#here you goooo 🤗🤗
tefibetancourt · 3 months
availability / @thephoebeyates setting / phoebe's apartment; saturday, july 7th, around eight pm.
she felt like a damn super spy. move over, tom cruise in those mission: impossible movies, whatever your name was! james bond, too, though she never saw any of those films and only really knew the name from other cultural references. anyway, she felt like a spy because she got an invite to the most forbidden kingdom. phoebe had invited her over for a little sleepover—tefi guessed that foster was working, it was doubtful that phoebe would’ve asked her over otherwise if her boyfriend was going to be hanging around—and tefi had jumped at the chance for two reasons. one: she would be able to snoop around phoebe’s apartment. sue her, she was curious about her new friend’s living situation and just how cozy her life with foster was. two: it got her out of cj and seb’s apartment for a bit. god love those two, but even tefi needed a night away from their den of hedonism. usually, she’d suggest a night out on the town, but phoebe’s request for a girls’ night was appreciated twice over. she got to play super spy, and she got to enjoy quality time with her new friend.
it was such a shame she had an ulterior motive because she did like phoebe. truly, she thought phoebe was a nice, cute girl. someone she probably would’ve naturally been friends with anyway. the duplicity of it all only bothered tefi when she was face-to-face with phoebe, so how was she supposed to get through the whole night without cracking into two, or letting her secret slip? her adrenaline spiked as if she was in line for the tallest rollercoaster in the world instead of standing outside of phoebe’s door and knocking. she took a steading breath right before it opened and phoebe was revealed on the other side. thank fuck it wasn’t foster on the way out for his shift, or that tefi had incorrectly assumed he’d be gone from the apartment for the night. “hey, mamas!” she greeted, leaning forward to place an air kiss alongside phoebe’s cheek. “you look so cute, girl.” tefi complimented as she pulled back, her arms full with a blanket, a board game (an old copy of dream phone, the best board game in existence!), and a few dvds she managed to find at thrift haven. “i’m so excited for girls’ night. i desperately need some feminine energy. you know i love the boys but if i see cj’s underwear on the floor of the bathroom one more time, i might just burn down the whole building. say bye bye to caffélicious, i’m serious.”
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crystalprism · 2 years
got tagged (again :D) by @there-is-just-me-myself-and-i, thank you 🤗
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then tag 10 people! No skipping!
alrighty, so here we goooo:
I'm tagging @bencastiel and anyone else who wants to do this 👀
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r0-boat · 2 years
You probably know about the submas undress challenge -- here the full version + smut with emmet!
https: //archiveofourown.org/works/ 38759319 — 👀
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wthjillie · 3 years
KNB Imagine - Kagami unexpectedly leaves for America for 6 months (Part 4)
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a/n: heeeeey everyone!! Sorry I didn't get to finish Part 4 last night! I got sleepy and crashed after 1:00am hahah but here it is!!! I'm so happy with this imagine, I didn't think it would be so much fun to read and I also didn't think people would actually read it HAHA I'm definitely going to be doing this more, maybe with other KNB characters 🤗 I've rewatched KNB about 4-5 times at this point now and every time I watch I fall for someone new 😅 but honestly I feel like my one and only is Kagami, idk how to explain it but he's seems to be the type of guy that I would ACTUALLLYYY like and fall for irl!! Lol so here we goooo Part 4
All the lights flicker on but you can't seem to move your legs. You stay on the ground, kneeling while heavily breathing. You're too nervous to even look up
"Y/n, get up from there. Why are you still on the floor?" Kagami says
You're still speechless, trying to catch your breath. It was Kagami... he's here, he's back in Japan and you can't even look at him
"Y/n, please. Please stand up." Kagami offers his hand to help you but you decline the help and stand up yourself
You're standing in front of Kagami but you can't bare to look up at him, so instead you focus on his feet
The both of you stand there in silence for a moment before you can just barely whisper
"What are you doing here...?"
Kagami explains that he forgot about the time difference (go figures, remember what happened on the first day of Winter Cup?) and it wasn't until he was just about to land that he realized he was arriving today and not tomorrow
He sighs, "That probably means Kuroko and the guys told you the wrong time too.."
He finally walks away, going to the kitchen. Barely realizing that you cleaned up and put everything in its place
You started to feel the anger building up inside you. It's been 6 months and Kagami is acting as if he hadn't just ghosted you, his GIRLFRIEND, for the past 4 months
You finally look up and see your boyfriend for this first time in what seemed like forever and damn, he was just as beautiful and gorgeous as you remember
But something was missing
The genuine joy and happiness in his eyes, where'd that go?
