#hes just a lil introvert being let into the wild for the first time.
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raeso · 2 years ago
I still believe , in my very soul, that someone should take levi to akihabara. let him dork out !!!!
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thotsforvillainrights · 3 years ago
hi!! How are u? I hope you doing fine 🥰🥰
I would like to ask for match up pls.
I'm female, heterosexual, I'm either ISFJ/INFP (kinda feels like both 🤷‍♀), an artist, I have pretty intimidating face and I kind of proud of it but at the same time I'm insecure bc no one want to be friends with me 😭😭 but I find myself as introverted, weird, and shy, people didn't know I'm that kind of person since I have rbf 🗿but I'm loud with friends I'm closed with
I have long black haired, brown eyes, fair skin, rbf, my height is 165cm and wearing glasses
Hobby, watch movies, reading books, drawing, listens to music, daydreaming 24h and shopping
I likes anime, manga, novel, fashion, watch romance and horror movies, cooking, dark academia theme and style, animals, love and always wearing black mask (it sad bc covid is almost over 😭) coffee and anything not to sweet
I don't really like sweets I mean I like eat something not to sweet like pudding, coffee cake, any pastries, etc.. I hate pastel colors and anything that cute except cute animals (it just cringe for me I'm sorry), do any works late at night, anyone that annoyed me (I pretty much have anger issues with this one 😀), someone I'm use to know with ignore me, someone with adhd (I'm not hate I know some people had it so I'm said I distance myself), I hate when people makes me wash the dishes, that the only thing I know about myself 🤷‍♀
Positive about me is I'm very supportive, kindhearted, polite, hardworking, independent, forgiving with someone I love, ambitious, curiosity, I'm literally mom of the friends group 😭, concern pretty important for me, patience (depends on my mood)
Negative things about me, I have anger issues (only for those who annoyed/make me angry I'm not 24/7 angry sometimes I try to be more patience), careless, rebellious, stubborn and aggressive
About the aggressive part I love to take hand to hand combat bcuz I took martial art class and I'm good using any dangerous weapon bcuz I love to takes any risk and challenge
From what I tell u from the beginning I have problem to control my emotions, naturally I'm lil shy, emotionless and introverted but when I lost control I hurt people feeling where at the end I feel regret and I embarrass to apologize until now
I'm pretty good when it comes to fashion sense, I like to wear casual dress especially color black and red (I'm not emo and muscular btw) I wear what I feels like it good and makes me confident with my rbf (depends on what the occasion/season) and I wear makeup especially doing ombre lips 😍
I don't show love through words but more to act of service, quality times and physical touch. Too bad I am quite inexperienced when it comes to love but doesn't mean I don't know how to show appreciation
Bonus, I'm not afraid of anything even insects like cockroaches, I do afraid of something but my useless brain didn't tell me what it is rn 🙄👎. I made my own career. I'm very good when it comes to cooking but bad at cleaning.. Like very bad..
Well that the only thing I know about me. and sorry about bad English I hope u understand what I tryna to says and thank you so much 😇🥰 sorry if I didn't notice the typos 😃
(Okie Dokie!!!)
Match-Up #23
-I match you with Yu Hojo-
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-Upon first glance he'd thought you were tough as nails and that you didn't like him or the others in the least bit. Why Overhaul would let a woman join the yakuza was beyond him. However, Hojo never questioned the boss considering he'd placed his full trust in him. Maybe you were like him and the others here? Discarded and stomped on by society, trash saved by the leader himself and given another chance at life here with the Hassaikai. Or perhaps he just needed a maid right? A pretty face like yours would do well around here as the maid. The man let his thoughts run wild for at least 2 full days after he found out you were being placed in his team. Little by little you began to open up and confuse Hojo more and more. Just earlier you were sitting there as a menacing aura rolled off of you. Then here you were about 20 minutes later taking care of Tabe and speaking sweetly to him after he'd gotten a paper cut somehow. So which is it? Were you vicious or kind??? Hojo continued on with his work and watched you as the days passed. You started talking more and more with the other two and soon he'd found you were nothing like the facial expression that betrayed you so many times. You were a delightful person to be around compared to him and the rest of the brutes here. He secretly began to beat himself up when he watched you interact with the others. He wanted to be close to you as well, loudly joking about whatever dumb topic was on your mind at the moment but he kept his distance from you and just kept quiet. If it actually hadn't been for Setsuno intervening then Hojo would've never ended up as your partner to begin with. "Look man I'm not trying to get on your ass or play cupid, but I think if you really like the girl you shouldn't hesitate on it. She's become pretty popular around here lately and it's only a matter of time before some snub asks her out. You don't wanna live your life in regret man. You know I could give a shit less about something as fictional as love but I just can't stand the thought of having to deal with you moping around here any longer."
"Moping…have I been moping?" Setsuno sucks air in through his teeth and stares anywhere but at Hojo. "Yeah man. Moping."
-Hojo bites back on the nervousness that crept up on him the day he finally asked you on a date. You happily accepted it because let's face it: Hojo was pretty attractive and free food was involved as well. I'd say the date went fairly well. He asked a lot of questions about you but didn't really air himself out there as much for you. It was likely because he was actually a little shy for the first time in his life. He was a gentleman the entire time and it was clear to see that chivalry wasn't dead when it came to him. The next date that came around you actually ended up asking him out this time and he happily took you up on the offer. This time he incorporated some of the things he learned about you from the first date. He gifts you some anime merch (you should've seen how awkward he looked buying it lol), he offers his car stereo for your full control so you can play music you like, he ever takes you out shopping later…his treat! The third date was an indoor one. You curl up on the couch and show him a few of your favorite horror and romance movies while he snickers at the cheesiness in all of it. He comes up with the idea halfway through to have a drawing date where you both follow a tutorial and show each other the results. His drawing was awful lol. If you've got time left in the date you two cook together (maybe teach him a little something) and you even get to show him some of your favorite books. To be romantic, this man will read them to you if you wanted him to.
-A few more dates and you've basically grown comfortable with each other. It's okay for you to show yourself around him. You can daydream all you want, geek over fashion or cute animals even, or simply infodump everything you know about dark academia to him. He accepts it all with a smile and a little twinkle of interest in his eye. In return you have to take him as he is. He's protective, sometimes stern when he lectures you, but so gentle to you as if you're the most fragile thing he's ever touched. He loves you so much. He does little things here and there to express it rather than saying it as often to you. He'll steal your glasses right off your face and clean smudges off of them with his shirt (even if he's wearing an expensive shirt). He'll try to help you calm yourself if your anger gets out of control. Even if you end up lashing out on him, he's still there no matter what because he knows it's just your emotions making you feel like that. This man will even let you spar with him. He learns the hard way about why Overhaul let you into the Shie Hassaikai after he sees the damage you can do in a fight.
-He's not too much of a needy man so however you show your love to him, he'll take it and cherish it no matter what.
-The man admires your fashion sense and overall style you display. He'll admit to your face that he loves your eyes and your hair most of all. Honestly he's secretly given you a stupid nickname behind your back, his little doe since you remind him of that animal. He's not ever going to tell you this since he's worried you'll hate it lol.
-What you lack in one department, he makes up for in another. So even if you're bad at cleaning, he'll take over and cover that part for you. When you're upset, he'll try to remain calm for you to level things out. He really is a good person to be in a relationship with. He's knows you like the back of his hand after about a year of dating of each other!
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whaleofatjme1920 · 4 years ago
Hello El!!
I bring my exchange info for an matchup. If say creepypasta/marblehornets matchup for this.
So my name is Shay, I go by Whiskey because it's a preference in liquor on my end. I go by they/them pronouns, AFAB and I'm bi and omniromantic, I do have an mild preference for men or masc aligned people. I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon and Aquarius rising. I'm also introvert (INFJ-A) and I'm constantly sleeply. I do have C-PSTD, Bipolar II and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).
I'm Caucasian/White and I stand at 5'9. I have celtic and Danish heritage, My family where vikings. I'm really tall and legs double the size of my torso, as in my thighs are as big as my torso in length, same with my calves. I call myself spider legs because of that. I have this natural like wolf cut going on that is this dark green with my roots be my natural dark chocolate brown hair. My eyes are hazel with gold flecks that shift in color which I found out is normal for people with hazel eyes. I paint my nails black a lot because I find the color pleasing. My build wise is like a rectangle like shape with broad shoulders. I'm pretty strong and I'm proud of my strength. I'm currently starting to get into shape and lose weight so I have fit shape but not like over for. Just the right amount of fat over my muscles. I have a lot of stretch marks,, mostly around my waist and my biceps. I call them my stripes or lighting marks. I have plans to get snake bite piercings and wear like the ring ones in them. I'm getting an tattoo soon that is like this and then I want a burning match tattoo on my color bone. My ears are piercing and I like wearing fake gauges, spirals and then the ratings that have the dangly stuff and cuffs with them. I also wear like those stereotypical hot topic chokers. I wear a lot of long sleeves and skinny jeans, I do like ripped skinny jeans. I also love flannels and black boots like doc martins or converse.
I think you can assume by the statement of me liking whiskey I am the rebellious sort which is true. I have drank a bit and tried weed, I don't do it anymore tho.I have been told if people don't know me and see me from afar I'm intimidating to approach. Even being spooky and intimidating, I promise I'm just a big softie. I usually assume the mom friend of the group with my friends. I always worry about them and make sure they take care of themselves. Sometimes I do it so much I forget to take care of myself. I'm really gentle and compassionate, along with being extremely empathetic. I can be stubborn and bit judgemental at times, mostly working off first impressions myself when getting to know each other. I have an hard time being insertive and putting my foot down with my boundaries, scared to lose people even if the hurt me. I'm an introvert through and through, liking to watch from the back and observe the way things go on around me. I do my best to be an optimist because I can't see the point in see everything wrong in this world, it helps me to see the good. I love going on adventures with my close friends and love being a chaotic bastard with them. My dnd alignment is chaotic neutral and I'm Hufflepuff. I do live by the saying do no harm but take no shit. But I won't hesitate to fight someone for the right causes.
I do always constantly look like I am going to funeral of some sort because I own nothing but black. The color makes me feel really comfortable but it's not my favorite color. My favorite color is green but I like sage green, forest green, mossy green, etc. The earthy greens are my favorites. I have a love for the forest and woodlands, finding a sense of home in the woods. I do love archery and something I'm definitely going to be picking up along with playing the drums. I also smoke herbal cigarettes as well as alternative to smoking.
You know that I often get called a cryptid and at this point, I am just one. Cryptidcore, Midwest Gothic, and Pacific Northwest Gothic are my favorite aesthetics. I have a huge love for cryptozoology (the study of cryptids), parapsychology (the psychic phenomena and other paranormal claims), original creepypasta stories and to be honest anything like spooky and creepy. I want to be a mortician and I'm attending school for that. I also really love the dark, especially if I have some good music blasting through my earbuds. I am a sucker for long road trips and seeing things, filling the adventure heart I have. My favorite animals are coyotes and I also like horses. I like to write a lot as well. My favorite cryptids are The Beast of Bray Road, Not Deer, Jersey Devil and Jacklopes.
Thank you so much and I'm so glad I got a chance to reach out to you. It all started with me wanting to send memes to you and being a little 🌲 anon.
Also here is what the tattoo I'm am getting done looks like ↓↓↓
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Your matchup is... Jeff!
Sorry this took me a hot minute, I've been out all day! But here's my part of the exchange :}
In general:
Alright, I read this over and just immediately thought about Jeff, mostly because of your personality!! I have so many things I want to get into and want to say though. SO, let's get right into that.
Things he likes about you:
Physically speaking, as that is how I always start, Jeff really, really loves your height and your legs make him fuzzy on the inside. He just loves it SO MUCH. Your hair is gorgeous, and he's never going to stop wanting to run his fingers through it. Whatever color it's dyed as becomes his new favorite, and he loves seeing your natural hair poke through as well. Your eyes are so gorgeous in his opinion and he finds himself getting lost in them. He thinks your nails being painted black is nice because honestly, he's prone to painting his nails black as well. He finds your body so great!! Wants to hold you and loves feeling new muscles when they get built up. Regardless, he just physically adores you. Your stretch marks are also something he adores as well, and he will fondly call them your tiger stripes and admire them in their entirety. He would love your piercings and the tattoo you want to get. Also really, really loves your choice in jewelry. Chokers are hot in his opinion lmfao. Ripped skinny jeans, flannels, black boots, converse!! just everything about your style works so well with him. And your personality!! That slight rebellious edge am slightly intimidating nature??? PLEASE
General cute stuff:
I feel like the two of you are going to spend some evenings in painting nails. Jeff is slightly touch starved and will absolutely run his hands over your body and just adore everything about you. I can also see Jeff working out with you as well!! He will be your number one supporter regardless of what you're going to be doing. He finds it so sweet that you take care of other people. Jeff also understands you being an introvert, because he's kind of the same way. He would absolutely would hang back with you and just exist. He likes observing as well. However, he also can be a bit of a chaotic guy and will go on adventures with you! Scary places, nature, wherever you want, Jeff will go with you. He'll also read up on fun little places and then go with you. He will absolutely get you green things just because he knows that you like that color. Jeff will also take you on walks in the woods, and he'll also let you wear his clothing!! Jeff actually smokes weed semi-regularly, so while you smoke herbal cigarettes, he's going to be lighting up alongside you as long as you're comfortable. He'd probably like the herbal cigarettes as well. Jeff would love to hear about your love of cryptozoology! He's met so many beings in his life that fit that that he'd just go buck wild being able to tell you about his stories and experiences as well. Parapsychology is also something he'd love to listen from you. He finds you going into the mortician business so incredible, and that you like the dark. Your music?? Please share that with him!!
You two as a couple:
Jeff knows that you are intimidating but so, so sweet. He finds you so admirable and honestly, he needs that kind of caring, loving influence in his life. He finds you being the mom friend of your group super fun and while he's not a dad friend, definitely loves saying things to remind all of your shared 'kids' to listen to you. He wants you to take care of yourself!! He wants you to be kind to yourself!! You being stubborn is something he understands because honestly he can be stubborn. Judgmental? He gets it but honestly might challenge the notion from time to time. He will remind you about boundaries and how important it is to set them. Time to time, he may step in just to help you out. He will also remind you to be assertive, mostly because he would hate to see anyone take advantage of you. Jeff will read up on C-PTSD, Bipolar II, and your anxiety simply so he can be more prepared to help you in any way he can. He deals with some things himself, but he doesn't always know how to handle others. So, he would definitely read up for you and end up becoming your rock when you need it. Honestly, just let him take care of you in his own way. Rough around the edges?? Absolutely. But he's so soft for you. He will help you in any way he can, whether it be weathering the bad days and loving the good ones. Let him adore you.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, or as I will often fondly refer to you as, Dr. Cryptid! I was so happy to read all of this about you. Thank you so so much for sending this in and once again doing mine! I loved reading all about it, and I love talking with you. Thank you so much for that lil pine tree emoji and memes. Also, please take care of yourself!! There's only one of you in the universe and it's so important to love and cherish yourself. It's always okay to say no or know when to bail. Never take care of so many people that you leave all your energy with them and none for yourself. I look forward to our future convos and just friendship in general. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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mimizepp · 4 years ago
ahhh could I ask for a matchup 👉🏻👈🏻 any jojo part n any gender is fine! I’m non-binary but present very femininely (they/them pronouns). Very chubby, fairly short (5’2) - i wear a lot of vintage dresses and styles!, Gemini sun Capricorn moon Scorpio rising! 4w5 enneagram type! I’m autistic and struggle with anxiety and ocd; I think I’d probably describe myself as ambitious but shy; I have trouble coming out of my shell but when I have set my mind to it I go at it with all of my might! I’m quiet and introverted, but I do like other people being interested in me - i used to do a lot of performing, so it’s not that I don’t like being the centre of attention, but more that I like getting to pick and choose when and how I get it! Definitely a perfectionist. I like musicals and old books, and I have a lot of hobbies because I’ll try anything once but I do a lot of writing, baking and embroidery/sewing! I’m not super affectionate or a super big fan of pda but I like small reassuring things to remind me my partner isn’t ashamed to be seen with me (a lot of bullying has made me insecure about myself). I like someone who I can sit and coexist with even if we’re not necessarily doing the same thing - being able to do different things together is very romantic to me. My love languages are giving/receiving gifts and acts of service! Tysm if you do this (and sorry if I misread and your matchup requests are closed!!)
i match you with...
*°:⋆ₓₒ gyro! ₓₒ⋆:°*
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- anyone with ambitions is quick to grab gyro’s attention, and that part of you is what first tugged on his heartstrings. then he got to know that shyness and everything behind it. he adores you, and it’s not hard to see why! everything about you just struck a chord within him, and it was clear that you were the one.
