#hes just so. he just says it. like yeah obviously.
hotshotsxyz · 1 day
8x01 coda
(buddie adjacent) (784 words) spoilers ahead, read at your own risk!
A little peroxide, a little elbow grease, and the engine bay should be good as new. Five minutes, ten max, except Buck’s been scrubbing for twenty and the fucking stain won’t come up. He kind of wants to scream.
There’s blood soaked into the concrete and blood on his hands and it’s ugly and red and Buck needs it to be gone. He pours more peroxide and watches it foam.
It’s too goddamn quiet in here. The construction’s stopped, obviously, and Hen took the station out of service so no alarm will take its place. No one’s yelling, no one’s commiserating, no one’s vacuuming the fucking upholstery.
Nausea wraps itself around Buck’s organs. A hand lands on his shoulder and he jumps.
“Buck,” Eddie says, quiet, too fucking quiet.
Buck scrubs at the stain.
“Look at me,” Eddie says, kneeling beside him.
He can’t. He fucking can’t because the stain is still there.
Eddie grabs his wrist. “Buck,” he says again, forceful and a little loud.
Buck drops the sponge and whips around. “What?” he asks. It comes out flatter than he thought it would, drenched in something like apathy.
“You can stop,” Eddie says.
“No,” Buck says, shaking his head. “You know what he’ll do if this is here when he gets back?” He gestures at the stain. He can’t even say his name.
Eddie’s hand tightens around his wrist. “Let someone else give it a try,” he says gently.
Buck knows when he’s being fucking handled. He wrenches his wrist from Eddie’s grasp. Eddie grabs his shoulder instead.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he says quietly.
A humorless bark of laughter escapes Buck’s throat. “Yeah, no, I just killed a guy. Totally fine.”
“He’s not dead,” Eddie argues.
Eddie takes a long breath. “He’s not dead,” he repeats. “And even if that changes—”
“What,” Buck interrupts. “It won’t be my fault? It kind of fucking is.”
Eddie shakes his head minutely. “If that changes it’ll be the universe or whatever.”
Buck rolls his eyes. “You don’t believe in the universe,” he says.
“No,” Eddie acknowledges. “But I believe in what I can see. And what I saw was you risking your life to save his. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Buck swallows harshly and rocks back on his heels. “For—for a second I—”
“What?” Eddie prompts.
“I was—I wasn’t happy, but I—Eddie, I didn’t care,” Buck says finally. He drops the rest of the way to the floor and pulls his knees to his chest.
Eddie blows out a short puff of air and settles next to Buck. “I’m still not sure I do,” he says, tilting his head to catch Buck’s eyes.
“You don’t have to care,” Buck says. “He’s awful to you, and you’re not the one who killed him.”
“Still not dead,” Eddie reminds him. “And he’s awful to you too. He was in the middle of yelling at you when you saved his life.”
“It’s not the same.”
“It’s not,” Eddie agrees.
Buck bites his lip. “Have you…” he trails off.
“Ever killed someone?” Eddie guesses.
“You don’t—I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—” Buck stammers.
Eddie presses his knee against Buck’s. “I don’t know,” he says, “not for sure.”
Buck frowns.
“I’ve shot at people,” Eddie continues. “Hit a few. I don’t know if any of them died. I’ll never know.”
“How do you deal with that?”
Eddie levels him with a flat gaze. “Buck. I’m in so much therapy.”
It startles a laugh out of him. “Eds I’m serious,” Buck says.
“I am too,” Eddie replies. “And either way, it’s different. You didn’t kill him.”
“He still might—”
“Buck.” Eddie looks away slightly and shakes his head. “Even if he dies, all you did was change what killed him. You gave him a fighting chance, it’s more than he would’ve given you.”
Buck scrubs at his eyes as they begin to sting. “I don’t know what to do with that.”
“You talk to me,” Eddie says, nudging his shoulder. “You’re a good person, I’ll tell you as many times as you need to hear it.”
A single tear escapes Buck’s lash line. “Yeah?” he asks, watery and rough.
“Yeah.” After a moment, he stands and holds a hand out to Buck. “Come on,” he says. “Brass says we can go home. You’re coming with me.”
Buck takes Eddie’s hand and allows him to pull him to his feet, leaving the sponge and the stain exactly where they are. “Okay,” he says quietly.
“Okay,” Eddie repeats.
There’s blood on Buck’s hands. Eddie takes him to the shower room to wash it off.
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firewasabeast · 13 hours
“Tommy!” Eddie cheered, lifting his drink toward the sky as he spotted his friend walking toward him. “Whatcha doin' here, Man?”
“Figured I'd stop by and see how you were doing, Bud,” Tommy replied. He gave Eddie a pat on the back as he sat down in the empty seat next to him. “You come here alone?”
“Mhm. Needed ta get out. House's too quiet.”
“How long have you been here?”
“Too long,” the bartender interrupted as he walked by. “Was about to cut him off. I already took his keys.”
Eddie's eyebrows furrowed, looking around the bar counter. “Hey! You took my keys.”
“I got him,” Tommy said, giving the bartender a nod. “I gotta say, at least you're talking better than you're texting. I was worried.”
Eddie's face scrunched up in confusion. “Huh? I never did texted you.”
“Oh, I beg to differ.” Tommy fished his phone out of his jacket pocket and went to his messages. “'Buuuuuuuck, lezz drink, Buddy.' Then five minutes later, 'Bruck, why rn't you at bar? I waiting.' A good two minutes after that you sent me your location with an angry emoji. Then, and this is my personal favorite, 'Loser too busy kissy kissy with Tummy to be a friendship.'”
"Huh. Thought I was textin' Buck.”
“Yeah, I pieced that together.”
“So where's Buck if you're not kissy kissy?” Eddie asked, his final drink sloshing over his fingers as he attempted to bring it to his lips.
Tommy took the drink from Eddie and set it back on the counter. “Evan is watching Jee overnight so Howie and Maddie can have a night away. So, you wanna talk about whatever's bothering you? I mean, I could take a guess, but...”
“Nah. No, no, nope. I wanna,” Eddie pulled at the collar of his shirt. “Lessgo karaoke, Tomboy-”
“We're not calling me that.”
“I wanna sing to the rooftops,” Eddie continued, his words slurring more and more with each sentence. “I wanna. I wanna be, you know, be free, Tommy. I don't have a rea-,” he hiccuped, “reason to get back home.”
“Really? Seems like that's exactly where you need to be right now.”
Eddie's eyes widened, like he'd thought of the best idea in the entire world. “Let's go to Peeping Tom! That's your name!”
“Peeping Tom is a gay bar, Eddie.”
“I don judge.”
“A very kinky, fully nude gay bar,” Tommy clarified.
Eddie squinted, deep in thought. “No karaoke?”
“No karaoke.”
“Well, then were we go? Don't say home!”
“Ugh,” Eddie groaned, allowing Tommy to wrap an arm around his back and help him up. “You're like a no- no fun dad. Wish I'd texted fun dad.”
Tommy gripped onto Eddie tighter as he stumbled while taking a step. He sighed. “Maybe next time.”
When Eddie woke up the next morning it was to a pounding headache and blinding sunlight coming through his window. He was nauseous and his mouth tasted like a mixture of gasoline and mouthwash.
He laid there for a few minutes, trying to figure out what happened that made him feel so unbelievably ill.
After a few failed attempts, he finally rolled out of bed and made his way into the kitchen to fix himself some coffee.
He froze when he walked through the door to see Tommy sitting there, reading the newspaper.
“Good... morning?” Eddie started, confused.
Tommy set the paper down. “Morning. Sleep well?”
“I- I think so, I guess. It's a little blurry.”
Tommy hummed. “Not surprising. Coffee just finished, if you want some. Your couch is not comfortable, by the way.”
“Buck's never complained.”
“Yeah, well, he's easier to please than I am.”
Eddie was too hungover for this. He had so many questions, but for some reason the first one out of his mouth was: “Where'd you put my shoes?”
“In your closet.”
He grabbed himself a cup for some coffee. “My keys?”
“We have to go pick them up at the bar today, along with your car, obviously.”
“You didn't close my curtains last night. Woke up thinking I was being interrogated by Ice T.”
Tommy sighed, leaning back in his seat. “'Thank you so much for getting me home safely, Tommy. Did it hurt your back having to drag me into the house while I belted out Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of my lungs?'” He stood, walking over to Eddie and taking the coffee out of his hand, drinking a big sip. “Thank you for asking, Eddie. I think my back will be okay, but my ears will never recover.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, turning to fix himself another cup. “Thank you for getting me home safely, Tommy. I appreciate it.”
“Mhm. No problem.” Tommy returned to his seat and Eddie joined him at the table. They sat in silence for a couple minutes, taking small sips of their drinks.
Eventually, Tommy set his cup down a little harder than normal, getting Eddie's attention with the clinking sound. “Wanna talk about it?”
“About what? How your coffee tastes like cigarette sludge?”
“I'll take that as a no then.” Tommy checked his watch. “The bar doesn't open until three. Want me to stop by and pick you up then?”
Eddie shook his head. “I can just get an Uber, Man, thanks though.”
“Of course. I'll, uh, let you recover.” Tommy stood and went to leave, checking his pocket for his keys and phone.
As he neared the door, Eddie spoke. “Wait,” he said. Tommy turned back to face him.
“Why'd you sleep on my couch?”
“You're my friend,” he answered simply. “You drank a lot. Wanted to make sure you were okay.” He took a step back toward the table. “Are you okay?”
Eddie cradled the mug in his hands, watching the steam rise from the cup. “You don't... How long has it been? Since you talked to your dad?”
Okay, so Tommy wasn't leaving then.
He came to the table and sat down, taking a moment to think about Eddie's question. “About six years, I think.”
“What did he do?” He looked over at Tommy. “To make you stop talking to him, I mean. Unless you don't wanna get into it. In fact, forget it, I shouldn't-”
“Eddie, it's fine,” Tommy assured him. “I don't mind.”
“Okay,” Eddie nodded, sitting up straighter. “So? What happened?”
“It wasn't just one thing,” Tommy explained. “It was a lifetime of things. He's... He's not a good man. I think the catalyst was about a year after I came out. I hadn't been home in awhile, so I decided to drive to his place one weekend. When he answered the door he said, 'What the hell are you doing here?' I told him I was coming to see him and he said, 'What's the damn point in that?' I thought about it for a second and realized that was a good question, so I turned around, got in my car, and left. Never looked back.” Eddie seemed to be contemplating his words, and Tommy could tell where this was going. “It's not the same thing, Eddie,” he said, beating Eddie to it.
“What if he doesn't come back? What I did, Tommy, it wasn't... It was bad.”
“You made a mistake.”
“I cheated on my girlfriend with a doppelganger of his mom, Tommy, and he caught me.”
“Granted, it was a big mistake,” Tommy deadpanned. “But, still a mistake. He'll come around. You gotta give him time.”
“People keep telling me that,” Eddie replied with an eye roll. “That he'll come around. But it's been months of nothing. And it seems like no matter what I do, it's not enough.”
“You're trying.”
Eddie huffed. “I'm not sure getting drunk alone at a bar is trying.”
“I think it shows you care, Eddie. And, yeah, that shouldn't become a habit, but you're allowed to be upset. You're allowed to hurt. You made a mistake, but you're a good dad and Christopher knows that. He will come around.”
“And if he doesn't?” Eddie asked, staring over at Tommy.
“Then you keep trying,” Tommy replied. “You never stop trying. Keep being there, keep sending him letters and getting him on Facetime. Go for a visit. Send him texts. I'm not saying you gotta smother him, but never let him forget that you're there. That's the biggest mistake you could ever make.”
“Yeah,” Eddie took a deep breath. “Yeah, you're right. I just... I gotta keep it up. Let him know I'm here, whenever he's ready.”
Eddie looked over at the clock on his stove, 11:32 staring back at him. He had no idea he'd slept so long. “Why don't you call Buck, see if he wants to come over and watch a game? Then you can drive me to my car.”
“Oh, you want me to call Evan? Don't you mean fun dad?” Tommy asked, eying Eddie.
It took him a minute, but the memory came back to him. “I did say that, didn't I?”
“You did,” Tommy confirmed. “Which I'm very offended by, by the way. I'm fun!”
Eddie sighed, his head drooping down. “I know you are.”
“I introduced you to karaoke trivia. I've flown you to Vegas.”
“I remember.”
“I never tried to seriously injure you in the name of love.”
“Which I'm very grateful for.”
“I don't have control issues when I have a clipboard in my hand.”
“Are you just gonna keep listing reasons why you're fun?”
“I once shoved three cupcakes in my mouth at once! Nearly choked to death, but Evan whacked me on the back and everything went down just fine.”
Eddie stood with his mug in hand, pointing toward the living room, “I'm gonna go to the couch. Get more comfortable.”
Tommy followed behind, pulling out his phone to call Buck. “I'll let Evan tell you who bowled a 230 last week. Hint: it was me!”
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lulunothulu · 3 days
“I've missed you”
Glen Powell x Reader
Summary: Glen is working overseas and misses you.
Content: pure fluff, talks of sex
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You’d just gotten home when your phone’s FaceTime ringtone begins to chime. You pull it out of your purse and smile when you see Glen’s face pop up.
“Hi, baby,” you greet when you answer, smiling so wide you feel your cheeks hurting.
