the box cutter from its spot near the sink and cut the box open as well. To Josh’s dismay but my incredible luck, there are indeed a few beer bottles in my box. I cheer silently as I take them to the cooler.
“You know, Sam...“ Josh’s voice interrupts the silence just as I’m about to close the cooler. I’m honestly intrigued by what he has to say to Sam, and eavesdropping might be wrong, but it’s not like the fuckers can’t see me standing five fucking feet away! - so I pretend I’m organizing the cooler so I don’t have to return to the center of the kitchen where the two of them are crouched by their packages. A quick look over my shoulder confirms that they are indeed having a *MOMENT*, one I wouldn’t want to interrupt.
“Yes, Josh?“ Sam responds, giving me an urge to go grab some popcorn before any more progression happens. I know these two have eyes for one another, but they are both massive hypocrites! The are doing the very thing they hold against Chris and Ashley: hiding their feelings. Since I’m Josh’s unlicensed and unpaid therapist, I have a bit more intel on what’s going on in his head. It’s basically: 30% what am I doing with my life; 30% I need a drink; 40% Sam. You’d be surprised if you knew how often he mentions her when he’s venting. I’ve encouraged him to make a move countless times but it’s like trying to talk me into not killing Mike - impossible.
“You could melt the snow outside.” It takes me all my might to hold back from facepalming. Oh God, if this is what he thinks I meant when I said ‘tell her how you feel‘ he couldn’t be more wrong.
“Ok, lovebirds!“ I have never been happier to hear Chris’ voice. He saved me the trouble of having to step in and end the awkwardness myself. I turn around with a what I hope is a casual and friendly and totally not distressed smile. Behind Chris stand Ashley and Mike. “Need any help?“
“Yeah, you guys could come in handy.“ I tell them, waving them over almost desperately, “Ok, one of you help me with the rest of the things in the box. The other two can organize the shit that’s on the counter.“
I duck back down to continue unboxing. There’s bags of dried fruit, tea, the coffee capsules Jess was talking about, some spices which I’m not sure why they’re there but I’m not complaining.
“Heard you needed help.“ Oh for fuck’s sake, Mike again. Why couldn’t it be Chris or Ashley, or Satan for that matter. I’m really not in the mood to be cleaning blood off the kitchen floor tiles.
I tilt my head to the side and it’s only then that I realize how close he is to me. My eyes immediately travel to where I left the box cutter. “Back it up, Michael, or....“ FUCK IT’S NOT THERE. I swear I left it there! Where the fuck is it?!
“Or what?“ He reads my confusion and holds up his hand that is holding the box cutter I’m searching for. I’m afraid the more time we spend under the same roof the more experience he’ll have in defending himself and disarming me.
“Motherfucker...“ I growl and grab the tea and coffee capsules and stand up, “It’s a pandemic, damn it. Six feet apart at all times, buddy. I wish you’d put a mask over that mug of yours too.“ I narrow my eyes as I look down at him, resisting the desire to kick him.
“Only if you were the mask.“ Oh this fucker...he even has the audacity to stand up and step closer. Why are the four other people not noticing this? Ok yeah, cause they don’t wanna be witnesses to the murder of their old class prez. I got it.
“Six feet apart or six feet under, Munroe. Your call.“ He cockily waves the box cutter, not as a threat but as a remainder that I don’t have a weapon. “Bold of you to assume I need that to kill you.“
“She could always snap your neck.“ Chris pipes in.
“Or poke your eyes out.“ Ash does too.
“Or strangle you.“ Sam adds.
“The latter doesn’t sound so bad...“ He smirks at me, earning himself mortified looks from the peanut gallery.
“I. Hear. FLIRTING.“ Jess’ voice cuts through the tension that has built up in the kitchen. Mike and I turn to the doorway simultaneously as well as every other head in the room.
There is Jess looking like a pissed off cartoon toddler - aka: my escape.
“And I hear the void calling me.“ I catch her off-guard and put the items I was carrying in her arms, “I better go see what it wants from me. Byeeee.“
I all but hightail it out of there. I mean, say what you want about Mike’s shitty personality, or lack of personality all-together, but the fucker’s got sexappeal. Not that I’d ever admit it or fall under its effects.
In the living room I find Hannah and Beth with no traces of Emily or Matt. I feel slightly relieved, to be perfectly honest. Seeing the perfect stress relieving opportunity, I sit down next to Beth on the couch and lie down, placing my head in her lap. “Hi!” I give her a cheeky smile.
“You’re the Devil.“ Beth mutters without giving me as much as a glance. I turn to wave at Hannah and that’s when I see the chess board set up on the coffee table. So that’s what she’s so focused on.
“Oh please, you’ll make me blush.“ I fake a giggle and blow her a kiss while she remains completely unbothered.
“Whatever’s going on over there - I DON’T LIKE IT!“ Josh says menacingly as him, Sam, Chris and Ashley enter the living room.
“ME NEITHER“ Oh no, that’s Emily’s voice. Her and Matt have just walked into the lodge after another stroll - they have those when they wanna make out in private. Speaking of making out, I don’t see Jess and Mike anywhere, much to my relief - one of them wants to kill me at the moment but they both wanna sleep with me too so you get why it’s a situation I’d like to avoid.
“No jealousy, guys, please. I love you all the same!“ I prep myself up in a half-sitting position to give them an apologetic but seductive look when a pillow whacks me in the face, “What the hell?!“
“I thought you loved me more!“ Beth barks back angrily.
Well, I’m in some serious trouble now. Not only is Beth DEADLY when angry, but she also has two siblings who are more than capable of kicking my ass.
“I do! I really do, Beth, I swear!“ My apologies are put to an end by another hit with a pillow. “You know I do!“ I sit up completely and turn to look at Beth who has turned the opposite direction. “Pwease?” I give her the best puppy-dog eyes I can pull of despite feeling utterly ridiculous.
“So you do have a favorite member after all? And it’s not me? Wow, Y/N.“ Ash glares at me as well, crossing her arms and also turning away from me.
“I SECOND THAT.“ Emily stomps her foot down and storms out of the room
Oh fuck.
“I do too, honestly. I’m really hurt, Y/N.“ Matt the person I can always trust to be on my side has turned his back to me in this time of need.
Oh fuck squared.
“You’re in some deep shit now.“ Hannah laughs almost evilly as she leans back in the armchair she’s sitting in.
“Josh, could you set something on fire again? Preferably me this time.“ I mutter with a monotone voice. I’d like to picture there’s a rain cloud above my head just pouring down on me. And zaps me with lightning every now and then for good measure.
“Nah, that’d be too easy on you.“ This motherfucker....
“Oh so you WANT me to tell a specific someone what you think and say about them when they aren’t around?“ I change the meaning of ‘death glare‘ with this look I give him. I’m sure that if I keep staring at him like this long enough I’ll burn holes into his skull.
After a few moments of still silence and intense glaring he finally breaks, “Alright fine, I’ll get the deodorant and lighter.“
I sigh in relief. I suppose there are worse ways to leave this world...
