#hermes!bob floyd
mothdruid · 1 year
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hermes || robert 'bob' floyd
"wit is educated insolence"
god of boundaries, travel, trade, communication, language, writing, cunning and thieves
symbols: caduceus, winged sandals, petasos, satchel
animals: tortoise, rooster
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jungle-angel · 9 months
Head In The Clouds (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: When Bob makes love to you in the clouds, you swear it's the best thing ever (Greek Mythology AU)
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only, minors will be yeeted from this blog and blocked)
Tagging: @floydsmuse @sebsxphia @bobfloydsbabe and an especially big thank you to @attapullman as this is for International Bob Floyd Fucks Month!!!!! (lol).
At last, at long last you returned to your home in the clouds close to Mount Olympus, worn out from racing Ares and Apollo all day long on your black pegasus. The clouds had always been home for you and Bob, a place as wild and free as the forests on the earth below. Your fuzzy, fluffy little dream dragon ran right to you, curling around your legs and purring like a cat as if to welcome you home.
You saw Bob flying in just a moment later, fresh from helping Hermes on a mission for one of the Titans. Bob's sandaled feet touched down on the clouds as though they were solid ground, his snow white wings still unfurled like a pair of brilliant flags as he scooped you up in his strong arms.
"Missed you sweet cheeks," he said before planting a kiss on your lips.
You hummed into his kiss, reveling in the warmth that enveloped you. "I missed you too," you purred. "How'd everything go?"
"Better than ever," Bob answered. "Hyperion was more than happy to have the lamps working again and everybody made it home safe too."
You were relieved to say the least. Ever since the Titans had allied with the Olympians, things hadn't been better. You had yet to see the new island home of your distant ancestors, as did the rest of the Daggers, but Bob assured you that it would be something to look forward to going down the road.
You and Bob tended to your duties for the day, helping Hera, Poseidon and the others wherever you could until at last, night had begun to fall in the heavens. The moon and stars had all shined brightly as the creatures of the sky took to their cloud beds, curling up and drifting off to sleep along with your little fuzzy friend.
Bob couldn't help but stare off into that wild expanse of heaven, the deep sapphire blue skies making him sleepier than usual. He felt your arms sneaking their way around his waist as you pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed (y/n)?" he chuckled.
"Same can be said of you," you told him with a wry grin.
He pulled you into his arms, his deep blue eyes roaming over every trace of you as he pulled you into his strong but comforting embrace, breathing in your scent as though he had been away for longer.
In an instant you felt his warm lips on yours, kissing you gently and trailing from your lips to your jaw. You felt the tip of his tongue brushing against your skin, just tiny little licks at first, but as Bob began trialing down your neck, they became much more intense. A breathy little moan fell from your mouth as Bob kissed the curve of your neck.
"Shhhhh my love," he whispered. "Remember, somebody might hear us."
Bob gently guided you to the big mass of clouds that you both slept on every night, crooking a finger to beckon you closer. Your kissing became much more heated as his nimble fingers found the clasps on your copper colored tunic, drawing the thin, stringy straps down. The sheer fabric quickly fell, revealing your naked skin, pooling around your ankles as you helped Bob with his, the two of you never once breaking the kiss.
He laid you on your back, drawing a gasp as his rock hard cock found its way into your slick entrance. Bob watched with pure adoration as your eyes went wide and a gasp was drawn from your throat.
"Bob......?" you moaned.
You draw his hips against yours, creating a rhythm that made the little spot between your legs tingle with pleasure. "You like that?" he purred.
You nodded, a lazy smile playing with the corners of your mouth.
Bob slowly thrust his hips in and out of you, trailing kisses down your collarbone, taking great care to drag his tongue along the swells of your breasts and over your nipples. Bob swirled his tongue around them until they became pointed little dusty pink peaks.
Your pleas were music to his ears as he dragged his tongue down to your navel, swirling it around and flicking it in and out. "My gorgeous wife," he groaned. "I love every bit of you and your body......."
Your moans grew louder as he spread your legs and kissed down the sensitive little spots on your inner thighs before going for the one spot that drove you crazy. His tongue worked its magic, flicking in circles, up, down and all around until you were a moaning mess.
"Bob.....Bob sweetie, I......I'm gonna......"
"Wait, wait for me sweetheart," he panted. "Hold on."
You moaned even louder when you suddenly felt him enter back into you, amazed at how fucking big he really was. He continued to thrust in and out of you, slowly, gently until both your hips jerked against each other, the both of you a fucked out, blissful mess.
Bob kissed your lips, his body heavy and relaxed against yours underneath him. "You're amazing, you know that?" he chuckled.
You laughed as he guided you down from the rest of your high, the clouds cool against your heat filled bodies. You and Bob lay in your bed of clouds, blissed out but relaxed and content as you explored each other's naked bodies, touching, kissing and caressing each other in the silvery moonlight.
"You get prettier every day (y/n)," he murmured sleepily. "You're everything to me."
You traced over his jaw, gently caressing his face. "And you're everything to me, Bob......you always will be."
Bob kissed you until you both fell asleep in each other's arms, never once letting each other go and waking up the same way, when the day began anew with the sun on your faces and the two of you together.
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 26: No One Left Behind ➢prompt: "Why did you save me?" ➢character: Robert "Bob" Floyd ➢warnings: hazing, underaged drinking, toxic parents, near drowning, fear of water ➢word count: 3.3k ➢masterlist | whumptober | library
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Bob never liked large bodies of water. He grew up in a landlocked town in the middle of nowhere Wyoming. The only things to do in the summer were to run in the backyard through a sprinkler or to go to the pond. Everyone went to the lake, it was the place to be during the unforgiving summers. Kids, teens and adults would spend their days on the sand shores, fishing, sunbathing or playing in the water. Bob didn’t like the lake because of what lurked underneath the surface. He had seen the pictures of the large fish that fishermen pulled out of there. He had heard the rumors and the legends of different ghouls and demons that supposedly haunted the waters and would pull unsuspecting swimmers into its depths. But what really sealed the deal for Bob hating the lake, was when his younger brother pushed him off the family pontoon. 
His parents didn’t realize Bob had gone overboard for several moments, he usually was behind them in the back, silent and holding on to his lifejacket tightly. But it was Bob’s older sister who shouted that the then six year old Bob was in the middle of the lake. 