- gyro is always asking you more about yourself. your morals and interests mean a great deal to him, as they make up the finer details in the image of love. he gets a little too excited once he learns of your abilities with embroidery / sewing and will practically be begging you to make him a lil teddy bear
- gyro has perfected the art of loving you. not big on pda? perfectly fine! you can always tell how gyro is feeling, and the infatuated look in his eyes as you catch him staring at you says it all. italian cowboy bb is in loooove <3 
- he’ll also let you ride his horse with him, somewhat surprisingly. gyro will take you over lady lucky any day, which speaks volumes
- he’s very caring and more thoughtful than one may expect, so don’t be surprised when he starts picking up on the tiniest things about you and going wild over how cute they are (ex: the way your brows furrow from time to time as you’re reading, the smile that graces your face when you put on your favorite vintage dress... gyro serotonin up 700%)
- btw gyro reaaaally wants you to style him in some vintage-wear (or anything that’s not his usual cowboy / western attire tbh) if that style looks so great on you it should be the same on him... it must be!
- if you’re ever experiencing an anxiety attack when with gyro, his gentle embrace and soothing voice work wonders. he’s very quick to adapt to how you’re feeling and is willing to go wherever / get whatever / do anything that must be done to ensure you are comfortable and feeling safe
- after you show gyro your favorite musicals you’re going to find him humming various melodies constantly. he couldn’t tell you the name of the song or even the production itself, but that won’t stop the tune that’s stuck in his head. as bothersome as this may become, it’s still very sweet to know he enjoyed the music
- let gyro teach you the spin techniques. PLS.
* weather was also a potential match for you! *
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kazuwhora · 4 years ago
hello lovely!! may I please get a tokrev romantic matchup?❤️‍🩹 (nsfw or sfw- whatever ur feeling like!)
the name’s Anna, she/her, an INFJ-T, Capricorn and raging neurotic lol. I’m a major over thinker and sometimes I’m too cautious too. I value my “me time” but love to go out with friends and drink lots occasionally (balance is key as they say). I’m pretty open to people and tend to have my heart on my sleeve for them, my love language being acts of service and quality-time:-)
I’m 5’4”, hourglass figure but with a lil chub (esp on the tiddies). Dark brown straight hair, dark brown eyes, swarovski nostril stud, a lil gap between my front teeth, freckles - I also do love to wear a bit of a bimbo type clothing as it makes me feel confident!
I’m studying to be a psychologist, sexologist to be specific and that’s my biggest hobby rn, besides dancing and Japanese culture!
Also - sorry for the anon ask. Been stalking your blog for a few weeks now (even at work lol) and it’s been making my days brighter ever since, but I’m still a closeted weeb hehe😚 have a lovely day/night and take care of urself!❤️
hi love! dont worry about the anon ask- I think its v intimidating to come off anon especially when talking about yourself in such detail! ty for sending me a request and supporting my blog ily <3
im going to match you up with Rindou!
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one of the first things that made me think of rindou with your description was your comment about being a massive overthinker! rindou is the type of guy to be pretty reserved and introverted. he seems cold on the outside, and keeps a lot of this thoughts to himself. what is typically seen from him is somewhat of an act or display for others, as he spends more of his time observing and analyzing. for rindou, having a partner who is an overthinker is something that is kind of perplexing to him honestly. because he's so straightforward and analytical, he's able to provide that objective perspective and rework your thought pattern before it gets to be too much for you. this comes fairly naturally to him too, so don't start overthinking about whether or not it's a burden or a pain in his ass!
rindou also appreciates the introverted aspects of your personality that aren't so introverted that you push him further into seclusion. he appreciates the balance you maintain, encouraging him to come out for drinks followed by much needed downtime thereafter. rindou sometimes struggles with balance and can find himself leaning on either edge far more often than he finds himself comfortably in the middle. this is something you provide for him, and the returned favour.
lets fucking talk about the way he goes crazy for your style. because hello? rindou loves a smart introspective girl who's personal style COMPLETELY contrasts her personality. he thinks its hot seeing the confidence you gain from your clothes, and will 100% be the one to try and drag you out shopping for more clothes. he's gonna wanna come all the way to the fitting rooms with you though because he wants to drool over you in public and he might try to get a little handsy with you right in front of everyone. speaking of which, because of you he has a big thing for exhibitionism, and an even bigger thing for mirror sex. he loves positioning you right in front of the mirror and making you watch him fuck you. like damn, it drives him wild and he probably wont last long like that so maybe cover up the mirrors if you want anything longer than like 5 minutes? shdfjhx he's just so obsessed with you its kinda cute
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sugar-petals · 5 years ago
Please do a tarot reading on bts personality? Thank you
if we’re talking personality, it’s time for the big guns. i promised i’d use this deck to an anon, today we’re doing a shaman soul reading. 
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A sign that the end of the storm is near. This card is truly blessed and imbued with great innocence because that’s exactly what Jungkook is. It’s the “everything is alright” signal: The rainbow symbolizes completion of the soul in the Himalayan region where shamans consider rainbows a bridge to the afterlife. Believe it or not: What we see as JK is the last incarnation of his line. His journey is basically complete (!), it is whole. He’s found what we will all find and the end which is a state of profound happiness. There’s a reason why he brings so much ease, fun, and talent everywhere he goes. That sense of lightness and positivity is deeply embedded in him. Brightness, bubbliness, fleeting moods but always optimistic. His personality is all about joy and the feeling of soaring high. It’s not a farce we see on camera, he really is like that. What I noticed is. Since we see a colorful bird dashing forward on a ray of light, I believe JK is headed somewhere blissful, and he’s headed there fast. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, pretty much. Not just the shamans in Nepal consider the rainbow as an arch, Norse ones do, too. The Bifröst bridge connects Midgard to the Æsir. Jungkook has a sort of divine connection going on. That’s why his personality is dignified. Bifröst is translated to ‘shimmering path’, that he got famous was destined from the beginning.
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Hey, Mama. I am not surprised that this card is all about a connection to mother earth and all things maternal. The hut — and the ritual that is behind it — is essentially an image for the womb. Hoseok is looking for that warm and cozy feeling in his life. That tells you a whole lot about the personality we rarely see on stage, it’s a much calmer state. The act of sweating disperses old habits and bad thoughts, this is precisely what he seeks. That blissful, protected place/state of being attracts him, or rather, draws him back into his past. His character is so youthful and cheery because he longs for a space like the sweat lodge that leaves you relaxed, drained from the weight of the world, and without sorrows. What he longs for is purity. He’s let go of demons and phases in his life he’s grown out of. His goal is to feel renewed and being without baggage. Note also that the sweat lodge is a community place. He is deeply social, it’s not an act. Hoseok aspires to be a nurturing figure in the future, and peace is very important to him.
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Think about it: Something as dynamic as air representing Jin makes a lot of sense. He might be a fire sign, but air is nonetheless strong in him. He is a person who is self-directed and cannot be grasped at any time. Air does what it wants, and few other forces can stop it. On top of that, wind is malleable. It can be completely still, gently blowing, come on strong, or be a flat out hurricane. The different levels of intensity are all present in Jin’s character. As in, he can be the introvert of all introverts only to turn into extroversion embodied. The card tells us about just how versatile he can be. That he will achieve more consistency in the future is represented by the act of taming: Yes, he will settle. Visually, the feather is the most important part of this card. It symbolizes a holy dedication to life and distributes smoke during shaman rituals. It can also be interpreted as a pointer when you’re in alignment. So, I’d describe Jin’s character as something that dispels the old to bring about harmony. Thus, he is wild and tame alike. Very interesting duality.
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Namjoon: THUNDER
Next to Jimin’s card, this is the most powerful one I pulled. If you’re familiar with The Tower in tarot, THUNDER is similar. Especially in its spiritual weight. Thunder always hails of new things coming. Namjoon is that kind of vanguard. Even his voice booms like thunder man, that’s no coincidence. That he’s the leader of one of the most famous boy groups on this planet means something dramatic and big coming our way. At his core, he is revolutionary. Namjoon is Namjoon because of his message that’s loud, terrifying to great many a hater, and a call to awakening. I am certain he is on his way to enlightenment, I’m not kidding. Because think about, thunder comes first, then: lightning. It describes his personality progression well: Namjoon did a full 180° in the last years. He did all of his shadow work. This card always says a person is about to fulfill their purpose, so he’s currently at the very brink. He is scared to the core but knows that he’s destined for great things. Like buffalos storming ahead, he is unstoppable just like that. It’s because of him that the game changes 😊
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Beside the literal interpretation of Yoongi being a present to this world which truly is the case, this card also means unconditional offering in a general sense. You’d think it’s his wonderful music that he has gifted us. The meaning of the card says otherwise, things go deeper, it’s about something that is not material in nature. Only true love and true feelings can fully belong to a person and they can give them as a present. I think this is what Yoongi’s personality at its deepest level is about. He is a generous man. Who is more giving than someone so dedicated and full of tender emotions. The card is also a signifier of gratitude, and I think Yoongi truly is thankful. The winged woman shown on the card lifts up the sun, which tells me Yoongi wants to uphold joy and that he was sent to us as an angelic, radiant being. Lil’ cherub he is. The card is colored in such a bright yellow and orange way, I think he could be a kind of light worker, even, if you’re familiar with this concept. What Yoongi’s aim is at its most basic level is to gain access to the happiness of life. And he wishes so dearly we experience it, too. I need a moment.
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Ooof. Oh shit. This card is a massive fucking deal. I’m stunned every time I see it. It has a huge wtf factor. A simple but overarching symbol. To shamans, the Inca Cross symbolizes all directions and dimensions coming together. It even connects the Underworld with the Gods themselves. It also has a hole in the middle, allowing us to travel to a different perspective. It tells me Jimin is the one holding everything around him together with his personality. He is that cross, a compass basically. He has access to greater wisdom. The Inca Cross is a big leap, this is what Jimin essentially is. What he exudes propels us forward and unites us. He can make people change their mind and direction in life. He is only halfway aware of that skill. I wouldn’t mess with him either way, he is the true axis of Bangtan. The crucial (=cross-like!) one, even Namjoon said that. Now what’s also important is not just the cross itself but also the color. It is made of solid gold, a very warm tone. His charm and soothing character is innate to Jimin, and that is a regal feat. It’s very important that he knows his worth, that is the crux —cross— of the matter. Now this is where it gets really metaphysical: That the Inca Cross bridges the lower, middle (Human), and upper realm to shamans in Peru is no coincidence. It tells us Jimin was sent from a place that is not this, aka the middle world. I think even people who are not into spirituality can feel that. He is either a saved soul from the Underworld so this is his first incarnation after a long time or he was sent from the Gods. Because the cross connects all worlds, it could even be both at the same time. And since the Inca Cross allows dimension and time travel (!)… maybe he can do even that. This card is telling me the wildest shit.
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Taehyung: HEART OF SKY
During the last tarot readings I drew The Empress for him several times, the energy is no different here. This card has Queen of the Night type of imagery. It’s a very dreamy, whimsical woman immersed in melancholy, dressed in lavish garments. It’s not hard to see the parallel to Taehyung’s character. He is just as nostalgic and concerned with all things that bring more beauty to this planet. That is his purpose. I repeat: Taehyung is here to spread the fine things in life to bring us sophistication and wholesomeness. The Heart of Sky is quite possibly the card most connected to creativity and love. It encourages the one receiving it to paint. We know he’s already an artist at heart, the shaman cards know it, too. Heart of Sky means to pour out your emotions. And to show all your talents in a gorgeous way. The card is just… spot on. Nighttime plays an important role in this illustration, Tae is more Moon than Sun in personality. He’s in tune not just with his divine masculine, but also feminine. Perfect balance. The Heart of Sky carries with it a strong ethical component also, that means Taehyung is figuring out his intent very often. He’s a benevolent person, a creator. A good person, a benevolent heart. He wants the best for everyone, you and me, anybody.
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Bangtan: THE SUN 
I also pulled a card for the personality of the group as a sum. THE SUN is pretty straightforward: BTS are luminaries, a figurative giant. A super-star. Shamans connect the sun to male energy so the allegory fits, there’s a bright and positive masculine quality in their work. BTS are a hot topic and the energy is high. Sometimes even overpowered because their solar pizzazz is so ardent — burning out is the #1 danger here. That’s why the members connected to the moon and night (Joon, Tae, Yoongi, to some extent Jimin) are so important to balance everything. Passion, humor, creativity, playfulness are always around when BTS is near. The sun is at the center or the universe and widely seen, the group indeed takes that center spot right now. Many other life forms depend on the sun, revolve around it, BTS and their light are needed. If they fall, a system collapses. The card tells us they are currently at their zenith, truly radiant now, soaring like the winged spirit on the card. Also, to state the obvious: Come on, who’s the sun of BTS? Hobi’s personality sticks out the most, reflects back to the group dynamic. This is his card and time to shine. He makes or breaks the deal and the cards know it. He sets the tone.
bighit: THE JAGUAR
I wanted to see what the personality of bighit as a whole is, too. Unsurprisingly — what came out is an animal who’s a roaring force to be reckoned with. The energy is a lot more competitive and serious compared to The Sun. I find it convincing and see why these cards came out: Lighthearted group, big business company. Now, the Jaguar has a dark side as well as extreme advantages. He sure doesn’t look like the scariest animal ever, but being on top of the food chain allows him to do whatever he pleases: He’ll never be prey. On the other hand, he is protected because he’s so strong. Bighit does have that quality of being untouchable. Much like the jaguar, it’s an undertaking that operated in the shadows for long. We know that Bang PD claims to have the secret success formula and isn’t as public as say Lee Soo Man and JYP. There is a component of mystery, and the other companies are careful because of it. On the light side, BTS certainly have powerful and rational guidance. To give an analogy from the jungle book: Bighit is like Bagheera, the voice of reason, infusing BTS with strength and knowledge.
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hamoncola · 4 years ago
He will be so fun to write, he’s such an interesting character!
It’s a Date (Yoshikage Kira x Reader)
It was nearing 7 PM, it was almost time to go home. You recently started working at a Kame Yu department store in an attempt to save up enough money to get a car. Just a couple of weeks ago, you decided to move to Morioh. Life has been going smoothly so far, setting up your new apartment, applying for jobs, and attempting to meet new people.
Packing up your bag for the day, you were almost ready to leave. You didn’t know any of your coworkers too well yet, being your first day and all, but one gentleman did catch your eye. You had no idea what his name was, but he was very handsome.
Glancing around the store before you left, you took one last good look at him. Blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, perfect skin, and to top it all off, that lavender suit. He looked like he took good care of himself, which was a big plus. 
“Is there something you need?” A voice asked. You snapped out of your daze to find this man right in front of you. Your face immediately heated up.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, I was just in deep thought... Eheh..” You laughed nervously. The man didn’t say anything else and left the building. You swear you saw a little smirk on his face as he left, but you brushed it off as your imagination.
‘Oh brother, what a great start way to make friends, (Y/N), let’s just stare at them and scare them away, why don’t we?!’
A week later, you were starting to get the hang of this new job. You’ve met some new people, who soon became your new friends. You asked one of the girls who that blonde man was.
“Oh, him? That’s Kira, Kira Yoshikage. He’s pretty quiet but very hardworking... I’d just wish he would hang out with us sometime. When he does, he doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself...” She sighed.
“So... He doesn’t like to go out?” You questioned her further, trying to get as much information out of her as you could without sounding weird.
“No, not really. He’s very introverted, maybe someday someone can open him up.” Your friend thought out loud. Considering her words, you stood there in thought for a minute as you watched Kira work from afar. 
“(Y/N), maybe since you’re new, he’ll say yes if you ask him. He doesn’t know much about you at all, so why not give it a shot?” She suggested. That statement made the butterflies in your chest go wild. You internally told them to shut up and sit down, feeling a bit determined to learn more about this man. 
“...Sure... I can try, at least.” You muttered before slowly walking over to the man who was working quietly at his desk.
“Hey, sorry about last week, that may have seemed pretty weird... But, I was wondering if you’d like to... Um...” You trailed off, fidgeting with your shirt. “I- er, was wondering if you’d like to spend some time together sometime? I’d like to get to know you better, w-well, as long as you’re okay with it, of course!” You stuttered, internally beating yourself up over how ridiculous you sounded.
Kira stared at you for a while, making you increasingly nervous. He looked down at the part of your shirt you happened to be fidgeting with, making you stop instantly out of embarrassment.
Finally, he looked back up at your face. His expression hadn’t changed at all except for a slight smile you happened to notice.
“Does 8 this evening sound good?” Kira asked. His voice was so calming, it was almost weird. Your heart practically skipped a beat at his response, he actually wants to? You smiled before replying to him,
“It’s a date!”