“Well hello beautiful,” Glen smiles. Scruff apparent on his face and Texas Longhorns hat on his head.
God, you missed his smile.
He’d been filming something “top secret” for the past few months and you were ready for him to come home.
“How was work today?” you ask, shutting your front door and sliding your purse off your shoulder. 
“Same old same old,” he drawls, propping his phone on something in front of him. “How was your day?”
“Kind of the same,” you tell him, sighing when you finally take a seat on the white couch Glen has in his living room. “Nothing fun ever happens.”
“Baby, you work at one of the top hospitals in the world,” he points out with a chuckle. “How can what you deal with be the same as other days?”
“Yeah, you’re right. I just didn’t want to make you feel bad for being so far away and not being able to have as much fun as I am.”
Glen laughs, making your heart ache and face crumple in grief. 
“I’m sorry,” you tearfully say. “I just–” You take a deep breath before wiping your eyes and smiling sadly. “I just miss you.”
“I miss you too,” he tells you. His green eyes turn soft, worry and something else lacing his next words. “What can I do for you right now?”
You sniffle. “Just, distract me? I don’t know.”
Glen sighs, rubbing his temples while he thinks before looking back at the camera and smiling widely. 
“What?” you ask.
“What’re you wearing under all of that?” he asks, smirking to himself.
“What?” you laugh this time, disbelief rattling through your body.
“You heard me, sweetheart.” He leans forward, smirk still on his lips. “What’re you wearing under your clothes?”
Blood rushes to your cheeks, pulsing begins to start between your legs and you squeeze your legs shut to get it to stop.
“I have that lacy bra you got me last Christmas–”
“I love that one.”
“And the matching thong,” you finish.
Glen groans, his eyes rolling–obviously thinking about what you look like in them. “I can’t wait to come home.”
 “Now your turn, sir.” You watch as Glen’s brows raise slightly before he leans back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest.
“I’m wearing a the same thing,” he jokes, earning him a laugh.
He watches you a for a second, memorizing your sweet face and smile. He didn't want to admit it, but he missed you so much more. not even for the sex, but to be able to be around you, to hold you.
Tears begin to form in his eyes and you quiet down, smile still faint on your lips.
Glen swipes at his eyes before smiling sweetly at you. "I've missed you, beautiful."
"I've missed you too," you tell him. "Just a few more weeks."
"Actually, it'll be less than that." He smiles when your eyes go wide. "We're wrapping early so I'll see you in a few days."
You have to shove the sob down your throat. Excitement and relief wash over you before you close your eyes and open them again with a smile.
He's coming home and soon.
"That's great, baby," you croak.
"I knew you'd like that," Glen smiles. "Now, back to that matching lacy set..."
Something small but ugh I love it and him.
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figthoughts · 3 days
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combat knife - soldier boy 18+
summary: soldier boy can’t help but find it amusing when you decide to hold a knife to his throat when you’re high. (soldier boy x gf!reader).
warnings: light smut, dom!soldier boy, swearing, drug use, slight degradation talk, knife play (slightly).
“i said shut your mouth,” soldier boy commanded, his big hand wrapped around your throat, “why don’t you ever fuckin’ listen?”
“ben! just one more line…. please?” you whined, giving him your best puppy dog eyes as you straddled him on the couch. “c’mon, i’ll be so good,” you glanced down at the crushed bennies on the coffee table, wanting more, despite the last bump still making your head spin slightly.
“fuck, alright,” he grunted, “just quit your bitchin’ and moaning. s’doing my fuckin’ head in.”
“yeah, course. whatever you say, sir,” you smiled down at him as he grabbed his combat knife off the coffee table and scooped some powder onto the blade.
soldier boy rolled his eyes, trying to hold back a smirk. sir. goddamn it. why did you always know what to say? he swallowed as his cock twitched and he shifted his hips under yours.
“watch it.” he warned as he lifted the knife up to you. he watched you bring your nose just above the powder. “and watch the fuckin’ blade. i’m not dealing with you if you cut your damn lip again. get all pathetic and whingy.”
“oh, shut up. not even.” you narrowed your eyes, trying to prevent the grin from growing on your face.
you closed your eyes and snorted. fuck. that feeling never gets old. you felt the euphoria wash over you and you let out a pleased hum.
“feel good, baby?” he smirked. god, he loved you like this. all carefree and high on his drugs, practically letting your body melt into his. he fucking loved it.
all you could do for a moment was just nod. the air around you felt thicker as you breathed it in. you rubbed your nose and sniffled, looking down at your boyfriend. fuck, he’s handsome.
“words, babygirl.” he raised his brows.
“s’good.” was all you managed to moan out as a smile grew on your face. you closed your eyes and breathed in more of the thick air through your nose.
“you’re so fuckin’ sexy when you’re like this,” soldier boy smirked, “all messy and smiley, not a damn thing in that little head of yours, huh?” he poked your side and your hips jerked involuntarily. your eyes opened and flickered to his.
“there she is,” he cooed, leaving the knife on his chest, his hands coming to rest on your hips.
“mmm, shut up,” you felt your cheeks heat up slightly under his intimidatingly smug gaze.
soldier boy studied your face as he held you in place by your hips. “uh-uh, be good for me now. i let you have another bump, so don’t be actin’ like that.”
you closed your eyes and let out a soft hum as the thick air cuddled around you like a warm blanket. you felt good. soldier boy kept his eyes on you, watching every little movement you made. he could tell you’d had more than enough.
“look at you, can’t even speak.” he chuckled mockingly, giving your hips a squeeze. “so fuckin’ desperate to get like this, aren’t ya?”
you smiled sheepishly, your eyes still squeezed shut. he wasn’t wrong. there’s nothing you liked more than this; sitting on your boyfriend’s lap, his hands all over you as your brain slowly turns to mush from the drugs. it felt good.
soldier boy loved it too, seeing his girl get all soft and so, so compliant. he couldn’t help but want to touch you.
he squeezed your hips again, causing your eyes to flutter open. he smirked and let one of his hands wander down to your inner thighs, closing in on your core. your breath hitched.
“something wrong, angel?”
“that’s what i thought. be a good girl and keep that mouth shut. i’m sick of sayin’ it.” he moved his hand up the leg of your pyjama shorts, his fingertips tracing along the hem of your panties.
soldier boy grinned as he saw your eyes drop down to his hand, your lids heavy and your mouth parted, the drugs obviously hitting you harder now.
he slipped his fingers into your panties, finding your pussy already soaked. “god, you’re such a slut… already so wet, baby.”
you groaned and covered your face with your hands. yes, you were already wet and he hadn’t even done anything yet. you felt his fingers gently begin to rub your clit. sparks shot up through your nerves, forcing a moan out of your mouth. god, this felt good high… it always does.
“look at me.” soldier boy muttered firmly, his fingers still teasing your pussy.
you reluctantly dropped your hands and found his eyes, a smirk growing on his face as he studied your expression.
“always so embarrassed, huh? i don’t know why… you know you love it when i make you cum on my fingers,” he teased, his fingers speeding up slightly as they moved through your folds.
you let out a moan and dropped your hands to his chest, trying to steady yourself.
“yeah, that’s it. give in, baby. show me what a little slut you are for me,” the smirk remained on his face, his eyes tracing your every feature as his fingers pressed against your clit, forcing your hips to jerk forward.
soldier boy’s grip on your left hip tightened, holding you still. “keep. still.”
you looked at him with your jaw dropped, your brain fogged over from the drugs and the feeling of your boyfriend’s rough fingers against your pussy making breathy moans fall out of your mouth.
“fuuuckin’ look at you. pathetic,” he laughed, keeping up the speed on your clit, “a fuckin’ mess… and all i’ve done is rub your pretty little cunt.”
you whimpered at his words and tried to roll your hips on him, feeling his cock twitch beneath you. you needed more.
“uh! i said keep fuckin’ still.” he squeezed your hip, this time hard. you whimpered and he grinned, moving his hand from your hip to your jaw, forcing you to look down at him.
“yeah, keep whimpering, fuckin’ slut.” your lips parted as more soft moans rolled off your tongue. his fingers picked up the pace on your cunt. you felt yourself clench around nothing.
soldier boy must’ve felt it too. he let out a deep groan and tightened his grip on your jaw. “you gonna cum, baby? huh?” he taunted, letting out a throaty chuckle.
you whimpered again, feeling the familiar pressure building in your lower stomach. fuck. he kept up his relentless pace on your soaked cunt, unable to hide the smug look on his face as he watched you melt onto his hand.
“such a mess.” he laughed.
you whined and squeezed your eyes shut as your cunt kept clenching, desperate to be filled.
soldier boy’s cock could feel every movement of yours. he let out a rough breath, trying to keep himself under control, despite his cock beginning to harden under you.
“fuck, harder… please, sir. so close.” you begged, looking down at him. you tried again to move your hips, desperate for friction against your soaked pussy.
soldier boy pulled his hand out of your shorts. “i said shut up and keep still,” he yanked your face towards him, “can’t even do that, you braindead little slut.”
you whimpered loudly at the loss of his touch and frowned. you didn’t particularly like when he talked to you like that, especially when you were so close to cumming all over his thick fingers.
“ben…” you whined weakly, your head spinning from the drugs and the ache from your cunt.
“shut the fuck up. listen to me or don’t cum. your choice, princess.” he stated firmly. you frowned more.
soldier boy looked at the pout on your lips and cocked an eyebrow, letting out a mocking laugh. “pouting now, are we? c’mon, just do what i fuckin’ say, it’s not that damn hard.”
you let out a huff, the frown staying on your lips. your eyes drifted down to the knife on his chest. before you could think, you found your hand wrapping itself around the handle and putting the blade against soldier boy’s neck.
now, you weren’t stupid… well maybe you were right now, but at any other time you knew that a knife wouldn’t do shit to your supe boyfriend.
and he knew that too. he laughed and looked up at your pouting face, “really? this is what we’re going with?” he wrapped his hand over yours on the handle, pushing the knife against his throat more.
“go on, pet. try your luck.” he mocked with a smirk.
you could feel yourself getting huffy and desperate, just wanting him to lay off a little and give you the release your body so desperately craved. you pushed the blade harder against his neck. “fucking do something,” you whined, “need your fingers back…”
he smirked, “oh, yeah?”
you shoved the knife harder into his neck, still not doing any damage at all, “yeah! touch me, now!” you tried to demand, although it came out more like a desperate whine.
“alright, babygirl.” he laughed and yanked your waistband open, shoving his fingers back against your cunt.
your breath hitched and you tried to keep the firm look on your face as soldier boy’s fingers began to soothe the aching throb of your cunt.
“harder, now.” you said breathily.
he grinned and moved his fingers against your clit harder, resulting in more moans coming from you.
soldier boy kept his eyes on you as he worked his fingers against your slick pussy. he was enjoying this, letting you have your moment of dominance, the feel of the cool metal against his skin. he thought you were so cute, acting like a tiny blade could do any damage to a supe like himself.
normally, he’d have tied your fucking hands together for an act like this, but he couldn’t help it right now. this was amusing to him. he knew that you knew a knife wouldn’t hurt him, even if you tried your hardest. a weak little girl like you was no match for him. not at all.
you cried out as the pressure began building in your stomach again, “fu-uck!” your hips jolted forward as your pussy clenched. you were close. your hands dropped slightly as you moaned and ground your hips down onto his hand and hardened cock.
“nuh-uh,” soldier boy forcefully grabbed your wrist and moved the knife back against his neck, “fuckin’ keep it there. you started this.”
you pushed the knife against his throat again, your eyes finding his. he still had that stupid smug smirk on his face. you whined as you rocked your hips against his fingers. you could feel his cock twitching in his sweatpants beneath your cunt.
“that’s it, babygirl. make yourself cum. good girl.” he chuckled as his fingers moved faster and rougher on your clit. he could feel your cunt clenching around nothing, so fucking needy and desperate for his cock. you always got like this when he got you high with him. and he loved it. a guaranteed needy little hole for him every time.
“g-gonna- gonna cum…” you mumbled out, your words almost slurred as you tried focused on your release.
soldier boy smirked, “that’s it, baby. cum for me. cum on my fingers and show me who’s boss, huh?” he teased, his free hand pulling the knife back harder against his throat.
“oh, fuck!” you cried out, right at the edge of letting go. you leaned forward, unconsciously pushing the knife against his neck harder.
soldier boy grinned as he felt the metal press into his skin more, thanks to your heavy-handedness. obviously, the blade did no damage, not even pricking his skin slightly. this is fun, he thought.
he kept rubbing your pussy as firmly and expertly as he could, keeping his eyes locked on your scrunched up face, wanting to push you over the edge.
“come on, pet. cum for me.” he cooed, somewhat mockingly.
you felt the coil in your stomach snap and your cunt clenched and unclenched as you whined and whimpered through your orgasm.
soldier boy’s fingers didn’t stop though. he pushed you through your orgasm, not relenting the harsh force against your clit. he felt you try to pull your now sensitive pussy away.
he smirked and held you still, wanting to draw out the immense pleasure for as long as he could.
“oh, god… oh… f-fuck… so good…” you rambled on like some cockdrunk virgin, your eyes barely open as you looked down at him with a stupid smile on your face.
soldier boy smirked. you were so beautiful. so fucking cute. especially like this, when you’re barely coherent post-orgasm. he loved the way you reacted to him. to his touch.
as your mind cleared, you let out a deep breathy sigh. you pulled the knife back from his neck, “sorry ‘bout that,” you murmured softly, a slight sheepish smile playing on your lips.