You start crying, but the anger has also taken over. You finally muster out some words but they were much louder than you had anticipated
"Are you fucking serious, Taiga?!" Kagami's head shoots up, you never called him by his first name unless he was in trouble, you were mad, being serious, or needed him to seriously listen
"It's been 4 months! It's been 4 months since you last talked to me and you can't even muster up some sorry excuse as to why?! Up until now, no one knows why you even left Japan in the first place!!"
Kagami tries approaching you, attempting to grab your hands to calm you down but you can't even bare his gentle touch right now
You swat his hands away. "No, don't touch me, you IDIOT!" Kagami takes a step back and bows his head in shame
Your anger starts speaking for you
You step forward and back hand Kagami in the face. He looks up, shocked, but lowers his head again, knowing he well deserved that
His absence of any kind of reaction really starts bothering you, does he not feel any remorse?
You step forward again and continue slapping him and banging your fists into his chest, he doesn't stop you
"I waited for you, every single day!" You scream at him, in between punches to his chest. "But you just picked up your entire life here and left, and you couldn't even tell anyone why!"
You're nearly screaming at the top of your lungs now, and Kagami is doing his best to stop you from further lashing out
But to his expense, he's barely trying
"You didn't even give me a reason why you were leaving! I'm your girlfriend, Taiga. I deserved better!" You finally screamed, pushing him away
Kagami just softly whispers "I know, I know" while you catch your breath. Now he's the one who can't look at you
"You son of a bitch..." you trail off before the tears finally take over and you're choking on your own breath
Not being able to talk anymore, you grab your things and run out the door
You find a quiet spot next to a bus stop to sit down and try to calm down
Your heart is still racing and your eyes are still wet from tears. It's difficult for you to process what's happening
"Kagami is here... he's back.." is all you can think to yourself
After a bit, you can hear Kagami approaching you. You try not to let him see your tear stained eyes. You quickly dry them again just as he reaches your side
He hands you a can of coffee from the vending machine, you take it but don't open it
Kagami sighs, opens his can and takes a sip before sitting beside you
"Y/n.. I know I don't deserve it, but please give me a chance to explain.."
You open the can and take several sips, you glimpse over at your boyfriend and he's fiddling with his fingers
He looks up at you and you quickly look away, taking another sip from your can
He sighs again. "I had to leave because Dad got sick.."
All your walls suddenly fall apart. Just hearing those words, your anger instantly disappears
For awhile now, it's always just been Kagami and his Dad. They told each other everything and you knew how close they were and how important his Dad was to him
Your posture softens and you turn to Kagami, waiting for his explanation
He explains that his Dad had actually been really sick for a while now, but he hid it from Kagami
He didn't want Kagami to worry or to stray away from his dreams here in Japan. His Dad was so happy to hear how well Kagami was doing in Japan, making friends and playing basketball
But most importantly, his Dad was overjoyed that Kagami had met you. Someone who was able to ground him and take care of him
Kagami was forced to grow up too early, and his Dad would often blame himself for that. That's why he hid his sickness from his son, he didn't want Kagami to pick up and leave everything he had built
It wasn't until Kagami's Dad was finally hospitalized due to his sickness
He flew into America as soon as he heard, taking everything and anything that he could easily grab (which explains why his apartment was left in ruins, he literally got up and left)
He pauses, getting emotional and slightly overwhelmed
You obviously don't want to make it about you, your boyfriend is hurting and you can clearly see that. He might not realize it but you were always really good at seeing when Kagami needed you
"I didn't want to tell you because.. well-" Kagami starts choking on his words. You wrap an arm around him and rub his back as he falls apart
Once he's calmed down, he continues. "You've always been so strong and so independent. And I- I felt like I was always depending on you... and you constantly make sacrifices for me so I.. I just wanted to handle something by myself for once.."
You see the look in his eyes, it's been a while since you've seen Kagami this vulnerable, if ever
"I remember you telling me about when your Dad got sick, and I thought you handled it so gracefully and so maturely, and you were a child then! You were only 15 when it all happened and you were amazing..."
"And I'm this grown ass man and I couldn't even handle it... I didn't tell you because I didn't want to have to put you through that again with my Dad. So I thought it would just be better if I didn't tell you..."
You can sense the shame in your boyfriend's voice. But more importantly, you can hear how desperate he is for help. He needs you...
You finally wrap both your arms around him and give him a hug
"I had to take over Dad's company for a couple months, that's why I couldn't message or call you. And I know it's a lame ass excuse and nothing will ever fix it but- I just needed to feel like I was doing something for our future..."
