#here comes the groom ssr events
captaindysdexic · 2 months
My problem with Twisted Wonderland
As someone who used to consistently play every single day for months, I've got a lot of issues. Let me preface this by saying I know nothing I'm saying will change the game and how it runs, I just want to come here and rant about the game I used to love.
Rant below the cut
My biggest problem is how grindy the game is, especially as a strict f2p player.
As someone who's never spent money on the game, it is so easy to tell how much of a cash grab the game is. The people that work on the game care about it I'm sure, but it is so hard to do anything in this game.
It's hard to get SSR cards, not only because the Gacha system is hella fucked up, but because it's hard to get enough gems to get pulls. Yeah we've got weekly and the logins, but that's so not enough unless you save for a card months in advance.
When you're a new player they give you some leeway, lots of free stuff because all the easy missions are meant for that, but as you get further and further into the game it's extremely hard to get even a 10 pull unless you're on the game basically 24/7.
As someone who is rank 72- and again, played almost religiously for months- it's hard to enjoy the game.
And I know as the story goes on it's meant to be harder, but because of how little they give you it's hard to get past the story as it goes on. It's hard leveling cards up, especially the spells.
It would be nicer if they gave you more materials or gems, that would make all the grind worth it, but that's not how it is. Hell, even events barely give you any pulls and yet they expect you to spend hours doing lessons to unlock the chapters and leveling up the free cards. Someone who's f2p (in my and my friends experience) will find it hard to get motivation to continue playing.
I want to continue playing, I love the characters and the story, but it's so hard to level up cards, or get pulls, that it breaks my heart and makes me want to not continue because I know I won't ever get that card I want, that I won't be able to get past this chapter, that I won't be able to finish an event fully because of the system.
It's so obvious they don't care about f2p's because reruns and even some event banners are strictly p2p things. Rerun banners require special keys that are pay-walled, event banners like the anime expo ones or special non-event related ones are pay-walled, THEY'RE ALL PAY-WALLED.
To me it is extremely frustrating to know that the developers don't seem to care about the fan base at all.
I mentioned earlier about the Gacha system, which I find really, REALLY dumb. 100 pulls for a guaranteed SSR? 200 needed for the event SSR? That's so dumb! Even if you were p2p you'd have to have some extreme luck to get an event card before at least 70 (which it's hard to get if you're far in game and f2p). In my experience, all the event cards I have that are SSR's (WHICH IS 2 BTW, ive been playing since idia's groom event and only have TWO EVENT CARDS EVEN WITH CONSTANT GRIND) I had to do over 70-80 pulls for and spent weeks grinding for. Not to mention pity doesn't carry over to other banners.
Speaking of events, I swear to god the events are getting shorter and shorter every time. The Stitch event that just passed? I swear it only lasted 3-4 weeks, banners ended way too quickly for any f2p that wasn't saving to pull without extreme luck to get any SSR card, got forbid the event exclusive ones. I got like 25 pulls during that event and 10 of those were because it was Kalim's birthday. It's extremely dumb and next thing you know it events will be lasting only a week or two and you're probably fucked over.
Anyways, that's basically all I have to say. There are a lot of things that frustrate me, like how they do events and some characters stuff, but I can't bother to put it here because I'm not as pressed about that stuff as I am about the stuff I did talk about.
I'm aware that people probably won't read this, but it's nice to get off my chest y'know? I'm going to continue to play the game, but I'll never play as constantly as I did when I first started because it's so hard to play and find motivation for it anymore.
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acrispyapple · 4 years
MLQC: Here Comes the Groom
Here Comes the Groom Hold hands with the destined one The bridal chorus plays Right at this moment
The wedding themed SSR event is coming! ♡
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themebletlworks · 4 years
MLQC WEDDING EVENT - Meble’s Luck or Curse?
Here’s what I got from the Limited SSR Here Comes The Groom Event
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welp, this picture pretty much explains it lol :D credit to reddit user for this pic: https://www.reddit.com/r/MrLove/comments/ccskz2/i_know_this_is_a_dramatic_scene_but_i_couldnt/?ref=readnext 
Here’s my story...
I also topped up for getting Gavin SSR for this event, just take my money, my pride, and my dignity! How can I resist that cute innocent puppy eyes and that tongue licky face?! ROFL
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Well, let me begin...
First I used my first 10 galaxy wish coupons and look what I got first! Yeah I was so excited at that time, so I didn’t record or screen shot my phone so oh well...
1. BAM, I got Kiro first! This pretty lil baby boy just came home to me! Am I dreaming?! OMG I was so surprised and excited. Even though I was a lil bit down (kill me) since Lucien is my first BAE and I want Ma Daddy Professor came home first, but oh well oh well nevermind, I was still so happy and I was screaming so loud when I got this cutie pie!
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2. Second, I did another gacha pull I think it was the third time I got both SSRs! My no. 1 BAE AND HUSBAND, LUCIEN!!! Yet, I was hoping for my 2nd bae Gavin to come, but oh well he DID NOT, I think he was a fighter still flying somewhere with his EVOL. Well, turned out that THE JUMIN HAN 2.0 AKA BOSS A** CEO came home together with my BAE LUCIEN! Oh well... I still expected to see my Gavin but fine... 
Lucien and Victor
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3. Alright then, well this is the toughest one! Well he was a fighter, alright! Duh, he was a bad boy and he’s freakin’ officer, so what’d you expect? Since I wasted my tons of gems something and then mostly I got duplicates of SSRs and SRs (Gavin is the most for SR, DAMMIT)! Well yeah, I got Gavin SSR but Starstruck one INSTEAD OF THE WEDDING EVENT and also ANOTHER BAE OF MINE, LUCIENNNN (Drowning in Love). I also got Summer Loving of Gavin :’)))) oh well oh well oh well...
Then, I topped up my gems.. and I wasted again... like for the 150th time of my final pull and then this baby officer finally came home to me!!! Arrghhh!! Finally!!! Well done and congratulations for making me broke AF, MR LOVE! 
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There you go everyone, it’s blood, sweat, and tears for me to get all of them for this event! WONHAE MANHI MANHI!!! 
Oh yeah here’s a pic of Victor’s dupe and I also got winter infatuation LOL.. like whyyyy.. I needed Gavin but you gave me like more Victor again,,, my gemss aahhhh
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oh and also other SSRs like Gavin and Lucien that’s not related to wedding.... well, I don’t need to redeem my flower petals, then. Thank you but hmm omg my gems T.T Since I also never redeemed my flower petals, oh well oh well oh well....
In conclusion: My luck is not so good but not so bad but pretty bad since I saw some people got all of them (wedding event SSRs) like for only 20-40 pulls. Their lucks are insane! Kudos and four thumbs up (hands and toes) to them! I’m so jelly but amazed at the same time! Congratulations to everyone! If you guys still haven’t gotten them, don’t give up! There’s still a few days left! Good luck and may the RNG Gods bless y’all! May the odds be ever in your favor - Hunger Games 
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- Meble’s rambling out
How about you guys? Please tell me, I’d like to know...
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luciens-silly-girl · 4 years
My final gleanings from Here Comes The Groom 💐🌼💕
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bluelightning16 · 2 years
Hello again! This time can I ask you about Vil x Silver? I think it's a truly rare ship. I've never found fanarts about them, but they both have a lot of interesting interactions, especially at the last Fairy Gala If
Ahh, yes, another rarepair to cry about...!  I never expected the Fairy Gala IF event to have so much good food for them, but dammit I’m so glad it did!
Personally, I started shipping them after reading Silver’s PE Uniform vignette.  As proven by that and now the Fairy Gala event, both of them find each other extremely pretty—and what makes for a better relationship than two attractive boys mashed together? :)  Okay, but all jokes aside, I think that they would genuinely make for an intriguing couple.  Both of them are very diligent when it comes to their respective fields of interest; they take everything seriously and don’t tolerate slackers.  I think that once they find a common ground to meet on—which would be, as I envision it, working out—there will be a mutual respect and acknowledgement between them.
Now, as for romantic development... canonically, Vil sees potential in Silver as a stuntman and a model (technically, he wanted him as an actor first, but given his admiration of Silver’s face and his distaste for his acting, I’m gonna just sum that up as modeling).  Therefore, it’s highly possible that he decides to connect with his underclassman again to hone his skills at some point in the future.  Silver, being the sweet bean that he is, will of course go along with whatever plan he concocts, to the best of his ability.  This leads to more time spent together and thus inevitable bonding...!  Unlike the boys in his dorm, Vil finds Silver’s nonchalance to be a breath of fresh air—though he takes pride in his appearance regardless, there’s not that same sense of obligation to be perfect, especially since such matters don’t concern Silver.  This allows him the space to let more of his real self and imperfections shine through.  Silver, on the other hand, thinks of him as admirably dedicated figure whom he can learn much from.  Every lecture that he receives on grooming and personal hygiene, he absorbs with utmost seriousness.  As he comes to find, Vil is a great mentor.
