#hes the one that makes ya feel ALRIIIGHT
tainted-by-skeletons · 6 months
Age regression in Underswap! (Final Part)
The next morning I woke up to find that Sans and Papyrus were both gone early for sentry duty. I checked the time to see if I had slept in later than usual but I didn't. It was odd for Papyrus to be at work on time. Usually he had to be dragged out of bed an hour after his shift was meant to start. I took the opportunity to sneak out again. I hated being cooped up inside. So I got dressed for the warm day and headed for the forest in Sunnedout. Sans and Papyrus did their sentry work there, but I knew how to avoid them. Well, I knew how to avoid Papyrus. Sans doesn't care if I'm outside when I'm not supposed to be. He understands what it's like to get antsy when you're inside all day.
“Hey! Human!”
As I made my way through Sunnedout, I ran across some of the canine unit. The guard dogs that worked for the queen stationed in Sunnedout. One dog had really roughed up looking ears, and the other was one of those giant fluffy white dogs wearing big armor.
“Ummm. Me?”
Letting them confirm I was human was my first mistake.
“Yeah. You. You've met our queen. Right? If you haven't, we really ought to take you to her. It's important.”
“Nooo… no thanks.”
I tried to back away, but I only took a few steps before my back foot stepped in something wet. I was next to a small pond. The shock of the wet feeling and the fear affected me more than I expected. I felt like I couldn't breathe.
“Awww you sure? Well. If you don't wanna go yet we'd be happy to entertain you for a while.”
“No. I don't want to…” I barely whispered.
“Come on, have some fun with us.”
“You want fun? Go fetch!”
A long white thing hit the dog guard in the side of the head.
“Aaaaggh! What the hell?!”
It was Papyrus, somehow he had seen me and he snuck up while the dogs and I were talking. I stumbled back more and fell into the pond. Instantly half my body became covered in mud.
“Get outta here. This is our territory.” Papyrus said.
“Fine! Just wait until Alphys hears about this.”
“Yeah. Whatever.”
The dogs turned around and walked away. I reached up my hand, hoping Papyrus would pull me up so I wouldn't have to sink my hands into the mud. But he didn't turn to me.
“Why do you think I told you to stay inside.” He said harshly.
I pushed my hands into the mud to pick myself up, but I went too fast and my right palm was pierced by something.
Finally Papyrus turned around. I lifted my hands from the mud and pressed a dirty thumb over the wound in my other hand. Tears started to form in my eyes. The pain, uncomfortableness, and embarrassment hit me all at once. I started sobbing.
“Uh- H-hey. You don't have to-”
I covered my face with my hands. Not wanting him to watch me cry. I gained a big brown hand print on my face before I realized there was still mud on my hands.
“Ohh hey. Come here.”
The tall skeleton stepped into the mud and lifted me up by under my arms as if I was a little kid. He wrapped my legs around his waist and put an arm under my butt so I wouldn't fall. I gasped a little. I was sure I would slip into little space if I didn't get my emotions in check. But being carried somewhere in someone's arms like that made it hard for me to remember how to be an adult again.
“I'm… sorry. I guess you don't like being cooped up much. Do ya always come out to the forest to watch us at work?” Papyrus asked me in a soft tone I didn't recognize.
“Mnn- *sniff* hmm.”
“Alriiight. Alright. Let's get you home. Okay?”
I gripped Papyrus’ orange sweater as my emotions overflowed. I cried off and on into the soft fabric during most of the way back to the house. Papyrus didn't make any comments about it. He almost seemed like he thought it was normal.
“Hold on tight okay?”
Papyrus let go of me with one hand so he could open the door. He went through and closed it behind him quietly before heading to the stairs. I wasn't particularly light, so I was surprised he didn't seem tired carrying me up the stairs. Finally, he reached the bathroom and he set me down on his blue fluffy rug. I sank my hands into the soft wooly coils but was disappointed to find I couldn't feel them through the mud. I looked up to Papyrus with a pouty expression. He was already testing the water temperature.
“Oh. Do you not like baths? I'm sorry but Sans is gonna have a fit if he sees mud. I honestly don't like the idea of you running around getting mud everywhere either.”
I already knew the skeleton brothers didn't have any genitalia, and therefore didn't understand or care about nudity. But I never would have thought one of them would try to undress me. Not that I even cared. Getting help undressing for a bath seemed normal at that moment.
“Hmmm. I don't like the idea of leaving you alone… I'll wash these later.” Papyrus said to himself as he set the clothes aside.
The noise of the bath faucet spraying water into the open drain was loud, but such a familiar and nostalgic sound. I crawled up in curiosity and felt the temperature with my finger. It was quite cold.
“Mmnnnn!” I whined.
“I don't really “feel” like you kiddo. I'm all bones. Why don't you help me?”
Papyrus coached me through the hot and cold settings until I figured out how to get the water to an acceptable temperature. Then he picked me up under my arms again and set me in the bath. The tingly feeling of the strong water stream on my toes made me giggle.
“Aah. So ya do like baths. Good.”
Papyrus gently grabbed my hands and guided them to the water. I flexed my fingers uncomfortably as the stream pushed against them. But I was happy to watch the mud wash away. While I was distracted, Papyrus grabbed a large cup and a towel, and brought it over to the water. I scooted back to let him fill the cup with water, so he could pour it over my legs while he rubbed the mud off them. Then, he wet the washcloth and gently scrubbed the mud off my face. I almost became convinced that he was going to be entirely sweet and caring before he gently grabbed my foot… and then held it firm under the stream of hot water.
“Eeeeee! Ahahaha! Eeeeee!”
I kicked and giggled and wiggled around but the tall skeleton was surprisingly strong. He beamed as he watched my tortured fumbling. When I almost kicked the spout he finally let go.
“Careful kiddo. Those are sharp. I don't want you to get hurt.”
I pouted and turned my back to him.
“Aaah. What a little brat ya are.”
Papyrus filled the cup again and started washing the mud out of the tips of my hair. The process took a while and I started to shiver from the water droplets cooling my skin.
“Hey. What's wrong? Ah. You're cold huh?”
I nodded and gave him yet another pouty face.
“Okay. Okay. I'll be done.”
Papyrus turned off the water and grabbed a big yellow towel. It was a beach towel, so it wasn't all that good for drying, but he was able to wrap me in it warmly. This time, he carried me princess style to his room. His room was warm, and the darkness of the space made me feel more comfortable. Papyrus set me on his bed and went to his dresser to get me some boxers and one of his hoodies.
“It won't fit super well but at least it will stay on ya and keep you warm.”
I made grabby hands for the hoodie. That made the skeleton chuckle lightly and hand it to me. It took me a minute to figure out how to put it on by myself. Watching my struggle, it seemed like that's why Papyrus decided to help me into his boxers.
“You have a pacifier in Sans' room. Right Kiddo?”
I nodded.
“Okay. I'll get it for you.”
A while later, Papyrus came back with my pacifier. I yawned and made grabby hands for my paci.
“Hmhm~ Sleepy?”
I nodded again as I took the pacifier out of his outstretched hands.
“I've got something for that.”
Papyrus went away again, and came back with a children's book with a bunny on the cover. He held up the blanket for us both to crawl under. Then he settled in next to me.
I nodded and leaned on Papyrus’ shoulder so I could look at the pictures.
“Peek-a-boo with Fluffy Bunny.”
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justiisms · 1 year
"I don't need a Pokémon Center, I need coffee." *after a long day, pikachu looks wilted as he lays on the couch, the tiny detective laying completely flat on it as he struggles to get up. he tries to push himself off only to tumble headfirst to the ground and whine as he lays on his back, refusing to move again*
"Please... It's the only thing that can nourish me..."
"Oh hoh hoooh, Pikachu... you and your coffee, I tell you! And I say that in a 'I totally get it' kind of tone. Haha!" He laughs, Bobby patting the tired detective's back!! "A long day, huh? I feel ya... I had a pretty busy one, too; but hey, you're off, now, and can look forward to some good 'ol relaxation! Oh!!"
He gasps when Pikachu tumbles to the ground, looking concerned for a moment before giving a relieved sigh when he seems okay... "C-Careful, now!!" He sheepishly smiles, before picking Pikachu up and making him sit upright on the couch!!
"Theeere we go... and alright, alriiight, heh heh: leave it to me! Barista Bobby is gonna whip you up the most rejuvenating cup! P taught me a lot of his expert coffee making techniques, so I'll make absolute sure that you love it~!"
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paleparearchive · 10 months
The Lucky Guy's Birthday
Kuroda's Birthday 4★ story (1/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: terrace (evening) | Characters: Kuroda, Renoir, Monet, Raffaello, Giotto, Watteau
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Kuroda: This is… Your painting, right, Raffaello? You're doing better than before.
Giotto: Yeah, you're paintin' the shadows darker than usual, ain't that nice!
Raffaello: Is that so? Well, I have been painting with softer shading, so... I thought I could try something different for a change. I am relieved to hear you say it is good. Thank you.
Kuroda: You don't have to thank me. I learn a lot from your paintings.
Renoir: Okay, now let's take a look at my painting–
Monet: No no! Today's art appreciation session will end with Raffaello-san's painting!
Renoir: Oooh? Is that so?
Watteau: Right? Next time we can admire Renoir's paintings, next time!
Kuroda: Hm? There's still time to…
... No, let's end this.
Giotto: Aight! Well then, let's have a drink–
Monet: Giotto-san! We just finished drinkin’!
Giotto: … Ah! Now that I think of it, you're right! Sorry, sorry, I forgot.
Kuroda: –If there's no alcohol, I guess it's time to call it a day.
Giotto: Yeah. Sorry to say we've run out of booze…
I'll clean up today. Kuroda, ya can go back first, 'kay?
Kuroda: … I see. Well, take care.
Giotto: Yeah, leave it to me!
Monet: … Phew. Looks like Kuroda-sensei's gone!
Raffaello: Well then, let us start discussing.
Renoir: What do you mean discuss?
Monet: We need to talk ‘bout Kuroda-sensei's birthday, which is comin’ up soon– We talked yesterday ‘bout how we should all think of ways to celebrate together.
Renoir: Ah! Come to think of it, you're right.
Watteau: So, what are we gonna do? I'd say we should celebrate, but Kuroda-sensei doesn't like sweets, does he?
Raffaello: That is true. If he does not like sweets, it is not going to be possible to celebrate with a cake…
Giotto: If that's the case, there's only one thing left to do!
Raffaello: Giotto-san, what is this "thing"?
Giotto: It's alcohol, alcohol! We're gonna have a drinkin’ party for Kuroda!
Monet: Huuuh, but that doesn't sound any different than a regular drinkin’ party…
Watteau: Hmm… Well, why don't we try makin' it more gorgeous? A birthday special version! Somethin' like that?
Monet: Uuh… Well, that makes it feel special, doesn't it…?
Raffaello: … So, we have to be more enthusiastic with our preparations than usual.
Renoir: Well then, I know a place where we can get the booze.
Giotto: Great! Then ya can order it!
Raffaello: Thank you, Renoir-kun.
Ah… Good drinks need good snacks, too.
Giotto: Snacks, huh… Yeah, that’s important. Makes the drinks taste better.
Monet: Yup yup! So how 'bout Watteau and I come up with some snacks, huh?
Watteau: Okay, I'll take care of it. I'll prepare the best snacks for our boozy birthday party.
Giotto: Well then, Raffaello, why don't we go and see if anyone else can join us for a drink?
Raffaello: Yes, it is a birthday party, so the more, the merrier.
Watteau: Alriiight! So, this is how we decided to divide the roles, right?
Giotto: Yeah. Well then, let's get ready–
Monet: W-Wait a sec! Since we're here, why don't we prepare without Kuroda-sensei knowin’ 'bout it?
Renoir: I see. So you mean a surprise party.
Watteau: Nicee! I wanna see Teach's surprised face!
Raffaello: Then we will have to act as discreetly as possible.
Giotto: Gotcha! Let's do it!
Monet: We all gotta work together… Let's make Kuroda-sensei's surprise birthday party a success!
Everyone: Yeah!
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venuscitrus · 2 years
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hes the one they call DR FEEEL GOOOD
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Beast Survival - 7
Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Summer
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP & ENG)
Jun: Well, there'd be no point to fishing if that were the case. The real thrill comes from how it's a showdown between man and fish, doesn't it?
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[Location: Beach]
Jun: First, cast your line into the sea... And then all we've gotta do is wait for a fish to take the bait. Easy, right?
Aira: Wha, we're starting already!?
...Um, so I cast my line — hiyah! Like this?
Jun: Yep, just like that. All that's left for us is just to be patient and wait.
Aira: Gotcha~ ♪ Oh ravely lil' fishies, dear lil' fishies ♪ C'mon and meet me already~
Y'know, I never realised just how convenient fishing gear was. Whoever first came up with it is amaaazing ♪
Jun: It's really not something you'd notice unless you're in this situation, huh. I'm sure there's loads of other convenient things we've always taken for granted.
Aira: It'd be even more convenient if we had fishing gear that was completely automatic, though~
Jun: Well, there'd be no point to fishing if that were the case. The real thrill comes from how it's a showdown between man and fish, doesn't it? It'd be pretty boring if we didn't have to lift a finger for it, yeah?
Aira: Hmm? Sazanami-senpai, have you gone fishing before?
Jun: Sure have~ Just a few times when I was real small, though.
I was super happy when I made my first catch. You can't afford to be careless when you're reeling in a fish, and that feeling of tension really hooks you in.
Aira: Ooh~ Sounds like it might actually be pretty fun! Wonder if I can reel one in soon myself~
Jun: Not just yet. Fishing's also a real test of patience, y'know~ It starts from when you're wondering if you'll even catch one or not.
Well, since this is kinda our last resort I've got no intention to lose my catch, of course.
— Ahh, I see. Maybe this is just how hyenas feel, actually...
They don't even know if they'll find any prey, and even if they do they can't be sure they'll catch 'em without a hitch. It's a given they'd go all out with desperation.
Aira: We're just as desperate now too, aren't we~
We ran into some obstacles at first, and did have our regrets, but I'm glad it seems like it's doing good for getting you into character!
Jun: For real, though. We've realised just how important it is to find food and a place to sleep, or kinda like... I feel like I'm getting an idea of just how harsh life would be after getting exiled from your own kingdom...
Aira: Hehe. Well then, let's make sure we return victorious from this trial ♪
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[Location: Starmony Hall Courtyard]
Leo: With a heave! And a ho! And out they go! Can I leave all the veggies I've gathered here?
Tatsumi: Ahh, yes. Leaving them there should be no problem. I've collected some firewood here, too.
This may be breaking a few of your rules, but just in case, I borrowed some sleeping bags as well.
Leo: Wahahaha ☆ We were supposed to be getting a taste of savannah life, but now it's more like we're going camping~
With all this, it might be pretty different from animal life. But hey, we're having fun so who cares!
Tatsumi: Perhaps I wouldn't wholly agree with that. In the very same way that beasts live by tooth and claw, humans make use of fire and tools to survive, after all.
I do believe the ability to make and use tools is a special talent of mankind.
Leo: Yeah! I think so, too!
But what Nami~'s tryna do is become a hyena, though~ That kinda complicates things, right?
Tatsumi: Heheh. It does, doesn't it? But I do feel that Jun-san's been overthinking it just a touch...
Ah, never mind me. There's no point discussing this while he himself isn't around for it.
On that note, I wonder how those two are getting on... Even if they don't catch something big, fishing up anything at all would be nice.
Leo: It'll be fiiine~ We're on the brink of starvation here, so we're all desperate! They're gonna come back with a heck of a catch, I just know it!
And if he doesn't, my stomach's gonna glue itself right up against my spine! I'm gonna turn all harp-shaped!
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[Location: Beach]
Aira: ......
Wehhh. I'm not catching a thing~! The bobber isn't moving at aaall!
Jun: Like I was telling you, fishing is all about patience. Not to mention if you shout so loud, you're gonna scare off all the fish, y'know?
Aira: Urgh. But just sitting like this and staring at the water is boring me outta my mind, and I end up remembering just how hungry I am~
Jun: Well, I totally feel you there. Doing nothing but waiting is reminding me of my own hunger, too. Let's see... We could take our minds off it for now by playing a game of Shiritori or —
Mm!? Shiratori-kun, it looks like you've got something on the line!?
Aira: Huh!? Wahhh! Y-you're right!? W-What should I do!?
