#herman cramer
ufonaut · 7 months
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As we go forth to battle the forces of evil, let us never forget what we are fighting for -- the one thing that means the most to all of us... our lives!
The Inferior Five's first appearance in Showcase (1956) #62
(E. Nelson Bridwell, Joe Orlando)
8 notes · View notes
bobbenkatzen · 2 years
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The Inferior Five Alone they're a danger to themselves, but together they're a danger to everyone! The children of the Freedom Brigade, our heroes banded together as a way to get out of their parent's basements. They came together under the name- Infamous Inferior Five!
White Feather
William King is the son of the mysterious vigilante Bowman and has inherited his father's incredible aim- if only he had his father's courage to go with it! Love Bunny
Athena O'Day is the daughter of powerhouse hero Princess Power, an Amazon from the secret, unground city on Easter Island. Athena inherited all of her mother's muscles, except for the most important one!
Awkward Man
Leander Brent/Sand-Bell is the son of the heroes Mister Might, Mark Brent/Bar-Bell and Mermaid, Lori Lemaris. A natural born swimmer thanks to his Atlantean DNA, on land he is the most clumsiest man alive.
Myron Victor, a third generation superhero, son of the fittingly named Patriot and Lady Liberty, it was almost guaranteed he would inherit one of their powers... Which he didn't. Encouraged to fight the good fight regardless, Myron dresses as a clown because that's exactly how he feels about himself and his team.
The Blimp
Herman Cramer, son of the fast-flying hero Captain Swift has his father's power over the wind- with none of his control. His wild wind is contained only by his inflatable suit, allowing him the amazing ability to float at a slow speed!
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tar-one · 5 months
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Et BIM !!! Comme ça, sans prévenir, alors que mon grand projet sort dans moins d’un mois, je vous offre en cadeau Bonus/échauffement un micro-EP de 5 petites bombes avec Dambeat de Crystal Camino (ce même Dambeat qui est sur le point de sortir son ogive plus taffée-sophistiquée/moins spontanée avec Sixo Master Flow). Je vous avais prévenu qu’en 2024 je ne blague pas. MVP shit, Mamba Mentality. C’est brut, c’est court (11min), c’est crasseux, c’est simplement des BARS de luxe kickées sans fioritures sur des BEATS de luxe pour tout cramer. Combustion Spontanée volume 2. Ecoute ça très fort et fais tourner un max. Plus le temps de niaiser yow. La suite, l'album+livre "Bien Tenté", le projet d'une vie arrive le 20.04.2024
Lyrics :
01. Bonnes Lignes
Plus de bonnes lignes que n'en a fournies le cartel de Medellín
T'en sniffes en off et dis "mais c'est in"
Tu te crames comme Madoff c'est terrible
Pas Anticonformiste comme les bons Kervern Delepine
Tout con, moutons, arrêtez c'est stérile
Nique votre cinéma préfère mater mes Séries
Je vous élimine et limite je démérite
Tar n’a rien mais fous l’feu comme Targarien Daenerys
Connaisseur comme Ruth dans Ozark
Au passage plus real et badass que vous dans vos raps
À quand l’hommage, il serait temps dommage
En gros Tar en vrai de vrai devrait être votre grand monarque
Christ Cosmique, présidentiable, Sylvain Durif
Comme Steve Austin vaut milliards, sur vilains j’urine
Si j’viens j’tue l’Beat comme les meilleurs ricains qu’tu kiffes
J’en ai plein mais divin si je spit rien qu’une ligne
Mythique comme la 13 pour les gros tags
Donnent de la valeur à ton track + que celles des codes-barres
Obsédantes comme unique passion
Cruciales comme en temps de guerre celles de communication
Mes lignes sont comme celles de l’horizon : inatteignables
Chuis comme le temps : inarrêtable
Le meilleur comme ils diront si jamais j’cane
Comme un cig’ après l’amour, j’tue mais suis appréciable
02. Averse de Rimes
Averse de rime sur ta tête de bite
La même que Sim donc arrête de suite
Me disrespect pas avec tes skills exécrables
J’te kill c’est le spectacle et le gorille Nems aime ça
T’es pas drôle et assez naze comme Marc Herman
Tout le monde a remarqué man, moi je marque et gagne
J’écris comme la team à Vince Gilligan, inimitable
It’s all good man, j’ai le bagout de Jimmy qui tchatche
Beau gosse assez magique, on confond avec Brad Pitt
Tu t’prends la tête comme Materazzi
Saoule pas comme un ptit connard qui t’fixe
Bouffon mégalo comme Nicolas Sirkis
J’te fais pas de dessin, pour toi pas de festin
Moi chuis couché en toge ta mère me passe des grappes de raisins
Acclamez-moi ! Tar One est roi
Comme Jon Snow sauf que le scénariste a craqué j’crois !
