#mister love queens choice
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ikemen-bully · 9 months ago
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starmocha · 6 months ago
I forgive him for coming home to me in 250 pulls 😔🫶
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popironrye · 19 days ago
Remember when a Scooby-Doo show had a disheveled fat man in love with a gorgeous queen as an antagonist and in the "good ending" they make him skinny? Huh yeah.
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I'm kidding, kinda. While I don't think it's a problem mystery incorporated decided to scale Ricky Owens down to look more like a grown up version of his teenage self, I do think they missed out not keeping Ricky chubby. I also didn't care for them dressing him like Steve Jobs. So I redrew a screenshot to make him fat and happy.
I also decided to give Cassidy her afro back. I like her short hair, but I loved her afro more and the color choice in her outfit in season 2 was too good not to include.
Original screenshot
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This may seem completely out of pocket for my blog, but I just recently had this show reminded to me and I forgot how much I loved it! And how much I love the messy tragic love story in Cassidy and Ricky. Aka Angel and Mister E.
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loversatthegreatdivide · 9 months ago
Heavy Lies the Heart - Chapter 7
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Masterlist // Continue Reading
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!OC Word Count: 3k Tropes: mutual pining, fluff, angst with a happy ending, royalty Warnings: death Summary: When two second-borns looking for direction meet by chance, can they find purpose in each other? Or will circumstance keep them apart? A/N: Once again, I would just like to say thank you all for your continued support! This fic doesn't get many comments, but I truly appreciate the ones I do get (and I am terribly sorry I still can't reply to comments! I do see them I swear; it's tumblr's fault I don't answer! Sending asks is the only sure way I can respond at the moment.) At any rate, this is one of those shows were I have a difficult time gauging exactly how much time is passing from shot to shot, so I'm guesstimating on some of the timelines here.
After the arrival of the latest Lady Whistledown, gossip and whispers were abound. And while the public openly discussed the events of the evening with shock and delight, those involved chose instead to keep their conversations to themselves. The Bridgertons, the Featheringtons, and even the royal family had all featured heavily in the gossiper's latest edition, and all chose to keep any discussion of the matters with which they were involved amongst themselves.
Days passed, and soon talk shifted from what had happened that night, to where it would lead. And while speculation over the relationship of Princess Beatrice and Mister Benedict Bridgerton featured heavily in ladies teatimes throughout the ton, it was not the only topic of interest.
Miss Penelope Featherington had, rather understandably, avoided being seen out in society since her scheme with Colin Bridgerton had been revealed. Her scandal was hardy enough to warrant continued gossip in many a drawing room in the many days that followed. That is of course, between talk of the multiple Bridgerton children; whose actions and influence were, once again, the talk of the season.
Colin Bridgerton had quickly become one of the most desirable matches of the season. And while he had played a key role in the scandal involving Miss Featherington, his reputation remained wholly unaffected. So while the young ladies of the ton giggled and gossiped amongst themselves over Penelope's misstep, they could not help adding how desirable they found Mister Colin Bridgerton.
Then there was Francesca Bridgerton. While the news had been somewhat undercut by the actions of her elder brother, her choice as the season's diamond--or sparkler, as the queen choice to name her--was hardly something to overlook. Having the queen's favor made her an extremely desirable match, and the fact that her brother was now rumored to be attached to royalty certainly didn't quell any interest. She had already received quite a few callers in the days following the ball, but there were rumors the queen herself had already begun searching for Miss Francesca's perfect match. An interesting development indeed, given what the royal household must currently be going through.
Which leads to Benedict Bridgerton: A known rack and former aspiring artist who had seemed, up until very recently, completely dismissive of the ideas surrounding marriage and social statues. Yet he now stood as the only known candidate for the hand of a princess.
It was quite the narrative, and people could hardly get enough. Whistledown's veiled accusation and support ad only enhanced interest more, until it soon became difficult to tell fact from fiction.
It was a narrative of romance and intrigue, taking on as many versions as could be dreamt up by the ladies of the ton. It was the story of a commoner and a princess, fighting against all odds for true love. Or perhaps it was of an artist finding his muse, and the woman who finally changed his mind--and his heart. It was a beautiful tale of love at first sight, or perhaps a more scandalous image of moonlit meetings and stolen kisses.
The many speculations were retold and discussed over and over, each growing grander and more fanciful than the last.
But what was the truth? And where would it lead?
Many believed it would end tragically, while others hoped for a fairy tale romance with the happiest of endings.
So when it was discovered a footman had made a show of arriving at Bridgerton House bearing a royal invitation, people were shocked and delighted. However, this delight would soon turn to confusion when it was revealed that the invitation was not for Mister Benedict Bridgerton, but instead his mother and sisters.
No one was quite sure what to make of it, least of all Benedict himself.
Beatrice stared out the window at the sprawling gardens of Buckingham House, the tea in her hands all but forgotten as she lost herself in her thoughts once more.
A bored groan brought her back to reality, and she looked over to see her sister looking at her with a raised brow.
"Sister, how can you be so dull even when there is finally so much excitement in your life?" Charlotte asked.
"Sorry to disappoint sister, but I can be nothing but myself," Beatrice replied, taking a sip of her tea at last. She grimaced; it had gone cold.
"Clearly," Charlotte noted, "Then again, the Bee I knew would have never stood up to father the way you did."
Beatrice looked down, "I...never had reason to before."
"Yes, you have always been such a dormouse," Charlotte smiled, "Yet perhaps love has changed you--it has a way of doing so. I have experienced as much myself."
"A small change perhaps, but yes. I suppose your temperament has improved somewhat since you married," Beatrice joked, a small smirk lining her face.
Charlotte laughed, "Oh? Then I suppose I can return the sentiment: I like you far more this way, even if you are still a bore."
Beatrice smiled at her elder sister. The two had never been particularly close, but there was a fondness shared between them that was often shown through their playful ribbing. They were very different people, but sisters all the same, and while they would likely never be as close as a family like the Bridgertons, it was enough.
Charlotte looked her younger sister over, a more thoughtful expression present on her lovely face, "You are really quite taken with the man, aren't you?"
"I am," Beatrice replied, "He is...truly wonderful."
"Well then, I am happy for you. It's far past time you stood up and took what you wanted for a change."
Beatrice frowned, "But Lottie, what if father refuses to allow us to be together? He is so against the idea--"
"Oh hush now," Charlotte waved her hand dismissively as she spoke, "Father may have the final say officially, but you know it is grandmama who will ultimately make the choice. Father my be a tyrant with us, but you've seen how pathetic he becomes around her. He will inevitably do as she wishes, he just has to make a show of it first so it appears that he actually considered going against her. And, seeing as you've already managed to secure her favor, I don't see any need for worry."
"It easy to say so, but I find I cannot help but worry about it regardless," Beatrice said, a gloomy look on her face.
"It will all be fine. You two will have a frightfully dull wedding, you will have many dull children, and the rest of your life will lack any hint of excitement as you spend it with what I can only assume is an equally dull man...and you will be happy,"
Beatrice smiled, "Yes, dull indeed--as opposed to you, whose life will all be so incredibly exciting."
"Well of course," Charlotte replied with an air of playful smugness, "It is alright dear sister--we cannot all be so blessed."
The two sisters continued on in this way for some time, and Beatrice found her worries had lessened somewhat by the end of their visit. She was not sure if her sister was correct in her assumptions about the inevitability of their father's answer, but she said them with such confidence it was difficult not to believe her.
Benedict groaned as he paced around the room, hands on his hips as he walked in circles. Violet held a gilded envelope in her hand as she watched him.
"You should calm yourself dear, worrying will hardly help matters," she suggested.
"How can I not worry? What am I to make of...that?" he replied, gesturing to the letter in his mother's hand.
Violet sighed, "It should not trouble you so. As you may recall, the princess had already inquired about a possible invitation to tea."
"Yes, but that was before all the ton became aware of our acquaintance--should I not have heard something by now?"
"I would hardly call it an acquaintance," Eloise muttered behind her book.
Benedict shot her an annoyed glance, "All I am saying, is why is it you have received an invitation to tea when I have received nothing? Should I not have received some sort of correspondence from someone? Is that not a bad sign?"
Violet stood, putting hands on her son's shoulder comfortingly, "It is not a bad sign; if anything it is good news."
"How could this possibly be good news?" he asked, eyebrow raised.
"Well," she began, "if the crown were not at least considering their options, then surely you would have been informed right away. That they are taking their time means there is a chance they will approve of your relationship."
"Or they believe the notion so ridiculous they would hardly waste their time discussing it, thus removing any need to tell me anything at all. Perhaps their silence is their way of saying I am not even worth consideration," Benedict countered, looking gloomy.
"If that were the case, would they have allowed her highness to invite us at all? If they wanted to dispel any rumors of a courtship between the two of you, why invite your family to Buckingham House? This will certainly look to the public as a show of approval," Violet replied.
Benedict sighed, "Perhaps you are right mother. It is only the not knowing one way or the other is driving me mad!" He flung himself onto the settee dramatically. Eloise rolled her eyes at the gesture, but said nothing.
"I'm sure the girls and I will gain some insight when we see the princess tomorrow," his mother assured him. He frowned, but said not more.
The opulent gold carriage slowed to a stop as it arrived in front of Buckingham House, it's four passengers stepping out one by one as they took in the view. Violet Bridgerton reached out and took Francesca's arm in hers.
"Oh, isn't it marvelous?" she commented as she stared up at the impressive structure.
"It is certainly...overwhelming," Francesca replied with a nervous smile.
"Come now dears, we mustn't keep her royal highness waiting," Violet urged, making her way up the stairs with Francesca. Eloise and Kate following behind.
"You have not met the princess yet, have you Kate?" Eloise asked as they walked.
"I have not had the pleasure, no," Kate replied, "Is she truly as wonderful as Benedict claims she is?"
Eloise shrugged, "I suppose. She seemed nice enough when we spoke, but it is hard to say. She is royalty after all--they have to behave themselves, do they not?"
"From what I have heard, her father hardly conducts himself with such consideration," Kate observed.
"Well he is a man: Men can do whatever they please without fear of the consequences."
"Too true," Kate smiled as she and Eloise stepped through the doors of Buckingham House.
Beatrice stood just inside, watching as they entered. She grinned, eager to welcome them all.
"Dowager Viscountess, Viscountess Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton," she greeted them formally as they lined up and curtsied before her.
"Your royal highness, thank you for the invitation," Violet said, smiling kindly at the princess.
"I was quite eager to have you all, so thank you for accepting," Beatrice replied, turning to Kate next, "And Viscountess, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Lady Danbury has told me so much about you."
"Oh dear; only good things, I hope?" Kate asked.
Beatrice laughed, "Yes of course! And I have found Lady Danbury says nothing she does not mean, so it must all be true."
Kate smiled back at the princess.
"Now shall we then? We will certainly be more comfortable speaking in the drawing room," Beatrice suggested as she turned, leading them down the many winding halls of Buckingham House.
They arrived at their destination, taking seats around a table laid with tea and biscuits. Beatrice sat so she was facing her guests, smiling at them as a servant poured their tea.
"I must confess I am rather nervous," she admitted, "I have never hosted tea before."
"You're nervous?" Eloise repeated without thinking, "You're not sitting across from royalty."
"Eloise!" her mother hissed.
Beatrice laughed, "It's alright. She does have a point," she turned to Eloise, "I get nervous quite a lot actually; I am not so bold as some of the other members of my family. Though, it would help ease my nerves somewhat if you continued speaking freely with me. I feel less of a need to perform when the situation feels more informal."
"Oh, well I," Eloise didn't seem to know quite how to respond.
"I believe what Eloise means to say is that we certainly do not wish to make you nervous. However, it would be...improper for us to address you so casually," Kate said eloquently.
"Ah, of course," Beatrice replied. She raised a hand, and with a wave dismissed the servants standing silently against the back wall. Without a word they filed out of the room, leaving the ladies alone, "There--now there is no one to witness any lapse in decorum."
"Your royal highness," Violet began hesitantly.
"Please, call me Beatrice."
"Oh, I...I'm not sure I can do that," Violet replied honestly.
"Won't you please? And then I shall call you by your names as well," Beatrice insisted, "My social circle is...quite small at the moment. I would so like for us to be friends."
The Bridgertons were silent, their social training at odds with their desire to adhere to her wishes.
"Well, if you insist," Eloise said with a shrug. Her family looked at her with surprise, but with one of them in agreement, it seemed easier for the rest to follow suite.
"Lovely!" Beatrice replied happily, "Now, perhaps we should drink our tea--I would hate for it to go cold."
The ladies secured a cup of tea, each taking small sips as they looked at one another. A silence fell over the room as they waited for someone to say something. The Bridgertons had expected Beatrice to go on, but she seemed unsure of what she should say.
"Oh enough!" Eloise finally spoke, sitting her tea aside rather forcefully, "Will you be telling us about what is going on with Benedict or not?" Everyone looked at her in stunned silence. Quickly realizing she had all but yelled at a princess, she softly add, "If you are so inclined....Beatrice."
Her mother moved to scold her once again, but Beatrice spoke before she could begin.
"Ah yes...I suppose you all must be quite curious," Beatrice fidgeted in her seat, "How much has Benedict told you exactly?"
"Everything," Eloise answered bluntly.
"I see...so you are aware we are more acquainted than we may have let on?"
"Indeed," Kate replied.
Beatrice sighed, "Then there is little else I can tell you. For my part, I can say the matter has been discussed with her majesty and my father, but he has not yet made his decision. I expect we shall hear soon enough, but I truly do not know what his answer will be."
"I see," Violet said, a hint of disappointment in her voice, "We had hoped for better news, though I suppose it is not nothing. That the matter is being considered at all is something with which to be thankful."
"My sister believes it will all work out, since grandmama has made her stance known to my father. He is...not known for defying my grandmother's wishes. Father is quite adamantly against the relationship, but with my grandmother's support it will be far more difficult for him to disallow it."
"Her majesty supports you?" Violet asked in surprise.
"Yes, though I'm not sure what motives she may have for doing so."
"Well whatever her reasons, if you have the queen's blessing then surely there is nothing to worry about," Kate reassured her.
Beatrice smiled, "Yes, I truly hope so."
The rest of the afternoon was spend speaking about less serious subjects. Beatrice found it became easier to relax as the time passed. The Bridgertons clearly felt the same, each of them losing a layer of the rigidity they had started with. Francesca even joined the conversation once the topic shifted to music.
Beatrice showed them the music room as promised, though there was little time left for playing. She promised Francesca another invitation soon, and gifted her some sheet music as an apology. They also made a quick stop in the library, where Eloise found more than a few books that caught her eye. Beatrice would have allowed her to take them all, but the stack was quite high in the end. instead, Eloise chose only two, and agreed to another invitation so she may trade them out for more.
As the Bridgertons made their way to the foyer, Violet rather discreetly handed Beatrice an envelope containing a letter. Beatrice seemed surprised, before smiling shyly and presenting her own hidden letter in return.
Farewells were exchanged, and soon the Bridgertons were on their way home. Beatrice watched them from the window, her thumb rubbing against the soft paper in her hand. She had enjoyed her time with them immensely, but it had only made her miss Benedict more.
