#hermione x male oc
kind-hufflepuff · 1 year
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anxious-copper-wp · 1 month
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justelib · 6 months
Betrayal of the red haired women.
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Atlas Remus Black was Sirius’ everything. Atlas’ mother, Emilie Bourgeois, died during child birth, she didn’t even get to hold her son. She didn’t get to see his full head of golden locks, just like hers. She didn’t get to name him. She didn’t get to do anything. But Sirius was happy, as much as he was devastated by his wife’s death, he was happy to hold his golden haired son, who looks so much like his mother.
On all hallows night, a husband and his wife sat peacefully on their couch. The wife’s bright orange hair was being pulled on by a green eyed babe, no older than a year. The husband watched as his best friends son messily scribbled on a piece of paper. The babe was a little less then a year old, his full head of golden locks bounced as he clapped, babbling nonsense while he held up the colourful mess.
James potter smiled, taking the little boys picture and praised him. “My, my, what an artistic piece, I shall put it on the fridge with the rest.” The man stood, picking up the small boy and the two ventured off to the kitchen.
Just as he stuck the paper to the fridge with a magnet, a crash of lightning sounded out, and with that, the back door of the potter house burst open, a cloaked figure entering the house. James froze, silently moving away from the fridge before Racing back to his wife and their son.
“Lily! Lily, go, it’s him! It’s Voldemort. Take Harry and Atlas and go, I’ll hold him off.” The man ordered, placing the golden haired boy in his wife’s arms and pushing them towards the stairs.
“No, James, please-“
And with that, the red headed women raced up the stairs. James spun around, his wand pointed at the cloaked figure. And before he could even utter a word, the man was blown back, his head hitting the floor before he was out cold. The cloaked man slowly made his way up stairs.
Lily raced into Harry’s room, slamming the door close and placing her crying son in his crib, holding onto Atlas as he silently held onto her, not bothered by anything that was going on.
“Harry, mummy loves you. Okay? Mummy loves you.” The young women cried, letting out a terrified scream when the door is flung off its hinges. “Please, please not Harry. Take me instead, please not my darling boy!” She pleaded, her hold on Atlas weakening slightly.
“Step aside girl.” The cloaked figure known as lord Voldemort snarled, his wand pointed at the women who stood in front of one baby and holding another.
“Please, please, I’ll do anything! Anything at all!” She sobbed helplessly.
“Take him!” Lily Potter blurted out, holding out the silent baby in her arms. “Take him instead! Not my Harry, please, not my boy.”
The man looked at the muggle born in disgust, his nose wrinkling. “You’d sacrifice a child that is not yours?” He growled in disgust.
“Anything to keep my boy alive, please.” She cried, setting the small blonde down on his feet, ignoring as he stumbled. “Take him, Take him!”
Voldemort growled in disgust, and with a wave of his wand, the red head was throw back, laying limp. The man’s dark eyes stared down at the blonde child, not even sparing the potter boy a glance, not even as he wailed like an alarm as blood trickled down his forehead, were a lightning shaped wound sat, most likely from the spell that Lily took. The blonde boy stared up at the lord, his bright blue eyes staring into Voldemort’s dark, almost black eyes.
The death eaters didn’t expect their lord to return so early, especially not with a young baby in his arms. No, they had expected him to return, victorious of killing the baby who was going to be his undoing, not bring back a golden haired boy with the black families eyes.
Lucius Malfoy was holding his son, his long platinum blonde hair pulled up into a bun, similar to how Sirius would style his hair so Atlas wouldn’t pull on in. The man looked sickly, bags under his eyes, his bright shiny gray eyes looking dead. but what would you expect, his wife died barely a year ago, Dragon Pox taking her not even a month after Draco was born and he was left to watch after his son, not trusting the house elves, along with working and being Voldemorts Right hand.
Evan Rosier sat next to Barty crouch jr, his electric eyes staring at his lord and the child, his blonde Hair was spiked up and he looked like he needed sleep. turning to his significant other, raising his brows confused.
Barty responded with a blank look, staring at Atlas like he was an alien. Barty’s hair was swept over his forehead, pulled into a small pathetic ponytail that gave, ‘I’m lazy, shut the fuck up’ vibes.
Severus Snape was nowhere to be seen, but if he was there, his hair would be hanging over his eyes, a grim look would be on his face, worried about his dear Lily. He’d look at Atlas with utter disgust, knowing full well who’s child he was.
Regulus black, thought to be dead by everyone but the death eaters, sat next to Barty, his wide silver eyes looking into his nephews, messy black hair hovering over his brows.
Bellatrix lestrange looked absolutely insane, her wild hair pulled into a half up half down style, her eyes as wide as sources and a snarl permanent on her face as she looked at her cousins son.
The lord looked around, they were the only five there, instructed to stay at the lords manor, the man with black hair walked towards the table, the silent boy tiredly wresting his head in the man’s necks.
“My lord, what is- that.” Bella asked with disgust, the psychotic women hated baby’s, I mean, she hated a lot of things but baby’s were number one.
“It’s a child, lestrange.” Evan stated in an obvious tone, rolling his eyes.
“Sirius’ child.” Regulus stared at the golden haired boy, watching his nephew turn to his lord.
“Baah!” Atlas exclaimed, beginning to hop Up and down in the dark lords arms. “Ba-ba!” The death eaters watched as the boy reached up, his tiny chubby hand resting on Tom riddles cheek. They watched confused as the lord froze, his dark eyes staring into the child bright eyes. He saw Atlas growing up. He saw the child walking, a one year old boy with bouncy golden curls wobbly walking over to a man, who Tom somehow knew was himself. He saw a four year old boy standing next to a slightly shorter blonde boy, both posing as a picture was taken, it look as though it was Christmas, there was tinsel and lights and the boys were wearing ugly itchy sweaters. He then saw a nine year old boy, standing on a frozen lake, skating to his hearts content. Next, he was eleven, jumping with joy as he held his hogwarts letter. It went on and on, happy moments in the golden haired boys life, moments of vulnerability, moment between what seemed to be father and son, until finally, Tom was back with the death eaters.
