#hey i managed to finish something eeee
steveseddie · 3 months
rain check
steddie | rating: t | cw: none | wc: 3k | tags: steve has a crush on eddie, but he thinks eddie hates him, (spoiler alert: he doesn’t), miscommunication, confessions, flirting
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The sky starts falling just as Steve leaves Family Video. 
He doesn’t mean it literally- although he wouldn’t be surprised if that was the next weird thing to happen in Hawkins. After the Spring Break from Hell they just had, anything feels possible. 
For now it only means that it starts raining. Hard. So hard, in fact, that running across the parking lot to get to his car is enough to soak Steve’s Nikes and the bottom of his jeans, as well as flatten his hair against his forehead- his umbrella doing very little against the wind pushing the water in all directions.
“It couldn’t start raining five fucking minutes later?” Steve mutters, tossing the umbrella in the back and settling in the driver’s seat. 
His jeans stick uncomfortably to his legs and his shoe makes a squelching noise when he presses it against the pedal. Steve grimaces. He can’t wait to get home and change into dry clothes. 
Unfortunately, he can’t rush home to do that, not under these conditions. He has to drive slowly, squinting his eyes at the windshield to try and make out the road through the pouring rain. 
Steve considers pulling over and waiting for the rain to go down, hating that he feels like he’s driving blind, but he knows there’s a chance he’ll be waiting for a long time. 
So he keeps driving- slowly, carefully. It seems he’s the only person in Hawkins who got caught in the rain so crashing into another car right now because he can’t see past his windshield seems unlikely, and there’s no way someone would choose to walk under these conditions.
Or at least that’s what he thinks. 
Steve doesn’t see him at first- the only other person who’s out in the storm. 
He’s walking on the side of the road, hunched shoulders, no umbrella- not that it would do any good with the wind blowing every which way. 
It takes a moment for Steve to recognize him, but as his car gets closer and he squints at the guy through the window, Steve notices the familiar clothes, from the drenched leather jacket to the muddy Reeboks, as well as the familiar wet curls plastered to his face from the rain.
Steve’s heart swoops in his chest the way it always does these days when he sees Eddie. Almost immediately his stomach churns- also the way it does lately when he sees him. 
Because for some reason that Steve can’t comprehend, Eddie Munson hates his guts. 
Before the Spring Break from Hell, Steve wouldn’t have been surprised to find out that Eddie hated him. In highschool, Steve was everything Eddie would stand on a table and loudly proclaim his hatred for- a rich popular jock. But after everything they went through, after fighting side by side to prevent the end of Hawkins, after Eddie jumped into Lover’s Lake to save Steve and Steve dragged an injured Eddie back from the Upside Down, Steve expected Eddie’s opinion on him to have changed. Hell, Eddie had even called Steve cool and badass and maybe even flirted with him a little.
Now, Steve is tempted to believe it was all a hallucination brought on by the demobat bites because as soon as it was over, and as soon as Eddie recovered from his own bites, it was like none of that happened. 
Eddie went back to hating Steve, shutting down his every attempt to get to know him and to become friends. 
It probably wouldn’t bother him so much if he wasn’t the only one Eddie seems to be avoiding, the only one he refuses to spend time with, but he is. In the last few months, Eddie has effectively wormed his way into their little group, becoming friends with everyone except him. He has study dates with Nancy, he hangs out with Robin, he has his nerdy campaigns with the kids and he has become Max’s go-to person for rides to the arcade and the skate park and the diner. All while shutting down every single one of Steve’s invitations to hang out and his attempts to start any conversations. 
It fucking sucks- especially because the constant rejection hasn’t done anything to squash Steve’s crush on the guy. 
Because even if Eddie ices him out and is sometimes a dick to Steve, he’s nothing like that with everyone Steve cares about. He’s good with the kids- constantly driving them to and from the arcade and Family Video, planning campaigns for them even during the summer. He’s nice to Robin- bringing her lunch to work, taking her thrift shopping in Indy. He’s sweet to Max- keeping her company when her mom is working, letting her paint his nails or braid his hair. 
And Steve can’t ignore any of that, or how cute Eddie is when he rambles about some nerdy book, or how hot he looks when he puts his hair up in a bun to fight off the heat or how talented he is when he plays his guitar.
Steve is helpless in the face of all of that, and within months, he finds himself falling for a guy who won’t give him the time of the day.
He knows it’s pathetic and yet, Steve keeps trying, hoping that Eddie will give him a chance, even if it’s just to be friends.
That might be why, instead of driving past him, Steve pulls the car over next to him, leaning across the console to roll down the passenger’s side window.
“Eddie! Hey!” He yells to be heard over the rain. 
Eddie whips his head around, brushing his wet bangs away from his eyes to peek through the window. When he recognizes Steve, his jaw clenches. Steve pretends it doesn’t hurt that the sight of him is enough to make Eddie tense up. 
“What do you want, Harrington?” He shoots back. He only ever calls him Harrington- not Steve or any outrageous nicknames. 
It shouldn’t bother him, but Eddie has nicknames for all of their friends- Birdie, Red, Wheels. So it’s just another reminder to Steve that he’s on the outside when it comes to Eddie. 
When Steve doesn’t reply, Eddie gives him a mean look. “Did you just stop to brag about having a fancy car to get you home while some of us have to walk in the rain?” 
Steve’s eyebrows knit in a frown, the corners of his mouth turning down. “Dude, no, of course not.” 
“Then what do you want?”
He does his best to ignore his hostility. “Where are you headed?” 
“Home,” Eddie says, his reply clipped. 
And because Steve is a pathetic man with a crush, he unlocks the passenger door and says: “Get in.”
“I’m giving you a ride, man, get in,” Steve says, gesturing at the passenger seat. Eddie glares at it like it’s going to bite his ass. 
“I don’t need a ride,” he says with a huff.
“Dude, you still have like, five miles left in this downpour,” Steve says in a bitchy tone. Yes, he has a crush on the guy, but that doesn’t mean he can’t get on Steve’s nerves. 
Especially when he’s being a stubborn ass. “It looks like it’s stopping,” he says with a shrug. 
Steve groans, throwing his head back against the headrest in exasperation. “Jesus Christ, Munson! Get in the car!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, was that an order, King Steve?” He quips, voice dripping with sarcasm. 
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. He’s tempted to drive away and leave Eddie to walk five miles in the rain, but he can’t bring himself to do it. It’s not even about his crush anymore, it’s just that Steve is a decent guy- no matter what Eddie seems to think. 
“Look, man. Whatever reason you have to hate me can’t be worth drowning out here or- or catching like, pneumonia or something. Just because you can’t stand me doesn’t mean I don’t care if you die, okay? So suck it up and stop being a dick for five minutes and get in the fucking car!” Steve snaps. He didn’t mean to yell, but maybe he underestimated just how frustrated he feels about Eddie hating him for no reason. 
For a few seconds, Eddie just stands there, stunned, the rain still falling down on him. He blinks at Steve a few times, tiny droplets falling from his long lashes. 
He looks pretty, Steve thinks. Even if, realistically, he looks like a drowned rat- or at least that’s what Robin would say.
He knows she’s going to laugh when he tells her that Eddie picked a storm over getting in the car with Steve. Then she’ll hold Steve’s hand and listen to him whine about his unrequited crush. 
When a few more seconds pass and Eddie doesn’t move, Steve thinks he’s going to have to give up and drive away. But before he can, Eddie opens the door and slides into the passenger seat, quickly rolling up the window to keep water from getting in. 
Then he sits as far from Steve as he possibly can- his arms crossed over his chest, his knees angled towards the door, his head turned towards the window. Once again, Steve tries not to let it sting, focusing on cranking up the heat and switching the car into gear. 
The rain picks up as Steve starts driving them to Forest Hills. If he didn’t think Eddie would jump out of the moving car for doing it, Steve would give him a smug look because the rain isn’t stopping like he said it would, it’s actually getting worse. 
He’s been driving for a few minutes when Eddie breaks the silence, surprising him and making him jump. Steve thought Eddie would just stay silent and ignore him the whole time. 
“I don’t hate you,” Eddie mutters, wrapping his arms tighter around himself. Even with the heat on, his clothes are soaked through and he’s probably still cold after spending so long in the rain. Steve wishes he had a hoodie or a blanket in the back that he could let Eddie burrow. 
“You have a funny way of showing it, man,” he says, not even angry at him, just confused. 
Eddie groans. One of his hands tugs a strand of wet hair in front of his face. “I know, fuck. Sorry.” He sinks down on the seat. “I just don’t know how to act around you, not without an apocalypse happening, I guess.” 
Steve thinks back to the couple of days leading up to their fight with Vecna. Even if they had a rocky start when Eddie almost killed Steve with a broken bottle, he thought they were getting along well, considering the circumstances. Near the end, Eddie was even cracking jokes and calling Steve names! 
And maybe it was just because the world was ending, but then, why did he keep acting normal with everyone except Steve?
“You don’t seem to have that problem with anyone else,” he says, failing not to sound too bitter about it, but it really stings being the only one Eddie doesn’t want anything to do with. 
“I guess not but- I don’t know, man, they’re a lot like me. Under that badass exterior, Wheeler really is just a nerd. And Buckley and I are both, you know, queer and well, the kids- I have a lot in common with them. But you- I don’t-” He tugs on his hair with a frustrated groan. 
“Wait, you- you’re queer?” Steve can’t help but ask. He knows he shouldn’t fixate on that. It doesn’t help his unrequited crush to know that Eddie likes guys anyway since he obviously doesn’t like Steve.
He realizes that Eddie probably didn’t mean to admit that at all when he drops his head in his hands. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that. Now I made you hate me. How’s that for irony?”
“Woah, Eddie, hey,” Steve says, his eyes darting back and forth between Eddie and the road. It’s getting harder to see from the rain picking up which means Steve’s attention should be solely on getting them home without driving off the road, but Eddie is a ball of anxiety and nerves and fear next to him and Steve can’t ignore that. So he pulls the car over on the side of the road and turns sideways on his seat so he can look at Eddie. 
“I don’t hate you, okay? I’ve been trying to be your friend for months, for fuck’s sake. This doesn’t change that.”
Eddie lowers his hands, looking at Steve with his big doe eyes that still look a little scared. “No?”
Steve shakes his head. He hesitates a little before tacking on his own admission. “Actually, it gives us something in common. I’m, uh, I’m bisexual. I like girls and boys.” 
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up in his face. “Oh.” He visibly relaxes except for his fingers that keep playing with his rings in his lap. “Um, it’s only boys for me.” 
“Okay,” Steve says, giving him a little smile. “Cool.” 
Eddie’s lips twitch almost imperceptibly into a smile of his own. He looks like he wants to say something else, but he ends up opening and closing his mouth a few times before finally getting any words out. “Steve?” 
“I don’t hate you-”
Steve frowns. “You said that already.”