“Mom! Bob fell over!” She shouted. 
“Oh my god!” His mother shouted and his dad quickly turned the boat around. Bob was luckily wearing a life jacket, but was kicking and splashing around, trying to get the lake grass off of his legs. His glasses had fallen off and were sinking towards the bottom, which caused more panic as he couldn’t see what was going on. When his father got close to him, he jumped into the water and swam over to where he was. Bob clung to him, his hands tightening around the shirt he wore. 
“Kick your goddamn legs, Rob,” His father cursed as he swam them back to the boat. He lifted up the little boy into his mother’s arms and Bob clung on tightly to her. 
“Oh my baby boy,” She cooed, and dried him with a towel, “I’m so sorry we didn’t notice.” 
“Well maybe if he would fucking talk,” His dad cursed again, stepping up onto the platform of the boat, “Fucking say something next time or swim your ass back to shore.” 
“Well?” His father shrugged, “Kid needs to learn to do something for himself. Quit fucking babying him.” 
Ever since that day, Bob did all he could to avoid water. But that seemed to be a bit of a paradox when he joined the Navy. His dad even laughed at him when he came home with his enlistment packet in his hands. 
“You can’t fucking look at water without panicking. The fuck did you join the Navy for?” 
“To help pay for school,” Bob said softly, “And they’ll teach me at boot camp.”  
Which was true. His father had told him from a young age that they would never be able to pay for his college. That he would have to figure it out by himself. His older siblings didn’t go to college. His two older sisters MaryAnn and Elizabeth both married local ranchers. His brother Michael was set to take over the family ranch. But Bob was determined to not be stuck in no named Wyoming for the rest of his life. 
And Bob was right, they did teach him how to swim in boot camp. It wasn’t beautiful, but he could pass the swim test and keep himself above water. But Bob knew that he wasn’t going to willingly jump into the pool and go for a swim. It also helped that he was wearing a life jacket the whole time, which gave him some comfort. After boot camp, Bob had gotten his acceptance letter into the Naval Academy. His mother cried when he told her, and didn’t stop crying until after they dropped him off in Maryland. Bob had never been to the east coast before, nor spent this much time away from his family. What kept him going in boot camp was the fact that he would be home in ten weeks. Now he was moving across the country. 
Bob had three roommates in his tiny four person dorm; Geco, Tank, and Hermes. They were almost the polar opposite of Bob. Each of them were nearly 6’2 and built. Hermes currently holds the class record for fastest PT test. Though Bob couldn’t compete with them physically, he competed with them in the classroom. They envied the way Bob just understood everything that was being taught in their classes, and hardly had to study for exams to do perfect. Bob had offered to help them study, but they all shot it down. Most people in the class had envied Bob, and labeled him as the enemy, except Y/N. 
Y/N, like Bob, was also on the outskirts of their class. She was a legacy student, her dad being the current commander of the pacific fleet. She had gone by her mother’s maiden name, so she could make a name for herself fair and square, but it was unmistakable who’s daughter she was, with her bright blue eyes and blonde hair. Oh, and the way she was ice cold. Unlike Bob, she didn’t let the whispers and the jokes bother her. She let them bounce off her back and continued on with her studies. 
“Hey, Frost,” Hermes said. Bob was currently in the library, sitting att a table across the room from where Frost was. She had been there as long as Bob had been, her nose in a text book, “We’re having a little party this weekend at the SigEp house. You should come.” 
“And why would I do that?” Y/N asked. 
“Cause I’ll be there,” He smirked and held his hands out. Bob watched as Frost rolled her eyes and turned around, “Come on, don’t be so cold,” She continued to ignore him, which was something Hermes couldn’t stand. Bob watched as he clenched his jaw, “Fine. Just so you know, the only way you’re here is because your dad is fucking Iceman Kazansky. He probably couldn’t stand having a fuck up as a daughter and had to do some chairty work.” 
Bob’s eyes widened at Hermes' words, and waited to see what she would do. He watched her body shake as she gripped her pencil in a vice grip, causing the wood to splinter. Hermes also watched her, and let out a laugh seeing no response from her, and advised his little posse to leave her table. Bob waited for them to leave, before standing up from his own table and walked over to her. 
“You deserve to be here,” Bob said softly. Y/N looked up at him and his heart faltered a bit, seeing the tears in her eyes. His jaw dropped and he quickly dug in his backpack, looking for the packet of kleenex he usually kept on him. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed as she watched him dig around in his bag, before stretching his shaky hand out and offering her the kleenex. She smiled at him and took it. 
“Thank you, Bob,” Y/N said. 
“You know who I am?” 
“Of course, Bob Floyd, political science major. You sit in front of me during intro to strat,” Y/N said and packed up her books. Bob watched her as she moved quickly, “Thanks again. And I’ll see you at the party.” 
“Y-Yeah!” Bob called out to her. Once she was out of the library Bob cursed himself, “What the hell? You’re not going to the party. You don’t party.” 
— — — 
The music was too loud for Bob’s liking. He didn’t understand how people would like their music this loud. He couldn’t even understand what was being said. The house was hot and stuffy, with people all over the place. Bob found a corner of the kitchen that was somewhat uncrowded and close to the table of snacks. He was nursing a cup of sprite that he had poured himself and snacking on the various mixes. Bob had never been to a party before. 
His eyes scanned the kitchen, looking for Y/N. He knew that she was either already here or showing up late. He had watched Mean Girls before coming to the party, to somewhat understand what to expect. Apparently, you didn’t show up to parties at the time the host said they started, so Bob waited nearly an hour before arriving. He also felt slightly overdressed in his khaki pants, button up shirt, and vans. His roommates were wearing jeans and tshirts, and Bob made a mental note to go shopping for some. 
“Do my eyes deceive me?” Bob turned around and let out a breath, “Bobby Floyd? At a party.” 
“Hangman,” Bob sighed, “How are you?” 
“How am I?” Hangman said, “I am magnificent. How are you? And why are you here?” 
“I was invited,” Bob said. 
Hangman raised his eyebrows in surprise. Jake Seresin was two years older than Bob, and had met him during recruitment over the summer, and was one of the peer leaders in his tactile movement and strategy class. Jake was also the quarterback for the football team, and had perfectly styled blonde hair and a bright smile. Bob had tried to hide in the back of the class, but Jake easily picked him out of the class, and told him he was “taking him under his wing”. Bob took in the sight of Jake’s outfit, dark blue jeans, a fitted black t-shirt, and cowboy boots. 