“…” Tom stared, he couldn’t form words. This child, this extraordinary child, was now his.
“Yes…” Tom stated. “Da-da.”
Sneak peek of my upcoming book black and white! Ron Weasley is the love interest.
Also, if anyone has any fancast ideas for Desi James, chubby Lily, father Sirius and confident Remus (along with Desi Harry possibly) then that would be amazing as that’s what I’m going for in this fic, and I am definitely open to hear death eater fancast as well as they are an even bigger thing in this story!
Atlas is played by Walker scobell!
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imagine-workshop · 1 year
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Imagine #16
Year made in?:2023
A/N:Angel’s head is rot with Viktor Krum and Johnny Vincent from bully so deal with Angel’s brain rot :] also these ‘ ‘ mean speaking in Bulgarian as I do not speak Bulgarian and I am not from Bulgaria and these “ “ mean English. Hermione is replaced with an oc as Angel wanted to make a safe romance in this so Viktor will be in love with an oc as Hermione was 15 and he was 18 but I am not sure if 15 and 18 is illegal for a relationship but just for safety!
Extended version:Ever since you two were young Viktor would cling onto you, he only called you dad and not your parents. He called your parents ma’am and sir as did you as they weren’t very present in your life. You acted more like a dad to him and even wrote a book titled [Im my brother’s dad] while raising him but your book became famous so you became famous while your brother became a famous Quidditch player. You remember the first he won a trophy. He was smiling widely and ran to you, he stopped in front of you and jumped up and down very happy. ‘Dad look! I won it! Are you proud of me?’ You smiled at your brother while nodding your head. ‘Of course I am, I’m so proud of you. How about I make your favorite?’ ‘Yes thank you!’
You were older by a year so you two were in the same grade at Drumstrang, just like your little brother you also were amazing at Quidditch but writing books was your preference. He was learning English but as he spoke you didn’t expect to hear him in English. “Hogwarts is cool dad!” “Mhm it looks very cool, anyone seem like someone you’d become friends with?” Your English was better for meet and greats. He blushed a bit as he mumbled ‘the boy with the blonde boy and bob hair cut girl’ you were smirking as he seemed very flustered but you secretly looked at the boy. He seemed nice and looks about 16-17 so he’s one or two years younger the. Viktor. ‘You like him don’t ya?’ He blushed more but nodded.
You and the boy or Harvey talked a lot. You two were reading together. “Can I ask a question Y/N?” “Ask away” “Why does Viktor call you dad even though your his brother? I do not wish to be rude I am just wondering” “I’ve just been his father figure the whole time we live or uh as we grew up” “Ah okay…I’m guessing you know English better for your meet and greets?” “Mhm” soon Viktor sat beside you two, he smiled and laid his head on your lap closing his eyes. He didn’t notice Hermione and spoke. “My heart has fallen” “Ah, who have you fallen for” “Harvey, he is smart and kind. He makes me flustered” “Heh is that so? You wanna open your eyes and look beside me?” He opened his eyes confused until he looked at Harvey, he blushed very red making you and Harvey chuckle.
“DAD!” You laughed a lot, it’s rare to seem him flustered. “What? Not my fault you didn’t see your crush” ‘IVE MADE A FOOL OF MYSELF IN FRONT OF HIM! I CANT SHOW MY FACE NOW!’ You nudge him a bit but Harvey was laughing on the ground. ‘Stop being dramatic and tell him the truth and ask him to the Yule ball before someone else takes him away!’ ‘Okay…thank you dad’ ‘yes yes now do it!’ He sighed and took a couple of deep breaths. “Harvey, I know my love was just confessed but..I love you and wish to take you to the Yule ball…do you a-“ “Yes silly, I’ll be your date plus your cute when your flustered” ‘YEAH THATS MY BABY BROTHER!’ Viktor smiled at you still blushing.
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captain-lessship · 2 years
Where We Once Were Pt. 5
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You walked through the hall, looking for her to tell her that you had told Draco about the two of you and that while he wasn’t happy about it, he would support you the best he could, which mainly was not ratting you out to his parents.
You walked into the library and saw her, you smiled as you walked to her. You tapped her shoulder and she looked at you, shock on her face.
“What happened to your hair?” She asked, reach up to touch it.
Worried that she didn’t like it, you looked down, “I cut and colored it. Do you like it?”
She stared at it. There once was brown curls that you always kept back away from your face. But she would have to had lied to say that she wasn’t obsessed  with the now light wispy relaxed waves, dyed with blonde highlights fell slightly down your neck but stopped at the collar of your shirt. You looked happier in your eyes. 
“I love it! It’s so soft!” She threaded her fingers in it. 
You smiled widely, “I knew you would. I didn’t want to cut all of it, I just needed to get the majority of the length off.”
“It suits you!” He eyes went down slightly.
“What’s wrong?” You picked up on it immediately.
“Don’t be mad,” she began, “but I might’ve, accidentally, told Harry about… us.” She began rambling, “Then Harry told Ron, Ron told Neville, Neville told Ginny, Ginny-“
“Ginny told Seamus, Seamus told Pavarti-“
“Hermione, I told Draco.” 
She stopped, “so you aren’t mad?”
“Why would I be mad at you for something I did?” 
“When did you tell him?”
“Last night, he helped with my hair. He talked me into highlights instead of low lights.” 
Hermione stared at you for a moment, “Does this mean?”
“I think it does.” You smiled, knowing exactly what she meant.
