#here's a house tour; it's all - you guessed it - white
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This isn't an upgrade.
If I see one more hospital white interior design, I'm going to lose my mind.
I've seen a video of this woman whose entire living room (and presumably entire house) is white. White floors, walls, carpet, furniture, decorations - everything. But the absolute cherry on top - and I don't think I'll ever recover from this sight - was the picture of her children on the coffee table that was in black and white.
She simply couldn't let her children ruin the aesthetic of the place and figured out the best way to go about it is to make it look like they're dead. It was the most bizarre thing I've seen in my life after that soulless white void Kim Kardashian calls home.
I'm not exactly sure when it was decided that homes should be these sterile places whose goal is to make it seem like no one lives there, but seeing these spotless white rooms with no clutter, no fridge magnets, no decorations you've collected over the years, photos, at least one old as fuck thing you refuse to get rid off, random stains, all the things that hold your life in there, it all makes me irrationally angry.
God forbid your home gives anyone the idea that you actually live there.
#interiors#interior design#there's even an online store that sells exclusively white furniture and white decor#I've never hated a trend more than this one in my life#here's a house tour; it's all - you guessed it - white#white with other colors is fine#but when i see the entire house filled with hospital blinding white with no sign of life...
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I haven't seen any dog stories in a while. How are Charleston and The Hanukkah Goblin doing?
Dog updates!
The first one is a little sad, but also how life should go. Arwen is 14 now and while she's still moving, eating, pooping and generally enjoying life, she also has canine dementia and sundown syndrome where she gets extremely nervous and her dementia gets worse after dark. She'll be with us for a while yet, but it's something we have to manage now.
One person who is very much helping her manage is Herschel. My parents are traveling a lot while they still have the knees for it so I spend a lot of time up at their house, and Charleston and Herschel come up too. Being a Corgi, Herschel likes to manage things, and Arwen would like someone to manage things for her so he's become her self-appointed guide dog.
When I call the dogs for food or outside, he goes and finds her deaf ass and herds her to the location. Normally she doesn't go outside after dark but when the boys are there she's willing to wait for Charlie to chase away anything that might be lurking out there, and then follow Herschel's ass around the yard at night.
Very literally.
She's also got cataracts forming and I think his bright white backside is easy for her to see in the dark, so she follows it around.
During daytime walks she sees well enough but neither she nor Charlie are fans of strange off-leash dogs running up to them (a regrettably common problem out here. I don't care if your dog is friendly MINE ARE NOT!), so both of them prefer to walk half a pace behind Herschel so his more socially adept and knife-filled face is out front to intercept any unwanted solicitors. This does tend to give people the opposite impression though- because he is so much shorter, Herschel gives the impression of a tiny, charming mafioso flanked by his two large and surly bodyguards.
Like, they absolutely would kill a bear for him.
But Charlie and Arwen would also try to kill a bear on general principle.
At night, when Arwen barks at shadows, Herschel runs up and stand between her and the alleged menace, and does his best to look large and intimidating and for as silly as he looks, he does have a very good growl. After a moment, when the alleged bear or congressman or other horror fails to appear, he will stick his nose into the offending shadow, and finding nothing, be satisfied that their joint effort has successfully chased the problem off, and report back to her. This, more than anything else, seems to alleviate Arwen 's fears.
I guess we all just need someone to take us seriously when we're frightened.
Charleston, meanwhile, has gotten into giving safari tours of the front range's small vertebrates.
After eight years of managing his exceptionally high prey drive, something clicked earlier this summer and instead of immediately lunging his whole face at any approximately bite-sized animal in an attempt to expedite it's journey into his stomach, Charlie has started *pointing* at things until I come look at them and tell him he's a good boy. This started with a mole, something he'd never seen before and that moves above ground in a strange way, so he wasn't sure about eating it, so he only alerted at it. "GOOD BOY!" I shouted, giving him all the cuddles. "GOOD SPOT! GOOD JOB NOT EATING IT!"
It's important to reward behavior you want to see.
Since then, he's been trying out pointing at small creatures in the grass and then making very pointed eye contact with me until I come look at them. This is a little tricky when walking both dogs because Herschel is still very much in his "inhale wildlife" phase, but usually I can lock the little gremlin's leash and go look at whatever Charlie has cornered while Herschel attempts to develop telekinesis to will the critter into his mouth.
So far, Charleston has found: a baby rabbit, several baby rabbits in a cluster, an adult rabbit with Jackalope virus, several voles, several moles, a fledgling owl, only the two mice, several mouse-sized grasshoppers and cicada, someone's pet rat (the person was searching within earshot and 'Socks' was collected forthwith), a beanie baby that had me fooled for a hit minute too, a marmot which I didn't know lived down here, a groundhog which I didn't know lived up here, a mink, so many toads, a wild turkey chick, so many more garter snakes and last night, an aquatic shrew.
I don't know if there's an Audubon Society for small things that scuttle around in the undergrowth, but I am inclined to join solely to get Charleston recognition for his service in surveying them.
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The house is white and the lawn is dead
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Hyunjin X gn reader
Summary: You're struggling with a past sibling relationship when Hyunjin takes notice.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 2.4K
Domestic abuse resources
Trigger warning: Insecurities, anxiety, domestic abuse, verbal abuse, descriptions of injuries from physical abuse, and grieving sibling-related trauma.
A/N: This is a request from quite a while ago and I hope you know that you deserved so much better than what you dealt with. I hope this hits the mark and I hope you have a good holiday that's full of love and appreciation. If nobody else is going to tell you, I will. I appreciate you and thank you for sticking around, even though you've fought internal silent battles <3
_ _ _
Australia was much warmer than you expected. The deep blue sky layered with cotton clouds and even though it was December, the temperatures were still pretty warm. You could get away with wearing a t-shirt and shorts without much of an issue.
The Stray Kids members were on tour and since you and Hyunjin were a thing, you were offered an invite. You declined in the beginning, but Hyunjin begged and pleaded, even going as far as getting down on his knees and bowing to you. With his head level with the tip of your toes, he patted the top of your bare feet and said all the right words.
When you finally agreed, he picked you up and swung you around. Laughter fell from your lips and he grinned. “We’re going to have so much fun! Just you wait! You’re going to love Australia, it’s my second home!”
That was a few weeks ago and here you were now. Your fingers curled against Hyunjin’s hands as the two of you walked in the direction of the beach. Felix and Chan had been raving about the water. Salt has been in their bloodstream since birth.
Growing up near the azure colored water, their families often took them to beaches to cool off. Beneath the scorching sun, the warm water provided much needed relief. The memories of their youth-filled days stuck to the sides of their brains. Coming back to the Pacific Ocean, it was finally like coming back home.
The rest of the band members had scattered off in different directions. Minho and Han ventured towards a less noisy area of the beach. Seungmin and Jeongin padded after them. Changbin screeched, stuck his hands up, and took off towards the rolling waves.
Beside you, Hyunjin chuckled and shook his head. “We have our own beaches and yet, it’s like he’s never seen one before.”
“It’s the Pacific Ocean,” you joked, “that makes it special.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
You watched Changbin rush the waves and dive in head-first. The smile on your face began to disappear when you heard a scream from your right. Your head whipped over and it was there that you found Chan’s younger sister running away from him.
“Get back here!” Chan yelled. He propelled after her with his arms outstretched. His bare feet kicked up sand as he chased her. Her laughter mixed with the sound of waves. “Hannah, get back here!”
Felix’s own sisters shared a mischievous glance. The older one began to grin and when Felix realized it, his eyes widened. “Oh no, wait a minute, please don’t-”
“You better start running for your life.”
He rushed around and took off sprinting. “Bang Chan! Help me! Hyung, save me! Save me!”
His sisters laughed and took off after him. Chan glanced over his shoulder and when he did, his own sister took advantage of this. She shifted directions and began to sprint back after him.
What started as a simple joy, turned into a complex game of cat and mouse. The three girls ran after Felix and Chan while sharing giggles. Olivia, Rachel, and Hannah had been close for a while. It was easy to share the longing and loneliness of missing their brothers.
Hannah and Chan had a younger brother, but he wasn’t the same as having an older brother. Hannah grew up with her older brother and then he disappeared. It was difficult to be so young and fathom that your older brother was hundreds of miles away.
For Olivia and Rachel, it was the same way. Felix was the middle child and smothered with love and taunts. As the only brother, it was foreign to have him there all the time and then disappear to follow his dreams.
Each sibling had their own lives and their own goals. Despite that, when they all visited with each other, they tried to make as many memories as possible. Who knew when the next visit would be.
Your fingers were still entangled with Hyunjin’s hand while you watched them. Changbin realized his band members were being chased by their siblings and he gasped. He sprinted out of the waist-high water and rushed towards them.
“Felix! Channie-hyung! Hold on! I’m coming!”
Hyunjin’s fingers untangled from yours and he reached down to get his phone. He wanted to capture this moment and send it to the guys later. This was something they’d be able to look back on and laugh about.
Too distracted by capturing the moment, he didn’t realize you walked away from him. You turned your back and began to head away from the laughter and fun. Your arms wrapped around your torso and you sucked in a deep breath.
You had an older brother once upon a time too. Unfortunately, your time together wasn’t remembered with fond conversations and melodic laughter. Instead, when you thought back upon it, you remembered the worst parts.
You remembered the harsh insults that were spat at you. As if you weren’t formed in the same womb and shared the same half of your parents. Words stung, but being backhanded and knocked to the floor hurt much worse.
Once upon a time, you had a brother that you loved more than anything, but as the formative years began to progress, so did his hatred for you. What you did, you didn’t know, but you knew the harshness of a man.
The betrayal of blood that tastes like iron. Bright crimson staining your cracked open bottom lip. It’s a plum purple and a darkening blue. A touch of brown that’s sprouting a rotten yellow amongst the edges.
You asked that question over and over and over again. He moved out months ago, but the hurt still lingered. That harshness stapled to your soul and each time you tried to peel it back, to remind yourself that you deserved better, the rusty staples still clung. You hadn’t figured out how to feel worth it yet.
When you looked into Hyunjin’s dark eyes, sometimes there was a tug on your heart. A cupped fear always lingered deep down. Would he eventually see you as your brother had? Something not worth fighting for? Someone so disposable that it wouldn’t hurt to let go?
Old wounds scabbed over and healed, but the scars never left. When you laid down in your bed and snuggled next to Hyunjin’s warmth, you could still feel the phantom pain every now and then. The way the tangled carpet strands brushed against your bare knees and wore away the top layer of your delicate skin. The pain that shot through your elbow and lingered in your shoulder when you hit the ground.
Your brother’s untamed anger was uncontrollable. He was a vicious beast that would launch at you any moment. Whether it was verbally or physically, he’d beat you down without a second thought.
Maybe your parents knew or maybe they just didn’t care. Maybe they too were ashamed and disappointed by the child that they raised. The two of you shared the same womb, but your brother viewed you as if you grew up in a womb of venom. It seeped into your bloodstream along the way and poisoned your entire sense of self.
He darkened your childhood and the days that should have been full of wonder and entertainment were instead filled with fear and anxiety. Every time you interacted with him, you never knew what lay ahead. The unknown future brought you more anxiety than you ever could have possibly imagined.
You grew up. You moved out. You lived your own life, but the hurt still lingered. When you tried to go back home, your throat closed up. Your adult body remembered that adolescent fear. Your knees wobbled and tears pricked your eyes. Your brain screamed at you to stop.
You moved far away and tried to forget, but it was moments like these where you truly struggled. You wanted to be happy. You knew Chan and Felix were good brothers, but there was resentment tucked behind your heart. Why couldn’t your brother be a good brother too?
Hanging around Hyunjin, you hung out with members of the band too. So many members had siblings and they were decent brothers. Changbin always tried to meet up with his sister to have a meal together every now and then. He always paid for it without complaint.
When Seungmin went back home to his parents house, his older sister babied him. He swore that he hated it, but deep down, you knew that he appreciated it. He still liked to be cared for.
Chan and Felix were constantly updated with their siblings. Han liked to taunt and tease his older brother for the fun of it. Jeongin actively liked to find items for his brothers and save them until it was a holiday season or their birthdays.
Hyunjin and Minho were the only members without siblings. Even without siblings, they didn’t know what it was like to face abuse from them. They didn’t have to worry about coming home from school and facing the wrath of the devil.
“Are you crying?”
The sudden voice caused you to open your eyes. In front of you, Hyunjin frowned and studied your face. He reached up with his thumb and gently wiped away a fallen tear.
You mumbled an apology and stepped back. With a sniffle, you wiped your arm across your eyes. The scent of coconut sunblock hit your nose. Chan wouldn’t let any of you outside without some sort of sun protection. The Australian sun was scorching and you burnt easily.
“Did something happen?” He reached out and grabbed your arm. Slightly lifting it, he inspected your body for some sort of damage. “Did you fall and get hurt?”
“No.” You shook your head and pulled away. “I was just thinking about some stuff. It’s kind of stupid, really.” Your eyes went down to the sand and you curled your toes. They dug into the white sand and disappeared.
“It’s not stupid if it’s causing you to cry.”
“I was just watching everything down there and needed a moment. Felix and Chan are good brothers. They’re having so much fun down there and I’m happy for them.”
“But?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I had a brother too, but he wasn’t like that. He was mean and cruel.” You wiped away another forming tear before it fell. “I just wish my brother could have been more like them and less like he really was.”
“I’m sorry that he wasn’t who you needed him to be.”
You shrugged and tried to swallow the lump in your throat. “It doesn’t really matter. What’s done is done and nothing can change it. Life goes on, the earth keeps spinning, and the sun still shines.”
You glanced over his shoulder. All three of the guys and the girls were now in the water. They were splashing each other with water. Hannah splashed foamy waves at Chan. He spit the water back out at her and she shrieked. “You jerk!”
When Felix sent water her way, his own sisters teamed up against him. One disappeared beneath the shallow water while the other distracted him with splashes. He yelped as his ankle was grabbed. Caught off guard, he tipped into the water. Olivia broke the water giggling as Felix flailed with a yell.
“You know, I didn’t grow up with any siblings, but I met the guys. They might not be related to me through blood, but we’re definitely related through our experiences and our careers.”
He cautiously reached out an arm and wrapped it around your shoulders. Your head shifted to the side and laid upon his shoulders. He brushed a piece of hair behind your ear and didn’t take his eyes off you.
“If you want them to be, they can be the brothers you never had too. You’re already taken by me, so they already view you as a family member.”
“Why does it feel like you’re lying to make me feel better?”
“If you didn’t mean anything to me, I wouldn’t have brought you on this trip. Although we’re not from Australia, it’s special to all of us. Felix and Chan left this place to take chances and follow their dreams. That’s not something that any of us forget about. They left their families to take a huge chance and along the way, they found us.”
“I wouldn’t have shared this experience with you if I didn’t love you. You can let them in and lean on them if you need to. You’re part of our lives and you help us out if needed. The least that we can do is care about you.”
You blinked rapidly as your vision blurred. Tears began to fill up as you thought about the moments you shared with the guys. Just this morning, you helped Minho make everyone breakfast.
The two of you laughed and joked around in the kitchen. When you accidentally cut yourself with a pairing knife while chopping vegetables, he lightly lectured you, cleaned the cut, and bandaged it.
Once he finished, he showed you the proper way to hold the knife, so you didn’t catch your fingers with the blade. Once he was satisfied and sure you weren’t bleeding through the bandage, he left you, so he could go back to preparing the meat.
“I don’t think I deserve you all sometimes,” you finally uttered weakly.
“And at times, I feel the same way about you. So what are you waiting for? Come on!” he held his hand out towards you. “Your brothers are waiting.”
When you didn’t move quick enough. He grabbed you and tossed you over his shoulder. You shrieked and gripped the back of his shirt. “Hyunjin! What are you-”
He laughed and hauled you back to the water. “Felix, look what I caught!” He dropped you into the water and you gasped as warmth caught you. “Sick ‘em!”
“Leave them alone!” Rachel howled.
The three girls approached you to form a protective shield. Chan, Felix, Changbin, and Hyunjin began splashing the water. You shrieked and ducked behind the girls to take cover. Water splashed in every direction.
Since Hyunjin was taller, he could see over the girls. When he did, he caught the smile on your face. Despite the rocky waves and their splashing, you were holding up just fine. The aching sadness replaced itself with comfort.
You fit right in, like the final piece of the missing puzzle.
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi @stellasays45
Taglist and inbox rules
#stray kids#stray kids fanfic#stray kids drabbles#skz fanfic#hwang hyunjin#hyunjin x reader#hyunjin stray kids#hyunjin#hyunjin fanfic#skz imagines#skz scenarios#skz#skz comfort
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when you and jj first get together, he really makes an effort to impress you. the boy doesn’t have much to give, having grown up with the shirt on his back and not much else, but he’s eager to make you feel special. he’s no stranger to women, being a pretty hot commodity for pogue girls and tourists but he never sticks around long enough for anything to be considered serious. he’s a free spirit at heart, and before he took interest in you, that boy couldn’t be tied down. your first date was one to remember, the only warning beforehand being a cryptic text saying: “meet me at the dock at 6?”
you’re ecstatic, even though he didn’t explicitly say it’s a date, you’re hoping it will be. you’re something of a hopeless romantic, and your growing crush on maybank was driving you crazy. you put on a pretty sundress, curl your hair into messy coils and pack one of your crocheted shoulder bag with your wallet and emergency lip gloss.
you get there right on time, the sun just starting to set over the marsh. you shuffle nervously to the end of the dock, where you find jj leaning over the wooden railing.
“jayj?” your voice is soft, trying not to startle him. he turns his head and his body follows, but before he can greet you he’s taken in by your dress, his blue eyes transfixed on it’s short frilly skirt. he’s in his usual garb, a white tee and cargo shorts, which you still find very charming. you blink up at him shyly, not knowing why you’re so nervous, after all it’s just jj.
“uh—hey!” he lifts his baseball cap, running his hand through his hair as he tries to keep his eyes on yours. “whatcha all dressed up for?”
“oh, i dunno. was just excited to get out of the house, i guess.” your cheeks heat up, suddenly concerned that you misread the situation entirely.
he nods. “i’m glad you did. y’look very nice.” he lets his eyes linger on your dress a second longer before he clears his throat and reaches for your hand. “would you.. be interested in an exclusive boat tour of this here marsh on the hms pogue?”
you slip your hand into his, tilting your head curiously. “ooo — i’d be honored.” he starts to lead you down the wooden ramp to where the boat is floating against the dock, and once it comes into view your sweet smile turns into surprise.
he spread out a picnic blanket over the front of the boat, and a big bowl of fruit, two subs from haywards, and an empty beer can stuffed with wildflowers sits in the center. you just feel warm, relieved that clearly your feelings are mutual, and this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you. “oh — jj!” you jump into his arms, hugging him tight. “this is beautiful, you planned all of this?”
as you pull away to admire the boat again, his touch lingers on your waist, still holding you close. “‘course i did, cupcake. you like it?”
you huddle close to his side again, looking up at him with anticipation. “do i like it? i love it! this is amazing.”
“well, i’m glad.” jj smiles down at you before clearing his throat, getting flustered already. “c’mere, we should get out there while the sun’s still setting.” he takes hold of your hand, adjusting his hat again in an attempt to hide his rosy face. he helps you onto the boat, where you sit atop the blanket to admire the flowers he picked while he drives you out into the marsh.
the two of you fill the hot summer air with giggles over the roaring motor, but eventually the boat sputters to a stop at a nice clearing. the yellow and orange clouds paint over the still water beautifully, and singsonging birds chirp in the distance. the scene before you looks like something out of your favorite romance movies. jj makes his way to the bow, making sure the anchor is set.
“dig in, you don’t gotta wait on me.” he laughs and finally settles down next to you, popping a strawberry into his mouth casually. he gestures to the sandwiches, eyebrows creased in slight concern. “said you like italian, right?”
“oh yeah — who doesn’t?” you smile, helping yourself to some of the fruit too. “this is all so sweet, jayj. really.”
he waves a hand in the air, brushing it off. “well shucks, you’re sweet, cupcake.” he can’t keep his eyes off of you, between how your skin is glowing in the low sunlight, your dress, hair, lips — he can barely handle it. “y’deserve it, a girl like you’s once in a lifetime.”
you blink at him, his compliments going right to your burning cheeks. “you really think that?”
“you kidding? of course i do.” he rubs his jaw, shrugging like it’s obvious as he leans forward. “m’just lucky enough to be here with you.”
“jayj.” you lean on your arm, tilting your head as you stare back at him. you lick your glossy lips, and he feels like you can read his mind. your mind is spinning, heart racing as he moves closer, reaching gently to tuck your hair behind your ear. you lean into his palm, letting him guide you into a soft first kiss.

