akimojo · 6 months
I cosplayed her Summoner's Garb! I always thought giving her White Mage outfit was odd because her kit screamed more "Black Mage" to me personally, especially contrasting Noel's clear "Paladin" kit.
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I fully agree actually
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augustheart · 8 months
"Scott Snyder should be arrested for this" It's so funny because like, you're right, but also, as someone who has followed him on twitter for awhile, it's just hilarious because ah yes, the man whose Twitter is nothing but free writing lessons, supporting less popular / successful / third party comic writers, and pictures of his kids wrote QUITE a bit of edgelord trash. Like, his writing might be annoying at times but I can't hate the man.
oh i don't hate him. i think it's hilarious how half the stuff he writes is the narrative equivalent of a kid smashing action figures together. but i do think he needs to think about what he's done
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ruffboijuliaburnsides · 10 months
It's MK for "Mortal Kombat" The lego man is about to rip out another lego man's spine! That's the jumpscare! XD
Actually I think it was MK for Michael Kors, the lego guy just got a flashy new handbag and jumpscared his friends to show it off!
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
When I duel Geoff John's I'll ask him WTF is wrong with him to make the Star Sapphires and Indigo Tribe That Way. At least GtLas fixed the Stars...
see, im the first to jump at his throat for what he's done but the new corps are genuinely a great idea, they add something new that the glc canon needed if they wanted to boost the popularity again and the sinestro corps war with the blackest night events were pretty good, and it is interesting to see other ways intergalactic organizations could go. and like that the star sapphires and indigo tribe are fucked up, it makes them interesting to explore, what i dont like is the wasted potential because nothing was really ever done with them, really cool concepts were introduced and then sort of left to the side, mentioned from time to time but never really exploited and used to the full potential. i would have no problem with the star sapphires basically being the non con corps if the text acknowledged it and did something with it, about cultural differences and understanding between different alien species and views about freewill and individual importance vs a great good needing to sacrifice those concepts, just to name a few ideas, instead of mentioning the way it works offhandedly and going on as if it's not the most horrifying way a corps could exist
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blackgoliath · 1 year
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gabzilla-z · 1 year
My personal main problem with the 2nd half of the Kuragehime manga is that they let that date rape subplot continue for far too long without any real comeuppance on the one lady's part. But yeah, you're right too
that character is so bad and that plot is so fucking horrid my brain managed to erase the memory of it
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miadearden · 2 years
The only thing that would redeem GA with Williamson for me is if they go full political. I want oil piplelines blowing up and politician's butts kicked.
Look if he's actually brave pull that off I'll give him unblock permission on twitter lol
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azherwind-art · 1 year
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A commission I did for @herestoyoumsholly ! Thank you very much for commissioning me!  If you’d like a commission yourself consider checking my prices and sending me a DM!
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mildlycuriousdragon · 2 years
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Gladio commission for @herestoyoumsholly :D
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gothiethefairy · 2 years
I kinda hope they combine the Aquarium and Yor getting shot short stories into one episode for maximum hilarity AND Loid Stress.
i'm honestly thinking they will turn these two mini chapters into filler episodes, and i'm okay with that
but i want to see them animated now!!!
(although the idea of combining the two is also hilarious. however, the aquarium episode combining with the mini chapter where loid and yor have to use anya's plushies to cheer her up and they're all out in public, playing along with her spy game, would also be ideal lol)
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akimojo · 4 months
I LOVE LOVE LOVE XV's aesthetics and the characters are great but so much of the story and the world building choices are just so teeth grindingly confusing at best and awful at worst.
It's been ages since I played xv and I'm so hazy on the details of it, but I remember having so much fun doing side quests and camping and seeing the characters interact, it was great!
And then I got to the endgame (which felt more like it was gonna be the middle of the game to me lmao) and watched the plot go down and I was just like?? That's it?? Spent like 35 hours fucking around and having fun thinking soon enough the plot would become more and more prevalent and next thing I know I was thrust right into the last 10 or so hours 😭 it's like someone took a meal out of my hands before I could finish it
I wouldn't say it was a bad game, I sure had a LOT of fun with it, ffxv was just VERY poorly handled and filling the blanks with so much dlc was kinda insulting lmao
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augustheart · 6 months
The only reason why I don't is because I KNOW like 80% of authors would use that as a moral fallacy. I mean, nearly all comic authors are garbage like that.
no absolutely they would. or it'd be a source of pain for the male main character--which i have definitely seen before even if i'm struggling to place exactly which comic that was in
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greatghuleh · 2 years
ComicsStrange plays "Blank Space" whenever dormmamu pisses him off.
omg. just BLASTING it
pls send me all your Doctor Strange listening to Taylor Swift headcanons.
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taibhsearachd · 4 years
Ugh, War Games. I hate that event also for killing Orpheus which is like, hey ya kill the one Black vigilante dude hooray and then Steph yah such a fucking waste of time. Especially since there ARE issues where Batman works well with Steph Robin before War Games but it all gets lost in the event cause that's all that's remembered BLEUGH
I will never stop being angry about War Games. Perhaps the one good thing it did was give us some real cute Selina-Steph interactions before things went VERY BAD, but overall it was terrible and deeply offensive, tries very hard to establish that Steph was never a “real Robin” (whatever that means), and that’s before we get to shit like the actual existence of a Black Mask action figure that comes with a power drill (a major feature of his VERY sexualized torture of Steph)...
Should I ever happen to exist in the same physical space as the writers and editors responsible for any of that shit, I will have no chance of remaining civil about it.
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luanna801 · 2 years
Also, I must confess. Every time I see you making new posts / being on in general I'm like *squee!* It's Luanna! My buddy!
Awwww, bby! I'm so glad!! <3 <3 I feel the same way, and I love that we're still mutuals and buddies after all these years.
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supergirltastic · 3 years
Fair enough fair enough. But Linda Danvers's Comet wasn't too bad, yeah?
Comet the bigender shapeshifting angel can stay. Comet the thousand year old centaur man trapped in a horse form in love with a fifteen year old girl is going to the glue factory.
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