“Don’t you dare!“
“No way!“
Beth, Ashley and Matt all jump up as soon as Josh gives any effort to stand up.
“Washington, I swear to God!“ There go Emily and Jess in sync again as they both enter the room armed. Jess is only in her underwear but we don’t talk about that. What’s important is that she’s carrying the box cutter from before while Emily is armed with a dull butter knife. Knowing how determined she can be, I wouldn’t underestimate her power due to the lack of sharpness to her weapon.
Josh is rightfully stunned by the sudden turn of events and sits his ass back down with hands raised in the air. I almost feel bad for him. Almost.
“Y’all love me!“ I smile at them, putting a hand over my heart.
Jess turns to me in a split-second, angry as fuck, and points the box cutter at me. “Y/N, I swear to God-”
“Alright, alright, alright...“ I too raise my hands in surrender.
This is how shit goes down over here. Just pure fucking CHAOS, a lot of drinking, flirting and sex jokes. And so much wondering how we’re all friends.
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rougebangtan · 4 years ago
it’s a new year!
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hello. long time no see.
to be honest, i wasn’t planning to write a new year’s post. i wasn’t sure as what to say because i didn’t want to come across as self-absorbed or unnecessarily critical and skeptical of the past, present and future. i’m used to keeping things to myself, and not sharing them is as much of a relief as it is a burden.
i must confess it’s easy not to say anything. it’s easy to lose myself in this plethora of unvoiced thoughts which end up being burried very deep within. i am not sure what was the primary cause behind my sudden change of heart, but why not...?
this blog was created as a way of me rejoining tumblr. i’ve always been in here, but i had spent some time away before returning four years ago. in january 2017, this became mainly a fan account for bts when it wasn’t meant to be at first. yet, it still became something personal and very close to my heart, and the reason was because i met amazing people in here. i learned things and reached personal milestones that impacted me positively on a daily basis.
we don’t even need to look in reprospect to know 2020 was far from ideal. i’m certain it has been this way for everyone. on my end, i spent my time erratically and i oscilated with the tide. i was extensively creative at one point, and because of that, i stretched myself too far and i couldn’t make ends meet. i socialized and made friends, and then it became too much for me to handle and i isolated myself. i became tired of myself like i always have.
the first thing i realized when it was finally january 1st 2021 is that what i’m actually tired of are things feeling pointless. i’m tired of trying to salvage the broken pieces of something i don’t even know why was broken in the first place. i’m tired of being on the verge of giving up, but not doing so because there has to be a purpose. the biggest realization to me was that i’m tired of all of the things i aforementioned mainly because those are self-centred sentiments which are never going to lead me anywhere but a dead end. the selfishness, the self-absorption, and stubborn lack of enthusiasm... those are the hindrances to whatever it is i want to accomplish. 
so, even though i’m lost and have nothing concrete to grasp on to yet, my main goal right now is to focus on loving more freely, on accepting happiness and sorrow as they come and go, on being a better friend. i haven’t accomplished many things thus far, but i met a lot of people whom i’ve come to love and appreciate beyond words. there are really special people who have paved their way into my heart, so thank you so much for so many sweet memories!
it’s a new year! hopefully we’ll move on to bigger and better things <3
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mutuals from a-z:
@1999164 · @4-sun ·
@autumnnflowers​ · @absoluteyoongit​ · @an-annyeoing-writer​ · @astrowicc​ · @btsaudge​ ·  @bangtanloverboys​  · @bubble-tae​ · @beamingmaylyn​ · @birbdae​ · @bratkook​ · @captaindelhiver​ · @crazy4myself​ · @cultleaderyoongi​ · @cutechim · @cest-la-tae​ · @chelsea-chee​
@dewykth​  · @dylanxmin​ · @dearlytea​ · @dani-of-the-cosmos​ · @dawndrms​ · @ditttiii​ · @excusemin​ · @flowerseok​ · @fl0ra​ · @ghibliu​ · @gossamie​ · @gukssunshine​​ · @honeylovecult​​ · @hobicomeholla29​ · @hopeworldsavedmylife​ · @hoseoksyn​ · @heartyclouds​ · @happytata​​ · @h-heaveninhiding​​ · @i-am-today-we-will-survive​​ · @illneverrecover​
@jaelouvre-main · @jamlessness · @jogeumdeo · @jour-de-printemps · @justalwaystired​ · @joonieshibui​ · @jamaiskook​ · @jingerines​ · @joonsdiary​ · @kimvvantae · @koosgrl · @kb-bangtanenthusiast​ · @leftonraed · @lovejeons · @lavenderandluna​ · @lunarlxve​ · @minflix​ · @mlkydrms ·  @moonchildsblack​ · @megahwn​ · @meowstea​ · @nam-jonie​
@pars-ley ·  @poutyjimin · @pinkprincesslauren  · @primarybts  · @pjmsdior  · @rosielips · @rkivepacks  · @sakuramotion  · @salvejoon  · @sugasmoonlight  ·  @slaypjm · @sukiroki · @salade-tb · @saysammydandy​  · @sleepybby  ·  @taelepathic​ ·  @thefouranemoi​ · @talismaniccream​ · @tokkituzi · @tipsydipsydo · @utopiajeon · @unoriginal-username15432 · @untaemedqueen · @vinterjeon
@wajood​ · @wonderoghosa​ · @wrappedinpetals​ · @wwilloww​​ · @xjoonchildx​ · @y6ongi​ · @youaresadwhaticansay​ · @yeojaa​  · @yoongiroses​ · @yvessaintyoongi​  · @youremeimyou​ · @yoongs-jeontae​ · @youarejesting​
👻 honorary mention for all my ghosties 👻 
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love letters:
💌 @4-sun: hey, sunny. i remember when we met, and it’s so crazy how time flies by. you’re already entering college, and i don’t know why but i feel so proud of you. you’re so smart and i’m always impressed by you! i hope the college applications have gone well for you, and that 2020 hasn’t been the most unkind. i know we haven’t talked as much, but i still hold our friendship very close to my heart.
💌 @absoluteyoongit: bueller, my astrological twin! you’re so dear to me. thanks for all the laughter and joy you’ve brought into my life this past year. i hope 2021 is kind to you, and you and your family (especially your dad) are healthy. date a lot and have lots of fun this new year.
💌 @apotaeose: you have such a soothing presence in my life. i admire a lot, and our conversations always make me reflect and dig deeper. you have a healing essence to you, and your words and actions express that. you’re a dear friend and an amazing writer. i really really, from the bottom of my heart, hope we can meet soon <3
💌 @breadoffoxy: sam!! you’re the sweetest and i love to talk to you about whatever. you’re one of the most endearing people i’ve met. you make everyone around you feel so special. we’ve talked many nights to the point of falling asleep, and i wouldn’t have had it another way. your drive is honestly so admirable. the way you managed to gather everyone together and make us enjoy ourselves is exceptional, and i’m so grateful to be your friend. who knows? maybe 2021 will be the year will meet hahah. i digress.