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is0gild · 4 years ago
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 26
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 8,801
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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We stepped into the ballroom together and everything was just as grand and impressive as I'd remembered it. The room was immense, stretching two stories high with giant, elaborate gold and crystal chandeliers hanging from the embellished ceiling. Majestic columns lined the east and west sides of the room, with heavy red velvet curtains draped between each one, currently tied back to reveal the long banquet tables of food behind them. The celebration was already in full swing and the place was just simply packed with family and acquaintances I recognized, each guest dressed more fancy and sophisticated than the last as they all mingled or took a turn about the dance floor.
Or at least, that's what they all had been doing before Lea and I had made our entrance. Maybe it was just my imagination… maybe I was just being paranoid… but I swear the whole place suddenly went very still, all chatter dying down to a muted undertone as it felt like every last eye in the room turned toward me.
My chest seized and I swallowed hard, taking a tiny step back.
This was a mistake. I couldn't do this. I couldn't be here. I couldn't-
I twitched at Lea's low voice right next to my ear. My eyebrows knit together and I turned a quizzical look towards him. What… Was he asking if I wanted hors d'oeuvres? ...no, I don't think they were even serving crab tonight. I frowned, mulling it over for another second before squinting at him. "...is this you trying to whisper sweet nothings to me again?"
He chuckled, "Please. You'll know when I'm laying some sweet sweet nothings on you. Nah, I was just taking another crack at it."
"Crack at…?" I cocked my head with a frown. Crabclaw…? Come to think of it, something about it was prickling at the back of my brain. Now why did that sound so…"Oh!" Realization struck. "My favorite ice cream?"
"Yup!" he tapped his nose. Then his lips pursed to the left with a small hum before he was shaking his head. "But that's not it either. Seafood in ice cream? Blech! You're adventurous, but that's a lil too out there, even for me."
My brow furrowed. "...you think I'm adventurous?"
Did I miss something? Was today Opposite Day?
"Course!" he grinned. My face scrunched up in pure disbelief and he laughed. "Well let's check the scoreboard here. You ran out on your wedding and everything ya knew to start a new life from nothing. You followed a devilishly handsome stranger," he jerked a thumb into his chest with a smirk, "up a decrepit old clocktower. You jumped last minute into open auditions for a musical with barely any preparation or practice." Lea shrugged, "Seems to me there's at least some small part of you that's attracted to the unknown. Ergo: adventurous!"
I looked away with a tiny scowl. "I think you mean ergo: stupid."
"Eh. To-may-to, to-mah-to. No true adventure is complete without a healthy dose of stupidity thrown into the mix anyhow. Lil pearl o' wisdom for ya there, courtesy of yours truly," he beamed.
"Such sagely advice," I snorted before my face softened. "...thanks, Lea. I… think I'm ready to do this now."
"But you already are."
With a start, I realized we were walking. Had been walking. I hadn't even noticed when we'd begun. Those big double doors were long behind us now as we weaved our way further into the crowd. No one seemed to be looking at us anymore. I suspected they had only gotten more discreet about it.
"Oh, look, there's the birthday boy now," Lea gestured with his chin towards where my grandfather stood not too far off, greeting and shaking hands with a couple that'd arrived just before us. He was looking a lot warmer and friendlier than I'd seen him all weekend. Then again, Grandfather had always been very good at putting on a cordial mask for the public. Lea asked, "Shall we go give the ol' boy our best wishes?"
I gnawed on my lower lip for a second before sighing, "Alright."
Might as well get this over with.
We made our way over just as Grandfather was finishing up with those guests. As if sensing our approach, he turned to face us and immediately went very still. However, his poker face was in top form this evening for it betrayed nothing as he just stared at us impassively and waited.
"Grandfather…" I paused, floundering a bit under his scrutiny. But then I took a deep breath, forced a tremulous smile and simply said, "Happy birthday." Releasing Lea's arm, I stepped forward and got on tiptoes to plant a swift peck to Grandfather's cheek, just as I'd done for all his birthday's before. Just as if everything were normal, even though they were very much not.
He answered with a stiff nod and a polite smile that did not quite reach his eyes. "Thank you, my dear."
Retrieving my hand to once more fold into his elbow, Lea piped up, "Happy birthday, Sir!" I preemptively winced, waiting for the surely inevitable 'Gramps' that always followed. However, it never came. I stared at him in stunned silence. Pretty sure Grandfather was doing the same. Amazing… perhaps Lea actually could take things seriously when he really- "Wow, seventy huh? Keeping it tight, big guy! I mean, hell, it's gotta be more candle than cake at this point! But man oh man, you're still pretty spry for a dude your-"
"Enjoy your evening, Grandfather!" I said quickly, turning to make a hasty exit and yanking Lea along with me. Once we had put a safe distance behind us, I shot a tiny glare up at him.
"What? I was complimenting him!" Lea defended himself. I gave him a flat look and he snerked, "Hey now, I told ya I would be on my best behavior. No one ever said anything about my best being any good."
I huffed quietly, one side of my mouth twitching up. "Fair point."
"So then," he pulled us aside, stopping next to one of the columns as he grinned down at me. "We've put in our appearance. Did what we set out to do. We came, we conquered. Wanna split?"
A small laugh hummed in my throat. "As lovely as that sounds, we can't leave already. We've only been here a few minutes. I appreciate you trying to get us out of here as soon as possible for my sake, but I'm doing okay at the moment. I can last a little while longer."
His grin ticked wider as his hand rose to gently brush a strand of hair off my cheek. "Okay then. Whaddya say to a lil jaunt about the room then?"
"A 'jaunt' you say?" I cracked a smile at that. "My, sounds fancy."
"Babe, ya got me in a tux for this. Damn right I'm gonna be fancy. C'mon, you can point out all your relatives to me as we go, tell me all their deep, dark, icky secrets they don't want anyone to know about." His hand drifted down behind me, slowing to hover over my lower back as he looked to me in silent question.
I hesitated for a heartbeat before giving him a nod. Then I felt his warm hand pressing to the bare skin at the small of my back as he guided us into a walk once more. Suppressing a little shiver as we went, my eyes scanned the crowd for faces of interest.
Everyone was still doing it. Watching Lea and me. I could no longer see them doing it, but I could still feel it. All those eyes following us as we went. And really, I couldn't blame them for it. Hardly six weeks ago I'd broken off my engagement in the most public and humiliating way possible to my ex, his family, and my family… and now here I was, parading my new "boyfriend" around my grandfather's birthday celebration as if everything were fine and dandy and like I didn't have a care in the world. This seemed inappropriate. Callous. I wouldn't have even done it if my parents hadn't all but insisted… why? Why were they putting me through this? They must have had a goal, an objective behind it all, I just had yet to fathom what it could possibly be.
Trying to take my mind off the swirling questions, not to mention off the ever growing numbness in my knees from anxiety, I focused harder on searching the room. "Hm… ah!" I pointed, "See that man over there? In the wheelchair with the wild poofy hair?"
His gaze followed my finger. "Talking 'bout that mummified corpse they wheeled in? Ya mean that thing's alive?"
I pinched his arm. "Be nice, he's very old. Anna and I have called him Grandpabbie ever since we were little. He's Grandfather's father."
"Shit, that's not old, that's ancient. Have ya ever asked him what it was like, growing up in the freaking Stone Age?" He snorted as I swat his shoulder. "Seriously though, how many years we talking here?"
A crease formed between my eyebrows, "...I don't really know actually. Honestly, I'm not sure anyone remembers anymore, possibly not even Grandfather. Certainly not Grandpabbie himself, he's sadly not really all there these days," I grimaced as we moved on before my eyes landed on another pair of people who were peering in our direction. "And there's the Duke by that painting over there."
"Ah yes, the Duke. Still reeling from the pleasure of the last time we met," Lea waggled his fingers in a teeny wave towards my uncle. Even from all the way across the ballroom, we could see him agitatedly puff out his mustache as he stuck his big nose up high into the air and looked away. "I think he likes me."
"Oh yes, he's positively tickled by you," I said dryly. "That woman he's talking to is Yelena."
Recognition flickered in Lea's eyes. "Right, Anna mentioned her showing up with your cousins this morning. She's your aunt?"
"She's Mother's aunt, my great aunt," I corrected as I observed her. She was studying us both currently with a slight frown and a calculating look in her eye. "She's… strict. Solemn. Very stern and proud. But I think she always means well."
Lea scoffed, "Boriiiing! C'mon, where's all the juicy dirt on these people? Looking for the primo, blackmail-worthy shit here."
My feet came to a stop once more as I half chuckled, half sighed. "Sorry, there just isn't any dirt to share. My family is rather unexciting in general."
"Nah," his hand shifted over to my hip now, pulling me in to nestle up against his side, "they're rich. And the rich always got some nasty skeletons hidden away in their closets, just gotta know where to look."
"If you say so," I muttered, face warming slightly as I leaned my cheek against his chest. It just felt natural. I mean, it's what a girlfriend should do, right? Listening to the low, soothing rhythm of his heartbeat, I cast another glance around. "...oh, there's Mattias. See the woman he's dancing with?"
"Ya mean the one he looks all twitterpated over?" Lea murmured as his hand came up to fiddle with a few of my curled locks.
Nodding, I said, "That's his wife Halima. I've known her since before I can even remember. She's very sweet."
"Mm," was his only acknowledgement to that, fingers still twirling the pale strands between them.
I went on, "She always made the best macaroons… Ah! Here's some dirt for you," I whispered conspiratorially. "Her secret ingredient? Baby applesauce."
"...mm-hm," he hummed softly as I felt him press a kiss into my hair.
Pushing away from him now, I narrowed my eyes up at him, "Hey, are you even listening to me right now?"
"Wha-? I-" he stammered, sheepishly scratching a spot behind his ear before laughing. "Course I am!"
I turned my head slightly, giving him some side-eye. "Really? Then what's the last thing I said?"
He shrugged and smirked, "That Halima's the one in the wheelchair."
A traitorous snort escaped me despite myself. "Oh, you think you're funny, don't you?"
"I'm a goddamn riot and you know it. In fact-" his words suddenly cut off as his gaze landed on something past me. "Uh oh. Inbound, six o'clock."
I turned to see what he was talking about. It took me a second before I spotted them: the Duke and Aunt Yelena making their way through the crowd, beelining straight for us.
Oh goodie. This should be fun.
"Ah!" Uncle Weselton declared as they closed the distance to join us. "Here's the young mongrel-" he forced a loud, exaggerated cough into his fist, "ahem, I mean young man now. Elsa's new consort…" he sniffed and glared down his bespectacled nose at Lea. Or at least he tried to but seemed to be having some difficulty, seeing as how Lea towered at least a good foot over him. "...I believe… Lou, was it?"
He flashed a toothy grin back. "Lea, actually, but that's alright. Names can be tough to remember, especially the single syllable ones and especially at your rather… distinguished age." The Duke bristled, huffing under his breath something along the lines of 'the audacity' but remained otherwise mute. Turning his attention to the other person who'd joined us, Lea held out a hand towards her, "And you must be Aunt Yelena. We were just talking about you a sec ago. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Yelena's face was unreadable, neither cold nor warm as she considered the hand offered to her for a few seconds. At last she took it with a curt, business-like shake but didn't release it right away. No, instead she turned it slightly so she could have a better look at his fingernails. More specifically, at the black painted to them. Her only visible reaction was to arch one silver brow.
"...charmed, I'm sure," she stated evenly in that flat, no-nonsense voice she always seemed to have as she finally let him go. Then her eyes turned to me and she bowed her head slightly, "Elsa. You're looking well this evening."
I ducked my head quickly to return the greeting. "Yes, as… as do you."
Turning her sharp gaze on Lea once more, Yelena began, "So tell me, young man… how did you and my niece meet?"
Wasting no time, I see. Diving straight on into the interrogation.
Just keep your cool, Elsa. We'd already worked out the details to this story, so everything should be fine.
...so then why was there this uneasy feeling churning in the pit of my stomach?
"It was 'bout a year ago," Lea was saying, his hand reaching for mine and lacing our fingers together. "Met on a train and struck up a delightful lil conversation with her."
"I was on my way back to Traverse Town from Corona," I tacked on. "You remember that trip Anna and I took last summer, Aunt Yelena."
Her eyes flicked slowly back and forth between us and I noticed there was now the barest hint of a downward pull to her lips. Settling her gaze back on Lea, she remarked, "And you thought it would be okay to seduce and corrupt a young, innocent woman in a long-term, committed relationship who was engaged to soon be married?"
It wasn't said like an accusation, merely a dry statement of fact. Still the sheer bluntness of it seemed to catch Lea off guard as he stiffened, stammering, "I- uh, heh… well, ya see-"
"And you," she turned those flinty eyes on me now. "You gave little to no thought as to the impropriety and dangers of a girl of your means and station consorting with some strange man you'd just met on public transport."
Again, there was no harshness to it, no criticism but more just a… curiosity. And again, it struck like a blow to the gut, only this time to me. "Ah… Aunt Yelena, it… it was just a harmless chat on the train…" I said, fidgeting with one of my earrings.
"Outrageous!" barked the Duke, startling a flinch out of me.
Yelena's gaze narrowed on him briefly before returning to me with a harrumph. "Harmless, you say… tell that to the fiancé you left standing at the altar."
Sighing deep in her throat, she looked up at Lea. "Please. Go on."
He blinked and echoed, "Go…?"
"I presume there's more to this than a chance encounter on a railcar. Continue," she insisted dully.
"Oh! Right! Er…" he gave a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head as his eyes darted about. Interestingly enough, Aunt Yelena was the first and only member of my family so far who seemed to give him pause and think twice about snarking her. "...well, there… may have also been a, heh… romantic, late-night stroll round town?" It came out sounding more like a question, almost as if he'd be willing to change his answer if she didn't like it.
She held him with a long, hard stare. Then she was addressing me, still with that ever-present monotone, "You mean to tell me you took your sister to stay out all hours of the night, wandering an unfamiliar town with some mystery man you'd only just met?"
"Disgraceful!" Uncle Weselton snarled, swishing his bushy mustache to and fro. Yelena shot him another not so subtly veiled glower out of the corner of her eye.
Ignoring him, I squared my shoulders and told her, "No, don't be ridiculous, of course not!" However, I was quick to deflate as I nibbled at my lower lip. "Anna wasn't there. It was just me... alone with the mystery man… roaming the streets and back alleys of a city I was unaccustomed to… all night long… straight through to morning…"
Great. Thanks a lot, mouth. Way to make that all sound so much better.
"Deplorable!" was the Duke's deep and insightful commentary this time. Yelena just remained stoically silent.
Pulse beginning to thud loudly in my ears, I licked my dry lips and tried, "It… it actually wasn't as untoward as it- wait, let me start over… you see, there were these floating lights- lanterns! That's what they… what they're called. That's when- on the train, we... " I screwed my eyes shut. My throat was closing up. I pushed past it, "...let's see… there was a… a park, and… a f-ferris wheel… a café with a belly dancer- wait, no, palm reader! ...or p-poet… was it? Lamppost! Almost forgot! Earlier, there was a lamppost! That Lea, he… just bam! Right into… actually, now that I think about it, that part isn't really… all that important to the-"
"Annnnnd that's enough storytime for now!" Lea suddenly chimed in, interrupting the absolute trainwreck that was spewing forth from my lips. Thank god. "If you'll 'scuse us, I promised my lady fair a spin 'bout the dance floor." I felt his palm at the small of my back once more, steering me away from my aunt and uncle.
The Duke blustered nonsensically for a few breaths before snapping, "Listen, you, you, you- we're in the middle of a discussion here! You can't just walk off, you-"
"Watch us," came Lea's dangerously chipper response as he led me away.
"Well, I never! Of all the rude, abhorrent, insufferable, belligerent-"
"If you don't have anything of substance to add to a conversation, could you please kindly cram a sock in it, Weselton?" I heard Aunt Yelena cut him off dryly. Her eyes remained trained on us as we went, her expression blank as ever. Eventually she turned to walk away, leaving a spluttering and blotchy-faced Duke behind in her wake who eventually stormed off.
...was this why my parents had requested Lea and I attend? Were they purposely putting my shame out in the open and on display so it could be met with censure and rebuke? Were they trying to teach me a lesson of sorts? ...or maybe it was more like a punishment. Disciplining me for disappointing them. For being so thoughtless and selfish. Showing me that there were consequences for my actions.
I pulled myself from my musings, only just now realizing that we'd stopped moving. Lea had come to stand in front of me, taking both my hands in his. Brow furrowing, I glanced about to see that we were surrounded by other couples twirling gracefully in time with the melody of the nearby string quartet. My eyes widened, "Oh, we're really…? That wasn't just an excuse? To get away from…" I trailed off, frowning. I could still feel all those eyes. All that judgement. All that disapproval. My hands pulled free of his and I hugged myself, feeling all my muscles beginning to tighten and lock up. "No. This isn't right, we shouldn't do this. People are staring."
"So?" he said softly as his hands found mine again and held them to his chest, tugging me a step closer. "Let them stare."
