#hetalia group au
crepegosette · 2 years
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new au just dropped
denisa and co. are a bunch of detectives that go around eastern europe solving stuff. their latest call is a a nunnery that was burned down "due to mysterious circumstances" 
cue creepy shenanigans and a encounter with a vengeful spirit
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nyo!bulgaria *holds a pot of yogurt with a disappointed look* : if I can't make the best yogurt, nobody would want to marry me! :'(
romania: I'd marry you, your yogurt-making skills don't matter to me! :D
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koolkat9 · 1 year
Parent Support Group AU
Time to move onto the kiddos.
You can find the info about the parents here. Also check the reblogs of the post too because I added some parents through that. 
Let’s start with ages
Peter: infant (no older than 1 but probably younger)
Kugel: Also an infant like Peter
Luxembourg (I don’t have a human name for him): 2
Ludwig: 3/4 
Erika (Liechtenstein): 4
Feliciano: 4
Alfred and Matt: 5
Emma (Belgium): 5
Kiku: 6
Romano: 6
I’m also adding Emil: 15/16 and he volunteers at the daycare portion of the meeting because he needs a certain amount of hours to graduate. 
Okay with that out of the way. Let’s get into what it’s like for these kids at the daycare. Basically whenever a new parent joins the group they introduce the kids to each other before heading to their meeting. 
Arthur is still fairly new to the group like Gilbert and Gilbert is wearing a t-shirt with a band Arthur likes so maybe he’s finally found a possible friend in this sea of parents who look at him like he’s a fuck up (they actually don’t, but he thinks he’s a fuck up so he thinks everyone else sees him like that). Anyway, Arthur tries to get the boys together but Alfred refuses to come away from the toys so it’s just Matthew and Ludwig who are introduced to each other at first. 
Arthur warns that Matthew is shy and doesn’t talk much and Gilbert assures him “it’s okay. Luddy here is the same.” 
And the little boys instantly connect. No words. Not even gestures. There is just this unspoken understanding that “Hey! You’re like me.” And they go off together. Ludwig plays with blocks while Matt plays with some plastic animals. Ludwig gets excited and shows Mattie his tower. Aww maybe Ludwig builds Matthew’s animals houses. 
Feliciano and Alfred probably also gravitate to each other because they are both bubbly and talkative. Though Feli ends up making friends with everyone to some extent. Feli is probably how Alfred got introduced to everyone.
Alfred and Kiku bond over Pokémon and become like best friends despite Kiku being wary of him at first. Kiku already has a massive collection and he brings it to show Alfred and Al is just floored. Al probably only knows the anime, so Kiku maybe gives Al a card to get him started. 
Like I said in another post I think things are actually tense between Feli and Ludwig at first because Feli doesn’t know how to approach Ludwig without making him uncomfortable. Thinking more about it, I’m thinking maybe the two of them finally make a break through one day when Matt has to stay home sick and Ludwig is devastated. Feliciano can tell he’s very upset and wanted to do something. He’s picked up on how Matthew and Ludwig play: not really together but they do an activity beside each other and occasionally come together to show what they are doing. So Feli suggests that he and Ludwig should make get well cards for Matthew and give them to Mr. Kirkland before he and Al leave. So Feli and Ludwig draw for most of their time together. Feli even teaches him how to draw some things. Drawing eventually becomes something they do together regularly. 
Erika for awhile was the only girl. She played with Feli and Kiku sometimes, but often times she stuck to Erzsébet’s side and helped her get snacks and stuff. Eventually a new parent comes in and brings along another little girl named Emma. Erika is shy and worries that she won’t make a good first impression. Luckily Erzse helps them break the ice. 
Lux is really young so it’s hard to play with the other kids sometimes. There is not much else I can say right now other than that he always follows his big sister around.
While everyone breaks off into friend groups, Roma is kind of left out. Everyone seems to get along, some of course hang out with others more, but no one ever seems to want to hang out with Roma. Emil sees this and keeps him company when he can. Roma thinks Emil is so cool because he’s a teenager and wants to hangout with him. 
But now I feel bad Roma doesn’t have kids around his age to hangout with...Hmm...I guess we could get Afonso and Antonio in here? WAIT NO! We can do Carlos (Cuba). Carlos and him bond. And then Roma gets to know Mattie because Carlos is also friends with Mattie. I don’t know who will be Carlos’s guardian but we’ll figure it out later 
Emil really doesn’t want to be there tbh. He’s a teen after all. But he needs volunteer hours for high school and since his uncles are the ones running it, it was an easy in. The kids like him though because he talks to them like their people (I don’t know if this makes sense, but you know how some adults talk to kids and like...talk down to them. Not on a purposefully malicious way, but like...they talk very differently to kids and it’s like they don’t understand what kids are capable of). But I think it would be cute if he warms up to the position and when he’s deciding on what he wants to do after high school he decides to be a teacher or work in child care in some way. 
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dolceminerva97 · 23 days
Había leído por ahí que según parece en una tira de hetalia Francia había llorado???¿¿ por la salida de Inglaterra de la UE. TBH prefiero mil veces tu hc donde es la burla de Europa. Cada día más alejada del canon de Hetalia GRACIAS a Dios 🙏
CÓMO QUE VA A LLORAR EL FRANCISCO POR ESO, habrá llorado pero de risa KJJJJJJJ 😭😭😭😭😭
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The Southern Sun
He was eight when England found him.
Or at least he looked it.
A child, with ancient eyes and a hollow face, darting this way and that in the hustle of a still struggling settlement, offering quick smiles to harden men who turned away and soft grins to weary women who shook their heads.
