#hes gonna get painted next week so stay tuned
superxstarzz · 4 months
To give a small break from the wall of classpect combos that is my page now, I'd like to introduce my son, Foam Strider. He is a bit wonky, but I love him more than life itself <3
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Hazband 2: Band AU
Buckle Up, Buttercups. This is gonna be looooooooooong.
-"Insider Bands" playing on VH666 streaming services on a computer monitor / TV screen sitting on the desk against the far wall-
Charlie: (laying on her belly on her bed and chewing her nails like a cartoon goat chews through a field of grass as she watches the TV)
Riff Rascal: Alright, dudes, dudettes, non-duders, and rock-aholics! That was Simple Plain's newest single "Why Are We Kids?!". Coming up next, our guy, our big shredder, our big bad-
????: Dammit, Riff!!!! Just get on with it!!!
Riff Rascal: Yo, sorry, boss lady! Coming up next, we have our expert in all things metal and shredding, Axel Steelgrave, conducting a super secret, super exclusive interview with one of Hell's latest and greatest! Stay tuned!
Charlie: (whines and plasters her face into the comforter) Fuck! I really messed up! I shouldn't have released that album, guys! What if Vaggie doesn't like girls outside of the metal scene?! Then I'm just the creepy, stalker, pop diva who messages her on Sinstagram every once and a while! And likes all of her posts! And comments on each picture! And-
Razzle: (trying to finish polishing Charlie's hooves after a full pedicure and hoof care) Baap?
Charlie: So? It was only ever mentioned once in a tabloid that she was once in a poly ship with a man and woman before. Nothing set in stone. Who listens to tabloids anyway? She said she was a lesbian in her last interview with Angel Metal Monthly.
Dazzle: (brings up a wide array of nail polishes) BaaaAaaAp?
Charlie: Yes! She messages me back almost immediately after every message I send her, but that doesn't mean the's interested in me. She hasn't been online in a week! (rolls over and flops onto her back, covering her eyes with her arm) Not since Katie Killjoy did that whole news segment on my new single music video and album.
Dazzle: (painting Charlie's hooves in a deep red hue called "Wicked Sinister") Baaaaaaap. BaaaAAaaap. Baap. (clicks his hoof in a way that's supposed to look like a sassy finger snap and blows heated air over the paint)
Razzle: Baap! (scowls) Baaap. Baaa. Baap!
Charlie: Thanks, Razzle. No, Dazzle. I really don't think this is some kind of rebound. I really started liking her during the Battle of the Bands gig over at the Jackpot Hotel and Casino. She was the first person who didn't openly laugh at me being there even though I was the only pop singer there.
-VH666 blares back with a heavy metal guitar riff-
Axel Steelgrave: Hey, good evening, everyone. How's it going? Tonight, we have a very special guest. (camera pans out to show Vaggie sitting next to Axel in an interview chair) Lead singer, guitarist, and rocking girl, Vaggie the Steel Vagina from Fallen Angels.
Charlie: WHAT?!?!?!?!?! (crocodile death rolls around in her excitement and falls out of bed, completely wrapped in a burrito, and worm crawls over to the TV) RAZZLE!!! DAZZLE!!! TURN IT UP!!!
Razzle: (salutes) Baap! (grabs the remote and turns up the volume)
Dazzle: (sad bleats as he looks at the mess of nail polish everywhere) baaaaaap.....
Vaggie: (trying not to snarl at the name) It's just Vaggie, Axel.
Axel Steelgrave: Oh, sure. Sure. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to come and see us. Not gonna lie. We were shocked to hear that you were coming out with a new single so quickly.
Charlie: (plasters her face to the screen) New Single?!?!?!?!?!
Vaggie: (blushes slightly) Well, I figured after hearing the Princess's new album and call-out, I should work on a reply.
Angel: (from behind the camera man) You wouldn't have had ta write and record a whole new song and music video if you just sent 'er a video of you jacking it all week! I've never heard dat vibrator work so hard in its life! I swear I smelled smoke last night!
Charlie: (squeals, gasps, and shrieks all at once and falls backwards)
Vaggie: (jumps up from her seat) Angel! What the Fuck?!
Axel Steelgrave: Well, well, well, I guess that answers my next question. I take it this new single is going to be good news for the Princess?
Vaggie: (still steaming as she sits back down and tries to compose herself) I know you have the video on hand. Why not play it and let the fans see for themselves?
Axel Steelgrave: I couldn't have said it better myself. (to the camera) With that being said, let's take a look at a sneak peek of Fallen Angel's new single: "Dear, Charlie - For Somewhere Better".
-Video cuts to some random point in the music video where Vaggie is standing in black leather skirt that has the leather ripped into strips in a hoola-skirt style, black halter tank top, thigh high leather heeled boots, and black fingerless gloves, holding and shredding a guitar. Angel is a pink, fabulous gay disaster on drums while one set of hands works a keyboard.-
Vaggie: (singing) We'll ignite. Still dreaming wide awake. On the hunt for "Somewhen brighter". Pull me close now, and I'll dream until my dying day. Till we create a new "Somewhere better". The promise of a life. Like a thousand suns inside my broken heart. I can see through your eyes. And embrace the flame that guides me through the night.
-Video Cuts back to the interview-
Axel Steelgrave: (freaking out excitedly) Wow! That's quite the statement! Good on you, Steel Vagina!
Vaggie: Vaggie.
Axel Steelgrave: Before we end this exclusive, is there anything you want to say to the Princess in case she's watching?
Vaggie: (Face falls briefly as her eye widens and a blush colors her face) Oh.... (shakes her head to compose herself, looks into the camera, and makes a telephone gesture) Call me~
Axel Steelgrave: (laughing) Alright! You heard it here first, folks. "Dear, Charlie" will be available on HellTunes tonight at midnight. Thank you all so much for tuning in. And, as always, stay rocking.
Charlie: (finally managing to unravel the blanket and sitting on the floor with a bright red blush) C-Call.... Her.... She wants me to call her... (jumps up and down like a teenager in a bad "not another teen movie" while holding Razzle and Dazzle's hooves) SHE WANTS ME TO CALL HER!!!! (pauses) How?! I don't have her number!
Charlie: (dives for her phone on the floor and opens a new Sinstagram message)
FallenAngelVaggie: Hope you got a chance to watch "Insider Bands" tonight. Talk to you later? Maybe over coffee? XXX-XXX-XXXX
Charlie: (takes a deep breath) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Vaggie: (leaning against the wall of the VH666 studio, holding her phone against her chest, and taking a long drag of a cigarette)
Angel: Hey! I thought you were quitting! (yoinks the cigarette and plops it between his lips)
Vaggie: Dammit, Angel! I said I'd be done once my case is empty! (digs in her pocket and pulls out an angelic steel cigarette case) It still has four left! I haven't even lit up in nearly six months!
Angel: I know! Proud of you for that. That interview rile you up that much that you gotta wreck six months of hard work?
Vaggie: Ugh! (slams her back into the wall) You think Charlie got the message?
Angel: (looks up at the sky towards the Morningstar Mansion where it looks like fireworks are going off on one of the balconies) Oh, I think she got it~
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sowoozoo-7 · 1 year
Love, Lust & Litigation | Ch 4 (JJK, KNJ)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader x Namjoon
Genre: lawyer!AU, coworkers to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, drinking, implied sexual content
Word Count: 5.6k
Summary: Unfortunately, you have developed a massive crush on your new boss. Even more unfortunately, your equally attractive coworker is also harboring massive crush on your boss. AKA Jungkook and reader both pine for big, sexy brain Namjoon. 
A/N: Hello my lovelies! This fic is going to be a little longer than I expected! There's going to be at least three more chapters, and possibly more with the way things are going. Chapter 5 may be a little late next week because a friend is coming to visit, but I'm going to try to have it finished and ready to go before she arrives. Will Essie beat her procrastinator habits? Tune in next week to find out. Okay I hope you enjoy reading! I'd love to hear from you! Bye!
mlist | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | interlude | ch 6
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The sun wakes you, bright and intense through the windows. 
The heat is heavy and clinging, like when you leave your electric blanket on high the entire night. Your mouth feels like cotton. You don’t remember turning on the heater last night before going to sleep. 
Last night. 
The party. 
You crack open an eye to see a familiar tattooed arm around your waist, but close it quickly because fuck it’s bright. Right. You asked him to stay. Pressure starts building behind your eyes. Maybe those last three glasses of champagne were a mistake. 
As far as hangovers go, though, you’ve had worse. At least you don't need to puke. But there’s something off, something missing this morning. The thought chases itself around in your half-asleep state, like a dog chasing its tail. 
Eventually, the urge to pee gets you out of bed. Not without effort, you wiggle your way out of Jungkook’s tight embrace and sit up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. 
Jungkook grumbles and rolls over, throwing an arm over his face. 
“Turn off the sun.” 
You suppress a giggle as you tiptoe your way to the bathroom, picking up a discarded robe off the floor to cover yourself on the way. 
You take a look at yourself in the mirror as you’re washing your hands. Your face is puffy with sleep and alcohol, but there’s no mascara panda eyes. Apparently, drunk you had the wherewithal to wash her face last night, somewhere between asking Jungkook to stay and falling asleep. 
And it hits you, the thing that’s missing. Usually on mornings like this, when you wake up naked next to a person you didn’t plan on sleeping with, you see yourself in the bathroom mirror, makeup smudged under your eyes, regret deep in the pit of your stomach. That regret is nowhere to be found. 
All you feel, as you brush your teeth to get rid of the terribly dry feeling in your mouth, is a deep seated satisfaction. 
Jungkook looks like a painting on the bed when you come out of the bathroom, a slash sunlight across his bare torso. He looks so soft now, sleep-mussed, mouth hanging a little open. You admire the hard planes of his abdomen, swallowing thickly. 
As much as you want to snuggle up against him, throw a leg over him and let your hands wander over his body, you keep your distance. You’re not feeling any regret about sleeping with him, but you were both more than a little tipsy when he agreed to stay last night. 
The clock on the nightstand says you have an hour before the in-room complimentary breakfast ends. Your stomach rumbles. You perch on the side of the bed and poke him. 
He grunts a response.
“I’m gonna order breakfast. You want some?” 
You get another grunt in response. 
You turn towards the nightstand and call down to the kitchen to order. You get two of everything, and an extra pot of coffee, knowing that however hungry you are, Jungkook will easily eat you under the table. 
As you hang up the phone, you feel his chin on your shoulder. He’s properly awake now, sitting up, looking at you with a sleepy smile. 
“Good morning.” 
“Morning.” His gravelly morning voice makes your toes tingle. “How’d you sleep?” 
You twist to face him before you answer. His hand comes to play with the tie of your robe. 
“Better than I have in a while. You’re like a little space heater.” 
His lips quirk up in a lazy smirk. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?” 
You flush. You hoped you had outgrown that habit. “Did I say something embarrassing?” 
“Something about the peaches being nice and firm.” 
Your mouth hangs open in mock outrage and you poke him in the chest. “I order you breakfast and this is how you thank me?”
Before you have time to process it, he’s grabbed your wrist and got you on your back, straddling you. He presses a kiss to each temple, then each corner of your lips, and then finally makes his way to your mouth. His lips are soft, gentle, his tongue teasing the seam of your mouth.
“Is this better?” 
You nod and he trails kisses down your jaw and neck until he reaches the neck of the robe. He mouths at the uncovered part of your chest, and before he can pull the robe open, you pull his face up to yours for another kiss. 
“Breakfast will be here in a few minutes.” 
“So we don’t have time to waste,” he says, his eyebrow lifting. “Can I have a little appetizer before then?”
“Oh god, that’s the worst line I’ve ever heard.” 
You nod anyway. Consent received, he tugs at the tie of your robe and makes good use of the time before breakfast arrives. 
When the knock comes at the door a few minutes later, you wave at Jungkook to get it. Getting up seems insurmountable. Your legs feel like jelly. He jumps up from the bed and wipes his face. 
“One sec,” he calls. 
He pulls on the robe you were just wearing before accepting the room service trolley. Before he has a chance to reach for the coffee pot, you hold out your hand.
A surge of energy has you scrambling out of bed to get your phone. You pull the sheets after you, wrapping them around you in a makeshift dress. “Camera eats first.” 
Jungkook groans but steps back to let you take your photo. It’s picture perfect, with bacon and eggs worthy of a Studio Ghibli film, fluffy pastries, and artfully arranged fruit. He leans into the end of the video you take, making a silly face. 
“Now can I eat?” 
You gesture for him to start but he pours you a cup of coffee first, a dash of cream and a spoonful of sugar, just how you like it. A warm, fuzzy feeling spreads over your body, and you tell yourself it’s from the cup of coffee in your hand.
He grunts when he takes his first bite of food, his eyebrows coming together. He looks almost angry.
“This is so good. Damn.” 
He takes another bite and pretends to faint. You laugh at his antics, and your hands itch to take a video of him pretending to punch the food because it’s too good. You shake the thought out of your head and reach for a croissant instead. 
Soon, your stomach groans, stuffed with one of the best brunches you’ve ever had. Checkout time is just around the corner. Jungkook disappears to his room to shower, and you do the same, washing the night’s sweat and stick off your body under the hot jets. 
Doubt creeps in while steam billows around you. Was it a mistake to sleep with Jungkook when you’re both hung up on another guy? You don’t know and you try to dismiss it. 
Shower thoughts. Always intrusive, sometimes illuminating, and often annoying.
A knock sounds at your door as you’re pulling your shirt over your head. You open your door to find Jungkook on the other side of it. Somehow, he looks even better just out of the shower than he did the night before. His hair is damp and he’s wearing an oversized green plaid flannel and black joggers. He has his duffel bag with him and a puffer jacket draped over his arm. You let him in and he sits on your bed as you finish getting all packed up. 
You feel his eyes on you as you crouch to zip your own duffel bag. An awkward tension hangs in the air. There’s some sort of expectation, on both sides of this. You’ve never navigated this before, sleeping with a coworker. 
You straighten and meet his gaze. 
“So,” you echo. The silence stretches longer than is comfortable.
“Want a ride home?” His lips turn up in a close-lipped smile, uncertain. 
You internally sigh in relief. You don’t want to have the conversation now either.
“I’d love a ride.” 
He takes your bag as you leave your room. No one has done that for you in recent memory and you don’t know what to do with your hands as you ride down the elevator.
Checkout is a nearly silent process and so is the car ride over to your building. You only break the silence to give quiet directions. 
He parks neatly in an open space in front of your building. You look at him in surprise when he cuts the engine. His hands are on the steering wheel, thumbs rubbing up and down the curve of the wheel. You can’t help but remember how those same thumbs felt all over you, pressing indents into your body, holding you down. 
He looks straight ahead. 
“Everything okay?”
He closes his eyes and his head falls back against the headrest. “Is it stupid to say that I don’t want to go home yet?” 
You bite down a little laugh that threatens to escape. Sounds like the prospect of the rest of the weekend alone is just as daunting for him as it is for you. 
“Wanna come up and watch a movie?” 
He looks at you and lifts an eyebrow. “You’re taking pity on me. 
“No, I’m taking advantage of you. There’s—“ you check your watch “— thirty-six hours left of the weekend, and I have zero plans. I’d love company.” 
That’s how you and Jungkook end up spending the rest of the weekend together. 
You laze on the couch for the rest of Saturday, watching terrible, cheesy Christmas movies and ordering Chinese takeout when you get hungry. The sun has barely set when he shifts closer to you during a particularly badly acted movie, and you cuddle against his shoulder. One thing leads to another, and you’re both half naked as the credits roll. 
He ends up staying over, and, well, there’s worse ways to wake up on a Sunday.
You’re both still reluctant to go your separate ways, so after you stop by his place — surprisingly clean and airy for a bachelor pad — you have brunch at your favorite cafe. 
You take a walk in the park after brunch, walking off the stupid amount of pancakes you had. Your hand naturally slips into his, and he doesn’t let go. 
You talk about anything and everything, how his parents pushed him towards a career in law when what he really wanted to do was pursue art, and that he still paints in his spare time, though he likes working at the firm more than he though he would. You share that your dream has been to practice law ever since you saw Legally Blonde as a kid. 
“She’s a feminist icon,” you insist. 
He laughs at this, and remarks that you’re still missing the pink suit, blonde hair, and the Chihuahua to complete the look. 
You’re still holding hands when your meandering walk leads you to Cat’s Pajamas an hour after sunset. The atmosphere of the bistro feels more intimate during their dinner service, with dim lighting and crooning jazz playing softly over the speaker. The bistro is full of people, but you feel like you’re alone in a little cocoon with Jungkook. 
Yoongi doesn’t say anything when you both go to pay, but you don’t miss the expression on his face when he sees Jungkook’s hand on your lower back. 
“Here,” he says, giving you and Jungkook each a flyer. “Just in case I don’t see you during the week.”
It’s an invitation to the soft opening of his and Jin’s new restaurant, Tonight. 
“Any plans on Saturday?” Jungkook asks you.
You take out your phone to check your calendar. “None so far.”
“Wanna go then?” 
Should you? You’re under no illusions that this weekend will lead to anything serious with Jungkook. You’re not in the right space to start a serious relationship, and you don’t think he is either. Extending this little fantasy of a weekend seems like a bad idea. 
Your traitor mouth says, “Let’s do it.” 
Yoongi watches this exchange with a familiar serious expression. You’ve seen this expression before, this mask covering exasperation when dealing with idiot customers. You’re thankful the low light hides your red face as he confirms a reservation at Tonight for seven pm the following Saturday. 
Whatever judgement Yoongi was passing doesn’t stop you from slipping your hand back into Jungkook’s as he walks you to your building. It’s cold, you tell yourself, and his hand is warm. 
He walks you up the stoop to your building. 
“This was the best weekend. Thank you.” He smiles so earnestly, it makes your heart clench. 
“I had a lot of fun. Thank you for… well, the good food and the multiple orgasms.” You laugh as he blushes and looks down. “Hey, this reminds me, we have to report this to HR.” 
“Report it?” He looks scared, like so many men have when you’ve brought up defining a relationship. Except you don’t want to define this, not yet. 
“Not as an official relationship or anything, just that it happened. You know how people talk. Especially about women. I’d like to have all my ducks in a row. Just in case.”
He nods, looking significantly less like a deer in the headlights. “Coworkers with benefits.” 
“Something like that.” You take your phone out and check your calendar again. “Are you free tomorrow at ten?” 
He’s checking his phone too. “No, I have a meeting. How about eleven? Gives me an excuse to end the meeting early. This guy tends to go on for hours.” 
“Eleven works,” you say, hitting send on a calendar invite. Jungkook’s phone pings with the notification, and yours pings back a second later with his confirmation.
You notice the time on your phone. “It’s getting late.” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow at work.” 
With one last squeeze of your hand and a chaste kiss on your cheek, he walks back down to the sidewalk and leans against his car. You wave for him to go first, but he waves you into the building first. You shake your head with a laugh. You know he’s stubborn and he’ll sit outside until you crack first. You turn and wave one last time before going inside. 
As your apartment door closes behind you, the emptiness returns. Without Jungkook around, it feels like the walls are closing in around you. The weekend was just a fantasy, making you forget how alone you really are. It’s just you. It always has been. 
A lump rises in your throat as you slowly get ready for the week ahead, setting out your clothes for the next day and changing your sheets. The apartment echoes around you as you move. You play some music to try and fill the empty space.
You get ready for bed and you slip into your freshly changed sheets. You almost regret changing them. These ones don’t smell like Jungkook. Before you turn off the lamp on your bedside table, you send a text without thinking too much about it. 
You [22:15]: The apartment is too cold without you. I had to pull out the electric blanket. 
Your phone lights up with a response a few minutes later. 
JK [22:21]: Anytime you need me to keep you warm, call me ;)
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There’s a line stretching down the hallway from the HR offices when you arrive at eleven. 
You haven’t seen Jungkook yet today. Jimin and Hoseok pulled you into a strategy meeting almost as soon as you stepped off the elevator that morning and you’ve been glued to your desk ever since. 
As you wait for Jungkook to arrive, you see Jimin coming out of the HR office with Brian. Nerdy Brian with the bad haircut. Jimin leaves Brian at a hallway junction with a wink and a small smug smile on his face. Brian just looks shell-shocked as Jimin struts away. 
Jimin catches your eye and stops to chat.
“Brian?” you ask. 
Jimin lowers his voice. He’s a gossip and a flirt, but he’s discreet about it. 
“What can I say, he moves his hips well on and off the dance floor.” He finally notices that you’re also standing in line for HR. “Who’d you sleep with? Don’t tell me it was—“ 
“Sorry I’m late.” Jungkook walks up and stands next to you in line, which has grown by a few people behind you. “Meeting ran long. Guy could just not stop talking.” 
Jimin, for once, doesn’t say anything. He just looks back and forth between you and Jungkook, eyebrows disappearing into his bangs. You feel yourself warming at his incredulity. 
“What’s up Jimin? Already done your due diligence?” asks Jungkook. 
Jimin snaps back into it. “Yep. I will say, I did not see this coming, but good for you guys, I guess. You looked great on the dance floor.” He shakes his head, looking confused and a little impressed. “See you at the meeting later.” 
He walks off, and Jungkook just looks at you and shrugs. He takes out his phone to respond to some emails. You do the same, but you don’t actually process anything you’re reading. Maybe this was all a mistake after all. 
A few minutes later, Jungkook looks up. “This is taking forever. Want a coffee?” 
You’re about to say yes, but one of the HR assistants walks out with an armload of clipboards. 
“Hi everyone. Each of you please take one of these and fill out the paperwork. It will save us a lot of time once you’re actually in there. If the paperwork doesn’t apply to you, great, don’t fill it out, just hand it back to us once it’s your turn in the office.” He starts handing out the forms, and mutters under his breath. “Though I doubt any of you are here for anything else. Busiest day of the damn year, every year.” 
You take your clipboard and read the form. Consensual Relationship Agreement.
“Where’s the box for coworkers with benefits?” whispers Jungkook. 
You elbow him in the ribs and start to fill it out.
The line moves a lot quicker with all the paperwork filled out in advance. The HR manager looks tired and over this workday when you and Jungkook take your turn in her office. 
“Okay, so we now have your forms all filled out.” She checks the forms to make sure all the information is complete and filled out correctly then makes a note in the system. She hands you a packet of information from a stack several dozen high on her desk. “Here is a copy of the firm’s relationship policy. Neither of you report to the other, right?”
“Correct,” you say. 
“Great.” Her voice is monotone. Likely she’s been repeating herself all morning. She turns back to her computer. “Now, is this a one-time event or a continuing relationship?” 
“Um,” you say. 
“Continuing,” says Jungkook at the same time.
You open your mouth to say something, but she waves you off. “Spare me the details. I don’t need the angsty drama about defining the relationship. You’re both adults in a consensual something. I just need to document if it’s ongoing. I’m gonna mark it as continuing. Just don’t let it affect your work or your workplace. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you and Jungkook say. 
“Great. Next!��� 
You’re unceremoniously ushered out by the harried HR assistant. The line out the door is longer than when you started. The HR assistant looks like he’s going to cry.  
“Coffee?” asks Jungkook. “I didn’t have time this morning and I need the boost.” 
While you’re in line for your drinks, he vents about his client talking too much and you ask for advice on a tricky case of yours. You were friendly before, but now conversation flows easier. It’s nice, you think, to have someone at work who gets it. All of it. 
As you head back to your department, Namjoon walks by, deep in conversation with a senior attorney. You both freeze. 
It’s the first time either of you have seen him since the party and you feel a tug of longing at the pit of your stomach, followed by a serious wave of guilt. You look at Jungkook and see your feelings mirrored in his face. 
Neither of you bother with goodbyes as you hurry to your office and close the door behind you. You lean against the door and sink to the floor, burying your head in your knees. What did you expect? Did you really think that a weekend of good sex and good food would make you forget your feelings for Namjoon?
It doesn’t stop you from seeing Jungkook outside of work again. You last all of one day before you’re texting him to come over and spend the night. 
He texts you the day after to stay at his. 
Then, come Saturday, you find yourself getting dressed with care for dinner at Tonight. They have a dress code, and with Nina’s help, you pick out a little black number with thin straps and a tulle skirt that makes you feel like a cupcake. Nina doesn’t ask about the occasion. She knows you’re not ready to talk about it, and she doesn’t push it. 
You leave your hair down and put on a blood-red lipstick. You don’t usually go for bold colors, but you feel the winter weather and the fancy restaurant merit it. Sheer tights and boots round out the look. 
You don’t have time to question whether it’s all a bit too much because the doorbell rings just as you finish getting ready. You buzz Jungkook up, gathering your coat and clutch, and retouching your lipstick in the time it takes for him to come up the elevator. 
He’s rocking the all-black look again, but a little more formal this time, with a black tie and hair swept up out of his face. 
“Damn,” you say at the same time. You both dissolve into giggles. 
“You look great,” you say once you’ve recovered.
“So do you.” 
He offers you his hand and you take it. 
The restaurant is on a covered rooftop overlooking the city. It’s filled with beautiful people, and you’re glad you dressed up. It’s not somewhere you’d ever go on your own, but it feels like a special holiday treat to be here, all dressed up with eye candy on your arm. 
You meet Jin at the host stand. He’s greeting everyone personally for the soft opening, wearing a cream turtleneck that accentuates his broad shoulders. He leads you across the restaurant, and you follow, Jungkook’s hand gentle on your waist, guiding you through the maze of tables. 
Jin seats you at a table by the window and takes your coats. The view is stunning, all sharp edges and glittering lights. The chill from the window makes you shiver, and Jungkook takes his blazer off and drapes it over your shoulders. 
You feel like the lead in a ditzy romcom, getting wined and dined by a beautiful man who only has eyes for you. Each small plate looks like something out of a food magazine. There’s a wine pairing with every plate and by the time the main course comes out, you’re pleasantly buzzed. 
Jungkook opted for steak and you went with grilled octopus. You almost moan when you take a bite, the octopus soft and chewy, the flavors melting together in your mouth. 
“Damn. This is the best steak I’ve ever had.” Your dining companion looks at the steak like it personally insulted his mother. “You have to try this,” he says, loading up his fork with a perfect bite. 
He holds it out to you across the table, fork dripping with mashed potato and bordelaise. You hesitate for half a second before you take the bite, so flustered by the surprisingly intimate gesture that you almost forget to taste the food.
When the taste finally registers, all you can say is, “Wow.” 
“Try it with the wine.” He offers you his wine glass and you finally understand why people make a living out of choosing wines to pair with food. 
He watches your face the entire time, a soft smile on his face as you experience all the different flavors. 
“That’s incredible,” you say. “Try mine next.” You do the same with your dish, putting all the elements into a bite and offering it to him across the table. He leans over and glances up to meet your eyes as his mouth wraps around your fork. Heat flashes through you. 
“Don’t look at me like that while we’re eating.” 
“Like what?” he says with a smirk. Ass. 
“You know like what,” you say. “I want to enjoy this delicious food I’m paying good money for.” You take a big swig of your wine. 
“What about after?”  
“After?” You look up at him slowly, taking him in inch by inch. “After you can look at me however you want.”
A slow grin spreads across his face, then he bites his lip. You can’t help but grin back. Maybe it’s the scent of him on his blazer enveloping you, or the way the candlelight flickers on his face. Shit. It could even be hormones. Whatever it is, it’s making you feel warm fuzzies towards someone who you’re meant to keep casual with. You decide to enjoy the evening for what it is and examine these feelings when you’re able to process them alone. 
Dessert comes encased in a sugar bubble. You pull out your phone to film Jungkook cracking it open to reveal a fluffy chocolate mousse underneath. Just as you’re setting your phone down on the table to dig in, your phone rings. NAMJOON KIM flashes across the screen. Jungkook pauses, his spoon in his mouth, then waves for you to take it. 
“Hi, Namjoon.” 
A flash of emotion crosses Jungkook’s face, but you don’t have time to analyze it before Namjoon’s saying your name and suddenly you can’t concentrate on anything else but his voice in your ear. 
“We have an issue with the Dartagne brief. They need an answer by open of business Monday so they can draw up their strategy before they break for their holiday. I'm drowning in documents. Can you come in tonight?” 
“Tonight?” Jimin and Hoseok were helping with the Dartagne brief. You had only heard about it in passing during all-hands meetings. 
“I know it’s last minute, but Jimin is out of the country already and Hoseok is out of town for the weekend. I’m going to call Jungkook too. We need all the help we can get.”
Your eyes flick up to meet Jungkook’s gaze. He’s been watching you intently as you’ve been talking. You cover the microphone with one hand and whisper, “He wants us to come in. The Dartagne brief.”
You nod and he nods back. You uncover the microphone and speak. “I’m with Jungkook now. We can be there in a half hour.”
“Oh.” There’s a brief pause on the other end of the line. “See you two soon.” 
The phone call ends with little fanfare. Jungkook looks at you with an inscrutable expression. 
“Let’s finish dessert,” he says. 
But the magical feeling of the evening is over. You’re no longer the lead in a romcom. This is real life now, with real people, flawed and beautiful and complicated. You don’t talk while you eat, both of your minds elsewhere. Even though dessert is as delicious as the rest of the meal, you don’t savor it. 
Jin looks surprised when you ask for your coats and the bill.
“Is everything all right?” 
“We just have a work emergency. Everything was great. Congrats on the opening.”
“Next time, turn off your phone and stay a while longer,” he jokes. Still, he looks confused at the detached atmosphere between you and Jungkook.
Before you know it, you’re walking into the office. Most of the lights are off, save for a trail of lit hallways that lead you to the conference room. 
The door is open and — heaven help you — Namjoon’s wearing glasses. A desk lamp washes over him, making his skin shine golden. Papers are piled high on the table. He’s concentrating, annotating with red pen as he compares two documents. His white, button-down shirt is pushed up to his elbows and a lock of hair hangs over his furrowed brows. Soft acoustic music plays from his computer. You want to capture this moment in video forever. 
