#hes a platypus btw
strongprincipal · 4 months
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I've seen like, at least two drawings depicting smiling friends as animals and none of them had Mr Boss so I took matters into my own hands
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a-magical-evening · 9 months
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Trey Parker, Animal Lover
Stocking Stuffer for @mattandtrey-advent ✨😻
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acoustic-crayons · 1 month
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He's here to turn in the Wanted Dead or Alive Bounty(dead) and even brought some flowers as well, much to his brother's embarrassment
Hickory could've gone without seeing his brother's strange attempts to flirt.
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acetyzias · 3 months
the youtube comments on my video are going to turn me into the fucking joker
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idkaguyorsomething · 10 months
the doctor who lore has gotten so buckwild that we can’t make a historical documentary about actual real life events surrounding the show without adding in the main pov guy having a fucking future vision of the eleventh doctor
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poteto-futon · 2 years
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The crossover we didn't know we need, but definitely the one we want
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phonetixe · 2 years
I want to see more non human animals in the new Phineas and Ferb seasons to using some kind of sign language to comunicate. We had a pair of scenes where that happened, like in the Road to Danville episode:
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sp00kies · 1 year
okay hear me out
perry the platypus but he's ryan reynolds
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Your brain is very big and wrinkly
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thelasthalloween · 1 year
I was in a vc last night and someone who doesn’t know about my Dwampyverse hyperfixation (yes, such a person exists) said “You sound like someone would say ‘Perry the platypus is trans coded’” and I’M STILL CRYING OVER THAT BC IT’S LITERALLY TRUE
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
Phineas and Ferb episode idea: After Candace shows her photos of all of her brothers’ creations, Linda thinks that her daughter is a talented graphic artist and signs her up for a competition. Candace is frustrated and about to tell her mom the truth but then Jeremy shows up and he’s like “Wow, Candace, I didn’t know you were a graphic designer. That’s so cool. Btw, my little sister is also gonna be at the graphic design competition.”
Long story short, Candace asks her brothers to help her become a graphic artist for real so she could beat Suzie.
Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz has gotten tired of designing -Inators so he designed the Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator to design them for him. The Inator’s creation are a hit among other Evil Scientists who buy them in droves. Doofenshmirtz is then signed by Vanessa to an Evil Contracption Designing competition (held in the same building at the same time as the graphic design competition, of course).
Desperate, he asks Perry the Platypus to help him get his mojo back so he could design -Inators again.
Cue musical montage of Doof and Candace training to learn/relearn their respective art form.
It’s the competition(s). Candace is a nervous wreck, but Jeremy believes in her. Doof is all self-assured and ego-boosted by everyone thinking he’ll win, but then he sees his Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator (who looks like a robotic him) also signed up for the competition.
While getting ready for the competition, Perry is accidentally almost spotted by Phineas and Ferb. He sneaks behind the curtain to the behind the scenes. That’s when he discovers that the goal of the competition is to design a doomsday weapon. Nervous, he swaps the cards with those of the graphic design competition.
The competition begins. The graphic artists are assigned to design a doomsday weapon while the Evil Scientists are assigned to design a cool band poster.
The scientists are baffled, but they do their best. The Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator is stuck because it’s physically incapable of drawing anything but Inators.
Meanwhile in the graphic design competition Candace does her best but her brain goes blank. Suzie meanwhile is trying to sabotage her by switching her card back with the card from the other tournament. Unfortunately it’s the card of the Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator, who now goes to task designing a Doomsday weapon.
The competition is finished. Candace’s work is mediocre, but she wins by technicality for being the only one who drew the correct thing.
Meanwhile at the Evil Scientists competition, the scientists all drew terrible posters except Doof whose poster is beautiful. He’s about to be declared the winner but then the Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator reveals what it’s been working on, a doomsday machine. Everyone panics, and Perry the Platypus tries to stop the machine, but fails. Then the machine ticks down to 0, and nothing happens.
Turns out the Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator is terrible at coming up with machines. All of its Inators don’t work. Which unfortunately for Doof results in all of his previously happy customers showing up to complain because their Inators didn’t work either. He asks Perry to help him again, but Perry is already gone.
“There you are, Perry.” “Curse you, Perry the Platypus!”
Despite winning, Candace feels hollow because she only won by technicality and all of the other designers were much better than her. She feels like a fraud. But then Jeremy shows up and asks to buy the rights for her poster, because he thinks it’s really cool. Candace is happy.
The End.