#my inbox is open! ‧₊˚.#jj maybank#obx#jj maybank x reader#jj#jj x reader#jj maybank headcanon#jj headcanon#jj maybank drabble#jj drabble
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After the Sweat Tour
Warnings: Smut, use of strap, Billie, Charli and reader.
(Filing this under things I’m never going to tell Charli lmao)
How did you get here? Those were your only thoughts as you were being led away from the concert.
Billie, your girlfriend decided to make an appearance at Charli’s sold out sweat tour L.A. to perform “Guess” with Charli, and you couldn’t have been anymore excited. You loved Charli and Billie knew you did too. And she knew what that song did to you.
After the show ended, Billie came and found you, bringing you backstage. You waved at Troye and saw Charli’s childhood best friends Twiggy and Sam as they congratulated Charli on another amazing show. You had met Charli before. Plenty of times. But for what ever reason, something about this moment felt…different.
“Me and Charli have a little surprise for you.” Billie said giving your waist a squeeze as she whispered into your ear, Charli staring dead at you.
“Okay.” You managed to choke out, feeling Billie grab your hand, leading you out of the room, and Charli following close behind.
“Where are we going baby?” You questioned your girlfriend. Checking behind you to make sure you weren’t dreaming when Charli was STILL there. You smiled at her as she caught up to you both. All of you sliding into a black SUV. Your mind was going wild. What were you doing? Where you going to the Sweat after party? Were you going to Charli’s house? Your mind burned with questions.
Not long after you found yourselves back at Billie’s house. You sighed, relief swallowing you, and some sort of comfort taking over you. You weren’t in the mood for some place new anyway. You just sang and danced your heart out and you were tired. You figured they were going to make something new together and you were going to watch but you couldn’t have been more wrong.
When you got into Billie’s house she pressed your body against a wall as Charli made herself more comfortable. “How would you feel if you had me and Charli tonight angel? Would you like that?” Billie asked, her blue eyes piercing your soul as her fingers began their journey on your body.
You loved Charli sure. You thought she was stunning. But you never let you mind go any further than that. You never knew you would end up in a situation like this one. And quite honestly, you didn’t think about anyone but Billie. So when you saw Charli undress, shedding all her clothing on the soft white carpet your breath caught in your throat. She was undeniably everything. You didn’t have to answer for Billie. Your body did for her. Your eyes told her everything she needed to know. And when she let her fingers slip into your lacy black panties, completely teasing you, gathering your wetness on her fingertips, you both knew a no was out of the question.
Billie used that same hand, caressing your body underneath your clothes, bringing her lips to your neck before she began to undress you, taking off her own clothing too, not wanting to waste time. Once you were all open to each other, she led you over to Charli who also began kissing you as she took you in her arms. Never in your wildest dreams did you think a moment like this could exist as she pulled you closer to her perfect body, easing you down onto the carpet.
Billie watched as she retrieved a strap. Your favourite one of course. She strapped it on, laying her body down as she pulled your body back towards hers. Charli was still kissing you, her tongue dancing with yours as her fingers traced circles around your nipples. You couldn’t think about anything besides the pair of them. Besides all three of you together and how amazing it all felt already.
Billie lined herself up to you, entering you earning a moan from deep within you. You arched your back, letting your hands rest on her upper half as her hands found your head, pulling back as she thrusted into you. Slow at first, letting you adjust. But soon turning into an ungodly speed they your hips soon followed.
Charli pulled you into her, kissing your lips, letting her hands caress your ass. Billie took this as her sign to sit her body up, spreading her legs more, driving her cock into you so perfectly as she used her hands to hold herself up. When she had enough of Charli all over you, she pulled your body back down, your back pressing against her perfect breasts as she continued to thrust into you.
Billie had always been selfish with you, so you couldn’t believe she even let someone into your alone time where she wanted you the most. But you couldn’t think of that right now. All you could think about was the way it all felt. Billie moving flawlessly inside of you, making you hers over and over again. Not letting you forget for even once second. And Charli, now running and punch in your clit as you thrusted into her face slightly. When Charli began to lick you, you thought you would fucking explode right then and there. But you didn’t want this moment to end. You would hold out as long as you could. Besides, you knew Billie and she wouldn’t allow it. You were going to be there all night. The three of you, trying everything. Trying each other. Having your very own little afterparty.
#billie eilish#charli xcx#billie eilish x you#billie eilish fanfiction#billie x reader#guess remix#sweat tour
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ANYTHING Lute x Reader, i just need to see more of this perfect gal whose had like 3 minutes total of screentime

