#hes so adamant that house is straight despite the PILES of evidence
moldy-cheese-being · 2 years
my stepdad has some repressed sexuality issues and he gets so mad whenever i talk about hilson 💀
like, the other day i said "wow they have conversations at the urinal a lil too often to not be gay for each other" and he was like "guys do that all the time!!!! they're not looking at each other's dicks its not gay!!!!!! let men be friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" sir...
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kojinnie · 4 years
Something About Pain | Reiner Braun
Pairing: Reiner Braun x Reader (she/her pronoun)
Summary: You ran away from home and your boyfriend Reiner Braun is desperate to bring you home. When the two of you meet, you share a conversation about how pain inflicts the two of you differently.
Tags & Warning: Angst, (eventual) fluff, (mild) hurt/comfort, slow burn, major miscommunication problem, past trauma, abandonment issue, mention of anxiety, Reiner is a grumpy, hurt individual yet delicate inside | SFW
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: Based on the request by @okubean for Twisted Match-Up! I hope you like it, boo! (More A/N at the end of the fic)
.::My Masterlist::.
Twisted Match-Up (x Reader): Zeke | Hange | Jean 
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There was a vivid look of worry on the face of Reiner Braun as he drove through the empty neighborhood streets. His right hand on the steering wheel, the other one tapping anxiously on the phone, dialing the same number over and over again to no avail.
All of his calls had gone straight to your mailbox, and his text messages were no longer delivered. Reiner came to realize that you've blocked him. "Idiot," he muttered to himself, cursing this whole modern affinity to accommodate people running from their problems easier. Reiner thought the feature was the stupidest thing ever created by humankind, he was pissed, but more annoyed. He realized how tired he was, and if he could, he'd rather be in bed right now. Not roaming your friend's neighborhood at ungodly hour.
"Where... the fuck... are you..." he was pissed, evident from the grunt as he tried one final desperate attempt to call you. It went straight to your mailbox. Your cheery voice didn't make him feel any better, if any, Reiner wished he could tell the mailbox-you to shut the hell up.
Reiner finally hit the brake, sighing annoyed. His black SUV stopped underneath the streetlamp, at a random neighborhood he could only vaguely remember. He had been here before, when he picked you up from your bestfriend's house after one of your "night out" with your friends from college, but he could barely remember which one of these identical suburban houses did she live.
He rested his forehead on the steering wheel, racking his brain trying to remember the house number. Is this even the correct cul-de-sac? There are tens others. Who the fuck came up with the concept of suburban housing? Strips and strips of uniformed houses. And even worse, who the fuck thought that it was such a great idea to live in one? Like some Stepford Wives nightmare. Reiner couldn't believe some people would save up money for all their lives to pay off their mortgage to live in complete conformity, like a communist utopia with capitalist credit system. Were these people right in the head or had their brains fucked over by the boring 9 to 5 jobs they've had for decades?
That's beside the point. Reiner sighed. He ranted a lot when frustrated.
He knew you'd be there, in one of these houses, curled up crying in your bestfriend's bed, perhaps pouring your heart out on how much of a bad boyfriend Reiner was. He knew because you've passed the micro-aggression millionth times, muttering under your breath, saying that you'd be fine if Reiner kicks you out because your bestfriend would take you. What kind of fuckery was all that? Why would he ever kick you out? Reiner thought. He was clueless. Why were you so adamant that he would leave you eventually? Reiner could feel his annoyance grew while reminiscing your antics. He began to think, maybe he had never understood you to begin with.
But Reiner was wrong, because he was right about a lot of things about you. You were exactly in your bestfriend's house, curled up in her bed, ranting how hard it was being with Reiner. Although the tears had dried since hours ago. You were in your PJs and drinking the hot coco your friend had made you, comfortable in the bliss of obliviousness upon the fact that your boyfriend of one year was now driving aimlessly trying to locate your position. You were adamant that he was going to leave you anyway, you thought he wouldn't exert an ounce of energy trying to plea you home.
It was 4 AM in the morning and you hadn't come home. The trace of you had gone completely from Reiner's apartment since early morning. Reiner knew that this was bound to happen, had he done anything differently - would you stay? He thought of you and the state that the two of you had been tangled in. All the unresolved tension, or the persistent insinuations coming from you that you always shrugged off in the end, saying "Nothing." as if it did not matter, each time Reiner shot them with, "What did you say?"
You sipped your hot coco and let a troubled whimper as you told your bestfriend what was happening. It's the culmination of small things, your feeling of inadequacy and the anxiety of waking up every morning, being convinced that each day would be the day that Reiner finally leaves you. Every day you’d be mentally preparing yourself for the ultimate fate until Reiner returns home with his big, warm hug until your anxiety caves in. And that the anxiety would appear again in the next morning.
The idea of him leaving became incessant and you could never bug it off. You wondered why, maybe because you believed that you were inherently flawed. Maybe it's the way Reiner made that small "Tsk," when he came home to see the garbage piled up, "Babe, didn't I tell you to put out the garbage?"; or the deep, annoyed and condescending sighs he made when he missed his favorite show because you forgot to pay the cable bills while he was out at the office.