“no. put it back. we’re not done.” soldier boy said gruffly and yanked the knife back to his neck, his hand slipping back into your panties.
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A/N: hiii, hope u enjoyed! i didn’t really have a plan for this story, but yolo, right? idk. all ik is that i want soldier boy so bad !!!!!
feedback and requests are always welcome (love some inspo)!!! <3
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avcdgrdn · 1 day
── .✦ [ FIC ]: can i really stay here? [ part three ]
[ part one & part two ]
mullet stanley pines x innkeeper reader
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort, sfw
word count: 1765
˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚
he was so obviously staring at you.
it was a crisp fall morning, and a light sweat formed on your brow as you swept the floor by the front desk. you’d been at it for a while, and about halfway through, stan had meandered down the stairs and happened to see you. presently, he was casually leaning against the wall, and you could feel his eyes on your back.
there were moments where you’d turn your head in his direction, and he would jolt and quickly look the other way. you rolled your eyes amusedly, wondering what he could be thinking of.
after a moment of thought, you spoke up, your gaze still focused on the broom in your hands. “so, whatcha doin’, stan?”
there was nobody else in the lobby, so he didn’t really have a good excuse to pull out of his back pocket. he looked up, drumming his fingers against the wall. “uhhh … nothin’. what’s it to ya?”
“you know, you can come closer if you want to.” you shook your head, chuckling. the broad-built man sighed in defeat, pushing himself off of the wall and walking over to lean against the front desk instead.
as you continued to sweep, he pursed his lips, fidgeting with the edge of his t-shirt. “hey, uh. i been thinkin’.”
you gave him a glance over your shoulder. “yeah?”
one of his hands wandered up to his shaggy mullet, tugging absentmindedly at chocolate brown hairs. “well, i’ve been stayin’ with you for a few days now … and i really appreciate your help. i … i’m still tryin’ ta think of ways to make a buck, but … a–anyway, what’s i’m saying is—”
he stammered, blushing faintly as he averted his gaze. it was frustratingly difficult to be so open and honest.
“ … is–is there any way i could help you out? since i’m not payin’ at all …”
you straightened, turning to fully face him. his desire to settle his debt was endearing, but you knew in your heart that he really didn’t owe you anything. you wanted him to have someone to watch out for him, someone to care about him.
someone to … love him.
“i really appreciate it, but it’s okay.” you grinned, warm with compassion.
stan blinked, and he suddenly found that his heart was aching in his chest again. just as it had at the diner, as it had when he took that key from your hand …
his square jaw clenched shut as your genuine empathy pierced into him like daggers.
he almost sounded desperate.
“i, uh. i just don’t like ta feel useless.”
after studying his expression for a moment, your smile softened.
“okay.” swiftly, you extended the broom towards him, raising your brows. “wanna finish sweeping in the lobby? i can start on the dusting.”
immediately, he lit up. “alright, angel. i’ll sweep this place so good, you’d never guess that anyone’s set foot in it.”
taking hold of the broomstick, the brunet got to work, happily gathering dust bunnies, crumbs, and random bits of trash that various customers had left behind. you rummaged around in the supply closet for the duster, pulling it out and starting to clean up different decorative objects and shelftops.
the soft music emanating from the record player served to create a peaceful atmosphere. occasionally, one or two patrons would pass through, but for the most part, it was quiet.
after you’d taken care of all the dusty surfaces in the room, you put the duster away, lighting a pumpkin spice scented candle and carefully placing it on a table in the center of the lobby.
“hmm ... wow, that’s nice.” stan hummed, clearly affected by the calming aroma.
“i know, right? i love having this scent in the fall–”
you stopped abruptly upon seeing the perfectly clean floors. it couldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes, and yet all of it was spotless.
“wow, stan, you made quick work of that! good job!”
stanley puffed out his chest, clearly smug and quite proud of himself, like a small child showing you a drawing they had worked hard on. “i told you. ain’t i helpful?”
“you’re a huge help, thank you.”
he hadn’t been praised like this in so long. he was practically glowing at this point.
“so, er … what else can i help ya with?” he stepped closer to you, hands on his hips.
you racked your brain in an attempt to think of what else needed to get done around the inn. “oh, i know. a shipment arrived for us earlier today, but they’re both heavy boxes that i can’t quite move on my own. would you w–”
“I’M ON IT! lead the way, sweetheart!”
“o–okay–” you led him around to the back to collect the packages, trying so hard not to let his pet names affect you. nonetheless, you were blushing like an idiot.
next thing you knew, you were watching him carry two heavy boxes with ease, one on each arm. he had rolled up his jacket sleeves, revealing his muscular forearms.
… it’s fall, right? it’s not supposed to be this hot in here.
“where to, toots?” he grunted, arching a brow.
“uh … the storage room. this way.” you were avoiding eye contact as much as possible. everything about this guy was attractive right now.
oh God, don’t let me die yet…
after the contents of the boxes were successfully unloaded and put away, the two of you sat at the kitchen bar, helping yourselves to the lunch that your chef had made. stan ate enthusiastically, probably in the best mood that you’d ever seen him in. why that was, exactly, you weren’t sure—you were too overwhelmed to figure it out. there was just something about the way he looked at you that was making you silently freak out.
i know that he’s been calling me names even since we first met. it seems like it’s just a thing that he does with everyone … but lately, they really don’t feel like just names.
i don’t know. am i going crazy? i might be. and yet …
chewing on a mouthful of rice, you snuck a sideways peek at the man beside you, admiring his chiseled jaw and dark brown hair. that is, until he caught you looking, and you nearly choked on your food.
“what? ‘s there somethin’ on my face?” he chuckled, his tone taunting.
“i, uh, i thought there might’ve been–but you’re fine. no worries.” bullcrap.
“hah, whatever you say.”
you continued to eat in silence. your fork was slipping in your hand.
just great. my palms are sweating.
this … hasn’t happened to you since high school. butterflies and blushing suddenly clouded your brain whenever he was close to you. how did it even start? he just walked into your life, and …
you were so lost in your thoughts, you didn’t process stan calling your name for the third time in a row. it wasn’t until he put his hand on your shoulder that you snapped out of it.
“gh– huh?” your face was redder than a cherry tomato.
“hey, you alright? yer actin’ all spacey.” he was evidently concerned this time. “how many fingers am i holdin’ up?”
“f–four.” you exhaled, rubbing your temples with one hand. “i’m fine, just lost in thought, is all. thanks, stan.” you offered a small smile as you fought the raging butterflies in your stomach.
stan nodded in understanding, gently taking his hand off your shoulder.
“okay, just lemme know if you need anything.”
with that, he took care of his plate, rinsing it off in the sink before making his way up to his room. your chef walked into the kitchen, shooting you a look as you handed him your half-full plate.
“sorry, i don’t think i can eat any more. i’m feeling … nauseous.”
it was around six o’clock in the evening now, and you sat up in your personal living room on the very top floor of the inn, falling deeper and deeper into your thoughts.
do i … really like him that much?
am i in love?
you tangled your fingers into your hair, hunching over slightly.
but … so quickly? i’ve only known him for a number of days. is that a thing that happens!?
what if he doesn’t like me back? what if he flirts with everyone? what if he thinks i’m weird for liking him? does he know i like him?
just then, you heard a knocking on your door.
heart thudding violently in your chest, you swallowed your anxiety, standing up from your sofa to find out who it could be. you turned the doorknob, letting it swing open.
the first thing you saw was a beautiful bouquet of red tulips.
your gaze trailed up to find stanley’s broad figure, dressed in slacks and a flattering button-up top. he had pulled his hair back into a ponytail, although a few stray hairs remained out of place.
his brown eyes met your own, and your breath hitched in your throat.
“hey. listen, uh … these are for you, first of all.” he handed the bouquet to you, which you mindlessly accepted, being unable to look away from his face.
“i … wanted t’ properly say thank you. lettin’ me stay here has helped me get my mind right ‘nd allowed me to think about the important things.”
he took a breath.
“and, well … i figured out that you’re real important to me. so. i–i was wonderin’ if you’d wanna grab dinner tonight?”
“… dinner?”
“y–yeah, like a date–”
your cheeks flushed a dark shade of red, matching the tulips you held in your arms.
stan tripped over his words, staring at the floor. “and i, uh—i understand if you’re not interested–”
“no! i mean, yes! yes, i’m–i’m very interested.” you rushed to answer him, not fully realizing that a gleeful smile had broken out onto your expression. “i just … wow …”
he laughed, beaming with joy as he realized that the answer was yes. “oh, damn, i didn’t actually expect to get this far…!” gently, he scooped you into a snug embrace, lifting you off of your feet slightly. “thank you, angel.”
“... anything for you.” you murmured in reply, hugging him back for a sweet moment before the two of you stepped apart. “let me just get ready, then.”
“sounds good, doll. i’ll be waitin’ downstairs.”
and just like that, the door was shut, and you were left to stare at the red tulips in your hands.
author's note:
screaming into a pillow kicking my feet giggling
i wrote this one so fast somehow ??? i had a vision
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hanniebaeee · 2 days
Don't be shy
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Hyunjin x shy fem!reader
Warnings: Kissing
Genre: Fluff, established relationship
Summary: You desperately need a bathroom break during a road trip with your boyfriend, Hyunjin. But you're in the middle of nowhere. Hyunjin wants to help, but he's such a tease!
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You glance out the window, your eyes taking in the scenery - the empty stretch of road and the towering trees on both sides, and the beautiful sunset casting an orange glow over everything. Normally, this is everything you'd be gushing over. You love forests and sunsets and road trips. But right now, your mind is far from admiring anything.
Your boyfriend, Hyunjin, is focused on the road, whistling casually as he drove. You are quite a new couple. You've known Hyunjin for a while, you two were friends before you started dating a couple of months ago. So yeah, brand new.
You shift in your seat for what feels like the hundredth time in the past hour, trying to ignore the growing discomfort in your bladder. You and Hyunjin have been driving for a while, and there hasn’t been a rest stop in sight for miles. You desperately need to pee and are on the verge of bursting. And the last thing you want is to admit this to him.
It's silly really. Everyone pees. Obviously. But you're still so ridiculously shy around Hyunjin, and what's he going to do when there's nothing around? You're literally in the middle of nowhere.
Hyunjin, however, is far too sharp to miss your constant fidgeting.
"Why do you keep squirming like that?" He asks, his voice curious as his eyes flicks over to you before returning to the road.
You flush as you stutter and try to act normal. You turn your head to look out the window, desperately trying to think of an excuse.
"It’s nothing," you mumble, hoping he’ll let it go.
But of course, this is Hyunjin. He doesn't let anything go just like that. You can just feel his eyes on you.
"Nothing? Babe, you’ve been moving around like that for the past thirty minutes."
You bite your lip, feeling embarrassed. Of all the things you didn’t want to bring up on your first ever road trip with your new, incredibly beautiful boyfriend, this is definitely at the top of the list.
And when Hyunjin is on a mission, he doesn't give up at any cost. He leans closer, a smirk slowly spreading across his lips as he looks at you.
"You look like you’re hiding something," he teases, his voice low. "Wanna tell me what it is?"
Your cheeks burn, and you quickly shake your head, trying to laugh it off.
"Hyunjin, stop," you mutter.
Hyunjin raises an eyebrow, that smirk growing wider as he looks at you.
"Really?" His purs. "Liar."
He casually places a hand on your thigh. Bad move.
"Come on baby, tell me."
His fingers graze your skin lightly, and you squirm even more, partly from the pressure in your bladder and partly from his sudden touch.
You bite your poor bottom lip again, harder and clench your fists in your lap.
"I-I really need to pee," you admit in a small voice.
Hyunjin’s reaction is exactly what you thought it would be. He laughs, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze.
"You’ve been holding it in this whole time?" he asks, clearly surprised.
"Stop laughing!" you whine, pouting at him. "It’s not funny!"
"It is kinda funny," Hyunjin says, giving you a smug smirk. "Baby, why didn’t you say anything?"
"There’s nowhere to stop, Hyunjinne! What was I supposed to do?"
Hyunjin glances out at the empty stretch of road, the dense forest on either side, and then back at you with a glint in his eye that immediately makes you nervous.
You raise an eyebrow at him.
"What?" You ask warily.
Without another word, Hyunjin smoothly pulls the car over to the side of the road. He puts the car in park, turning to you fully, his smirk now downright devilish.
"Guess you’re gonna have to go in the woods," he says simply, his eyes gleaming.
Your jaw drops, and you stare at him in disbelief.
"Are you serious?" You manage, glancing at the darkness within the cluster of tall trees.
He tilts his head and leans in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours.
"What, too shy to go pee in the forest?" he asks, his voice low and husky. "Or do you need me to come with you and hold your hand?"
"Hyunjin! Not funny!" You say, shoving him away and it has him falling back, laughing.
He presses a quick kiss to your forehead.
"Just messing with you, babe," he says. "But seriously, if you gotta go, just go. It’s not a big deal."
You cross your arms over your chest, feeling both flustered and frustrated.
"Is that even allowed? What if someone comes by?" You ask nervously.
He smirks again, and whispers, "We’re in the middle of nowhere. No one’s coming, baby. It’s just you and me."
You stare at him, gulping.