Once their relationship is made official—which occurs after Vil finally summons the humility to confess—they start off with some somewhat formal courting.  Both of them are definitely gift-givers.  In Silver’s SSR Birthday Boy Card, he mentions receiving a hair care kit from Vil.  I’d like to think that they continue on this trend, with Vil giving him cosmetic products and clothing that he thinks suits him, while he gives him flowers and trinkets that complements his looks in return; some of these are even worn to photoshoots, whenever Vil has the liberty to do so.  Unfortunately, Silver doesn’t have much of an eye for fashion, but the gesture is appreciated nonetheless.  Vil will also post about their dates on MagiCam.  At first, he’s actually pretty hesitant about it; though he knows Silver would never intentionally try to steal the spotlight from him, he doesn’t want another Neige situation.  Eventually, however, his love for his boyfriend wins out, as well as his appreciation for beauty, and his already numerous following soon skyrockets.
—Okay, a quick addendum on the MagiCam posting.  Truthfully, I don’t think that there’d be a high chance that Vil makes details of his private life known to his fans, as he’s a seasoned celebrity and all that, but for the sake of fun and character development, I’m sticking with that headcanon.  Besides, who’s to say that you can’t have two contradictory headcanons coexisting?  Who knows, maybe Vil has a private account he can use instead.
Anyway... AU time!  Because they’d be such a power couple, here’s an obligatory Actor/Model AU.  (Actually, this could really just be an extension of canon, but because Silver’s so set on being Malleus’ guard, I’m categorizing it as an AU.)  Vil would obviously be the super famous idol that everyone adores, while Silver would be an up-and-coming model whose agent is looking to expand his sphere of influence.  Somehow, in true BL fashion, they end up working together on a joint project.  In this case, it’s a reality TV show.  Vil is aghast at how blunt and utterly charmless Silver is in real life.  To save face, he takes this strange fledgling under his wing, only to have said fledgling seemingly “imprint” on him.  Soon, he finds Silver everywhere, seeking him out to say hi whenever he gets the chance.  It’s not until Vil discovers just how awfully Silver is being exploited by the entertainment industry that he returns the friendly gestures in kind.  Because of how hopelessly naive his junior is, it’s up to him to protect the admittedly cute boy from any cutthroat competitors.
I think it would also be fun to throw the two of them into an action-packed sort of setting.  Just imagine it... them in suits and shades... but I digress.  In this AU, Vil—who is still a model because I have no creativity whatsoever—hires Silver as a bodyguard for an upcoming banquet.  It’s mostly for show, as no one really expects anything to happen at a gathering for the high-ranking members of society... until something does.  Suddenly, half the crowd is dead and Silver has fled from the building with Vil in his arms.  They need to lie low for a while, Silver advises once they’re holed up in a hotel, but fate has other plans for them.  Eventually, it becomes apparent that the murderer has been searching for Vil in particular and will stop at nothing to get to him.  Cue the badass attire, cool guns, and high-speed races in sports cars.  After it dawns on Vil that for the first time in his life he has someone to rely on, romance blossoms as well.  Silver, meanwhile, is a simple, underpaid man who’s just trying to do his job—let more one-sided pining commence.
Alright, last but hopefully not least, a Snow White AU.  Vil, the so-called “Evil Queen,” is known among his subjects as a fiendish figure absolutely obsessed with beauty.  But while it is true that he admires lovely things a bit more than most, the source of these rumors is actually his own husband, with whom he was forced into an arranged marriage with.  His husband, the king, has been long since dissatisfied with Vil’s affection, or rather lack thereof.  As a result, he seeks revenge, isolating Vil and beginning a torrent series of affairs.  Eventually, Vil is so lonely and desolate that every day spent in the castle drives him insane, until he becomes the vain, ruthless person everyone thinks he is.  Using his magic mirror, he seeks out the most beautiful person in the land as a last ditch effort to salvage his former self—if he can mold his appearance to surpass theirs, he’ll have happiness once more, or so he thinks.  Unfortunately, he is only driven mad with jealousy and rage.  In an envious fit, he sneaks out of the castle and seeks out this person, a boy named Silver who lives in the forest.  Upon actually finding him, however, Vil suddenly freezes.  The boy’s beauty truly is the fairest in the land.  He soon finds himself lured in, despite himself.  Soon, his days consist of nothing but abandoning his royal life to see Silver and his family; they have a lot more in common than he anticipated, including loneliness.  Once he realizes he’s in love, the story turns into one of revenge against the king who wronged him.
...And that’s all I have time for today.
I’m so sorry for the super late response...!  I’ve been meaning to answer for a while, but life, as usual, got in the way... Hopefully this proves satisfactory and reading it gives you as much of a seratonin boost as I got from writing it!
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beelzebubbutachef · 2 years
Daily life of a matchmaker in multi fanfic: Ghost Bride Edition
by Alice Bylur
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I was out doing my thing when I heard a commotion from fellow dorm mate.
Ignihyde A: senior Bylur! Senior Bylur!
"sup, ((faceless)) dorm mate?" I greeted him. He seems really worried about something but he was to nervous or bewailed to say more of the topic
"a twist of old school, shotgun marriage genre happen! The tragic character is our dorm leader! The SSR mecha brother want to unleash noble phantasm to the school ground if dorm leader isn't freed." Dorm mate B says with very excitement on their very being.
I felt my head hurt when I realize he spoke in an very odd way just now. but I still understand what he meant.
"enemy stat?" I ask in a serious voice to get along with his energy. Dorm mate A who before was super nervous get offer me hologram scene. It show picture of someone familiar ghost bride and the current victim she slapped.
"...sigh. I guess we go give our red envelope." I have no plan joining the event. Might as well do idia a favor and do his daily pull for him in his game while his out.
"VICE WARDEN, PLS SAVE DORM WARDEN!!" the three leech on me when I was about to leave the matter be. "Stop calling me vice warden. I'm not even haft smart as you guys in technology." I tried to remove them from my legs. But they won't badge at all.
"your the only one with Ortho who's official student that can talk to Dorm warden and handle matter of the dorm with him!" (I.D.A)
"I did nothing but talk to you guys, what matter of the dorm?"
"if prefect shroud get married your probably gonna be the next prefect." (I.D.C)
"..." Like that's going to happen. Let me go back to my room.
"well give you packs of shawarma from the other countries tommorow if you save him."(I.D.A)
"You better start ordering those shawarma. Imma go save him now." I suddenly want to join the fun. Totally not bribe to do this.
I stared at my note and try to remember if this is someone route but realize it's not. It's a free space. I smirk at the easy thought of having free shawarmas.
I turn myself invisible and walk inside the wedding hall.
I look at everyone who's frozen in place because of the slap. I put a ice rose to lilia pocket which is a force habit. He seems to notice I was here when he saw it yet he keep quite. Through a smirk appear on his face.
"someone anyonesavemeeee." I heard idia cried out beside the excited bride. This makes me think about something. She seems familiar to someone. Hmm.
I was beside idia already and already carried him like a baby on my hold, through still invisible. He froze up which made me laugh.
My laughter did throw me off but I'm already a few step away from the bride.
"you..." The bride realize her groom is stolen under her nose.
I become visible as I put idia down beside me.
"aliceshialiceshisavemeeeee." Idia cried beside me.
"greeting, my name is Alice Bylur. And I'm taking my dorm prefect back." I says with a smile. She seems angry than before.
"your a Bylur..." She and the ghost guard looks furious, right now. That I realize, I think I know them for a different reason. It's my family member fault they died. Oops.
[ "all is fiction, it's a world of text and monologue. An illusion that soon be your reality." ] Using my unique magic the world become a word app and I erase their information about me and My family fault about their tragedy. When the world come back to normal, they look less furious but I felt drained.
[ all is fiction, love can break a spell. Platonic or true love. Curse can be broken.] I use my unique magic again which made idia to be free from the ghost bride magic, the others too would be free later but I already collapse on the floor as I mutter to idia: RUN YOU SUSSY BAKA.
I gain conscious a few days later, Idia is playing a video game beside my bed.
"agh... Where's My shawarma." Is My first question. I have priority. Those dorm mates better give me those after what I did.
*its on the refrigerator." He put down his game and stared at me. "You shouldn't use your unique magic if it's bad for you "
"I'm not gonna die. If that's worried you. It's just a simple draw back. The worse case would happen is getting another name." I joked as I remember I should have another name but it was gone now.
He sigh but let is slide.
"thanks." He mumble with his hair edge turning pink. I laugh and says:
Your My friend. And friends come first than anything.