Woahhh!? The line's pulling completely taut! It feels like I'm gonna get yanked right into the ocean—! Nghhh... Sazanami-senpai, save meee~!
Jun: Stay calm! Please make sure you stay right there and brace yourself, okay? I'm gonna help you out!
Aira: A-Alright—!
Jun: Wow, it's really pulling hard, huh...!
Okay, let's haul it up in one shot! Here goes! One, two, threeee—!
Aira: Hiyaaaaarrrghhh!
—I did it! I fished it up...
—Wait, huh......!?
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Jun: ...I-It's a... broken umbrella?
Goddamn! Who the hell did this!? You're not supposed to dump trash in the sea!
Aira: Seriously! It even got my hopes up and all! I won't forgive 'em!
Ah, geez... And here I thought we'd hooked a big one~ ...Hmm?
Huh? It looks like this time there's something pulling on your rod, Sazanami-senpai?
Jun: Woah!? There really is!?
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Jun: Damn, it's strong as hell...! Feels for sure this is gonna be something huge!
Aira: Dear God and Buddha~! Please let it be anything but another umbrella~!
Jun: Alriiight, here we goooooo—!
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[Location: Starmony Hall Courtyard]
Leo: Those two sure are taking their time~... It's been so long that even my tummy's stopped grumbling out music...
Tatsumi: Are you alright, Leo-san? They certainly are a little late...
Hm? Over there, is that...
Leo: Mom, Dad, my little angel Ruka-tan... Please forgive me for passing on first. The savannah was just too much for me...
Tatsumi: Leo-san, Leo-san. Please have a look over there.
Leo: ...Mm~? Whazzat? If it's a waste of time I'm gonna bite ya! Grrrrrr—!
Tatsumi: It's alright. It seems like it's good news for us ♪
Jun: Heeey~! Sorry to keep ya waiting~! We're back and managed to catch a big one~♪
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megamanxfanfics · 3 years
S.VI - Ep.12: Grand Design
-------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. FALLEN COLONY – Lab Sites - NIGHT
-Fade in-
Gate stares at his monitor in fear. Zero has just defeated Blaze Phoenix and X has destroyed another Nightmare Portal.
GATE: (panicking) This is.. horrible!  Not only is he back, but he’s made short work of Infinity Flea and Blaze Phoenix like they were nothing!!  How…?  How did he get so strong??
Isoc steps into the room.
ISOC: That would be the Nightmare’s doing.
GATE: (gasping) Isoc!
ISOC: (shrugging, acceptant) He did create it after all…
GATE: We created it!
ISOC: His Virus was the source.  You know that better than anyone…
GATE: Hmph…. How are you so.. nonchalant about all this?  Aren’t you afraid that he’ll come after us??
ISOC: (grinning) Oh no… I have a theory.
[INSERT TITLE CARD - Grand Design]
INT. MAGMA AREA – Blaze Phoenix’s Lair - DAY
X nods to Zero, ready to beam out and go home.
ZERO: Wait, before we go…
He spots a green Nightmare Soul left behind from Blaze Phoenix’s core and grabs it. Zero absorbs the power into his own core as his eyes glow orange for a second.
ZERO: We can’t let these fall into the wrong hands.
X: (nodding) Right!
Zero takes another second to walk over to the fallen Phoenix and rips out the weapon chip from his decaying core.
ZERO: …There. Now we can go.
The two share a smirk before teleporting home.
-cut to-
INT. MHHQ BUNKER – Control Area – DAY
The triumphant battle-weary heros appear in the middle of the room, by Signas’ console. They are both war-torn, but otherwise fine.
SIGNAS: Nice work, you two!!
ZERO: (nodding) Thanks, boss.
X: (saluting) Sir…
They both wearily nod and salute him as they walk over to Alia’s Console. On their way over to her, Zero looks at X with respect.
ZERO: Here, /catch.
He /throws the enemy’s weapon chip at X, which surprises him.
X, /catches it with a mild smile on his face.
X: Huh? /Oh… Actually, I’ve got something for you too..
He fumbles around in his compartment belt and returns the gesture by /throwing him the new Sub-tank he just found.
X: Here…. /catch.
Zero catches it and looks at the gift with gratitude.
Once at her console, Alia turns around with a satisfied smile.
ALIA: Very good, Gentlemen.  Now that you’re back… Let’s debrief!
Zero rolls his eyes.
ZERO: Always with the debriefing…
Alia looks at Zero, annoyed.
ALIA: Uhh, Yeah we’re debriefing…  It’s called - Doing My Job?  Hellooo!
X: (beaming, amused) Ahahahaahah.
Zero shakes his head and cracks half of a smile.
ZERO: (smirking,) …Alriiight, alriiiight ya got me…
Mid-laughter X suddenly panics.
X: Oh no!  Wait!! What about that Reploid?  I completely forgot about him.
ALIA: Don’t worry.  When you came back from the Pocket Dimension, another Reploid appeared at the Settlement. That must have been him.
X: (relieved) Okay, good.
ALIA: Speaking of which, who was in that Portal?
X: You’re not gonna believe this.  It was Vile.
ALIA & ZERO: What!?
X: I don’t know…. He didn’t seem real.  Someone must be messing with me.  
ZERO: Well that’s gotta be the Nightmare at work…
X: Even less-so.  Your Nightmare Counterpart had that Purple Virus Color we both love so much.  This one was more of a faded blueish gray. He was also very weak.
ZERO: Well, maybe that means that the Virus is wearing off!
The two look at him, spooked.
ZERO: N-Nightmare Energy…. Whatever this is!
Alia walks over to X and.
ALIA: Hmm, well that’s another mystery we’ll have to figure out later.  As for this power set…
She takes the new chip and walks it over to her computer.
ALIA: This, we can examine!  
She runs an analytics test.  The monitor displays a grid-like image of a generic reploid figure swiping a burning saber.
ALIA: It looks like you got Magma Blade! Good job!!  It emits a wide-ranged blade of fireballs from a Saber.
X shakes his head.
X: It’s unearned… You should use it, Zero.
Zero shakes his head.
ZERO: No need.  I’ve learned how to use his Shoenzan from our battle!
With a quick diagonal swipe, Zero shows them a new menacing saber, engulfed in flames. He creates a short wall of fire, similar to Blaze Phoenix’s winged fire-clap, but more contained.  
DOUGLAS: (nervous, troubled) HEEY, EASY!!
Douglas runs over to them from his Console, worried and annoyed.
Zero extinguishes the flame just as soon as he creates it and sheathes the saber into his back.
DOUGLAS: Could you not do that indoors, please?  I spent a long time making this place operational…
ZERO: Relax, Doug. I’ve got it under control…
DOUGLAS: (muttering) Hmph…. wreckless..
X and Alia both look each other wide-eyed for a second. Then they both choose to shake their heads and move on.
ALIA: U-uh anyway…. I should give you some more background on Blaze Phoenix before we close his file.
X: Yes, let’s proceed.
X gives Zero a disapproving glare for a second.
ALIA: Blaze Phoenix was an Ex-Investigator of the Earth’s Hot Spots. His ability was far beyond any of the other members on our Team.  Even Turtloid couldn’t examine these climates, but Phoenix was our solution. He could research any area that was dangerously hot without fear, but the problem was that his teammates couldn’t keep up. During the Great Repliforce War, his Team had investigated Burn Dino-Rex at the Sunhouse Mountain long before you, Zero…
ZERO: (shocked) Really!!?
—————————————————————————- INT. SUNHOUSE MOUNTAIN – Deep Pit – DAY —————————————————————————-
Blaze Phoenix leads the way with an eager grin on his face as a fantastic wave of flames surrounds his entire body.
ALIA: (v.o, narrating) Yes.  His team made it as far as the Lava Tunnels.  Do you remember that?
Far behind the flames, Allen, Glen and Ron struggle to keep up as their bodies are perspiring from the intense levels of heat in the pit.
ZERO: (v.o, reacting) Oh my God, I hated that…
The whole area begins to rumble. The giant tunnel shakes as rocks can be heard crashing down beneath them.
ALIA: (v.o, narrating) So did they…
RON: What the-?
A Researcher turns around and widens his gaze immediately at a huge stream of lava, as tall as the entire tunnel around them.
RON: Oh God!!
2 others turn around, frightened to see the huge wall of lava coming for them.  
The wave engulfs all three of them entirely. Their bodies disintegrate instantly upon contact.
ALIA: (v.o, narrating) All the others who fell behind died needlessly...
From far ahead, Blaze Phoenix crashes through a wall with an aura of flame around him.  He barely hears the faint sound of screaming, which makes him only slightly turn his head.
Then, he notices a giant wall of lava headed straight for him.
-Fade to Orange-
Upon an orange background, she narrates.
ALIA: (v.o, narrating) When he came home, he was punished and thrown into quarantine.  
-dissolve to-
————————————————————— INT. LAYE LABS – Probation Bunker – NIGHT —————————————————————
A charred and recovering Blaze Phoenix rests in a chamber that is only slightly comfier than a jail cell.  
ALIA: (v.o, narrating) Ultimately, it was decided that in order to prevent any more victims from getting hurt, he would be disposed of and buried deep underground.
His cell door opens as he continues to sleep on a bench.
ZERO: (v.o, responding) How…?
A Reploid with a large cannon in hand walks up to him and places the weapon directly into his open beak.
ALIA: (v.o, narrating) Boulder Gun to the mouth while he was sleeping…. It got ugly…
A large boulder is generated from the weapon, instantly crushing Blaze Phoenix’s skull from the inside. Blood spurts all across the wall and onto Victor’s chest, who shakes it off and wipes his weapon clean.
INT. MHHQ BUNKER – Control Area – DAY
X and Zero look at Alia horrified.
X: Whoaaa!
ZERO: Brutal…. No wonder Gate lost it…
ALIA: Hmph.  It’s really hard to tell who was right in hindsight…. But he was definitely dealt an unfair hand.  Ugh, God that place was so toxic…
Alia winces and looks down with a hard feeling of guilt.
X: Heeeeey.  You okay??
He immediately walks up to her and puts two comforting hands on her shoulders.
With tightly closed eyes she nods and sniffles it off, trying to maintain her composure.
ALIA: Yeah, I… I’m fine.  It’s just a lot.
X: I know hun. We’ve all been through a lot…
He places a loving forehead against hers and they both take a slow deep breath together.
ZERO: Uhhhhh, is this still part of the debrief…?
Alia looks at X and grits her teeth.  Then she takes a breath and looks at Zero with a sly simper.
ALIA: Hmph… ya got me.
ZERO: If I didn’t know any better… It looks like X, has got you.  Hey, are you two…?
ALIA: That’s None of your Business!!!!
X blushes.
ZERO: Oh-o Maaaan! Woooooooow.  I really Did miss a lot while I was out.
X: Come on, Man. That’s enough.
ALIA: Alriiiiiight, alright.  Let’s keep it Professional. We’re done here.
ZERO: Hahahahaha, okaay…
X gives Zero two side-eyes with a half-grimace, feeling embarrassed.
Alia pets her hair and smirks at them with a slight blush.
ALIA: (grinning, smug) You both look like hot garbage.  Get cleaned up and spend the night in the Settlement.  I think it’ll be good for both of you.
ZERO: (confused) Huh?
X: (smiling, thoughtful) Hm.
-cut to-
Gate and Isoc continue their troublesome discussion.
GATE: So what are we supposed to do now… just wait until he miraculously comes around?  I don’t think that’s a very sound idea.
ISOC: We’ll follow through with the Contingency Plan until such events fall into our favor.  
GATE: That’s crazy! It’s not working!!  Dynamo is unreliable and that Resurrection was too weak!!  What the Hell was that???
ISOC: …Something to keep X busy, like you asked…
GATE: Hrrrgh, it’s not good enough!
ISOC: I’ll get Dynamo to come around.  Don’t worry.
GATE: (panicking) How can I not!??  Zero suddenly came back, stronger than ever and he’s tearing this whole thing apart!!!
Isoc hides a wicked smile and takes a breath.
ISOC: I know it may seem Counter-Intuitive, but the more he consumes the Nightmare, the better off we are.
GATE: (frustrated) How!? It will only make him stronger!!
ISOC: Yes.  And then he’ll become an Omega-Level threat once again.  X and the Public will turn on him. They will force his hand and once he Finally crosses that line… Then, my friend… he will see that our visions are aligned.
Gate looks at him wide-eyed.
GATE: You’re a Mad Man.  You’re putting a lot of faith into a hypothesis that we don’t even know is feasible!  
ISOC: Oh, it’s possible. I know how he thinks…. And when he’s backed into a corner, he will cut through anyone. Even his closest of friends.
GATE: That’s a very dangerous game you’re playing…
Isoc makes an evil grin. Gate shakes his head.
GATE: No, I have a much better idea.  It’s time to tip the scale in my favor…. It’s time to send in High Max.
-cut to-
INT. HEXAGON STATION – Reploid Settlement – NIGHT
Zero walks with X down the main steps of the reformed Train Station.  It is now a Recovery Hub for Homeless and Injured Reploids.
ZERO: So this is the Reploid Settlement..?
X nods.
X: Yeah.  It got really scary out there after your Shuttle Mission had… failed.
Zero frowns and looks away.
X: Local Mavericks turned up from around every corner and a lot of sacrifices were made…
X clears his throat.
X: But that was a while ago, already.  Once we got a semblance of control to the city, we noticed that the survivors naturally flocked over to here.  So, we decided to help them as best as we could.
ZERO: That’s really great, man.
X nods and smiles.
X: (proud) This… is who we fight for.  It’s a constant reminder that we need to get back out there and do better.  Every day.
Zero looks at X, stunned.  Once again, he has done a lot of growing up in his absence.
Just then, a cute reploid that shares X’s likeness in blue armor walks up to them.
LEVY: Hey, X!!  I was wondering when you’d grace us with your presence again.
She gives him a hug.
X: Eh heh heh..  Hey, Lev.  How’ve you been holding up?
LEVY: Really good.  Your friends are awesome!  Especially that new Fire Guy.
She thumbs over to Fef, who is mingling with Kassy, Regina, Iso, Data and Araki.
X: (smiling) Glad to see everyone’s getting along…
LEVY: Oh yeah. I’ve been training with the others and everyone’s been /really /Welcoming.
She /punches the /air with both fists in a cute way while making eyes at him.  Zero gives her and X a strange look.
LEVY: (flirty) Any chance, we’ll get to spar again soon???
X: Ahh.. n-no. We’re just here to recover and catch up for the night.  But now that we’ve got Zero back, maybe the two of you could-
LEVY: Hmph!  Passing me off to the Nightmare!?  I know who you are…. You’re the one who caused this whole mess!!  Under normal circumstances, it’d be an honor, but frankly… you can go to Hell.
She walks off in a huff.
Zero looks at X and rolls his eyes.
ZERO: So much for getting along……
They both walk on towards Lifesaver’s Med Car.  
X: Ah, don’t listen to her. She’ll come around.
When they pass by Fef’s group, the reploids all look at Zero in awe and fear.
ZERO: I don’t really care, if I’m honest…. I just want to get better and get back out there.
X frowns as they make it to Lifesaver’s car.
-pan to-
-------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. REPLOID SETTLEMENT – Med Cars – NIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------
X and Zero step inside the car to see Hanse and Hal sitting with the charred Tekk. Lifesaver is tending to him.
HANSE & HAL: (nervous, scared) Ah-hh… Z-z-Zero!!
X: (annoyed) Relax, guys. He’s with me. He’s on our side…
Zero folds his arms and turns his back to them in a huff.  They instantly see his burn marks from the Magma Area.
Tekk tilts his head and smiles at Zero.
TEKK: H..h-hey.. Zzeerroooo…
ZERO: Save your strength, Tekk.  You’re no good to us, dead.
TEKK: (nodding, weak) rr..riigghhht…
He curls up and goes back to sleep.
Lifesaver looks at them with a stern face and walks over to X.
LIFESAVER: Gentlemen… What can I do for you??
X: We need a recovery bunk for the night.
LIFESAVER: Ohhh. Finally taking my advice and giving it a rest, I see. Come on…. Right this way.
He grabs some gear and leads them to another car, internally.
-cut to-
-------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MED CARS – Recovery Bunk – NIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------
The wounded legends are led to two padded gurneys, which lie at both walls of the car, across from each other. Lifesaver Prime and two assisting clones set the both of them up with IV wires, energen packs and light sedatives, which will ensure a smooth night without incident.