In front of the window, the cold crystals of snow fell gracefully as you grabbed her hand. She leaned up and forward and you leaned down, lips gently joining in your first kiss.
That week, you two were inseparable. Young love as Professor McGonagall said. It wasn’t new to see the two of you holding hands or to see your arm draped across her shoulders, talking about nothing and everything. 
It stayed like this til the day she had been upset about. The Execution of Buckbeak. You promised to be with her, you stood in the door way and watched her for a moment, it was going to be soon. You walked to her and her friends, gently tapping on her shoulder. She turned to you and you immediately opened your arms. She fell into them. You held her for a moment til you felt another person join the hug, then another. 
You never thought you’d be group hugging with Harry and Ron but you weren’t going to tell them to shove off. 
“Ah! Scabbers!” Ron shouted out, “he bit me!” 
He immediately dropped the rat and it scurried away, causing the four of you to chase him.
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aquamoonknight · 1 year
Check out this new story!
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saintsenara · 6 months
As someone who isn't the biggest Hermione fan and keeps it quiet because greater fandom LOVES her, I'm honestly gagging for more of your Hermione takes. Especially your takes on fanon Hermione, who I can't STAND. Have a good one x
thank you very much, anon - there are dozens of us!
hermione is certainly the character i struggle to find common ground with the most - and this has been the case since i first read philosopher's stone as a child.
[which has actually been a really fascinating pop-culture experience - i think we tend to overlook, both because the media landscape and its representation of child and teen girls has changed since the 1990s and because of jkr's increasingly harmful views on gender, just how groundbreaking hermione was as a female protagonist in media which wasn't marketed primarily or exclusively towards girls. there is a reason why so many girls and women identified with her when the books were coming out - and it was very interesting for me growing up to not be one of them.]
the cause of my beef with hermione is for the incredibly petty reason that i find people who possess many of her more... striking traits quite difficult to deal with in real life, particularly if they don't acknowledge [which people in the hermione vein often don't...] that these traits are things it might benefit them to work on in their interpersonal relationships...
but this doesn't prevent me recognising that canon!hermione [and any real person like her] is interesting - and that her more annoying traits work well with her more straightforwardly admirable ones to create a fully-rounded character who, from a fanfiction perspective, is a great vehicle for all sorts of tropes, themes, and storylines.
which brings us - of course - to fanon!hermione...
fanon!hermione is, at her core, another brick in the wall of mary-sues. she's beautiful, and so clever she can solve millennia-old puzzles without batting an eyelid, and she's preternaturally emotionally intelligent, and she's morally spotless, and she's always right, and the story's preferred romantic partner worships the ground she walks on, and anyone who doesn't like her is punished.
i don't think - to be clear - that there is anything wrong, per se, with people wanting to write fanon!hermione [nor, to be frank, with other flawless fanon versions of female characters, oc mary-sues, or self-indulgent self-inserts - i'll defend the right to have fun with characters to the death]. this is a hobby, and people's way of engaging with that hobby doesn't have to appeal to me - it's fun escapism sometimes to write a character who is wonderful and perfect and beloved and has a sexy partner; and when it comes to accusations of writing someone "out-of-character", let she who is without sin cast the first stone...
but i also think - and [sigh] here comes some discourse - that fanon!hermione is part of a slight... girlbossification of female characters in the harry potter fandom [and presumably in others, i just don't follow closely enough to know] which i've always been a little uneasy about.
i understand why this happens - this fandom, like many, has an overwhelming preference for making blorbos of male characters and for imagining these characters in slash relationships. the treatment of female characters in slash subfandoms - i.e. tonks in wolfstar spaces; lily in jegulus spaces - is often straightforwardly misogynistic, and even in cases where it isn't, female characters are often shuffled quietly to the sidelines, except when they pop up - often suddenly in a queer pairing of their own - to benignly cheerlead the male couple.
and i think it's good that this is challenged - as i also think it's good that the heteronormative vibes of a lot of slash are challenged - and that we, as a fandom, are increasingly interested in female-centric works [whether focused on a romantic pairing or otherwise] and discussions. i hope these continue to take up fandom space.
but i have also noticed that the way female characters are written and talked about in these context is - as i've said - quite #girlboss in its approach. the focus is on women as clever and competent and feisty and unruffled and brave.
[including female villains, there are a lot of girlboss bellatrixes knocking around...]
and great! it should be! - but from what i've seen this also comes accompanied by a resistance to the idea that women can also be boring, unintelligent, self-infantilising, vain, arrogant, ignorant, talentless, meek, domestic, rude, dislikable, conservative, incurious, complicit in their own victimisation, plain wrong, and so on, and not only still be worthy of exploration, but be worthy of these characteristics not being automatically considered bad things for someone to possess and it not being seen as letting down the sisterhood to explore a woman who possesses them.
and, sure, hermione cannot be described as many of these things - but she is...
self-righteous; cruel; petty; from a privileged class background in the muggle world which blinkers her understanding of the class structure of the wizarding one; stubborn; terrible under pressure; shown by the text to be intelligent largely due to an ability to rote learn; a people-pleaser with a tendency towards a slightly hagrid-ish blind loyalty; extremely deferential to authority and willing to tolerate cruel treatment from authority figures [i.e. snape]; the most childlike of the trio [she takes her schoolbooks on the run and reads through them for comfort! she's an enormous animal lover!]; interested in one of form of stereotypical femininity [knitting! wearing pretty dresses!] even if she rejects the form of stereotypical femininity liked by e.g. parvati and lavender [and anyone who thinks she's not going to get along with her mother-in-law because molly's a housewife is dead wrong - she's having the time of her life helping put together a sunday lunch at the burrow]; possessed of a filthy sense of humour [i will never understand why emma watson said that the key to playing her was to be prim...]; someone who obviously wants to be liked and to be loved; and so on...