“So really, why are you here?” Jake asked again. 
Bob opened his mouth to answer, when he heard Y/N’s voice enter the kitchen. She walked right past him, a couple girls right behind her. His blue eyes watched as she greeted some of the other party go-ers and poured herself a drink. Jake followed Bob’s eyesight and smirked. 
“The admiral’s daughter!? Way to go Bobby Boy,” Jake clapped him on the back, “I knew you didn’t just decide to show up cause you were “invited”.” 
“Why is it so hard to believe-” 
“Go talk to her,” Jake said. 
“Oh no, I-I can’t,” Bob shook his head, “She’s with. . . him.” Jake squinted his eyes and looked back up at where Y/N was now being crowded by Hermes. She looked uncomfortable as he put his hands on her hips and tried to pull her back into his chest. 
“The dude trying to force himself on her? Hermes? Nah, she’s not into him.” 
“Well, he looks into her.” 
“Bob, trust me, she’s not into him,” Jake said. 
“How do you know?” 
“Cause she’s walking over here right now,” Bob lifted his head up and his eyes widened as she walked over with determination. Jake took a step back as Y/N put herself by Bob, and wrapped a hand around his waist. 
“Babe! You’re here!” She smiled and kissed his cheek, “I told you, Adrian, my boyfriend is here.” 
“My fucking roommate? Next you’re going to tell me that his crying at night is actually cause you’re giving him head and not cause he misses his mom,” Hermes joked. 
“I don’t kiss and tell,” Y/N sassed. Jake smirked at Bob, who looked uncomfortable. Jake rolled his eyes, and subtly grabbed Bob’s hand to put around Y/N’s waist. He jumped at the feeling and Jake just nodded. 
“Listen, Hermes, how bout you and the freshman jock squad go take a walk,” Jake said, “You guys are fucking wasted. Now go, or I tell Coach Smith and we run Death Hill until someone really dies.” 
The group all agreed and disbanded. Y/N waited a bit, still keeping her arm around Bob until they were out of eyeshot. She sighed and untangled herself from Bob’s side, and Bob had to fight back a frown. 
“Thanks, Floyd,” She said and walked away from him. 
— — —
It was a beautiful night, and Bob could see the stars for once. That was something he missed since moving out East. You could hardly see the stars at night due to all the city lights and pollution. Back home, Bob would lay on his roof and look at the stars until the late hours at night. It helped calm him. He knew all the constellations in the sky, and could tell you their stories, and what season they are most prominent in. Currently, he was looking at Orion, and recalling one of his favorite stories about the constellation. 
He wondered if Y/N liked the stars too. He was surprised how quiet it was outside, most people preferred to be inside the sweaty, hot house. Those outside were couples making out, girls having a drunk heart to heart, or people smoking weed. Bob had been offered a joint, but was too scared to do it. He had smoked weed once with his older sister, and could remember how angry his dad had gotten when he threw up on the floor. Bob swore he wasn’t going to try the drug again. 
Bob’s moment of quiet was cut off by a hand landing on his shoulder. He jumped and looked over his shoulder at Hermes, Tank and Geco standing behind him. He felt his stomach drop and he scrambled to try and get away, but Tank and Geco grabbed his arms. 
“Bob, I don’t think we have properly introduced you to the SigEp house,” Hermes smirked. 
“I-I’ve been here before,” Bob said.
“Oh yeah, with Seresin,” Hermes nodded, “Your little butt buddy? Oh wait. . . that’s Frost isn’t it. Sorry I forget, that you like both of them to fuck you.” 
“I don’t do-” 
“I don’t give a fuck who fucks you in the ass, Floyd. But stay away from my girl.”
“She’s not yours,” Bob sneered. He wasn’t sure where that came from, but he hated the way Hermes was talking about Y/N. She wasn’t an object he could own. 
“No? Then why was she just sucking on my dick and not yours?” Hermes laughed and Bob felt himself deflate a bit, but shook his head. 
“Just let me go. I’ll leave the party,” Bob said honestly. 
“Oh no. . . No can do. Bobby Boy. It’s time for NIGHT SWIMMING!” Hermes yelled loudly, which seemed to get the attention of some of those in the house, because a group came rushing out. Y/N was dancing with Jake when she heard the commotion from outside. Her and Jake shared a look before pushing through the crowd to go outside. Jake saw Hermes first, standing up on a chair and cursed. 
“Shit. . .” Jake said, “It’s Bob.” 
Y/N pushed her way through the crowd and made it down the deck to the pool. Bob looked terrified in Geoc and Tank’s hold as Hermes was taunting him. She had been to enough frat parties to know what was going to happen. Hermes grabbed a random beer as Tank held Bob’s chin open. He dumped the alcohol into Bob’s mouth, not caring that he was fighting against the hold on his arms and choking. The crowd seemed to instigate the brutality even more as the three boys stripped Bob of his clothes. 
“Adrian! Stop, just let him go!” Y/N pleaded. 
“Oh look Floyd, you’re little girl friend is here. Hope you can swim!” Hermes yelled. 
“Throw him in! Throw him in! Throw him in!” The crowd cheered. Bob was frozen in fear, only in his underwear and socks. He tried with all his might to push out of Tank and Geco’s arms, but it was no use as they pushed him into the deepest part of the pool. The crowd all cheered as Bob was tossed in, the boys high fiving each other. 
“Help! Help me!”” Bob yelled as he started thrashing. 
“Calm the fuck down Floyd,” Hermes spat. 
“I can’t swim!” Bob felt his lungs starting to close up as he breathed in water. He frantically kicked his arms and legs, trying to keep himself up. The panic rose in his chest, and suddenly he felt like he was back in the lake as a child. He couldn’t see much other than blobs of people staring at him. 
“Bob!” Y/N ran towards the edge of the pool. Hermes grabbed her waist to stop her, but she kneed him in the balls, “Burn in hell.” She spat at Hermes, before jumping into the pool. 
Bob’s head started to spin as he felt his body being pulled under. He could feel the tears running down his face as fear had him in a vice grip. Y/N swam to him fast, and wrapped her arms around his chest. 
“Calm down!” She yelled, worried that Bob was going to pull her under as well, “I got you, kick your legs with me.” 
“I can’t!” Bob gasped out. 
