#heroes unlimited sourcebook
legionofmyth · 3 days
Heroes Unlimited by Palladium Books
🦸‍♂️🌟 Unleash your inner hero with "Heroes Unlimited" by Palladium Books, Inc.! 🦸‍♀️✨ Check out our written overview of this action-packed tabletop RPG. Create and play as your own superhero in a world full of adventure! 🎲📖 #HeroesUnlimited #TabletopRPG #PalladiumBooks #SuperheroRPG #RolePlayingGame #RPG #GamingCommunity #CreateYourHero
Heroes Unlimited Heroes Unlimited 2E Heroes Unlimited 2E is a superhero role-playing game published by Palladium Books. It allows players to create and play as a wide variety of superheroes and supervillains, set in a contemporary world filled with extraordinary powers and advanced technology. The game emphasizes the creation of unique characters with diverse abilities, from superhuman strength…
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a-gnosis · 2 years
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06: Zeus of the family
"Because of his position as head of the divine family of Olympian deities, Zeus was the archetype of the patriarchal father. In myth, Zeus' many amorous alliances with mortal women produced heroes, who gave rise to aristocratic families."
"Zeus' importance to fathers may also explain the unusual votive offerings uncovered in the hilltop sanctuary at Messapeai near Sparta. The sanctuary of Zeus Messapeus contained weapons, armor, and athletic gear, but these were far outnumbered by crude, handmade clay statuettes of males with huge, erect phalloi. The site was frequented mostly by men, who may have sought Zeus' aid in becoming fathers."
Ancient Greek Cults: A Guide by Jennifer Larson
"Zeus, the 'father of gods and men', embodies a male fantasy of supreme power and unlimited access to sexual partners; his sexual potency is closely tied to his identity as progenitor and king. Zeus helps to populate the cosmos with deities and humans through his activities as husband, lover, seducer, and rapist."
Greek and Roman Sexualities: A Sourcebook by Jennifer Larson
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weareassassin · 6 years
The Assassin Class - Palladium Fantasy. Part 1
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Oh! I’d almost forgotten about this project.
For those of you without long memories, back in the day I was planning to doing write-ups of The Magpie for different systems. But it fell by the wayside. However I’m making an effort to do more. But, instead of me going straight back the AD&D 2e character I was supposed to share with you... two years ago... I’ll try something different. Well a little different.
Let’s continue below the break.
Palladium Fantasy RPG must have started life as Kevin Siembieda’s homebrewed version of AD&D e1. He obviously played with the optional Psionics rules as well as a bunch of stuff from Unearthed Arcana, including the Comeliness attribute/ability. Of course like a significant number of these homebrewed variants, ol’ Kev’ filed off all of the D&Dness and published it as its own thing. It was quite successful. There are 21 sourcebooks, many still in publication, for the fantasy setting alone. There are also many other settings and different versions of the system, including Heroes Unlimited (superheroics), Beyond the Supernatural (horror), and various historical settings. Not forgetting licensed rulebooks for Robotech (giant anime mecha IN SPACE!) and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (which is where many of us first encountered the system). Of course all of this ultimately led to Rifts. A post-apocalyptic smorgasbord, grabbing something of everything that Palladium Books had published up to that point to create the weirdest and wildest game of the second wave of TTRPGs.
Now it may come as no surprise to any of you that there is an Assassin class (Occupational Character Class; O.C.C.) in Palladium Fantasy. Nor should it come as any surprise that I’ve adapted The Magpie for it. After all it’s close enough to D&D that I can almost transfer stuff straight over without changing anything. Almost.
I’m using the 2nd edition of the rules, published in the mid 90′s when Palladium was at the height of its popularity. I’m going to follow the character gen rules as written. Well yeah, apart from the stuff I’ve pregenerated.
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 14
These are the pre-rolled ability scores for the Magpie in every version of the character. Only Palladium doesn’t use Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. Oh no. Kevin likes to use two letter codes instead. (Or possibly four characters with at least one “.”)