💌 @bangtanloverboys: dippie! you’re the funniest person i know, and you are so uplifting. i don’t know if that’s how you feel inside, but you do have a positive impact on others. the way i just know you probably give out the best hugs ever. you’re the best, and i love you. happy 2021! btw, i forever dislike the bee movie
💌 @cutechim: hana, i didn’t expect to meet you this year, but girl did you rock my world with your talent and kindness. i hope this upcoming year we can get to know each other even better, and that many blessings and opportunities come your way.
💌 @strwberrytae / @lavenderandluna: hello luna!!! i don’t even know if you remember me, but i still find you one of the best writers i’ve come across here on tumblr and i still hold our conversations dear to my heart! i don’t know how 2020 went down for you, and i hope you managed to keep yourself sane in the midst of uncertainty. wish you well xx.
💌 @leftonraed: val, happy new day, my friend. we haven’t been the most talkative lately, but my love for you is still strong. i wish you luck and health this 2021. love you.
💌 @salade-tb: kat. oh lord. your quirky ass has swept me off my feet, and rendered me helpless to your charm. you’re so funny, and i love your energy. you’re indisputably the og ghostie even if you joined the net on the 5th or 6th round. happy 2021, my fellow south hemispherian.
💌 @taelepathic: isabel, it’s been a long time, but i love and miss you! i hope you’ve been healthy all throughout the past year 🤍
💌 @tokkituzi: seoyoon! hey sweetie. i’ll forever be grateful you reached out to me after i chased you down on jamaisjoons’ asks 😂 your english skills are going strong, girl! maybe we can both become better at our respective goal languages. your brother still amuses me to this day. happy new year! 🎉
💌 @yoongs-jeontae: ava, my love! 🥺 i still have these urges to book a flight to your city and just give you the biggest hug and stay at your house lmfao. you’re so talented and i love the fact you’re an architect and i’d love to talk to you just we can speak in both english and pt all day every day. you have such a beautiful family. i admire and love you so much! sending you lots of positive energy for 2021. happy new year.
ps. i probably missed a few people and i apologize beforehand!!! love love love to all of you forever and ever.
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modern-vellichor · 4 years ago
Grief, is a Beautiful Thing
Stage One; Denial
Warnings: Grief!! Mentions of death, suicide. Loss of a major character. Battles with depression, silent tears, heart and gut wrenching sadness, indirect and very minor smut just to keep you on your toes.
Prologue || Series Masterlist
Denial; refusal to acknowledge an unacceptable truth or emotion or to admit it into consciousness, used as a defense mechanism.
You acted fine, you smiled and went along like nothing happened, like Steve would just walk around the corner and kiss your forehead, just like old times.
You took his place at the head of the table for a while, hell, you took over the whole compound. You were planning missions, doing research, organising accommodation and transport, planning classic Stark celebration parties.
Bucky saw through your act, of course he did. Sam did too, they were your best friends after all.
Your room was directly on top of Bucky's, down the hall from Sam's. When they walked by your door late at night, sometimes they would hear sniffling, little secret whimpers and whines. They never said anything.
You threw yourself into not only your work, but replacing your family. You treated Peter like a younger brother, and Morgan like she was your own. Bucky and Sam would watch as you played with Morgan, helping her with homework, checking on Pepper.
Eventually, the whimpers morphed into hushed whispers.
You spoke to the moon.
Bucky could remember Steve telling him that one morning. Every night you turned to the moon and whispered a little 'goodnight', and if you were angry, or sad, you would beg her to take your problems away.
"He's gonna come back, I know he is", Bucky had his ear pressed against your door. "He's a good man, he wouldn't just leave us like that, not me, especially not Bucky"
He smiled, it was sad and small and it didn't reach his eyes.
Nightly you would talk to her, the lady in the sky, glowing bright and bringing you peace. There she was, all the time, never leaving you. You started to go numb, your body shutting down, your brain struggling to cope. You fell. And Bucky was there to catch you.
Barnes was away on a mission, on that you had organised, you completely forgot. You were lost in a state of doubt and self pity you didn't even hear your door click open. You didn't register the light spilling into your room from the hallway, or the thud of thick combat boots being chucked onto the floor. You didn't flinch when the mattress dipped next to you, only did your eyelids flutter when a cool, metal arm was thrown over your waist.
"Hey, Buck", you sighed, eyes closed.
"What's wrong?"
What's Wrong. He asked that at least once a day. Once a day he asked a question who's answer was so blatantly obvious, but you never told the truth.
Never once did you utter, 'the love of my life left me for another woman, or, 'l lost my mentor and father figure because I wasn't smart enough, not even, 'my best friend sacrificed herself to save me and half the fucking planet'.
No, you always just smiled, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, his back, his arm -never his hand- and whispering, "Nothing, Buck, I'm fine"
He never argued either, just smiling back, pain and sad, but a smile nonetheless. He never pressed further, he never asked if you needed help, he was just there. He was a failsafe, he was always there, just in case you needed him. Right now, you did, but you were in Denial.
So he pulled you closer to himself, wrapping the duvet around the both of you. His breath fanned over the bare skin of your shoulder, his fingers traced absentminded circles on the soft flesh of your hip, his eyes fluttered closed and his heart rate slowed. You waited for a while, feeling him. Feeling his steady breath and his loose grip and his slow heartbeat, just like you used to with Steve.
He was so much like Steve, in so many ways, but at the same time he was do wildly different. You thought it was beautiful, poetic. How America's Golden Boy, the model citizen, the good guy, protagonist, could be best friends with James Barnes, an army vet who couldn't give two shits even if he tried. You thought it was funny, you idolised their friendship.
"I'm sorry he left you", you whispered, voice cracking as you let the veil slip.
Tears rolled steadily down the side of your face, over the bridge of your nose, pooling on your pillow. You wrapped your fingers around his wrist, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Bucky didn't hear you, didn't feel you, he was fast asleep, somewhere far away, with Steve, happy, you hope.
"I could have stopped him. I know "I could have stopped him. I know I could have, its okay, 'll get him back", you promised your sleeping friend.
With the denial and the numbness, and the constant work, came the forgetfulness.
You were in shock, it was normal. It was always small, forgetting your keys, or to eat breakfast, but it still made Bucky worry. You were coming apart at the seams, spilling guts and your shattered heart onto the floor by his feet, and he had to pick you up, and sew you back together. You just wouldn't let him.
Often, too often, he would catch you doing something you and Steve used to do together.
You would be reading a book, mind far away, and your spare hand would reach out for him. The look on your face was pain and regret and anger all in one, tears pricking your eyes as you recoiled your now balled up fist.
On the jet, you would reach out for reassurance, before and after a mission, and he would be gone.
You reached out for him, his wife frame squashed into the seat next to yours. You lifted your chin to admire him, in all his blood and mud caked glory, you smiled, eyes bright and glistening, cheeks blushing as he kissed the tip of your nose.
One of your hands reached down and interlaced fingers with his, your other wrapped itself around his arm. You leaned down, bead going slack against his shoulder. He let out a breathy laugh, a lovely laugh that ignited a fire in your belly. He ran a hand over your hair, brushing dried dirt and coppery blood from your cheek.