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over-blood · 3 years
Fun Facts about twst’s card distribution until now!
Fun Facts about the cards so far, gleaned from looking over my silly little spreadsheet
there are currently 46 event cards in total! 47 if you consider grim’s singular card an event card or not.
the number of all cards currently in the game are a steady and staunch *inputs numbers into spreadsheet*
174 cards in total!
lilia vanrouge has the highest number of SRs, at a whopping FIVE (Lab + Robe + Masterchef + SM + rerun Groom)
actually, all diasomnia event cards so far are only SRs. all of four of those guys have nothing but event SRs
while we’re on that note, trey currently has the highest amount of R cards because the twst devs have decided he apparently doesn’t deserve rights or something. he has FOUR R cardstwo event Rs. twst why have you done my man dirty like this. you havent inflicted this on anyone else yet.
to no one’s surprise, Heartslabyul has the largest amount of cards for a dorm! they all come together at a lovely and healthy 41!
the next largest is Diasomnia with 27. 27. would you look at that difference
the dorm with the least amount of cards is Ignihyde, which im sure surprises no one. Ignihyde currently has 15 cards to its name, probably getting bumped up to 16 once chapter 6 is done with, and they release idia’s dorm card
the highest amount of cards to any one character’s name is currently 9 cards! (which is achieved by getting both your dorm uniform and birthday card + three event cards) 
the five people with this high honor so far are currently
Cater Diamond
Trey Clover
Kalim Al Asim
Jamil Viper
Jade Leech
the LEAST amount of cards any characters have so far is six. this dubious honor is shared by silver and sebek. (they’re the only characters to not have a dorm card + only 1 event card)
there are only four characters left with only one event card to their names! these sad, sad unloved creatures are
Sebek Zigvolt
Silver (just silver)
Ortho Shroud
Ace Trappola, somehow. how hasn’t he gotten a second event card yet
jack howl has not had a new card in nearly a year and im dying. im starving. twst please
anyways for funsies this i what my spreadsheet ended up looking like
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color coded babey. organized. i know the total amount of any card type you’d like. amount of all SSRs? amount of specifically event SSRs? the amounf of dorm uniforms? the amount of event cards each dorm has all together?
all here babey. girl, i have USELESS information you can only DREAM of. 
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Grrrr…Not only did I waste every gem, key, and penny on Kalim’s bday but I also didn’t get the notif that Grooms Ace was coming??? 🥲
If anyone knows those weird “earn thousands of gems for free” tricks, nows the time to share! Otherwise I might resort to arson, I’m so upsetttt
Hello Anonie 🌻💕🌺,
Kalim, Sunshine boy, why didn't you come home to anonie 😭
if it makes you feel better anonie, in one of the twisted wonderland anniversaries, you'll get a chance to receive both Kalim's bday card and Ace's groom card. It's one of those, you have to pull on standard banner a certain number of times and then you get a key and you can choose the card from Sam's shop. And Kalim's bday card will come again next year too. So, if ace is stinky and he doesn't come home, you still have your chances.
Did you buy the anime expo bronze bundle? That's a good bundle you can buy with free gems. Basically, 2 ten pulls for the price of 250 gems.
plus during the Groom marriage, you can also get some keys from the shop too.
Here are the other ways to get gems and keys:
1. Make sure to do your weekly missions - 60 gems
2. Login in everyday - 60 gems total per week
3. Complete rhythmic missions - 30 gems per song
4. Do daily test 5 times individually will reach the accumulative mission faster
5. Read personal stories: 5 gems per story
6. Complete character lesson missions: 30 gems when you finish 100 lessons, 50 gems when you reach 1000 lessons
🗝🗝Keys: 🗝🗝
1. You get one 10 key during character's birthday.
2. Buy the 250 gem and 50 gem worth of keypacks from Sam's Shop - 10 + 3 keys
3. Buy the keypacks from Sam's shop using test medals - 3 keys
4. Keys from events shops and accumulative missions.
I would really recommend pulling only if you can't pity anonie, that way you are guaranteed a SSR.
[Credit to the Twisted Wonderland Wiki Group] 
I think the best and fastest way you can get gems is by doing the character lesson missions, reading the personal stories, and getting the gems from the twsttunes
Good Luck pulling for Groom Ace! Bring that little shit home lolol
(if anyone has any more tips to share, you’re more than welcome to send them 👏👏)
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twstarchives · 4 years
Ace Trappola・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines: Dress-Up Groom Event Card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Don’t drag in any kind of trouble again, alright? ‘Cause I’m not helping you out this time!”
Groovy “It’d get exhausting always being so serious about everything, wouldn’t it? You just gotta be efficient about things ♪”
Home Setting “Let’s take it nice and slow today!”
Home Transitions “Something’s always going on whenever I’m with you. Seriously, it doesn’t ever get boring.”
“Hm? I don’t really hate school. It’s not like I need it, though. Haha! If I didn’t go, I’d just have nothing to do.”
“Professor Crewel called me over when I ditched class duty today... He gets so intense when he’s scolding his students!”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oh, you’re finally here. So what’re you doing right now? C’mon, pick something~”
Home Taps “It’s kinda nice that our outfits are already picked out for us everyday. If we got to wear casual clothes, we’d have to spend some time trying to put together an outfit.”
“My dreams for the future? Nope, don’t got any! Striving hard to achieve your dreams is so... bleurgh, I can’t do it. It’s just not my thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, what do you want with me this time? You’ve got some serious dedication to this whole prefect thing.”
“I’m glad our dorm color is red. I like red. It stands out, it’s stylish, and it fits me nicely, doesn’t it?”
“Alright, alright, stop pulling so hard; I can hear you just fine! ...So? What is it?”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I’m pretty confident about my reflexes. Wanna take a look at my magift skills?”
Groovy “You can tell just by looking at me that I’m the type who hates losing. Come do some intensive training with me!”
Home Setting “It’s not good for you to just be standing still like that!”
Home Transitions “I seriously can’t handle Coach Vargas. He’s so intense and conceited... It’s tiring just being around him.”
“I have a lot of fun in the basketball club. I get along well with upperclassmen from the other dorms too.”
“I think sports and magic are kinda similar. I mean, you’ve gotta put all your effort into both of them everyday.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “PE class is about to start soon. You’ll get left behind if you keep moving so slow~”
Home Taps “Did you already eat yet? If not, let’s go pick up something from the store. It’s boring being cooped up inside all the time.”
“No way. I don’t even have to ask; I can tell just by that face that whatever you have to say is something real troublesome. Don’t tell me.”
“I don’t wanna turn into some macho guy who’s totally ripped, so I can take it easy with my training.”
“Cater actually has pretty good reflexes. I should ask him for some Flying tips later.”
“Ahaha!! What do you want~? You keep poking me in the side over and over again!”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Working together’s really important. ...So anyway, let’s do our best on this assignment!”
Groovy “It’s fine to slack off just a little. Just do your best not to get caught.”
Home Setting “What, you’ve got a question? Alright, you owe me one.”
Home Transitions “I saw Deuce in the library looking really serious about something. I guess he’s studying for our next test.”
“Hey, did you finish the homework? Let’s do it together if you haven’t yet. That way we can split the work and get it done faster.”
“Sometimes there are potions with effects that make you think ‘What would you even make that for?’ I’d never wanna drink one, though.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “They don’t call Night Raven a prestigious academy for nothing. I gotta study sometimes too or I’ll get behind.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Why do you have so much motivation for your classes? Don’t tell me you’re actually planning on making Grim a great mage, or something?”
Home Taps “The Headmaster really shows up and vanishes at the most unexpected times. Yesterday it almost gave me a heart attack when I noticed he was sitting behind me.”
“Be careful if you come across any talking flowers in the Botanical Garden. People say they’re really mean.”
“Potions are so nasty. And yet in the Queen of Hearts’ country, they were supposed to have tasted like things like pies and juice...”
“What do they even do at the science club? Trey invited me to stop by earlier but it seemed boring so I said no.”
“Ah, I seriously can’t deal with intense people. Go do that kinda stuff with Deuce, not me!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Have you gotten everything ready for our next experiment? I’m kinda worried about how slow you are.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Wearing these feels kinda... ah, don’t laugh at me! You’re not one to talk either!!”
Groovy “Hehe! I give off that prestigious Night Raven College! vibe, don’t I?”
Home Setting “Don’t cause any trouble today!”
Home Transitions “Hah... Why do the teachers have to talk for so long? It’s so boring. I wish they’d  wrap it up in three minutes flat.”
“What kinds of things do you guys have celebrations for where you come from? Do you celebrate Unbirthdays?”
“Before enrolling here, I thought these clothes looked so old-fashioned, but now I think they’re very fitting for a mage. Heheh.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oi, Prefect. Grim starts causing all the mischief he wants whenever you’re not here!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Tada! I pulled a hedgehog out of my hood...! Wait, I messed it up. Magic tricks using living creatures are really hard.”