She desperately hoped she would see him again soon.
Tags: @empressnatsume @sarahskywalker-amidala @may-and-lay @asterizee @g4ns3y @bubblegumcat229 @mhmoony @mmmunson @iamcailin08
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thecapricunt1616 · 1 year ago
The Bear & His Honey - Chapter 9
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Lyrics; Awkward (SZA) “You look at me different, so I let you see my body - now we don't seem to get along, now I regret it all.” ♡♡》》𝟙𝟠+ 𝕆ℕ𝕃𝕐 𝔽𝕀ℂ! ℕ𝕆 𝕄𝕀ℕ𝕆ℝ𝕊 𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕆𝕎𝔼𝔻《《♡♡ ♡ Summary: Carm closes his day off w/ Winnie. Winnie, Syd, & Sadie shoot the shit, and disconnect Winnies mushy heart from her hook-up antics. Carm feels rejected by Winnie not knowing the whole story, and lands himself back in a support group (by choice). Sugar wins Big Sissy of the year award. ♡ W/C: 9,444 (angel #’s purr!) ♡ Posted Date: 02/23/24 ♡ A/N: Hayoooo! I hope y’all love this chap. - Next one will be long and juicy since its the 10th… hm.. Not feelin’ very wordy for some reason. Oh!! I saw the new ep. Of The Good Doctor- I MISSED MY SHAUN MURPHY!!!! I <3 MY GOOD DOCTOR!!! Anyhoot- ennjoooy this chap frayndss :D ♡ Warnings for BTC: MAJOR talks of Suicide, grief talk, sad / insecure Carm, swearing, smoking, drinking(cant remember so just in case?), mentions of chronic pain, think that’s all.
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈
Winnie’s P.O.V. -
I came back to the bedroom, teeth freshly brushed and glasses on. “Ready for some Drag education?” I joke, getting our fluffy blankets from the foot of the bed and draping them over us. “Mm drag education. Sounds fun” he opened his arm so I could lay on his chest. I laid down comfortably and he chuckled a bit. 
“What?” I asked and he curled his arm around me, gently rubbing my side. “Nothin’ just didn’t realize you wear glasses” he said and I look up at him with a small smile on my lips “mmhmm just another one of my faults, eyes that don’t work” I joke and he snorts, “you have no faults” he said brushing my bangs out of my eyes gently. 
“Okay enough flirting, mister” I poked his nose and leaned over him, grabbing the remote from my nightstand and turning on the tv. I went to Paramount and typed in the title, scrolling to drag race season 15 “okay…so this is last season, a lot of the queens are from Connecticut, but you’ll get the gist of it- and learn all the phrases that Sadie and I use” I said and hit play on the first episode. 
“Oh! Yeah that’s why my stomach hurts” I sit up and he scrunches his eyebrows “What?” He asks “forgot I was hungry. Watch! I’ll go make the rest of the pizza” I went out to the kitchen before he could reply, and preheat the oven putting the rest of our pizza from last night on a tray and popping it in, not bothering to wait for it to beep before coming back. “Okay so, I like the cute one, the little one” he points and I giggle, “Marcia Marcia Marcia?” I ask and he scrunches his eyebrows. 
“See they have weird names” he said his eyes flicking back to the tv as Rupaul came out and he raised his eyebrows ``wow” he muttered “thought he was a drag queen?” He questioned. “Not in the workroom babe, just watch” I settled back into his chest and played with his fingers, finding it adorable how he was so engrossed in it. I watched along with him for the mini photoshoot challenge and he scoffs softly “see…I hate her makeup it looks- it looks weird.” He muttered and I giggled. 
“See! I told you you’d love this show” I look up at him and he rolls his eyes “you tell no one at work we watched this, I’ll never hear the end” he said and I laugh, looking back at the screen “mm well…I guess another reason to behave yourself” I said smugly and he pinches my bum playfully. After a while I started to smell the pizza and sat up “be back, lovey” I said softly, shuffling off to the kitchen. I divided up the remaining 4 slices on my plastic strawberry shortcake plates and opened my fridge. 
“Carm, do you want cherry coke?” I called “Sure” he replied. I grabbed 2 cans, a few pieces of paper towel, and our plates, before heading back to the bedroom. “Irene somethin’ won the challenge-thing” he sits up, leaning against the headboard. “Got 2,500 bucks just for that. Good money” he took the plate and I handed him the can of soda and I smiled a bit. 
“Mmhmm, they win like 200,000 at the end” I said and his eyebrows raised “wow, hmm. High stakes then” he continues watching along with me as we eat our pizza. We were snuggled up, at the end of the third episode and he sighs softly, rubbing my side to get my attention. “Honey” he mumbled gently and I looked up at him. 
“I gotta…Y'know '' he said with a slight frown and lifted his hand to motion to the door. “Got work in the mornin’..” he said and I pout a bit, “I know…I know” I sighed and sat up, “it was nice, y’know- spending time with you..” I said and pulled on my bear paw slippers as he slipped his hoodie over his head. 
“It was really nice, Win, I’ll call you, yeah?” He comes over opens his arms for a hug. I nuzzle into his chest, closing my eyes. “Mmhmm, I’ll leave my ringer on for you” I said softly, breathing in the scent of his cologne, subconsciously trying to memorize it. “Y’gonna try and come down for lunch sometime this week? Mm? I can make y’somethin’” he said and kissed the top of my head sweetly. I smiled a bit, resting my chin on his chest as I looked up at him. 
“Now that I have two friends there, I’ll be sure to stop by more often” I said softly, and puckered my lips for a kiss. He leans down, kissing my lips tenderly, lingering for a moment before pulling away. “I look forward to seein’ you more, then.” He said and rubbed my back gently before pulling away. I walked him to the door, handing him his backpack after he slipped on his sneakers and once he put it on I pulled him by the straps, kissing him passionately, running my fingers through his curls, and gently tugging. 
He hummed into my mouth, his hands trailing beneath my shirt and squeezing my bum in his palms before stroking my thighs with the tips of his fingers gently as he leans against the wall in our heated make out. After a minute or two he pulls away, our lips only mere inches apart. “Baby, I gotta go, yeah?” He said softly and kissed my nose. I jetted out a pout with my bottom lip and looked at him up through my lashes. “Yeah” I mumbled, and pulled him into one last hug before opening the door. 
“Be free” I shooed with my hand playfully and he chuckled. “Until next Saturday yeah? I’ll be waiting to see what happens to our bunny friend” he pecks my lips on the way out the door and I smiled. “Mmhmm, don’t work too hard this week” I said and he rolled his eyes jokingly. “Mm- ye’ I’ll try” he said and I shook my head with a grin, shutting the door. I leaned against it with my full weight, and sighed deeply when I knew he was well out of earshot, sliding to the floor pathetically in a heap, covering my face in my hands. 
I need to process this. 
I hastily got up off of the floor, padding heavily into my bedroom, and picking up my phone off the charger. It smells like him in here - and I’m unsure how I felt about it. I grabbed my bong and a lighter, as well as my little lavender tin of pre-ground flower, and went to sit out on the balcony outside my bedroom, FaceTiming Sadie. She answers by the end of the second ring.
“Biiiitch - ok wait, you didn’t call last night so before you start- Say hey Syddd! We’re wine drunkkk” She giggled, already gone- and turned her phone on it’s side, leaning it up against god only knows what so I could see them both together and I bit my lip, trying to appear happy. Shit. 
I just wanted to air out everything to Sadie but of course she and Syd are hanging out- when she isn’t with me she was with her. This was going to be harder to navigate then I thought. 
I stuffed my bowl full of flower with my fingers, “hey!” I said trying to sound enthusiastic and I lit it, taking a deep inhale. 
“Dude did you fuck him I need all the details like - S-O-U Winnie!!!” Sydney said and I nearly choked out a lung laughing, completely not expecting her to be so open about me being with him knowing how she’d ranted about her frustrations about him before. Sadie busts out laughing and I try to catch my breath, drool pooling in my mouth. I dashed inside, grabbing my water bottle and taking a few big chugs before returning. 
“Sydney” I said once I caught my breath and looked at her, we all went silent for a few short moments, and before I knew it we were all giggling together again over nothing. “Stop! Stop stoppp we need details Winnie!” Sadie said when she caught her breath and I shook my head, unsure where to even start. “Well…Syd do you still want to fuck him?” I ask and she snorts loudly. “No absolutely not. Not anymore. I just stand that asshole at this point.” She rolled her eyes, taking another sip of her wine. 
“How do you mean?” I asked, lighting my bowl again to take a proper hit. She shakes her head, playing with the end of one of her braids. “Dude,  Where do I even start?” she sighed deeply, thinking for a moment. “Okay, well let’s start with the fact that he’s so fucking selfish. Winnie- the only thing, and you’ll learn this sooo fast- the only thing he cares about, is easing his own fucking- his inadequacy!!” She said, talking with her hands as she usually did when she got passionate, just like Sadie and I. 
“Expand” I said after I exhaled, crossing my legs and Sadie took a big gulp of her wine, knowing she was about to listen to the following complaints for the third or fourth time over now. “Well, firstly, for starters- I’ll tell you the real reason he fucked around with that girl Claire. Because it’s what Mikey would’ve wanted him to do. Same reason he opened the new restaurant. Because he only cares about proving to himself that his brother would be proud of him. But- but he doesn’t even want to be happy! When that is really what Mikey would have wanted, I mean- right?” She asked and I swallowed thickly, nodding a bit. 
“N-no. No you’re right and - yeah that’s his biggest issue so far” I said and she laughed, covering her mouth. “Sorry sorry it’s not funny it’s just…wow he hasn’t even behaved himself? Hid it? Like…” she took a deep breath to steady herself. “Winnie-  I love you. You know tha, right, really. ” she said, I nodded quickly, my chest tightening. “He’s not a person to get involved with. Even for the dick. Even if it’s good which- I can’t say I haven’t thought about it - but you’re a sweet person Winnie. And as much as you want to think he deserves you - despite him being a little bitch. he does not deserve someone like you - period. Because he will forever push you away. We know how you are, and we know better than you know how he is. So, this will be my one and only warning about him - do not get involved.” She said and I bit my lip, nodding quickly. 
Don’t get involved further, Syd wouldn’t lie just because she wanted him for herself. She really, truly loves me, she’s one of my best friends.
I stare off into the distance, that thought bouncing around in my thoughts and the entirety of the day suddenly feeling…wrong. “Ok so now that we got that out of the way- how was it. Like is it big? Also how…like good is he?” she asked and I sat back, sighing softly. “That was another…downfall…even though it’s not even really a downfall!” I shake my hands for emphasis. “It’s literally- he’s so good like…well- he’s not pussy eating champion 2024 but” I said, earning a giggle out of them. 
“I was riding his face while we were 69 so it wasn’t like bound to be the best for me - but anyway he is huge! Like not long, but thick” I said, lighting my bowl and taking another hit. “Cut or uncut?” Sadie asked, causing me to snort, smoke coming out of my nose and I coughed a bit. “Guys - Italian Catholic? Cut” I said matter-of-factly and Syd laughed. “Okay but - please don’t tell me he has all that rage and doesn’t take it out in the bed?” She questioned and I shook my head. 
“He's actually like…shy? Even in bed! But he’s so hot you’ve seen him shirtless, right Syd?” I asked and she nods “oh- yeah. Of course. So…what like virgin shy?” She asked and I bit my lip slightly as I thought. “Kinda but like- he’s done it - but it’s been once or twice and that’s it like he got all his bases covered, practiced everything a few times - and that’s it, but when he commits he commits and he listens oh my goddd!” I close my eyes thinking about it and Sadie laughed. 
“At least he knows how to follow directions in bed if anywhere good” Sydney said while taking a sip of wine and I laughed. “Ohhh my god! Oh my god. He’s like- low key a sub but I’d neverrr tell him because he’d never let me touch him again, I know it.” I went inside, closing the balcony door and setting my bong on my dresser before sitting on my bed. “Well yeah but I mean- wow” Syd blinks in surprise, taking in what I’d said. “Wow.” She hummed in thought and I laughed. 
“What?” I asked “well- I mean like I said multiple times he’s an asshole at work, so with how brute and bossy he is, I like assumed he’d be like ‘get on your knees slut’ kinda guy? That was my fantasy anyways“ she mocked Carmen and I burst out laughing, “oh my god I wish” I said gasping in laughter. This is exactly what I needed. I needed to rip the bandaid off, because I knew Carmen wasn’t going to keep his promise, how he acted before we took a nap solidified it. He hates being with someone more than once.
“I wish. I had to beg him practically to tell me that he liked what I was doing. Like, isn't praise the first thing in porn?” I roll my eyes, petting Persephone as she jumps up. “Wait- wait- you had to tell Carmen Berzatto how to do something” she laughed, her head falling back. “Dude- oh my god! You are my saving grace. I am so glad I never slept with him. I'd have been so disappointed!” she said and I snorted. “That’s what I was gonna tell Sadie when I called actually… I mean- like I said he follows directions sooo well, but I wanted him to throw me around a little and he didn’t” I shrugged, picking at my nails. 
“So if he asks, will you see him again?” She asked and I nibbled the inside of my lip nervously. “We had like…. We cuddled and stuff I’m never-“ swallowed thickly, my heart beginning to ache- remembering how attached I’d really felt to the day we’d had together, underneath all the anger I was feeling that he was so emotionally guarded. “I’m not doing that again- ever with him. But he has a really nice dick- we fucked in the shower?” I laughed and Sadie and Syd burst out laughing again. 
“And ohh my god. The most dominant thing he did was like spank me- I don’t know what came over him! I was like oop!” I giggled and Sadie snorted, Syd leaning over the table in laughter. “Sooo he made you finish?!” Sadie asks and I nod “oh yeah- I mean. Like I said. He listens really well he just needs to be told what to do.” I said. “So he fucks like a puppy?” Syd teased and I rolled my eyes, laughing a bit. “In a way. But it’s like- he can learn. That’s why I’m kinda like…” I sighed softly, looking away. 
“I dunno..I dunno” I shook my head and sighed a bit. “The Carmen Berzatto effect, welcome.” Syd said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. “But he- he’s…so sweet” I sighed, playing with the ends of my hair. “And…like- I dunno. I’m slipping back into my old ways. I want to fix him” I rolled my eyes at the realization and rubbed my face. 
“Wooooow!” Sadie drawls “holy shit! Well maybe you aren’t slipping because I’ve never heard you come to that realization before you run yourself to the bone for someone who can’t be fixed.” Sadie said and I sighed deeply, knowing deep down she was right. “What if he does the work?” I asked hopefully, “he won’t. He like- I dunno I don’t wanna say he hates himself, but he hates himself. Like any sense of good in life he crushes it for himself because he thinks he works better if he has nothing and he’s always chasing something.” Syd said and shrugged, her voice even and calm. 
It was about an hour and a half of me divulging nearly every detail of the night to them other than the intimate details of Carmen telling me how many people he’d had sex with before we were all talked out. 