I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) instead of Int. M.E. (Mental Endurance) instead of Wis. M.A. (Mental Affinity) instead of Cha. P.S. (Physical Strength) instead of Str. P.P. (Physical Prowess) instead of Dex. P.E. (Physical Endurance) instead of Con.
Then he adds two new ones.
P.B. (Physical Beauty) which seems to replace the optional Comeliness (Com) from Unearthed Arcana. Basically how good looking a character is.
Spd. (Speed) which is literally how fast a character can run. Multiplied by 20 and you get the number of yards or meters the character can run in a minute.
Okay so the first six are easy. I just convert the D&D ability score into the Palladium attribute score at 1:1.
The last two require 3d6 rolls. Thankfully my old trusty plastic knuckle bones are with me today. I roll a 15 for P.B. Yeah I’d say that’s about right. And then I roll and 18 for Spd. Jay is a fast boi.
I.Q 16, M.E. 11, M.A. 14, P.S. 13, P.P. 15, P.E. 17, P.B. 15, Spd. 18
However for any attribute that rolls 16 or higher (is “exceptional”) gets an additional d6 added to it. I roll a 6 for I.Q., 3 for P.E. and 4 for Spd. I adjust the attribute scores (but not for the last time. Oh no! We’ll be back).
I.Q 22, M.E. 11, M.A. 14, P.S. 13, P.P. 15, P.E. 20, P.B. 15, Spd. 22
Hit points are equal to P.E. and add 1d6 per level. I roll a 4 for first level.
S.D.C. (Structural Damage Capacity) are different from HP for some reason. But also the same. It says here that “Men at arms” roll 3d6 for S.D.C. and assassin is listed as one of those classes. I roll 13.
Now we get to Psionics. 
Psionics are basically another term for “psychic”. Psionic characters have a set number of powers and a pool of points (I.S.P.; Inner Strength Points) to use them. There are even four Psionic character classes; the Psychic Sensitive, Psi-Healer, Psi-Mystic and Mind Mage. However there are no Psi-Assassins (Psisassin?). But there is still a chance for Wild Talents. Which are are available, at random, to 1 in 4 characters of other classes. There’s a 9% chance of being a Major Psionic and a 16% chance of being a Minor Psionic. By sure chance I roll 01; this incarnation of the Magpie is a Major pain in the b Psionic. I can choose any 6 spells powers from the three lists of Healing, Physical or Sensitive; or 8 from just one of them. There’s no shadow themed list, or powers. So I choose Bio-Regeneration from Healing, Summon Inner Strength from Physical and, Meditation, See Aura, Sixth Sense and Telepathy from Sensitive.
My base I.S.P. is 4d6 + M.E. score. I roll 21, which gives me a base of 32. There’s also an addition 1d6+1 per level. I roll 6 (5+1). So I start with 38 points of I.S.P.
The downside is that my skill bonuses from my O.C.C. (class) are halved and I only get half the additional skill picks. Although Secondary Skills are unaffected.
Next we choose Race and Class. There, again, is no Dhampir and given that Palladium vampires are more like Buffy vampires (’demonic’ intelligences possessing and animating the dead) there isn’t any likelihood of there ever being any. So Human will do, especially as the big difference between races is the number of dice rolled to determine attributes.
Class is, of course Assassin.
Assassin’s can’t be of any good alignments (and this is a game that allows evil paladins. Sorry “Palladins”.) and are limited to the alignments Anarchist, Aberrant, Miscreant and Diabolic. 
As an aside Palladium doesn’t use the Lawful/Chaotic and Good/Evil dichotomy. It has 7 alignments: Principled, Scrupulous (both Good), Unprincipled, Anarchist (both Selfish), Aberrant, Miscreant and Diabolic (all Evil). There are no neutral alignments as Kevin doesn’t believe in them.
The Magpie is Aberrant. Which is to say evil, but with a strict code of honour.
Assassins must have an I.Q. of 9 or higher and a P.P. of 14 or higher. We qualify.
We get a bunch of bonuses to combat and saving throws, which I shall detail on the character sheet. When we get to it.