Eddie holds his hand up. The tips of his fingers are paper white and pruney- Steve should probably start the car again soon and get him home before he dies from hypothermia. Whatever he has to say he can say it while Steve drives-
“I actually kind of like you,” Eddie finishes and Steve is glad he hadn’t started driving again or he might’ve crashed the car into a tree because-
Eddie likes him? Holy shit!
He’s still trying to wrap his head around that when Eddie starts talking again, nervously toying with his rings as he explains. “It wasn’t just that we didn’t have anything in common or that I didn’t know how to act around you- I was worried that you’d hate me if I got too close or if I flirted too much. It- it was easier when I thought we were going to die and I knew I wouldn’t have to deal with you turning me down easily or- or telling me to fuck off, so when we weren’t fighting for our lives anymore I just-”
“Decided to be a dick?” Steve asks, eyebrows raised in amusement. 
“Yeah, pretty much.” Eddie bites his lip around a smile. It’s not even a full smile, but it’s still directed at Steve and so far he’s only gotten scowls and glares from Eddie, so this right here is enough to make his heart stutter in his chest. 
“Well,” Steve says sheepishly, hanging a hand from his neck. “You didn’t have anything to worry about. I, um, I actually liked it when you did that- getting close to me and flirting. I liked it a lot.” 
Eddie’s jaw drops, his round eyes blinking at Steve. “Really?” 
Steve hums. “After everything was over and you weren’t dying anymore, I couldn’t stop thinking about- about you doing it again,” he admits and hears the way Eddie’s breath catches in his throat. “So you can imagine my disappointment when you shut me out instead.”
“I didn’t think you’d want anything to do with me.”
“I did. I do.” Steve says. Then he gets an idea. “Actually what do you say if I drive us to my house instead? We can hang out. And my place is closer so we can get you out of those wet clothes sooner.” 
Eddie’s lips tug up into a smirk. It reminds Steve of the one he gave him time in the Winnebago. This is Eddie’s face when he’s about to flirt and he knows he has nothing to lose. Steve braces himself. “Already trying to get me naked, big boy? At least buy me dinner first.”
Blood rushes to Steve’s cheeks, the pet name running through him and settling somewhere at the bottom of his stomach. 
But for all that he’s thought about Eddie flirting with him, he’s thought about flirting back just as much. So he leans closer to Eddie, reaching over the console to twirl one of his wet curls around his finger, giving him his most charming smile. “I can make you dinner. Does that count?”
Eddie’s smirk falters a little. “You want to cook me dinner today? Like- like a date?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Even after I was a dick to you?”
Steve bites his lip, hesitating. “If you don’t want to-” he backtracks, leaning away from Eddie, only for him to grab him by the lapel of his vest, keeping him in place. 
“Like fuck if I don’t. I just thought you’d want to know me better before asking me out, s’all.”
“That’s what dates are for, Eds,” Steve says, enjoying the way Eddie’s eyes widen a little when Steve calls him that. “Have you never been on one?”
Eddie snorts. “I’m a gay nerd in Hawkins Indiana, man. I’m lucky to get mediocre handjobs in dark alleys.”
Steve makes sure to move his eyes slowly and noticeably from Eddie’s face to his lap, giving him an easy grin. “I can give you more than just a mediocre handjob.”
A startled laugh tumbles from Eddie’s lips before his lips stretch into a shit-eating grin. “Oh, I’m sure you can, sweetheart.” 
The pet name sends a shiver down Steve’s spine and he finds himself licking his lips, wanting to kiss Eddie, but he doesn’t want to move too fast when he just accepted to go on a date with him- 
Except, he hasn’t accepted yet. Steve kinda made the decision for him.
“Hey, if you’d rather have our date some other day I can just take you back to the trailer-”
“Nah,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “Why waste any more time? Drive us home, Stevie, show me what I’ve been missing.”
So Steve does just that, pushing away thoughts of kissing Eddie and getting him out of his wet clothes to focus on the road.
At least until he gets them home- where that’s all both of them can think about for some time. 
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saffronjades · 5 months
Backside Debate
When myself and Emily need a swift resolution to conflicting desires, we default to a thumb war or 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'...
When we have the time and energy, we wrestle. The first to hold the other down for 10 seconds gets to have the final say in whatever decision needs to be made.
Today's Agenda: Deciding which takeaway to order tonight.
I wasn't in a good position. Emily was on top of me with her hips over my stomach. Her legs stretched around my torso and around the back of my head, propping me up slightly to face her.
"4... 5..."
She counted slowly and fairly, something we always tried to do. We'd never race to get to 10 - It had to be a genuine 10 seconds.
"6... 7..."
I fought against her weight, trying to push her off and free myself. The position of her legs made this difficult - They acted as a lock. As I forced my torso up off the floor slightly, I felt Emily's core tighten as she pushed me back to the ground. I felt a gentle rumble spread across my stomach.
Emily stopped counting. The vibration continued for a few seconds, the strongest part of the force being at the centre of where Emily's butt pressed against me. It felt warm as it continued to squeeze through the denim of her jeans, beyond the fabric of my top, and onto my skin.
"Oops" - She smiled slightly as she held her stomach.
"Did you just..."
This was my first time hearing Emily fart. She isn't shy or awkward about it - Quite the opposite. She will always tell me when she needs to fart, or just wait until I smell it. But they are *always* silent. Even when she tries to make them loud for a joke, they just come out as a whispering hiss.
She giggled. Trying to speak only made her laughter worse. "I -- It was -- didn't mean to --" The words were lost between her chortling and gasps for air. More small rumbles escaped her backside and spread across my stomach, to the same pattern as her laughter. Each one only making the situation more hilarious, causing more laughter, causing more farts. It was an endless cycle.
I took this opportunity for my own advantage - I got free from under her as she keeled over to the side, falling to the floor.
This finally stopped her laughing. "Hey! Not fair - I was on top for longer than 10 seconds!"
"That's not the full rules," I spoke, climbing on top of her, my ass to her chest whilst I was facing her legs, "we have to actually count the whole time! 1... 2..."
I felt a familiar bubble of gas make its way down. Sure, this was about winning the fight, but it'd be nice to get revenge, too. I slowed my counting down, to allow time for the bubble to be released. All the while, I continued trying to keep Emily below me as she struggled.
"Thhhh...rrrrr....eeee........... Ffff...oouu..rrr........"
I grunted ever-so-slightly, trying to force the fart out. I tried to keep my grunt silent, but Emily heard.
"Oh FUCK no, your ass is right near my face,"
Before she got a chance to say another word, I felt the gas sputtering out of me in waves.
*pppp-RrrRRRTtttttt... Brr brrr brr... prrrrrRRRRRaaappppp*
That always happens when I try to force out a fart before it's entirely ready - It stops and starts again multiple times, often louder than usual. This particular one lasted about 10 seconds from start to finish, if you count the gaps of silence between.
"THAT REEKS," Emily screamed whilst laughing, "GET THE FUCK OFF!"
I had forgotten to carry on counting - Something I only realised as she managed to free herself and push me to the ground.
"That's it, you're getting it now," she spoke with such a determination in her eyes.
After a minute or so of struggling and constantly switching positions, Emily finally got enough strength to get me back to the floor. This time, her ass right in my face.
I was about to speak - I'm not sure what, I couldn't quite find the words before a wave of gas released directly onto my face.
It began silent, before suddenly becoming bassy, and eventually trailing into a high-pitch note of sorts. The smell was disgusting - Like a tangy, sour stench. I could feel the warmth of the air as I breathed it in, almost being able to taste it. I gagged a little.
"Tough down there? 1... 2... 3..." Emily finally started counting. I had already endured a lot, but I couldn't last 7 more seconds in that odour.
I managed to wriggle up. I was very much still in the losing position, but her butt now rested on my chest.
"4... 5..."
It was useless. I couldn't free myself any further. Suddenly, her counting slowed a little, as her voice got more raspy.
"Ffff...ooUUUURR... FIIIIIVE..."
I could feel her legs tightening around me. Was she really about to release more? How did she even have any left in her?
She continued to push, leaning just slightly to one side, allowing the gas to release.
15 seconds of an ear shattering fart released directly onto my chest - The vibrations seemed to perpetrate down my body to my stomach, and up to my neck.
In a last-minute retaliation, feeling more gas forming in my belly, I managed to bring my legs upwards. I couldn't get her off of me, but I could vaguely point my backside upwards, and, with a gentle push --
A long, airy fart hissed out of me.
"6... 7..." - She stopped counting as the smell hit her. "Jesus Christ, was that me?" She put her hand over her mouth and nose, slightly freeing me.
"Nope! It was me," I was quite proud, actually. Whilst her hand was off of me, I managed to escape once more.
I now stood as Emily sat on the floor. Without wasting a second, feeling more pressure building up, I pushed my ass back into Emily's face. I didn't even bother pinning her down. I bent down ever-so-slightly, to allow my ass to be level with her nose.
A gentle buzz exited my butt. Emily tried to push more out, too, with a loud grunt.
"Fuck I can't get any more out."
Others may have taken this as a truce. But not me.
I let more out, still directly onto her face. By now, I was pinning her down again.
"1... 2... 3..."
I started to relax my backside, causing a small fart to escape between each number.
"4... *ppt* 5... *brapp* 6... *fff*"
Emily seemed to just accept defeat.
"7... *bbbrrrrr* 8... *ppppppprrrrrttt* 9... *BBRrrrrppp*"
I pushed hard.
"... 10 ..."
I stood up, Emily looking defeated.
"Jesus Christ", she spoke, "that was disgusting, but I just didn't have the energy to fight it... You win."
She smiled as I helped her up.
"Wait..." A puzzled look came over me, "What was this about, again?"
She laughed. "After all that I can't even remember."
As we got up and stretched, the stench in the air still lingered, although certainly less pungent. Emily proposed, "Maybe next time we should just flip a coin..."
"We could," I started, "but where's the fun in that?"
0 notes
sakuraryomen01 · 3 years
"Suicidal Love" |Soft Dazai x Reader|
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EEEE! DOUBLE POSTING!!! ┏━━━°⌜🌸⌟°━━━┓
SUMMARY: Dazai x Gn! Reader! Dazai and Reader go out on a simple date that has a cute ending. (No spoilers!! <3)
READER: Gn! Reader! Detective, and partner to Dazai Osamu
WORDS: 1.406k
Thank you for reading this bit, enjoy!! 💕
"God, it took way too long to finish our last assignment!" Dazai groaned, stretching his arm over his head and turning the corner.
"You complain a lot, Dazai." You muttered, glaring at your partner in anger.
It had been two years since you started working with the 22 year old, but he still always managed to get on you nerves like a gnat.
Always managed to piss you off when you hung out or geeked out about how he wanted to die with a beautiful girl. It angered you and made you sad when you liked him so much, honestly.
You didn't want him to die, even if it was just him joking. But, what if he really did have to say bye for forever? It never sat right in your stomach, the thought of your friend and crush dying by his own hands...