There was a fundamental truth that he was unable to ignore, at the core of these new people with milky white skin. The grim determination of how they approached their tasks, and the still raw marks around their wrists betrayed them.
They did not want him.
Oh, they wanted his land. His fields of golden green, the forest and trees that had been looked after by his people for centuries, carefully moulded to fit a way of life and ecosystem that had held for thousands of years- they wanted that.
But these people, brought here on floating monster’s made of wood and steel, were not here by choice.
“A prison,” he had heard a man with angry eyes say, as he was standing quietly outside a building unlike any he had ever seen, which had people by the dozen go in and come out stumbling over themselves like baby joeys after first leaving their mother’s pouch. “And a damn good one at that. Where the fuck else would we go? We’re at the end of the fucking world, and starving half to death because of it.”
“Oh come off it,” said his companion, light eyes and hair a strange curiosity in the dulling twilight of the day. “Besides, how long you got ‘till you’re free as a whistle? Two years, three? Then you can hop right back home, and leave the rest of us poor bugger’s in this dump.”
The first man grunted, and pulled himself up with a thump, movements sluggish and uncoordinated. “If I survive the fucking trip back.” He muttered darkly, and then the two moved out into the night, following the dirt paths the new people had made to connect their buildings of wood and stone.
The conversation had frightened him, something ancient and not entirely human crying out in pain, and he had darted back to safety, his Wiradjuri peoples welcoming him with delighted eyes and soft smiles as always, a calming balm over the hurt and confusion of his own limited understanding of the new ones.
He stayed with his peoples for many turns of the moon, unable to wonder through the Songlines as he would usually do and travel to each nation indiscriminately, a deep pit in his belly slowly forming as he watched more and more people arrive on floating monsters, all with the same look in their eye.
Of world-tired bitterness, of hunger for what he had and what he could give them. A lust not for flesh but for land. It scared him, the violence that seemed to hum at their bidding, a self-ensured right that they knew best.
He rarely travelled into their settlement like he had at the beginning, curiosity emboldening him then where fear replaced it now, as the strange collection of buildings expanded rapidly. He watched as trees were cut down for their houses, and critical hunting grounds were divided up for their farms.
He watched, but unlike the ways of those he had known before his first breath, they did not plant seedlings to replace those they had taken, nor switched fields to allow the game that had been slaughtered to replenish, and his people went to bed with their stomachs unfilled.
These people lived by him, through his resources and at the expense of his own, and yet he could only find a glimmer of their lifeforces on the edges of his consciousness, loyalty strong to a homeland across the sea they spoke of with a bitter envy, nostalgia and longing heavy on their tongues as if they had not been placed here by the same very people.
“Britain, well, England to be precise.” A mother patted her child’s head, absentmindedly answering his question of home as she hung drying clothes out in the sun. “One day we’ll return, after your Pa serves his bit and gets his letter, and I’ll show you where we grew up. You’ve never seen a greener sight than that countryside!”
And then she looked at the sun soaked brown and green bush that surrounded them, a wrinkle in her nose, and he drew back from where he lingered, just another face in the crowd, and was startled to realise that his cheeks burned with shame at her disregard.
Why would he care what this woman thought of him?
But he had a name to the mysterious homeland, and only after a terrible sickness grew through his peoples, wiping out so many that some nights he found his body crying blood with no wounds, he found a face to it as well.
He came from across the waters like his people, blond spikey hair and deep green eyes framed with bushy eyebrows, and he knew as soon as the nation stepped foot off his boat, that time had run out.
There was no point in hiding, and they met a little outside the settlement of Sydney, underneath hardy gum trees.
Green eyes met and he suddenly became conscious of the slow changes that had occurred on his body, the lightening of his skin and the thickening of his brows and saw the reasons why plainly in the other’s own features.
“New South Wales, I presume?” A thick accent he had heard from so many of the people that now occupied him haloed his words, and he had the urge to shout:
No! No! I am not this punishment you have made, this mockery of my lands. I am the Dharug of the coast, the Wiradjuri of the bush, the Mardu of the desert! I am all these and thousands of more, culture and language brimming under my fingertips and painting my insides!
But his tongue faltered in the face of the power this man emulated, at his raised eyebrow from the continued silence, and he realised that these words he imagined had been in English, not one of the thousands he could have called his own before.
“Yes,” he said softly, and his own cowardice made him want to burn, hotter than even the harshest sun in his summers. “I’m New South Wales.”
The nation across from him smiled, not particularly pleasant in any way, before nodding. “And I am England. You’ll be coming with me, I think.”
There was no room to argue, and so New South Wales did as he was bid, head low and heart lower.
Historical Notes:
1.  “Looked after by his people for centuries, carefully moulded to fit a way of life and ecosystem that had held for thousands of years.”  Aboriginal settlement and culture has been dated back to around 60,000 years, and the system of land management used was complex and careful, even contrasted with modern Australia’s attempts. Burn patterns were used to stimulate growth in both plants and animal populations as well as prevent bush fires. This was called “fire-stick farming”. If you want to know more, Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe is a good place to start.
2. “Starving half to death” The first fleet (the one that landed in 1788) faced mass starvation like many first colonies set up around the world due to the unfamiliar climate, spoilt seed from England and the earth’s soil not being compatible with traditional crops.
3. “If I survive the fucking trip back” The conditions of the convicts brought on the first fleet were… not good, to put it lightly. And I couldn’t fit it in the fic, but the cost back to England anyway was pretty high, because of the geographical location.