 I swallow thickly. “I’m just- I’m gonna shower guys. I love you Syd, thanks for not being mad at me. And…I’m- I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doing that.” I said honestly and she shakes her head. 
“Honestly, he may be happy this week cause he got his dick wet for once- so he might not be such a terror at work. Just…sleep it off. It was once, Winnie, but I promise- If you let yourself get involved further, he is going to hurt you. We didn’t even get anywhere and when he cut me off cold emotionally after Claire? I felt like a fucking nutcase. It’s for your own good, just - forget him, okay?” She said and I nodded softly. 
“Love you” I replied before hanging up 
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Carmy’s P.O.V. -
After my night with Winnie, I slept peacefully- the first night. I had a nightmare, and I only threw up once opposed to the 2 or 3 times a night it usually occurred. But by around 8 am when everyone started showing up, all of the questions were making me anxious, and it was generally pissing me off that Richie, Tina, Fak, Sugar, it felt like everyone except for Syd was up my ass. 
I stood at one of the stations, chopping up onions and garlic for a stew that Tina was working on, doing absolutely everything in my power to not think of her. This was why. This. The fact that her face was the first thing I thought of when I got up. The fact that every fleeting thought is somehow weaving back to her. I could not do that again. Just the simple fact that I was sleeping better after seeing her once gave me unending anxiety. 
If I keep fuckin’ around with her, Shes gonna leave. Or she’s gonna be taken. Or she's gonna realize I'm not good enough. Or she’s gonna find someone better. 
I dropped the knife on the cutting board with a slam. “Goin to smoke.” I mutter to Syd as I pass by and shut the back door a little harder than I meant to. I leaned against the cool brick, trying to catch my breath. I felt over my pockets, finding my cigarettes, but - my fucking light. “Fuck!” I mutter to myself, rubbing over my face roughly. 
This is exactly how it fucking started with her. Me losing my damn lighter. 
I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut and shaking my hand, trying to ground myself. 
You fucking pussy. Get it together. You hooked up once you are not attached. You aren’t fucking attached. 
I tug at my hair, remembering the feeling of her beneath me, the softness of her sheets, that fucking mug. I leaned against the brick wall, taking a deep breath. I took out my phone, cursing myself for a small part of me hoping she’d texted me, since I was too pussy to say anything to her last night or this morning. I stared at my text messages, my eyes falling on my conversation with sugar. 
She’d sent me some “anonymous group therapy” shit about anxiety and she told me she thought it could help me. I'd brushed it off until now, but talking this shit out like I did with Mikey to people who weren’t allowed to repeat it- it sounded like it would feel good. I clicked on the lick, licking my lips nervously as it opened and took me to the page. 
Anxiety/PTSD ANON: Monday evenings at 6:00PM-9:00PM at St. Anthony’s Presbyterian Church. 
I furrowed my eyebrows a bit, PTSD. I hated when people would tell me I have PTSD. It’s so stupid- I’d never been to fuckin’ war. Or been raped or whatever. Being yelled at for being an idiot doesn’t constitute PTSD. But, considering people with PTSD are probably going through real shit, I’m sure it would feel easier to spill my guts to them then someone perfect like Winnie. 
I sit up off the wall, heading back inside and I look at Syd “yo- c’mere” I nod to the office and she follows, I shut the door. “Goin, on with you?” I asked, putting my hands on my hips. She raises her eyebrows, “nothing? Why…” she questions and I narrowed my eyes slightly. “You’ve avoided me today. So again what’s up.” I asked and she shook her head, rolling her eyes slightly. 
“I don’t have time for this, Chef,” she said and sighed a bit. “You know what I’m talking about. You were on my ass Friday about me wanting to get out early and you were dying to know why- and you come in on Monday it just skips your mind?” I shrug, crossing my arms. 
“Look” she snips, taking her hand off the doorknob. “I don’t know what you think is going on, Chef. But I’ll have you know- I’ve had zero interest in your personal life again, until you started sneaking around here with one of my closest friends- and my cousins, who’s more like my sister- her best friend. So let’s just say, after the conversation she and I had-“ she looks at me pointedly. 
“An honest, open, friend to friend, girl to girl conversation, Carmen- you will have nothing to worry about me, and my interest in your “personal” life - anymore.” She said and left the office with a slam. I felt my heart sink to my stomach, fuck. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuck. Fuck. 
I could hear a ringing in my ears and my vision blurred slightly. I get the familiar feeling in my chest and sit down, clutching my head in my hands and spiraling into one of my episodes. 
My “personal” life. Ouch. I knew after what happened with Claire things had been…different between us- but I didn’t think she cared. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
I tug on my hair, my eyes screwed shut and breathing labored as my thoughts continue racing. 
Fuck. What did - did she tell her? Did she tell them about- oh my god I’m such a fucking moron. Of course she did. Of course. That’s- Winnie’s best friend- oh my god why did I trust her. Fuck. And - and she thinks I’m gonna fucking hurt her. She knows I would hurt her. 
“Sour things give you something to focus on” 
Her voice rings throughout my mind. I took a shaking breath, opening my office drawer and grabbed one of the sour warhead things I’d gotten on the walk home after that night with Winnie, and popped it in my mouth. I cringe at the sensation, but immediately am pulled back, for now. 
I spit the candy in the garbage can after a few grueling moments to be sure I got the full effect, before pulling my phone out of my pocket. Before I knew it with shaking hands, I was calling Winnie. After just 3 short rings the phone clicks and I sit up a bit 
Please leave a message after the tone for - Heyy it’s Winnie, I can’t talk right now, if you wanna leave me a message cool- but I’m better at texts. Ciao! *beep*
I took the phone away from my ear, quickly hanging up. At the sound of her voice I felt like I could breathe again. I bit my lip gently, considering texting her and telling her to call me back- but she would if she wanted. I shook my head, setting an alarm for 5 to remind myself to leave for that group thing, before locking my phone and heading back into the kitchen. 
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Winnie’s P.O.V . -
I went to the back around 5, finally finished cleaning up after a story hour today. It was Sadie’s day off and Mel was out sick so I was running the store alone, I barely got a break to take a piss let alone have a quiet thought to myself from the moment I got here. 
I sighed deeply, rubbing my bad hip that was driving me nuts today. The only thought that had been running through my head was how much I wanted to see Carmen. I was kind of grateful that the store had been so busy today because if it had been dead slow I’d probably have just locked up and gone to find if he was out for a smoke every few hours hoping I’d get lucky. 
It took me a while to finish cleaning up after the littles, and vacuum the whole floor considering the aching pain in my hip that was reverberating through my thigh and knee all the way up to my ribs. By the time I was squatted by the vacuum, in the back of the store, rolling up the cord it finally gave out on me and I collapsed to the floor in a heap, my head landing in my purse under the desk. How convenient. 
“Fuckin shit” I muttered to myself, knowing it would be at least 20 minutes before I would be able to use it again. I huffed, sitting up and banging my head under the desk in the process and groaning “ow” I whined, rubbing my head and leaning on my hip that wasn’t throbbing intensely. After a minute or so I dug through my purse, pulling my phone out. I scroll through the notifications from the day, Tik Toks from Sadie, news reports, a few texting ads when I see it towards the middle of the stack. 
Carm🧸 1 missed call 
I swallowed thickly - why was he calling me in the middle of the day? I checked our conversation to see the last text that was sent was still from when I’d told him my apartment number. I bit my lip gently, going over to Twitter to try and forget about him. I scroll through different posts, liking some of them, until my hip finally feels well enough again to try and stand. 
I slowly shifted my weight on to my good side, gently lifting my hip and letting out a small cry at the shooting pain as I pulled my knee up to get my foot in a standing position. “God fucking damn it” I cried out in pain as I haul myself standing, my arms shaking in pain as I lower myself as gently as I could in to the desk chair. I took a heaving breath, wiping away the tears from the corners of my eyes and swallowing thickly. I was absolutely not going to make it 2 blocks on this hip tonight. 
It had to have been all the exertion of the shower with Carmen, mixed with not sitting down only for 30 minutes today while I read to the kids. I rubbed my forehead in frustration, opening up the Uber app and seeing since it was ‘peak pricing’ it was gonna cost me $40 to get from the store home, and I do not have that kind of money. 
I groaned, sitting back and thinking to myself if trying to wait it out would just get me in a worse position of being stuck here all night because Sadie has no car or not eating dinner for the rest of the week, since my groceries were dwindling and I didn’t get paid until Friday. I huffed, “no, I can fucking make it” I muttered, I pull myself up, nearly screaming at the pain screaming at me to stop, and yank my jacket over my arms. 
With shaking hands, I got my keys out of my purse, flicking lights off as I limped, every step feeling like my leg was about to fall out like a Barbie that had never been properly popped into place. I groan quietly in pain every few steps, barely being able to lock the door from how violently my hands were moving. I looked both ways across the street, knowing it wasn’t long before a car came along. I try to take as big of strides I could into the alley. 
I honestly didn’t give a fuck if I ran in to Carmen right now, I was not walking an extra three blocks in my condition just to avoid him. I lean against the wall, feeling that familiar shaking in my bad hip like it was telling me it was counting down before it gave way and barely got to the steps outside of the bear's kitchen door before collapsing with a grunt, the pain vibrating through my spine at the fall. 
“Fuck” I whine, stretching my leg out in front of me. The faucet behind my eyes gives and my eyes are suddenly blurring with tears and I’m muffling sobs into my hand. The pain, the day I’ve had, and the worst of it- I’m stuck in the one place I don’t want to be. What kind of stupid desperate bitch will I look like if Carmen comes out to see me crying on the fucking steps of his restaurant. 
I swallowed hard, doing my best to pull myself to my feet but my hip had locked and it was no use. With shaking hands I take out my phone, and the door creaks open behind me. I quickly dry my tears as best I can “uh- I'm not here to see you I- I’m going home I’m sorry” I mutter. 
“Winnie the Pooh?” A slightly familiar voice said and I looked up to see Sugar standing there, a confused look on her face and I started to laugh to which she started looking concerned. “Oh!” I sniffle. “It’s you. Don’t tell Carmen I’m h-here” I hiccuped a sob and she furrowed her eyebrows, “no he's- wait” he shuts the door and sits next to me. 
“Why you cryin’?” She asked gently and I shook my head “oh my god it’s- I-“ I wiped my tears again. “My hip…I got in an accident when I was 19 and had to get my hip fused, and they did it wrong so it’s all fucked and it just..hurts” I said and sniffled. “Okay why- why don’t you want Carm to know that?” She asked “did he already fuck up?” She said with a teasing smile and nudged me playfully. 
“No- no he. Carm is…” I look at my feet. “Carm is wonderful. But he- he doesn’t want…what I would want, you know?” I look at her, still a bit teary eyed. She nods a bit “Y’know…Carm…somethin’ ‘bout that kid, he doesn’t allow a lot a’ good things…and” she rubs her hands together in thought, looking down for a moment. 
“I think you’re right, but it’s what he needs.” She said and looked back at me finally. “I won’t…get in the middle of this. But- just know, Carm could really use a girl like you around. He left early today…he told me he was feeling like it was too much and he needed to go think about shit. He’s never done that. That tells me you are getting to him to take care of himself. So if it’s a Carmen thing, pushing you away? Sometimes with that kid you have to force him to see what he’s missin” she got up and extended a hand to me. 
“What’re you doing?” I asked “cmon. Takin you home. Can’t live too far if you’re walkin’, right?” She asked and I smiled a bit. “You seem like a really good sister” I said softly and she smiled big. “Y’know. I always wished I had a sister, I don’t think either of my brothers have ever told me that'' she said, tucking her large purse into the crook of her arm. I crinkle my brows ``ok..well Carm and I will be talking about appreciating you because you give great advice” I grab on to her hand. 
She giggled a bit as she hoisted me up and I quickly balanced myself on the railing, my hip still barely functional. “Woah!” She said, wrapping her arms around my waist tightly. “The car is right there parked in front- think you can walk?” She asked, concerned. I nodded quickly “yeah- yeah. I might need to like…lean on you” I said, my cheeks going pink with embarrassment. 
“Course! C’mere chicky” she wraps her arm around my waist and I smiled a bit to myself as she helped me limp to her car. “You hug like Carmen” I said softly as we approached the passenger side and she laughed, “don’t tell him that. He’s always said I’m too ‘touchy’ since we were kids” she pulled open the door and I slowly got in, the pain in my hip dulling significantly when I sat on the plush seats of her SUV. 
She gently pushed the door closed, coming to the drivers side and hoisting herself into the large vehicle. “Trust me- I totally get it. I have 2 kids, my hips or my bladder haven’t been the same since” she said jokingly as she started the car. 
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Carmy’s P.O.V -
I tried to take a deep breath, staring pointedly at the church in front of me. My dark gray knit sweater was suddenly feeling itchy all over my exposed skin, even though my usual white work shirt was still layered underneath. I pulled at the collar of the offending garment, roughly itching my collarbone at the sensation of a tickle just under my chain. Taking a final drag of my third cigarette just standing there, I throw it to the ground, crushing it with my sneaker. 
You can turn around- you can just get back in your car, and go home. You don’t have to do this. 
The devilish voice bounces around in my head. I’m unsure what got me to drive here, what got me out of my car after sitting there for 15 fuckin’ minutes, but suddenly I was planting my feet up each step into the grand wooden entrance of the church. 
Turn around. Turn around. Turn. around. 
My entire body screams for me to run as I step into the welcome hall. This confidence to change so suddenly has to be the effect of a mostly-full nights sleep- thanks to Winnie of course.
Stop fucking thinking about her. 
I’m met with a folding easel, a plain piece of white printer paper with an arrow that points to the left, reading ‘PTSD/ANXIETY ANON’ in large bold letters. I swallowed hard, staring at it intently. 
Leave. Leave. Leave!!!! 
The voice in my head was so loud that in my rested state, it drove me to push against it. To deprive it.  I headed down the hall, the only sound being my sneakers tapping the tile floor and the loud fluorescent lights buzzing above me. My eyes fixed on a bolded sign at the large honey-stained wooden door just at the end of the hall, taped to the wooden frame. “ANXIETY ANONYMOUS” typed in bold letters on the same 8x11 printer paper and taped to the easel out front. 
I took a deep breath, blinking my eyes shut hard out of habit, thinking about what I was about to do- before swallowing back the anxiety and my hand felt the icy touch of the handle, pulling down and pushing it open. I met the faces of about 4 other tortured souls, staring blankly back at me. “Uh” I mutter, standing in the doorway feeling like a total idiot. 
“I-is this th-the.” I bit my cheek fucking word stumbling moron. “The fuckin’ anxiety anon meeting?” I spit out, trying my best to swallow the nausea rising in my throat from the crippling fear of meeting new people. A woman with a short bleach blonde bob, sitting in the corner at a large desk looks up. 
“Oh!! Joy. A newbie!” She chirps, standing up and walking over, standing a few feet away. “I’m Claire” she said happily, and the protein bar I scarfed down my throat earlier begged to make a grand 
“C-cl-?” I tried to grate out, swallowing thickly and my cheeks feeling so hot I was sure I could light one of my cigarettes on them. 