I looked down, eyes shifting about frantically. "But-"
"Forget them. Don't even give 'em a second thought. They're not important." He hooked a finger under my chin, gently lifting my gaze to meet his. "Just focus on me, 'kay? You and me. We're all that matter right now."
Part of me still wanted to argue, but the words were getting stuck in my throat. So instead I swallowed hard, gave a small reluctant nod, and did just that. I focused on him. On those mesmerizing green eyes of his. On his winged guyliner that he'd still elected to don in all its swoopy glory, even here, to this ball of all places. On his warm smile that was starting to melt away some of that tension inside of me bit by bit.
He was drawing me closer now, pulling my hands up to clasp together behind his neck. Shaking my head, I managed to find my voice enough to mutter, "This is not how a couple is supposed to waltz, you know."
That infamous dimple of his emerged. "This is how we waltz," came his low reply as his arms encircled my waist, hands coming to rest at the exposed small of my back once more. This time, I couldn't hold back the tiny shiver.
"...this could be considered quite scandalous really," I told him, fighting the impudent little tug I felt at the corner of my lips as Lea started to turn us in slow circles. "I suspect that even now the Duke is watching us, stewing and steaming and this close to blowing his combover sky high."
"All the more reason to be doing it," his eyes crinkled as he lowered his forehead to mine.
He was doing it again. Giving me that look. The soft yet intense look. The look that made my insides a little wobbly. The boyfriend look. He was so good at it. As well he should be, he certainly practiced it enough, even at times when it was just the two of us with no one else around. I suspected he probably had trained and perfected it in front of his mirror at home. It was… potent, to say the least. And just not fair, really. My ex had never looked at me this way, so it wasn't something I was used to. I didn't know how to deal with being the target of such a stare. I didn't know how to process. It was overwhelming… confusing…
...ugh, get a grip, Elsa! It wasn't even real! He was just an actor playing a part for the masses around us.
Still… knowing that didn't exactly make this any easier…
Quick! Distraction time! Find something to talk about!
I gave a weak chuckle, "So… I'm royally awful at the whole talking thing, huh?"
Interesting tactic. Starting a conversation by pointing out how bad you are at conversations. I like it. It's gutsy.
"Dunno 'bout that, you do just fine with me," he grinned, not removing his forehead. "But if ya mean what happened back there with your aunt and uncle, heh… maybe you should just leave the chitchat to me for the rest of the evening."
"Probably for the best," I agreed. "But I had to give it a shot at least once. I have to learn to stand up for myself eventually, you won't always be around to fight my battles for me."
His smile faltered a fraction. "...El, I always got your back. No matter what our fake relationship status is, I'm always gonna be there for you, got it? I'm not going anywhere."
There they were again. The warm fuzzies, marching right on in like a parade with banners waving and trumpets blaring. "Thanks, Lea… I'll probably need it. My family can be quite persistent and stubborn, especially when they think they're only doing what's best for me."
Lea shrugged, "Well, no one ever said the fantabulous emancipation of one Elsa Fryse was gonna be easy."
"Don't I know it," a sigh escaped me. Then a tiny, wistful smile pulled at the edge of my lips. "...we should have ran away when we had the chance. Maybe we still can. It's not too late."
"Mm, don't tempt me," he smirked as his hold around my waist tightened, hugging me closer still. I just hummed a soft laugh at that. His gaze became half-lidded as he continued to watch me. Then he cleared his throat, "So, uh… I've been thinking…"
I wrinkled my nose with a snort. "Uh oh."
"Hey now, hear me out. You wanna send a message to your folks, right? Tell 'em they can't boss you around anymore, that your ex is gone for good and that I'm here to stay, so they can take all their controlling bullshit and shove it up their hoity-toity posteriors, right?"
Biting back a grin, I said, "Not quite how I would have phrased it but… yes, more or less I suppose."
"Well I may have a way to do just that. Send a message, loud and clear, big and bold as a giant, flashing neon sign. All we gotta do is kinda, sorta break one of our guidelines we set up at the beginning of all of this. Not so much break though… more like bend. Nudge it, really, into a nice easy curve," he explained as the ballroom kept gradually spinning around us.
One of my eyebrows quirked. "Oh? And which guideline would that be?"
There was a tiny glimmer dancing in his eyes now. "...let me kiss you."
I snerked and shook my head. Impressively, his forehead still managed to remain connected to mine. "You kiss me all the time."
"No," the tip of his nose tickled mine, his breath warming my lips as he murmured, "I mean let me kiss you."
...actually, no, I still wasn't quite sure what he was trying to-
Wait, no... I mean, he couldn't be- That wasn't what he- Not that, certainly not! He didn't- He would never… He couldn't possibly mean…
"...as in on the mouth?" suddenly came blurting out of me.
No way. There was just no way. He wouldn't-
"Mm-hm," he nodded with a sly little grin.
Oh. Well then, my mistake. Apparently he would.
...ah! This was a joke! He was just messing with me again! That had to be it! Alright, fine then, let's play along.
I breathed a feeble laugh, "And you really think that would get my parents to back off for good?"
"Well, I think it's at least worth a shot!" His grin twitched wider, "So...?"
"So…" I squinted at him uncertainly. Then I blinked. "...what, you mean right now?"
"No time like the present!" Lea chirped.
"But here? In front of all these people?" This was a joke. A prank. That's all it was. A game of chicken to see who would wimp out and veer away first.
"Exactly! What better way to make a statement. A declaration, one that your whole family wouldn't be able to ignore. We could go all out too," his eyebrows waggled. "Give 'em on hell of a show. I could shove you up against one of those columns over there, or throw you on a table and just really go to town on you."
Now I know he was kidding. He was being absolutely ridiculous. With a little huff of a laugh, I said, "Oh wow, you'd be willing to do all that just for me? You're too kind."
"My generosity knows no bounds," he agreed solemnly before the smirk was back. "So…?"
"So…?" I repeated, stretching the syllable out as I knit my eyebrows together.
"Let me kiss you," those words passed through his lips again, this time in a whisper that made my heart flip-flop.
He… was joking… right? Somehow, I wasn't so sure anymore. And come to think of it… the idea of kissing him didn't seem quite so scary as it had a couple weeks ago when I'd first established that rule. In fact, it now seemed like it might be maybe sort of… nice… One might even say appealing and-
Oh gosh, I wasn't seriously considering this, was I? This was a bad idea! A dangerous idea. The line between crushing on the guy and fake dating the guy had already become perilously blurred enough as is. Throw a kiss into the mix and it could only jumble my already befuddled feelings even further.
...then again… how much harm could one teeny, tiny, insignificant little kiss do? Really? We were professionals, weren't we? I could handle it, couldn't I? And okay sure, did I actually think one small peck at a party would be any sort of deciding factor when it came to whatever my parents had to say to me tomorrow? Not really, no. But you never know, it could, uh… rattle them! Yeah! Or-
Was I seriously trying to rationalize the kiss to myself now?!
That's it. Mouth? As the main involved party that will be most primarily affected in this matter, I leave the choice up to you. You should have zero problems coming to a decision, right? I mean, you speak your mind all the time without consulting me first anyway, so just go for it. I wash my hands of this. Go on, decide away!
Pulse racing and face heated and having zero clue what I was about to say, my lips parted.
"Pardon me."
Both Lea and I froze at the sound of another voice.
My mother's voice.
I watched his eyes close and his shoulders slump, heard a faint exhale escape him. Then he lifted his forehead from mine as he straightened up and plastered on a smile that he directed towards Mother. She was standing just off to our right, beautiful and sophisticated in her purple evening gown accompanied by a shawl draped loosely around her arms. Lea greeted, "Mrs Fryse. You look lovely tonight, Ma'am."
"Thank you," she nodded graciously in return. "And apologies, I don't mean to intrude, but it was dawning on me that I've been neglectful in my duties as your host. Please, come with me and we can make our rounds introducing you to some of the family."
"Oh! Uh…" he frowned, his gaze drifting back towards me.
"It's fine," I said hastily, my hands unfastening from behind his neck and retracting as I took a step back from him. "Please, go on ahead. I'll…" my eyes flicked about before spotting a familiar flash of auburn across the way. "Ah! I think I see Anna over there, so I'll just go join her and you can come find me when you're done."
He still seemed reluctant to leave and I didn't blame him. Some of my relatives made Yelena and Weselton seem like an absolute treat by comparison. Finally he rose a hand towards my face, grazing the curled knuckle of his pinky along my cheek. "See you in a bit," Lea's voice was low as he tenderly pressed his lips to my brow.
Then he turned, offering his arm to Mother in a gentlemanly fashion. She slipped her hand around his elbow and he grinned, "Lead the way, Ma'am."
I watched them disappear into the crowd. This was for the best, really. Now I could avoid a repeat of the minor fiasco I'd experienced in front of Aunt Yelena. Lea was so much better at dealing with people anyhow. Who knew, maybe he'd even have the whole family singing his praises before the night was out.
Wishful thinking, but hey, it could happen. You don't know.
I brought a hand up to rest lightly over my heart, which had yet to fully calm down. I still didn't have the foggiest as to what my answer to Lea would've been if Mother hadn't interrupted us. And luckily for me, I'd probably never have to find out. The moment had passed. Honestly, it was probably for my own good too. Now wasn't the best time to be opening up that particular can of worms.
Sighing, I started making my way towards where I'd seen Anna. It only took navigating the crowd for a few seconds before I located her standing next to one of the banquet tables, chatting and laughing with Maren.
I couldn't help but notice how elegant they both looked - Anna in her slinky yet tasteful green dress and hair done up in a voguish bun, Maren in her stylish, strapless black gown that accentuated the sparkle of her jewelry. Anna looked so at ease here, so natural. She was in her element here, while I very much was not. This world had always been more her domain than mine. I could certainly put on a fancy dress and look the part, but beyond that I was a lost cause. I did try. For the sake of my parents, I really had tried. But the more time I spent away from this life, the more I came to realize just how much I'd never truly belonged in it in the first place.
Maybe after this nerve-wracking weekend was finally and at long last behind me, I could start to figure out where it was that I did belong.
"Sis!" Anna smiled as I approached them. "I was hoping you'd turn up soon!"
I tipped my head to one side. "...you were?" Anna? Not taking one look at me and running from me like the plague? And actually, dare I say it, pleased to see me?
"Uh-huh! Because now I can give you this," she beamed, plucking a glass flute up off the table and offering it to me. It was identical to the one in her other hand and filled with some mystery beverage - guessing champagne, judging by the bubbles.
"...oh," I breathed, trying not to let my disappointment color my voice too much as I gingerly took it from her. "Thanks." Bit of a let down, especially considering I probably wasn't going to be drinking it. But hey, at least it was something. At least she had managed to stay in my presence for longer than ten seconds so far. Maybe this could be seen as her way of making a peace offering. Extending the olive branch. Maybe she was ready to talk about whatever she'd been holding back from me.
"So Anna," I began, but immediately stopped as I watched her blanch and go rigid.
Okay… take that as a no, she wasn't ready. Not at all.
I clamped my mouth shut, eyes darting to the left as my mind scrambled for something safe, something light. "...your dress is very pretty. Both of you look gorgeous this evening."
Anna visibly relaxed, piping up with a, "Thanks, Sis!"
"Back at you," Maren grinned, clinking her own glass to mine before raising it to her lips. "Slipped away from that boyfriend of yours, huh? The way you two were carrying on, I thought you were going to be attached at the hip all night."
I laughed softly, shyly twiddling with one of my earrings, "No, Mother whisked him away so she could introduce him around."
"Brave man," Maren snerked.
Trailing a finger absently along the rim of my flute now, I asked, "And where are your dates tonight?"
"Pft, you kidding?" My cousin shook her head. "As if I'd ever drag my girl into the lion's den. Trust me, she's perfectly content staying out of the Lifestyles of the Rich and Snooty and I am more than happy to let her do that."
"I envy her. Staying out of all this sounds like a dream come true," I nodded before glancing to Anna. "And what about you? Where's your new boyfriend? I was looking forward to meeting him finally."
"Oh, him? He, er… couldn't make it at the last minute! That stinker," she gave a weak chuckle, averting her gaze as she took a swig of her drink. "Yeah, he unfortunately… had a thing to do… with the stuff! And you know how important the, uh… the thing and the stuff can be! But he'll be here tomorrow, I promise! You'll totes get to meet him before you leave! Yup! Yooou betcha! Heh..."
"...I see." Tomorrow? Would that really be wise, given all the family drama that was surely about to explode that very day? Ah well, I suppose there was nothing for it. I forced a small smile, "Can't wait."
"Oh hey! Tomorrow's your big talk with Mom and Dad too, right?" she piped up suddenly and I nodded with a slight grimace. "Aw, chin up, don't look so blue! I'll be there holding your hand through the whole thing! We're in this together, Sis, so you got nothing to worry about, I promise!"
Another smile, this one relieved and a touch more genuine. "Thanks…"
Then there was a pause.
Of the long and uncomfortable variety.
...screw it, I was just going to try and ask her again.
"Anna, I-" There it was once more. That panic flooding her eyes. I hesitated, taking a sip of my drink just because it was there. I hardly even realized I was doing it. Oh well, one sip wasn't going to hurt me. I was too anxious to even taste it. Rallying, I tried again, "Could we please maybe-"
"Oh my god, is that Grandpabbie?! Sis, did you know that Grandpabbie was here?!" Anna squealed. "Lookit him, he's so cute and squishy and small! I'm gonna go attack him with snuggles and smoochies!"
Once again, off she went. I had no choice but to let her go, just hastily calling after her, "Be careful, he's fragile!"
"Please, he's tough as a rock!" Anna shouted back before the crowd swallowed her whole.
My lips pressed into a thin line. Maybe Lea was right. Maybe I had to stop trying to push her and instead just give her space, trusting that she'd open up in her own time.
Still… didn't mean I had to like it.
"Sorry about earlier, by the way."
I gave a tiny jolt as Maren suddenly spoke up. Fudge, I'd forgotten she was here. Not quite sure what she was talking about, I turned a bemused smile towards her, "Oh?"
"Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by drooling over your man," she grinned and shrugged, swirling the liquid about her flute. "I was only teasing anyhow since I didn't think you two were serious, but I never would have in the first place if I'd known."
"...known what…?" I arched an eyebrow, just now becoming aware of the fact that I'd idly brought the glass up to my lips again. Whatever, two sips weren't going to hurt me.
"That you're in love with him."
I choked and spluttered on my drink.
Sorry, who's in what with huh now?!
Wheezing for breath as my face flared up red, I asked, "In love? Who said anything about-"
"It's okay, nothing to get all bashful over," Maren cooed, free hand flicking a dismissive wave. "Anna told me."
My eyes narrowed. "Told you what exactly?"
"I believe her exact words were true love," she used air quotes with a snigger.
"Ugh, Anna," I grumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose. "You know how she is. Just take everything she says with a grain of salt."
Maren cocked her head, a shrewd glint to her eye now. "So then you're saying it isn't love?"
I twitched, cheeks warming again. "I, er… well I never said... um…" Why did this question make me nervous? With a start, I realized my anxious hand had raised the flute to my mouth yet again. Gah! Someone take this thing away from me, I was turning into a friggin' lush over here! Swiftly depositing the glass onto the tray of a passing-by waiter, I cleared my throat and wrung my hands together. "I, uh… I'd rather not talk about it."
She considered me momentarily. Then a knowing smirk spread across her face and she simply shrugged again, looking past me now. "I'll say this for your boy. He certainly seems to be handling the gauntlet well."
"The gauntlet?" I asked, turning to follow her gaze. There Lea stood, a bit of ways off with Mother still on his arm, the pair of them surrounded by what looked to be a small army of my relatives. I frowned, "...you don't think they're giving him too hard of a time, do you?"
"You kidding? Our family is a bunch of vultures who can smell lower-middle class from a mile away and trust me, they're tearing into him like a fresh carcass. Correction, politely tearing into him," she snorted, downing the last of her beverage before swapping it out with a fresh one from the tray of a different waiter. "Love or no, it's not everyone who'll put up with that BS. He must really care about you."
...they probably were indeed putting him through the wringer over there. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, for he was all big grins and loud laughs and modest hair ruffling. But you could see it in the faces of my relatives. In their smiles that were just a little too plastic and in their eyes flashing with poorly concealed disdain.
Perhaps this was why we had been invited to the ball. My parents had indeed wanted to teach a lesson, only not to me but to Lea. Try and make it clear to him how unsuitable and unacceptable they thought it was for him to be with their daughter. That no matter how he dressed himself up, they'd always consider him unworthy and lesser than. That he would never belong in this world… never belong with me.
And yet, he didn't seem to be fazed by any of the subtle yet nasty snobbery. He was still just as bright and cheerful as ever. He was putting himself through all of this and for what? He was getting nothing in return. He was going out of his way and turning his life upside down, all just out of the goodness of his heart and to help a friend.