Zero gives Lifesaver an untrusting look, once stuck with the needle.
LIFESAVER: Oh, don’t worry. It’s a light dose of Repli-tonin.  This’ll just take off the edge, so your body can focus on recovering faster.  That’s what you want, don’t you?
ZERO: Hmph… I guess.
X: Thank you, Lifesaver.
He smiles at X.
LIFESAVER: Very good.  I’ll have a clone check up on you later.
He and the clones exit the car. The last one out, turns off the light and shuts the door, finally leaving them to their privacy.
The glow of their red and blue head gems illuminate in the darkness as X and Zero recover together.
-cut to-
INT. ABEL CITY – Dynamo’s Apartment – NIGHT
Dynamo stands by a window and watches over the barren city from high up.
DYNAMO: (v.o, thinking) Man I miss this City! …What have I done?  The bustling streets, the unsleeping crowds, the traffic at night…. Tearing it down was a lot of fun, but what was the point?  Everything’s so Boring!
Out of nowhere, from a distance, Dynamo can see a faint shadow amongst the night sky flying towards him.
DYNAMO: Hm?  What the-??
High Max bursts through his apartment window and grabs him by the neck.
HIGH MAX: I’ve Found You!!!
DYNAMO: AAGgghhkkk….  What the Hell??
He tries to fight back, but is flown into his couch and blasted 4 times at close range.
He tries to get up, but is instantly kicked right back down into the couch.
HIGH MAX: Stay down…. I have a message for you from Isoc.
DYNAMO: Ughh, what does He want??  Is he sad that I didn’t return his calls???
HIGH MAX: Hmph…. He wants you to know that you have one more chance to make things right.  Otherwise, you can forget about your Payment and the Luxury of Life altogether!
DYNAMO: Agghh…. Tell him, I need more time.  X really got me good, last time.
HIGH MAX: Not my problem…
DYNAMO: I’m gonna get stronger… I just need to sleep this off and collect more Nightmare Souls.  That’s all. I promise!
HIGH MAX: Hmph…. You have 24 hours…
DYNAMO: O-okay. Thank you!
High Max folds his arms and flies backward out from the window he came in. He threateningly locks eyes with Dynamo the entire time with a stoic grimace.
-       Cut to -
INT. MED CARS – Recovery Bunk - NIGHT
After a brief period of silence, X turns to his partner.
X: Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you…. How did you get that new saber?
ZERO: I created a new one while I was hiding out.
X: Huh?  You’ve never been tech savvy, before..
ZERO: Heh…. When it comes to my stuff, you’ll find that I’m full of surprises.
X: Hm… Where were you all this time, anyway?
ZERO: Well… I don’t remember a lot of it, to be honest. Reserve Processors must have blocked it out until I was safer…. But what I do remember is that by the time I rebuilt my arm and legs, I was hunkered down in a cave somewhere.
X: A cave…?  That’s it??
ZERO: Yeah, man. I dunno.  I was on the move, constantly roaming around not fully sure of where I was, exactly.  I kept looking for.. better parts. I tried to rebuild from scraps… turning junk into… something that could interface with my system.
X gives Zero a look of disbelief.
X: …Uh.. I’m sorry, but… Your story doesn’t add up, Man.  Why are you being so secretive…?
ZERO: What do you mean?? I’m not-
X: Come on. After all these years, I know you better than anyone. I can tell when you’re lying to me… which is upsetting.  …What is it that you’re hiding??
ZERO: (sighing) Look, the truth is I don’t know…. And it scares me.  Honestly, I just remember a cave and having a new saber. I was fully rebuilt with no idea how I got there and no idea where I was.
X: Oh…. Well no need to hide that from me..  Why don’t you trust me?
ZERO: In fairness, you haven’t trusted me for a while.  …And I’ve given you no reason to.
X: You always have my back in the Field.  That should be reason enough.
ZERO: But it’s really not… Is it?  
X: (hesitating) …We don’t need to get into this now…
ZERO: No, we really do.  It’s time, Man.  Speak your mind…
X: (sighing) Well… you’ve always been a guarded person, which I’ve come to expect over time.  But… my Damn Memory plays tricks on me, now...  
ZERO: Ever since Dr. Light… found you?
X: Yup. Now I don’t remember which Zero helped me grow up and learn to fight back anymore…. The cocky, headstrong idol or the jaded, corrupt Maverick…
Zero closes his eyes and winces, ashamed.
ZERO: It’s been both, Man.  The whole time, I’ve been fighting something.
X tears up.
X: And somehow, I already Know that!  And yet it’s news to me, now.  Can you imagine how frightening that is??
ZERO: I’ve lived it.  How do you think I felt in Antarctica?
X: …You scared the Hell out of me in Antarctica.  You weren’t acting like yourself at all.
ZERO: Actually, I was…. All of my inhibitions were gone.
X: Don’t start that up again!
ZERO: (sighing) I don’t Care about the Prophecy anymore, dude.  Me sitting here with you should be living proof of that.
X: But now we both know we were designed to kill each other…
ZERO: Fuck that.  I don’t care about their Grand Design.
X gasps, relieved as warm tears escape from his eyes.  Then, he makes a wry smile.
X: Always fighting against your own Destiny, to the bitter end, huh??
ZERO: (smiling) You know it.
X: So, in that case, I do have to ask this.  What’s your End Goal, now? …What are you fighting for…?
ZERO: Come on, do you really have to ask that??
X: I mean it, Zero.  If I’m ever going to fully trust you again, I need to know your motives.
ZERO: Ugh. After the Shuttle Mission Failed, I just want a sense of Normalcy…  Even if it’s unattainable.  Maybe I just want to hurt people for making the World this way. Get some of this frustration out…
X: I’d hate to say it, but I think you made the World this way…
Zero gasps and scowls with a grimace.
ZERO: Is it ‘cause of what that… fan girl said?
X smirks for a second.
X: Who, Levy? No… …Alia told me that your signal still doesn’t read as Data. So… what are you?
Zero shakes his head and takes a breath.
ZERO: It’s just as it was before. This is my Original Data.  It’s not Maverick and it’s not even Evil.  It’s just… Me.
X: Hmph.
ZERO: Not good enough for you?
X: What about the Nightmare Souls? What are they supposed to be??
ZERO: Well… They’re pieces of my Soul, actually.
X becomes wide-eyed.
X: What!!?
ZERO: I don’t know how they exist… Or even how I exist! But… somehow, the Virus Energy manifested itself into the Nightmare and was contained into these little orbs.
X: Sounds kind of like the Erasure Experiment…
Zero becomes wide-eyed.
ZERO: On steroids.
X: That explains how you’re becoming so powerful, I guess… I’m worried though.
ZERO: About what..?
X: (hypothesizing) You were revived Zero… No doubt about it.  But by who…? And for what reason? …If you absorb too many of those Nightmare Souls, I wonder… Will you end up like you did back at the Colony??
ZERO: (scared) I don’t know…
X: Can you contain it this time…?
ZERO: (worried) I don’t know!
X takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
X: Then that’s a problem…
ZERO: When this is all over, I want Lifesaver to do a full work-up on my internals.  One way or another, we’re gonna figure this out, Man.
X nods.
X: I like the sound of that.  
Zero cringes in pain with a heavy head of guilt.
ZERO: (hurting, guilty) X…. I’m so sorry that I hurt you.  Not just Antarctica or Laguz Island.  I’m sorry for all of it!
X: (surprised) Zero…
ZERO: (regretful, ruminating) How I acted during the Great Repliforce War, my reckless attack on Dr. Doppler, which nearly got us all killed… All you went through with the X-Hunters for me… and my unconventional field-training methods during the Rebellion, before that! I’m always putting you in danger. All this time, I’ve been pressuring you to do things My Way and-
X: I forgive you…!
ZERO: Huh??
X: Zero, all those experiences helped shape me into who I am today.  All the Good and the Bad…. And now that I know I can trust you.. None of it matters anymore. I mean that.
ZERO: But this Nightmare has been killing you…. That’s on me too…
X: (sighing) This Nightmare’s been killing all of us…. But now that you’re here to help, we’re finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.  Now let’s get some rest.  We’re gonna have a lot of work to do when we get up.
Zero smiles at his best friend, who closes his eyes and rests with a peaceful face that he hasn’t seen in a while.  This causes Zero to let out a deep sigh and close his eyes. Before long, he is lulled to sleep with a more complacent face as well.
ZERO: (v.o, thinking) Maybe… things are gonna turn out alright, this time…
-fade to-
INT. MHHQ BUNKER - Control Area – DAY
Caption - December 30th, the next morning.
A well-rested X walks over to Alia’s console with a cheerful smile on his face.
X: Good Morning, Beautiful.
ALIA: Hey there, sunshine!
He gives her a kiss on the lips. She smiles at him and turns back to her monitor.
ALIA: How was your sleep last night? Just what the doctor ordered?
X: And then some! /I feel better than ever.
He /stretches his arm and twists his torso, cricking his neck and looking refreshed.
ALIA: Hehe, good.  Where’s Zero??
X: Heheh.. That lug is still sleeping.  But that’s fine.  It’ll give me time to catch up to him later.
She nods and gives him a thoughtful look.
ALIA: I see.  So, you’ve settled it?  You seem.. really at Peace today.
X: (smiling) Heh...  We discussed just about everything we could last night, and... I guess I’m just really relieved about how it all went.  I’m definitely satisfied with the outcome.  
She nods and offers a genuine smile.
ALIA: Good!  You deserve some Peace of Mind more than anyone else...
X: And what about you...?
ALIA: ...I still might have some reservations, but... if you know that you can trust him, then that’s good enough for me.  I trust you...
He gives her a warm, loving smile and holds her hand.  They massage each other’s palms for 3 seconds before she pulls away and clears her throat.
ALIA: So where to, today?
X: Inami Temple.  It’s beyond time to follow up on the Reploids I left behind…
Alia offers a worried grimace.
ALIA: Okaaaaay.  Just be careful.
X: I know…
She pulls up their Mission Select screen, clicks on Rainy Turtloid’s black and white mugshot and punches in the coordinates.  In another moment, he teleports away.
-cut to-
INT. INAMI TREE – Meditation Room - DAY
X is teleported directly inside the Inami Tree, at the ground level, where a jagged tunnel of spikes can be seen.  It is still raining.
In a flash of light, he transforms into his Blade Armor and slowly walks up to the tunnel trap.
X sighs.
X: Here goes nothing…
He crouches down and carefully amplifies the gears within his boots.  After a moment of prepping, he launches himself directly through the tunnel, narrowly avoiding the spikes above and below him.  In an instant, he bashes into the wall, with his hands out and brakes on his heels.  He has made it to the other side.  Above him, the ominous portal awaits him.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Now, remember. Once you jump through that portal, we’ll lose contact. I won’t be able to see or hear anything from your end until you get back.
X: (nodding) I know…. Here I go!
ALIA: Be carefuuuul!!!!
X jumps into the portal and smiles at the sound of her voice, before suddenly disappearing.
-cut to-
INT. POCKET DIMENSION – Rainy Entrapment – DAY
X appears inside the trap from out of thin-air, whereupon he immediately spots a curative platform while getting rained on.
X: Hmph…. Just as I thought.  This isn’t the same area.
Just across the way from a similar gap in the room, a Monbando Unit looks at him and smirks.
MONBANDO: Weeeell… Look, who finally decided to show…
X: Hm!?
MONBANDO: I’m afraid you’re a little late, my friend.
Just then, an infected reploid peers out from behind the Mechaniloid.  She looks at him, driven with hatred.
X: Oh no!!
MONBANDO: And now it’s time that you Suffer the Consequences!!!
From out of nowhere, three other infected reploids reveal themselves from the platforms below him.
X takes out his saber and breathes heavily.
At once, all 4 Infected Reploids dive after him and he is forced to defend himself.
Jumping after them, he performs his Double Wave Giga Attack for the first time with regret.  All of the Infected Reploids shatter to pieces at once.
-Freeze Frame. Grainy Effect-
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britishchick09 · 4 years
danger force return of the kid livewatch
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the version i’m watching on dailymotion is slightly chipmunked and it’s adorable ^_^
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awww  sweetest hug ever! ♥
chapa: “don’t make me get the crowbar!” omg :o
miles: “you hate to see it” and you love to see the meme ;)
henry’s dad is graduating from an online school how 2020
mika: “we once caught a guy that was stealing books... FROM THE LIBRARY!” omg shocking! :o
henry just said ‘noice’ wtf mr. hart
henry spent ‘his whole childhood’ defeating people but wasn’t he like a tween when he became kid danger?
ray: “henry’s MINE now” awww :)
idk if henry can still become kid danger (i haven’t seen the henry danger finale) but i really hope he does
henry: “everyone thinks kid danger is-“ chapa: “hot?” miles: “dead?” lol
ray wants henry to pick his nail color awww :)
henry wants them to ‘handle it themselves’ does that mean he can’t transform? :o
henry just deleted ‘where are you?’ messages from charlotte HENRY DID YOU SERIOUSLY ABANDON YOUR FRIENDS FOR RAY YOU’RE NOT JOHN WITH YOKO
the audience just gave a quiet ‘aww’ when henry deleted the messages same :/
ray: “you wanna see my axe storing room?” your WHAT room
henry: “do i even have to axe?” eyyyyyyy ;)
ray and henry are the best of friends! :D
they’re playing a just dance ripoff how sweet :)
henry: “this has been so much fun!” ray: “I LOVE YOU TOO!” henry: “what?” ray: “I SAID GET READY FOR ROUND TWO!”
the game is calling for a tango STOP THE SHIPPING
and the game is called PRANCE PRANCE REVOLUTION lol :D
ray wants the kids to leave to spend more time with henry ♥
ray: “quit your bellyaching!” henry: “yeah, this is what you get paid for!” the kids: “YOU GOT PAID???” lol :D
ray wants to stay up there ‘as long as he can’ wowza what a shippy shippy
the intro pops up nearly 6 minutes into the ep what a long and exciting cold open! :D
chapa to mika: “we got your heart to start beating again...” wtf happened :o
bose’s mouth was full did he have a towel in his mouth lol
mikes screaming “I HATE YOU!!” is better than anakin lol
mika isn’t up for this bs YOU GO MIKA!!!!!
omg henry and ray started a totally sick rock band yo!
henry: “don’t need to practice when you’re already perfect, dude!” hannah montana wants to know your location
why is ray obsessed with henry’s mom creepy
henry: “gotta save my messages to the cloud!” F U T U R E!!!!”
char’s messages are like ‘you can’t run from this’ HENRY WHAT’S GOIN’ ON HMMMM?????
ray: “...that didn’t sound like your mom.”
henry asked if he was ‘totally untrackable in the man’s nest’ WHAT DID YOU DO HENRY
ray: “finding you in here would be like trying to find a gray hair on my head!” henry: “there’s one right there.” ray: “whaaat?”
henry’s been there for 3-4 days HENRYYYY!!!!
chapa: “we also think we should be able to vaporize someone FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!” daang chapa p-i-double wuble s-ed too!
ray: “time is a tall glass of water” henry: “please don’t punch my glass-” ray: *PUNCHES GLASS LIKE A BOSS*
ray: “next crime that calls is goin’ home in a body bag” sweet serenity celestia captain man calm down
henry: “who knows when the next call will come in?” call: *comes in* lol
HENRY TRANSFORMED YAAAS!!! and i guess the dark outfit he wore in the insta teaser pic is his new hero form?? :o
henry: “up the tube!” captain man: “...we go down the tube.” lol :D
and awayyyyy they go!
robber: “part of the reason i rob people is for the connection i feel and i feel like you’re (the cashier) not here with me right now!” awww ♥
the cashier walked past captain man’s book first of all awesome call back and secondly why is a book being sold at a convenience store
captain man: “let’s slow fight this crime”
robber: “is this your sidekick?” ray: “naw, we’re just vibing!” henry: “you don’t even know what that means” ray: “it’s means, like, we’re together but not really” johnlock wants to know your location
henry really wants to get back to the man’s nest what’s goin’ on here????
a drone just said ‘henry hart located sending bounty hunter’ first of all wtf and secondly BOBA FETT CROSSOVER WHAT
even captain man’s like ‘wtf dude?’
mika: “i finally got mom and dad to fall asleep! you know what that means...” others: “SCREEN TIME!!! :D” kids these days...
chapa; “i wish i had a phone!” the way she said it is a total ‘god i wish that were me’ meme
the ad on is for ‘imdb tv’ THEY HAVE A STREAMING SERVICE??????