Run. Run, RUN - Carmen!!! Find the fuckin’ bathroom, slink out like it never happened. Bad idea. Bad idea. Horrible idea.. Moron. Idiot. Stupid. Useless. 
“Claire!” She repeats happily. “Are you alright with handshakes, dear? What's your name honey?” She sticks her right hand out to me confidently. My gaze meets her hand, and I swear my vision went blurry. I stumble back a bit. “Ba- bathroom” I muttered quickly, the feeling of vomit creeping up in my throat.
She gently pushes me into the hallway, grabbing the small trash can with her right hand and shutting the door behind her tightly. I ripped the trash pale out of her hands quickly, hurling my protein bar and whatever bile and water my stomach held for the last 6 hours In to it, squatting pathetically in the hallway against the wall and she stepped a bit closer, charm bracelets jingling as she rubbed my back while I wretch so hard I swore for a second my organs would fly out of my mouth. 
“Christ kid” she muttered, her nails gently grazing the small of my back as she rubbed soothing, small circles. “Know a Claire, mm?” She asked matter-of-factly when I finally stopped heaving, my brain fully empty other then fuckin Winnie reading to me last night. And the story of the stupid fucking bunny.
“Yes- b-b-sh-she“ I tried to get air into my lungs, but instead my chest forced me into a painful gasp. “N-no- used to…” I dry heaved over the garbage can so hard I dropped to my knees on the cold tile, and was sure I'd either pass out, or die of embarrassment at the pathetic sound and sight, feeling fully like a sniveling child. Unfortunately to no avail.. I gasped in a breath so violently, the sudden pressure in my lungs made me feel as if I was really about to pass out. 
I leaned against the cold wall, catching my breath before continuing. “I- I- fuckin” I winced at the pain in my stomach, my face clenching up slightly at the pang reverberating through every muscle in my body due to the intensity of all the emotions I was feeling at once. 
“Fuckin... I crushed on ‘er as a stupid, idiot kid..but fuckin hate ‘er now..“ I sniffle, mucus getting caught in my throat, causing me to choke and cough so hard over the trash can that my lungs burned. 
“Breathe, kid” she said, patting my back. “In through your nose and out through your mouth” she said and demonstrated a calm even breath. I rested my face on my arm, doing as she said, and finally catching my breath. “S-sorry I haven’t eaten much t’day and smoked like half a pack” I said and she nudged me gently. I look over and she’s holding a tissue, “thanks” I said wiping my mouth and nose tossing it in the garbage and leaning against the wall again, sighing deeply. 
“C'mon, you can just listen today if you don’t feel like talking. We have water bottles in there for ya’ “ she said, standing up fully and extending a hand to me. I nodded a bit, taking her hand to steady myself as I got up. She took the trashcan and tied the bag, leaving it in the hall before opening the door. “I’m..sorry” I mutter, shaking my head. 
“No! No happens all the time. Don’t worry” she said and opened the door. “Well gang, it’s us plus one newbie!” She said and handed me water from the counter at the side of the room before going to her seat and I swallowed thickly, sitting down on the furthest chair from everyone else, setting the water bottle on the chair before wiping my clammy hands over my jeans and swallowing thickly. “Alright” she said, sitting down with a clipboard. “Are there any big things this week that we need to start with?” She asked, I kept my gaze fixed on my lap.
“Yes- uh…my nightmares came back..” a small voice said and I looked up to see a girl with mousy brown hair and a deep scar on her right cheek. Claire nodded “did you want to share about them?” She asked her and the girl swallowed thickly. “No- no. I just… it’s about dating again after what happened. I can’t- I can’t. I’m always looking over my shoulder, I feel like a freak. It’s hard enough dating girls- and I- I have a hard time texting. And so when I meet them in person, I always catch them staring at me. And… and like I can hear their thoughts. Like ‘who is she hiding from’ or ‘I bet she has a secret girlfriend.’ And I - I’m so paranoid.” she huffed. 
“I’m sure all of us here have felt paranoid after a trauma, and especially, when experiencing something new, the feeling of…waiting for the other shoe to drop. Is very common. Especially if it relates back to childhood, those wounds linger for a long time. Has anyone else been feeling paranoid?” She asked the group. There was a silence for a moment, I took a deep breath, finding my tongue. 
“Me” I said, rubbing my thighs to soothe my anxiety. There was that familiar tightness in my stomach and my heart was thrumming in my throat. “Oh! Did you want to share more about that…sorry, how should we address you?” She asked and I kept my eyes locked on her, trying to forget there were other people there but still not wanting to sit alone with a shrink in an office. 
“Carmen'' I said and she nodded, “okay, Carmen- did you want to share what you’re feeling paranoid about?” She asked and I sniffled, rubbing my lips together nervously. “Ye’ uh, I met a-a girl. Last week. And I haven’t stopped…thinkin’ about her? Like. I dunno. I have sworn off women quite a while ago.” I rub my chin, eyes gazing to the floor nervously. 
“Okay, so what are you paranoid about?” She asked and my eyes flicker back to her. “So uh- yeah. S-sorry. Sorry. So uh- I work in a-a restaurant. And I run it, with my cousin and my sister. My second in command though, she- she knows this girl. And uh…I don’t know what’s been goin on? With me? And I…I like her. That’s-that’s why I’m paranoid. Cause I don’t…I can’t do girls and she-“ I sigh deeply, clearing my throat. 
“She told me that she wouldn’t pressure me?” My eyes met hers again and she nodded. “Okay, so you’ve felt pressured in relationships in your past, and are worried it will happen again?” She asked and I thought for a moment, rubbing the back of my neck. 
“Yes? Well…no..no not from her. I-I’ve been very pressured to like someone before and it was hell for me. B-but…that’s the thing is I trust she won’t pressure me. And I- when I’m around her, I’m not fuckin- im not fuckin like this? Like I- I can think, and I can breathe and…so-so-so if it’s not” I shake my head. “I feel so different around her? That’s why I’m paranoid.” I said finally. Claire sits back in her chair a bit. 
“Okay, so you’re paranoid she’s going to leave?” She questioned. I shook my head a bit, “no- no that’s the thing is that the shoe always drops for me, I already fucked this up by just being me. My- one of my chefs, Syd. She- she’s friends with this girl and…and I think she told her about all my…fucked upness. She-she warned her that im a fuckin’- a fuckin loser. I just- and I didn’t even want to allow myself to feel this way which is why I’m so scared cause I- I feel like- like.” I shake my head. 
“I feel like she’s good for me though. I-i just know I’m bad. I’m- I’m fuckin selfish. I would be a horrible boyfriend. I’m fucking insane I- I think. I wake up every night fucking throwing up. I- I obsess over things, and I just keep pushing and pushing until I get it how- how I see it in my head. B-but with her it’s like…I want to see? Where things go? Y’know? L-like I. I want her to show me…it’s- it’s stupid never mind” I shook my head looking back at my lap, pushing my bangs off my forehead nervously. 
“Well in here, no one is crazy. I think you’re paranoid of having no control over your emotions, Carmen. Which is perfectly normal. We can’t control anything in this world, other than how we react to our feelings about things. So, let’s delve deeper into your current self image- what comes to mind first when I ask why you’re selfish?” She asked and I shrugged a bit. 
“I fuckin’ shut the beef down, knowing it’s not what Syd wanted, knowing it’s not really what anyone wanted except for me. Because…cause Mikey left it to me. And- and I was like…I am fuckin’ angry at Mikey. And it was like- like a fuck you. Watch me do it better then you ever fuckin could” I said and run another hand through my hair at the realization. “Cause I fuckin’ - I only care about provin’ to myself that - that maybe I’m not a fuckin idiot. That I’m not useless.” 
“You aren’t an idiot, and you are not useless, and it sounds like you feel selfish- because you’ve found yourself in a pattern of catering to others desires. How do you feel about your own desires, Carmen?” She asked and I shook my head a bit. 
“No- no that’s..that’s what I’m saying I’m selfish. I - I’m a fuckin control freak at work everything is done my way, everything is tweaked to my standards, I don’t care what other people have to say about the re-“
She cuts me off “no- not your desires at work, in your life. Outside of work. In your relationships, friendships, personal goals? What do you desire your life to look like when you retire?” She asked and I swallowed thickly, my mind going blank. 
“That is a great topic for today, desires. It is extremely hard, especially after a traumatic event or even years of incurring trauma, and then allowing yourself to desire. We may feel selfish as Carmen does, after we incur tragedy in our lives- to feel joy again, or allow new people in our lives because we are afraid that if we desire while we are unhealed, then we were never really damaged to begin with.” She said and a guy sitting a few chairs away from her clears his throat. 
“I uh- yeah I relate a lot to what Carmen said about feeling selfish..after my brother died I stopped doing…everything I loved.” I look over at him, sitting up in my chair slightly. Cause I felt like if…if I’m happy then I don’t miss him? Or..or like. Like if I think about our good times together and loose the anger I feel about him killing himself for a few seconds- I feel like…like I’ll never stop thinking about what the fuck our lives would have been like if he just talked to me.” He said and crossed his arms. I sit up a little further in my seat. 
“Mikey - he was m-my brother. He killed himself too” I said and he looked over at me, “I’m sorry…older or younger?” He asked “shit- yeah sorry I should have led with that I’m sorry too. He was- he was older…” I replied and he nodded, swallowing thickly and looking away. 
“You couldn’tve done anything. I fuckin failed him though. He was younger” he muttered and I furrowed my brow shaking my head. “Nah. Nah don’t fuckin’ say that shit about yourself dude. Both of our brothers did it to themselves. That's one thing that we’re not responsible for. I’m- I’m angry that he- I needed him. Just like you needed your brother” I said and he nodded a bit. 
Claire cuts in “it is normal to feel angry at a loved one for committing suicide. It’s also completely normal to feel guilt for that anger. Jack, it sounds like the anger you’re harboring for yourself, for not ‘protecting’ your brother from himself- is covering up a guilt you feel for a perceived responsibility to the reasoning behind your brother's passing.” 
“I’m fuckin angry.” I shrug. “I’m fuckin- pissed at Mikey.” I said and she looked at me. “A question for you to ask yourself, Carmen, are you angry at Mikey or are you angry about the choice he made, to end his life, and leave you behind to forever miss him. Because they are 2 separate things. One is your brother, and the other- is a stupid choice he made. A choice that altered the lives of the people closest to him forever. He made the choice to have his legacy be one that ended in pain, and suffering for those who love him most. That choice, or Mikey - your brother that you clearly love very, very dearly.” She asked. 
I felt a lump forming in my throat, blinking back tears and I looked over to the clock. 
“Let’s circle back, yeah we have about 5 minutes left. This week's homework for you all, I want you to do one thing, or speak to one person” she looks to me for a moment “that you desire, and it’s guilt free, because you aren’t giving yourself the permission, I’m giving you the permission, and next week- we’re gonna talk about how it made us feel alright?” She said, 
“Alright. Hopefully I’ll see you all again next week. Same time and place per usual” she got up and went over to the desk grabbing her bag. I got up, grabbing the water bottle and quickly darting out of the room and back down the hall to the front door. I shoved it open taking a deep breath as I went down the steps 2 at a time back to the parking lot. 
I am not fucking going back there ever again. 
I shook my head to myself, but realized that I didn’t feel…like I was gonna have an episode. Er- panic attack like Winnie called it. But rather than everything I’d buried about Mikey felt like a hardened scab to a barely healed wound had been picked at and messed with for a while. It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling. This is why I stopped going to AI-anon. Talking about it hurts more than just focusing on other shit and forgetting about it when I can. 
I dug my cigarettes out of my pocket, taking one out and lighting it, leaning against the car as I smoked. I don’t know why Sugar keeps telling me that it’ll get better if I just talk about it, every time I talk about it I’m fuckin realizing shit. And I don’t like realizing shit. About myself. About Mikey. I’d rather just…fucking work. Just work. But I also hate work. 
I’m brought out of my thoughts to the same blonde that irritated the scab which felt permanently fused to my soul. “Spirits huh?” She said and I looked over at her. “Yup” I mutter, taking another drag. 
“I get it. I get it… if you don’t want to talk to me outside there it’s fine. I just wanted to say, I’m proud of you for opening up, good job. You should be proud of yourself.” She took a pack of Marlboro reds out of her purse and a blue lighter. 
“Thanks…” I said, watching as she took a drag. “No offense… but I kinda feel worse?” I said and she laughed, smoke spilling from her mouth in a cloud. “None taken my friend, none taken.” She said, waving her hand in front of her to clear the thick puff of smoke. “That’s good actually, really good. It hurts before it helps” she shrugged, taking another drag. 
“So- wait the fuck did I do t’you?! You wanna hurt me before you help me?” I questioned, pulling on my own cigarette. “Nothing oh my god!” She laughs. “Nothing Carmen! Oh jeez” she giggled slightly. “You need to come back, shut out the voice shooing you away” she said with a teasing smile and I rolled my eyes. “Sorry, not interested in ripping open old wounds when I’m already not able to process the bullshit I’m facing now.” I look at the ground, taking a long drag. 
“Mmm. Alright.” She shrugged casually, dragging her own and exhaling without a beat. “ what?” I asked her, dropping my cig and crushing it with my sneaker. “I…don’t care?” She laughs a bit. “If you want to stay in the mental prison you’ve created, so be it, Carmen. But- I’m here! Every week for the past 11 years” she retorts, tossing her cigarette into a puddle over the parking lot barrier. 
“Nice meeting you, kid. Word of advice-“ she turns to me as she pulls her driver's side door open. “Do the fuckin’ homework, mm?” She sits in her seat, starting the car. “That girl you mentioned, whatever her name is- I may be a shrink - but I’m also a spouse - the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about her? That's your wife, if I never see you again? I hope you’ve gone and got her.” She pulled her door closed without another word, backed out of her parking spot. 
I felt a vibration against my hip, pulling my phone out of my pocket  in case it was one of the employees and checking who it was. My throat dries out as I listen to the marimba ringtone, staring at my screen, my mind going blank. 
Winnie 🍯 Mobile 
The slide to answer button practically laughed at me. 
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈
➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
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hananoami · 7 months ago
Sometimes it really feels like the devs are trying to see exactly how spicy and explicit they can make the game before they have to raise the rating-
exhibit A) Sylus
Exhibit B) the trailer for the newest event
If you've played their other game Love and Producer / Mister Love: Queen's Choice (MLQC) then you know they know how to keep it super spicy/suggestive. It's never explicit in context, but with a wild imagination well... IYKYK.
While I do raise my eyebrows at the current age rating 🤨 the rating of the game mostly depends on your native country and the app store you download it from. So if anything the blame also lies with Google Playstore and the Apple Store for misleading.