[and also, by the end of the pre-epilogue narrative, eighteen. she's often written in fics in a way which makes her sound like she's seen a lot of life - especially if the fic wants to claim she's "too mature" to bother with men her own age... but she hasn't - she's a teenager, and the reason she's so unpolished and abrasive is because literally all teenagers are unpolished and abrasive. it's just one of the mortifying agonies of growing up.]
we should love this. it makes her thorny and messy and mixed-up and human - and i am perfectly delighted by explorations of her character which delve into unravelling this tangle.
i just like her less as someone who is there to be right and beloved and uncriticised.
unless it's by ron. everyone should be uncomplicatedly adored by their wife guy.
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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-> state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and a plot
-> do you have any specifics for the reader? blonde, poc, male, neurodivergent, etc? (please keep in mind i will write poc readers but i’m white so they may be a little difficult for me)
-> requests are preferred to be sent through inbox, but i can make dms work if needed
-> platonic
-> romantic
-> familial
-> any gender x any gender
-> headcanons
-> long fics
-> multi character
-> blurbs
-> poly relationships
-> x reader
-> i will only write cheating if it’s a character comforting r after being cheated on, not a character cheating on r
-> smut (i’m 14)
-> yandere
-> most aus, ask about the specific au before requesting an au
-> incest
-> age gaps
-> canonical gay/lesbian character x a man (if lesbian) or a woman (if gay)
-> song fics
-> things about ocs
-> ships
-> sunshine x grumpy tropes, i’m horrible at this trope
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character list
keeper of the lost cities
sophie foster, dex dizznee, fitz vacker, keefe sencen, biana vacker, marella redek, maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, wylie endal, jensi babblos, stina heks, elwin hesledge
chronicles of narnia
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, lucy pevensie, caspian
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, travis stoll, connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane
harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon, lily evans, dorcas meadows, regulus black, barty crouch jr, narcissa black, andromeda black, bellatrix lestrange
ride the cyclone
ocean o’connell rosenberg, noel gruber, mischa bachinski, ricky potts, jane doe/penny lamb, constance blackwood
shadow and bone
alina starkov, malyen oretsev, genya safin, zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, tamaar & tolya, nikolai lantsov
six of crows
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, wylan van eck, matthias helvar
the outsiders
ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, twobit matthews, dallas winston, cherry valance
the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, finnick odair, johanna mason, cinna, effie trinket
it (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, mike hanlon
the school for good and evil
agatha, sophie, tedros, hort, hester, anadil, dot, nicola, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, clarissa dovey, leonora lesso
the land of stories
connor bailey, alex bailey, red riding hood, jack, goldilocks
scooby doo
shaggy rogers, fred jones, daphne blake, velma dinkley, thorn, dusk, luna
little women
jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, laurie
dracula, lucy westenra, arthur holmwood, john seward, mina harker, abraham van helsing, renfield, quincey morris, jonathan harker, the brides
victor frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval, adam frankenstein, justine mortiz, ernest frankenstein, the bride
dr jekyll and mr hyde
henry jekyll, edward hyde, richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
phantom of the opera
christine daaé, erik destler, raoul de chagney, meg giry, carlotta giudicelli
a good girls guide to murder
pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh, naomi ward, cara ward, connor reynolds, jamie reynolds, nat da silva
the mighty ducks
charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, guy germaine, connie moreau, fulton reed, dean portman, julie gaffney, ken wu, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
monster high
frankie stein, draculaura, clawdeen wolf, cleo de nile, abbey bominable, ghoulia yelps, operetta, rochelle goyle, spectra vondergeist, elissabat, clawd wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, kieran valentine
the powerpuff girls
blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium, brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
david bowie
david bowie, ziggy stardust, jareth, thomas jerome newton, celliers
sweeney todd
sweeney todd, anthony hope, mrs lovett, johanna todd
the rosewood chronicles
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, jamie volk, ollie moreno, raphael wilcox, anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
corny collins, link larkin, amber von tussle, tracey turnblad, penny pingleton, seaweed j. stubbs
attack on titan
eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, jean kirstein, sasha braus, connie springer, annie leonhardt, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, hange zoe, levi ackerman, erwin smith, colt grice, niccolo, yelena, onyakopon, zeke yeager
daisy jones and the six
daisy jones, billy dunne, graham dunne, karen sirko, warren rhodes, pete loving/roundtree, eddie loving/roundtree, camila dunne, simone jackson
doctor who bbc
ninth doctor, tenth doctor, rose tyler, jack harkness, mickey smith, donna noble, martha jones, clara oswald, river song, simm! master
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, millard nulling, enoch o’connor, olive elephanta, alma peregrine
miscellaneous characters
sarah williams, bernard the elf, rodrick heffley, varian, lisa frankenstein, the creature (lisa frankenstein)
UPCOMING FANDOMS : les miserables
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hotelsrexford · 3 months
Hi! I'm looking to roleplay on discord. I'm relatively new but working on it! 21+, she/her/theys preferred. I try to reply at least once a day (minus two days in the week when i'm offline). Eastern timezone and on late at night. I write descriptive, and match length and vibes.
I'm very okay with dark topics- even looking for them in some fandoms. I love canon x oc!
Harry Potter - I will write male or female, depending on the plot. Mainly looking for ocxcanon, but also dramione, fred/hermione, rowena ravenclaw/godric gryffindor, regulas black x marlene mckinnon, sirius black x marlene mckinnon. as well as specifically: siriusxoc, charlie weasley x oc, tom riddle x oc. and YOUNG LUCIUS AND NARCISSA??? honestly i just love harry potter! ask me about my arabella figg x sirius ship (shhh we dont talk about canon here)
Helluva Boss / Hazbin Hotel - Stoliz for the win, obviously. But Lucifer x oc, Vox x oc, adam x oc.