mika has a big phone or a tiny tablet
mika to a caller: “WHAT DO YOU WANT????” miles: “YOU’RE INTERRUPTIN’ SCREEN TIME!!!” sweet serenity you two CALM THE FRICK DOWN
captain man: “the kid and i are in a bit of a jimmy jam...” jimmy john’s wants your location
henry: “you want to fly the mancopter? get a bunch of puppies?” you’d think the kids would want to fly the flipping mancopter but they want puppies instead. kids these days! :D
captain man: “what’s gotten your brisket in a basket?” lol
henry: “dystopia’s really scary-“ well duh you live in a town called DYSTOPIA what did you expect
henry messed with a guy WHO EATS PEOPLE’S SOULS WTF
captain man reaction: “...so you didn’t come to swellview to see me?” i think you should be focused on the, i don’t know... EATING PEOPLE’S SOULS PART RAY
the lights just went out OH MAN
henry: “we’re gonna die, dude!” captain man: “hold on gotta try and think of an opening quip-“ this is like yakko saying ‘we need a perfect opening’ line in the animaniacs reboot lol :D
captain man: “knock knock-“ the blackout guy: *shoots captain man into a wall* captain man: “typically you’d say ‘who’s there?’“ lol
shoutout: “how did you miss the floor awol?” awol: “at least we’re here! we could’ve been in another country!” oh miles! :D
chapa: “why are the lights out?” henry: “it’s blackout! he’s a bounty hunter from dystopia-“ chapa: “aaalllllready stopped listening.” why does nobody care about a soul-sucking bounty hunter tho??
captain man has a wall on his back like peter being stuck to the couch in that one family guy ep lol
the lights go on and everyone cheers! :D
captain man: “i said i wasn’t done with my quip! knock knock-“ *gets thrown to the ground* he’s never gonna get to that quip huh
henry: “looks like captain man is taking care of him.” no i think HE’S BEING ATTACKED HENRY
henry: “tell schwoz he can keep my dirty laundry-” why didn’t he pick it up before he moved tho
awol: “captain man says you’re the best superhero he’s ever seen!” henry: “that doesn’t sound like him.” brainstorm: “he also says you have a surprisingly good singing voice.” henry: “i guess i’m alriiight...;)” lol
volt: “captain man says that we’re garbage and we’ll never measure up to you” geez ray be a bit nicer to them (especially chapa) not everyone’s your bf henry
awol: “let’s take this guy down together! ... that sounded really cheesy” lol i love how they all agree except for shoutout :D
the blackout guy wants to know why captain man’s not dying DOES RAY NOT HAVE A SOUL????
blackout falling down because of a scream is the best :D
yay they did it!!! :D
captain man: “what do you get when you cross a duck with a shutzu?” nice dodging the nickelodeon censors ray ;)
barrow raffle ad: “you could win a million dollars! if you ask us, that’s a win-win” a win-win is letting me finish this ep
captain man kicked blackout and he didn’t respond IS HE DEAD??? :o
schwoz left an alive present in henry’s jeans WTF SCHWOZ
henry: “tough group of kids you got there.” ray: “yep, it always surprises me how much grit and determination each one of them has- oh my god, they’re baby-talking the puppies” lol what a perfectly delivered line :D
henry: “buh-bye dangers!” awww dangers!!! :’)
the higher-pitch of the vid makes mika’s puppy voice SO ADORBS! ♥
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*phone alarm* henry: “that’s my guber!” i know it’s an uber pun but henry’s getting a goofy goober ride awwww yeah! B)
ray doesn’t want to let go awww :)
yo schwoz put a turtle in henry’s pocket lol :D
ooh there’s a post credit scene! :D
and it’s bloopers how sweet :)
that was a great ep as always (probably my fave ep along with the quarantine special)! him and captain man have awesome chemistry and henry with the kids is great too ♥ see ya soon henry! (and danger force)
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anony-phangirl · 6 years
Prinxiety with "I'm not jealous! It's just... you're mine!" (Maybe with Roman saying it?)
Ooh!! I like this one!! Imma base it off of my Uncharted AU!! XDD
Prompt: “I’m not jealous! It’s just… you’re mine!”
Pairing: Prinxiety, with a hint of Logicality
Summary: Logan and Virgil were talking strategies and kidding around, and Roman is totally not jealous…~Human!AU, Uncharted!AU
Word Count: 659
Warnings: Swearing! And flustered Roman and Virgil, along with weapon mentions. Tell me if I need to add something!
Fics Masterpost: If you wanna read more of my stuff!! :D
A/N: Alriiight! The first fic of my Uncharted AU! Hope ya’ll enjoy! ^-^
More of the Uncharted!AU: Main Characters, Side-Main Characters
—– —– —– —– —–
Roman was pissed.
He hadn’t a clue why, but he was.
They weren’t even flirting, they were just discussing strategies and shit. So why did he have the burning sensation of knocking out his own partner with the handle of his gun, before immediately taking Virgil into his arms and kissing him? They weren’t even dating! Plus! Roman doesn’t like Virgil in that way! Right?
Virgil once again giggled, pulling Roman out of his thoughts.
Okay, yeah… So Roman might have a small little crush on the adorable beautiful guy… So what?!
“I guess that could work!” Virgil replied to whatever his nerdy friend had said.
“Yes well, I assure you, I’ve done it before and it was rather amazing.” Logan replied with a smirk.
“Okay, okay! I’ll be sure to see what I can do!” Virgil laughed. “Now back to- Ro, what’s with the strange looks?”
Logan turned to face him, before his previously playful expression turning into a smug look, his normally calculating eyes had that glint in them and his lips were curved up into a smirk.
“Ah, I see what’s going on.” Logan began. “You, my good good friend, are jealous!”
Roman has decided that enthusiasm did not suit Logan, and Roman was already planning on how to murder him.
“Jealous? Of who? Me?” Virgil cluelessly asked.
Logan rolled his eyes. “Of me, obviously. But not to worry, I already harbor feelings for another person. He’s all yours by any means.” Logan stated, as Roman felt his cheeks heat up.
“You’re jealous of Logan?” Virgil asked, holding back a snort.
“I’m not jealous! It’s just… you’re mine!” Roman exclaimed before clamping his mouth shut with his hand. Damn you Logan, damn you to the depths of Tartarus.
“Since when was I yours exactly?” Virgil asked with a surprised look on his face, arms crossed, as he attempted to suppress a giggle.
“Nothing! I am not jealous! What I said came out wrong, I didn’t mean to… Ugh!!” Roman groaned out, flipping them off. “Fuck off! Fuck this! I’m fucking done! I’m gonna go hang out with Patton.”
And just as he was walking away, Virgil, wasn’t able to hold it in anymore. He let out a giggle as he caught Roman by the wrist.
“Roman, Roman wait.” He said, attempting to calm down from his giggle frenzy. “Wait just a moment!”
Roman stood there, arms cross, and face slightly tinted pink. Because damn Virgil’s giggle is fucking adorable! That and he still felt embarrassed for letting those words slip past his mouth.
“Okay, okay.” Virgil said, after a moment of giggles, at this point Logan had moved away from them and in his own, if not Patton’s, room. “Look, you can be so dense sometimes, but that’s part of why I like you I suppose. You are also an oblivious idiot, again, one of the reasons I like you. Now if you meant what you said, despite me not really being yours… I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you after this frenzy of an adventure. Because, as much of a moron you are, I actually kinda really like ya. So what do you say?”
Roman felt himself freeze because, holy shit! Did Virgil Fisher just ask him out?? He was not expecting that to happen!
“Wait, you actually like me back?” Roman asked, eyes wide.
“Yes, I do you moron. Now stop making me anxious and answer my damn question.” Virgil asked, tho he looked far from anxious with that smirk on his face.
But Roman wasted no time in replying, “Hell yes I’d go on a date with you! I was planning on asking after this whole mess, but I guess you beat me to it.”
“Well, I guess you’re also kinda slow then.” Virgil said, poking his tummy. “Now, will you stop being jealous, and let’s make a mess of this kitchen by attempting to bake cookies?”
—– —– —– —– —–
Welp, that sucked… ALSO!! I retrieved most of the taglist so yeah.. Been a while huh? Hope ya’ll at least liked that, even just a little! I tried.. :P
General Taglist:
@irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​  @royallyanxious​  @alyssadashrub​  @freepaperie081​  @allaboutthemsides​  @my-happy-little-bean​  @honeythanvinegar​​  @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2​  @manyfandomsonewolf​  @ruuworld​  @trashypansexual​  @thequeensqueer​  @creepy-crawly-death-dealer​  @fluidityandgiggles​  @scarletnoiryt​ @xxladystarlightxx​  @sanderstalker​   @ccecode​  @fullmusicchild11​  
Uncharted Taglist: Okay well, no official taglist for this so I’m gonna tag those that seem to like the idea! :P
@mandeebobandee​  @that-royal-ravenclaw​  @chara-sanders-plisetsky​  @pieces-of-annedrew​  
If I missed anyone, please feel free to shout at me… or message me. XD
Also, if you wanna be removed or added to the general list (which means I tag you in all my stories, or most) then just ask or message me
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javis-beretta · 6 years
there’s a fine line between love, hate and misinterpretation.
There are many things that you regret, from the dress you wore to the grade 8 dance, to the stories you told when you were drunk, but, the highest regret on your list, by far, was attending Katherine Pulitzer’s house party.
The night began like any other. Her father was away for the weekend, so Kath allowed herself to be convinced to throw a party. You were almost certain that it was her idea, since not a soul on earth could convince Katherine to do something that she wasn’t in favour of, but she insisted that it was all Jack’s doing. Furniture was cleared to make space for dancing, adult drinks were provided by boys with fakes and the party was in full swing.
At any other time, you would have loved to be twirled by a tipsy Race and laughed at by a dizzy Al, but tonight your mind was focused on a tall boy who refused to meet your eyes.
Davey Jacobs was an angel. He was the top of his class, respected by teachers, adored by friends. So, why the hell did he hate you? Maybe hate is too strong a word, but at the very least Davey seemed incapable of tolerating your presence for more than a minute or two, which was incredibly inconvenient for you, because all you desired was his attention.
“I don’t get it,” you complained to Race, leaning against the wall in Katherine’s crowded living room, “Everyone always talks about how nice or kind or decent David is, so why does he hate me?”
“He doesn’t hate you, stupid. Pretty sure Dave’s incapable of that kind of emotion. He just... hasn’t warmed up to you yet.” Race didn’t sound like he believed a word of what he was saying, and you didn’t let it slide.
“I just-,” you were cut off by Albert’s arm draping over your shoulders.
“We’re playing drinking games down in the basement! You losers in?”
“Who’s we?” you asked, suspiciously.
“Uh, me, obviously. Jojo, Specs, Jackie, Kath, Crutch, Romeo, Sarah, Elmer. Oh, and we convinced Davey!”
You wished that David’s presence wasn’t a draw for you, but your heart picked up a little at the mention of his name. Race was already following Albert to the stairs, so you had no choice. It was this, or stand alone against a wall at a party.
The basement was filled with familiar faces and you settled down next to Kath and Jack on the concrete floor.
“Hey, kid, how’s the Saturday night life been treatin’ ya?” Jack asked with a smirk. You were a notorious light weight, so you could already feel the light beer you had been sipping going to your head. Your smile was looser than usual when you grinned back.
“Better now that I’m seeing you, sunshine.”
You turned to Kath, “Did you authorize the boys being this drunk and disorderly?”
“As if. I don’t think anyone could ever tell our boys what to do.” She answered fondly.
Your crew, ever the teenagers, had devised their own party game for the express purpose of getting near to getting it. It was a spin the bottle, mixed with kings, truth or dare and seven minutes in heaven. It was poisonously fun.
“Alriiight, folks, you know the drill. The bottle is spinned — spun, span? Whatever, Jacobs is the English genius, not me — and whoever it lands on gets to choose between an honest truth, one of Romeo’s worst drinks or spending seven minutes in the closet with the spinner!“
Everyone rolled their eyes as Race explained the rules, as if they were new here. And so, the game began.
Romeo landed on Jojo and he told the circle about his horrible first kiss with Susie Winters; Jojo got Race and made him reveal his worst romantic rejection; Kath got Jack and forced him to down a horrible vodka-whiskey-Dr. Pepper concoction and then Jack’s spin landed on you.
“Y/N, dear, dear Y/N.” You were terrified of that michevious sparkle in his eyes. “Who, sitting in this room, would you most like to take out on a date?” You felt your cheeks redden and knew that you couldn’t possibly answer, although most of the room probably knew what you’d say. You just screwed your eyes shut and told Romeo to do his worst.
After a few minutes, a glass was in your hand filled with what looked like vodka, gin and a generous helping of lemon juice. You held your nose and chugged as the circle cheered you on. Jack grinned at you, looking as innocent as ever.
You rolled your eyes and gave the bottle a spin. It spun and spun and spun, until it stopped, neck pointed at the crossed knees of a certain Davey Jacobs.
Race, sitting to Davey’s left, gave you a thousand-watt smile and Crutchie, on Davey’s right looked at you with wide, sympathetic eyes.
There was only one truth you wanted to hear from Davey’s mouth, but your heart beat too fast to ask him what you ever did to drive him away, so you stole Jack’s question and stumbled over his words.
“O-of everyone here, uh, who would you want to, um, go out with?”
Davey glanced uneasily at Romeo, and still refused to meet your eyes. If you thought you were bad at holding your liquor, then Davey was worse. He already looked decidedly rumpled after less than half of Jack’s beer. He swallowed thickly and muttered something no one but Race could hear.
“A little louder so the ladies can get that, Jacobs,” Race winked.
“I’m not doing truth or drink, so, I guess I pick the closet,” he mumbled, eyes locked on the ground.
You gulped as the group was in uproar. Davey groaned and stood uneasily. You followed him to the old cleaning closet, as your stomach twisted and turned.
Ever the gentleman, he opened the door and motioned for you to enter.
“Uh, ladies first, I guess,” he mumbled, still avoiding your eyes.
Before you knew it, you were standing across from him, with barely enough space to breathe your own air. You could hear your heart roaring in your chest, and, somehow, he still couldn’t look you in the eye.
“I’m sorr-,” he started to say, but your mouth opened and words spilled out before you could stop them.
“What did I ever do to get you to hate me, David?”
He looked just as shocked as you were to hear the words and you could feel the tension and see his face contort as he struggled to answer.
“Wh-why’d you think I’d ever hate you?” He looked dumbfounded.
Now, you were mad. He spent his high school career avoiding you, and now he was trying to lie about it, to your face.
“Every time I walk into a room, you leave it. Every time I sit down at lunch, you move further down the bench. Every time I make a joke or tell a story, I can see you concentrating way too hard on a textbook or your locked phone! Everyone raves about what a great guy you are, but I wouldn’t know because you didn’t even take a moment to get to know me!” Your voice softened, “What did I ever do to you, Davey?”
He had an unfamiliar look in his eyes, desperate, but pained. Suddenly, his hand grabbed yours and he finally looked you in the eyes.
“God, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I wish I hated you, but I just can’t be around you, I-I,” he seemed to choke on his own words.
“Every time I see you my cheeks get red, and palms sweat and I just know that if I talk to you for too long, you’ll figure it out and everyone’ll know and I’ll make everything so awkward.”
He could see you didn’t know what he meant at all.
“I, I like you, Y/N. I have since, like, forever. I thought if I avoided you, it’d go away.”
You hesitated.
“Has it gone away?”
“I can’t-” he sighed. “No, it’s been three years and it hasn’t gone away,” he said, with his jaw set and something certain in his eyes.
Now it was your turn for speechlessness. With Romeo’s liquor sending courage through your veins, you leaned up and kissed him, on the corner of his mouth. As soon as you did, you wished even more to feel his lips on yours. Were they as soft as they looked?
“I like you, too, Dave-,” before you could finish the sentence his lips were on yours, and they were just as soft as you had imagined. You were caught up in his taste for a moment and then he pulled away, holding your cheeks in his hands and searching your eyes for something that you couldn’t identify.
He chuckled.
“How could anyone ever hate you?”
Just then, you heard the familiar tune of iPhone marimbas.
The door was thrown open and Race looked at you, with Davey’s hands on your cheeks and something definite in both of your eyes.
Race grinned.
“Told ya he didn’t hate you,” and, suddenly, you didn’t regret Katherine’s party at all.