Of course there's even a disclaimer about the age limit at the start of the load in screen, but most people overlook it or choose to intentionally ignore the warning.. 🤷‍♀️
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kwebtv · 4 days ago
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TV Guide - February 27 - March 5, 1965
Donna Douglas (born Doris Ione Smith; September 26, 1932 – January 1, 2015)  Actress and singer, known for her role as Elly May Clampett on The Beverly Hillbillies (1962–1971). Following her acting career, Douglas became a real-estate agent, gospel singer, inspirational speaker, and author of books for children and adults.  (Wikipedia)
Irene Ryan (born Irene Noblitt, Noblett, or Noblette; October 17, 1902 – April 26, 1973)  Actress and comedienne who found success in vaudeville, radio, film, television, and Broadway. She is most widely known for her portrayal of Daisy May “Granny” Moses, mother-in-law of Buddy Ebsen’s character Jed Clampett on the long-running TV series The Beverly Hillbillies (1962–1971). She was nominated for Emmy Awards for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series in 1963 and 1964 for the role.  (Wikipedia)
Nancy Jane Kulp (August 28, 1921 – February 3, 1991) was an American character actor, writer and comedian best known as Miss Jane Hathaway on the CBS television series The Beverly Hillbillies.
In 1955 Kulp joined the cast of The Bob Cummings Show (Love That Bob) with Bob Cummings, portraying pith-helmeted neighborhood bird watcher Pamela Livingstone. In 1956, she appeared as a waitress in the episode "Johnny Bravo" of the ABC/Warner Brothers series Cheyenne, with Clint Walker. Kulp played the role of Anastasia in three episodes of the NBC sitcom It's a Great Life in 1955 and 1956. In 1958, she appeared in Orson Welles' little-known pilot episode "The Fountain of Youth" in the television series Colgate Theatre. In 1960, she appeared as Emma St. John in the episode "Kill with Kindness" of the ABC/WB detective series Bourbon Street Beat, starring Andrew Duggan.
Kulp appeared on I Love Lucy in the 1956 episode "Lucy Meets the Queen", performing as an English maid, who shows Lucy and Ethel how to curtsy properly before Queen Elizabeth. Kulp also appeared in episodes of The Real McCoys, Perry Mason ("The Case of the Prodigal Parent", 1958, and "The Case of the Deadly Toy", 1959), The Jack Benny Program ("Don's 27th Anniversary with Jack"), 87th Precinct ("Killer's Choice"), Pete and Gladys, The Twilight Zone (as Mrs. Gann in "The Fugitive"), and Outlaws ("The Dark Sunrise of Griff Kincaid, Esquire"). Kulp portrayed a slurring-drunk waitress in a scene with James Garner and Jean Willes in the 1959 Maverick episode "Full House". She played a housekeeper in a pilot for The William Bendix Show, which aired as the 1960–1961 season finale of CBS's Mister Ed under the title "Pine Lake Lodge". On the series My Three Sons in 1962, she portrayed a high school math and science teacher in two episodes under different character names, Miss Harris and Miss Fisher. (Wikipedia)
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bridgerton-bard · 9 months ago
Bridgerton Season 3 Rambles
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Warning: Spoilers for Romancing Mister Bridgerton and Season 3 of Bridgerton on Netflix
Just a compilation of thoughts that I have had about Netflix's adaptation of Romancing Mister Bridgerton for Season 3.
The combination of writing and/or editing was definitely different, and not necessarily in a way that I enjoyed. I am not a cinematographer, so I can't necessarily say why, but this season definitely felt like a much faster pace than S1 & S2. This is especially true for part 1. Prior seasons felt like they were meant to be watched casually and understood easily on the first watch. This season was so dense that I ended up re-watching part 1 again just to make sure that I didn't miss anything. Part 2 did feel like a slightly more reasonable pace, but still faster and more chaotic than any other Bridgerton season. Given that Netflix controls exactly how many episodes and how long they are, I wish they had decided to do 10 episodes so that the story could be slowed down to a more enjoyable pace and less context for each storyline had to be cut for time.
I liked all of the side stories. There are no characters in this show that I don't want to watch. Knowing the backstory from Queen Charlotte, it was so great to see Violet with Marcus (her garden is most certainly in bloom 🌸) and to see Lady Danbury get some closure from the past. It was also great to see more of the continuation of Lady Danbury and Queen Charlotte's friendship. Watching the Featherington women reconcile with each other was probably my favorite of the side plots. I enjoyed the Mondrich storyline. (🎉 Welcome to the ton, officially, Mondrich family! 🎉) I was a little skeptical about how the Benedict/Lady Tilly storyline was going to prep him for S4 (🤞) at the end of part 1, but fully onboard after part 2! I just wish we had more time to see the romance between Colin and Pen build before and after their wedding.
Side note: Do we think that Netflix/Shondaland had always planned for Benedict to be bi/polyamorous, or do we think that choice was made after they were heavily accused of queerbaiting in their characterization of Benedict?
Colin's realization of love seemed rushed even in RMB, but it seemed out of place as it happened in the series. There needed to be more development. Maybe we were meant to see his feelings growing through Colin's conversations with Eloise about Penelope and Cressida, but due to his characterization as "good guy Colin", it mostly just seemed like an older brother who wanted his two friends to reconcile? There was something missing. If the show had gone in book order and Kanthony/Benophie had been around, Colin maybe could have realized his love based on witnessing how those couples interacted?
In my opinion, all of the time in part 1 spent on the Queen coming up with a new name for a diamond ("sparkler") and then agonizing about naming one could have been put to better use. I know that the show doesn't want to bore watchers by automatically having the female Bridgerton lead of the season being named the diamond on repeat, but it's functionally the same and 10ish minutes of screentime that could have been better served elsewhere. Especially with the Queen playing such a big role in the potential match between Francesca and Lord Samadani as well as the reveal of Whistledown, I could do without the agonizing over the special title the female lead will get.
I really missed Lady Danbury playing the role of encouraging Penelope to be herself the way she did in the books. I know Lord Debling might have taken on some of that role in the Netflix series, but there's a different dynamic when Penelope realizes her worth based on a suitor compared to the objective perspective of a smart woman in the ton. To me, Netflix Pen felt like she gained some confidence simply based on that Debling was interested and not that she actually realized she was desirable. Whereas in the books, Lady Danbury encourages Pen to be more confident and show more of her personality because it makes her more authentic and fun to be around.
Speaking of Lord Debling, we were promised during the press tour that Debling wasn't going to be used as a plot device to make Colin propose, and that Colin would express his feelings to Penelope without that sword hanging over his head. But what we got was Violet mentioning to Colin that Lord Debling was planning to propose to Penelope which prompted Colin to rudely interrupt them and cause Debling to rescind his proposal????? I really did enjoy that book!Colin loved Penelope for being Penelope and proposed to her even though he knew that nobody else would and it would lower his social standing to marry the unpopular spinster girl who read romance novels.
In general, past seasons have felt like even where Netflix/Shondaland changed plot points in the books, the changes were still correct in the characterization. While the above might be correct to Colin's characterization it's a significant downgrade from the story that was already written. Why did that need to be changed?
Speaking of characterizations, I really enjoyed the characterizations for Francesca and John. They're such different characters to the other leads on the show and I really appreciated that both seemed to be characterized as neurodivergent in some way. It's nice to see the show acknowledging that gay people, neurodivergent people, etc. still existed in regency times even if the public awareness/conception of them was different.
I wish we had seen more of Colin and Pen repairing their relationship after Colin learned that Pen was LW. I know they were trying to build the drama, but the whole time it felt like Colin was two seconds from applying for an annulment, which was not even mentioned in RMB. Again, it just felt like too much was implied and not shown here, or that the show's characterizations were off from the books.
I enjoyed the peek into Cressida Cowper's world that we got this season. She's no longer just an antagonist cardboard cutout that's moved around the ballroom to create conflict. It's nice to understand her motivations. I really appreciated her storyline this season and I'd love to see a spinoff about her life in Wales and her eventually making her way to the continent or back into the ton. The scene where her mother threw her under the bus as she was counseling her that it was every woman for herself in the ton was beautifully sad. I think it was only in that moment that Cressida realized the only way for a young woman to do well for herself in the ton is to befriend and rely on her peers. I appreciated the aspect of tragedy that Cressida only realized her bad moves when it was far too late to go back and correct them.
Another issue with the writing: some of the modern language was slightly jarring. I know Bridgerton flirts with the modern/regency dichotomy because there are multiple parts of the show that aren't period-accurate. That being said, you're really on the cusp when a character in a regency period drama says "Don't come for my cane". I'm not saying I want it to be 100% period accurate with bonnets, etc. However, I think maintaining the use of Regency slang and slightly modernized regency phrases/syntax is part of what helps make it feel "regency" even though the fashion, music, and social norms about race and sexuality are not accurate to the regency period. The same can be said for obviously acrylic nails. Not everything needs to be period accurate, but some things are definitely a step too far. Big disparities like this are distracting and remove people from the story.
I know people have a lot of feelings about Michaela Stirling, however, I want to let Netflix/Shondaland cook. We don't know yet whether Francesca is also going to be bi or whether she's going to be a late-to-life lesbian. We truly have no idea. I have liked how they've handled Francesca/John so far, so I'm just going to wait to see how this plays out.
I think that's all for now. I'd love to hear anything you'd like to add, as I could yap about Bridgerton for hours.
Varley . . . release the BUGS!
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, November 12
Cordelia: Hi. Sorry to interrupt your little undead playgroup, but I need to ask Willow if she'll help me with my science fair project. Willow: It's a fruit. Cordelia: I would've asked Chris to help me, but then that would've brought back too many memories of Daryl. Willow: I found it! Meredith Todd died in a car accident last week. Cordelia: Of course I have learned to deal with my pain. Buffy: How was her neck? Willow: Fine, except for being broken.
~~Buffy Episode #14: "Some Assembly Required" ~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Beneath Me (Drusilla/Willow, T) by MadeInGold
TECH TERROR (Nerd Trio, ensemble, E) by KNZ1
Group Dates (Fred's Birthday Fic part 2) (AtS Ensemble, E) by Kittenwritings
A History, or How Fred was brought into it all (AtS Ensemble, E) by Kittenwritings
Last Resort (Spike, M) by veronyxk84
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Lest This Bond Be Broken Ch. 11 (Buffy/Giles, M) by Dynapink
Love is a Child Ch. 3/3 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Angel, T) by Greensword101
Greatest Love Story - Postlude CH. 19 (Angel/Spike, M) by FalseGinger
Opposite Attraction Ch. 1/6 (Angel/Spike, T) by MamaBewear
Painting Flowers Ch. 6 (Buffy/Angel, T) by crowncitydreams
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The Bad Penny, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by OffYourBird
True Love Won't Desert You, Chapter 2-3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Episode 49 - Betrayals, Infomercials, and a Haiku Contest (Consequences) by The Sunnydale Diaries
PODCAST: ATS 305 - Fredless by Another Buffy Podcast
PODCAST: Season 3 by Sunnydale Diaries Podcast
[Community Announcements]
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Tuesday Prompt: Necessities by [community profile] comment_fic
[Fandom Discussions]
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I want to believe it was deliberate that Buffy and Angel’s relationship takes another step forward during an episode about older men taking advantage of high school girls by thornfield13713
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Vampire power ranking by burrunjor
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willow rosenberg on the witches road? by lilalphabetxboy
Can David ride? [2.01 Judgement] by Whisperlee
Sarah is QUEEN by perfectmoonwalker
Just watched “The Body” for the first time since my initial watch-through… by PotatoPancake420
Sharing The Bronze Purist Playlist by lueur-d-espoir
This Diva saying to Buffy ‘you must might make it dear, I can see you here for a long time’ by M_Partlett
Alternative Season 5 Finale by No_Introduction_4136
Choices by cascadingtundra
Is season 4 de funniest? by dacm1980
Why doesn't Angel... by WerdNerd88
Enough already! ("Beneath You") by fognotion
Innocent victim of the day by timmorris82
Theories as to why Buffy stops wearing her signature cross necklaces ? by Iroshka
Buying a hotel? by Unlucky-Morning5474
A missing scene in I Will Remember You? by WerdNerd88
What's your dumbest or most low stakes headcanon? by Reviewingremy
So uh… that just happened. | S2 E14 “Innocence” by The_Fullmetal_Titan
Cordelia and Connor Problematic ! by MDJokerQueen
Buffy Fan Milestone by JumpingJonquils
What are your thoughts on Angel Season 4? by AIaddinSane
Buffy's change that isn't talked about enough by themostbluejay
Rewatching On Bad Egg by STheUselessLesbian
Spikes soul and hair by No_Introduction_4136
If Angel hadn’t gotten his own show, what do you think the writers would’ve done with Bangel by unitedfan6191
What makes the difference between a vampire without a soul and one with one? by The_Fullmetal_Titan
I don't care what anybody says, I love Dawn Summers by cascadingtundra
Length of Mister Pointy and the blessed sword? by TheFanged4
Where does Angel live? by mmorrison92
What was the best bit involving invisibility? by InfiniteMehdiLove
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coaadra · 9 months ago
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Well, the third season has ended. For me it was endlessly long and complex, since I often get tired of a large number of events, which cannot be taken away from this series..In the last episode I already thought there was a happy ending, but the peasant girl saved by Hook and Emma ruined everything in the first place...AND THE SECOND IS ELSA? OR THE SNOW QUEEN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I'm really tired of these battles and the constant threat... I would love to watch 3-4 episodes without loud and epic events. I would look at the simple love of the king and queen, I would look at the long-awaited love of Hook and Emma, I would watch how Henry and little Neil grow up.. And I even admired and watched the love of Regina, Robin Hood, Mister Gold and Belle.. BUT UNFORTUNATELY THE SCRIPT WRITERS TOLD ME NO
I just want to love them and calmly, without worrying, continue to love them.. Although, judging by the edits that I saw here, a calm life is not their strong point, so I have no choice but to love them even more with concern
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ikemen-bully · 1 year ago
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fanfic-corner · 2 years ago
Marvel Humor Fics
As much as I love angst, I also love to laugh at some of the predicaments my poor blorbos get into! So here are some of my favourite humor fics from the Marvel fandom.
He's a Real... Bare... Devil? by 94BottlesOfSnapple (772)
The real problem with no longer wearing body armor, Matt considers, is not actually the higher risk of injury. It’s that sometimes even when you don’t get hurt, you still end up mostly-naked in an alley that smells like day-old Chinese takeout.
Daredevil manages to lose his clothes while on patrol with the Defenders. They only make fun of him a little.
Footie Pajamas by Triscribe (1.1k)
*What?* Tony demanded. *What is it, what’s wr-*
“Ohmygosh, Mister Stark! It’s too cute!” Peter beamed from ear to ear. “There’s a little girl in the car next to me wearing Spider-man footie pajamas!”
Silence reigned for a long moment, before Tony burst out laughing.
How (Not) to Meet New People by aloneintherain (1.4k)
“Why is there a teenager in our office?”
Foggy stood in the threshold of the office, mouth slightly agape, most likely wondering if he’d walked into the wrong building. The kid waved at him, smile huge under a blooming black eye and spilt lip.
“Foggy,” Matt said, far too calm for someone who was in the presence of a beaten, bloodied, teenage stranger. “This is Peter.”
oh, jesus, not the both of you! by FRAMEW0RK (1.6k)
He’s gonna pass out.
