dumbass-brunette · 2 years
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You gotta love how condescending she is
Hester: oH lOoK aT pOoR mErUlA sHE dOeSn’T hAvE aNY fRiEnds wHAt A tRadGeDY 😪*wipes fake tear*
Merula: This bitch 😒
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hester-rife · 2 years
Hi Guys! My name is Enimahestera Rife but no one calls me that aside from Tulip and occasionally Merula. So ya’ll can call me Hester!
In case you ever see me around the halls, I look like this:
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Here’s a little bit about me:
House: Gryffindor
Animagus: Cat (but that’s a secret 🤫)
Patronus: Leopard
Fave Classes: Potions (mostly cause I like to piss of Snape), Flying, Charms, Care of magical creatures, Defense against the dark arts
Least-Fave Classes: Herbology (my plants keep dying 🥺), Transfiguration (something about turning animals in to pillows etc. doesn’t sit well with me… do y’all ever get that?)
Good At: Potions, Charms, Flying, Transfiguration (McGonagall says I’m a PRODIGY), Care of magical creatures, Defense against the dark arts
Bad At: Herbology, Quidditch (but for some reason Madam Hooch really wants me to join the team… I don’t even know the rules 😅)
Best Friends: Rowan (I tell them EVERYTHING) and Ben (I don't care what Rowan says he’s cool and I trust him 😤)
Fave Teacher: Snape (again he’s fun to piss off)
Least-Fave Teacher: Snape
D&D alignment: Neutral, Good (though Rowan argues that I’m more of a Chaotic Good... That’s so rude of them I'm not THAT chaotic 🙄)
Faves (outside of school): sour candy, gossip, Merula (sorry that was Tulip), Butter-Beer, my cat Grim
Least Faves: liars, rules, Merula (shut up Tonks! I don't have a crush on her!)
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dumbass-brunette · 2 years
I am way to obsessed with these characters for my own good…
Anyway, have some drawings.
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Yes, I do happen to think I’m the funniest person ever.
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dumbass-brunette · 2 years
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I just got dumped 🥲
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dumbass-brunette · 2 years
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Hester: yOu’RE jUsT jEAlouS i’M hANginG oUt wItH A hOT fRenCh gIrl iNstEAd oF YoU 😤
Merula: wHaT nO iT’s nOt LiKe i LIkE yOu oR aNyThiNG 😳🫣
Hot French girl: 👁👄👁
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dumbass-brunette · 2 years
Dueling Merula be like…
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dumbass-brunette · 2 years
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A brief look into what Hester and Merula’s relationship is like. Thanks again to @immagrosscandy for sending me the template.
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dumbass-brunette · 2 years
Introducing my Hogwarts Mystery character: Hester Rife
Her full first name is Enimahestera but no one calls her that aside from Tulip and occasionally Merula. Considering this, Jacob was a bit of an out of place name, so it’s just a nickname and his real name is Jaqobus Rife.
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Apologies for my ugly ass handwriting (and awful misspellings, I wrote it while trying not to fall asleep in math, lmao):
Traits: Impulsive, Kind, Confident
Fave Classes: Potions (mostly cause she likes to piss of Snape), Flying, Charms, Care of magical creatures, Defense against the dark arts
Least-Fave Classes: Herbology (her plants keep dying), Transfiguration (something about turning animals in to pillows etc. doesn’t sit well with her)
Good At: Potions, Charms, Flying, Transfiguration (she’s a transfiguration PRODIGY), Care of magical creatures, Defense against the dark arts
Bad At: Herbology, Quidditch
Crush: Merula Snyde
Best Friends: Rowan and Ben
Fave Teacher: Snape (again she likes pissing him off)
Least-Fave Teacher: Snape (can you blame her)
House: Gryffindor
Animagus: Cat
Patronus: big cat (Leopard)
D&D Alignment: Neutral, Neutral (or Neutral, Good now that I’m thinking about it again)
Extra notes: Is very impulsive, not very smart but has a big heart, confidently incorrect, has a bad temper but means well, overly gentle with Merula (she’s a simp), she uses Rowan as an outlet (she tell’s that girl EVERYTHING), Rowan and Penny are the Brains of this whole operation lmao 🤣, likes sour candy and gossip
Here’s what she looked like in game when I drew her:
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I recently changed her hair to match mine (since I customized her to look like me), so here what she looks like now:
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I really need to fix her stats (her knowledge is supposed to be the lowest since I head cannon her as kinda stupid 😂)
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dumbass-brunette · 2 years
I happen to think I’m the funniest person on earth 😭😭😭 (once again old art… cause I’m a dumbass)
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Drew this one for a friend who’s thoroughly obsessed with Ben
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