Fortnite - (listen. . . i KNOW this is a hear me out) but hope x jones has my HEART
FALLOUT - the show or the games. I have too many hours logged into fallout 4.
That's Not My Neighbor! - the milkman, need i say more?
Bridgerton - canon couples who? I'll take all the ocs.
Scooby Doo - But make it dark
Twilight - I'm borderline millennial leave me be.
A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS - please make me cry with this one.
Kaiju No. 8 - Vice Captain can get it.
GHIBLI - a Haku for my Chihro. or Sophie for my Howl.
CORALINE - but age them up and make it darker. thanks.
DM Me!
There are more. So much more. Just ask.
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esmestarz · 11 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ INTRO ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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about me ─ ★
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i can play on the electric guitar and piano !!
i used to do ballet but now i do belly dancing
i love listening to music esp rap, metal (any type tbfr) and rock, my fav animal is a cat and I'm pretty sure that's it
stuff ─ ★
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if you want me to write for a character that isn't on the list feel free to ask me and I'll write for them if possible <3
i will write smut, fem reader, gn reader, platonic and romantic relationships
i will not write rape, incest, gore, threesome, gang bang, male reader, character x character, character x oc, poly relationships, specified race reader
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what and who i write for ─ 𐙚⋅˚₊‧
black swan
- nina sayers
- lily
diary of a wimpy kid
- rodrick heffley
harry potter
- hermione granger
- harry potter
- draco malfoy
- luna lovegod
- ron weasley
- theodore nott
- tom riddle
- tatum riley
- sidney prescott
- billy loomis
- stu marcher
- samantha carpenter
- tara carpenter
- amber freeman
- anika kayko
- ethan landry
- gale weathers
- jill roberts
- kirby reed
- chad meeks-martin
- mindy meeks-martin
life as a house
- sam monroe
- clay beresford
- casper mcfadden
fight club
- marla singer
- tyler durden
star wars
- anakin skywalker
- padmé amidala
- edmund pevensie
- peter pevensie
seasquatch squad
- jeremy sumpter
pretty little liars
- emily fields
- alison dilaurentis
- hanna marin
- spencer hastings
gossip girl
- blair waldorf
- serena van der woodsen
- georgina sparks
- rafe cameron
- sarah cameron
- jj maybanks
- kiara carrera
- pope heyward
- john b routledge
seaquest dsv
- lucas wolenczak
the babysitters club
- sam thomas
- kristy thomas
- stacey mcgill
- claudia kishi
- dawn schafer
- carl gallagher
- fiona gallagher
- debbie gallagher
malcolm in the middle
- malcolm wilkerson
- reese wilkerson
- francis wilkerson
my babysitters a vampire
- rory keaner
- ethan morgan
- sarah fox
ruby and the well
- sam price
- mina amani
- ruby o'reilly
all of us are dead
- choi nam-ra
- lee su-hyeok
- lee cheong-san
- lee na-yeon
- nam on-jo
sweet home
- yoon ji-su
- lee eun-yoo
- cha hyun-soo
KPOP ─ ★
- karina
- winter
- ningning
- giselle
- nayeon
- chaeyoung
- momo
- mina
- sana
- jihyo
- dahyun
- jeongyeon
- tzuyu
le sserafim
- sakura
- yunjin
- chaewon
- kazuha
- eunchae
- soyeon
- minnie
- shuhua
- miyeon
- yuqi
- sullyoon
- lily
- kyujin
- haewon
- jiwoo
- bae
new jeans
- danielle
- haerin
- minji
- hyein
- hanni
the last of us
- ellie williams
fatal frame
- yuri kozukata
- rui kagamiya
cry of fear
- simon henriksson
resident evil
- leon s kennedy
- jill valentine
- ada wong
- claire redfield
- bela dimitrescu
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atlasthegreatest · 1 year
- Atlas Masterlist - [Requests are open]
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▪️Male reader
▫️Female reader
🔲 Gender neutral
🔳 Male/ Female Oc
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra:
Asami Sato:
🔳 - War of Hearts- I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XI, X , XI
Avatar Korra
Lin Beifong
Iron II
Suyin Beifong
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Thalia Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Vasquez
Hazel Levesque
Nico DiAngelo
Sally Jackson
Silena Beauregard
Drew Tanaka
Harry Potter :
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Narcissa Black
Lily Evans
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Ginny Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Penny Haywood :
- Baby Problems
James Potter
Cassandra Vole:
▪️- Unexpected Surprises
▪️- Tme Wrap: Bizarrely Adventures!
Sirius Black
Sidney Prescott :
- ▪️ Flight or Figth
Tara Carpenter
Gale Weathers
Sam Carpenter
Fairy Tail:
Erza Scarlet
Natsu Dragneel
Grey Fullbuster
Lucy Heartfilia :
🔲 - Friends…? Friends.
Mirajane Strauss
Laxus Dreyar
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Attack On Titan:
Mikasa Ackerman:
-▫️ Fake It ‘Till You Break It - I
Eren Yeager
Historia Reiss
Annie Leonheart
Pieck Finger
Jean Kriestean
Sasha Broast
Hange Zoe
Marvel Universe:
Natasha Romanoff
Laura Kinney
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Wanda Maximoff
Maria Hill
Cindy Moon:
▪️ The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Gwen Stacy
Felicia Hardy
DC Universe:
Cassandra Cain:
▪️The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
▪️The Super’s Bats
🔲- Silent Glances and Secret Smiles
🔲- Shadows of the Past — Birds of a Feather pt.2
Helena Bertinelli
Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson
Poison Ivy
Kara Zor-El
Wonder Woman
Cassandra Sandsmark
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals:
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshal
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Davina Clare
Freya Mikaelson
The Witcher:
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Throne of Glass:
Aelin Galathynius :
- 🔳 In Each Others Arms
Rowan Whitethorne
Manon Blackbeack
Elide Lorchan
Navier Trovi :
- 🔳 Honor me of this dance
Penelope Eckart
Samantha Wilkins/ Atom Eve
Mark Grayson /Invincible
Fate: The Winx Saga
Choi Namra
Daphne Blake
Iori Utahime
Laura Croft
Haley Carter (Stadew Valley):
🔲- Daylight
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rpersearch · 7 months
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC. I am literate and write novella length.