You let go and give Kagami a confused look. Our future?
"Wait.. what do you mean?" You finally say
"Y/n, there's no doubt about it that you are going far in life. You're smart and beautiful and intelligent and have the kindest and biggest heart. You have so much to offer in this world, but me? The only thing I'm good at is basketball..."
You shake your head, if only this idiot knew how great he really was
Kagami goes on to explain that he drowned himself in training for his Dad's company as a product of his insecurity
Of course, his Plan A was to go on and play professional basketball but just like any other athlete, we're only human and there would come a day that his body wouldn't be able to handle it anymore
He didn't want to retire from basketball one day and have nothing else to offer
So he took advantage of temporarily taking over his Dad's company and used it as training for the future. He made sure he knew how to run that company, inside and out
Your heart is wide open, the anger and pain from the last several months have suddenly vanished
So this is what Kuroko was talking about... (BUT WAIT, how did Kuroko know but you didn't?!)
You gently place your hands on the side of Kagami's face and bring your foreheads together, a couple tears fall from his eyes
You take a deep breath in, cherishing the precious moment of finally having your boyfriend back
Kagami wraps his arms around you, burying his face into the nape of your neck
"I'm so sorry.." he whispers. "Please forgive me y/n, I know I've caused you so much pain... you must hate me.."
You stroke the back of his head and rub his back, instantly calming him down
"I never hated you, baby... I was just sad, I thought you had lost your way..."
Kagami squeezes you tighter, completely engulfing both of you in each other's bodies as you place a gentle kiss on his temple
"C'mon, let's go home."
a/n cont'd: GUYSSSS I'M CRYING 😭😭 this was so long but hopefully SO WORTH IT!! I hope you guys enjoyed haha I'm really proud of this so I hope you like it! Definitely stay tuned in the future for more imagines and headcanons (hopefully not as long 😅) thank you all for reading!! @cocobutterbaby
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liyazaki · 3 years
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Thanks so much for the tag @florenzim & @jaehwany! 🥰 I got bingos galore, so I guess we're instant BFFs? It's out of my hands- the cards have spoken 🤗
Side note: I LOVE bingo- unironically/at old lady levels- and if you (anyone who's reading this) ever get a chance to go to drag queen bingo, go go GOOOO and thank me later 😚
Tagging (insert usual only-if-you-want-to disclaimer here) @meteorjam @badprophetvx @nattawins @smittenskitten @laowen @mrdumpling @gunsmiles @sunsetandthemoon @ahysopae @wack-overflow @callipigio @omarandjohnny - but if you want to join in, just say I tagged you!
Oh- and if anyone wants a blank version, just let me know & I'll send it to you! <3
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wonwoosthetic · 3 years
Kind of glad that I accidentally reviled myself, because angry kitty can't be angry with Woonwoo even when he is being a asshole.
Like, dude, chill out, I know that you have good intentions (I hope so...) BUT it doesn't mean that you can hurt people KNOWING that you are hurting them. When he was talking about her daddy or something like that I was like "Wonwoo noooo 🥺🥺🥺" I can tell you that if it was about Cheol in JLGOY I was ready (to love) to FIGHT. Maybe it's because I know deep in my heart that OC is actually a badass and it maybe hurt her and take her unprepared but she is a boss bitch, she knows that she is stronger than that and it is proven on the end of this chapter, that btw I completely LOVE IT.
I LOVE the friendship between her and Jisoo and Gyu, Gyu being the big baby, sweetheart everything that I wish he was on JLGOY, I love him in this one, this man deserves a price of best CEO (I kinda wish that he take OC under his wing and teach her about programming and HTML so she can throw in Wonwoo's face that YEP she is better than him AND her father). ALSO I noticed that she is a Yoon, she is just a Yoon or she has something to do with YOON Jeonghan. Because if they are some kind of relatives I'LL DIE.
And here I go again with my essays, 😂😂
Your one and only possessed Chihuahua.
Hahahaha Wonwoo is just something else 😂
Yes, we HOPE he has good intentions🤭👀 sometimes… people tend to speak before they think. Let’s see where that gets him…
ready to FIGHT😂😂😂 let’s goooo😂 but yes, she’s a badass bitch who can fight for herself… most of the time as you will see in future chapters :) thank you for liking it!!!♥️☺️♥️
The comparison to JLGOY😂😂 but yep, he’s a giant puppy and we love him for it☺️☺️
I mean… maybe… there so many possibilities of future chapters for the series, so let’s see🤗 I also would love doing Flashbacks and extras like in the JLGOY series :)
About the Yoon thing: I was debating whether or not to make her related to him and I have decided on something, BUT… I don’t think you’re gonna like what I’m going to make Jeonghan do😖😔😅
I’m so glad that you’re still going to write your essays even as a non-anon now because I’d miss them way too much😫😭 so thank you for still writing them and making me laugh!!♥️♥️😂♥️♥️
Love you, possessed chihuahua 😂👏🏼♥️
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Alison's Allusions & Alliterations (Pt. 1 - Lover's Links 💖💖💖)
yeah, i don't rlly follow taylor's or her associated pips' social or irl lives... but, i do pay attention and remember stuff and details when it comes to her music tho...