"Yo, Y/n. Why are you staring at my ass? You like it, or something?" Dazai suddenly giggled, making you look away and get pissed off all over again.
"Hell no!" You blushed, stomping past him and towards the detective agency. "We have to get going or Kunikida will nag at me again!"
"Oh, c'mon! You love staring at my beautiful behind all the time~!"
"Shut up, you suicidal maniac!!"
"Hey, wanna go get some food for your break, Y/n?" Atsushi asked, scooting closer to you with a light blush on his face.
"I heard there's a great place for tofu nearby! It's made just the way you like it!"
"Sorry, but I have another assignment with Dazai." You muttered, shrugging at a heart fallen Atsushi.
He sighed and nodded, biting his lip and looking at your files. Suddenly, looking happy, he motioned towards the messy files and turned to look back at you again.
"Um, do you mind if I fix your files while your out?"
"I don't mind, thank you!" You smiled, giggling when Atsushi's face lightened up before he ran to go and get himself some food.
Ranpo, munching on a Pocky, rolled over to your opposite side in his rolling chair and poked you with the Pocky in his mouth.
"Phocky phallanfe," He muttered, a angry look on his face as he looked up at you.
"Pocky challenge?"
Ranpo nodded and leaned forward, looking confident, and chuckled. You rolled your eyes and bit down on the snack, chewing on the end and staring at the food. Soon, you made it to the end and your nose touched Ranpo's.
You looked up and saw a cheeky glint in his eyes and it made you giggle, snapping the snack in half and turning away to chew. Ranpo laughed and gave you a head pat.
"Geez! My heart was racing like crazy, dammit!" Ranpo laughed, holding his stomach as he continued.
"Oh, crap!" You yelled, glancing at the clock over the door and standing up. "Dazai said to meet him by the arcade at two thirty and it's almost four! Shit!"
Getting your bag, you gathered your books and files to take while Ranpo stared in confusion.
"Did Dazai ask you out, Y/n?" He asked, cocking his head to the side and watching you.
"Yes, Ranpo." You responded, grabbing some of your tattered clothing for the cleaners and stuffing them into your side-bag.
"Oh, have fun~!" Ranpo giggled, standing up and grabbing his candy before leaving with a small good-bye.
Staring at his leaving figure, you shook your head and went back to work. After gathered your own things and getting ready to leave, you ran off to meet up with your partner.
Once finding which arcade he meant, you spotted Dazai and ran over to him. A clean blouse and some cute shorts with sandals covered your body. Dazai was wearing a grey long sleeve, some black pants with a slim sliver chain hanging from the pocket.
Fresh bandages covered his neck and arms, the rest hidden beneath the clothing. Much like the small patches of gauze that covered your own arms and neck.
"Hello, Y/n." Dazai smiled, holding a hand out for you to grab.
This caught you off guard, but you weren't really complaining. If you got to hold Dazai's hand, it's getting held. Grabbing a hold of it, you let him tug you inside.
"Hey, want to make a bet?" Dazai asked suddenly, making you turn to him in confusion.
"I did one with... an old friend and he lost. So, I figured trying it with you might be a little fun."
"Sounds fun!"
"Alright, then if I win, I get to kiss you," Dazai smirked, gripping your hand a little tighter then before and making you blush.
"If you win, you can do whatever you want!"
"Sounds fair, I guess." You cheeks flushed a light pink as you looked up at the brunette.
Dazai chuckled and pulled you to a game, as if by memory, and pushed you into a chair. It was a two player fighting-style game, and you felt like Dazai knew this game by heart.
"I bet you know how to cheat at this game!" You complained, pouting like a child at Dazai from across the games.
He leaned over the side with a smirk on his face as he sat back down.
"Fuck me and my virgin lips!" You groaned, making Dazai laugh as you entered some money and started the match.
After getting the fight started, you suddenly had the feeling to lose. Just to make Dazai happy. Shaking your head, you focused on the game, not wanting to lose the bet even thought the prize would've made you happy as hell.
"How the fuck- DAMMIT!!" Dazai yelled, leaning back with a whine.
You had just won the match and were now dancing like a crazy person on drugs. Or mushrooms if Dazai offered them.
"Okay, it's time for my prize!!" You fist-bumped the air, a wide grin on your face as you looked down at your partner.
"Ugh.. What do you want?" The loser groaned, standing from his seat and looking down at you.
"I want a new game to beat you at!"
A smile formed on Dazai's face, challenging you to one game after the other. Playing til the sun was about to set, and you were both tired and ready to go home.
Dazai's cheeks flushed pink, seeing your cute figure holding a small raccoon in your arms as a prize. His heart thumped in his chest, reaching out to hold your hand.
They don't know a damn thing..
"Y/n? Can you come with me?"
Quietly following him, your mind was clouded with the victories and defeats at the arcade. Mindlessly following Dazai to a bridge, where he said he had first met Atsushi.
"What are we doing here?" You asked, hugging the plush toy against your chest.
"I've wanted to tell you something, Y/n." Dazai smiled, turning to look at you.
The orange and amber glow from the sun casting shadows on the male, his smile hypnotizing you once again like it always did. His dark hair flowed through the light wind, a deep blush covering his cheeks as he stepped forward.
Your cheeks filled with a deep red, your hands now pressed against his chest. Holding yours, Dazai looked into your eyes and smiled sweetly, the look making your heart melt.
"I love you, partner."
He glanced at your lips, biting his, leaning forward to press his against your own. Closing your eyes, you slowly snaked your fingers around Dazai's neck, brushing against the bandages that covered it, finding his hair and playing with it.
"Mmn.." Dazai hummed, cupping your neck and making the kiss deeper.
Your chest swelled, warmth and embarrassment filling your every part. Heart about to explode with feelings made your stomach flip, pressing against Dazai's chest and looking up at him again.
"Damn.." He muttered, face red as yours and smirking. "That was something, eh?"
"That's what you have to say?" You ask, feeling your ears and neck go red too.
Dazai giggled and hugged you, leaving more kisses on your face and holding you close.
"What can I say? I'm a flustered mess!" He cooed, nuzzling into your neck and sighing.
You hugged him, the both of you blushing up a storm and sighing. Dazai's smile only widen when you asked to be his, and his alone.
"If that's you being flirty, I'll take it."
This was something I had in my drafts for a really long time, so I decided to post it now after editing it up a little.
(Ngl, it has me cringing 💀)
But it's my first fluff! I hope you like it!
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mal-warebytes · 4 years
A Day Out: Obey Me! Levi x Reader
*Knock* *knock* *knock*
You open the door to your room, 'no one's there', look around and lying on the floor is a brown box. "Yes! It's here!" You pick and the box and quickly shut your door. Walking over to plop down on your bed you start to open your package and pull off the tape holding it together. Sitting down you empty the box on the bed and start going through the contents of it. "Levi is going to be so surprised!" There's accessories, shoes, outfits and the main thing you were looking for... 2 tickets to the TSL convention in Tokyo. "Eeee! Now I just need to go find Asmo." You throw everything back in the box and head out to Asmo's room.
Once to his room you can barely hold your excitement and just waltz right in without knocking. "Asmooo dearrrr!" You hear a faint, "in the bathroom darling! You're lucky it's you and not one of my idiot brothers. Otherwise you'd be getting a stern talking to about just barging in like you own the damn place. Actually... I might just spank you so you learn a lesson." You walk around the corner, his in the tub. Nothing you haven't seen before so you just continue the conversation.
"Yea ok, maybe later you lusty little demon you, " you joke. "However, right now I need your beauty expertise." You toss a towel in his direction, he catches it before it hits the water.
"Oh, well in that case," he stands up and you turn away. "Oh darling, I get that you have this 'thing' for Levi but you could at least humor me every now and again. Don't be so shy!" He drapes the towel around his waist, "alright, alright head into the bedroom and I'll be right there." You walk on over to his bed and dump the box and lay everything out across the sheets. Asmo walks in dressed in a robe and sits down on the bed eyeing all the accessories and whatnot. "What is all this? Oh those are cute! Is that... NO! You didn't! Sweetie, is that? Is that... oh it is... You bought cosplay outfits! What fun!" Asmo picks up one of the outfits and holds it up to take a better look. "Honestly darling, they're... well ugly," he drops it on the bed. "You could find something... sexier?"
"They're The Lord of Shadow and Henry's outfits from TSL, and actually that's why I came to you," you pick up The Lord of Shadow's out fit and hold it up. "I need your help to alter this a bit for me."
He looks at you quizzically, "Oh? Well Levi is way better at alterations than I am, why don't you just ask him? I'm sure he'd love to..."
You cut him off, "I need you're help to make this one... um, slightly on the more sluttier side. Not like tooooo slutty but just enough to make a certain TSL fan.. yeaaaa. Let's just say I'm hoping this is going to be something Levi will never forget." You blush and hold the outfit up to your body. "I need you to make me completely irresistible, to even the shyest otaku."
Asmo, "Sweetie, I could dress you in sweats and have any man... err, demon for that matter, howling at you like a wolf to the moon. Now, strip down and let's get to work!"
A few hours later and Asmo is finally done. "Tada! Mmhm honey, I could eat you alive! I'll leave that to, well you know," he winks and pushes you in front of the mirror.
"It's perfect Asmo! Thank you!" you turn around and kiss him on the cheek, "do you have a jacket I could borrow? I don't want Levi to see me in this yet."
"I've got the perfect one!" He hands you the jacket and you throw it on, toss the rest of stuff in box and wave at him as you head out the door.
You walk down the hall heading towards Levi's room. 'Oh I better message Diavolo so Barbatos can meet us at the portal.' You love the fact that all you had to do was convince the future demon king that this trip was educational to learn about human pop-culture. He was so interested in what you had to tell him that he insisted you go. 'We'll be there in about 30 minutes. Thank you again!' Send. Now at the door of Levi's room, you knock.
*knock* *knock* "Levi! I got a present for you!" You hear a rustling of what sounds like Levi tripping over boxes, he more than likely purchased recently, as he scrambles to the door.
He throws the door open and eyes you suspiciously. "Why are you wearing a jacket? Are you going somewhere? Wait!? You said you had something for me?"
"Actually we're going somewhere..." you hand him the box. "You can't say no, Diavolo is having Barbatos meet us. Put this on and meet me downstairs in 15 minutes."
"Wait! What!? Diavolo? Barbatos? You're not making sense! Why are we meeting..." you push him in his room and shut the door.
"15 minutes!" You yell through the door, "don't be late or else!"
Levi gulps and looks in the box. He starts to pick through the items and starts to realize, "wait a second... is this... it is! It's Henry's outfit! What is this?" He sees a note at the bottom of the box. 'Stop drooling, put on the clothes and let's go!' Slightly embarrassed he complies and semi-excitedly changes into the Henry cosplay. Not wanting anyone to see him, Levi grabs a jacket, throws it on, peeks out the door and takes off down the hall. You hear him coming around the corner.