03. Fâché
Ils feraient tout pour des LOL et des Likes
Leur sang pourrait décorer mes Nikes
Jusqu’où laissera-t-on aller la bidonnerie
J’supporte plus comme vieux pilotis, faut les clouer au pilori
Intransigeance esthétique radicale comme PM, down
Pour jeter les wacks des scènes comme les pauvres PM Dawn
Hardcore sûrement comme Al Gore rêve de casser des bouches
J’vais t’briser rien peut t’sauver, même pas passer Kate Bush
Jusque dans mon Dope ADN on trouve une merde humaine
Un pervers narcissique pour lequel j’ai une haine suprême
Ta vie tu rateras, t’es et t’auras un gros cafard, sale naze
Ta gueule, crève seul, j’te consacre pas plus de 4 bars bâtard
Faut croire qu’ce Beat m’a rendu bougon
Serai-je plus détendu ou non si je pends du bouffon ?
Si leurs larmes coulent comme à l’Aïd le sang du mouton
Je serai pas cool j’vais haïr tant que les vendus boufferont
Tu trouves ma violence affriolante
J’suis mortel comme dans le Parrain quand arrive l’orange
Ils peuvent pas m’pomper car trop complexe, style pas très répliquable
Fais de l’Art avec la guerre comme Pablo avec Guernica
Damn, parfois il vole trop haut mon rap de trop haut vol
Trop puissant comme un monopole
Tout ça pour dire FUCK les faux et leurs textes si nuls
Ils nous les cassent donc je leur souhaite cancer des testicules
04. Fragments
C’est pas parce que tu name-drop des trucs chers que t’es raffiné
Comme un poster t’es bon qu’à t’afficher
Fatigué par ces rappeurs nouveaux riches, leur lourde beaufferie
Leurs discours horribles me bourrent d’office
J’suis fan, génie, suprême hustler, le dire j’hésite
Mais ta gueule et m’explique pas la vie Jay Z !
Les milliardaires sont pas des sages, des mages, des saints, des modèles
Veulent pas notre bien juste plus de profits, génèrent bien des bordels
Et nique les prophéties autoréalisatrices
T’as juste du bol et l’univers se branle de tes petits caprices
Des potes gobent des posts, des vlogs sans raisonner
L’arnaque du siècle ? Le développement personnel !
C’est dans ce canevas que nos petits grandissent
Avec en toile de fond une grande crise
J’t’ai déjà dit : j’dépeins mon monde alors qu’il manque de couleurs
Des plaintes parce que je n’avale pas de couleuvres
Mais tellement facile de faire le défaitiste
Ca déresponsabilise, en mode « J’y peux rien mais c’est triste »
Pas d’chimères niaises mièvres mais faut pas qu’j’abandonne !
J’aime mon apathie comme De Wever aime la Brabançonne
Et le travail ne finit pas toujours par payer
Et non, toute mauvaise action ne finit pas toujours par se payer
Non plus Ces trucs ne sont qu’illusions au risque de te peiner
Pas de simple solution, plutôt le chaos dans ce merdier
On se ment, oublie les fondements
On s’demande, à quand l’effondrement ?
Alors qu’on est déjà en plein saut de l’ange
Qu’on se dit plus « faut qu’je mange » que « faut qu’je change »
Allez, encore un petit dernier pour la déroute
Sourds, pas d’écoute, tout ça dégoute
Comme au Qatar quand les droits humains passent tous après l’foot
Vivement qu’on aille cramer les banques comme une foule à Beyrouth
05. Vibes
Tar est bien cartésien
Les grandes phrases ça m’irrite, ça m’fait rire ou ça m’fait rien
Pas religieux et peu spirituel
Peu de petites croyances et de petits rituels
J’respecte si t’en as et que ça te fait du bien
Mais fuck solutions miracles d’escrocs, ça ��a fait du rien
J’exècre discours creux à base de bonnes énergies
Les pseudosciences abondent, les théories connes m’énervent vite
Mais j’avoue à la Vibe je suis sensible
Si puissant, j’tilte… Le pourquoi du comment : oui j’m’en fiche
Elle informe, exalte, impacte, enivre
Détermine ce que tu entends dans l’disque
Parfois tu mets un pied dans une pièce, sais qu’elle est mauvaise
Malgré des sourires tu peux repérer des faux frères
Parfois ça le fait pas quand tout est là pour un anniversaire
Parfois tu la surkiffes par surprise, sans rien ça chill pépère
Pour ma musique dans tout le processus la Vibe est reine
Si elle est forte et tue, elle s’ra pérenne
C’est la base élémentaire du son, son ADN
L’ingrédient mystère qui t’emmène dans mon monde, happé t’aimes
D’abord la zik des autres, des heures dans les oreilles
A longueur d’années ou que je sois damné, sur mes trésors j’veille
Vibes chéries, choyées, sacralisées
Avec soin je choisis album, playlist, Tar avisé !