sooo, this is the start of the series imma make about the easter eggs or connections in her songs heheh 🤗🤗🤗
now without further ado, let's talk about Lover 💖
one thing that i noticed from seeing a post showing all of Taylor's albums, all 9 of em, is that after every 3 albums, the next one tends to be very specific to who she is.
so like, Taylor Swift (Debut), RED, and Lover.
personally, when i think of taylor, i do think about love, and idk i just think that when she kinda shakes up her image and music style after every 3 album eras, she tends to focus in on something that defines her. (which i just think is a pretty dope idea hahah)
and also (i know this next part might be reaching, but i stg if my suspicion winds up right...), i think she actually drops clues for them in the penultimate (second to last) song of the previous album.
the penultimate song for speak now, is last kiss.
and i mean, when we think of RED we think of the lipstick she wears right?
in the deluxe ed, i think the penultimate songs (one for the additional tracks, the other for the official tracklist) is if this was a movie and back to december
and both of those mention red things, taylor's heart for itwam and roses for btd
(and oh god yes i know reaching she probably might mention those all the time?? heart at least yeah (i'll get back to you on the roses once i review her entire discography again hahah) but istg there just might be a connection considering what the current last third album is and what the penultimate songs there are)
and the penultimate song for rep, is ciwyw, which yalls might now, is the one that has the line that mentions the word Lover.
"I'm laughing with my lover making forts under covers"
and so i bring this up because i think this could serve as a hint for what TS10 could be.
the penultimate song/s are closure and right where you left me.
both of which feature paper, letters, pages specifically.
the lyric/mv for closure featuring a sheet of paper
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with the lyric "Yes, I got your letter" and the lyrics of rwylm having "Matches burn after the other Pages turn and stick to each other"
sooo considering that taylor's album eras revamp after every three albums is centered on who she is, (her debut, RED, and Lover), i think it's certainly possible for the next album to be about her as a writer, since that is very much a defining quality of hers, and that it might connect to paper imagery/motif
alright that's the first Lover related connection i couldn't stop thinking about since the possibility i might actually be right in my prediction is just too exciting to pass up hahah.
the next ones, i think, are actually more legit connecting threads/easter eggs (not to mention, i'm finally going to deal with the other part of the title i made and the one that inspired this whole series in the first place hahah) so here we goooo.
it actually starts in reputation, but, i think it's featured significantly in Lover AND in folklorevermore.. sooo
Call It What You Want
it has the lyric "I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck"
i think the theory that the title connects to a certain person in taylor's life has credence because of that lyric, and the fact that this alliterative connection repeats throughout the next albums.
i mean, it's the only lyric in rep that brings to mind that person's name (as far as i remember lol). and the fact that it brings up the chain on her neck...
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i just think that it should be paid attention to, so i think the title could be very significant, and that it does have something to do with the person's name... the lyrics hint at it significantly imo heh.
(plus chain,, call,,, both c?? significant?? just fun alliteration? hah)
(also, ciwyw's lyric/mv also contained some pretty personal footage of taylor's life, so... seems pretty significant/important imo...)
and ykno what i think would solidify the alliterative connection of the letter C in taylors works starting from ciwyw??
the next songs after it that feature C significantly are
Cruel Summer, Cornelia Street, Death By A Thousand Cuts, cardigan, champagne problems, no body, no crime, coney island, cowboy like me, closure
bangers, right?
hah no- i mean yeah it's true, but i just think they're significant songs.
Cruel Summer, cardigan, and champagne problems are all second songs in the tracklist (remember how ciwyw was the penultimate aka SECOND to last song in rep?)
dbatc, nbnc, and coney island (spoilers if you haven't listened hahah) all deal with death
and oh gosh wait Cornelia Street and coney island are also one of the few songs named after places taylor's written, and THEY BOTH START WITH C.
and also closure is the penultimate song like ciwyw
and idk, i guess... for cblm maybe there's some significance to the fact that the only actual (like, as in, confirmed written in the song) happy ending song in evermore has c in it... so idk...
and lastly, i just wanna bring up that in the lyric/mv of ciwyw
there's this footage
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which takes me to that paper rings lyric
"I'm with you even if it makes me blue Which takes me back To the color that we painted your brother's wall"
and... uh... cowboy!taylor?!?!? 🥺🥺🥺🥺???
