#hereafter aft
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o4ktree · 4 days ago
Information about both of them:
- Their souls are fused with the save point.
- The circles and lines on their clothing indicate bigger/important events in the timeline that they’re standing in. Places like X-Tale and their own AU’s void will show nothing on their clothing.
- Neither of them can use their future/past vision in the Doodlesphere. This is because it registers as all AUS and timelines all at once and will overwhelm their bodies (causing glitches and pain.)
- They can reverse/forward time on any object up to about a week, allowing for somewhat of a healing power! (This takes a lot of magic and energy though, so it’s not done often/will cause glitching.)
- The handheld clocks (THAT THEY BOTH OWN; i forgot to draw yore’s) can be used to see the past/future of a specific person/object.
- They don’t use eye lights as a force of habit.
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- His ability is future vision.
- Aft uses his abilities constantly, usually feeling almost extreme anxiety when he doesn’t.
- Demiromantic, greysexual + Doesn’t really view flirting, relationships, and sex as a serious thing to do with only certain people.
- Unserious towards… like, everything.
- Doesn’t have much of a direction in life.
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- His ability is past vision.
- Unlike Sans, he uses his ability only when he feels unsafe or feels the need to in a dire situation.
- Bisexual + Looking for the “right person.”
- Organized, strict, and tidy… just allows him to navigate things with more ease; easily irritable if things are the opposite.
- Enjoys calming music!
- Originally an “off-duty” solider. Wishes to go into a direction of healing.
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riverkvgd581 · 7 months ago
No Time? No Money? No Problem! How You Can Get Flood Cleaning Services With A Zero-dollar Budget
Steps to Take For Hurricane Preparation in Wilmington NC-Hurricane Preparation for Wilmington, NC: Steps to Minimize Damage and Ensure Safety. Wilmington, located on the coast of North Carolina's southeast, is no stranger to hurricanes. These powerful storms bring strong winds, heavy rain, and potential destruction. As a resident or business owner in this historic port city, it's crucial to take proactive measures when hurricane season approaches. The following essay will outline the steps you need to take in order to minimize damage and ensure safety before a hurricane hits.
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Firstly, understanding the risks associated with hurricanes is vital. In Wilmington, storm surges and flooding are common threats due to its coastal location. It is important to know whether your home is located in an evacuation area and where higher ground may be found.
Second step: Create an emergency plan. This plan should include various scenarios, such as evacuation routes and meeting places for family members if you become separated. Make sure that all family members understand the plan and what they should do during a storm.
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Thirdly, an emergency kit can be crucial for survival in the aftermath of a storm when resources are not readily available. Your kit should contain non-perishable foods, water (at minimum one gallon of water per person per day), medications with extra batteries, personal hygiene products, first aid supplies, copies important documents in waterproof containers and cash, since water damage company wilmington nc ATMs might not work during power failures.
Next on the list is securing your property. This includes trimming trees that may fall on your home or power lines, installing storm shutters or board up windows, securing loose objects outside such as patio furniture that could become projectiles, reinforcing garage door and ensuring proper drainage to reduce flood risks.
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Insurance checks are equally important. You can avoid financial ruin by reviewing your homeowner's policy to ensure that you have adequate coverage for wind and flood damage.
Communication plans are also necessary, as normal means of communication may not work during severe weather conditions. Install emergency alert apps on your smartphones or radios powered by batteries so you can keep track of the storm's progress.
If authorities order an evacuation of Wilmington or the surrounding area due to a hurricane, don't hesitate to leave immediately. Follow the planned route and avoid flooded roads at any cost! Remember that you can replace your belongings but not your life.
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For those who decide or need to shelter in place because they are not in immediate danger areas - prepare your home by filling bathtubs with fresh water for flushing toilets if necessary; turning refrigerators/freezers settings down to their coldest setting prior so food lasts longer during potential power outages; unplugging electrical equipment susceptible surge damages; securing exterior doors using deadbolt locks or wooden dowels sliding tracks sliding glass doors etc. ; moving valuables upper floors case flooding becomes an issue within home itself among other precautions specific each individual situation/location within Wilmington area affected by Hurricane warnings/advisories issued local state federal authorities accordingly time manner given circumstances hand respectively overall general welfare everyone involved therein thereafter henceforth forthwith hereupon thereupon thusly hereby herewith thereby wherefore whereas ergo therefore consequently pursuant thereto whence wherewithal hitherto hereafter hereinafter aforementioned premises considered...
After the storm, recovery efforts begin. Check with neighbors to see if they need help cleaning up debris or salvaging what is left. Contact insurance companies and start the claims process. The community as a whole draws closer together. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Indeed, perseverance and resilience are hallmarks of human spirit.