I'm not sure what exactly compelled me to do it. Maybe it was this foreign, tingly sensation tugging inside my chest. Or maybe it was just the champagne talking. Either way, I quietly excused myself from Maren as my feet started walking forward, pushing my way through the other guests and heading straight for Lea.
Coming to a stop behind him, I reached for his sleeve with a soft, "Pardon me."
He whipped around at the sound of my voice, eyes lighting up. "Need something, El?"
"Could I borrow you for just one moment?" I smiled up at him, slipping my hand into his.
"Course!" He looked back to my mother and the rest of that little group. "If you'll excuse me, ladies and gents, I'll be back in a jiff!"
Entwining our fingers together, I lead him a few steps away from my relatives, just enough to be out of earshot. When I turned to face him again, he grinned, "So what can I do for ya?"
I didn't say anything, just crooked a finger. Probably assuming I wanted to whisper something in his ear, he ducked his head down next to mine. I then gently cradled one of his cheeks in my hand and pressed a kiss to the other.
Except it wasn't so much his cheek I kissed as the corner of his mouth.
I blame the champagne.
Because really, what other logical explanation was there?
His whole body tensed, his eyes growing round and unblinking. As I started to pull away and take a step back however, one of his hands shot out to snag me around the waist. Pulling me back to him, he nuzzled his nose to mine, gaze hooded as he murmured, "You missed."
Ignoring that little flutter in my chest, the corners of my eyes crinkled as I hitched my chin slightly. "I suppose I did. I was aiming for your cheek."
"Right… cheek… that's what I meant," Lea released a breathy chuckle as he let me go now and straightened back up to his full height. "So, uh… what was that for anyway?"
I gave a low, thoughtful hum. "...just a small thank you for everything you've been doing for me. These last couple of weeks can't have been easy for you... putting up with this silly, harebrained scheme, not to mention juggling it with your school and job too. And now on top of all of that, you have to deal with my haughty and condescending family as well."
"Psh, it's nothing," he brushed off with a laugh, scratching his cheek. "I can handle a lil passive aggressive crap from these pompous old farts easy. Trust me, I've dealt with a way worse, so don't even sweat it, El. If this is what'll help ya out, I'm more than happy to do it!"
"But it's not just that. If it weren't for you, I think I might have gone out of my mind over the past weeks dreading seeing my parents again. But you kept me calm… and actually also kind of made it a bit fun too. And you've also always just been so supportive, which has meant a great deal to me. I don't know if or how I'll ever truly be able to repay you for all of this madness, but just know that I… I'm very grateful for all that you've done." Then a slow, tiny smirk tugged at one side of my lips. "...plus, now maybe you can finally rinse off your nose. It has been getting a bit smelly."
Both his hands shot up to clamp over said nose. "Shit, does it really?"
I gave him a flat look. "I was kidding. Please tell me you weren't actually serious about never washing it again after I kissed it last week."
"Dead serious," he beamed as his hands lowered. "And jokes on you, cuz now neither my nose or this spot are ever gonna know the touch of soap again!" He pointed a finger to the corner of his grin, just now drawing my attention to the fact that my lipstick had left a faint mark there.
A noise emitted from my throat that was part scoff, part snort. "Come here," I sighed, reaching a hand up to wipe it away.
However, he snatched my wrist, stopping my thumb a centimeter short of his skin. "And just what do ya think you're doing, Missy?"
"I got some of my lipstick on you, I was just-"
"Leave it," he winked. "It's a gift from my fair maiden. I'm gonna wear it proudly, like a badge of honor. Now if you'll 'scuse me, a gaggle of your persnickety relatives are still just dying to rip me a new one. I shan't keep them waiting any longer." Planting a quick peck to the back of my hand, he said, "Be back at your side before ya know it. Try not to miss me too much."
I crossed my arms, shaking my head as I watched him go. As he rejoined that group with Mother, I couldn't help but overhear one of my aunts commenting, "Lea dear, you got a little…" Her lips pursed and she swiped a finger at the corner of her mouth, causing my face to warm as I realized she was referring to the lipstick.
It only roasted more when Lea declared boisterously, "Hell yeah I do!"
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find a rock to hide under now.
Burying my face in one hand, I spun around and made a fast retreat.
"I saw that."
My step faltered as I heard those words and I glanced over, discovering Anna had appeared practically out of thin air to fall in step beside me, a wide cheshire grin stretching across her features.
A crease emerged between my eyebrows. "Saw…? I'm not sure I-"
"Don't play coy with me," she said smugly as she nudged my shoulder with hers. "You know exactly what I mean."
My head tilted to the right. "...you're referring to the kiss? That was just for show," I averted my gaze, dropping my voice to a whisper so as not to be overhead.
"Sis, please. There's being a couple, and then there's being a couple. I can't help but notice you two have been getting awful cozy this weekend, going a bit above and beyond. Maybe it is just all part of the act, but you do realize that there's no bonus points for any extracurriculars, right?" her eyebrows bounced.
A soft hmph. "Anna, you're reading too much into things. It was nothing. Really. Just… just the champagne bubbles going straight to my head, that's all."
"Champagne?" she blinked and frowned at me. "...didn't I tell you? That was apple cider I handed you earlier. Of the totally non-alcoholic variety. Figured you'd want to keep a sober head tonight."
"Cider?" my head jerked back.
"Yup! What, you didn't realize that when you tasted it?" she giggled.
"No, I… guess I was too distracted…" I mumbled, hugging one arm around my abdomen while I brought the other up to bite down into my thumbnail.
Oh gosh, then… all that back there with Lea hadn't been just the champagne talking?
...oh no. My crush was gaining in power, able to control me without me even realizing it now. Today was just my body, but tomorrow? The world.
But that was a matter for another time. Right now, I just needed to focus on surviving this weekend. Putting a pin in it and shoving it back to the deepest, darkest, furthest recesses of my mind where I tended to put any other emotions I didn't know how to deal with, I glanced back to Anna.
...okay, I knew what Lea had told me. I knew that pushing and prodding at her had gotten me nowhere so far. And I knew I had decided but a few mere moments ago to let her be so that she could talk to me when she was ready. But right now, she seemed so content and carefree, just like she always had been with me. Well, that is, up until yesterday, of course. But maybe… just maybe it wouldn't hurt to try one more time.
I took a deep breath. "Anna, I was hoping-"
"Ahhh! Do you see the size of that chocolate cake?! I'm gonna-"
No. Not again. Not this time.
My sister has barely made it two steps before I'd seized her by the wrist, making her stumble into an awkward stop. With a huff of frustration, I snapped, "Anna! Can we please for one minute just-" However, the words died on my tongue when she looked back at me, eyes wide and face stark white. Feeling a small pang in my chest, I released her, my hands fidgeting together. Tucking in my lower lip, I struggled to find the right thing to say to her. If I only knew what that was. Finally, I just settled on, "Please, just… know that I'm here for you. Whatever's troubling you, you can always come to me about anything. Anything at all."
She didn't say a word. Her expression didn't change. There was just the barest hint of a quiver to her bottom lip. Then she took a small step back before turning and running off.
And I just let her, left at a complete and utter loss in her wake.
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Author's Note: Ooooo dRaMa! Haha I can't help but laugh because it's so rare for me to write it xD Anyhoo, Yelena made her appearance this chapter! I know she's not a bad guy in the F2 movie, more just a very stern, no-nonsense character. Carrying THOSE traits over into this story however, it kind of turns her a bit into a sorta bad guy, but really only cuz she's reacting to the facts she's been dealt and those facts? Do NOT look good xD Minor fun fact: The Fryse ballroom here is based off Arendelle's castle ballroom from the first Frozen movie! Minor fun fact 2: The ice cream this chapter, Crabclaw, is named after Atlantica's keyblade and I imagine its description on the menu would look something like: "This butter-infused ice cream topped with sweet cooked crab will have you partying under the sea in no time!" This is based on real ice cream that's sold out there somewhere in the world (for real! google it!), except replace crab with lobster (I figured it would probably work out close enough!)
Next chapter, will Elsa finally get to the bottom of what's bugging Anna? And what's that I see on the horizon? Could it be? Is the dreaded, the feared, The Talk (TM) at last upon us? Will Lea ever correctly guess Elsa's favorite ice cream? And just what IS Gramps secret for keeping it so tight for a man his age? Possibly that "Flower Gleam and Glow" anti-aging cream mentioned back in chapter 21 xD In any case, stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
16 notes · View notes
doctorgerth · 5 years ago
First of all, congrats!!:) Romantic match: Name's Teal, 27y/o into men, pale skin with freckles, short and curvy, green/blue eyes, dark blond hair. Taurus & ENFJ.I'm shy at first, but very cheerful & sweet, talkative & good listener, creative, a musician & singer. Honest & loyal, very passionate & determined. I tend to overthink & i'm a control freak. Very strong willed. I tease a lot but i get flustered very easily. Playful, but thoughtful & clever too, i love deep conversations. Thanks! :)
Ayeee let’s get this event started! Thank you so so much honey and thanks for participating in the event! I truly hope you enjoy your matches. 💕
I also want to clarify that I use this site to find OP character MBTI stuff. Now, they’re not always 100% accurate (they tried to say Shanks was an INFJ?? he is too extroverted to ever be an I) so in those cases I’ll dig a lil more, but I feel like most of them are pretty close! Just didn’t want you guys to think I know all of their MBTIs. 🥴
Your match is…
Shanks (Pisces, ENFJ)
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All of the stars have aligned for you two, it couldn’t be any more perfect! Being an ENFJ (like you!) and Pisces, Shanks is truly the best to compliment your Taurus self. You are an earth sign while Shanks is a water sign. Shanks tends to keep his head in the clouds, often off and dreaming, but your earthy nature helps him to keep his feet on the ground and help keep him stabilized. On the opposite side of that, Shanks always helps spark your imaginative side and he becomes a regular muse for you when the inspiration strikes. You two crave peace and harmony in your lives, especially within the relationships, and luckily you two know how and are more than willing to put in the work to create a harmonious relationship! Your relationship is founded on security, trust, and affection.
You two are eerily similar in terms of personality, but through time there are some noticeable differences. The word shy doesn’t exist in Shanks’ vocabulary. He’s extroverted all around and no one is a stranger to that man. Your initial shyness really intrigued him in the beginning, but it was that hidden lively side of yours that really won him over. As soon as you became comfortable with him and showed him how energetic you can be, he was instantly head over heels for you! He still thinks it’s adorable how your shy nature will reveal itself every now and then, and he makes sure to give you time to get comfortable, whatever the situation is. Being with Shanks has really helped you come out of your shell when it comes to new people and experiences! Shanks is a talker…especially when he’s drunk. So the fact that you are equally balanced in being a great listener and an easy person to converse with, you can hardly ever get Shanks to shut up! You two always find something to talk about, there’s hardly ever a moment of awkward silence between you two. Deep conversations with you under the stars or in your shared bed room, he could never get enough of those.
Shanks shares a love for the arts and entertainment, the only downside is he doesn’t have a lick of artistic talent in that body of his. He can’t sing, he can’t dance, he doesn’t play any instruments…but thankfully you’re there to save the day. Having you around in the crew just makes his days so much brighter and he could never get tired of hearing you sing or play! Honesty and loyalty is something you are both great at and strive for in your relationship, so there’s never really any moments of jealousy or distrust throughout your relationship. You both are very open with each other, though communication was rocky at first, but now you two have a true understanding of one another and your arguments (rare as they are) never really last long! Lots of people are envious of your easy-going relationship and how much love is shared between you two, and honestly who can blame them?
It’s not always perfect, of course. You two are both pretty stubborn and set in your ways. Shanks is very lax, in even the most trying situations, and that can be very annoying to you at times due to your need for control in all aspects of your life. He just doesn’t feel the need to have control over everything like you do, and he especially doesn’t like the idea of someone trying to control him. So when you two do end up arguing, it’s almost always over Shanks’ reaction to something, or lack thereof, or your need for control. You two seek peace so much that you end up avoiding confrontation most of the time, leading to bouts of silent treatment. Thankfully though, you two can’t stay mad at each other long and are mature enough to know that some days are gonna be exhausting and troublesome. You two know that you just gotta push through because in the end, flaws and all, Shanks accepts you for who you are and loves you all the same; and same goes for you with him! Shanks knows what it’s like to overthink, no matter how confident of a guy he seems. He has his own insecurities and worries that tend to show every now and then. He’s very empathetic towards you when you’re having bad days, and he knows all the ways to help cheer you up.
The two of you sharing a playful nature helps to keep your relationship exciting and lively. There is never a dull moment when you two are around each other. He could never ever get enough of teasing you and making you all blushy. It’s one of his favorite looks on you! Tease him all you want, he takes it all easily as long as you’re having fun. Shanks is overall just easy-going and fun-loving. The fact that he gets to be his true, authentic self with you, and that you reciprocate, it really means the world to him. He values your relationship and happiness with his life!
As for appearance, Shanks is an absolute sucker for your short and curvy stature. Not only does it bless him with opportunity for endless short jokes and calling you adorable nicknames like “shortcake”, but he just loves the feeling of your small hands in his and the way you fit so perfectly in his lap or against his chest when he’s cuddling you. You being on the shorter side makes him ultimately a little more protective of you, but it’s all in good nature. If you prove you’re plenty capable of handling your own, then he’ll know to back off. If the short jokes are a problem, he’ll try his best to avoid them. He loves to kiss at your freckles, making sure to count each one of them and not leaving a single bit of you unkissed! They’re a very endearing quality about you, and the way they make your eyes pop just has his heart melting nearly every time. Affection is obviously a key part of your relationship. Shanks is very handsy, his love language is physical touch! So don’t be surprised by random kisses, hugs, and other forms of affection throughout the day. Shanks is absolutely crazy for you; personality, looks, and all, and he is never afraid to show it! 
Other potential suitors:
Rosinante (Cancer, INFP) - Cancers are another great match for you as you both are very sensitive and affectionate. Rosi is a bit more introverted, but he really admires your extroversion and liveliness. Only you can bring him out of that awkward shell of his. Rosi isn’t much of a talker, so he shares the quality of being a good listener with you. He values self-expression and adores your artistic side. Rosi is a bit more relaxed when it comes to your controlling nature as he just naturally bends to you and your desires. He definitely has a bit of a childish side to him, so being able to embrace that with you in the relationship really warms his heart! Also, he honestly can’t get enough of how cute you are, so small against his massive stature!
Mihawk (Pisces, ISTP) - Mihawk needs a bit of sunshine in his life, whether he likes to admit that or not, so your sweet and cheerful nature is very welcomed in his lonesome life. He’s not really a people person, so he doesn’t mind you being more outgoing than him. You can talk to people for him, that’s always a plus. He just prefers personal time with you and only you. Both of you have a bit of a controlling nature so it makes you butt heads at times, but thankfully you two can meet in the middle when necessary. Mihawk also adores your creativity and embraces all your talents, constantly encouraging and inspiring you to keep at it! Listening to you play or sing in that big empty castle always puts a smile on his face. Your company just makes the days so much better!
X Drake (Scorpio, ISTP) - This one is a bit of a wild card. Quite frankly, you two don’t have a whole lot in common, but that’s what makes your relationship so exciting and worthwhile. Introducing each other to new things is one of your favorite things to do together, and there’s almost always something to do together. Drake can be aloof at times; a bit private when it comes to work and other affairs, which makes honesty and loyalty from him a bit questionable at times. But! Drake loves you and he never ceases in proving so through his actions. Much like Shanks, he’s mature enough to know that not every day is going to be perfect, so he has to put in work to get through the rough days. Once you two get past this phase, it’s smooth sailing from there! 
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espship18 · 5 years ago
Kpop ship for angellus
Hey y’all heyyyyy :3 How are y’all? It’s not even 10 am yet as I’m writing this and I’ve had one heck of a day~ I am here with a ship for @angellus ! I’m excited for this ship, so let’s do this!
Based off of your request, I learned these things about you: 
You’re 5′2 with curly brown hair and green eyes
You’re quiet but you can get very quirky and lovable 
A joke crakcer omg hit me up I got some good ones!
A big ol’ softie 
Interest/hobbies include: watching movies, reading, drawing, and cooking
In uni, studying film 
And you’re also family oriented 
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with EXO, Got7, iKon, and NCT! I am hekka excited for this ship so sit down, buckle up, and here we go!