4. The Wiradjuri Nation was one of the largest Aboriginal Nation’s closest to the Sydney basin. The peoples had many (sometimes violent) interactions with the first settler’s.
5. Songlines- These were the Aboriginal walking routes that crossed the country, linking important sites and locations. They describe the features and directions of travel in a song that had to be sung and memorised for the traveler to know the route to their destination.
6. “They did not plant seedlings to replace those they had taken…” The sustainability of Aboriginal Peoples on the land was well known. Country was and is an important part of both cultural and spiritual connections.
7. “Get’s his letter…” She’s talking about a “Certificate of Freedom” which would allow travel back to Britain. The father probably already has a “Ticket to Leave” which allowed convicts to work for themselves provided that they remained in a specified area.
8.“Terrible sickness” This was of course smallpox, which like in the America’s significantly impacted the native population. Up to around 70% of the native population died.
9. “New South Wales.” What, you say? Isn’t Australia’s name Australia? Not until 1817, officially! Australia was just known as the colony of New South Wales for a while, until English explorer Matthew Flinders, who was the first to circumnavigate the continent in 1803, used the name 'Australia' to describe the continent on a hand drawn map in 1804. The name “Australia” was officially adopted in 1817 after a recommendation by Governor Lachlan Macquarie to the British Colonial Office.
10. “I am the Dharug of the seaside, the Wiradjuri of the bush, the Mardu of the desert!” I chose these three Nations (it is incorrect terminology to call them tribes or clans) randomly, to showcase the wide variety of Peoples and Nations. IT MUST BE NOTED THERE ARE MANY INDIGENOUS NATIONS ACROSS AUSTRALIA, all with different cultures, language and heritage. I’ll link a map of Indigenous Australia, because I think the visual imagery is worth understanding it.
Please, if anyone has any criticisms or thinks this is disrespectful in anyway, let me know! I have tried my best to represent accurately what this time period was like, and don’t mean to offend anyone.
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cowboy-robooty · 2 years
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LISTEN TO MY AU, BOY. zomggg check it out okay dish is mai hetalia middle school au ^_^ hope u like how half these draws are literally over two years old but i spliced in like two new images rodf. OKAY ANYWAYS THO. so in this au everyones a 7th or 8th grade because i love violence
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Italy - Fucking Idiot. Besties with germany since forever cuz germany was/is autistic asf so he had mad trouble talking to people without sounding aggressive and italy is a fucking idiot who does not give a single shit. they bonded over germany being so fucking disgusted by italy eating grass and glue at lunch that he'd share half of his own lunch wif him and then told that his lunch tasted like his grandmas dentures <3 love wins. been in a friend group wif germany and japan since elementary school teehee!!!!
- Romano - twin brother (yes theyre twins here but romano is still older by matsuno rules) o' italy yeah romano already acts like hes 12 in canon theres nothin else to add
- America - unfortunately cursed with brother of england disease (god bless his soul) motherfucker also already acts like hes 12 in canon tf why do all these characters already act this way. okay but fr tho hes chill hes cool hes a weeb asf tho but pretty close to japan since they bond after school cuz america and englands parents drive china and japan home with them since china and japan's parents are too busy with work so china and japan just hang out at their house. Japan's forced to be apart of englands band but always ends up hanging out with america (because he actually has fun with him) despite how england keeps trying to say america cant hang out with them because hes a 7th grader
8th graders
- Japan - Straight A student as always but hes also the gateway for all the weeaboo infections at school. he introduced america to nico nico douga and hasnt recovered since. he tried to make takoyaki in the school restrooms once because he wanted everyone people to hopefully like them and stop making fun of him for loving balls (world peace will be achieved if i EVERYONE loves balls not just me) but unfortunately everyone kept buying only the pancakes :(((((( older cousin is china (they live in the same house basically tho cuz family lives close together n all). japans in 8th grade with him because he skipped a grade lol yeah japans 12 just like germany and italy
- England - Lead singer of his rock band "The Brapples" (fucking stupid ass name based off the beatles). its an after school garage band consisting of him, japan, and china but they dont even make any music they just hang out bc its hard to do punk songs with a keyboard on classic piano mode and a violin. He acts like hes a big punk rebel cool boy and all and wears cool jackets but hes actually a good two shoes snitch who is the only hall monitor at school because nobody wants to work wif him rodf. literally a fucking menace will rat out anybody instantly unless you bribe him and then he snitches on you for bribing. he tried to go for student council president but literally everybody agrees hes so fucking obnoxious fuck this bitch fr. dont get me wrong tho i luv england rodf hes the kid who everyone fucking hates but hes still accepted in da class friend group albiet with the role of "that friend nobody likes". the dee reynolds of the group if you will
- 7th and 8th graders have mixed P.E. together and everyone has last block P.E. yayyy everyones together!1!!1
- 7th and 8th graders also have mixed lunch together but 6th graders have their own seperate lunch
- prussia spain and france are the mfs who make pancakes in the school restroom
- japan draws ship doujins of germany x italy for cash (all his art looks like the classic how to draw manga books) he sells his doujins for a dollar and everyones thinking theyre getting a little stale but have faith okay americas helping him with his next one to bring new concepts!1!1!1! italy thinks its funnie and likes being drawn hot asf and germany acts scandalized but goes "BUT- WELL WHO AM I TO DISCOURAGE YOU FROM PURSUING THE ARTS.......... and uhm. as the subject matter i should see how youre portraying me as well so you got any spare copies-"
- germany has a secret crush on italy fr and italy doesnt have a crush but does want to marry and travel the world with germany and live with him forever. he doesnt think thats a crush
- they all use human names within the au rodf but for this info post i use country names since thats easier to keep track of
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milaisreading · 8 months
Hetalia AU:
Axis and Allies arguing who Yn likes the most. Hungary and Austria grew tired and questioned her while they were listening in:
Hungary: Ok, who cooks the best?