There’s a long list of skills with bonuses to them. These I have to half because of the Major Psionics. Skills in Palladium are usually percentile based, with a maximum of 98%. Otherwise they are Weapon Proficiencies (WP) or they give some other bonus. Palladium is possibly unique in that some skills modify attributes. You don’t get +1 to strength just because you hit fourth level. No, you buy the Body Building skill which gives you a bonus to P.S. as well as some other benefits.
I get Climb/Scale Walls which also gives me the sub-skill of Rappelling, Concealment, Detect Concealment (& Traps), Basic Maths, Pick Locks, Prowl, Track Humanoids, a Native Language and two other languages.
I get 4 WP. I choose Knife, Sword, Two Weapons and Targeting (which gives a bonus to thrown knives). I also get the Assassin Hand-To-Hand skill. Which is one of the big draws to the class. I then get to pick two skills from the Rogue and Physical skill lists and another two from the Espionage skill lists. Then I get 5, no 3 (psionics again), picks from a bunch of other skill lists. 
I pick Disguise, Intelligence, Interrogation, General Horsemanship, Surveillance, Running, and Acrobatics.
Running gives me +1 to P.E., +4d4 (I roll 12) to Spd. and +1d6 to S.D.C. (I rolled a 4)
Acrobatics gives me +1 to P.S., P.P. and P.E. +1d6 (I rolled a 6). It also gives me a +5% to rappeling and the sub-skills Balance, Highwire and Back Flip.
I then finally get two Secondary Skills. Given Jay’s tendency to run away into the wilds I picked Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival.
Jays attributes are now:
I.Q 22, M.E. 11, M.A. 14, P.S. 14, P.P. 16, P.E. 22, P.B. 15, Spd. 36
All that’s left now is to gather equipment and go adventuring. 
I’ve written enough for now. Part 2 will follow soon enough with 1st and 15th level versions of the character.
Join me then.
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tabletop-rpgs · 7 years
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D&D Beyond Release and Pricing information.
The release date is set for August 15th.
Pricing is as follows
Sourcebooks are $29.99 each to unlock, that should cover the Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, Monster Manual, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, The Sword Coast Adventurers Guide and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. A promotion the first week will lower the price of the PHB, DMG and MM down to $19.99. That’s a total of $180 to unlock the six sourcebooks or $150 if you get the three core books in the first week.
Modules are $24.99 each to unlock, applying to Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Rise of Tiamat, Princes of the Apocalypse, Out of The Abyss, Curse of Strahd, Storm King’s Thunder, Tales from The Yawning Portal, and Tomb of Annihilation, making it $200 for all modules.
A Hero Tier subscription (for players) is $2.99 a month, $36.00 a year. This removes advertisements, unlocks unlimited character creation and the ability to add homebrew.
A Master Tier subscription (for DMs) is $5.99 a month, $72.00 a year. This tier grants the same as a Hero subscription and also allows a DM to share unlocked content with their players.
Edit: Forgot the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide so adjusted the sourcebook numbers.
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thesassybooskter · 6 years
MORE THAN A PHOENIX by Ashlyn Chase: Excerpt & Giveaway
What do you get when you take
Two phoenix shifter brothers
Throw in one powerful witch
And one…monkey shifter?
Mallory Summers is losing it. She’s discovered she can talk to dead people—and she might be able to shift to monkey form. Firefighter Dante Fierro knows the quirky beauty isn’t crazy—just supernatural. But what would she think if she knew his secret?
Hothead Noah Fierro has his own sparks flying with gorgeous ER doctor Kizzy Samuels. While the attraction is mutual, so are the supernatural secrets. With this much sizzle going on, how do you not get burned?
Fighting fires is easy… Finding love is the hard part.
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“Why did you say no?” Ruth whispered from her spot on the buttery-soft leather sofa.
“I didn’t say no. I said ‘not now.’ It’s not the same thing,” Kizzy explained. Their father would be returning any minute. She had to shut down this conversation.
“It is to a guy. When was the last time you dated?”
Kizzy elbowed her sister in the ribs as their father ambled into the living room, scanning the thick tome in his hands.