Age range: 21-38+ years old partners.
I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to Omegaverse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Couples in red are cravings. The ideas listed are just SAMPLES! Not exclusive to the storylines I’d like to play.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC)
- What if an Angel was protecting a woman who crossed paths with Camille and the angels protection kept Camille safe from her family’s curse. But only so long as this OFC loved Camille. Would Camille be able to ensure she did not lose that protection and be the type of woman worth loving?
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Brienne/Sansa)
* Sansa and Daenerys are forced to marry to avoid war between the North and the United southern kingdoms under Daenerys’ banner.
* Sansa escapes Kings Landing with Ser Barristan and meets Daenerys in Mereen.
* Drogon flies all the way to Westeros after he leaves Danserys in the Dothraki Sea, and meets an ice Queen in need of saving.
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
1. Ciri is Tissaia’s child of surprise, not Geralt’s. When it comes time for her to accept this, she seeks out assistance from the only powerful mage she knows that wants children, Yennefer.
2. Tissaia comes back to speak with Yennefer while she is still in Rhinde. She has found a possible cure for Yennefer’s barrenness.
3. Yennefer is the daughter of a king at of the Northen Kingdoms, that falls in love with her father’s mage, Tissaia de Vries.
4. Yennefer is doused with a lust potion gone wrong by the older classmates at Aretuza. She will lose her mind unless she sleeps with someone, but the idiots that doused her didn’t take her elven blood into account, and instead of a lust spell, she can only be satisfied by her truest match—her soul mate. Tissaia does not sleep with students. Even ones she’s fated to. But to save Yennefer’s life she will. But only if she and Yennefer never remember what’s happened.
5. Time travel write up for season 4. Yennefer goes back in time with the help of the monolith book to save Tissaia. But it’s like the butterfly effect. And Tissaia keeps dying.
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix)
* Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour found family. After the war, Bill dies in an accident, and Hermione and Ron have divorced. Two single mothers come together to lament their troubles and losses.
* Fleur realizes that Hermione is her true mate when she arrives hurt at the cottage after Malfoy Manner or being mates.
* Forced Marriage trope - repopulating wizarding England stipulates that all eligible and child baring women must marry. Except, it seems, Hermione Granger, who is protected under French Ministry law as she is the Delacour heir’s fated mate.
Twilight (Tanya/Leah, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
* Tanya has been looking for her mate for over a thousand years. She’s finally found them.
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
* Rhaenyra runs away with Alicent
* Rhaenyra kills her father to ensure she is the one to marry Alicent
* Rhaenyra captures Alicent during the war and they reminisce on all that was—and could have been.
Like this post or message me and I’ll get in touch.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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captain-lessship · 2 years
Where We Once Were Pt. 6
a/n: this one is kinda choppy since it’s a transition part, my bad <3
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He recognized you. He recognized your eyes. It was Sirius Black. 
He just looked at you, with such a look that one could only describe as the purest understanding. 
“Pollux.” He said as more a final statement.
One of the only ones to escape the torment yet you could see so many shared scars. Only you could see them on each other. 
You thought about him on the train ride back. You heard things about him that you never truly believed them all: you were sure they’d tell stories about you. 
Gentle snoring woke you up, Hermione had fallen asleep on your shoulder as you were reading through a magazine. 
Pollux Arcturus Lestrange, the Slytherin pure blood who feared he’d never deserve love, was sitting next to the most beautiful girl in the world. Subconsciously, you laid your head on hers, pressing a kiss to her head. 
You sighed, “I love you so much.” You whispered so softly a mouse would’ve never heard you. 
Her love is what kept you sane til the next school year. To your utter surprise, they took the haircut well.
“Embracing the Malfoy!” Your uncle said but you had a sneaking suspicion that your Aunt knew. 
The warm welcome didn’t last long when you all were sat down at dinner days before leaving for the Quidditch World Cup. The air seems to be stale due to the lack of conversation and your general anxiety about what you were going to ask.
“So, Auntie Narcissa, are you going to come watch with us?” You asked, trying to test the waters of conversation.
She looked up from her cup, “No, I am feeling a bit off as of late.” She said. 
Then Draco started, “We get to sit in the Ministers box again, Dad?”
“Of course, Draco.” Lucius replied, focused on thought rather than his son.
You were picking at your food, trying to think of a way to ask if you could sit with Hermione. You felt a weight in your stomach. 
“What’s wrong, Pollux? You’ve barely touched your food. Are you feeling alright?” Narcissa asked.
“I’m feeling alright, just not that hungry.” You said, trying to bring a smile to your face, “Uncle Lucius, do you think it wouldn’t be perceived as rude if I sat with my friends during the game? Just the game though. I would to spend the Pre-Game show with the Minister.”
He looked at you, eyes scanning yours, “Who are these friends? Anyone we know?”
It was a fair question any guardian would’ve asked the person under their watch but to you it felt like an interrogation of your very soul. “Well, no. But I promise you they’re nice people!” You said, trying to act calm.
Your Aunt came to the rescue, “I think it would be great! Draco, you can invite a friend to sit up in the box with you.” 
You internally thanked her a million times, “See! Now it isn’t going to waste!” 
Draco picked up on the subtext, “Yeah! Blaise said something about going, I can just owl him and see if he wants to.”