"You did so well, baby", he whispered. "You're incredible, you know that", his words were mumbled into your hair between kisses. You giggled, you learned from the best, and you made sure he knew it.
Your hand was tucked into your chest, the image of Steve in the seat next to yours all too fresh in your mind. The jet landed with a soft thud, and you ran through the compound to your room, not even bothering to grab your bag on the way in.
Bucky spent hours trying to coax you out of your room, listening to the soft sniffles and quiet sobs.
"Y/N, doll", he begged, pleaded, "please, let me in"
He was delighted to hear the soft bad of bare feet and the clicking of your lock. He shoved his way into your room, assertive and gentle, wrapping you in a hug and kicking the door shut behind him.
It was moments like these that brought tears to your eyes. It was the domesticity of it all, the soft touched, the way he drew circles on your lower back, ran a hand through your hair. It was the way he held you until you slept, whispering sweet reassurance into your hair, soft kisses to your forehead as you wept.
The next morning you called him into your office, Sam making a joke as he walked away.
"I have a mission for you, Barnes"
"Yes, ma'am", he responded, jokingly.
"Surveillance in Budapest, drug lord, Lloyd Montgomery", you stated. You never were good at briefings, not like Steve. "two weeks stay, you're leaving tomorrow morning."
He chuckled at your expression, brows furrowed, lips pulled into a frown. "Who am I bringing? Sam?"
"No, me"
The motel room was damp and dingy, mould grew in the corners of the ceiling, the mattresses were lumpy, the curtains damp.
You rolled over uncomfortably, chasing the sweet relief of sleep that wouldn't come. Day three had trickled by ever so slowly, you should've sent Sam on this one.
You rolled over, maybe Bucky was awake. You were met by a pair of startlingly blue eyes and a mischievous grin.
"Hello, doll", he smiled.
"morning, sergeant"
"What do you want?"
You stopped, thinking for a moment. You sat up against the headboard, Bucky switching on a light and mimicking your actions.
"A story", you finally whispered, smiling. You loved Bucky's stories, tales from before the war. Adventures, memories, stories of hard liquor and pretty girls and sometimes both.
"about what, doll?"
"A girl", you loved Bucky, he was always so soft when it came to his women. He described them like the finest piece of artwork he had ever seen, like they were an otherworldly being not worthy of his touch, like he was blessed just to be acknowledged by them.
"Her name was Rosalind"
You smiled, "Pretty name, who was she?"
"My first real crush. She was a waitress at the cafe my Ma took us to on a Sunday. I used to sneak in there after school just to catch a glimpse of her", he smiled, reminiscing.
You and Bucky both loved how vivid his memory could be sometimes, even after the brainwashing. He could describe some of his core memories like they were yesterday, others were a little fuzzy.
"She was gorgeous, most beautiful broad in Brooklyn. She had this red hair, real curly, stopped just below her shoulders. Real pale skin, too, freckles everywhere, and I mean everywhere"
You laughed at the little comment, waiting for him to continue.
"She wore these real thick glasses, right on the tip of her nose, she had the thickest Brooklyn accent I've ever heard, too. And these gorgeous brown eyes, they looked like they were just holes, like never ending or something, portals, I dont know", you laughed again, this time he joined you.
"Anyway, one day she caught me staring, wrote her address on my napkin. I showed up at her door that evening, told Ma I was staying with Steve. She had this birthmark, on her back. It started at the apex of her thigh and ended just above her hip, she called me Buckaroo when she said goodnight. Gave me a kiss, right on the tip of my nose and said, "See you tomorrow, Buckaroo""
You smiled, a pang of jealousy settling in your stomach, but you brushed it off. "She sounds real pretty, Buck"
"Oh she was, nice too, polite and friendly, real smart, kinda like you", you blushed at the compliment.
Bucky said a quick goodnight, turning off the light and falling asleep, you following after.
The lights were low. Music hummed softly, a hand wrapped in yours. Your eyes trailed up the arm, to find Bucky at the end of it, smiling down at you. He placed a quick kiss on your lips, "c'mon, pup"
He pulled you through the crowd, away from the party, a dress danced around your heel clad ankles as you jogged to keep up with him. He pulled you into an elevator, sporting that signature mischievous grin of his.
Next thing you know you were tangled under the sheets, Bucky on top of you placing soft kisses down your neck, sucking softly on your pulse spot.
"You're so beautiful, doll", he hummed, "so, so beautiful, all for me"
A thin layer of sweat was forming on your skin, Bucky still covering you with sweet kisses as one hand tangled in your hair, the other working it's way between your legs.
Your name fell off his lips like a mantra, a litany, a prayer for redemption, "Y/N, Y/N", over and over again like it was addictive.
"Y/N", Bucky shook you awake, you had broken out in a cold sweat. He wrapped his arms around your shaking frame, "Its okay, doll, it was just a dream. You're alright, I'm right here, doll, right here".
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buckysmischief · 4 years ago
running in the dark - 2
Bucky Barnes x reader
Alex Summers x reader
Word Count: 2,224
Warning(s): language, drinking & smoking
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Playlist
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“Good morning, gorgeous.” The smell of pancakes and syrup filled your senses, pulling you out of a deep sleep.
Without opening your eyes you eventually spoke up, “Pancakes and pet names won’t fix anything, Alex. How’d you get in anyway?”
“Wanda slammed the door in my face-”
“-as she should.”
“-so I climbed in through the window.” He confessed.”And I’m not sure there is a way to make up for my actions last night, but I overreacted and I’m sorry. There’s no excuse, I’m just a dumbass.”
In all the time you’ve known Alex, he’s hardly apologized, but in no way did that mean he was sincere. “Look you can say whatever you want but actions mean more to me. Be the boyfriend I deserve or just leave. I’m too tired to keep fighting for something you don’t seem to take seriously at all.”
He’s never been the best boyfriend, but he definitely wasn’t the worst - not that that’s saying much. If he wasn’t willing to put in the work, though, then you could live without him.
“I’ll be better, for us. I promise.” You could tell by the look on his face he meant it, or at least wanted to, even his tone was different than the other times.
“Okay, but you really gotta show me this time, and give me those pancakes before I accidentally push you off the bed.”
After you stuffed your face, you let him cuddle with you. It could have been your full stomach, or being wrapped up in your boyfriend, but eventually you fell back asleep.
This was the side of Alex that you wish everyone else could see, the side where he was soft, gentle, and caring. Of course you didn’t want everyone knowing first hand just how comfortable his embrace felt, that was just for you.
You had known him since high school but were never in the same circles, your paths never even crossed unless you were in detention at the same time. God forbid anyone tried to talk in there though, the teacher was a bitch and would add days just because she could. It wasn’t until a few years ago that you met him and started dating.
Well, you ran into each other at a club, talked for a few hours, and ended up half naked in his bed the next morning. Things were very casual in the beginning, well as casual as exclusive fuck buddies could be. About a year and a half ago you both decided to make things official. That’s when things started getting rocky.
He became more jealous, a lot worse than he was the night before, that was something he needed to work on again. A part of you really wanted this to work out, you’d definitely needed to convince your friends to give him another chance but that was for another day.