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In conclusion preparing hurricanes well advance goes long way towards keeping oneself loved ones property secure face natural disasters like those frequently experienced along Atlantic seaboard specifically beautiful yet occasionally beleaguered region surrounding historical cultural gem otherwise known Queen City sea herself Wilmington NC Godspeed good luck god bless!
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ivorymagpie · 2 years ago
Hiya guys, just posted a new chapter! Please share vote and comment if you like it!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
Tues[day] 11 October 1836
8 35/..
11 40/..
No kiss rain[e]d ver[y] m[u]ch in the night - damp rainy morn[in]g - and F[ahrenheit] 50° now at 9 35/.. br[eak]f[a]st at 9 50/..  
A- [Ann] r[ea]d a lit[tl]e Fr[en]ch – H[a]d Mr. Duncan the und[er]tak[e]r at 11 – ga[ve] the necess[ar]y direct[io]ns for my a[un]t’s fun[era]l
at 9 a.m. next Mon[da]y - the Sexton to co[me] up – Greenw[oo]d to ma[ke] the coffin - Mrs. Lawson to ma[ke]
the lead d[itt]o – s[ai]d I w[a]s dissatisf[ie]d with the cl[o]th chos[e]n for the f[oo]tman and groom - Duncan own[e]d it w[a]s
too good – s[ai]d he us[uall]y ga[ve] broad c[l]oth fr[om] 14/. to 16/. p[e]r y[ar]d – wh[a]t I chose (bec[ause] no oth[e]r patterns s[e]nt and suppose[e]d
he h[a]d no oth[e]r) 22/. p[e]r y[ar]d – s[ai]d I h[a]d told Mr. Jackson I d[i]d n[o]t wish to pay mo[re] than £4.10.0 p[e]r
f[oo]tman’s dress suit and £3.10.0 p[e]r undress d[itt]o - Mr. D- [Duncan] s[ai]d the clothes ord[ere]d w[oul]d exceed this b[u]t
he w[oul]d ma[ke] wh[a]t sacrifice he c[oul]d! - then sat w[i]th A- [Ann] on tell[in]g Mr. D- [Duncan] to invite the vic[a]r he
s[ai]d he w[a]s n[o]t at ho[me] - I then told h[i]m (D- [Duncan]) to invite the cur[a]te – talk[e]d ov[e]r to A- [Ann] the propriety
of my writ[in]g to the vic[a]r and ask[in]g h[i]m to co[me] ov[e]r – h[a]d just writ[ten] so far of today at 12 25/.. –
at w[hi]ch h[ou]r fair aft[e]r ver[y] rainy and bet[ween] 10 and 11 boist[erousl]y windy morn[in]g - a sort of hurricane for ab[ou]t
1/4 h[ou]r dur[in]g br[eak]f[a]st – wr[ote] out list of people to ha[ve] gloves and biscuits - Long whi[le] seek[in]g (w[i]th A- [Ann]) in vain h[e]r [?] of the Fr[en]ch secrétaire screen –
then walk[e]d w[i]th h[e]r 25 min[ute]s on the flags – Mr. Harper ca[me] ab[ou]t 3 1/2 and w[i]th h[i]m in an out ab[ou]t
an h[ou]r – ment[ione]d my intent[io]n of gett[in]g off fr[om] here as soon as I c[oul]d, and propos[e]d hav[in]g Mr.
and Mrs. Husb[an]d in the h[ou]se - H- [Harper] th[ou]ght this plan good - will find out for me wh[a]t addit[io]n I sh[oul]d
ma[ke] to Mr. Husb[an]ds’ sal[ar]y on this acc[oun]t – Expl[aine]d ab[ou]t the hall ceil[in]g – can[no]t turn the gr[ou]nd floor
of the East tow[e]r into 2 floors temp[orar]y w[i]thout incurr[in]g too m[u]ch troub[le] hereaft[e]r b[u]t c[oul]d eas[il]y
ma[ke] the gr[ou]nd floor int[o] a kitchen - approves of my 2 dry arches – d[i]d n[o]t like the idea of a
large sq[uare] tow[e]r for the hay on the east side of the farm y[ar]d b[u]t well propos[e]d 2 octagon-like dry wall tow[e]rs
up ag[ain]st the n[o]rth wall of the farmy[ar]d - these will do ver[y] well - look ver[y] well and be ver[y] conven[ien]t –
ment[ione]d leav[in]g him (Mr. Harper) to ov[er]look Husb[an]d’s paym[en]ts of workmen of all sorts includ[in]g
colliers - no tidings of Mr. Gray - H- [Harper] th[in]ks if he does n[o]t co[me] we can do w[i]thout him –
m[u]ch to do at N[orth]gate - will be here all tomor[row] and till Thurs[day] ev[enin]g – ask[e]d wh[a]t rent I sh[oul]d
get for the mill – surpris[e]d when I said how m[u]ch and so m[u]ch – begg[e]d h[i]m n[o]t to ment[io]n it –
he s[ai]d the mill and machin[er]y w[oul]d cost £1000 – calculat[e]d there w[oul]d be ab[ou]t 400 roods
of dry wall[in]g in my octagon tow[e]r hay-barns - I s[ai]d I th[ou]ght the wall[in]g w[oul]d be done for 6/. a r[oo]d –
40x6 = 240/20= £12 and suppos[in]g roof[in]g as m[u]ch more = £24 say £30 to £40? for a
gr[ea]t deal of conven[ie]nce - approves my plan of palisading off the upp[e]r and low[e]r p[ar]ts of the farmy[ar]d
leav[in]g the c[oa]ch h[ou]se open, and driv[in]g thro’ it as one does in the n[or]th of Germ[an]y – Look[in]g for pap[e]rs