Girls ☆ One Shot
☆ Lute x Human Soul!Fem!Reader:
After having met you on your first day in heaven, your life and lute’s would change for the better as you had found your other half despite your original predicaments.
Words: 4228
Warnings: Mature Content, Explicit/Graphic Language, Honestly Nothing Kinky, It’s just plain girl on girl smut. Homophobia. Lute might be ooc. NOT PROOFREAD.
Notes: Okay right off the bat, some bullshit logic about angels being able to tell if someone is queer, also lute is gay but has some major internalized homophobia so for a good chunk of this she’s rude to the reader just because they’re gay.
☆ more under the cut. ☆
Frankly, the scenario felt weird, especially given the fact that both of you were, well, 'you.'
From a logical standpoint, it didn't add up, not in the slightest. However, in the grand scheme of things, ‘does love really need to make sense?’
The response to that question was unquestionably, no, when observing your relationship with Lute.
It all began when your seemingly stable life abruptly crumbled. While crossing the street, mind you, at a red light, fate took a dark turn as a truck with faulty brakes struck you, ending your life on the spot.
There was no reincarnation into another world after this encounter with truck-kun; you were flat out dead.
In the blink of an eye, you found yourself standing before the gates of Heaven, where Saint Peter meticulously inspected his book, akin to the VIP list of an exclusive nightclub – or so it seemed.
However, instead of the typical club scene with artificial lights, drugs, unpleasant odours, drunk individuals, and a sense of desperation, you were enveloped in a heavenly realm. Fluffy clouds, savoury food, sweet fragrances, joyful company, and an overwhelming sense of acceptance surrounded you.
This was truly paradise, and you were relieved that your life wasn't too problematic. After being shown your potential residence—a beautiful house with a spacious garden—and touring 'Heaven city' with a friendly Angel couple, you enjoyed exploring your surroundings.
However, the perfection took a turn when you accidentally encountered the first unfriendly 'individual' in Heaven.
"Watch it," the woman with white hair warned you, and after scanning you from head to toe (much like her golden-winged companion), she remarked, "I guess they really let anybody in these days, even people like you."
With those words, she walked away accompanied by the non-human-looking 'man,' which seemed to be the norm in this place. However, you couldn't shake off the unease caused by her reference to 'people like you.'
Soon, you discovered the meaning behind her comment. Apparently, angels here could distinguish between cis-straight and queer individuals.
The reason of ‘why?’ remained unknown to you, but what became clear was that, in her opinion, you didn't deserve Heaven—not based on your actions but solely due to your sexuality, ‘and that pissed you off.’
You had planned to confront her the next time your paths crossed, and that moment arrived three months later, long after you had moved on from the incident;
Now, you were patiently waiting in line to sample drinks at the recently opened smoothie bar. The atmosphere was serene and heavenly, as expected.
Just as it was about to be your turn to order, you were rudely jolted by the announcement, "Move it, bitches, Adam’s in the houuuse."
You found yourself pushed aside, forced to witness the obnoxious Angel now placing his order.
Midway through his order “Pineapple smoothie with extra pineapple, tapioca, grass jelly, make it an extra-large with extra sugar, then she’ll have-“ it suddenly dawned on you that he was the guy with the white-haired companion from last time. Before you could fully process it, you turned around to find the white-haired woman right beside you.
Upon noticing you, she shot a disgusted glare and 'tsk' your way. Frustrated, you thought, 'That rude bitch- Not only did she cut in line, but she also gave you a look like you were a turd on the incredibly clean streets of heaven!'
This time, you were determined to speak your mind to her;
"Whats your problem?" you question her with frustration evident in your tone.
"Excuse me?" she retorts, disdain dripping from her voice.
"I'm asking, what's your issue with me? Our first encounter, you flat out implied I didn't belong in heaven. Seriously, for what, for being gay? Firstly, that's bullshit because my worth as a person shouldn't be based on my sexuality. Secondly, it's just plain homophobic. Isn't heaven supposed to be all about accepting thy neighbour? So instead of treating me like I'm beneath you, how about an apology for our last interaction, Miss off-brand Kanade?" You lay it all out, determined not to let her disrespect slide this time. She was to blame before, but allowing it again would be on you, ‘and that wasn't going to happen.’
"Oooooh, cat fight!" remarked the golden-winged Angel, treating your dispute as some form of entertainment. Also 'cat fight', was he fucking serious?! That term left you thinking, 'misogynistic asshole!' in response to his words.
"Do you even know who you're speaking to?" the woman questioned, exuding a sense of superiority.
"Yeah, tear that bitch a new on, Lute!" the golden-winged Angel chimed in.
"I don't 'lute,' and if you were truly that significant, I would’ve. But it sure as hell doesn't seem to be the case!" you retorted with a touch of spite, placing extra emphasis on her name.
The shop as a hole gasped at the mention of the ‘H word’.
"I’ll have you on that I hold the title of Lieutenant of— in the Heavenly Army. And as one of God's warriors, I deserve respect from someone of your, let's say, slightly above dreadful mortal soul status," she declares, almost slipping up and inadvertently revealing the existence of exterminators.
"Sure thing, 'heaven warrior.' Firstly, when did we ever need an angel like you? It's been peaceful here. Secondly, I couldn't help but notice that slip-up. I don't know your real occupation, probably still military judging by your mannerisms, but certainly not some simple member of this 'heaven’s army,'" you respond, now sure that she's concealing her true job from most of Heaven's population.
"You insolent, miserable, lower life form! Consider yourself fortunate that your meager good deeds in your pathetic human life landed you here. Otherwise, I would have had the pleasure to—" she began, but was abruptly interrupted by her 'companion' or perhaps 'boss.' "Chill out, danger tits," he calmly stated in a tone vastly different from his earlier goofiness. The shift in his demeanor was genuinely unsettling.
And her attitude swiftly transformed; she composed herself and turned to face him. "I apologize, Adam, sir. I allowed my emotions to take over and stepped out of line," she said, directing her apology not to you but to her boss.
With that, the two individuals departed, leaving you to independently apologize to your fellow angels for the disturbance.
Was that the final occasion you heard or saw them? No, because not even a month later, here you were;
Another fun aspect of heaven was its schools, designed for souls who aspired to study on Earth but lacked the opportunity or had their lives cut too short to complete their educations.
Another facet of this scenario allowed the souls of teachers or individuals aspiring to aid in unfulfilled dreams to volunteer for assisting with the children's education.
That's why you found yourself present today, supporting Miss Asiimwe with her fourth-grade anglophone class during a spelling bee. Just as the classroom door swung open, an unmistakably loud and obnoxious voice rang out, "What up turds, big bro Adam's in the house!"
Your day took a turn from a wholesome one contributing to kids' education to a shitty one, because if that ‘pompous jerk Adam was here, she sure would also be—‘ "Oh, it's you again," Lute remarks to you, her voice less harsh than the last encounter but still carrying a hint of bitterness.
Truly, ‘It was a waste for her to be so beautiful with that kind of attitude’. Despite her rude remarks about your sexual orientation, you may or may not find her attractive—perhaps not the wisest choice, and you were aware of such. But hey, after all, dominatrix existed, and they get paid handsomely to insult people. So, ‘is it really that unconventional to be into her?’
Yes, it very much so was. However, before having the chance to delve into those thoughts, Lute abruptly snapped her fingers right in front of your face to divert your attention.
"What are you doing here?! And a quit staring at me like that!" she demanded, replacing her fingers with her face, now uncomfortably close, and you could feel her breath on your face.
"Um, well— I'm assisting this classroom's teacher, something I've been doing since week one in heaven, so you're not kicking me out," you replied with a defensive tone, slightly taken aback by her question but drawing from your previous interactions.
"I never claimed I would, chill out, mortal soul. You shouldn't project the stress of your inadequacy as an inferior being into this classroom's atmosphere. Stress spreads easily, and you wouldn't want it affecting the children," she declares with authority, though her tone and gaze had some gentleness in it.
Truth be told, she might have found herself drawn to you. It was a difficult pill to swallow, given her blatant homophobia and the fact she found the thought of ‘her’ being attracted to a woman absolutely absurd.
Upon initially glimpsing your figure and sensing a certain fire within her, her instinctive response was to be rude to you.
"You mentioned you've been assisting here since your first week. How frequently do you come by?" she inquires, attempting to initiate casual conversations with you. By now, she had acknowledged that you weren't to blame for her attraction. While you might be the source, her draw toward women wasn't dependent on whether she found you hot or not.
"Well, I try to stop by at least twice a week. I believe having familiar faces during learning helps children feel safer and more supported," you admitted, surprised that she's engaging in small talk.
"I completely agree. Having a trusted adult present during learning builds a strong foundation for children's education, especially for the younger ones," she adds, gazing ahead at the classroom where the children have transitioned from spelling to playing with Adam.
"Leave it to the man-child to get along with kids," you joke to yourself, watching how effortlessly Adam bonds with the children. They're engrossed in a game involving knights and kings, with Adam, of course, playing the role of the king.
To your surprise, Lute chuckles at your remark before quickly composing herself. "Well, he is the father of humanity," she states, a faint smile appearing at the corner of her lips.
"I guess I can't argue with facts," you reply, your own face lighting up with a smile at the sight of the joyful children.
After that day, your meetings with Lute became a regular occurrence. Whether it was the joyful atmosphere of children immersed in learning or something else, she grew quite friendly with you over the course of two months. Your interactions even extended beyond the school, evolving into outings to cafes and amusement parks.
Today was one of Lute's off-duty days. You weren't exactly sure why heaven required an army, but you refrained from probing too much, especially during your hangouts, which were focused on enjoying each other's company rather than discussing work.
Currently, you were at CheeLand, the largest amusement park in all of heaven, offering rides for both the faint-hearted and adrenaline junkies alike.
You leaned towards the gentler side when it came to this type of amusement, while Lute embraced the thrill. That's why you found yourself anxiously gripping your seat’s restrains as the cart ascended the rails, anticipating the impending drop.
Your white-haired friend had successfully egged you on, convincing you to join her on the ride. Despite calming yourself in line, once the ride began, all your anxiety rushed back;
Lute, growing excited as the carts continued to climb up, remarked, "This is going to be so fucking fun! Can't believe you were such a baby about it in line." Her teasing tone shifted as she noticed your terrified expression.
Softening, she grabbed your hand and reassured you, "Listen, you'll be alright. The rides are completely safe and secure. Plus, I'm here with you." Her last sentence was emphasized by a comforting squeeze of your hand, prompting you to turn and look at her. "And worst case scenario, you're already dead, so there's nothing to be truly afraid of," she joked, easing the tension slightly.
But then came her next words, reigniting panic. "Okay, get ready, we're almost there." Glancing forward, you realized, "Oh, shit." She was right, and in an instant, the drop arrived. Both of you screamed at the top of your lungs throughout the entire ride…
You emerged from the ride, your head still a bit foggy and your voice hoarse from screaming, with Lute holding your hand.
As you both walk towards a nearby bench for a moment of composure, she remarks, "See, wasn't so bad."
"The fuck it wasn't!" you retort. Just as she's about to tease you for your reaction, you abruptly pull her into a tight hug in a serge of emotions. "But thanks for being with me. I doubt I could have even mustered the courage to join the ride lineup if you weren't here. I'm really grateful you're with me," you whisper softly.
She was startled by the contact, causing her to freeze momentarily. Although her initial instinct was to pull away due to nervousness, she recognized this as a vulnerable moment for you. Awkwardly, she hugged you back and gradually melted into the embrace.
After 5 minutes, the reality of the position hit her, and nerves kicked in. "You're welcome, now get off me, you weirdo," she insists, pulling away from the hug. However, all you can do is smile at her. Despite her attempt to maintain a front, she can't help but crack a smile too. 'She actually enjoyed how close you just were,' but that was something she kept to herself.
At some point in time, you had even overheard her referring to you as her friend to her boss, Adam, who questioned her sudden shift from his side to yours. Her face turned beet red as she defended you—a sight you wouldn't have expected from her at all.
However, that flushed look she harbored became increasingly frequent over time. You had become accustomed to her mannerisms and the way she expressed emotions, often lashing out due to difficulty in self-expression.
You had grown familiar with what brought a smile to her face, what upset her, and especially what left her flustered. By then, you had realized she liked you based on her behaviours, yet it seemed she hadn't recognized the romantic nature of her feelings.
Aware of her confusion, especially considering her upbringing and training, you knew the absence of romance in her education left her clueless about such emotions. Despite this, you chose to let her navigate these feelings on her own. It wasn't your place to impose that you were better aware of her own emotions than she was.
Yet, you played a role in guiding her toward this realization by incorporating more physical gestures, of course, always within her comfort boundaries: holding her hand more often, offering more frequent hugs, ensuring there was some form of touch between you two.
A common occurrence was when you walked together, either with your arm around her or your pinkies linked.
Her flushed face became so habitual that seeing her without it seemed unusual; the red tint became her typical expression when spending time with you.
Take, for instance, that day when you visited the newly opened restaurant on 'Holy Avenue.';
Opting for a Caesar salad, Lute aimed to play it safe in case the other offered dish didn't appeal to her taste. However, as she munched on her food, her gaze kept wandering to your dish, which seemed quite appetizing.
She attempted to deny her desire for a bite, but after spending so much time together, you had become adept at reading her emotions.
Acknowledging her unspoken request, you picked up a small portion with your fork, gesturing for her to join in. Initially embarrassed, she hesitated to refuse, but a single pleading look and she relented.
Her face flushed from the intimate gesture, the question of ‘why was she getting so worked up over your friendly act’ lingered in her mind as she finally took the bite-size food portion. The fact that she found you visually pleasing wasn't the answer she sought. Her feelings were deeper than mere physical attraction.
This realization was further confirmed as she spent the entire night unable to sleep, her mind consumed by thoughts of your hangout and the fact that you had fed her.
Tossing and turning, she found herself questioning the nature of your relationship: were you friends? Yes, that was obvious. Were you a couple? No, definitely not. Did she want you to be more than friends, an item perhaps? "Uuh, fuck," she groaned into her pillow as the realization hit her that she had developed feelings for you.
By now, it seemed like everyone and their mothers were aware of Lute's feelings, evident in her actions toward you. Not only had she begun reciprocating your physical advances, but she also initiated some herself.
Whether it was greeting you with a warm hug after a week apart, including you in her imposed outings with Adam, or playfully wrapping an arm around your waist during these occasions, her actions spoke volumes.
She'd whisper sweet jabs about her boss into your ear, leading to fits of laughter. Adam, in response, would roll his eyes at your intimate gestures, teasing Lute for being too obvious about her affection.
Despite her embarrassment and denials of any romantic feelings, you knew better than to take those at face value.
Yet besides the deep connection you shared, she struggled to express her feelings toward you. Accepting that she liked you had already been a significant challenge. Therefore, the idea of asking you out was currently off the table.
She needed to communicate her sentiments without uttering a word, and that's where today came into play—Valentine's Day.
Lute had dedicated the entire previous day and night to baking the perfect sweet, chocolaty treat for you. Not being accustomed to baking, she faced numerous trials and errors before getting it just right. Now, the moment had arrived for her to present these treats to you.
Having texted you to meet her at 'Wings Caffe' around 10, she patiently occupied a table since 9:30 a.m. following your confirmation text.
Initially, her plan was to simply hand you the chocolate, letting you make assumptions and agreeing when you eventually concluded that she liked you. However, things didn't go as planned, and nerves took over;
"Aww, that's so sweet, Lute. Thank you, really. I didn't get anything today, since y’a know, single as a Pringle," you remarked, pointing to yourself. "These chocolates mean a lot. By the way, they look fantastic. Where did you get them? I'd love to buy more for a snack," you inquired, holding the heart-shaped box.
"Made them," she mumbled, visibly embarrassed by your compliments.
"Really? Wow, I didn't know you baked. Maybe I'll come over to your place more often and have you whip something up for me," you begin. The implication of spending more time together tugs at Lute's chest, but your last sentence hits her hard. "I'm so grateful to have a friend who's skilled at baking and willing to make me things," you say as you start munching on the treats.
'Friends'—that's right, nothing more. It appears she couldn't rely on the heart-shaped box or the chocolate with words of affirmation in pink sprinkles to convey her feelings. If she desired more than friendship, she would have to be honest about her feelings this time.
However, true to her defensive nature, instead of clarifying the true reason behind giving chocolate on the day of love, she merely went along with your characterization of it as a friendly gesture.
"Yeah, I guess you're lucky to have a friend like me, someone so good at everything," she boasted, her voice proud, yet her expression betraying a hint of sadness.
Noticing the inconsistency, you set the box down on the table to free your hands and gently took hers. Meeting her gaze directly, you squeezed her hands for reassurance. "I wanted to let you work things out at your own pace, but we're not making any progress," you began, and she looked at you wide-eyed.
"I like you, Lute, and I know you like me too," you stated frankly. Before she could employ her defense mechanism, you added, "I'm not saying we have to start dating right away. I understand if you're not ready for that. But please keep in mind, as long as you don't outright reject me, I'll keep trying to pursue a relationship with you."
Upon hearing those words, Lute sensed the release of all the built-up stress and fear of rejection.
A newfound confidence surged within her, making her bold enough to grab your face and plant a bold kiss in plain sight for everyone at the café to witness. "Fuck yes, I'll be your girlfriend," she declared as she pulled away.
With a simple "Now, let's get out of here," the two of you stood up from your seats, leaving the café behind as her apartment became your new destination.
Upon reaching her place, things escalated rapidly—like, really rapidly. Mere seconds after stepping through the door, she was all over you.
Passionate kisses, hands exploring every inch of your body, fingers grabbing at whatever they could find. Nails scratching and digging, teeth occasionally biting at your skin when her mouth left yours.
Given the speed with which she undressed you, it seemed like she had envisioned this scenario for quite some time.
Before you knew it, you were lying on her bed, completely devoid of clothing, and that's when she began to work her magic;
Squirming within her grasp, she held your thighs down while eating you out. Breathless, you questioned, "I thought you were a homophobe before we met. How are you so good at this??" The overwhelming sensation of her tongue left you in awe.
You can practically feel her grin against your lips as she responds, "Yep, I was. But after developing a crush on you, I did my homework. Figured it be useful at one point or another. Though, ‘didn't think I'd be that good on my first actual trial.”
"Please don’t stop" you croak out between pants.
“Don’t worry, I won’t." she promised, increasing her rhythm and pressure.
As she continued to please you, you couldn't help but wonder what changed in her. This was way different from her usual flustered self. ‘Was it the time spent together? Or maybe the touch? The combination of both?’
Regardless, you decided to focus solely on the present moment, losing yourself in the sensations coursing through your body. Lute showed no signs of slowing down, proving her dedication to satisfying you.
Eventually, you reached climax, shouting her name as you finally released, your wings fluttered and your essence coated her tongue. Her response? She swallowed it down greedily, moaning around your pussy. When you finally fell back onto the bed, panting heavily, she climbed up beside you, her breasts pressing against your chest.
"That was... intense," you managed to utter between breaths.
"Glad you enjoyed it," she whispered, nibbling on your earlobe.
As you settled down together, Lute traced gentle circles on your stomach before trailing her fingers along your inner thighs. Her thumb brushed against your sensitive folds again, teasingly circling your tight entrance. "Do you want more?" she asked softly, her voice husky with desire.
You nodded weakly, unable to speak coherently yet.
Without further delay, Lute positioned herself between your spread legs again, positioning her own pussy just inches away from where she had been earlier. Lowering herself slowly, she began to rub your clits together, creating a new wave of pleasure that reverberated throughout both of them.
With each thrust of her hips, she increased the pace until you were moving in sync, your moans growing louder as you neared another orgasmic peak.
Your bodies intertwined, united in shared ecstasy, leaving neither wanting nor regretting your decision to explore the concept of a sexual relationship together.
Lute's hands grabbed onto your hips, holding you steady as she picked up speed, driving them both closer to climax. Your nails dug into her shoulders, leaving shallow crescent marks in the soft flesh; evidence of your shared intensity.
You could feel the familiar buildup starting again, your entire body tensing up in anticipation. With one final powerful thrust, Lute groaned loudly, her orgasm crashing over both of you like waves crashing onto shore. In response, you let out a high-pitched cry, joining her in blissful release.
Breathing heavily, you stayed in the same position for several moments longer than necessary, savouring the afterglow of your passionate union.
Eventually, you separated, both panting heavily. Lute rolled off of you, lying next to you on the bed, her chest heaving rapidly.
"That was... incredible," she panted out, reaching over to grab a nearby water bottle and handing it to you.
"Yeah, it was... Although I have to admit, having sex on the first day of making it official is pretty needy," you playfully tease her.
"Oh, shut up," she retorts before planting a kiss on your lips once you've swallowed your sip of water.
This relationship was going to be wilder than what you had anticipated…
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The Concert - Yandere!Marcus White x Younger!reader
summary: Marcus seizes an opportunity to join you at a concert, but gets jealous when he realizes you have a crush on the lead singer. Marcus does what he has to to make sure you go home with the right guy tonight.
warnings: alcohol use, non/dub-con touching, kissing and fingering, age gap (15-ish years), possessiveness
requested by: @wicked1will0sparkles
Ever since your first day at Cloud 9 when you had met Cheyenne, the two of you barely went anywhere without the other.
You two were close in age, always had weekly sleepovers and you had been right by her side when she took the pregnancy test that ended up positive.
So you were completely devastated when she bailed on your sacred, long-anticipated plans for Bo of all people.
“Cheyenne, come on! We bought these tickets like three months ago and my parents won’t let me go alone!” you whine, crossing your arms over your chest in frustration as you lean against the lockers.
“I’m sorry (y/n), but Bo needs me right now! Who else is gonna hype him up before he gets on stage at Kenny Roper’s bar mitzvah?” she explains with a frown as her hand rests on her bulging stomach.
“Ugh okay, I guess I’ll just sneak out and hope my parents don’t notice,” you shrug.
After Cheyenne walked away, you shove a hand into your locker and feel around for your blue vest, tugging it out angrily.
“Woah, hey, what’s wrong?” you hear a voice ask from behind you. You look to your side, then slightly up, where Marcus White stood next to you with his arms crossed across his broad chest, a concerned expression on his face.
“Oh, I was just supposed to see my favorite band tonight, Shattered Hearts. Chey and I were going together but she had to cancel,” you explain sourly.
“Oh man, I love Shattered Hearts!” Marcus exclaims with a dopey grin.
Truthfully, he'd never listened to the band before. But he wasn't going to miss out on his chance to spend an entire night alone with you.
After you both finished your shifts for the day, you parted ways. You had planned to meet at the small downtown venue once you got changed and ready for the night.
Later on, you gleefully rummaged through your closet, trying to pick out the perfect outfit. Shattered Hearts' lead singer, Tommy Valentine, would be front and center like always so of course you planned on wearing a Tommy-inspired outfit. Ripped white tights, short shorts and a low-cut top (covered by a long coat) and your favorite jewelry pieces to complete the look.
You went for a heavier makeup look than usual, as Shattered Hearts was in the pop-glam-rock vein. It couldn't hurt, making yourself look a bit older and hopefully catching Tommy's eye if you could get close enough to the stage.
"I'm going to the concert with my co-worker tonight so don't worry, I'll be safe!" you yell to your parents as you make your way out of the house and into the evening air.
Once you arrive at the venue, you see Marcus standing outside, leaning against the wall. He immediately brightens up and you don't miss the way his eyes rake over your body from top to bottom.
"Hey, (y/n)! You look... wow!" he laughs, a blush heating up his cheeks. He can't help but look your body up and down once more, taking in the way your white tights stretch over your thighs and your top hugs your body in just the right ways.
"Thanks, Marcus! Here's your ticket," you say, handing him the ticket that was supposed to be Cheyenne's.
"I'm really excited to hear Breathless," you sigh, walking up to the end of the line as Marcus follows.
"Uh, yeah, me too. I'm like— I'm just excited to hear their newest album," he laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, I didn't tell you? This is the anniversary tour for the Rock Solid album, I don't think they'll be performing much of their new stuff," you frown.
Marcus is saved by the security personnel, approaching you both and patting you down as you entered the doorway and handed your tickets to the employee.
"Damn, this place is dark," Marcus laughs, looking around as you step in together.
"C'mon, I wanna get close to the front!" you exclaim, grabbing Marcus' hand and pulling him with you towards the stage.
He barely has time to process your hand on his as he follows you across the dirty, dim room.
"This is perfect, he'll definitely see me here," you say with a smile, looking up at the rusty light above you that illuminated your area. You leaned against the wooden pole next to you which supported the shabby balcony above.
Marcus raises an eyebrow. He? Who was he? Marcus was hoping to at least kiss you tonight, but were you already obsessed with some other guy?
"I'll go get us some drinks," he says, gesturing towards the bar.
"Oh, thanks! I'll keep our spot," you smile, looking down and adjusting your outfit to show off even more skin than it already was. Did you know what you were doing to Marcus? How his skin buzzed whenever you touched, how he imagined leaning down and kissing your lips? How desperately he wanted his hands all over you?
He fumed as he headed over to the bar, ordering some cheap beers and shots of vodka. Who was this asshole you were so obsessed with?
When Marcus returns, you knock back your shots together. Some men in black tee shirts bring equipment onto the stage as the sound of applause echoes through the room.
"So, uh, this guy you want to see you... did you invite someone else tonight?" he asks, trying not to sound like a jerk.
"No, I just think this is the best spot for Tommy Valentine to see me. He's single, just broke up with Maxine McDonald. Did you know the band's guitarist met his girlfriend because she was a fan at one of his shows?" you say excitedly, watching the stage.
Of course. The jerk you were obsessed with was the band's lead singer. Marcus couldn't help but roll his eyes, thankful that you were turned away from him.
"C'mon, drink up. I'll go grab us some more," Marcus says, playfully tilting your beer up in the direction of your mouth. He would need to be a lot drunker if he was gonna watch you lust over some punk poser all night.
By the time Shattered Hearts came onstage, you and Marcus had already finished several drinks. Marcus felt fine, but you already felt woozy, tipsy, almost falling over a few times. Marcus caught you of course, and you leaned on his body as to not embarrass yourself further.
Marcus went to grab another beer for himself, and when he returned, you were clinging onto the wooden pole.
"This one's my favorite," you mumble as Marcus cracks open his fourth beer.
"Yeah? Is it?" he asks, an amused expression on his face.
You nod dumbly and Marcus wraps his warm arm around your waist, the drinks emboldening him.
He looks down at you, your beautiful face illuminated by the dim lighting. He just couldn't help himself anymore. Marcus leans down, pressing his lips to yours and deepening the kiss into a make-out session as your brain catches up and you start to realize what's happening.
His tongue pushes into your mouth, silencing your protests as he traces his warm hands over your shirt. You almost think you're having a bad dream until you hear someone nearby say, "eww!"
It's only as his hands move into your shorts that you're able to push him off of you. He recoils, staring at you with a pissed-off expression.
"Wh-what was that, Marcus?" you exclaim, putting your hands out in front of you to keep him at a distance.
"I thought we—"
"I told you, I'm interested in Tommy!"
"He's way too old for you," Marcus hisses.
"So are you!" you huff, crossing your arms.
"I'll go get us more drinks," he sighs, realizing you've both sobered up a bit.
When he returns, you're miraculously still there, eyes fixed on Tommy.
Marcus keeps his hands to himself for the rest of the concert, suffering more and more as each song thrums and passes. The band wasn't even that good and Tommy Valentine was just some forty-something, washed-up guitarist with eyeliner.
After the concert, Marcus heads to the exit but is surprised that your small hand manages to pull him back.
"We're staying. Tommy usually comes out afterwards if he sees someone he likes. And I definitely seduced him with my eyes. Will you get us a round of shots for when he comes out?" you ask, waving Marcus away as you watch the curtains for any sign of movement.
Twenty minutes pass, the venue almost cleared out and heavy with the stink of sweat. Your shots sit untouched as you slump down in your seat.
"You wanna go outside?" Marcus asks tenatively.
You shake your head like a petulant toddler.
"You... wanna finish these off?" he asks, gesturing to the shots.
You nod, sitting upright and taking all three shots consecutively. It had sunk in now that Tommy didn't see anything special in you, hadn't been wowed by your sexy outfit or your eyes or how you knew every word to every song.
Almost immediately, you slump sideways against Marcus and he rests his arm against you comfortingly.
"Let's get some fresh air," he sighs, leading you outside where you lean against the brick wall, fighting the urge to pass out.
"You look amazing tonight. It's Tommy's loss," Marcus says, hand stroking your arm.
You look up at him, tears in your eyes, mouth framed in a pout to either keep the tears from falling or the vomit from escaping.
Marcus sighs, leaning down and bridging the gap between you. You return the kiss in your own sloppy, half-conscious way. One of his hands plunges into your shorts as the other makes it's way up underneath your shirt.
You're mumbling, moaning, making some sort of noise with your mouth but his mouth covering yours muffles it.
Marcus can't wait any longer, mouth drifting down your neck and chest, sucking and leaving marks of his affections.
"N-n—stop—" you mumble, hands awkwardly trying to pull him closer or push him away, you weren't fully sure.
"Fuck," Marcus mumbles against your chest, causing a gasp to rise up your throat. His fingers trace your hole, spreading around your wetness as you let out a whimper.
"God, I wanna fuck you so badly," he groans, grabbing your waist and sucking on a new spot of skin.
"M-marcus— I-I should go huh—home—" you mumble.
He pulls away and examines his work with a big, dopey smile. You were so messed up, clothing rumpled, hair undone, love bites all over your neck and chest.
He turns you and leads you to a reflective window, and you gasp at the look of yourself. So many hickeys that your coat couldn't even cover. You looked... like a slut.
"I—I can't go home like this! My parents will kill me!" you whimper.
"You can come to my place, my mom'll love you," Marcus offers.
"Uh— no, that's—“
"I'm not letting you walk somewhere alone. Come with me and we can take the bus to work tomorrow," Marcus suggests, raising his eyebrow.
"Ugh, fine," you sigh, leaning against Marcus as he walks the two of you to his mom's house.
You try your best to ignore Marcus' childish, messy room and dirty sheets as you undress and climb in next to him, still feeling drunk and used up.
You hold back a shriek as he pulls you into his chest, body flush against him. "This is nice, huh? My perfect toy," he laughs, kissing your bare shoulder. You shudder at his touches and objectification of you.
"Marcus, stop," you sigh, and his grasp loosens, but not forever. You know he'd be pulling you close in the middle of the night and you had half a mind to sleep on the dirty floor.
The next morning, you borrow one of Mrs. White's long-sleeved shirts for work but it still doesn't cover everything. You walk into Cloud 9 beside Marcus, embarrassed and red-faced.
Marcus throws an arm around you, and when you get to the break-room, he pulls you into his lap as all of your co-workers stare.
"Pretty epic, huh? Got 'em all to myself," Marcus grins, placing a big hand on your thigh and rubbing it creepily.
"Uh, (y/n), your neck—" Cheyenne stutters, eyes wide at the confusing scene before her.
"Yeah, it was all me. We had a pretty crazy night last night. You were all over me, begging for it, huh?" Marcus brags, leaning back and bumping fists with Isaac as he passes by the two of you.
You keep your eyes fixed on the ground, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. You were quite a catch in the store, everyone knew it, and now Marcus was asserting his dominance at having made you his.
#marcus white x reader#marcus superstore#superstore x reader#superstore imagine#yandere marcus white#yandere superstore#yandere superstore imagine#superstore marcus#superstore
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Bet Beat Keep [pt3]