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aroacewxs · 10 months
rui facts that are common knowledge atp but i just feel like repeating
hates vegetables because of their texture, and dislikes anything that has similar texture to certain vegetables. example: he hates watermelon because apparently to him the texture is just like a cucumber's? he's not very fond of many fruits either, albeit he dislikes them less than vegetables
only eats at places he's a regular at and becomes distressed when the menu changes. he picks off all vegetables from his food and sometimes emu helps him and eats anything he doesn't like
preferred rivers and lakes over pools as a kid. he would search for shiny rocks and the like in these rivers and lakes and show nene his discoveries
he owned many encyclopedias as a kid. one of them being one about poisonous plants. it had a bright red cover that scared nene LMAO but he read it over and over so now he can recognize which plants are poisonous or not
favourite animal is the platypus because he finds the fact that they are egg-laying mammals interesting
owns three monitors. has a tablet (owned this tablet since he was a kid) and a phone
horrible at packing! he's always thinking about worst case scenarios and possible hypotheticals that could occur during his travels, causing him to overpack and not use half of the things he brings. he mentions that this was the case when he went to america with wxs, and he struggled with the same problem when he was trying to pack for his kyoto trip in pandemonium
his favourite show he performed with wxs was the little mermaid. the show that made him feel the most nervous was a pianist named torpe, and the show that left the strongest impression on him was the one tsukasa performed with the others to convince him to join wxs again
dislikes cleaning because he finds it pointless when his room just becomes cluttered again sooner or later
worst sleep schedule known to man. has been scolded by wxs for coming to rehearsal with horrible eye bags
he people watches a lot. very observant of his environment and uses anything that catches his attention as inspiration for shows and other stories. this can be seen in island panic, where he makes up an entire possible conversation between three monkeys he was observing and in the area convo where he views students fighting to buy bread at the tuck shop as a metaphor for human nature and survival
his role model and inspiration is a director named tom gray! he watched interviews of him and read his books over and over
enjoyer of sci-fi
eats his taiyaki by first splitting it in half to avoid burning his mouth with the hot bean paste. interestingly enough, it is said in japan that the first bite you take in taiyaki determines your personality. rui breaks his taiyaki first before eating, making him a "person of action."
he deepened his interest for shows as a kid by imagining how he would adapt his favourite books into stage productions
there's a specific stool in his room that has remained since his childhood. also an orange box of toys(?) It seems
on the other hand, several aspects of his childhood room have changed: his lampshades are in the shapes of flowers now, his couch is patched up in blue, and he has multiple streamers and balloons. the balloons have little faces on them btw. he also installed a clock. the step ladder near his bookshelf is gone too from what i can see
ok that's all i can think of from the top of my head, hopefully none of these are incorrect,, i'll be very sad if something is wrong. if you know any fun rui facts that aren't listed above PLEASE enlighten me
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jade-kyo · 1 year
Non-Red vs Blue fans guess the fake fact: results!
Find the og post here
Alright time to finally review the results! Correct answer is at the bottom of this post for those not interested in all of the results and explanations!
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So the most highly voted option at 23% was Elijah Wood which I’m sorry to say is incorrect! Elijah Wood was a voice actor in the series. He played the role of Sigma! What this big name actor is doing in a random web series I have no idea but it’s still one of the wildest things to me.
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Now the aspirin overdose comes in with 17.3% and got mentioned a lot in the notes and it is also incorrect. However I will admit to some poor wording on my part because it was actually an allergic reaction not an overdose. That’s a genuine oopsies on my part 😅
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Florida sinking into the ocean gets a 10.1% and is also incorrect! The state of Florida does in fact sink into the ocean and it’s implied this was to cover up the disappearance of Agent Florida (who is also the guy who dies from the aspirin)
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The gay guy, who’s name is Donut btw, becoming Jesus comes in with 8.3% and is in fact very real. He even walks on water. It was wild and tbh I barely remember it cause it’s from a season I dislike but it was too wild not to include.
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With 7.2% I can say for sure that the giant killer robot is indeed dressed up in cute hats! Specifically a sombrero! Also the robots name is Freckles.
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CPR for a bullet wound in the head gets 6.7% and is in fact considered effective medical care. Now I will say this later gets retconned and it turns out the guy didn’t actually get shot in the head the bullet just grazed him and his armor locked up making them all think he was dying- hence the choice of word being considered. The characters fully believe it but the CPR did not actually save him cause he wasn’t even hurt to begin with.
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The crazy love triangle comes in with 4.7% and is also very canon and is exactly as it’s said. There’s literally just this insane love triangle for like two seasons- honestly the only love triangle plot I ever enjoyed.