A chaque situation son son
A chaque mood, gourmet ou fast food, que ça soit bon, me comble, que j’fonde !
Tu vois sur visage que j’frémis, grimace de plaisir
Ptit sax ou bendir, guitare ou breakbeat
Le kiff est d’mise pour un Curtis Mayfield
Et faut qu’j’me penche sur l’dernier de Mick Jenkins
Kurt, Prince, Hendricks ou Ferg, Peet, Amy
Muddy, Tracy ou le petit Kendrick
Bref, les plaisirs sont variés et inépuisables
Me nourrissent, m’enrichissent, me remplissent et puis j’pars
En quête des beats fat efficaces et qui m’parlent
Se marieront avec ma voix comme violence et Sam Peckinpah
Et quand je tombe dessus, j’fais la tête de Jay dans Fade To Black
C’est viscéral, physique, ça va m’émouvoir
Je le sais, j’loupe pas, ce son est pour moi
Dessus je ferai un truc intemporel comme le vrai Boom Bap
C’est encore la vibe qui commande quand je suis face au cahier
Que j’cueille les phases provoquant extase, le bic donne des orgasmes au papier
Maîtrise comme Kobe face au panier
Stakhanoviste d’l’art d’la bonne rime, kiffe comme Kanye kiffe Kanye
C’est encore la vibe qui commande dans le stud’ devant l’micro
Qu’il faut sentir comment poser en prenant le temps qu’il faut
Vibe enfin sur les planches, grandes osmose, grand niveau
Parfois même devant 10 potes je plane, je m’sens si haut
Vibe… Vibe… Vibration
La vibe m’emmène ailleurs, higher
Vibe… Vibe… Vibration
Ouais la vibe m’emmène ailleurs, higher
0 notes
brookston · 1 year
Holidays 7.12
Alkanet Day (French Republic)
Battle of the Boyne Day
Carver Day (Missouri)
Different Colored Eyes Day
Disco Demolition Day (Chicago, Illinois)
Divad Etep’t (Elder Scrolls)
Etch-A-Sketch Day
Fjord Day
International Cabin Crew Day
International Malala Day
Internet-Wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality
Lawyer’s Day (Mexico)
Malala Day
National Collector Car Appreciation Day
National Hair Creator’s Day
National Tyler Day
New Conversations Day
Night of Nights
Orangeman’s Day (a.k.a. “The Twelfth;” Northern Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador)
Rainmaker Day (Salem, Oregon)
Ratha Yathra (a.k.a. King; parts of India)
Relieve Stress By Walking Outside and Calling the Hogs Day
712 Day (Iowa)
Simplicity Day
Tirana Festival (Chile)
Unification Day (England; by Athelstan of England, 927 CE)
USA Woman VP Day
Visitation Day
World Paper Bag Day
World Penis Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Eat Your Jell-O Day
International Cava Day
Michelada Day
National Pecan Pie Day
2nd Wednesday in July
National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving (Montserrat) [2nd Wednesday]
Sweetheart Days Festival begin (Minnesota) [2nd Wednesday; thru Friday]
Independence Days
Granda Aŭtista Duklando de Sophia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kiribati (from UK, 1979)
Pacificonia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Pibocip (Declared; 2000) [unrecognized]
Sao Tome and Principe (from Portugal, 1975)
Feast Days
Amedeo Modigliani (Artology)
Andrew Wyeth (Artology)
St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Positivist; Saint)
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (Eastern Orthodox)
Germ (Muppetism)
Hermagoras and Fortunatus (Christian; Saints)
Jason of Thessalonica (Catholic Church)
John Gualbert (Christian; Saint)
Kronia (Kronos Festival; Ancient Greece)
Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie Guérin (Christian; Saint)
Molly Darton (Muppetism)
Naadam, Day 2 (Mongolia)
Nabor and Felix (Christian; Martyrs)
Nathan Söderblom (Lutheran, Episcopal Church (USA))
Pam Grier Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Paisios of Mount Athos (Greek Orthodox)
Solstitium VIII (Pagan)
Surrealism Day (Pastafarian)
Vardavar (Pagan Prank Festival; Armenia)
Veronica (Christian; Saint)
Viventiolus, Bishop of Lyon (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [39 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 193 [44 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Adventures of Sam Spade (Radio Series; 1946)
Breakfast of Champions, by Kurt Vonnegut (Novel; 1973)
The Bride Came C.O.D. (Film; 1941)
California Girls, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1965)
A Dance of Dragons, by George R.R. Martin (Novel; 2011) [A Song of Fire and Ice #5]
Explorers (Film; 1985)
Family Feud (TV Game Show; 1976)
I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke, by The New Seekers (Radio Jingle; 1971)
Last Date, by Floyd Cramer (Song; 1960)
Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League — Gotham City Breakout (Animated Film; 2016)
Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome (Film; 1985)
Monk (TV Series; 2002)
Northern Exposure (TV Series; 1990)
Oz (TV Series; 1997)
Pacific Rim (Film; 2013)
Point Break (Film; 1991)