Jungkook knocks on the doorjamb when Namjoon doesn’t look up from his papers. 
Namjoon looks up at you two over the rim of his glasses, taking in your appearance. He sits back in his chair and looks both of you up and down. You feel exposed, regretting the short length of your dress. 
“I didn’t mean to interrupt date night,” he says, frowning, voice deep.
You exchange glances with Jungkook. He speaks before you know what to say. “We were just out for dinner at Jin and Yoongi’s new restaurant. They have a dress code.” 
Something ugly twists in your gut at his dismissive explanation, but you swallow it down as you nod. 
“The food is amazing. You should go when you get the chance.” You clear your throat. “Where do you need us?” 
“Right,” says Namjoon, a muscle twitching in his jaw. “They delivered these papers late last night. I’ve been going through them but there’s no way I’m going to get through all of these on my own in time. What we need should be in one of these file boxes.” He gestures to bankers boxes stacked higher than your head and two deep. “Grab a box and start looking. We need to find the original bylaws that govern a board takeover.” 
“They’re not labeled,” says Jungkook. 
“It’s the shittiest file management system I’ve ever seen,” says Namjoon, clearly tired and frustrated with the situation. “Just pick one and start digging.” 
Jungkook removes his blazer, loosens his tie, and rolls his shirtsleeves up. His muscles flex as he takes down two of the top boxes and sets them down on opposite sides of the conference room table. 
You excuse yourself to your office to change into the clothes you keep in your office precisely for moments like this. You leave your dress on, but pull a pair of sweats to cover your legs and a cardigan to cover your shoulders. You exchange heels for fuzzy slippers. 
The first box is promising. You find something interesting almost as soon as you’ve started looking. A brittle set of papers stapled together, handwritten initials scattered all over. 
You bring the folder to Namjoon. “Is this what we’re looking for?” 
His fingers brush over yours as you hand him the folder and you suppress a shiver. You’re a professional, in a professional working environment, you remind yourself. You read over his shoulder as he takes a look. You don’t realize how close you’ve brought your face to his until he turns to look at you. 
This is the closest you’ve ever been to him, even closer than when you danced together at the holiday party. He has pretty lashes, and his dark brown eyes seem like they go on forever. You’re holding your breath. 
“This is part of it, but we still need the official, signed bylaws.” You feel more than hear his voice. 
“Right. I’ll keep looking.” 
His eyes flick down to your lips then back to your eyes. “That’s a nice lipstick color,” he says before turning back to his papers. 
You go back to your seat, feeling a little lightheaded. You take your time marking the file and setting aside for comparison, but you force yourself to snap out of it. You’re a professional. In a professional working environment. You have a job to do.
You don’t notice Jungkook frowning down at his papers.
Time ticks on, and you finish looking through the second box with no luck. You stand with a stretch.
“I’m making coffee.” 
The kitchen is dim at night, and you don’t bother turning on the lights. You move on automatic, measuring out the coffee and putting it in a french press before pouring hot water over the grounds. The smell of coffee hits your nose, making you feel more alert. As you’re pulling down three mugs from the cabinet, you feel a presence at your back. 
You tun to see Jungkook. “Coffee?”
He doesn’t answer. He just steps into your space. There’s nowhere for you to go. The counter is already pressed against your lower back. You find nothing of his usual humor in his expression. His mouth is set in a straight line and he’s focused on your lips. 
He takes your face between his hands, thumbs ghosting over your mouth. Your lips part, and you let out a little exhale. His eyes darken as he leans in to kiss you. It’s slow, and intense, exploring territory he has already claimed as his. You grip the sides of his shirt as his mouth moves against yours. 
He pulls back, both of you breathing hard. Your lipstick is smudged all around his lips, and you reach your hand up to wipe it away. He does the same for you, thumbs gentle as they scrub away the last of the color on your lips. 
“There,” you say when you’ve rubbed it all away.
He turns to kiss your palm then kisses you again, softer this time, just a lingering press of the lips. Shivers run down your back as he trails kisses up your jaw and to the back of your ear. 
“Only wear this color around me,” he breathes against your ear. You stand frozen as he reaches behind you to press the plunger on the french press. He pulls away to start putting together the coffee tray. 
“Bring the mugs?” He throws the question over his shoulder, his light tone at odds with his intense expression.
He disappears around the corner. You hang back to catch your breath for a few moments. 
If Namjoon notices that you don’t have any more color on your lips when you return to the conference room, he doesn’t mention it. 
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©sowoozoo-7 2023
Please do not copy or repost. I do not crosspost anywhere else.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝚗𝚌𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚖𝚜
requested by anonie:  hi if you’re taking requests could you do an NCT Dream reaction to you crying while studying for exams because you’re stressed? thank you !
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Mark Lee
my boi understands the STRESS
he debuted like 6 times and he has more comebacks and schedules than he can count bby is so overworked sometimes  °(ಗдಗ。)
i think you’re probably each other’s safe places
whenever mark catches sight of you he just buries himself in your arms and all his stress and worries melt away as he breathes in your familiar scent (.づ◡﹏◡)づ.
your hugs? his best medicine
so when he finds you trying to muffle your cries in your hands, hunched over open textbooks, a mess of pens and littered papers around you
his heart breaks just a lil (*>_<*)
why didn’t you come to him?? or at least call him??? don’t you trust him?? is he part of the reason of your tears???? what if-
“mark?” ༶ඬ༝ඬ༶
but as your meek voice calls for him he decides that questions can wait
you are his one and only priority
he dashes to your side and engulfs you in his arms─=≡Σ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
“it’s okay baby, you’ll be fine, i’m here, i’m with you”
you just hide your face in his chest and allow yourself to break into sobs that wrench mark’s poor lil heart while mark caresses your back and head
“just let it all out baby, i’m right here, i’ll always be here”(๑´•д • `๑)
he keeps murmuring comforting words as you slowly run out of tears
once you calm down enough to explain the reason of your breakdown to him, he just presses a kiss to your forehead ლ(´﹏`ლ)
“how about you take a rest for tonight and we’ll talk tomorrow and i’ll find a way to help you through this, hm? does that sound good?”
you make him promise he’ll stay with you for this night he has no objections (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
he ends up playing his guitar for you with your head on his lap asfdsfksf until you fall asleep and then spoons you after tucking you in
his softness for you doesn’t prevent him from having a serious discussion with you to make sure you know you can always come to him for anything and then ends up helping you study might end up asking for help as well _(T-T*)
Huang Renjun
this boi seems really chill while at home
so i’d say that he mostly minds his business if you’re busy with school work like he’s probably in a corner painting or sumthin’ the lil artsy fairy that he is (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
he does check up on you from time to time to make sure that you’re... you know... alive and breathing?? lol fun times huh
but still, silent comfort IS your love language ∩(︶▽︶)∩
so he kinda assumes that you ALREADY know he’s there for you at any time anywhere in any way you may ever need him
so when he hears a muffled sob from behind the door you’re studying in?
his heart BREAKS ꒰๑˃͈꒳˂͈๑꒱ノ*゙̥
but he also doesn’t want to stress you out even more or scare you so he slowly enters the room to find you hunched over your desk
he hesitates for a moment as his chest just clenches in hurt while he watches your shoulders shake with muffled whimpers ˓˓(ᑊᘩᑊ⁎)
so he walks up to you and lays a gentle hand on your shoulder
he waited for a moment to make sure that you’re comfortable with his presence in such vulnerable moments
and the he just ENGULFS you in a firm embrace and you FINALLY get the chance to ground yourself as you let out all of the pent up frustration in the arms of the person you trust the most (๑◕︵◕๑)
he just pats your head and you bury your face in his chest and you just ✨melt✨ into each other
i don’t think he’d say much tbh (´°ω°`)
there’s a silent mutual understanding that all you need right now is someone- him to lean on when you’re too tired to hold yourself upright
as you start calming down he presses a kiss to your head before speaking softly but firmly
“you’re taking a break, come on let’s eat and then we can have a lazy evening for once” ε-(‘ヘ´○)┓
“oh we can finally try out the fluffy blanket we bought together last week”
you spend the evening wrapped up in each other under your blanket with a forgotten movie playing in the background while renjun hums a lullaby’s tune in your ear
Lee Jeno
he has a sixth sense for you
you can’t get away WITH ANYTHING ¯\_༼ᴼل͜ᴼ༽_/¯
you stub a toe: aw frick-
jeno, thousands of km away in the middle of rolling his hips into another dimension during practice: something’s wrong ಠ_ಠ
so i think he might notice even before you that you’re kinda breaching your limit
but ba(r)bie isn’t sure how to approach you without offending you since you’re kinda irritable because of the stress ofc he doesn’t blame you
so if he fails to stop you before your breakdown he’s gonna blame himself for sure tho so make sure to reassure him once you’re stable he’s gonna keep a VERY watchful eye over you ( ◉  〜 ◉ ) 
he’s 100% READY to be there for you!!!!!
he has fluffy blankets, your favourite sweets and snacks, your preferred take out place on speed dial in case you’re hungry AND your comfort show prepared  (•̀o•́)ง
what he isn’t prepared tho?
his OWN heart cracking at the sight of your pain and exhaustion (ಗдಗ) 
he LITERALLY CAN’T stop the small whine building up in his chest as he strides over to your side for support
so when you wrap yourself around him like a lil koala, trembling in his hold and muttering through tears that it’s just too much-
his ULTIMATE protectiveness kicks in FULL MODE (ಢ⊱ಢ 。)
he just scoops you up and burrito wraps you into the gigantic mound of blankets already prepared for you while pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead i promised i’d make it his trademark so here ;)
he *dashes* to bring over all of the snacks AND is already on the phone if you decided you wanted something to eat
basically bf jeno didn’t come to play ║ * ರ Ĺ̯ ರ * ║
spends the rest of the night literally PAMPERING you in anything you need
and most importantly... LOTS OF KITHES AND CUDDLES!!!!( *¯ ³¯*)♡
his baby deserves a chill and lovely night and he’s gonna provide exactly that and the absolute best for you :<
also jeno will gather all of his remaining braincells to help you the next of the day he really seems a smart kid in my opinion
Lee Donghyuck
hyuck is a LOVELY person don’t get me wrong (๑♡⌓♡๑)
but he’s also a tease so he might unintentionally push you to your limits with a few remarks
poor babe really didn’t realize you were going through it
so just imagine his panic once you just burst into tears after what should have been a harmless teasing from him (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
“ba-babe? what happened, did i go too far?? i’m so sorry my love, i just-”
he keeps on rambling and you just cry even harder cuz come on hyuck is just such a thoughtful boyfriend
“i’m really sorry y/n, please don’t cry, i’ll do ANYTHING-” ٩(´Д` ;)۶
you try to explain to him that he’s not at fault for your breakdown
obviously it’s not really comprehensible but it’s enough for hyuck to understand once he hears the words ‘stress’ and ‘exhausted’
he simply embraces you as tight as he can and reassures you that humans have their own limits (っ⇀⑃↼)っ
and that taking a break doesn’t invalidate your hard work and dedication
he understands how overworking can affect a person so he knows how to handle the situation
he proposes taking a hot bath once you’ve calmed down and he adds extra bubbles and a really nice smelling body wash (╯✧∇✧)╯
and after that- YOU’RE ON BED REST!! no excuses
if you protest? you wouldn’t dare
stops you with kisses all over your face before fully shutting you up with a soft but firm kiss on your lips o┤*`3´*├o
you spend the entire rest of the day restrained in his hugs
you really scared him so he became a lil lot clingy 
need to go to the bathroom? he INSISTS to piggyback you there since ‘you need all the rest you can possibly get’ (∪。∪)。。。
but i reckon you can’t complain since you have the chance to spend some quality time with your also busy boyfriend
my boy will also go to the ends of the world in order to help you the next day to study whether that means burning his own brain or gathering half of nct and his manager to get everything done in time (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
Na Jaemin
it’s literally NO SURPRISE when i say that he’s PROTECTIVEx1000000 of his loved ones (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
so why would you even bother to hide anything from him??
it’s LITERALLY no use
he’s a very very doting person and he keeps tabs on you no matter what, sometimes even uncounciously
and if he’s not there physically? NO PROBLEM!!
texts and calls between he two of you are a very common occurence bubs just wants to make sure you’re well and happy (˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
so unless you’re a top class at acting, good luck in trying to play off your stress and tiredness
but let’s say that due to busy schedules and different timetables it somehow gets past him
babe will be so heartbroken (๑´•д • `๑)
his worry topples over as he freezes in your doorway for a moment at the sight of your defeated form and tear-stained papers
BUT he does a good job in keeping his composure because he can’t risk letting his emotions get the best of him when you need him ( •̀ω•́ )
so he just trudges up to you and SMOTHERS you in the tightest hug possible, tucking your head in his shoulder so you could cry freely hidden away from the rest of the world
he coos a few words here and there, encouragements, compliments, reassurement that ‘you’re more than enough, you just need to take a moment to relax and breathe’ ✧˖°ˈ·*ε-(๑˃́ε˂̀๑ )
otherwise, he’ll leave the talk for the next day when you’re rested both physically AND mentally 
after you calm down he helps you put away all your school work you wouldn’t dare oppose him on this for the rest of the day
we all know what’s coming up i’m sorry
COMFORT FOOD!!!! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
he seats you on a kitchen stool while he cooks whatever you need at the moment, anything his baby wants
honestly he just adapts to whatever you need atm
cuddles in silence? works for him!! wanna ramble? there to listen!! want netflix and chill??? absolutely!!!!
Zhong Chenle
sooo from what i’ve gathered he’s not exactly emotional???
but also have you seen this absolute cutie when jisung was crying at the dream show?? babe was trying so hard to comfort his bff but he also seemed uh.. a bit awkward a bit? in a cute way tho!! (๑⁍᷄౪⁍᷅๑)
but i do think he’ll falter once he catches sight of your state!!!!
so many mental debates too!! (๑′°︿°๑)
‘they’re hunched over, did they fall asleep? wait shaking?? is it cold in here????... fuck no was that a sob?? do i... do i go over to comfort them? but how like do i hug or do i talk or..? what if they break up with me??? shit what have i done recently?? i washed the dishes, i cleaned the dog poop, i took out the trash.. it can’t be this’
my boy is going through THE CRISIS OF HIS LIFE (≖ლ≖๑ )
so he reluctantly walks up to you determined to help
but when he reaches you? *brain fart*
ends up patting your head and rubbing your back, but his touch manages to ground you without overwhelming you even further (っ⇀⑃↼)っ
if you end up pulling him into a hug tho, he won’t hesitate to hold you
while comforting you he finally notices your open notebooks filled with messy writing
he feels weirdly relieved that you’re not breaking up with him and neither is it something *tragic*  •(◐﹏◐)•
he’ll let you cry it out before he asks if you’d like some help with your school work he asked fans to send their maths homework so he must be a nerd enough to be able to help you too
but you’re probably too drained(×ω×)  to do anything so you two just settle for a cuddle session under a mountain of blankets
and daegal therapy!!!!!O(≧∇≦)O who probably loves you more than chenle and he ends up whining jokingly about it
chenle will probably focus on lifting up your mood with jokes and stories and he’d do anything to cheer you up
he might try to spoil you too 
and he’s not letting you refuse the ton of food he orders since ‘you deserve to fill up your batteries’ ~~旦_(-ω-`。)
i’m sorry for your tummies after the ammount of sweets you shared
Park Jisung
ah nct’s certified crybaby(lovingly)
might just start crying with you because if you cry he cries too 
i honestly see him a bit panicky in a delicate situation like this once where he has to deal with *emotions* (。´>д<)っ彡☆
so he watches from a safe distance at first
literally jisung.exe has shut down
but then poor kid starts feeling guilty about just watching you suffer without helping and comforting you but he’s kinda scared that he’s only gonna make it worse (●’Д’●)
‘come on park jisung think!!! what would-... what WOULD JAEMIN DO!!’
*cue lighbulb going off above his head*
cue calling jaemin and getting scolded for being on the phone with him instead of being by your side but still giving his precious baby advice
jisung probably comes up with a speech before approaching you he’s nervous okay? ┌༼ σ ‸ σ ༽┐
he lays a hand on your head, gently caressing you and just as he takes a breath to start his speech, you just look up to him with THE kicked puppy eyes ༼ つ ◕ ‸ ◕ ༽つ and jisung is A GONER꒰ლ✘ㅿ✘ლ꒱ 
he MELTS into a puddle of uwus and just leans into you, opting for silent comfort and that’s how he found out that cuddles>>>>>>words
he kinda babbles a little while holding you words are hard ya know
he kinda rambles after you calm down too so now you have to calm him down you’re both messes but you’re cute so
so what is the most efficient way to shut him up? peck his lips!!!!
and as he melts into your hold he remembers that ‘wait!! i’m the one supposed to comfort them!!!!’ (•̀o•́)ง
so he throws his nerves out the window for a moment and just cups his entire world your face in his hands and pecks your all over your face
you end up watching some compilations with kitties or something on both your phones untill your batteries die so then you switch to another device gen z behaviour 
he also probably gets a call from jaemin too and you figure out that your puss of a boyfriend had to call his friend in order to help you
so you give him that look <(`^´)>
let’s say he’s taking you out for brunch the next day AND helping you with your school work 
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chil2de · 3 years
Hi!! if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that’s his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it’s y/n and she doesn’t die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE THIS MADE ME SO SOFT!!!!! ohmygod!!!! growing up with yuuta would be THE best onshdhfsh thank you sososos much anon this was such a pleasure to write! i don’t know why but the “and she doesn’t die” had me screaming LMFAOOOO
enjoy! no warnings, just old fashioned cute fluff and heart wrenching moments! thank you for giving me the opportunity to write for the best boy mwaaah you deserve eternal happiness! hope no insects bite you during these warm months <3
“okkotsu!” you cried out, feminine and shrill voice ringing in the air. the cicadas chirped melodiously, calling out their delightful songs in the spring air.
the young boy staggered around, losing his balance from spinning too fast. his fragile hands reached out, pulling in small grabby motions towards your innocent and joyous face.
you were always so optimistic, even when you were younger. yuuta could only huff and wail as his caretaker hauled him away from the playground, gesturing it was time for him to come home. thick and messy tears spilled out the corners of his eyes which hadn’t yet endured countless sleep devoid nights.
he was so far away, but that was okay because you knew you’d see him the very next day.
“okkotsu! promise to play with me again tomorrow!” you cupped your hands, exclaiming as much as your little lungs could endure. yuuta could see the tears heavy in your gaze, but even then, you prevailed. you grinned, all for him.
ever since the very start. till ‘death do us apart.
“okkotsu! come oooon, don’t cry, okay? (y/n)’s got your back! see, see?! look! they don’t bite!” you braved a smirk on your features, beckoning the shy and introverted young man over. his face looked uncertain and his lips wobbled as though he could crack at any moment. he took a few cautious steps, maintaining his distance between you and the furry animal on the floor.
“r-really? it won’t bite?” he coughed, reaching his unstable fingertips out.
“eh?! that’s the first time you’ve spoken to me! your voice is so nice! it’s so cool! hey! can i hear it again? pleaaaase? i know you’re shy but i’d really like to hear it! hey, okkotsu, say my name? pretty please?”
“um- i, uh.. it’s okay.. you can call me yuuta.”
“yuuta! you’re going to be late for your first day of junior high! i totally told you to wake up on time too!” you stood with your hands rested firmly on your hips, face stern and tone impatient.
“sorry! sorry- it’s um, my hair. i don’t know how to style it.” he admitted, albeit sheepishly by trailing the last few words off into a murmur. you only gave him a sigh before kneeling down behind him, propping yourself up to take a look at his hair in the reflection of the mirror.
“how on earth are you so tall already? we eat the same food, you know. slouch over a little.” you pinched his cheeks before glossing over his hair.
when you ran your fingertips through his hair, you felt butterflies and anxiety rock your stomach.
that’s never been there before.
you’ve touched yuuta countless times, whether that was accidentally hitting him, holding his hand to cross the street…
so why was it different?
you could feel yuuta’s body tense up and run rigid underneath your touch.
that definitely wasn’t there before.
“relax. it’s me.” you cooed quietly, roughing up his hair into different styles.
“like this? looks like you just woke up, sorta, but i think it’s cute.”
yuuta’s heart rate skyrocketed through the roof and his breath hitched.
“cute?” he reiterated, chewing out the phrase like he’d never heard it before in his life.
“hm? yeah-“
you caught his gaze in the mirror, eyes half lidded and attention averted. the tips of his ears were tainted a deep red with small flicks of blush painting his cheeks.
“eh?! nononono- not like that i’m- i just think it suits you, you know? oh, crap, would you look at the time? okay we gotta go and leave!” you clambered out of his bedroom, thudding the door shut behind you.
yuuta only gawked at you with bewilderment, lips slightly parted and fingertips outstretched in his failed attempt to stop you.
he turned to himself in the mirror, studying his features before running one hand through his jet black locks.
“cute, huh?” he muttered, avoiding his own judgemental gaze.
the bittersweet part about growing up with a childhood friend is change.
for all the time that you’d spent with yuuta, you didn’t realise that your relationship with him was something to not take for granted.
especially with those around you who would kill for what you two have.
you’d always get mundane questions from high school girls who thought they could have a shot with him, “what’s his type?” “do you think he likes me?”
meanwhile you only played along with their charades, laughing inwardly when he was actually extremely introverted.
“so? what’s the deal with you and okkotsu-san? you guys dating?”
“no. we’re just friends.”
“seriously? you guys are always glued at the hip. you know he has a picture of you in his locker, right?”
“yeah? so do i. it doesn’t mean anything.”
“it’s kind of a shame, he’s such a nice young man.. gone to waste like that..”
“what’s gone to waste?” yuuta inquired with an indifferent tone, plopping down beside you with his bento box. the classmate sat opposite you only gave him a phony cheerful temperament, twirling her index finger around her hair.
“oh! okkotsu-senpai! we were just talking about you! how was your da-“
“please leave.”
you could only gape at him in your peripherals, sputtering on your sandwich as you watched the life drain from your classmate at his monotony. yuuta didn’t spare you or the girl a glance as he worked to unpack his lunch, hell the guy even murmured a small itadakimasu as if nothing happened.
“wh- okkotsu senpai?”
“listen.” he let out a deep sigh before proceeding.
“whatever shot you thought you had with me? it’s gone out the window. don’t disrespect (y/n) in front of me like that again.”
“you’re making us uncomfortable, so get up and go.” he motioned with his chopsticks, giving her a dead gaze towards another table.
the girl scoffed, mouth hung wide open as she picked up her bag and stormed out of sight.
whilst your face was as blank as a stone, internally, you were only screaming in the depths of piping hot hell visible from the sun itself.
baby girl? that was when you noticed how fucking fine of a man yuuta grew up to be.
“that was seriously nerve wracking.. my stomach hurts so bad right now” yuuta coughed through a bite of his sandwich, refusing to meet your gaze.
you slapped his back, because, holy shit??? awe painted your face like you just witnessed your own child talking or walking for the first time.
“what the shit? yuuta? are you kidding?”
“oh, huh? did i overdo it or something?“
“no?! are you kidding? that was fucking awesome! i swear! this is why i love you-“
uh oh.
oh no.
yuuta let out a shrill squeak unbeknownst to any human being able to produce such a volume. it was a cross between a floorboard creaking, a mouse sniffing and him choking on his food. the poor boy had to excuse himself to the bathroom, hacking and sniffling in an ugly fit of coughs from the food that got caught in his windpipe.
your blood rushed to your head, veins lit ablaze, bones rattling as you could hear the chatter pound and drill into your skull, scoring you deep and down into your bones.
“did she just say she loves him?”
“i totally knew they were going out!”
“i can’t believe it…”
“do you think he’ll reject her?”
it replayed over, and over, and over. what a fucking fool you felt. did he even feel the same?
that’s why i love you.
i love you.
i love you.
a blob of black clouded your vision and you could hear the glass breaking.
yuuta sat himself back down, excusing himself.
you could hear nothing but the tune of his heartbeat. or was it yours? it sounded too heavy to belong in either of your bodies.
his voice came as a wobble because of his anxiety, but this was the one thing in his life he’d be absolutely certain of.
“that’s okay. i love you too.”
“yuuta? you okay? you’ve been spacing out for at least five minutes. something on your mind?” you lightly shake your boyfriend, grip reassuring but firm. it takes a couple of seconds for his gaze to gloss over as he returns back to reality.
“sorry. was just thinking about our childhood, that’s all.” his voice comes out deep and masculine. it doesn’t have that tremor as it used to before, like he’d break down at any minute.
you can say with absolute certainty as you stare up your entire 5’10 boyfriend that he’s matured well.
his hand snakes around to your waist, pulling you into him for comfort.
some ways better than others, you suppose.
“can we stay home today?” he hums, resting his chin on top of your head,
“same as ever, yuuta, aren’t you? it’s fine, i’ll tell nobara my period’s making me act up. she’ll understand-“
“hm? you’re not due for another week though, right?”
you crease your eyebrows as you type out an apology to nobara for cancelling plans, glancing up at yuuta curiously.
“how the heck do you know that?”
“i’m not supposed to? i’d always count your cycle so i wouldn’t irritate you on the wrong day. besides, don’t you think it was too convenient for you to always find snacks in your locker when it rolled around?”
“those snacks were you?! oh my god! i was trying to figure that out for forever!”
“i know. i remember you ranting to me about it.”
“you just sat there?! yuuta! you’re so cheeky sometimes, i swear!”
“only for you.” he chimes, peppering a soft kiss onto your head. you smile against him, though unfortunately pry out of his familiar and welcoming touch.
“i’m gonna step out for a second tho, ‘kay? i think that’s itadori at the door with my chocolate and painkillers” you snort, giving yuuta a bold wink as you put on your best act, keeling over and clutching at your abdomen as though you’re on death’s door.
“you’re awful.” yuuta chuckles, slumping down onto the sofa to hear the events unfold right in front of him.
you clear your throat and slouch your shoulders as you pry the apartment door open.
“(y/n)-senpai! i came as fast as i could and i brought you some of your favourite sna- oh, okkotsu-senpai! hello!”
“hi there.” he leans his head back, giving itadori a small wave.
“i won’t interrupt you guys so get well soon! and fast! cause i wanna hang out with you! bye!”
you cradle the necessities itadori brought whilst gleaming at yuuta with a wicked grin plastered on your face from ear to ear.
“you want anything?” you cock an eyebrow, showing him the arrangement of snacks.
it’s not the answer you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t unwelcome. it made you feel warm inside, like eating warm and soothing soup on a cold winter’s day. this, for you, was okkotsu yuuta at his best, stripped clean and vulnerable.
you’re the only one who he can relax around, act like the world is carefree. like he’s young again, prancing around in that dingy colourful playground he met you at.
“i want you to kiss me.”
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
Quarantine with Matthew Gray Gubler (MGG / Reader)
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(Not my gif, thank you to whoever made it! )
Requested: Yes :)
Vivir en cuarentena con Matthew, y él hace en vivos por Instagram con y/n respondiendo preguntas de fans
Category: Fluff
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler / Reader
Summary: Matthew loves making people happy, and in quarantine, he finds the best way to keep in touch with his fans and do what he loves the most: spend time with (Y/N) 💜
Warnings: Nope
Word count: 2,2K
A/N: I am so sorry this request took me forever!!  Hello guys!!  thank you for all your comments, and love 💖 You are awesome!! hope you have a great week!!
Living in quarantine isn't as bad as many people think. It all depends on who you are spending your time locked in with. (Y/N) knew it pretty well, 'cos she had been locked with her husband, Matthew Gray Gubler, in their shared house for the last month.
And even when most people were sick and tired of being home, (Y/N)and Matthew managed to keep themselves busy and mentally sane. In fact, you could feel more stressed considering there was a pandemic and no one could see their loved ones and friends. But being with Matthew made it all so much bearable.
Considering Gubler's job kept him busy most of the time during a normal year and that he didn't have many chances to be home the way he was now, he enjoyed it.
Sleeping in was heaven. And the fact he could stay in, wearing pajama and kimonos, just enjoying his wife's company, was what he needed.
He didn't realize he needed to take a break after years of hard work until he was forced to do it. And god, it felt good.
(Y/N) would keep herself busy writing and reading while Matthew painted and draw by her side.
Their daily activities included: trying new recipes at least three times each week. Gubler would always come with some random exotic dish he always wanted to recreate. And six of eight times, he nailed it.
They would also spend a day in their pajamas doing nothing. Usually, it was Sundays. That was their official cuddles day. Just movies, ice cream, and cuddles.
Matthew also started teaching (Y/N) some magic tricks. She had insisted a few times, but he was very reluctant to do it at first.
- "A magician never shares his tricks, Bunny"- he argued for days.
- "Ok, but what if I am a magician too? Then it would be ok?"
(Y/N) was sitting on his lap, playing with some curls of his hair between her fingers. They were in their backyard, having a picnic. They had set a blanket and had some cookies (Y/N) had baked, along with two tall ice coffee Matthew had prepared, with an obscene amount of whipped cream.
- "And how are you planning to be a magician if you don't know any trick?"- he questioned, raising an eyebrow.
- "Just because you haven't taught me any trick doesn't mean I don't know any!"- she answered, pretending to be insulted.
- "My wife can do magic, and she never told me?"
- "There are a lot of things about your wife you still don't know"- (Y/N) teased and smiled at him.
- "Bunny, we are locked in this house until further notice. I think I have enough time to find out all those things I haven't seen in the last years."
(Y/N) had finally convinced him when she showed him a simple card trick her father had taught her when she was a kid. Gubler got so excited he even presided a ceremony to name her an official magician and invited their friends to be part of it via zoom. Everybody enjoyed their magic tricks and shared a good hour of fun and laughter with them, just like they would do live.
It felt good to be with their loved ones, even if it was just online.
That gave Matthew an idea.
- "Hey, Bunny!"- he walked into the kitchen holding his phone, scrolling down his Instagram feed.