Pairing : Jungkook & Reader (MC) Genre : Smut / Romance / Thrilling / Dark Summary : Jeon Jungkook is a legendary boxer, currently the best around the city. Even the illegal cage fights he takes place become famous… And your rich boyfriend decides to bet on his next game. JungKook must win no matter what because you are on the line. Will Jungkook win for himself, or will another game begin? ⟪A/N: Do not copy or publish my work on other platforms without my permission. All Rights Reserved. Every and each like & reblog are highly appreciated.⟫
>All Eps>
Seeing the hallway empty, Jungkook's feet moved on its own. Following the way to the exit quickly, he walked out of the door. Big eyes scanning the place, Jungkook did not even know what he expected to find. Though, he noticed Jaehwan standing beside a big Mercedes. He slammed the door.
The tall, well-built man with a scar on his eyebrow told Jungkook to follow him. Eyes still on the luxurious car, Jungkook followed him to the less fancy one.
The man asked.
"Jungkook, yours?"
The man offered Jungkook a cigarette on the way.
"Wondering about miss, I guess."
Jungkook did not reply to the oblivious question.
"Not much of a talker, are you?" the man scoffed.
His eyes never leaving the big car in front of them, Jungkook asked.
"How often do I get to check on her?"
Minryu took a minute while he made a sharp left.
"Your job is a bit different from us, so I would say every couple of hours, maybe?"
Jungkook nodded. Minutes passed in silence until they reached at the mansion. The house was big and plain gray and tall windows. There was a pool in the middle of the garden and white flowers adorned the rest in harmony. Somehow, Jungkook knew whose idea were the flowers. He saw a smaller and simpler place in the back.
"Do we get individual rooms?"
Minryu furrowed his eyebrows at the unexpected question.
"Mostly three, why?"
Eyes scanning the place, Jungkook's tongue poked his cheek.
"I will pick the room later."
Leaving a baffled Minryu behind, Jungkook walked to the main door. When a maid opened the door, she was surprised. Undecided if she should let Jungkook in, she kept staring at him for a good minute.
When he finally got the permission, the maid welcomed him. Under the questioning gaze of Jaehwan, Jungkook walked in confidently.
"I need a tour around the house."
Jungkook felt the need to explain, but apparently it was not enough for him. Jaehwan still had his eyebrow up. Not even trying to hide his annoyance, Jungkook went on.
"I should know my way around the house in case of an emergency."
After a slow scope, Jaehwan gave a sharp nod and gestured the maid to help. During the quick tour, Jungkook started to memorize the places of the doors and rooms.

I got startled when I heard a soft cough to indicate someone was there. When I turned around, I saw the darkest yet brightest pair of eyes watching me. A small smile bloomed on his lips.
"I can not be that scary."
Somehow it felt like he tried to lighten the mood. I had to keep myself from smiling back.
"Do you realize you are gawking at me in ... the bedroom?"
A mischievous light took over his gaze.
"Technically, I just got here and let you know. Is it not my job to watch over you?"
I scoffed at his simple remark.
"I see you take it very seriously."
I tied my robe as I walked to him.
Jungkook was somehow relieved he did not see any bruises. At least not yet...
"I think I should, after the way he got you into the car..."
His presence was intense, and his chest peeking through his loose t-shirt did not make anything better. Decided to talk to him at a more convenient place, I left the bedroom. Jung Kook followed me two steps apart. I gestured him to sit across me in the half lit room. Jungkook sat on the big leather armchair casually, as if he already belonged here. Avoiding my hands getting cold, I explained.
"I did this to save you. Do not get yourself on Jaehwan's bad side again."
Jung Kook avoided replying since he knew he could not keep the word.
"Be professional around me, keep a safe distance and avoid his provoking attitude."
Jung Kook leaned forward, eyes obviously on small clenched hands.
"A list of difficult requests... I solely can follow if you are safe."
His hawk-like eyes observed every single move. I tried to come off cool and tried to divert the topic.
"You will probably have basic training starting tomorrow. Focus on that for now."
Since Jungkook realized dragging the topic would be uncomfortable, he nodded. Held my hand out, I asked for his phone. Seemed a little uneasy, Jungkook handed the cheap smartphone. After taking a look at the cracked corner, I handed it back to him.
"Looks like we are going shopping."
Eyes wider, Jungkook stuttered a bit.
"No need..."
I hushed him while I got up and he did the same.
"You will be around us most of the time, so you need to look decent."
Standing there while his large hand messing with his hair, Jungkook somehow looked sweet. Licking his lips, he swallowed whatever comment he wanted to make. We walked in silence and before parting ways he gestured outside.
"I will stay on the first floor... The room on the right... Just in case you need anything."
A small smile on my lips, I nodded. When I got into the bedroom, Jaehwan was still downstairs. Decided to take advantage of the peaceful minutes, I walked to the balcony. The stars were bright, clouds seemed soft. Then my eyes caught a light turned off. The conciergerie ... I realized Jungkook specifically picked a room that he can see me. Why did that somehow made me feel at ease?

Jungkook took quick steps to the simple building. Glances and some simple 'hey's greeted him. He made his way to the room on the right. Minryu was laying down on the big bed. He puffed out his cigarette when he saw Jungkook.
"Picked this room?"
A firm 'Yes' was Jungkook's simple answer.
Minryu let out a deep sigh.
"I warn you, though. I get up early, I sleep late. I am probably not an easy roommate."
Jungkook tilted his head once.
"I do not mind unless you are dirty."
Minryu gestured around the room with his hand.
"Manageable, I guess."
Taking a look around, Jungkook nodded. They bumped their shoulders and Jungkook's eyes got caught on the balcony. The silk robe danced around her body as she frowned while turning around.
Waking up early was not easy, but Jungkook tried to shake off the laziness with some sweets and coffee. The training was done in three quarters. Along with short breaks within, it took almost three hours. Jungkook might have been agile but was not used to being this intense.
Minryu patted his shoulder.
"That is all for today. Have some rest now."
Out of breath Jungkook got up from the ground. Making his way straight to the shower.

Watching Jungkook break a sweat sure was an entertaining event. I tried not to be obvious, but after occasional eye contacts I realized I failed. I tried to busy myself with some reading and music, however they did not help much.
When I realized the training was finally over, I decided to get ready. I texted Jaehwan to let him know I would be shopping for a couple of hours.
Checking myself in the mirror, I finished the makeup with some natural gloss. I decided to wear Tom Ford Lost Cherry. Grabbing my purse I walked down the stairs. I knocked on the door of the conciergerie slowly.
Jungkook opened the door with his hair still damp after shower. The clean and fresh smell radiating from him was quite nice. Surprised, he stared at me with wide eyes.
"Oh... You were serious about shopping."
Giving him a little smile, I confirmed.
"I am not going to let you walk around like this."
I shook the car keys, before I let them fall into his hands.

Jaehwan called Minryu after the shopping texts.
"The new boxer..."
Why was it hard to find his name? Though Minryu completed him just in time.
"Jungkook... Yes boss, what about him?"
Jaehwan impatiently asked.
"What do you think?"
Minryu took a good minute to gather his thoughts.
"As a bodyguard, he will be agile and fast... I would say promising. But he seems like a lone wolf to me."
Closing his eyes, Jaehwan let out a deep sigh. He did not like what he heard.
"They are going shopping. Keep an eye on him."
#jungkook#jungkook smut#jungkook fic#jungkook story#jungkook x reader#jungkook x oc#bts story#bts smut#bts fic#bts#jungkook x mc#jungkook au#jungkook boxer#bts au#ksmutclub
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Scars and Souvenirs
Chapter 11
Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 2,869
Rating: mentions of war; being a POW, death and animal abuse. Nothing graphic I promise but if the fic continues (if y'all like it) I'll add warnings for each chapter. All mistakes are mine, sorry.
Scars and Souvenirs
Chapter 11
(It's still the start to mid December and not Christmas yet. I apologize but rl took over and I didn't have time to write Sy and Debbie's holidays! Thanks for being patient and I hope you're still reading!)
Debbie was flitting around the kitchen baking cookies and preparing to make candies. Today was the day! Mike was coming to stay with them today. The judge decided that while the investigation of Mike's father was underway that Mike should be housed somewhere else and since Deb and Sy were going to put him to work on the ranch they would also take temporary guardianship of him. Just as she was taking a tray of cookies out of the oven and placing the pan on a cooling rack she heard them come. She nervously wiped her hands on a dish towel.
“Smells amazing in here sugar.” Sy gave her a kiss and wrapped an arm around her waist. He reached over and snatched a still hot cookie off the pan and took a bite.”Mmmmm, perfect!” He licked his lips.
Deb swatted his arm, “they aren't finished!” She smiled over at Mike and handed him one of the cookies. “There is a damaged cookie pile for sampling,” She winked.
“ Thanks,” Mile grinned then took a bite. The sugary cookie just melted in his mouth. It was the best cookie he'd ever had. “ It's good, thanks.” Mike was still unsure of exactly what was happening to him. No one had ever helped him before and he was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Did Sy give ya the tour of the stable and horses?”
“Yea,” he nodded. “It's sad that the animals were so abused.”
“People suck,” She nodded then paused, “most people I mean. Some people are nice.” She fidgeted for a moment and Sy laughed then leaned in and kissed her head.
“She says what she thinks,” he winked at Mike who grinned.
“So,” Deb bit her lip. “Would you like to put your stuff in your room?”
“I'm doing time. Am I not sleeping in the stable with the horses?” Mike sighed. “This is punishment, right?”
Deb approached him and put her arm around his shoulders leading him towards his room, Sy grabbed Mike's bag as he followed. “Yes and no. This is your punishment for things that you did; however, this isn't jail.”
Mike looked around the bedroom they led him to. It was much bigger than the one at home and sparkling clean. It was plain, light grey walls, white borders, two bi windows with deep blue curtains and a matching comforter on the twin bed.
Sy and Deb leaned back against the dresser. “ There are rules here that will be followed or the court will take you straight to juvi,” Sy explained as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“We get up early. We work hard all day no matter what the weather. It's hard, it's smelly but it's rewarding. We want to make the rules clear, no surprises and be open and up front about our expectations,” Sy explained.
Mike braced himself for what was coming. This was going to suck and he knew it. Things never worked out well for him. At least he would know what was expected of him and not be set up for failure just guessing at what they would want. “Ok.”
“Rule number one,” Deb said, “Know that you are safe here and you can talk to us about anything. “
“Rule number two,” Sy continued, “If you need anything, tell us. We are not here to hurt you.”
Mike shifted uncomfortably and chewed on his lip. What was this? What were they trying to do? He crossed his arms and just listened.
“Rule three,” Deb added “We expect you to do what we ask. It's hard work but you will always be safe. We will teach you everything we want you to do.”
“Rule four,” Sy said, “You will not leave the farm without us and we need to know where you are at all times.”
“Rule five,” Deb continued, “You keep all your meetings with the case worker and we join you at those meetings because right now we are actively your guardians.” She pushed away from the dresser and moved toward the door. “These aren't rules but,” She looked at Sy nervously. “I know the room is plain because I'd like you to make it your own. Decorate it, put up posters, we can even go shopping and get you lamps and bedding you like. We are going to be working on cookies and candy most of the night and we would love it if you would join us.” She put her hand on his shoulder for a moment before going back to the kitchen.
“Take the time you need to settle, put your stuff away and acclimate to your surroundings. When you're settled you know where we'll be,” Sy nodded and left the room.
What the fuck was happening? People weren't this kind, never to him. This had to be some sort of set up, right? Who were these people?
Debbie laughed as she swatted Sy's arm. “You are gonna make yourself sick like that.”
Sy, very unapologetically, licked the spoon full of frosting again. He'd confiscated the remainder of the large mixing bowl as soon as she had separated most of it into smaller bowls for coloring. He wasted no time samplithisng a spoon of the sugary mix and his eyes rolled back as he moaned with pleasure. “Why haven't you made before?”
She stirred gel colors into the smaller bowls. “Well between the desert, then rehab and going straight into building this ranch we never really had time to play house,” She shrugged. “Thought it was now or never.”
He frowned at her, pausing with the spoon midway between the bowl and his mouth dripping more into his beard. “Now or never?”
Mike walked into the kitchen having decided to try to make the best of this situation. He could hate them until he found out what kind of people they were, right? “So What ca….” He paused mid sentence and blinked at Sy. The man had white, frothy stuff all in his beard around his mouth. “Rabid bear,” he thought and apparently said out loud.
Debbie laughed but the more she looked at the frosting on Sy's face the more she lost it. She had tears in her eyes and giggle snorted pointing at her perplexed boyfriend. “Porn star,” was all she managed before erupting into another fit.
Sy arched his brow thinking she had totally lost it as he looked between her and the frosting. What she was laughing at finally hit him. The white frosting looked like cum all over his beard. “Oh funny,” he smirked at her. Moving quick as a flash he had her arms pinned to her sides with one of his around her waist. Taking the spoon out of the bowl he smeared it on her face as she struggled to get free.
“Austin Lee Syverson don't you .. You brat!” She huffed through her giggles.
“What? I just wanted us to match.” He acted innocent but his burgeoning erection against her ass said anything but.
She turned her head toward him, kissing his cheek, smearing more icing on him before squirming free and getting some paper towels to wipe her face. “As you can see Sy has issues behaving,” She winked at Mike, who was trying really hard not to laugh and failing.
She took the spoon outta Sy's hand again and smeared some on Mike's cheek. “Now you match, “ She beamed. “Would you like to work on baking cookies, decorating cookies or making candy?”
Mike blinked and stepped back when he got icing-ed but laughed when Sy laughed and shook his head. “I…I'm not sure I would be good at any of it. I don't want to mess anything up.”
“Like you could make more of a mess than my grown-ass toddler? It's not about being perfect or even good at it, it's about having fun! We aren't on a baking competition to be judged. If it tastes bad we'll just make you eat it all,” She smirked and hugged an arm around Mike’s shoulders. I have some more drop cookies ready to bake. You and Sy working together can get through those and some crackle cookies while I work on these and we can move on to candy together.” She set up what they needed and gave them directions on what to do.
Sy and Mike worked well together talking and laughing easily. Sy fell into that leadership role like he'd never left it. He was firm, informative and fair to his men in Special Forces and was made to lead and help. It made Deb all tingly watching him in control.
They moved through the cookies quickly, both Mike and Sy eating several and soon getting a sugar rush. They were both laughing and zooming around talking about how good the sugar cookies Deb decorated looked.
They, mostly Debbie with assists from Sy and Mike, made two types of fudge, chocolate covered pretzels, divinity, buckeyes, and truffles. They even made cookie and yogurt treats for Aika. Conversation was easy and they moved fluidly like they knew what the other needed and it was shocking because they were strangers to each other but it felt like they'd known each other for a lifetime.
The trio worked through lunch though the boys were stuffing themselves with cookies and candy.
“I don't know about you fellas but I'm tired after all of that,” Deb sighed as she closed the dishwasher and started it. Cleaning up was the worst part but they got it done. “I am desperately in need of a shower but afterward how about we order some pizza and watch movies tonight?”
“Sounds perfect to me,” Sy nodded.
“Sure,” Mike nodded. “I need a shower too.”
“When we were in Iraq we had to shower outside with cold water, which you would think is good in the desert right? But not at night when it's freezing cold. So… when we designed this house we agreed we would get a tankless hot water heater which means you can shower in your bathroom while I shower in the master.”
He was impressed having never heard of it but hot water was awesome. Sometimes his old man didn't even pay the utilities so he could buy more whiskey. Something she said just dawned on him. “Wait, I have my own bathroom?”
“You didn't explore your room?” She asked.
Sy led Mike back to his room and opened the door near the foot of the bed. “I thought it was a closet,” Mike said as he stepped inside. It wasn't huge but it was still bigger than the one at home.
“Closet is to the left kid,” Sy pointed. “You towels and washcloths are here as well as extra toilet paper,” he pointed to the things in the linen closet. “Over here,” he opened the medicine cabinet over the sink, “There is a new toothbrush if you need it as well as toothpaste. Mouthwash is here and I wasn't sure about shaving supplies but we can pick up what you need when we head into town if you want. I put the shower gel and shampoo I use in this shower for you but we can get the type you like in town too.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“We left you to explore your room but you didn't seem to get very far?” Sy explained.
“No,” Mike shook his head. “Why are you being so nice to me? In juvi or foster places I'm just given the basic lice scrub down a bed and enough food to survive. Here I'm being treated like a..” he was searching for the word.
“Kid? A human and not a prisoner?”
“Yea,” Mike said softly.
“When Debbie met you she saw something in you. We asked about your case and your priors and she said we needed to help you.”
“You agree or do you just always do what she tells you too?”
Sy crossed his arms over his chest. “I'll be honest, the jury is still out for me. It’s a fifty-fifty chance for me. I think there's a chance you're a punk who has his old man's disdain for the law and feels untouchable because of it or you're just a kid who was dealt a shit life with a shit father trying to survive the best way you can. I'm willing to get to know you to find out which one you are. I'll give you my trust and respect until you give me a reason not to. You keep acting like you are now, you keep getting treated Ike this. You fuck up you get to meet Captain Syverson and we start doing this military style. You prove to me that you don't want to be here or you hurt her in any way. I'll personally deliver you back to a jail cell and let the system take over.”
Mike took a moment to process what Sy said. Part of it pissed him off. How could anyone think he was like his father? He despised that man and was ashamed that people even knew they were related but Sy really didn't know him and had no way of knowing that. It was fair for Sy to want him to prove who he was, he couldn't fault him for that. “Fair enough,” he looked Sy in the eye and nodded.
Sy grinned and patted him on the shoulder then headed to his and Debbie's bathroom.
Deb was just finishing up with her shower when she heard the bathroom door open and close. “Everything ok?”
“Yea, just showed him where stuff was and talked a bit. He had questions about why we were being good to him.”
She smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her waist as she finished rinsing her hair. “Hi,” She grinned, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Hi,” he rumbled as he nipped at her neck.
She turned them so that he was under the spray and started washing him by scrubbing the stiff sugar out of his beard, chuckling as he moaned when she scrubbed with her nails. “Is my bear gonna start purring?”
“I don't purr, I rumble,” he insisted though his voice sounded serene.
“Mmmmhumm,” She nodded and continued to wash his body dropping to her knees to scrub his thick thighs. When she looked up at him his blue eyes were full of pure lust. His big hand cupped the back of her head as she leaned forward and pressed soft kisses along his hard shaft. Using her hand to stroke him she carefully worked his balls in her mouth knowing how much it drove him wild.
“Fuck,” he rasped as he fisted her hair. “Keep that up and this will be over quick sugar.
She worked him with her hand as she slipped away from his balls letting them leave her mouth with a soft pop then lucked a stripe all the way up his cock. She pulled the foreskin back and licked and sucked the head then sucked him as deep into her throat as she could bobbing her head as she licked and sucked until his thighs were trembling, his moans were a litany of curses and his balls were tightening. With a wicked gleam in her eyes she soaped up her hand and reached up to cup his balls but instead rubbed across his puckered hole and slipped her finger in deep. He squeaked and clinched around her finger but before he could say anything she was pressing on his prostate causing an electrical storm of pleasure to roll through his entire body.
“Fuck Debbie, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He whined as his entire body trembled. He was caught between her hot mouth on his cock and that wicked finger touching his prostate and it was a vortex of pleasure. His entire body tinged and rolled as the orgasm ripped through him and he blew his load in her mouth pumping wave after wave of cum as she worked him through it only stopping when his moans turned to soft whines from over stimulation.
Debbie smiled as she held him to her chest rocking him as they sat on the bench seat gently rubbing his face as he came down from his Endorphin high after washing her hand. “Hi there,” She smiled as he looked up at her with glazed eyes.
“Hi,” he leaned in to kiss her and his hand slipped between her legs.
She gently moved his hand and kissed his pouty lips. “I want you so bad darlin but we have a kid waiting on us. Tonight? Please?”
He pressed another kiss to her lips and nodded. “I don't like this part. I want to be able to fuck you when and where ever I want to,” he growled.
She shivered as she leaned against him. At least he still wanted her. Maybe things weren't as bad as she'd thought.
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18Trip Event - Precious as a White Light Chapter 7