Maybe it's the way you couldn't match his sharp memory and reliability with you constantly forgetting things and your seeming inattentiveness despite the abundant reminders, notes and alarms you've made to keep yourself alerted. At times, your mind just wandered, and you needed him to rope you back in, but he never got the gist.
So, you were adamant that you had grown to be nothing but inconvenience for him, hence when he spent the night over at his office due to what he called "Shit load of work" over the phone, you were certain he wouldn't come back at all. You knew that the pain of being abandoned would haunt you to myriad of miseries, so you'd rather leave first. You knew it would be the end you both needed, because you knew Reiner did not care about you enough to tolerate your shit any longer. He was always quiet, there was hardly ever any expression on his face, God knows what he was thinking underneath. Each of your "Reiner, I'm sorry." would only be met by a singular hum or a quick, "It's okay." that left you wondering, did he ever mean it at all?
So that morning you left. While he was still at the office, because you knew there was no feelings strong enough for Reiner to keep him from leaving you eventually. You left first.
Your bestfriend nodded in reassurance, "You gotta do what you gotta do." she said pulling you into a warmly hug, but your attention was suddenly caught by the pile of plastics and packages from your take-outs at the corner of your friend's room. It just bothered your mind, and you got up to take it out. A small token of atonement to what you wish you had done to Reiner.
Your bestfriend immediately scrambled and took the garbage away from you. Insisting for you to stay in bed and let her take care of it. You nodded and retreated to the pillow fortress. You felt bad for her because the temperature was dropping, and there was no necessity to take the garbage out right now, but your impulse was often hard to subside, and your friend had grown to acknowledge and take sympathy over that. Unlike Reiner, you thought.
Maybe it's because Reiner never shown anyone openly about what he felt, but what you did not know, sometimes he wish he had. Sometimes he wished he'd opened up about how hard it is for him to breathe when unfortunate things occur that he did not have the answer to. Sometime he wished he could share his fear, worry, anger and disappointment, but he was always thought that a man got to suck it up, and perseverance was the only way he knew how to survive.
Sometimes he wished he had told somebody that the constant worrying about his loved ones consumed him too, to the point it became hard for him to let his guard down even when things are okay. He was always on alert, and sometimes it got exhausting too for him. He wished he had told all that, so in times like these he did not have to assume the heartbreak alone while trying to find the solution to it. Sometimes he wished people knew that he cared too, he loved too, he knew too when someone he loved was struggling, but he never learned how to show it. Reiner knew your mind often raced hundreds of miles per hour, Reiner knew your state of agitation, but he never had anyone to teach him how affection should look like, other than be of service, which he tried his best at being. It was no wonder that Reiner was left clueless when you chose to leave without warning.
He was pissed because he knew how daft he was, yet none of it was ever intentional. He cursed himself for not knowing what went wrong, for not being more observant, for not being open with his feelings, for not telling you how much he had grown to love you and how much his apartment immediately grew cold at your absence. But mostly, at this moment, he cursed himself because he wasn't attentive enough to know you friend's house number.
The air was crisp when your bestfriend stepped out of her porch. She made quick steps to the garbage can when she saw bright headlights coming in from the end of the street. She grunted, wondering what was her neighbor doing, cruising around with dramatically low speed. It seemed odd.
She put her fingers above her eyes, trying to recognize the plate number or the driver, but the black SUV lights were dispersing her sight.
She closed the garbage can and tried to immediately return inside but the car cruised closer and pulled over in front of her. The window rolled open.
"Hey," There was an immediate look of surprise from the person that Reiner barely recognized. But he was sure enough that it was her, judging from her body language; all tensed and alerted, "This is Reiner."
For a moment, there was an awkward silence between Reiner and your bestfriend. She was considering carefully on what to say next.
"Uhm yeah, I know." Your bestfriend finally spoke, her voice creaked, caught by surprise. "What do you want?"
Reiner spoke your name, "I want to meet my girlfriend." Reiner could hear the desperation in his own voice, but your friend jeered in response.
"My girlfriend." she passingly mocked the way Reiner spoke, she came to dislike what she thought was possessiveness in Reiner's nature of speaking, "She's not available. I suggest you to scram. Before my neighbors complain."
Reiner furrowed his brows in dismay, couldn't seem to understand the hostility presented by your friend, "I need to talk to her."
She stood unyielding. Reiner opened the door and climbed off of the car, sighing as he walked closer, propelling your friend to keep her distance away even further. "Please, let me talk to her."
"Not a chance." She turned around and scurried back into the house. Reiner was quick to yell, to her expected dismissal. Without thinking further, Reiner got back to behind the wheel and moved his car forward on to the curb, proceeding to close off the exit way for her small city car in the driveway.
Reiner jumped off the car as your besfriend realized what he had done, "I'm not moving the car until she comes down."
She let out a restraint shrieked, "What the fuck?! I got a dentist appointment tomorrow morning!"
"Then please, tell her to come down and talk to me," Reiner said, sounding almost apologetic. He threw a glance at a lonely swing set in the small park across the street, "there."
The occurrence happening before your eyes was unexpected to say the least. You closed the small slit from your bestfriend's window fold, trying to manage your heartbeat that had become almost deafening. At the same time your bestfriend appeared from the door, face red with flustered, "I think he really wants to see you."