- "What is it, honey?"- (Y/N) asked him as she kept chopping vegetables for dinner.
- "I was thinking maybe I should start doing Instagram live streamings with the fans. Maybe do some magic tricks, tell jokes. I don't know."- (Y/N) raised his eyes from the food and smiled.
- "Sounds awesome! when do you wanna start?"
- "Now?"- he answered a little hesitant
- "And what do you have in mind?"
- "Maybe answering questions and asking them if hanging out via Instagram is something they'd like to do."
(Y/N) chuckled and walked to her husband, pinching his cheeks, making him giggle.
- "You are so adorable, Gub. Like anyone wouldn't love to hang out with you."- he blushed and shook his head.
- "Ok, I'm gonna do it here anyway."
- "While I'm cooking?"- (Y/N) looked confused
- "Yes, I want you near so you can stop me when I start rambling"- (Y/N) laughed and kissed her husband's lips sweetly.
- "I can't stop your rambling, Gubler. But I can mute the video"- she teased, and he pecked her lips, chuckling.
- "Just stop me when I start saying anything embarrassing."
- "Deal."
No one could say Matthew Gray Gubler didn't care about his fans. He was committed to being always nice to anyone who would ask for a picture or an autograph. Why? Because nothing made him happier than making people happy. And if his job gave people joy, he honestly felt his life had a purpose.
That's why he enjoyed his improvised IG stream so much. He just sat on a couch nearby the kitchen and started talking with fans, answering questions.
- "Where am I spending my quarantine? Here is my hunted treehouse. I don't think I had ever been home this much, and it's been awesome."- Gubler stood up and started walking around the room.
- "Who am I spending it with? my gorgeous wife, of course,"- he said and pointed the phone at (Y/N), who was still cooking dinner. She simply waved and smiled
- "She is making sure I eat proper food now... Bunny, people are asking what you are cooking."
- "Pad thai"- she answered with a huge grin- "Gubler's request for tonight's dinner."
- "Maybe we could make a cooking class one day,"- Matthew suggested, and the screen started filling with "YES!!" immediately- "I could teach people how to burn every pan in the house, and you can cook."
(Y/N) nodded, laughing.
- "You can teach everybody how to make the best hotcakes."- (Y/N) answered and walked away from the phone.
It wasn't that she didn't like being part of her husband's activities, but she figured she wasn't really that important. Fans were there to see him, not her.
But Matthew followed her.
- "Yeah! I'll make my famous chocolate chip hotcakes, and you will have to top them!"- (Y/N) laughed and looked at her husband, raising an eyebrow.
- "Battle of the hotcakes?"
- "Yes!"
- "Set a time and a place, and I'll be there"- (Y/N) put her hands in her waist and raised an eyebrow, looking as serious as she could fake it.
- "Tomorrow, noon, here in our kitchen, because we can't leave the house,"- Gubler answered and mimicked his wife's attitude, still streaming everything.
- "Bring it, Gub."
And just like that, another livestream was scheduled.
The next day, at noon, Matthew streamed the funniest hotcake competition there had ever been seen by humankind. At least that's what he described.
- "Let's say it's a tie"- Gubbler decided and finished the last piece of hotcake in his dish- "I'll leave a poll in my stories so you can decide what you wanna see in tomorrow's live."
- "Really?"- (Y/N) asked, surprised- "Which are the options?"
- "Magic tricks or... I don't know. I didn't think this through"- he answered, making his wife giggle.
- "Maybe you could make a Rumple reading"- and Gubler's eye brightened at the idea
- "With my Rumple costume?"
- "I don't see why not"- Gubler looked at the screen and grinned like a kid.
- "Ok, you'll decide, magic classes or Rumple reading."
It was a draw. That's why Gubler did a Rumple reading the next day and decided to prepare a magic class with his wife for later that week.
His followers were having a blast with each one of their streams. Matthew would always try to take a step back and let his wife shine in front of everybody. He thought she was so funny the world needed to see more of her.
And (Y/N) always tried to be the best sidekick for her husband. Helping him make his streamings as fun as possible.
For the Rumple reading, Matthew sat in an armchair by the fireplace, dressed like Rumple, and read the whole book, impersonating voices and everything. Then, (Y/N) read the questions from the fans, and Matthew answered everything.
Gubler dressed like a classic magician for their magic streaming, and his wife was his assistant, helping him with each trick.
And by the end of the week, the people picked Q&A streaming with the two of them. It was the Friday "Chilling with the Gubs special."
- "Your girl is about to steal the whole show"- Shemar called Matthew that week and made him laugh- "She's the best part of the whole stream."
- "Don't flirt with my wife!"- he answered and chuckled.
- "I'm just saying she has a lot of potentials. She should try to do some stand-up comedy."
Gubler loved that comment, though. He knew his wife was awesome, and he wanted the world to know. As simple as that.
- "Ok, Bunny, ready to answer some questions?"- Gubler set the phone in front of them as they sat in their backyard. One more time, they had set a blanket in their favorite spot. And they had cookies and coffee.
- "Hit it!"
It was fun to do those things together. (Y/N) had never been one to be in the spotlight, but she loved being with Matthew. And if he was happy, so was she.
And it took only a second to see how happy Matthew was. He beamed each time he looked at his wife by his side.
- "Ok, this is a good one. What did we have for breakfast today?"- (Y/N) read and chuckled.
- "Good question. Waffles. (Y/N) made waffles, and I ate five, with ice cream. I'm gonna get so fat in quarantine"- the actor answered and felt his wife's hand in his hair.
- "What's your next project"- (Y/N) read- "Oh! that's a good one!"
- "But I won't say anything about it,"- Gubler answered and chuckled- "You'll have to stay tuned."
- "But I can assure you, it's amazing,"- (Y/N) added smiling- "How did you two meet"- the couple looked at each other and giggled.
- "At a party in my best friend's house"- she answered- "She was dating one of Matthew's friends, and they had a huge celebration when they moved in together."
- "And when I saw her, I knew I had to talk to her, but her friends didn't leave her alone."
- "Why didn't you just walked over and talked to me anyway?"- (Y/N) asked and crossed her arms on her chest
- "Because they were intimidating! and I am a shy guy!"- he explained- "I had to wait until you walked away to get yourself a drink to talk to you finally!"
- "You literally appeared by my side as soon as I walked away from them"- (Y/N) laughed, remembering the moment- "It was so funny!"
- "Hey! it might have been my only chance! I needed to take it!"- Matthew held her hand and played with her fingers, thinking he was glad non of that was in the camera angle.
- "And it worked"- (Y/N) answered and smiled at her husband, thinking as soon as that livestream was over, she was going to have a serious make out session with him
- "I'm glad it did. Quarantine would suck without you."
Gubler answered and smiled, thinking as soon as that stream was over, he was going to jump on her and kiss every inch of her body, just because she looked so beautiful that day.
- "Are you guys planning on having kids?"- (Y/N) read and turned all kinds of pink. There was a silence between the couple as they just looked at each other and shrugged.
- "We'd make cute babies"- Matthew answered- "And we could clearly keep them entertained."
(Y/N) laughed and shook her head.
- "We are not streaming that!!"
- "What?"
- "The baby-making part!"- she joked, and Gubler blushed, laughing and falling back on the blanket.
- "That idea never crossed my mind!"
- "I had to say it! Just in case"- (Y/N) argued and chuckled.
She had thought about having babies in the last few months. But getting pregnant during a pandemic didn't sound like a good idea.
Or was it?
- "Ok, everybody. We are signing out for today"- Gubler announced and waved at the camera- "Take care, stay in your house this weekend, and we'll come back maybe next week."
- "Maybe people can suggest what they'd like to see"- (Y/N) said and looked at Gubler, smiling back at her.
- "I'll leave the option in one of my stories so that you can leave your suggestions. See you!!"
The livestream was over. Gubler left his phone aside and looked at his wife. She was sipping her coffee and fidgeting with her fingers on the fabric of her jeans.
- "We would make cute babies, though,"- Matthew whispered and watched her beam at those words. That was all he needed to know.
- "You would spoil them so much"- (Y/N) replied, giggling.
- "Only because they will be just like you, and I love to spoil you so much"- he opened his arms, and (Y/N) leaned in, resting her body against his.
- "So... do you wanna have a baby Gub?"- she whispered against his chest- her voice was muffled, but he heard her clearly.
- "I think I do. You?"- Gubler answered, feeling his heart beating faster.
- "Me too."
(Y/N) muttered and giggled. Matthew looked at her and leaned in a little closer, kissing her lips sweetly.
It was a massive step for them, and they were very excited to do it.
- "Do you wanna start now?"- Matthew suggested, and (Y/N) blushed immediately- "I mean... I was going to suggest sex before, but now..."
- "The sooner, the better, Gubler,"- (Y/N) replied and bit her lips- "After all, we are gonna have to do a lot of practice before we succeed."
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fett-djarin · 3 years
this bitch done YEET
anyway this is Boba Fett x f!Reader! I had this idea kicking around for awhile and shit finally came together and i was able to get it done!
Rating: 18+
Length: 4.1k
Warnings/Tags: SMUT, canon-typical violence (not in the smut), PiV intercourse, unprotected sex, fingering, riding, throne sex come get yalls juice, multiple orgasms, creampie, spanking, slight cockwarming?, pet names, swearing
Boba Fett was an enigma. He intimidated you, intrigued you--but he didn’t scare you. Boba could be violent, occasionally cruel, but only to those who had earned his ire. You had nothing to fear.
You still remember the day he stormed into Jabba’s palace, a wrathful spectre on a mission. You had been afraid you would be caught in the crossfire, an exchange of possession through violence. But then your chains were blasted apart, scum of men dying around you instead of finding your own demise. Instead of fleeing like the other girls, you dove towards a dropped blaster and levelled it at one of the smugglers putting up a fight. This particular one had been a thorn in your side for a long time. You’d be lying if you said you felt no satisfaction watching him fall lifeless from your well-placed blaster bolt.
“Nice shot,” the woman--Fennec, you had come to learn--commented. You had turned in a panic, pointing the blaster in her direction, her own rifle coming up in an instant, aimed squarely at your head.
“Easy, girl,” the Mandalorian--Boba--had said. “We have no interest in fighting you.”
“If you mean to sell me again,” you spat, “it would be easier to kill me now.” Your fingers flexed on the blaster, and you tried to steady your shaking hands. Fennec’s aim hadn’t faltered.
“Stand down, Shand,” Fett directed the sharpshooter, who immediately lowered her weapon. He then addressed you again. “I don’t deal in flesh.” You slowly dropped your arm. “What’s your name, girl?”
That had been...a few standard months ago, now. Boba ran his syndicate under a tight fist. He had no use for slaves, and had told you you were free, even offered you credits to return home. Some of the others took his offer. You had opted to stay--your birth planet had nothing to offer you, and you did not want to try your luck as a newly freed woman with nothing to your name on Tatooine. You didn’t even have a name, really. You were called something different each time you moved; your birthname was no longer you. That person had died long ago.
“Call me anything,” you had told Boba. “I don’t mind.”
He thought for a minute, and then decided. “Mayen.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you. The gruff, seemingly serious man had a sense of humor. Mayen--Mando’a for ‘anything.’ His lips quirked in a sly smirk. You liked it. Mayen it was.
“You know Mando’a?” He had asked.
“I’ve picked up things here and there,” you smiled in return.
He later on told you that you could pick your own name, you had no obligation to go by the silly pun he called you. But you had a sense of humor, and actually liked how it sounded. It was a new beginning. You decided you would keep it.
You knew quite a few languages, or bits and pieces you heard over the years. Boba had hired you as a translator, and you accompanied him to meetings with traders, smugglers, and pirates. He didn’t allow any of them to harass you. If they so much as leered in your direction, they tended to lose a few fingers or teeth, either by your hand or his. At Boba’s insistence, you now carried a blaster and a vibroblade. Fennec had been showing you how to properly aim and shoot so you could better protect yourself. He had gifted you the vibroblade as part of your payment.
Yes, Boba Fett was a hard man, but you appreciated his kindness.
His scars added to his imposing figure, and you often found yourself wondering about their origin. What he must have gone through for his skin to be marked so. You also wondered about how stupid some people could be--Mandalorians were legendary warriors, and Boba Fett had some infamy connected to his name, yet fools still picked fights they were destined to lose. His armor impressed you--and the dark stare of the T-visor when he looked your way always had something low and warm stirring in your belly.
It didn’t help that sometimes he would watch while you practiced with your blade. Your heart thundered in your ears the first time he came up behind you, chest to your back, and moved your arms into the correct defensive position. His boot also nudged your stance wider, centering your weight. It’s part of training, you told yourself. You prayed he didn’t notice the heat in your face or the way you refused to look at him. Stars, if you turned your head you could kiss him--
What could you say? He was a handsome man.
Occasionally he offered to spar with you, which was laughable. The first time you had outright refused. “I don’t want to die, thanks,” you said.
“You’re gonna have to face people bigger and stronger than you sometimes, princess,” he said the endearment mockingly.
“Most people aren’t Boba Fett.”
“You’re right about that. Still, come on, show me what you’ve learned.”
Your first fight ended miserably in about three seconds. You gave him a pointed look that said I-told-you-so, and he just shrugged. “Not bad for your first time.” Sparring became regular.
“You’re quicker than me. Use that to your advantage, stay out of my reach. Strike and retreat.”
“Arms up, but keep ‘em close--protect your body.”
“Stagger your stance, distribute your weight. Make it harder for people to knock you down.”
“Move with confidence--this is not the time to falter.”
His words of advice came with each session and stuck. After a few weeks, you could hold your own for a minute against Fett. Then five minutes. Then your sparring was like a coordinated, aggressive dance, blades flashing and deflected, ducking, dodging, weaving, spinning around each other. Once, you had even managed to disarm him, knocking the blade from his hand--you both froze in stunned surprise before Boba recovered and had you pinned to the floor in an instant.
“Very good.” He said from his place atop your legs, pride curling darkly through his voice. “But next time, press the advantage. You freeze, you die.” Now you froze for an entirely different reason--his weight on top of you caused something hot and wanting to smolder in you, his thumb gently stroking the hollow of your throat making your breath hitch. And then he was off you, pulling you back to your feet with ease.
You still couldn’t beat him--you don’t think you would ever be capable of that. The best bounty hunter in the galaxy against you? You much prefer being on his good side.
Boba had just returned from a recent bounty hunt alongside a fellow Mandalorian, having left you and Fennec at the palace. You had been helping her sort through the datalogs and contraband left behind from the previous occupants when he appeared, moving surprisingly silent for such a broad, imposing man.
“Mayen,” he called you, and you looked at him over your shoulder, having been preoccupied cataloguing the contents of the crate in front of you. He was still in his armor, adding to his bulk. The green-painted beskar gave nothing away. “I’ve got a meeting. You’ll be needed. Fennec, I sent you scouting information on the next bounty.”
You nodded, and with your acknowledgment, he turned and strode back towards the throne room. Fennec stood, brushing sand off her pants. “Careful,” Fennec warned. “Keep your blaster close. You never know how these meetings will turn out.” She patted you on the shoulder.
“Got it,” you said, adjusting your tunic so she could see the holster on your hip. It would be the first time she wasn’t there alongside you while Boba arranged deals with crime lords. Sometimes Boba would go in alone, or the both of you would attend. “Trained by the best.”
She cracked a smile at that. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to track down our next target.” She exited the storage room opposite of the way Boba went.
You gathered yourself, then followed after Boba. Entering the throne room was daunting, as the traders he was meeting with were already there and turned to stare. A few of them openly looked you up and down. Your eyes were fixed solely on Boba lounging on the throne, legs spread, seemingly completely at ease and exuding power. You strode past the group of men come to bargain, refusing to look away from the void of Boba's visor that tracked your movement. One of them muttered something as you passed that you couldn't make out, but it had not sounded pleasant. You took your place at Boba's side.
"Boba Fett, the legendary bounty hunter back from the dead," a wiry human man stepped forward, rubbing his hands together. His grin was more of a baring of teeth. "Now that you run this joint, I have a few propositions to consider--"
Since he was speaking Basic, you have to admit, you tuned out. You watched the two Twi’leks that had accompanied him, who kept throwing glances your way, murmuring to themselves. Something about them put you on edge. Of course, you never trusted the people who came to do business with Boba, but you liked this group even less.
You translated for a Rodian bounty hunter when it was his turn to speak. You noticed the Twi'leks and the first human had been getting antsy, shifting from foot to foot and continuing to eye you and Boba. The Twi'leks had never come forward. They spelled trouble. You were tense the entire time, but they reached an agreement and left without trouble.
Boba on the throne was a sight. Your mind wandered, wondering what it would be like to sit on his lap, straddle his strong thighs. You shook your head to clear it as Boba cleared his throat, drawing your attention.
"Go get some rest, little one." And with that, you were dismissed.
You touched yourself thinking of him that night. Imagining it was his fingers instead of yours bringing you to your peak. You bit your fist as you came, muffling your moans and preventing you from calling his name out into the night.
The next day, he had gone out once again. When he returned, you noted his armor had some new scratches, some of the fresh green paint chipped away. He beckoned you forward with a wave, following him to the throne room. He sat with a heavy sigh. You stood before him, waiting for his direction, when he removed his helmet and set it aside. There was a new cut on his cheek, dried blood sticking to his skin.
"You're hurt," you said, stepping forward. Boba grunted noncommittally in response, reaching into a pouch on his belt and pulling out a small container of bacta.
"Use this," his voice was gravelly and he tossed the container to you. He...wanted you to put the bacta on him? Your pulse kicked up. But you would do as he asked.
You unscrewed the lid, swiping your finger through the gel. "What happened?" You asked as you spread it as gently as you could over the cut.
"Those hunters from yesterday," he sighed. "Thought they could catch me unaware out in the dunes. Their last mistake." He chuckled. "This was really the only hit I took," he gestured to the cut along his cheek. You had finished spreading the bacta, but your hand still lingered. You were entranced, being this close to him. Your thumb mindlessly caressed his cheekbone.
"Mayen," he said your name. You met his eyes, the heat in his gaze taking you by surprise. He always had fire and fight in him, but this wasn't like that. It was wanting. Boba grasped your wrist of the hand that still held his face, his other coming up to cup the back of your head.
Then you were kissing him.
You don't know if you leaned down or if he pulled you down or if he leaned up or if it even mattered, all you cared about was his rough lips against yours. When you gasped into it, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. Boba's kisses were all consuming, overwhelming--he demanded all of you, and wouldn't accept any less.
He leaned back, bringing you with him so you had no choice but to straddle his lap or be pulled off-balance. You settled along his thighs, sighing as you could now grind your center against his stiffening member. He nipped your bottom lip, breaking away to press kisses down your throat.
“Tell me, sweetheart…” he murmured, worrying a mark into the delicate skin of your neck.
You whined, rolling your hips against his. His hands clamped down like durasteel around your hips, stilling you. “Tell me. We stop if you say so.”
“I want you, Boba,” you gasped, and he rewarded you with another hickey sucked into your neck. He guided your hips back into a slow grind, thrusting up against you. The layers of clothes between you dulled the sensation, but warm waves of pleasure still radiated through you. You cradled his jaw, bringing his lips back to yours, before trailing your palms down his chest. You pawed at his chestplate and robes, making him chuckle.
“Eager, aren’t we?” he teased you lightly. You squeaked when he pinched your ass. “Take this off, princess.” His hands slid up under your tunic, running up and down your sides before caressing your breasts.
You lifted your arms, helping him slide your shirt over your head. Instinctively, your arms came down to cover yourself, but Boba tutted at you. “Don’t get shy on me now, mesh’la. Let me see you.” He murmured in your ear before lightly nipping the lobe, sending shivers down your spine. He encouraged you to put your hands back on his chest. You whined against him, need building in your core as he undid your bindings and continued to guide your hips in a deep grind.
Boba’s fingers crept along the waistband of your pants before diving inside. You moaned as they landed on your clit. “This wet already? Someone’s a needy little thing.” You felt your face heat at his teasing accompanied by his rough fingers circling your clit built you up even more. You hid your face in his shoulder, grinding against his hand for more of that raw pleasure. Boba suddenly pressed hard against your clit in a tight circle, making you cry out loudly and grip his robes for dear life.
“Boba, please,” you whined, lips tracing his throat, his jaw, wherever you could reach. You brought your own hand down to cup him through his pants, running your hand along his bulge. He cursed lightly in your ear as you gently squeezed him.
“Up,” he said, patting your ass. You stood, taking the opportunity to shimmy out of your pants and panties. He lounged back against the throne, taking in your form. You didn’t cover yourself this time. “Good girl. Come here.” You stepped between his spread knees and he took you by the elbow, pulling you down and turning you so your back was pressed to his chest and your legs were spread by his own. His touch returned to your clit, sliding through your slick folds to tease your entrance. You pressed your ass back against his hardness and he groaned.
His arm banded around your waist as he finally slid a finger into your dripping entrance. You gasped, head falling back to rest on his shoulder. When he introduced a second one, you began to squirm. The stretch was so good as his fingers slid within you, curling and pressing into that perfect spot that sent you soaring. You were practically riding his hand, your hips circling as his fingers moved faster and faster.
“Oh,” you gasped as he added a third, legs trembling. Your hand shot to his where it was locked around your middle, holding you against him, while your other curled up and back, turning his head so you could kiss him. Boba found that spot in you that made you clench tight around him and zeroed in with deadly precision. You felt him grin smugly against your lips as your breathing stuttered. “Boba!”
“Look at you, so desperate for my fingers. Squeezin’ me so tight, sweetheart, can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
You found yourself teetering at the edge of release. You turned your head, burying your nose in Boba’s neck. “Please, Boba, g’nna cum, please--” you gasped out. It was a good thing he held you to him, else you would have been bucking off his lap.
“Cum on my fingers, cyar’ika.”
Your mouth opened in a silent moan as you tipped over the edge of orgasm, cumming hard around Boba’s fingers. Your cunt flooded with wetness, the lewd sound of his fingers thrusting into you becoming even wetter. If he hadn’t been holding you to his chest you would have doubled over with the devastating pulses of pleasure rocking through you from your center. He continued working you through it until you whined, pushing at his hand that still moved between your thighs, need building up in you again.
Boba brought his fingers up to his mouth and you moaned at the sight of him sucking and licking them clean of your arousal. “Taste so sweet,” he said. “Open.” You opened your mouth, and he slid his fingers inside. Obediently, you sucked on them, swirling your tongue around his fingers like you would his cock. Boba groaned. "Dirty girl."
He withdrew his fingers from your mouth and you begged. "Want your cock, please, Boba--please fuck me, please--"
"Hush, needy pet. You'll get what you want." He bit your neck, the sharp pinpricks fading into a warm buzz that made you squirm, wiggling your hips on his lap. Boba reached down between you two and shifted himself out of his robes, sliding his cock against your soaked folds. You looked down and Maker, he was thick. You were suddenly glad he made you take three fingers--you hoped you would be able to take his cock.
He rutted against you, his cock sliding through your folds and pulling breathless little gasps from you each time his head nudged your clit. Each slick drag of him against your lips coated his cock in your wetness. Boba evidently grew tired of teasing you, because he urged you up and took hold of the base of his cock, guiding it to your dripping entrance. You moaned at the feeling of his thick tip splitting you open, sinking down the first inch.
Boba's hand came around to rub little circles on your clit, making you jerk against him, his other hand caging you in by your hip. Slowly, he encouraged you to sit back on his lap, the thick drag and push of his cock working inch-by-inch deeper into you. Stars, you felt him in your fucking guts. Your thighs trembled, and when your ass touched his lap you nearly sobbed from how full you felt.
"Look at that," he murmured into your hair. "Takin' me so well, princess. Feels fucking good, doesn't it?" You clenched around him at his words, making him choke off a moan. He rubbed your clit a tick faster just to feel you spasm around him again and he laughed at your high gasp of pleasure.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, it was too good--that ache, the raw sparks shooting down your legs and up your spine. Shifting the slightest bit pushed him right up something devastating inside you and you couldn't stop the wrecked moan that tore from your throat. Boba gave an experimental thrust and you nearly shrieked and lurched off of him, if he hadn't grabbed a hold of your hips and held you on his lap. You babbled senselessly, too overwhelmed as every ridge of his cock pressed your walls just right. "B-Boba, Boba, move, please--"
His big hand slapped your inner thigh and this time you did wail, the hot sting fading into a pleasant, buzzing warmth. His fingers dug in to the soft flesh hard enough that you knew there would be bruises in the shape of his fingers come morning. Then he lifted you slightly off him, cock sliding only a few inches out, before pulling you down in time with a thrust upwards, burying himself in you with a deep grind. You let out a choked moan, stars bursting behind your eyelids.
"Ride," he demanded. Your breath hitched as you scrambled for purchase, hands going to his strong thighs for support. It was sort of an awkward position, your feet barely touching the floor, requiring you to go on your tiptoes to pull a few inches off his cock. Boba's thick fingers cupped your pussy in a V shape, so every time you rose and fell they rolled against your clit. You couldn't tell if you wanted to push your hips back away or forward for more stimulation.
He slapped your other thigh this time, rubbing to soothe the sting, encouraging you to bounce on his cock faster. Your breath was coming in high, moaning pants as each drop of your hips buried him deep inside you, reaching places you never had and lighting up your nerves like a star gone supernova. Paired with his touch teasing your clit with every thrust, you weren't going to last long.
Boba's hands on your hips guided you faster, rougher--each downstroke hitting deep and holding you there for a second just to feel how full, how stuffed your pussy was of him. His thrusts up as you dropped down allowed his cock to hit your g-spot dead on, over and over. You felt yourself rhythmically clenching around him, heard his groans as your cunt strangled his cock, and you were so close to cumming again. The feeling coiled up at the base of your spine, the pleasure winding tighter and higher and ready to burst.
And then--then Boba hooked his hands under your knees, pulling your legs up so all your weight rested on where he was buried in you, and he slipped another inch further inside. You couldn't stop the sob of pleasure as he held you like this, open for him to take, and he set a punishing pace. The dull slap of skin-on-skin paired with the wet gush of your arousal around him, dripping down his balls and onto the throne, made your head tip back onto his shoulder and wrenched moan after moan out of you.
You were talking, babbling nonsense--begging, pleading for him to make you cum again. Boba tilted his hips just right and you keened as it pushed his cock right against the soft spot along your walls. Each thrust shoved you closer to the edge right until that coil inside you snapped. Your legs shook and your pussy clamped down so hard around Boba's cock that it stunted him to short, shallow thrusts as you rode it out. You distantly heard him groaning, praising you, telling you good girl, good fuckin' girl--you were spasming around him, each jolt of pleasure like a white-hot knife radiating from your core to your toes. Boba kept fucking you through it and you nearly begged him to stop--it was too much, the bite of overstimulation burning your nerves--when he pulled you down, fucking into you as deep as he could and he came with a groan of your name, cock throbbing as his release coated your walls.
Somehow, you ended up turned, face buried in his neck and legs wrapped around his waist as you trembled and caught your breath. His hands trailed up and down your spine and thighs in soothing motions as you came back down. You sighed and cuddled closer to him, the hard beskar plating cold against your bare skin, but it felt good on your overheated body.
"Made quite a mess on me, sweetheart," he said, deep voice rumbling in his chest under your ear. You just mmm'd and clung closer to him while he chuckled. It was true. Your arousal coated your thighs, dripped down onto the throne, soaked Boba's cock where it was still buried in you. Boba pulled his robe around you and stood, supporting you with his hands under your thighs. "Come on, little one, let's go to bed." You closed your eyes as he made his way out of the throne room and through the palace. He didn't drop you off in your bedroom, instead taking you to his and laying you in the spacious bed before stripping off his armor and joining you.
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Fair Festival Time!
As the summer months are coming to a close I thought it would be fun to do some Fair-specific MHA Headcanons as well as some Fair First Date Headcanons (GN Y/N)
First Dates are below the cut.
Headcanon WC: 433
First Dates WC: 1,541
Total WC: 1,974
. Mina and Denki buy the all-day rides wrist bands and are hitting up everything as many times as they possibly can and trying to bring as many friends along with them. Eijiro and Momo are the two most willing.
. Katsuki is really talented at just about any game that requires him to throw a ball of some kind. He's not in it for the prizes though, he'd win a 6ft tall teddy bear and hand it off to Ochaco without a second thought. All Katsuki wants is to watch the bottles or basket blow up.
. That being said, he gets A LOT of joy out of the dunk tank.
. Izuku is super patient with carnival games, he rules at any game where you have to memorize where things are. He brought home a bunch of goldfish that he won (gave most to Eri).
. Speaking of this adorable child! Eri just wants to try ALL THE FOOD! She walks hand in hand with Mirio and Tamaki to all of the food stalls and pointing to all the delicious treats she wants to try. They do keep an eye on her, they don't want her getting a tummy ache and ruining her fun.
. Shoto is instantly in love with frozen slushies. He wants one in every single flavor and he gets one in every single flavor! After trying them all he's decided that lemonade and orange are his favorites.
. Hanta tapes Mineta to the Zero Gravity ride when he catches him trying to be a little perv.
. Hanta then goes and checks out all the vendors with Toru, both buying some cute, locally made products.
. Circling back to games, Eijiro kills it at the strong man game. Gets giddy every time he hears that bell ring. Doesn't even need a prize.
. Mezo is really good at ring toss, even with his extra arms, he still throws them one at a time to get the most experience out of the game.
. Tsu and Koji spend a lot of time around the animals. While most of the animals tend to follow Koji around because of his quirk, Tsu has a small gathering of ducks around her at all times and she thinks they're adorable!
. Mina has gotten her face painted.
. Ochaco and Izuku got a caricature sketch done together and somehow they made Ochaco's cheeks more round and Izuku's hair more fluffy!
. Denki got lost in the funhouse, Tenya had to go get him out.
. Kyoka hangs out where the musical performances are nearly all day long. When Katsuki isn't being extra competitive, he usually joins her.