Princess Mononoke (Animated Studio Ghibli Film; 1997)
Road to Perdition (Film; 2002)
She (Film; 1935)
Silverado (Film; 1985)
Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross and Peter Dallas-Smith (Children’s Book; 1984)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (Film; 1961)
When Harry Met Sally (Film; 1989)
Today’s Name Days
Nabor, Felix (Austria)
Fortunat, Hilarije, Mislav, Proklo, Tanja, Živko (Croatia)
Bořek (Czech Republic)
Henrik (Denmark)
Armand, Härm, Härmel, Härmo, Herman, Hermann, Hermo (Estonia)
Herkko, Herman, Hermanni (Finland)
Jason, Olivier (France)
Siegbert, Henriette, Felix, Elenore (Germany)
Veronike, Veroniki (Greece)
Dalma, Izabella (Hungary)
Ermacora, Fortunato (Italy)
Heinrichs, Henriks, Indriķis, Ints (Latvia)
Izabelė, Margiris, Vyliaudė (Lithuania)
Eldar, Elias (Norway)
Andrzej, Euzebiusz, Feliks, Henryk, Jan Gwalbert, Paweł, Piotr, Tolimir, Weronika (Poland)
Nina (Slovakia)
Fortunato, Juan (Spain)
Herman, Hermine (Sweden)
Hilary, Ilary, Larry, Veronica (Ukraine)
Bud, Buddy, Jason, Jay, Jayla, Jaylen, Laylin, Laylon, Jayson, Oscar, Osvaldo, Oswald, Oswaldo, Ozzie, Waldo (USA)
Jace, Jacey, Jacy, Jaison, Jase, Jasen, Jason, Jayce, Jaycee, Jaycen, Jayson, Live, Olivier, Olivia, Oliver, Ollie, Olly (Universal)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 193 of 2024; 172 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 28 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 25 (Xin-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 23 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 13 Lux; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 29 June 2023
Moon: 23%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 25 Charlemagne (7th Month) [St. Elizabeth of Hungary]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 22 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 22 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 7.12
Alkanet Day (French Republic)
Battle of the Boyne Day
Carver Day (Missouri)
Different Colored Eyes Day
Disco Demolition Day (Chicago, Illinois)
Divad Etep’t (Elder Scrolls)
Etch-A-Sketch Day
Fjord Day
International Cabin Crew Day
International Malala Day
Internet-Wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality
Lawyer’s Day (Mexico)
Malala Day
National Collector Car Appreciation Day
National Hair Creator’s Day
National Tyler Day
New Conversations Day
Night of Nights
Orangeman’s Day (a.k.a. “The Twelfth;” Northern Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador)
Rainmaker Day (Salem, Oregon)
Ratha Yathra (a.k.a. King; parts of India)
Relieve Stress By Walking Outside and Calling the Hogs Day
712 Day (Iowa)
Simplicity Day
Tirana Festival (Chile)
Unification Day (England; by Athelstan of England, 927 CE)
USA Woman VP Day
Visitation Day
World Paper Bag Day
World Penis Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Eat Your Jell-O Day
International Cava Day
Michelada Day
National Pecan Pie Day
2nd Wednesday in July
National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving (Montserrat) [2nd Wednesday]
Sweetheart Days Festival begin (Minnesota) [2nd Wednesday; thru Friday]
Independence Days
Granda Aŭtista Duklando de Sophia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kiribati (from UK, 1979)
Pacificonia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Pibocip (Declared; 2000) [unrecognized]
Sao Tome and Principe (from Portugal, 1975)
Feast Days
Amedeo Modigliani (Artology)
Andrew Wyeth (Artology)
St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Positivist; Saint)
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (Eastern Orthodox)
Germ (Muppetism)
Hermagoras and Fortunatus (Christian; Saints)
Jason of Thessalonica (Catholic Church)
John Gualbert (Christian; Saint)
Kronia (Kronos Festival; Ancient Greece)
Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie Guérin (Christian; Saint)
Molly Darton (Muppetism)
Naadam, Day 2 (Mongolia)
Nabor and Felix (Christian; Martyrs)
Nathan Söderblom (Lutheran, Episcopal Church (USA))
Pam Grier Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Paisios of Mount Athos (Greek Orthodox)
Solstitium VIII (Pagan)
Surrealism Day (Pastafarian)
Vardavar (Pagan Prank Festival; Armenia)
Veronica (Christian; Saint)
Viventiolus, Bishop of Lyon (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [39 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 193 [44 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Adventures of Sam Spade (Radio Series; 1946)
Breakfast of Champions, by Kurt Vonnegut (Novel; 1973)
The Bride Came C.O.D. (Film; 1941)
California Girls, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1965)
A Dance of Dragons, by George R.R. Martin (Novel; 2011) [A Song of Fire and Ice #5]
Explorers (Film; 1985)