respect[in]g my unc[le]s’ fun[era]l - in vain – b[u]t f[ou]nd the mem[oran]dum of my giv[in]g ER-‘s [Eliza Raine] will to Mr. Duffin
in the pres[en]ce of Mr. Jon[atha]n Gray    June 1826- din[ner] at 7 in 25 min[ute]s and then hurr[ie]d upst[ai]rs to wr[ite] to
Mr. Musgrave and wr[ote] and s[e]nt this ev[enin]g as foll[ow]s to ‘the Rev[eren]d Charles Musgrave Whitkirk vicarage
near Leeds’   ‘Shibd[e]n hall – Tues[day] 11 Oct[obe]r 1836 my d[ea]r sir – Rememb[eri]ng w[i]th gratitude your ver[y] kind
‘attent[io]ns to my a[un]t dur[in]g the few last years of her long and painful illness, and qu[ite] sure wh[a]t the express[io]n
‘of her own feel[in]g w[oul]d ha[ve] been, h[a]d she left any direct[io]ns up[on] the subj[ec]t, I hope that, sh[oul]d no
‘partic[ula]r engagem[en]t put it out of your pow[e]r, you will co[me] ov[e]r to her fun[era]l - your do[in]g so,
‘will aff[or]d me a melanch[ol]y satisfact[io]n - Mr. Duncan h[a]s been instruct[e]d to invite your
‘officiat[in]g curate, and to ma[ke] the necess[ar]y arrangem[en]ts for nine on Monday morn[in]g; b[u]t, if this
‘h[ou]r sh[oul]d be inconven[ien]t to you, a lat[e]r shall be fix[e]d - Miss Walker begs you to pres[en]t her
‘k[i]nd reg[ar]ds along w[i]th my own, to Mr. Musgrave – Bel[ieve] me ver[y] truly yours A. [Anne] Lister’ – coff[ee]
at 7 40/..  - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch and we look[e]d ov[e]r genealog[ica]l map of Sweden and Denmark - then till
9 35/.. wr[ote] the last 31 1/2 lines of today - when the let[ter] bag ca[me] – no[te] fr[om] Mrs. Veitch of
condol[en]ce - Mrs. V- [Veitch] h[a]s just lost h[e]r sist[e]r Ann who liv[e]d at Giggleswick - Rainy stormy
windy morn[in]g (a sort of hurricane bet[ween] 10 and 11) b[u]t fair (w[i]th the exc[ept] of a few fly[in]g dr[ops] now and then)
in the aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t 2 p.m. F[ahrenheit] 46 1/2° now at 10 3/4 p.m.
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greenlightquotes · 6 years ago
The Federal Cases: Comprising Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, 1893
Page 453: These men none of them heard any whistle from the steamer any considerable time before they saw her light come out of the fog. To Hansen, the order of events was masthead light, whistle, green light. Danielson saw no light but the masthead light, and heard no whistle. Christophersen heard the shuttle and saw the three lights simultaneously. Evaldt heard the whistle and saw the white and red lights simultaneously. Jacobsen saw the white light and then the colored lights, and heard no whistle. Schmidt saw no light and heard no whistle. The depositions of all of these men were taken within twenty-five days after the collision, and more than two months before the answer was put in.
Page 849: Two sailing vessels, a bark and a ship, came in collision in the night, ten or fifteen miles southeast of Sandy Hook. both were close hauled, the bark being on her port tack; and thought he lights could have been seen at a distance of more than a mile, the lights of the ship were not seen till the green light was seen within a quarter of a mile off. The bark was under short sail, so that she could not tack, but only wear ship, and she did not change her course after discovering the light, till the collision. The ship saw the bark’s green light ten or twelve minutes before the collision. She was on her starboard tack, and did not change her course till the collision. Her lookout, after reporting the light, went aft. The pilot who was in charge of her testified that he saw the bark’s green light and then her red light, and he then went to the weather side to see if there were any vessels on that side, and when he came back, the green light was again in view, and it was too late to avoid a collision. The other hands on the ship testified that they saw the lights and their changes, but with slight variations. ……. 9. After the change in the bark’s lights had occurred, which was alleged to have been seen from the ship, and the green light of the bark was alone visible, the ship might have hove her wheel to starboard and avoided the collision, and as it was clear that the only way of escape for her was to starboard her wheel, and, if she had done it, no collision would have occurred, she also must be held in fault for not having done so, and the damages must be apportioned.