(and idk the first line in ciwyw also features c heavily, "my castle crumbled overnight. they took the crown but it's alright" and maybe the laughin with lover under covers?? honestly dk anymore hahah it was the word that rhymed with the next album eras revamp album title tho... hahah)
so... i think that's officially it for the lover/ciwyw related connections hahahah
the last lover related connection i realized on my own but idk if anyone's noticed already (but there's a good chance tbh) but i just wanted to keep a record of it for myself heh.
it has to do with its music videos heh
remember the whole after three albums, revamp starting with who she is, like defining traits of hers and stuff?
so like, there's just this connection to debut, red, and lover, i think..
and considering that debut is taylor's first album, and lover is her first OWNED album, so they're both firsts...
i think lover paralleling/referencing debut is significant heh
here are the ones i noticed heh:
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oh godh, i know the pink phones are probably significant but... is the wall behind taylor in me being blue which is the color of the top she's wearing in that scene also significant??
i just... the color scheme between these two shots tho right??
but anw, the other references
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taylor wearing long gowns that flow into surrounding effects in both her first albums heh...
(also does she just have usual go to poses or was she intentionally referencing how she acted in our song's mv? idfk anymore hahahah (yes, it took me a while to get these specific parallel shots help hahah))
and also i think the lover rooms are albums theory is top notch, but, i'd argue that the attic and the bathroom are interchangeably 1989 and rep, meaning, i think the bathroom can be rep and that 1989 can be the attic
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rep heavily features blue, it being mentioned in delicate and gorgeous. dress has that line about spilling wine in the bathtub. and taylor and her lover swimming in the fishbowl could be considered them dancing with their hands tied... (heh.. 😏)
and i think of the attic as 1989 primarily because of the projector...
they were watching personally captured images/videos on it, weren't they??
and, remind me, what's the album cover of 1989 again??
a polaroid.
the room's almost like a polaroid what with the white blanket right in the middle of it flashing images, for crying out loud hahah.
i know i said that that's the last one, ... but i just remembered some more and am now officially too tired to scroll & look where i said that and edit sooo...
gah. here's some more.
my my my is primarily featured in mary's song (yet another connection bet debut & lover), but it also shows up in ciwyw and in 2 of lover's songs
ciwyw - the first lyric is my castle right? well that word is repeated in the lyric video
lover - you're....??
you're MY MY MY MYYYYYYY... lover
dbatc - it's repeatedly sung at the very beginning of the song, like a background choir or somethin
not to mention the iconic lines in the bridge of
"My heart, my hips, my body, my love My time, my wine, my spirit, my trust"
and i think this repetition/throughline has meaning
mary's song is a song about commitment, a staying through love that persists for years up to marriage.
i think that's what the mys represent
taylor's commitment to the person
from it being an idea in mary's song, it hinted at in ciwyw, to eventually being very prominent in lover, and then to it becoming a haunting/almost taunting repeating echo in dbatc...
i think it shows the journey of mys, of commitment with someone you're willing to spend the rest of your life with, becoming first a dream, to a possibility, to reality, to the past
and officially finally... i think me is a break up song... 🤷
i think this cause it's post dbatc in the tracklist which just gives it a whole diff energy.
it reminds me of what taylor said about RED (TV), about "moments of strength, independence, and devil-may-care rebellion" happening in the land of heartbreak.
and... the original composition of it, as seen in miss americana, from the piano... makes it sound very sad...
and i mean, if you listen to it...
"I promise that you'll never find another like me"
doesn't that sound just like the taylor red quote i put up there^ ?
(also, a bunch of songs that have the word me in it, usually have you. like, you belong with me, i'm only me when i'm with you, and you all over me. but with me... she's all by her lonesome, just me, no you...)
GAH. THAT'S IT I'M DONE. THE END. (for the lover's links anyways hahah. like i put there, this is only part 1, sooo... stay tuned for pt. 2, and i'll see ya later, folks hahah. this was kinda fun tho hahah.)
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theilluminatedlight · 3 years
I'm so excited to share my poetry today. This is for all the soulmates-twin flames out there who have came, saw, and conquered on their journey! May you find peace within that all your hard work has paid off and your rewards are here because you and your divine counterpart have great things to do here on earth! Let's goooo🤗🥰😘 💫💛💫🙌🏽
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