"Besides, people do it all the time. What do you think hikers and campers do?" He says with a shrug.
You huff, knowing that you don’t really have a choice.
"Fine," you mutter, opening the door slowly.
Hyunjin steps out too, leaning against the car, arms folded against his chest. You take a few steps towards the woods and turn back to say, "No peeking."
Hyunjin gives you a wicked smile, his eyes glinting with mischief.
"Wouldn’t dream of it," he chuckles, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
He's enjoying this way too much.
With one last look at him, you make your way into the trees, feeling his eyes on you the whole time. You turn around one last time, unable to resist.
"Close your ears, too!"
Hyunjin bursts out laughing, his voice echoing through the trees.
"Close my ears?" he repeats, still chuckling. "Are you serious?"
You give him a glare, and say,"Yes!"
He grins, then dramatically slaps his hands over his ears.
"Alright, ears closed! Go do your thing."
Rolling your eyes, you disappear into the trees, heart pounding. You do your business quickly and when you return to the car, cheeks flushed, Hyunjin is watching you like you're the most interesting thing in the world.
You slide into your seat quietly and rub some sanitizer on your hands. And pull on your seat belt. All while he watches with a smirk on his face.
"Feel better?" he asks.
You avoid his gaze.
"Shut up," you mumble, though you can’t stop the little smile on your lips.
"You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed, you know that?" His words send a shiver down your spine.
"Stop!!" You say, shaking your head.
And then he does something that catches you completely off guard. His lips find your neck, pressing a lingering kiss just below your ear. You gasp, as his lips trail lightly along your neck, his breath hot against your neck.
“Jinnie…” you whisper.
His hand slides up your thigh, his fingers curling gently around your waist as he kisses you, his lips moving so slow and sensually with yours.
He pulls back just enough to gaze at you and you give him a questioning look.
“What?” he asks, his voice, teasing. “Just couldn’t help myself.”
He leans back, his hand resting on your thigh again.
"Next time, don’t be so shy," he says, his voice still flirty. "I don’t mind stopping whenever you need me to."
"I’ll keep that in mind." You say with a smile, and your cheeks are a cute pink which he just loves.
With a sweet smile, Hyunjin starts the car again. And as the road stretches out before you once more, you feel a lot more comfortable, and maybe a little less shy.
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anyydidi · 3 days
Before we begin, everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you really think Ford wouldn't truly care, you do you.
That being said, I feel like people who claim that Ford wouldn't do a single thing to bring Stan back if their places were switched do not understand his character at all.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that he would open the portal. At least not right away. The one thing I agree with is that Ford wouldn't put the life of his brother above the whole planet like Stan did. He realizes the threat of the portal and Bill too much to do that.
But have people forgotten that Ford also loves his brother? Yeah, he was angry, bitter and resentful, but he wouldn't have just let Stan die in the multiverse. Especially since that would be entirely his fault he got stuck there in the first place.
For people thinking, "But Ford was too blinded by rage! He didn't care for Stan until after Weirdmaggedon!", have you seen the show? Have you read the journal? Through everything that happened, Ford kept a photo (tattered and worn, obviously taken out a lot) of him and his brother in his left, inner breast pocket which is the one closest to the heart. If that wasn't enough, for those who haven't read the journal, Ford kept reminiscing about and mentioning his brother before the portal incident. Even though those lines were often crossed out, it was obvious that at least unconsiously he had Stan in mind a lot. And at the end of the journal, it is written that he worked day and night, to the point of passing out, to bring Stan's memories (and essencially Stan himself) back. (Oh and have we forgotten about the absolutely shattered expression he had when he erased Stan's memories? You don't look like that for a person you don't deeply care about).
Still not enough to believe that Ford cared about Stan before Stan's sacrifice?
Let's talk about the fact that when Ford was at his lowest, that being paranoid, sleep deprived, tortured by Bill, drowned in guilt, and completely alone, he reached out to Stan? He says it himself, "I needed help, someone I could trust." After everything, he still trusted Stan to an extent and believed him to be his last hope. You don't give trust like that to people you truly hate.
Ford was self-absorbed and egocentric, but also hurt and betrayed. That feeling came from a misconception, but that doesn't make it any less valid. It is understandable that he acted towards Stan the way he did, with venom and bitterness. But we can be angry at people we love and still care for their well-being.
How I said earlier, I don't think Ford would really open the portal. He wouldn't risk the entire world for Stanley. But I do think he would do anything in his power to be able to bring Stan back safely. You cannot be telling me that he'd be able to live with the guilt and not do anything about it if he could. After all, in his head, it would be his fault. He got tricked by Bill, he built the portal, he made Stan come to him and showed him the portal and he wasn't able to let go of the journal and fought Stan for it. I'm convinced he'd still throw some blame at Stan for some of the fight to make himself feel better at first, but after some time he would just blame himself completely (the same way I think Stan did with the science fair incident). The guilt for all of that would eat him alive.
Let's not forget, Stanley worked for 30 years, basically half his life to bring Stanford home and I believe Ford would be willing to do the same. He would just go about it differently. He would either try to get rid of the threat of Bill and then be willing to upgrade the portal and turn it on again, or maybe try to find a completely different way to get Stan back from the multiverse, or in the end something entirely different, I'm not fully sure.
What I am sure of is that Ford wouldn't just let Stan be stranded in the multiverse without doing absolutely nothing. Maybe he wouldn't succeed, maybe Stan would actually have to find his own way back home because Stanford wouldn't be able to find a solution without risking their entire universe. But Ford would at least try, give it his all, because despite everything, he still loves his brother. Differently than Stan loves him, because Ford is a different person than Stan, but he still does.
So I beg you, people. Stop taking Ford's complex character from him. He can be a selfish, self-centered asshole, but he's not heartless.
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youremyheaven · 3 days
Random Mini Astrology Observations: Vedic Edition
Warning: This is just a string of random thoughts lol, don't compare it to my best work on here. It's a bunch of stuff I've had in my drafts and I'm trying to clear it all out
Before I get into this, I just want to say, that whether my observations are positive or negative, it won't apply to every individual who has these placements. 8 billion people exist on this planet, and not everyone will exhibit the same good or bad qualities. I hate having to put this PSA because some people don't get it but yeah "not all Lunars/Venusians/Nodals/Solars/Jup/Sat are going to be the same".
Jupiter influenced men are known for being introverted cutie pies who kinda have that mature-dilf-y vibe.
Obviously, another category of Jupiter men are often loud, extroverted and very outgoing but I've noticed these placements heavilyyyy in celebrities "known" for being private and introverted. They are also often known for being generous and kind hearted.
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Prabhas, Vishaka Stellium (Moon, Mercury and Venus)
He is known as "darling star" and brings food that he has prepared at home for everyone on set (he is an actor). He is known for being very shy and introverted but also super sweet, generous and kind.
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Sidharth Malhotra, Vishaka Moon
Sid is known for being extremely lowkey which is RARE for a Bollywood actor. He's also quite gentlemanly and charitable
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Ratan Tata, Vishaka Moon
He is an Indian billionaire entrepreneur who lives in a small 2bhk apartment and has donated most of his personal wealth to charity. He is known for having led his company in a very humane way (there are lots of controversies and im aware of them but compared to the work culture and quality of life that most other indian companies offer its employees, TATA is in a different league).
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Keanu Reeves, Punarvasu Moon (and stellium)
i dont have to explain but Keanu is the king of kindness and generosity
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Mads Mikkelsen, Vishaka Moon
unlike his characters, Mads is actually a sweet guy and very private
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Adam Driver- Vishaka Sun
he's so private that nobody even knows he's married with a kid
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Tom Hanks, Punarvasu Sun
known for being a gentleman and quite modest. the OG nice guy and obviously very private
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Ethan Hawke, Vishaka Sun
another lowkey, private guy who is known for being nice
2. Rashmika Mandanna and Surbhi Jyoti, Swati Moon
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I find their eye area to be kinda similar?? I know they don't look alike but there are some overarching similarities between them and I think its bc they have the same moon nak.
3. I came across a comment that Akshay Kumar made about Asin and her CEO husband Rahul Sharma.
“He is madly in love with his wife, his child. It’s like he treats her like a goddess.
and guess what?? Rahul is a Purvashadha Sun 🥺😌😌
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4. Ashwini natives often have post-apocalyptic dreams
Since its the first nak and is ruled by Ketu and is in complete darkness, symbolically representing the stage before creation (which happens in Bharani), the subconscious mind is susceptible to having really strange, fcked up, war-like dreams/visions. Also bc Aries rashi is ruled by Mars, God of War.
5. every Venusian man I know kinda has a voice kink
6. Many Punarvasus crave for a simple, rustic, relaxed type of life. In fact many famous Punarvasus live on a farm
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Kaley Cuoco- Punarvasu Moon
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Bretman Rock - Punarvasu Sun
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MS Dhoni- Punarvasu Sun
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Dennis Quaid, Punarvasu Moon on his ranch
7. Jupiter and Venus are 'Brahmins' or priestly, the Sun and Mars are 'Kshatriyas' or warriors, the Moon is 'Vaishya', or a trader, Mercury is a 'Vaisya', Saturn 'Shudra', or a lower caste and Rahu and Ketu are outcastes.
This is not an observation but just an astrological fact that I thought I'd mention
8. Magha girls are often the spoilt daughters or come from very bougie families where they're the princesses. They might emotionally suffer but materially and otherwise, they're very comfortable
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Shruti Hassan- Magha Moon
she has spoken about how rough her childhood was bc of her parents' tumultuous marriage and subsequent divorce but that doesn't change the fact that she's the daughter of Kamal Hassan, one of the biggest stars in the history of Indian cinema
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Kiara Advani- Magha Moon
Kiara is from a very wealthy and illustrious family, and she grew up as a much loved, spoilt ish daughter<3
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Wonyoung- Magha Sun
Wonyoung is from a filthy rich family and she has said that she grew up very pampered. And that she didn't have an allowance bc whatever she asked for she got. However she became a trainee at 12yrs of age and that journey could not have been easy. Despite being born rich, she's had to go through a lot in life to be where she is today
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Aditi Rao Hydari- Magha Moon
she's of actual royal lineage so she's a real life princess but her parents divorced when she was a kid and she grew up with a single mom in delhi and not in a palace
9. DMX- Mula Sun (dog yoni) was obsessed with dogs
The late rapper DMX's relationship with dogs, which seems almost mythical. He was born in 1970 - the year of the Metal Dog, and in his teens he ran away from his abusive household and befriended stray dogs while vulnerable on the streets. He began to gather dogs for protection, intimidation and family, and was sent to prison for stealing a dog (a neglected dog chained up in a scrapyard). In prison, he wrote a lot of his early songs, in which he came up with his "dog" mythology, in which he imagines himself as a monstrous dog-themed gangster who barks and howls. He had a huge tattoo of his favourite dog Boomer on his back. In 2008, his 12 dogs were taken from him by cops after there were reports of animal cruelty - DMX had paid a negligent caretaker to look after the dogs while he was on tour. (The dogs lived out the rest of their lives as therapy animals in a women's prison)
I think its interesting how our yoni animal influences our life
10. As Vighati graha, male planets are: Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu; female planets are: Moon, Venus, Ketu whilst two eunuch planets are Mercury and Saturn. All the standard rules for determination of the sex of the child are applicable, female signs are: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius; male signs are: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces. Exalted planets indicate male issue and debilitated planets indicate female.
11. Mercurial men and Jupiter men are soooo flamboyant, sassy and gender non-conforming
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RuPaul- Vishaka Sun & Moon
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Elton John- Jyeshta Rising
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Jeff Goldblum- Jyeshta Moon
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Prince- Vishaka Rising
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Jimi Hendrix- Mars in Vishaka atmakaraka
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suzukiblu · 2 days
Thank-you sentences for derpsheep behind the cut; weird amnesia Timberkon. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“You can recognize their heartbeats?” Bernard asks incredulously–that is a very creepy and invasive thing to recognize about someone, much less be passively listening to, what the fuck–and then frowns. “Wait, got back from where?” 
“Long story,” Superboy mutters. “Alternate realities were involved. It sucked. But I got back here, and it’s supposed to be right, and there’s people I recognize, but there’s . . . different people, too. And no one here recognizes me. And I thought . . .” 
“That you were either totally insane or just stranded in the wrong reality for no discernable reason with no idea how to find the right one?” Bernard assumes. 
“That, yeah,” Superboy says tightly. “Definitely that.” 
“Good news, I guess, if you are insane, it’s a shared delusion, and if you’re in the wrong reality, so am I,” Bernard says. “Because again, I definitely remember you. And Hawaii. And Superman being dead. And like, all that shit in general. Also you kinda died that one time too? There was a statue, I’m pretty sure. Actually I think there were two.” 
Superboy’s smile is tight and humorless, and he digs his fingers into the inside of his wrist. Bernard has no clue how a dude in such severe and obvious distress can look so fucking good about, like . . . literally everything he’s got going on over there. It’s a lot of “everything”, is all. Superboy is a lot no matter what, obviously, but still. Like, extra a lot. Secret bonus levels of a lot. 
A lot. 
“I mean, there used to be,” Superboy says, and the pained smile he’s wearing turns–bitter, kind of. 