Scene: Home Economics Room
Nanaki: Can I open this now?
Ushio: Yeah, use a mitten.
Nanaki: Oh, right. Thanks.
Nanaki: Look look, Ushio, Kiroku. My madeleines look so pretty!
Kiroku: …Such a nice color…
Ushio: …Well, I guess it's fine.
Nanaki: Does that mean I got your seal of approval?
Ushio: You’re way too optimistic. It’s just not the worst you've made so far.
Nanaki: But you never praised me before. Just you saying it's not the worst is more than enough.
Nanaki: …Thank you, Ushio.
Ushio: …
Ushio: …Whatever.
Nanaki: I’m grateful to you too, Kiroku.
Kiroku: Eh… Ah… I…
Nanaki: You helped me when I was deciding on madeleines and you stuck with me while I researched.
Kiroku: …You're… welcome…
Nanaki: It’s not a difficult pastry, but… it's easy to adjust the flavor, and most importantly… It has meaning as a White Day gift. (1)
Nanaki: (I’m sure she’ll be happy.)
Ushio: I totally thought you’d just lock yourself in your room and rot away like a moldy panda.
Kiroku: …Good thing that didn’t happen.
Ushio: Yeah, ‘cause if you did, you’d just spread your gross spores everywhere.
Nanaki: Oh, Kiroku, is your caramel done already? That was a request from your little sister, right?
Kiroku: Ah… Yeah… It’s for my sister… but since I have a lot… so I figured… I’d share…
Nanaki: That makes sense. That sounds like a good plan.
Kiroku: It should… solidified… by now…
Nanaki: Then how about we all have a tasting session?
Time Skip
Nanaki: Whoa… amazing!
Kiroku: …Really? That’s… good.
Ushio: Well, unlike a certain someone, the Buddha statue didn’t slack off, so of course his work’s quality is high.
Nanaki: …I’ll reflect.
Kiroku: Ah… t-that aside… Nanaki, your madeleine…
Nanaki: Ushio, how was it?
Ushio: …This should be passable. The flavor isn’t lost or anything.
Kiroku: …I also… think it’s delicious.
Nanaki: Really?!
Kiroku: But…
Nanaki: Was there something that bothered you?
Kiroku: …Ah, n-no, not that… Just… Nanaki’s coffee… I feel like I’d want some.
Kiroku: If I had this madeleine… together with it… it would be… the strongest combo.
Nanaki: …The strongest, huh?
Ushio: You’re too influenced by that idiot bamboo. Well, I won’t deny it, though.
Ushio: In the end, the situation in which you eat something greatly affects how delicious it is.
Nanaki: …Thank you, both of you.

Scene: Hama House Living Room
Nanaki: Phew.
Ten: Why do you look so nervous?
Nanaki: Well… because today is the day.
Ten: Ah— then maybe you should hurry?
Nanaki: Eh?
Scene: Dining Room
Chihiro: Chief-pi, good morning~! This is a Valentine’s gift from Taotao and me!
Tao: Well, I don’t really know much about this stuff, so Chihiro picked it out.
Momiji: Wow, thanks for going out of your way!
Kiroku: Chief… This is… caramel. It’s the same as the ones I made for my sister… but…
Momiji: Wow, even the wrapping paper is super cute! Did you draw this too, Kiroku-kun? Thank you! I’ll cherish it.
Kiroku: …Yeah.
Ushio: I’ll just leave this chocolate baum here. If anyone wants it, help yourself.
Momiji: Then, can I have it? Ushio-kun, yours looks professionally made—it's amazing!
Ushio: …Did you not hear me say, “Help yourself”? Also, mine has nothing to do with White Day. I just made what I wanted to make. That’s it. Seriously.
Kinari: The optimal White Day gift for Master turned out to be a storage box. Adjusting learning results—will apply this knowledge next year.
Muneuji: Coincidentally, I had the same thought as Azukawa-san. Perhaps White Day isn’t just about sweets.
Muneuji: …However, this year, I was able to connect with everyone through sweets and Uu-chan seemed to be enjoying himself as well. This is the White Day in history.
(Phone rings)
Momiji: Ah, it's mine…!
Momiji: —Yes! This is Hamasaki Momiji from HAMA Tours.
(Netaro pops out)
Netaro: DOU DOU! The special White Day manju is freshly steamed!
Nagi: Mainly for… (1)
Netaro: I’ll feed it to you right now!
Momiji: Whoa! Netaro-kun, wait a sec! I’m on the phone…!

Scene: Living Room
Nanaki: (Wah…) Nanaki: (I can’t find time to give it…!? )
Kafka: Nanaki, why are you so restless?
Nanaki: O-Oguro-san.
Kafka: I heard from Ushio. You properly made the sweets, didn’t you?
Kafka: …And yet, now that the day has come, you’ve lost your nerve?
Nanaki: That’s rich, coming from you. Are you sure you’re not falling behind?
Kafka: Fufun! Too bad for you but I was actually the very first one to hand mine out on White Day.
Nanaki: Wha—?! That’s— That’s unfair…!!
Kafka: Well, do your best. Just don’t be late for school.
Nanaki: …I know that already!!
Momiji: Nanaki-kun, can I talk to you for a sec?
Nanaki: That call just now— It was an inquiry about the use of unlove's music. I'll send you the details later, so could you check it?
Nanaki: Understood. Ah, um… This is a separate matter, but…
Momiji: What is it?
Nanaki: To—
Nanaki: Tonight, could you spare some time for me?
Kafka: !
Momiji: Yeah, that’s fine. If I’ll be back late, I’ll let you know.
Nanaki: Th-Thank you so much!!
Kafka: (…What the heck. That’s about three times bolder than I expected.)
Kafka: ( I told him “Do your best” so I’ll let it slide just this once…)
Kafka: Chief-chan, it’s about time to head out.
Momiji: Yes! Then, Nanaki-kun, see you tonight.
Nanaki: ….. Nanaki: ….Alright!

(1) Nagi's line here is in a chat box so idk if he was physically present but at the same time his sprite was also on the screen. no clue.
this is so freaking cute!!! i love white day events so much give shuunin-chan all the love she deserves <333 joseimuke mcs always breaks their backs for the boys they deserve all the love!!
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Hello Hello I'm your friendly neighbourhood ghost and I am a collector of spooky tales, folklore, Urban legends, cryptids and spooky experiences and I was wondering if y'all want to share y'all favorite one??
Thank you and I hope y'all are having a blast
hello!! we absolutely would love to share!! we love a good spooky/strange story, and altho you only asked for one, we can't choose one favourite soo heres a few under the cut.. :3c
first we'll give ya a spooky one! it takes place shortly after i was born, barely talking yet, our childhood room had a closet that was connected to the attic. apparently only my dad went into the attic cus my mom & sister were too scared and we were an infant. but whenever my dad went into the attic, the windows would be open and he'd have to close them. then he'd go yell at our mom asking why she kept opening the windows, but she didnt. cus she was scared of the attic. so one day they were arguing about this in front of me & my dad said smth like "well then who's opening the windows, huh?".
& apparently (according to our parents) we point up at the ceiling to the attic and said "man". so ofc our parents were like huh?? so we did it again & ofc my parents were like 'oh shit we're haunted'. but the ghost wasnt actually like.. doing anything other than opening the windows so my dad just kept closing them and everyone kinda left him (the ghost man) alone.
then, out of nowhere, when we were like 3 years old ish, we would just start screaming and crying in the middle of the night. full-on hysterics about "the man in the attic". so our grandma flew in to come bless the house with sage (we assume) and free the spirit peacefully and respectfully. the only thing we actually remember from this whole story is her walking around the attic burning something and repeating stuff. we're told she also made my dad do it with her, not sure why she chose him tho tbh. anyways everythings been fine after that and ever since then whenever smth weird happened in the house we'd be like "welp, i guess the man's back"
second story isnt super spooky but it is weird. this one starts when we were maybe 4 or 5? we were at a paranormal sites tour on vacation, i know how this sounds but stick with us here, the tour guide said to take 2 pictures because you might not get the ghost in the first picture, but you might get it in the second. now im prettyy sure this is actually something to do with the flash and lens flares but, my mom, sister & i still did it and sure enough my sister got the pictures with & without a little orb! how fun! we save the pictures to a flash drive or something to look at for years to come.
years pass and we're all looking at the pictures (as we'd done many times before) and we get to the pictures from that tour and were like 'oh we should show dad' so my sister calls my dad in so he can see the two pictures, one with the orb and one without it. except this time when we're looking at them, neither one has an orb. and we sit there dumbstruck because we'd looked at them so many times and there was always an orb in the second picture. we still dunno how it just disappeared.. our dad was just sitting there like ".... 😑😐🤨 what are you showing me?" as the rest of us went through the 5 stages of grief trying to accept that the one time we thought to show him our ghostie picture, it stops existing :(
last one's gonna be our fav cryptid!! theyre called the fresno nightcrawlers!!!! theyre super cute little dudes that were originally sighted in fresno, california (as per their name) but they usually show up in the US :3 they also showed up once in poland they usually appear in twos, one bigger one and one smaller one, but not always. they're very cute lil guys just look at them

theyre grey/white creatures with long legs with no arms or torsos, if you look closely, their knee bends where a human shin would be, so that rules out a person in a costume because their legs are too long with far too low knees to be a human. theyre known to be small (4'11/1.5m), but one sighting claims it was 7ft/2m~. perhaps the smaller ones seen are children?? from the footage we've seen, the smaller ones never seem to be sighted without a taller one. however, the taller ones have been sighted alone.

look at how cute this lil guy is!! this is from the first ever sighting of them, definitely check out the video we linked to watch it walk around

the person who posted it also embossed the video to prove there are no wires or anything, and in the screenshot above you can kinda see the lil guy and eyes potentially?? theyre kinda hard to see so we raised the contrast n such
some people think theyre puppets with strings and have tried to recreate them, which does seem to be incredibly difficult. the wiki (linked above) has the documentary where somebody tries to debunk them along with all the sightings & hoaxes. theyre funky lil dudes and since it harms nobody and affects nothing, we choose to believe theyre real :3
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twilight for the uninitiated
HEYLO BABYGIRLS, BITCHBOYS, AND BOYCOTTERS OF THE BINARY! It's your favourite (and I should hope only) Good Omens Mascot and Maggot Prince here. Yesterday (earlier today? idk I sleep in naps) way over on the maggots server some of y'all were insulting Twilight. Which I am 100% supportive of, but for Bildaddy's sake, you need to insult it CORRECTLY.
But should you have to hate-watch or hate-read it? Nah, you've got me. In middle school I got late to school because I was reading the books in the bathroom instead of getting ready. I'VE GOT YOU! Gonna mix up the book and movie for optimum enjoyment.
Dramatis Personae: Edward Cullen, aka Sparkles the Vampire. Bella Swan, aka Bella Sue. Jacob Black, aka Wolfy Eggfucker. Charlie Swan, aka Gunboy ACAB. And Dr Carlisle Cullen, aka Zaddy. @orpiknight taught me that word.
ALRIGHT! So Bella Sue's mum and dad are divorced and she lives with her mum. But her mum's like lmao fuck you when she gets a touring boyfriend and tosses Bella Sue to Forks, where it rains a lot, and where her dad Gunboy lives.
So Bella Sue grabs a cactus because that represents Arizona and hauls ass, and Gunboy makes awkward comments about her hair. Bonding! But then he gets her a pickup truck, which is wild-o.
First day of school and Bella Sue is very popular because Small Town and the boys are very tingly in the ballsacks if you catch my drift. Anna Kendrick asks her why she's white (YOU CAN'T JUST ASK PEOPLE WHY THEY'RE WHITE, KAREN!) and then promptly forgets she was in the movie.
INTRODUCING THE VAMPIRES! This is a vampire story, by the way. There's Himbo, Blonde Murderer, and they're dating/married. There's Bi Awakening and some constipated looking dude from the Confederate army, and they're dating/married (don't worry about it). There's Sparkles, of course, and they all walk into the cafeteria being Hot apparently. Sparkles stares at Bella Sue. This is to be a common theme.
Sparkles thinks Bella Sue stinks. No, like, literally, she stinks coz he wants to eat her and food smells etc. Bella Sue also has magic powers and Sparkles can't read her mind. He's like >:(=. Those are his fangs, btw. But then he goes away with his family to hunt animals and drink blood and comes back like :)=.
Bella Sue almost gets hit by a car but then Sparkles jumps in and pushes it away. He then gaslight gatekeeps girlbosses her, and googles adrenaline rush to explain it to her. AND GUESS WHO HEALS HER? IT'S SPARKLES'S DAD, AND MY ZADDY. He walks into the ER all blonde and gentle and competent. Oh and he's a vampire too and so is his wife but like his magic power is compassion and also he's learned to regulate himself around blood. And he's pretty. Zaddy.
He's so fucking pretty but then we have to go back to the Plot and some humans are being killed or whatever and Gunboy is takin' charge yo. Sparkles keep chasing after Bella Sue to tell her to stay away from him and finding her randomly to remind her to ABSOLUTELY STAY AWAY and then he stalks her in the night and has dinner with her after saving her from a gang to tell her to ABSOLUTELY STAY AWAY. Also, he's like 110 years old. Whatever.
Oh and Sparkles breaks into her room to watch her sleep at night. It's super duper romantic. (No, trust me, once you see Wolfy in the later books, this will be super duper romantic). Then he takes her to abandoned clearings in woods to threaten to kill her and he tells her to SAY WHAT HE IS and she's like MOSQUITE LEECH VAMPIRE.
AND THEN HE SPARKLES! A LOT! And they go to the Cullens house and play baseball and Zaddy is looking absolutely lovely and welcomes them and even stands off some random vampires that show up. But one of them likey-likey's Bella Sue's blood.
Bella Sue is like lmao fuck you you're not a good dad to Gunboy to keep him safe or whatever and runs away with the Cullens to keep herself safe or whatever. Idk man Zaddy is just very pretty throughout.
And then there's a ballet place and Bella Sue goes there to get murdered coz she doesn't want to be a burden to the Cullens (homegirl never been so real). The Cullens get there and kill the vampire but then she's vampiring so Sparkles sucks the venom out and Zaddy heals her. Looking pretty. Blonde hair, golden eyes, etc.
And then Gunboy and Bella Sue's mum show up and she goes home and she's like SPARKLES TURN ME INTO A VAMPIRE TOO and he's like yo wtf no you'll be a monster (I think he's just pissed he sucked that venom out for nothing) and she's like SPARKLES PLEASE UWU and he's like UGH WE'LL SEE and they dance at prom but anyway there it ends. It should have ended with a shot of Zaddy but anyway.
*influence voice* Like and subscribe Like and reblog for a part II coz there are three more books/four more movies. Gotta get that education. Now I have the urge to make a youtube video. Garn. ANYWAY LOVE YOU ALL BYE MAGGOTS.
#weirdly specific but ok#twilight#twilight saga#the twilight saga#the cullens#charlie swan#carlisle cullen#daddy cullen#asmi#good omens mascot#maggots#twilight summary#twilight books#would this have been shorter if i hadn't been thirsty for carlisle#maybe but romeo and juliet would have been shorter without juliet ok#hamlet would be shorter without hamlet#you see my point?
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The Sweet Symphony - Chapter Eight: Dreams & Nightmares