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marshmarrowsans · 6 years
Summer Skeleton Snuggle and Surf!
Whoop whoop it’s past midnight here and you know what that means!!! Hey @miss-me-chispy, it’s your summer secret santa!  You requested self-insert cuddling with UF Papyrus and after writing all 30 monstersummermash prompts I was in a really summery mood, so I decided they’d be cuddling on the beach.  Then I was really enjoying writing the story, and the surfing thing came to mind, and I thought it’d be super cute, so I just added it in.  Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!  I tried to make it really cute and fluffy! -Mod Kasha
Typically, there are two types of people when it comes to visiting the beach: people who go in the water, and people who don’t.  Before this trip to California, you would’ve made an educated guess that Edge would be the former and Red would be the latter. That assumption was flipped on its head when you actually got there: maybe it was because Edge had you to cuddle with and Red had a human surfing instructor to go make goo goo eyes at.  Maybe it was because Red gave little enough of a shit to put on swim trunks, whereas your boyfriend was still dressed like he walked straight out of a Hot Topic buy four get three free sale.  But whatever the reason, it ended up that Edge stayed on the sand with his arms around you, and Red went splashing around in the shallows with a rental surfboard.  You were sitting together on a beach towel in the shade, with him behind you, and you practically in his lap.  He was hugging you from behind and, of course, still tall enough to see over your head. “He’s going to hurt himself,” you mused, holding on to one of the strong, boney arms Edge had wrapped around your waist. “Should we go save him?” “FROM WHAT?  DROWNING?” Ah.  It was easy to forget little things like the fact that skeleton monsters did not have the physiological need to breathe. “No.  From embarrassment.” Edge wrapped his arms around you a little tighter, and you felt him nuzzle his nasal cavity against the top of your head. “I’M HAPPY HERE IN THE SUN WITH YOU.” It wasn’t often you got to hear him say that he was happy, however tangentially and despite the fact that he said it around you more than he did around anyone else. “HOWEVER…  IF YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLAY IN THE WATER.  AND TAKE ME WITH YOU, SINCE I AM YOUR DATEMATE AND EVERYTHING IS BETTER WITH MY COMPANY.  THEN ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ASK!” You tilted your head back to look him in the eyes.  “But you didn’t bring swim trunks.” “THIS CLOTHING WILL SUFFICE.  IT IS BUILT TO WITHSTAND ALL SORTS OF PERILS!” he told you proudly, even though you knew full well that it had plenty of normal wear-and-tear.  “I DON’T THINK THAT WATER IS ITS LIMIT.” “What about sand?  I’m warning you.  No matter what you’re wearing, no matter how secure you think your pants are, if you let the waves out there batter you around enough, you will get sand right up in your asscrack.” “I DON’T HAVE ONE.” “You will get sand right up in your pelvis.” “THAT’S ALRIGHT.  IT’S ALREADY THERE.”  He shifted uncomfortably and pulled a strange expression, earning a laugh from you.  “I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN UP AND TRIED TO SHAKE IT OUT BUT I DIDN’T WANT TO LET GO OF YOU. AND BESIDES.  THAT IS NOT A FLATTERING THING TO DO IN FRONT OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND.” “Oh, I don’t care.”  You gave him a little nudge on his arm with the back of your hand.  “I think we’re deep enough in love to be past the point of trying to act perfect around each other all the time.  Don’t you?” Oh, the L-word always hit him right in the soul.  No matter how often it was spoken between you at this point, no matter how normal it was for the two of you to say it in reference to each other nowadays, it still always made him falter and realize all over again how…  happy he was.  He turned his face away from you a little, but not before you could catch his sharp teeth stretching into a bigger, more genuine smile, and the light blush flooding to his cheeks. “BUT WE ARE PERFECT.  I WOULD ACCEPT NO LESS, EITHER FOR MYSELF OR FOR YOU!” His meaning was clear—he didn’t mean ‘perfect’ in a pure sense, but ‘perfect’ in that you were perfect for each other and to each other.  He recognized your imperfections, and maybe even his own, but they were a part of the two of you and your love for each other, so it was a part of something that was overall, in his eyes, perfect. “…  IN ANY CASE.  DID YOU WANT TO GO OUT AND PLAY IN THE WATER?” You quirked an eyebrow at him.  “Well, did you?”  You’d gotten pretty good at reading between the lines, given how often Edge was a tsundere about everything down to what he wanted to have for dinner.  And one of his favorite tactics was acting like you were the one who wanted something, in order to justify asking for it.  He especially liked to do that when it was something he was afraid or otherwise unwilling to try alone. Maybe he wanted to try surfing with you. Red disappeared under the water with a splash so dramatic you both turned to look, and had to be pulled up by the arm by the surfing instructor.  You felt each warm puff of breath as Edge chuckled against the side of your head. “MAYBE WE SHOULD AT LEAST SHOW MY BROTHER HOW IT’S DONE.” “We’re beginners, too.  That’ll probably be us in a few minutes.” “NO WAY.  WE WILL CONQUER THIS OCEAN LIKE ANY FOE!” All you could imagine was him trying to fight the water lapping at the shore. “DON’T LAUGH AT ME, CHISPY, MY DEAR.  WE CAN CONQUER ANYTHING TOGETHER!”  In one swift move, he both got to his feet and lifted you to your feet along with him.  He lifted you from under your arms, briefly leaving your feet dangling over the ground, before he set you back down steady on your own two feet.  “THAT IS WHY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” No matter how long it took him to recover from hearing that you loved him, he always remembered to tell you that he loved you back. The two of you jogged hand-in-hand out to the water’s edge, where the surfing instructor was just taking Red’s surfboard back from him.  You just caught the tail end of their conversation. “You’ll get the hang of it if you keep trying.” She was using her customer service voice.  “Like I said, you can come back for lessons during the week all summer.  We’ve got some great instructors here for that. Twenty dollars a session.” “oof.  thanks for the sales pitch, doll.  i’m gonna go drink until i forget how much my ass hurts.” “AHEM!” Edge stepped forward. “BROTHER!  ALLOW CHISPY AND ME TO SHOW YOU HOW IT IS DONE!  PLEASE.  SIT ON THE SAND AND OBSERVE.” The surfing instructor turned her attention to you, seeming to realize that you wanted a turn.  “Oh, have you two been surfing before?  We’re doing free surfboard rentals and basics but, like, if you’ve surfed a lot before, you can totally just use one of our surfboards for awhile without me giving you the rundown.”  She was probably a local.  She sounded like a Cali girl if you’d ever heard one. “NO!  BUT WE WILL SHOW HIM HOW TO BE GOOD BEGINNERS AT IT!” Edge asserted confidently. “whatever ya say, boss.” Well, the pressure was on now.  Red was sitting in the sand a few feet away with a grin that was just challenging you to fulfill Edge’s promise of an outstanding performance.  You would try your best, but you were already anticipating screwing up hilariously. At least the three of you could all laugh about it if that happened. “Alriiight, so the first thing we’re gonna do here is figure out if you surf regular foot or goofy foot.” “I AM NOT GOOFY AND NEITHER ARE MY FEET!” Edge interjected.  “REGULAR!” “Let her explain, sweetie,” you reminded him with a gentle touch on his arm. “…  Right, so, regular foot means you feel more comfortable riding the board with your left foot forward.  Like this.” She demonstrated, holding out her arms as if for balance even as the surfboard she was using was planted firmly on the sand for the demonstration.  “And goofy foot means you feel more comfortable with your right foot forward, instead.  Like this.” She switched feet, holding the same position for a moment before dropping her arms to her sides.  “That’s all.  Go ahead and try it on your boards.  See what feels more natural for you.  That’ll be the stance you use from now on.” You were glad to start out with some nice and easy setup.  You didn’t feel quite ready to go out on the water yet.  You tried each stance, a few times, before deciding that the ‘regular’ stance felt right to you. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, took a lot longer.  He furrowed his brow, staring down at his feet as he switched back and forth between the positions.  You were sure that if he was actually undecided about which felt more natural, he would’ve just picked regular.  So that must mean… You cracked a big smile.  “…  You’re a goofy-foot, aren’t you, honey?” “I AM NOT!” “Are too.” “WELL!  I PREFER TO STAND THIS WAY!  BUT IT’S CERTIANLY NOT GOOFY!”  He turned to the instructor.  “THIS STANCE! IT NEEDS A NEW NAME!  WHAT ABOUT…  COOL FOOT?” “…  Okay. Well, whichever foot you have in front right now, that’s the foot you’re gonna use when you pop up on the board out in the water.  Popping up is what we’re gonna practice next, mkay?  And it’s probably going to be what takes the most getting used to.  It can take some practice to hold your balance right. So what you’re gonna do, is you’re gonna lie on your stomach on your surfboard and paddle out.  Paddle for awhile.  Paddle around ‘till you find a good place to try and catch a wave.” Again, she demonstrated for you, mimicking swimming movements above the sand.  “And when you think you see a good wave to catch, you’re gonna put your hands on the board like you’re doing a push-up.  Legs stretched out behind you.  And then, real fast and smooth, push yourself up and plant your feet in the proper position.  Front foot facing forward, back foot pointing to the side. Don’t end up on your knees on the board, you’ll probably fall over.  Let’s practice popping up on land!” It felt silly and kind of embarrassing to do that, with all the strangers around, not to mention Red staring teasingly at the two of you.  But it was certainly something that took a bit of practice.  You kept finding your feet planted just slightly wrong, or it took you a bit longer than you would’ve liked to get to your feet from your position lying prone on your stomach.  Still, you were better off than Edge.  He might’ve been a bit too tall for the rental surfboard, despite being given the longest one they had in stock.  He ended up, quite a few times, with one of his feet or the other on the sand instead of on the board. But eventually, you both felt like you got the hang of it.  It helped him to look to you for a better (and prettier!) example. “Looking pretty good, guys!”  The instructor clapped her hands together, particles of sand flying out like dust in the air.  “Are we all ready to go out on the water?” Edge looked to you.  Was he… nervous about this?  You couldn’t blame him if he was.  He’d only popped up correctly a couple of times, and it had been inconsistent. “…  WE’RE GOING TOGETHER, RIGHT?” “Well, we can’t all ride the same wave, but we’ll all paddle out together, I’ll go first, and then you two can try and follow me, okay?” “…  VERY WELL.  STAY CLOSE, CHISPY.” God, he made it sound like some kind of suicide mission. The three of you paddled out into the water together, the surfing instructor taking the lead.  You weren’t far behind her, but Edge started to lag behind the two of you—his skeletal hands weren’t as good at paddling through the water as your fleshy ones were—so you slowed down to match his speed. The instructor had to shout back at the two of you for you to hear her over the distance and the roaring of the waves. “We’ve got a good one coming in! Now watch me!” A sizeable wave approached, and she demonstrated the proper technique with the practiced grace of somebody who had likely been doing it since childhood.  She hopped off her surfboard on the beach and stood proudly there to watch you, surfboard pulled upright at her side and tucked under her arm.  Red looked impressed. One or the both of you were so going to fall on your face trying to replicate that. And you decided that if one of you was going to have to fall on your face first, it would be you. “I’ll take the next one,” you volunteered bravely.  You ran through it all in your head—push-up position, pop up, left foot forward, knees off the board… “YES!  SO BRAVE!  GO FOR IT! I BELIEVE IN YOU!” Damn.  This next big wave coming in looked even more daunting than the first, but maybe that was because you were looking at it with the knowledge that you were going to try to surf on it. You had that last-minute second of doubt, just as the wave was upon you, like you suddenly didn’t know what the hell you were doing.  You pushed up, felt yourself wobble, and were sure you were going to tip right over… but you remembered your footing, steadied yourself, and the next thing you knew, you were gliding through the water on your surfboard! Honestly, you felt like a baby deer taking its first few steps in the world, knees locked in place, terrified you were still going to fall.  But all three of your onlookers were cheering you on with utmost enthusiasm, all the way until you made it to the shore and stumbled on to the sand. “Beautiful form!  Great work!” the instructor praised you.  “Now let’s see how your…  Boyfriend…?” “Boyfriend,” you confirmed breathlessly. Looking out at the water, you couldn’t miss him.  He stuck out like a sore thumb in the best way possible. “Let’s see how your boyfriend does.” Looking at him now, you could already kind of tell things weren’t going to go great.  He kept paddling out to catch a wave, then changing his mind and just letting the water rush past him.  He even started to get into a push-up position, then changed his mind and flopped back down on to his stomach instead of surfing the wave. He needed encouragement, just like he gave you. “You can do it, babe!” you called out to him, hands cupped around your mouth in hope it would help carry your voice to him. “I believe in you!” “I KNOW!  JUST WATCH!” That gave him just the confidence boost he needed.  Maybe too much of a confidence boost.  He decided to try and ride the first wave he saw. And he tried to get to his feet very quickly. And one of his feet stepped right off the side of the board, sending him splashing clumsily into the water. Red burst out laughing like it was the funniest damn thing he’d ever seen.  You caught the surfing instructor covering her mouth and letting out a little peal of giggles, too. You were the one who splashed out into the water to go check on him.  He was a tough guy, and you had no doubt he’d turn up alright.  You were mostly just going out there to take care of his hurt ego, not anticipating any sort of physical injury. Of course, skeletons sank like a rock, too. So you waded out waist-deep in the water and still didn’t see him, even as the wave that tipped him washed over you. You didn’t see him.  But the water threw him straight into you and sent both of you tumbling back up on to the beach.  When the water receded again, it left the two of you there, you on your back and him clinging to you with his arms around your waist. Slowly, with water still leaking out of several different crevices in his skull, he looked up at you. “…  CLEARLY I DID THAT ON PURPOSE.” “Clearly~” you teased him. “I DID!  THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED.  I…  WANTED TO SEE YOU GET YOUR HAIR WET!”  His expression softened for a moment, as did his voice.  “…  YOU LOOK LIKE A MERMAID WITH YOUR HAIR WET.”  He tucked some of it behind your ear. It really hadn’t been necessary to tell the instructor he was your boyfriend.  She could tell right now. Speaking of which, you didn’t want to get too heavy on the PDA.  So you gave Edge a kiss of acknowledgement, then helped him to his feet. “Don’t worry about it.  Most people wipe out on their first try,” the instructor reassured him with an easy-going laugh.  “You can keep trying.  Orrr come to one of our lessons during the week.” That sounded like fun.  You felt like you could improve—like maybe you just got lucky on your first try.  You would’ve been happy to sign up on the spot. It was too bad your flight back home was on Sunday. *          *          * “You’re extending the trip?” You stood behind Edge, watching him curiously as he revised the calendar he’d brought along.  The arrow marked ‘VACATION’ that had initially ended on Sunday was now hastily extended to the following Friday. “YES.  ONLY FOR A FEW DAYS, THOUGH.  I DON’T WANT SANS GETTING TOO COMFORTABLE.  HE MIGHT NEVER LEAVE.” You could guess what this was about.  The beach trip was still fresh in your mind, and apparently, it was still fresh in his mind, too.  You wrapped your arms around him from behind. “…  Did you want to go back and try those surfing lessons?” you asked gently. “…  IT MAY BE…  FUN…  TO ACTUALLY SURF PROPERLY LIKE I KNOW I CAN.” “I’ll go with you.” “GOOD.  I ALREADY SIGNED US UP.  JUST THE TWO OF US.”  He turned around and hugged you back. It never got any less sweet, seeing how far Edge would go just to try and look cool in front of you and impress you. You could never quite find the words to tell him that you loved him just as much even when he wasn’t trying.
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floral-and-fine · 8 years
Billionaire Matchmaker pt. 2
Bucky x f!reader
y/n: reader’s name.
Summary: Tony gets involved in the reader’s love life again.
Warning: I don’t think there’s anything to mention, just some flirting.
A/n: So just part two of my fic Billionaire Matchmaker. (Which you can read here) I wasn’t planning on making a part two, but now that I have I may make a part three and four. Idk, I’d love to hear what people think. :) 
Special thanks to @sharknadoslut for the suggestion of making a second part.
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  When Tony walked into the common room area at the Avengers compound he couldn't help, but notice how Bucky was so focused on his phone. He hated how Bucky ignored him. Even after hooking him up with a hottie like y/n, and things still get weird and quiet when it's just them.  "Who are ya talking to?" Tony asked while spying over Bucky' shoulder to read his text messages. "Ah... I see, our pretty little y/n... How's that been going by the way?" Tony raised his eyebrows suggestively. Bucky continued to ignore Tony's comments. "Come on!!! I want all the juicy details," Tony whined. Bucky wasn't budging, his eyes glued to the screen of his phone. Well this is going nowhere Tony thought to himself.  