Fuck, Bernard feels so bad for this dude. Like so many levels of so bad. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way but I need to google some shit,” he says as he digs his phone out. Tim is clearly taking his sweet-ass time in the bathroom, and since he isn’t actually in there waiting for Superboy, it’s gotta be a Bat thing, which usually gives him a good fifteen or twenty minutes of fuck-around time before Tim makes it back with the weak excuse du jour. Or, like, three and a half weeks, one very memorable and kinda fucking awful time that Bernard had spent wondering if jumping into the timestream was how vigilantes ghosted you. “And maybe check some forums or something.” 
“I don’t think ‘is this weird dude at the boba shop crazy’ is gonna pop up on Bing, man,” Superboy says, still wearing the same bitter smile. Bernard wonders why he didn’t just go to the Justice League and explain himself to them. Like, they’d probably believe him, right? Or at least they wouldn’t instantly not believe him; they’d check things out or whatever. 
Alternately, though: half-Kryptonian full-telekinetic with Lex Luthor’s DNA and Superman’s face who doesn’t even know if he’s crazy or not.  
So like . . . that seems like an awkward conversation to have with Superman, maybe, Bernard allows. Or just fucking agonizing and terrifying and wildly, wildly likely to end in one of those stupid misunderstanding-based super-fights and, like, maybe also getting drop-kicked into the Phantom Zone because said stupid fight would be against Superman and that is, apparently, what Superman usually does with supervillain Kryptonians. And probably Superboy is having some very understandable issues about getting drop-kicked out of reality right now, if that’s a concern he’s had. Which–the Phantom Zone isn’t the same thing as an alternate reality, as far as Bernard’s aware, but also what the fuck does he know about the Phantom Zone? 
Bernard googles, in quick succession: Superman’s death, the Phantom Zone, and Superboy. He gets a ton of articles and photographs and blog posts with absolutely zero trace of Superboy in a single one of them, a lot of contradicting intel about what the hell the Phantom Zone actually is, and also some blurry candid photos of a ten year-old in ripped jeans and an S-shield hoodie that he’s never seen before in his life. 
. . . so that’s weird, yeah, Bernard observes, blinking down at his phone. 
“Huh,” he says, brow furrowing. “Hey, should I know this kid?” 
“Did you literally just google ‘Superboy’?” Superboy asks, which is notably not an answer to Bernard’s question. 
“Obviously, yeah, the entire internet is in my pocket, why would I not do that,” Bernard replies reasonably, still scrolling through random photos of this completely unrecognizable kid. Said kid continues to look like a total fucking stranger and Bernard continues to have zero clue who he is or why he’s wearing the “S”. Another clone, maybe? Like, an even mini-er mini-Super? Bernard can’t see his face all that clearly in any of the pics, still, but he’s at least got Superman’s coloring, it looks like. 
“Because Tim would give you shit about it, probably, I don’t know,” Superboy lies, because he very obviously does know. Probably better than Bernard does himself, come to think of it, which is kind of a weird thought but also, like, an obviously objectively true one. Superboy’s spent a lot more time with Tim than he has, even having been, like . . . unrealitied and all. 
God, that is still so disturbing a concept, too. 
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someverygaymoth · 3 days
Love the idea of NM never falling asleep in front of the boys, and when he finally does, they're all absolutely intrigued by it. He's just asleep on the couch where he was reading a book, but they all gather round and stare like it's a rip in the fabric of space itself, lmao. Dust is shocked that he actually sleeps, Killer is commenting on how calm and cute he looks, and Horror is telling them to be quiet and leave him alone because he obviously needs the rest if he fell asleep out here...
But maybe, before they walk away, his face scrunches up, and he starts muttering. In a language none of them can identify... Which is pretty weird, with three or four languages between them all. He starts speaking more clearly, and his tendrils start thrashing, wrapping around him almost like a hug. They all get worried, and Killer is the only one dumb enough to try and wake him up. So, armed with a pillow for protection, he walks to Nightmare's side and gently rubs his shoulder, elevating into shaking him lightly, until Nightmare is blinking awake.
His tentacles lash out, and he says something harsh to them, still in some language they can't identify.
Killer: ya fell asleep boss.
Dust: we can't understand what you're saying.
Nightmare: Úbi sum?
Horror: still don't know what yer sayin.
N: ... मैं नहीं हूँ...
K: boss.
N: أنا آسف
K: لا بأس، كل شيء على ما يرام. لقد كان لديكحلم سيء.
D: uh, translate please??
K: just telling him it was a bad dream.
N: something like that...
H: what were those languages?
N: there's not a word for it in yours... It's long dead. Only one other would still speak it.
K: oh.
N: I'm sorry you had to see that.
D: don't be. Are you... Good?
N: I've been better.
H: want me ta make s'm comfort food?
N: that'd be nice...
K: yeah, we can put on some movies!
D: and make a pillow fort?
N, smiling: yes, I like that idea.
K: how many languages do you speak anyway?
N: more than you know exist, mortal.
K: right, right, my bad, your highness.
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Just friends? Fuck no.
author’s note: I love enemy!jj and I’m a hoe for an enemies you lover arc but I just want me a flirty best friend jj so bad so I had to write his headcanons (?). I don’t even know what this is actually. There’s hc and small little blurbs all together so it’s definitely a little longer than a blurb but not a one shot either. I’m confused but I hope ur not. Enjoy!
summary: just some hc(?) about best friend!jj !!
pairing: best friend!jj maybank x pogue!reader
First of all, you can’t convince me that this man isn’t clingy with his best friend. And honestly not just with you and Kie but with Jb and Pope too. So picture this, divorced parents, your dad lives in another country with his new wife and your mom lives with your sister whilst you stay in the château. Your best friend John B offered you a room after his father made it clear that he wasn’t going to be back soon if never. So now you’re practically living in the château, stopping by your own house to check on your mom and your sister every couple of days. That also means you’re practically living in the same house with the one and only Jj Maybank.
At that point you were familiar with the lines such as; “How can you wake up that early? What’s the deal with that?” or “Y/N open the door! I don’t care that you’re changing, I left my lighter in there!”. He would wake up in the spare room with his messy hair and in his John B’s shorts. No shirt, obviously. He has to show off those muscles. “Yeah, you know, this is what happens when you’re god’s favorite.” He act’s like this is totally from his genes and just basically from carrying stuff to help his dad and shit but his dirty little secret is that he works out for it. Not a lot but enough to keep him in shape.
He’d walk around the château looking for some kind of food, any kind. He’d see Jb standing in the hallway, fresh out of shower, hair wet, of course he wouldn’t miss the chance to make some kinda flirty comment. “Hey, Jb. Morning shower? Too bad, wish you had invited me.” John would scoff, rolling his eyes, “Stop saying shit like that, Jj.” But Jj being the Jj he is, of course he wouldn’t stop. “Cmon gimme a hug, babe.” “Get away from me.”
“Don’t be shy.” He’d playfully caress his shoulder, with a smile on his face. “I’m literally throwing up in my mouth.” John took a step back, replicating gagging noises. “Cmon, John B. Don’t hide the infamous John D from me.” The brunette boy would pick up a pillow from the couch, shoving it right in the middle of his face before speaking, “Dude, you creep me the fuck out.” In that moment you’d walk in door from the porch, you’d woke up early to enjoy to morning breeze because you knew you’d be burning and melting and suffering thanks to Jb who kept putting off getting his AC fixed. “There she is! Hey, peach.” he’d say smiling, walking over to you before grabbing your face and giving your cheek multiple wet sloppy kisses.
“Gross.” you’d mumble. You’re tripping if you think this boy wouldn’t call you some kinda cheesy lame nickname like ‘peach’ or ‘sugar’ or ‘cupcake’ that’s suddenly music to your ears when he says it with that crooked southern accent of his. “Okay, rude. You lookin’ mad cute today. Don’t wanna kiss?” you pushed his face away, not able to stop the smile growing on your face.
Since when did you pushed him? You made the blonde mad. He’d wrap his arms around your neck, placing his head on top of yours. He’d pull you towards him until your back was completely leaning against his chest. He was heavy, you had to give him that. He was hot too. Not that way. I mean, yes, that way, he was hot, everyone knew that, including him. But he was the type of guys whose body heat was always high. The heat from how he wraps his arms around you, hot. He’s hot. In every way, shape or form. “Jay, get off! You’re hot!” He’d raise an eyebrow, pretending to be impressed by your sudden compliment that he knew was not a compliment, “Oh, I’m aware. But too bad I’m not gonna get off of ya.”
Definitely the kind of guy that would get offended if you told someone he wasn’t your boyfriend, “No partners over! This is my house and y’all are using it as a motel six!” John yelled to Kiara who had just been walked in by the owner of that very house. “That’s not fair! Y/N and Jj stay here all the time!” Kiara bit back. You crossed your arms over your chest, furrowing your brows, “What does that even mean?” Kiara sighed, “It means that boyfriend and girlfriends do stay here together and that I’m allowed to too!” you gave her a disgusted look, okay, to be completely honest, it was kinda cute she said that but you couldn’t act like you find it cute. Obviously. “We are not!” you whined. Jj shot you a look, “I mean, you don’t have to say it like that…” he frowned. The man actually frowned.
“Huh?” you were genuinely confused, was he upset? “You didn’t had to sound so aggressive about it…”
Sometimes he’d come up to you in the middle of the night, tv noises coming from the living room, meaning Jb wasn’t asleep either. “Peach?” you saw his figure on your doorstep,“Yeah, Jay?” you sat up on your bed. “I can’t sleep.” he walked over to you, sitting on your bed. “Why?”
He pouted, “Hot.” Oh how the tables have turned, “Thank you.” you spoke as he’d grin, scooting over more to your side. “I always appreciate a self aware girl.” “Okay, back off playboy.”
You scooted back, closer to the head of your bed now. “I’m just being honest.” he kept moving to get closer to you as much as he can. “Well, keep your honest ass over there.” you gently pushed his knee, trying with everything you have in you to keep your distance.
Sometimes you’d wonder if you were really only best friends. You knew how you felt about him but this is how he was with everybody, so he was ridiculously confusing. All the long weed sessions in the Twinkie, the way he’d beg to be the one rubbing your sunscreen, how he’d get visibly happy every time you’d pick him to sit next to on the couch. He is cheesy. And he isn’t embarrassed of it. If anything he knows he’s cheesy and I feel like he’s proud of it.
He’d yawn and gently stretch his arms, one of them slowly going over your shoulders and he’d end up caressing your arm. You know what he’s doing, he knows you know what he’s doing. Is he ever going to stop? No one knows. The way he’d rest his hands (definitely and totally not gripping them like you’re gonna jump off the bike and run away) on your thighs on red lights whenever you’re on his bike for him to drop you off for you to see your mom.
How he’d wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder despite your whines about how you want him off of you. It’s just him, it’s just Jj Maybank and you don’t know if he’ll change or not. Not that you want him to, anyway.
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hugheses · 14 hours
Transcript Below
[Dan Rosen] So let's get to that interview we had with Jack Hughes. We talked to him at the Player Media Tour in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Here is our interview with Jack Hughes.
Sean, we're here with the cover star, the cover athlete, one of three cover athletes for EA Sports. You've talked about it. I've read some stuff about it, so I don't want to go too deep into it, but just how cool is that?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, doing it with Quinn and Luke, obviously really special. I think we're the first set of brothers to be on the cover. So I think most NHL guys grew up playing NHL.
So that was definitely a massive honor that, you know, we're lucky to be a part of.
[Shawn Roarke] Have you had fights over the rankings yet? Over your player rankings? Who's got the best one, do you know?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, we know. I think it's in the right order, I'd say, with how last year went. All right.
[Dan Rosen] Do you still play?
[Jack Hughes] I used to when I was in like my third year in the league. I played a lot, honestly, I can't lie.
And then I kind of was like, enough's enough. And I've never been much of a gamer, so. But that one year I played a lot.
[Dan Rosen] So did you play, were you yourself?
[Jack Hughes] No, no, but I did enjoy playing HUT for a while there and grinding that. That was pretty fun. So like that's that's honestly why it's the coolest part, just because, you know, we grew up playing it.
Like that was like coming into the NHL, that was definitely a goal of mine. Like I was like, oh, I would love to be on the cover one day. And then to do it with Quinn and Luke is is even more special.
[Shawn Roarke] This season is going to be special for so many reasons. One, you guys are healthy again. You've added a lot during the offseason.
People are really excited. And you start in Europe.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I mean, the Europe part is definitely exciting. I think the last like week or so has been, I think, like a bit a bit off in the whole hockey world, with the Gaudreau thing. So that's obviously sad, but it's a damper on the season a little bit.
But, you know, once we get going, I think we'll be excited to get to Europe and get the year going. So I think we got a good group. I'm looking forward to get going.
[Dan Rosen] Since you brought it up, I did want to ask you. I mean, he had such an impact on a lot of players. Did he have an impact on you?
[Jack Hughes] No, I can't say I was like a massive fan in terms of like watching him play all the time and stuff. But, you know, I think the, you know, American players like to stick together a good amount. I don't know how other countries are, but I feel like with the U.S.A. hockey guys, there's kind of a brotherhood there where, you know, people play with each other at Worlds or All-Star games, whatever it may be. So, you know, I played with him at Worlds, played with him in an All-Star game. And obviously I know a lot of people that were close to him. So just a sad thing for for the whole family.