You relaxed immediately, but you couldn’t ignore the gaze of your uncle.
“I guess you can. As long as you are back in the tent after the game.” He said. You froze. 
That was another reason it was so tense: The Death Eaters were planning a comback and you overheard many schemes. 
“Yes, Uncle.” 
You were sitting up in the stand with Hermione, the time fading away til they would attack. You were trying to think of a way to tell her without scaring the daylights out of her. 
It was barely fifteen minutes now, you grabbed on her sleeve, getting her attention. “Hermione, we need to go.” 
“But there’s still-“
“Please.” You asked, she could tell by the look in your eye that something was wrong. You grabbed her hand and began your descent to the ground. Along the way, you tried to explain the best you could.
“Hermione, I know, I wanted to see the rest of the game too but they… the followers of…” you got out of the way of a man, “You Know Who are coming.”
“Shouldn’t we have warned-“ 
“I was planning on getting you out one by one, as to not cause a panic.“
You lead her out, “The quicker we can get our stuff together, the quicker we can-“
You froze, “Uncle!” 
“I was wondering where you were.” 
He knew. He knew. He knows.
“Is this,” he looked at Hermione with a slight disdain “one of your friends?”
“Yes, Uncle.” You said.
The universal sign of disapproval.
He started again, “I suggest you hurry up.” He said. You knew what he meant. You sighed as you watched him walk away.
“Pollux, should we go back for the others?” 
“No. He knows you’ll be alone. I have to stay with you. We have to go. We have to get your things, keep your head down, don’t cause a panic.” 
You checked your watched, barely eight minutes. You and her hurried through the rows upon rows of tents before finding the Weasleys tent, she rushed inside with you following. 
You watched as she packed up all her things, you honestly thought you had more time but you heard the familiar laugh of the twins, Fred and George.
“Shit, Hermione! Hurry!” You whisper yelled at her.
The Weasleys came in and saw you standing in their foyer.
“Hello Mr. Weasley!” You said, in a cheery voice. “Just waiting for Hermione to grab her things!”
“Why is Hermione grabbing her things?” Mr Weasley asked while his kids and the guest, Harry Potter, began chatting about the game.
“Well, do you want the long or short version?” You asked, noting the loud crashing outside, which he went to check on. 
“I believe I have caught on.” 
The incident was all you could read about in the paper. You wished for something different as you flipped through the pages, looking for exactly that. 
“This is a lot.” Ron said, leaning up against the window. 
“Well, you know how it is.” You said.
“No, we don’t deal with death eaters every weekend.” 
You flipped your paper down slightly to glare at him. He had been making slights at you ever since you had met. 
Harry picked up on this, “What classes do you-“
“Show us your arm.” Ron said. 
“Uh, why?” Harry asked.
“Not you. Him.” Ron pointed.
“Ron, he is not a death eater.”
“He wouldn’t go around admitting and flaunting it.” 
You huffed, you unbuttoned your sleeve and rolled them up, “Happy, you judgmental prick? I would say your family tree is a cactus to give you an excuse but every other Weasley is pleasant so it truly is a ‘you’ problem.” You said, irritation finally eating your common courtesy. 
Ron stayed silent the whole rest of the train ride.
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roleplayfinder · 7 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but like to plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies won't happen every day. I try to get them up as soon as possible and don't really expect more than 1 reply a week out of my writing partner because sometimes that's all I can do myself. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double.
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Threads for my five-ish biggest fandoms right now. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm open to MxM (my big preference for my male muses), MxF, or FxF. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. As long as a plot could reasonably happen within the universe, I'll likely be okay with it. I'm open to writing NSFW/smut and do prefer romantic ships, but I'm also okay with keeping things clean.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with my preferred muse in italics, if I have a preference). I'm more than open to discussing other ships, however. There's only a small chance I'll turn one down.
All characters will be 18+!
Doctor Who: Delgado!Master, Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor
Eleven x Jack
Eleven x Clara
Five x Turlough
Fourteen x Jack
Two x Jamie
Ten x Jack
Ten x Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore (FB era), Barty Crouch Jr (Golden Trio era)., Cedric Diggory (Golden Trio era or AU where he survives), Cormac McLaggen (Golden Trio era or post-Hogwarts), Gilderoy Lockart (any era), Severus Snape (any era), Theseus Scamander (FB era)
Dumbledore x Grindelwald
Dumbledore x Newt
Dumbledore x Theseus
Barty x Lucius
Barty x Draco
Cedric x Harry
Cormac x Ron
Cormac x Hermione
Lockhart x Snape
Lockhart x Quirrell
Snape x Lucius
Snape x Harry
Snape x Lupin
Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Benjen Stark, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Beric x Thoros
Daemon x Laenor
Daemon x Criston
Daemon x Viserys
Daemon x Laena
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Dany x Margaery
Dany x Jorah
Jaime x Sansa
Margaery x Sansa
Margaery x Roose
Margaery x Stannis
Margaery x Joffrey
Petyr x Renly
Petyr x Sansa
Robb x Roose
Robb x Jon
Robb x Theon
Roose x Stannis
Roose x Tywin
Roose x Sansa
Stannis x Davos
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Remy LeBeau, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Dex x Ray
Dex x Billy
Dex x Matt
Dex x Karen
Billy x Frank
Billy x Karen
Bruce x Tony
Bucky x Zemo
Carol x Valkyrie
Eddie x Venom
Frank x Matt
Frank x Karen
Loki x Grandmaster
Loki x Thor
Loki x Mobius
Cable x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Tobey!Peter
Andrew!Peter x Matt
Andrew!Peter x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Male MJ
Andrew!Peter x Gwen
Gambit x Wolverine
Gambit x Rogue (canon female or genderbent male)
Tony x Strange
Tony x Tom!Peter
Tony x Steve
Wade x Wolverine
Wade x Dopinder
Wade x Comics!Peter
Wade x Matt
Wade x Colossus
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
Johnny x Leland
Johnny x Sonny
Johnny x Nubbins
Johnny x Julie
Nubbins x Bubba
Nubbins x Sissy
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many similar messages at once.