Page 850: she was a ship of nearly one thousand tons burden, and the Scotland was a bark of nearly four hundred tons. The vessels had been on these respective tacks for some time preceding the collision, and were both close hauled. Both had green and red lights. The Havre discovered the green light of the Scotland about two points on her lee bow, some two miles off, and about fifteen minutes before the collision. Those in charge of her movements assert that she did not change her course till the collision; that she was kept steadily on the wind to the last.
Page 851: I hold, therefore, as matter of fat, that the Havre kept her course by the wind from the time she discovered the Scotland’s green light approaching her for about fifteen minutes, when she struck the Scotland fourteen or fifteen feet from her stern as the latter was crossing her track in front of her. This blow carried away a large portion of the Scotland’s stern, and did considerable damage. It would seem that a slight starboard movement of the wheel of the Havre would have averted the collision. Whether this could and ought to have been done is the only delicate or doubtful question in the case. This point will be considered at length hereafter. I hold that the Scotland was in fault for not having discovered the green light of the Havre sooner. This discovery was not made until the vessels were very near. ……. Now, in the then state of the weather, and the positions and courses of these vessels, the green light of the have could have been discovered by the Scotland probably two miles, but, beyond all doubt, more than a mile off. Yet her captain says that in fact it was first seen at a distance at the furthest of not more than a quarter of a mile. …… If the proper vigilance had been exercised, she would have discovered the Havre’s green light sooner, and could have kept out of the way without difficulty. Now, assuming that the Scotland did not change her course at all, as her witnesses testify, from the time she discovered the Havre’s green light, we have the case of two sailing vessels, in the open sea, crowding so as to involve risk of collision, and both holding their courses till a collision takes place. One should have kept out of the way while the other held her course, and the statute cited is explicit as to whose duty it was to give way — the vessel which had the wind on the port side. This was the Scotland. What excuse does she offer for not doing so? I have already pronounced her in fault for not sooner discovering the Havre’s green light; but it is in evidence that she had shortened sail to such an extent that she could not tack, but only wear ship.
Page 852: The witnesses of the Havre all, or nearly all, concur in stating that the Scotland presented her green light first, and continued to present it for some time. They differ as to the time this light first continued in sight, the lowest period being seven or nine minutes, and the highest, ten or twelve. ……. Most o the witnesses also concur in stating that, at the end of the time named, the red light of the Scotland appeared. Some state that the green light did not entirely disappear, but grew dim — others that it entirely disappeared. The impression seems, then, to have prevailed on the Havre that the Scotland was falling off on her port help to pass the former to leeward. Soon, however, her red light was lost, and the green reappeared. This, of course, indicated that the Scotland was then heading across the Havre’s bow. ….. Mortensen, the mate of the Havre, after stating that he saw the green light ten or twelve minutes, says: “Next saw her red light and a little part of the green light, some two or three minutes. Then saw the green light again and shadow of the sail — its outlines. I could not (then) see the red light. The collision took place in one or two minutes.” This witness adds that, after the green light reappeared, there was no time for the Havre to do anything. Rasmussen, a sailor and lookout on the Havre, after stating that he saw the green light for some time, says, “that he then saw the red light, the green partially disappearing; saw the red light and part of the green for about two minutes; then the red light disappeared, and the green again appeared in full view; then I saw the green light on our starboard bow; then the collision occurred.”
Christiansen, another sailor on the Havre, says that he saw the green light for some time, then the red, with the green partially obscured, and, “I then lost sight of the red light and saw the green more plainly; then the Scotland luffed up forward of the Havre; then, for a couple of seconds, I saw nothing, …. on account of the intervening rigging of the Havre; then I saw two masts and topsails on the Havre’s starboard bow; the vessels were then in collision.” Jonassen, also one of the Havre’s seamen, says: “As soon as I saw the green light alone for the second time, the collision occurred; the time was so short, I cannot tell exactly; perhaps it was a minute.” The Sandy Hook pilot, who was on aboard and in charge of the Havre, testifies that he saw the green light some ten minutes, and supposed that the Scotland was going to cross his bow; then he saw the red light, the green wholly disappearing. He then supposed the Scotland was going astern of the Havre. …… The witnesses for the Havre were intelligent, much more so than those of the Scotland, and their testimony bears marks of becoming moderation, caution and accuracy, and I cannot resist the conclusion, from their statements, that, from the time the green light began to reappear, and the red light disappear, there was time for the Havre’s wheel to have been starboarded, and that had this been done, she would have kept away, and cleared the Scotland.