"Great! You're here," you look him over, "you're wearing the outfit right?"
Levi, "Yeeess, of course... I didn't really want to find out what 'or else' was... so? Where are we going?" He looked around nervously, he wanted to make sure none of his brothers saw him leave his room.
You grab his hand and head toward the portal, "you'll see!" Barbatos was there waiting to escort you both through. He bowed to the two of you and simply stretched out his hand toward the portal. "Whenever you're ready."
Levi gulped, "where are we going!?" He looked at you with a uneasy smile.
You raise the tickets up next to your cheek, "probably the most nerve-wracking, scariest, make you want to crawl into a hole and die, 'wish I never left my room' place in the three realms, ooorrrrr an otaku heaven. Guess you'll see." You shrug your shoulders, grab his hand and jump into the portal. Levi screaming in your ear, "Nooooooooo I change my miiiind..." as you're both dragged up to the human world.
As the portal light fades, Levi is still squeezing your hand and his eyes shut tight. "What's that sound? It's so noisy, where are we?" He slowly opens his eyes, "Is that? Are we!? Are we in Akihabara? Tokyo? ARE WE IN TOKYO!?" His eyes dart everywhere, "We are! We are, we are, we are! Wait!? What were those tickets you held up?"
You wave the tickets in the air, "you mean theeeese? Oh nothing special." You feather them in front of his face, "just tickets to the TSL convention."
"Tickets.. to.. TSL.. conven...," he looks like he's going to faint. You stand slightly behind him as he starts to fall backwards and push him back up.
"Come on! I figured you'd feel right at home if we popped up in Akihabara. Let's hit up Mandarake to see if they have any figures your missing, one of the maid cafés for lunch and then head off to the convention!" You grab his hand and head off into the crowd. You spend a couple hours shopping and finally finish up at the café. Levi has at least twice as many bags as you do by this point. "Slow down with the shopping Levi, otherwise you won't have any money left to spend at the convention." You look up at one of the many flashing signs and find the time. "We better head off, the doors have already been open for a little over an hour now." You both finally make it to the convention, hand the tickets to the door guy and enter into a whole world of TSL.
Levi has already stripped off his jacket and tossed it into one of the bags. "Thank you so much for this! I really feel like Henry!" a huge smile spreads across his face as he looks toward you. "Aren't you going to take off your jacket? It's starting to get pretty warm in here."
"Oh, yea... um, could you hold the bags for a minute then while I take it off?" you hand him the bags, "oh, and could you turn around?" He gives you an odd look but shrugs it off and turns around. You take off the jacket and tosses it at the back of his head.
"Hey!" he catches the jacket and turns around to face you. His jaw practically falls off. His mouth agape he manages to stutter out, "Lord offfff Shadows," he gets down on one knee, "please allow me to devote myself to your service." His hand is quivering as it reaches up to take yours and gently places a kiss upon it.
"I'm guessing I look ok?," you shyly giggle as he stands up. "Asmo didn't alter this too much, did he?"
"Noooo, you look aamazinnng!" he stands up, you notice something starting to bulge in his pants. "Um... maybe, maybe you should put the jacket back on." He looks around and casually put his hand in his pocket to try to cover what's happening. He starts to notice others staring at you as they walk by. His eyes scan the main entrance, he spots a janitors closet, "actually come with me." He grabs your hand and takes off towards the closet. Checking to make sure no one is watching he opens the door and drags you inside. "Ok we should be safe in here."
"Levi.. why are we in a closet? We're going to miss all the booths and activi..." his mouth is upon yours before you can even finish the sentence. "Mmhmm," your hands drop down to your side and you feel his fingers interlocking with yours. His tongue slowly enters and massages yours, sending shivers down your spine. You feel his hands start to glide up your arms making their way up to your face, cupping it oh so gently as the kiss deepens. You can feel his bulge grow, pressing against you as he slowly backs you up against the wall.
His mouth parts away from yours, "I think we're going to have to go to the next convention." He backs away slightly, "we need to go back home." He runs his hands through your hair, "I'm not letting anyone else see you in that outfit." He buries his face in your neck and starts to leave a trail of soft kisses up to your jaw. "This conversation will continue in my room." He places your jacket back on you and drags you out of the convention center back to the portal.
"Farewell Tokyo, until next time."
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sonicringbond · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 49
Well, now, believe it or not, but there are only three more weeks/episodes left of season 1 of The Journey. There will be several big changes coming once Season 2 gets underway so I’ll have a lot of work to o getting ready behind the scenes, but hopefully it is worth it. Anyway, let me stop babbling and let you dive into...
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    “It’s so good!” Rosy swooned and held a hand to her face and held up the soft serve ice cream cone she had. “I love festivals! And this one is such a big party! Ooh~! Why couldn’t we enjoy this one without having to crash it Sonic?”
    “We’ll just have to blame our purple friend,” Sonic remarked, though there was little humor in his mood.
    ~I feel really bad for Sonic. He doesn’t usually let anything get him down, but Claymore the Purple really hurt his pride when we met him. That and he kidnapped Tails, Mighty, and Draw. I don’t know what happened to Mote, but I hope they’re with Draw still. It’s a shame they can’t enjoy the festival either. Tee-hee! Maybe I shouldn’t be letting myself have so much fun either.
    ~Tower Point, it’s not just a small community like I’ve mostly seen in the lands under Yolk, it’s one of the largest cities I’ve ever seen. Its name comes from all the large towers, but it’s crazy! From the cobbled roads there isn’t anywhere to go but the towers. It’s like being walled in with a spiderweb roof of bridges up above. And there are vendors and food stalls everywhere. Bands are playing in the streets and over a radio system that you can hear everywhere in the city. And the sky is full of confetti too! It’s just one massive celebration. But Sonic and I can’t enjoy it, well not as much as I’d like too. We have to face Claymore and rescue our friends. It’s such a waste of a good party too.~
    “Stay sharp kid. We’ve got company coming.”
    ~Well, maybe not a total waste, tee-hee~♥
    ~As Sonic and I made our way deeper and deeper into the maze of towers and bridges, more and more autogolems started showing up. There were a lot that just looked like suits of armor built on clockwork skeletons, but there were also helmets with wings in the sky, and even more of the helmets with spider legs that were with Claymore when he attacked us. But none of them were going to get me! I could outrun them if I really tried, and Sonic could bash them to bits super easy! But Sonic did one better. Eeee! He held my hand to discourage them from coming after me! Ooh~! It’s so romantic~♥~
    Enthralled as Rosy was by Sonic making sure she didn’t get separated in the crowds, Rosy couldn’t help but taunt one autogolem, a Squire Legs as it stared at her with glowing yellow eyes from its black knight helmet. If it could have developed an exasperated bead of sweat, it would have as Rosy pulled down her eye lid and stuck her tongue out at it. As her free hand was being held by Sonic, she managed to get ice cream in her eye and yelped out in surprise.
    “Your rascally antics are going to make this harder than it needs to be,” Sonic warned her before pulling her into a bridal carry.
    “Eep! S-Sonic!”
    “You seem to be enjoying yourself, but I think it’s time we take things up to my pace.”
    Not wasting a moment longer, or bothering to explain to Rosy, Sonic suddenly speed off and right up the sides of a tower. His speed assured most people wouldn’t get a good look at the cause of the commotion and bouncing from tower to tower and bridge to bridge, it was impossible for the average person to keep up with Sonic. He wasn’t just bouncing about aimlessly either. Though such maneuvers would have easily confused the autogolems trying to watch him and Rosy, his destination was a massive clearing in the forest of towers.
    The city of Tower Point was not just home to seemingly countless towers and spires, but it was also the home of the Ring decrying religious group known as the Preservers. As such, most of the architecture looked as though it was fashioned after gothic style cathedrals merged with a steam work pipe system. There were several actual cathedrals mixed into the forest of towers, from their bases and peaks alongside observatories nigh everywhere, to even underground and within some of the larger towers. There was one cathedral though that was a series of towers itself, with the largest in the entire city at its center. It was that complex and the only massively open plaza in the city that Sonic aimed for.
    To call the plaza massive however, was an understatement. It was several miles wide and several more long. Canals and parks littered the venue, and the most massive of crowds Rosy had ever seen gathered in it for the Banquet of Claymore the Purple. A celebration in open defiance of Yoluku, the small planet hanging in the above watching the festivities from below the permanent red lightning bolt that arced across the sky from horizon to horizon.
    Asides from the main tower itself, the best view of the plaza was from any one of the plethora of airships that filled the skies above. Leaping between several and putting the best distance he could between himself and any and all flightless autogolems, Sonic eventually set Rosy down on the deck of a tadpole shaped one of a coral red hue.
    “Sorry, about coming aboard uninvited,” Sonic laughed off his intrusion and offered a wave to the people on the deck of the vessel. A deck that looked familiar to Rosy as it ran back from the main body to the tail of the vessel under and above several propellers and sails.
    “Hey, Sonic, isn’t this…” Rosy started, but the variety of people on the deck were all wearing badges with a wrench super imposed over a gear wheel, the symbol of the Engineers. “Uh-oh…”
    The sweat drop that ran down Rosy’s cheek and her nervous smile told Sonic something other than what his nose did. As it wasn’t itching, or hinting at a coming sneeze, he was sure they were fine, but put a comforting hand on Rosy’s shoulder anyway. “No sweat kid. A bunch of mechanics aren’t going to be much of a threat to me.”
    “We could still push you off,” one of the people on the deck warned and stood up, before stumbling back as Sonic was in their face.
    “You really, think so? You’d have to catch me first. And I don’t think you, or you, or…”
    Faster than anyone outside of Rosy, who was laughing at the display, could follow, Sonic introduced everyone on the deck to his speed. But even with his speed there were things that could surprise him.
    “…or you, or–?!”
    It was not Rosy who called out Sonic’s name, but the young fox girl who did was nonetheless familiar to both hedgehogs.
    “Zooey!” Sonic asked in surprise. “What are–”
    Sonic never finished the question. Zooey, not prepared for Sonic was even less prepared for Rosy, who tackled her in a crazy mixture of a bear hug and full-on nuzzling session. “ZOOEY!! It’s really you! I can’t believe it! I’ve been trying to catch up with you forever!”
    “I thought I made it easy enough to follow me,” the yellow fox in the red dress stated her efforts to be found, and Sonic could only offer her a shrug and an awkward smile.
    “What can we say, these lands are a mess. Great for adventuring and running, not so much for meeting up. But what brought you to this big party, Zooey?”
    “I see,” Zooey sighed. “So, it was Mr. Gill who caused us so much trouble. And if I understand, you’re relying on him to cause even more now.”
    “Not quite,” Sonic corrected Zooey as he leaned over the deck railing and looked at the plaza below. “I’m actually going to be the one causing trouble. Think I can use my plane to do it?”