Home Taps “If you’re free, how about we go to the lounge? Well, the only thing I usually do there is play cards though.”
“Doesn’t this school have a serious lacking of entertainment?! There’s absolutely nowhere to have fun! What about a café? Or some live shows?!”
“My shoulders feel kinda stiff... I’m really not good at formal things.”
“I think my brother was even happier than my parents when they found out I was accepted here. He’s an alumni from the same dorm as me.”
“No, you can’t sleep right now! You were dozing off in class the other day and even I could tell from sitting behind you!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Oh, perfect timing. Could we have a card game tournament at Ramshackle tonight? ...It’s fine, no one’ll find out!”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “My winning trump card is the Ace of Hearts!”
“I’d rather not get all heated and serious about things. ...Hey, are you even listening?!”
Groovy “You want to come to Heartslabyul? Haha, we’ll always welcome you!”
Home Setting “Let’s hurry and get this done!”
Home Transitions “Wanna go to the Unbirthday Party together? I promise there’ll be a delicious tart. ...I can’t promise the Dorm Leader will be in a good mood, though.”
“I know a magic trick that can make multiple cards appear from just one. Wanna see?”
“Euegh... I ate too much pie and now I’m so full... Trey’s sweets are just so good; I couldn’t stop eating.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Prefect-! Come help me take care of the hedgehogs we use for croquet!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “So? How do I look in my dorm uniform? Handsome? ...Er, complimenting me that much would just sound like a lie.”
Home Taps “I showed the Dorm Leader a card trick and it actually surprised him. That felt nice ♪”
“If I was put in a different dorm... mm, I can’t even picture it. I guess Heartslabyul just fits me the best.”
“The freshmen have four people per room. It’s crowded, but it’s always full of energy so it’s a lot of fun. You should come hang out sometime.”
“Red vests are part of both our school and dorm uniforms, but the ones we wear with our dorm uniforms also have a traditional pattern associated with the Queen of Hearts on them.”
“Hey, now even you are acting just like Grim does; stop it! This keeps getting more and more out of hand.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I wish you were part of Heartslabyul too. You don’t get the thrill of wondering when your head’ll get chopped off anywhere else.”
Duo Magic Ace: “Oi, Deuce! You better not just drag me down!” Deuce: “You’re so full of yourself! Who do you think you’re talking to, Ace?!”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Ace’s birthday event (Sept 18 - Sept 25, 2020).
Login on Birthday “Hey Prefect, do you know what day it is today? It’s not an Unbirthday... It’s Ace’s birthday! Which means I’m the star of today. What should I do for it~?”
Unlock Card “Today I can have the first slice of cake without worrying about losing my head, right?”
“Hey, what’re you gonna get me for my birthday? Oh, if you’ve got no idea, a cherry pie would be nice~”
Groovy “Having a giant party isn’t as bad as I thought. Thanks for coming to celebrate too!”
Home Setting “This get-up’s so embarrassing! It’s screaming ‘Look at me!’ way too much.”
Home Transitions “This heart-shaped pin is reaaally sparkly. It’s kinda intense with how special! it looks.”
“When I was at my club earlier, the soles of my basketball shoes fell apart. Floyd has a good sense of style; maybe he’ll give some to me as a gift~”
“I don’t mind Cater posting pictures of me on Magicam... but I don’t know how to feel about him tagging it as ‘Acey’s Growth Record.’”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Sorry, but we can’t have an Unbirthday Party today. ‘Cause today’s my actual birthday!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “After the party, can I come over to Ramshackle? Let’s invite Jack and the others and play cards till it’s morning.”
Home Taps “When I was little, my older brother one time blew out the candles on my birthday cake. We got into huge fight after.”
“I’m only one year older now, but everyone’s making a huge celebration out of it... I’m not saying I hate it, though~”
“Deuce said he’d treat me to whatever pastry I want at the school store! Hahaha, let’s ask him for the most expensive one. You in?”
“My brother’s not the only one good at magic tricks in my family; my dad’s really good at them too. On our birthdays, he used to show us tricks using gift boxes.”
“Aghgh, I get it! We’re done saying ‘Yes, Happy Birthday!’ ...It’s kind of really embarrassing...”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I can ask you favors since it’s my special day today, can’t I? When you finish that assignment, come join the party!”
Duo Magic Ace: Ortho, wish me a big happy birthday! Ortho: Happy birthday, Ace Trappola!
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Lv Up “Oh, this feels kinda nice!”
“Yay! Level up!”
“I gotta get even further ahead of everyone else.”
Max Lv Up “This feels incredible. Now that I’ve got this, it’ll probably be a lot easier for me to back up a certain someone who can’t use magic.”
Episode Lv Up “Ahaha! So these kinds of things can happen too. I always thought people like you would be the ones I’d get along the worst with, but I guess not! ...Just messing with you.”
Magic Lv Up “I could win against the Dorm Leader now that I’ve got this power, right? ...Oh, what I said just now is a secret, ‘kay?”
Limit Break “Whaaat? Aren’t you expecting too much from me? Well, alright. Guess I just should just work a little harder!”
Groovy “I’ll keep showing you more and more of my cool side, so look forward to that!”
Lesson Select “What class are you doing? Hurry up and pick. I’ll be sleeping straight through any one you pick anyway.”
“You’re so enthusiastic about this... Okay, okay! Stop pulling on me so hard!”
“Make sure to keep a close eye on Grim during class, alright, Prefect? He tried ditching earlier and the teacher got mad at him.”
Lesson Start “Let’s get this over with!”
Lesson End “It’s done~! Ahh, I’m tired.”
Battle Start “Okay~ I’ll make you all hit rock bottom!”
Battle End “Nothing to say about it. I won!”
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Profile Quote “Man, the Queen of Hearts is so cool! Nobody would obey a queen who’s just kind all the time, right?”
January 2020 Trailer “Ya better not be late! Or the scaaary queen will chop off your head!”
Countdown Poster “Stop daydreaming. Don’t you know you can get lost in the rose maze?”
Take His Hand “Let's head on over there!”
Player Birthday Wish “Eh? Was there something going on today? ...I’m just messing with you! It’s your birthday, right? Of course I remembered. Happy birthday, Prefect.”
Valentine’s Day Gift Letter (2021)
These letters were originally in English. I didn’t translate or edit them in any way. They came with official merch from Aniplex, and are not present in-game.
Hey you, Thanks for the present. But what’s up with the sudden gesture? Are you trying to apologize for something here? …JUST KIDDING! I actually need to talk to you about something, too. See you in class later!
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twstgameplay · 3 years
I have a question, and id like to use a screenshot for your ease, but i really don't want my main seen so I'm sorry for the wordy ask coming in.
I need some help deciding who i should use my ssr perfumes on, i don't want to waste them on a bad choice, so i need some perspective on what you think the best choice in the long run might be if possible.
I have dorm riddle, dorm leona, dorm deuce, dorm floyd, dorm epel, dorm rook, sm riddle, sm cater, sm silver, groom ace, bday cater, bday azul, bday rook, bday lilia, and union bday floyd. I already have dorm riddle and bday azul at level 90 but the rest are only 80. If you can help make a good decision id really appreciate it, thank you so much for your constant help!
Check here for previous advice we've provided on this topic in a general sense.
Looking at your list, Dorm Riddle, Groom Ace, Dorm Leona, and Dorm Rook are your best bets. Those are the strongest cards that you have that's best for tests.
However, our previous advice still stands: Dorm cards have the chance to spook on other banners (except for Birthday banners) and so there is always a chance that you'll get another copy on another roll. Event cards (like Groom Ace) are more limited, and it's possible they won't even revisit Ghost Marriage next year since they did a rerun this year.
In the end, it's all up to you, although we would recommend the four mentioned above. If you want to use it on Dorm Riddle to raise him to Level 95 and bonk harder on Tree tests, go for it. If you want to use it on the limited Groom Ace so that you have a viable DUO combo with your already Level 90 Dorm Riddle, awesome. Dorm Leona is your best Tree attacker, so if you need help on Water tests, use it on him. I see you have Dorm Epel too, which means that if you powered up Dorm Rook instead, you have that double DUO you can strengthen as well.
Good luck!
- 🐬
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otonymous · 4 years
PV of 💍Here Comes the Groom💍Wedding Themed SSR Event in Mr Love: Queen's...