Fair First Date Headcanons
Featuring: Izuku, Katsuki, Denki, Hanta, Mina, and Eijiro
Warnings: Smooching
These are all pretty damn corny. I'm feeling sappy so this is what you get!
. Izuku is all smiles, all day long with you.
. He wants to enjoy every minute of it so he will suggest you get to the fair early in the morning! He plans every part of the day, schedules times for snacks and when you should be indoors enjoying activities to beat the heat of the day.
. Makes sure you're putting on sunscreen throughout the day and staying hydrated! The last thing he wants is you getting heatstroke or something!
. He's not great at all the games but he still gives them all a try! Especially the ones you seem to enjoy.
. Ends up holding your hand when you get lost in a hall of mirrors. Nervously let's go once you're out but is very blushy when you grab for him again.
. Now, he had this day all planned out, so, when you're on the Ferris wheel at the end of the night and the fireworks begin just as you reach the top, you shouldn't have been surprised.
. He's holding your hand, brushing his thumb against yours when you both turn to say something to each other and your faces are just so close together.
. This time, he makes the move and kisses you.
. You two end up making out for nearly the entire show, a little startled when the Ferris Wheel starts moving again.
. You had to bug Katsuki pretty relentlessly to go to the fair. He didn't like the idea of the crowds and it was gonna be so damn hot but when you told him about all the games, how they were so difficult to actually win, he changed his tune real quick!
. You still compromised a bit though, waiting until the warmest part of the day passed.
. He made a b-line for the rows of brightly colored tents, holding onto your hand and pulling you along behind him.
. And, damn it, you'd been right. They weren't all easy to win! He eventually found a groove though, and learned he excelled at names that he had to throw things at.
. You had SO MANY stuffed animals by the end of the night!
. Fireworks started going off while you two found a picnic table to eat your dinner at with your massive collection of prizes.
. He'd popped a fried pepper into his mouth and you noticed him watch a little boy, struggling at a game nearby. He was sitting just so he could see the backs of the bottles and noticed they were rigged. There was no way a kid could knock them down, he didn't have the strength.
. Katsuki didn't say a word to you. He just got up and walked over to the kid. You couldn't hear their conversation but soon enough Katsuki was standing behind him and helping him throw the ball. You just barely saw sparks of his quirk propelling it forward.
. The bottles fell, the boy jumped up and down with a huge grin, accepting the massive snake plushie and hugging Katsuki's waist before he returned to you, again, not saying a word.
. You slipped into the seat beside him, kissing his cheek and telling him how sweet of a thing that was. There were grumbles of, "better not tell anyone..." Before he kissed you for the first time that night.
. Denki had no plan. He didn't even know a fair was happening until Hanta had said something about it but as soon as he did he knew he wanted to go, and he wanted to go with you!
. You got there shortly after opening, running for the ticket booth to purchase unlimited ride wristbands. And then set off!
. Hours. You spent hours riding every single ride there!
. It was only when you felt heat on your shoulders and saw the redness the sun had caused on Denki's cheeks that you thought you should maybe get out of the sun for a while.
. After filling up on food, you decided the funhouse would be a good way to stay cool! Wandering around the mazes and rooms, grabbing onto Denki as you fell into a ball pit. He didn't let you go after that.
. The sun was setting and you two were back at it with the rides! Lines are longer now than they were earlier in the day, leaving the two of you with more time to talk rather than just running around like two crazy people.
. It was after you got off the teacups. Your heads dizzy, laughing so hard your sides hurt, clinging onto one another so you could stay upright when Denki grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you smack on the lips.
. The kiss only lasted a couple seconds before you both needed air again. But, on the way to the Music Express, you both peppered each other with kisses, unable to contain yourselves.
. He asked you a week ago if you'd like to join him, not really for the rides or anything like that, he was really interested in all the craft booths!
. You went at opening, grabbed some cold drinks, and started walking down the vendor's alley stopping at every stall and stand to admire the wares.
. You admired the way Hanta could strike up a conversation with anyone. His easy, laidback personality showing through as he gushed about leatherwork and delicious-smelling candles.
. Of course, you left with bags full of goodies!
. By the time you actually made it back around to the fair rides and attractions, your stomachs were screaming for food.
. You settled in to watch a few shows, chatting happily among yourselves until before you knew it the sun was beginning to dip.
. Finding a spot at a picnic table you were ready to watch the fireworks show but before they began, Hanta plopped a bag down in your lap, a sneaky little grin on his face.
. Inside, you found one of the candles you were in love with from earlier in the day but decided to save your money... well, two could play at that game. You dug around in your bag and handed him a small box. Inside was a necklace you'd seen him eyeing but passed up.
. Your thank you was in the form of a sweet kiss as the show began.
. Excitement buzzed through Mina all day long, the anticipation of going with you to the fair had her practically bouncing!
. While she was very eager, she also wanted to go later in the day. More people, more fun, that was her way of looking at it!
. You two were attached by the hand the moment you walked through the gate. Setting off for rides first, your heads bonking together on the tilt-a-whirl with a laugh.
. Next, she wanted to get her face painted and yours too! By the time it was done, Mina had elegant swirls of gold and red making her look like a proper Alien Queen and you had a mask designed of ornate patterns spirally over your nose and over your cheeks.
. You'd been splitting a funnel cake when pops of fireworks started exploding overhead. Stopping in the middle of the pathway to watch them.
. A few people muttered in annoyance but Mina was completely entranced, you pulled her off to the side, behind a few of the food vendors, so she could watch in peace.
. It didn't take you too long to turn your head skyward either.
. That was when Mina struck.
. The moment you were distracted, she grabbed hold of your cheeks, smudging the paint, and kissed you. The reflection was the fireworks in her eyes were as bright as her smile when you finally pulled away for air.
. The plan was to get there when the fair opened but you both took your sweet time, getting sidetracked with talking along the way meaning you actually arrived in the early afternoon.
. Not a problem, still left you with a ton of time!
. Eijiro let you lead the way, was your partner, rival, or cheering squad for whatever game you tried playing. But then he found the strong man game...
. It wasn't like you were surprised he could ring the bell but your eyes still went wide when he did. Grinning like he'd just taken down a group of villains all on his own when he presented you with a huge stuffed shark he'd been awarded.
. It was after you both scarfed down some food that you found a rock climbing wall and knew you had to tackle it! High up in the air, almost to the top, was when you lost your footing.
. Someone would have caught you, you both knew that but still, Eijiro's hand shot out and grabbed you first.
. After the minor scare, you found a spot in some grass to watch the fireworks that had started on the walkover. Laying back, the shark plush in your arms, your head on Eijiro's chest. You could hear his heart racing faster and faster.
. When you sat up to ask if he was okay, if he didn't like the fireworks, he just jolted forward and kissed you quickly. Not scared, just nervous. You assure him there was no need, kissing him again, before settling into his arms.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
Lover of Mine #5 | Angel Reyes
part I | part II | part II | part IV | series taglist
Title: A Heavy Heart to Carry
Thought that I would change, but I'm the same guy Blamed it on my youth, but I know I've had time
a/n: split this original part into 2. the second half of the couple's retreat will be in 5.5
warning: a character experiences a panic attack
rating: 💔
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Sum: Angel Reyes doesn't fear much, but he's scared to face you once it's set in that he's broken your cardinal rule. He must decide what's more important: maintaining a lie or sharing a secret that will change the way you look at him forever.
Words: 9.4k
“Take him home, Ezekiel. Now. I’m serious. I am going to fucking kill him if he tries to stay here tonight. And then, I’m going to kill you for letting him.”
These are the words that stopped Angel Reyes in his tracks. Left him standing on the front steps, afraid to move past the threshold of the front door to his own house.
When he pulled into the driveway, exhausted covered in a mixture of dirt, sweat and blood, Angel was met with a sight that somehow managed to wring the knots in his stomach tighter.
The light from the living room cast a golden hue across the dark lawn.
He knew the odds of you being asleep upon his arrival were slim to none. You haven’t waited up for him in years. There’s no need to wait up when you know his whereabouts.
At some point in the evening, the attempts of communication stopped. Angel isn’t sure why, but he knows it isn’t a good sign.
He’d pushed against Ez’s shoulder prompting him to step up to ring the doorbell.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.” Ez had shocked his older brother, stepping into the war zone to calmly produce some sort of explanation. “We had to go down south, and shit got--we lost track of time. By the time we got finished, we--”
“Now that I know that neither of you is lying dead in a ditch somewhere, you can leave.” Despite your words, Ez didn’t move. He glanced over his shoulder towards Angel. “Or stay outside, I don't care, but he's not stepping foot in my house. Tell him I said test me.”
Needless to say, he didn’t.
Angel heeded the warning allowing his brother to drive him home. He didn’t bother calling you.
What’s the point of calling to apologize when you’ve just spent half the night ignoring the calls from the same person?
Hours have passed, and Angel hasn’t slept.
Although he’s now freshly showered, the cut on his hand poorly wrapped, Angel Reyes finds himself in the same predicament. Outside of your house.
Scared shitless.
Only this time around, Ez isn’t willing to risk his life for the sake of being collateral damage.
Both men remain in the driveway, eyes on the sunflower yellow-painted door of 1101 Rock Creek Avenue. Each is resting against the hood of Angel’s car. Waiting, silently willing the other to bravely ring the doorbell.
Angel releases the smoke in his lungs before reaching up to remove his sunglasses.
“You gotta go in at some point,” Ez glances over at his brother.
Angel doesn’t respond. He drops his cigarette bud to the ground, stepping on it with the heel of his shoe.
“Especially since we’ve been out here nearly an hour,” Ez continues, a tiny smile finding his lips as the sight of Angel’s rolling eyes. “Neighbors are probably gonna put in a call--”
“I’m checking the windows,” Angel responds. The humor in his voice falls flat as his eyes search the front of the house. “Gotta make sure she doesn’t shoot me the moment I touch the driveway.”
“Shouldn’t have taught her how to shoot.”
The daggered stare sent his way causes the youngest Reyes to chuckle. Shaking his head, Ez takes a step forward.
“Angel. It doesn’t matter if you go in now or later.” He sighs. “If Y/N's gonna shoot you, she's gonna shoot you-- regardless of the time.”
Getting up, Angel crosses the lawn to the front door. Although he now has a key, he reaches forward to ring the doorbell. For a brief second, he considers turning around and heading back to his car.
His stomach tightens as the door swings open. He lets out a sigh of relief when he’s met with the sight of a smiling Isabela.
Her smile slips, her eyes narrowing as she stepped outside. She waits until the door is shut securely behind her to speak.
“What the fuck, Reyes!” She shoves hard against Angel’s shoulder, not blinking as he stumbles a step back. Angel massages his shoulder as she lowers her voice. “I orchestrated the perfect week for you two. All you had to do was show up with a packed bag, and you somehow managed to fuck everything up. Where the hell were you last night?”
Although he’s had all night to come up with an excuse, no coherent words come out when Angel opens his mouth. Isabela’s eyes roll, her attention shifting to a quiet Ezekiel standing just beyond his brother’s shoulder.
“And you. I thought you were the smart one.”
Ez looks away from a flushed Angel to find Isabela’s glare on him. He opens his mouth to respond, but suddenly Angel’s inability to speak has washed over the youngest Reyes.
“You didn’t think it was smart to drag him home in time for his son's recital?”
Angel’s voice has returned. It comes out lower than he’s intended. His eyes briefly shift to the front door.
“Pissed.” Isabela sighs as she turns to the door. “I’d thank Bishop next time you see him. He talked her down last night.”
Isabela pauses just as Angel steps forward to follow her inside.
“Angel, she lied to Jeyson for you,” she says. “You need to talk to him.”
“I know.”
“Hey, lego master,” Isabela smiles as she steps back inside. “Someone’s here to see you.”
Jeyson is on his stomach, lying in the center of the living room floor. Chin resting in his hands, he is studying the progress he’s made on his lego set.
A grin brightens his face as Angel steps inside. He scrambles to his feet, pulling a chuckle from his father as he nearly crashes into his legs.
“Hey, lil man. You good?”
Allowing him a quick hug, Jeyson takes Angel’s hand in his. He tugs him towards the living room. He motions towards the legos on the floor.
“I finished all the escape pods! Now, you can help me with the left-wing--”
“Hold up,” Angel diverts Jeyson’s attention, lifting him off the ground, forcing him to silence. “I wanna talk to you about something--”
“Last night?” His question silence his father. Jeyson reaches forward, his fingers tracing the patch on Angel’s chest. “Mom talked to me already.”
“Yeah, I know, but I wanted to apologize. To say I’m sorry for not being there to see you play.”
“It’s okay.” The smile he offers tightens Angel’s throat. It is a smile that matches his words perfectly. A smile of forgiveness often comes when a child is willing to look past moments of a letdown if that means they can still spend time with that person.
“It’s not okay,” Angel admits. He watches as Jeyson’s gaze lifts to meet his before dropping to patch. “I broke a promise, and I’m not supposed to do that. I’m sorry.”
Jeyson studies his father’s expression. A smile slowly spreads across his face as an idea sets in.
“I can play it for you now.” He suggests, his attention moving to the piano across the room.
That’s where you find the two when you step into the living room.
Jeyson has finished playing and is giggling as he watches Angel try to match the series of keys he just showed him.
“What’s so funny?” Angel’s brow arches as Jeyson attempts to stifle his laughter. “I think it sounded pretty good.”
Jeyson shakes his head.
“You weren’t paying attention.” Reaching over, he moves Angel’s hand into the correct placement. “Your fingers aren’t in the right place.”
Angel’s gaze falls to his hands. To him, they seem to be in nearly the exact same spot. But he knows better than to argue with your son. He watches Jeyson’s fingers, trying to match the same tune. Only he can’t, the smile on his face growing once he realizes the tempo has changed. Jeyson plays at a cadence that seems hyper speed to his father but is nothing out of the normal for him.
“It’s not nice to show off,” Angel chuckles as he tickles Jeyson’s side.
Angel glances over his shoulder, his smile dampening as he finds you waiting patiently by the door. Jeyson’s smile does the same, his eyes widening once your conversation from last night sets in.
“You’re leaving?”
“Yes,” you nod, watching as he gets up, his head hanging forward as he crosses the room. “Remember we talked about this last night?”
Jeyson waits until he’s standing before you to speak. With his arms wrapped around your middle, face pressing against your shirt, his words come out muffled.
“But, I want to come with you.”
“I know, but you have to stay and keep Isabela company. You guys are going to the carnival tomorrow. You're going to have so much fun.” Your fingers brush through his hair, a smile finding your lips as Jeyson tips his head back to look at you. “Besides, I won’t be gone long.”
“Five days is a long time,” Jeyson pouts. “You’re never gone that long.”
He’s right. The longest you and Jeyson have been apart being two days. For the weekends when he would spend the majority of his time at his father’s house.
“You can call me whenever you want,” you remind him as you squat down in front of him. “And then, I’ll be back before you know it.”
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Tommy Flores currently stands at the front of the line. The weight of the metal door causes it to slam shut with a loud bang.
The echo vibrates through his chest, the force doubling him over. The dialed-up pitch brings Tommy’s hands to his ears.
He’s stopped in his tracks. His silent plea, to stop the ringing in his ears, sparks a slew of grunted protests from the inmates behind him.
Officer Rogers stands near Tommy, his shoulder resting against the wall. Each time an inmate is escorted through the secured door, the guard slams it shut with as much force as he can. He watched as Tommy flinched each time, the sound louder with each step he got closer. Now that Tommy stands directly in front of it, the sound is too loud.
Rogers steps forward, his lips turning up into a sneer.
"You alright there, Flores?" The lack of concern in his voice is amplified by the soft chuckle he releases. "You look like shit. Rough night?"
It's a question, Rogers knows the answer to. Better than anyone--well almost anyone.
He was the one who woke Tommy, in the middle of the night, the glare of his flashlight blinding the inmate. He yanked Tommy from bed, hand-delivering him to the showers. He stood guard, watching as Tommy took each blow and kick sent his way. He hand-delivered Tommy back to his cell, denying his trip to the infirmary.
Rogers would never admit it, but he was initially shocked when saw Tommy shuffle into the visitation line. He knew Tommy had a scheduled visit but didn't expect him to have the strength to bother trying to attend it.
"Your girlfriend coming today?" Rogers continues as he watches Tommy's fist clench. "Must be. That's the only reason I could think you'd get up this morning. Maybe I should let your friends give you another round tonight. How's that sound?"
Tommy's body is bumped forward—a silent warning from his cellmate to move. The shove to his shoulder clenches his jaw shut. But Tommy knows better than to hold up the line any longer than he already has.
Each step he takes is slow, sending a jolt of searing, white-hot pain down his spine.
The swelling of his right eye limits his vision, but he’s able to recognize a familiar face in the crowded room.
Each grey table is occupied by anxiously waiting loved ones. Tired from the extensive process of being cleared for visitation day. Hopeful their time won’t get cut short due to the delay of the inmate's arrival.
As he’s shuffled forward, Tommy’s gaze is fixated on his feet. It’s easier to ignore the look of pure rage directed his way.
“Stop staring.” The smile on Tommy’s lips is a good attempt. No matter how much he wills it, it can’t reach his eyes. “I’m fine.”
Leonardo Flores's gaze slowly studies the man before him. He knows his younger brother better than anyone. The blue Stockton uniform covers most of the damage but judging by Tommy’s walk and shallow breathing, he’s nursing a broken rib.
Leo doesn’t speak until Tommy’s gaze lifts. “I’d ask how you’re holding up, but it seems you’re still getting settled.”
His observation prompts his brother to shrug. Tommy winces as he shifts to bring his hands to rest on the table.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” Tommy smiles.
“I thought this lawyer you got was supposed to be good—"
“She is.” Tommy’s sigh goes unnoticed. “She's good.”
“If she’s so good, why the fuck are you in gen pop?” His brother’s eyes roll, Leo’s head shaking once he gets no response. “Huh? She doesn’t seem too concerned about doing her job. If she was you wouldn’t have been nearly beaten to a pulp—"
Leo’s rant slowly fades out, blending into the surrounding conversations. It takes all of his concentration for Tommy to drown out the sound. Tommy’s eyes are shut, his left hand massaging his brow. The throbbing in his head seems to be getting worse. He flinches as Leo’s boot scrapes his shin.
“I don’t know what the fuck you want me to say, Leo.” Tommy laughs dryly, the throbbing in his head pumping irritation into his voice. “She could pay off the entire fucking city of Santo Padre, it’s not gonna mean shit.”
His eyes open to see Leo’s jaw clenched. He presses on as Leo opens his mouth to speak.
“They put me here because they’re hoping I don’t make it to trial.”
“Judging by how you look, you won’t.”
Tommy shakes his head, dismissing the observation.
“I’m fine. I need you to do something for me.”
An uneasy wave washes over him at the sight of Leo’s rolling eyes.
“What?” Leo chuckles, his arms crossing over his chest. “Your brothers can’t help you?”
“I don’t trust the club with this,” Tommy admits.
No matter the amount of truth behind his statement, Leo’s expression doesn’t change.
Probably because Leo knows the truth. With the number of years he’s facing, Tommy will soon be forgotten by his fellow Horsemen. You’re only worth remembering if you’re valuable to the M.C. Tommy’s not valuable rotting in Stockton. It doesn’t matter if the charges he’s acquired were at the expense of the club.
Leo’s sigh drowns out the plea in Tommy’s voice.
“What is it this time, Tommy?”
Tommy doesn’t miss a beat. His voice drops, his eyes briefly passing to the guard nearby.
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Angel forgot what it’s like to be on the receiving end of your silent treatment. It’s brutal. Probably because you stick to it, religiously. The silence isn’t the worst part. He knows you’ll have to talk to him—eventually. He also knows that once you do, the words you’ve prepared will cut him to the bone.
When it comes to arguments, Angel operates on pure emotion—always ready to fight a war. He says the first thing that comes to mind, often trying to hurt whoever he’s arguing with before they can hurt him. He wishes you were the same.
You have an incredible ability to walk away from an argument on a whim. He can count on his left hand the number of times you’ve raised your voice at him. In all the time he’s known you.
You don’t see the purpose in having a screaming match. It never gets you anywhere. One of you has to operate on the side of logic. Angel has learned that once you’ve had the chance to get your thoughts together he’s in for a world of trouble.
He’d foolishly tried to get the conversation going the moment you both got in the car, but you beat him to the punch.
“I’m not talking to you right now.”
The declaration had come out just as Angel opened his mouth to speak. It also made him close his mouth, his brow furrowing.
“We’re about to drive for four and a half hours, Y/N,” he sighed, his eyes rolling as he sticks the key in the ignition. “You’re really not gonna say anything to me the entire ride there?”
He waits for you to respond, his eyes dropping to the bouncing of your knee.
“And then what? You’re not going to go speak to me at the hotel? What sense does that ma--”
“Trust me, Angel. You do not want me to say what’s on my mind right now.”
Angel’s not certain if it’s the admission itself, or the look in your eyes, but he silently redirects his attention to starting the car.
The four-and-a-half-hour car ride ironically turns into a six-hour trip of stop-and-go traffic. Six hours of Angel left to fiddle through the various radio stations while you silently scroll through your iPad.
At the three-hour mark, your voice breaks the silence, peaking Angel’s hopes. At this point, he’s willing to take you yelling at him if that means you’ll eventually talk again.
He glances away from the bumper-to-bumper traffic to find you holding up your iPad. The screen facing him, you ask. “Have you seen this before?”
He leans over the console for a better look at the image on the screen. His stomach drops as he takes in the jet-black stallion, his mouth going dry as his gaze passes over the red eyes.
“Thinking about getting some new ink?” He jokes his throat clearing as your eyes roll.
Redirecting your attention back to your iPad, you don’t catch the nervous glance Angel sends your way. A few minutes of silence pass before he glances back in your direction.
“What’s it for? The uh--tattoo.”
That’s all he’s able to get out of you. Even after you arrived at the hotel, where you discover that Isabela has booked the two of you for the hotel’s honeymoon suite. Which comes with a complimentary package that Angel is almost certain you won’t partake in. He gets nothing out of you when you are both informed that your introductory session with the couple therapist on sight is in less than an hour after your late arrival.
The counselor, Dr. Mallory, currently sits across from the two of you. The smile on her face remains in place, even as she watches you put as much distance as possible between you and Angel. The task is nearly impossible with the small sofa she’s sat you both on.
Angel's eyes roll to the ceiling before he lets out a deep breath.
Dr. Mallory’s question breaks the silence.
“How long have you two been married?”
Angel’s eyes shift to you. He answers as your gaze remains focused on the pillow in your lap. “We’re not.”
“Seven years.” A dry laugh escapes his lips as he softly shakes his head. “To do the date...actually.”
“Oh, I see.” Dr. Mallory’s smile widens as her gaze passes between the two of you. “You’ve decided to join our retreat, as a means of reconnecting. Hoping to bring back, and foster, that love that brought your two beautiful souls together all those years ago.”
“Uh...yeah.” Angel nods slowly as Dr. Mallory’s hand shifts to rest over her heart.
Her eyes close, her smile softening as she lets out a sigh.
“Love is such a beautiful thing,” her eyes open as she continues. “And I am so happy to see the two of you are willing to give it another try. But, more so, I am honored that you have elected me to help guide you through this journey.”
“What exactly does this ‘journey’ entail? We’re not about to go sit in the desert and sing kumbaya or some sh--”
The elbow that digs into Angel’s side swallows the rest of his sentence. He glances over at you.
“It’s a serious question,” he coughs. “I didn’t realize we signed up for some journey that has to do with...souls traveling together…”
Dr. Mallory’s eyes had brightened at Angel’s question. Angel’s words trail off as he realizes Dr. Mallory is no longer seated. She is not standing directly in front of both of you. Holding two orange sheets of paper.
“I have accumulated a list of activities that will allow the two of you to get in touch with your inner selves this week.” She beams, not noticing the uneasy look that washes over Angel’s face as she continues. “One cannot love their partner wholeheartedly until they truly love themselves.”
Angel’s eyes quickly scan the list, realizing that it's more than a list of suggestions. It's a checklist.
“This week, the two of you will work on opening the airs of communication,” Dr. Mallory continues, motioning between the two of you. “Which I can sense are bogged down at the moment, by anger and mistrust. We want to take the time to open them back up--”
“No offense, Doc, but this isn’t going to work.”
“Mr. Reyes, I ask that you don’t speak that way this week. Everything that you put into your relationship can work.”
“It’ll be hard to work on our…” It takes all Angel has not to roll his eyes. “...airs of communication when she’s not even speaking to me.”
Dr. Mallory returns to her seat, her attention focusing on you.
“Angel is right. Ms. Reyes, care to share what’s on your mind with him? He seems eager to listen.”
Angel watches silently as you keep your gaze on the sheet of paper before you.
“Last night was the first night that I have wanted to kill you. And I mean it in the most literal sense, Angel.”
Angel’s throat tightens, his gaze dropping to his hands.
“You’ve done a lot of shit, Angel. But last night you didn’t see your son’s face when he realized that you were not showing up. You promised that you would never do that again.”
Angel attempts to swallow the lump in his throat. He shifts in his seat, his gaze briefly looking towards you.
“I know.”
“I had to get a call from the school telling me that you decided not to pick our son up. You could have picked up the phone, and called me.” The calmness in your voice does nothing to ease the knots in Angel’s stomach. “Since you’ve forgotten, Angel. You don’t get the courtesy of falling off the face of the earth. Club business, or not. You have a son.”
Angel doesn’t offer up a response. Primarily because he knows what’s coming next.
“What could possibly have happened that you disappeared off the face of the earth last night--and don’t say club business. Bishop is not that great of a liar.”
Angel swallows, his eyes briefly drifting across the room to where Dr. Mallory sits.
He can feel your expectant gaze on him, but he can’t bring himself to look at you.
He can also feel it rising in his throat. Words he hadn’t planned on telling you. His eyes drift shut as he sighs.
“I uh...I followed Samuel to this bar downtown.” A silence falls over the room. Angel looks up from his hands, watching as your eyes widen. “Aiden, he told me what he did to you--and I just wanted to talk to him.”
“And that’s all you did?” The look of skepticism sent his way causes Angel’s jaw to tighten.
“Yeah. I told him to leave you alone.”
Dr. Mallory interrupts the silence, her curiosity getting the better of her. “Samuel? Who is he?”
Angel’s eyes roll. “He’s her boss.”
“I went on a few dates with him,” you sigh. Your fingers massage your temple.
You already know where this conversation is going.
A smile finds Dr. Mallory’s face as she watches Angel shake his head.
“No, this is great.” An encouraging smile finds her face. “You see, you two are already past the most difficult part. Starting the conversation. Angel, tell Y/N how you feel about this situation involving Samuel.”
“You shouldn't have dated other people.”
Your brow furrows as his statement sinks in. “Did you miss the part where we got divorced?”
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“Then what are you saying? Do you know how many women I had to hear that you slept with? Half of the time from you!” The sight of Angel’s rolling eyes is enough to make you shift in your seat. Turning to face him, you watch his jaw clench. “So you can fuck anyone you want, but it’s a problem when I go out on a date with someone?”
You blink, a humorless laugh escaping your lips. Clearly, you’ve heard him wrong.
“Do you know how hard it is watching you fall in love with someone else?”
“Oh my goodness!” Your voice comes out muffled against the palms of your hands. “What is it with you and Samuel putting more stock in this situation than it deserves? I wasn’t falling in love with him, Angel--”
“But that’s what you were looking for?” He cuts you off, the raising of his voice causing your hands to drop. “Why else do people date? Yeah, I slept around, but you never had to worry about me trying to replace you with someone else. For years, I’ve had to watch you go through relationships, bringing other men around my son like you were auditioning them for the role of his father--”
“You know I wouldn’t do that--”
“Yeah, well, we all do things we don’t think we’re capable of.”
“Well, Dr. Mallory. Congratulations. You have just witnessed the one thing Angel Reyes is always capable of doing.” You shove the pillow in your lap towards Angel. “Trying to make me feel guilty for something that he’s done. This time, I’m not apologizing to you for anything. And I’m not saying 'thank you' if that’s what this whole woe is me act is about. I didn’t ask you to go see Samuel. Just like I didn’t ask you to sit here and lie to my face.”
“I’m not lying to you--”
“You may have gone to see Samuel, but that’s not where you were last night. I know you, Angel. You didn’t skip out on our son for Samuel.” It’s an observation that gets the response you’re looking for. It’s a look that lasts for only a brief second. A look in Angel's eyes that tells you that you’re right. It disappears as quickly as it had come. “And until you’re willing to stop lying to me, I’m not staying here.”
Angel’s jaw sets. “Since we’re talking about capabilities, her specialty is walking out. She walked out on me seven years ago, and she’s doing it now.”
“Maybe this time, you'll actually stop and ask yourself why,” you mumble as you step over his feet.
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Ez is sitting on the living room sofa. He’s not in the most comfortable position but hasn’t been able to move for the last hour. He’s drinking a beer, his eyes on the television playing quietly across the room.
He’s not even sure what show he’s watching. A series Isabela had roped him into. The room is pitch dark--apart from the glow of the screen--the house quiet. Jeyson has been asleep since his 9 pm bedtime.
Despite her need to catch up on her favorite tv show, Isabela is also asleep. With her head resting against Ez’s shoulder, her body curled up against his, Isabela has been asleep for the last hour. If asked, she’ll blame it on Ez. The second he allowed her to share the blanket with him, his body heat acted as a furnace. One that pulled her right to sleep.
Ez is currently debating on the best way to transfer her from the living to the bed when his phone lights up.
He knows who is calling before he checks the caller I.D.
Angel has been texting Ez non-stop.
Angel’s voice comes out low through the receiver. “If I don’t call you back tomorrow it’s because she’s stabbed me in my sleep.”
“You better take the couch tonight then.” Ez brow furrows, wincing as he double-checks the time on his brightly lit screen. “Why are you whispering?”