Thousands of thoughts made a commotion in your head. It did not make any sense. You made it easier for Reiner by walking away with clean slate, you were sure this was what he had hoped secretly.
Your friend shuffled inside and shot you a deep stare, she sighed heavily and told you that whether you liked it or not, you had to face him. Reiner looked genuinely worried, she said, twisting your guts even further.
You sat in her bed for a moment, trying to relive every waking moment with Reiner. Sure there were moments when your own thoughts chased you into a deep corner and you wished Reiner had seen it. Sometimes you wished he’d hold you tight, kiss you with reassurance and told you how meaningful you were to him. Sure, sometimes being with Reiner could feel lonely, but he had never treated you back nor was he ever intentionally mean to you. What do I want? The question hung heavy in your mind.
I want him to say that he wants me, the voice within the nook of your brain said, I want him to say that he loves me.
You nodded, finally ceasing from running away further.
             Reiner never thought that at his 20-something he would sit miserably on a random swing-set at a random neighborhood just an hour before the dusk cracked. Reiner was a big man, but even with his figure and the aid of his tailored suit and shirt, wrinkled after gruesome hours at work trying to keep his company afloat on the thin ice of his personal relationship with you – Reiner was tired, and miserable, and desperate. Even more, he was cold as the temperature continued to drop down.
He hung his head low, trying to fight the shivers. It was quiet, too quiet, only the faint sound of the wind and the creaking sound of the swing-set holding off to its dear life under Reiner’s massive weight. The man sighed, never he thought that the sight of you coming out of someone’s house in the dead of a  night would be a spectacle he looked forward to the most.
He closed his eyes, shutting himself off from any sound and thought. Thinking that maybe in the bleakness of his sense, the time would pass faster and your heart would soften.
In the nothingness Reiner could feel a sudden warmth crept from the tips of his fingers, he opened his eyes to see you standing before his eyes, towering him who was sitting like a pathetic boy on the swing. You were wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe, hiding your PJs underneath. In your hands were two cups of scalding tea, you shoved one into his hand, “You came.” You stated.
Reiner let out a deep sigh of relief as he saw you safe and sound. He felt warmth travelled across his body, he did not know whether it was the tea in his hand or simply the sight of you that made him felt so. His eyes latched on to you as you sat on the swing next to him, “Hey. What are you doing?” Reiner asked.
“Running away.”
Reiner looked at you intently, and the guilt started to consume you. You gazed afar, softly shook your head, “Dunno.”
“I see.”
Yet another silence ensued.
“How’s work?”
Reiner sighed again; the heavy breath seemed to be the only way the two of you communicated. Just two troubled minds pouring their burden at each other, “Bertholdt abruptly resigned—fuck, it’s been a nightmare, but—” Reiner pressured his thumb over his brows, trying to ease his sharp migraine that suddenly came, “—that doesn’t matter now. Will you come home?”
He looked at you again, you were still gazing to god-knows-what, everything other than his eyes. Reiner grew antsy on his seat, the swing creaked again. Please look at me. Please look at me. The words resonated incessantly in Reiner’s head but nothing came out of his mouth. Just a stoic, to-the-point question.
Don’t you wanna know the problem, Reiner? Is that all? I said I don’t know and you didn’t even try to dig in deeper? You came all the way here and you just straight up asking me to go home with you? Your mind was nowhere better. It’s in uproar but there was only silence coming out of your mouth. But he came, he didn’t leave. Contradiction danced inside your mind like an unwanted guest.
The silence grew heavier. You saw the lights from your bestfriend’s bedroom lit off, she had got to be tired eventually. Suddenly, you felt so alone. Just the two of you in this odd morning.
“It’s hard, right?” Reiner broke the silence, he looked at you again, this time he was desperate for you to look into his eyes. Little did he know, you were refusing to do so because you could feel your fragility forming in your eyes. You swore not to cry.
“What?” Just a depthless answer you uttered.
“Growing up.” Reiner muttered. The man sounded almost contemplative in his defeat. He sighed again and shook his head, “I thought I’d be someone better by this time in my life.”
The answer surprised you. You thought he would say something like ‘Relationship is hard’ or some jargons he picked up from one of the movies he watched without you. You felt bad for undermining him just because you were upset with him. Does it really mirror your true perception of him? Maybe you really hadn’t known him that well.
You had no resolve to his statement, so you just nodded, allowing him to pour out his thoughts.
“I thought I’d be better with my job, with myself, and most importantly,” he shifted to lurch towards you on his seat, the wire strings of the swing twisted to your direction, “with the people I love. But obviously, I still… suck.”
“And here I am. 4 AM. A fucking adult on a fucking neighborhood swing-set.”
You could feel the air suctioned out of your lungs, as you felt guilt loomed bigger inside you. He came and he felt bad – what more could I ask for? But then you remembered the nights of loneliness despite having Reiner sleeping next to you. You had a bad day, but you were too prideful to come clean. You wanted him to be intuitive, but he never did. Being with Reiner, you had mastered the art of crying in silence while sharing the bed with him. It’s exhausting. Yeah, Rei, maybe you’re bad at this.
Despite that, you stayed silent.
“Will you hate me if I say I don’t know what’s wrong?” Reiner knew how daft he sounded, “God. I’m pushing my luck coming clean at you.”