Then he got an idea, a brilliant idea, like anybody could expect anything less. He is the mastermind of this whole situation and he wasn't about to let anyone forget. A grin a mile wide spread across his face. Bucky looked at him from the corner of his eye, trying to figure out why he was so happy all of a sudden. Tony shrugged his shoulders,  "Nevermind... you're a tough nut to crack Barnes," Tony said as he reluctantly started to head to the elevator. "But I've heard through the grapevine that y/n has a few...'concerns'... I guess that's the best way to put it." Tony casually pressed the up button, while he rocked back on heels as he waited. A sly smile played on his lips, thinking to himself 'Take the bait Barnes.' 
Bucky stared at the back of Tony's head, thinking, 'shit how the hell does anyone ever know when this guy is being serious.' Bucky groaned, he was too damn curious not to ask, and it was about y/n which meant that jumping through a few hoops for Stark's entertainment would be worth it (if what he says is true). "What concerns?" Bucky finally gave in. Tony had to bite his lip to fight his urge to gloat. Once he regained his composure he spoke, "I don't know if I should really say... But what the hell... Now keep in mind she had told this to Pepper, so I really had to work hard to get this info." 
Bucky just stared at Tony unamused. He really hated all these games Tony liked to play. Taking the hint from the look on Bucky's face Tony continued, "Alriiight, I'll get to the point... Y/n might have mentioned that the pace of your relationship is moving... Slowly." "Slow?" 
This took Bucky by surprised. He just figured he was being a gentleman. Anytime they were together, he would have never assumed that y/n wasn't happy with how things were going. But maybe he was coming off hesitant. While he loved being with y/n it still wasn't easy for him to relax. Not because of her, it was more of an internal matter. 
Bucky was determined to make this relationship go right. Y/n's the first person he's been able to get close to, and he was afraid to lose it. Tony watched Bucky's face who was deep in thought, he knew he had him, it was like catching fish in a barrel. 
"Think about it this way, you two went from hot and heavy at the party to not much action... Guess she's a little worried that you're losing interest." Tony went over to the bar and started to make a couple of drinks, handing one over to Bucky. "Can I give you my honest opinion Barnes? You and y/n are ready to take things to a much more serious level." Tony winked then finished his drink. "And I have a few ideas on how to help. Leave it all to me."
Later on that day, Bucky found a package in his room with a note that contained specific directions, a time, a place and was signed 'T'. Bucky opened the box revealing a suit, with a black dress shirt and tie. It was something a little too fancy for his taste. Bucky prayed that he wasn't going to regret letting Tony help. He could only wonder about why he needed to dress so formally.
******* While you were finishing up some  paperwork at your desk, someone waltzed into your office without knocking. That could only mean one person, Tony. He felt that he wasn't required to knock since he owned the building. 
"Mr.Stark." you greeted, without looking up. "Ms. L/n." "Can I help you with something?" "Nothing, just checking in... Wanted to see how your doing." Finally you looked up at him, he had a playful gleam in his eye. As you were about to question his motives, someone knocked on the door. "Aren't you gonna get that?" Tony asked gesturing at the door while glancing at some of the documents. You sighed, getting up and opening the door.  You were greeted by a delivery boy with a large bouquet of pink roses and lilies. "Ms. L/n?" the boy asked. "Oh... Um yes." "These are for you ma'am." "Thank you." you looked at the flowers, smiling to yourself. They were beautiful and smelled wonderful. Towards the center was a little envelope. Gently, you laid the flowers down so you could open the card. 
It was from Bucky. It didn't say much else other then a place and time. Which was odd considering the other times he gave you flowers, the card contained a sweet and romantic message. Not to mention how he always delivered them personally. 
"Oooh, plans for a romantic rendezvous, how cute." Tony said right by your ear, as he read the note over shoulder. You rolled your eyes. "Mr. Stark I would appreciate it if you would refrain from getting involved in my personal life." Tony scoffed and acted offended. "Must I remind you-" "Yes... Yes I know and I am grateful that you introduced me to Bucky." Tony smiled smugly at the comment, "You know, I've heard that Barnes is kinda worried about the two of you..." "And who did you hear this from?" you asked skeptically. "I heard it from Scott, who heard it from Sam, who happens to be chummy with Steve and your beau. So it seems like a likely scenario ... As far as gossip is concerned." You hated yourself for letting your curiosity getting the best of you. "What's Bucky worried about?" 
Tony started to mess with papers on your desk again. "Oh... You know things... Like that maybe you might be afraid of him considering his past and all." "That's ridiculous, I lo- care about him... A lot."
  You stood there analyzing every interaction you ever had with Bucky. You couldn't recall anything that could've led him to believe that.
"Anyways," Tony interrupted. "Barnes has quite the night planned for the two of you... What are you going to wear?"
Somehow Tony convinced you to let him buy you a new dress for the occasion. While it seemed like a nice offer, he was being real nitpicky about which one. You were trying on dress number 12 when you heard him talking to the saleswoman about whether they had anything that complimented your eyes better or something in lilac. You sighed looking at yourself, you didn't see anything wrong with this dress, but the same could be said for the last 11 of them. 
Five dresses later and Tony was convinced that the light blue mermaid dress with the lace details and back, was the best. As you stood in front of your mirror, you had to admit that with your makeup done and hair fixed just right, that the dress looked amazing on you. 
The place listed on the note, happened to be a high-end restaurant inside a 5 star hotel. While you and Bucky have been on some great dates, the two of you haven't done anything quite this fancy. It was starting to make you feel nervous. 
When you entered the restaurant, you were immediately greeted by the host. "Are you with the Barnes party?" "Yes I am." "Right this way."   The entire restaurant was empty. There was a large crystal chandelier in the center of the room. All the tables had floral center pieces. In the corner of the room was a string quartet playing a soothing piece.
At a small table in the middle of it all was  Bucky. He looked so handsome, the suit he had on fit him like a glove, but he looked a little uncomfortable. You could tell from the intensity of his stare. You were beginning to have your suspicions about this date, and whether Bucky planned it all.
When he saw you come in, he got to his feet immediately, and pulled out your chair. You smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "You look beautiful doll." he whispered into your ear. He pulled out your chair. "Thank you, Bucky."
  You gave him a once over, making it intentionally obvious that you were checking him out. You whistled, "Hello, nurse!*" Bucky chuckled. "You like it?" "What's not to like?... You could wear anything and look good." "Are you trying to butter me up? cause its working." 
This was more like it, flirty banter and simply enjoying each other's company. You noticed how Bucky relaxed, his shoulders weren't so rigid and he was smiling back at you from across the table. Bucky asked about your day. He always did even though your work was tedious and uneventful. You decided not to mention your surprise visit from Tony.
The waiter came by and served champagne. Then proceeded to tell the two of you about the menu for the evening. Most of what he said sounded like gibberish rather than food. 
The meal was delicious. Some of it looked too beautiful to even eat. Usually your dates were more low key, like little picnics in a secluded area with a beautiful view, movie nights at your apartment, or going to an old fashioned diner and sharing dessert. There's was just something about those dates that were more intimate. This date, at such an upscale place was fine, but it reminded you of something Tony would do. It was so flashy and over the top. And that's when it hit you, the flowers, the dress, this place, Bucky being uncomfortable, this was all Tony's doing, but why? Why would Bucky agree to let Tony set all this up? Unless Tony was playing with you both, getting the two of you nervous and worried about each other. For what reason you still couldn't figure it out. However, you couldn't put any of this past Tony.
  You figured it was time to test your hypothesis. 
"Thank you for the flowers by the way, they were a lovely surprise." For a second Bucky looked confused, but he recovered quickly "Glad you liked them." "Well if I can be honest, there was something about the card that took me by surprise." "Really?" Bucky tried not to sound to worried. "Yeah... That confession you wrote about how you truly feel about me, did you really mean it?" you tried to keep your face straight. Bucky face went white "I-I... Umm," he managed to stutter out. A small smile crept on your face as you watched his turmoil. 
Finally, Bucky caught on to what you were doing.  "You know, don't you?... That this was all Stark's idea." You nodded. "Can I ask why?" Bucky sighed, "He told me that you had some concerns about our relationship." "He didn't?... God damn it Tony! He told me that you were worried about us!" Bucky groaned, "I knew better than to trust him, but the moment he said it was about you... I just had to know." he shook his head in disbelief. You grinned, "I know what you mean, he did the same thing to me. I just love you so much that I couldn't resist." 
  Bucky's face faltered, he couldn't believe what you just said. You hadn't even noticed, instead you continued to ramble about how gullible you are. "You love me?" Bucky whispered. "What?" you asked, having not heard him. "You just said it.... That you love me." he spoke a bit louder.  Your whole face went red. "Huh?... Oh," you laughed nervously, "it just sort of slipped out." "Did you mean it?" You looked down at your dessert, using your spoon to play with the mousse. You glanced at him shyly, "Yeah I do, Buck."
Bucky had the most perfect smile on his face, it was a mix between a smirk and a grin. He stood up and offered you his hand. The two of danced near the table. You laid your head on his shoulder with your hands on his chest. Bucky had his hands on your waist. The two of you swayed back and forth. Bucky pressed a kiss to the side of your head. "I love you y/n."
The two of you stopped dancing. You stood on your tiptoes, while Bucky leaned his head down. The kiss started off chaste, Bucky pulled you closer to him. You bit his bottom lip giving it a little tug before sliding your tongue in his mouth. You could feel Bucky smile. 
Someone cleared their throat behind Bucky.
"Excuse the interruption, sir, but this is for you." The waiter handed Bucky an envelope. "What's this?" "Key cards to the Honeymoon suite, sir. I had specific orders to bring those to you after your meal." 
Bucky just sort of stared at the envelope, while you averted your eyes. "Stark isn't very subtle is he?" Bucky questioned, still examining the envelope. "He did managed to set us up and now got us to admit how we feel." You added.
"Well no point in wasting this opportunity, hmmm?" he looked at you with his eyebrow cocked. "Care to join me?" You took his hand, "Let's go see why they call it the Honeymoon suite."
  *I love the Animaniacs, so just a little reference to them. 
Taglist: @sleeping-with-the-snakes
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Gladio shrugged out of his jacket and leaned over to wrap Prompto in it, zipping the front to keep him covered. The man picked him up with a grunt, "Alright, chill. We'll get ya sorted out, buddy. No need to freak out." He cradled him close and turned to leave, only to curse when the vines realized he was there as well. He growled and held Prompto close, trying to dodge them, "Fuck, stupid things..." he grumbled, only to gasp and go still as a needle poked his neck, and he fell to his knees.
He gave a yelp, struggling for a moment. It was one thing to be carried when he was clothed, but he was completely naked right now!
“Gladio!!! I can walk, put me doooown!” Prompto whined, laying his head against the largers’ shoulder. Knowing full well he was being melodramatic. “Alriiight, alright. But no more camping after tonight… I feel like I need fifty different bathes…”
Shifting to get comfortable, he was nearly finding a good spot to just be held before he stiffened. This was…definitely an issue. The gunner wanted to squirm out of the sheilds grip, so that the other had an actual decent chance of dodging. But no such luck. A sense of dread filling him when he noticed the needle like vine prick against Gladiolus’ neck.
The next thing he knew he was on the ground. Scrambling up to make sure that his friend was okay. Being mindful as he could of the vines.
“Gladdy? Come on big guy…we…we need to get outta here before shit goes south.” Prompto grimaced. There was no way for him to carry Gladiolus easily out of here, but if he needed to..he would.
0 notes
hyenahunt · 3 years
Beast Survival - 6
Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Summer
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP & ENG)
Jun: ...He came up with this whole thing, yet he's the one going feral from hunger, huh.
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[Location: Outside Starmony Hall]
[Six hours later...]
Jun: Urgh... I'm starving... No matter how much water I drink, it doesn't do anything for the gnawing hunger in my stomach...
Aira: ...Ah, Sazanami-senpai... You're working hard...
Jun: From the looks of it, it seems we're both sticking pretty closely to the rules of this whole thing.
Aira: You mean this savannah LARP Leo-san came up with, right...?
Of course we are. We promised, after all...
The rules are that for the whole day today, we're gonna try a self-sufficient lifestyle. Buying any food or ingredients to cook with is a no-go so we gotta find our own supplies...
And that's how we've wound up in this state... stuck outside in this kinda condition... I don't think I'm gonna make it...
Why're we even following these rules so strictly, anyway? Look at where they've gotten us...
Jun: Well, while his idea is definitely out there, he really had us in mind when coming up with it so we couldn't just toss it out.
We really ended up warming up to it, huh.
Even foreign actors have adopted this method of stepping into the shoes of their roles in order to really learn them, so the logic behind it is sound, but...
I never thought he'd suddenly tell us to live like this is the savannah...
Thanks to him, I haven't eaten a thing since breakfast...
Aira: Sazanami-senpai, you'd been working up until a lil' while ago, right? Did you manage alright?
Jun: Not exactly, but I roughed it out. It's not very professional to be so hungry you can't move, after all.
Aira: I actually went to kill some time at Tattsun-senpai's place 'cause I felt like I just couldn't deal with it alone.
Jun: Sigh... Do hyenas always live out such harsh lives...?
Well, if they've gotta do everything on their own, then of course they're gonna have to hunt like their lives depend on it.
Aira: Pretty sure I'd never survive in the wild~ I'd get done in straight away.
Jun: Haha, that's a mood. Let's see, he said we'd be sleeping out under the stars tonight, but just where are we even gonna do that?
For now, why don't we head over to where Tsukinaga-senpai is?
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[Location: Starmony Hall Courtyard]
Leo: Rrrrr... Grrrrrr—!
Jun: ...He came up with this whole thing, yet he's the one going feral from hunger, huh.
Tsukinaga-senpai, are ya doing okay?
Leo: I'm nokay, actually! My tummy's all rumbly and grumbly!
Wanna hear something cool? I'm sooo hungry that my stomach started playing out Tchaivosky's Symphony No. 6!
Jun: Well, I'm glad to see you're doing better than I expected.
Aira: Um, actually... Since it looks like all of us are just about to hit our limits, how 'bout we call it a day soon...?
Leo: What!? Quit your whining! Young boys are supposed to be ambitious! Don't give up! Give up and your life on the savannah is over—!
Aira: Wehhh~ But I want it to be over~
Jun: On another note, practically speaking, what're we gonna do about food and shelter 'til tomorrow?
Leo: Wahahaha ☆ ! Yep! I've thought it all through already! Our home's gonna be right here! And as for food...
Um, we can go hunting?
Jun: As if there'd be any prey here — we're bang in the middle of a city.
And even if we really are gonna sleep out in the open right here, is it okay to do that in the dorm courtyard?
Leo: ...Should be, right?
Jun: Why're you asking me...
Aira: More importantly, what about food~... I'm so hungry I can't even move~...
Jun: Hmm. With these rules, it'll be hard finding any food... Could be a pretty good idea to just stay put and save our energy until tomorrow, y'know?
After all, it seems like savannah animals actually do that to conserve their strength.
Aira: Urgh... Rather than a savannah animal, I feel more like a newbie monk on some harsh training.
Tatsumi: Ahh, so this is where you all were.
I heard from Aira-san that you're all attempting some real-life survival game for your role immersion.
How is that coming along?
Jun: It isn't really, though we're planning on sleeping outdoors right here. That covers our place to sleep for tonight, but we're stuck on what to do about food.
So for now we're just gonna sit around saving our energy.
Tatsumi: Heheh. It seems you're having trouble, just as I thought you would.
Here, take this.
Jun: Is this... a fishing rod...?
Tatsumi: That's right. The Overnight Outdoors Party circle lent it to me. Leo-san's also a member of the group, if I recall.
Leo: Yeah. We haven't really started doing anything together yet, though~
Tatsumi: After that, I talked with the Gardenia circle, too.
They've said you're free to harvest what you need from their home-grown vegetables.
I've also borrowed a camping set along with the fishing rod, so you can sustain yourselves with fish you catch and the vegetables you gather — how does that sound to you all?
It may be bending the rules of savannah life somewhat, but it still preserves the point of surviving by your own means.
Considering your current state, I do believe it's the most ideal solution here.
