ask-a-smiling-critter · 3 months
Question to dogday what was your first reaction when you saw the ship between you and cat nap
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ask-tssb · 2 months
I say myu is the cutest little Pokemon in the whole world
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Myu: W-well, I'm just trying my best... I mean, I'm not trying to be cute... um... surely there's a lot of competition for that.
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ask-tssb · 3 months
To Matt
After the previous post I think you need a virtual hug
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Matt: Oh, thank ye, but I'll skip on that fer now. We're not so well-acquainted, you an' I. I'm not the one who needs comfort at the moment, I think. Myu'll be fine, though... she's strong, and interactions like this are a flash in the pan. Wouldn't have wished it on her, though. I hope yesterday's crowd treated her well, considerin' how the rest of the day went...
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ask-tssb · 1 month
Don't listen to them myu you're not rude you're cute and very nice
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Myu: Oh, hah... thank you. I'm not trying to be rude or anything... but it's obvious, isn't it? There are some things you just wouldn't want to be.
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