“You can,” Y/N grunted and wrapped her arms under his armpits. Jake had made his way down to the side of the pool, and knelt down. “Breathe, Bob, I got you.” Bob took a deep breath as Y/N reached the edge of the pool. Jake grabbed Bob’s arms and pulled him out of the water. The crowd around was shocked as Bob laid on his back, coughing up water. Y/N pushed herself out of the pool, and helped roll Bob on his side, so he didn’t choke. Bob let out a sob, as he pushed himself up to his hands and knees. 
“We got you, Bob,” Jake said, rubbing his back. Y/N wasn’t sure what to say, brushed the wet locks of blonde hair out of his eyes. 
“The bitch can’t swim!” Hermes chuckled. 
“You could’ve killed him!” Y/N yelled at Hermes. 
“Just pointing out the weak ones,” Hermes shrugged. 
Y/N clenched her jaw and went to stand up, but Bob grabbed her wrist. She looked down at him and he shook his head. His chest was still heaving up and down, his blue eyes wet with tears. Y/N nodded and knelt back down next to him. 
“Alright. . . EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!” Jake yelled and the crowd quickly dispersed. Jake was angry and looked down at Bob, who seemed to be doing a bit better, “I’m going to get a towel. You okay?” Bob nodded and Jake looked at Y/N, “Frost?” 
“I will be,” Y/N said and Jake nodded, walking towards the house, “I’m so sor-” 
“I’m sorry,” Bob said, “Your dress is ruined.” 
“Are you really concerned about my dress?” She asked in disbelief, “Bob, you nearly died and you are worried about my dress.” 
“Seems expensive,” Bob waited a moment, sitting down on his butt and running a hand through his hair, “Shit. . . my glasses.” 
“Oh, I think they are at the bottom,” Y/N peered over the edge of the pool, and sure enough, his glasses were sitting at the bottom, “I can get-” He grabbed her wrist again to stop her. 
“Why did you save me?” 
“You needed-” 
“No,” Bob shook his head, “Someone would’ve jumped in eventually when I went passive. But why did you save me?” 
“Because. . . I like you Bob,” Y/N admitted, “A lot. And I should’ve done more to stop Adrian, and I am so sorry for what they did. This is going to be dealt with. They won’t get away with this, I plan on letting my-” Her words were cut off as Bob grabbed her face and kissed her. She froze for a split second, before kissing him back. Bob’s hand caressed her face as her hands went to the back of his neck. Their kiss was split up by the sound of someone clearing their throat behind them. 
“Well, excuse me for interrupting and saving my mentee from pneumonia,” Jake said, and handed Bob a towel, “You going to be okay, Floyd?” 
“I don’t plan on going swimming anytime soon,” Bob said looking up at Jake and then at Y/N, “But yeah,” He grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together, “I’ll be okay.”
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auroralightsthesky · 3 years
Omg okay I love your random prompts though. It’s literally the only thing I look forward to nowadays. Could ya please do Greek mythology with BoB🥺❤️ if you haven’t already. Thanks!
Yaaaaaaaaas honey yaaaaaas!!! I've been wanting to do this ever since I tried my hand at the Percy Jackson AU thing!!
BOB Boys and their Greek Mythology counterparts
Dick Winters- Zeus
Lewis Nixon- Dionysus
Harry Welsh-Prometheus
Ronald Speirs- Hades
Carwood Lipton- Hephaestus
William Guarnere- Ares
George Luz- Hermes
Joe Liebgott- Poseidon
Skip Muck and Alex Penkala- Castor and Pollux
Eugene Roe- Aesclepius/Persephone
David Webster- Athena
Donald Malarkey- Apollo
Ed Tipper- Triton
Edward Babe Heffron- Demeter
Floyd Talbert- Aphrodite
Shifty Powers- Artemis
Frank Perconte- Tyche
Bull Randleman-Hercules
Johnny Martin-Perseus
Sorry this is so short love, I had a really rough night last night so my head's not exactly in the right place right now. I hope either way you enjoy it and if I left anything or anyone out let me know and I can always do a redo.
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taunuswolf · 3 years
Natürlich ist diese Liste nicht vollständig. Sicherlich könnte ich sie um viele Persönlichkeiten erweitern. Besonders bei Künstlern, Schriftstellern, Musikern und Schauspielern kämen sicherlich noch viel mehr bewundernswerte Menschen zusammen, die mein Leben mitbegleitet haben. Bei den eher unbekannten Namen habe ich die Funktion in Klammern daneben geschrieben. Einige Namen sind Legendengestalten oder biblische Figuren, zum Beispiel Heilige (HL). Menschen, die ich zum Beispiel während meiner Zeit als Redakteur oder anderwärtig persönlich kennen gelernt habe, sind zum Beispiel auf der Tumblr-Seite fett gekennzeichnet. Unter der Rubrik (Vormärz) versteht man die frühen Akteure der Demokratiebewegung, die leider nicht zum Zug kamen und stattdessen einem autokratischen System weichen mussten, die als Pseudodemokratie bis heute anhält. Im Klartext: Deutschland verträgt keine echte Opposition.  
A: Jeanne d´Arc, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Bettine von Arnim, AC/DC, Johann Valentin Andreae (Rosenkreuzer), Alexandra (Sängerin), König Arthus, Adele, Hirsi Ali, Charles Aznavour,    
B: Hugo Ball (Schriftsteller), Marianne Bachmeier (Mutter Courage), Sebastian Bach, Gottfried von Bouillon (Kreuzritter), Friedrich Barbarossa, Clemens von Brentano (Dichter), G.L. von Blücher, F.W. von Bülow (Preußische Generäle der Befreiungskriege), Hildegard von Bingen, Beatles, Carl Ludwig Börne (1848ziger), Robert Blum (1848-Rebell), Ludwig van Beethoven, Arnold Böcklin, Max Brodt, David Bowie, Thomas Bernhard, Wilhelm Busch, James Baldwin, M. A. Bakunin (Anarchist), Boetius (Philosoph), Buena vista social Club, Josef Beuys, Samuel Beckett, Sebastian Brandt (Humanist)        
C: Cicero, Paul Celan, Carl von Clausewitz (Oberst Befreiungskriege), Leonard Cohen, M. Caravaggio, John Cassavetes (Regis.), Karl August von Cohausen (Archäologe), Charlotte Corday (Rebellin 1790), Robert Crumb, Eric Clapton, Lowis Corinth, Joe Cocker, N.S. Chruschtschow, Sean Connery.        