China and France thinking: Me!
Yn: I like Finland's food a lot! It's so good!
Austria: Ok... And, who do you think is the strongest?
Germany and Russia, thinking: Me!Me!Me!
Yn: I think either Sweden or Denmark. Both are equally strong, so I don't know exactly
Hungary, feeling the group's mood drop: And... Who do you think is the most fun to be around?
Italy and America, thinking: Me!
Yn: Definitely Denmark and Norway. Norway's magic tricks are a sight to see!
England, grumbling: I know magic as well.
Austria, sweating nervously: Ok, but who is the cutest?
Japan, China, and Italy, thinking: Now this will be me-
Yn: Iceland! He is such a baby! He is so precious with Mr. Puffin
Austria and Hungary:...We are dead...
Yn: Huh?
Hungary: NOTHING!!
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h-ayata · 2 months
Violet's full introduction post!
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𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐥
• In 2019 I created Violet for rp group on Wattpad. I didn't think that her concept would survive a week let alone a few years. She was a personification of Bora-Bora – a beautiful, little island, a part of French Polynesia. I absolutely fell in love with Tahitian culture and researched every detail of it. Every war, every event, every political thing, language, music, food and list go on and on. But when we ( me and my gf) decided to part ways with Hetalia and personifications I simply couldn't leave all of this behind. So when I created her human version I stuffed her life with "Easter eggs", kept few of her old habits, favorite things etc. She's still very much this exotic island in her heart. It's stuck with her and it's stuck with me. 🌺 but now I honestly think of her as of my magnum opus. Every single one of my ocs are special to me, but she was with me the longest and I tortured her the most.
Human au! ♥︎
The action in this one takes place specifically in Paris so the main plot is concentrated within this city border. Francis and Violet lived as neighbors in one block of flats for some time now. They weren't friends by any means, acquaintances at best but they just exchanged 'hello' most of the times. Everything changed when Viola found a mold growing in her apartament and she had to move out for some time for professional staff to handle the fungi situation. But our girl didn't have anywhere to go.
This is where our blonde doll comes into action as he learns about her struggle during a casual chitchat. He suggests her moving in with him for the month or so, as long as she needs to handle this issue. And that's how these two became roommates and started learning more about their interesting lives
𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:🫧
Name&surname: Violet Louise Ansel
Age: 25yo
Height: 171 cm/5'8 f
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: 29/07/1998
Zodiac sign: Leo
Mbti: ENFJ-A
"Awh, come on, rock your body!"
Violet is a yound lady, raised in the countryside. Yet, she always dreamed of having a prosperous career in a big city - and this wish came true.
At the age of 18 girl moved to her own flat in Paris, gifted from her grandparents. The career of her choice was landscape architecture, and turned out to be a perfect match for someone who hates dullness and is full of energy, just like her. Such job made use of Violet's passion for gardening which begun when she was very little, growing, surrounded by rural flora.
The woman is ambitious by nature and won't give up on he. goals easily, blonde will claw her way through if needed. Even a big amount of work did not stop Violet from taking part in all kinds of social gatherings with her friends. Dance floor is her second home, and numerous drinks only encourage her to continue having fun, which seems to never end. After all, you can't overwork yourself - everyone needs a break once in a while.
But it is not events that occupy the first place in the blonde's heart- her special love for deep waters and the stars comes first. Despite her love for living in a big, lively city, she appreciates her childhood filled up with quiet, where she could observe the surfaces of lakes and seas. That's why the french lady eagerly studies marine life, trying to expand her knowledge on this topic as much as possible. However, she can escape with her thoughts not only to the depths of the seas but also to the sky, looking for constellations. She really tries to find time to care for herself, but overall- she's overworked and most of the evenings not so sober.
In terms of relationships' side of Violet's life, the romantism is deeply rooted in her personality. She's a big tease, but flirts and little loving gestures are basically her daily routine, not to mention her passion for spoiling her signifiant other with gifts of all kind, from small and handemade to more costy ones. Despite all that she never loses her feisty personality - blonde shows no problem with stating her opinions and confidently standing for them. Even if it means quarreling with her beloved. This woman just cant stand losing - that is both her greatest asset and biggest flaw.
𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆/𝘂𝗽-𝘁𝗼-𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲🫧
Violet was raised in a small village two hours away from Paris. Blonde has a little sister- Brigitte, a 16 year old girlie who's much more of a loner than her older sister. Her parents have their businesses, and her grandma was a singer in the 60's. She was ripped between two different lifestyles: her grandparents- rich, classy and elegant while her parents were wild, free-spirited and more laid back. She was a wild child.
In Paris she started making new friends in collage, dated a few people who left her bruised and hurt, but she wasn't a saint either. She can be a heartbreaker and a seducer, but claimed she meant no harm. Every one of her exes left something in her, she changed under their influences.
At the beginning of the story, she broke up with her girlfriend Marie. Violet got cheated on, it hurt more than she thought cause she believed that girl was her endgame. Two weeks after that she discovered that in her apartment is growing mold. Thankfully her neighbor saved her and let this girlfailure stay under his roof. It was very beneficial because the woman was still a few steps away from her original home- so she could borrow clothes, work supplies and everything.