    “I’ve been using it and Tails’ X-Tornado for my races you know, Sonic. But I suppose it is yours.”
    “You’re a real pal Zooey. Shame I can’t leave Amy with you though.”
    “It’s Rosy!” Rosy corrected Sonic and earned a laugh from him. In response she puffed up her cheeks. “Ooh~! I don’t mind you using my real name Sonic, really! But we’re on an adventure! I’d rather go by Rosy while adventuring!”
    “You’re enough of a rascal without calling yourself one,” Sonic teased Rosy and made her puff her cheeks up even more. He could have easily toyed with her all day, but he knew he didn’t have that type of time and turned his attention back to Zooey. “So, think you can have the Tornado ready to launch before Sir Buckethead makes his grand entrance?”
    “It won’t be a problem at all,” Zooey sighed and earned a questioning look from Sonic and Rosy both. Their questioning eyes on her, Zooey forced a smile and explained herself. “It’s just, well… We finally meet back up and everyone is in this awful mess. I can’t believe Tails got captured too.”
    “What can I say Zooey, Sir Buckethead is more trouble than he’s worth. But you leave the rescue operation to me and Rosy, and Gill and Blister too. Though, be ready to run, things might get dicey.”
Scene 49 · CLEARED Party Crashing, to be continued
XD Yes, Zooey is back just as we reach the end. I can’t say how involved she’ll be at this point as I only have  more scenes to work with, and as of the time I wrote this, this was the only scene I had written. Can you believe it’s the 10th of March or later while you’re reading this, yet when I wrote this it was February 3rd? It’s amazing stuff.
For now though though, I’ll leave everyone waiting for Scene 50! What a milestone! I hope everyone is as excited as am =D
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – Cheers! – Tomomichi Takeoka – Final Fantasy XV Original Soundtrack
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Two {AO3} {Masterlist} {Part One}
Chapter Thirteen → in which Sunny crawls up an elevator shaft 
“This is all my fault.” Lilac wailed, curling up and crying into her lap. “It’s my fault, I should’ve… I didn’t even notice he wasn’t with us until…”
“No!” Violet almost leapt over the net, grabbing her older sister’s hands. “It is not your fault! This is not because of you, and we are going to get him back! Do you hear me? We’re getting our brother back!” She was screaming so loud, trying to convince herself as well as Lilac.
Klaus was sitting against the wall, clutching his stomach and breathing hard. Right now, for him, everything was blurry, dizzy. The world was spinning around him, and he felt like he was couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even cry anymore.
Sunny said, “Klaus!” and Lilac and Violet spotted him. They rushed over, and Lilac quickly picked up Sunny from his lap, carefully placing her beside them on the net. Solitude, still crying softly, crawled over to see if she could help.
“Klaus, Klaus, hey.” Violet said, grabbing his hands. “Just breathe, okay? Look at me- can you see me? Just take deep breaths. You’re okay. We’re going to be okay.”
Lilac shut her eyes, and also reached for his hands. “We’re… going to be fine…” she said, not entirely convinced herself. “Klaus, it’ll be okay.”
“We’re getting him back. Nothing will happen to him.” Violet said. “Klaus, look at me- can you see me?”
Slowly, Klaus nodded.
“Okay, okay.” Violet said. “Now listen. Everything’s going to be fine. Okay? We’re going to be fine. We’ll get out of this. We’ve gotten out of all of his traps before.”
“But he-” Klaus began.
“He took Sunny and Soli before.” Lilac said quickly. “He took them, but we got them back. We’ll get Nick back.”
Solitude crawled closer to Klaus, still sniffling a little. Then, carefully, she placed Babbitt on his knee. “Friend?” she said quietly.
Klaus stared down at the frog, and then slowly reached forwards to pet them a little. His breathing slowly got more normal, and he said, “We… have to get out of here.”
“Could we make a rope out of the net?” Lilac asked.
“We’d probably run out of net.” Violet said. She started to tie her hair back. “I could mess around with the spyglass, but I might accidentally break something. We don’t want to fall any farther.”
“At least turn on a light.” Lilac said.
Violet nodded, pulling out the spyglass and turning the heat on the lowest setting, shining the light so they could see each other a little.
“Could…” Klaus stuttered, still leaning against the wall and keeping his eyes shut. “Could we climb up?”
“There aren’t any good hand or footholds.” Violet said. She shone the light onto the side of the wall and continued, “There’s some railings, but we wouldn’t be able to climb up them.”
“Not unless you had…” Klaus trailed off, eyes going wide.
“Very small hands.” Lilac finished.
The Baudelaires turned, and saw that Sunny was already ten feet up the wall.
“Sunny!” Lilac shouted, trying to run forwards and falling over the net.
“Sunny, no, it’s too dangerous!” Violet called, shining the light up so she could see her sister.
“Go Sun!” cheered Solitude, who saw no problems with this plan whatsoever.
Sunny glanced back towards them for only a moment before continuing her climb.
“Oh my gosh.” Klaus said.
“Sunday Theodora Baudelaire!” Lilac shouted. “You get back down here right now!”
Sunny sighed and turned slightly towards them, calling out, “Salvo!” which probably meant something like, “I’m going to go get us some rope and see if I can find Nick! I’ll be back soon!”
“Sunny!” Violet shouted. “No! Get back down!”
Sunny tried to turn again, only to start slipping down the railings. She let out a shocked squeak, and Lilac instantly threw herself across the net, trying to catch her. But to their amazement, Sunny just leaned forwards, biting her teeth into the wall and stopping her descent. There was a scraping noise as she slowed, and as soon as she stopped falling, she started climbing again.
“I don’t believe this.” Klaus said.
“You mean how our baby sister is climbing up an elevator shaft with the help of her teeth to rescue our brother from a financial advisor?” Violet asked.
“I don’t believe any of it.” Klaus replied.
“Go Sun!” Solitude cheered, clapping. “Sunny go!”
Babbitt leapt from Klaus’s knee to her shoulder again, and let out an enthusiastic chirp.
Sunny didn’t look down again; she just kept climbing up, occasionally biting into the wall whenever she started to feel like she was slipping. It was a very long climb, and she got tired very quickly, but she kept thinking about her trapped and scared siblings below her and her trapped and scared brother above her, and she kept pushing on.
By the time she had reached the top of the elevator shaft, she was exhausted, and her arms and teeth were quite sore. But she climbed up the side of the floor, very thankful that Esme and Olaf had not thought to close the doors, and scrambled to her feet. She took a few shaky steps forwards- she still wasn’t quite used to walking yet- and turned towards the penthouse door.
Oh. Well. Hmm. That’d be a problem.
The doorman was standing at the door of the penthouse, only now his sleeves were rolled up and Sunny could see his hooks. Shit, he’d been the hook-handed man the whole time- well, Sunny supposed it made sense they hadn’t noticed. By the time it was light enough to notice his face, they’d gotten used to the doorman and just assumed he’d been safe.
Sunny put on her cutest face and toddled her way over to stand in front of the Hook-Handed Man, giving him an adorable smile.
“Management regrets it cannot allow any orphans to escape.” said the Hook-Handed Man.
Sunny put her hands behind her back, grinning up at him. “Oo-wee-oo-wee.” said Sunny, which meant something like, “Someday Olaf’s perfidy will end.”
“What does perfidy mean?” the Hook-Handed Man asked.
“Gee-dah.” “Treachery, basically.”
“Oh.” the Hook-Handed Man leaned down then, and whispered, “You know, you’re clever. And you’re good with your teeth. Play your cards right, and you could join our troupe instead of surrendering your fortune and your life in more-or-less that order.”
Sunny gave him another smile, and then walked past him, pushing open the door; nobody had even bothered to lock it.
“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” he called, but she simply kicked the door shut behind her and rolled the welcome mat under it in order to keep it from re-opening.
She knew she only had a few minutes before either the henchperson got the door open or someone else in the troupe- either inside or outside of the penthouse- heard his pounding on the door and decided to help. So she moved fast, running towards a door that led to one of the parlors. She found the rope that attached to the curtain to pull it back and pulled it down as far as she could, before biting on it to cut it. She didn’t know if that would be long enough, so she cut another rope and swung them both over her shoulders. She grabbed a blanket off the couch and managed to tie it around her like a cape, the way Nick had shown her, and she then moved into another room, calling, “Nick!”
Sunny went through several rooms- she took the long way around back to the door so she had more places to check. She opened cabinets and peered under curtains, but her brother was nowhere to be found.
She probably should have guessed he wasn’t in the penthouse- Olaf and Esme wouldn’t just leave him alone in a house he knew well. Still, she had hoped…
Nick will be fine. He’s Nick. He’s always fine. He’s always strong and brave and, hell, he’s probably already killed Olaf and escaped already.
Sunny made it back to the door, stopping only once in the kitchen to grab a bottle of parsley soda, and then she slid into the hall, crawling out and smiling up at the Hook-Handed Man, who looked very pissed off.
“You are in big trouble, missy!” he said.
Sunny handed him the bottle of parsley soda.
“What am I supposed to do with this?”
Sunny took the bottle back and opened it for him, before passing it back.
“Oh.” the Hook-Handed Man narrowed his eyes. “But what am I supposed to tell the boss when he sees you’re not in that elevator?”
In response, Sunny toddled over to the elevator shaft and leapt down.
She could distantly hear the Hook-Handed Man say, “Well, that worked out.” as she fell, but she was too busy throwing out the blanket. After a few seconds, it made an effective parachute, and she found herself much more safely falling towards her siblings.
“I hate this.” Lilac said. “I hate this.”
They’d been sitting in silence for a long while after Sunny had finally disappeared from view, all too nervous to talk- except Solitude, who seemed to be under the impression that this would solve all of their problems and resorted to trying to get Babbitt back into her pocket so they didn’t risk falling through the net.
“She could fall.” Lilac said. “We could fall. She could get caught. She could get lost. She could get stuck. She-”
“You could shut up, please.” Violet said. She had one arm around Klaus, who was staring into the darkness, trying to process everything in a way that wouldn’t result in a breakdown.
“Our baby sister is up there!”
Violet ignored her, shining the spyglass below the net. “Quagmires?” she called. She received no response. “Shit, Olaf must’ve moved them already…”
“As if this day couldn’t get any worse.” Lilac groaned.
“It’s okay, we can still save this.” Violet said. “Nick’s either up there with Sunny, or with the Quagmires. So all we need to do is figure out what the Quagmires are being auctioned off in.”
“But first,” Klaus said shakily, “We have to get out of here.”
They heard a call above them, sounding vaguely like “Eeee!” but what probably meant something like, “Mind your heads!”
The Baudelaire children scattered across the net, as Babbitt finally hopped into Solitude’s pocket and Sunny descended on her makeshift parachute and landed with a bounce and a giggle beside them.
“Sunny, you’re safe!” Violet cheered.