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Hi! I am 18 years old and my pronouns are she/her. I’ve been writing/ roleplaying for about 8 years and just recently I’ve watched Harry Potter again and I’m desperately searching for someone who’d love to rp Harry Potter. I prefer to double up as that way we can both get what we want from the rp but I’m also happy to do canon character x canon character! Im open to mxf mxm & fxf. I play both male and female characters and I’m OC friendly!! Im able to write up to six paragraphs but can shorten them down if you want quick fire responses! Im looking for a Draco Malfoy for my OC but don’t fret as I’m more than happy to write as Draco for your Oc too! I write mature content as I prefer darker and angsty themes but I’m also a sucker for fluff and all that soft stuff! I also do other fandoms so feel free to ask if you’d like to! Other characters I write from Harry Potter are:
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Ginny Weasley
Lucius malfoy
Severus Snape
Hermione granger
Neville long-bottom
Draco Malfoy
Luna love good
Cedric diggory
Tom riddle
And many many more!!
If any of this interests you like this post and I’ll get back to you!! Thank you! (: 💚🐍
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𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔!
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— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
— requests can be send through inbox or dms, but inbox is heavily encouraged!
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any gender x any gender
poly relationships
sensitive topics
x reader
ships (canon or non-canon, so long as it’s not problematic)
i. i WILL write cheating, but not if a character is going it to the reader/another character. i’ll make someone comforting another person after being cheated on, but i won’t write finnick odair cheating on someone
same thing ^^ goes for homophobic, transphobic, ableist topics like that, and. well i guess the same goes for abuse?
smut (i’m 14)
student x teacher
canonically gay character (ex: wylan van eck) x fem!reader for romantic requests
canonically lesbian character x male!reader for romantic requests
songfics (nothing against them, i just don’t know how!!)
things about ocs
ship fics
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character list (more to come!)
❍ = easiest characters to write for
bolded — favourite characters to write for
❍ sophie foster, ❍ dex dizznee, fitz vacker, ❍ keefe sencen, ❍ biana vacker, ❍ marellla redek, ❍ maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, ❍ wylie endal, ❍ jensi babblos, stina heks
❍ peter pevensie, ❍ edmund pevensie, ❍ susan pevensie, ❍ lucy pevensie, mr tumnus, ❍ caspian, eustace scrubb, jill pole, shasta, aravis
❍ percy jackson, ❍ annabeth chase, ❍ grover underwood, ❍ jason grace, ❍ piper mclean, ❍ leo valdez, ❍ hazel levesque, ❍ frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, ❍ travis stoll, ❍ connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, ❍ alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane, lester papadopolous, lavinia asimov
❍ christine daaé, ❍ raoul de chagny, erik destler, ❍ meg giry
p.s. i’ll write for the movie, musical, book and 1990 miniseries versions!!
harry potter, ❍ hermione granger, ❍ ron weasley, ❍ luna lovegood, ❍ neville longbottom, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, ❍ sirius black, remus lupin, ❍ james potter, ❍ marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, lily evans
ocean o’connell rosenberg, ❍ noel gruber, ❍ mischa bachinski, ❍ ricky potts, jane doe, penny lamb, ❍ constance blackwood
❍ alina starkov, malyen oretsev, ❍ genya safin, ❍ zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, erm others i accidentally deleted remind me to update this
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, ❍ jesper fahey, ❍ wylan van eck, nina zenik, matthias helvar
ponyboy curtis, ❍ johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, ❍ twobit matthews, ❍ dallas winston
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, ❍ finnick odair, ❍ johanna mason, marvel sanford, clove kentwell, cato hadley, ❍ cinna
IT (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, ❍ stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, ❍ mike hanlon
❍ agatha of woods beyond, ❍ sophie of woods beyond, tedros of camelot, ❍ hort of bloodbrook, ❍ hester of ravenswood, ❍ anadil, ❍ dot, nicola, aric, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, leonora lesso, clarissa dovey
❍ alex bailey, ❍ connor bailey, ❍ red riding hood, ❍ jack, ❍ goldilocks, ❍ bree campbell
daphne blake, ❍ fred jones, shaggy rogers, velma dinkley
❍ jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, ❍ laurie
pippa fitz-amobi, ❍ ravi singh, naomi ward, ❍ cara ward, connor reynolds, ❍ jamie reynolds, nat da silva
❍ charlie conway, adam banks, ❍ lester averman, guy germaine, ❍ connie moreau, julie gaffney, ❍ ken wu, dean portman, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson, ❍ fulton reed
dracula, ❍ lucy westenra, mina harker, arthur holmwood, ❍ renfield, dr seward, abraham van helsing, ❍ quincey morris
victor frankenstein, ❍ adam frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, justine moritz, ernest frankenstein, henry clerval, the bride
henry jekyll, ❍ edward hyde, ❍ richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
gotta update this one guys,,,
john bender , ❍ claire standish, allison reynolds, brian johnson, andrew clark
❍ blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium , ❍ brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
❍ jareth, thomas jerome newton, david bowie
❍ sweeney, anthony hope, ❍ mrs lovett, johanna
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, ❍ jamie volk, ❍ ollie moreno, ❍ raphael wilcox, ❍ anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
❍ corny collins, ❍ seaweed j stubbs, amber von tussle, tracy turnblad, penny pingleton, link larkin
sarah williams, ❍ bernard the elf, ❍ rodrick heffley, ❍ varian
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