Much sooner than you would have liked, Alex was pulling you out of your sleep, “Hey princess, you gotta get up. Wanda’s been blowing up your phone.”
“Ugh, I must be late.” you groaned and rolled out of bed, throwing on a pair of leggings and an on band tee.
“For what? I thought you were off today?”
“You remember Leslie, Pietro’s girlfriend? She’s moving in today, and so is Bucky I guess. I told them I’d help unpack and stuff.” You were lowkey expecting him to freak out, but he looked absolutely calm.
“I know I’m probably not welcome, but I can help if y’all need it.” He knew if he was ever going to make it work with you, he needed to have a better relationship with your friends. He’s trying.
“As much as I’d love that,” you say, giving him a kiss, “I think it would be better to plan something ahead of time.”
“We can go to Topgolf, maybe a cookout on the beach?” A part of you was almost suspicious at how different he was acting, you made a mental note to talk to him about it later.
“A cookout would probably be best,” another ding came from your phone, Wanda was outside waiting. “Come on, you can come back over later if you want.”
He stopped you before reaching the front door, pulling you into a kiss with enough passion to leave you breathless and weak in the knees. “Text me when you get home, I love you.”
“I love you too, have a good day babe.”
You could feel Wanda’s eyes on you from the car, silently judging you. “I’m not going to tell you what I’m thinking.” She said, pulling out the driveway.
“Small blessings.” You laughed.
“BUT, that’s because I’ve said it 100 times and I don’t feel like wasting my breath anymore.” She was thinking you were an idiot who deserves better and blah blah blah, and she’s right, but you learned a long time ago that if you couldn’t get over this crush for Bucky then you’d spend the rest of your life settling for anyone who wasn’t him.
That didn’t mean your feelings for Alex were fake or anything - they’re real - they just didn’t compare to how Bucky had made you feel almost your whole life. It didn’t help that all of those feelings came back the second you saw him standing in your living room.
“So how long is Bucky staying with P?”
“Until he finds a place nearby,” she replied, not mentioning the subject change, “he didn’t really have much though so we're really just helping Leslie.”
“So what you’re saying is the boys are going to do all the heavy lifting while the three of us just organize it all?”
As Wanda parked next to the curb you could see the boys unloading the U-Haul while Leslie directed them safely in the house.
Her and Pietro have been together for awhile now, no one knows how long exactly because they’re assholes and won’t tell. They said they’ll reveal it on their wedding day, but everyone knows neither of them are the marrying type. You know what kind of people treat their friends and family that way? People that belong together apparently.
“Thank God you’re finally here!” Leslie shouted as she ran from the front patio to hug them both. “What held you up?”
“Someone had an early moring visitor.” Wanda’s voice didn’t show a hint of irritation, but her mean sideeye did.
“Someone’s just mad no one climbed through their window and brought them breakfast.” Truth be told, that comment was kind of mean. Sam, Wanda’s boyfriend, was currently stationed on the other side of the country and she didn’t get to see him a lot. And yes, if he was here she probably would have gotten an entire breakfast platter made for her. But just because you understand her dislike of Alex doesn’t that mean she has to remind you in subtle ways whenever she feels like it.
“Speaking of food,” Pietro interrupts, “is it almost lunchtime? I’m starving.”
“Who are you, Scooby-Doo? You just ate 30 minutes ago.” Leslie laughs.
“I’ll pickup some wings and pizza,” you offer, walking inside the house, “Where’s Bucky? He’s coming with me.”
“Is he?”
“He owes me eight years, he doesn’t have a choice.”
You eventually found him in the back yard, sitting in the sand. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“Never,” he smiled, “you can sit next to me you know. I don’t bite.”
“Eight year old me would beg to differ, but I’m good. About to pick up some food, wanna come with?”
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
“Nope, come on.”
Wanda called in the order to the pizza place near the boardwalk, so by the time Bucky pulled up there shouldn’t be a long wait. You decided to walk to the ABC store across the street and grab a few bottles of rum and vodka. If they thought there wasn’t going to be some kind of special housewarming party, they were wrong.
Once you got back to the car, Bucky was walking out with three boxes of pizza and three boxes of wings, “I would have asked you if you needed help but I wanted to see if those muscles were just for show.”
“You got the essentials so I’ll let it pass.” He wouldn’t have made you carry anything anyways, not because he was that nice, he just knew you’d drop at least two boxes.
“Oh, the essentials? Those are getting dropped off later.”
“You’re a mess.” He knew exactly what you were referring to and left it alone at that.
When you both got back to Pietro’s, more of Leslie’s things were inside and ready to be put away, but that could wait until after lunch… and maybe a few drinks.
As the day went on, the five of you successfully got everything organized and as a reward to yourselves, you were going to have a bonfire on the beach. A part of you wanted to invite Alex, but you’d see him later. Right now was about hanging out with your friends - and catching up with Bucky.
Pietro brought out two sheets to sit on while Bucky got the fire started, Wanda and Leslie got the drinks and you grabbed some snacks.
And the weed.
“I bought enough to share!” You shook the jar, letting everyone know if they wanted it then they could take it.
Wanda laughed out, “You know Pietro will.”
“That’s because he’s the only one with good taste.” You winked to Leslie.
It immediately - and rightfully - went to her head, “Isn’t that the truth.”
When the sheets were laid out, Wanda, Leslie and Pietro sat on the bigger one with you and Bucky on the slightly smaller one.
At one point in the evening, you tuned the others out and gave your full attention to Bucky. He was filling you in on all the things he didn’t know you already knew thanks to Pietro not knowing how to keep his mouth shut. The only thing you didn’t know was why exactly he pushed you away, just that it had something to do with his ex. Why not find out now?
“So, why didn’t Natasha like me?” It was better to just come right out and ask, no point in holding back now.
Bucky knew he couldn’t tell you the whole truth, but he wasn’t going to lie either. “Nat was - is, definitely still is crazy. I think it was your third break up with Beck, you called in the middle of the night crying and she freaked out after. Said you were “disrespecting” her and a bunch of other ridiculous things.”
“If you knew they were ridiculous then why did it work?” You asked softly, not wanting the others to overhear.
He wanted to tell you that it worked because it seemed like his only escape from you, that maybe a clean break from you was what he needed to really get over you for good. But here he was, all these years later and still hopelessly in love with you.
Again, he chose to tell you half of the truth. “She told me she was pregnant, but I found out she was lying four months later. First thing I wanted to do was call you and apologize, maybe cry a bit, but I was too embarrassed that I did what I did to you..”
“No, please don’t. I shouldn’t have just cut you out, you didn’t deserve that.”
There wasn’t really anything to say to that, there wasn’t anything you wanted to say to that. Knowing didn’t make you feel better like you thought it would, truth be told it made you feel worse for reasons you couldn’t even admit to yourself. Instead you hit the blunt and silently offered it to him, slightly shocked when he took it.
On the other side of the fire, the twins were wrapped up in their own conversation while Leslie was silently watching you and Bucky through the flames.
“Hey guys,” she whispered to the twins, “did Yn and Bucky ever date?”