“I’m in the bathroom.” Angel quickly dismisses his brother’s question. “Listen, it wouldn’t make a difference. Trust me. She hasn’t been talking to me--except for when she ripped me a new one in therapy today--”
“Therapy...hope you tipped the doc.” Ez chuckles. “Having a witness might have saved your life.”
“...she knows about Samuel.”
Ez releases a sigh, his hand running down his face. “I told you it was a bad idea.”
“I had to tell her,” Angel mumbles. “It's not like I could tell her about last night. I figured…”
“Give her something else to be mad about?” Ez shakes his head, sparing his brother the laugh. “Angel--”
“I’m working on it.” Angel’s side goes quiet for a moment. His admission is an admission of truth. He has been thinking about it for the last twenty-four hours. “I'm gonna tell her, I just need the right moment...besides, don’t rush me. She’s gonna be mad at you too when she finds out you helped.”
“Yeah, I don’t know how I always end up in your shit.”
“That’s what brothers are for,” Angel chuckles. “Remember what I said. If I don’t answer tomorrow--”
“Bye, Angel.”
Hanging up, Ez pushes his phone aside.
He carefully lifts the blanket covering him and Isabela. He successfully carries her down the hallway to the bedroom and has finished tucking her in when she stirs.
She watches as he removes one of the extra pillows from the bed before taking a step towards the door.
“I know it might be extremely difficult for you to stay on your side of the bed,” she yawns, rubbing at her eyes. “But I’m willing to share it with you, as long as you let me take the left.”
A smile spreads across Ez’s face as he watches her pat space next to her. He lifts the pillow in his hand. “Bed’s all yours tonight. I’m gonna take the couch.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” he chuckles. “I’ve slept in worse places.”
“Okay,” Isabela’s eyes are already drifting shut as she yawns. “Well, just know the offer still stands if you change your mind.”
“Besides, I gotta at least take you out on a date before we start fighting over sides of the bed.”
“Give me the time and place, and I'll be there,” she giggles, her face nuzzling against her pillow. “Just know I’m a tough negotiator.”
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Since when has knocking become so difficult?
It is the question you ask yourself as you stand outside the bathroom door. You quickly knock before you can change your mind.
“Um--are you decent?”
Your eyes grip shut as you let your own words sink in.
Are you decent?
The bathroom door opens to reveal a freshly showered Angel. He stands on one side of the double sink. His phone is in one hand, a towel in the other. He wears just a pair of briefs, his hair still dripping from the shower.
“What are you doing? You’ve been in here forever.”
“I've been done for a minute,” he responds, his eyes glued to his iPhone. “Didn’t know you were waiting on me.”
“Yeah, well, I can’t go to sleep until I brush my teeth.”
“You could’ve just come in.”
“You were taking a shower.” Your response is automatic.
It is also the same thing that has kept you waiting patiently on the bed for the past thirty minutes.
“You’ve seen me naked before, querida.”
He glances away from his phone to find you still hovering in the doorway. Toothbrush in hand. Your weight shifts as his eyes linger on the black satin sleepshirt you wear. His gaze returns to his phone once he realizes he’s still staring.
“You can enter since apparently, you need the invitation,” he responds, a smile finding his lips. He doesn’t need to see your face to know your eyes are rolling.
Angel may be silent as you start your nighttime skin routine, but he’s panicking inside. Panicking might not be the right word. Paranoia has begun to set in.
From the moment he and Ez made it stateside Friday night, the realization of his actions began to set in. The realization that he has somehow managed to tie himself to Tommy Flores for the second time. The note he'd shoved into his pocket was now in the trash back in Santo Padre. The message, however, was seared in his mind.
Always get insurance.
You were right to ask what Angel has been doing for the last thirty minutes. He’s been searching for information on Tommy. From the moment he started the search, Angel realized this was a terrible mistake.
Now that you’re standing next to him, the cut on his hand seems to throb. He glances down at the bandage. It’s bled through and needs to be removed.
You’re brushing your teeth when you glance up to the mirror before you. You pause, watching Angel's reflection as he studies his right hand. Strangely, it’s the first time you’ve noticed the bandage.
You wait until you’ve rinsed your mouth to face him.
“What happened to your hand?”
Instinctively, Angel moves his hand out of sight. He drops it to his side.
“Nothing,” he responds, suddenly focused on toweling his damp hair.
“It was bleeding?” You reach around him, ignoring his silent protest.
Angel knows there’s no point in fighting you on it. He turns to face you, allowing you to get a better look at his hand. Unwrapping it, you feel him flinch as the cool air hits the open cut. He drops the towel to the floor, resting back against the sink as your brow furrows.
“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
Before he can respond, you’re already out of sight.
Angel stays where he is, waiting patiently for over five minutes. His brow rises when you return, a black bag in your hand. It is one he’s known you to carry for as long as he can remember. He always teases you for carrying the first aid kit, but always seems to need you to use it on him.
A tiny smile finds his lips as he watches you sit the bag on the sink. “You packed this in your suitcase.”
“No,” your eyes roll as you reach forward to cut on the water. “I keep it in the trunk. Let me see your hand.”
Offering it, Angel watches your expressions as you take the time to study the cut. Whatever questions are on your mind, you don’t share them with him. You don’t say anything else. You silently clean and wrap the cut.
The kiss he presses against your cheek halts the washing of your hands. He doesn’t linger to leave a second. He picks up his phone before leaving you alone.
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When Angel wakes, he finds you quietly moving around the suite. Cell Phone in hand, one shoe in the other.
“You’re leaving me?”
His question causes you to jump.
“Yeah,” You release a sigh as you turn to find him watching you from his makeshift bed. “I was hoping you’d sleep through my getaway.”
Sitting up, Angel glances over as you take a seat alongside him. He silently watches as you slip on your shoe, his eyes passing over your leggings and sports bra.
“Where are you going?”
“Yoga. Figured you wouldn’t want to come. It’s not really your thing.”
“Yeah, but it’s a couples class…”
He doesn’t add anything to his previous statement. Instead, he stands.
“So, you’re coming?” You ask, watching as he pauses to stretch.
“Yeah, it’s just yoga.” He yawns. "Besides, Dr. Mallory said we gotta do things to nurture our souls."
You’re not sure if Angel tagged along to make a point or because he honestly thought it would be easy.
At the moment, you’re concentrating on keeping your breathing controlled and steady. Your eyes are closed, the only blinders you have for the man on the mat alongside yours.
Although you can no longer see him, you know Angel is in the same state as before.
The hushed “shit” he releases, as he wobbles, brings a tiny smile to your lips.
Angel’s eyes shift from the instructor, who is slowly making her way around the room, towards you. He readjusts his posture, trying his best to mirror your stance. But it seems no matter what he does, it doesn’t look like yours.
He wipes at the sweat on his brow. “I thought we were starting with the easy stuff.”
“This is a beginner’s pose,” you note. Your eyes open, a giggle escaping your lips once you take in the look of skepticism on his face.
“You sure?” Angel watches as you effortlessly move into the next pose. He releases a huff, his neck rolling before he tries to follow your lead. “Seems like you signed us up for the advanced class. Just so you could torture me.”
“I didn’t even know you were coming.”
Angel knows your statement is one of pure truth, but that doesn’t stop him from chuckling, “feels like a setup.”
“You know you can always do the modifications,” you nod towards the front of the room. “It’s easier.”
Angel follows your gaze to where an elderly couple is demonstrating the modified version of the pose.
“Easier?” Angel scoffs. “I don’t need easier, I’m doing pretty good--”
He speaks too soon. His weight tips forward, the sight causing your concentration to break. Before he can fall, you catch his left hand pulling him upright.
Angel blinks. His widened eyes move to meet your gaze. A sheepish grin finds his lips as your grip remains tight around his hand.
You eye his less than steady stance. “Are you okay?”
Angel nods. The grin on his face begins to morph. The sight of his smirk causes you to drop his hand.
“Shit, for a second, I thought you were mad enough to let me faceplant.”
“Shut up,” your eyes roll as you redirect your attention back to the instructor. “I just have good reflexes.”
Halfway through the class, Angel gives up trying to follow along. He spends the remainder of class distracting you. When he’s successful in making you smile, he complies with your request “Angel, please focus. You’re going to get us kicked out.”
He settles back into participating. He sticks solely to the modifications. When the class ends, he manages a few steps before collapsing on your mat.
He rests his head on your lap, preventing you from standing. His eyes drift shut as he lets out a deep breath.
“Angel, get up.”
“I can’t,” he sighs. His right-hand rests over his heart, the dramatic change in his breathing causing you to shake your head. “I can’t feel my legs.”
Your eyes roll as he remains where he is. Head resting against your lap, eyes closed, a tiny smile on his lips. It grows into a familiar grin as the warmth of your fingers brushes against his skin.
Your touch lightly brushes through his hair. You watch his eyes open to meet yours.
“I thought yoga was supposed to be relaxing,” he chuckles.
“I’m relaxed,” you smile, your touch drifting to his jaw. “You’re not relaxed.”
“Now I am. It’s what you owe me, after that hour of torture.”
“You get an A for trying.”
He smiles falters as he watches you let out a deep breath. The smile on your face is gone, the sight letting him know his plan hasn't worked.
"Can you get up now?" You ask as your eyes follow the couples filing out.
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A red 1964 Chevy Impala turns onto Rock Creek Avenue for the second time this Sunday morning. Windows rolled down, music playing low, it comes to a stop alongside the light blue fire hydrant marking the end of the street. Although its idling engine has been cut, the gear shift in park, its driver remains inside.
Dressed in a worn leather jacket, too hot for the already humid morning air, Leo releases the smoke in his lungs. He had committed the address to memory when Tommy had whispered it to him the morning before.
He stops to double-check the home’s number as he returns his cigarette to his lips.
1101 Rock Creek Avenue.
The house itself is nothing special. Apart from the sunflower yellow-painted door, it is nearly identical to the other single-story homes which line the street. A street that is strangely quiet for the hour.
The impala’s dash clock reads 11:35.
Leo leans across the console tugging the latch from the glovebox. Shifting the Ruger, which lays inside, he retrieves the folded newspaper. He pauses long enough to close the glovebox before settling back against his seat.
He stays that way, finishing off his slowly dwindling cigarette, scribbling on the paper in his hand.
The Saturday edition of the Daily Imperial Gazette has a newly noted license plate number written in its top-left corner. The crossword puzzle for the day, ninety percent complete.
Focused on the black and white squares before him, Leo lets out a breath.
An eleven-letter word for satisfaction?
“...vindication…” he mumbles, scribbling the answer into the boxes. His gaze shifts to the watch on his wrist.
A shift in his peripheral causes Leo to direct his attention elsewhere.
The sunflower yellow door opens, a woman stepping out. She has a black BB-8 backpack slung over her left shoulder, the eye of the orange and white droid catching a glint of sunlight. Her long dark curls are pulled into a high ponytail. She wears a purple tie-dye sundress and white platform sneakers. She turns back to the door, smiling at the man who steps out after her.
Although Leo has never met Angel, he knows this is not him. The prospect patch stitched across the back of Ez’s kutte, the indicator he needs.
“I can’t wait to see you have some actual fun,” Isabela giggles as Ez stops before her.
Ez’s brow furrows, the corner of his lips turning up slightly, as he meets her playful gaze.
“You make it sound like I’m boring.”
“Uh-uh, don’t put that on me. I did not say boring, you did.” Isabela’s nose scrunches in concentration. Her smile widens as she settles on a more fitting word to describe the man before her. “You’re always so...serious.”
“Serious…” Ez echoes. He watches as Isabela bites her lip, suddenly wondering if her word choice was taken on the offense. As she opens her mouth to add an explanation, Ez shrugs. “I’ve been called worse.”
“I’m just saying, I think I’ve seen you crack a smile maybe once since you’ve been here,” Isabela adds. “You don’t laugh at any of my jokes--”
“Maybe they’re not funny.” Ez glances up from the sunglasses in his hands. He watches Isabela’s hand find her chest, her mouth falling open in disbelief. “Besides, I didn't realize you were trying to impress me.”
For once, in their time together, Ez is able to render Isabela speechless. The smile that brightens his features, causes Isabela’s eyes to roll as she steps around him.
“Wait, can we go back a second? Did Ezekiel Reyes actually crack a joke?”
“I do it from time to time.”
“Well, you should do it more often because you have a cute smile, Zeke,” she teases. “Can’t blame a girl from wanting to see it more often.”
Ez fails at stopping the smile on his lips from morphing into a grin as he slips his sunglasses over his eyes.
Isabela takes a step back inside. “Jeyson Iván Reyes! Let’s go!”
With Isabela no longer before him, Ez’s gaze passes over the street coming to a stop on the red Chevy Impala. Aside from being illegally parked, the car would catch the attention of any passerby. It’s not every day that one sees a vintage car, in pristine condition, riding through the streets of Santo Padre.
He steps forward, giving the car a closer look. But he looks away once he gets the look at the driver’s seat. A man focused solely on flipping through a copy of the Daily Imperial Gazette.
Leo lowers the newspaper slightly. His focus moves past an unsuspecting Ez to the little boy who bolts out the front door.
In his Lakers jersey, Jeyson Reyes is nearly a blur of purple and gold. His laughter drifts down the street as his uncle catches and lifts him into the air.
“Someone’s excited,” Isabela giggles as Ez lowers Jeyson back to his feet.
“I wanna try the bumper cars!” The grin on Jeyson’s face is wide. His entire body radiates with anticipation as he impatiently watches his uncle lock the door. “And the ride that spins you around really really fast so that you’re dizzy—and the mini golf!”
“Yeah?” Isabela’s fingers brush through Jeyson’s curls. Her playful eyes drift to Ez, the smile on her face grows as Jeyson follows her gaze. “I think you and I can beat Ez over here. What do you say, J?”
Ez’s brow arches, his eyes briefly meeting hers before moving to Jeyson’s.
“We can beat him. Easy.” The confidence in Jeyson’s voice is almost enough to break his uncle’s facade.
Ez’s eyes study both pairs of brown eyes focused on him, his head shaking softly.
“I don’t know,” he winces as he steps towards the car. “What are you willing to bet on it, J?”
For a moment, Jeyson is silent. An endless amount of possibilities rush through the eight-year-old’s mind. His round eyes widen as he settles on an answer.
“Funnel cake.”
“Good choice.” Ez squats down before Jeyson. He offers him his hand, pulling it back slightly once Jeyson reaches for it. His gaze lifts to Isabela, his resolve finally cracking, a smile slipping through. “You two can’t back out when I win.”
Folding the newspaper, Leo tosses it into the passenger seat as he watches the truck back out of the driveway. As the truck rolls to a halt, before the stop sign at the end of the street, the engine of the 1964 Chevy Impala rumbles to life.
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“When can we go on the Ferris Wheel?” Jeyson groans, the impatient whine in his voice causes his uncle to smile.
“In a minute.” Ez ruffles Jeyson’s hair before reaching into his kutte for his vibrating phone. “We gotta wait for Isabela.”
“Where is she?” Jeyson pouts. Standing on his toes, he releases a huff once he doesn’t see her. “She’s been gone forever!”
In reality, it’s only been five minutes. But five minutes can seem like a lifetime to a kid waiting anxiously to continue his exploration of the carnival.
Two hours in, and Ez has learned that Jeyson doesn’t tire easily.
“I thought you wanted ice cream?” Ez chuckles, glancing over to watch Jeyson shake his head.
“Not anymore,” Jeyson sighs. “I want to go on the Ferris Wheel.”
“We will the second Isabela gets back. Okay?”
Despite the pout on his lips, Jeyson nods as he meets his uncle's gaze.
The text that holds Ez attention is from you. It is a question that has been on your mind for the past few days.
Zeke, need that brain of yours. PLEASE tell me you know of a club with a stallion patch?
Ez’s brow furrows as he reads over the message. He types the first thought that pops into his mind. Followed quickly by the second.
Don’t know much about them. Prospect...limited information. Gotta ask Angel about that stuff. He was at the table Friday.
He glances up from his phone at the burst of laughter coming from a passing group of teenage girls. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he takes it forward once he realizes that the insistent voice of Jeyson is no longer there.
“Jeyson?” Ez’s brow furrows as his gaze passes over those closest to him.
He has no sight of Jeyson, his stomach dropping as he takes another step forward.
The second time he calls Jeyson’s name his voice is louder, a slight tremble slipping in.
Despite it being a Sunday afternoon, the carnival is packed. The Ferris Wheel is on the last round of its current cycle. This has ushered in a shift in the crowd. People are rushing to make it to the line, excited for a seat on the upcoming cycle.
The cheers and music drown out Ez’s voice. Between the bodies pressing against him and the breath that seems harder to pass than the previous, Ez can't quite remember the way he’s just turned from.
The tightness in his chest causes him to stumble forward. The thought of finding Jeyson slips away with each painful squeeze of his heart. It becomes painfully loud, drowning out the same cheers and music that had blanketed his voice mere seconds before. He can’t focus. His mind is useless, unable to bridge the disconnect to the rest of his body.
No matter how hard he tries to get air, Ez chokes on each breath he takes. No amount of air that he swallows can be caught by his lungs. He is left breathless, his feet blindly searching for a break in the crowd. His vision is blurred, the images blurring as his focus scrambles.
Through the crowd, he catches sight of a disfigured BB-8 backpack.
“Thank you! Have a great day.” Isabela’s smile widens as she accepts the two ice cream cones from the vendor. She drops the change into the tip jar, carefully sidestepping the couple running past her.
She stops to take a lick of her ice cream, her eyes scanning the crowd. She starts to move forward, in the direction of the designated meet-up point. A tall green pole, that houses a baby blue flag at its top.
Through the break in the crowd, she catches sight of Ez’s kutte. Her steps slow once she realizes he’s bent over, the cones she holds slipping through her fingers.
Ez can’t hear his name on her lips, but he can feel the heat of her shaking hands as they cup his face. Her body shifts with his, as Ez’s back presses against the pole. His lightheadedness dragging his body to the ground.
Despite the trembling of her hands, Isabela’s voice is calm as she lowers herself to her knees before him.
“Ez--hey, look at me. I need you to breathe. Okay?” The softness of her voice lifts Ez’s gaze from his trembling hands. A smile finds her lips, the sight forcing him to take a breath. “Good. Here.”
Taking his left hand in his, Isabela gives it a gentle squeeze before moving to place it over her heart.
“It’s okay, you and I can do it together.” Isabela takes a deep steady breath, Ez’s hand rising and falling with the motion.
It takes a second breath for him to follow suit. The harsh intake of breath comes in slightly smoother than before. His right-hand finds her waist, his eyes drifting shut as he tries to push out another breath.
The grip on her hip is painfully tight, but Isabela remains in place. Resting her forehead against his, she continues to breathe, her fingers gently brush against his cheek. With each passing second, her heart slowly anchors his forcing it to match the steady rhythm beating against his palm.
“Shit--” Ez’s voice comes out hoarse, shaky as he opens his eyes. “I’m sorry--”
His body tips back. Isabela’s weight pressed against him as her arms wrap around his neck. The hug she gives is tight, causing Ez to blink.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I uh--I’m sorry--I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Ez.” Isabela shakes her head, pulling back to get a look at Ez’s face.
The look of concern on her face drops Ez’s gaze to his hands. The slight tremble that remains causes him to clench his fist together.
He attempts to swallow the lump in his throat, but it remains. His voice comes out thick, as he shakes his head slightly.
“I haven’t had one of those in years,” he speaks quietly. “The first year in Stockton…”
Isabela nods, not needing him to finish the thought. Instead, she wraps her arms back around him. This time, Ez returns the hug, his face resting against the warmth of her neck briefly.
It’s not until she has him steady and on his feet that Isabela lets out a deep breath.
She looks around when a realization sets in.
“Where’s Jeyson?” The look on Ez’s face causes her to take a step sideways.
As she turns around, she stumbles forward nearly tripping over a grinning Jeyson.
“Oh my god--” Isabela lets out a deep breath, her hand finding her forehead as her eyes drift shut. “Jeyson, where did you go?”
Jeyson’s words come out muffled as he attempts to speak through a mouthful of hot dough.
“We went to get a funnel cake.”
“What?” Isabela’s eyes open.
Jeyson stands with a large plated funnel cake in hand. He wears a grin.
“You can have some,” he offers as Isabela brushes at the powered sugar dusting his cheek.
She blinks. “You don’t ever walk off without me or Ez. You don’t go with strangers, you know that--”
“He wasn’t a stranger.” Jeyson glances up from the piece of funnel cake in his hand. “He was daddy’s friend. He knew my name. He said it was a gift for doing good at my recital.”
His brown eyes widen as he takes in the look of confusion on Isabela’s face.
“Am I in trouble?” He asks. The possibility causes Jeyson’s smile to falter.
“No,” Isabela shakes her head, wrapping him in a hug. “You scared me, that’s all.”
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You can learn a lot about a person from their home. Leo discovers all he needs about you the moment he enters yours.
Your son is the center of your universe.
Leo stands in your living room, his eyes passing over the incomplete Millennium Falcon set in the middle of the floor. Overstepping the abandoned legos, he moves closer for a better look at the photos hanging on the wall.
Jeyson is in nearly every photo. Spanning from baby photos, holiday shots, candid moments of fun, to yearbook photos, they allow Jeyson to grow up before Leo’s eyes.
He pauses at the latest hung photo.
Taken in September, it shows Jeyson standing between you and his father. The smile he wears matches Angel’s to the tee. It was taken on the first day of third grade. Jeyson is wearing his Gilman Prep uniform.
Leo lifts his phone, delaying long enough to snap a photo before moving on.
He starts his trek through the house. Sifting through recently delivered mail, abandoned on the kitchen counter. The piano holding the sheet music for Jeyson's recently passed recital. Studying the neatly printed schedule written across the whiteboard on the refrigerator door. The fully stocked bookshelf in Jeyson’s bedroom. The password-protected laptop on the desk of your office. The gun safe in your bedroom closet.
As he returns the closet door to its original position, his eyes pass over the room. They land on the dresser. The wooden, hand-carved jewelry box is smaller than he would anticipate from a woman. The first item to catch his attention is the oval cut diamond of your engagement ring, paired with the matching wedding band. He lifts both, pausing to study them in the sunlight peeking through the bedroom window. Returning them to their original resting place, he lifts the tiny velvet red box nearby. Inside, he finds a pearl necklace.
The necklace itself is simple. A single pearl embellished with a small, round white stone. It is a necklace you rarely take off. It was gifted to you years ago at a high school graduation dinner by Marisol.
Closing the box, Leo pockets it before leaving. The only sign he was ever there is the unlocked front door. It gives Ez a brief moment of a pause upon his return. He’s almost certain he locked it when they left. But with the high-speed rate Jeyson is talking at the moment, he chalks it up to his mind spacing.
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series taglist: @angelreyesgirl89 @holl2712 @relaxing-najee @thedeviltohisangel @awkwardtayler @siempremamita @amorestevens @witching-hour @seize-the-droid @rosieposie0624 @sesamepancakes @est1887 @queenbeered @ticosas @blessedboo @helli4nthus @katjusja @melanicia @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @moneteguiza
mayans taglist: @lilacyennefer @pedropcl @holl2712 @rae-gar-targaryen @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @henrycavill19 @silverstarsandsuns @chellybear98 @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​​ @noz4a2​​ @wiccanmetallicrose​​ @crxssourbones​​ @kimljn​​ @starrynite7114​​ @richonne4life​​  @themarkblues​​ @mariaxliliana​​ @thelovelyleo23​​ @hail-horror-queen​​ @gemini0410​​ @binooo98​​ @the-jer-bear​​ @abbiesthings​​ @losolvidad0s​​ @helli4nthus​​ @babaohhhriley​​ @futureleo1678​​ @whatupitshuff​​ @trhett21​​ @trulysuccubus​​ @minnicelli​​ @sillygoose6969​​ @capnsaveahoe​​ @leahnicole1219​​ @crashbarbie​​ @cyka1312​​ @zoovent​​ @lakamaa12​​ @keithseabrook27​​ @vir-tually​​ @awkwardtayler​​ @rawrlittlepanda-95​​ @irenne-stans​​ @pearlkitten33​​ @ezs-baby-angels-whore​​ @sesamepancakes​ @toni9​ @vannabanana1995​ @queenbeered​ @shawty-fenty​ @kaystacks17​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @anactualcaseofthetruth​ @star017​ @cant-decide-at-this-moment​ @cocotheclown​ @watsonwise​ @ilovebey2018​ @oscars-wifeyyy​ @rosieposie0624​ @jennisdirtyimagines​  @ughdontbeboring​ @jjwriter23​ @briskywalker​ @peoniarose​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @partypoison00​ @making-starsdance​ @claytoncardenasbabymama​ @myakai13
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dawn-cafe · 3 years
Modern AU meet-cute series
A/N: I didn't have to include a moodboard with this but I felt like being extra.  Also... this was meant to be just a headcanon list but here's a whole ficlet, I guess! Can’t decide if I’m gonna finish Childe’s or Diluc’s after this, so inputs are welcome. Requests are open, rules are here! -Hal
Prompt: meet-cute
Content includes: Part 1 of Modern AU meet-cute series. model!kaeya, semi-ooc kaeya i think, florist!reader
Pairing: kaeya x gn!reader
Kaeya: he's a model who's escaping the paparazzi and you're closing up your flower shop
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Kaeya's a pretty big-name model in Mondstadt.
He's been featured in Fontaine Fashion Week for the past 2 years and has modeled for every season for Favonius & Co.'s works.
With such popularity, you'd think he'd have some sort of body guard to keep him away from the prying eyes of Teyvat Pop News.
But no, he's a pretty stubborn guy and Jean, his manager, never fails to give him a piece of her mind every time.
He finds himself escaping from a few paparazzi as he's walking home from the mall, so he detours and tries to find a place to rest after he think he's lost them.
Kaeya then spots the lights on inside a little flower shop and thinks, "Oh, thank god."
You're closing up your little flower shop, sweeping the floor of any fallen leaves and flower petals you've cut up for the day. Normally, you'd keep the shop running til evening, but something felt off and you couldn't place what it was. So it's only late afternoon, yet the shop sign has been flipped to 'CLOSED' and you're packing up hours before closing time. There's faint music coming from the back room and you're humming along to the tune when the serenity gets cut off by something knocking on glass. You jump in surprise, looking behind you to see someone by the porch. By the looks of it, they were out of breath from running.
Setting aside your cleaning equipment, you walk up to the door to see a blue-haired guy, dressed in similar-colored clothing, hands on his knees as he pants. He looks up at you with starry blue eyes and blows his bangs away. You think he looks familiar, and that he's breathtaking even when he looks frazzled.
The chimes ring as you open the door a crack. "Hey, sorry..." you start, "but we're closed for the day." you tell him halfheartedly.
Kaeya stands up and you see he's taller than you expected. He leans back and looks to the side past the road, and blue eyes meet yours in desperation. "Sorry, I'm trying to get away from... a few people." His head tilts to the side, puts on the best puppy-dog eyes he can muster, and clasps his hands together. "Can I come in and stay for a while?" he pleads.
It's bizarre, you think, that someone could look so innocently cute yet dangerously handsome at the same time. At first, your instinct is to open your mouth and agree to help him. Of course, if this was a bad situation and you're the only refuge he could find, who were you to deny him? Though there's also the possibility that this could be a really bad scheme, and he'll rob you as soon as you let him in. He looks too dashing to do such a thing, but you can never be too sure... but also do robbers even wear designer clothes like he does?
He senses the hesitation in the way you don't immediately respond. "I-It's nothing dangerous, I swear!" Kaeya's slim hands are held up in front of him in defense before he runs it through his deep blue locks. The cool afternoon breeze sweeps his cologne to your direction. He smells of mint, of fresh summer air and freedom. "The paparazzi won't get off my back and I could really use the help," He explains briefly.
At the mention of paparazzi, it makes so much more sense. You still don't remember where you've seen him, but he sure fits the role of some celebrity by the way he dresses and carries himself. That... and his face looks really attractive. He's still smiling at you with just the tiniest bit of desperation creeping in his voice when he talks. All caution goes out the window as you open the door wider. There's still no one behind him, but you usher him inside your little shop. "Alright, but if they start bombarding my business, that's on you." you warn him playfully.
The breath he's holding escapes as he exhales in relief. "You're an angel," He beams at you with the brightest of smiles.
The door closes and is locked once again, and you go around the shop to close the blinds just a little. Kaeya breathes in. He's not the first stranger to walk in your shop, but it sure feels a little awkward as if you're being judged. "Do all flower shops smell this good, or is it just yours?" he asks coyly, taking in the array of flowers and plants on display. The playful roll of your eyes and your retort of "Do you ask this to all florists, or is it just me?" make him laugh, with his eyes crinkling at the corners and a hand over his chest.
He follows you around, assisting you in closing up, and you don't miss the way he wipes a bead of sweat off his forehead most likely due to his escapade. "It's better this way," you say, pulling a string to close a set of blinds, "at least they won't see you." With the last of the blinds shut, you turn to your pseudo-customer and ask, "Would you like some water?"
"Please." the embarrassment shows on his face.
You disappear in the back room for a bit, grabbing a bottle of water from the mini-fridge. When you emerge to the front of the shop, you find Kaeya seated on a barstool next to the counter, idly thumbing the calla lilies on display next to the cash register. The beginning of the day's sunset peeks through the slats of the blinds, capturing him like a painting. It's peaceful, ethereal, and you almost want to pull out your phone and take a quick photo to immortalize what you see. It doesn't help that some love song starts playing on the shop's speakers. The spell is broken when he catches you looking, and he looks at you with an easygoing smile.
Clearing your throat, you step forwards and place the bottle of water in front of him. You feel the heat rise to your cheeks, and if he notices you were staring, he doesn't comment on it. "Here." You place the bottle in front of him and he takes it eagerly. "Thank you." Kaeya bows his head graciously.
Picking up where you left off, you hold the broomstick and dustpan and start cleaning the floors again. "So um... you're gonna have to forgive me," you sheepishly smile at him, "but why are you being chased by the paps?"