Jake Kiszka x Reader series
Words: 3.2k+
Summary: Tour is just around the corner, and reader is letting her anxiety get the best of her
CW: MDNI, 18+, anxiety/anxiety attack, mentions of cheating, nightmares, angst, I guess abandonment and trust issues? I think that’s all but this is a pretty sad chapter I’m sorry in advance😃👍🏻
"Good luck out there." you give Jake a confident wink. It's the fifth show on tour, and they're about to go on stage. He ignores you, turning back to his brothers. You reach for his shoulder, wanting him to look you in your eyes.
To your dismay, he pulls back, freeing his shoulder of your touch. He has his guitar clutched in his hand, tightening his grip with the fist he makes underneath your touch.
He turns to you, his voice laced with disgust. "It was a mistake bringing you here."
"What? Why?" confusion comes over your face. "Where is this coming from?"
"You're no longer a good fit for us, and frankly y/n, I'm starting to get quite bored of you." He waves his free hand in your face motioning you to get out of his sight.
"What do you mean? I thought we were supposed to make it?!" frustration fills your voice, and a lump forms in your throat.
"Go away! I'm supposed to be on stage any minute now!" he continues to shout at you in a way you've never seen before. His eyes are full of darkness and regret.
You begin to walk away before being stopped by him one last time. Tears rolling down your cheeks by the second.
"Oh, and I've been fucking so many other girls, all pleasing me much better than you ever have."
"How could you say that to me, Jake?" you swing around to defend yourself, but he's gone. He disappeared just like that.
You gasped for air, launching forward in your bed. You were in a full body cold sweat, still trying to catch your breath. You clutched your white duvet, trying to pull yourself back to reality, but nothing seemed to work. It felt like your whole world was crashing down on you. You couldn't lose Jake, even though he's still not yours to lose.You stumble out of bed and onto your feet, Reaching for your phone on your bedside table. Your legs are struggling to carry you to the bathroom. Is coming on tour with them a mistake? Is Jake even serious about you? Is he gonna find other girls on tour? Thoughts racing around your mind and you weren't able to slow them down. This man was beginning to consume your life. Unlocking your phone, you tell Siri to call Jake. You put the phone on speaker as you try to splash cool water on your face to help ground you. The tears are just not stopping their escape from your eyes.
"Hello?" you hear a half tired and half concerned Jake greet you over the phone. "Y/N? Is everything okay? It's 4 a.m."
You attempt to catch your breath so you can respond to him but fail. You wipe your tears, even though more just continue to fall.
"Are you alright? You're breathing really heavily." He questioned, his voice changing from a tired tone to a frantic one.
No Response.
"I'm on my way."
You don't even have a chance to say anything to him before your hand flies to the phone. Hanging up on him. Shit. You couldn't even get a single word out.
Jakes POV
I hopped in my car, not wanting to waste any time changing so I opted for a white wife beater and my handy gray sweatpants. I am worried out of my mind for Y/N. She sounded so distressed over the phone, I just hope I can help her through whatever happened. What really got to me the most was the fact that she had hung up on me. I'm not one to pray, but I found myself praying that she was okay. I raced to her house, getting there in almost no time partly because I did run multiple red lights and stop signs. I crossed my fingers that there were no police watching, and luckily I didn't come across any. I sprung out of my car, turning off the engine and slamming the door shut. I ran up to her front door and opened it with ease.
Huh, I thought I locked it.
I can hear her sniffles coming from her bedroom upstairs. I don't know what is going on, but no matter what it is, I have to be there for her.
"Y/N?" I calmly called out, letting her know of my arrival. "Sweetheart, what's going on?"
I watch as she timidly steps out into the hallway. She makes a point to keep her distance from me. Her cheeks are swollen and tear stained, her eyes are bloodshot and her body is slightly shaking.
"It's just me, baby, what happened?" I ask her in my best attempt at a sweet voice, continuing to approach her.
Her breathing is still unsteady. I need to do something about it. Get her to calm down. I approach her slowly and steadily, my arm gently resting on her lower back.
"Why don't we go sit down?" I gesture to her bed, guiding her to sit down. It'll be easier for her to tell me what happened if I sit down with her. I'm trying my absolute hardest to get her to open up, while also remaining calm. I hope it's working.
Her eyes jolt up to mine. She musters up the courage to croak out a few words.
"I had a dream..." she stammered. "You were in it and you, you...we were on tour and…" she hesitated. My grip on her back grew more firm to comfort her, but I see her scoot backwards in retaliation.
"Woah, what happened in this dream?" I pull my hand back. "You can tell me, I'm not gonna hurt you." I smoothly attempt to put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her once more with some added caution this time.
She sniffles, looking down at her feet. She takes a deep breath, and then stares directly into my eyes. "You told me it was a mistake bringing me on tour. You were hooking up with other girls. Jake, it all felt so real. Too real.” Her face scrunched as her tears grew into sobs.
I feel my heart break in half as those words leave her lips. I would never do anything to hurt her. I can't help but think that she is so beautiful when she cries. No matter what this woman does, she still outshines anyone else I had ever laid eyes on before.
She sobbed into my chest. I could feel her shaky breaths against my tear stained tank top.
"Y/N," I say softly, feeling my heart break even further. "I would never do that to you. That was only a nightmare. I would never, ever, hurt you."
I watch as she pulls away from my chest and gives me an unconvincing nod. She adjusts her position so she's propped up against her headboard and I follow suit.
"Here, grab my hand if you need proof. This is real, your nightmare wasn't." I offer my hand for her to take.
I feel my cold, large, and calloused hand intertwine with her warm, small, and soft hand. I give her hand a squeeze to help ground her. "I'm not going anywhere, darling." I whisper.
We lay there together for a few moments before her tears start to dry. She lets her hand slip out of mine and rolls over to face the wall.
"What's on your mind?" I softly ask her. I don't want to pry, but I know her thoughts are racing around a mile a minute in that brain of hers.
"Jake.." she starts. "I don't know if coming on tour with you is a good idea."
I feel a lump form in my throat. I need her there.
"Baby," I inhale a deep breath to prepare myself for the worst. "Why not?"
She sighs. "I just, my boss said it's perfectly fine if I go..." her voice becomes shaky. "But I'm not sure that I'm ready for this commitment."
If my heart wasn't broken yet, it sure as hell had broken now.
"I feel like you're making a mistake bringing me. You're going to regret it, I just have a feeling."
"A mistake?!" My eyes go wide. “I was 100 percent sure when I asked you to go, and I'm 100 percent sure that I still want you to go. There is nothing I would regret." I take a deep breath. "Sweetheart, it's going to be a blast. We're planning on taking a break in the middle of tour and going on a cabin trip. We will travel all around the country. I want you there. Hell, I need you there."
I knew I needed her there.
"I would love to have you there, not only so you can make my hair look all pretty, but so you can keep me company. It gets lonely on those tour buses, but really, all I need is you. Imagine us traveling the country together."
All I wanted was her by my side when I had to hit the road.
She remained silent for the next few moments. I just continued to lay there, ready for her whenever she wanted to speak. The air around us grew tense, and I have a gut feeling that my persuasion did not necessarily work. A pit of anxiety formed in my stomach as I waited for her to finally say something.
Her head sunk further into the pillow and I knew what I would hear next was going to ruin me.
"I need to think about it." She finally spoke up. "I, I just don't know yet."
I was absolutely destroyed, but I couldn't show it. I had to be strong for her and couldn't show her just how much I was let down.
"Take your time." I say with a disappointed nod. I felt guilty in a way. She thinks I would invite her, just to hook up with other girls and ultimately ignore her? I must be doing something wrong. I decided right then and there that I was going to get my act together and really show up for her.
"Do you want me to lay here with you for a bit?" My mind raced with thoughts. Did she want me to leave right away? Did she want space? Did she want me to spend the night? If she wants me to spend the night, could I fix all of this in the morning?
"Up to you." She shrugged unenthusiastically.
I laid with her for a few more moments. It was her house, it's not up to me to determine if I should stay or not. Her eyelids flutter closed and then soft snores came from her soon after. I was going to give her space. It was probably what she needed most. She needed to think on it and me being here wouldn't help her decision. Yeah, I could probably influence her to come with us, but I didn't want to mess up my chances. I quietly slipped out of her bed and made my way towards her bedroom door for the second time that night. Just hours earlier I was here, tucking her in. It felt like a dream, I knew it was too good to be true.
"Sleep tight my love." I whispered even though I knew she wouldn't be able to hear me. "I hope you decide to come, I don't know how I'll manage the tour without you."
I had only been with her for a little over 2 months now, but she had quickly grown to become the only thing I knew. I walked down her staircase, my hands filled with despair as they gripped the wooden banister. I left her home, making sure to lock the door on my way out.
Once I pull into my driveway, I waste no time opening the center console of my car and pulling out a blunt I had put there earlier-for safe keeping. The feeling of regret sunk into my bones as I lit the blunt in between my two fingers. Smoking was a habit I was trying to break, but this situation just called for a little something to help ease my stress. My fingers shake as I bring the blunt up to my lips once more. I squeeze my eyes shut as a few tear drops begin to roll out of my eyes. I couldn’t lose her. Not now. I hadn’t hardly known her for long, but she has begun to be the only thing I do know. I wouldn’t know how to live without her. I don’t think I could bear the tour, being a stranger to all these new cities without a familiar face by my name. Not just a familiar face, but a loved one as well. I attempt to dry my tears with my tank top. I had to remain calm.
I only managed to take a few hits of the blunt before I realized that the night had quickly slipped away and the sun was already beginning to rise. I put my blunt out way too soon, the high had just started to hit and I wanted to get just a little bit of sleep in before rehearsal later in the day.
I laid in my cold bed, thinking back on the whirlwind that was the past few hours. I mostly regretted leaving her there. I should have slept next to her, talked to her in the morning. Maybe I could have changed her mind, or encouraged her to go on tour. The 'what ifs' controlled my mind until the exhaustion took over my body and I eventually was able to drift off. I had seriously debated going back to her house, jumping back in bed with her, and never letting her go again. But this isn't some type of fairytale, this is reality. She asked for time to think, so that's what I'm gonna give her.
You awoke the next morning feeling well rested. The entirety of last night felt like one big dream-or perhaps a nightmare. Glancing around your bedroom, you felt all too alone. Jake was nowhere to be seen. You figured he probably left after you fell asleep. Why didn't he stay though? It felt very unlike him to just leave. A part of you felt disappointed, you wished he would have stayed, and fought for you. But you had no right to feel disappointed either, you were the one who sent him free. It was his choice to leave or stay, and he chose leave.You spent the entire day worrying if you were making the wrong decision. You would have done everything to go on tour with him, and you just don't understand why you feel like this all of a sudden. Neither choice felt right. It was for the better that he didn't spend the night, right? You just needed to think, and weigh out all the pros and cons.
You decided to make some breakfast and listen to some music. Music was the one thing that always helped to clear your mind. As you reach for your record collection, your eyes dart to a certain record in particular. The Essential Elvis Presley.
It was something you were trying to avoid, but somehow you felt compelled to listen to it in that moment.
As you cracked an egg into a pan, the vinyl began to play one of your favorites. Love Me Tender. You listened to the melody and couldn't help but dance around the kitchen as your sunny side up eggs continued to cook. The most prominent thought in your mind was when Jake bought you the very record that you were dancing to. But more importantly, what he said to you as he was purchasing the record. His words echoed in your mind.
"Now everytime you play it, you'll think of me."
And you were doing just that.
As the song went on, you found yourself picking apart every single lyric. You were finding a way to relate each and every lyric to your situation.
"Take me to your heart for it's there that I belong and we'll never part."
You didn't want to part with Jake. You belonged with him.
"All my dreams fulfilled, for my darling I love you and I always will"
This tour was his dream. He wanted you by his side to further fulfill it. Realizing this somehow made your heart full and break at the same time. He just wanted love, he wanted you to love him. And it was somehow the easiest but the hardest thing for you to do.
As you were finishing up eating your eggs another one of your favorites began to play. Suspicious minds.
"We're caught in a trap, I can't walk out because I love you too much, baby, why can't you see what you're doin' to me when you don't believe a word I say?"
You once again found yourself listening closely to the lyrics and yearning for Jake. Daydreaming about him like a little school girl. But then, you realized, could you even trust him? You could find yourself relating every line of the song to your current situation once again. You couldn't walk out, you liked him far too much to leave him now. You were too deep in to leave.
You took a deep breath. Okay. You just needed to listen to Jake. Believe in him and his words. Just like the song said.
You snapped out of the song, your eyes jolting over to the clock.
You were supposed to be at work 3 minutes ago.