“Ew, gross.”
“No, why?”
If a stranger were to walk past and see the way you two were looking at each other, they would probably think you are dating. “Are you both blind? Actually, that’s offensive to the  blind, even they would know what I’m talking about.”
Pietro looked over to see you both laughing and other than you sitting a little close to Bucky, he didn’t see what his girlfriend was talking about, but Wanda did.
Around nine you texted Alex for a ride since everyone was too drunk to drive, Wanda chose to just sleep on her brother's couch instead. Once you were in his car he put your seatbelt on for you, “Someone’s in a good mood.”
“I just missed you.”
“Can I spend the night? I missed you too.” You said, trying to get as close to him as you could.
“Anything you want baby.” He was keeping his eyes on the road, but you didn’t miss the smile on his face.
“Then can we go to Cookout? I’d kill for a milkshake.”
“Already headed in that direction.” It wasn’t a guarantee he was going to change in the long run, but right now he was putting in effort and that’s all that mattered.
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perm tags (46/50): @stuckonjbbarnes​ @valkyriesryde​ @hopesbarnes​ @superavengerpotterstar​ @estillion14​ @sleepingspacedragon​ @geeksareunique​ @imsoft-barnes​ @murdermornings​ @distractedgemini​ @screaming-fridge​ @readeity​ @whatinthyworld​ @my-drowning-in-time​ @buggy-blogs​ @hey-its-grey​ @pinknerdpanda​ @brokenthelovely​ @theannoyingnightmarecollector​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @rhymesmenagerie​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @https-bucky​ @also-fangirlinsweden​ @goalexis123​ @missmeganrachel​ @sunflowersandcherry​ @miraclesoflove​ @matsumama​ @reann-loves-sebstan​ @thinkoutsidethebex​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @niall2017​ @maddope​ @imagine-all-the-imagines​ @thummbelina​ @m3ga1nsp1r3d​ @romaniansweetheart​ @thebadassbitchqueen​ @king-sebb​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @bonkyboinkybucky​ @slaytherinthoughts​ @kingkassam​ @anti-the-glitch-bitch​ @poppunkdork​
series tags (2/25): @rebekahdawkins​ @writerwrites​
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kyber-kisses · 5 years ago
He Needs You
Endverse!Dean Winchester x Reader, Dean x Reader
warnings: cursing, character death (kinda)
here is part 2
Summary: When an alternate Dean falls into your universe, he almost breaks at the sight of you. You do what you can to help him.
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Simplicity was a rare thing to come by when you lived with the Winchesters. And when you guys did have it- it never lasted long.
This was one of those instances.
Sam and Dean were away on a case somewhere in Indiana, and you had decided to hang back at the bunker for once. It was nice. You could blast whatever music you wanted and not have a care in the world for the next two days.
You were currently curled up on your bed, attempting to finish a book you had started months ago. The radio on your desk turned down low as you tapped your fingers on the edges of the book.
It hadn’t been this quiet in ages. You would think that living in a massive bunker would give you some serenity, but in truth that was a lie. The only sound you could hear besides the radio was the low hum of the generators.
Going to flip the page, you stopped short, jumping slightly as all the power within the bunker shut off. The hum of the electricity gone and drowning you in darkness. Hesitantly you closed the book, making your way over to where the radio was and fumbling to turn it off. As you did, the red emergency lights kicked on, slowly flashing a deep red.
Once again, simplicity never lasted long.
Using what little light you had been given, you maneuvered across your room, fingers wrapping around the pistol you kept under your mattress. Checking to make sure there was ammo, you cocked it and headed towards the door.
If the emergency lights were on, it could only mean one simple thing. You were not safe.
A crash echoed from somewhere down the hallway, sending you quickly and quietly towards the sound. Another crash, this time much louder and closer made you jump slightly. The red lights doing nothing to help your vision.
You nearly threw yourself against the wall when you heard a gunshot ring through the massive space. Raising your gun, you eased around the corner- eyes landing on a lone figure, their back turned towards you.
Squinting in the low light, you took quiet steps, all attention on the standing figure. For some reason- even if you could only see his back, he looked oddly familiar.
“Hands up, and drop your weapon.” You stated firmly, keeping the pistol pointed at his back.
At the sound of your voice, the mans heavy breathing stilled. His shoulders frozen. His mind trying to piece together how he was hearing that voice. It wasn’t possible.
You watched as he slowly raised his arms, his own gun dropping from his hand and clattering to the linoleum tiles.
“Okay turn around- slowly.” You added.
His heart was beating so loud he thought for sure that you would be able to hear it, but he complied, slowly turning to face you. The moment his eyes found you, he broke, his mouth slightly open in shock.
You weren’t having it easy either. Because standing in front of you, sporting a full beard and shocked expression was Dean Winchester.
Clearly neither of you knew what the hell was going on.
“Dean?” You questioned, lowering your gun and tucking it into your waist band, eyes never leaving him.
His mouth opened but no words came out. He was stunned to silence. At the same time he was trying desperately to force back tears. It was you. Standing there- breathing and so very, very alive.
You knew something was definitely off by the way he was looking at you. This wasn’t the Dean that you knew. This was another one entirely. He looked broken, and very sad. But a small part of him looked relieved as well.
This Dean knew you. A version of you at least, and by the emotion in his face you could tell that that version of you probably didn’t have a very happy ending.
A gentle and sympathetic smile tugged at the corners of your lips, as you slowly walked towards him.
“Y/n?” His voice shaky, as he finally spoke.
Hesitantly you raised a hand, placing it on his cheek, “you’re not my Dean are you?” You questioned slowly.
Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes shut, slightly shaking his head before melting into your touch. It had been so long, so long since he last saw you. He still wasn’t sure if this was a blessing or a curse.
Needless to say, you were slightly shocked when you felt him lean into your hand, the hairs on his face tickling your palm as he did. The Dean you knew never showed this side of him, and having a big fat crush on him did nothing to help the case. You could feel the beginnings of a blush creeping across your face and you silently thanked the bunker for keeping the lights red.
“Well, We can figure out how you got here later. Let me fix that cut on your face first.” You sighed, your thumb lightly grazing over a gash in his cheek. His eyes remained shut, clearly afraid that if he opened them you would disappear. “Could you at least show me those pretty jade eyes?” You coaxed him.
It was a universal truth that when around you, Dean Winchesters heart melted. He was completely under the spell that was your voice, eyes, even the way you carried yourself. In whatever universe it was always the same.
Taking another deep breath, he let his eyes slowly open, his breath catching in his throat the moment he locked onto your y/e/c eyes. Even in the red lighting, he could tell they were the same eyes he had looked into so many times before. “You’re real.” He breathed out, eyebrows still knitted together in slight confusion.
“Of course I’m real, Silly.” You smiled.
Before you could properly register it, he was wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a deep hug. Even if you were shorter than him, he still buried his face in your neck, holding onto you tightly. Slightly taken back by the affection, it took you a moment before wrapping your own arms around him. One of your hands moving to run through his hair gently.