As fate would have it, the magazine rack next to the counter has several magazines including a copy of last month's Mondstadt Fashion. And he recognizes himself on the cover, wearing a few of Favonius & Co.'s Spring Collection pieces. Kaeya picks up the magazine and places it on the counter, which you peer at curiously. The double-take you do makes him laugh again, watching you look at the cover, then to him in front of you, and back at the cover.
"Oh," you murmur as the realization dawns on you. "you're a model."
You don't dwell much on celebrity gossip so you don't really recognize most of them at first glance. But no wonder he seemed familiar, you'd seen him in a couple of magazines both in your store and in news sites. If paparazzi were chasing him, he must be a huge hit with the general public.
For Kaeya, however, he shrugs like it's no big deal. "Specifically, Teyvat's hottest model and top bachelor of 2021." he says as he closes the water bottle cap. "According to Mond Fashion." he adds with a cheeky wink. You scrunch up your nose impishly. "Still though, having paparazzi invade your privacy and all." you shake your head to the floor mostly, still occupied with cleaning the remaining dirt. "Glad I could be of use somewhat." you tell him.
“Kaeya.” he holds out his hand in a formal handshake.
You give him your name and grasp his hand; it’s soft, like the smile that never leaves his face
Kaeya offers to help around with your closing routine, but you stop him before he could pick up the broom again. It feels wrong having someone else do your tasks even though it's offered in good faith (and after all, he wanted to repay you for taking him in past your closing time). So you settle with having him arrange your excess daisies in a basket for tomorrow's bouquet orders. It's pretty easy work that he couldn't mess up, so you leave him at it while you clean out your floral buckets. Still, you try to speed through your routine and leisurely chat with him, thinking he must be bored with his task. 
What hobbies do celebrities even have?, you wonder. Surely it can't be chatting up some florist and counting flowers.
"Do I look pretty?" he asks abruptly. And when your eyes land on him, your breath gets caught in your throat.
Kaeya looks different. In fashion magazines he's featured in, he's always prim and proper, composed. It's not to say he's stiff, because he definitely carries that confidence wherever he goes. But to be dressed and told to act, smile, and pose a certain way; it can look... artificial. But here, sitting on a barstool with a few daisies in his hair; here with his blue jacket draped across his lap, a loose white shirt and hands full of flowers. Here, where instead of studio lights, it's just the soft lights overhead on your small store. And here, where instead of cameras taking shots upon shots of his face, it's just you in your apron that he focuses on.
"Breathtakingly so." You smile.
By the end of the day, he has a whole flower crown on his head and you wonder why blue's related to sadness when it's brought you joy when you least expect it. 
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
karasuno x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff
A/N! im so sorry that this is so long hhh + reblogs are appreciated and feedback is too :D i also did not read this over so im sorry if it sucks and theres errors
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Daichi would walk home with you since you lived nearby him
and since it was the weekend he thought he would hang out with you at your place
you two would stop at a nearby convince store, spliting up and searching the aisles for some ramen and chips
you ran over to the chips aisle after grabbing the ramen and saw daichi grabbing multiple bags
he shot you a big smile and you just scoffed and playfully kicked his shin
"we dont need that many bags daichi!"
"of course we do babe"
you left with 4 bowls of instant ramen and 7 different bags of chips
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sugawara had planned this for a whole week
his sweet s/o had a hard week? prepare for some clingy bf sugawara and to be spoiled
he picked you up at 4pm to let you sleep in from staying up studying all night friday
once you arrived at the lake nearby his place, you saw the little picnic blanket
he had brought out a little speaker, playing some soft, relaxing tunes
you guys ate and talked, and even just watched the trees blow in the wind
you would hear a song you like, and you would pull sugawara to his feet to dance to the song
he would twirl you and at the end of the song he would dip you, kissing you softly
"thank you so much suga"
"anything for my sugar~"
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you were a very reckless person, and asahi loved that about you
he would always be by your side for all your adventures, but one day you decided to settle down
you invited asahi over to your small home, your parents out for the day
your small radio played some old tunes as asahi laid on your bed watching you tend to your plants or ramble on as you always did
you cuddled with him a for a few hours until you saw the orange rays come in through your window
"asahi! asahi watch the sunset with me!"
you shot out of bed and pulled your large boyfriend after you
you opened your window and sat on the window sill, swinging your legs around to the other side
being on a second floor, you started asahi
"Hey, be careful"
"get your big ass over here!"
he followed after you, sitting next to you and wrapped an arm around you as the two of you watched the sun set
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fools. you are a pair of reckless fools
tanaka had proposed the idea of a late night hang out
you being just as wild you agreed, and thats how you found yourself with tanaka running around at night, nearly 1am
on your adventure, you found a shopping cart knocked onto its side, you and tanakas eyes meeting with a devious smirk
next thing you knew, tanaka had turned on his speaker and shuffled his spotify playlist as you climbed into the cart
"awe, i wanted you to push me!"
"slow poke! now push!"
he pushed you, running while you two shouted and laughed into the night, doja cat and NIKI playing on his speaker
i just know this mans is a doja cat fan
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nishinoya was a very energetic and fun person, and you were as well, but you just weren't as reckless
as you two walked down the road to your house, nishinoya rambled on and on about practice and his day
you didnt mind, being way less talkative than him, you liked to listen to him
he suddenly jumped into the air, a big happy and excited smile on his face as you could practically see a light buld above his head
"can we take a picture?"
"whats the catch?"
"okay okay, what if we do a handstand!"
you giggled at his request and he looked at you with hopeful eyes
"yes, but if i get hurt your gonna give me a piggy back!"
he sets up his camera against his school bag and sets the timer, running back to where you were
"okay okay, GO!"
you both did a handstand and held it until the timer went off and his phone clicked
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hinata loved going anywhere with you, as long as you were by his side he was already having so much fun
one day you asked him if he wanted to go to the beach, and he practically shouted in excitement
the next day, saturday, you two left in the morning to take a bus to the nearest beach, and hinata brought his bike
when you guys arrived he walked around with his bike as you ran around slightly ahead oh him in the sad
hinata had to watch over his bike so we couldn't run around with you, but then he got an idea
"hey, do you wanna go on a ride along the shore?"
"OH. MY. GOD. YES!!"
he hopped into his bike and you climbed onto the back, and you two ride along the shore at a decently quick pace
the air in your face made you feel free and you lifted your arms up, closing your eyes as you let the air hit you
hinata would take a quick glance back, but it was just long enough to see the beautiful look on your face that made him smile
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even though tsukishima was cold to everyone else, he was slightly less cold towards you, and hed never admit it but you made him soft
i hc tsukishima secretly being a soft boy who enjoys relaxing and reading in his alone time, sometimes even with you
one day you come over to surprise your boyfriend, his brother opening the door for you as you greeted him and his mother.
you made your way to his room and turned the door nob
"oh tsukki!"
you opened the door and saw your boyfriend laying in a pair of yellow and black plaid pajama pants and a navy green sweater, reading as some music played on his speaker
he groaned and closed his book as you walked over to his bed and jumped into his arm
"you had to come over today? you didnt even tell me."
"i like seeing tsukishima kei in his natural habitat"
you pulled a book out of your bag, one that you and tsukishima read together often and he pulled you into his lap and opened to where you had last read
the orange rays of the sun filled his room as you two read the book, soon falling asleep in each others presence
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constantly everyday, this boy was trying to find a way to let you into his life or show his appreciation with more than just holding your hand
one day you guys were chilling on the grass infront of his home, his mothers music playing through the living room window, loud enough for you to hear
the sun was starting to set and a slightly blue hue painted the surroundings
"hey, do you dance?"
you were a bit shocked by that question since you were usually the one to ask random questions like that
"im not that good at it but sure, why?"
kageyama stood up and held out his hand
"may i have this dance?"
you laughed at his question and took his hand, pulling yourself up
"yes you may~"
kageyamas hand rested on your hip, your hand on his shoulder and your other hands were connected at your sides
you guys slow danced, mimicking a waltz, stepping on each others shoes occasionally
kageyamas cheeks were red the whole time as he twirled you and connected his hands with both of yours
he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and you stared up in awe as your boyfriend shot a wide smile at you, one that you havent seen before
"y-your smiling!"
"what did you do to kageyama!"
"i am kageyama!"
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you and yamaguchi loved to be together, bestfriends and lovers, tsukishima falling victim to third wheeling, not as if he cared much tho
yamaguchi loves flowers almost as much as you do, so when he found this small flower field a few miles past his house he knew he had to take you there
you and yamaguchi walked hand snd hand to this "surprise" place he wanted you to see
when you were close, he covered your eyes and led you past the trees and rocks, placing you in the middle of the large flower field
"ready annnnndd.. open!"
you opened your eyes and froze in awe at the colorful flowers that dotted the field
you turned to your boyfriend and wrapped your arms around his neck, tackling him to the floor
he winced softly as you whispered apologized and peppered his cheek in kisses and he just laughed
"I love you too y/n"
he turned to his side and plucked a daisy, smiling softly as he turned back to face you
he pushed some hair back behind your ear and placed the flower behind your ear, smiling widely as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink
"i think you're the prettiest flower in the WHOOOOLE world!"
he placed soft kisses to your lips as you laid in the middle of the flower field
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catboyshinsou · 4 years
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pairing: shinsou x gn!reader
warnings: graphic descriptions of a nightmare, blood, death, panic attacks ?, kitty nickname, pro hero shinsou (sfw)
summary: you just moved in with shinsou but somehow nightmares have been plaguing you. one night you have the worst one yet
a/n: ty for 200 followers!! <33
Shinsou didn't sleep much. There was too much on his brain for him to waste precious time on sleep, there was too much to do, too much to think about. He knew it wasn't the healthiest thing to do but it's not like he deprived himself of sleep, his body just didn't let him and there wasn't much he could do about it. As an active Pro Hero there were just some sacrifices to be made for the job and if sleep loss was one of them then so be it.
You, on the other hand, managed to maintain a quite healthy sleeping schedule next to him. At least you tried to get continuous six hours of sleep every night, even if that still wasn't nearly enough for an average human being. But what could you do, there was a lot to do and not enough time to do it.
For some reason, Shinsou worried about you not sleeping enough. You chuckled when he brought it up to you at breakfast when you moved in with him.
“I don't think you're one to speak, Hitoshi.”
“Are you saying me not sleeping is something to not be worried about?”
You rolled your eyes and drank your tea. “I get enough sleep, don't worry about it okay?”
The dark circles under your eyes rivaled his, earning a frown from your boyfriend. He didn't like seeing you tired. He never has. Even though you were always tired, according to you, he could tell when your sleep quality was declining.
“Have you been having nightmares again?”
His purple eyes met yours as he swirled the coffee in his mug. Rain hit against the window and you heard the trees rustling in the wind.
Waking up in cold sweat, panting and almost crying before rushing to the bathroom to shock your system with cold water. It was a picture and feeling you knew too well. Nightmares and terrors did indeed haunt you like a little girl haunted a house. You've tried everything to ease them; medication, meditation, yoga, asmr, everything and still you had one at least once a week.
With the move into Shinsou’s apartment (because he was almost always working and wanted to see you more and his place was closer to your workplace anyway), it didn't really get better either even though his arms afterwards were always comforting. It felt more like symptomatic help not like you were finding a cause to make it stop though.
You took a deep breath. Was there a point in lying when he'd find out soon enough that you laid in bed almost scared to fall asleep when he was on night patrol because he wouldn't be there to calm you down if you did have one? Well, was it lying since you in theory didn’t currently have any nightmares?
“You know that no answer is an answer as well, kitty...” His low and soft voice crept up your neck as he put his arms around you. In the moments you were contemplating how much lying made sense, he'd finished his coffee and made his way to you for a lazy hug from behind.
He smelt nice, his slightly damp hair against your cheek as he rested his head on your shoulder. The purple tuffs tickled you as he got comfortable in the crook of your neck. You put his arms over his, on your tummy and took another breath.
“So you haven't been sleeping at all then?”
The only time you've been feeling comfortable and safe was when Hitoshi came home at 4 in the morning, slipped out his hero gear and got into bed with you. You, always pretending to be sleeping so he didn't worry, just waited for his whispered “goodnight kitty, i love you” as he put his arms around you for three or four more hours of sleep with you. Only then could you close your eyes and let yourself sink into your feared REM phase.
“You worry too much for me, 'Toshi…” With an exhausted sigh you leaned back, your head on his shoulder behind you. You traced circles on his forearm, feeling his goosebumps as you did.
“I'd be a crap hero if I cared for the general public but not for my love at home, wouldn't I?” He placed a kiss on your temple. “So?”
“I've been sleeping fine.”
“Y/n.” He stretched the last part of your name, his voice vibrating up your neck.
“You're free for the weekend right?”
Shinsou sighed at your attempt of changing subjects, not having enough energy to insist on you telling the truth. He hummed in response.
He had a two day break from hero work or at least from patrolling and going in. There was a ton of paperwork sitting on his desk for him, as well as 50 unread emails he had to get to. But he didn't complain. At least you were there to keep him company while you did your thing.
The two of you finished up breakfast and started into your day of free time which was actually just work in disguise.
Before you knew it, the day had passed and both of you laid in bed together, attempting to sleep. Well, you did. It was already well past midnight, everything around you quiet except for Shinsou who hummed a tune next to you and tapped on his keyboard.
He had his laptop on his lap, answering some more emails and scheduling their sending for 7am while making sure you knew he was there. You could feel his warmth under the blanket but the auditory reassurance helped.
You were on your tummy, facing away from you while hugging your pillow since your actual boyfriend wasn't up for cuddles right now. With closed eyes, you rolled over to face him.
“Hitoshi, go to sleep”, you said in a drowsy voice, half asleep yourself. “You can send the emails when you wake up…”
Shinsou just gave you a quick chuckle before kissing your head. “I'll be done in a minute, kitty. I just need a few more and then I’m all yours, I promise.”
His humming continued and he put his hand on your back, stroking it up and down until you were completely asleep. Your breaths got deeper and you moved around less, making your boyfriend smile.
It felt as if he had just gotten a toddler to sleep after watching a superhero movie, even if you had not been staying awake because you were restless but because you refused to go to bed if he wasn't in it. He had promised you that he would come to bed as soon as he could but both of you were stubborn. It was just a staring contest until Shinsou got up and carried his laptop to the bedroom with you pulling him at his hand.
Now, you laid next to him in peaceful manner, breathing, recharging.
You ran down the staircase, struggling with the heavy doors that separated each floor.
It never seemed to end, doors after doors after doors after doors. It was just doors going on. Heavy metal doors, painted white with cheap paint. It still smelled like paint in some of the staircases.
Your hands started slipping off the handles, sweat covering them like a thick layer of honey. You could hear a faint voice behind this even heavier door, needing your whole strength to open it up.
The clear sweat on your hands started staining the handle red. You pulled them back and stared at the blood covering your palms before looking back up and seeing Shinsou bloodied up in front of you.
He was panting, his face swollen and bruised and his hands tied behind his back. On his knees, he fell towards you with his capture weapon now a bright red instead of the usual dirty white.
You pushed him back to find the source of the flood, opening his hero suit and trying to untie his hands before he spat out blood all over you.
“You'll be fine okay? Everything is gonna be okay, you just need to stay awake and I'll find where you're bleeding from and it's gonna be fine, you can't leave me okay?”
A waterfall of words left you as you laid him on his back and examined his body. He just laughed and stared at the ceiling, his usually bright purple eyes now dull and almost grey.
You located his wound at his tummy right above the belly button, splurging out blood with his heavy breath. There was a faint whistle whenever he exhaled, you examined his chest and could feel a clearly broken rib.
Oh god, you weren't any type of medical care practitioner, what were you supposed to do?? Think, think, think…
“Kitty…” Shinsou put his cold hand on your tear stained cheeks.
“Shhh, don't talk okay??? I just need a second to figure things out, you'll be fine just- just stay awake okay??”
A hoarse chuckle left him. “Sorry for staining your white shirt… I know you always complain about how it never properly washes…”
He faded away, the cold of his hands on your cheeks leaving you last before you were met by a blinding light.
“Hi-hitoshi??? HITOSHI???”
You looked around. There was a field of red roses around you, the bloodstains gone from the scene of a few seconds ago. It smelt metallic.
There was a sticky feeling beneath your shoes. Something told you to not look down. Not avert your eyes from the endless field of roses in front of you. But you were stubborn and never learned out of your mistakes.
You were met with a puddle of blood, Shinsou’s dead body at your feet along with your close friends and family. They surrounded you, eyes open and skin drained of any blood. The roses dripped with their blood, dancing in the wind.
You tried screaming but the only thing that left you was silence, a dreadful high pitched beep in the distance. The tears fell like you did to your knees to touch your loved ones for the last time.
A deep breath forced you awake, eyes fluttering open as you checked your surroundings. You gripped your bedsheets, hoping to find Shinsou next to you but the space was empty and cold.
The tears started falling as you got on your feet and tumbled towards the bathroom.
It was only a dream right? Not a flashback or a future forecast, right? Your quirk didn't have anything to do with looking into the future or past, so it couldn't be, it couldn't be…
“Hi-hi-hitoshi??” With a weak voice, you called out as you doused the nape of your neck with cold water, your head in the sink in a position that was more than just uncomfortable.
Your mind was too foggy to remember who it was that advised you to “shock” your system with cold water but whoever it was saved your life more than once. The tears kept falling as you lost feeling in your neck from the overbearing cold water.
“Please just stop, I can't take it anymore…” You sobbed into the sink as you turned off the water.
Heavy footsteps came your way. You sank onto the floor and hugged your knees, feeling the salty tears dripping onto them.
Shinsou lowered down next to you. With more than concern on his face he cupped your face and forced you to look at him. You could only sniffle as he spoke, his words only grazing you. You barely heard him, only saw his mouth move and his head nod.
“I.. can’t... hear… you…” You sniffled between every word, struggling to get air properly. Your body didn't allow you to take a proper breath, only shallow breaths leaving your chest.
It wasn't like your ears suddenly stopped working. You could hear the dripping of the water in the sink and cat pawing at the bathroom window to be let in. But somehow your brain had a hard time processing what Shinsou was saying, somehow translating it to gibberish.
Shinsou watched you, looking at his face and trying your best to stop crying. His thumb caressed your cheek as he tried figuring out what to do. It's been a while since you had a snap out this bad. Last time he used his quirk to make you realise that the dream wasn't real while also calmly easing your body into relaxation. Though he tried keeping his quirk usage on you to a minimum to avoid any type of complications.
Instead he took your hand in his and pressed it as tight as he could without actually hurting you. Sudden pain was one of the easiest ways to snap your body out of panic, physically and mentally. It reminded the body to snap out of it while telling the person that they were indeed real.
“It's over kitty okay?” He kept his tone low and as calm as possible. Even if you couldn't hear him, his tranquility would help you relax as well or at least not stir you up more. “I'm here and you're here. It was only a dream, you're okay now.”
He pressed your hand to his heart. “You feel that? That's my heartbeat, I'm here with you. It was just a dream…”
You focused on your boyfriend and his warm hand around yours. Your breaths got deeper and deeper, Shinsou breathing with you until the tears stopped.
“Hey, see that wasn't so hard was it?” Shinsou smiled, a small sigh of relief leaving him.
Almost immediately, you flung your arms around him and just took him in. He was real. Not dead or a hallucination. He was here and had his arms around you while rubbing your back.
Shinsou had only left the bed for 5 minutes to finish up his emails and put away his laptop. You had been asleep for a while, he was sure that you wouldn't notice his absence so he just got up and finished up his work. Next thing he knew, there was water running in the bathroom and some stuff falling from the shelves.
“You were dying… dead…” You mumbled into his shoulder, eyes still wet. “I couldn't help you and-”
Tears soaked his shirt as you recalled the nightmare. Your tummy turned inside out when you thought back at the grotesque imagery.
“It's okay now. I'm not dead, right?”
“Can we go back to bed or do you wanna stay awake a little longer?”
It was around 2am now. Even if neither of you had to call in for work in the morning, Hitoshi still wanted to get you to sleep as fast as possible so you could recover from that horrible nightmare.
“Are you gonna be in bed too?”
“I'm all yours…”
You nodded and got on your feet before wiping away the tears. Shinsou followed and patted your back as you washed your face. He liked keeping his hand around you just to put your mind at ease. Around your waist, in your shoulder, in yours… Anywhere just so you knew he was there.
Both of you laid together, you on his chest with his hands on your back. You heard his heartbeat and felt his chest rise and fall. Your arms were wrapped around him and gripped onto him tight.
“Sleep now okay? I'm not going anywhere…”
The drowsiness kicked back in and you closed your eyes, struggling to keep them that way whenever graphic scenes came up again.
“I'm scared…”
“That's okay… Nightmares are scary but they can't do you any harm… And even if they can, I'm here to protect you okay?” Almost like a whisper, he breathed the words into your ear and kissed your forehead. “I'll be here for you all night long until you wake up again…”
You took a quick breath and closed your eyes again. “Can you hum?”
“Of course…”
Maybe it was quirk related, maybe it was just you but Shinsou’s humming always had a relaxing effect on you. He had quite the singing voice actually, though he rarely ever used it outside of home. But any type of music that left him worked like a natural relaxer on you. Combined with his back rubs and temple kisses, your eyes stayed shut and you drifted back into sleep. This time without staircases, roses or blood.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Like Father Like Son .2
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of not eating, depression, mentions of needles, unhealthy/toxic relationships, child abuse, 
A/N: Ya’ll wanted a part two well here you go :) again thank you @yandereacademia for letting me use they’re headcanon to make this story! Also the original plot is changed for the stories sake.
 2 months after you talked to your son
You still didn’t have the motivation to move. Only to go to the bathroom and maybe, MAYBE eat. What was the point in it all? Everything that kept you going in life was ripped away from you by the man known as Overhaul. He took away Eri and he took away your son. Well he took away your used to be son. 
Once you found out that he was apart of Eri’s experiments you were distraught. The little boy you once knew was nothing but a monster walking in his father's shoes. And to think that this thing was from your own flesh and blood and doing such horrific things to a sweet innocent girl.  
Both men came in once and awhile to see if you had any side effects from the test drug that they had given you. Long term or short term they just made sure to check. They soon noticed that your condition was slowly decreasing by the lack of sleep, water, and food you had.
You were a shell of your former self. If you looked in the mirror you were sure you wouldn’t be able to recognize yourself. You looked like a ghost. It was disturbing to see your once happy exterior turn into husk of a human. 
The worst part of this nightmare was not knowing what they we’re doing to Eri. Where they still making the bullets? Did they finally stop hurting her? You unfortunately got your answer once you heard Mimic talking about how they we’re so close to making a million bullets.
They had started the horrific experiments when she was six. She was 15 now so knowing that for 9 year they continued hurting her made your stomach turn. All you wanted to do was escape out of this prison and run to her, tell her that your here and that everything will be okay. That you’ll protect her from the monsters that surround her. 
The thought of Eri made you tremble in guilt. If only you were strong enough to protect her. Strong enough to run, run and never look back. You would never have to see the monsters that plague your dreams everyday. Never have to see your own flesh and blood turn even more into a monster than he already was.
All of a sudden your bedroom door slammed open and out popped Overhaul standing in the doorway with hives all over his skin and anger in his eyes. His gloved hands curled into fists as he stomped his way over to your spot in the corner.
“Where the fuck is Eri?!” He had grabbed you by the arm and yanked you up to your feet where he looked at you with his gold orbs. His grip on your arm hurt and you could feel his fingers digging into your flesh.
“I don’t know what your talking about-” A painful hit to the cheek is what you were met with when you let those few words out.
“Don’t fucking lie! Where is she damnit!” His fingers dig deeper only causing you to writhe in pain and whimper.
“I-I really don’t know! I haven’t left this room in 2 weeks!” You try to calm him down by telling him the truth but it seems like that wasn’t enough for him.
“If you don’t tell me the truth right now you end up being a bloody puddle on the floor.” You were about to retort back but soon realized something. If he killed you, you wouldn’t have to live this lifestyle anymore. Eri escaped and seems like she hasn’t been caught. That means the only thing you wished for has come true. So what's the point in staying here longer when your surrounded by people who hate you.
“I. Don’t. Know.” With a growl, Overhaul ripped off his glove and right when he was about to kill you, Nemoto came running in to tell the boss ‘good news’.
“We’ve found Eri! Last saw her down 2nd street!” Your face contorted in horror before you were thrown to the ground as Kai ran towards Nemoto and out the door. 
Your body collapsed onto the carpeted floor before the sound of the door slamming shut made you whimper in fear. Your lifeless eyes scan around the room before a chuckle left your throat as tears of joy begin to roll down your cheeks.
“She escaped, I’m so happy...thank you...” Even in the dark room that you called your home, a little ray of happiness shined through the covered windows knowing Eri had escaped from this horrible place.
“They caught her again. She back at the compound. Overhaul told me to tell you.” You felt your soul break at the horrible news you were told. You knew something bad was gonna happen when you saw that your ‘son’ opened the door in the corner of your eye. 
Seeing him makes you wanna throw up. Your once sweet boy had turned into a monster just like his father. He even made him tell you the horrible news that Eri was captured again. You knew there was gonna be a punishment waiting for her. You just hoped it wasn’t to bad but knowing Overhaul you didn’t know what to expect. Tears escaped down your face, your face still blank. Empty.
The silence was suffocating for the both of you. You could feel your sons presence still at the door. He was watching you. Watching as your unmoving body had tears spilling from your eyes. Watching as your hope was crushed once again. You couldn’t take it anymore. You couldn’t take the pain and suffering that was this life. You just wanted to end it all. Maybe death would be your only escape. The only thing stopping you was Eri. You just wanted to make sure that before you even do something like that, you wanted her to be in a safe haven. But it seems like even she can’t have that.
He had no words to say. What could he say to you? You had fully disowned him and looked at him with disgust. Looked at him like he was someone unworthy of love. You would always give Overhaul that look. The look of pure hatred. And now he was also on the receiving end of that look. 
He hated it. Who were you to tell him what he couldn’t do? You weren’t there for him when-...oh..yeah...He remembered. He remembered the day where he ‘disowned’ you. He can still remember the look of pure heartbreak that shown through your eyes when he said those words. 
He also remembered the cries of heartbreak that he heard on the other side of the wall. It kept him up a lot. Nightmares had plagued his dreams ever since the day you had disowned him. Your words repeated inside of his mind. Over and over again. 
His nightmares were always the same. He’d be walking on some sort of street while it was raining. His feet making the puddles splash. His raincoat making pattering noises as the rain slipped off it. 
He’d walk past a house and turn his head to look at it. It was a beautiful house, the grass lush and green with flowers planted right next to the house. No paint was chipped. The roof tiles were in perfect condition, not a single one missing. 
Inside the window there was you. Holding a baby while singing to it. Rocking it gently back and forth. Singing the same song you use to sing to him when he was young. He remembered the tune so vividly but could not remember the words. Only the tune. 
He walked up to the window to look inside of it, there sat a man. He didn’t recognize him at all. At least not where he was standing. The rain blurred his vision as it pounded against the glass window. He watched as the man got up from his seat on the couch to walk over to you and press a kiss to your cheek. He could hear your entire conversation.
“She’s so cute. What do you think she’ll turn out to be like?”
“Whatever she wants to be. I’ll support her all the way through. Give her all the love she deserves.” You gave the baby girl a kiss on the head, causing the baby to make grabby hands at you.
“I’m sorry about your son. He was gone too early.” What? No he didn’t! He was right here! He begin banging on the windows, begging for your attention.
“I’m not dead! Mom! I’m right here! Please! I’m sorry!” Tears would show through his eyes he felt a burning pain in his hands. His hands were gone. They chipped away, only leaving him with stumps.
“He doesn’t matter. He was a monster. A monster undeserving of my love. I’d never love someone like him.”
Then he would wake up.
He snapped outta it before looking at you once again. Still in the same spot as always. Letting out a sigh he begin to talk.
“I’ll...I’ll get you your food-”
“I want nothing from you. Nothing from you is worth eating. I’d rather starve than take anything you give me. Now get the fuck out of my room you monster.” Letting out a shaky exhale, he slowly closed the door. Watching as you didn’t make a move to look at him. Just as he closed the door Overhaul had appeared before him.
“What was her reaction?”
“She cried.”
“Of course she would have. Know this (S/N), never let anyone get close to you. It only leads to heartbreak and pain. Plus it’s annoying. Do you understand me child?”
“Yes Overhaul.”
“Good. Now come along, Eri’s about to get tested.” Nodding his head, he followed his father, following exactly in his footsteps.
1 week later
The sounds of pounding on the walls woke you up from your slumber as you carefully maneuver yourself to take a peek out into the hallway. Your eyes widened when you see Overhaul subordinates running fast as they can down the hall and away from what seems like the front door.
Worry fills your being as you begin to move your head all around seeing if Overhaul was anywhere before making a mad dash to Eri’s room. Your footsteps echoing off the walls as tears brim at your eyes at the thought of seeing Eri again. 
You went as fast as your week body could carry you. Feeling light headed from exercise since it’s been to long. But you would push through it. Push through it just to see Eri one more time.
“Eri?! Eri! Eri are where are you?!” You make it to her room before noticing that her door was already unlocked and opened. You wipe open the door before your met with an empty room. Your heart prayed for the best. Hoping that she had somehow escaped.
“Ma’am put your hands up!” You turn your head to see hero’s...
You cried as you collapsed to your knees as you gave the best smile you could. Tears of joy spilled down your cheeks. You were saved. Saved from this nightmare that stole your life away.
“I don’t think she’s apart of this. Look at her, she looks so malnourished. Not to mention she seems happy to see us. Do you think that she was also a prisoner of Overhaul?”
“By the looks of her most likely. Get her to safety.”
“Wait! Please let me see Eri! Is she okay?! Please tell me she’s okay!”