You were at loss for words. You had so many things to say, but too few of a courage.
Reiner called your name. He reached over and tried to tangle one of your fingers with his. From your periphery sight, you could see him forcing a smile, “I—”
He sighed again. Reiner’s chest was filled with words and all he wanted was to vomit it out, but he never knew how to properly addressed the feelings he had—he couldn’t even describe what he felt. All he knew was one thing: he wanted you home, back in his arms, “I am a stupid man. I really don’t know what’s happening between us. You.. just.. gone. Please, just tell me what’s wrong. I’m not smart enough for all these..”
There was almost a childish plea in Reiner’s words, and you couldn’t help but to threw a faint smile. You chuckled, “What did you say? You’re—what?”
He scoffed at himself, “I am stupid.”
You finally caved in because you realized there was an undeniable genuineness in the way he spoke. And the sentiment was mutual, you felt stupid as well for you had not realized how completely, utterly, truly clueless Reiner was.
Eventually, you looked at him. His hardened face quickly turned wary to finally see how puffy your eyes were from crying earlier, you forced a smile, but it was clear you were pretending, “You make me feel so lonely sometimes.”
The words came out of your mouth like a canonball that had been stuck in your chest for too long. You felt relief, but on the other side, Reiner could feel his heart broke. A pain from a man realizing too late of the damage he had caused.
You thought of everything that had made you feel so. The way Reiner rolled over in bed away from you, drowsy and unaware, when you called him in the dead night as your anxiety kicked in; when his hand let you go as you tried to hold his hands in public; the complete non-existing mention of you in his social media; the take-outs that he mindlessly brought home when you had cooked dinner; his easiness in dropping a problem after he said sorry without checking up with you further.
It was the absent of his intuition that made you felt invisible – but you realized too late that maybe he was truly oblivious, evident as he said, “But how?”
“You really don’t know?”
“Babe,” he further tangled your fingers into his grasp. Your hand and his, they hung in the middle of the two swing seats, “I swear on my mother’s grave.”
“I’ve always thought you wanted to leave me but never got the right moment to it. The affection—I hardly ever got it from you. Not the affirming words, not the reassurance. Hell, maybe I want that public kiss and hugs that you thought was stupid, Rei. Just—”
You could feel the tears forming, choking you mercilessly, “—just to feel loved. To feel wanted. For once.”
You finally let your tears dropped. And Reiner was slapped with realities that both of you were in. He let go of your hand and stared down at the pavement, “I’m sorry. I never knew.”
“You never asked.”
“But I never knew. How am I supposed to know that I should ask when I didn’t know I should ask on the first place? I’ve always thought you wanted to be left alone when all your crazy thoughts come in—but you—”
Reiner groaned, obviously frustrated. He rested the blabber, “Maybe we’re just not good at this.”
Like a train, you could feel the ending coming to hit you. This is it. This is it. You thought to yourself, picturing how Reiner would finally leave you. You secretly wished Reiner wouldn’t give in, you wish he’d put up more fight, so at least you’d know that you carried a weight in his heart. But you knew this was bound to happen, so why were you so upset?
“Maybe.” You wiped your tears dry, “That’s okay, Reiner. I know that’s what I am.”
“I’m just an embarkation point, right? Everyone will leave me eventually. That’s why I left, because I know eventually, we’ll be talking about this. So I’d better leave first.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Reiner grew even more frustrated with the way you danced around your words.
“It’s okay if you want to leave me. That’s what all people do to me.”
“You left because you think I was planning to leave you all along?” Reiner asked, sounding painfully offended as he finally got to gather what you were insinuating, “So that is the problem?”
“Yeah, so I better leave first, right? Before I get hurt again? Before you leave me like other people and—”
“Fuck other people!” Reiner raised his voice, which he immediately regretted. He ran his fingers over his hair irritated, turning it into a complete blond mess, “Are you trying to avenge your revenge for other people—those exes you’ve had—on me?”
Tears welled up again in your eyes, as you looked away from him. But he called on your name again, this time there was a deep sternness in his call that you couldn’t help but to face him. Reiner was glad that you finally gained courage to speak the truth, when he had not, “So you want reassurance, yeah? How about the times I told you how beautiful, how smart, how great you are – only for you to tell yourself the opposite immediately.”
Reiner looked directly into your eyes, “I can’t make you something you’re not. What you are is who you think you are.”
“You can never matter – if you don’t think you do.”
An expressionless, soundless tear fell onto your cheek. A heart broke to your dismay. Reiner finally said the truth and there was no way you could delude yourself into thinking that he was wrong, “Then… why don’t you just leave me, Rei? Why don’t you get rid of me a long time ago?”
“Because I’m giving you something that I never received in my entire life, ever. I’m staying for you.” There was a palpable pain in the way Reiner spoke. He landed his finger on to your heart and you could feel it pierced through your skin with heavy realization, “I’m staying. Like no one ever did in my life. Not my ex-girlfriends, not my friends, and certainly not my father. That’s what makes us different. I have more faith in you than you have in me.”