“I don’t know, girls. I don’t see anything in here about who could be looking for the other books or why. We don’t even know for sure that there are two more. The story that the three together create unlimited power could be just that. A story. You swear you’ve felt someone probing, Ruthie?”
“I swear, Dad. I don’t know who it is, but the energy feels malignant.”
“Holy pickled pig’s feet!” Kizzy said. “Malignant? Are you sure?”
“Why is everyone questioning my psychic sense? I wouldn’t have said anything if the energy was neutral, benevolent, or if I wasn’t sure.”
“I’m sorry, Sis. Even though Dad and I are less psychic than you are, I would have thought we’d pick up on something like that.”
“Well, I don’t know about Dad, but you’ve had something else on your mind.” Ruth winked at her. “Besides, you can develop your psychic power, if you’re willing to spend the time practicing.”
“Oh? You’re distracted?” Their father picked up on the one thing Kizzy didn’t want to talk about. “Doctors like us can’t afford to let that happen. Is everything all right, Kizz?” He set the book on the mahogany coffee table and sat in the adjacent chair.
“Everything’s fine, Dad. Nothing to worry about.”
“Really? Because you girls know if there’s ever anything you need to talk about, I’m here for you. I’ve been both father and mother for fifteen years, and with the help of a nanny, I think I did a pretty good job.”
“You did. And we know you’ll always be there for us,” Kizzy said. “Don’t worry so much. You raised us to be independent women, able to handle ourselves.”
“Oh, go on. Tell him,” Ruth said.
“Tell me what?” He sounded alarmed. Now, he’d never let it go until she offered an explanation. She gave her sister the stink eye.
“There’s nothing to tell. It’s okay, Dad. Really. I just met a guy. Nothing may come of it.”
“She met a tall, dark, and handsome firefighter. And he asked her out. I hope she’ll give him a chance. It’s been too long, Kizz.”
“A firefighter? Oh, honey. That’s not a good choice. The job is dangerous. You’ll always be worried about him. And talk about crazy hours… They’re on for at least twenty-four at a stretch. I don’t see how that’s even legal. No one can function after a rough double shift. We both know that firsthand.”
“She turned him down,” Ruth said.
“Thank goodness.”
“Now, wait a minute,” Kizzy said. “I only said no for now, because of what Ruth was telling me. It sounded like a bad time. I didn’t necessarily turn him down for a date sometime in the future.”
Aaron Samuels sat forward. “It is a bad time. And so is any time in the future, as long as he’s a firefighter. I imagine that won’t change. They tend to be adrenaline junkies.”
“Come on, that’s an unfair generalization.” Kizzy knew she sounded defensive, but she didn’t care. “Noah’s whole family is part of the fire service. Keeping the city safe is a noble profession, and he seems to love it. Plus, he’s careful, and he does things for charity. He’s a good guy, Dad.”
“Noah? That’s his name?”
“And he works in Brookline?” her father asked.
“No. Downtown Boston.”
“Oh, cra—I mean, crumb bunny.”
“What does that mean?” Ruth asked and giggled.
“It means that’s a crummy place to work. He probably sees the worst of humanity there. If he were working here or in Chestnut Hill or somewhere in the suburbs, it might not be so bad.”
“For crying out loud, Dad. It’s the financial district! Not Dorchester or Roxbury. Maybe he’ll get a hot stock tip from a grateful broker. Why do you always assume the worst?”
“Dad, Kizzy, we need to focus on the book.” Ruth sent her an apologetic look. Clearly, she hadn’t expected the conversation to take such a pessimistic turn.
“Yes, you’re right, dear,” the elder Dr. Samuels said. “I wish I had your psychic powers, but I don’t. Male witches in our family have other gifts, but divination isn’t one of them. I have to rely on the two of you to keep me informed. Please put your love lives on hold until we figure out what this threat is. Please? Humor an old man, okay?”
Kizzy frowned. “I already did that, remember? I said ‘not now,’ and Ruth thinks I might have discouraged him altogether—even though I didn’t mean to.”
“And I’m engaged but without a date set, so I’m all yours for the time being. I’d rather not move back home though. Then I’d have to explain why to Gordon, and I don’t think he’d understand.”