EXO: Chanyeol
Okay so this is only group one, but I am already so smitten over you and Chan. I don’t wanna do the normal tall or short ordeal but come on, the height difference is so stinking cute and it’s the cherry on top as to why I love you two so much. You also get a gentle giant all to yourself, what is there not to love?! You two combined as a couple, you two would be so proactive. Like, you’re in school, learning new languages, going around the world for internships, Chanyeol has his career in full swing, and you two are heavily involved in each others career paths. Your career hopes is just an add in to Chanyeol’s career, so like, there wouldn’t be a doubt in my mind that you’re with Chanyeol at his work whenever you can be, and it’s just a great learning opportunity! You’re literally getting so much experience in different parts of film and producing, and Chanyeol would literally show you and every opportunity he could! And our Channie is a smart boy, and he loves to learn as well, so there is no doubt in my mind that Chanyeol would like to dabble into your interests as well and see you take charge in an area he’s not very good in. And I think a really cute example of Chanyeol taking you along to work with him would be taking you to a variety show filming. Chanyeol would be an even extra crackhead that day too, so on top of seeing the industry and Chanyeol, it was a perfect day. And I will be the first to say that Chanyeol is going to treat you like a queen, he’ll even get you a staff and crown, and that’s a big ol’ truth bomb right there. He’s needy, he’s respectful, he’s gentle, lovable, he’s just everything anymore that you could’ve asked for. He would be thinking about you always, and if he was out or you were away, he would get little trinkets of things that reminded him of you. Whether it’s from your birthstone to a little camera key chain, you would have this big collection of bit and bobs from your special man. Another reason that Chanyeol is a king is because he makes time for you every week, at least once a week. For a good like, five or six hours, it’s you and Chanyeol time, and you can either go out, stay home, hang out in his studio, the world is literally your oyster. Hell, sometimes you two will literally stay home and sleep and get tangled up in each others limbs you’re so cuddled in with each other. PDA wise with Chan is all about height. He loves how there’s almost a whole 12 inch difference between you, and he would love to rest his chin on your head, playfully use your shoulders as an arm rest, or he would hug you and lift you up so he could give you kisses.
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Got7: Jaebum
Moving right along, I can already tell that you two are more mild when compared to you and Chanyeol, but your bond gets even closer the more you stay in. Although you would be more than comfortable with Jaebum, your quieter side would come out more with him, and your chill vibes would work in unison with Jaebum’s perfectly! And of course, you and Jae would have the same ol’ super sweet puppy love that we all know when it comes to my blog. Omg, imagine if you two were like a business couple. Like you and Jae would work together with his Def Soul projects, whether it would be you two choosing the album or you filming some behind the scenes of really candid moments of Jae writing lyrics and recording, you two would do it all! And omg imagine making merch! That would be so stinking fun OMG! Jae would make all kinds of different bucket hats and you would make fun t-shirts and then you two would make the campaigns and do the merch shots for the website and you two would be completely self made and it’s such a badass moment for you two! Like you two would be absolute couples goals and I am living for you two. When it comes to being social, I can see you two being more of an introverted couple. You two would enjoy staying home and watching crime shows on Netflix, but that doesn’t mean that you’re completely hermits. You two would go on museum trips and go on double dates with your friends. Jaebum would also like to take you on little shopping trips, just one way he would show you his appreciation. Okay listen, imagine if he got you a pair of pearl earrings omg. I think that would be the most expensive thing you would allow him to buy because you’re not materialistic, and a pair of pearls is like a HUGE investment, and you’d wear them practically every day. Another detail I would like to add, is that I think you two would have that teacher/learner type of relationship. I think it would be sweet if Jae would want you to teach him how to draw. He would like to watch you doodle and HOLY CRAP, IMAGINE GIVING HIM SHARPIE TATTOOS!!! You would put them on his hands or arms and I can grantee your little tattoos would have iGot7′s losing their shits. I promise I’m not trying to be all over the place, I’m just so excited about you two! You’re also Jae’s #1 mullet supporter. Like, Jae would keep his mullet for as long as he did because of you. You would give JAe so much confidence and he would keep his mullet. PDA wise, the softest knuckle kisses, soft and secure hugging, and he would always would keep you close because you are tiny. I love you two so much I gotta stop~~~
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iKon: Donghyuk
Okay, family, children, Donghyuk, ohhh girl, you’re getting it all- this man has everything you could ever need! As a couple, you and Hyuk would be a good balance of wild and mild and your aesthetics would work well together in my professional opinion. When it comes to you and Donghyuk, all I can think of is family. Whether it’s your family, Donghyuk’s family, and even iKon, you two are such a family oriented couple that I wanna sob it’s so sweet. Once your family would fall in love with Donghyuk imagine your little cousins asking if Dongjyuk is coming. I can definitely see your little cousins falling in love with Hyuk because at family gatherings, you and Hyuk would play tag with the kids and let the kids climb all over you two, and they would like to play pirates or something super cute, and you two would play along so well and the kids just love you two. OO OO! This is the best part, imagine Donghyuk’s mom sending you care packages, and she would always ask you to take care of her son while he’s working, and you two would be best friends. She would also give you some of Donghyuk’s favorite recipes that his mom makes so you can comfort him when he feels homesick. Hehe, and imagine you and his mom getting lunch together and getting pedicures together, so cute! Then you have iKon to take care of, which to be honest you really become a second mom with Hanbin around and you take care of all seven of those crack heads, but they love you to death and you love them back. Moving onto another part of your ship for Donghyuk, I think it would be really cute if you two were big jokesters with each other. Like the king and queen of puns and jokes. And heck, since there is a family theme to this ship.. DAD JOKES! Imagine Donghyuk having a daily subscription to some website where they send him jokes throughout the day, Hyuk would spitting out those jokes like no bodies business. Keeping you smiling is always on the agenda~ Date nights I feel like would be at home and private. Date night would be reserved for you and Hyuk time, mostly because of where you two are out so much. Movie nights would be a perfect type of date night, simply because it’s chill and a good building block for a great date night. Get some good take out and blankets, boom, you have a great date night! Lastly PDA, he’s so gentle and soft with you. He loves to hug you close and sway you side to side, telling you how much he loves you. Then he would have this lil habit of twirling you, so sweeeeet~ 
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NCT: Taeyong
Last but certainly not least, we have NCT. Once again I am in love with this ship so much. And I will go on a whim here and say that you and Tae have more than puppy love, you have smitten kitten love. You would be the rock that holds Taeyong down. You would be one of the few non-work related things that would help Taeyong relax and we all know that Taeyong needs some real relaxation time. Straight up be prepared for some major snuggle time with Tae. I’m not saying Taeyong is submissive or anything, this is not the blog for that conversation lol, but, Taeyong would be more needy for your affection and your touch, because where he’s real emotionally dependent on you. Which like it’s Taeyong we’re talking about, it’s an honor to have him want to snuggle on you. You would have that magic that Tae would crave to help him relax, and he would always want to come back for more. When it comes to couple activities, I think it would be really sweet if you and Tae had a little bit of an old school type of love aesthetic going on. Tae’s the sweet gentleman who gives you his jacket on warm nights and sometimes date night would be playing monopoly til three am and you two pass out on the floor. And omg it would be hecca cute if Tae would have to get one of the other NCT members to watch the Dreamies so you two couple be alone on date night. Moving right along, when I say this, I don’t mean this to sound negative or anything, but I can imagine Taeyong would sleepy for the first couple days or hours when you two would be together. His adrenaline and stress would diminish dramatically and he would be exhausted. You would come to the rescue though because you would be the pillow for Taeyong to sleep on, and you could relax while he rests. You could read a new book you got, or do homework on your laptop. And then when Taeyong wakes up, he’s refreshed and ready to go out. If you two aren’t having a game night, Taeyong would cook you two dinner. Him taking over date night would be like a sign of love he would show to you. Then he would make a dessert made to be shared for two, and you’d eat the dessert together. And for fun, let’s throw in some slow dancing because you it’s the most perfect classic old school love date activity. Lastly, PDA wise, Taeyong would not be able to keep his hands off of you! Tae would always love to have his arm wrapped around you tight, he would come up behind you and give you back hugs, and if you were walking and he wanted a hug, he wouldn’t let go of you til you hugged him, so you would be dragging Taeyong along you like a puppy, hehe. You two are adorable!
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I used to do outro’s but I stopped and I wanna bring them back~ I had so much fun shipping you omg. I may or may not have guessed your biases, but I shall support your loves and these loves no matter what! Lemme know how I did, and I hope you have a wonderful day! <3
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whaleofatjme1920 · 4 years ago
heyo can i request a romantic matchup with one of the creepypasta guys perhaps??
-im 20 years old with dark brown fluffy short hair that goes just a bit above my shoulders. im bisexual and i go by she/they pronouns. im 5'6. im a cancer sun, virgo moon, and sag rising. im also female!
-im an infj!
-i like making flower crowns for people, custom earrings, and rings! i rlly love nature and the woods so i enjoy walking along on a path or settling down by a relaxing river to have a nice lil picnic :)
-swimming is a big thing for me, i love just jumping into a lake and swimming around yk?
-i rlly love indie, rock, grunge and 50's to 90's music. i have a great love for 80's movies and the horror genre.
-i love superhero and action stuff like the avengers and x-men as well as stuff from DC.
-uhmm im an artist. i do trad but also digital art. if i paint i like to paint scenery. im also a singer and i write my own songs. i play the guitar and the ukulele!!
-i own two rats and two cats! yes they get along lmaodksjsj. im a witch whos into crystals, herbs, dieties and all. i do tarot and pendulum. i love drinking tea especially mint and chamomile teas.
-things i dislike: alcohol, someone yelling at me, aggressiveness, going on boats, too much heat, summer, thunderstorms, chicken, being alone in the extreme dark in a place like the woods, seeing or hearing stuff like people gagging or their nails being ripped off :// (i can somehow take gore tho-)
-things i like: tea, some coffees, sunflowers, motorcycles, cuddling, relaxing inside on my bed while its raining outside, the calming sound of rain, autumn, when its chilly out, seafood
-i actually rlly love reading and sometimes I like to write lil short stories or make up characters but not too deep into them. just fun little things yk?
-i kinda rlly like playing w ppls hair- like having them sit in my lap. or having them do it to me.
-omg chasing each other in an empty (empty as in like no other ppl) pretty field during a picnic date with our favorite music on?? YES PLS
-i don't rlly plan on having kids :/ i don't do well with them so. fur babies as in pets tho! ABSOLUTELY
-i kinda would be a big spoon but also a little spoon. i'd do either.
-if im being honest one of the downsides of me is that I get emotional quickly in an argument :// or like I get defensive or if someone yells at me I get sad and start crying. I don't seek out fights tho and I try to avoid them.
-despite how much I like to talk im an ambivert leaning towards introvert. I get panic-y quick in public w people I don't know and im rlly nervous but i try to be as friendly as possible and keep a convo going. around my friends and stuff tho im an absolute goof ball!
-i like staying home tbh its calming
-i don't like seeing messy things eiakssksk i like organization but im not controlish about it. I like to clean tbh its kinda fun.
-my love language is honestly quality time and touch. some words of affirmation is nice too tho,, sometimes I get scared someone will get bored of me and leave ://
-i love to buy or make ppl gifts! i like to see people happy. the look on ppls faces when they see that i bought them something they rlly love makes me warm and fuzzy :,))
-im not rlly a jealous person tbh. but if someone outright is happening like obvious flirting,, i WILL say something if my partner isn't taking care of it themself.
-honestly i love being a goof but when its time to be serious ill be serious
-i talk alot so i need someone who'll be willing to listen to me talk and be interested in what im saying EIOSLAKS ill also absolutely listen to anything they say :))
-i don't care abt body types or looks rlly and im not just saying that.
-i love to remind ppl that they're stunning and gorgeous and they deserve the world 😩🤌
-i like having deep convos about random things. like who found out that we should drink cow milk? why are wild animals just fine w out toothpaste but we absolutely need to brush our teeth??
-id love to cook or bake something with someone :))
-i can't rlly think of anything else to say abt myself so
Your matchup is... Hoodie/Brian Thomas!
In general:
Took me a hot minute or so but I ultimately decided on Brian because it's the vibe I'm getting. Let's elaborate on that.
What he likes about you:
I always start out with the physical stuff first and I'm just going to say that Brian really likes your hair! Thinks it is absolutely gorgeous and fun. Will compliment how fluffy it is. Likes that you're into nature, crafty, and your music choice! Thinks your art is super fun and will want to see it. Thinks your singing voice is absolutely beautiful. Coming back to this. Your pets are fun to him as well, and your likes just seem to really line up with him y'know?? Especially loving Autumn, rain, when it's chilly, all that kind of fun stuff.
General cute things:
ALright, I feel like swimming outings would be a thing between the two of you. Brian likes water. It's just the vibe I get. Make him flower crowns please lmfao. Brian is soft and actual sunshine when he wants to be. He will watch the sunrise and sunset with you!!! He loves to just strum his guitar in the early mornings, listening to the birds sing. I feel like music dates would be a thing between the two of you. Just sitting in a flower field, watching the world go by, singing and all that cute stuff. Brian is admittedly a bit of a home body as well, so like,,,,,, hey. Just the two of you curling up on the couch, taking naps? Yes. Brian will occasionally get you gifts of things that remind him of you. He also gives me the vibe that he would get you flowers just because he thinks you'll find them pretty. He will goof around with. ALSO, Brian loves to listen to you!! Please talk to him about whatever is on your mind and I guarantee he's going to love it!! You being such a sweet person makes his heart sing? Like, you just reaffirming all the things he needs to hear make him so happy. He will also play with your hair, and on other days, he will rest his head on your lap and you can play with his.
You two as a couple:
Y'know, I think the only thing that might be a bit of a talking point between the two of you is the not having kids thing. Brian strikes me as such a strong family man. However, I don't think he's incapable of bending, so if the two of you want to be fur parents, he'd be just fine with that. Other than that, one of Brian's love languages is touch to like, be prepared for hugs, kisses, all that wholesome stuff. He's definitely a bit of an insomniac so like, please spend time with him cuddling on the roof while the two of you talk about anything and everything. Brian will definitely cook and bake with you as well, seeing those are two things he loves to do. You won't ever have to worry about jealousy with Brian because he's a king of "I have a partner stop speaking to me :)" You can also spoon him, he'd find that comforting. Brian prioritizes communication, so if you start crying, or anything like that, he'll give you some space and then come back to it. He doesn't want to cause you any harm, but some things need to be spoken about. Brian will also be your rock if the two of you go out in public and you're not very happy or overwhelmed. I swear, he's always going to be there for you.
Closing thoughts/other things:
Hi love bug, sorry this is late. The matchups were giving me some wonky type of burn out, but it's here now. To answer your thing about why animals don't need toothpaste, it actually has a lot to do with their diet! They don't eat refined sugars or the high amount of acids we do, and they also tend to eat way more twigs, sticks, bark, bones and even grass that help keep their mouths free of debris. Tell me about your characters and stories! One of my favorite things to do outside of running this blog is OCs and world building. Again, apologies for this being late. Tumblr doesn't timestamp when things come in so I just kinda guess?? I imagine it's been here for a while, my bad, I've been working out of order now. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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crvores · 5 years ago
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SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY really is the spitting image of FROY GUTIERREZ, right? For someone only 22 years old, SCOR has been forced to endure so much. Yeah, that PUREBLOOD has been scraping by at the sanctuary since AUGUST, 2028, working as a HEALER-IN-TRAINING AND RESEARCHER in the DIVISION OF HEALING. HE is a CIS MAN and is known to be CAPTIOUS and DISMISSIVE but also FERVENT and RESOURCEFUL. Best of luck surviving through this.  