Reiner was a man with heavy heart. He had been through a lot of things in his life, learned how to fend on for himself since very young, and dreamed of the day when he could finally put his hair down with someone he cared for. And what you hadn’t realize, was how essentially similar you were to him. How both of you longed for someone to let go of your inhibitions and fear? Just two broken people finding refuge in each other’s longing for the same thing. And that’s what you failed to see. He understood you, just in a way you didn’t understand.
And that’s the thing about pain, they are inherently personal. No matter how much you have shared yourself to others.
The two of you went dead silent for a moment. In the horizon, the sun rays were starting to emerge, the morning had arrived.  Your tears cascaded painfully slow; Reiner was looking at his feet trying to sip his tea that had gone cold. His hands were trembling with both sadness and anger that were beginning to secede.
Reiner finally called your name, this time it was delicate, “I’m sorry, alright?”
You looked at him with tears in your eyes as you nodded, “Alright.”
“Will you come home, now?”
“Yes,” you muttered, “I think I will.”
The two of you got up and Reiner immediately drew you into his chest, holding you the tightest you had ever been held, reconnecting all the broken pieces scattered inside you. You buried your face into his strong chest as you sobbed once more, while he kissed the top of your head with affection more vivid than thousands of words of affirmations.
“What do we do with these hearts, Rei?” You asked as you felt your chest throbbing with pain and love.
The man loosened his embrace and smiled, “Persevere.”
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First of all thank you so much to @okubean for giving me a hellish prompt! This one really made me faced my own abandonment issue and poured it into a writing. I tried to touch about the absent-mindedness as the implication of ADHD but I’m really worried that it doesn’t really do it justice. So hereby my sincere apologies! 😭🙏
Nonetheless, I really hope that you may enjoy this piece and I’m so sorry if it comes off as boring!
I literally drafted this on the metro, and got really carried away with it!
Did I enjoy it? (Yes)
Did this turn out longer than I expected? (Yes)
Am I worried this will bore people? (Yes)
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dalyunministry · 4 years
God Spoke Through Nature
Bro. Paul Vincent Moses
Now, brothers and sisters, let’s see how God spoke in the days past and how He still remains as today’s speaker.
Topic: God Spoke Through Nature
We all know that God created the heavens and the earth, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ Genesis 1:1. It was not easy for man to understand how God was and how God could communicate with people. Initially, it was believed that man could understand that God could speak through Nature for it was the nature which obeyed the word of God and declare God’s work and glory. Psalm 19:1 – ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands’.
Right from the beginning God’s invisible qualities and work are seen. Romans 1:20, ‘For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse’. No excuse? Yes, no excuse if people say that they don’t know God. With the above words the Bible opens the history of the world. It is not to prove that God exists because from the very beginning God already is, and He is already active. The writers of the Bible never doubts or questions God’s existence nor do they argue to show to others that God is real because God’s presence is well-known. We know that none of us has seen God. John 1:18 – ‘No one has ever seen God’. The fact that God is not directly seen does not have to lead to doubt. We have not seen the wind; yet, we feel it and none of us have doubt about its existence. Likewise, despite God’s invisibility, we know that He is there because of the results of His powerful work. The world around us, called “nature,” is one of those results. With other results of God’s work, nature speaks clearly of its Creator.
People through the ages, and all over the world, have come to the same conclusion: Creation points to an amazing Creator. Rulers who have tried to make people deny God have ended in failure for when they fell their people sought God more than ever.
¶ Seeing the Creator Through Creation.
The apostle Paul speaks of those who try to hide the truth about God. He shows why God is angry with them: ‘Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse’. Romans 1:19-20. Realities about God can be clearly seen! How? ‘Being understood from what has been made’. Looking at creation helps us to know about God! We know of the wind’s presence by its effect as it moves dust and leaves. In a far greater way, we know things about God by the effect of His work around us. God has made it clear. That is why people have ‘no excuse’ when they twist the truth about God.
¶ Some Feel that Creation is by Accident.
Some want to live as if there is no God to whom they must answer. To avoid the ned for God they teach that all we see came into being by accident. Matter has always existed, they say, but at some time long ago matter exploded. Some flying pieces from this ‘Big Bang’ came together by chance. They formed our system of sun and planets, with our own wonderful world. Much smaller pieces later came together in such a way that they happened to form living things. Over ages these gradually changed their form in many ways – all by accident too – and we humans are the result. We have no spirit and no real purpose. From a long line of accidents, we are an accident on its way to its final accident! Does such a picture made sense? How could so many accidents result in such order? What would happen if you caused a great explosion to scatter a pile of rocks and wood? Even if you repeated this many times over, would the millions of pieces ever have the chance of coming together in such a way as to form a normal house? Would the heavier rocks happen to come down first to make a perfect foundation? Would smaller pieces then fall in by chance to make straight walls on all sides, with doors and windows all in place? Would other pieces finaly fall in such order as to make a roof that keeps rain out?
¶ Every House Has a Builder.
No one would dare say that a house came about by accident. Its order and design show beyond doubt that it had a builder. Notice the simple force of Hebrews 3:4, ‘For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.’ Look closely at the simplest leaf in nature. It is far better planned than a house. It has tiny openings for the flow of gases. Its green coloring catches sunlight and uses it for energy. Its veins carry watery food from the soil… It is more like a highly ordered city! And that is just one leaf. We have not considered jungles and forests full of different plants. We have not pointed out the many, many kinds of land and sea animals, nor all that it takes to provide them life. Psalm 147:8-9, ‘God covers the sky with clouds; He supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills. He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.’