Page 853: I am inclined to the opinion that the movement of the Scotland, by which her red light was disclosed to the Havre, took place when the order was given on board the former to wear ship. This was done just about the time she discovered the Havre’s green light. Her witnesses say that the execution of this order had not been commenced when the captain ordered that she be kept close by the wind. Her witnesses also deny that any movement of the Scotland was made which could have disclosed her red light to the Havre. But I accept the statement of the Havre’s witnesses that they did see the Scotland’s red light. I think the latter’s witnesses are mistaken, and that when the order to wear, or be ready to wear, ship was given, she was suffered, perhaps inadvertently, to fall off, so as to present her red light to the Havre, with her green partially obscured. The fact that her green light was not wholly hidden from the Havre, shows that she had not kept away to any great extent. Several of the witnesses of the Havre say that the Scotland could not have gone to leeward of her without falling off more. I think, therefore, that the variation in the Scotland’s lights took place just about the time she discovered the Havre. Though this was but a brief time before the collision, I think that, even after these fluctuations had settled in presenting, at last, only her green light to the Havre, the latter might have hove her wheel a-starboard and avoided the collision.
Page 854: At the time and under the circumstances above referred to, the lookout on board the Havre reported a green light about two points on her lee bow, and the pilot and officers of the Havre immediately took its bearing, viz., south southwest, and distant between two and three miles. It proved to be the starboard light of the bark Scotland, on her voyage from Apalachicola, in Florida, to the port of New York. The Scotland was then on her port tack, and hearing about north by east, by the wind, and moving at a speed of about two and a half knots per hour. The green light of the Scotland continued in sight for about ten minutes, when her red light came in view and continued in sight for about three or four minutes, when it suddenly disappeared and her green light alone remained in view, the Scotland luffing up in the wind and trying to cross the bows of the Havre, when the collision immediately followed, the Havre’s jibe striking about the middle of the starboard mizzen rigging of the Scotland. The Scotland then slewed round to the southward, and, after remaining in contact for some time with the Havre, got clear. From the moment the green light of the Scotland was first seen to the moment of collision, the pilot, the first officer and the lookout of the Havre continued to watch the said green light and the red light of the Scotland, as they respectively came into view, and, during all such time, the Havre was kept steady on her course. The Scotland was under shortened soil, and had on board a deficient crew, which only consisted of five seamen besides two mates and a cook, whereas she ought to have had eight seamen.
Page 855: Had the Scotland continued her course when her green light was first seen, she would have cleared the Havre by crossing her bows and weathering her, and, had she continued her course when her red light came into view, she could have also then cleared the Havre by falling off a little to leeward, and passing astern of the Havre. Her second change of course, however, (by which she presented her green light again), luffing up in the wind, and trying then to cross the bows of the Havre, caused the collision. …… The district court found the Scotland in fault for not having sooner discovered the green light of the Havre. The Scotland was on the port tack, heading north by east. The Havre was on the starboard tack, heading about southwest. The wind was about northwest by west. It was the duty of the Scotland about two points on her port bow, some two miles off and about fifteen minutes before the collision. The Scotland did not discover the green light of the Havre until the vessels were not over a quarter of a mile apart. The Scotland was going not over three knots an hour, the Havre eight. The Havre struck the starboard side of the Scotland some fifteen feet rom the stern of the Scotland. In the district court it was contended for the Scotland that, while the Havre was passing to leeward of the Scotland, she luffed up into the wind from about abeam of the Scotland, and had her sails sharing when she struck. The district court discarded that view, and held, that the Havre kept her course by the wind from the time she discovered the green light of the Scotland, and that the Scotland was crossing the track of the Havre, in front of the Havre, when struck by the Havre. The district court held, that the Scotland, being on ground frequented by vessels, and being under short sail and moving at a low rate of speed, and, therefore, unable to obey her wheel promptly, and being on her port tack, was bound to exercise great vigilance in looking out for approaching lights, so as to be able to take timely measures to keep out of the way of all crossing vessels on the starboard tack; and that, if she had exercised proper vigilance, she should have sooner discovered the green light of the Havre, and could, without difficulty, have kept out of her way. But the district court held the Havre also in fault. From the time the green light of the Scotland was first seen by the Havre, it continued in sight for from seven to twelve minutes, no other light being visible from the Scotland to the Havre. During all that time the Havre supposed that the Scotland intended to go across the bow of the Havre, from leeward to windward. At the end of that time, the Scotland showed her red light to the Havre, whether with the entire disappearance of the green light or not is not quite clear. This produced the impression on board of the Havre that the Scotland had ported, to pass to leeward of the Havre. Son afterwards, however, the red light of the Scotland went out of sight, and the green remained in sight, indicating to the Havre that the Scotland was not going to pass to Leeward of the Havre. But the district court came to the conclusion, that, from the time the green light of the Scotland began to reappear and her red light to disappear, there was time to have starboarded the helm of the Havre; that, if this had been done, she would have fallen off to leeward and have cleared the Scotland; and that she was in fault for not having done so. The elements making up this fault on the part of the Havre were found by the district court to be, that the Havre was easily handled; that she was under favorable speed for the purpose; that she had no one on the lookout forward at the time the green light of the Scotland reappeared; that her lookout, who had reported the green light originally, had gone aft; that her pilot had gone to the weather side of the vessel to look after other possible sails; and that the coming into sight of the red light of the Scotland after her green light had come into sight, was notice that there might be danger and that the utmost vigilance was incumbent on the Havre.