Family Feud (TV Game Show; 1976)
I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke, by The New Seekers (Radio Jingle; 1971)
Last Date, by Floyd Cramer (Song; 1960)
Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League — Gotham City Breakout (Animated Film; 2016)
Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome (Film; 1985)
Monk (TV Series; 2002)
Northern Exposure (TV Series; 1990)
Oz (TV Series; 1997)
Pacific Rim (Film; 2013)
Point Break (Film; 1991)
Princess Mononoke (Animated Studio Ghibli Film; 1997)
Road to Perdition (Film; 2002)
She (Film; 1935)
Silverado (Film; 1985)
Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross and Peter Dallas-Smith (Children’s Book; 1984)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (Film; 1961)
When Harry Met Sally (Film; 1989)
Today’s Name Days
Nabor, Felix (Austria)
Fortunat, Hilarije, Mislav, Proklo, Tanja, Živko (Croatia)
Bořek (Czech Republic)
Henrik (Denmark)
Armand, Härm, Härmel, Härmo, Herman, Hermann, Hermo (Estonia)
Herkko, Herman, Hermanni (Finland)
Jason, Olivier (France)
Siegbert, Henriette, Felix, Elenore (Germany)
Veronike, Veroniki (Greece)
Dalma, Izabella (Hungary)
Ermacora, Fortunato (Italy)
Heinrichs, Henriks, Indriķis, Ints (Latvia)
Izabelė, Margiris, Vyliaudė (Lithuania)
Eldar, Elias (Norway)
Andrzej, Euzebiusz, Feliks, Henryk, Jan Gwalbert, Paweł, Piotr, Tolimir, Weronika (Poland)
Nina (Slovakia)
Fortunato, Juan (Spain)
Herman, Hermine (Sweden)
Hilary, Ilary, Larry, Veronica (Ukraine)
Bud, Buddy, Jason, Jay, Jayla, Jaylen, Laylin, Laylon, Jayson, Oscar, Osvaldo, Oswald, Oswaldo, Ozzie, Waldo (USA)
Jace, Jacey, Jacy, Jaison, Jase, Jasen, Jason, Jayce, Jaycee, Jaycen, Jayson, Live, Olivier, Olivia, Oliver, Ollie, Olly (Universal)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 193 of 2024; 172 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 28 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 25 (Xin-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 23 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 13 Lux; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 29 June 2023
Moon: 23%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 25 Charlemagne (7th Month) [St. Elizabeth of Hungary]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 22 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 22 of 31)
0 notes
Anti-Coal Struggles in Luzerath, Germany (+ Bad News)
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Anti-Coal Struggles in Luzerath, Germany
First up, we share an interview with Fauve, a radical who recently participated in the anti-coal occupation in the village of Lützerath / Luzerath (aka the ZAD of Rhineland) in western Germany against the company RWE. We talk about RWE’s push to break resistance at Luzerath and the currently-calm Hambach Forest, which activists fear will be attacked by RWE and their goons. More info at https://luetzerathlebt.info/en
PDF (Unimposed Zine) - pending
Zine (Imposed PDF) - pending
You can find our past interviews on:
the ZADs
Hambach Forest
BAD News
We’ll also be sharing the September 2022 episode of Bad News from the anarchist and anti-authoritarian A-Radio Network. You’ll hear a short update from the 2022 anti-racist football (aka Soccer for you ignorant yankees out there) tournament by A-Radio Berlin, an update from Free Social Radio 1431 on labor strikes by the Malamatina Winery workers in Thessaloniki and the pre-trial release of three prisoners accused of participation in Anarchist Action Organization, which ramped up arsons this year. Finally, Frequenz-A shares an interview with Feral Crust collective in Manilla, Philippines! Check out more Bad News.
Support Russian Antifascist Prisoners
There is an article on Avtonom.Org/En calling for support for the 6 prisoners of the Tyumen Case through a fundraiser to cover legal costs and write them letters. There is more info on the case and how to support them linked in our show notes or at https://avtonom.org/en/news/tyumenskoe-delo-sbor-sredstv
Exposing Fascists: Best Practices
Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists just published a short and thoughtful guide to creating doxxes of people on the far right. You can find it at https://cospringsantifa.noblogs.org/best-practices/
Firefund for Revolutionary Prisoners in Greece
From their fundraising page:
After all these years, of the continuous persecutions and imprisonments, we consider the existence of the Solidarity Fund topical and necessary. Being one more stone in a mosaic being built by the multiform struggles against prisons, which urge us to act against one of the major pillars of the system of oppression and exploitation. Against the crime of incarceration that reproduces class inequalities, fear and submission.