“We’re going to get her ma’am don’t worry! We promise she’ll be okay!” A man came near you and gently took your hand while you slowly used your strength to get up.
“Let’s take her to safety.’
“Not yet! I wanna help!”
“Ma’am please-”
‘You said you're looking for Overhaul right?”
“Well he has a son. His quirk is the same as him so you need to be careful. Overhaul has trained him to be just like him.”
“How do you know this?”
“He was my son before I disowned him. I don’t count him as a son. He was also part of the experiments that took place on Eri! Please arrest them all!” The hero’s looked shocked at your information but nodded their heads.
You were taken out of the compound where hero’s stood surrounding it. Most likely making sure that no one escaped through the front or back door. You could hear the sounds of the warfare inside the compound while you were outside.  You crossed your fingers, begging for the hero’s to win and for Eri to be safe. And for those two men to be under arrest.
You were driven to the hospital before you got to see the ending of the fight ( a few days later)
You sat in the hospital bed with an IV in your arm. Trying to get you a bit more hydrated. You let out a sigh before a knock came at your door.
“Come in.” You move your eyes to see the door slowly opening before A familiar face showed behind it.
“Eri!” You sat up quickly and outstretched your arms and she came running into them. Tears of joys started falling down both of your cheeks. You hug her with all the strength you have and begin petting her head before placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“I miss you so much (Y/N)...Overhaul...he told....he told me you died...”
“Well there’s no need to worry Eri. I’m here with you right now and that’s all the matters. Those monsters won’t hurt you ever again. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Y-your son...he got arrested too...”
“That monster is not my son. If I would have anyone as a child I would rather it be someone I’m proud to call my own. Someone who’s stronger than all the heros combined. Someone like you Eri.” Eri started to cry in your hold. Hugging you tightly. The smile on your face never leaving as you weave your fingers through her hair gently. 
“I missed you so much Eri. I’m so sorry that those monsters put you through that hell.”
“I missed you too. Promise you’ll never leave me?”
“I would never dream of it.”
“Miss (Y/N), I have some news about Overhaul and your son.” You felt Eri tense in your hold. Hugging you like the world would end if she let go of you.
“They were attacked on the bridge to Tartarus by the league of villains. They seemed to have some sort of feud before getting arrested because they’re attack was only towards them.”
“Well, what happened then?”
“Shigaraki Tomura, the Leader of the LoV, has taken both your sons, and Overhauls hands. They were lucky we got there i time or else they would have died of blood loss.” Your eyes widened at the nurses words before she spoke to you once more.
“Would you like to see them before they get put in solitary confinement? You only get this chance once for now.” Your breath hitched before you turn your attention towards Eri. You both look at one another before she spoke softly.
“You should go. Ask them if they’re finally happy. Ask them if it was worth it.” You sigh before turning your head to the nurse.
“Okay what time do I leave?”
“Right now.”
At Tartarus
You took a deep breath as you looked around the room. You were walked in with two guards as they brought you to the visiting area of the prison. Your heart felt like it was beating at 100 miles per hour. 
You sat at the table looking around while you waited for them to bring out your son. Your nails tapping against the surface of the table. Your mind drifted on what were the words to say. You didn’t know what to say. You were hyping yourself up the whole way here but now that you arrived all of your idea’s left your mind.
You heard the door opening and you turned your head to see your son walking towards you. They were right. The better look you got at him the more you realize that they’re was no longer a difference between Overhaul and your son. Right down to the golden eyes and the lack of limbs.
“You get 20 minutes.” He sat down across from you on the table. His eyes refusing to look into yours. 
“Look at me. I said look at me (S/N). I’m not going to ask again.” Your voice strict as your voice rings in his ears. He slowly lifted his head to look into yours. He saw someone he used to know. Your skin had started to glow again like it once did when he was young. Your eyes held emotion inside them instead of emptiness. You looked like his mother.
“...(Y/N), why...why are you here? I thought you would never want to see me or Overhaul again.”
“Was it worth it (S/N)? Was all the torture you put Eri through worth all this? Worth the 3 life sentences you have against you?” Your voice was harsh. Your words felt like fire against his heart. He knows he deserves everything your here to bring him. Every single thing.
“No...” You were taken aback by his honesty. He said it so quick with no hesitation. But you still had more questions that you had to ask.
“Why wasn’t it worth it? Is it because you got caught?” You put up a front of spikes that made his lip quiver. He knew crying would only lead to you thinking he was faking it. So he tried to hide it, but you could tell he was trying not to.
“Why wasn’t it worth it?”
“I lost everything that day. I lost my limbs, I lost my freedom, I lost any idea of ever living a normal life. And....”
“ANd what?” Tears started spilling down his face, landing on the table and forming a little puddle.
“And I lost you...I’m so sorry...please forgive me mother. I promise I’ll be better...please...” He finally broke down in tears in front of you. His whole body shaking as this was probably the first time he cried in years. 
“You’ve lost your chances. You lost them the day I found out you were apart of Eri’s experiments. You are undeserving of forgiveness. What can you even do that would make me even think about forgiving a monster like you?”
“I don’t know....”
“That’s what I thought. You aren’t my son, your nothing but a monster.” You stand up before waving an officer, signalling you were done.
“Please don’t go yet...”
“Goodbye (S/N), maybe someday, or in another life, I’ll be you mother again. Someday I would be proud to call you my son. But until then, your his son. Not mine.” You turn your back to him before walking out the visiting rooms doors never looking back.
@zuffer-weird-girl @hello-lucky-luka @thotsforvillainrights @uwuhuffelpuff @animexholic @freelyhappycycle @fan-girling-over-everything @gabbster22 @unknownarts @iwenttoshiratorizawa @nim-rose @ladyriri2006 @bakuhoes-bxtch @chrisrue15
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tremmett-19 · 3 years
Here is a tremmett fanfic... sorry if it’s bad this is my first one!
travis knew something was up. all day he’s been noticing that emmett has been down. From the way travis said good morning and only got answered with a grunt, to emmett turning down going to joes with the usual crew. Travis knew that emmett was not okay yet gave emmett some space until emmett felt like he was ready to talk- or emmett just was hangry the whole day and Travis has dealt with a hangry emmett a lot yet this was different.
emmett knew this day would be hard. Very hard. Today was the day that his mum died. all those years ago an eight year old emmett sat in hospital one hand around his cuddly rabbit and the other round his mum‘s cold hand. he didn’t want to burden Travis with his grief, he thought it might bring stuff about Michael back. But the two people who knew about this day was his dad and his best friend Alicia- but of course he couldn’t go to either of them! so emmett just tried to get through the day- but as the day went on the memories all came back. Especially when he was working with crisis one and he had to go see a cancer patient who had mental health issue- and had to go to hospital. The cancer, the hospital, dealing with sad kids- yeah that brought up memories. after his shift he went home, Travis was at joes with the others so emmett knew he was the only one home, so he decided to whip out his box from his side of the wardrobe in his and Travis’ bedroom. inside the box were letters, photos and objects all about his mum. he picked up the first picture and it showed just him and his mum in a field full of daisies, him and his mum both had paint all over their faces. he could remember that day so vividly, just him and his mum painting. it was a week before they got her diagnosis, the last time he felt her being really happy.
when Travis came home the house was eerily quiet. Theo and vic were still at the bar with the others but Travis decided to come home to check on emmett. Travis went upstairs to find out where his boyfriend was. He found him lying in bed with the photos, letters and objects scattered all over the bed and emmett with tear stained marks on his face, curled up and softly snoring. Travis at first smiled and stroked emmetts hair but just as he was moving the pictures of the bed so he could fit next to emmett- he figured out why emmett was so upset all day- his mum. Just as Travis was packing away the things, emmett‘s eyes shifted and locked in on Travis‘ face. Emmett knew that Travis knew. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you” emmetts voice whimpered. “it’s okay- I just want you to know that you can tell me anything”. emmett smiled softly and Travis snuggled right next to him and within minutes both of them were asleep.
emmett woke up with his heart pounding out of his chest. He sat up hoping that could help him breathe more, but it didn’t help. His cold feet were placed on the floor and emmett stood up and went to the bathroom praying that Travis wouldn’t wake up. Emmett looked in the mirror and craved for more closure about his mum-so he went searching for a person who knew about his pain- his dad.
as emmett was driving to his dads house, he kept imagining the last encounter he had with his father. “You’re a freak” “you’re not my son” “you broke Alicia’s heart and mine” “I never want to see you again” “disappointment” all the words that echoed around his head, his fathers words. Emmett parked the car and took a deep breathe. why is he doing this? He keeps asking the same question but he opened the car door and ran to the porch. *knock knock* no turning back now…
travis woke up with a yawn. He turned round to cuddle up to emmett only to find the sheets cold and empty. Travis’ mind only thought the worst. Where had he gone?
DID U LIKE IT? IM GONNA DO A PART TWO TMRW!!! also sorry I spelt mum wrong for you guys I’m British 😂 hope you liked It and stay tuned for emmett and his dads big showdown!!
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bibbawrites · 3 years
Papa and Maggie’s Weekend - Single Dad!Charlie x Owen
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Request: none
Word Count: 5924 words!!!
Summary: Part 11 of Single Dad!Charlie, Charlie goes camping for the weekend and leaves Margaux in the care of Owen 
Warnings: referenced drug use, swearing
A/N: i’ve had this sitting around for so long that i actually have almost two more full parts done so i figured i’d get this one out there before they stack up any more haha, i know most of you don’t care about this series much any more but it’s my comfort series so i’m gonna keep writing it for me (and ella, this is our series @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ lol)  anyways, enjoy almost 6000! words of owen and margaux being the cutest little buddies and owen just trying his best 
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @herbrutals​ @youngbloodblog​ @courageous-she​ @littlemissaddict​ @gloomybrieyxb​ @itsyagorlemmalyn @jatpxmultifan​ @moneybagmgk​ @emeliii1​ @mybradforddream​ @lovesanimals​ (the strike through means it wont let me tag you)
“Be good, okay?” Charlie crouched in front of Margaux. She nodded sleepily, the early morning wakeup something she wasn’t used to. 
“When will you come back?” She mumbled, rubbing her eyes with a fist. Charlie swallowed, willing himself not to cancel the whole trip. They needed to do this, he had to get used to spending time away from her eventually. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow night. So you and Papa will spend all day today and then all day tomorrow together and then Daddy will be back in time for bed time tomorrow.” Charlie explained, his voice soft. 
“Why can’t I go too?” Margaux pouted. 
“Because it’s a big person trip.” Charlie sighed slightly. He knew this wasn’t going to end well.
“I’m a big person. I’m four!” Margaux protested. 
“You need to be a little bit bigger to come. But I promise we can go camping next week, okay? Just you and me.” Charlie promised, knowing there was nothing Margaux loved more than going camping with her dad. 
“Pinky promise?” She questioned, holding out her hand, and Charlie wrapped his pinky around hers. 
“I pinky promise.” He agreed, before catching sight of the time on his watch. 
“Fuck.” He mumbled. “I gotta go now baby, I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m gonna miss you.” 
He pulled the four year old into a hug, biting his lip as she started crying. Maybe leaving when she was tired wasn’t a good idea after all...
“Don’t go.” She sniffled, and Charlie pulled back, kissing the top of her head gently. 
“I gotta.” He whispered. “I love you so much.” 
“Daddy, don’t go.” She cried, throwing herself back into his arms and Charlie felt his eyes prick with tears of his own. 
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He promised. “I love you.” 
“Love you Daddy, don’t go.” Owen stepped forward, reaching out and taking the crying four year old from Charlie’s arms. 
“Go.” He instructed, as Margaux screamed out, Charlie’s heart breaking with every cry of his name. He stood up, hesitating, and Owen gave him a small smile. 
“I’ve got her. Go have fun. We love you.” 
“I love you too.” Charlie replied, and with one last glance towards Margaux he turned and climbed into his car. 
And no one had to know if he cried all the way to the organised meeting spot. 
Charlie’s car pulled away and Owen waved slightly, knowing that his boyfriend would be taking this separation just as hard as his daughter was. The blond boy sighed, carrying the still screaming four year old inside, humming softly as he walked in an attempt to soothe her, his mind drifting back to the first time Charlie had left him alone with Margaux on the first day he had met her.
“Just watch her for a second, I need to pee.” Charlie said, standing up and placing the two year old down next to Owen, before walking away. Margaux watched him go, her face scrunching up as she began to cry. Owen’s eyes widened. What was he supposed to do now? He reached out, patting the top of Margaux’s head awkwardly. 
“Don’t cry.” He mumbled, in what he hoped was a comforting tone. Clearly it wasn’t, however, since Margaux’s cries got louder, causing people to start to stare. 
“Hey, Maggie. It’s okay. He’ll be back soon.” He tried, moving to pat her back. Still no use, and Owen began to panic. What were you meant to do with a crying kid? He bit his lip, still awkwardly patting her back. 
Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Charlie heading back over to the table, and Owen breathed a sigh of relief as the older boy scooped up his daughter, holding her close to him and mumbling something in French. Margaux relaxed into his arms 
“I didn’t know how to make her stop.” Owen admitted, as Charlie sat back down, Margaux still wrapped up in his arms. The Canadian boy laughed. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll learn.” He replied. Owen gave him a small smile. 
He sure hoped so, for everyone’s sake. 
As usual Charlie was right. Owen did learn, and now here he was, officially on his own for the weekend with Margaux having a complete meltdown in his arms.
He bounced her slightly, humming the tune  to Stand Tall, hoping the familiar tune would calm the four year old. 
“Daddy!” Margaux wailed, her face red with anguish. 
“Papa’s here.” Owen reminded her, swaying back and forth with her head tucked into his shoulder. 
“I want Daddy.” She protested. Owen bit his lip. 
“Daddy will be back tomorrow but for now, think about how much fun we’re gonna have together! We can paint each other’s nails and get pizza for dinner and watch all of your favourite movies. Or we could go out if you wanted to go somewhere? We could go swimming?” 
“Don’t wanna.” Margaux cried. 
“Okay.” Owen sighed, moving over to the couch and sitting down on it, shifting Margaux so that she was in his lap. Surely she’d tire herself out eventually, especially since it was barely 7am... maybe the best thing would be to just let her cry. 
 So that’s what Owen did, let the four year old cry as much as she needed, as he held her tight and hummed whatever songs he could think of, his fingers tangled through her curls.
Margaux cried non stop for the first hour until she fell asleep in Owen’s arms, exhausted from her tears. Owen sighed. He knew there were things to do but he couldn’t bring himself to leave Margaux’s side. 
So he stayed on the couch for almost four hours, Margaux curled into his chest, while he played video games on mute waiting for her to wake up. 
Eventually she did stir, just before lunch time, which Owen decided was the perfect distraction. 
“Good morning princess.” He whispered. “Are you hungry?” 
Margaux yawned before nodding. 
“I found a really cool place for us to go have lunch and some friends we can invite along to come play with us. How does that sound?” Owen suggested and Margaux just nodded again, staring at the TV blankly. Clearly it was going to be a bit harder to get her to talk than he’d thought. 
“Should we get dressed? You can even pick your own clothes!” Margaux didn’t reply, so Owen just stood up, the four year old still held safely in his arms, and made his way down the hallway to her bedroom. 
He kicked open the door, and placed Margaux onto the ground, before opening her wardrobe. 
“What do you wanna wear?” 
Margaux stepped forward and Owen internally cheered at the slight progress. The tiny blonde scanned through her clothes, eventually grabbing at a pair of overalls, before turning back and looking at Owen expectantly. 
“You wanna wear those ones?” He asked, and she nodded, before grabbing onto a Julie and the Phantoms shirt that Madi’s dad had made her. Owen smiled slightly, taking the two items of clothing out and quickly helping Margaux get dressed. 
“Now, what’s next?” Owen mused, hoping to get a reaction from Margaux. She didn’t answer, staring down at the ground as Owen grabbed her hairbrush and settled down with her standing between his legs as he sat on the end of her bed.  
“How do you want your hair?” Owen asked, running the brush through her curls. Margaux thought for a moment. 
“Bun.” She mumbled, and Owen grinned. 
“There’s that beautiful voice of yours. I missed it.” He teased, and Margaux smiled slightly. 
“Okay, let’s get this bun going.” He pulled her hair back, tying it somewhat messily in a bun. “How’s that?” 
“Good.” Margaux replied. 
“Yay!” Owen cheered and Margaux giggled, the sound warming Owen’s heart. 
“Do you wanna go watch Paw Patrol while I get dressed? Or you can stay here and play?” Owen suggested, and Margaux shook her head, clinging to his leg. 
“With you.” She mumbled and Owen sighed but took her with him nonetheless. 
Two steps forward, one step back. 
Almost an hour later Owen climbed out of an Uber, before unclipping Margaux from the safety seat, removing the safety seat from the car, and thanking their driver. 
“You ready to make some friends?” He questioned, looking towards the large building that housed an indoor play centre where they would be meeting a few members of the cast. 
“No.” Margaux replied and Owen laughed. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll like them.” He said. 
They entered the indoor play centre and Margaux’s eyes widened in excitement, taking in the various areas of the room, before settling on a high ropes course in the middle of the room. Of course Charlie’s kid would choose the most adventurous thing in the room to be excited for. 
“Owen!” A voice called, and Owen turned to find Cheyenne heading towards them, with his twins holding onto their father’s hands.
“Hey guys.” Owen greeted. “It’s so good to see you.”
“You too. And little miss Margaux here, look at how much you’ve grown!” Cheyenne gasped playfully and Margaux grinned, Owen smiling at the switch in her behaviour. 
“Cause I’m four.” She boasted. Cheyenne smiled. 
“So are my little ones. This is Willow and Ethan.” He smiled, gesturing to each twin as he introduced them. “And this is Margaux.” 
“Hi!” Willow grinned and Margaux smiled slightly, leaning into Owen. 
“She hasn’t had very good experiences with kids her age.” Owen explained. “Plus we’ve had a bit of a rough morning.” 
“That’s okay. Why don’t we head back to the table we’re at. Kenny and Sacha are there and Tori and Jadah are coming soon. Kenny booked the whole place out for the day so there’s no rush and no other people.” Cheyenne said, and Owen nodded, following the older man through the entrance and over to a table where Kenny and Sacha were sitting. 
“Hey guys.” Owen smiled, once they arrived at the table. 
“Hey Owen. How are you?” Kenny questioned. 
“Not too bad. Hopefully will be better soon.” Owen replied with a small grin. 
“Daddy can we go play?” Ethan questioned, and Cheyenne nodded. 
“Why don’t you take Margaux with you.” He suggested and the twins both turned their attention to the blond, who turned to Owen, a worried look on her face. 
“You’ll be okay.” Owen promised her, moving to take her shoes off as she clung to him. “I’ll be right here the whole time.” 
“Okay.” She decided, and Owen placed her on the ground, watching as she hesitantly took a hand of each of the twins and allowed them to drag her towards the biggest playground. 
“How was this morning?” Kenny questioned as Owen flopped down into an empty chair. Owen sighed, watching Margaux climb the stairs of the playground, any hesitation already gone.  
“Not good. She was okay until Charlie said he had to go and then she had a complete meltdown. He was about 30 seconds away from cancelling his trip, you could see it in his face. So I grabbed her and made him leave, and then she cried for literally an hour until she fell asleep again.” He said, and Kenny smiled sympathetically. 
“How long is Charlie gone for?” Sacha asked. 
“He comes back tomorrow evening.” Owen bit his lip. “I’m worried about how she’ll go tonight when she realises he isn’t there to put her to bed.” 
“You’ve got this.” Kenny assured him. “We’ve all seen you do it before and you do this all the time with Charlie around.”
“I hope so.” Owen replied. “I’m kinda hoping she’ll exhaust herself here and just pass out tonight.” 
The group laughed. 
“That’s pretty likely.” Cheyenne agreed. “I’m hoping for the same thing.” 
The door chimed again, signifying another arrival, and both Kenny and Sacha stood up to go greet the newest guest. Cheyenne gave Owen a small smile. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, you said Margaux hadn’t had very good experiences with kids her age. What happened?” He questioned. 
“Charlie had something to do, I think it was some beach cleaning thing, so he enrolled her into a childcare program. She lasted a few hours before she got into disagreements with the other kids about her not having a mum, and the bitch teacher backed them up saying she had to have a mum. So next minute Charlie’s being called in to discuss Margaux’s “issues with authority figures”, and she never went back.” Owen explained, and Cheyenne frowned. 
“That’s horrible.” He said. “I’m glad she didn’t go back.” 
“Me too.” Owen agreed. Cheyenne gave him a reassuring smile.
“At least we know with my kids they won’t worry about her not having a mum.” He joked and Owen smiled, instinctively glancing towards the playground, where Margaux and the twins had decided to attempt to climb up the large slides the wrong way, the three of them giggling loudly as they slipped back down. 
“She reminds me so much of Charlie.” Cheyenne commented, following Owen’s gaze. “They have the same adventurous spirit and cheeky personality.” 
“She’s his clone.” Owen laughed. “Everything except the hair.” 
“Personally I think her hair makes her look like your daughter.” Cheyenne said, and Owen’s heart skipped a beat. 
“Really?” His tone was filled with disbelief. He’d never considered that before. 
“Definitely. If people didn’t know they’d assume she was yours biologically.” Cheyenne nodded. Owen smiled slightly. 
“That means a lot to me.” 
“Anytime.” Cheyenne smiled, as they were rejoined by Kenny and Sacha, who were now accompanied by Tori and Jadah. 
“Now,” Kenny started, as everyone sat down around the table. “Should we order some food?” 
So maybe not all kids her age were horrible, Margaux decided as she sat at the top of one of the large towers in the playground. The twins seemed nice enough and her Papa promised her that he would be there, and she knew he wouldn’t let anyone be mean to her, ever. 
“Do you have a brother or a sister?” Willow questioned, plopping down next to her. Margaux shook her head. 
“No.” She said. “Just me and Daddy and sometimes Papa. But he lives in Oklahoma most times.” 
“You don’t have a mummy too?” Ethan asked, joining them. Margaux shook her head again. 
“Do you have a mummy?” She glanced between the twins, who also shook their heads. 
“We have Dad and Daddy.” Willow told her. Margaux grinned. There was no way they’d be mean to her about not having a mum if they didn’t have one either. 
“Do you like Paw Patrol?” She asked, and the twins nodded quickly. 
“Yeah! I like Skye.” Willow answered. 
“I like Marshall.” Ethan added. 
“I like Everest cause she likes snow and I like snow too.” Margaux explained. 
“Can we go on the slides again?” Ethan questioned, and the girls exchanged a look before nodding. 
“You go first.” Margaux instructed, and together the three made their way through the tunnels, back to the slides. 
Yeah, Margaux thought as she followed the twins, maybe all kids weren’t mean. 
After several hours of running around, the three four year olds were clearly exhausted so the group decided to call it a day. 
“Do you need a lift?” Cheyenne asked. Owen nodded, glancing down at Margaux, who was hugged tightly between Willow and Ethan. He couldn’t wait to tell Charlie that she finally had some friends her own age. 
“That would be great, thanks.” Owen smiled, which Cheyenne quickly returned. 
With a few last goodbyes to the rest of the group and promises to meet up again soon, Owen, Cheyenne and the kids left, Cheyenne leading the way while Owen brought up the rear to make sure the kids didn’t wander. 
And before he knew it Cheyenne was pulling up in front of Charlie’s place and Owen was unclipping Margaux’s seat as she clung to the twins, begging to see them again soon. It was only after Cheyenne and Owen promised they’d organise something that she let Owen lift her out of the car and the two of them stood and waved goodbye to the car as they drove away. 
“Come on Maggie, lets go inside and decide what we want for dinner.” Owen said and Margaux’s eyes lit up. 
“Pizza?” She asked. Owen chuckled. 
“Sounds good to me.” He agreed, unlocking the door and letting her in, placing the car seat near the door in case they needed it again. 
“Can we watch movies?” Margaux questioned, squirming in Owen’s arms until he placed her down on the ground. 
“We sure can.” He smiled. “Whatever movies you want.” 
“Nemo?” Margaux suggested as Owen flicked the TV on, going to Disney Plus and finding the movie in response to her request. 
And once the movie was playing Owen settled down onto the couch with her, and was determined he wouldn’t move unless he absolutely had to. 
Eventually it was time for the moment Owen had been dreading. Bedtime. 
“Okay princess, it’s time to go to sleep.” He said, as the credits rolled on Frozen 2. 
“Daddy said he would come back for bedtime.” Margaux frowned.
“Bedtime tomorrow, remember?” Owen reminded her softly. 
“Oh.” She pouted, tears threatening to fall. Owen’s eyes widened, trying to think fast. 
“I know!” He exclaimed, and Margaux looked at him curiously. “We should have a sleepover. We can get your toys and sleep in Daddy’s bed and maybe even watch TV until we fall asleep.” 
Margaux grinned widely. 
“Yeah!” She squealed. “I wanna do it!” 
“Okay, well we’ll have to go get your friends from your room.” He said and Margaux grabbed onto his hand. 
“Hurry.” She giggled, tugging him down the hall to her bedroom. He flicked the light on as they entered, and Margaux jumped onto her bed, eyeing the large pile of Squishmallows stacked at the end of the bed. Madi had bought her one and ever since then she had been addicted to the stuffed toys. 
“Okay, who are we bringing?” Owen questioned, sitting down on the edge of the bed, already grabbing the toy penguin that Margaux never slept without. The four year old frowned at the pile before reaching towards an orange octopus, depositing it in Owen’s lap. She scanned the pile again, grabbing a small brown and white cow, a grey dragon, a green dinosaur and a large purple and blue cat that was almost as big as she is. 
“That’s all.” She decided. Owen nodded, grabbing the toys in his arms. 
“Anything else we need?” He asked, and Margaux grabbed her blanket. 
“Done.” She decided. Owen grinned, standing up. 
“Lead the way Miss Maggie.” He instructed, and Margaux giggled, rushing out of the room and across the hallway into Charlie’s room, leaving Owen to follow her after struggling with the light switch. Eventually he got it off and entered Charlie’s room, dropping the toys onto the bed for Margaux to sort out. 
“Do you want to watch one of those house hunting shows?” Owen asked, flicking the TV on. Margaux hummed in response, too busy figuring out the placement of her Squishmallows to pay full attention to him. 
“What’s it ‘bout?” Margaux mumbled, settling into the middle of the bed. Owen pulled off his shirt before climbing in next to her, smiling when the four year old latched herself onto him in the same way she did to her father.
“It’s about people who are looking for a new house.” Owen explained.
Margaux thought for a moment before nodding.
“Okay we can watch it Papa.” She agreed, so Owen changed the channel to the lifestyle channel. 
Hopefully the show would put the four year old to sleep.
It did not put her to sleep.
It was well past midnight and somehow Margaux was still awake, happily watching a couple decide between an apartment close to their ideal location, or a large house a little further out.
Owen yawned, glancing towards the time.
“Maggie, aren’t you tired darling?” He questioned, and Margaux shook her head.
“I’m awake! My Squishmallows wanna know if they buy the little house.” She informed him. “I want the big, big one.”
If Owen wasn’t half asleep he would have laughed at how invested Margaux was, but he was struggling to keep his eyes open and her not being asleep was not something he found funny in that moment. 
“After this we’re gonna turn it off and go to sleep, okay?” He told her, and Margaux frowned, shaking her head. 
“I wanna watch more.” She replied, and Owen groaned. 
“We gotta go to sleep, otherwise we won’t be able to wake up for Daddy coming home tomorrow.” He said, and Margaux pouted. 
“I wanna watch it more. You said I could watch it ‘til I sleeped, and I’m not sleeping yet.” She reminded him, and Owen cursed his past self for using those words, and cursed Charlie for raising such a smart kid. 
“But I’m falling asleep.” He whined. 
“You sleep then.” She answered, and Owen sighed. Time to put his “parent voice” on. 
“Margaux, we’re turning it off after this episode, and we’re going to sleep.” He said firmly and Margaux glared at him. 
“No.” She retorted and Owen tensed up. Now what was he meant to do? Margaux was rarely in trouble so he didn’t really have experience in how to discipline her if she acted out. 
“Margaux Ivy.” He warned. “Do you want to go back to your own bed?” 
Margaux shook her head. 
“Then after this episode finishes the TV goes off and we’re going to sleep. And if you go to sleep straight away maybe we can go get breakfast somewhere in the morning. How does that sound?” He tried, hoping the promise of a nice breakfast would make her back down. 
“Don’t wanna.” She mumbled. “Want Daddy. You’re a meanie.” 
Owen stared at her, his heart shattering at those three little words. 
“You don’t mean that, you’re just overtired.” He said, his voice sounding small, not quite sure who he was trying to convince. Margaux crossed her arms. 
“Yes I do. You’re a big meanie and a bossy pants and I don’t like you now.” She replied firmly.
“Maggie...” He trailed off, not knowing what to do. 
She ignored him, turning her attention back to the TV where the couple were about to sit down to decide between the three houses. 
Owen bit his lip, reaching for his phone to text Charlie, even though he knew the chances of Charlie replying were probably slim. He was probably out of cell range, or already asleep, or both. 
Messages between OPJ and Char
OPJ one day without you and she hates me
Charlie’s reply was almost instant. 
Char  she could never hate you O, i promise
Owen sighed, glancing at Margaux who had tucked herself into a ball with her chosen Squishmallows surrounding her, and was mumbling something under her breath in French. 
OPJ  she said, and i quote, that i’m a “big meanie and a bossy pants and she doesn’t like me now” so yeah, pretty sure she hates me
Char what happened?
OPJ she got sad at bedtime so i promised her we could watch tv until we fell asleep and now its 1 in the fucking morning and she’s still awake watching house hunters and i told her its time for it to be turned off, like the asshole i am, and she said no so i used my parent voice on her and now she hates me and she’s still fucking watching tv and i don’t know what to do
Owen had barely pressed send when his phone began to ring, Charlie’s photo appearing on his screen. 