Page 856: It is contended, for the Havre, that the time which elapsed between the showing of her green light by the Scotland the second time and the actual collision was so short, that, during that time, it was impossible for the Havre to perform any maneuver, either to avert the collision or to lessen its effect. As the Havre was on the privileged tack, it is incumbent on the Scotland to show that the Havre could have performed such a maneuver. Still more is this burden imposed on the Scotland when she admits her own fault by not appealing from the decree. I do not think the evidence shows that there was time, during the interval referred to, for the Havre to have effectually done anything to avoid the collision. Moreover, the Havre being on the privileged tack and bound not to do anything to baffle the Scotland in the discharge of her duty of avoiding the Havre, and the Scotland being in fault for the collision, the failure of the Havre to take a step in extremis, of the character insisted on, must be classed as an error of judgment only, and not as a fault. The responsible officers in charge of the Havre testify, that, being of opinion they could not avoid the collision by putting their helm either way, they held their course. Their testimony should have great weight, and there is no sufficient countervailing evidence.
Page 1041: The Holway was really caressing the course of the Moore, at an angle of from two and a half to three points. The colored lights of both vessels were burning. The master of the Moore says that he saw both of the colored lights of the Holway a little off his port bow, and immediately ported, and that afterwards the Holway shut in her red light, her green light continuing visible. Admitting that, if the Moore was on a south course, and the Holway on a course northwest by north half north, the Moore could not have seen the red light of the Holway, still, if one of the two conclusions must be reached, either that the red light of the Holway was not seen by the Moore, before the Moore ported, or that the Holway was not on a course northwest by north half north, the whole evidence makes it impossible to adopt the latter view.
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Madness in the Words of Hamlet
'Popular elaboration has labeled lunacy a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain aberrant mental or reckless behavioural patterns. In village, by William Shakespe ar, juncture deteriorates into a mad manhood, losing grips on veracity until ultimately dying as a result of his insanity. \nIn the beginning of the play, Horatio and Marcellus inform crossroads that they collect butt againstn a weirdie and crossroads is confident(p) to face it. In an attempt to comfort hamlet, they try to secure Hamlet back. Marcellus states; Be ruled. You shall non go (1.5.55). Hamlet threatens Marcellus and states; My sentence cries out; And delineates severally petty arture in this body; As hardy as the Nemean lions nerve; fluent am I called. Unhand me, gentlemen; By heaven, Ill take in a nicety of hum that lets me! I say, away!-Go on. Ill follow thee (1.5.55). Hamlet does not phone of the dangers and makes a rash stopping point to go and face the shade. These are charac teristics of alienation. Hamlet sees the ghost of his breathless begin. speckle this incident is obscure and might generate the audience to theorise Hamlets sanity, Marcellus and Horatio also see the ghost. This ghost is not just in Hamlets mind. During the encounter with the ghost, Hamlet is asked to avenge his fathers death. Hamlet then becomes fixated on the r neverthelessge of his father. He does not call for to be withal conspicuous so he derives a plan to not attract attendance: How strange or odd soeer I bear myself; As I unexpectedly hereafter shall say meet; To govern an antic dip on (1.5.67). Hamlet tells the men well-nigh him that he leave pretend to be mad. By small town pretending to be mad he is gaining time to make a decision about his revenge.\nHowever, even though Hamlet is pretending to be mad to cancel out Claudius, a bring of events happens and Hamlets true madness manifests. Hamlet storms into a chamber to reside his the queen and moments afte r notices a man behind the tapis; How now! a rat? jobless for a ducat, dead! (3.4.25). Hamlet ...'