D: Denis Diderot (Aufklärer), Albrecht Dürer, Bob Dylan, Carl Theodor von Dalberg (Aufklärer), Dante, Dido (Sängerin), Alexander Dubcek, Doors,    
E: Max Ernst, Hl. Elisabeth, Enya, Eisbrecher (Band), Michael Ende, Umberto Ecco, Joseph von Eichendorff,    
F: Gottfried Fichte, Ernst Fuchs, Friedrich der Große, Georg Forster, Caspar David Friedrich, Fleetwood Mac,  
G: Theo van Gogh, Franzisko de Goya, Gottfried Grabbe, Che Guevara, Siddharta Gautama, Karoline von Günderode (Dichterin), Georges I. Gurdjief (Mystiker), Matthias Grünewald, Artemisia Gentileschi (Malerin), Gandalf, Brüder Grim, Grimmelshausen, Ralf Giordano (Journalist), Green Day (Band), Florian Geyer (Rebellenanführer), A.N. von Gneisenau (General Befreiungskriege), M.S. Gorbatschow.      
H: Hagen, Hermann Hesse, Peter Handke, Hölderlin, Heinrich Heine, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Gottfried Herder, Friedrich Hecker (1848-Rebell), Händel, Villard de Honnecourt (Gotik-Baumeister), Michel Houellebecq, Homer, Herodot, Klaus Heuser (BAB), Gorge Harrison, Andreas Hofer, Johnny Hallyday (Franz. Sänger), Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Werner Herzog, Elmar Hörig (Kultmoderator), Ulrich von Hutten (Humanist), Victor Hugo, Harro Harring (Vormärz),      
I: Jörg Immendorff, Henryk Ibsen, Isaias (Prophet),  
J. Jesus, Johannes der Täufer, Johannes der Evangelist, Jeremia (Prophet), C.G. Jung (Psychologe), Jennies Joplin, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (Turnvater)
K: Karl Kraus, Theodor Körner, Franz Kafka, Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt, Charlotte von Kalb (Muse), Lee Krasner (Künstlerin), Rainhard Karl (Bergsteiger), Peter Keuer (Grünen-Gründer), Alfred Kubin,  
L: Lukas, John Lennon, David Lynch, Flake Lorenz, Andreas von Lichnowski (1848ziger), Cyprian Lelek (1848ziger), Georg C. Lichtenberg, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Lanzelot, M.V. Llosa (Schriftsteller), Annie Lenox, Königin Luise, Ludwig A.W. von Lützow (Befreiungskriege), M. Lafayette (Fr. Staatsmann und Aufklärer) Franz Liszt, Led Zeppelin, Hanns Lothar (Schauspieler)
M: HL. Maria, HL. Maria Magdalena, Marcus, Matthäus, Matthäus Merian, Maria Sybilla Merian, Amadeus Mozart, Bob Marley, Edward Munch, Claude Monet, Albertus Magnus (Scholastiker), Merlin, Alma Mahler-Werfel (Muse), Meister Eckard (Mystiker), Moody Blues.    
N: HL. Nikolaus, Novalis, V. Nabokov (Schriftsteller), Ningen Isu (Band), Nirvana, Agrippa von Nettesheim (Alchimist), Hannah Nagel (Künstlerin),    
O: Josef Maria Olbrich (Jugendstilbaumeister), Rudolf Otto (Religionswissenschaftler), Oomph (Band), Oasis, Mike Oldfield,  
P: Platon, Plotin, Pythagoras (Philosophen), Jean Paul, Plinius, Parzival, Tom Petty, Daniel Powter, Procol Harum, Pink Floyd,  
Q: Queen,
R:  Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Josef Roth, Ramstein, Philipp Otto Runge, Ludwig Richter, Rio Reiser, Ritter Roland, Rainer Maria Rilke, Erasmus von Rotterdam, Eric Rohmer, Ulrich Roski (Sänger), Rolling Stones, R.E.M. Lou Reed, Chris Rea, Petra Roth (Ex-OB Frankfurt/M)
S: Johann III Sobieski (polnischer König), Sunzi (chinesischer Philosoph), August Schöltis (Schriftsteller), Lou von Salome (Muse), B. Smetanar, Carlos Santana, Sappho (Dichterin), Schopenhauer, Helmut Schäfer (Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt) Sokrates, Egon Schiele, Madame de Stael, August Strindberg, Richard Strauss, Philipp Jacob Siebenpfeiffer (Vormärz), Helmut Schmidt, Subway to Sally (Band), Karl Ludwig Sand (Vormärz)    
T: B. Traven (Schriftsteller), A. P. Tschechov, Ivan Turgenjev, Ludwig Tieck (Romantiker), HL. Judas Thaddäus, Hermes Trismegistos (Philosoph), P.I. Tschaikowski, William Turner, Lars von Trier (Regisseur)  
U: Peter Ustinov, Ludwig Uhland, Siegfried Unseld (Verleger),
V: Luchino Visconti, Leonardo da Vinci, Velvet Underground, Vitruv, Vercingetorix, Francois Villon (Dichter), Walter von der Vogelweide, Robert Vogelmann (Menschenrechtsaktivist)    
W: Wim Wenders, Richard Wagner, Otto Wagner (Jugendstilbaumeister) Wagakki-Band, Sara Wagenknecht, Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosoph), Georg August Wirth (Vormärz),
X: Xhol (Band)    
Y: Neil Young, Yvonne (Aktivistin der Gegenöffentlichkeit)
Z: Heinrich Zille, Carl Zuckmayer, Frank Zappa,  
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OLYMPUS: a collection of playlists inspired by greek gods and goddesses
will my love grow? an aphrodite-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
woman - harry styles // beautiful - bazzi, camila cabello // love is strange - mickey & sylvia // roses - the chainsmokers, rozes // god is a woman - ariana grande // something - the beatles // can’t help falling in love - ingrid michaelson // beast of burden - the rolling stones // wild thoughts - dj khaled, rihanna, bryson tiller // love me like you do - ellie goulding // delicate - taylor swift // you and i - lady gaga
here comes the sun an apollo-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
here comes the sun - the beatles // listen to the music - the doobie brothers // arrow - rag’n’bone man // sunshine of your love - cream // three little birds - bob marley & the wailers // house of the rising sun - the animals // fix you - coldplay // good old fashioned lover boy - queen // sunflower - swae lee, post malone // bad medicine - bon jovi // mr. blue sky - electric light orchestra // don’t let the sun go down on me - elton john
hammer of the gods an ares-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
war pigs/luke’s wall - black sabbath // seven nation army - the white stripes // dirty deeds done dirt cheap - ac/dc // for whom the bell tolls - metallica // burn the fleet - thrice // immigrant song - led zeppelin // walk - pantera // killing in the name - rage against the machine // knights of cydonia - muse // conquistador - thirty seconds to mars // bleed it out - linkin park // battle born - the killers