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Aira: O Lord, Buddha, and Tattsun-senpai above! That's the raveliest idea I've ever heard!
Jun: Oh, awesome! This way we can even experience what it's like to hunt!
Leo: Sounds fun! Count me in!
Jun: Alriiight! Suddenly I'm all pumped up~! I'm definitely gonna fish up a big one so we can all eat our fill!
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megamanxfanfics · 6 years
S.V - Ep. 6: Recover the Laser! Fire the Enigma Cannon!!
INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room - NIGHT
Caption: 7:00 PM
Alia walks into the Control Room to report to Signas.
ALIA: (sighing) 7 PM and our heroes are fast asleep…
SIGNAS: There are 12 hours left and just one more device to get until collision. I think we’re alright if they take a short nap.
[Insert Title Card – Recover the Laser! Fire the Enigma Cannon!!]
ALIA: (worried) Hmmm…
SIGNAS: I know, it’s anxiety-inducing, but we have to let them rest.  Have faith.  They’ve saved the world so many times before.
ALIA: I know.. I’m just.. not used to being this close to the action, ya know?
ALIA: In the past, I always focused on my Research to distract me during the tough times. We tried to create cures for the Maverick Virus or at least find ways to combat it… When my old boss, Dr. Doppler failed to do that, I lost a lot of faith in the world.  Then my next boss, Berkana turned on us as well..
SIGNAS: (nodding) From Laguz Island…  I remember reading up on that.
ALIA: Up until now, I feel like I’ve been constantly on the run from the Maverick Virus.  My colleague escaped with me to a new lab, over in Abel City but… that didn’t work out.
SIGNAS: (curious) What happened?
ALIA: We were only trying to help!  The Great Repliforce War was in full effect, and my old colleague Gate…  He just wanted his enhanced Reploids to join the battle. But… our Superior felt that it wasn’t our place. She did everything she could to sabotage his operation.  Including… threaten my termination if I didn’t comply…
SIGNAS: (gasping, surprised) Oh nooo…
ALIA: I took this job, because I needed a serious change.  But now, all I see is the constant struggle that you guys face against the Maverick Virus! …I’m sorry, but… I just don’t know if I can handle it.
She chokes up and looks away, trying to contain herself.
Signas calmly walks over to her and places his hands on her shoulders.
SIGNAS: (comforting) Alia…  I hired you, because you are exactly the type of person that we need. Especially, right now.  Your analytical skills are beyond top-notch, and I’ve been meaning to put good use to that Research background of yours.  So now is as good a time as any.  Come.  I have something to show you.
He leads her to his main computer screen and pulls up a halogen image of the DNA Data they have retrieved from Grizzly Slash, Duff McWhalen and Squid Adler.
ALIA: (shocked) This is... DNA!!
SIGNAS: (affirming) Yep.  Here is the DNA Data that X & Zero have acquired from the Mavericks, so far…  Why don’t you and Douglas see if you can make something useful out of it, while we wait for them to wake up??
Alia gasps.
ALIA: (wide-eyed) This is… Wonderful!
SIGNAS: (smiling) You had mentioned your strong background in Research at our interview. So I figured, why does that have to change?
She nods with a brightness in her eyes, which livens up her spirits once again.
ALIA: Ohhh, Thank you, boss!  You have no idea what this means to me.
She can’t help herself and gives him a hug.
SIGNAS: (surprised) Oh! Hahah.  My pleasure.  
He reciprocates the hug, patting her on the back, twice.
SIGNAS: Go ahead. Do what you love, Alia.
He lets her go to work as she happily runs out of the room and heads for the R & D lab across the hall.
He returns to his chair with a smug beam on his face. From nearby, David turns over to Signas and leans in.
DAVID: Hey, what was that all about?
SIGNAS: She just had the first day jitters… Go ahead and send out Frenzy Fox to recover that Energy Cart.  Then, alert me when X and Zero wake up.  With any luck, we can fire the Enigma Cannon tonight!
- cut to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. NEW MHHQ – Infirmary – NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Caption: Four hours later, 11:00 PM
Zero stirs awake and rips the energen feeding tubes off of his arms.  He looks over at X in shock, who seems to have been in the same state as him.He quickly sits up on his bed, leans over and shakes X by the shoulder.
ZERO: (shocked) X!  Wake up.
X: (groggy) Hmm? /Oh!
X grows wide-eyed at the sight of an alert, Zero who has fully recovered.
ZERO: How long have we been out, man?  We gotta get that Laser Device!
X blinks and feels his heart race at once. He sits up in bed.
X: (rising, tired) Yeeeah! Ogh.  Let’s go!
Zero stands up and helps X get out of bed.
ZERO: Alright. Come on, man!
They run out of the room.
-pan to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. NEW MHHQ – Corridors – NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
X and Zero run down the hallway as they receive a com-link from Signas.
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered, surprised) Oh! You’re both up. Excellent!  Pop in to the R & D Lab before you both set off on your next mission.  Alia and Douglas have some surprises for you.
X and Zero both look at each other, quizzically.
X & ZERO: Huh?
-pan to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. NEW MHHQ – R & D Lab – NIGHT -----------------------------------------------------------------------
X and Zero walk in to see Douglas and Alia high five each other.
ALIA: Yes!
X: Hey, guys. What’s going on??
ALIA: Oh, I’m glad you’re both up so soon. Check out what we’ve been working on!
They both walk over to their work table, with interest.  They see that five new items in the form of data chips are waiting for them.
ZERO: What is this?
DOUGLAS: Remember how we said I could make new parts for you guys??  Well, this is it!
He proudly displays five colorful chips, before them.
ZERO: (scoffing) Hmph… I don’t need any power-ups.
ALIA: (annoyed) Wait!  We’ve been working on these for the last 4 hours. The least you could do is listen to us.
Zero rolls his eyes and folds his arms, reluctantly.
ZERO: Okaay.  What have you got?
ALIA: I’d change my tone if I were you, because most of them are for you…
Zero jerks back for a second, surprised.
ZERO: What!?
X chuckles as she continues with a scowl.
ALIA: Well, first of all, Grizzly Slash was good for more than just his Crescent slashing abilities.  We were also able to create a Shock Buffer defense out of his DNA Data.
X: (intrigued) Shock Buffer?
ALIA: This decreases the amount of damage taken by half!
X: Ooh.
DOUGLAS: It also keeps you from being knocked back after taking a hit.
ZERO: (nodding) Alright.
DOUGLAS: We were then able to make a Super Recover chip from Duff McWhalen’s DNA Data.
ZERO: What’s that?
DOUGLAS: This makes all energen and weapon refill capsules restore twice as much power than usual.
X & ZERO: (surprised) Whoa.
ALIA: The last three are for Zero, exclusively. Sorry, X…
X shakes his head, paying no mind.
ALIA: This next chip, I think you’ll like. We call it the Z-Saber extend.
ZERO: (attracted) What?
ALIA: With this equipped, your Z-Saber will project a small wave of crescent energy with each slash, increasing your range by about 10%.
ZERO: Wow. Okay, I’m interested…
ALIA: (glowing, excited) Then you’ll Love the next two…  These are weapon items, extracted straight from McWhalen and Kraken’s core DNA.
ZERO: (nodding) Alright.
ALIA: First is Duff McWhalen’s Flying Splasher, which will give you more of a defensive Air-Dash that you can control with directional flight.
ZERO: (shocked) I can fly with this!?
ALIA: Only momentarily. Don’t get too excited. But yes. Your air-dash should be more mobile than before.  And you’ll be coated in a protective layer of the same material as X’s Goo-Shaver.
Zero looks at X.
ZERO: What’s that??
X: It’s like a water-based Plasma. I can’t really explain it, but it’s powerful stuff.  It’s what helped me bring down Squid…
He looks at his buster with slight remorse.
ALIA: Well, speaking of Squid Adler, that’s where this last chip comes from.   We’ve correlated his electric weapon data to interact directly with your Z-Saber, which will give you an awesome striking Electric Blade.
ZERO: Ooh.
DOUGLAS: (smiling) Still don’t want these Power-ups???
ZERO: (bothered, smile) Alright, gimme ‘em. X can have the Shock Buffer and Super Recover though. I don’t want to hog them all.
X shakes his head.
X: No, that’s okay.
ALIA: Huh???
X: I have the Force Armor, and another one on the way. I’m okay.  Really, I think Zero should have them.
ZERO: Are you sure??  All of them???
X: (smiling) I’m positive.  Let’s save the World, Zero.
He puts his fist out for a friendly bump with the most confident and sharp look in his eyes.
Zero gives him a nod and then a fist-bump with a smile.
X runs out of the room, while Zero equips his new power-up chips.
DOUGLAS: Wow!  And here you thought you weren’t getting any of these.
ZERO: Alriight, alriiight.
Zero gets equipped with all 5 of the power-up Data Chips within his gauntlet. Then he looks up with an eager grin.
ZERO: Man! I can’t wait to test out these new abilities.
ALIA: (content) We’ll be right here.  I’ll be on coms guiding you both every step of the way.  Now, go!
She leans up and gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder, but he simply turns around and runs away, ignoring her.
ALIA: (reacting) Oh…
DOUGLAS: Something wrong?
She combs her hair with her hand for a second and walks over to the monitor.
ALIA: N-no..  I just hope they’re successful on this mission…
DOUGLAS: (smirking) Uh huh.
-cut to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  EXT. NOVIKOVO – Fortress Lab – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Caption: 9:05 AM - Russian Time
In the solitude of Novikovo, Russia lies a rich, fortified lab, hidden from sight by numerous tall mountains.
X and Zero teleport to the area and take in the sight of his massive fortress.  They land on a cobblestone roof, just before a drawbridge, which leads to the entrance of the fortress.
ZERO: Whoa… This place, is huge.
X and Zero instantly explore the area as they kick-jump up a small wall, which leads to the large drawbridge.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) We can learn lots about Dr. Izzy Glow just from looking at this Laboratory… He is the world leading authority on laser technology. Therefore, the laser he created will be great use to the Enigma. I hope he will willingly give one to us, but… …I heard he is a very stubborn person so this might not be easy.
Zero grins.
ZERO: Well, I can be very stubborn, myself. Come on, X!
X nods and readies his buster
Zero pulls out his saber and slashes at the draw bridge a couple of times, admiring his new orange-tinted extended slashes as he cuts at the bridge a little harder.
X shoots level-1 shots at the bridge until it is forced down to lie flat, before the actual entrance of the hallway.
They both run on top of the bridge, which does not quite reach the hallway entrance. They stop short, when they see that below them is a dangerous bed of spikes.
ZERO: Whooa, let’s steer clear of that.
They both carefully dash-jump inside Dr. Izzy Glow’s Fortress.
-      pan to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. FORTRESS LAB – Hallway Entrance – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
They proceed down the red-carpet steps, before a long wall where a Met jumps out at them.
X: (gasping) Haven’t seen one of these in a while.
He shoots at it a couple of times, but his pellet shots are blocked by it’s hard-hat.  After a moment, the met peeks his little face out, while Zero dashes and takes a strike at the air.  His extended slash is able to reach the met from a distance, surprising both him and X.
X looks over to him.
X: Whoa, you get a pretty good reach with that thing.
ZERO: It’s like a complete extra slash! I’m gonna have to get used to that.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Hehehe.
They both kick-jump up the wall before them and spot another met on the other side of the carpeted floor.  This time X takes it down with some carefully aimed level 1 shots, while Zero drops down and leads the way.  Zero runs into another wall and kick-jumps up towards a Guardian drone, which he easily cuts down once it’s shield guard is up.  
They drop down through the opening corridor as they come near a lethal chandelier of spikes.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Whoa, careful!  The platforms above you can’t be destroyed, so you will have to time it just right to get through…
X: (acknowledging) Right!
They both wait and see two spike chandeliers rapidly drop down before them.
ZERO: Damn!  This guy really doesn’t want any visitors.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Told yaa.
The chandeliers slowly rise up, out of sync, but with their opening they dash through and pass the platforms.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Oh no!!
ZERO: Hm??
X: What is it?
Zero slashes another guardian and met down, while Alia speaks.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) There’s another researcher and he’s stuck just beyond that board above you.
X: Hmph!
X transforms into his Force Armor with a quick flash of white light and looks up at the board with a determined face.  He fires a charged plasma shot to the wooden plank, but it is simply absorbed into the mysterious virus-infected board.
X: Whaat?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) It’s just like I thought…  You can’t break through the board unless you use a special weapon.
Zero perks up and sparks his Z-saber with lightning.
ZERO: Allow me!!
He uses his new rising Electric Blade attack, but unfortunately it does not work.
ZERO: What!?
He jumps up and tries to use his Crescent Blade slashes in the air, multiple times, but to no avail.
ZERO: Damn it!
X shoots a charged Goo-Shaver at it, which does not work either.
X: Nothing is working!!!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Try… Dragoon’s Rising Fire.  You should have it again..
X: (surprised) Really??
X looks up, concentrates and shifts his armor into red and white as he charges up.
X: (concentrating) Shuuuuryukeeeen!!!!
Zero takes cover as X blasts through the wooden planks only to find more spiked chandeliers in his way.
X: (reacting) Whoa!!
He quickly air-dashes and holds on to the wall, setting off his thrusters.  Once the chandeliers rise, he is able to kick-jump up the wall and assist the researcher in need.
RESEARCHER: (grateful) Ohh. Thank you!  I was installing Dr. Glow’s enhanced security platforms when this board mysteriously appeared and trapped me inside.
X nods.
X: That’s Sigma’s virus. It’s been awful to us all.  Here.
He pulls out a teleporter ring and offers it to the Researcher.
RESEARCHER: Be careful!  I fear this Fortress is ridden with the Virus.  You’ll need this.
He pulls a Power-cell out from his compartment belt and offers it to X in return.
X gasps and takes it.
X: Thank you!  Where’d you get this?
RESEARCHER: (insulted) We make them!
X: What?
The Researcher takes the teleporter ring and sends himself away.
X makes a confused face as he drops down to an impatient Zero.
ZERO: Come on, X!!!
-      pan to –
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. FORTRESS LAB – Chandelier Trap - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Zero dashes across the hall to a set of ladders.  He ignores them and double-jumps in the middle of the room, narrowly bypassing a chandelier that comes down right behind him.
With the chandelier lowered, X uses the first ladder and then catches up to Zero at the second ladder with an air-dash, while the chandelier rises.
At the top level of the room X and Zero spot a guardian waiting for them at the other side of the rising chandelier.
ZERO: Got this one!!
He fearlessly air-dashes toward the guardian mechaniloid and sets off his new F-Splasher forcefield around his body.  His air-dash is just as short, but he is able to direct it more as an attack, lowering himself right into the mechaniloid as it crumbles under his water-based plasma power.
X & ZERO: Whoa!!
X: Damn, Zero. Are you crazy??
Zero looks at him with wild eyes.
ZERO: After staying in the game this long? - You know it!!
X makes an amused, but concerned face as Zero takes the lead once again.
-pan to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. FORTRESS LAB – Spiked Room - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
They both pass the platform to find a spiked floor below them and a series of spiked chandeliers hanging on chains from the ceiling.  
X: Oh man… How should we tackle this one?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered)
You should proceed by stepping on the platforms.  Please be careful.
ZERO: (revved up) You heard her!
Zero anxiously air-dashes to the first chandelier platform after it drops.  Then the next, as they both rise towards the ceiling.
Zero turns around and gives X a thumbs up.
ZERO: See X?  It’s no biggie…  Just do what I do.
X looks in horror and points behind him.
X: Look out!!!
ZERO: Huh??
He turns around to find a small purple Sigma head with devilish horns right behind him.
ZERO: SIGMA! What the- Uaarrrggghhhh!!!!!
SIGMA: (v.o, echoing) Heeheeheeheehee.
With no time to react, Zero has no choice, but to dash through Sigma’s head, which dissipates and relinquishes itself into his pores like a ghost virus.
X & ALIA: (horrified, o.s, filtered)
Oh NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Zero glows with a purple aura as he air-dashes to the other side and carefully looks at his body.
X: (wary, worried) ZEEERRROOO!!!!!
The purple aura slowly disappears as Zero stares at his hands and blinks, confused and awestruck.  He keeps his back to X and stands there in silence.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, scared) Oh, God…
X fights through the chandelier platforms with a determined glare in his eyes as he nears, Zero.
ZERO: It’s… okay.
X lands right behind him.
X: (fretful) Huh?