Day by day went by, and the month before tour quickly became a week before you knew it. Your choice was still becoming clear. You hadn’t had contact with him since that night.
You were driving home from work, and you finally decided. This was just a risk you had to take. Once you pulled into your driveway, you reached for your phone that was sitting in the cup holder.
Your finger hovered over Jakes contact. You hesitated a bit, but you knew deep down this was the right choice. You took a deep breath as the phone rung a few times.
You were met with a voice after the phone rung a few times. You were soon met with Jakes voice.
“Hello?” He answered, his voice groggily.
“Hi, Jake.” You said shyly. “I'm sorry I kinda ghosted you. I really needed that time to think. So, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. And, um, I would love to go on tour with you. If you’ll still have me, of course.”
“Of course we’ll have you. I’ll have you any day.” You heard him smile to himself over the line. “And, no need to apologize for taking time for yourself.” He truly sounded sincere, and you couldn’t even begin to believe you even had the tiniest amount of doubt about him.
You giggled quietly, you were so lucky to have found him. Not someone like him. Him.
“Are you still good to be our hair stylist?”
“Mhm!” You exclaimed, more than ready to go on tour at this point.
“Good, good. We leave in a week, I don’t know if we would have survived without you to style our hair. Oh god, Josh already started planning on cutting his own hair. Can you imagine?” He laughed, thinking about his twin brother. The excitement built up in your stomach just thinking about being on the road with them.
“So y/n, you’re sure? You’re coming on the road with us?”
You nod to yourself, partly in disbelief at what your life is now and partly out of excitement. “I’m choosing the road.”
Tag List:
@gretnavannfleet @theweightofjake
#danny gvf#danny wagner#greta van fic#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fanfic#gvf fanfiction#gvf fluff#gvf imagine#gvf x reader#jake gvf#jake kiszka fic#jake kiska fic#jake kiskza x reader#jake kiszka x reader#jake kiszka fanfic#jake kiszka#jake kiskza smut#dad jake kiszka#josh gvf#sammy gvf#sam kiszka gvf#greta van angst#greta van fluff#gvf fic#sam gvf#gvf#sam kiszka#josh kiszka#danny wagner gvf#josh kiskza fanfic
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Star Child Part 7
Yes, you’ve read that right, I am back with the rockstar AU. I finally got part 8 done (this one ends in a bit of a cliffhanger) I’m still not sure where this story is going other than knowing the ending. That I’ve had since the beginning. So I don’t know how regularly this will update. Plus I have three other WIP that need to be worked on as well. But I hope this chapter was well worth the wait.
We meet Steve’s bodyguards and Eddie has an encounter of the dangerous kind.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Steve arrived in LA three days later, a day before he needed to be in the studio. Which meant that he would have a day to relax in his pool before being locked into the studio basement for the next two months.
Okay, so that was an exaggeration but that’s what it felt like the last four albums. When he got to his house, he found the most unlikely of pairs waiting for him. They were both in black suits and button downs. His was a light green and hers was pink.
He was tall. Taller than Steve by a lot. His dark skin contrasted with the freckled red-head next to him. Her long hair was braided to the middle of her back and she was short, barely coming up to Steve’s chin.
Janice got out of the car. “Steve, these are your new bodyguards. Lucas Sinclair and Max Mayfield.”
Steve looked at them blankly. “Yeah, okay.”
Lucas caught his look and laughed. “I’m just here to pull her,” he jutted his thumb at Max, “off bad guys to limit the liability.”
Max just grinned.
Steve huffed out a laugh. “So how is this going to work?”
“They will go out with you whenever you leave the house,” Janice explained. “So be sure and call ten minutes before you leave, so that they can arrive. If you have a schedule for the studio, please have your manager forward it to us. Schedules are great for us, but bad for you, because people can pick up on it and stalk you.”
Steve bit his lip and nodded. “I just want to let you guys know that I’ve had trouble with my security spying on me for the label, so if anything gets back to them that I don’t want them to know, your ass is grass faster than you can blink.”
The other three shared glances, but all nodded. “You have our discretion,” Janice said.
Steve nodded. “I go into the studio at 10am, but I run every morning at 6am.”
Lucas and Max shared a glance.
Lucas sighed. “I guess I’ll be digging out my running shoes.”
Steve chuckled. “You think you can keep up?”
Lucas laughed. “Just try it, pretty boy.”
Steve let himself into his house and sighed. It wasn’t one of those white, sterile monstrosities that other celebrities tended to go in for. It was warm and welcoming and everything his parents’ house never was.
He immediately went for the pool, opening the sliding door to his backyard. There on one of lounge chairs was his favorite person in the world.
She looked up from her magazine and grinned. “Steve!” She jumped up and gave him a hug and big kiss on the cheek.
“You ready for this?” she asked gently. “Just two more months and you’ll be free to be you.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah I know.”
“The label called me yesterday,” she said leading him over to the chairs and sat him down.
“What did they want?” Steve asked, wearily.
“They’re pissed,” Robin said. “They were expecting you to take longer for the five albums and are threatening legal action.”
Steve’s eyebrows went up. “Holy shit!”
“Don’t worry, I’ve contacted a good contract lawyer,” Robin said, putting her hand on his knee. “We meet with her tomorrow.”
Steve sighed. “I didn’t do anything wrong. They wanted five albums, I gave them four platinum selling albums and about to give them another. They can fuck off.”
“I think they were expecting you to take longer than six to eight months touring,” Robin said.
“I don’t like performing, everyone knows that,” Steve groused.
“I think people might disagree with you after seeing the Love Loud concert,” she said, sing-song.
He laughed. “Okay...let me amend that. I don’t like performing pop.”
Robin laughed with him. “I don’t know why they tried to box into that. Think of how much money they would have made if they had given you creative freedom?”
Steve shook his head. “I know, right?” He got up. “I’m just gonna change into my swim trunks and be right back out.”
She nodded. “And don’t worry about the contract. I made sure it was air tight in our favor.”
Steve grinned.
Eddie was lying in bed at their hotel in Austin, Texas, thinking about Steve. He was always thinking about Steve, so that wasn’t new. But was new was that he was thinking about writing a song about Steve.
An actual fucking love song.
Corroded Coffin had dipped their toes into the love ballad pool a couple of times in the past when Eddie got infatuated with a boy. But this felt different. This felt monumental. And he didn’t know what to do about that.
So he did what he always did when he needed to relax, he called an Uber and got decked out in finest threads. Then he asked the driver for the best gay club in town. Usually Eddie asked the boys to go with him, but he wanted to lose himself in the music for a bit.
He wasn’t stupid. He let them know where he was going and set up an Uber for them to be taken to the club later.
When Eddie got to the club, he knew it was his kind of place. There were two crossed guitars behind the name saying “Upside Down”. The bouncer at the door was a tall, thin man that didn’t look like much, but Eddie didn’t doubt that the man could toss the most determined drunk.
The man barely glanced at him before making a check mark on his hand and waved him through.
The inside was wicked cool. It had Tesla coils and plasma balls that were red, giving off the effect of red lightning hanging from the ceiling.
The dance floor seemed to pulsate with sickly red cracks.
Eddie pulled out his phone and took a couple pictures sending it to Gareth with a message to get their asses down here.
Usually he would loosen up with a beer, but he wanted to get to that dance floor. He pulled his hair back and slipped into crowd that was practically hopping with the music. He let music take control and began to sway. He let his mixed up emotions about a certain teen idol go and just listened to the beat.
The music washed over him like waves. He wasn’t sure how long he was out there, but he began to feel fatigue in his bones and thirst in his throat, so slipped back out into the club proper.
But before he could make his way to the bar, two large men directed him to the VIP suite.
Sitting on the dark red sofa was a gorgeous man in a white suit. He was slim with sharp cheek bones, his blond hair was shaved on the sides, the top swooping over his left eye artfully.
Eddie was impressed. Not his taste, even if he hadn’t been in the middle of the biggest crush of his life. But very easy on the eyes.
“Hello,” he greeted, unsure why he was here in the first place.
“Hello, yourself,” the man greeted. His voice was smooth. “I was surprised when Gorgon said that the Eddie Munson was in my club. I just had to see for myself.”
Eddie jutted his head to the door. “Gorgon the door gargoyle?”
The man smiled. “Very good. He’s named thus because he is my stony-eyed guardian.”
Eddie half shrugged. “Yeah, I can see it.” He looked around. “It’s a nice place you’ve got here.”
“Thank you,” the man said, smile never faltering. “Please sit.”
He patted the sofa next to him, but Eddie opted to sit across from him in a black velvet arm chair.
“You have me at disadvantage,” Eddie said, tapping his fingers on the arms. “You know who I am but I don’t know who are.”
The man grinned. “And if I wanted it that way?”
Eddie moved to stand up and the man held up his hand. “Please stay. I’m Henry Creel.”
Eddie settled back in his chair, wiggling, a smug look on his face. “Nice to meet you, Henry.”
The smile never faltered, but Eddie could tell that it took on a hard edge. He wasn’t behaving the way Henry wanted him to. And that made him the bitch.
“How are you like our fair city?” Henry cooed.
Eddie half shrugged. “So far so good, I’m in town for another day, but I’m not a tourist, I ain’t got time for site seeing.”
“And do you have to rush off?” Henry asked leaning forward, elbow on his crossed legs. “I mean you could send your band in the tour bus and then you could take a flight out the following day. You could be a tourist for one day.”
It was something that Eddie had thought about doing that day with Steve. Go to the children’s hospital, take a flight to Chicago. But he couldn’t do it. His band was his family, other than his uncle, Wayne.
“That’s sweet of you to offer,” he said with a grin. “But I take this gig very seriously. Maybe in a month or so when the tour’s up, but until then...”
Henry’s smile slid off his face for the first time. “I don’t believe it was a suggestion.”
Eddie ran his tongue over his teeth. He knew that the two bodyguards were behind him, blocking his exit.
“I’m not some pet you keep in a cage.” He put his foot on his other knee, making a four with his legs. “I also don’t play well with others.”
Henry licked his lips. “I have my ways. You’ll come to me. They always do.”
Eddie steepled his fingers together and pressed the forefingers to his lips. “You went about this all the wrong way. You immediately asserted your dominance. I hate authority. Oh so much. If you had been soft or even a bit on the simpering side, I would have been putty in your paws. But no...”
Henry scoffed. “I don’t beg.”
“And I don’t heel.”
They stared at each other for a moment.
He planted both feet on the ground and gripped the arms of the chair. “I also told my band I was coming here and to join me.” He looked at his watch. “About twenty minutes ago. So they’ll probably be here any minute now, if they aren’t already. And since you didn’t know they were coming, you didn’t think to tell Gorgon to keep them out.”
Eddie held up one hand and three fingers. He counted down on his fingers. Three, two, one...
“Eddie!” Gareth called out.
Henry’s head snapped up to see the rest of the Corroded Coffin boys standing behind the two guards.
Eddie cocked his head playfully. “Why don’t you tell Castor and Pollux to let my friends in and we can lots of fun the five of us. Or I could just go. This wasn’t as much my scene as I thought.”
Henry waved and the guards parted like the Red Sea.
Eddie stood up as Jeff, Gareth, and Brian came rushing into the room. He let them know he was okay.
“Until next time, Henry,” he called over his shoulder.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Tag List:
@bejeweledbaby @eboyawstenn @moonshadows-13 @ohlook-afrog @goodolefashionedloverboi @linkydinky06 @livelaughlexa @spectrum-spectre @cutepumpkin4 @whatthemeepever @gleek4twd @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @novelnovella @celtrose-ish @artiststarme @plasticcrotches @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @anaibis @nelotegreitic @steddieassheg0es @abstractnaturaldisaster @scheodingers-muppet @tiny-enthusiast @yes-im-your-mom @thegingerrapunzel @milf-harrington @avacrebs @gregre369 @raisedbylibrarians @reverseteehee @lillys-weird-world @deadlydodos @runyousillydetective @justrandomfandomstm @piebook67 @clumsywriter @donttouchmycarrots @fiore-della-valle @idkareallyreallygoodname @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @ravenpainter @ellietheasexylibrarian
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If I'm There: Chapter Fourteen
its the halloween episode !