moondance an artemis-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
edge of seventeen - stevie nicks // wolves - selena gomez, marshmello // follow your arrow - kacey musgraves // moon river - audrey hepburn // hunting girl - jethro tull // like a rolling stone - bob dylan // moonage daydream - david bowie // these boots are made for walkin’ - nancy sinatra // bad moon rising - creedence clearwater revival // moondance - van morrison // heartbreaker - pat benatar // eclipse - pink floyd
whisper words of wisdom an athena-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
let it be - the beatles // minerva - deftones // one - metallica // wish you were here - pink floyd // stairway to heaven - led zeppelin // live and let die - guns n’ roses // mind over matter - young the giant // wildfire - mandolin orange // imagine - john lennon // ‘39 - queen // dream on - aerosmith // the warrior - scandal, patty smyth
wheat kings a demeter-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
scarlet begonias - grateful dead // wheat kings - the tragically hip // grain belt - wartime blues // sister golden hair - america // winter winds - mumford & sons // strawberry fields forever - the beatles // big yellow taxi - joni mitchell // fields of gold - celtic woman // harvest moon - neil young // black horse and the cherry tree - kt tunstall // sundown - gordon lightfoot // rain is a good thing - luke bryan
heard it through the grapevine a dionysus-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
i heard it through the grapevine - creedence clearwater revival // red red wine - ub40 // escape (the piña colada song) - rupert holmes // margaritaville - jimmy buffett // drunkard’s prayer - chris stapleton // drink in my hand - eric church // cherry wine - hozier // whiskey in the jar - thin lizzy, derek varnals // i love this bar - toby keith // tequila sunrise - eagles // one bourbon, one scotch, one beer - george thorogood & the destroyers // have a drink on me - ac/dc
don’t fear the reaper a hades-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
sympathy for the devil - the rolling stones // o death - shakey graves, monica martin // (don’t fear) the reaper - blue öyster cult // highway to hell - ac/dc // runnin’ with the devil - van halen // crazy train - ozzy osbourne // closer - kings of leon // the funeral - band of horse // in my time of dying - led zeppelin // it will come back - hozier // the sound of silence - disturbed // paint it, black - the rolling stones
ring of fire a hephaestus-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
firebreather - macklemore, reignwolf // eruption - van halen // iron man - black sabbath // hammer to fall - queen // i'm on fire - bruce springsteen // whipping post - the allman brothers band // t.n.t - ac/dc // stranglehold - ted nugent // good times bad times - led zeppelin // mr. brightside - the killers // the thrill is gone - b.b. king // ring of fire - johnny cash
i'm in love with being queen a hera-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
run the world (girls) - beyoncé // killer queen - queen // woman - kesha // queen of california - john mayer // marry me - train // never grow up - taylor swift // the mother we share - chvrches // sorry not sorry - demi lovato // the chain - fleetwood mac // before he cheats - carrie underwood // royals - lorde // man! i feel like a woman! - shania twain
message man a hermes-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
message man - twenty one pilots // crossroads - john mayer // ramblin’ man - the allman brothers band // send me on my way - rusted root // up around the bend - creedence clearwater revival // money - pink floyd // life in the fast lane - eagles // thief in the night - kiss // renegade - styx // magic carpet ride - steppenwolf // take the money and run - steve miller band // on the road again - willie nelson
bring it on home a hestia-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
home - phillip phillips // family table - zac brown band // family tree - kings of leon // homesick - catfish and the bottlemen // firelight - young the giant // bring it on home to me - sam cooke // heart of gold - neil young // fire and rain - james taylor // take me home, country roads - john denver // warm glow - hippo campus // light my fire - the doors // our house - crosby, stills, nash & young
ocean’s roar a poseidon-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
the ocean - led zeppelin // octopus’s garden - the beatles // wild horses - the rolling stones // riders on the storm - the doors // ocean man - ween // hurricane - bob dylan // sail - awolnation // son of a son of a sailor - jimmy buffett // fishin’ in the dark - nitty gritty dirt band // beyond the sea - bobby darin // waves (tame impala remix) - miguel // boots of spanish leather - the lumineers
stormbringer a zeus-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
thunder - imagine dragons // king of the clouds - panic! at the disco // lightning bolt - pearl jam // power - kanye west // sky walker - miguel, travis scott // god’s gonna cut you down - johnny cash // stormbringer - deep purple // king and lionheart - of monsters and men // smokestack lightning - lynyrd skynyrd // viva la vida - coldplay // spirit in the sky - norman greenbaum // thunderstruck - ac/dc
pomegranate seeds a persephone-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
you can bring me flowers - ray lamontagne // pomegranate seeds - julian moon // holding out for a hero - nothing but thieves // spring wind - jack johnson // flowers in your hair - the lumineers // hunger - florence + the machine // sweet dreams (are made of this) - emily browning // roslyn - bon iver, st. vincent // give me love - ed sheeran // this is gospel (piano version) - panic! at the disco // flightless bird, american mouth - iron and wine // la vie en rose - lady gaga