Certain Days Calendar
The 2023 Certain Days Freedom For Political Prisoners Calendars are now available for pre-order. There are ordering details in the show notes, including info on bulk orders.
The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organizers across North America and political prisoner Xinachtli (s/n Alvaro Luna Hernandez) in Texas. We were happy to welcome founding members Herman Bell and Robert Seth Hayes (Rest in Power) home from prison in 2018, and founding member David Gilbert home from prison in 2021. We work from an anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, feminist, queer- and trans-liberationist position.
This year features art and writings by Zola, Jeff Monaghan and Andy Crosby, Killjoy, Noelle Hanrahan, Juan Hernandez, Dan Baker, Antiproduct, Upping the Anti, Katy Slininger, David Gilbert, Paul Lacombe, Garrett Felber, Oso Blanco, Mark Tilsen, Terra Poirier, Steve McCain, Lawrence Jenkins, Ed Mead, Windigo Army, Dio Cramer, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Scott Parkin, Seize the Mean and Cindy Barukh Milstein.
Proceeds from the Certain Days 2022 calendar were divided amongst Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP), Mutulu Shakur legal support, Sundiata Acoli release fund, Palestinian Youth Movement, Burning Books expansion, Puget Sound Prisoner Support , Coalition to Decarcerate Illinois, Appalachians Against pipelines, Community Resource Initiative- CA, P4W Memorial Collective Prisoners’ Justice Day healing circle, Wet’suwet’en Solidarity Fund 2022, Cascadia Forest Defenders and NorCal Resist. Proceeds from the 2023 calendar will go to some of the same grassroots groups and more.
How to order the Certain Days calendar:
U.S via Burning Books (individual and bulk sales) burningbooks.com/products/certain-days-the-2023-freedom-for-political-prisoners-calendar
Your group can buy 10 or more for the rate of $10 each and then sell them for $15, keeping the difference for your organization. Many campaigns, infoshops and projects do this as a way of raising funds and spreading awareness about political prisoners.
 Use the discount code "BULK" to get 10 or more calendars for $10 each. In order to receive the discount, you must enter the discount code "BULK" at check out.
Canada (1-9 copies) via Left Wing Books https://leftwingbooks.net/en-us/products/certain-days-freedom-for-political-prisoners-calendar-2023
Canada (bulk. 10+ copies) certaindays.org/order/
Prisoner copies ($8 & only for people in prison and jail) certaindays.org/order/prisoners/
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Featured Tracks
Children's Story (instrumental) by Black Star from Black Star Instrumentals
Hip Hop (instrumental) by A Kid Called Roots from Hydra Beats 13
Take Back The Land by Oi Polloi from Fuiama Catha
Farewell To The Crown by Chumbawamba
Her Majesty by Chumbawamba (based on The Beatles)
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  Check out this episode!
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michigandrifter · 4 years
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Border Feud 1947
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ericfruits · 4 years
Sources and acknowledgments
The author would like to thank the following for their help:
Erin Amico; Michael Amiridis; John Austin; Ed Bachrach; Carmelo Barbaro; Tom Barrett; Tim Bartik; Austin Berg; Scott Brave; Max Brickman; Sherrod Brown; Pete Buttigieg; Kendall Byram; Dan Caulkins; Hayley Child; Chris, in Assumption; Kathy Cramer; Kate Collignon; John Cranley; Rick Cruse; Art Cullen; Donald Dennis; Orphe Divounguy; Mike Duggan; Rahm Emanuel; Thea Ewing; Micah Ezekiel; Flash, in Decatur; Tony Flora; Charles Franklin; Tim Franklin; Laura Frerichs; Tim Frisbie; Jeremy Jacobs; Edward Glaeser; Anika Goss-Foster; Nathan Grawe; John Gurda; Beth Hansen; Dave Harrison; Brad Henderson; Tom Henry; Eric Herman; Walter Johnson; Aaron Jones; Robert Jones; Paul Judge; Bruce Katz; Ryan Kelly; Thomas Klier; Birgit Klohs; Paul Krugman; Bob Leonard; Lori Lightfoot; Richard Longworth; Jeffrey Lyttle; Jeremy Manier; Bert Matthews; Richard Mattoon; Sonya Mays; Kenny McDonald; Scot McLemore; Leslie McGranahan; Rick Melcher; Julie Moore; Aidan Mouat; Tom Murphy; David Oppedahl; Mark Patton; Tef Poe; Darrin Redus; Brian Reisinger; Aaron Renn; Jamala Rogers; Rafael Salmi; John Sampson; Jeff Sloan; Tom Sloan; Sloan Spalding; Ramesh Srinivasan; Diane Swonk; Lauren Underwood; John Urbanus; Mike Venerable; Jay Walder; Thomas Walstrum; Ray Waters; Ben Wikler; Bob Zemsky.