CHARACTER PARALLELS: Amy Santiago (B99), Claire Temple (Daredevil), Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place), Giles (Buffy TVS), Michelle Jones (Spiderman: Homecoming), Elizabeth Swan (PoTC), Spock (Star Trek), Clarke Griffin (The 100), Gregory House (House) suggested honorable mention Gizmo (Gremlins)
[tw for patricide/parental death, desc of blood, substance abuse/addiction, under the cut]
scorpius was living in a tiny flat along diagon alley, flooing in to saint mungos for his healing apprenticeship monday to friday. when the wards came down around wizarding london he was holed up as the chaos ensued below, frantically trying to floo call the manor.
when he arrived at malfoy manor after crawling out of a skylight and apparating to the road alongside the driveway he was greeted by the gates hanging off their hinges. though he can only speculate, due to his father’s continued reclusiveness and refusal to return to assist the death eater ranks a horde were nudged none-too-gently toward the isolated house.
draco opened his eyes after burning through a fever too high to be calmed by any spell from his mother’s wand. just as he had always been. upon returning to consciousness he didn’t immediately reach for his wand, a fact which both astoria and her son found to be terribly odd. no matter the ailment, the circumstance, the time, draco malfoy had always curled his fingers around the hawthorn like a talisman when waking since it had been returned to him after the war.
the ensuing twenty minutes are something which scorpius has begged to have scoured from his mind, yet he knows he can never let himself forget killing his father. it fundamentally changed him in a way that is irrevocable.
as he and astoria fled the manor, no hope of the two of them alone eliminating the inferi on the grounds and securing it, his mother clamped a hand around his wrist and attempted to apparate them to an old greengrass property, a magical panic room of sorts. scor was badly splinched and ended up dumped 80 miles away from where his mother had landed.
he gathered copious notes from observations of the inferi in his time on the outside. temperature recorded, time of day, wind direction, sentience, and activity were all meticulously written down in an attempt to conserve his sanity while on his own. scor feels as though he had no trouble discerning infected from the living when he was out there and when he was filled in upon joining the others he speculated that a part of his brain concerning the glamours had just been burnt out. unfortunately since arriving this has been completely disproven and he’s trying to work out if the fear response or any other factors had anything to do with it.
since arriving at hogwarts, half-starved and wild-eyed he has thrown himself into the effort with a single-mindedness of someone attempting to forget every aspect of their own life. he doggedly continues his healing work, any time not spent at the infirmary is glued to his workbench and harassing the living shit out of the research department. drawing up hypothesis after hypothesis from the bits of infected he’s managed to have the privilege to pick at. if anyone interrupts him or makes what he decides is an unnecessary contribution he has a horrid habit of biting their head off.
while before he would play up and sneer, act posher than posh and generally fucked with anyone who had a problem with his family, specifically his father, now he will go absolutely stone-faced and has several times nearly had to be restrained because he will go off like a tiny, weedy bomb with a dangerously extensive knowledge of human anatomy.
neglects a lot of his own needs; goes days without sunlight, only eats when prompted to, hardly sleeps. a mess but trying his best. has a dangerous habit of consuming dreamless sleep but guilt at using valuable resources is essentially the only thing stopping him from launching headlong into addiction. lily and various others have a tally going on how many times scor says the words ‘i’m fine.’ in a single week and he suspects theres a pretty wide pool on the betting now.
he’s not all bad tho!! he can be a right softy if he knows you well enough and always always always wants to help. just… he’s a lil prickly rn.
skinny and kind of sickly, he never had the best health as a kid. he scars very easily and bruises like a gd peach. pretty alright on a broom but he has no real interest in playing quidditch. he’s always cold, he’ll be sitting in direct sunlight and complaining about needing a scarf. yeah hes that dude.
kind of craves attention? while being an introvert sometimes he just wants someone to pay attention to him until he gets annoyed by it and tells them to piss off. fickle.
his url is the italian word ‘cruores’ which means flowing blood and the latin ‘cruor’ which roughly refers to coagulating blood; gore.
      Full Name: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Gender/Pronouns: Cis man | he/him Age: Twenty-two Birthdate: January 20th Parents: Draco Malfoy & Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass) Siblings: N/A. Birth place: St. Mungo’s Hospital, England Height: 5’11” Weight: 56 kg Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Bisexual Nationality: English Body Alterations/Marks: Terrible splinching scars up his left hand, arm over to his chest and shoulder blade. 
                                  Blood Status: Pureblood Hogwarts House: Slytherin  Wand Arm: Right Wand: 11 2/3 inches, Willow, supple, Dragon Heartstring. Hogwarts House: Slytherin Pet: A crested toad named Jarvis. Special Abilities: None. Patronus: Arctic Fox
                                Personality Traits: brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill and self assertion; lack of attachment to people and the “real world,” over-intellectualizing of the emotions, dismissiveness, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius/Capricorn Cusp Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Core values: Loyalty, Knowledge, Hope Four temperaments: Melancholic  
Slytherin Primary and a Burned Ravenclaw Secondary.
Slytherin Primaries prioritize their own selves and loved ones first. Slytherins don’t feel guilty or selfish about this– they feel righteous and moral. The most important thing is to look after your own. Abandoning or hurting one of your own is the worst thing you can do.
A Burned Ravenclaw Secondary might want to be skilled, curious, and prepared, but they feel like they are (or like people think they are) limited, clumsy, or inconstant. Gathering knowledge, hobbies, skills, or tools is the right way to achieve their goals, but Burned Ravenclaws know that’s not going to work within their capabilities. So they take other paths and use other tools– maybe a Gryffindor’s bluntness, a Slytherin’s flexibility, or a Hufflepuff’s slow and steady dedication.
You may have a Hufflepuff Secondary Model.
Hufflepuff is the House of grit, reliability, and determination, and Hufflepuffs use those values to help live, act, and succeed. If you model Hufflepuff Secondary, you also value these things and like to live by them. You like to be hardworking, dedicated, and consistent– but you wouldn’t feel guilty for abandoning those values in the service of other, higher priorities. If there’s another, easier way to get what you want– you’d take it. You think hard work provides valuable rewards– and those rewards are why you work. The work doesn’t have persuasive value in itself.
the stillness of the world the moment you take the first step into fresh snow, cashmere and fine wool, the pearlescence of dreamless sleep draught, the scratch of a quill on parchment, faintly tremoring fingers, a shiver up your spine in a warm room, the exhilaration of a problem solved, a thunderous grey overcast sky, the bite of a stitching charm, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, petrichor, the burn in your eyes before a well of tears.
so excited to be back in this verse >:) 
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lavenderhazelover · 5 years ago
my lovely ladies @satans-helper and @gretavanyeeeeet tagged me in this & I'm stoked about it. Let’s do this. 
1. What is your middle name?
Nicole..... basic
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
June 12th 
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favourite colour?
purple and silver 
6. What’s your lucky number?
22 or 00:00
7. Do you have any pets?
my cat winter who is a lil diva 
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
5'9.5″ I refuse to claim 5′10″ lol
10. What shoe size are you?
8.5 or 9
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
maybe like 20
12. What was your last dream about?
walking into the preschool for my field experience and forgetting everything I know about kids
13. What talents do you have?
my friend told me today making my boobs dance (like Terry Crews) is one lol and I would say my gif/meme reactions to people’s posts, photos, texts, etc. They are pretty spot on 
14. Are you psychic in any way?
My women’s intuition has never let me down. 
15. Favourite song?
Flower Power - GVF or Fancy by Reba McEntire
16. Favourite movie?
Forrest Gump
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
The male version of my best friend lmao. or sam kiszka, who is probably the male version of her if I had to guess. really just someone who is goofy and thinks I'm the funniest person they know. 
18. Do you want children?
I want a whole slew of them
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Nah. More of a “let’s elope” kind of gal. 
20. Are you religious?
Yes. Jesus is my homie. 
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes, I was on the verge of kidney failure. But look at me now, surviving not thriving. 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Just speeding tickets.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Troy from Swamp People LOL
24. Baths or showers?
Showers unless its winter and I need to warm my bones up then its baths.
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
In the reality show in my mind, yes yes I have. 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
No. Just famous enough to hangout with celebrities I want to hangout with but not cool enough to have my privacy invaded. 
28. What type of music do you like?
There’s not much music I don’t listen to. 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Many times. 
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
like 5
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
all of them. I am a wild sleeper. 
32. How big is your house?
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
pop tarts or toaster strudels lmao. I am a child.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
heck no
35. Have you ever tried archery?
No, but I'm into it
36. Favourite clean word?
fart and heifer 
37. Favorite swear word?
biiiiiitch. (if I ever call you bitch, just know I’ve used the most enduring pet name I can offer) 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
around 36 hours. not by choice, but because people wouldn't stop dying. 
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
In 6th grade.
41. Are you a good liar?
oh heck yeah. this is why I would totally win Survivor or Big Brother. 
42. Are you a good judge of character?
hundred percent. 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
not well, but I still try
44. Do you have a strong accent?
maybe. I did not realize how southern my accent was until I left the south. 
45. What is your favourite accent?
all of them. I love hearing each person’s unique accent. 
46. What is your personality type?
goofy as hellllll
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I don’t purchase much over $30 because ballin on a budget
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
are we talking belly buttons? mine is both
50. Left or right-handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
of all bugs
52. Favourite food?
hot wangs or Taco Bell 
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Clean, housekeeping ruined me. 
55. Most used phrase?
....litty titty or that's what she said or I wish a heifer would (I h8 myself)
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
20 minutes usually 
58. Do you have much of an ego?
kind of... especially is someone says I'm not funny. I crumble. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
both. I am trying to get to the middle of that blow pop
60. Do you talk to yourself?
all the time
61. Do you sing to yourself?
all the time
62. Are you a good singer?
not even close
63. Biggest Fear?
my mom dying and snakes 
64. Are you a gossip?
no, but I do tell my best friend EVERYTHING. so just to her?
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Um, Forrest Gump (does that count lmao) 
66. Do you like long or short hair?
All hair
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
I work at an elementary school..... so in other words, “fifty nifty United States from thirteen original colonies. Shout em, scout em, tell all about em, one by one till we’ve given a day to every state in the USA.... Allllabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas....” you get it lol. 
68. Favourite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
Human Interaction
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Dark outside, but not dark inside... if that makes sense. 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
no. I hate conflict. 
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
I hope not
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
as a teacher, yes. 
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
yes, no regerts 
79. Who was your first real crush?
His name was Brett. He was also my first kiss. 
80. How many piercings do you have?
just my first hole in my ears. I use to have my nipples pierced and I miss them. 
81. Can you roll your R’s?
oh heck yeah. It’s that Spanish blood. 
82. How fast can you type?
decently fast. 
83. How fast can you run?
I do not run
84. What colour is your hair?
dark brown
85. What color is your eyes?
dark brown......boring
86. What are you allergic to?
87. Do you keep a journal?
88. What do your parents do?
my dad is a mortician and not sure what my mom does lmao oops 
89. Do you like your age?
my 20s have been the best years so far
90. What makes you angry?
ignorant people, people who say the R word, people who treat children as if they’re not human beings (aka other TEACHERS I work with)
91. Do you like your own name?
its chill 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I'm not picky 
94. What are you strengths?
my loyalty and honesty 
95. What are your weaknesses?
my struggle to say no when people ask things of me 
96. How did you get your name?
My parents choose it for my brother had he been a girl and then just used it when they had me. 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Probably, I mean I'm too cool to not come from royalty. 
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Colour of your bedspread?
100. Colour of your room?
idk honestly. the girl who lived in it before me painted it. its some random color. 
I’m tagging: @safarimama @saywecanart @flowrxchild @gretavanshellie @camomillacatalina @moonchildwildheart @shesouttasight @lantern-inthenight @myownparadise96 @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade @bigthighsandstupidguys
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sphynxnightmare · 5 years ago
Sphynx Reviews: They Come Knocking
Hell yeah. It's about time there was something about Black Eyed Children. They're an untapped legend.
Love the poem.
who the hell still owns silver campers?
Lil sister is sassy and has my childhood haircut
"She does not hate us, she's just a teenager, it goes with the territory" - alright smart Dad. Kinda cute.
Cancel that he's only cute from behind
Dad is a cross of Blake Shelton and Billy Ray Cyrus and I'm revoking the breeding license of whoever brought this man into existence
'Paranormal entity spotted by one character disappears when car drives past it' cliche.
Why is the teenager not eating?
Teenager calls parent by first name because.. She's being a bitch. Let's cut to the chase. Dad has a wine bottle, likely dedicated to dead mom, but this chick is a cunt about it, as if Dad shouldn't be allowed to mourn. Yeah, they'll bond and make up probably after dad nearly dies or right before he dies, but gah this trope is tired. Not every teenage daughter is a sassy asshole to their dads.
That ups the bullshit by 500%
Oh dear gods
This could be a Ford commercial with all these mountains
Is it a Ford truck? Hell if I know
Cute backstory. Make your own memories, kids.
You're telling me Mom recorded a whole ass video to ask her daughter to cook/forgive her instead of like.. Calling her to tell her? Or just telling her face to face? I get she says she's gonna be late but still. If its that important you make time.
Daughter has no service so wanders around aimlessly looking for it in a desert.
Not going to lie, Claire. Your boyfriend's not going to save you from the fact that you're a dick for no reason.. Or save you from the monsters.
Unnecessary jumpscare is unnecessary
Twenty questions.
Period jokes from little sister who will inevitably hate herself when she's actually had hers.
"Your mom and I snuggled" elicits an ew from both children. Unless this is the Simpsons and snuggling is an allegory to sex, why is that getting an ew? I get it, Maggie is like ten, but you can't tell me a teenager cares that much about mom and dad holding each other.
Maggie asks to sniff beer.
Maggie tells Dad not to get excited by this.
I'm concerned.
Sisters fighting. Having three older sisters myself, its not a cliche, just a fact of life. Water is weer. The sun is hot. Sisters fight.
Turns out Dad pulled the plug on Mom when Mom was dying. Asshole attitude makes sense now.
"Picking up broken glass to represent picking up pieces of a broken family" metaphor is both poetic and heavy handed.
Jehovah's Witnesses will find you even in the middle of the fucking desert
Things actually getting decently intense
"Look intimidatingly at the camera" doesn't work when they're ten.
Also Black Eyed Children are supposed to look like NORMAL children
"We'll make you come out eventually" - these demonic kids never met an introvert.
First time I've heard "Three Blind Mice" in a horror movie.
Claire prematurely loses her shit on everyone. Like damn you're not even stuck yet. You literally are attached to a working truck. You probably will get stuck, but there's zero reason Claire should assume this.
"Mom's dead!"
Dad actually acts like a Dad. Kudos.
Dad goes outside. Kudos retracted.
Dad survived trip outdoors and agrees to not sleep so his daughters are safe. Honestly more Dad's could do this in horror films.
Is he gonna drink his dead wife?
99% sure these devil kids wear masks until close ups happen.
Ghost mom looks nothing like she did the last time Claire saw her. She looks far more decayed and was cremated after death, so either Mom really is a ghost or Claire has a wild imagination.
Oh here come the stupid decisions!
Dad abandons kids to walk a mile away with a walkie talkie.
"I'll be back"
"Dad's gonna die!"
Gonna give credit to this films for Maggie having a cinematically-unique interest
Also credit for the heartstrings being pulled.
Dad literally poked a dead body with a stick. This may be gold.
The steady clacking noise really gets tiresome
BEC have a thing for neat rows
That's a lot of shoes
Dad is smart. Holy shit. A smart protagonist in horror!
Unsettling baby shrine is unsettling
Oh snaaaaap
BEC can't come in unless let in. Maggie would have had to go outside to get caught. Maybe she did but she was in the mode of crafts with Claire and then Claire got changed. So unless Maggie decided to go for a random stroll or to ignore everyone and her own instincts and look for her Dad, this is bullshit.
Also dead guy is obviously missing a kid and to do so the kid would've also had to have run outside. While possible, I feel like this movie isn't giving kids enough credit to have "this is creepy shit" senses.
Ghost mom has absolutely NO REASON to be here unless its to save her kids or an apparition from the BEC. If it's an apparition then someone please explain these devil kid powers.
"What do you mean your sister is missing?" Its a miracle you found Claire alive in the first place.
Are all BEC victims widows and their children? Cause that's what you're telling me movie.
I'm not saying its impossible that two widowed dads took their daughters to the desert roughly a mile apart from one another, or that it's impossible all children are lured from their homes by decaying nightmare versions of their mothers.. But
Okay so tumblr ate the rest of this. Not shocking. Which I guess means I avoid spoiling a lot of it. Ultimately the ending made ZERO sense, has nothing to do with the legend of BEC, and its obvious they had no ideas on where to take this. On the upside, I got to see a protagonist use his brain. Also a demon got bitchslapped with a shovel.
3.5/5 stars.
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blueshipstealstars · 6 years ago
I’ve been meaning to get into Lupin and you and Goemon are so cute! Tell me bout him! What about him attracted you? How long have you liked him? How would you describe your guy’s relationship? And what’s a song that reminds you of him? (Gross-Gal!)
Since it’s late and I’m bored from the discourse why not finish answering some left over asks!
And boy does this one have a load of questions to answer @gross-gal !! (Which I love)
How this started
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Well first things first I’ve known/been into Lupin as a series for about 5 or so years now! As for how long I liked Goemon specifically probably be couple years now since it took me a bit to acknowledge my thoughts and feelings about him directly haha.
What is so great about him
As for what got my attention well honestly at this point it’s more like what doesn’t get it. Goemon has this wonderful blend of being introverted but firm on his beliefs. I honestly admire how much he sticks to who he is as a person and doesn’t let the world or anyone change who he is or how he handles things. Though this can be a bit of disadvantage for him and makes him a little gullible as well. But frankly that almost naive trust he has especially in his friends is endearing. Not to mention he’s loyal and noble to a fault which is really something. It helps he’s also pretty dang handsome too hehe!
Like he’s super handsome
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Like no matter the series/time/studio Goemon looks good and it’s not fair to say the least.
The relationship established is really on the subtle but deep side of things. Like the sort of relationship if you didn’t know you might not realize they’re dating sort of thing. But when push comes to shove they always have each other’s backs first and foremost. It’s quiet and tender with sometimes just being there with each other causes a sense of ease for the other. It’s not full of wild and large date but in home dinners together and sitting outback and watching the stars under a nice blanket. It’s remembering small things and lil thoughtful gifts from “I got you that soba you like down the street” to “I know you needed more tissues so I grabbed them on the way home”. It seems like dumb nonsense or not very romantic but really listening to each other’s interests and respecting them even if you personally don’t get it means a lot. Caring when something might off in their demeanor or when you know they’re hurt and taking upon yourself to bandage them up. It’s simple things that say I care about you and what makes you you is what it really comes down to and is about.