[Shawn Roarke] One of Johnny's great achievements, among many, was Team North America's leading scorer for that team. You were a little bit behind that. I'm curious what your thoughts were in watching it and what you think the legacy of that team is when you think about all the players that were on that team and how great they all ended up being.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I mean, I didn't even know he led that team in points. You know, I remember him from World Juniors when he was overseas and they won gold medal. I think Seth Jones was the captain.
So that was like the first memory I have of watching him play. But yeah, that North American team was pretty crazy. You know, I was I was a young guy then.
I was like 14 or 15. So watching that was pretty, pretty crazy seeing where all those guys are now and that they're all on one team.
[Dan Rosen] Flipping it back to you guys and your team and yourself. I mean, Sean touched on it. I mean, the additions are notable.
Markstrom, Pesci, Dillon, Dougie's back. Dougie Hamilton's back. You're healthy.
I would imagine you're healthy after shoulder surgery. Are you good to go?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I feel good and excited going into the year, you know, feel feel like my body's in a really good spot. And with how the season went last year, you know, pretty frustrating with, you know, just personally not playing. And, you know, the team really performing not how we were supposed to.
So I think we got to definitely a rejuvenated squad with with new players and new coaching staff and, you know, the guys that were there. We're excited to, you know, get back to where we were two years ago.
[Dan Rosen] Because of the additions, because of the health factor right now and the optimism everybody has going into a season, does it feel for you that this team can make last year just a blip and really what it is is more of what you were two years ago?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, it's I mean, at the end of the day, I think I don't know if it's a blip. I think we we underperformed big time last year. And that's that's on us.
And that's something we're going to have to, you know, remember heading into this year, but it's a learning curve. And we're a group that's going to be hungry going into this year. But like I said, we got a lot of new faces and a new coaching staff.
So a lot of new things going on in New Jersey. So camp will be important. You know, we'll be excited to go for the season.
[Shawn Roarke] You've done Europe once before with so many new players. How important is that trip going to be to bring everybody in and have that bonding experience?
[Jack Hughes] Uh, yeah, it'll be big, you know. I don't know if it'll be like like life or death, but, you know, it'll be good for the guys in the team that, you know, have kids and stuff and all the new guys to kind of get acquainted with the group. And I think we have a really welcoming locker room to start with.
So I don't think it'll be too hard for anyone to fit in. But, you know, for us to go overseas for about a week there and, you know, just be with the guys and just the boys and being able to be a team, that'll be pretty important for us. And I think an exciting time for our whole group.
[Dan Rosen] Obviously, Sheldon Keefe being the new coach, too, very helpful for him getting over there with you guys as well. What have you gotten from him so far? I'm sure you've talked to him a few times.
Like, what's the the vibe you get and the, you know, the conversation's been like?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I've had a few good talks with him. Haven't spoken to him face to face yet. So looking forward to do that.
But, you know, I watch the Leafs a lot. I watch how they play. And, you know, I'm really looking forward to just picking his brain.
You know, developing a relationship where, you know, I understand what he's doing and he understands the kind of person I am and the player I am. So I'm excited to get that going.
[Shawn Roarke] Last year, obviously, goaltending was one of the issues you've had. Tom addressed it. How important is that going into a season when you know that you have two NHL goaltenders on your roster that have proven what they can do in this league?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I mean, it's hard to just use the goalies as a scapegoat for last year. I think that was like a minor problem to what we had. You know, we had obviously we dealt with a lot of injuries.
We lost some good pieces. And at the end of the day, we were kind of just a looser group. Not as hard to play against.
And, you know, we gave up too many chances and we just thought we could probably outscore teams, you know. So it worked for us in the past. And last year we got sloppy, I'd say.
So obviously we are good goalies. We're excited for Marky and Allen to be with our group this year. But I think the root of the problem is just how we played as a team.
And hopefully we can clean that up for this year.
[Dan Rosen] So do you want to forget about last season and move on from it? Or does it serve as a useful tool?
[Jack Hughes] I mean, I don't think you can forget about any season, you know. I mean, it's still my fifth year in the league. I'm always going to look back on it and be like, that was an up and down season.
And, you know, our team underperformed. But that should be something that helps us in the future, you know. I think a lot of people expected us to be a playoff team for good after we made the playoffs the one year.
And, you know, we took a step back. But that just means we'll be a hungrier group and, you know, a more focused group going into the season.
[Dan Rosen] Dougie Hamilton's back too. And you didn't have him for really almost the whole season. I mean, it was a long time that he missed.
He plays such a vital role for you guys. The impact that he makes when he's on the ice. I wonder if you could just describe it.
What he does to help you guys with the role that he plays.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I mean, we brought in Luke and Nemec who both had great years. And, you know, they're going to be massive parts of our future here. But at the end of the day, Dougie did have 74 points.
So it's hard to replace 22 goals and 74 points or whatever he had. And, you know, he's got that big shot on the back end. And just another threat.
I think if we can go into a game with Luke and Dougie and these guys coming off from the back end, you know, it's pretty dangerous. Just being able to hit these guys late and create chances off the rush. So I think Dougie just adds another layer to our game where we're a little more dangerous.
More offense on the back end where we can kind of not just roll them over as one line. But, you know, we throw Luke over one line and we roll him over. Then we throw Dougie on and then we throw Nemec.
You know, that's pretty good for offensive defensemen. So that'll be pretty good for our group.
[Shawn Roarke] He's such an interesting guy, Dougie Hamilton. Ton of different interests. He did that video when you guys had not your schedule, which he was hilarious.
And I'm curious what he does for your team in the locker room and off the ice.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, Dougie, I didn't even see that video. I don't even know what you're talking about. But Dougie's a super nice guy.
Really, really nice guy. Honestly, you know, not a bad bone in his body. So he's definitely not the loudest guy or, you know, the best, the biggest leader in the group.
But, you know, I think he's a guy that most guys in the team can go talk to and have a good combo with. And he's a really caring and nice guy. So not having him around was definitely different last year.
And, you know, be nice to him back in the locker room.
[Dan Rosen] All right, the big question. What's Luke's living situation? Is he living with you again?
Or is he getting his own place?
[Jack Hughes] Just under my wing. No, but we're going to live together again.
[Dan Rosen] Yeah.
[Jack Hughes] I don't see why we…
[Dan Rosen] Why not, right?
[Jack Hughes] We wouldn't.
Like, why wouldn't you want to live with your bro?
[Dan Rosen] Yeah. Is he a good roommate?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, he's good. I mean, he's my brother. It's not like I'm, like, all over him.
Like, I lived with him my whole life. So now he just happens to be way bigger and even messier. But he's a good roommate.
[Shawn Roarke] Well, I was going to say the dynamic changes, right? Without parents around enforcing discipline and everything else. You guys have to do that among yourselves.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah. I mean, I can't say I'm busting him about, you know, things. I'm just letting him do his thing.
So he's doing okay.
[Dan Rosen] He really has come along. What did you see from him last year in terms of his growth and the impact that he made in his first full season and what he can now be?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah. I mean, I think something that's, you know, not spoken about enough is the fact he played all 82 games. You know, that's, in my mind, that's really impressive going from college.
And, you know, I think when kids leave college, they're always talking about how they'll adjust to the pros playing 40 games to go on to play 82. And, you know, Luke played 82 hockey games. And I think that's really impressive.
And then on top of that, you know, he had a good season offensively. He's just going to continue to grow his game. You know, I think he's different than Quinn in terms of he's bigger, he defends better.
And I just think Luke will be a hell of a player. But, you know, I think the product we see at 21 is going to be a lot different than 25. But I think with the way he's trending, we're going to have a hell of a player this season.
And the season's coming ahead, the same thing.
[Shawn Roarke] You talked about doing the EA cover with your two brothers. Did you guys spend any time this summer talking about the Four Nations and the opportunity that sits there in a couple of months to do something very similar and very notable as a family?
[Jack Hughes] Honestly, not really. The three of us live together in our house and we didn't even… I don't think we talked about that once.
You know, I don't know if we really talked about that. But we were definitely excited for Quinn when he got named to that team. And then regarding me and Luke, we just want to put our best foot forward and we'll see where it goes.
[Dan Rosen] I did have one last question for you. We recently talked with Macklin Celebrini. Number one draft pick coming into the league.
Any advice for him?
[Jack Hughes] No, he'll be just okay. You know, he's a really good kid and a really good player. So I honestly haven't tuned into a Sharks game in a long time.
But I'm going to be keeping tabs on Mack for sure.
[Shawn Roarke] I have to ask you one last question too. This is the 20th year that Sidney Crosby is going to be playing in the league. Do you have a favorite Crosby memory?
[Jack Hughes] I think like growing up, I used to… He had a movie when he went in like 2009 when they were in that cup run against the Wings. And it was the year they played the Winter Classic.
So I grew up, me and my brothers, we watched that movie in Miracle on Ice like hundreds of times. It was like, I think it was called Sidney Crosby on the ice and beyond. And probably the Winter Classic shootout goal.
Like that's a classic Sid moment. I'm sure if you're a Canadian, it's got to be his Olympic gold medal. Yeah.
But I hate seeing that. But…
[Shawn Roarke] All three of us hate seeing that. And two of us saw it live and we really hated it.
[Jack Hughes] 20 years is crazy though because he was like Sid the Kid. And now he's like in his 20th year. Like that's pretty crazy.
[Shawn Roarke] Him and Ovi both.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah. Wow.
[Dan Rosen] Yeah. You'll get there one day. Jack, thanks so much, man.
Really appreciate it. All right.
[Jack Hughes] Yep.
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rayroseu · 3 days
Rambles about Book 7 lol
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AAAAAAAÀAAA 😭😭😭 THIS IS SO AUGHHH THE MEANING BEHIND THIS INFO !!!!!! knowing that the first thought of Lilia in encountering Silver was that he should kill him to avenge Meleanor and Levan and that his purpose of adopting him is that he wants to believe he can love a human as well AND LILIA TEACHING THIS HUMAN BABY HOW TO LIVE DESPITE THE MANY CHANCES HE GOT TO GET RID OF HIM AUGJAURIWUTJW AND MAY I SAY LILIA WENT FROM DISTANTLY BEING ATTACHED TO THIS BABY AND THEN TRANSITIONING UNTO WANTING FOR HIM TO LIVE AND WITNESS HIM GROW UP AAAAAAA😭😭✨✨✨
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LMAO not the faes snitching this info to malleus ofmg 😭✨
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lowkey this is me as well i think babies are kinda ugly too KDHJAEJ especially when they cry 💀🔥🔥
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YOU CALL THIS ADORABLE HELPPPP 🤣🤣🤣okay but in all seriousness, we rarely get this easy sarcastic Malleus, he's always too formal around NRC and often his humor lands amiss to other charas which doesnt prompt him to present this trait, but its so sweet that he seemed to be "truly himself" in the cottage scenes where its just him Lilia and Silver🥺✨ his voice doesnt feel "authoritative" too like a dorm leader, its just malleus and his difficulty in getting along with the random baby lilia caught lol
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I remember this line was translated as a flower nectar?? but they kinda saying the same and i like this paraphrase that Lilia thinks of Milk as nectar for baby humans, like how Malleus often relates tech to some magical ritual lol
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crying at this line, knowing that Malleus says this because he has broken several many things bcs he couldnt control his strength and perhaps there were things that Lilia owns that he accidentally destroyed as well so he tries to mend this uncontrollable strength of his in order to not be an inconvenience😭✨
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NURSEMAID???? YEAH NURSEMAID CALLED LILIA VANROUGE 😭😭💔💔💔 and AAAAA not once did Malleus search for this tune??? not even sing it to Maleficia and Lilia so as to inquire about it 😭✨💔💔 this is when you know this lullaby IS truly MELEANOR'S LULLABY because everyone of the characters only heard it from her !!!😭😭😭💔💔
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I love this response from Malleus lol, also i feel like some situation will challenge Lilia's love for humans again, like can you still love humans if they commit the same crime again to Malleus as they did with Meleanor?? Twisting their personality and actions so as to validate their fear?? Can you still say that faes should make an effort to make peace with them when repeatedly it was the humans who wasnt willing to udnerstand faes to begin with ? 😭✨ its a realistic worry fitting for a king that'll rule for centuries, maybe bcs he has this instinct that humans are epehemeral and so are their promises.
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Thinking about it a bit more, its true that what Levan does is futile effort because the issue between humans and faes, Briarland and Silver Owls is too much that it cant be resolved by just understanding each other.