YASSSSS!!  Come and take ALL the Galaxy Wish Coupons I’ve been so painstakingly saving for the past few months!! 😍
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So take this with a grain of salt since cybird might mix things up again but here’s my rough prediction for the rest of the year + gacha cards
one day in the forest 
r itaru
sr tsumugi
ssr azuma
mushroom forest expedition 
r sakyo
sr kazunari
ssr taichi
june grooms 
sr azuma
ssr banri
ssr tsuzuru
kniroun tryouts (spring troupe 5th play)
r sakuya
sr masumi
ssr chikage
taiko drum master (no event)
r kazunari
sr taichi 
ssr yuki
milky way 
r azami
sr muku
ssr hisoka
shinobi tryouts (summer troupe 5th play)
r kumon
sr muku
ssr misumi
queen camellia 
r chikage
sr azuma
ssr omi
mantou fist tryouts (autumn troupe 5th play)
r omi
sr juza
ssr azami
moon and rabbit 
r guy
sr tenma
ssr citron
die by the sword (winter troupe 5th play)
r tsumugi
sr azuma
ssr guy
halloween (last halloween event started on 7/20/20)
r kumon
sr sakuya
ssr juza
 i come with the night (mixed troupe play)
r tsumugi 
r itaru
sr misumi
ssr banri
shoujo manga-holic 
r tasuku
r banri
sr homare
sr yuki
ssr muku
gotta paint it (no event) 
r taichi
sr azami
ssr kazunari
beautiful gaia
r tsuzuru
sr guy
ssr sakyo
dear my nutcracker 
r kazunari
r yuki
sr kumon
sr chikage
ssr masumi
third manman grand prix 
r tsumugi
sr tasuku
ssr tenma
gelande magic (no event)
r citron
sr banri
ssr omi
treasure ship sky cruise 
r muku
sr itaru
ssr homare
second anniversary (EN anniversary date falls on 10/23)
sr everyone haha good luck
re: febmagic 
r guy
r sakyo
sr azuma
sr juza
ssr banri
harugaoka quartet tryouts (spring troupe 6th play)
r itaru
sr sakuya
ssr masumi
sing big thanks 
r tasuku 
r tsuzuru
sr homare
sr omi
ssr tenma
floral prince tryouts (summer troupe 6th play)
r misumi
sr kazunari
ssr kumon
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acrispyapple · 3 years
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MLQC: Rerun of Here Comes the Groom
The destined person will hold your hand, Love songs will be played for you again.
Schedule: April 16th 5:00 - April 25th 23:59 PST
Wedding-Themed SSR Karma in Wish Tree with Odds UP
Use [Galaxy Wish Coupon] or Gems for a chance to get the limited Karmas.
You can also redeem the limited Karma of this event with [Bridal Bouquet] in Wish Tree Store.
*[Bridal Bouquets] will be converted to [Heart Flower] at a 1:1 ratio when the event ends, and the 4 SSR Karmas will be unavailable for the time being.
3D Voice [Right Beside You] available permanently Kiro: Midnight Crime, Lucien: Touching Your Hair, Victor: Your Privilege, Gavin: Makeup Challenge will be able to purchase after April 16th 5am PST.
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Inside the Eastern Bloc: A Brief History Of The Ex-USSR
“All victories inevitably come at a cost.” ‑ Mikhaïl Gorbachev, HBO Chernobyl
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Nikola Tesla Boulevard on a summer evening, Serbia - Photo Source: Pierre (PLRB)
A Tale Of Winners & Losers
Nothing feels more hopeless than a self-destructing world around you. We often forget how easy we have it, snuggled in our cocoons of excessive love and smothering. Sometimes, we need to be remembered who we are and where we come from. Not too long ago did our grandparents struggled and fought for their basic needs. Of course, now, with our technology, we don’t even have to worry about the basic survival priorities of the past. With the simple click of a button, we can have everything delivered to our doorstep without even raising an arm.
 Ah, doesn’t it feel good to taste the sweet fruits of our capitalistic labor? Isn’t it great to be the “winners” of today’s world? Sometimes, we tend to forget that our victories come at a great cost. Sometimes, we forget to humanize our enemies. They too can love, laugh, cry and fear. They too, are humans like us.
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Propaganda poster of Yuri Gagarin - Photo Source: @soviet.propaganda on Instagram
Watch Out For The Communist!
Let me ask you a question: How many times have you heard the word “communist” on the news? My guess of your answer is quite a few times. Although rare, sometimes it is used simply to describe the people that identify with the socialist Marxist-Leninist ideology. Most of the time though, it is used as a pure and simple insult. An insult that describes everything we don’t understand, fear, and dislike. 
This exact description though is exactly what our grandparents were told about the red flag-carrying “commies” over in the eastern bloc. When the canons of wars tear through the skies, governments tend to create a sense of unity within their population to, somehow, justify the war on a national scale. They dehumanize their enemies and convince us that we must fear the others, and win this war at all cost (as they did with Vietnam). 
But when we don’t even know who our enemies are, how can we fully grasp what’s at stake?
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Propaganda poster of Lenin’s revolution - Photo Source: @comrade_quotes on Instagram
Rise Up, Comrade!
Before getting into the modern Soviet Union (the 1970s-1990s), let’s focus on the beginning. If you went over to the former republics of the Soviet Union in 2021, you would notice how terrible everything looks. Potholes, crumbling buildings, outdated trolleybuses, and subway cars, beaten up Lada’s plowing through knee-deep puddles under the unimpressed look of the driver’s face. 
When you come to witness this spectacle in person, it is easy to assume that the Soviets must’ve had it rough back in the day, and boy you would’ve been right. Once the Tsars were no more, the new Soviet party lead by the revolutionist Vladimir Lenin promised a bright and equal future turned on the workers and the equal distribution of their labor. However, this promise wouldn’t be easy to achieve. What followed afterward were decades and decades of purges, wars, hard work, and brutal leadership by our good ol’ friend Comrade Stalin. Some argue about Uncle Joe’s good intentions, but this is not what I want to focus on. Here I want to talk about the last soviet’s aspirations and dreams, the ones our western leaders promised to crush for our freedom.
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Haludovo Palace of Kirk, Croatia - Photo Source: @socmod on Instagram
For The Happiness Of All Mankind
The 1970s was a great time to be a Soviet. If you were a citizen, you would’ve been able to move into brand new apartments, get a stable job in any industry you wish, get all the food you can eat, obtain the diploma you wanted, have access to healthcare, you would even be able to get a brand new Lada, and all for free! Yes, you’ve read that right: for free. 
Communism in the Soviet Union wasn’t about a totalitarian regime and oppressing its citizens (as the western propaganda wants us to believe), it was about universal free access to one’s every need. Now of course there were some questionable policies such as limited free speech and limited access to the outside world beyond the iron curtain (however more and more freedoms were given to the Soviets in the 1980s with the arrival of Mikhail Gorbachev into office). The Soviet Union wasn’t lacking behind in technology either, in fact, it was the world’s second industrial and military superpower back in its heyday! They even sent the world’s first man into space. 
This is what the real Soviet Union was about: unity and comradeship. They truly had a will to build a greater future for humanity and like us today, they had reached such a level of comfort that a bright future was taken for granted by everybody in the USSR. 
However, this candor belief in a great future would suddenly come to a brutal end.
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Edge of the Chernobyl Red Forest, Ukraine - Photo Source: Pierre (PLRB)
Porridge With A Side Of Radiation
It’s April 26th, 1986. In a small town of the Ukrainian SSR, citizens are eating breakfast and preparing for yet another routine day. Children are headed to school and parents, to work. Some of them could notice smoke coming out of the industrial site nearby, and others had heard rumors about a possible roof fire that started in the night. 
However, nobody seemingly cared as everybody went on with their day none the wiser. At the same time on the other side of town, ambulances are flying in one by one into the general hospital, carrying firefighters from the smoking site. Nurses run outside and discover men with unusual burns, screaming in pain. Nobody knew what was happening and they all tried to assist them to the best of their knowledge. The citizens didn’t know it yet, but only 3 kilometers away from their homes, the worst nuclear disaster that mankind would ever experience had happened. 
Today, this event is simply known as “Chernobyl”. Of course, back then, they had no clue about what was actually happening, and Soviet bureaucracy would immensely delay the travel of information up to the top state officials. It took them a full 3 days before they evacuated the town of Pripyat, and on the same occasion, creating the famous 30 km exclusion zone (which is still in place today). Of course, by then, it was already too late. Most of the citizens had already received a fatal dose of radiation that would affect their descendants for generations, and make their land uninhabitable for hundreds of years. 
This event was a true shifting point for the USSR, as the Soviet leader Gorbachev took the opportunity for the first time in Soviet history, to be as transparent as possible with its citizens and to the world. He finally admitted that the Soviet Union is about to crash.
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Palace of Yugoslavia, Serbia - Photo Source: Pierre (PLRB)
A Russian Traitor
Gorbachev told the shocking truth to its citizens. The country’s banks are empty, and for years the Union was living off the reserves accumulated in the past decades. The Soviet Union wasn’t producing anymore, and instead, became buyers. The self-sustaining system they had built before was no longer in place and everybody would have to brace for the rough years coming ahead.