“Hey, hey it’s alright. I’m right here.” You stumbled, doing your best to comfort him. After a few more moments, you pulled away, looking into his eyes. He looked so much more tired. “C’mon, let’s go patch you up.” You hummed, going as far as to lace your fingers through his, walking down the hallway towards the infirmary.
He was silent as you walked, his hand holding your tightly as he kept glancing over at you. He looked at you like he was seeing a ghost. You thought best not to mention it.
Sitting him down in a chair, you moved quickly to the electric box just outside the room, flipping the switches to turn all the lights back on.
For the second time, Deans breath caught in his throat. In proper lighting he could see that you still looked as beautiful as the day he had lost you. Your y/h/c hair tucked behind your ears and the glint in your eyes. Everything was the same. You were still stunning.
“I don’t- I don’t know how I’m here.” He spoke slowly, his mind trying to piece together the possibilities.
Tilting his chin up with your finger, you dabbed at the cut on his face, hearing him slightly hiss at the pain. “Sorry.” You mumbled, eyes concentrating on the task at hand. “ I don’t know either. I’m sorry though.”
“Sorry for what?” He questioned slowly, slightly confused at your words.
“I can see the way you are looking at me. I know that look all too well. I’m dead arnt I? In your reality?” You sighed, stopping your work to look down at him.
His eyes were filling with tears quickly as he turned his gaze towards the ground, slowly nodding. “You look exactly like her. Easily the most beautiful person I had ever met.” He swallowed, fidgeting with his hands.
Your eyes widened at his words. Dean thought you were beautiful? Sure, it wasn’t your Dean, but still.
“She was the love of my life. I never got to say goodbye to her.” The beginnings of a smile tugged on the corners of his lips as his eyes stayed on his hands. Memories of you coming back to him along with a flood of emotions.
That’s when you saw the wedding band on his finger. His thumb spinning it around slowly as he fidgeted.
Okay y/n, cool it, cool it. This isn’t you he’s talking about. It’s a different version of you. Calm down.
Even as you tired to calm yourself down, Dean caught the startled expression on your face. “Are you- are you okay?”
You let out a light breath, running your hand through your hair. “It’s just a little shocking to hear. The Dean in this reality? I don’t think he likes me like that.” You chuckled, face going red once again.
Pursing his lips, he shook his head. “Apparently I’m stubborn and suck at talking about my feelings in every version of reality.” He sighed, sending you a smile. “I can tell you with certainty, that he feels the same way.”
“How do you know?”
“Just trust me.”
With a huff, you sat down next to him, letting your head fall against his shoulder.
This was all so confusing.
He looked down at you slightly shocked, not at all expecting you to lean against him. It was one of those moments that made his heart melt all over again.
“I miss you so much.” He inhaled, resting his chin atop your head.
The both of you knew you weren’t her. His version of you. You could have corrected him, but you felt that he needed to speak his thoughts.
“And I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. I didn’t think I was capable of these feelings until you came along. You were it for me- in every sense of the word.” He choked, trying desperately not to cry.
Your mind was racing as you tried to come up with a way to help him. Slowly you shifted, cupping his face in your hands and resting your forehead against his, eyes closing shut like his already were. “It’s not your fault. You loved me, and I am so grateful for that. Do not blame yourself. Never blame yourself.” You stated firmly, sucking gm in your lips. “I love you and I always will.” You finished, feeling your noses bump together.
You felt a calloused hand go to the back of your neck, slowly pulling you forward until his lips connected with yours. You could have pulled away, but you didn’t. Instead you kissed him slow and true on the lips, knowing full well that this was him getting his chance to say goodbye.
After a moment you pulled away slightly, just enough to where you could speak. “ maybe the reason you are here is to get the chance to say goodbye.”
He opened his eyes, looking at you with a familiar gentleness and softness. “Maybe.”
Maybe it was magic- maybe it wasn’t, but for whatever reason this Dean had found himself here for a reason. Maybe this was it.
“You should know-“ he began, taking your hands in his, “He needs you. It may be hard to see at times, but he needs you in more ways than you could ever know.” He stated, eyes glossy.
“He doesn’t-“ you began, but were stopped short by the lumberjack looking Dean in front of you.
“He does. You are the one that is going to keep him grounded. You are his rock.”
You were silent, face full of admiration. Apparently, no matter the universe, you and Dean found each other. There had to be a reason for that.
Maybe this whole fiasco was happening so you could help each other. That’s what you were doing.
The familiar and distant slam of the bunker door pulled you from your thoughts, both you and Deans head whirling around.
“Y/n, we got back early! Where you at?” A voice rang through the bunker.
Dean. Your Dean.
You froze, turning to look at the one in front of you. “How am I supposed to explain this?” You whispered quickly, eyes wide with panic. He shrugged, clearly not having an answer. You had to figure out a plan- and quick.
You could do this. You have faced weirder situations than this. Everything was going to be fine.
You quickly stood up, leaning down to place a firm kiss on his forehead. “You are going to be fine. You are going to be just fine.” You weren’t sure if you were saying the words to comfort yourself or the man in front of you, but either way worked.
As you skidded into the hallway, you found you were just in time to see Dean turning the corner heading down the hall towards you.
“Hey, You. What are you up to?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow since he had just seen you slide out of the infirmary doorway.
Quick y/n, come up with a lie.
“I. . . I tripped.” Solid one y/n. Way to go.
Deans face was a mixture of confusion and amusement as he walked towards you. “O-kay. You alright?” He clearly didn’t trust the lie you had given him.
“Yep, yep I am totally fine. All good here.” You quipped. You had to make sure he didn’t see the double of him sitting in the infirmary.
Taking a step forward, you pretended to trip, Deans arms quickly reaching out to catch you as you fell forward. “Geez y/n. Let’s at least get you some ibuprofen.” He sighed, scooping you up in his arms and stepping into the infirmary.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Okay, I can explain.” You spoke quickly, whipping your head around.
“Explain what?”
Your eyebrows crinkled together, as you turned your head even more, surveying the very empty room. He was gone.
Totally and completely gone. There was never even a trace that he had been there.
“Nothing . . .” You mumbled slowly, mind reeling. Maybe your guess had been correct. The only reason he was here in the first place was so you could help each other move forward.
His words echoed in your head.
He needs you. He needs you.
(A/n: thank you so much for reading! I hoped you guys liked it! Tell me what you guys thought !)
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sdv-mostly-shane · 5 years ago
The Guessing Game.
Summary: Shane is at the saloon, when the farmer starts talking about the person they love in town. The man they are describing sounds so amazing that Shane couldn’t possibly think they’re talking about him.
Warnings: mild mentions of alcoholism, mild NSFW
*Thud*. He didn’t exactly intend to slam the door, but he didn’t care enough to stop himself. *Thud* The ache of his upper back as he dropped himself against the wall wasn’t enough to distract him from the greater throbbing in his head as he fought off last nights abyss, yet still craved another, all the same. *Thud*. The familiar, dull sound of glass hitting wood, as he raised the liquid amber to his lips, over and over and over and over and.....
He hated himself.