She and her ragdoll cat moved in with Francis and slept on his couch. It was very awkward at first. Violet wasn't herself- not so cheerful and flirty. She stared to become a little depressed, drink too much, work late just to occupy her mind. And the job of an architect is hard, so she overworked herself for weeks. She wasn't looking for any relationship. Francis stared to become her friend and that was all she needed. He cared about her and she started to feel better. But who knows, maybe there is something to it?
𝗔 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀🫧
—She has a cat. A ragdoll cat named Grzyb. He is a male cat, with beautiful, fluffy white and brown fur and blue eyes. He is also a very lazy, grumpy and "not give a fuck" creature. She loves him deeply but claims she hates him. But Grzyb is the most spoiled cat I've ever seen.
—When you look at her you could see that she has money. You can see her in white furs, suits, classy dresses, designer clothes and lots of jewelry. But also in sweats and plain tops. But does she really have that much money? Well
—Her favorite cuisines are French, Italian and Japanese. (On Bora Bora that's how ppl are describing their dishes)
—She loves fishes, sharks and marine life in general. Has a famous IKEA shark in her room. But she also looks up at the sky and does research on the cosmos and stars.
—Violet loves music, she dances and sings. Not professionaly but her grandma Vivien teached her as a kid. That's why she adores Jazz music and has a gramophone in her apartment with her grandma's vinyl records.
—Girl is OBSESSED with flowers and plants in general. Trip to the store= new pot on he shelf. Her apartment is filled with them and soon Francis's home was the same. He enjoyed it. Probably. Maybe. But her favorite flower is a hibiscus.
—She's sensitive about her age and appearance. Violet just wants to be young and beautiful forever.
—Her favorite pets are bunnies.
—She really adores calling Francis a "doll". She thinks he looks like one. I mean come on, blonde, pale with those eyes. Pretty, delicate face and body. Speaks for itself.
—Her favorite part of the day is the shower time. Or a bath, she tends to fall asleep in the bathtub when she's too tired. But she also loves to workout at home or at the gym. She says it's the best way to get the frustration out of her body.
—She loves color purple, green, red and orange. Funny enough- orange is her favorite fruit.
—She's too confident sometimes but that's on her ego. She will say the most unhinged things just to be right and win.
Also that's how her wardrobe looks like! Inspo ofc
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If anyone survived and even read that I'm so grateful!! ♥︎♥︎ I hope you enjoy my content! I have a few more characters in this au so I will be posting them as well ^-^
I'm open for questions and stuff!
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hetagrammy · 28 days
Hetalia Playlist Masterlist 🎵
British Isles Fam & Anglo Fam
Eigyr - Mama Brit
Alasdair - Scotland
Seán - Northern Ireland
Molly - Ireland
Alwyn - Wales
Arthur - England
Alfred - America
Matthew - Canada
Italian Fam
Lovino - Southern Italy
Feliciano - Northern Italy
Others (to be grouped)
Emma - Belgium
Tolys - Lithuania
Kiku - Japan
AU Playlists
Regency AU
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hetaliaminidoodles · 4 months
Hetalia au where everything's the same except the micronations physical age reflect sealand's age lol.
Let's call it the micronations ages make a bit more since AU /J
Like example
Sealand is physically 12-13 (hima said he designed sealand to look like he went up a grade so sealand may be like physically 13 or something lol) yet is one of the oldest besides seborga
In this au , almost everyone's physical age has now changed.
Information about the au under cut lol.
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Sealand keeps his same cannon physical , same as seborga.
So sealand is 12 to 13 physically
That's cannon. He's the age that everyone else's are based around this AU. He's like the leader. Give him some kouhais' that look younger than him than some that look way older than him lol. He deserves it.
OK the other micronations, the ones we've been with and the newer ones that have just appeared
Seborga gets the same physical age
He's the only one of the micronations that looks and is physically older than sealand nation wise. He gets to keep his physical age lol. Some older teen hanging around some elementy and middle schoolers lol
Hutt is physically the same as sealand now
So he's physically 12
I mean their year of creations is only like 3 years apart. It wouldn't make sense if we wasn't at least the same physical age as sealand. I wish he was in Canon but even the nations in Canon don't understand the physical aging system.
This means kugelmugel's physical age gets to say the same.
His growth is still stunted, due to not technically being a micronation (same with Hutt river : they bond over that)
Molossia is now physically like 10 or so.
This is where the physical ages curve from sealand's physical age abit. I find it funny if molossia is younger than someone like kugelmugel , it's cute. Like this essentric kid is like older than him in everyway
( I'm just thinking of House Of Winter (A hetalia fangame) and how things would probably be the same way in that cannon , but just imagine kids around the same age fighting makes it a bit sadder)
Molossia's personality fits his in cannon physical age but I think it would be pretty interesting on him if we was physically 10.
Aerica is now physically 10 aswell
Him and molossia are only 10 years apart in a nation standpoin so it'd make sense that they'd be around the same age physically aswell.
Ladonia is physically 10
He acts like a 10 year old in cannon so I beleive he's like 10 or so physically as well. He's younger than sealand and mostly everyone else in micronations that have an appearance in hetalia
Wy is physically 8
Look at her. She's physically 8 in my opinion. That or 9.
Now onto the new microntions.
I know the joke is that slowjamastan is younger than wy but looks older but I think it would've been really cool if he looked like an 8 year old , simular to wy.
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Slowjamastan was actually the inspiration for this au. I just want wy to be happy, give her someone that makes her look like a proper senpai.
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Stomaria and domain are also 8 in this au. I understand why they're so "old in appearance" (alot of people seem to "know" what they're doing when making nations/HJ) but come on , the micronations are so much more younger than actual countries. It be cool if they were just kids or something lol.