¶ Creation Tells the Glory of God.
What about the order of the stars and planets? Israel’s great king, David, sang this song as found in Psalm 19:1 and the king was right. If our sun is so powerful, how much more powerful is the One who made all suns! He is called ‘the Father of lights’ as in James 1:17. Yet the sun’s strength is strictly controlled. If the sun changed its course even a little, all life on our planet would soon end. Everything is in perfect place for life to exist on this earth. Such careful design in every detail must have a Builder! But we have not yet mentioned the man and woman, with their children, who live in this amazing home. The brain of even the smallest child has many more active parts than all the stars the eye sees at night! Our minds work with great thoughts. Our eyes see beauty in living coors. The human spirit has power to choose and to love. Our hearts reach high in worship. King David, when he thought of his own body and soul, was moved to sing to God, Psalm 139:14, ‘I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.’ David wrote in the Hebrew language. In that language he actually said, “My soul knows that full well.” The person who pretends there is no God and no soul is like a mouse eating bread in the dark. With its mouth full, the mouse announces, “I don’t believe there is a baker. I don’t believe there is such a thing as grain for making bread, for I have never seen these things.” We stand on the evidence! The proof is all around us an within us!
The Bible describes those who refuse to see it: ‘For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.’ Romans 1:21-22. This shows that it is only right that we should give to our Maker glory and thanks.
¶ God has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with you. Acts 14:17. That we exist and live at all is itself a wonderful gift. The truth is that we owe all that we are and have to our Maker! When we truly understand that, it is not hard to praise God due to His name. it is not hard to give back in service to Him the life that He first gave to us. It is the right thing to do and our lives are far better in every way when we respect, worship and serve our Creator. Such service takes time and effort. Yet isn’t that time actually the time He is giving to us? Our time on earth can and will end some day as it is really His gift of time which we can afford to take time for Him. Believing in God goes beyond simply knowing facts about God. It leads us to praise God and to seek Him. Even those who don’t yet know how to come to God can begin to seek Hi. A Roman soldier named Cornelius was one such person as found Acts 10. Because he was truly seeking God, his prayers were heard. God helped him. Through this help Cornelius became a follower and friend of God. Prayer is an important part of this friendship.
¶ Only One God has Spoken. Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:4-5. We all know that there’s only one God who revealed Himself and spoken to His people in the past through different ways and speaks to us at present too for He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He described Himself to all during the time of Moses by revealing Himself through the same prophet. He also said that He is one God, not many ‘gods’. The one and only God deserves all of our love, not just a part of it.
¶ The Name of the One God.
The prophet Isaiah, in the passage just mentioned, was very certain of the true God. He is the One named ‘the LORD’. Isaiah wrote in the Hebrew language in which the name is YHWH, pronounced as Yahweh. In many English Bibles, when you see the word LORD in large letters, stands for this great name of God, YHWH. When Eve gave birth to a child, she said, ‘With the help of the LORD (YHWH), I have brought forth a man’ Genesis 4:1. She knew God’s name, for He had dealt personally with her and her husband, Adam. Later, her children who turned to God ‘began to call on the name of the LORD’ Genesis 4:26. So ‘the LORD’ is the One known from the very beginning as man’s Creator. When God told Moses to go to Egypt, Moses asked what name ot use for God. In answer, God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ Exodus 3:14-15. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you’. God also said to Moses, ‘Say to Israelites, “The LORD (YHWH), the God of your fathers – the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob – has sent me to you”. This my y name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.’
The name YHWH shows that God is the ‘I AM,’ that He continues TO BE. As the self-existing One, God does not depend on anything else for His being. Instead, all others – whether spirits or humans of material things – depend on Him for their being or existence.
God reveals through Isaiah about Himself saying, ‘I am He; I am the first and I am the last; apart from Me there is no God… I am the LORD, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by Himself. Isaiah 44:6, 24.
¶ No Other Gods.
The first of Ten Commandments given at Mount Sinai was this: ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’ Exodus 20:3. When we understand who the LORD is, it is easy to see what is wrong with having other ‘gods’. No one else can compare with God! Yes, there are some beings who have power. But all their power simply points to the far, far greater power of the true God who made them. He made everything ‘by Himself’ as said in Isaiah 44:24. He doesn’t depend on anyone else. If God gave them power, He can also take it away from them. He who gave them life can just as easily end it. Before Him, they are powerless! The apostle Paul helped people to leave their useless ‘gods’. He wrote letters to those who believed his message.
Here is what Paul said about idols: ‘We know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that there is no God but one.’1 Corinthians 8:4.
‘You turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God.’ 1 Thessalonians 1:9.
Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods.’ Galatians 4:8.
¶ Does God Have Hands and Eyes?