A list of books and reports used for this report follows.
“Bleeding Out; The devastating consequences of urban violence, and a bold new plan for peace in the streets”. By Thomas Abt.
“Dignity, Seeking Respect in Back Row America”. By Chris Arnade.
“The New Chicago Way; Lessons from other big cities”. By Ed Bachrach and Austin Berg.
“Shortest Way Home; One mayor’s challenge and a model for America’s future”. By Pete Buttigieg.
“The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott Walker”. By Katherine Cramer.
“Nature’s Metropolis, Chicago and the Great West”. By William Cronon.
“Storm Lake; A chronicle of change, resilience, and hope from a Heartland Newspaper”. By Art Cullen.
“Evicted; Poverty and profit in the American city”. By Matthew Desmond.
“The Nation City; Why mayors are now running the world”. By Rahm Emanuel
“Our Towns; A 100,000 mile journey into the heart of America”. By James Fallows and Deborah Fallows.
“What’s the matter with Kansas? How conservatives won the Heart of America.” By Thomas Frank.
“Triumph of the City; How our greatest invention makes us richer, smarter, greener, healthier and happier”. By Edward Glaeser.
“The Making of Milwaukee”. By John Gurda.
“Janesville; An American Story”. By Amy Goldstein.
“The Fall of Wisconsin; the conservative conquest of a progressive bastion and the future of American politics”. By Dan Kaufman.
“American Summer; Love and death in Chicago”. By Alex Kotlowitz.
“The Heartland, An American History”. By Kristin L Hoganson.
“The Broken Heart of America; St Louis and the Violent History of the United States”. By Walter Johnson.
“The New Localism, How Cities can Thrive in the age of Populism”. By Bruce Katz and Jeremy Nowak.
“The Promised Land; the great black migration and how it changed America”. By Nicholas Lemann.
“Sundown Towns, A Hidden Dimension of American Racism”. By James W Loewen.
“Caught in the Middle; America’s heartland in the age of Globalism”. By Richard Longworth.
“The South Side; A portrait of Chicago and American Segregation”. By Natalie Y. Moore.
“Cahokia; Ancient America’s Great City on the Mississippi”. By Timothy Pauketat.
“Great American City; Chicago and the enduring neighbourhood effect”. By Robert Sampson.
“North America”. By Anthony Trollope.
“The Warmth of Other Suns; the epic story of America’s great migration”. By Isabel Wilkerson.
“A Vital Midwest; the path to a new prosperity”. By John Austin and Alexander Hitch; The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. 2020.
“Between the Great Migration and Growing Exodus: the future of black Chicago?” By William Scarborough, Iván Arenas, and Amanda E. Lewis. Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago. 2020.
“How stagnating cities can prepare for the future”. Aaron Renn. Manhattan Institute. 2019.
“Jobs for the Heartland: Place-based policies in 21 st century America”. By Benjamin Austin, Edward Glaeser, Lawrence Summers. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 2018.
“Midwest success stories, these 10 cities are blooming not rusting”. Aaron Renn. Manhattan Institute. 2019.
“The State of the Heartland”. Mark Muro, Jacob Whiton, Robert Maxim, Ross De Vol. Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings. 2018
“Why the Garden Club couldn’t save Youngstown; Civic infrastructure and mobilization in economic crises”. Sean Safford. 2004
The Midwest an outsized punch
This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline "Sources and acknowledgments"
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manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Released on August 1, 1935: A nightclub operator swindles an old ship captain and his young daughter, but a plucky newspaper reporter saves the day in this action packed crime thriller. Genre: Action Duration: 1h 5min Director: Albert Herman Actors: Lawrence Gray (Jerry Mason, newspaper reporter), Sheila Bromley (Lorraine Matthews), J. Farrell MacDonald (Harry Cromwell, City Editor), Fuzzy Knight (Fred Klein), Bryant Washburn (Nick Conrad, gangster owner of the Green Eagle Caf), Fred Kelsey (Detective O'Brien), John Elliott (Ship Captain Matthews), Eddie Phillips (henchman Eddie), Arthur Loft (henchman Pete), Herschel Mayall Jr. (henchman Chuck), Gordon Griffith (henchman Steve), Earl Dwire (Detective Sergeant), Richard Cramer (Detective Hogan), George Chesebro (First Mate Taylor), George Magrill (George), George Morrell (Green Eagle maitre'd), Fred Parker (Joe, Green Eagle janitor), Wally West (sailor) *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media, and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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kevinjona4 · 5 years
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Why you should buy Herman Miller and Steelcase’s stocks U.S. businesses may be showing some signs of weakness, but that shouldn't scare you away from buying the stock of two office furniture companies, blovnews.com's Jim Cramer said Thursday.