Ha , seborga's like the designated babysitter of the group now.
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zakuramochi · 7 months
Thank you so much for translating all Gangsta Hetalia chapters so quickly 😭😭
And what do you think of them? 💌
Sorry for the late reply…! (I’m very slow with messages most times, my bad. 💦)
To be honest my translations are very rough, the only thing I can boast about is speed. 😂✨ I’m very happy they’re helpful to you…!
As for my opinion on this new series; I love it so much! You can see the love and joy Hima-sensei put into this storyline, especially the worldbuilding. I really love how instead of country personifications, they’re more like representatives/leaders of a group. It makes the characters feel human, which was the part I enjoyed the most about the cast to begin with.
It unlocks so many new doors for new content! Talking about real life events in lighthearted ways has become extremely complicated these days, so it must have been difficult for Hima-sensei to keep doing that without receiving any backlash. Now that he’s found a new and creative way to showcase the beauty of the world through an AU, I think Hetalia will be have an easier time being it’s own series instead of a medium for satire.
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koolkat9 · 1 year
@bluudpop you have inspired me to expand on the human au with these tags though I diverge from them quite a bit...
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Okay! Starting with Gil. Actually I don't think he's divorced or was ever married. He had Ludwig young like 16/17 either because he was pressured into sex by his girlfriend or because he was having a religious crisis and he had sex as a way to try to break free from the church.
Anyway, the girl ends up pregnant and her parents are not happy. Gil's dad (Germania) is also not happy, but he at least realizes that there is no changing this so he makes sure his son is involved through the pregnancy. The girl's parents are hard on her and as much as Gil tries to make his house a safe space for her, as soon as the baby is born, she dumps the baby on Gilbert and makes a run for it.
Luckily Gilbert has the support of his dad through it all. Until his dad suddenly passes away when Gilbert is 20 and little Ludwig is only 3/4. Gil no longer has that safety net. It's just him and Ludwig and now he's completely responsible for Ludwig's well being. Not to mention he's mourning his father who was that figure always there for him (Gil's mom died before he was 3).
Very lost and with a pile of money from his dad, he moves to a small town, opens up a mechanic shop. He finds out there is a parent support group at the recreation center and decides to go. It also has a daycare type thing while the parents talk so it would be good to get Ludwig socializing since that has been a struggle.
I've been actually wait for an au where Fr//Uk divorces and Arthur is put the position of being the primary caregiver. Anyway, Arthur actually was married, but he's currently getting divorced from Francis. They had adopted the twins together, but it just added strain on their already strained relationship and they both knew that it was in the best interest of the kids that they separate. But it's hard on Arthur because he really loved Francis, they were together since highschool, spend college together. Now he's alone and he starts being the primary caregiver to the twins as Francis becomes more and more distant. Francis sees the kids yes, but they become more like an uncle/aunt.
One five year old child is a handful and two feels impossible. He's at least lucky Matthew is a well behaved child. Quiet, keeps to himself, has some issues with some of his clothing (sensitive to texture) and socially he seems to struggle, but otherwise never causes any fuss. Al on the other hand his bouncing off the walls, with a nose for trouble, consuming all of Arthur's time. Arthur is missing how Matthew is struggling and Matt feels kind of cast off to the side.
And Arthur is not doing mentally well. His mental health has rarely ever been good, but the divorce and parental stress has sent him spiraling. Oh. I just had a bad but juicy idea. Arthur having an issue with alcohol and gets blackout drunk with the twins around. Alastair catches wind of it and is absolutely pissed. But Dylan steps in, gives Arthur the ultimatum of getting help for his alcoholism or they'll take the kids. Of course Arthur chooses to get help (reluctantly, but still, those kids mean the world to him). Alastair doesn't trust him and basically moves in and helps him with the boys.
Dylan finds the parent support group and encourages Arthur to go. Arthur doesn't want to, but Dylan convinces him some way. And that's how Arthur ends up at the support group with Gil.
I want to add more parents but I don't know who...Feel free to suggest more parents because these are like the only two family units I have a lot of thoughts about.
I'll talk more about the kids in another post
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✏️Hetalia Fanfics Writers Ask Game✏️