“Don’t ever do that again, young lady!” Lilac said, as Sunny tossed her blanket to the side, still laughing.
Solitude crawled over to her as Sunny passed two ropes over to Violet and Lilac, who instantly started tying them together, muttering about tying it to the railings and sliding down to the ground. She glanced around in confusion, and then muttered, “Nick?”
Sunny bit her lip and shook her head. “Appentier,” she said, meaning, “He’s not in the penthouse, at least from what I saw.”
Solitude seemed very concerned at that, and she quickly hugged Sunny, who let out a noise like an angry cat.
“Klaus,” Violet said, “Grab one of the girls, I’ll get the other one. We’re going to slide to the ground.”
“Is that rope long enough?” Klaus asked.
“It fucking better be.” Violet said. “And it’s jump down this rope or stay here and wait to be kidnapped.”
“Well, first of all,” Lilac said, tying the end of the rope to the railing, “It’s not ‘jump down this rope,’ it’s ‘slide down,’ and we are not sliding down, we’ll get ropeburn. We’re going to climb.”
“Right, thanks, Josephine.” Violet said. She shut off her spyglass, leaned forwards and grabbed Solitude, and said, “Alight, Li, I can go first-”
“Oh, hell no.” Lilac said. “I’m going down first. If I die, the rest of you climb up and fistfight the henchpeople for me.”
“You’re not going to die.” Violet said, while Sunny gave Lilac a mock salute.
Lilac bit her lip and said, “Alright. Everyone be careful.” She then grabbed onto the rope and started to descend, hoping and praying that she didn’t fall and the rope was long enough. Violet went next, but she realized quickly she couldn’t climb and hold onto Solitude. Soli informed her that she could climb down herself, so Violet went next, keeping a careful eye on the toddler above her, ready to catch her should she slip. Then went Klaus, with Sunny going last. Klaus was pretty shit at climbing, but he managed to decently move down the rope, his eyes locked on Sunny, who seemed to think this was all great fun.
Fortunately, after several minutes of very stressful climbing, Lilac said, “Great news, everyone! There’s a floor here!”
“Yay!” Sunny cheered, proud she had cut them enough rope.
“Bad news,” Lilac said, “Is I do not see a cage or hear any Quagmires.”
“Son of a bitch.” Violet said.
Lilac reached the bottom of the rope, stepping aside so that Violet could get down next. When she did, Violet pulled out her spyglass as Lilac grabbed Solitude and helped her down, turning the dials to get the light working again. She shone it around the room as Klaus and Sunny reached the ground, and she said, “Yep, cage is gone. They must’ve taken the Quagmires to the auction already.”
“Meaning we have to get there fast.” Lilac said. “There must be a way out of here. It’s got to be how Olaf got out.”
“Shine the light on the walls.” Klaus said, picking up Sunny again. “Maybe there’ll be a doorway.”
Violet shone the light around, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the faint outline of a door. She walked forwards and pushed it open, and said, “There’s some kind of tunnel out of here. I say we follow it until we find an exit.”
“I don’t see any other option.” Lilac said, hugging Solitude tightly. “Klaus, keep carrying Sunny. Violet, keep the light on. Let’s hurry.”
The tunnel was incredibly dark, smelled vaguely musty, and seemed to get a creepier atmosphere the more they moved.
“What…” Klaus began, as they all started walking very fast, “What happens if we don’t get to the auction on time?”
“Let’s not think about that.” Violet said. “Let’s think about how we’re gonna make fun of Nick for this.”
“I think he has verbal abuse rights over us for this.” Klaus said quietly, slowly grabbing Lilac’s free hand as they walked. “Since we didn’t even notice he was gone.”
“He couldn’t have been gone for more than a few seconds.” Violet said quietly. “Still, you’re right, I think he gets a bit of leeway for this one.”
“Kim?” Sunny asked, meaning, “Wait, we get leeway for being kidnapped?”
“Shit, now she knows.” Violet said. Then, after a second, her and Klaus laughed a little. Lilac didn’t join them, instead staring ahead at the light bouncing off the tunnel walls.
“These tunnels look very professional.” she said. “Look, they’ve got walls.”
“Are walls your only basis for something being professional?” Violet asked.
“I mean they’re not dirt walls.” Lilac said. “So this tunnel wasn’t just dug and then left. Look, these seem like stone. Actually, this looks like those sewers we went to with Father, Vi. Remember, when we wanted to see how the sewer system worked?”
Violet thought for a moment, and then said, “Holy shit, yeah. These look just like them, except they don’t smell like literal shit. And they’re less wet.”
“When the hell did you guys go to the sewers?” Klaus asked.
“You and Nick were at nerd camp.” Violet said.
“Classical Literature camp.”
“Whatever. Anyway, we decided we’d better go before you got back, cause Nick would totally jump in the greywater just to piss us off.”
Solitude glanced at her in confusion. “Greywater?”
“Yes, Soli,” Violet said, “A word which here means, ‘basically piss and shit.’”
“That doesn’t-” Klaus began.
“Exit!” Sunny shouted, pointing ahead.
They all followed her gaze, and breathed a sigh of relief as they saw that the spyglass’s light was shining onto a ladder, which led up to some kind of trapdoor. Violet put the spyglass in her teeth and started to climb, followed quickly by Lilac and Klaus, who struggled to go up one-handed. Violet reached the top first, pushing open the door and climbing out before turning around to grab Solitude from Lilac, placing her gently on the dusty ground beside her. Lilac climbed out, followed by Klaus, who was holding very tightly onto Sunny.
He kicked the trapdoor shut behind him, and then the siblings looked around and realized exactly where they were.
“Holy shit.” Violet breathed.
“What the…?” Lilac trailed off.
“Fuck.” said Solitude.
They were standing in the charred remains of their home.
The Baudelaires stepped forwards, looking around in shock. The floor wasn’t dusty as they’d first thought- it was ashy. They could see the remains of their old piano, Violet’s grandfather clock, the broken shelves and burned books. What was left of their Father’s desk, where they had found their half of the spyglass, was just behind them, having toppled over and broken even more. The tunnel must have been right under it.
“Why…” Lilac could barely get the words out. “Why would… would there be a tunnel leading from 667 Dark Avenue… to… to…”
“To home.” Klaus finished.
Sunny let out a small whimper and leaned against his shoulder, and Solitude pulled Babbitt from her pocket, kneeling onto the ground and placing them down.
“Look, Babbitt.” she said quietly. “This is home.”
Babbitt looked from her to the burned remains, and then let out a sympathetic chirp, before hopping towards the piano. Solitude sadly crawled after them, and Violet knelt by the grandfather clock, wiping off its face with her sleeve.
“We…” she was holding back tears. “We need to get going. We don’t have much time.”
“We should… go…” Klaus said, half-heartedly.
Lilac sat on the burnt remains of what used to be Mother’s cushion, burying her head in her hands. “I just…” she said, finally starting to cry. “This seemed an eternity ago. I didn’t think it’d still be here, I… I forgot how…”
Violet walked over to her, sitting beside her and putting an arm around her, burying her head in her sister’s shoulder. Klaus walked over, too, and him and Sunny sat beside her, each putting a hand on her leg.
They didn’t have much time to sit, though, as they heard Solitude cry out, “Babbitt, no!”
They leapt to their feet, running to the piano, where Babbitt was leaping up, banging on the bottom repeatedly. Solitude was scrambling to catch them before they could hurt themself, so Klaus leaned down, quickly grabbing the frog and pulling them back. “What’s gotten into you?” Klaus asked the frog, who struggled to free themself.
Solitude ran out, grabbing Babbitt from Klaus and scolding them, but after a moment, Lilac wiped her eyes on her sleeve and tied back her hair before crawling under the piano. She reached up to the spot Babbitt had been jumping against, and said, “There’s something here.”
“What?” Violet asked, as everyone knelt down to see.
Lilac gestured for them all to scoot back, and then she reached into a small notch in the wood. She pulled, and suddenly a panel in the piano dropped to the ground, blowing up a cloud of dust and ash. Everyone coughed and stumbled backwards, but Lilac managed to stay close enough that she could see what had been in the panel; a small folder. She grabbed it and crawled out from under the piano, sitting in a circle beside her siblings. They all looked over at her, as Solitude muttered to Babbitt that she was taking back her scolding.
Lilac slowly opened the folder. She placed it on the ground, first pulling out a small photo. She put a hand over her mouth, shocked, not even saying anything.
“Li? What is it?” Violet asked, as Klaus took the folder and started flipping through some papers in there.
Carefully, Lilac passed Violet the picture, and Violet placed it on the ground so Solitude and Sunny could see. It was a photo of a baby- maybe only a few months old- in a lacy white dress. She was sitting on what was probably Briny Beach, or at least something like it, trying to put her toes in her mouth.
“Baby.” Sunny identified.
Violet narrowed her eyes. “Who is this?”
Quietly, Lilac said, “It’s me.” They looked at her in shock, and she said, “I… I saw that picture once. Father used to have it in his scrapbook, I… it went missing a few years ago, he told me it probably just fell out…”
Lilac took a deep breath, gripping the edge of her dress, and she said, “Klaus, what are those papers?”
Klaus bit his lip. “Sheet music. But most of it is blurred out or torn.” He flipped a page, and said, “Wait, no. No, this bit survived.”
He passed it to Violet, who read, “Though they lived in a big mansion / Down Robber Road a tad / It was at the farm the lady / Bore the little Snicket lad.”
“The… what?” Lilac said.
But there was one more thing in the folder. Sunny reached forwards and grabbed it, holding it up for them all to see.
It was a silver necklace, with a metal heart charm. It looked remarkably like Lilac’s, but instead of having gears etched onto it, on one side was the same Eye from the spyglass.
On the other side was engraved BB.
Violet stared at the initials, and then said quietly, “Beatrice Baudelaire.”
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Just Say Yes - Chapter 12 (Chadwick x Reader)
<< Chapter 11
A Collaboration Fic between @justanotherloveaffair / @captainsordersfic
Summary: The start of a new life together.
Warnings: None
Word Count: <1k
Chapter Author: Me
Author’s Note: Guys I’m sorry this sucks and is so short. I just ran out of steam completely... I know this story deserved better but I reallllly had a hard time with ending this one and I know it could have been so much better. Ah well. :\ I do have a ‘prequel’ chapter that I want to post which will probably go up soonish.
I want to say a huge thank you to @captainsordersfic for her amazing chapters and work on this!!!! It was an absolute blast to write together. Thank you for gracing me with your amazing talent!
Your name: Submit (what is this?)