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randomlycomplicated · 8 years ago
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In yesterday's class, Ustad mention about how easy it is for women to enter the paradise as compared to the men. And how a doa of a child for the parents is most important, no matter where they are right now. This got me reminded of our family trip to 3 states in Malaysia last December. 🌱 #tb to a time when my cousin said i was a good example because i still choose to cover myself up even when im with them during holiday. I only replied "its not whether im good or not, its about the heart ❤. the time will come, In Shaa Allah." I still remembered my reason, and it was because of these 2 that i never forget to cover myself up and try to present myself appropriately. 🌾 Once, i came across a video on fb where this Ustad said "anak perempuan itu tanggungjawab ayahnya sehingga dia kahwin dan tanggungjawab tu beralih ke suami pula. Jadi anak2 perempuan, ingat yeah. Klau auratnya tak ditutup, yang tanggung tu ayahnya atau suaminya. Mereka turut berdosa kerana tidak mencuba untuk menutupi aurat itu. Nak ke kita nanti senang-lenang masuk ke syurga, tapi ayah/suami kita kene tahan kerana aurat kita tak terjaga? Tak rasa bersalahkah kita melihat dia tidak bersama kita di dalam syurga?" 🌳 I tell myself, if im not gonna do it for myself, it should be for Ibu and Ayah because they deserve to be happy in Syurga aft what they have gone through here. 🙏 Seek guidance from Allah with a pure intention, and In Shaa Allah he will guide you to his path 🌷 A wise sahabat once reminded me that "this world is just to prepare us for the hereafter. What we choose now affect where we will be and who will meet." I still hold on to that. #iyoureflect
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o4ktree · 5 days ago
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future vision
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o4ktree · 2 months ago
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surprisingly, they’re not talking about their destroyed aus.
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o4ktree · 14 days ago
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o4ktree · 5 months ago
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o4ktree · 6 months ago
i need to make a hereafter comic, at least one
just to share some lore on my ocs aft and yore
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o4ktree · 2 years ago
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Aft/After (HereAfter ! Sans) and Yore (HereAfter ! Papyrus) are outcode characters whose AU broke from the manipulation of the SAVE point which gave them the powers of future and past-vision.
Because Gaster wasn’t given the permission to experiment on willing monster subjects since Asgore didn’t believe in his theory of a SAVE point anyway, he used his sons in secret to go through his plan of using it as a source of power.
While Sans and Papyrus were mostly unaffected by the change of code, it ended up ruining the code of the AU itself. The damage to it was slow though, since everything finally faded away once Sans and Papyrus were adults.
Once their AU became a void, they’re now Wanderers in the Multiverse.
The lines on their clothing symbolize the amount of timelines, past events, and possible future events to happen in the AU they’re in. This is why it’s too overwhelming to use their powers if they were in the Doodlesphere, since to their powers it’s registered as all AU’s at once.
The tag(s) i’ll be using for these two are #hereafterau and #hereafter
I’ll draw and post their refs soon!!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 4 years ago
Sunday 15 April 1832: SH:7/ML/E/15/0052
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-  Let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y St[uar]t inclos[in]g     half sheets fr[om] Mrs. Hamilt[o]n to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay] and let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y G- [Gordon] 1 half sh[ee]t full - fine morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 61° at 9 1/2 in my r[oo]m and 67° at 9 3/4 in the balc[on]y - Mr. West preach[e]d 33 min[ute]s fr[om] 1 Tim[oth]y 1.15 - queer Evangel[ica]l serm[o]n awake all the time w[e]nt out at 1 1/2 for 1 1/2 h[ou]r - met Captain Cameron she asked him to dinner the murder is out  we talked it over she will not say no so ‘tis done ca[me] to my r[oo]m soon aft[e]r 4 - wr[ote] the foll[owin]g to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] ‘Hast[in]gs Sun[day] 15 Ap[ril] 1832. Th[an]k you ver[y] m[u]ch my d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, for all y[ou]r k[i]nd anx[iet]y ab[ou]t me, and for Mrs. Hamilton’s excell[en]t let[ter] - we will talk ab[ou]t all this - I shall n[o]t fix an[y]th[in]g till my arriv[a]l in Lond[on] - I fear there is no chance of my see[in]g L[ad]y St[uar]t de Rothesay - I h[a]d a let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y Gordon this morn[in]g who is alarm[e]d already - I kno[w] n[o]th wheth[e]r Vere will, or can for fear of overweight, wr[Ite] at all today - poor dear girl! I really feel for and pity her excessive shyness and incredulity   on going out to take our little walk we un expectedly met a friend whom between ourselves I rather coutned upon seeing again rather sooner at last poor Vere has found herself almost forced into entering upon the subject with me and I have really thought it right   assured as I am of your approbation to express my gladness to see our friend who is to dine with us this evening   as I find he stays tomorrow I conclude he will call in the morning  when it will be so natural for me to be out that even Vere’s fastidiousness can find not fault  the mere being asked to dinner might be taken as enough  I hope and think it will       we ha[ve] h[a]d a good deal of n[or]th east wind till today; b[u]t Vere h[a]s borne it bet[ter] then I expect[e]d; and I am in bet[ter] sp[iri]ts ab[ou]t h[e]r than I w[a]s - ever, dear[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] affect[ionatel]y y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’ at 5 20/: took d[o]wn my no[te] 3 p[ages] of 1/4 sh[ee]t to ‘the Hon[oura]ble Lady St[uar]t Whitehall’ to Miss H- [Hobart] to enclose w[i]th Mrs. Hamilton’s let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] twenty minutes with Miss H- [Hobart] laughing and joking but found the tears sstarting as I kissed her forehad and ran away   what are you going said she but I was off