Zero turns around with his armor looking pristine and glossy, as if he was first created.
ZERO: (surprised) I’m.. okay!!!
He shows X his clean hands, opening and closing them as if they are brand new.  
ALIA: Was it the Shock-Buffer that protected you??
ZERO: Maybe… I don’t know…
He twists his wrists and stretches his fingers, until he unfurls the Z-Buster from his right hand only to find that it has completely been repaired.
X: (worried) What the-
Zero shakes his head.
X: Did Sigma just… repair you???
(wide-eyed) I don’t… know!
He makes a firm grimace of his own as he looks away, trying to focus on the mission.
X: Why would he do that…?  And how???
He shakes his head, a little more annoyed.
ZERO: I don’t, know!!  Come on, we don’t have any time.
He runs away, while X is left to simply shake it off and continue to push past more chandelier obstacles in a short maze-like descending hallway.
They both wrestle through short spiked chandeliers and a couple of mets in their way, before they find another Researcher who looks hurt, near a tall chandelier.
ZERO: Here, man.
He gives the researcher a teleporter ring and air-dashes above, into another descending set of spiked platforms.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Break the door that you can see below, and proceed to the next room.
They carefully make their way down until they find the door and break it down a combined charge shots.
ZERO: (smirking) Haven’t done that in years…
He runs in to the next room.
-      pan to –
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. FORTRESS LAB – Spiral Staircase - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
In the next room, they come to a flight of stairs which spiral upward seemingly endlessly.
X: (worried) Zero, are you sure you’re okay?
They come across a bunch of spiky mechaniloids and tiny hotarion firefly mechaniloids.  
ZERO: (upset) I don’t want to talk about it!
He slashes the spikys down with an extended slash.  Then he crescent slashes a set of hotarian’s brutally and swiftly air-dashes ahead.
X: (reaching out) Waait!!
X dashes, only to get cut off by another ghost virus of Sigma’s head, which has appeared before him.
SIGMA: (v.o, echoing) Heheheh….
X: (spooked) Whoooa!
X blasts him with level 1 shots, but they go right through him.  He frantically dashes around the ghost virus and runs away from him.
SIGMA: (v.o, echoing) What’s the matter??
It disappears and reappears before him, as X gets stung by some hotarian lasers in the process.
SIGMA: (v.o, echoing) Are you scared that I might find you? …The real youuuu???
An image of iX appears in X’s mind.
He charges up.
X blasts a large Plasma shot, which takes out a set of hotarians in his way as he finally catches up to Zero, who has been halted by aPrism Guardian.
Four poles have dropped from the ceiling, in which three block-shaped laser turrets have taken their positions against Zero and fired their first set of lasers at him.
Zero manages to jump to the far pole and cling to it with his wire-hook, evading the bottom two laser blasts.  However, he takes the brunt of the top laser blast as he attempts to slash it down with his Z-Saber.
ZERO: Auughh!
X: /AAH!!
X blasts down the laser turret that was hurting Zero with a Plasma Shot, while the other two, retreat back into the ceiling.
Zero drops down with a grateful look.
X: You okay?
Zero makes a weakened smile and gives him a silent thumbs up.
Then, three more laser turrets come down in different positions.  X and Zero fire and crescent slash at two pink turrets near them, but their attacks only ricochet off.
X uses his old Aiming Laser, which attackes all three turrets at the same time with a green, red and yellow laser.  The black turret is the only one, which is affected and destroyed.
X: The black turret is the target!
ZERO: Nice, X!!
The turrets retreat once again, and then reappear in different positions.  A black turret is directly above Zero.
He narrows his eyes with a smirk and uppercuts it with an Electric Blade slash.
ZERO: (proud) Yeah!!!
X smiles at his partner, then charges up as he sees them come down again.  This time, the black turret is in the middle, while a pink turret lands directly in front of him.  He jumps on the pink turret and blasts the black one away with a Plasma Shot before it can fire upon him.
The other lasers fire anyway, despite missing their targets and retreat into the ceiling once again.
When they reappear, Zero double jumps towards the far black turret and uses his crescent spinning slashes to annihilate the Prism Guardian.  With his last attack, the entire Security system explodes and the poles themselves are fried out of their sockets, falling down to the ground, pathetically.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Wow! You did it!!
ZERO: (cocky) As if there was any doubt…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Okaay, okaay. Easy, boys.  There should be a teleporter at the end of the stair-case.  Proceed with caution.
The two smile as they run towards the teleporter and use it, one after another.
-pan to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. FORTRESS LAB – Top Defense Systems - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
X and Zero teleport into a nice open hallway with an excellent view of the mountains by an open balcony with gorgeous architecture.  But these sights are ruined by spiky mechaniloids which bounce after them on the luxurious carpeted floor.
X: Aah!
X fires level-1 pellets at them, annoyed as they are put down quite easily.  They make their way up a carpeted ramp, which leads towards a very threatening laser cannon.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) His defense system is engaged. It attacks you with powerful plasma. You may be able to neutralize it with your other weapons.
X: Hmm…
He tries his X-Buster, but it ricochets off. Zero’s Z-Buster, as well.
Zero then tries using his crescent slashes, which work like a charm as they completely destroy the large laser cannon.
X: Nice, work Zero.
They look up and come to find that the whole hallway above them is riddled with these laser cannons.
X: Oh man. We have our work cut out for us.
ZERO: Then let’s get started!!
Zero double-jumps up, ignoring the ladder right by them and kick-jumps off the wall to reach the next floor, only to get knocked down by a large Plasma Blast.
X carefully climbs up the ladder and creates a forcefield out of his C-Shot, immediately destroying the laser cannon.
X: Hmph, That’s what you get.
X dash-jumps over Zero and dashes ahead.
Zero shakes his head with a smile as he gets up.
ZERO: Whatever..
He dashes after him, up the ramp.
With X’s C-Shot forcefield, he runs through a hotarion and easily kick-jumps through two defense systems on the wall, as he reaches the next floor. Then, his radar suddenly perks up.
[RADAR]: Light Capsule above.
X: (gasping) Really??
His C-Shot forcefield dissipates when he looks up and finds a small nook near the ceiling.
X: Ooh.
Zero catches up with X, to see him distracted by another power-up.
ZERO: While you’re busy with that, I’ll clear the path ahead.
X: (nodding) Alright, bud.
He air-dashes towards the wall above and sees a laser cannon before him.  X simply fires C-shots in a rapid fashion, cutting away at the cannon as it fires it’s plasma at him.  At close-range, X persistently dodges with side-dashes and nearby close calls until the cannon is destroyed.
X: Yes!!!
He walks into the hidden room and stands before another Light Capsule, surprised to see him again so soon.
DR. LIGHT: (smiling) This is the final program for the Falcon Armor. Analyze this arm upgrade and store it into a secure area with Alia’s help.  Once it is successfully uploaded, your Falcon Armor will be complete.
X smiles.
DR. LIGHT: With the arm part equipped, you can maximize the attack power of your original shot and fire a piercing laser as your Fully Charged shot. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to charge the special weapons in this armor, but luckily you still have the Force Armor for that. As this armor specializes in mobility, you might find that this is all you need.  
X makes a thoughtful nod as Dr. Light disappears.
X: (at ease) Hmm… It seems that Dr. Light was concerned about balancing my power-set, after all.
He steps inside the capsule to receive his upgrade.
-pan down and across the hall-
Zero has destroyed a set of defense cannons within the hallway, and is dropping down into an open room, where more plasma cannons await him.
ZERO: Hey Alia.  Any idea how close I am to Dr. Glow??
He swiftly advances towards the wall and double jumps with crescent slash attacks as he ascends through the corridor with kick-jumps.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) You’re very close, actually. Dr. Izzy Glow’s room is above you, about 30 clicks away. There are several plasma defense devices installed on the way, so keep using your C-Slash!
ZERO: (smiling) Got it!
He ascends up the stairs and chips away at the cannons ahead of him.  As he kick-jumps up the long vertical hallway, X catches up to him with a C-Forcefield of his own.
X: Hey.
ZERO: Hey!
They both take their sides on opposing walls and proceed to plow through Dr. Glow’s defenses, until they reach the top floor and find the gateway to his chamber at last.
X gasps as they run through the gateway.
ZERO: This is it, man. You ready?
X: (nodding) Let’s save the World, Zero.
-pan to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. FORTRESS LAB – Izzy Glow’s Chamber – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
A siren immediately goes off, as the two intrude on Dr. Glow’s private space.  From there, the lights go out dramatically as Izzy Glow makes a colorful appearance with a teleport that has a firefly glow.
The lights go back on, but so does the device to his laser cannon, which he seemed to be working on, before they barged in.  It sparks omionously amidst the dim light as he scowls down at them in mid-air.
IZZY GLOW: (unamused)
What a graceful entrance…
X: This laboratory is so badly infected by the virus. There was no other way for us to enter.
ZERO: Dr. Izzy Glow, will you do us a favor?
(stubborn) My work is not for Maverick Hunters! I’ve never trusted your approach. Therefore, I will not cooperate with you.  However, I do find you both fascinating… No one has ever managed to analyze the infamous X and Zero…
X: Doctor!  We don’t have time to argue with you.  Please, understand.
IZZY GLOW: (shaking) My body… has already been infected, too. I realize these thoughts may be wrong… But it’s too late to change now…  Soon, I’ll be one of the Mavericks…
X: Noo!!
ZERO: Brace yourself, X!!
IZZY GLOW: It’s time…  I’ll have to learn about you two through battle. Now…  Put me out of my misery!
Zero runs towards Izzy Glow and instinctively uppercuts him with an E-Blade, which violently shocks the stubborn specialist.
X reluctantly switches to his new Tri-Thunder power with a frown.
X: (v.o, thinking) Alright, Adler…  You’re gonna help me save the World after all.
Izzy Glow teleports away from Zero, only to get blasted down by X’s Tri-Thunder, which covers the room in three currents of power.
IZZY GLOW: Caaauuughhh…
X shakes his head.
X: This is unfair..
ZERO: (firm) We have a job to do, X!
He dashes towards the Firefly and slashes at him in a combo.
He teleports away, swiftly and angrily.
IZZY GLOW: Take this, you foul Hunters!!
He shoots out a sophisticated Firefly-shaped laser, which directs itself down towards X.  When X dashes away, he directs it to Zero, who powers up and defiantly air-dashes above it with an F-Splasher.
The F-Splasher reaches Dr. Glow’s legs and stings him as he teleports away.
Zero proceeds to use his 2ndjump to stay airborne and Crescent slash him on the back on the way down.
He teleports over to the wall and juts out his bottom-light, which he powers up.
He fires a powerful green laser at them, which knocks them both down.
Then he swiftly comes near them and teleports away, faking them out constantly as a form of defense.
ZERO: Agh!  What the Hell is with this guy!??
X: He doesn’t know how to fight, Zero. We’re forcing his hand!
ZERO: (aggravated) WE NEED THAT LASER!!!
X: (torn) I KNOW!!!!
Izzy Glow floats above them and blasts his bottom Prism Laser at them vertically.
ZERO: NO!! I refuse to feel guilty.
He dashes away and uppercuts him again with an E-Blade.
ZERO: You’re not cooperating, and told us you’re becoming Maverick.
X shakes his head with tight, closed eyes, holding back some tears as he charges up.
X: I can’t believe I’m doing this… I’m sorry Doctor… but WE HAVE TO PUT YOU OUT OF YOUR MISERYYYYY!!!!!
He unleashes a charged Tri-Thunder, which creates six currents of lightning around the room.
He tries to evade the thunderbolts with swift teleports, but gets shocked three times and falls to the ground, smoking.
IZZY GLOW: (panting, hurt) To die at the hands of the Notorious X & Zero… Is this my cruel fate..?
X: It doesn’t have to be!!
He shakes his head, huddling over, in pain.
IZZY GLOW: (obstinate) No…  I’m too far gone…  But if I get out of this alive..  I’m coming after what’s left of this planet and tormenting everyone you Love!!!!!
ZERO: That’s it!!
Zero runs after him as Izzy Glow unfurls his last desperation attack.
IZZY GLOW: Prism Shot!
He spreads his arms out to create lights across the floor, where a multitude of green light-balls attack them from all directions.
X: Aghhh. No..!
Zero grits his teeth and electrifies his Z-Saber once more.
ZERO: It’s time to /DIE!!!!!
With a final uppercut from his Saber, he slices Izzy Glow in half and absorbs his DNA instantly.
Zero gasps as he feels a new power enter his veins.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) You got Izzy Glow’s Chaos Flasher from his DNA Data! His weapon chip is the Will Laser, which X may use.
X sniffles.
X: (regretful) I don’t care.  I just wanted the Laser Device for the Enigma...  Why does it always have to come to this…?
He walks over to Izzy Glow’s remains and picks up his weapon chip.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) It looked like a quiet Laboratory… but the inside was in complete ruins.  The Sigma Virus has caused total disorder everywhere… In order to fix the situation, we need to make good use of Dr. Izzy Glow’s Laser Device.
At this moment, she teleports Douglas and their Recovery Team – Rho, Frenzy Fox, Freeze Alopex and Frostbite into the room.
X looks at them, awestruck.  Their surviving teammates are as focused as ever as they go right to work at dismantling the laser device with Douglas’ help.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) We’ll finish taking the Laser Device back to the base.  Thank you for your help.  We’ll meet you at the Hunter Base.
X nods and powers down into his base armor, feeling a sense of relief for the first time in a while.  Maybe they were going to win this one, after all.
-fade to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Caption: December 6th, 1:00 AM – 2 hours later…
X, Zero, Alia, Douglas, Signas, Hector, Kirk, Dave, Lucas, Rho, Frenzy Fox, Freeze Alopex, Frostbite and Lifesaver all look at the Main Monitor with hope in their eyes.
Displayed is a schematic of the completed Enigma Cannon.
DOUGLAS: At last!  The Enigma has been completed!!  It’s old, but we’ve reinforced it with those devices… It should work fine…  Well, we’re ready!
Everyone nods as a group as they all look ahead at the screen with anticipation.
SIGNAS: The time has come at last! We are going to launch the Enigma.  The fate of the Earth depends on it.
Alia calculates her figures one last time.
-pan to-
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  EXT. NEW MHHQ – The Enigma Cannon - NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
On the right side of the base, we see a bird’s eye view of the upgraded cannon, pointed at the sky.
ALIA: (o.s) The energy, the power, the angle… everything is clear.
-      pan to –
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Signas clenches a fist as he makes his fateful command.
SIGNAS: All right…  This is it.  /FIRE!
-pan to –
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  EXT. NEW MHHQ – The Enigma Cannon - NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
We see the Enigma Cannon /fire a powerful blue blast from a close angle.
We see a side-angle view of the same fateful blast.
We see a final back-angle view of the cannon as it blasts it’s huge wave of energy into the sky.
We follow the giant blue wave of energy into Outer Space, where it collides with the Space Colony, Eurasia.
-pan to-
The Space Colony is struck by the blast, which does severe damage to it’s front and side.  The blast erupts into a brilliant flash of light.
-Fade to White-
SIGNAS: (o.s) Did we make it? …Did it get crushed apart?? Alia, give us the report.
ALIA: (o.s) …Negative! We only destroyed 62%!!
Jeers from the Hunters can be heard.
HUNTERS: (o.s, layered) Damn it!!
HUNTERS: (o.s, layered) Shit!!!
-fade in-
We slowly see that the Eurasia Colony is still fully operational, with only a chunk of damage done to it’s frontal and side regions.
ALIA: (o.s, disheartened) We have merely made it change orbit… and delayed the time of impact…
-pan to –
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  NEW MHHQ – Control Room – NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Alia winces at the screen, and looks down feeling hopeless.
X’s mouth is agape, as he stares at the screen in disbelief.
Signas looks at the screen with a dogged, unwavering glare, while Douglas makes a confused, crooked look at the screen with a slight grimace.
ZERO: Curses!
Zero looks down with closed eyes, while the other Hunters console each other.
Frenzy Fox and Freeze Alopex give each other a saddened hug, while Rho bends down to hold Frostbite in consolation.
Lifesaver takes a deep breath, lets out a sigh and leaves the room.
DOUGLAS: The Enigma was not successful?
SIGNAS: (confirming) No…
He makes a firm grimace.
ZERO: Now what…?
-Freeze frame. Grainy Effect.-
The failed Hunters all look down in defeat and despair, while X stares at the screen with a determined face.
-Fade to Black-
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