My Masterlist
Taglist: @afraiddreamingandloving, @stevesthot, @kumkaniudaku, @nah-imjustfeelinit, @tchallaholla, @a-heretic-child, @simplyyamberr, @wildaboutchrisevans, @fullonfrenzy, @h-challa, @theunsweetenedtruth, @ljstraightnochaser, @90sinspiredgirl, @maverickabull, @big3gocandykahn, @sarahboseman, @airis-paris14, @tacohead13, @blackmissmarvel    
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“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband, and wife. You may now ki-”
The congregation erupted in cheers and laughter as Chadwick didn’t wait for the final, dramatic words before descending onto you, prompting enthusiastic organ music to start, drowning out the flustered pastor who was smiling as he finished his sentence, “uh – kiss the bride!”
You giggled, holding Chadwick’s smiling face inches from yours as you, for a moment, blocked out the three hundred people in the church and pressed towards him for another kiss, mostly getting each other’s teeth in your laughter.
Your walk down the aisle towards the church entrance was a blur of faces; family and friends, your dearest loved ones, each one deserving so much more time than you could give in that fleeting instant.
After the stress of six months of planning, worrying about who should sit by who, just how many of Chadwick’s enormous family to invite, managing awkward interactions and family drama, it had been sometimes easy to forget the purpose of the day itself.
Until that morning. Not a single thing mattered other than finally getting to see and marry the love of your life. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He sparkled and glowed, his nonstop smile like a beam of pure sunlight from the second you appeared in the aisle.
You floated towards him with both feet off the earth and later couldn’t recall anything from that moment other than the feeling of utter joy.
Your attention at the altar waxed and waned, missing some of the pastor’s words and even some of your rehearsed parts, so caught up in staring at him in his tailored black suit and feeling your stomach flip at his beauty, the emotion in his eyes, his irrepressible, gleaming smile.
As you were pulled away for photos, your poor photographer had to contend with you barely paying any attention but later on you were happy to find so many gorgeous shots of you and Chadwick you wanted to frame them all.
When the bridal party joined you for more pictures, you broke away to embrace Penny and Chris tightly before you hurriedly returned to your posing, trying not to laugh at the occasional cheesiness of it, something nearly impossible to do with Chris around who had you all giggling with his jokes and silliness. He was impossible to control and every stern look Penny sent her husband was with an amused lift in the corner of her mouth.
Nobody appreciated the laughter more than you who relished the safe, relaxed company of your closest friends, knowing what awaited you at the reception was a terrifyingly large group of people. You tried not to think about everyone’s eyes being on you, to just roll with it and focus on your new husband, but he caught you anxiously chewing your lip on the way there.
When your driver pulled into the hotel where your reception was, Chadwick asked him to pull around to the side, towards the opposite part of the entrance where you could see groups of people arriving. You shot Chadwick a questioning look but he kissed your hand and said, “Wait here.”
Chadwick left you in the car to walk around to open your door and hold out his hand, as you gathered your chiffon trail into a ball and stepped out to meet him, nervously glancing over to see that you were hidden from view behind the hotel landscaping.
“Come with me.”  He beckoned you towards a little grassy green patch between a few leafy trees that gave you a bit of privacy. 
When you approached, carefully holding your dress, he cupped your face in his palms and did nothing more than smile at you for a few seconds as he rubbed his thumbs gently back and forth over your skin.
“Hey. You okay?”
You breathed out, your anxiety dissolving at his calming energy and the quiet, green space you were in. You didn’t answer, but your shaky breath said everything he needed to know.
“It’s okay. You’re allowed to be anxious and overwhelmed. It’s a lot to take in.” He touched his lips to your forehead, his voice soaking in to you like a soothing balm.
“There’s just so many people in there,” you winced.
He rubbed his hands down your arms soothingly, “and I’ll be right next to you the whole time.”
“Chadwick.” You sighed, and felt his hands climb back up to your cheeks to restore your gaze back to his.
You shook your head, finding your anxiety melting away as you circled your arms around his neck and hung there, looking up at him affectionately.  “You’re an amazing man.”
“You’re pretty okay too I guess.” He smiled, nipping at your lips and you melted into each other for your first private kiss that day, without anyone watching.
Or so you thought.
“Wooo! Yeah, get ‘em Chadwick!”
“Damn girl, you better lock that hottie down! Hooo-eeee!”
You broke apart and whipped around to see Penny and Chris, hands cupped around their mouths as they obnoxiously shouted, hollered and whistled from the front of the hotel. As soon as they saw you looking, they both gave you exaggerated thumbs up gestures and you whirled back to Chadwick, collapsing with embarrassed laughter against his chest while their heckling and wolf-whistling continued.
“Well, I guess that’s our cue to go in,” he bit back his grin and steadied you with his hands on your forearms, and his eyes lovingly swept over your face. “You ready?”
You nodded, feeling your heart swell as he reached out his arm and beckoned, “After you, Mrs. Boseman.”
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shanaanime · 7 years
Santa’s Special Little Helper
                It was the third week of December and the weather was cool and sunny; just the prefect time for Christmas shopping. Doll had been looking forward to this day for months; she saved most of her money from her job since January and had already made a list of people she wanted to get presents for, including her beloved roommate and sister Faith. Doll had never knew what to get Faith for Christmas; whenever Doll would ask Faith what she wanted for Christmas Faith would just answer "The only presents I need is you....and maybe a little wine cellar for the bedroom" Doll would always laugh at that last part because Faith knew how much Doll dislikes Faith drinking habits and would never get her a wine cellar. She sometimes would ask Faith if she would like to do some Christmas shopping together, but Faith was either too tired to go or she had other plans....which was unknown. So this year, Doll didn't even bother asking Faith anything and got herself ready. As soon as she grabbed her bag and reached for the front door, Doll stopped by the sound of Faith's voice. "So, makin' your Christmas rounds this year again Doll? Her cheeks glowed pink-red as she answered "Yes, I always look forward to this year". "So Faith, go any special plans today?" asked Doll. "mmyeah" Faith answered as she shrugged her small boney shoulders. "Well, what is it?" Doll asked again, this time with curiosity; "You know you hardly ever tell me what "special plans" you do while I'm out Christmas shopping. Come on spill it". Faith was nonchalant with her answer "eeee, it's nothing worth telling Doll, trust me. Besides, some mysteries are bested left unsolved." Faith turned to Doll, giving her a silly little smirk; Doll sighed knowing she would not get any clear answers from her. "Well, I better go make my rounds; I'll see ya when I see ya". Doll hugged Faith real tight; Faith didn't mind though, she cherished Doll's warm and safe loving embrace.
              Doll finally made it to the mall, and with plenty of time to spear; She started going through the list of the people she wanted to buy gifts for starting with her parents. Nearly three hours had passed and the mall was building up more and more crowds. Doll had almost finished her list of people to buy presents for. The only person left was Faith; Doll was often unsure of what to get Faith that would make her really happy, even if it was just for one year. Soon Doll noticed a long line of parents with their children waiting to meet Santa Clause. Doll carefully made her in front of the crowd that were surrounding the area where a giant red chair was placed front and center of the mall. A huge banner above said "MERRY CHRISTMAS", the chair was placed between two giant toy soldiers each holding a toy shot gun. Doll smiled as she started taking videos of all the beautiful sights as the crowds waited for the jolly old elf to appear.             As Doll was about to leave the scene, a strange voice suddenly stops her "HELLO THERE BOYS AND GIRLS!!!" It was high pitched, enthusiastic, cheerful; but to Doll, it almost sounded too familiar. Popping out from behind the golden curtain was a small jolly female elf; her cheeks were as red as Santa's, she wore a red and green elf uniform along with a pointy green hat with a white cotton ball at the top. The jolly little elf with the mic introduced herself; "BOY, WE SURE HAVE A LOT A KIDS OUT HERE TONIGHT! HAVE YOU ALL BEEN NICE THIS YEAR?" The children at the mall cheered "YES" hopping around all excited. "WE KNOW YOU ALL CAME TO SEE SANTA TONIGHT; HE'S RUNNING A LITTLE LATE, BUT DON'T YOU WORRY, CUZ SANTA'S COMING TO TOWN!!!" One of the other elves started to play the music "Santa Clause is coming to Town"; the jolly elf lady start singing and then the children joined in along with their parents. Doll couldn't help but to laugh at this silly little elf as she pranced and leaped around for all to see. The children were having so much fun to even notice that it had been at least 20 minutes since they've waited for Santa to arrived.           It was almost an hour and still no sign of Santa Clause; some of the children were a bit concern, while some of the parents were getting a little agitated from waiting; "Hey lady, where's Santa?! One man shouted from the crowd. "We came out here to Santa Clause, not some hopping singing elf!! When the children realized what was going on, they were starting to look disappointed. That man's rude comments really angered Doll; this woman in an elf costume was doing her best to keep the children's spirits bright and joyful, and people like him are complaining because of some fat guy in a red suite is running late?! Doll balled up her fist, shaking it in anger; Doll was about to walk up to the guy to give him an ear full until... "You're right". Doll turned and saw the jolly elf lady who had remain her composer the whole time; "You're absolutely right sir, you all did come out see Santa Clause didn't you?" She still manage to keep her smile going. "And Santa is not the kind of guy who'd let the kids down right? The children looked at each other in agreement, when has Santa ever disappointed any child on Christmas?            One little girl with brown hair and blue eyes slowly stepped up towards the female elf; The jolly elf kneeled down as the little girl approached her. Softly she asked, "E-excuse me miss elf, if I tell you what I want for Christmas, would you pass it onto Santa for me, please? The sparkle in the little girl's eyes made the jolly elf's heart melt; "of course I will my dear" The jolly elf stood up holding her mic. "IF IT'S OKAY WITH YOU PARENTS OUT THERE, I'LL BE HAPPY TO LISTEN TO YOUR KIDS WISHES AND PASS IT ONTO SANTA WHEN HE GETS HERE!" The parents were a bit hesitant at first, but the pleased expression on their children's faces made them give in; besides, it was better than waiting in a crowd of crying children and angry adults. The brown hair little girl was first; "So, want's your name sweet heart?" asked the jolly elf, this time in a soft gentle tone. "Marcy Carmichael" the small child answered. "And what would you like most for Christmas, Marcy?" Marcy whispered into the elf's ear. No one else could hear what Marcy was saying. soon the jolly elf gave little Marcy a great big hug and a candy cane, wishing her a Merry Christmas; as Marcy left the stage, the jolly elf's smiles grew more bigger and brighter than before. Soon a few more children came up one by one requesting the jolly elf what they wanted most for Christmas. Until finally some shouted SANTA'S HERE!!! Everyone turned down to the entrance of the mall and saw Saint Nick walking down seemly tired but maintaining his jolly composer. "SEE KIDS, I TOLD YOU SANTA WAS COMING DIDN'T I!?" The enthusiastic tone within the jolly elf's voice returned once more while the other elves sighed in relief. Santa took his rightful place at the chair waiting for the excited children. Doll was also relieved knowing that everything was back to normal.               It was almost closing time, and Doll had finally finished her Christmas shopping. When she had put all of her gifts in her trunk of her van, she can't but to think about that jolly young elf lady; she was so amazing in keeping the children entertained and happy, even with that jerk guy nearly caused trouble. Even though it was sort of last minute, Doll wanted to do something nice for this person. So she rushed back into the mall to buy a box of dozen holiday donuts and rushed to the center mall where everyone was waiting for Santa, hopefully that the elf lady would still be there. When Doll made it to the center of the mall she recognized some of the people that were in elf costume; she asked them about the jolly elf lady and one of them answered "She's over there with the big guy. As Doll turned her head to that direction she saw the back of a long haired blond woman talking to the sweaty man in the Santa suite. "Boy, you really saved my bacon there; I own ya big." Said the man in the red suite whipping the sweat off his face. "Hey, no problem" the elf woman answered in a familiar nonchalant tone of voice. "Just sorry for kinda takin' the spot light from ya" "Hey, the way you put on that show, how 'bout you be Santa new year? They both laugh hysterically at the thought of someone as small as her playing Santa Clause. "Yeah sounds nice, but I don't think I'd "FIT" the part". The laughter continued.                 When the elf lady finally took off the ears and hat Doll gasped as her eyes widen; she'd quickly recognized that woman from her sarcastic humor down to her long blond hair; it was Faith, Faith was Santa's special little helper. After the man in the red suite left, Doll approached from behind Faith; "So this is what you do when I'm out Christmas shopping huh? Faith frozen as she felt something soft touched behind her back. As she turned and saw Doll's Face she screeched and tried to hide her face in the small elf hat. Doll just softly rubbed the top of Faith's head; as Faith slowly lifted her head from the hat, her face was entirely red with embarrassment. Doll only smiled and kissed her forehead; "I always knew you'd make a great elf" Faith blushed even more, "oh zip it and l-let just go home."            During the ride home Faith remained silent, Doll on the other hand a little smile on her face; "So the elf thing, you've been doing this for how long?" Doll asked with a smirk look on her face. "Just earning a little extra cash on the side okay?" answered Faith still slightly embarrassed about secret double life being revealed. "Fazebear's isn't exactly bringing home the bacon ya know. I wanted to earn more cash so I can get you something special for Christmas." Doll was touched by Faith's answer; Doll knew that Faith would do any for her big sister, but to have the nerve to put on an elf costume and entertain people showed true dedication. "Well, you really looked like you were enjoying yourself, even when things got a little heated.” Faith just smiled and sighed "Well any chance I get to make a child's day worth wild is more then enough for me." Doll knew how much Faith loved being around Children, which was why she started working the day shift at Freddy Fazebear's Pizza. "Speaking of child, what did that Marcy girl told what she wanted for Christmas?" asked Doll. Faith's eyes slowly started to water, "She wanted her Daddy to come home for Christmas."