Though his mind was flooded with apparitions that screamed declarations of self loathing, desperation, and insults, he still could hear one thing above the thoughts- the farmers voice. The moment that solid door opened, Shane looked for the familiar sway of the farmers boots through the fan of his eyelashes on his downturned head. He never looked up except to take another pensive drink, but from the moment he caught sight of those boots, he lingered his gaze just a moment too long on the face of the farmer, hoping to never be noticed. The one thing he could always do without being caught though, was listen-and that, he certainly did. He loved the sound of the farmers voice
He hated how much of a fool he was
Emily’s bright singsong of a voice was heard first: “Hey, Farmer! We’ve become decent friends, haven’t we? That’s fine with me.”
The farmer responded with some pleasantries, as they pulled out a counter stool, and the two continued their conversation, seeming as close as friends could be. Shane only ever had one friend like that-and he wasn’t here anymore. He longed to be talked to like that again, but not just by anyone, but by the farmer. He, however, knew he was far too messed up for that to happen, so he instead resigned to pushing the farmer away as much as possible, to avoid being crushed by the inevitable failure that his depression and alcoholism caused on his relationships.
Emily chimed, interrupting him from his dark thoughts: “So, now that you’re all settled in, have you had your eye on anyone? You can tell me! I promise I won’t spill”
In an instant, Shane felt every ounce of blood rush straight to his face. He quickly hid behind his glass, the speed of doing so nearly causing him to fall over from the combined embarrassment and the buzz. He hadn’t allowed himself the luxury of dreaming about being with the farmer, but he certainly hadn’t thought about the possibility of the farmer being with someone else. The blood from his face turned, and drained straight to the pit of his stomach, and he was overcome with the dark, sour images of the farmer being held by another...
He hated how much he longed for the farmer.
He braced himself for the heartache-a pain just as familiar as the taste of the amber in his cup. Who would it be? The farmer was so good, so pure, so charming, and so perfect. They already had the whole town wrapped around their finger; they could choose anyone and they’d be theirs in an instant. Who even said they’d have to choose someone from The Valley? After all, they had a life in the city... they probably had plenty of others ready to accept the moment they’d ask. There was no possible way someone as bright and beautiful could ever like someone like Shane, let alone BE with him. He held his breath as he waited for an answer.
“Well... (as much as Shane dreaded the coming heartbreak, he still felt the warmth in his heart from their voice) I haven’t been here in The Valley very long, but I knew it as soon as I first saw him, that I would marry him one day. He’s absolutely the one for me.”
Here it comes. A ‘him’. Was it Sam? He was so funny, boyishly innocent with fluffy blonde hair, and he played the guitar for Yoba’s sake. It could easily have been love at first sight.
The farmer was interrupted by a squealing Emily- “I knew it! I could see it in your eyes. I know that look anywhere. What’s he like?”
“You know, I haven’t really talked to him too much; he always seems to be in such a hurry. But from what I have seen, he’s really gentle and caring towards those he loves, even if he does say things wrong sometimes. He’s really funny in a blunt sort of way, which I really like. I find him quite charming.”
Sounds like Harvey. The man was as gentle as it could come; Shane’s gruffness was in sharp contrast, and charming was definitely not a word he would use to describe himself. If the farmer was after someone nice, and who could actually support them, then the Doctor was the top pick.
“You know, I actually really think he’s super attractive too.”
“Well obviously I would hope so, if you had this big of a crush on him”
“Okay, yeah, but I mean it! His features are so defined, strong, and unique-I could look at his face all day. I really think he’s gorgeous. His hands are something else too; they look so rough and capable....” the farmer leaned in close to Emily but said in a not-so-quiet whisper, “you know, between you and I, Ive spent more than one night dreaming about those hands all over me..When I said capable, i meant it”
The blood from the knot in Shane’s stomach traveled further down, and he had to reign his thoughts in before they made a gallop toward a one-way dive off a cliff. Trying to distance himself away from those intense desires, he focused on the dream-guy the farmer was describing; Harvey was out of the question then-the doctor was neither defined nor strong. The looker of the town was Elliot, even Shane, oblivious as he was, knew that. While he hated the way his body looked in the mirror and was disgusted by the extra weight and shortness he was so blessed with, Elliot was tall, lean, and had silky hair like a girl. It’d make sense that the farmer would want someone as beautiful as them... that hand comment left Shane doubtful that it was indeed, Elliot though, since he never worked manual labor a day in his life-why would his hands be rough? Whoever it was, d*mn was he lucky. Shane knew in his heart he could never compete with that, so he forlornly sank deeper into his drink, promising himself for the hundredth time to get in better shape, starting tomorrow.
“How did you meet?”
“Well actually, he was pretty arrogant to me at first, but I feel like he puts up a front, and that he’s actually just hiding how sensitive he is. He really seems to have such great depth of emotion. I really want to see what’s behind the wall he puts up; He seems so kind hearted.”
Shane knew the only other single arrogant a*sholes in town beside himself were Alex and Sebastian. He saw a past version of himself in Alex, full of dreams, ability, and goals. Of course the farmer would like someone ambitious like that. Alex didn’t exactly hit the “depth of emotions” qualifier though, and was a big bit of a himbo. He didn’t really know Sebastian, except that he sometimes heard the rumbling of his motorcycle through the mountain on late nights spent in cindersnap forests. The farmer didn’t seem the type to go after that emo gothic ‘bad boy’ type, but then again, they could like the adventure that Sebastian could give them- something Shane never could do. Neither of them seemed all together kind-hearted, though, as far as Shane could tell.
Shane hated this wonderful sounding person that the farmer was describing.
Emily quickly responded “He sounds so dreamy. You HAVE to tell me who it is this instant. Do I know them?”
“Yeah actually, you see him in here all the time!”
Okay, that one caught the liquor in his mouth. None of the bachelors he thought the farmer was talking about frequented the bar all too often... maybe he was wrong? The only other guys that were “here all the time” were Gus, Willy, and Clint... and Shane didn’t even want to go there in his mind, and none of them were fitting to the descriptions the farmer laid out. The person that the farmer was describing seemed so thoroughly wonderful, that Shane didn’t even consider throwing himself in to his imaginary puzzle, he was none of those things that the farmer said.
He hated knowing that he would never be enough for the farmer
The alcohol alone was enough to make his mind cloudy, but the thoughts of the farmer being with any one of the men in town had his head spinning even more with jealousy and lust. He was so fervent and lost in his own train of thought trying to piece together the mystery, that he didn’t realize that with every sip of his drink, he drug his feet closer and closer to the farmer until he was practically sitting in their chair with them.
“In fact, he’s here now”
Shane whipped his head around, so close to the farmer that he nearly bumped into their hat, heart racing, and desperate to finally figure out who tf was so dear to his beloved farmer, so that he could just take the bitter wound and get it over with. Shane took inventory of who was in the room: Farmer, Gus, Leah, and Emily, who had just silently went to go grab a dish cloth from the back cupboards and turned the corner out of sight.
The breath of the farmers next words was hot and close in Shane’s ear : “I think you may know him too, Shane.”
He loved the feeling of the farmers breath on him.
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