witchy woman a hecate-inspired playlist (spotify | youtube)
witchy woman - eagles // rhiannon - fleetwood mac // fortune teller - robert plant & alison krauss // season of the witch - donovan // strange brew - cream // black magic woman - santana // i put a spell on you - creedence clearwater revival // voodoo child (slight return) - jimi hendrix // superstition - stevie wonder // spellbound - siouxsie and the banshees // abracadabra - steve miller band // dark lady - cher
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french-psyche · 6 years
Playlist des Dieux grecs (à ne pas prendre au sérieux)
 -Berzerk – Eminem
 -Takin' back my love – Enrique Iglesias
 -Cry me a river – Justin Timberlake
 -Tonight – Enrique Iglesias
 -Summer nights – Grease
 -On top of the world – Imagine Dragons
 -Billie jean – Michael Jackson
 -Rain – Mika
 -L'aigle noir – Patricia Kass
 -I want it all – Queen
 -Face à la mer – Calogéro
 -Indestructible – Disturbed
 -Cake by the Ocean – Dnce
 -Inside of you – Hoobastank
 -Santiano – Hugues Augray
 -Seek and destroy – Metallica
 -Can't be tamed – Miley Cyrus
 -Dès que le vent soufflera – Renaud
 -Highway to Hell – ACDC
 -Les mots bleus – Christophe
 -Knockin on heaven doors – Guns n' Roses
 -Take me to church – Hozier
 -Fear of the dark – Iron Maiden
 -Je te promets – Johnny Halliday
 -Stairway to Heaven – Led Zepplin
 -While your lips are still red – Nightwish
 -Falling inside the black – Skillet
 -Le Diable ne s'habille plus en Prada – Soprano
 -I don't care – Three Days Grace
-Pour un infidèle – Cœur de Pirate
 -Love the way you lie – Eminem et Rihanna
 -Aint your mama – Jennifer Lopez
 -She will be loved – Maroon 5
 -I'm a woman – Peggy Lee
 -Woman – Scorpions
 -L'hymne de nos campagnes – Tryo
 -Earth song – Michael Jackson
 -Hiro - Soprano
 -Savoir aimer – Florent Pagny
 -Toi + moi – Grégoire
 -Imagine – John Lenon
 -Love life – John Mamann
 -Wonderful life – Katie Melua
 -Heal the world – Michael Jackson
 -Fighter – Christina Aguilera
 -Fuck you – Lily Allen
 -Liberian girl – Michael Jackson
 -I'm a woman – Peggy Lee
 -Je t'aime – Lara Fabian
 -Nights in white satin – Moody Blues
 -Crazy – Aerosmith
 -Poison – Alice Cooper
 -I put a spell on you – Jay Hawkins
 -Addicted to you – Avicii
 -Criminal – Britney Spears
 -My heart will go on – Céline Dion
 -On va s'aimer – Gilbert Montagner
 -Stupid girl – Pink
 -Fuckin' perfect – Pink
 -Don't be so shy – Imany
 -Love is blindness – U2
 -Victime idéale – Jena Lee
 -Te amo – Rihanna
 -Aimer – Roméo et Juliette
 -I hate everything about you – Three Days Grace
 -I will always love you – Whitney Houston
 -Survivor – Destiny's Child
 -Où sont les femmes – Amandine Bourgeois
 -If I were a boy - Beyonce
 -Femme libérée – Cookie Dingler
 -Hijo de la luna – Mecano
 -Moondance – Nightwish
 -I'm a woman – Peggy Lee
 -Only girl – Rihanna
 -Man ! I feel like a woman – Shania Twain
 -Lose yourself to dance – Daft Punk
 -I need a doctor – Eminem
 -Rap god – Eminem
 -Chanter – Florent Pagny
 -Doctor doctor – Iron Maiden
 -I feel good – James Brown
 -I love Rock n' Roll – Joan Jett
 -Hard rock hallelujah – Lordi
 -Sleeping sun – Nightwish
 -Don't stop the music – Rihanna
 -Cheap thrills – Sia
 -Let the sunshine in – The Hair
 -Hit the road Jack – Acid Drinkers
 -Bad boys – Bob Marley
 -Gangsta paradise – Coolio
 -The house of the rising sun – The animals
 -Là où je t'emmènerai – Florent Pagny
 -Sapé comme jamais – Maître Gims
 -Black or white – Michael Jackson
 -Roxanne – Police
 -We no speak americano - Yolanda
 -Hangover - Alestorm
 -Rock this party – Bob Sinclair
 -Crazy – Gnarls Barkley
 -Les démons de minuit – Emile et Images
 -Bailando – Enrique Iglesias
 -Lendemain de soirée – Keen'V
 -Ça plane pour moi – Plastic Bertrand
 -Don't stop me now – Queen
 -Livin' la vida loca – Ricky Martin
 -Iron Man – Black Sabbath
 -Liar liar – Chris Cab
 -I see fire – Ed Sheeran
 -Mama – Genesis
 -Allumer le feu – Johnny Halliday
 -Who is it – Michael Jackson
 -Welcome to the machine – Pink Floyd
 -This is war – 30 Seconds to Mars
 -Bad company – Bad Company
 -Little dolls – Indochine
 -Salambo - Indochine
 -Marie – Johnny Halliday
 -Gangsta – Kehlani
 -Blood red sandman – Lordi
 -Bad – Michael Jackson
 -Hard – Rihanna
 -Zombie – The Cramberries
 -Seven nation army – The White Stripes
 -War of change – Thousand Foot Krutch
 -Black is the color of my true love's heart
 -Daughters of darkness – Halestorm
 -Mon ange – Jena Lee
 -Love crime - Siouxsie
 -Black black heart – David Usher
 -My immortal – Evanescence
 -Ta main – Grégoire
 -Demons – Imagine Dragons
 -Goodbye my lover – James Blunt
 -Oh Death – Jen Titus
 -Dead boys don't cry – Powerwolf
 -Die die crucified – Powerwolf
 -Russian roulette – Rihanna
 -The good die young – Scorpions
 -Stan – Eminem
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rollingstonemag · 5 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/interview-albert-koski-expose-ses-artefacts-de-concerts/
INTERVIEW - Albert Koski expose ses artefacts de concerts
Patron de KCP entre 1972 et 87, Albert Koski a produit sur scène les plus grands. Entretien avec le bonhomme, à l’occasion d’une exposition incontournable
Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, AC/DC, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Eric Clapton, Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie, Alice Cooper… À quelques jours de son expo parisienne située à L’Espace Sylvia Rielle, 10 Place des Vosges dans le 4e arrondissement – du 4 Juillet au 31 Août 2019 – où il y présente 15 ans de  souvenirs iconiques – affiches de concert, pass  backstage , tickets de concerts -, Albert Koski recevait Rolling Stone. Avec enthousiasme et passion, il revient  pour nous sur quelques souvenirs en live d’une époque où tout était encore possible. 
Quels sont les premiers groupes que KCP a produit ?