Yup, it’s happening. Foggy can only tell because he’s passed out before, when he was twelve, after he got his finger smashed in the large metal door of their cooler. The intense pain first. Then the cold flash, then the sweating, and then the spots surrounding the corners of his vision. All of that was going on. In the middle of a courtroom. Surrounded by tons of watching people.
“Mr. Nelson?” the Judge calls out. He probably looks awful. His mother told him that he went deathly pale before he passed out the first time. Didn’t she take a video? He remembers there being a video. Is the room spinning or is that just him?
“I think ’m passing out,” Foggy mumbles thickly, hand flailing out for purchase but getting nothing on his fingers. The world was starting to go underwater. Someone yelled, and then there’s this gasping sound all around and then there’s darkness and nothing.
Team Red by SalazarTipton (1.9k)
“Ned, for the last time, I’m not going as any of the Avengers! Can you imagine what would happen if they found out? They’d think I had a favorite and--” “But you do have a favorite,” Ned interjects. Peter throws one of his fries at him. “That’s not the point! They don’t know that and can I remind you that you’re forbidden to talk about that? Going to the Tower would be hellish. Can you imagine Mr. Barton and Mr. Stark trying to prove they’re the better choice?”.
when the pretty birds have flown (honey, I'm still free) by the_crown_jules (2.1k)
“I can talk to birds,” Sam said, a little more loudly than the situation warranted.
Bucky's lips twitched, a battle playing out between his attempt to take Sam seriously and his clear desire to snicker. Laughter won out, lighting up his face in a way that was becoming more and more familiar.
“You’re such an asshole. Okay, Torres, I assume you’re listening, you can go now, you’ve had your fun.” He looked around as if he’d be able to spot Torres watching them on camera. “What is this, Falcon initiation?”
New Year's Regrets by whumphoarder (2.5k)
In the midst of hosting his annual New Year’s party, Tony is called away to rescue a very impaired Peter from a rooftop in Queens.
Happy Hibernation Day by for_the_night (2.7k)
Tony and Pepper return to the tower on Valentine’s Day to find Peter asleep on the couch. Only he won’t wake up.
Good job neither pseudo-parent panics.
throw all your lucky coins on me by keep_swinging (3.2k)
i. shock (denial) ii. pain (guilt) iii. anger (bargaining) iv. depression v. the upward turn vi. working through vii. acceptance (hope)
Sorta Kinda Kidnapped by happyaspie (3.5k)
Peter gets kidnapped on his way to school. It's fine, though. He's perfectly capable of saving himself. It happens so fast and it's so uneventful that he forgets to tell Tony it even happened. Until the kidnappers call to collect their ransom.
Not Completely the Worst by mainstreamelectricalparade (4k)
Peter's spidey-sense had been going off all day. If he had to stay at school for literally another minute longer, he was probably going to go insane.
And of course, there was one person at school whose single goal in life seemed to be ensuring that that happened.
“Yo, Penis! Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Flash called after Peter as he took the steps three at a time in his attempt to make a quick getaway.
Peter squeezed his eyes shut in exasperation and kept walking. Maybe if he ignored the problem, it would go away.
Because that had always worked so well for him, in the past.
Don’t Judge a Knife by Its Color by blondsak and Grace_d and whumphoarder (4.4k)
“Whoa, hold up, hang on,” he says, taking a step closer to get a better look. The blade is probably four inches long and neon purple, while the handle is white with a friendly-looking colorful silicon grip. “Is that a toy knife? Is this a Fisher Price mugging?”
“Fuck you, Spidey,” the mugger replies, fumbling for the knife before scrambling back to his feet and brandishing the weapon at Peter.
Or, Peter is stabbed by a misleading knife, Tony plays a high stakes game of Operation, and May retains the one brain cell.
Dollicia Elizabeth Cowleen the Third by Spideypool_supremacy (4.6k)
Peter frowned. "Why do you have such an obsession with that cow?"
"Getting jealous, Pumpkin?"
Peter looked at him, unimpressed. "Oh no. A cow is stealing all your affection. Whatever will I do." He said sarcastically.
Wade grinned. "Don't worry, Petey. I love you both the same."
"That's actually insulting."
quaranteens by blueh (6.6k)
“Peter Parker,” Cindy says. Peter’s head snaps up so fast that it almost looks inhuman. “Did Tony Stark just waltz in and pick up his child in the background of your Zoom call?”
Peter freezes. Wide-eyed, with ‘guilty’ written on his forehead in 72, bold, Times New Roman font. It takes a solid thirty seconds before he can put himself together enough to click the unmute button.
“I—no?” Peter says. His voice is startlingly high pitched and his expression is nothing short of horrified.
Damn, if that isn’t anything but a confession.
The Glass of Sand and Fog [Fan Comic] by neonbrutalism (7k)
"To be honest, I think time is scary enough without a giant axe clock." "What, worried about getting old? Daredeviling getting hard on your knees?" "No, no... It's hard to explain."
Another day, another villain, another kidnapping. Foggy gets kidnapped, Matt avoids awkward conversations, they both suffer from an inability to talk about their feelings and Kirsten is no help at all!
Learning To Say Hello by heartsdesire456 (11k)
Clint had woken up one morning about three weeks ago (Well, Clint guessed about three. Definitely more than one. Maybe.) and stumbled down to the living room only to realize there was a guy on his couch. The guy just happened to be the Winter Soldier, who Clint knew was actually Steve’s old best friend, Bucky Barnes.
Barnes had been having a staring contest with Lucky (one eye shut, to make it fair, Clint had noticed) and Clint had decided to just leave him to it and make decisions after he’d had some coffee.
(In which Hawkeye befriends the Winter Soldier and discovers the Epic Love Story of Steve and Bucky nobody knows about)
but what is a hero, really? by mjscorner (17k)
"Flash," Peter pleaded breathlessly, "you don't want to do this, okay? They're armed. Trust me, you don't understand."
"No, I think I do understand," Flash scoffed, unsurprised. "You've been a loser your whole entire life, but everyone here still adores you. Well, I'm done dealing with that, okay? Time for me to be a hero."
Peter's heart sank as Flash bumped into his shoulder and marched forward.
He stopped before rounding the corner when the faint sound of a gun being cocked echoed throughout the hall, freezing Flash right in his place. Peter turned on his heel in an instant, standing beside Flash protectively.
"But-but what is a hero, really?" Flash croaked with a nervous smile, side-eyeing the weapon suspended beside him as it softly nudged the side of his skull. 
Peter slowly raised his hands in surrender, staring at Flash until he did the same, dropping the cans of pepper spray and the walkie talkies.
"We are so, so, so monumentally screwed."
Let Me Know if It Gets Above a Six by Sundial_at_Night (65k)
“Mr. Loki?” asked the Spider cautiously. “Aren’t you—like—a bad guy?” he asked, voice full of only curiosity, as far as Loki could tell.
His first thought was, yes.
His second thought was no.
His third thought was, sometimes?
“It varies from moment to moment,” Loki answered honestly, prying his eyes open after they threatened to fall close.
“But on a scale of one to ten, where are you at right now?”
“Maybe a three?”
The Spider-child nodded. “Cool,” he replied. “Let me know if it gets above a six.
The Devil's Hangin' 'Round My Doorstep by 94BottlesOfSnapple (96k)
There’s a lot of things Matt Murdock doesn’t allow himself. His best friend is one of them. But put on a mask and suddenly everything seems so freely available, Foggy included. On the other side of the coin, Foggy’s still trying to stifle his big bisexual crush on his best friend and has no idea what to think of the vigilante who’s suddenly and inexplicably taken an interest in him.
it's always who is spider-man, never how is spider-man by i_regret_thatpersonalityquiz (176k)
Peter finally looked down to see Harley Fucking Keener, Iron Lad, the boy who had caused his shoulder to be throbbing all night, looking away with a slight tint to his cheeks. Peter opened and closed his mouth, no sound coming out.
And he sat back down.
OR: Peter had been living on the streets, dealing with your average homeless vigilante stuff. Things got a bit more complicated when the Avengers started to chase him down.
I hope you enjoy these!! I'll have to make a part two at some point because there's so many brilliant fics to share. Thank you to all the fabulous writers who shared these fics with us, and happy reading!
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decent0distraction · 2 years ago
Oof, ok
I just did a deep dive analysis regarding the What If of Marinette had the Cat Miraculous and Adrien had the Ladybug Miraculous
And oh my god is it tragic
But first, a breakdown:
Marinette fits best with the Ladybug Miraculous because being Ladybug made her confident of her choices; her leadership; her own desires and dreams
Ladybug opened the door but Marinette walked through it. The girl at the beginning (Origins) versus the girl we see now (most recent episodes) are two very different people.
I’m not trying to say that Marinette isn’t an anxious, insecure person anymore; it doesn’t work that way. But I think being Ladybug has proven to her that she’s stronger than she thinks.
As for Adrien, who has had no freedom or basic autonomy, suddenly has a way to be what he could never be as himself. I truly believe that becoming Chat Noir saved his life.
He was already pretty brave and outspoken beforehand (going to school without permission; standing up for what he believes in) but the common denominator in crushing that spirit was his father and his desire to be what his parents wanted him to be.
But I think Chat Noir showed him that he could be so much more; he could be his own person.
Adrien needed Chat Noir - more than Marinette needed Ladybug.
So when they’re switched from the beginning (as if they were given the other Miraculous instead of accidentally switching them in Reflekdoll), the results are less than ideal.
But let’s slow it down.
First up, Marinette as Lady Noire.
Origins!Marinette in this universe would be, as I imagine, prone to bad luck but somehow always manages her way out of it. “The luckiest unlucky girl in town” kind of thing. She’s clumsy but lands on her feet (quite literally) and catches what she knocks over. She’s agile and quick but she’s very nervous and jumpy.
She still saves Fu from the oncoming traffic, but while rushing to school to avoid being late, never once letting up on her speed and dexterity, impressing Fu with her skill but also her attention to detail, checking to be sure the old man was alright before leaving him.
In this universe, her clumsy luck provides a humble, hesitant confidence; the type of confidence that keeps you quiet until you have a reason to speak up.
So when she’s bullied or intimidated, she doesn’t accept it. Instead, she ignores it, enraging Lila
(Lila in this universe being the bully will make sense when I talk about how Chloe and Hawkmoth are different in this universe)
Anyway, Lady Noire is everything Marinette is but amplified. Plagg sees both her confidence and her intelligence and finds it incredibly impressive. So the gift he gives her (instead of gifting Adrien the freedom to be something he isn’t) is the freedom to be something she’s always been but couldn’t see
She’s funny and cunning; witty and quick. She can also be aloof and deceitful; cautious and manipulative.
Next; Adrien as Mister Bug
The holder of the Ladybug Miraculous is creative, caring, and careful.
This version of Adrien is more than his parents could have ever hoped for and this concerns Gabriel very much.
He sees his son make his schedule; handle meetings and difficult clients; all so Gabriel has less on his already too full plate.
They have many arguments about this; how the father should be the father and the child should be-
-But the father works too hard and makes himself sick-
-So that warrants the son making himself sick too?
No, but what good is a father if he dies just like Maman-!
You get the idea.
Adrien in this universe wears each responsibility and burden wonderfully well.
He wants to go to school - of course he would love it, but he’s needed at home.
But when his father insists, to try to give him an inch of normal, he goes anyway.
He meets his childhood friend Chloe again for the first time in years; since before his mom got sick.
She looks different now; older. She looks more a lonesome queen rather than a student.
They share tired smiles, vaguely aware of what the other one is going through, but aware enough.
He meets Nino and a girl named Marinette and her friend Alya.
And it isn’t until he has to leave early due to his schedule that he sees Fu fall outside the school.
He rushes to his aid, ignoring his busy life to help someone else’s.
Fu sees the leadership and thoughtfulness this boy has and knows what to do with this observation.
Like Marinette in canon, he isn’t nearly as eager to accept being a superhero as his counterpart.
But Tikki offers him an outlet; a calling.
And Adrien, ever helpful and kind, accepts.
Mister Bug is calculated and thinks before acting; a trait that Lady Noire finds incredibly boring.
But no one has ever made him laugh as much as she does.
Now onto Chloe.
Since Adrien was never the sheltered, overprotected model like he is in canon, Chloe didn’t have the access to such a carefree life as she did in canon.
Instead, her mother uses her to show off her designs; demanding what outfits she wears and what events and dinners she presents herself to. All the while, Chloe cares for her ailing father, who is making all the wrong decisions as mayor.
Her parents’ actions alone create enough turmoil and chaos for Hawkmoth to akumatize people.
Fu, knowing a hero needs to be found and that the Cat and Ladybug Miraculous are not ready to have holders again, he searches for a holder for the Bee Miraculous.
Spotting Chloe outside a local bakery, he watches her give her fresh purchase to a homeless man.
He doesn’t test her right away, as he has to be sure.
But on his way to leave without her noticing, he trips and falls, injuring his knee.
Chloe notices and insists on calling for help, respectfully shooting down his claims that he was fine enough to walk. (He wasn’t.)
And as he’s taken to the hospital, Pollen sneaks into Chloe’s bag.
Almost a year later, a full year after Emilie’s passing, Chloe is secretly Queen Bee.
She knows Fu is choosing two new holders, but she can’t know who.
She doesn’t say anything, but she secretly hopes it isn’t Adrien. He doesn’t deserve anything more to worry about; certainly not the safety of an entire city.
In this universe, Chloe is kind but isn’t afraid to sting. When Adrien arrives to class, the other students swarm him, overwhelming him with their shouting and excitement.
She sees her friend drowning and commands that everyone return to their seats and wait for class to begin.
Everyone obeys her, her regality hard to ignore.
And… Lila.
Ugh. Ok.
So this one goes hand in hand with Hawkmoth. Er, Gabriel. Both.
Anyway, Gabriel loses his wife. His son becomes a depressed and anxious mess desperately to keep his father alive so he picks up half the work load. Gabriel becomes desperate too; desperate for things to be as they were before.
But he needs turmoil and hatred for his butterflies to stir up chaos. So he hires Lila, a young, ambitious aspiring actress.
The twist? She blames Queen Bee and all and any other superheroes for everything and anything. Why? Who knows? Maybe she doesn’t even know. Like when you press on a bruise knowing it’ll hurt, only to do it again.
She bullies just to hurt; she loves just to hurt; she does her job and she does it well.
And that’s all I have for right now.
But here’s a snippet of this AU that I wrote:
Adrien woke up to his alarm blaring, one hand emerging out from under the covers to turn it off.
He sighed into his pillow, wanting desperately to sleep in. However, he knew that it was better to get up, as it was the closest he’d probably either get to the same routine as anyone else his age, all of them getting up to prepare for their school day.
But for Adrien, he was homeschooled by his father’s personal assistant Nathalie, kept on a tight schedule to ensure his safety.
His father refused to tell him why he was so protective, insisting that as his father, he knew what was best.
The only time he did leave their mansion was when his bodyguard and driver took him to photo shoots as a model for his father’s fashion company.
Despite his father’s insistence on the security and overprotection that’s turned Adrien’s house into his tomb, he refused to lose hope.