 This news naturally came as a true shock for the entire population, and suddenly all hopes of a bright future were lost. The citizens learned that the good years are over, and from now on, they should expect misery and poverty. The Cold War and the Afghanistan War had ruined the country’s economy, the former leader Leonid Brezhnev had lost the leadership with his lazy ways and had become too comfortable in his spending. 
However, amid all this chaos and confusion, not a single second did anybody think the Soviet Union would simply collapse and disappear. They truly believed in the strong and powerful nation they had built in the past 69 years, and never imagined one second that it would come to an end. They thought they would simply fight through the rough years and rise again as they had done in the past century. 
One politician though had another idea of how things would turn out. Boris Yeltsin, a man rejected by the Soviet party for having ideas too far away from the communist ideology, was grooming republics for their independence and made deals with the Americans without the knowledge of Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader of the Soviet Party. This is how bad the bureaucracy had gotten. They became so out of touch with their own reality that on December 8th, 1991 the Belovezha Accords were signed by Yeltsin and two other figureheads (without the knowledge of Gorbachev), essentially ending the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
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Soviet mosaic bus stop in Kalmykia, Russia - Photo Source: @realbaldandbankrupt on Instagram
Shock Therapy
It’s Christmas Day, 1991, and the Americans have won. The Soviet Union, which they had fought for decades to end, finally ceased to exist. The dreams that were built, the futures seemingly so bright that was promised to its citizens, all disappeared on that one fateful night. What was a great victory for one side of the world, was a terrible event for the other. They had lost their nation, their future, their security. 
They had now entered a decade of banditry, crime, and chaos. They were living through what we now refer to as “Shock Therapy”. The shift from communism to capitalism was so brutal that there were no more police to ensure safety. No more government to tell you what you can and cannot do. No more authority existed which left space for anarchy. The now ex-Soviet citizens were promised better times with the arrival of democracy but were only betrayed by the incompetence of their new leader that only brought them crime and misery.
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Deteriorating children’s playground, Moldova - Photo Source: @kuca_ky_ky on Instagram
Crumbling Streets & Broken Dreams
Nowadays, the cities of the former Soviet Union seem to be nothing else than vast jungles of crumbling concrete. The brutalist blocks that were once the pride of a powerful nation, are now nothing but the symbol of a lost past and broken dreams. Elders remember the good days when they lived in a stable country, and the youth, forever and ever seduced with the exotic lifestyle of the Americans, see no future in their country and only dream about moving to the sunny beaches of California. 
Ironically, the ex-Soviet generation fancies the lifestyle of those who caused their end, but we cannot blame them either. They truly don’t have much of a future in the former eastern bloc, and their old enemies seem to thrive more than ever now that their 20th-century nemesis had been eliminated for good. In the victories we win, we forget to remember the fate of our opposing forces. 
On the surface, it may only seem like we are ending a powerful and evil regime, but underneath the surface, we fail to consider that we are also ending the peace and unity that existed in the nation. 
We must recognize that we are not only ending a government but also all the hopes and dreams attached to it and that sometimes, we must put humanity first and political interests second.
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The Genex Tower of Belgrade, Serbia - Photo Source: Pierre (PLRB)
A Word For The End
Thank you for reading my blog post about what I’ve retained from my trip to the former USSR. Please note that this is not meant to take a political side, but only to focus on the human aspect of the events. Either you’re a communist or a capitalist, everybody deserves a future and secure access to food, housing, education, and healthcare. 
I have seen and met people who were deeply saddened by what they went through, and by the loss of their native country. Please remember that the government doesn’t always represent the population. A nation is 1% leaders, 99% normal people trying to make it in the world just like you and me.
If you are interested in learning more about the former Soviet world, I invite you to check out the YouTuber “Bald and Bankrupt”, which explores former USSR republics. He is the one that inspired my trip to the Ukraine last month. 
If you are into music, I suggest you check out “Sovietwave”, which is a musical genre based on the nostalgia of the dreams and aspirations that the soviet people once had.
Thank you for reading and have a good day. 
До свидания!
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
A3! SSR Juza [Novice Photographer] Backstage Story
Because I have a friend who loves Juza, that’s why I decided to translate this one first. But seriously, I think am too jobless that’s why I have time to do this. I can’t wait to read and translate Azami’s story. In the meantime, please enjoy~
Juza is learning how to be a better photographer (I am so bad at summary, oops).
As usual, I’m referring to this card from the June Bride 2020 series:
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A3! is owned by Liber Entertainment
Beloved (Photography) Subject
I’m home.
I’m home.
Welcome home.
You’re coming back from shopping?
Yeah, I got a call from Omi kun that he will be coming home late from work today, so we made the trip to  the market.
Ah, it’s already this late, we have to get to start preparing dinner soon.
Is there anything I can do, I’ll help.
Thank you.
Eh, that camera you’re holding……
It’s a toy camera you get from Fushimi-san right.
(After Omi-kun graduated from university, both Juza-kun and Tsuzuru-kun got a hand-down camera from him.)
Have you been able to take good pictures?
No, I haven’t.
I couldn’t get the good timing to shoot and now I’m not sure……
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Have you used the camera that you got, Tsuzuru-san?
Yeah, I tried to take pictures whenever I see something that I think could help me with the scriptwriting.
Even on the way back from shopping, Tsuzuru-kun keeps taking pictures.
Pictures that I took today…. Like this I guess.
This is……?
It’s a doll displayed in the window of a shop in the shopping district. It looks like a vintage shop  right.
This is a group of middle school students practicing dance in the riverbank.
When I’m thinking of using flash to take the pictures, of course, I’ll ask their permission beforehand.
Tsuzuru-san, to be able to get this kind of pictures for your script.
It’s amazing……
Besides that, to practice using the camera, I also took pictures like Sakuya and Citron-san’s snack time.
I tried to ask Masumi to let me take his pictures as trial, but he hits me with a ‘so troublesome’ face and  refused.
Ah, but you don’t need to think too hard.
Yeah. Juza-kun can take pictures whenever you feel like taking one.
…… Yeah.
<Shifts to Another Room>
Oh, Juza.
Haha, somehow you’re looking into the Finder with such a troubled face.
For using that camera, thank you.
Yeah. I have been practicing so I can take pictures when it’s time, but somehow I can’t take good pictures.
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Until now, I don’t really use a camera and I don’t know how to handle it……. It’s hard.
Why can’t I take pictures like Omi-san……?
Ah, right……
<End of Part 1>
Why can’t I take pictures like Omi-san……?
Ah, right……
As expected, is it about the number of pictures you take?
You will get used to is as you shoot more pictures.
Besides, it’s not like all the pictures you take is going to come out good.
Even for a flyer for example, you’ll only choose 1 photo from all the photos you have taken.
Ah…… It’s true.
That’s why, you don’t need to think about complicated things. First of all, just think about trying to shoot more pictures.
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Ah, you’re here!
Onii-chan, let’s get going-
It’s already time.
Yeah, Muku’s already waiting with the luggage.
I’ll go to the lounge first.
Alright. I’ll be there soon.
Are you going out somewhere?
A relative’s wedding.
We’re going with our family, so me, Kumon, and Muku are going to go back to our family’s home.
I see.
Haha, sounds like an event where you can shoot a lot of pictures.
Omi-san, thanks.
The camera, I’ll bring it with me.
Yeah, it’ll be great if you can take good pictures.
<Shifts to Wedding Venue>
What a beautiful wedding banquet……!
Ah, onii-chan in a suit, as I thought it’s so cool……!
You’ve said that so many times since this morning, Kumon.
I mean, it’s because it’s really really cool!
Hehe, but it really suits you, Ju-chan!
Woah, this bear, it’s the bride and the groom……! So cute.
You’re right!
This welcome board here has a lot of flowers too, it’s so pretty!
Whichever it is, it’s really so romantic……!
Eh, onii-chan, that’s the camera you got from Omi-san right?
Yeah. I thought I might be able to shoot some good pictures, that’s why I brought it here.
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You’re right. Today definitely, you will be able to take some nice pictures!
…… Yeah.
<Shifts to Garden>
Uhh, somehow I feel so much excitement just being here……!
The bride and the groom too, both of them looks so happy!
Even I become very happy……
Yeah yeah!
Uhh…. somehow…… when the bride starts crying, I can’t help but to cry too, my tears won’t stop flowing……  
Me too……! If I remember it again I’ll just…… uuhhh…….
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*shutter sound*
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…... No, it’s nothing.
<End of Part 2>
I’m home.
Welcome back, Juza-kun.
Ah, welcome back. You’re early.
Today’s class is only until 3pm.
What are you looking at?