1. Do you write solely for Hetalia or do you write for other fandoms
2. Favourite character to write
3. What characters is the most challenging to write
4. What character do you want to write but haven't
5. What do you keep in mind when writing a particular character
6. What ships have you written for?
7. Best comment or Feedback on a fic?
8. What is your process when writing
9. Strange things you've had to research for Hetalia fanfiction
10. Do you write canon verse or AU
11. Do you write historical Hetalia
12. What's a time period or historical event you have either written or want to write
13. What character took the most research
14. Any fic writers that inspire you or you look up to?
15. How many fics have you written
16. What fic is your favourite? Which one do you want to disown?
17. Do you write rarepairs
18. Where do you find inspiration?
19. Longest fic
20. Shortest fic
21. What fic has the most kudos why do you think that is
22. What fic of yours deserves more love
23. Any fic that was received differently than you first expected
24. What frustrates you about writing for the fandom
25. Have you written anything you would have never thought you would write in a million years
26. Any Hetalia AUs that live rent free in your head
27. What headcanons are essential in your writing?
28. Do you write series of fics or are your fics standalone works?
29. What is your strength when writing
30. What is the biggest challenge when writing
31. Do you write for any of the top ten ships on AO3?
32. Most tagged additional tag?
33. Which character have you statistically written the most?
34. Have you written Nyotalia, Gakuen Hetalia, 2p etc?
35. What makes your characterisation different than others
36. Do you have playlists or character boards for inspiration
37. Do you use images as inspiration
38. How do you feel about using accents in fics
39. How do you feel about using foreign language in fics
40. Have you received fanart for your fics or have drawn for your fics?
41. Country names, human names, both or depends?
42. What appeals to you about the characters you write
43. What appeals to you about the ships you like
44. Longest time you've worked on a fic
45. Fastest you've written and published a fic
46. Are you a fast writer or slow
47. Where do you write?
48. What do you write in ? Paper, Docs, Scrivener, etc?
49. Do you get your fics beta read?
50. What is the best writing advice you've received
51. Best writing advice you can give
52. What is the biggest obstacle you find you have to overcome when writing
53. If you use human names do you go off canon/fanon or use your own? For characters that don't have a widely used fanon name and don't have a canon human name what do you use?
54. Do you take inspiration from cultural experiences in your own culture or from experiences in other cultures
55. Any obscure historical or cultural references you put in fics
56. When did you start writing
57. How would you define your writing style
58. What genres do you write and what do you prefer?
59. Is your style similar to canon or different
60. Any Nation OCS?
61. Other OCS?
62. Have you written your home country?
63. Have you received criticism or hate for your work?
64. Do you show people parts of unfinished pieces of wips
65. Do you discuss fics and ideas with other people while writing?
66. What medium would you want to see an adaptation of your fic in?
67. Favourite line in a fic?
68. Show us a bit of a wip
69. Have you written anything on the more spicy side or do you stick to more family friendly stuff
70. Fluff, angst, both, neither?
71. Favourite group to write i.e. FACE, BTT, Allied trio, etc
72. what do you want your readers who don't write to understand about writing?
73. Do you write humorous works? How would you describe your style of humour
74. What draws you to Hetalia?
75. Ask anything
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merbear25 · 7 months
100 followers event (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) (closed)
I'd like to show my appreciation to everyone who's not only following me, but who has also shown their support. I'm opening drabble and headcanon requests for these fabulous fandoms: One Piece, Trigun, Hazbin Hotel, and Hetalia. This event will be open until: March 3rd
Please keep in mind that my current obsession is One Piece, so I may get these out more quickly than the others.
Choose whether you want it to be SFW or NSFW (Be warned: If you are an ageless blog or minor I will delete requests for NSFW)
Tell me if you'd like it to be a drabble or headcanon.
Choose whether you'd prefer a gn!reader, fem!reader, or m!reader. Note: if the reader is not specified, I will default to gn!reader.
Choose 1-2 characters from the list below.
Choose a symbol for context (1-2 per character). If you have more than 2 symbols for the same character, please send them in another ask.
One piece
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usopp, Brook, Franky, Law, Corazon, Ace, Kid, Mihawk, Crocodile, Buggy, Doflamingo, Caesar
Vash, Wolfwood, Knives, Milly, Meryl
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Lucifer, Angel Dust, Adam
Allies, Axis, Nordic 5, Prussia, Romano, Austria, and Hungary. Note: characters caterorgized in groups must be mentioned as individuals in your request.
💋 first kiss
❤ first love
😍 their type
💣 arguments
👀 walking in on them
😈 them walking in on you
🧛‍♂️ vampire AU
🫂 cuddling
💌 love language
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 family AU
🍻 partying
💍 marriage AU
🛏 one bed trope
🤷‍♀️ roommates AU
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
I'll be waiting lovelies (❁´◡`❁)
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breitzbachbea · 4 months
Whole hog michele
YES, finally giving my boy the attention he deserves! (A heads up for CW Child Abuse)
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Look at this beautiful creation by @pyromaniacqueen ! Prettiest man in town!
Ask Game for someone's OCs
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Already not answered here. I can't speak to any questions about his conception, since he was originally the OC of a friend and I got to 'keep' him when they moved on from the Hetalia fandom.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Born on 15th July, 1987 and 26 in the first book of the main series. His twenties is what he hovers around in age in most stories.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Has he ever! Of course, the one I'm most well-known for is perhaps SicIre, aka him and Harry O'Connel. The definition of OTP for me and it has been the greatest honour to rewrite Irish Problems to tell their meet-ugly that launched a thousand posts. Saluting emoji.
But Michele is simply too shipable to me. Love GreSic, aka him and his childhood friend Herakles who bond over the shared secret of their horrible childhoods. Michele is also just weak to a man with big arms and big legs ... plus they can talk all throughout the night. I love GreSic, man.
TurSic is great for "The one that got away". I love these two being flirtsy and Michele being into being adored, but also clearly saying "Ah ah ah! Not your toy!". And Sadık can't help it, he loves to run after beautiful people to cherish. This ship is also very-well suited to femme fatale, ever-devouring Sicily Michele ...
I ship FraSic but only as horribly, messily divorced ship. These two only saw each other as shiny, shiny trophies for two weeks and then all they could think about was sexily murdering the other. I love FraSic as bitter exes so much man.
Sicgypt has also been on my radar, simply because I love the Sicily & Egypt connections throughout history and they're both very laidback together, I think. Would both love to adore the other.