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With a solid 4% I can say that there is in fact canon mpreg! Hurray? Idk man this one’s exactly as it sounds. Dude got knocked up by an alien.
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In last place with 2.5% of votes is the main character dying repeatedly. This is also incorrect. First off this guy is named Church which very funny on its own. Secondly it’s actually one of the first running jokes in the series how much this dude dies. Until it’s not a joke 🫠 also a few people pointed out RvB doesn’t have a main character and while I agree I felt it was simpler just to call Church the main character for this poll since it’s designed for people who haven’t seen RvB and I would argue that the majority of the narrative centers around Church even when he’s not there.
And now for the correct answer, coming in at third place with 16.1% is Caboose is god!
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Now I will fully confess to being sneaky with this one. This is actually a joke made within the series but it is not true at all. Caboose is not actually god and the platypus is just that fucked up. I knew nothing I could come up with would be able to match the absurdity of this series so I decided to twist a few words so that way everything seemed equally fucked up.
And that concludes the poll! I will now leave you off with a few honorable mentions that did not make the Final Cut:
They have a Spanish speaking robot. None of them speak Spanish.
He’s a ghost but not actually a ghost but actually a highly advanced computer program
Woman has mega beef with an AI copy of her dead mom
The highly advanced computer program can’t aim for shit
The first 5 seasons were revealed to actually be a prolonged torture session
Dude chases his dead gf through multiple iteration of the same memory
Woman developed a sibling like bond with an AI copy of her extremely neglectful father
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spaceumbredoggos · 2 months
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Reddit gave me the password. WTF IS THIS?!!! @fishy--friend @confused-canid @sarosthewizarddude @astralphobia @wheel-of-eyes @cryptic-platypus
Is this the countdown to our Weirdmaggeddon? Why would Bill sever ties with me? Am I gonna be okay? I feel weird. Is he coming to our world? Like, apocolypse wise? What happens to me? Is he gonna possess me? I’m so confused…
Hopefully the 16 extra pages of the BN edition was worth it.
BTW, the password was T.J. Eckleburg. Dunno how that was figured out.
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karouvas · 2 months
Izzy pointed this out but the contrast between how Adam and Gansey describe their attraction to Blue is interesting, I know another post I rbed commented on the “you don’t do anything quiet” vs “she makes me quiet”, so there Adam is focusing on a way Blue acts and Gansey on a way she makes him feel and then Adam’s description of Blue is so pretty it’s painful / like a heart attack so it’s more about her beauty and how that makes him feel vs Gansey’s metaphors that focus on her actual qualities like fanciful, sensible, eccentric less on the physical (he does sometimes talk about like, her legs or something but it’s less to the forefront) but he also does the thing he does generally with people he loves (comparing Adam to the Camaro, Ronan is a dog etc.) of comparing her to Things he loves, because that’s how he’s used to processing the feeling. I think in TRK he compared her to the ocean and says he loves her partially because she’s wild which is a contrast to the platypus + cucumber sandwiches cut into circles comparisons (which I love btw. because it’s such a bizarre way to say you like someone lmao) like it’s something he loves but that’s it’s own entity? Idk, I don’t think either of them are better or worse in their relationships with Blue for the differences (I do think Gansey is a better fit / more compatible with her according to what Blue wants but that’s a separate topic I might go for later) but I just wanted to note these thoughts.
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thebearme · 11 months
got any zoey headcanons?
YES!! imma bout to go off-
Zoey is Korean-Russian. (Dad is Russian and mom is Korean.)
Was a military kid so she hopped to place to place but when her dad was home the arguing would continue. Eventually leading to a divorce.
Her pet hamster and cat kept her company during these times.
Miss Puffy Cheeks (the hamster) is unkillable. Kid Zoey would make up stories of MPC being a tough, resilient military hamster that has a secret life outside of being her pet like Parry the platypus. She finds it silly now but she still can't figure out where MPC goes when she's at school.
Zoey lives with her dad. (she was always a daddy's girl even if she hates to admit.)
Zoey was a quiet but kind girl when she was younger, always a people pleaser and it only got worse in the beginning of high school.
She always got bullied by the jocks of the school for being a push-over, pick-me girl and a quiet kid.
One day they put gum soo far up in her long hair the next day it was ALL cut to her shoulders length.
Later she dyed her brown hair to red. (Cuz red looks cute but also because it gives her SOME control in her situation.)
When I think of Zoey being into indie stuff I think of arty tiktok. (like arthoe, indiekid, vintagecore suff like that)
During All Star Zoey was the girls counselor (by force) and a couple counselors (by force). By the end of it she got sick of being everyone's therapist. She LOVES helping her friends but it gets hard to do so when you have no choice.