If God is spirit, and not fleshly body, how can the Bible speak of His ‘hands’, ‘arms’, ‘eyes’ and other parts? Imagine a man talking to an ant. He is trying to explain to the ant what a human city is like. The ant has never seen anything as large as our city streets. Yet the ant does have small paths and tunnels in its ants’ nest in the ground. so the man speaks of his streets as if they were like those ant paths. He speaks of the human city as if it were like a very large ants’ nest. In the same way, God uses things that we can understand to talk of things much greater. He doesn’t have our earthly kind of eyes and hands. But He uses ‘eyes’ to speak to His seeing. He uses ‘hands’ to speak of His power and action. Though He uses these helpful words we should remember that we are still so very small beside Him. like the ant with the man, some things about God will remain beyond our full understanding. We accept what God says in simple trust that He knows how to best to tell us of things far greater than us.
¶ God Spoken through Jesus.
When Jesus, the Prophet like Moses, came, He drew special attention to these verses from the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy. A leader asked Jesus about the most important command of the law. Mark 12:29 reports Jesus’ reply: ‘The most important one is this, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart…’ Jesus continued then to quote from God’s message in Deuteronomy 6. This truth is the foundation for all God’s other commands. If many gods had made us, they might all have a right to our love. But the greatest fact of God is that he is One! One alone has the right to our love. That leads to the greatest command: That our whole heart, soul, mind and strength should go to Him alone.
¶ Can We Love Anyone Else?
If all our love goes to God, then it cannot be divided. Does this mean that we should never love anyone else? What about loving one’s own husband or wife or children? What about loving other people? Jesus went on immediately to say that the second most important command is this: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ Mark 12:31 & Leviticus 19:18. The Christian husband should love his wife as in Ephesians 5:25. Neither Moses nor Jesus thought that these kinds of love took love away from God. Why? Because it is God’s will that we so love others. The true way to show love for God is to obey God. For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments. 1 John 5:3. If God is truly ‘Lord,’ He deserves our full obedience. We cannot claim to love Him while forgetting who He is and what He deserves. Real love treats Him as the real God He is. So, when we love others, as He commanded, that fits perfectly into true love and devotion to Him.
¶ Our God is Spirit.
Why have people made up their own ideas of ‘god’? Perhaps they feel that they can more easily understand and control such a ‘god’. The true God is so great that He is beyond all that we can imagine. When King Solomon built a temple for God, he prayed to God, ‘The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain You. How much less this temple I have built!’ 1 Kings 8:27. When we think of just that part of the heavens we see, this truly amazing. How can one Person fill the whole universe, and even go beyond it? Yet Paul also said of God, ‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’ Acts 17:28. How can He be so far away, and yet also be all around us? If ‘He is not far from each one of us, why don’t we see Him? Acts 17:27. The answer is in a basic truth of God’s nature. Jesus clearly state, GOD IS SPIRIT as in John 4:24.
¶ How is ‘spirit’ different from an earthly ‘body’?
Jesus said that a spirit doesn’t have flesh and bones. Luke 24:39. The normal human body is very limited by the weaknesses of its flesh. It is tied down to one time and place. It cannot see or be in two places at the same time. It cannot see or be in two places at the same time. such limits do not have to apply to spirit. They especially do not limit the One who is called the Father of spirits as we observe it in Hebrews 12:9. God, as spirit, is so great that He is always present at all places. He can hold all in His control. There is no way to ever hide from Him.
¶ ‘Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there: if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. if I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, eve there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.’ Psalm 139:7-10. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13.
¶ The Holy Spirit.
One of the things that may be difficult to understand is how God is one, and yet above our limited idea of one. For example, the first verses of the Bible speak of both ‘God’ and the Spirit of God.
‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters’ Genesis 1:1-2. Look again at the quotation from Psalm 139. The writer of that Psalm asks God, ‘Where can I go from your Spirit?’ Then he says, “If I go up to the heavens, You are there,” Why say ‘You,’ and ‘Your Spirit’? Why speak in two ways of God? We may not fully understand why. Yet God surely knows most about Himself. He knows how best to describe Himself. Scripture talks often about the Holy Spirit. He is not just some tool or force of God. He is not a ‘thing’. Instead He is Divine Person, described in ways that can only fit a person. Although He is sometimes spoken of as if He is part of God, yet the Holy Spirit is truly God, the only God. ‘Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom…which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18. God has revealed Himself as both ‘Lord’ and ‘Spirit’. This is no way goes against the truth He also revealed that He is One. This oneness is above our full understanding. Such mysteries should not surprise us, for God is so much greater, and we are so much smaller.
Dear all, we would not have known anything of God if He had not chosen to speak to us through nature and the prophets. He has revealed that He is one, and that there is no other God besides Him. Yet His oneness includes the Holy Spirit. He knows best how to tell us about Himself. Since He alone made us and cares for us, our hearts and lives belong wholly to Him.
In the next week’s meditation, we’ll continue to with the same topic: GOD WHO SPEAKS with an elaboration of GOD SPOKE THROUGH THE PROPHETS AND PROPHET LIKE MOSES, AND THROUGH HIS WRITINGS.
Let’s thank God for His guidance and spirit leading through today’s meditation through small word of prayer.
Lord, we thank you for your guidance while we meditated your word. Help us to keep your word in our minds and hearts that we may believe what is said about you as a Speaker and introduce you to the world as the same Speaker that we learnt about. May our meditation be a blessing to ourselves and also to the rest in future whom we come across to share about you. Fill us with you spirit this forthcoming week and keep your word in our lives to glorify you. I offer this prayer in Jesus’ name! Amen!