Ah, I’m organizing some pictures that I took before for my work.
Give me a minute.
Thinking about it, Juza you took some pictures previously right?
Then, let’s take a look at it together in the PC, do you have the camera with you right now?
Oh Yeah, Juza-kun, you mentioned that you went to a wedding ceremony last time right?
Yeah. I took a few pictures back then.
Hee, let me see……
Woah, amazing, it looks like pictures taken by filter.
Toy camera’s pictures will come out like that, that’s why it’s interesting.
Eh, but……
(No matter how much I look, I don’t know what was taken in each of the picture……)
Eh, umm……
Ah, it seems they’re blur.
Bu, but, if you take so many pictures, it must be such a wonderful wedding!
 Choice 1: Let me hear more about the wedding
Choice 2: You’ll gradually improve with your pictures!
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Choice 1:
What kind of ceremony was it?
Let me hear more about the wedding ceremony.
It was a good ceremony. The venue was decorated with all kind of stuffs, like flowers and plush toys, it was very beautiful—
The bride and the groom seemed so happy, when I look at them, how to say, I ended up feeling happy too.
Yeah, somehow I get it.
Yeah. Then the magic trick they did during the entertainment segment was very interesting…
The dessert and the cakes were very delicious.
Ah perhaps, the blur picture just now was the cake, I see now.
Choice 2:
You’ll gradually improve with your pictures!
Yeah, let me say this again, you’ll get used to it by taking a lot of pictures.
….. By the way, that time when Tsuzuru-san took pictures during shopping, he mentioned that he also took pictures of the others during practice.
Director, let me go with you this time, is it okay for me to take pictures along the way?
…… even during practice, it would be great if I can go with you.
Of course! If you’re alright with me, we can go together.
(Ah, this……
Only this photo looks so beautiful, even though it’s blur)
This picture……
Muku and Kumon is it.
The two of them sure cried a lot.
…… After the wedding ceremony, I took pictures of the two of them who were crying. They were so full with emotion.
The two of them are, the kind of people who can cry for other’s sake.
Such a kind heart, I can’t do it like them.
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When I thought about it, by the time I realized I already pressed the shutter.
Hehe, so it’s like that.
I see.
That way, doesn’t that mean you were moved by the feelings of those 2 at that time. Juza-kun who pressed the shutter at that time, surely also have a kind heart.
It’s so warm, such a good picture.
And in this picture, Juza-kun’s kindness is clearly shown.
I see……
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From now on, remember that feeling, you can take pictures whenever you see something that touches your heart.
<End of Part 3>
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captainsophiestark · 4 years
Daniel Sousa x Peggy Carter
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Requested: Nope! This is for day one of Peggysous week, run by @fandomsandxfiles-writes​ :) Thanks for running this dude, it’s gonna be a super fun week of Peggysous fics and fanwork!!
Summary: It's Peggy and Daniel's wedding day, and like everyone else, they hope nothing goes wrong on their special day. They should've known: as agents of the SSR, they'd never be able to put on a big event without something going wrong.
Word Count: 3,075
Edelweiss Chosen Meaning: Signifies deep love and devotion. Native to the Alps, so those who harvest this flower must face danger to prove that love and devotion.
Category: Fluff? Some humor?
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2:08pm — Bride's Room
"Oh my God, Peggy, aren't you excited to get married?" squealed Angie, fussing over her friend's hairdo, which she had taken charge of. Peggy smiled at Angie through the mirror.
"To be perfectly honest, I'm exstatic!"
"Oh, and I bet Daniel is going to look so good in his tux," she continued.
"The Chief sure knows how to dress up, there's no doubt about that," agreed Rose, watching the whole process from a couch near Peggy.
"He's just gonna die when he sees you Peg, he really is," Angie said confidently.
"Hopefully not literally," Peggy replied with a grin. "I do actually want to have a husband at the end of all this."
"Speaking of the groom, I wonder how he's doing right now? Two hours before the wedding that he's gotta spend with Thompson and Aloysius," mused Rose. All three girls shuddered. They liked their group a lot better.
2:14pm — Groom's Room
"That tie looks horrible, come here and let me fix it-"
"Thompson, I swear to God, if you mention my tie one more time-"
"Guys. Relax." Samberly bravely stepped between the two SSR chiefs, looking far braver than he had any business being. "You're both just nervous about the wedding, you gotta stop taking it out on each other."
Jack and Daniel stopped fighting, both turning their frustration and killer glares on Samberly. Samberly, for his part, quickly put his hands up and took a few steps back.
"Or, you know, do whatever you both feel like doing... What do I know anyway, huh?" He laughed nervously, continuing to back towards the door. "You know, I think I'm gonna go get some ice, and maybe a few drinks for everybody... so, uh... I'll be back."
With that, Samberly turned on his heel and rushed out the door. Jack and Daniel both sighed, at last turning back to each other.
"You think the double death glare was too much?" asked Daniel.
"No, I don't." Daniel just rolled his eyes. "But hey, if you really need some space, I can give it to you."
"You can?" Daniel raised an eyebrow, not ready to believe Jack's words at all.
"Yeah, I can. It's your wedding day for God's sake, I want to make it easier, not harder. I'll go get some real drinks instead of whatever garbage Samberly finds to bring back."
Daniel smiled as Thompson headed for the door. They didn't always get along, but after everything they'd been through together, they were as good as brothers.
"Oh, and fix your tie," Jack called over his shoulder as he reached the door. "It looks like shit."
As Jack stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind him, he heard just the beginning of Daniel's disgusted snort before it cut off. He smiled to himself. Mission accomplished.
Jack turned to go find somewhere to grab a couple beers or something, but stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of a sickeningly familiar voice from behind him.
"Hello Agent Thompson."
No. It couldn't be.
Jack started to whirl around, but before he knew what was happening, someone delivered a hard blow to his head. His vision went dark as he crumpled to the ground outside Sousa's dressing room.
He was out cold.
2:41pm — Bride's Room
"Alright English, makeup time while your curls set. Turn around so Rose and I can get workin'."
Peggy just smiled as Angie spun her around in her chair to face Rose, who was waiting with her makeup brushes.
"We're gonna get you all dolled up Peg." Rose smiled, but before they could get any farther than that, the door flew open. All three women turned to look and found Samberly, panting and looking like he'd seen a ghost.
"Sousa- Peggy- I-" he wheezed between gasps of air, fighting to catch his breath.
"What the hell are you doin' in here?" demanded Angie, rushing over to push him back out the door. "Get outta here!"
Samberley fought back, still unable to find the words he was looking for.
"Hold on a minute Angie," said Peggy, moving over to where the pair was still wrestling. "Let him sit down and catch his breath."
Angie didn't look happy about it, but she let him pass. Samberly nodded his thanks as he collapsed on the couch Rose had occupied earlier.
"Now, Agent Samberly, take some deep breaths," Peggy instructed, kneeling in front of Samberly to help him with his recovery. "Focus on me, and tell me what happened."
"Well... the Chiefs... the Chiefs were arguing like usual," he started, still gasping for breath but now able to find words. "So I left to give them some space, but I figured I shouldn't be gone too long, so I went back. But before I could get back in the room, I saw this guy lying unconscious in the hallway. When I got closer, I saw it was Chief Thompson! So I went inside to get Sousa's help dealing with him, but Sousa was gone!"
Peggy's heart dropped. She knew Daniel would never abandon their wedding day, and with Thompson unconscious in the hallway, the whole thing reeked of foul play.
"Samberly, I need you to focus. Where is Jack now?"
"I left him in the Groom's Room. Peggy, you don't think-"
Peggy didn't even let him finish his sentence. She stood, turning to Rose and Angie.
"Rose, stay here with Samberly. Hopefully Thompson will have some explanation for all this that's not as bad as it seems, but if he doesn't, I need you to call the SSR and get reinforcements here ASAP."
"Yes ma'am." Rose saluted, then Peggy turned to Angie.
"Angie, come with me. We're going to go see what's wrong with Thompson."
With that, she marched out the door, Angie scurrying after her. Peggy kept her head on a swivel as they walked, prepared for an attack from any direction.
"Peg..." started Angie, sounding hesitant. "I know that Thompson guy being knocked out looks bad but... are you sure it's time to go full SSR mode? I mean, it's your wedding day. You're not supposed to get in fist fights on your wedding day."
"Angie, do you remember when you first met Daniel? And you decided you liked him, and you told me it was because he was the kind of man who would always be there for me?"
"And with the number of enemies we have out there in the world, do you really think cold feet or frustration with Thompson is the most likely scenario?"
"Gee English, I didn't think about it that way. Maybe we'd better pick up the pace a little."
Angie sped up, actually getting a little ahead of Peggy for a few steps. Peggy took the lead again as they reached the Groom's Room, motioning for Angie to watch her back as she went inside.