saying oh I dare not look behind me     a few tears are falling but away with them ‘For hum[a]n weal
heav[e]n husb[a]nds all events’   I am satisfied  I can keep uo the friendship try to arrange  with Lady Gordon and be better off than with Miss H- [Hobart] ‘tis strik[in]g 6 - dress[e]d - din[ner] at 6 3/4 - on going down saw them on the sofa to[ge]ther and both looking so satisfied I suspected how it was  the moment we left the dining room about eight he staying behind  quarter hour she told me it was all over he made his offer
in a very flattering manner to her done it very well and she had accepted him I said it was much better I was very glad of it she gave me her two cheeks to kiss  I kisse[d] the first one then the other but said nothing   she morelized a little said how a moment changed our whole  lives but she thought she should not repent  he stays tomorrow I asked if he would dine with us yes she did not care now what was ssaid I gently suggested that it would be more consistent with her former  primminess to tell him that now they could not mistake each other she thought he had better not dine here two days together  they could see more of each other at the Lodge  and perhaps he would not be the less pleased with  her for this  I was not prudish but now perhaps I even felt more particular than she did   she seemed satisfied with what I said said Italy had already been mentioned for the winter he came in   we soon had coffee I poured it out ordered tea in half an hour and soon came upstairs   a little before nine  and left them to their happiness  what a sudden change for us alll  for me too she will go to Italy but not with me  well tho’ I made my eyes very yed [red] with crying before dinner I already begin to think it is better she would  have left me in the lurch when I could have managed less well than now odd enough we had scarcely  gone out to the house this afternoon when we a long small man at a distance before us and she said  how very far that man’s arms are for his ssides (one saw the light between the uper arm and side)  I don’t like that  when who should it be but Captain Cameron   he shook hands with us both we walked  up High street and past the nursery garden and then took several turns in the croft  I thought she walked up and down very satisfiedly  in returning along George street I heard her ask him if he would eat his mutton chop with us  ‘I shall be very glad to see you’ ‘will you really’ said he in a low voice  oh oh thought I then it’s all over  and we talked it over on our return  she owned that aunt and she had agreed it  would be very foolish to refuse him but still she refused to believe he really would offer till he had absoultely  done it  she will soon be sufficiently in love   well my prospects are changed  it was only this morning at  
breakfast I had spoken of my father and mother as having been unhappy together  an ill assorted match and spoke of Marian as   if I wanted to make a thing better always pulling it down again  she liked to everybody be cock of the dunghill etc etc in fact I have gradually of late become more confidential luckily I have never told her my fortune or income and on the whole said nothing I am very sorry for  I do not feel uncomfortably committed tho’ I did laugh and say befor[e] church this morning  well if it was not for the petticoats the thing would be clear enough  yes that it would said she  perhaps ssaid I laughingly it is pretty much the same thing in spite of them (the petticoats)  how little dream what so few hours would bring forth while doubting of Captain C- [Cameron]  she liked to keep me within reach better have me than neither or nobody  le jeu vaut la chandelle  I am satisfied perhaps I shall do tolerably yet  at all rates I feel more comfortable after having  written the above - fr[om] 8 55/.. to 9 1/2 wr[ote] the last 33 lines in Miss H-‘s [Hobart] room my own full of smoke  w[e]nt d[o]wn to tea at 9 35/.. - talked away agreeably enough he staid till eleven and a quarter  she then ate an orange and when she had done it I asked for my orangeade  oh said she I had forgot it  I made no ob[servation]s but kept  up very well ca[me] upst[ai]rs at 11 1/2 and to my r[oo]m at 11 35/.. - kissed her forehead as usual and glad to be  off rang my bell immediately to get rid of Cameron and have no fear of interruption feeling  that I should make a fool of myself as ssoon as alone  why do I do it   she never cared for me well she even think for one moment of what I may or may not really feel on this occasion?  well flow on my useless miserable foolish tears  but they have flowed before perhaps  even more uncomfortably than now there is less mortification  the thing is at least  intelligible I shall get the better of it and at least be thankful that my fate is fixed  shall I see much of her hereafter or not   how odd will seem our meeting in Italy! but I shall be better then  how thankful I am this business did not happen sooner  I shall at least  escape the lovemaking  she says I behave beautifully she little guesses the misery of this tearful moment as I write but no more surely it will be over by morning  Finish mild sunless day - F[ahrenheit] 63° at 11 3/4 in my r[oo]m and 49 1/2° at 12 3/4 in the balc[on]y
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