“Hey.” He answered sadly. 
“Give the phone to Margaux.” Charlie’s voice came through the phone and Owen didn’t respond, holding the phone out to the four year old. 
“It’s for you.” He said, and she glared at him, but took the phone nonetheless, face lighting up when she heard her father’s voice. 
Owen flopped backwards onto the bed, relaxing instantly as Charlie’s scent engulfed his senses. He zoned out, just focusing on breathing, until he was jolted back to reality by Margaux poking his cheek. 
“Daddy wants to talk to you.” She informed him, and he took the phone, pressing it back to his ear. 
“She’s gonna go to sleep now.” Charlie said, and Owen breathed out a sigh of relief. 
“Thank you.” He whispered. “I’m sorry I disrupted your night and bothered you when you’re trying to have time off.”
“You didn’t.” Charlie assured him. 
“I couldn’t even get her to go to sleep.” Owen mumbled, glancing at Margaux, who was already fast asleep, just proving how tired she had actually been. “I’m a failure.” 
“You are most definitely not.” Charlie replied firmly. “You’ve made it all the way til now with no issues, even after the complete meltdown she had this morning. Parenting isn’t always easy Owen, even I struggle with overtired Margaux.” 
Owen sighed, reaching for the TV remote and turning the TV off, engulfing the room in darkness. 
“Fuck, can you just promise me you believe me? I’m too high right now to figure out a better argument.” Charlie whined and Owen giggled, only just noticing how out of it Charlie actually sounded. 
“Kid free time is going well then?” He teased, thankful for the lighter topic. 
“I haven’t been this high since she was born, it’s nice to be able to smoke without worrying about her waking up or not being sober by the time she gets up the next morning.” Charlie replied, and for a moment Owen felt an overwhelming sadness for the 18 year old Charlie who had been forced to grow up so quickly, with no chance to be an actual kid himself. 
“I miss you.” Owen admitted. “It’s hard being here with her without you.” 
“You’re halfway there babe, just keep going.” Charlie reminded him and Owen blushed slightly at the pet name. 
“I will. Thank you again, for getting her to sleep.” Owen replied. Charlie hummed in response. 
“Any time. How was the rest of your day?” He questioned. 
“After you left she cried for a bit, and then slept until lunch time. And then we went to this indoor play centre thing with Cheyenne and his twins, and Kenny, Sacha, Jadah and Tori, and Mags loved the twins.” Owen recounted. 
“She did?” Charlie cut in, and Owen could hear the smile on his face. 
“She did.” Owen grinned. “She begged me to see them again soon, so you’ll have to organise something with Cheyenne. Then we just had pizza and watched some movies before we went to bed.”
“Sounds like you had a great day.” Charlie replied. Owen opened his mouth to respond, but instead yawned, eyes drifting shut for a second. 
“Go to sleep babe.” Charlie’s voice was gentle and Owen nodded, before realising his boyfriend couldn’t see him. 
“Okay.” He answered. “Night Char, I love you.” 
“I love you too Owen. See you tomorrow afternoon.” Charlie replied, before hanging up. Owen let his phone fall to the pillow, too tired to even plug it in to charge. 
And with Margaux’s steady breathing in his ear, he finally drifted off to sleep. 
Owen woke the next morning to Margaux attempting to braid his hair, Bluey playing quietly on Charlie’s iPad. 
“You awake Papa?” Margaux questioned. Owen hummed in response. 
“Yep.” He replied, voice deep with sleep. “You doing my hair?” 
“Yeah.” Margaux responded simply. After a moment she spoke up again. 
“Are you still mad with me?”
Owen sat up, reaching out to the tiny blonde. She wriggled closer, settling into his arms. 
“Oh darling no, I could never be mad at you.” He told her. Margaux thought for a moment before looking back up at him. 
“Do you still love me?” She asked, her voice small. Owen’s heart shattered. 
“Of course I still love you. You’re my little girl, I will always love you. Just like how your Daddy will always love you no matter what.” He assured her. 
“But I was mean to you.” Margaux frowned. “And Daddy said that’s naughty.”
“It is naughty, but I forgive you. Because I know you were just very tired.” He told her. She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry Papa.” She said quietly. Owen pressed a kiss to her head, playing with her curls like he knew Charlie did, hoping the familiar gesture would reassure her.  
“I know honey, it’s okay, I promise.” He whispered. 
“Love you.” Margaux mumbled, pressing her face into his neck. Owen smiled, wrapping his arms around her tightly and squeezing. 
“I love you too.” He replied. “Now how about we get dressed and go out for breakfast?” 
“Yeah!” Margaux grinned, perking up instantly at the mention of food. Owen laughed. 
“Okay then, let’s do it.” 
Just over an hour later the two of them were curled into a tiny booth in the back corner of a café, the table chosen especially to try to remain unnoticed by any fans that may have been around. Owen loved the fans but sometimes they could be a little much, and having Margaux with him made him hyperaware of how necessary it was to remain anonymous. He had no idea how Charlie did this. 
Owen glanced around the room, picking at his eggs. There didn’t seem to be anyone around who might recognise them, but there was never a guarantee that they wouldn’t be noticed.  
“Can I have some of your one Papa?” Margaux questioned, catching Owen’s attention. 
Owen’s head snapped back, his attention now solely on the four year old in front of him. 
“Which one darling?” He asked. 
“That one.” She pointed to the cooked tomato that he had pushed off to the side of his plate. Owen nodded, placing it on her plate and shaking his head when she dipped it into the leftover maple syrup. Charlie really was raising his clone. 
“Are you full?” Margaux questioned after scoffing down the tomato, eyeing his eggs. Owen chuckled, scooping the eggs onto her plate too. 
“Hungry this morning huh?” He teased. Margaux grinned at him, her mouth full of his eggs. 
“Patrick says it’s cause I’m a growing girl.” She informed him. 
“I think Patrick is right. You were only tiny when I first met you and now you’re huge!” He emphasised the last word and Margaux laughed loudly. 
“You’re silly Papa.” She said between laughs. Owen grinned. 
“Excuse me?” A voice came and Owen’s heart stopped for a moment, looking up to find an elderly woman smiling at him. 
“Yes?” He answered politely. She didn’t look like the type to watch the show, but you could never be sure. 
“Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to compliment you on how well behaved your daughter is.” She smiled and Owen couldn’t help the light blush that covered his cheeks. 
His daughter. 
“Thank you.” He replied and the woman nodded, smiling at Margaux, before wandering away. 
Owen took a deep breath, collecting himself, before tuning his attention back to Margaux. 
“You ready to go kiddo?” He questioned. Margaux nodded, so Owen stood up, taking her hand and leaving the cafe, thanking the waitresses as they left. 
“So what do you wanna do today?” Owen asked as they began the short walk back to Charlie’s place. Margaux pulled a face as she thought. 
“Can we watch some more House Hunters?” She questioned, making Owen laugh. 
“Of course we can.” He agreed. 
It was just after 2pm when Margaux shifted in his arms, where she had settled down to watch House Hunters hours ago. 
“Papa? I’m hungry.” She mumbled. Owen played with one of her pigtails. 
“What would you like to eat?” He asked. 
“I don’t know.” She shrugged, as Owen’s phone vibrated in his pocket. 
“Why don’t you have a little think then.” Owen suggested, pulling out his phone and smiling when he saw Charlie’s name on his screen. He answered quickly. 
“Hey!” He greeted. 
“Hey babe. I’m just leaving now, will be home in maybe an hour?” Charlie’s voice came through the phone. 
“That’s great, we can’t wait to see you. We were just talking about getting some lunch, would you wanna pick something up on the way home?” Owen asked. Charlie laughed. 
“I can do that. Anything in particular?” He questioned. Owen turned his attention back to the blonde in his arms. 
“You decided on what you wanna eat yet Maggie?” He asked. She shook her head. 
“No.” She replied simply. Owen chuckled. 
“Want Daddy to pick something? He’s coming home now and he’s gonna get lunch for us on the way.” He suggested. Margaux lit up at the suggestion. Or maybe the idea that her Dad was on his way home. Probably both. 
“Yes please.” She grinned. 
“Hey Char? Your pick. Just not pizza cause we had that last night.” Owen informed the older boy. 
“Okay cool, I’ll see you guys in like, 30 minutes then.” Charlie answered, and Owen could hear his car starting in the background. 
“See you then.” Owen smiled. He really had missed Charlie, and he knew Margaux had missed her father just as much, if not more. 
“Love you.” Charlie’s voice came, breaking Owen out of his thoughts. 
“Love you too.” Owen replied, before hanging up and turning to Margaux. “Okay Maggie, what house are they picking?” 
The four year old paused, thinking. 
“The blue one.” She decided. 
“With the pool?” Owen checked, and she nodded. 
“Yeah that one.” She said. He looked up at the TV, just in time to see the house again. 
“Cause it’s got a pool?” He questioned. Margaux nodded, settling back into his arms again. 
“And it’s blue.” She giggled. “Blue house and blue pool. That’s the best one.” 
“You know what? I think you might be right.” Owen laughed, and the two of them turned their attention back to the TV to find out which house the couple chose. 
Just under half an hour later Charlie arrived home, unlocking the front door and entering the quiet house, his arms full of Chinese takeout. 
He could hear muffled giggles coming from his bedroom, so he dropped his bags and headed down the hallway, entering his room to find Owen and Margaux curled up in a pile of Squishmallows, the lifestyle channel playing loudly on the TV. 
“Daddy!” Margaux exclaimed, jumping up and throwing herself at him. He stumbled, but caught her, handing the food off to Owen so that he could properly hug his daughter. 
“Hey baby.” He greeted, squeezing her tightly as she clung to him like a baby koala. 
“I missed you.” She whined. “Don’t go away again.” 
“I’ll try not to.” He laughed. “Did you have fun with Papa?” 
She launched into a complete recount of her weekend as Charlie placed her back down onto the bed and plopped down next to Owen, snuggling close to the blond in greeting. 
“You survived.” Charlie grinned, placing a kiss to Owen’s shoulder. Owen chuckled. 
“Barely.” He replied, scooping fried rice onto one of the paper plates that the restaurant had provided. Charlie shook his head.
“But you survived. That’s all that matters.” He said, and Owen glanced at Margaux before nodding. 
“Yeah it is.” He agreed. 
And as Charlie settled back into Dad life, he couldn’t help but wish that this was how life could be every day. 
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 6
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
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Ep. Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, touching n’ teasing,
Summary: it’s Saturday! Time for Y/N and Bakugou to head out on their official date. The end is what sets off the fireworks and where it all begins.
A/N: Still kinda short BUT the next part is where it gets juicy. So stay tuned.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
You awoke to another day. The sunlight was beaming through your window and the sweet scent of caramel invaded your senses. The warm atmosphere hugged you along with a very muscular arm. You looked to your side and saw Katsuki sleeping peacefully. You smiled at the sight of him.
Katsuki really was your dream. And he was definitely your hero. Even though you weren’t completely out of the dark, he gave you a break from it. The dark life you knew was locked away whenever Katsuki came into your line of vision. Just him being around had you gleaming. You knew what had to be done once the mission was over, and you would have to wake up from this dream. It was going to be short. You were gonna wake up soon, and so you reveled in every second of it. You pressed in closer to him as he began to stir awake.
“Mm...hey princess.” He said, hugging you closer. You giggled at his morning voice. It was so very gruff and deep but it had a soothing melody to it. It settled your nerves and had you in a peaceful state.
“G’moring Suki.” He finally opened his eyes to look at you. He smiled at your beautiful state and pecked your forehead. “So..you know what day it is today right?”
“Of course I know, ya brat. It’s Saturday. Time for our official date.” He smiled at the fact and was very excited for what was to come, but staying in bed with you all day cuddling sounded like euphoria.
“Exactly Suki! So let’s get up!” You said sitting up and tugging on his arm. He groaned as you left his side and pulled at him.
“Mmmm....Y/N why don’t we just stay here and cuddle for our date. Sounds great to me,” he smiled as he pulled you back down to his side.
“That sounds amazing but spending the day and doing stuff with my....” he opened his eyes and looked at you waiting for an answer. “Heh...uhm, you, sounds even better.”
Bakugou gave a small smile at your answer. He thought you were adorable. You guys didn’t have an established relationship but it was clear something was there. He felt something strong and he knew you did too. He had only known you for almost a month, but it was love at first sight for him.....he loved you.
“Ya know dumbass, staying in bed and cuddling all day means you would technically be doing stuff with me,”
“*Sigh* Yeeeaaah, I know princess.” He sat up and stretched out. “We’ll go on that date.”
You released a squee and Bakugou just couldn’t stop smiling. Why were you so damn cute?
“C’mon, get ready and I’ll meet you in the common rooms. Then we can go. Okay?” Bakugou said.
“Mhm!” And with that Bakugou gave you a quick kiss that you happily returned and left to get ready. You got up, showered, got dressed and said goodbye to Rumor. You finally met with Bakugou in the common rooms.
“Ready to go Princess?” He said smiling.
“Definitely.” Bakugou was definitely a happier person with you around. He wasn’t as angry and wasn’t as aggressive as before. You bettered him. And you weren’t as upset and cold hearted anymore. He bettered you. You were so appreciative of him and how he’s done good for you, but you were feeling so guilty at the same time.
Bakugou was so good to you. He treated you with so much care and..love, and you tried doing the same but it was wrong for you to do it. You truly did love spending time with him and sharing these loving touches but you were basically leading him on. You could never truly be with him. You would eventually have to return to the league and that would break both you and him. But your head and your heart were at war, and so even though your head decided it was wrong for you to be with him, your heart went against it. Which lead you to this moment.
“I want you to officially be mine.”
The request made your eyes go wide. You and Bakugou were at the end of your date. He took you to a carnival, then brought you to a picnic at a park and then he took you to a secluded part in the forests where cherry blossoms bloomed. You both were resting on a cherry blossom tree on a hill as the golden sun painted the valley when he decided to pop the question.
“W-what?” You asked him. He smiled at you and released a laugh of nervousness.
“Y/N..I want you to be my girlfriend.” He looked at you with loving eyes as he spoke and held both your hands. You only stared at him in shock as your mouth opened and closed trying to find the right words.
“Katsuki...I-...look I-“
“Do you not want to be with me?” He questioned you with a scared tone. He was really nervous now and was kind of shaking. He still held a hopeful look on his face but you could see how his lip slightly trembled away from his smile.
However, the question saddened you. You finally settled your nerves before speaking and putting a hand on his cheek. You took note at how he leaned into your palm, and that made you smile.
“Suki..of course I want to be with you..I want to be your girlfriend.” Bakugou’s head arose from your hand and he smiled, his nerves settling and he stopped shaking. His grip on your hands got a little tighter due to him being so happy.
“But are you sure you want to be with me?”
“What?” He kinda laughed as he replied. Were you insane? You’re amazing! How could he not want to be with you. If anything, he should be asking you that question.
“Princess, what the hell are you talking about?” He asked.
“You barely know anything about me. Believe me, you know a lot more than anyone else, but there’s still a big part of me that you should know before deciding to-“
He cut off your rambling by quickly pulling you in and giving you a comforting kiss. The kiss was deep as you finally chose to fall into it, embracing his warm lips and sweet taste. You both finally separated to continue your talk as Bakugou placed his forehead to yours.
“I told you to tell me when you were ready. Don’t tell me at all for all I care, I just want to be with you.” He softly said.
“Suki..when you find out what it is you won’t want me anymo-“
“Would you stop saying that?! Nothing you could ever say or do could keep me away from you!” He stated.
“You don’t know that!”
“But I do! Y/N I love you!”
The world stilled at his confession. Katsuki Bakugou. UA’s resident hot head. The angry Pomeranian. Lord explosion murder. The guy who you loved also loved you. Pools of tears began to fill your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. You were so happy. Love. Something you never thought you would ever be allowed to experience. In this moment, you didn’t care about your titles and sides or light and dark. In the moment, it didn’t matter if you were a villain and he a hero. It was just you and him. And...
“I-..I love you too Katsuki.” You confessed. You said it back. And it felt so right! You wanted to let the whole world know. You loved Katsuki Bakugou.
He smiled again and you both jumped back into a passionate kiss. He held you tighter than ever as you sat on his lap. Your hands went to wrap around his neck and pull him in deeper. The warmth of the sun danced across your bodies, the song of the soft breeze that carried the flowery scent wrapped you both in a refreshing hug. It was like something of a new start for the both of you. Where you both were in the clear. You both had an understanding. You are his and he is yours. Officially. The feeling had you floating off the ground.
When you both separated, you both shared a loving look. A smile grew on Bakugou’s face and you copied his action. The sweet comforting silence that was now so familiar to you both returned until you both spoke at the same time.
“I love you.”
You both shared a smile and a look of shock before you both released small laughs as you hugged each other. You both cuddled in the sunlight and settled for staying there for a little more before returning to the dorms.
The feeling felt so right. Even though on your end it was so wrong, the way he hugged you, kissed you, embraced you, and loved you proved otherwise.
The week continued and 1-A rejoiced around the happy couple. The Bakusquad was physicked for their angry friend, thanking whatever entity that he found someone to tame the demon inside. The couple became the iconic duo of the school. Both incredibly good looking, incredibly powerful, incredibly talented, and all and all, incredible.
Class 1-A relaxed in the common room on a Friday, excited for what was to come on Monday.
“Can you believe the battle competition is coming so soon?!” Mina said.
“I know right! I think it’s clear 1-A will be winning and kicking ass. Especially with Y/N around.” Sero said.
“Well we can’t always be sure. A lot of other schools have really good fighters.” Kirishima said. “Like that one windy guy from Shiketsu who went against Todoroki.”
“Inasa Yoarashi.” Todoroki corrected.
“Quit worrying you idiots. We’ve got some powerhouses of our own in this lame ass class.” Bakugou said as he relaxed and layed on the couch, taking up the whole space for himself.
“Is that a compliment?” Todoroki asked.
“I’m talking about me and Y/N, Icy-Hot.” Bakugou clarified.
“Figures,” Kaminari laughed out.
“Somebody say my name?” Y/N said as she walked into the common rooms with Rumor.
“Hey babe,” he said opening his eyes to look at you. You smiled and leaned down to his resting head on the couch to give him a quick peck. Bakugou sat up so you could sit on his lap.
“And here she is, class 1-A’s resident pretty girl model with her boyfriend, class 1-A’s hot head.” Kaminari joked.
“Put a sock in it, Sparky.” Bakugou said while glaring at the boy. How dare he compliment his girl.
The group laughed until Midoriya walked in.
“I can’t wait for the competition!” He brought up the battle competition again. Everyone grew excited and continued the conversation but your head just got lost and strayed away in thought.
“JUST TELL ME THE NEW DATE!” Shigaraki screamed into the earring.
“I- I mean are we even sure we wanna go through with this?!” You nervously laughed out, trying to convince the league to drop the whole attack.
“I’m sorry!” You replied with tears down your face and a hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs.
“Y/N! ...Have you gone soft?!” Shigaraki questioned.
“N-No! No sir! I swear!” You tried to convince him.
“You better have not. Now tell me the new date. NOW!” You flinched at his screaming and finally gave in.
“This coming Monday! We’re leaving at 9:00 a.m.” you said.
“You’ll send me the coordinates when you’re there. Understand?” He asked.
“Good girl. Oh, and Y/N?” He questioned.
“Yes sir?”
“Don’t let those little heroes get to your head. You’re rotten to the core. Don’t forget it.”
Present Time
“Princess.....Princess!.....Y/N!” Bakugou said as he finally shook you out of your daydream.
“Huh? I’m sorry,” you said apologizing for dazing off.
“You okay? You got really quiet,” Bakugou asked you with concern. He held you tight as you sat in his lap trying to shake your mind of the memory.
“I’m..I’m okay. I promise.” You reassured him.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
You smiled at his care and pecked his cheek.
“I’m okay, love. Swear.” You said.
“Okay,” he said and cuddled into your neck. The class awed at the cute couple and Bakugou glared them off before returning to cuddles.
You were thankful for his care but worried of what was to come. Soon, bloodshed and violence would tear through and you would partially be responsible for it. It made you ache inside but you put up a strong facade.
The class continued their talks before opting to head to bed. Once inside your dorm and you and Katsuki were in bed, he brought up a conversation topic.
“What was up with you earlier princess? You seemed kind of out of it.” He asked as you were both face to face in bed.
“Nothing to worry about Suki. My mind just drifts off when I get bored of a topic.” You explained.
“Makes sense. It was that damn nerd talking after all so I don’t blame you.” He said while bringing you into his chest to cuddle.
“Heh..yeah.” Your mind wandered off as silence came over the room. Both you and him were tired after your day and so sleep was very much needed. However, there was a topic on your mind that you couldn’t seem to shake ever since you guys started officially dating.
“Umm...Suki?” You spoke up.
“Yea Princess?” He asked with shut eyes.
“...You...You know I’m not like these other girls..right?” You said with your head buried in his chest, avoiding his concerned look.
“What do you mean?” He asked with worry laced in his voice.
“I-....I’m not as great as them. I’m not an innocent good girl or a pretty pink princess,” you paused as you thought very carefully about your next words, “I’m a delinquent. A rebellious bad girl who used to be in and out of jail as a child. I’m...me.”
“I know you’re you, and I thank every god for that.” Bakugou began. You gave him a look of confusion and hope as he continued. “Yeah, you used to be a delinquent and you used to commit crimes, with good reasons, and you used to...well you’re still a little rebel to be honest,” he laughed out.
“Hey,” you giggled and smacked his bare chest.
“But...those are some things I love about you.” He admitted. You looked at him in confusion once more before you spoke.
“Explain.” He sighed in embarrassment before speaking.
“You were a delinquent. A criminal. A little devil. A bad girl. A rebel..well you still are-“
“Why don’t you just take a gun and shoot my self esteem while you’re at it,” you sarcastically said.
“Sorry,” he began, “but really, those parts of you are what made you who you are today. Not only that, but because of your bad girl past, it does well for me. Growing up, I was always a straightforward kid with a passion for being a hero. Meaning, I was pretty strict with myself on rules, meaning I didn’t really get to have fun as a kid or do the bad things that kids usually do.” He explained but it was clear you were still confused.
“Y/N, you fucking dumbass, what I’m trying to say is that you bring out a me I never got to enjoy. Your rebellious self encouraged me to have fun and explore and be a normal teen. And no offense or anything, but you do go off the rails time to time, so I’m glad you have me to keep you out of trouble. I just really feel like we were made for each other, Princess,” he said and brought your hand up to give it a kiss.
“I don’t care if you’re not a pretty pink princess because you’re a rebellious red queen. I don’t care if you’re not an innocent good girl because you’re a mischievous badass. And I know you’re not as great as those other girls.....you’re better and you’re the best.” His words almost brought you to tears and you swore you would’ve started bawling if it wasn’t for the fact that he kissed away the first tear drop that fell.
“Thank you Katsuki.....I really needed to hear that.” You said smiling and hugging him.
“I’ll always be here for you Princess. Don’t forget it.” He said and pecked you’re forehead. “Now get some sleep, okay?”
Time skip! You and Katsuki have now been together for a short amount of time, but the amount of time you have spent together even before you were dating just holds so much chemistry. You guys feel like you’ve known each other for years. A very cute couple indeed.
Now it was a Monday morning and the class was just waiting for the bus to arrive to take them to the competition. Aizawa let you guys just roam the classroom as he napped in his bag.
You were hanging with the Bakusquad in a little corner enjoying the laughs and yourselves. You were trying to distract yourself from the inevitable. Soon, once you’ve arrived at the location, you would have to send the league your coordinates so they could arrive and launch the first attack. Safe to say it was making you nervous, but luckily for you, you had an angry Pomeranian to calm your nerves. And he didn’t even have to try, all he had to do was just be there.
“Hey princess,” Bakugou said once the squad walked away.
“Yeah Suki?” You asked.
“Remember how last night I said you encourage me to explore and adventure more?” He said with his hands in his pockets as he looked everywhere else but at you.
“Yeaaahhhh? Why?” You again, asked.
“Wellllll,” he began finally looking at you with a smirk and taking his hand out to pull you in closer by the waist, “I was wondering if my amazing, adventurous, hot as fuck, rebellious-“
“Get to it Suki,” you said with a slight chuckle. Bakugou just smirked some more and pulled you into his chest and whispered into your ear.
“I want my little bad girl to help me explore and enjoy my first time,” Bakugou said. His hot breath warmed your skin and he began to pepper your neck in soft kisses. You bit your lip before pushing him back just enough for eye contact.
“You wanna fuck?” You said with a giggle.
“As long as it’s with you, yes.” He confidently said. You continued to slightly laugh at his little needs. Now you were no virgin. Growing up the bad girl and villain you were, you had your fair share of one night stands. You definitely had experience and could definitely show Katsuki a real good time for his first time but right now was not the time for his shenanigans.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as his other hand went to your waist. You whispered into his ear as you spoke with a seductive voice.
“I’d be more than happy to show you a good time, love,” and once you said that, his hands went to grip at your ass causing you to quietly moan into his ear. The sound made him bite his lip as he looked down at your perfect peach. Oh how he wanted to hear more, however, you had other plans.
“But this is not the time for your horny desires, Suki.” You said as you quickly pulled yourself away from him, leaving him hanging. You laughed at his little whine that he released once he lost contact but just sat yourself on the desk across from him and faced him.
“Why not?” He whined out.
“Gee, for a virgin you sure are desperate,” you said giving off a very confident and cool vibe.
“Well yeah, how can I not be when I have the hottest and best girlfriend in the world?” You blushed at his words and he grinned noticing he got you to break your calm, collected, and “oh so cool” cover. You noticed the bus pulling in from the view you had from the window and knew what was coming.
An idea came to you and you looked around noticing most students left to walk out to the bus. The both of you were basically the only two left in the room. You walked to Katsuki as he sat in his seat and got real close in his face and began to flirtatiously speak.
“Suki..I’d be more than happy to have you fuck me right in your dorm room,” you said and took a seat on his lap, your sensitive area pressed against his own. You went up to his ear once more and began to whisper. “I really want you to do me rough and have me screaming your name all night.”
You began to grind into him, causing him to shutter in his seat and groan at the contact. Your dirty words coated in your sexy voice already sent a rush through him and now his hands returned to your ass as he squeezed it once more.
“Just imagine how nice my tight little cunt would feel wrapped around your big cock,” you said as your hand traveled to down his chest and to his clothed dick. You began to palm him through pants as his breath became heavy. “And I promise I’ll suck your dick real good as a reward when we’re done.”
He looked up at you and slowly leaned in for a kiss. Your free hand went up to the side of his face and pretended to fall into the kiss.
“However,” you stopped all your movements right before the bus honked its horn for any remaining students and got up from his lap, “all of that will have to wait until the end of this trip. Okay love?”
Bakugou only growled at you with a blush and frustrated look on his face. You looked down and chuckled at the little tent in his pants.
“Don’t let the others see your friend now Suki. That’s reserved for my eyes only,” you said as you pointed towards his boner.
“Hurry up and let’s get on the bus.” You said and then pecked his lips before leaving him in the room alone, exiting with a confident walk that Katsuki swore had more hip sway than usual.
Yeaahhhh, Katsuki was definitely a great distraction.
On the bus, Katsuki could not and would not keep his hands to himself. You were both seated next to each other in the back of the bus, and the two seated next to them, Sero and Todoroki, were asleep. Rumor also slept in the middle of the aisle. This gave Katsuki every perfect chance to feel up on his princess.
“K-Katsuki. Not here,” you said as his hands groped at your chest. Bakugou held a Cheshire grin on his face as his chin rested on your shoulder.
“C’mon princess, it’s only fair. You teased me so much already, I think it’s my turn for revenge,” he explained, “and look.”
You looked down to see that his hard on was still there. “You’re the reason I’m like this, don’t you think it’s fair that you are the one to fix it?” He asked.
You sighed as you pulled his hands away from your chest as you spoke. “I think you can deal with it yourself.”
Bakugou sighed in desperation. He looked around and saw everyone was tired, dazed, and either sleeping or too busy talking to take notice of what was going on in the back. Due to this, he grabbed your hand and placed it on his groin. He made you rub his boner, causing him to let out soft moans into your ear.
“Well then if you’re not gonna help me, the least you could do is settle my excitement.” You looked towards him then looked towards your hands. You weren’t gonna lie, this did rile you up a little bit, but you guys were in a school bus for goodness sake, y’all can’t fuck right here.
You looked up to face him as you rubbed him on a little better, earning breathy groans from him. You smirked as you allowed your free hand to pull his face in for a hot kiss. Your tongues tasted and explored each other, and you just felt Bakugou grow bigger. You finally separated and made a deal with him.
“Listen Suki, the next time we get close to a bed, then I’ll let you have your way with me,” you smirked as you spoke with a seductive voice. “You can use me, play with me, toy with me, and do me in whatever way you want, but only and only when we get near some bedding. Understand?”
Bakugou paused all movements as he thought about it. He growled in horny frustration as he settled for your deal. You pecked his cheek in appreciation for his cooperation and he calmed himself after that.
“Fineee princess. You win. We can wait till we get to a bed. But once we do, I get to ravish you.” He said with a confident grin.
“Yes sir,” you said mimicking his grin. You both fell back into a little makeout session to compromise for now. Once done, you placed your head on his shoulder as he dropped his head on yours. You both rested for the rest of the trip. Looking out the window, you noticed how the sky fell into a beautiful twilight with gold dusting it’s horizon.
It was calming. It made you feel at piece but of course the one thought in the back of your mind kept you on edge.
‘I’m on a mission. For the league. And I got sidetracked by an angry Pomeranian.....this is so wrong.’ You looked up towards Bakugou in adoration. He was everything you ever needed to feel complete. ‘I’m sorry Suki. I won’t blame you when you leave. But just let me enjoy this for now.’
You finally drifted into slumber with the warmth of Katsuki surrounding you. You could feel the dripping love he had for you, and it made you smile.
‘Yea. Let me just enjoy this.’
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