Zoey's favorite time period is the 50s, as well is Vito. (the ONLY thing they have in common)
She's also go on dates with Svetlana. (🏳️‍🌈lesbeans)
Zoey also does Svetlana's makeup sometimes.
Zoey likes putting stickers on things and people.
In MZC team (Mike, Zoey and Cam) Zoey thinks she's the mom friend. (everyone is the mom friend.)
In a High school au their friend group is literally JUST Ned's declassified survival guide.
Btw Zoey and Mike are the types of mfs to instead of dancing in the prom they will dance in the rain outside together. (I watched too many 00s 10s Disney shows.)
Cause Zoey was a military kid she had trained with her dad in self-defense. (This is where commando Zoey came to be!) Even though she never uses it, it's still a useful skill.
Zoey is sumwhat able to catch up to Manitoba pace when they hike together.
Jo hangs out with Zoey and Svetlana, they go to the gym together.
Sammy and Zoey are friends and go to the same school (Zoey is two grades ahead.) and they spend lunch together sometimes. (depending if Amy kicks Sammy out from her lunch table.)
Zoey's cat (Fluffy) has beef with Mike because he thinks Mike is taking his mother from him. (Her attention whore cat.)
She does NOT like conflict. Zoey will have a panic attack if people argue in front of her, let alone make her choose sides.
Zoey takes a major in psychology and a minor in fashion.
Zoey and Brick are classmates and great friends.
Brick and her have a lil side project where they make outfits for Dekota size. (she really appreciates it.)
A little silly thing Zoey does when she's bored is that she draws on her or others skin. Mike tends to have the most drawings on him (hands & arms) it grounds him and also because her drawings are cute. She doesn't draw on Cam because he's to afraid of the chemicals in the markers or pen.
Zoey hates the idea of choosing sides so much after she finishes college she moves in with Mike. Not smart financial but at least she won't have to tell one of her mom or dad that she chose to be with the other parent instead of them.
Zoey has a little bit of strained relationship with her parents.
Mal and Zoey would ✨lovingly✨ beat each other up. They're ADHD VS AUTISM incarnate. (Mal hates mfs with red hair and pronouns!! /j)
Zoey is Molly McGee on adderall.
Her and Gwen would get tongue piercings together.
Zoey has a granddaughter relationship with Chaster, a good one but she still try's not to upset him anymore then he already is. (btw no one has told him that Zoey is half-Russian and none of them plan to.)
Zoey take more years in college later and became a teacher; I imagine she's Mille's teacher. After the TDI reboot Mille comes back to class feeling guilty that she couldn't finish her thesis paper about people her generation's psychology but made a backup paper about her own insecurities. And of course Zoey completely understands and tells Mill it's ok to feel insecure but make sure to keep yourself in check so that insecurity doesn't turn into judgement for others problems and trauma. (this one had abit more projection in this. superiority complexes in Gen Z's that "aren't like the others" virus is a real problem man.)
(Because I aint planning to re-re-redesign Zoey.) take a list of songs that give a Zoey vibe.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
bc i have no life, i made (and will expand):
dialogue prompts list or something
REMINDERS! imma use these on fics if y'all want, though you guys can use these too for your own fics, just make sure to give me credit and tag me, attaching a link to this post is also appreciated if you use this ^^
(btw, i can also repeat some prompts, though please be patient, i might not be able to post so much this month ^^'')
1.) "you're a bad influence on me, y'know that?" (miles 1610)
2.) "yeah, i risked my skin saving you. i don't care if you wouldn't do the same for me, i'm not you."
3.) "mind using your eyes AND brain next time?"
4.) "my heart beats all the time, shouldn't be a big deal, but i can't help but notice how loud the beating is when you're around." (teen!gojo)
5.) "never really understood poetry, but when i read a few lines from this... you were the image that came out of the words." (noir)
6.) "if you really wanted to drive me insane... you'd hold my hand for more than 5 seconds, then you'll see me insane with love." (noir)
7.) "please, for the love of GOD, never shut up."
8.) "my hands are cold... wait, what are you doing, i thought you brought mitt--never mind, this is nice."
9.) "something tells me you aren't happy about it. and something tells me you'll be angrier if i keep asking. it's okay, take your time. just know i'll be right here for you."
10.) "if you can't believe me, then i'll have to show you that i'm serious about you."
11.) "sometimes, you don't have to worry about loving me enough--you do that too much already. what you should worry about... is giving me too much love that you forget who you're supposed to be loving first: you."