Levan wants the war to stop but obviously that can't happen because the bigger factions of each natioj are resolute at their stance that Briarland is owned by faes or humans, no in between. He can't immediately fix the mentality of higher faes and Meleanor with their hatred of humans and vice versa with the human officials like Henric,
but what he can do to decrease the casualties of this conflict is to pave way for the COMMON folk to understand each other, if he can make way for the common fae and the common human to talk to each other, then it might decrease the misunderstanding between the common fae and common human (assuming that both parties arw willing to be understanding)
its really a long shot and a gamble to aspire for considering his country's situation, and its effects would take a while to impact and honestly it took so much important people and years just to have his dream of peace, i wish we could get an input about what he feels about this
considering his kindness he might be happy, but im kinda sad its really tragic the implication of how the faes had to earn their peace and atone for a conflict that they didnt even start with,
based on Lilia, it took 400 YEARS just for the humans to sign a peace treaty, maybe in the eyes of the faes, thats just a piece of paper, so they waited and grieved the lost of their Princess Meleanor and many of their fae soldiers and Prince Levan and ALMOST the entirety of their continent, just for these humans to sign an 400 year long overdued peace treaty?? so the faes that died couldve been saved if these humans could spare some compassion and ink to sign a treaty-- It kinda feels like they're insulting their grief (in the faes point of view atleast), whats the purpose of having this paper peace treaty when they have lost so much already?? I WISHHH the story could delve more into the grief of faes,
kinda lowkey mad they just swept Lilia's grief by the humans just cuz he encountered a few good ones, i wouldve love to see him being vengeful then learning how to convert that grief to love again just like Maleficent in the live action, bcs it would be very meaningful on this way, Lilia can truly say he has learned how to love because he experienced real deep hatred---but AAA its whatever this storyline is good as well, just kinda feels general lilia's belief converted to present!lilia a bit too fast to my liking lol
its really intriguing how before book 7 the faes dislike of humans seems so dramatic but now after book 7 it all makes too much sense 😭✨
(can you guys tell i play too much reverse 1999 bcs i ramble too much about morals and politics between different races now JHDJWHRJW)
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saaturrn4 · 1 day
. MDNI !
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| “Good girl, yeah keep going” ── .✦ modern AU
Toji Fushiguro x Fem!reader ᥫ᭡
➤ Warnings; smut 18+, age gap, best friends single dad, dom!toji, sub!femreader, use of names (daddy, baby girl, good girl), cunnilingus, edging, breeding, nipple play, fingering, reverse cowgirl, tummy bulge, after care at the end.
➤ Summary; you go over Megumi’s house to greet him after being away for college, expecting to see Megumi, you see his dad instead, and things take a turn.
• 3.4k+ words
! not proofread.
It was a nice day today, considering it was a Monday. But it was finally the holidays, so it meant you could finally get away from campus and the assignments. It felt nice to get some fresh air, especially to be back in your home town. It felt like forever since you’ve been here, the place still looking the same from a year ago.
You also thought it would be a great idea to visit your friend, Megumi. He had arrived in town about a week ago from college also, so you knew it would be a good time to see him after being away from each other for so long. Especially since you two weren’t in the same college, which absolutely sucked.
You walk down the familiar street, houses you remember so well as you walk past each one. You walk up the driveway of the house that you had so many memories in, from being caught trying to get ice cream from the fridge, to breaking your arm from falling off the tree in the backyard, to playing hide and seek in complete darkness.
It was such great times, you were happy to be back at home.
You walk up to the front door, knocking on it twice before dropping your arm to your side. You bite on your bottom lip as you wait for the door to open, hearing footsteps from the other side about a minute later.
The door swings open, your eyes darting up to see Toji, Megumi’s dad. Your face goes red as you see his broad chest, as well as his v line. “H-hey! Mr Fushiguro long time no see” you say with a stutter, cursing to yourself in your head.
“Y/n! It’s nice to see you again! And for the last time, call me Toji you should know I don’t like that formal shit” he says with a laugh, in response you laugh as well, blushing a little as he combs through his hair.
“Come in, Megumi is out getting groceries” he says while stepping to the side, you nod before stepping inside, taking off your shoes shortly after as Toji closes the door.
You look around the house, seeing all the pictures the Fushiguro family, mostly it being just Toji and Megumi. You smile softly at all of them as you walk down the hall, with Toji walking right behind you.
You both walk into the living room, both taking a seat on the comfortable couches. You cross your leg over the other as Toji takes a seat across from you, his legs in a manspread. “I wasn’t expecting visitors so the house is a little messy” he grumbled, combing through his hair. You shake your head “it’s fine mr- Toji I don’t mind at all” you say with a reassuring smile, in which he nods in response.
“So how’s college going?” He asks with a raised eyebrow, you shrug in response. “It’s doing good right now, a pain in the ass though” you say with a giggle, he chuckles with a head shake. “It gets better trust me” he says, giving you a smile. You dart your eyes from his, looking at the coffee table in front of you. “You’ve been out partying? Don’t tell me you’ve been at those stupid frat parties” he leans forward, waiting for your answer.
You shake your head “only to clubs” you reply in which he nods in response. “Good, those frat parties are nothing but trouble” he says, crossing his arms across his naked chest. You gulp as you see his abs, before darting your eyes away before you got caught.
He had obviously caught you which he frowned from thinking he had made you uncomfortable. “I’ll put on a shirt if you feel uncomfortable” he says, standing up. You look up quickly, your mouth slightly opened.
“No no no it’s fine! I’m not uncomfortable at all!” You say, shaking your head. He looks at you, eyes narrowed before sitting back down. “Are you sure? I can quickly go and get a shirt” you shake your head in response “like I said Toji, it’s fine no need to worry” you say with a smile, making him nod.
“Okay then” he murmurs, giving you a raised eyebrow. The sound of a phone buzzing echo’s, in which Toji pulls out his phone from his pocket. He answers the phone, putting it to his ear to talk to the person on the other side.
He says a quick bye before hanging up, placing his phone on his lap before letting out a sigh. “Who was it?” You ask “Megumi, he’s at Itadori’s house and won’t be back till later” he says before standing up, you frown at the answer before standing up also.
“I thought he was getting groceries?” You ask, raising an eyebrow as you follow Toji closely. He shrugs, which you can’t help but look at his back muscles flexing as he did it. “Itadori probably begged him to come to his place, Y’know how those two are” he murmured, shaking his head as you both walk into the kitchen. “Boys will be boys” you joke, in which he snickers. “I got left over pasta from last night if you want some? Or it was just gonna go to waste” he suggests, pulling out a small container of pasta from the fridge.
You grab it from his hands, a small ‘thank you’ leaving your lips as you open the container. Toji hands you a fork before taking a seat at the kitchen counter, putting his chin on his hands as he stares into space. You start to eat the pasta, a few moans leaving you as the taste melts in your mouth. You know Megumi’s cooking anywhere.
You hadn’t realised that Toji was watching you, until you were finished with the food. You lick the corner of your mouth before looking up, blushing hard as you make eye contact with Toji. He chuckles softly “no need to get shy, I was like that last night when I ate it too” he says, before standing up.
“You have a little bit of sauce” he says, pointing towards the spot where it was. You blush even more as you try to wipe it away, before looking back at Toji. He shakes his head “here let me” he says before walking over to you, his hand reaching out to your face.
He places his fingers underneath your chin as his thumb swipes the corner of your mouth, making you open your mouth a little. He looks down at you as you sat there whilst his hand held onto your chin softly, his thumb resting against the side of your mouth as he stared at you. You couldn’t help but stare back, your face red like a tomato.
I mean, you couldn’t help but blush. You can’t lie, but Toji is a good looking man, and the scar at the corner of his lip just made him even hotter. But you couldn’t say that out loud, because 1. He’s your best friends dad, 2. He is like 20 years older than you, and 3. Is well because your scared Megumi would never talk to you again if he found out about your little crush on his dad. Actually scratch that, it’s a BIG crush. Fuck, you can’t go a day without thinking about him. You know it’s wrong but you can’t help it, I mean you’ve moaned his name while you were fucking yourself with your dildo for crying out loud!!! But nobody needs to know that. And you mean Nobody.
The sound of Toji chuckling makes you snap out of your trance, his hand dropping from your chin as he stands straight. “You get distracted easily, y/n” he teases before patting the top of your head, he grabs the container and fork, walking to the sink and putting the container and fork in it.
Silence took over as Toji cleaned the dishes while you took glances at his back, watching as his muscles flexed as he moved. It was definitely a good sight to look at, oblivious to the fact that Toji knew you were looking, a small smirk plastered across his face as he cleaned the dishes.
You couldn’t help but think of nasty thoughts of Toji, the thoughts so nasty that it made you squeeze your thighs together, the ache in between them growing. Toji turned around after doing the dishes, his eyes narrowed at the look on your face. “Are you okay?” He asks, drying his hands on his pants before making his way over to you.
With a nod, you give him a smile “I’m fine” you say, but Toji didn’t seem pleased with your answer. He shakes his head as he stands beside you, his hand going underneath your chin, lifting your head up.
He studies your face “are you sure you’re okay?” He asks, an eyebrow raised. You nod with a little ‘mhm”, not trusting yourself to speak as you felt your panties soak. His eyes glance down at your crossed legs before looking back up at you, tilting his head to the side. He soon takes a seat next to you, his hand dropping from your chin to your thigh.
You jump at the feeling of his hand on your thigh, his fingers sliding down to your inner thigh, pushing the leg down. “You look frustrated… are you frustrated y/n?” He asks, his eyes darting up to look into yours. Your name rolls off his tongue so smooth, it sounded so good.
You let out a shaky breath, nodding as he hums in response. “Do you want me to help with your frustration?” He asks, tilting his head. You bite on your bottom lip, not knowing what to say as the ache in between your thighs grew. It only took a nod for Toji to lift you up from the stool, his hands around your waist whilst your legs wrapped around his body.
He kisses you hungrily, your mouth moving with his in seconds. Your tongues slid with each other, teeth clashing against each other as Toji took you into his room, locking the door behind you two before walking to the bed.
He places you down on the bed before climbing on top of you, your lips never leaving. Small whimpers escaped you, only for it to be muffled by Toji’s mouth, his tongue skilfully darting in your mouth.
This felt so wrong but so right at the same time.
In seconds you both had your clothes ripped off, thrown away somewhere in the room. Toji’s head was in between your thighs, raspy moans leaving you as his mouth sucked and kiss on your clit. Your fingers raked through his soft, black hair as he pleased you.
Incoherent words left your mouth, eyes rolled back of your head as he slid two of his fingers in your entrance. Your toes curled, back slightly arched off the bed as he curled the digits, wanting to find your weak spot. You moaned his name so cutely, your voice filling Toji’s ears. He swirled his tongue around the swollen bud, smothering his face with your wetness. Small gasps kept leaving you as you felt your orgasm reaching, your legs spreading out as Toji slid his fingers in and out of you at a quick pace.
Another gasp left you before the feeling of Toji leaving you, your chest going up and down as you opened your eyes. “T-Toji?!” You say his name frustratedly, making him chuckle at your little confused face.
The sexual frustration he had left you with was unbearable, your body felt like it was on fire as he stood in front of you, his cock pressed up against his lower abdomen. “What?” He teased with a stupid smirk on his face, making you even more frustrated.
“Why did you stop?!” You ask angrily, in which he chuckled again. “Shhh baby girl, you can cum soon” he says, before crawling onto you. He hovers over you, giving you a kiss on the cheek before one of his hands slide down, pushing your legs apart. “So wet for me” he murmurs to himself, looking at the glistening of your pussy.
“P-please” you whisper, biting on your bottom lip as he looks up at you. “Please what? I need words baby” he smirks, his hand brushing out hair from your face. “Please- p-please d-daddy I need you” you were a stuttering mess, almost fumbling up a little sentence. You were a fucking mess, mascara smudged down your eyes, lips swollen and your face bright red. And it was because of Toji.
He groans at your response, giving you a sloppy kiss on the lips before lifting you up. He flips you over, making you cradle his lap as he sat at the edge of the bed. His hands gripped onto you as your arms wrapped around his neck, the feeling of his cock pushed up against your thigh. “Ride me baby” he says as he pushes his face into the crook of your neck, biting and sucking on the flesh.
You whimper at his words before nodding, biting on your bottom lip as he guides his tip to your entrance, sliding the tip up and down your slippery folds, covering it in your slick. A small gasp leaves your lips as he pushed the tip inside of you, inch by inch slowly. He was stretching you out, so slowly it felt painful. But it felt heavenly.
He grunts at the tightness of your cunt, your walls squeezing around him tightly. Your back arches, a loud moan escaping your pretty little swollen lips.
It had felt like you were being ripped apart, the size of his cock too much to handle. But he didn’t stop, he wanted you to feel every inch of him, he wanted you to think of him and only him. He could tell you hadn’t had a fuck in a while, just by the way your walls was clenching around him, swallowing him whole as he slid inside of you slowly.
“You’re so tight baby girl” he hisses, sinking his teeth into your neck. His hands held onto you tightly, pushing you down onto his cock slowly.
Soon enough, he was fully in, the tip brushing against your g-spot. You both sat there, breathing heavily as you both waited for you to get used to him. He kissed up and down your neck, leaving dark hickeys along it.
His hands slid up your body, going straight to your breasts. A small gasp leaves you as you feel his fingers squeeze your nipples, twisting and rubbing them. He fondled them so perfectly, one of his hands leaving your tits, his mouth now replacing it. Your mouth opens, raspy breaths exiting you as he swirled his tongue around your nipple, the same way he was doing to your clit.
He was very skilled with his mouth, so skilled it left you drooling. You slowly started to bounce at a slow pace, a low groan leaving Toji as he continued to suck and lick at your nipple.
You bite on your bottom lip as you bounce up and down, the slight sound of skin slapping against each other echoed through the room, as well as a squelching sound. He smothered his face in your breasts, groans leaving him. “Daddy…” you moan, your hands gripping onto his shoulders tightly.
He lays down on the bed, his hands gripping onto your hips as you continued to bounce on his cock. “Good girl, yeah keep going” The sight that was in front of him was fucking beautiful, the way your tits bounced around as you rode him so perfectly, the way drool slid down your chin and onto your chest. It was a beautiful sight, Toji loved everything about it.