Michele is also one of two men that Arielle has any romantic respect for and they make an absolute dream marriage in my res publica AU. They're only friends in LFLS (<main AU) and most other universes I come up with, though. Also because I'm too busy ruining Arielle's life by her finally being engaged to Tahir and then that DIPSHIT still chooses Robert. But that's neither here nor there.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Pasta Norma and good, fresh seafood. He loves an eggplant so much. Also pistachios, everything sweet that comes in pistachio, he'll get in pistachio. Hell, he has pistachio-flavoured condoms, which are one of the main reasons Harry seriously wanted to stage an intervention at some point.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Gangster - again. In this case, he's the biggest shark in Sicily's already dangerous shark tank.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He loves gardening and cooking, both things he inherited from his mother. It was Maria Vento, who turned the useless, landscaped garden of that hell-mansion into a vegetable and fruit patch. After his father died, Michele expanded on it. He also taught both of the twins how to cook, and especially Lorenzo was an eager student.
🎯 -What do they do best?
He is an excellent cook and an excellent host. The latter is also connected to how he's a great leader. This man will keep a group together! He'll stand his ground, but he'll make concerns feel heard. He'll put everyone at ease and rally them to a cause, just because he makes them feel like a family. Certainly, he does choose to whom to extend his empathy - He wouldn't be a mafioso, couldn't be, if he did to everyone. But when he does extend his empathy, he does make it feel heartfelt.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Loves to cook! Loves to garden! Hates to have to catch Angelo's chicken and drive it back to his farmer neighbour! (Seriously, how do these chickens keep escaping and make it all the way over to his fenced in garden?).
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
When his mother first let him help cook in the kitchen ...
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Probably most of his childhood, as far as his father is concerned. To be beaten and then told that if he told his mother (again), he'd earn twice the beating again is probably seared into his memory.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Already not answered here!
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Already not answered here!
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
He should be in an upbeat yet whistful regional romantic family comedy ... instead he's in this gangster drama.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
He's a pansexual cis man.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
None! But Marco and Lorenzo Bontade, the twins he took under his wing when they were 12 and he just 18, refer to him as their "big brother".
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
He loves and adores his mother Maria above all else. She's his everything, the person he loves the most in the entire world. Her love is the reason he's even alive.
Because his father Salvatore is one of the main reasons this AU is called "Like Father Like Son". Jealous that someone else got attention by his beloved Maria, he quickly grew to hate his son and physically abused Michele for most of his childhood. Michele has never told anyone but Herakles about the abuse and he's haunted by everyone associating him with his father's brutal political legacy.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
He's such a tragic figure and I love that. He's so motivated by 'fixing' himself, eradicating any trace of the hurt he received in everyone's mind, that he doesn't notice how he hurts those he loves the most and wants to protect the most in this quest. You understand why he's so desperate to achieve his goal and you can also blame him for his actions, still. He's a posterchild for how most of the characters in LFLS have been failed, deserved support and help and didn't get it, so now they keep the cycle of trauma and abuse going.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Currently in a writer's block when it comes to Irish Problems, but I've been consistently writing him for the past few years. Even more so because most of the time when I want to write, it ends up being a SicIre drabble. When in doubt, make Michele and Harry be in love.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
No, not Michele, dearest. Again, whether he grows old or not is none of my business, but I wouldn't kill my Miché.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
No phobias, as far as I'm aware of, no. He does have a deepseated distrust of father figures and hates being called 'son' or someone acting like he does with his own kids. Unadoptable by men, this man.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
The Vargas brothers, but more specifically Lovino Vargas. Cousins thrice removed, Lovino believes that he's entitled to Sicily as part of his territory, especially since his family has all of Italy and is so much more successful than Michele's. Michele is going to give up his power and control over his cold, dead body. They also both hate how much they see themselves in the other - either all they could never be but should OR they see their most glaring faults reflected back at them.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
That is a good question, because I don't know when Michele stopped being my friend's OC and became my OC instead ... I'd guess somewhere in 2014, 2015. When my friend moved on to other places and I was still obsessed with both Hetalia and this little AU world I created.
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
I met him for the first time when I was 14!
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floralcrematorium · 4 months
here are some breadcrumbs about my band AU while I work on some character sheets for the main trio -- we'll be seeing miss Seychelles first
• Alfred is lead singer + guitar, Matthew is bass, and Michèle is backing vocals (though sometimes she does get duets... LET HER SING!) and drums
• Michèle can also play piano -- she grew up taking piano lessons and got into drums when Alfred began showing her and Matthew his dad's record collection
• The band get discovered by their... agent by pure luck when they're messing around in a music shop in a big city
• Alfred and Matthew are half brothers. Alfred's father is the one who got him into music, his guitar was his father's
• Michèle and Matthew grew up next door neighbors. They speak in French to one another when Alfred's pissing them off (which is often)
• Alfred is ~23 at the beginning of the AU while Michèle and Matthew are both 20. Due to the events which lead Alfred to move back in with his mother and the half-brother he didn't know all too well, Alfred was held back a year. Alfred had mini-van in high school and for the two years he could drive before graduating, he was Matthew and Michèle's ride everywhere. Instead of gas money, they paid him with cans of Arizona iced tea
• Michèle's sense of fashion is/will be heavily inspired by Edith Victoria's from Meet Me @ The Altar and a mix of the flowy loose garments she wears in canon
• Matthew's sense of style is giving dad-core. Very much leaning into the outfits Patrick Stump wore on Fall Out Boy's recent tour
• This band is Alfred's baby. His drive to make it in the industry tests the group's bond... He is a moth testing fate as he desperately flies towards the spotlight
• Michèle and Alfred work together on melody but all three of the bandmates work on lyrics together
• Matthew is the least musically experienced
• the woes of Fall Out Boy's fourth studio album, Folie à Deux, are thematically important down the line...
• Adventures await them in Europe... A contest (not the Annual Song Contest™, a made up one so I have excuses to pull in other Hetalia characters), love, friendship, rivalry, and found family
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