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read from part one here!
summary: Noah and Natalie meet in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @thebadchic
It’s two weeks until Noah’s birthday party and only a few days after that, he will leave to go on tour. He was able to get his leave of absence approved by the school. The counselor gave him a huge stack of papers and workbooks that he’s expected to complete to get the credit for the rest of the semester.
When I walk into Noah's room after his meeting I see the huge pile. “Wow,” I comment. “That's a lot!”
He nods in recognition and waves it off. “I can help you with some stuff before y’all leave again and when you get back I can be your tutor.”
Noah laughs “Only if you promise to dress up like a sexy librarian.” Giggling I playfully smack his shoulder. “You pig.”
He stands and wraps his arms around me, picking me up and swinging me on the bed. “Oh hush…you like it,” he winks and settles his body on top of mine. “Don’t worry about the school stuff. It’s the last thing on my mind… right now there's only one thing I can't stop thinking about.”
He says as he places kisses all over my face and down my neck, lightly sucking on the pulse point that's now pumping faster. Noah's hands begin to roam and squeeze my breasts gently as a soft moan escapes my mouth. Before anything gets any further we hear someone barging into the house.
Nick quickly rounds the corner of the hallway and shrieks when he sees us tangled together on the bed and covers his eyes dramatically. “WOAH! sorry! But dude! We have band practice!” Nick says and Noah collapses onto me. “Bro…horrible timing.” I scootch out from under him and adjust my clothes. “I guess I should probably head into work now.” Noah rounds the bed to where I am and wraps his arms around me. “I’ll be counting down the hours until you get back.” I laugh at his ridiculous words. “It won’t be that long, you can come and pick me up at 9,” I respond leaning up to kiss him softly ignoring Nick’s fake gags of disgust and Noah flips him off for both of us.
Thankfully we weren’t interrupted by Nick later that night.
The rest of the time before the party goes by pretty fast. I try not to push it, but Noah doesn’t do any of the schoolwork in those two weeks. Before I know it, it’s Halloween and Noah is dropping me off at work before heading back to his house to get ready for the party with Nick.
Outside of the coffee shop, we spend a few minutes saying goodbye before I have to head in. “Happy birthday Noah,” I tell him in between kisses. “The happiest one now that I have you.” He responds sweetly against my lips. “I’ll see you tonight,” I say to him and then he says in his best Frankenstein voice “Until then my bride.” Laughing, I walk towards the coffee shop and wave before heading in.
Work is slow, so Maggie and I can get ready during our shifts. She’s driving me back to the party when we’re off and will crash on the couch at Noah’s if she parties as hard as she's hoping to. I’m trying not to let other people's drinking upset me, not everyone has a problem like my mom, and we are only young once.
It's 9 pm when we get the go-ahead from our manager to close up early for the night. We finish up our makeup and Maggie helps me get my hair to stand the right way. I didn’t want to get the wig so I’m doing my own take on Frankenstein’s Bride by wearing my hair in a 60’s style updo with sprayed white pieces, disheveled just enough to look like I was brought back to life with a lightening blast. Before heading to the party we swing by my house to pick up Noah’s gift. It’s a signet ring with a N on it that I saw at a vintage shop in town. I hope he likes it. After getting ready and then running by my house it's already 9:45 by the time we drive up to Noah's house. There’s already a lot of cars but we manage to find a spot that's not too far away.
The front door is unlocked and we walk right in. It's a sea of people I don’t recognize, but a lot of people are wearing masks. “Nice costume.” a random guy comments and leers at me. The music is loud and unfamiliar. Maggie tells me to go find Noah and that she’s going to the kitchen to start taking shots. I laugh and shoo her away. I check around the living room and walk through the house. I don't see Noah or any people I’ve met at the shows I’ve been to. I do notice, however, a lot of people are drinking or already drunk. Deep breaths Natalie, you’re fine. Making my way through the rest of the house I decide to check the garage.
I find Noah with Nick and more people I don’t recognize smoking weed and drinking out of red Solo cups. I notice Alex, the girl from the other band is here too, with a lit joint hanging out of her mouth.
“Looks like the girlfriend finally showed up,” Alex says with a weird edge that I can’t quite place. I notice Nick’s brows furrow slightly at her but he seems to shrug it off and nods to greet me with a smile. “How was work Nat?” he asks and at the same time, Noah yells “myyy briiiide!! She has returned!”
“It was good” I laugh in answer to Nick as Noah strides the short distance between us and pulls me close to press a firm kiss against my lips and then sweeps me up into his arms causing a surprising squeal to escape me. “I must away with my bride.” Noah jokes as he takes me through the party into his room so we can have a few minutes alone to talk. Laughing at his antics, I wrap my arms around his neck and press a kiss to his cheek leaving a red lipstick mark. I move to wipe it but he moves his head away too fast. “No way Natty, keep it there.” I continue giggling as we pass more unfamiliar voices until we reach his room. Fumbling with the door while trying to balance me in his arms he manages to finally get it open and throws me onto the bed, kicking it shut again behind him.
Sitting up and straightening out my dress I reach into the small shoulder bag I was carrying to pull out the box and card. “Happy birthday Noah.” I smile and hand them both to him as he settles down on the bed next to me. “Natty! You didn't have to get me anything.” I can tell Noah is a little stoned by the goofy way he’s talking but it’s kind of cute. “You’re already my best present.” He nuzzles his head into my neck and leaves a wet kiss. I move my hand to cup his face “And you’ll get plenty of me later, now open your gift.” His eyes sparkle with delight. “Yes ma’am” he jokes and he opens the card to read it.
Happy birthday Noah, I hope this is one of the best ones.
*Inside is several pictures printed out of Noah and Natalie. Smiling, Kissing. One of Natalie on Noah's back, both laughing.
“Baaaabe this is so fucking cute,” Noah says and leans over to kiss me. Smiling into it I tell him “There’s more, open the box.” I say to him.
Noah opens the box and sees the silver ring. “Oh wow Nat, this is awesome!” He pulls it out and puts the ring on his ring pointer finger. “N for Natalie right?” I shake my head “No, N for Noah.” He cups his hands around my face and leans to press a kiss to my lips. “N for Natalie.” Melting into the kiss I don’t have the energy to disagree.
When we emerge from his room an hour or so later, slightly disheveled, I tell him I’m going to look for Maggie to check on her. When I find her she’s stumbling down the hallway and I manage to catch her before she collapses on the ground. “Naaatyyyyy there you are!! Did you find Noah and give him your present? Oh! Looks like you gave him more than that. You have sex eyes.” Hiking her arm over my shoulder to hold her up I lead her into the nearest bathroom. “Let's just get you cleaned up.” Upon seeing the toilet, Maggie is quick to rush over and empty out the contents of her stomach. Coming up behind her, I gently pat her back in soothing circles. I’m used to this part, the sickness that follows the highs of a drunken night. Your worries for that moment are gone and you can just be loose and fun..at least that’s how some people make it look.
We stay in the bathroom for a while and I get Maggie cleaned up and help her into Noah's Mom’s room. It’s dark and quiet, the perfect place for her to crash for the night. Leading her onto the bed I lay her down and pull the trash can to the side in case she gets sick again.
I try and push my way through the wall of people that as grown. I didn’t even know Noah had this many friends. I bump into people as I navigate my way toward the kitchen, having to make my way through the dance floor that is really just the living room. Some guy bumps into me and sloshes his warm beer onto my outfit and I’m overwhelmed by the smell. “Oh- burp- sorry,” he says and I wave him off just trying to get out of the mess of strange people and smells. My eyes are scanning the crowds to try and find Noah’s familiar face. After what feels like an eternity I manage to push my way to the kitchen where I hear his laugh and sigh with relief.
Noah, Nick, Alex, and other people I met in the garage are all gathered in the kitchen drinking. I wasn’t gone with Maggie for that long, I thought, but I guess it was long enough for them to have drank a significant enough amount to get tipsy. “Baaabe you found us!” Noah slurs and he slings his arm around my shoulder. I laugh softly and lean into his warmth. “Yeah, Maggie is crashing in your Mom’s room. She had a little too much to drink.” I take his cup and take a small sip. “Jesus, you want some mixer with your tequila?” I joke as I hand him the drink back and untangle myself to grab a water bottle before retuning to his side.
“Let’s do shots!” Alex shouts from the kitchen counter that she’s perched on. One of the other guys lines up a bunch of shot glasses and pours a bottle of something in them and starts handing them out. I politely decline and I hear Alex scoff. “You can’t even let loose for Noah’s birthday? Come on Natalie..live a little.” She says and Nick starts to say something but I cut in “I’ll have plenty of time to let loose with Noah later.” I look up at Noah and wink while remaining tucked into his side while Alex rolls her eyes.
Raising their shots in the air they all call out “Happy birthday Noah!” and Alex ends with “Congrats to the birthday boy for joining us degens in the dropout club.” They down their shots and it takes me a second to register what she just said.
“What are you talking about? Noah’s not dropping out. Right?” My eyes move to Noah’s and he is stuck staring guiltily at the floor. “What is she talking about Noah?” I ask.
“You told me you told her already man,” Nick says. “Um, why don’t we talk about this later Nat,” Noah says in a hushed whisper. I feel like the friend at the party that wasn’t invited to the sleepover after. Like the only one that doesn’t understand the inside joke.
“Noah, what is she talking about? I thought you were finishing remotely? That’s what you told me.” I tell him and he shifts uncomfortably.
“Yeah..rockstars don't have a lot of time for homework on the road…” Alex says again and I don’t know what comes over me but I’m sick of hearing this girl I don’t even know talk to me like she has any say in anything. My hand flies up, motioning Alex to stop talking. “Just shut up.” I seethe at her and I angle my head to face Noah again.
“So when were you planning on telling me? Just talked it all over with Alex and made the decision together?” I snap at him and walk out of the kitchen in search of fresh air.
Noah is stumbling after me trying to catch up. The front door slams behind him as he grabs my arm and whips me back around to him. “Natty, you’re being fucking dramatic. What the fuck was that? I get you're upset but it’s my birthday, that was fucking embarrassing.”
I rip my arm back tears falling down my face at his outburst. “Embarrassing? You know what’s embarrassing? Having some bitch I don’t even know have more insight about my boyfriend’s life than me! How long were you going to keep up the lie that you’re still in school?” I ask.
He looks way more fucked up in the moonlight, It makes my skin itch with discomfort. “I don’t know what hurts me more, the fact that you’ve been lying to me for weeks about something so stupid or that the only person who said anything was some girl who for some reason hates me,” I say and tears are spilling down my face. Noah stumbles closer, moving to wipe them but I take another step back. Everything else disappears, all I can focus on is Noah and all I can feel is a deep and heavy dread. The seedling of jealousy sprouted into an untamable beast.
“Natalie, please just let me explain,” Noah says. “I just- looking at all that work? Just for this degree that doesn’t fucking matter, It would have been a waste of time.”
“But why didn’t you tell me? All this time you knew you were just dropping out and you didn’t tell me? Was I just supposed to find out at graduation?” My voice is breaking and exasperated. “I just- I don’t know why you would keep that from me.”
“I just-” he starts. “I didn’t think you’d understand.” Noah breathes out. “You’re all about school and grades and shit and that just doesn’t matter to me. Alex dropped out and her band is thriving, because she can focus all of her time on it.”
“Yeah, and I’m sure Alex is thinking about what’s in your best interest.” I wipe the tears off my face with the back of my hand. “I can’t believe you didn’t think I’d understand Noah. I asked you to consider your possibilities.” More tears are falling and I see that his eyes are glistening slightly. “I said I supported you and you lied to me.”
“I didn’t lie..technically.” He says and I can tell he barely believes it himself.
“So what else are you not technically telling me the truth about?” The question leaves my mouth before I have time to stop it.
“That's not fair Natalie, I didn’t intentionally keep it from you to hurt you.” Noah retorts. “Do you really think I would keep things from you?”
“You did! You just did Noah! You thought I would judge you, not like your new friends who all don’t care about anything right? Natalie only cares about school and grades. Boring ol’d Natalie couldn’t possibly understand anything about your lifestyle right?” It’s a mixture of feeling like an outsider, at the party and tonight in my own relationship.
“Natty, please don’t cry.” Noah comes closer and I don’t step back when he wipes the tears from my face that have continued to fall. Even harder now that he’s comforting me. How fucked up is that the person that’s causing my tears is the only person I want to help me feel better. “I don’t want to make you cry again.”
My eyes are fixed on the ground. “I can’t help but think where I fit into all of this. your life is so different from mine, is there even room for me in it anymore.”
“Natalie, I love you. What do you even mean?” Noah says pulling my chin up to meet his eyes and I can still smell the alcohol on his breath. My own eyes are red-rimmed and clouded with tears that have refused to stop falling.
“I think I’m going to head home and we can talk in the morning when you’re sober, I’m just going to call Kyle to come and get me since Maggie is not good to drive.”
He takes a step back and something flashes across his face I don't recognize. “Not too long ago, I was the one you were calling to rescue you from him and now look at us. This isn’t what I wanted Nat. I - I didn’t want this to happen.”
“I know Noah, let’s not fight about this. It’s your birthday, you should go have fun. I’m just going to head out. The drinking and everything, It’s just too much for me. I thought I could handle it, but its just - its to much.”
I call Kyle and have a hard time holding back the emotion in my voice, he’s at a party a few minutes away and he’ll be there soon. Noah sits with me on the curb while I wait for him to pull up.
Ten minutes later Kyles whipping out of the car and over to my side. I get up to go not seeing the rage in Kyle’s eyes, not noticing he was heading straight for Noah who stood up with me.
“I knew you’d pull some stupid shit like this and now she’s calling me fucking crying because of your bullshit,” Kyle says as he’s surprises me by pushing Noah back further onto the front lawn.
“Kyle! Let’s just go, please. Come on! stop.” I’m pulling Kyle back and I guess the commotion alerted the people inside and the others are gathered out the front door. Nick runs to help create more of a separation between the two. “Nick, can you grab Maggie and bring her down? I’m going to head home.” He nods and moves to go get her. With Kyle distracted Noah uses the chance to take a swing. “Fuck you man! You don’t know anything. I love her.”
I move out of the way in time to miss any of the punches Kyle takes and watch in horror. He wipes blood from his mouth and says “Yeah, you love fucking up her life,” then he pounces. Swinging his full strength at Noah. “Shit!” I say and try to pull them apart taking an accidental elbow in the commotion of it all. Someone else pulls Noah away and Kyle and I stumble back as Nick returns with Maggie hanging off of his shoulders. “What the fuck!” Nick yells and I’m too preoccupied with my now bleeding nose. “Ow.” I mumble and Kyle turns to see my blood-drenched dress. “Oh shit, Nat. Are you okay?” he asks and I glare my eyes at him. “No, I’m not fucking okay. Get Maggie. Let’s go.” Looking up I see Noah standing next to Alex of all people, he sees my nose and deflates. “Natty-” he starts. “Just let her go,” Alex says and I can see him struggle with what to do. “I’ll call you tomorrow okay?” he says in a small voice.
“Okay,” I respond as the three of us get into the car and drive away from the scene I unintentionally created. On the drive home, I just lay my head against the cold glass as fresh hot tears stream down my face.
Once I’m home I climb up the stairs while Kyle sets Maggie up in the guest room. I shower and wash the makeup and blood from my face. Looking into the mirror I can tell I’ll probably have a black eye from the hit I took to the nose. Despite the adrenaline from the fight I’m out as soon as my head touches my pillow.
I wake up late and around 10 am I have a text from Noah asking me if I can meet him outside to talk.
Noah’s face is red and blotchy when I get to him and he takes a breath when he sees the purple bruising around my eyes. “Fuck Nat, was that me?” He asks in a weak voice.
I touch the tender skin and shrug. “A lot was going on, It could have been Kyle but it was an accident.”
“I’m sorry about last night Noah, I shouldn’t have embarrassed you like that,” I say to him and the wind picks up blowing my hair around. He’s wearing a beanie and his hair stays calm against the nape of his neck. “Why are you apologizing? I should be apologizing to you.” He says and his voice breaks. “God, I was such a drunk ass.”
“I should have waited to talk to you about it in private. Yelling at you in front of everyone was so lame.” My voice is calm and even now that we are away from the chaos of the party.
“I should have never lied to you Natalie, that was fucked up. I should have told you from the start that I planned to drop out. I can’t believe I yelled at you. Fought your brother. Again. And you ended up hurt and crying.” He’s rambling now, which is usually my thing. “I always seem to be the one hurting you lately.”
“That’s not true Noah. It was a stupid fight. It’s okay.” I try to reassure him.
He looks up at me and his eyes are glossy with tears. “Noah, what’s wrong?” I ask suddenly worried.
“Nat. I love you so much.” He says and a single tear runs down his cheek.
“I love you too,” I tell him.
“I love you, but I can’t do this.” his words break at the end and I don’t know what he’s saying.
“Can’t do what?” I ask as the world stands still.
“I can’t do this anymore. We can’t be together. I’m not good for you.” Now more tears are falling down his face and I don’t even notice my own have started falling as well.
“You’re breaking up with me?” My voice squeezes out.
“I’m sorry Nat - you’ll be better off without me.” He wipes his tears and tries to put on a brave face. “It’s for the best.”
And my heart shatters.
“I’m sorry Noah, I’m so sorry. Please don’t do this. I love you.” I move to bury my head against his chest and his breath hitches.
“We can’t Natalie. I- We just can’t. I can’t be what you need right now.” He says.
I take a deep shuttering breath and step away seeing the stains my tears left on his shirt.
“There’s nothing else I can say.” I stare at the ground. “You’ve already made up your mind.”
“I’m sorry, It’s for the best.” He gives me one last lingering kiss on the forehead and quickly moves to get back into his car. No longing stares and waves goodbye, he just takes off and leaves me a blubbering mess on my front yard.
crying and screaming and throwing up ....NOOOO WHYYYY
next ->
#noah sebastian#noahsebastian#Noah Sebastian smut#noah sebastian x ofc#Noah Sebastian angst#Noah Sebastian fluff#bad omens fluff#bad omen smut#bad omen fanfiction#bad omen fic#noah sebastian fanfiction#bad omens fanfic#bad omens rpf#bad omens smut#noah sebastian fic#lf Im there noah#rpf fanfiction#fanfiction#fanfic#my fic#angst#angst with a happy ending
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Tigers Always Stick Together
Day 9: Wildcard/Free Day
Prepare yourself, its a long one!
It was the last quarter of senior year. Soon to be the close of their time at Berry High. Soon to finally move on and join the rest of the world in adulthood.
Erica was finally coming home from cheer practice. As she started to head towards her house she noticed a few more cars around than usual.
"Huh? Erica blinked in confusion, That's weird?"
But Erica should of known who those cars belonged to...
When she finally got to her house she was greeted with a big surprise!
White, green, and orange decor was everywhere, loud music was playing, and in the living room was her mother Alice, step-father Scott, elder brothers, Ivy and Yarrow, Yarrow's "friends" Rye and Eris Huang, and Ivy's "little friend" Aislinn Tanaka were. They all were clapping and cheering! Yarrow let off a confetti gun despite Aislinn's surprise.
"W...w...what is all this?" Erica asked.
"What do you think my little Ibis?!" Scott responded.
Ibis...that sounded familiar but Erica couldn't really put her finger on it. She was totally lost. Erica's mother noticed her face then stepped forward.
"Erica, remember when you applied to the University of Miami for their Marine Biology program?" Alice asked.
Then suddenly the memories came back to her, the application process, the essay, and the transcripts. Then she remembered the tour and how much she liked the campus environment. It was there that she made the school her number one choice.
"D...did I get in?" Erica shyly asked.
"Dude! Yarrow exclaimed, Not only did you get in, but you also got a FUCKING FULL RIDE!!!!"
"ITSUKI!!!" Alice scolded.
"Sorry..." Yarrow apologized.
"Anyway. Ivy sighed, When mom told us the news last week we had to throw this for you."
Whether Erica's memory was bad or if Alice was really good at hiding Erica's mail, Erica did not see this coming. Erica started to cry, she couldn't believe that she was going to go to her dream school!
"Hey now, save the tears for the ocean!" Scott comforted.
"Sorry dad, I'm just so happy." Erica reassured.
"Well we are all so very proud of you!"
Everyone came around Erica to give her a big hug.
"Now lets have some cake!" Eris shouted.
"Uh..."Erica was about to ask.
"Don't worry kid, it's 100% vegan, we didn't forget."
"Thank you!!"
Later that day Erica was sitting in her room, day dreaming about what her classes were going to be like, how dorm life would be like, even wondering if she'll even go underwater for her studies. Just then Ivy and Yarrow came into the room with a phone in Yarrow's hand.
"Hey, Erica?" Ivy asked
"Yea" Erica responded.
"Its...its father...he's on the phone, he wanted to congratulate you too."
Erica took the phone and soon switched to Japanese.
"Hello father, did you hear what happened?!" Erica exclaimed.
"I did, I'm so proud of you!" Erica's father responded.
"Will they let me see you again before I go?"
"Hopefully, but don't let that stop you from celebrating, go and have fun my little Hanako!"
"I will father, I love you!"
"I love you too Hanako, now I my time is running out but we'll talk again ok?
"Ok, see you later"
Erica hanged up the phone, and smiled at her brothers.
"I can't believe that I'm going to my dream school!" Erica exclaimed.
"Proud for ya little sis! Yarrow smirked as he left, If your studying underwater and find underwater treasure hit me up!"
"Suki!" Ivy scolded.
"I'm just bullshitting"
Erica soon took her phone to call Caleb about the good news. She was literally shaking with excitement. Caleb soon picked up.
"Hello?" Caleb answered.
"Caleb! Guess what?!" Erica answered back.
"I got into my dream school!! I'm going to the University of Miami!!!"
"Seriously, that's amazing babe!"
"I know!! Plus when we get here we can..."
Erica stopped in her tracks. Then the realization hit her like a brick. This means...this means her and Caleb won't be going to the same school. Its because Caleb was going to Morgan State University. They are going to be far apart. Not only that, but Emma is going to Hartfeld, Michael will be going to Colombia University, Myra and Sydney are going to Northwestern University, and Aiden and Maria are already at Terman U. The group is going to be spread apart. Then the anxiety started to kick in. Will all her friends forget about her? Will she forget them. Would her and Caleb work long-distance? Would they have to break up? Erica started to hyperventilate and Caleb noticed this.
"Erica...ERICA?! Caleb shouted.
"Y...yes?" Erica tried to answer.
"Erica! Calm down"
"I...I'm sorry, I just didn't think about…”
"Listen, we can all talk after school on Monday, but what we are not going to do is ruin a good day. So I need you to do me a favor."
"Get some rest and enjoy your weekend ok? I want you to take care of yourself ok?"
"Ok, I love you."
"I love you too."
Erica hung up the phone and started to get ready for bed. What Caleb said was true, but some part of her didn't believe it. It was hard for her to accept that the group will soon disperse. She soon put on some ambiance and went to sleep.
That Monday came.
Caleb had everyone meet up in the parking lot after classes. Erica ran up to him planting a big kiss on the lips.
"Sheesh Erica, you're kissing him like he's going off to war or something." Michael snorted.
Erica was about to burst into tears but held it in. When everyone in the group finally showed up, Caleb facetimed Maria and Aiden.
"Ok look, Caleb stated, I know we are all going to go different colleges so we need to find a way to keep in touch."
"I thought we would all keep in touch automatically?" Emma asked.
The tears soon covered Erica's face. Then everyone noticed.
"I...I'm sorry, its just...Erica whimpered, I just didn't want us to leave and forget each other after graduation! I got accepted to my dream school and it just occurred to me that we'll all be split and I just...I just couldn't accept that!"
Erica looked down sobbing hard. When she looked up she saw the faces of her friends, some even with tears in their eyes as well. One of those being Michael. Michael soon put his foot down and looked up.
"Look! He said with a determined look on his face, When I came here, I didn't expect to have a friend group like this either, and while I don't know what the future holds, I know one thing..."
Michael then came in the middle.
"Tigers Always Stick Together! Michael shouted, So Erica you don't have to worry, we will never forget each other!
Michael held his hand out. Caleb placed his hand on Michael's. Followed by Emma, then Myra, then Sydney, then Caleb's phone with Aiden and Maria. The group looked at Erica. Then with a determined look she placed her hand on top.
"Tigers Always Stick Together!" Erica shouted.
The group then cheered on. Erica then smiled. She felt happy and secured. She finally believed that nothing could separate them. Not even states.
"Um children, Principal Hughs noted, I don't mean to break this little moment, but I think you all should head home, its getting late."
"Yes mam!" Erica noted.
Just as Erica was walking back to her car, Caleb stopped her.
"Hey listen...Caleb started to say, I just wanted to let you know that I love you."
"I love you too Caleb! Erica responded, It may feel weird with you all the way in Maryland but we will always see each other during break."
"Yea, you said that was your first choice right?"
"Erica, I'm going Florida State...Morgan was just one of the colleges I got accepted to."
"So...technically we'll be close?"
"Yeah, I tried to tell you over the phone but I think you needed a minute."
Erica smiled at her boyfriend. He was always so level headed and reasonable. She was blessed to have him.
"Caleb...Erica started to say, I love you so fucking much."
"I love you too Erica, though its still weird to see you cursing." Caleb responded.
Erica bopped him on the nose.
The two parted ways and went home. Erica saw the fading Berry High behind her. She realized that its going to be ok.
Authors Note: This was a fun one to do. Since everyone liked the last story I decided to write another. I wished Choices would of told us what happens to the gang after high school, but I'll take a head canon or two. I want to thank @cadybear420 and @lover-also-fighter-also for hosting this fun event and hopefully I can do it again next year!
#playchoices#choices stories you play#choices: stories you play#choicesgame#high school story#high school story choices#choices high school story#hss dad#hss mc#choices hss mc#mc:erica vine#mc:yarrow vine#mc:ivy vine#eris huang#thm rye#thm mc#aislinn tanaka#caleb mitchell#emma hawkins#aiden zhou#maria flores#michael harrison#myra khandaar#sydney kym#principal hughs#playchoices fanfic#hssappreciationweek#hssaw2025#hssaw#almost cried
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