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Why you should buy Herman Miller and Steelcase’s stocks U.S. businesses may be showing some signs of weakness, but that shouldn't scare you away from buying the stock of two office furniture companies, CNBC's Jim Cramer said Thursday.
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duaneodavila · 5 years
We Don’t Have Herman Cain To Kick Around Anymore
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The pizza maven turned MAGA man took the long weekend to think it over, and has had a second thought about being nominated to the Fed.
Last week, Herman Cain told the world that negative criticism, negative attacks and the reservations about his qualifications on the part of “several senators” (four Republican senators, to be precise, but then again precision with numbers has never been Cain’s strong suit) would not prevent him from seeing his proposed nomination to the Federal Reserve come to its doomed end on the floor of those senators’ chamber. Apparently, however, something else has.
Unfortunately, Cain is keeping schtum about what beyond the prospect of being raked over the coals for his alleged, uh, freedom with the ladies to no good end is, in fact, behind this decision. Whatever it is, President Trump and Larry Kudlow now face the unenviable task of finding a similarly unqualified puppet without Cain’s baggage to draw fire from Stephen Moore. Maybe someone from the TV. Jim Cramer, perhaps?
Thanks for watching!
Herman Cain Asks Trump Not to Nominate Him for Federal Reserve Board [WSJ]
We Don’t Have Herman Cain To Kick Around Anymore republished via Above the Law
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2whatcom-blog · 5 years
Herman Cain withdraws bid for Federal Reserve seat
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Former Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain withdrew his identify for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board, US President Donald Trump has tweeted. The president mentioned he would respect the previous pizza chain govt's needs and never pursue Mr Cain's nomination to hitch America's central financial institution. "My friend Herman Cain, a truly wonderful man, has asked me not to nominate him", Mr Trump wrote. Mr Trump first introduced he supposed to appoint Mr Cain earlier this month. Although the president didn't formally nominate Mr Cain to the seven-member board, the announcement prompted backlash amongst Democrats and a few Republicans in Congress. It's unclear why Mr Cain withdrew his identify for consideration. The president has been accused of placing ahead political loyalists to the Fed. Arguably the world's most influential financial institution, it's historically an unbiased physique. The president is a fierce critic of the central financial institution, and has additionally typically known as for decrease rates of interest - his predecessors have largely shunned making an attempt to sway financial coverage. Mr Cain would have required nearly whole Republican help within the Senate to be confirmed. As of final week, 4 of 53 Republican senators introduced they plan to vote in opposition to him. Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Cory Gardner of Colorado and North Dakota's Kevin Cramer all indicated they might vote no on the nomination. Mr Cain, a former govt of Godfather's Pizza, made a bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, however dropped out amid allegations of sexual misconduct, which he denied. He's typically remembered for his 9-9-9 tax reform plan throughout his marketing campaign, and this viral marketing campaign video by an adviser. He served because the chairman of the Kansas Metropolis Federal Financial institution from 1989 to 1991. Read the full article
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manualstogo · 5 years
For just $3.99 Released on April 24, 1942: The Range Busters help a local Sheriff capture bandits who are filling boot hill with bodies as they rob and cheat the townsfolk. Genre: Western Duration: 58min Director: S. Roy Luby Actors: Ray Corrigan (Marshall 'Crash' Corrigan), John 'Dusty' King ('Dusty' King), Max Terhune ('Alibi' Terhune), Jean Brooks (May Meadows), John Merton (Brand Bolton), Glenn Strange (half-loco Maverick, scarface), I. Stanford Jolley (The Mesquite Kid), Steve Clark (Sheriff Jed Tolliver), George Chesebro (henchman 'Stack' Stoner), Richard Cramer ('Corn' Hawkins, bartender), Budd Buster (Mayor Noah Smyth), Milburn Morante (Cameron), Jimmy Aubrey (town drunk), Victor Adamson (barfly), Hank Bell (stagecoach driver Hank), Bert Dillard (barfly), Jack Evans (townsman), Herman Hack (barfly), Jack Hendricks (deputy), Carl Mathews (henchman Joe), Merrill McCormick (gunman with the Mesquite Kid), Tex Palmer (henchman), 'Snub' Pollard (second bartender), Archie Ricks (saloon gambler), James Sheridan (townsman), Tom Smith (townsman with bushy moustache), Jack Tornek (townsman), Wally West (townsman), Harry Willingham (deputy Harry) *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media, and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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