Sorry I really went off on that part kjhgdhkdgfhjk-
Music Outtake
And as for a song, weirdly this one song from the killers is something that makes me think of him often:
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starchained-blog · 6 years ago
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whats  up  my  dudes  !!!   i  am  bee,  i’m  19  &  i  never  fuckin  learned  how  to  stop  using  this  exact  vine  reference  in  all  my  intro  posts  !!  i  will  be  playing  my  Babe  andromeda  black.  but  first  a  lil  bit  about  me  b4  i  start  2  ramble  about  andromeda:  i’m  always  a  slut  for  the  Aesthetic,  i’m  a  math  Nerd  aaaand  im  probably ??  way  too  in  love  w  fitzwilliam  darcy.  also  i  will  Always  want  to  plot  so  if  u  do  too  please  hmu  !!  nyways  u  can  find  out  more  abt  my  daughter  andromeda  under  the  cut  !!
- ̗̀✰ • 【  XU  JIAQI,  CISFEMALE,  SHE/HER  】 ❝  did  you  see  ANDROMEDA  BLACK  on  the  train  back  to  hogwarts  ?  they’re  a  PUREBLOOD  in  their  THIRD  year  as  a  TWENTY-year-old  SLYTHERIN.  apparently  they’re  the  RECUSANT  around  the  grounds;  most  likely  because  they  give  off  an  aura  of  rain  on  dark  windows,  the  heavy  sweetness  of  red  wine,  ink-stained  fingers,  a  tempest  barely  contained  within  a  girl.  of  all  the  social  media  platforms,  they’re  definitely  most  obsessed  with  their  INSTAGRAM;  probably  because  they’re  SELF-RELIANT,  but  also  INTROSPECTIVE.  however,  on  the  new  manifest  app  in  mr.  carlos’  english  class,  they’ve  already  managed  to  anonymously  steal  the  username:  NIMUE.  ❞ ┊ 「  bee,  19,  est,  she/her.  」
rec·u·sant  (  noun.  )   a  person  who  refuses  to  submit  to  an  authority  or  to  comply  with  a  regulation.
aka  just  a  fancy  way  of  saying  rebel  !
(  rain  on  dark  windowpanes,  the  heavy  sweetness  of  red  wine,  ink-stained  fingers,  greyish  purple  of  dawn,  cold  bones,  fastening  the  clasp  of  a  silver  necklace.  dark  curls  escaping  from  pins,  starched  white  shirts  under  wool  coats,  cold  coffee  dregs  and  burnt  out  matches  from  a  guilty  cigarette.  fog  over  the  scottish  moor,  the  soft  tick  of  a  grandfather  clock,  stars  peeking  through  an  overcast  sky,  the  stark  echo  of  a  single  violin.  the  pages  of  a  book  turning  in  a  library  past  midnight.  holy  places  long  since  abandoned,  the  simmering  wildness  of  a  bird  caged,  and  the  ancient  ache  for  freedom.  a  tempest  barely  contained  within  a  girl.  )
andromeda  &  her  mother  have  what  u  can  call  a  strained  relationship.  from  her  moment  of  birth,  druella  saw  everything  andromeda  did  as  an  act  of  rebellion,  whether  it  was  a  childish  question  asked  in  the  wrong  place  at  the  wrong  time,  or  getting  so  absorbed  in  a  book  she  forgot  to  come  down  for  dinner,  or  a  bit  of  accidental  wandless  magic  born  out  of  a  moment  of  frustration.  every  day  was  a  trial  against  andromeda,  with  her  parents  acting  as  the  judge,  jury  and  executioner,  &  over  and  over  again  she  was  found  GUILTY.
andromeda  never  meant  to  defy  her  mother,  at  first,  but  no  matter  how  hard  she  tried  to  please  druella,  nothing  she  ever  did  was  quite  good  enough.  there  was  always  some  fault,  whether  it  was  a  lock  of  hair  tumbling  free  from  its  pin,  a  corset  come  unlaced,  posture  ruined  from  hunching  over  a  book.  her  wrists  were  too  bony,  her  lips  were  too  thin,  her  skin  too  easily  flushed. 
[  TW  ABUSE  ]   it  didn’t  escape  andromeda’s  notice  that  every  flaw  her  mother  criticized  was  one  druella  shared  as  well,  and  when  she  grew  older  she  realized  her  mother’s  dissatisfaction  with  andromeda  was  merely  a  product  of  her  own  dissatisfaction  with  herself.  but  that  didn’t  feed  her  the  nights  she  was  denied  dinner  for  her  ‘ misbehaviour ’.  it  didn’t  take  back  the  days  andromeda  went  unable  to  speak  thanks  to  a  punitive  silencio,  and  it  didn’t  grant  andromeda’s  wish  to  have  a  real  mother  who  loved  her.   [  END  TW  ]
did  druella  love  her  children  ? who  knows.  maybe  she  did,  in  her  own  twisted  way.  but   druella  was  first  and  foremost  a  business  woman,  and  her  main  trade  was  her  daughters.  andromeda  grew  up  listening  to  endless  warnings  that  her  mother  would  “ never  be  able  to  find  andromeda  a  husband  if  … ”  and  then  came  whichever  grievance  she’d  chosen  to  focus  on  that  day.
it  cannot  come  as  a  surprise  that  andromeda  learned  to  live  in  the  shadows,  away  from  her  mother’s  disapproving  glare;  that  she  learned  to  rely  on  herself  and  herself  only,  that  she  learned  to  watch  &  observe  &  test  the  waters,  to  think  before  acting.  (  of  course,  druella  did  not  approve  of  this  either,  and  informed  andromeda  that  no  man  would  want  a  girl  who  was  so  serious  all  the  time.  )
her  parents  often  dragged  her  and  her  sisters  to  various  pureblood  functions,  where  andromeda  stood  off  to  the  side  in  uncomfortably  starched  dresses,  disappearing  like  smoke  any  time  someone  looked  like  they  were  heading  over  to  strike  up  conversation.  she  would  explore  the  pureblood  manors,  all  silent  footsteps  &  watchful  eyes,  making  observations  on  how  the  wizarding  world’s  elite  lived  their  lives,  noting  separate  beds  in  the  master  bedrooms  &  half-empty  whiskey  bottles  in  the  washrooms.  it  seemed  like  everyone  was  only  looking  out  for  themselves  in  this  world,  trying  to  further  their  own  social  status  and  wealth.
at  home,  she  would  escape  to  the  roof  with  a  book,  whether  it  was  a  history  of  warlocks  or  the  kind  of  torrid  romance  novel  druella  pretended  she  didn’t  read,  dark  eyes  hardly  looking  up  as  the  sun  sank  lower  in  the  sky,  fingers  blackened  with  ink  by  the  time  she  closed  her  book  and  descended  into  the  house  to  face  her  mother’s  wrath  that  she  missed  her  piano  lessons.
is  it  strange  that  such  a  cynical  girl  could  have  such  a  yearning  for  beautiful  things  ?  or  would  that  merely  be  a  side  effect  of  cynicism,  to  long  for  something  to  thaw  a  hardened  heart  ?  andromeda  loved  beautiful  things,  perhaps  a  bit  too  much,  but  she  did  not  trust  them.  nothing  beautiful  was  made  to  last,  and  if  it  was,  it  wasn’t  truly  beautiful.  sunsets  faded  to  darkness,  books  ended,  lovers  grew  apart.  the  inherent  transience  of  beauty  made  andromeda  crave  it  all  the  more.  
hogwarts  was  a  breath  of  fresh  air  for  andromeda,  the  chance  to  experience  life  outside  her  parents’  regime.  to  her  inquisitive,  probing  nature,  an  ancient,  magical  castle  full  of  history  &  secrets  was  paradise,  let  alone  all  the  classes  it  housed.  and  the  people  —  andromeda  had  never  seen  so  many  people  in  her  lifetime.  hundreds  &  hundreds  of  students  filled  the  castle,  all  with  their  own  thoughts  and  lives  and  desires.  an  introvert  by  nature,  she  didn’t  interact,  merely  observed.  she  made  best  friends  with  the  library  &  the  constellations,  sneaking  out  of  the  dorm  to  sit  with  her  legs  dangling  over  the  fifty-foot  drop  of  the  astronomy  tower,  eyes  finding  her  constellation,  andromeda,  and  wondering  if  her  fate  was  written  in  the  stars  too;  drunk  on  the  beauty  of  an  untamed  scottish  night.
the  unidentifiable  yearning  she’d  always  kept  tucked  inside  a  corner  of  her  heart  ballooned  until  she  could  hardly  stand  it.  it  was  a  yearning  to  be  something  more  than  the  perfect  pureblood  wife  her mother  was  trying  to  groom  her  to  be,  a  thirst  to  prove  herself  in  some  way  she  didn’t  even  understand  yet,  and  it  was  this  ambition  &  drive  that  got  her  sorted  into  slytherin.
if  druella  &  cygnus  had  thought  andromeda  was  unmanageable  before  hogwarts ,  when  she  wasn’t  even  trying  to  be,  she  was  downright  wild  when  she  returned  for  winter  break  in  first  year.  now  that  she  knew  life  could  be  better  than  what  she  was  currently  living  at  home,  she  buzzed  with  a  restless  energy  that  alarmed  her  parents.  andromeda  may  have  been  troublesome  before,  but  this  was  bordering  on  dangerous.  druella  made  the  decision  that  andromeda  would  not  be  returning  to  hogwarts.  [  ABUSE  TW  ]  this  sparked  one  of  the  worst  fights  they’d  ever  had,  and  culminated  in  a  rare  but  unforgiving  physical  beating.  [  END  TW  ]  
eventually  druella  conceded,  and  andromeda  was  allowed  to  return,  but  she  was  much  more  cautious  now.  she  only  made  friends  who  her  parents  would  approve  of,  she  kept  her  nose  clean,  and  at  home,  she  played  the  part  of  the  dutiful  daughter.  there  were  still  small  rebellions,  though  —  long  curls  cut  short  with  a  silver  flash  of  the  kitchen  scissors;  a  nicked  pack  of  her  father’s  cigarettes  smoked  cross-legged  on  the  roof,  coughing  into  her  fist  so  nobody  would  hear.  as  she  got  older,  she  paired  the  cigarettes  &  book  with  red  wine ,  the  finest  she  dared  steal  without  risk  of  being  caught.  this  was  her  escape,  her  small  patch  of  beauty  in  an  ugly  world.
andromeda  keeps  to  herself  at  hogwarts  as  much  as  she  can.  the  only  people  she  spent  time  with  were  those  her  parents  approved  of,  and  she  didn’t  like  most  of  them.  she  threw  herself  into  her  schoolwork  instead,  easily  landing  herself  a  spot  among  the  top  students.  
but  she  loves  hogwarts,  loves  it  with  all  her  heart,  as  so  many  abused  children  do  –  it’s  a  safe  haven,  a  place  where  she  can  at  least  pretend  she’s  free.  she  loves  learning  everything  that  she  can  (  in  fact,  she  was  very  nearly  sorted  into  ravenclaw  ).  her  favourite  place  to  be  is  the  astronomy  tower,  and  she  still  escapes  there  whenever  she’s  feeling  a  bit  too  claustrophobic.
she  was  chosen  to  be  a  slytherin  prefect  for  her  year  and  although  she  thought  she  wouldn’t  like  it,  she’s  grown  to  enjoy  the  position.  not  for  the  power  it  gives  her  over  her  fellow  students,  but  for  the  escape  it  brings.  she  can  associate  with  people  she  would  normally  never  talk  to,  and  roam  the  castle  freely  past  curfew.  and  andromeda  isn’t  a  naturally  nurturing  person,  but  she’s  found  that  she  enjoys  talking  to  and  helping  the  younger  years.  she  sees  their  wonder  at  hogwarts  in  their  eyes,  the  same  wonder  that  she  felt,  and  has  grown  quite  protective  over  quite  a  few  of  them.
she’s technically in slug club, due to her prowess in potions and her illustrious family name, although she hardly ever goes – she does not like slughorn at all, nor most of the people he’s selected to be in his little club. other than that, however, andromeda doesn’t make a habit of joining clubs or teams or anything that would involve her being forced to interact with people.
those  who  don’t  know  andromeda  might  say  she’s  aloof,  proud,  detached,  all  flint  eyes  &  sharp  edges.  and  they  wouldn’t  be  wrong.  andromeda’s  habit  of  keeping  to  the  shadows  has  carried  on  into  her  hogwarts  years,  and  as  an  introvert,  her  solitary  nature  can  sometimes  come  off  as  downright  anti-social.  she’s  naturally  pensive,  and  her  pensive  face  just  so  happens  to  look  pissed  off.  
she  finds  it  hard  to  trust  people.  she’s  so  used  to  a  world  shaped  by  selfishness  that  she  rarely  meets  someone  she  doesn’t  suspect  of  having  ulterior  motives.  after  all ,  beautiful  people,  like  beautiful  things,  are  temporary.  everyone  turns  ugly  sooner  or  later;  everyone’s  claws  are  eventually  revealed. 
andromeda  carries  an  unmistakable  air  of  wealth  that,  although  entirely  unintentional,  can  rub  people  the  wrong  way.  she  has  a  taste  for  the  finer  things  in  life  —  an  aged  wine,  a  silken  scarf  —  and  sees  no  reason  why  she  shouldn’t  enjoy  them.  she’s  well  read  &  well  bred,  and  has  a  vocabulary  and  accent  that  can  seem  pretentious  to  some.
but  those  who  do  know  andromeda,  those  precious,  precious  few,  know  of  her  vivacity,  her  independent  streak,  her  love  of  learning,  her  dry  humour,  the  dimples  that  appear  with  every  mischievous  smile.  they  know  the  fire  she’s  kept  hidden  in  her  heart  for  so  long,  and  the  proud,  apathetic  mask  she  slips  on  so  easily  whenever  she’s  hurting.
listen  as  much  as  i  love  the  idea  of  andromeda  in  a  modern  age,  it’s  mostly  just  bc  of  the  wealth  of  information  that’s  available  to  her  ?  like  staying  up  ages  watching  random  ass  videos  &  falling  into  a  black  hole  of  wikipedia  articles  &  having  12  languages  on  duolingo  and  a  streak  on  khan  academy.  fuckn  nerd  ass
but  social  media  ?  not  for  this  bitch  !!  i  really  have  Tried  to  get  her  to  use  social  media  so  i  can  do  fun  sc  threads  &  such  but  she  wont  listen  to  me  smh.  u  know  when  u  meet  someone  cute  &  you’re  trying  to  stalk  them  online  but  they  either  dont  have  any  social  media  or  it’s  just  like  an  empty  acct  with  no  posts  ?  shes  that  bitch.  she’ll  text  people  but  she  hates  the  like  ….  publicity  of  social  media.  doesnt  trust  fb  at  all  (  and  she  shouldnt  !!  zuck  shes  onto  u  )  and  probably  has  a  snapchat  someone  made  her  get  but  she  consistently  replies  like  3  days  late,  breaks  streaks,  has  a  snapscore  of  like  304.  what  a  mess.  shes  a  grandma.  understands  &  enjoys  memes  but  never  uses  them  or  references  them.  if  andromeda  black  references  a  meme  around  u  then  u  know  she  trusts  u  implicitly
she’s  wary  but  intrigued  by  this  new  english  class.  she  dreads  to  think  of  the  reaction  it’s  getting  from  pureblood  families  like  hers,  but  she  recognizes  this  for  what  it  is:  an  escape.  an  opportunity.  
she  chose  her  username  nimue  after  the  famed  lady  of  the  lake  from  the  stories  of  king  arthur  and  the  round  table.  she’d  loved  those  stories  as  a  child,  and  was  especially  drawn  to  the  mysterious  witch,  half-good  and  half-bad,  who  trapped  the  kingdom’s  most  powerful  wizard  inside  a  tree  to  gain  her  independence,  who  gifted  the  king  with  his  famed  sword,  who  was  there  when  the  great  golden  age  of  the  kingdom  rose  and  who  was  there  when  it  fell.
gender / sexuality:  cis  female / bisexual
birthday / zodiac:  jan  11 / capricorn
mbti:  intj
moral  alignment:  chaotic  neutral
temperament:  melancholic
patronus:  raven
amortentia:  dried  ink,  pine,  petrichor,  dark  chocolate
that  was  ???  ridic  long  so  bless  u  if  you  read  all  of  that  mess.  im  Too  Lazy  to  list  wanted  connections  rn,  maybe  i’ll  do  that  later  who  knows.  but  anyways  pls  plot  w  me  &  let  me  love  u  down
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