“Look, I know you’re adults, but I’m still concerned for your safety. You’ll just have to put up with me being a little overprotective.”
“Don’t you think it’s time to tell Gordon the truth?” Kizzy asked.
“I’m not convinced it’s necessary yet,” their father said. “Until a date is set. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not pushing you to get married. Neither one of you. I’d rather you be one hundred percent sure of the man’s love, devotion, and trust.”
Kizzy sighed. “I know, Dad. And believe me, I’m grateful I don’t have to put up with some of the pressure my friends do. They tell me about parental conversations that include phrases like ‘I won’t be around forever’ and ‘you need to get married before the dreaded 3–0.’”
“You have plenty of time, Kizz. I like your sister’s idea of developing your psychic powers. Maybe between both of you, the other books can be located.
“We don’t know what’s coming for us,” he continued. “If it’s as malicious as you say, we may be facing something truly evil. I never told you this, but on her deathbed, your great-grandmother begged us not to let ‘the entity’ get all three books.”
“The entity? That’s what she called…it? Or them?”
“I wish I knew more. We tried to get her to elaborate, but she died moments later.”
  * * * *
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About Ashlyn Chase
A multi-published eBook author, Ashlyn Chase specializes in characters who reinvent themselves, having reinvented herself numerous times. She has worked as a psychiatric nurse, and for the Red Cross, and has a degree in behavioral sciences. She lives with her true-life hero husband in beautiful New Hampshire.
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MORE THAN A PHOENIX by Ashlyn Chase: Excerpt & Giveaway was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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legionofmyth · 2 years
Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson from Palladium Books - (Part 4/4)
Sean vs MaxLiao 🥊 FIGHT! 🥊 Part 4/4: Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson join 🐲 RPG Die Gest 🐉 talk about the past, present, and future of Palladium Books. #ttrpg #PalladiumBooks #rpg #DnD #TTRPGFamily #TTRPGCommunity #OSR
Rifts: Ultimate Edition – [PDF]After the Bomb – [PDF]Beyond the Supernatural – [PDF]Nightbane – [PDF]Heroes Unlimited – [PDF]Palladium Fantasy RPG – [PDF]Savage Rifts – [PDF]Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson are the dynamic duo behind Palladium Books, Inc., the renowned publisher of tabletop role-playing games like Rifts, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness, and Robotech.…
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legionofmyth · 2 years
Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson from Palladium Books - (Part 3/4)
Part 3/4: Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson join 🐲 RPG Die Gest 🐉 talk about the past, present, and future of Palladium Books. #ttrpg #PalladiumBooks #rpg #DnD #TTRPGFamily #TTRPGCommunity #OSR
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legionofmyth · 2 years
Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson from Palladium Books - (Part 2/4)
Part 2/4: Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson join 🐲 RPG Die Gest 🐉 talk about the past, present, and future of Palladium Books. #ttrpg #PalladiumBooks #rpg #DnD #TTRPGFamily #TTRPGCommunity #OSR
Rifts: Ultimate Edition – [PDF]After the Bomb – [PDF]Beyond the Supernatural – [PDF]Nightbane – [PDF]Heroes Unlimited – [PDF]Palladium Fantasy RPG – [PDF]Savage Rifts – [PDF]Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson are the dynamic duo behind Palladium Books, Inc., the renowned publisher of tabletop role-playing games like Rifts, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness, and Robotech.…
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legionofmyth · 2 years
Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson from Palladium Books - (Part 1/4)
Part 1/4: Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson join 🐲 RPG Die Gest 🐉 talk about the past, present, and future of Palladium Books. #ttrpg #PalladiumBooks #rpg #DnD #TTRPGFamily #TTRPGCommunity #OSR
Rifts: Ultimate Edition – [PDF]After the Bomb – [PDF]Beyond the Supernatural – [PDF]Nightbane – [PDF]Heroes Unlimited – [PDF]Palladium Fantasy RPG – [PDF]Savage Rifts – [PDF]Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson are the dynamic duo behind Palladium Books, Inc., the renowned publisher of tabletop role-playing games like Rifts, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness, and Robotech.…
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