His eyes scanned your body, sweat and bite marks covered your skin, his eyes slowly going down to your stomach. His eyes widened, seeing the faint outline of his cock poking through.
The sight of it was enough for him to cum on the spot, but he waited, he waited till you were a complete mess. He wanted to fill you up with his cum, cover your insides white. He wanted you to be his.
And he always gets what he wants.
His hand reaches out, pressing it against your stomach, feeling the bulge. You gasp loudly, your toes curling from the feeling as he presses on your stomach again.
“Take my hand baby” he says, in which you obey, his hand grabbing yours. He guides it down to your stomach, pressing it against your stomach. You felt a lump, making you confused to what it is. “T-Toji what is t-that?” You stuttered, which he chuckled at before letting go of your hand.
“That’s me baby that’s my cock right there” he says so casually, which made you dart your eyes down to your stomach.
Your eyes widen as you see the bulge in your stomach, the shape of his cock slightly visible to you. His hands land back on your hips, guiding you through your movements. You look up at Toji, sweat covering his forehead, as well has strands of hair sticking to it.
Your hands land back on his chest, flipping your hair to the side. Hickeys covered every inch of your neck, as well as your tits, making Toji smirk from how proud he was of his artwork. Your stomach did flips as you reached your high, the familiar knot forming in your stomach. He hissed as your pussy clenched around his cock, his nails digging into your skin as you bounced up and down at a fast pace.
He was close too, his chest rising up and down fast as he lets out groans. “O-ohhhh I-I’m gonna cum!” You moan loudly, the feeling of his tip pushing up against your cervix making you come closer to your high.
“Fffuckk me too baby, me too” he groans, helping you with your movements. Your eyes rolled back as you felt yourself starting to cum, a loud scream leaving your glossy mouth.
You gushed all over Toji’s cock, covering him in your wetness. Breathless moans left you as you began to shake, your toes curled to the point it started to cramp up.
“Fuck I’m coming baby” he whimpered out, hissing before pushing up into you, a loud groan leaving his lips as he began to shoot rows of cum inside of you. You whimpered, the feeling of your insides being filled to the brim felt amazing. He kept filling you up till cum started oozing out of your overflowed cunt, dripping down on Toji’s dick.
He lets out a sigh, watching as your chest moves up and down quickly. You open your eyes, letting out a sigh also. You lean down, connecting your lips with his in a slow and gentle kiss. His arms wrap around you , flipping you two around. He hovers over you as you kissed slowly, no tongue, no teeth clashing. It was just a sweet normal kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer.
He smiles against your lips before pulling away, a string of saliva attached to you two. His hand comes up, brushing hair away from your face. “Beautiful” he whispers, making you blush hard as he chuckles at your reaction.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” He suggests, pulling away. You nod as he stands up, lifting you up bridal style before making his way to the connected bathroom.
It had felt like forever since you two hopped in the shower, both of your bodies covered in soap. The both of you didn’t say much, just letting the water run down your bodies.
You both shared a messy kiss before hopping out, towels wrapped around your bodies before walking back into his bedroom.
You stood beside the bed as Toji changed the sheets, throwing the messy ones in a basket. Soon you both crawled on the now clean bed, his arm wrapped around your shoulders as your leg wrapped around his waist. Soon enough your eyes dropped like flies as you fell asleep.
Toji soon fell asleep shortly after, his arms wrapped around you perfectly.
But the thing is, you both didn’t know that Megumi and Yuji were in the living room, who were both traumatised by what they had just heard 20 minutes ago.
It was something they will never forget nor will they ever bring it up. Ever. And Megumi is for sure not talking to the either of you again for quite some time.
Heyyyy guys, this is my first post on here, so don’t mind if it’s kinda shitty!! 😭 I’m still working out how to use tumblr as well:(
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sunflowerhae · 3 days
Ch. 17 FTCU by Nicki Minaj
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Haechan stands beside you, feeling like he’s on cloud 9 as he sways to the beat of the drums. Here he was with all his best friends, watching a free show for a famous artist with a model, two youtubers, and you - his idol and crush..and friend. If you had told Haechan he would be in this position 6 months ago, he probably would have laughed in your face and told you to get fucked. But regardless of that, here he stands, right by you. Typically, when you’re in a room with him, haechan can’t help his eyes from casting their long gaze towards your face. It’s almost instinct on his part; a primal part of him that can’t keep his attention away from you for more than a minute. Even now, as Mark pulls him away to ask him something along with Jaemin (the two seem to be getting on just peachy) he still is acutely aware of every movement you make.
You couldn’t stop yourself from crying.
Watching your best friend of 5 years complete a life dream of hers by finishing a world tour is not a sentence one says everyday, so when you watch Giselle finish her final monologue to the crowd and transition into her second to last song from your spot in the balcony room, you can’t stop the tears that threaten to spill. You look around briefly, noticing that haechan left his place beside you in favor of Mark and Jaemin. You try your hardest to hide the pout that makes its way to your face, shaking off the sick feeling that grows in your stomach from haechan stepping away.
It’s just a stupid crush, y/n.
Can you be blamed, though? In the 6 odd months that you’ve lived in your apartment building - sharing a wall with the boy your eyes can’t leave - Haechan has somehow found a way to nuzzle himself into your heart, setting up camp and using pieces of your sanity to make a tent. Whenever your expectations dip and you try to rationalize your friendship with him, Haechan turns around and exceeds your needs tenfold. It’s almost like the boy knows everything about you, with how much he gets right. He always seems so…aware of what you want and how to get it.
You don’t realize you’re staring until your line of sight is cut off. Looking at the face of the person who stepped next to you, Karina is smiling back while holding out a beer for you to take. “Well, they seem pretty happy right now,” she gestures behind you as you take the beer from her hands. Turning around, you see Winter trapped in Jeno’s arms, swaying to the music as he whispers something in her ear that has her throwing her head back in laughter. You sigh, jealously creeping into your heart at your best friend’s love.
“Yeah, they’re usually like that. Although it’s gotten worse recently, I will say,” you say while laughing, turning back around to see Karina doing the same, “I can’t be mad when I see them, though - just jealous.”
Karina quips her brow up at you, “no one special in your life, y/n?” You look back at her in surpise, which she seems to take as anger, “not like you don’t have anyone special or anything! Just, are you single is all I mean..” she trails off, obviously experiencing a severe case of foot in mouth syndrome. Karina internally hits herself on the head - she really liked you and your friends, and although she would never admit it she can’t help but feel intimidated by all of you. She would hate to ruin the chance of friendship with her bluntness that people typically aren’t fans of. Before she can apologize, she is surprised when you start laughing.
“No, no! You’re okay don’t worry I got what you meant. No, nobody special right now. But with my schedule it probably wouldn’t work out. Any free time I have is usually spent being lazy, or satisfying haechan and his need for attention.” You laugh while rolling your eyes playfully. Just then, the spot to your right is taken by Ningning. You liked her, she was so sweet and you couldn’t help but find her love for coffee endearing. When she told you about her desire to open her own coffee shop, you saw a lot of yourself in her; a girl with dreams who wants to be her own boss. As if feeling a kinship between the two of you, her presence eases away some awkwardness you felt almost immediately.
“Ahh yes, we know a lot about Haechan’s neediness. It’s nice having you around because you take a lot of heat off of our shoulders!” She exclaims, which causes the three of you to go into a fit of giggles, your heart growing warmer thinking about the boy so easily replacing them with you - it’s nice to feel so wanted.
“Oh yeah, I get it. I told him the other day he uses me like a girlfriend or something,” you recount the day, trailing off somewhat awkwardly as you remembered the embarrassment that followed from that sentence leaving your mouth. While you and Haechan played with each other freely, not really having filters in what you’ll say, that one took the cake and you couldn’t help but feel a little proud, as it was the first thing you’ve ever said that left the tanned boy completely silent. The two don’t seem to notice your sudden uncomfortable nature, or if they do they don’t acknowledge it. You watch Karina’s eyes go wide as she smiles,
“Oh my god remember when we met and you thought I was Haechan’s girlfriend!” The two of you laugh while Ningning seems surprised.
“Wait, what? Did I miss something? I didn’t know you guys have met before…” Ningning seemed somewhat betrayed as she stared at the both of you with wide eyes.
“Ning I’ve told you about this, girl! Y/n thought me and Haechan were together when I was there one day to study with him,”
“-yeah it was just a misunderstanding. Haechan cleared it up though!” You finished, nodding a bit as you watched Ningning’s gears turning in her head. Her eyes go light as she bursts out in laughter, picturing something funny in her head.
“God - imagine Karina and Haechan! I know for a fact Karina would never go for him, right? And vice versa too, you’re just not his type - no offense though,” she pouts at Karina, the former rolling her eyes as she tunes out the conversation and focuses on Giselles music. You find yourself hyper aware of this conversation, oddly invested. You also note that Ningning is on her third beer, and is slightly more intoxicated than you. “But it wouldn’t matter regardless!”
“Why not?” You press, instinctively leaning closer into the brown haired girl as she takes another swig of her beer before continuing her thought.
“Well, haechan has a really big crush on this girl he knows, so he would never go for Karina!” You can see the realization sink into Ningning’s eyes as she processes her own word vomit. Karina, having heard just the tail end of your conversation, snaps her head over to the two of you - suddenly becoming an active listener in this doomed interaction.
You’re not sure if your face showed it, the devastation. Maybe you liked Haechan a lot more than even you realized, because at the mention of some random girl he seemingly liked, your stomach felt as if it had been sucker punched by a WWA fighter. You tried your hardest not to wear your heart on your sleeve, just giving a slight nod and a deflated, “oh, that’s cool…”
Yeah, good job with that y/n.
Ningning can see your disappointment, even if she doesn’t understand it. Maybe you’re upset that Haechan didn’t tell you? Of course, why would he tell you - it’s you that he likes. But, you don’t know that, so of course it would upset you. She realizes that she needs to cover her tracks, at the very least so you don’t go moping to Haechan and get her in trouble.
Giselle ends her second to last song and fades into her final and most popular, the crowd screaming while Ningning actively leans in closer to you to make a point to say, “well he likes her but she doesn’t really know so there’s probably not a great chance for them! But you should ask Haechan about it - I mean he’ll definitely tell you because he’s like obsessed with you. NOT IN A WEIRD WAY or anything! Just like..normal obsessed like how people are obsessed with their friends! But like yeah that girl he’s OBSESSED with in a romantic way and he really wants her he talks about her like alll the time..BUT yeah you should ask him if you don’t know because he’ll definitely tell you about it yknow..haha yeah..anyway I’m gonna go get some water BYE Y/N!” And with that, she quickly retreats to the snack table, hitting herself on the head as she realizes she just made things much much worse. With a sigh, you turn back to the concert. Karina gives you a look of confusion, not having heard the last thing Ningning said over the crowd screaming. You shake your head with a small smile, trying to act like it’s all cool, trying to act like your heart isn’t breaking.
Haechan likes someone. He likes a girl and he didn’t even tell you. You’ve gotten to know him so much over the last 6 months, you hang out almost every day and tell each other everything. He’s been in multiple videos now and the fans love him. You eat dinner together all the time and have a tv show that you watch together and get mad at each other if someone watches ahead. Haechan is your everything, and he didn’t even tell you he had a crush on another girl.
Giselle and winter were right, you should have never gotten this involved with him. You should have protected your heart and realized you cannot date your neighbor. There’s so much you should have done, but as you turn your head and lock eyes with his brown gaze - he grins at you in a boyish manner like the both of you have a secret that only you two know - you don’t think it was ever possible to not get this far with him. Haechan has possessed your mind and heart completely, and you let him.
What a stupid crush, y/n.
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GG! (Good Game!) 👾
Notes: yay everyone met‼️ guys it’s getting spicccyyyy
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the fact is, if varric lives (and that's an if bc maybe solas does kill him lmao idk how much to trust that minimap reveal) it IS weird that you can't customise a hawke or account for the decision because it would be a little weird if a man who has lived through a wannabe god + blight dragon attacking warden fortress has nothing to say about ghilan'nain and her blight dragon attacking a warden fortress, especially if he potentially lost his best friend (Hawke). It's not outlandish for people to be a little disappointed to not get some customisation there because the choices are not equal to varric. the loss of hawke is obviously a bigger impact on him than whichever warden is there. given varric's personality, it's not outlandish to expect him to talk about it with Rook either especially considering weisshaupt is a thing that happens in the game. if he dies beforehand it doesn't matter, but if he's going to be around? yeah you'd think he'd be talking about it here.
speaking of weisshaupt, A PLACE YOU GET TO GO, a hero of ferelden who made the ultimate sacrifice IS FUCKING INTERRED THERE. But it's just "whining" to expect a nod (esp one that you can customise so it's your hero of ferelden) i guess.
regardless of whether morrigan has mythal or not, who she is as a person does change based on whether she was romanced and whether she had a child. it is natural that this matters and people aren't stupid to be tentatively concerned that nothing of her history is "required" but she's apparently this important vip character who will have more involvement in the game than you expect. like you are allowed to ask: okay what does this mean, what will she be like, will she be the same character i've loved across multiple games?
people are allowed to be upset or concerned that a game series that historically took your choices and your decisions into account has watered that down to 3 choices when certain choices that WOULD impact characters that appear in THIS game aren't. (and to be clear being upset does not mean harassing the devs, don't do that).
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