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Spirit, be with all of us now and forevermore. Amen!
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rwbymemes · 8 years
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Hey Logan83255 have you heard of Asexuality by any chance? Where a person doesn’t feel anything for either gender. Yeah that’s Ruby in my opinion.
As for Blake being interested in sun please remind me how slapping a guy who followed her for 6-8 months and annoying her to the point where she slapped him another two times for assuming she was going to fight the white fang when she was merely visiting her family (he also eavesdropped on her and her father) after so long can be shown as interest. The only interest she has shown was in volume 3 at the tournament where she blushed. That’s it.
“well she was with him for 3 days in volume 1 when she ran off after her she told her teammates she was a Faunus”
Well yeah he is a Faunus and obviously knows the struggles their people face and also she didn’t speak to him the entire time until they were at the cafe. So sun hardly knows diddly squat about Blake other than the fact that she was a apart of the white fang and her family is menagerie’s equivalent to royalty. Also his persistence to take her to the dance was rejected. It was Yang that got her to go to the dance. And who was her first dance with? yang not sun Yang and the significance of a first dance is rather important. Not to mention when sun asked if they were going “together” she responded with technically which means yes but not really. Oh and another important fact Monty wrote Blake based on Arryn Zech who is in fact bisexual so the possibility of Blake being bisexual is rather high.
Yes Yang has shown interest in boys in volume 1 but only then. Throughout volume’s 2-4 Yang has not shown that interest in anyway shape or form. Also when she winked at Blake in their heart to heart scene to me that was a flirtatious gesture (you don’t simply wink at another if your relationship is strictly platonic other wise it would come off as weird and will make them assume you are hitting on them) yang could also go through the “what is it like to kiss a girl?” Phase (in the 1970’s it was a thing because it was the love is love era)
Weiss yeah she’s interested in Neptune much to my disliking of it. Kara her voice actress confirmed that she is straight.
Now onto the subtle hints of bumblebee which tends to carry more meaning than the in your face evidence.
“Sun and Blake we’re put on a literal ship with canons”
this is the most annoying and crappiest evidence I have heard of because no shit Sherlock aquatic Grimm obviously exist so how else are ships meant to defend passengers, cargo and crew members? They are obviously not trained huntsmen. As for the ship itself it has a name which was revealed in episode 12 volume 4 as “Pride” this hints at LGBT pride and who else sailed on that ship? That’s right Yang also sailed on that boat (perhaps not WITH Blake but the name of the ship is a hint none the less)
Another subtle hint I noticed was when I re-watched chapter 3 of V 4 and I noticed a particular shot of yang glancing at a pile of books next to her.
Now it got me thinking. We all know Yang, before she lost her arm, as the girl who prefers to have a fun time rather than stay stuck in a room doing boring activities like study or…..read. Throughout the first 3 volumes Yang obviously shows that side of her. So why in this particular shot would she want to look at books sitting beside her considering she didn’t seem to be the book reading type? (I’m guessing the only time she read books was when she was telling Ruby bedtime stories when they were little) My guess was because it reminded of her Blake who loved to read books (some inappropriate than others). It is possible that when Yang looked at the books she was remembering how Blake and her first spoke to each other. The time that Blake was reading about a man with two souls (which was foreshadowing Oscar and Ozpin’s souls combining later on) in volume 1. Also even after she looked at the books she flicked on the Tv and Adam was shown on The news and due to Blake’s past association with Adam it served as another reminder of Blake
Even having being partners for a little over a semester Blake has probably influenced Yang enough for her to consider reading books. After losing an arm to Adam and trying to cope with the loss and trauma of the fall of beacon. There was obviously not much Yang could do around the house at first. So what else could she do with her time other than watch tv or stare out the window? Read a book.
So the symbolism of books being in that shot can be perceived as a reminder of Blake or could mean something else entirely. I don’t know because people have different perceptions or thoughts on certain things within the show.
As a bumblebee shipper I believe that those books are a reminder of Blake because she was the only person on team RWBY (other than Ruby) who liked to read. But that’s just my thoughts because it seemed a little odd for Yang to look at books when she never seemed to be the book reading type.
Now onto Blake in volume 2, the dance.
Yang gave her the choice if she wanted to go and promised her a dance if she came. Now we know she went to the dance with sun but she didn’t have her first dance with him which is an important dance no she reserved that first dance for Yang. But why Yang didn’t specifically ask for the first dance or anything. No it’s because Blake gave her that honour. Now if Blake liked sun the way he does her she would have given him the first dance.
I won’t deny that Black sun has evidence but to me majority of it seems forced and pushed by majority of Black sun shippers. Also don’t tell me to deny it because I’m not. Sure black sun can happen and the only time I will accept it is if it happens in the show and the creators confirm that they will be together throughout the 20 volumes of RWBY but until that happens I will remain on my ship that is bumblebee and believing that it is canon.
However I will note that at this point Black sun and bumblebee are following a similar path to Legend of Korra (Miles Luna loved the legend of Korra by the way and we all know what happened in the end despite many fans saying asami was straight) so really right now Blake is Korra, Sun is Mako and Yang is Asami.
So you have your opinion and I have mine good day to you :)
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