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endestprana · 7 years
“No chance at all…”
After school. The bell rang as the crowds slowly filled the gateway, much of them heading home, while on the other hand, there was someone a little bit suspicious who’s looking around, eyes zooming as hard as they could, searching for a certain person. The girl, with her signature long hair, the usual hairpin, and also the usual fidgety, was still trying to find this certain person. “Where are you, Yocchan?”
“I can’t believe she really did came to pick me up…” mumbled Yoshiko as she looked through the windows, eyes locked on the now’s a university student in Tokyo
“Don’t be like that, Yoshiko-chan. You know she’s really busy with her study there, right?” Hanamaru softly reminded her friend
“Eeee~ Like that’s true… She’s not busy at all with her study. There’s no one who would spend her evening with three hours of phone call if she’s busy studying, right?” protested Yoshiko
“Wow~ that’s just showed how much she cares about you…!! Now, go to her, I will finish the cleaning for you today.” Hanamaru smiled at her friend
“Nah. I’ll wait until there’s fewer students around.” flatly
“C’mon, Yoshiko-chan. Don’t be a kid and just go. Or do you want me to call her for you?” scolded Hanamaru
“No way! Argh,, fine! I’m off!” with a little bit pouting, Yoshiko went off from the classroom
“I’m not a kid, Riko!”
“But I can’t wait to meet you today, Yocchan!”
“I know. I can see it in your gleaming eyes. Are you sure you’re the same Riko I know in the past?”
“So rude!! Of course it’s the same, Yocchan!”
“Well, well… So, what’s the schedule for today? Do you want to visit my house?”
“Nah, I think I’ll take you to my house, instead.”
“You’re not planning anything stupid, right Riko?”
“Of course not! I just wanted to do something different this month. It’s fine, right?”
“Yeah, not that I mind.”
“Okay, then!”
Riko smiled as she held the hand of her girlfriend, up they go to the bus station. On the other hand, Yoshiko was still worried about her humble fate. She knew it might be ridiculous to even think about it, but she couldn’t just shove the horrid idea off easily. Because it’s Riko we’re talking about. Sakurauchi Riko, the pervert who somehow managed to make her fall in love; so much that Yoshiko herself let the senior did so many things that the junior was sure she would never even thought about it on her own. Just thinking about what happened to her neck a month ago gave her the shiver. “Let’s hope she didn’t plan anything stupid this time…” Yoshiko wished
So, they arrived at the house of the senior. From the looks of it, both of Riko’s parents are out, and maybe that’s why the junior was invited to her house instead. Yoshiko waited for Riko to open the door as she took the grocery for their dinner today. The junior, who’s used to visiting Riko when they were still in the same school, directly went to the kitchen and prepare the food while the senior went off to her room to change her clothes.
“Yocchan, do you want to wear the pink one today? Or the usual grey?” shouted Riko from upstairs as she looked around for a change of clothes for Yoshiko
“The grey one’s fine.” Replied the junior
After a while, Riko finally went down bringing the clothes that Yoshiko used to wear whenever she spent the night at the former’s house. Yoshiko passed the chopsticks to her senior as she took the clothes and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes passed and Riko finished their cooking, she started preparing the table as Yoshiko got out from the bathroom. Riko was a bit surprised when she saw her girlfriend with the hair tied up, nape visible and obviously looked so delicious for Riko who lacked any skinship for a whole one month with her beloved junior. But for today she swore to herself that she would not going to assault Yoshiko, and with a little bit of regret, Riko could only avert her eyes back to the direction of TV she wanted to turn on just now.
“So, how’s your college, Riko? Is it fun?”
“It’s fun. There’s so many things to do and it’s all new. The library also has a lot of books I never read!”
“Hoo~ so, did you make any friends?”
“Not so many.”
“What about your club?”
“I didn’t joined any.”
“Well, I don’t want to spend my evening without talking to you, Yocchan!!” Riko smiled and it caught Yoshiko off guard, now the junior’s face was a bit red
“Hey, Yocchan… Can I ask you something?”
“Did you feel lonely when I’m not with you?”
“Well, sometimes… But we talked everyday so…”
“What did you do whenever you’re feeling lonely, Yocchan? Did you immersed yourself with my doll I gave you last year?”
“No, I’m not! I’m not a pervert like you, Riko! Well, I would just looked through our pictures and playing videos we took in the past…”
“Ehhh~ I thought for sure that you would do the same as me, Yocchan. Too bad~”
“Not everyone is a pervert like you, Riko!” Yoshiko scolded her senior as she took her face, she held the cheeks of her beloved, eyes looking straight at the senior’s. “I missed you, Lily…”
*Thump* “Here it comes! The switch’s on!” Riko said to herself inside as she recognized the pattern of her not-so-honest girlfriend who tend to act like an adult nowadays. Riko’s heart was beating fast as she tried to hold herself from assaulting the super cute little creature in front of her.
“Did you miss me?”
“O-Of course, Yocchan…”
“Did you always miss me…?”
“Y-Yes, Yocchan…”
“Are you sure?”
“Not lying?”
“Not lying.”
The sound of the TV was long gone as Riko’s brain filled with so many scenarios of what would happened next. She knew that whenever Yoshiko became like this, not even her sanity could hold her back from kissing her girlfriend like crazy. But today, she must hold on. She mustn’t let herself loose and destroy all the hard works she did for this day. She must make it real. She must make it so that today she’s the one who would be assaulted by the junior. Well, just thinking about her plan becoming a reality was enough to make Riko hold off her lust.
“Lily…” mumbled Yoshiko
“What is it, Yocchan…?”
“Lily……” she continued
“Yes…?” the beating inside Riko wasn’t stopping at all
“I want Lily to kiss her angel…” Yoshiko softly told the senior as she drew her face closer to the latter
*Thump*Thump* “Kyaaaaaaaaa~~~~ Yocchan!!!!!!! You meanie!!! How can I hold myself back if you’re asking me cutely like that!!!!!? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~” Riko shouted inside her head. On one side, she praised herself for being able to turn on the switch of the junior, while on the other side she cursed herself for having such short self-control
“I want Lily to hug her angel…, hug her…, hug her tight…, never letting go…, kiss her…, until she’s full of love from Lily…” and at this point Riko knew that one more sentence from her girlfriend would mark the assault she would definitely launched without a care for the earlier promise to herself “Will Lily fulfill her angel’s wish…?”
And as Riko had suspected, without a moment’s hesitation she went for the lips, not even a reply was being given to the junior. Well, the junior herself looked really happy as she joyfully enjoying the affection showered by her senior. Riko hugged Yoshiko tightly, hands locking the face of her beloved, not wanting to let go, eyes closed for a better excitement (Riko’s preference), and her tongue wildly dancing inside the mouth of her junior.
“I missed you so much, Yocchan… I missed you so much I might be dying if I can’t kiss you like this today…”
“Me too, Lily… I love you so much, Lily…”
The moaning escalated as both of the girls started to unhook the bra of their beloved. And after roughly two hours, the ‘reunion’ finally calmed down. Now tired, both girls sat on the couch, Riko hugged the junior from the back, holding Yoshiko’s hands tightly.
“You’re really ferocious, Riko… What should I do to cover this kiss mark on my neck?” said Yoshiko as she bit the tip of her girlfriend’s nose
“It’ll disappear in the meantime, Yocchan… don’t worry!” Riko smiled softly
“I hope so…” Yoshiko relaxed herself once again inside the hug of her beloved
“Hey, Yocchan…?”
“Why did you pretend not to notice me in the school today? Are you embarrassed for having a girlfriend like me?”
“Of course not, Riko! How could you thought of me so low like that!!!? That’s not it at all!!”
“Then why?”
“W-Well, you know how I acted whenever you’re around, right? I-I just don’t want people to see that side of me… I just wanted you to know about that side of me, Riko… I’m sorry for hurting you like that, okay…?” Yoshiko’s face was as red as tomato
“So cute!!!!! Kyaaaaa~” Riko bear hug her girlfriend while the latter tried to break free
“I’m not cute!”
“But you’re this cute, Yocchan!”
“I’m only like this when I’m with you, okay!? Don’t you ever get it wrong, Riko!!!”
And so, as Riko’s switch once again turned on, she went to kiss her girlfriend, intending to continue from where they left off and if possible, until morning.
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