12.) "man, after 5 shots of whiskey and a good laugh, i think i've made up my mind--you're gonna be the one i'll marry." "we just met." "and i just fell for you."
13.) "they came to get their shit back without even getting their shit together, how nice."
14.) "i would've thrown a brick in your window if you didn't answer, and y'know, i was going to, but then i remembered you hated getting stuff on your carpet so i left and did it in my mind."
15.) "i want a platypus. and yes, i want you, too."
16.) "your place is filthy." "it's gonna be yours too, one day." "you mean ours."
17.) "why are my eyes gross right now?" "it's... you're crying." "nu-uh." "y'need a tissue?" "yes please"
18.) "you're so stupid, and reckless, and a literal danger to my very way of life--and yet i love you to bits!"
19.) "if i could just go back in time and see you again, maybe then i'd tell myself to love you for a long, long time. even if i never knew it at the time, i regret all the years we've lost together, i regret living my life without you in it."
20.) "now before you ask why i beat the shit out of him in the locker rooms, it was because he was gonna ask you out before i could, okay?" (soccer captain!miguel)
21.) "i am a fully grown adult. i am capable, i am independent, i am strong-willed." "and you lose your shit when you see me come home with a mcdonalds' kiddie meal."
22.) "nobody loves me..." "..." "ahem, i said, NOBODY LOVES ME" "and i'm nobody?" "yay"
23.) "i just wanna bash their head in, but... it's so distracting. their eyes get me lost and i'm, i'm out of it."
24.) "man, they're a lost cause. and yet i keep busting my ass trying to save them. i love being your spouse and curse being your spouse, dammit."
25.) "i wanna kiss... right now... but my spouse'll... hate me." "i am your spouse." "oh damn, then you'll... hate me if i... if i kiss your pretty face, love..."
26.) "go to bed right now." "no." "i guess i'll give your plushie all my kisses." "ok on my way."
27.) "again, would it be me or them? me who's been with you this whole time, me who's took you in when you're so used to being refused, me who's... who's loved you, all this time?"
28.) "where are my--" "keys? here, scatterbrain." "damn, i'm so glad i married you."
29.) "kids, go to your room." "as your co-parent, i say protect me from the dragon about to breathe fire on me."
30.) "i may be his wife, but i'm not his lover."
31.) "i think you have me confused for someone else."
32.) "it's because i care about you that i push myself away, don't you get that?"
33.) "we'll never be okay again, will we...?"
34.) "the noises in my head keep getting louder and louder and louder, but only you... only you help calm them down."
35.) "oh, i get it, fine. i'll fuck off."
36.) "i want that though." "it's a waste of money." "you got it for me anyway."
37.) "how could you say i don't love you when all my life, you're all i come home to and kiss a good morning and good night?"
38.) "what a stupid man i married."
39.) "don't... fucking move... not unless you want me to do it..."
40.) "you went in my ROOM?"
41.) "i accidentally broke the bed."
42.) "i love you." "what?" "ah fuck, i mean, i'll see you."
43.) "GOD, I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH." "is that why you draw you and them kissing together all the time?"
44.) "i can make a mean burned down house and scorched lawn."
45.) "i'll admit it, fine, i can't win your heart. because your heart isn't any prize to be won, you're not an object. you're... you're you. and i LOVE you."
46.) "what, why're you staring? can't handle how hot i am?" "no, it's just that you've got a shit-eating grin on your face i'd love to punch off you."
47.) "i actually hate summer vacation... i won't be able to see you everyday for 3 whole months."
48.) "ooh, you drank from my cup, you know what this means, we had an indirect kiss."
49.) "just tell your crush you like them already and stop being a big baby about this." "okay, fine. i like you." "wait--"
50.) "i know it looks stupid, but... i tried."
51.) "it's funny, because i had you in mind while making it."
52.) "you think infinity is real, or... are we just living every day hoping tomorrow will come, despite all odds?"
53.) "you're so fucking stupid...! stupid, stupid, stupid... why did you... dammit, why?"
54.) "i don't even know who i share my bed with anymore."
55.) "bite me and get what you want, what we both want."
56.) "we'll never have to see each other again after this."
57.) "quit making promises you can't keep."
58.) "tell me to shut up one more time. go, i'm waiting."
59.) "ah, sorry, i... oh, your hand's really soft."
60.) "what are you doing?" "just capturing the moment in my mind when i'm with the most perfect person in the whole multiverse."
61.) "and you know what your problem is? you can't stand seeing me happy, that's your fucking problem."
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