“Today will be the day,” he told his reflection.
Clean and dressed, he went downstairs for breakfast. He had hoped his father would be there, but he wasn’t surprised to see the only other chair in the dining room empty.
“Is my father still working,” he asked Nathalie.
“No, Adrien. I’m afraid most of your father’s time was kept by meetings about his upcoming collection. And by the time he returned home, he still needed to piece together his plans for the finishing touches on this weekend’s photoshoot. He didn’t get to retire for the night until after midnight, so he’s still asleep.”
“I understand. Will you make sure he doesn’t overwork himself today for me, please, Nathalie?”
“Yes, Adrien. I’ll do everything I can.”
He smiled at her. “Thank you. Is there anything I need to know about the photoshoot now or do we have some time before the weekend?”
She checked her calendar. “Hmm, well, it’s only Wednesday, so I see no reason as to why we can’t hold off until Friday. The magazine editor is superstitious. He’s requested that none of the models involved wear blue the day before or of the shoot.”
“Then I’ll have to be sure he’s comfortable enough to allow the shoot to proceed as planned. My father doesn’t need to worry about a reschedule or any other upsets. I’ll be taking advantage of social media to provide proof that the shoot’s main model is respectful of the editor’s concerns.”
She made a note on her tablet. “Very well. Would you like me to inform your father?”
“Only when he isn’t distracted, Nathalie. And it can definitely wait until after he’s eaten.”
Adrien finished his own breakfast before standing. “I’ll be preparing the music room for my piano lesson myself today. After that, I’ll arrange the sitting room for my Mandarin lessons. This is very important, Nathalie. Unless my father tells you otherwise or it’s entirely necessary, I need you to stay with him. I know he’s capable of taking care of himself, but we both know he neglects a lot of it when he gets as busy as he’s been.”
“Of course. I’ll tend to him however I can.”
“Have you mentioned to him what we discussed?”
“I have. And he isn’t entirely pleased with the idea of you having to worry about his responsibilities for him.”
He sighed. “I’m going to worry either way. At least with a little less off of his shoulders, we can all sleep easier.”
“I understand, Adrien. I really do. But you’re only 14. You should be attending school; spending time with other children-“
He hugged her, catching her off guard. “I appreciate your concern, Nathalie. But if this is how I’ll be spending my time, I’ll be spending it helping my father. I can’t lose him too.”
She hugged him back. “I know.”
“I miss her.”
She smiled at me. “She’s with you. She’s all around you, even though you can’t see her. She’s this very house. That’s why your father cherishes it, and why you must too.”
He took terrible comfort in that. “Thank you.”
About an hour after his Mandarin teacher left, his father called him into his study.
“Is everything okay, Father,” he asked calmly, despite his concern.
“Yes, of course, Adrien. Why would anything be the matter?”
He got closer to his father, who sat at his desk. “I know about last night. Are you trying to get sick?”
“-You’re always so concerned about me, but you never stop to think about yourself. Do you have any idea what that does to me? To always be worried about you? My father; my parent?”
“I know. And I’m truly sorry for concerning you.”
Adrien calmed himself down almost immediately. “No, I’m sorry for getting upset. I know you’re doing your best. Did Nathalie inform you that I’ve already worked out how to handle the editor?”
“Yes. And I’m proud of you; you show so much initiative. However, you’ve seem to forgotten your youth. I’ve been thinking that given your old friend Chloe will be attending the local high school, that you might attend as well.”
Adrien felt sick; he wanted this for so long but it couldn’t have come at a worse time.
“I’m needed here,” he said firmly.
“No, Adrien. You need to think of yourself. It will only be for 6 hours 3 days a week, as you won’t be attending a Physical Education class nor a study program during school hours. And given your current schedule that only be slightly adjusted despite Nathalie’s best efforts, the 3 days you’ll be attending will be in the middle of the week. Doesn’t that sound acceptable?”
He looked his father in the eyes. “And you’re sure you’ll be alright without here to take on the press or your portfolios? I’ll still be having my piano and Mandarin lessons so even on those two days that I’ll be here, I won’t have much time. Hmm, and we’ll have to reserve the weekends for photoshoots. Maybe Chloe’s mom can pull a few strings to let us stack shoots.”
“Adrien!” His father held his shoulders. “Do you hear yourself? You don’t have to worry about any of that. Nathalie has already rearranged your schedules. If you truly don’t want to attend school, you don’t have to. But you’ll have to attend some sort of consistent event with your peers.”
He made his father sit back down. “Of course I want to attend school. But not if it means neglecting my responsibilities.” He turned to Nathalie. “Show me the update agenda for the next three weeks.”
She didn’t exactly that.
“Very well,” he decided. “I’ll do it.”
Marinette woke up to her alarm having reset itself, her mother calling for her to wake up or she’ll be late.
Rushing down the stairs, she began to prepare her breakfast, distracted by her nerves.
In the process, she started a chain reaction in which everything started to knock over, catching things and setting them upright before anything could break or end up on the floor.
On her way out, her father showed her the box of macarons she intended to bring to her class, adorned with the design she drew as her parents’ bakery’s logo. She tripped over her own feet and knocked into him, the macarons having gone flying if she hadn’t caught them.
As she caught them, she spun around, walking backwards as she waved goodbye and out the door.
She knew herself as the most self sustaining klutz in the world, always tripping or falling but always catching herself or landing on her feet, like an unlucky cat.
While waiting to cross the street, she saw an old man walking into oncoming traffic. Whilst still holding the box of macarons, she darted across the street and dodged the moving cars, getting the man safely across.
“Thank you very much, young lady,” he said.
She smiled at him. “You’re welcome, sir. Are you alright?”
“Yes, thank you.”
She offered him a macaron, which he complimented.
She startled when she realized the time. “Oh! I have to go or I’ll be late! Excuse me, sir!” She bowed to him before running away, dodging another set of cars and jumping stairs and railings until she just barely made it to her seat on time.
She didn’t much time to catch her breath however before Chloe Bougeious approached her.
“I’m very sorry, Marinette, but I’m afraid you’ll have to sit somewhere else,” she said firmly.
Marinette sat up. “Really? Why?”
Chloe glanced at the door, unsure of herself for a second and a second only before that monarch like confidence came back. “A new student, a friend of mine, is starting today and while it’s not entirely my information to share, I will tell you that he’s my responsibility.”
She stood up. “Oh, I understand. But um, where am I supposed to…?”
Chloe hummed in thought, looking around for a fair and decent spot. Her friend Sabrina tapped her shoulder and pointed at the seat next to a girl none of them recognized. Chloe smiled. “How about her? She’s new too. And it’s right up front, even better than this one.”
Marinette thanked her and sat down next to the girl, who introduced herself as Alya.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Marinette.”
“Hello, Marinette. I am sorry if I sound strange. I am still learning French.”
Marinette understood. “American?”
Alya nodded.
“I can help you, if you want.”
She agreed and they worked on it together until the bell.
Watching them, Chloe smiled knowingly. She was distracted when the teacher told Nino, always wearing headphones, to sit up front instead this year.
Chloe watched him, wondering something while she listened to Sabrina talk about her new favorite book.
I had a panic attack this morning. I haven’t had a panic attack since I was little.
Why am I acting like this? I’ve wanted this for so long.
“Adrien?” Nathalie has been trying to get my attention.
“Yes, sorry, Nathalie. What is it?”
“We’re here.”
I stared out the window at the school.
“Thank you,” I said to my driver, who looked as worried as Nathalie.
She got out with me. “Adrien, are you sure you want to do this?”
I faced her. “I am. Why? Do you think I shouldn’t?”
“It’s not that.” She cleared her throat, looking uncomfortable.
I heard something behind me and turned to see an old man had fallen down.
“Are you alright,” I asked as I ran to help him up.
“Oh, yes. Just an old man uneasy on his feet.”
I glanced back at the car. “Would you like my driver to take you somewhere? We could call someone for you.”
He patted my hand. “Oh, no, that’s quite alright. I’ve just seemed to have lost my cane.”
I looked around for him and found it had slide a few feet away from him. I retrieved it. “Is this it, sir?”
“Yes! Thank you, young man.”
I watched him leave, still concerned for him.
I returned to Nathalie. “I’m sorry, Nathalie. You were saying?”
She smiled. “Just to wish you a good day at school.”
I smiled back, not fully convinced but not about to pressure her. “Thank you. I’ll see you later.”
Once they were gone, I took a few deep breaths before finally entering the school.
I had been up since about 4 when my alarm went off. I turned it off quickly, but Pollen was already stirred awake by the sound.
“Sorry, Pollen,” I said. She yawned.
“Good morning, my queen.”
“Are you ready for today? We have to meet Master Wu before school.”
“Why do you even have to go to school,” she complained.
I rolled my eyes but smiled at her. “Because it’s just what’s done. And besides, my childhood friend Adrien is attending school for the first time and his father is worried for his safety. So I’ve been asked to look after him.”
I placed Wu’s letter in my bag. “And in case you’ve forgotten, Pollen, the chosen ones for Plagg and Tikki attend the same school as me and Adrien. Wu will be giving you their names today so I can help you give them their Miraculous.”
She flew around me nervously. “What about Hawk Moth?”
I sat down to address her fears. “If he tries anything, I’ll use the situation to excuse myself to safety and we can transform. But only if the Ladybug and Cat holders need the help.” I picked up her gently but addressed her firmly. “Now, Pollen, it’s very important that you do not tell me the identities of the holders. It’s what’s best for everyone’s safety.”
“Yes, my queen,” she said, bowing.
I tickled her, causing her to let out of the respectful but stiff position.
Pollen had to hide behind me when my mother let herself in.
“I brought you today’s selections. It is vital that you wear the entire piece or it’ll be for nothing,” she fussed.
“Okay, Mom,” I said, examining to the two sets of outfits and accessories that would later be on sale for the rest of the world. In the meantime, I would be her walking mannequin.
I chose the jacket and pants option over the skirt and sweater, both in a mix of yellow, gold, white, and black, my mother’s signature color scheme.
Despite her coldness towards me, I still had a much better situation than Adrien. If I could, I had him live with me. At least he wouldn’t have to model and spend all of his time worrying about his father and the family name.
But he would never leave that house or his father; it’s all he has left of his late mother.
“Your father has a state dinner tonight so either be here on time properly dressed in my latest design or don’t return until after 9.”
“I’ll make sure to call if I’ll be home late,” I promised, pretending she was concerned about my curfew like a normal parent.
She smiled and gave me a chased kiss on the forehead before leaving.
Once she was gone, Pollen checked on me. “Are you okay, my queen?”
I smiled at her, even though I was exhausted by my mother’s antics. “Of course, Pollen. Let’s get going.”
When I opened the classroom door, for two seconds, I was normal. But then everyone turned and stared, recognizing me almost immediately.
Almost all of them swarmed me, talking over each other.
I tried to be polite but I couldn’t make out what any of them were saying. The panic started swirling in my throat again.
“That is enough. Everyone, back off immediately.” I watched Chloe, my oldest and only friend, order everyone back to their seats.
She approached me. “Are you okay, Adrien? Take a deep breath,” she whispered.
I did as she said and it helped me calm down.
“You were almost late,” she said causally. “The teacher is still on her morning break so we have a little time. But she’ll be back shortly. You should sit down.”
“Where should I go?”
She gestured to the empty seat next to a boy with headphones on. “I’ll be in the seat directly behind you. If you need any help and you don’t feel comfortable asking Nino there, you can always come to me.”
All of our lives. “Thank you, Chloe. I really appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”
She nodded. “Anytime.”
As soon as I was sitting, Nino introduced himself.
“Hi,” I said back, still a little nervous. “I’m Adrien.”
I expected him to tell me that he already knew who I was. “Nice to meet you, Adrien.”
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melodyalanaroster · 1 year ago
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Under The Stars With You
The results for the Seniors’ final exams were ready and had been posted. It was finally the day the class found out if whether or not they were graduating. However, the majority of the students had something else on their minds. Most of the girls would not stop talking about what they were going to wear to the Senior Prom. “Come on Nath! Let’s go get our scores!” Alana cheered as she pulled his hand towards their homeroom. “Really? We all know you two passed. You don’t need to see your scores.” Sam laughed as she and Kentin walked up behind them. “We need to make sure.” Nathaniel smiled. When Mr. Faraize entered the room, he looked at the four of them cheerily. “Hello students.” He beamed. “Good morning sir! Where are our scores?” Alana asked, curiously. “Patience, Miss Roster. I will hand everyone’s files out as soon as class starts.” Mr. Faraize chuckled.
When everyone had taken their seats, the class was a buzz with talk about the upcoming events. “I’m gonna be Prom Queen!” Amber loudly proclaimed. “Who would vote for a vain drama queen like you?” Sam asked. “I know you and your idiot sister won’t get it!” Amber shot back. “Remember! My sister is dating your brother!” Sam popped off. “Quiet everyone!” Mister Faraize called as he picked up a stack of folders and stood at the front of the classroom. “Your exam results are in these files and will show you if any of you need to retake them to graduate. To those of you who passed on the first go, congratulations! You may spend the rest of the year focusing on Graduation and, of course, Prom. If you need to retake any of the exams, please come see me and we can schedule your retakes.” He announced. Several students looked around, worried. “I hope I passed!” Violette blurted out. “I’m sure you did fine!” Kim assured her. Mister Faraize began walking around the room and handing out folders. “Are you kidding me?! I have to retake my history exam?!” Amber shouted. “At least it’s only one test.” Lin attempted to comfort her. “I passed all mine!” Alana cheered. “I told you so!” Sam laughed. “I got all A’s!” Nathaniel beamed. Kentin looked through his file. “I barely passed Math, but I made it!” He cheered. “I wonder where mom is gonna take us to get our dresses...” Alana pondered out loud. “Probably the more aristocratic side of town... Achille is gonna be out of town this weekend, so Mom will most likely use it as an excuse to hang out with Aunt V.” Sam shrugged. “Yeah, right! Like you’re gonna get designer dresses! I doubt you’ll even get something out of a BARGAIN bin!” Amber scoffed. Sam and Alana looked at her and rolled their eyes. “You’re right Sam... Not to mention, Verity and Agatha know where to get the dresses that will look the best on us!” Alana chuckled.
“Alana! What are you gonna wear to Prom?” Rosalaya asked as they walked towards the Gym. “I bet you’re gonna wear a lovely ball gown! Just like a princess!” Alexy cheered. “Nope! I’m going for something elegant and formal. I’ve already decided that I want a floor length, blue, dress and silver accessories.” Alana explained. “That sounds lovely!” Alexy beamed. When they got to the Gym, Boris was already at work directing the students in preparation for the weekend’s festivities. “Don’t forget! There is plenty of time to nominate and vote for Prom Royalty! We need a King and Queen and runners up!” He announced. “I know who I’m gonna nominate and vote for!” Rosa cooed. “Who?” Alana asked. “It’s a secret!” Rosa smirked as she walked over to the ballot box, wrote two names on a card and dropped it in. Alana looked at her friends and thought for a couple of minutes. “You could write your own name and run for Prom Queen.” The voice in her head suggested. “No. I want it to be someone who truly deserves the title... Someone who is a great friend. And I want Prom King to be someone sweet too.” She thought back. Suddenly, the choices were obvious. “I know the perfect people to have the title.” She sighed as she walked over to the ballot box, wrote her choices down and dropped the card in. “The theme is “Under The Stars” and we are going to make this place fabulous!” Boris cheerfully called. “Don’t forget to purchase your Prom Tickets so you can get your invitations by the end of the week!” Mr. Faraize instructed as he walked into the room and began putting up decorations.