Peggy took a deep breath, then burst through the door, ready to start swinging as soon as she got inside. Fortunately, no one was lying in wait for her past the door. Just an unconscious Jack Thompson, spread eagle in the middle of the floor.
"Alright Angie, you can come in!" Angie joined her friend in the room as Peggy leaned down to check on Thompson. He was still breathing, and he still had a steady pulse.
And there was still no Daniel in sight.
"Angie, stay here with Jack," said Peggy, standing once more. "See if you can wake him up and get him talking. I need to go find Daniel, but I'll send Rose and Samberly to come meet you first."
"Okay English. Stay safe."
"I promise." Peggy smiled, then headed back to the Bride's Room to get Rose and Samberly. The gears in her head were turning, thinking of the people who might have done this and where they might have gone. There were quite a few options for both.
Peggy remained alert as she walked down the halls, but her theorizing proved just enough of a distraction. Peggy didn't notice the person silently creeping up behind her until it was too late.
She had broken her promise to Angie.
2:37pm — Undisclosed Location
Daniel groaned as his senses started coming back to him. His head hurt, a lot, and he couldn't really move. What the hell had happened?
Slowly, he pried open his eyes. As soon as he did, the memories came rushing back, and he came face to face with his captor.
Dottie Underwood.
"Well good morning, sunshine," she said in that sickly sweet voice. "Took you long enough to wake up."
"Are you kidding me?" Daniel groaned. "On my wedding day?"
He saw now that his arms and legs were tied securely to a chair. He pulled against the restraints, but to no avail. Dottie just smiled.
"You didn't really think I'd let my two favorite SSR agents get married without so much as telling me, did you? Daniel, I really thought we were closer than that after our mission in LA." She jutted out her lip like she was pouting, but Daniel was more than used to her antics by now.
"What do you want, Dottie?"
"Aw, you're no fun Agent Sousa. No foreplay, no back and forth?"
She paused, but Daniel didn't respond. He just kept staring her down, until finally, she gave in with a sigh.
"Fine. You want to do this the direct way? Then fine. Here's the deal..." She put her hands on his arms where they were tied to the chair, then leaned in close. "Peggy has a dream life, and now she's getting a dream wedding. I'm not just going to sit by and watch while she gets everything I've ever dreamed of, and makes a permanent partnership with you, the biggest thorn in my side other than her. So you have two choices. The first one's easy! You get to pick up and leave, start a new life somewhere, and walk away from this still breathing. All you have to do is leave Peggy behind."
"And the second choice?"
"I kill you," said Dottie cheerfully. "And ruin her life that way. So, what'll it be Chief Sousa?"
"I love Peggy."
Dottie huffed, rolling her eyes before refocusing on Daniel.
"Everybody knows that. The question is, what are you going to do about it?"
"I'm never going to abandon her."
"Either way you'll be leaving her all alone." Dottie stood now, slowly circling Daniel like a shark. "At least if you leave, you're still alive, and she can move on from that jerk who dumped her. Do you really want to make her get over another dead love of her life? You saw what she went through after Captain America went into the ice."
Daniel grimaced. It had taken Peggy a long time to get over Steve, and she said they hadn't even gone on an official date. How long would it take her to recover if her fiancé died?
Daniel took a deep breath and forced himself to come back to his senses. He would not leave the woman he loved for anything short of death.
"Come on, Daniel. Just let her go. Be willing to leave here and go somewhere else, without Peggy, and you walk away with your life."
"No. If it wasn't clear already by my choice, I'd die before leaving Peggy."
Dottie's expression soured as she stopped moving, glaring at Daniel.
"Fine. We'll come back to that, then. But first, I want to see if your fianceé feels the same way."
With that, she turned on her heel and marched out of the room, leaving Daniel facing a two-way mirror allowing him to see the empty room on the other side. He didn't know exactly what Dottie was planning next, but he knew it wouldn't be good.
He had to get out of there.
3:21pm — The Same Undisclosed Location
"Peggy... come on Peg, wake up... WAKE UP!"
Peggy's eyes shot open. She tried to bolt upright, but she was stopped by ropes at her wrists and ankles, keeping her tied to a chair.
And she was face to face with Dottie Underwood.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me," she groaned. "On my wedding day?"
"Funny. Your husband-to-be said almost the exact same thing."
"Dottie, where is he? And couldn't you have waited until after the honeymoon?"
"Uh-uh Peg. That's not the game."
"Then what is the game?"
"I'm offering you a deal. Either say you don't love Daniel, or I'll kill you."
"If you'd wanted to kill me, you would've done it already," said Peggy, confidently keeping eye contact with Dottie. Even as a prisoner, Peggy managed to keep the power and hold her own.
Dottie growled. "Fine. Maybe you're right, maybe I'm not done with you. But I don't need him for any reason. So say you don't love Daniel, or I'll kill him."
"I... don't... know why you actually think you're going to get anywhere with this! The SSR'll be here any minute, and then you'll be stuck behind bars all over again."
Dottie took a deep breath, clearly determined to keep going, but Peggy cut her off.
"I love Daniel. That's never going to change, and I'm certainly not going to lie about it just so you can get satisfaction for whatever game you're playing."
"Fine." Dottie stood now, deceptively calm. "You can go on living your life knowing you're completely devoted to Daniel Sousa. Unfortunately for both of you, I gave him the same choice, and he also chose death over leaving you."
Dottie started heading for the door. Peggy came face to face with a large mirror as Dottie stepped aside, and Dottie paused to draw her attention to it before leaving.
"Chief Sousa chose to die instead of leave. Now you get to watch me help him follow through with that choice."
Dottie flicked a switch without looking back, slamming the door behind her. The lights in Peggy's room went out, and the mirror turned into a window as light flooded the room behind it.
Two-way mirror.
Peggy could see a chair facing her, but it was empty. She quickly scanned the room and saw Daniel by the door, standing behind it and clearly waiting for Dottie.
He must have seen her leave Peggy's side. Dottie hadn't bothered to look through the glass on Peggy's side before going over, and now Daniel actually had a chance to get the drop on her.
"Come on, Daniel," Peggy muttered under her breath. It killed her to be stuck on the other side of the glass, unable to help. Daniel held his crutch like a weapon, ready to clock Dottie as soon as she came through the door.
Dottie clearly wanted to intimidate the couple, so she forcefully flung open the door and strutted into the room. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the empty chair, but she was already a few steps inside, and Sousa was already swinging his crutch.
He clocked her right upside the head, and she went down. She started to recover, but before she got the chance, Daniel was already safely in the hallway, locking the door behind him.
Dottie was trapped in her own cell.
A few moments later, Daniel came bursting into the room where Peggy was being held. He let out a sigh of relief, then moved to untie her.
"Thank God you're alright," he muttered.
"Likewise. And nice moves in there. Dottie didn't know what hit her."
Daniel grinned as he finished untying the last of Peggy's bonds. She stood, and the two paused for a moment to appreciate being together again, and safe.
"I love you," Peggy said, holding Daniel's hands and staring right into his eyes.
"And I love you. Now come on, let's go see if we can get this wedding back on track and officially put Dottie behind bars while she belongs. All in one day!"
4:00pm — Outside the Church
"I want a thirty-block radius, no one leaves the city," Jack Thompson barked to the assembled SSR agents. "If she gets past any of you, you're done at the SSR. And find Carter and Sousa!"
Jack whirled around to continue organizing the search effort, but stopped dead in his tracks whe he saw who was walking up the steps towards him.
Carter and Sousa.
"Where the hell have you two been?" Jack demanded, marching over to the couple. He was insanely relieved to see them, although he'd never admit it.
"Escaping Dottie," answered Peggy while Daniel turned to give new instructions to the SSR agents. "How's your head?"
"It's fine," said Jack, absent-mindedly reaching back to hold the spot where he'd been hit.
"Yeah, come on Peg, hard head like that? She didn't leave a mark," Daniel teased, rejoining his friends once the SSR agents were on their way. Jack glared, but didn't respond. "The entire might of the SSR—minus the agents in attendance for our wedding—are going to apprehend Dottie now."
"Wonderful. I'm going to find Rose and Angie, and if they can work their magic like they say they can, I should be ready in half an hour or less. Daniel?"
"I'll meet you at the alter." He leaned in to give his fiancée a kiss for the last time before being married, and she gave him a dazzling smile before strutting off. Daniel turned back to Jack. "Well? You think I can be ready in half an hour?"
It took Jack a minute to recover from his shock. Once he did, he grinned and threw an arm around Daniel.
"That depends. Did Dottie manage to rip that God awful tie to shreds before you escaped?"
Daniel groaned and rolled his eyes as he and Jack walked back into the church. This was going to be the longest half hour of his life.
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