Albert Koski : Je commence par faire Pink Floyd à Poitiers en 1972 à la Halle aux Veaux. C’était Pathé Marconi qui voulait faire le concert là-bas. Pourquoi Poitiers ? Je ne comprenais pas trop mais bon, pourquoi pas. J’arrive sur place quelques jours avant l’arrivée de l’équipe technique du Floyd. Il y avait trois disquaires dans la ville qui vendait les billets pour le concert. Leur maison de disques m’avait donné un budget ridicule. Heureusement que j’avais consolidé un partenariat solide avec RTL qui m’a toujours soutenu pendant toutes ces années KCP. J’ai rapidement fait les comptes : j’avais 800 billets de pré-vendus et je devais faire 18 000 entrées pour rentrer dans mes frais. J’avais loué notamment quatre camions de matériel de sonorisation pour la production et tous les frais annexes qui vont avec…
Quelques jours plus tard, le bouche à oreille avait manifestement bien fonctionné car ce soir-là, on a fait 20 546 entrées, payées en cash. À la fin de la soirée, je quitte Poitiers pour Paris avec la recette du jour, en compagnie de Danielle Thompson qui m’avait accompagné ce soir-là. On arrive à l’Aéroport d’Orly très tard, avec les mains chargées de sacs de cash. Je prends un trolley et je dispose les sacs de billets dessus. À bout de fatigue, on s’engouffre Danielle et moi dans un taxi en oubliant la quasi-totalité de la  recette du concert du Floyd sur le trolley. Au bout de quelques secondes, je demande au chauffeur de faire demi-tour et de retourner fissa dans le hall de l’Aéroport. Je me précipite à grandes enjambées vers le Hall d’arrivée et par miracle, je  retrouve les sacs sur le trolley qui n’avaient pas bougé de place. C’était mon jour de chance, on peut le dire !
« Backstage, c’était le combat permanent entre eux, ils n’arrêtaient pas de s’engueuler »
KCP a été le premier à  produire sur scène AC/DC en France. Quels souvenirs en gardez-vous ?
A.K : Des sacrés gaillards ceux-là ! J’ai fait une flopée de dates avec eux. Backstage, c’était le combat permanent entre eux, ils n’arrêtaient pas de s’engueuler. Apres un de leur concert à Paris, je leur avais offert 5 sublimes sweat-shirts que Hermes m’avait confectionné  sur mesure avec AC/DC marqués en cuir derrière. Ce petit cadeau très parisien m’avait couté une petite fortune. On se retrouve backstage, je leur offre les sweat-shirts Hermes. On me remercie, regarde vite-fait la texture et passe à autre chose. Je leur aurais ramené des bières australiennes. La plupart du temps, je discutais avec leur bassiste Cliff Williams. Lui, c’était un anglais très costaud et il savait gérer les deux frangins Young. Quand ça montait dans les tours, il  jouait le rôle d’arbitre et aussi de distributeurs de baffes.
Un jour, je  me souviens que j’avais fait une remarque à Angus Young  sur leur show scénique: « Quand vous faites sonner la cloche, c’est extraordinaire ce qui se passe dans la foule, c’est très romantique, tous ces gosses qui commencent à bouger et qui, petit à petit, partent dans une transe… ». Les deux frangins Young qui étaient de vrais piranhas entre eux m’écoutent d’une oreille et sont soudain pliés de rire. Angus complètement hilare s’adresse alors à Malcom : « Mais de quoi il nous parle le frenchie, on ne fait pas de la poésie nous, on joue du putain de bon rock n’roll point barre !! ». J’ai vite compris qu’avec eux, la conversation se limitait souvent à l’essentiel.
Et avec les Rolling Stones, ça se passait comment?
A.K : J’avais déjà rencontré Mick Jagger à Londres dans les 60’s, quand j’étais l’agent de David Bailey. On est devenu très pote. Les Rolling Stones n’avaient rien à voir avec tous les autres groupes de l’époque, ils étaient uniques dans leur fonctionnement. Chez eux, le patron, c’est Mick. Quand il y a une décision à prendre, c’est Jagger qui gère et qui a le dernier mot. Je garde un très bon souvenir de leur passage sur scène. En live, un set des Stones n’est jamais décevant. C’est toujours carré avec beaucoup d’énergie. Ce qui fut le cas en Juillet 82 quand ils sont passés sur scène à l’Hippodrome d’Auteuil.
Côté backline, vous avez eu parfois des concerts compliqués à gérer ?
A.K : David Bowie à Marseille en 78. On est quelques heures avant le début du concert et suite à une panne d’électricité, les roadies anglais fatigués d’attendre des dépanneurs compétents, décident de remballer le matos. Par contre, le public marseillais qui était venu au concert de Bowie n’avait pas vraiment l’intention de bouger. On était dans la panade jusqu’au cou. Je tente de calmer le staff technique de Bowie quand  soudain, débarque dans les backstages un petit bonhomme marseillais, ravis d’être au cœur de la machine. Je le questionne aussitôt : tu peux m’aider ?  Tu t’y connais en électricité ? Il me répond avec un pur accent marseillais, je bricole, je vais voir ça. Et en 15 minutes, ce bricoleur de génie m’a remis le jus dans la salle. Les roadies anglais étaient estomaqués. Ce fut d’ailleurs, l’un des meilleurs concerts que j’ai vu de David Bowie.
Quel regard portez-vous sur le métier en 2019 ?
A.K : On a changé d’époque et il n’a plus de  véritables producteurs aujourd’hui en France. Depuis plusieurs années, c’est Live Nation qui gère la plupart du business des concerts en Europe depuis les Etats-Unis.
Affiches, tickets, pass backstage revisités façon Rock Art. Editées en séries limitées sur papier Fine art, toiles résines, plexis à la vente sur www.kcprockart.com et à la Galerie Sylvia Rielle, 10 Place des Vosges 75004 Paris pendant toute la durée de l’exposition.
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Propos recueillis par Philippe Langlest
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mothdruid · 1 year
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the greek deities
"it is not what they profess but what they practice that makes them good"
aphrodite - jake 'hangman' seresin
apollo - reuben 'payback' fitch
ares - bradley 'rooster' bradshaw
athena - natasha 'phoenix' trace
dionysus - mickey 'fanboy' garcia
eros - javy 'coyote' machado
hermes - robert 'bob' floyd
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