After everyone had given Mr. Faraize their money for their tickets and the Gym’s transformation had begun taking shape, the bell rang for lunch. “Alana, before we go eat, I wanna talk to you.” Nathaniel cooed. “What’s up?” Alana asked, curiously. He took her hands and looked deep into her eyes. “I know its already been implied... But... Will you g-go to Prom with me?” He asked. “Of course! I’d love to!” Alana blurted out with tears in her eyes. “Great! I’ll meet you at your apartment that night!” He beamed. Filled with joy, Alana threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek. “I can’t wait to dance with you that night!” She cheered. “Come on you two! We saved your seats!” Armin called as he poked his head around a corner. Nathaniel walked a couple of feet forward, turned around and held his hand out to her. “Shall we?”
As the day went on, several students could be heard complaining about their test scores, the loudest of which was Amber. “I still can’t believe I have to focus on my retake! I wanna put more focus on my Prom outfit and becoming queen!” She whined when she entered the classroom. “Amber, calm the frick down! All you have to do is a little bit of studying, and retake the stinking test! Then, once you at least get a somewhat passing grade, you can focus on your little fantasy!” Alana angrily huffed as she and Priya entered the room and grabbed a few items from Mister Faraize’s cupboard. “I don’t wanna hear anything from the little wretch who ruined my family, poisoned my brother against us, and took him from us!” Amber shouted. “I didn’t ruin your family! I did not poison him against you. Your brother is free to be who he wants and associate with you and your mom. He just doesn’t want anything to do with your dad, and you know why! And, I’m his GIRLFRIEND, if he wants to spend time with you, it would be wrong of me to stop that!” Alana shot back.
“I am so happy that we get to take you shopping as a family! This will be wonderful!” Verity loudly cheered as Sam and Alana entered their living room. “I wish Rini could be here...” Alana sighed. “I know... But she’s got her studies and Achille won’t let her leave the school until she graduates.” Verity looked down. “I’m sure that, once she graduates, she’ll be able to go shopping for more formal dresses with us another time!” Lynne beamed as she did her best to maintain an upbeat mood. “If Achille ever lets her...” Alana muttered. “Well, let us all pile into the car so we may start this fashion adventure!” Verity cooed as she motioned towards the door. “Yeah, let’s get this party started!” Sam boomed. When the ladies got out of the apartment building, they noticed a limousine parked in front of it. “Come on girls! Let’s go SHOPPING!” Agatha cheered as she stuck the top half of her body out of the sun roof of the vehicle. “Hey girls!” Seraphina smiled as she stepped out and opened one of the doors. “This is definitely going to be an event!” Alana laughed. “Oh god...” Sam chuckled. 
When everyone got settled down in the limousine, Verity looked at Sam and Alana. “So, girls, before we get started... What styles are you aiming for?” She asked. Alana was quick to describe the style that she had mentioned to Rosalaya and Alexy. “Of course you’d go with elegant and classic! I love it!” Verity cooed. “So, Sam? What about you?” Seraphina inquired. “I think I wanna go with something kind of out of my element... Something short and glittery.” Sam smirked. “Oh god, you’re aiming to drive poor Ken insane!” Alana laughed. “And what if I am? I’m not like you. I don’t aim to be a proper lady!” Sam spat. “I’m not a proper lady! I just like classic elegance!” Alana spat. “Just like a proper lady!” Agatha laughed. “Can we just go?!” Alana huffed. “Yes, let’s begin this adventure! I’ve booked the finest shop in town for this day!” Verity cheered.
The Aristocratic district of Amouria was filled to the brim with businesses that catered to the finer side of society. Towering skyscrapers, expensive apartments, high dollar enterprises, designer shops, Michelin Star restaurants, and world renowned patisseries all made the quaint, worldly, non-aristocratic side of the city look like it was an entirely different realm. “We’re going to shop for a couple of hours, then I’ve gotten us a table at Across The Universe for a late lunch or early supper! The top table in the garden of course!” Verity beamed. “This is going to be an absolutely lovely day!” Agatha cooed. “I suppose it will be!” Alana smiled as the limousine pulled up in front of a skyscraper. The group walked into the building and was greeted by a young lady at the front desk. “Mrs. Mekina, Ladies Roster, welcome to Regalia. Mademoiselle Baudelaire is waiting for you upstairs.” She nodded. “Thank you. We’ll take ourselves up there.” Verity smiled as an attendant opened the elevator and they all went upstairs. 
Mademoiselle Giselle Baudelaire had become the youngest, most sought after, fashion designer in Astaria. Having gained a reputation amongst the Astarian Aristocracy for her fine details and her fashion forward designs, it was obvious that she was going to be Verity’s choice to design the looks for her goddaughters. “Lady Verity! Welcome back to my humble studio!” The pink haired, porcelain skinned, woman with a pink eye and a yellow eye beamed as she walked up to them. “Mademoiselle Baudelaire! Its always a pleasure!” Verity cheered as the women shared a quick hug and two air kisses on the sides of each other’s heads. Giselle looked at the young ladies standing before her. “Well, well, well! I have never been able to design looks for the legendary Roster Clan! The family who has been essential in our nation’s creation and maintenance, and yet... Refuses to become part of the aristocracy. To what do I owe the pleasure?” She cheered. “Pleasure to meet you Mademoiselle Baudelaire, we are here to create my daughters’ prom looks.” Lynne announced. “Its a pleasure to meet you Miss Baudelaire. I’m Melody.” Alana politely bowed. “And I’m Sam.” Sam smirked. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too ladies. Now... Who would like to go first?” Giselle asked as she motioned for one of the girls to go stand on the platform in the middle of the room. “I will.” Alana announced. “Look at Mels taking charge!” Agatha mused.
After several minutes of Alana explaining her vision for her look, Giselle smiled as she walked around the room. “Your idea is very simplistic... I won’t be able to design and completely make it within this short time period... However... I do already have something made that wouldn’t take much alterations, if any.” She smiled as she walked into a room, rummaged around a bit and walked out carrying a floor length, deep blue, dress. “Here. Go try this on and let’s see what else we need to do to bring your vision to life.” She mused as she held the dress up for Alana to look at. “It looks great!” Alana smiled as she ran off to the dressing room. While Alana changed, Giselle asked Sam about her vision for her prom look. “I want something short, maybe a little sheer, glittery in the chest area... I’m not looking to be Prom Queen. I just wanna drive my date insane.” Sam smirked. “Samantha... You drive that poor boy mad enough as it is.” Lynne snickered. “Well... I think I have exactly what you’re looking for.... Young Miss Lafferty recently wanted a green dress, but when I made this, she threw a fit... I almost banned her from the shop for her actions...” Giselle explained as she pulled a very short green dress off of one of the racks. Just as the dress had made it’s way into Sam’s arms, Alana walked out of the dressing room wearing the blue dress that had been presented to her. “It’s a bit loose... But I love the style!” Alana observed when she made her way to the platform. “Melody! That dress is so you!” Lynne cheered. “Elegant! Absolutely radiant!” Verity cooed. “Our little Pixie Princess looks just like royalty!” Agatha mused. “Not bad, Mels!” Seraphina grinned. “We can take the dress in.... But it needs something...” Giselle stated as she looked Alana over. “I’m thinking a blue choker, a blue bracelet, blue heels, and maybe a blue clutch purse.” Alana replied. “That’s not what I mean... It needs a little... Sparkle.” Giselle observed. After a couple of minutes of thinking, the designer quickly looked up, ran off to a different part of the salon, quickly came back and draped a silver jeweled belt around Alana’s hips. “There! Just what that needed!” She mused. Alana looked in the mirror and smiled. “I love it!” She cheered. “Fantastic! I’ll get your measurements and we can take it in here within the week! Now, miss Sam, please go put on the dress that I handed you.” Giselle instructed. “Got it.” Sam nodded.
Minutes later, Sam walked out of the dressing room wearing a VERY short, green, dress that showcased an emerald, glittery, corset and a sheer, long sleeved top. “You’re wearing tights!” Lynne blurted out. “But, other than that? I think Ken will go insane!” Sam chuckled as a devilish smirk spread it’s way across her face. “I’m thinking, open toed, pumps and a silver bracelet.” Verity suggested. “Ken’s gonna have to go take a cold shower after prom.” Alana laughed. “Who is to say I’m not gonna indulge him?” Sam mischievously asked. “Really Sam? Sex on prom night is a little... American, is it not?” Alana judged. “At least we’ve been together for most of this year! Watch, I predict that, before long, Nathaniel will be whisking you away to his apartment for a night of dirty bad fun!” Sam spat. “Well, you’re both being given extra protection that night!” Lynne huffed. “Relax Lynne! You remember when you were their age! You took that poet and you both got caught doing it in his parent’s bed at the after party!” Agatha laughed. Lynne instantly looked horrified. “The girls did not know that story. Thanks for that.” She gasped. “Lynne, that is not the craziest thing you’ve done.” Seraphina joked. “Oh, yeah! What about that time she ran off with the Black Knight from that Ren Faire?” Agatha asked. “Aren’t you still wondering if he’s Melody’s father?” Verity asked. “Wait, what? Mom, is my biological father the Black Knight?” Alana asked, confused. “Enough! Melody, what does it matter? You are a Roster. You are my daughter, and if you choose to take on the role, you will be the head of the family when I step down.” Lynne boomed. “Geez mom... I was just asking...” Alana blurted out as she looked at her mother, bewildered. “Well... Ladies, I think we have found the perfect dresses for the girls! They’ll need to be fitted one more time a couple of days before the event, so I’ll need them here on this day at this time.” Giselle announced as she tapped on a tablet and showed it to Lynne. “We can do that. How much is this going to cost?” Lynne nodded. “Don’t worry about the cost, Lynne. I’m paying for it.” Verity beamed.
Later that day, the group of women sat at the top garden table at Across The Universe and ate their food. “Did you hear? The Royal Family has ordered that the new Cultural Center that’s being built in Amouria become the tallest building on this side of Europe. And they want it done in record time.” Verity chattered. “Really? Did they throw out the original builders?” Lynne asked. “Yeah. Apparently, they’ve gotten architects, engineers, and designers from Dubai to take over the project with the orders to get it done in five years.” Verity explained. “That’s gonna suck for this place... Across The Universe is known for having the highest restaurant on this side of Europe. What’s gonna happen if another tower blocks the view from up here?” Alana asked. “The tower is only going to block the view of the mountains. We can still see the sea from up here.” Verity clarified. “Well... We’ll have to visit the top observation deck when its finished.” Sam chuckled. “I think so too! It’ll be fun!” Agatha mused. “Another family outing for the future? I’m okay with that.” Seraphina nodded.
“Well! My dress is going to be from the best designer in France!” Amber boasted. “Ah... Yes, what crime did your father have to commit to get Antoine Moulin to sell you one of his pieces?” Sam cackled as she and Alana walked past Amber and her crew in the main hallway. “He didn’t commit any crime! Anyway, it’ll be better than anyone who sold you two dresses!” Amber spat. “As if Giselle Baudelaire is a hack...” Alana smirked. “How did YOU get dresses from Regalia?” Li asked, insulted. “Aunt Verity often gets clothes from her shop. She was quite happy to service the Roster Clan.” Alana chuckled. “You keep forgetting something major, sweetheart... By basic societal standards, compared to us, you are vermin. We choose to not be aristocracy... But that doesn’t stop King Julius from hoping that his little son will pick one of the two of us for his bride. That doesn’t stop the Astier Clan from praying to the gods that, one day, we will finally take the titles that they have been trying to give our family ever since the first true Astarian King ascended the throne.” Sam snickered. “That also doesn’t stop the legends of our family being monster hunters from continuing to stand the test of time. And don’t get me started on how the history of the Roster Clan is also the history of the city of Weathering. Amber, we should not be forced to be somewhat classist towards you... Yet, here we are.” Alana remarked. “Oh, by the way, its not just our dresses that are being done by Regalia...” Sam began. “What do you mean?” Amber angrily inquired. “Nathaniel and Kentin are getting their suits from there as well.” Alana smirked.
The closer Prom got, the more excited everyone became. Not long after Prom, Graduation would happen and everyone would be off to college. Although, Alana had started taking longer looks at her mother at times, as Lynne had begun coughing more and more with each passing day. “She’s probably just got something in her throat! I wouldn’t worry too much about it!” Rosalaya cheered. “For several days straight?” Alana asked. “You know your mom. I’m sure she’ll go to the doctor and see that she’s right as rain!” Rosalaya reassured her. “I really hope you’re right... She’s been spending an awful lot of time around Carol too...” Alana sadly sighed. “Alana... Your mom is going to be okay! Its not your job to worry about her health and make sure she’s good. Now, focus on the fact that, in just a couple more days, you’ll be dancing the night away with your prince charming!” Rosalaya mused. “You’re right! I should be more focused on looking amazing for when I’m able to be in Nathaniel’s arms as his princess!” Alana cooed.
“I can’t believe the girls are off to their Senior Prom!” Lynne coughed as the girls finished prepping for the event. “Lynne, don’t stress yourself too much! The doctors still don’t know what’s wrong!” Verity soothed. “I’m gonna be fine! I’m just excited to see my daughters all dressed up!” Lynne hissed. Sam stepped out of her room as she straightened out the bottom of her dress. “Watch out! This’ll probably be the last time you see me dressed up like this!” Sam confidently snapped. “This will definitely not be the last time you see me dressed like this! I love it too much!” Alana cheered as she stepped out of her room and joined her sister. The girls wore their clothes with pride. Sam’s hair was pulled over to her right side in a simple hair tie and decorated with a shiny green hair ribbon. Alana’s hair was done in a princess like up-do with flowers along the top like a crown. “Look at my girls!” Lynne had begun to sob as she and Agatha instantly jumped into a frenzy of photo taking. Alana looked at Verity with pleading eyes and mouthed “Help us!”. “Come on now ladies! I’m sure the boys are waiting right outside the door, too nervous to knock! Let’s get our princesses to their princes and the young couples to their carriage!” Verity excitedly urged. “But the boys aren’t even here yet!” Agatha whined. “Actually, they’re both outside. Kentin is freaking out over the fact that you guys have a limo waiting for us!” Sam pointed out as she put her phone back in her bag. “Wait, you guys have a limo for us? I thought you guys didn’t like that level of pageantry!” Alana blurted out. “Its your Senior Prom. You only get one! Let us have our fun and make you two the stars of this show!” Lynne mused. “Now, come on you four! Get in front of the limo so we can take pictures!” Agatha cheered. “First all four of you, then we want pics of the girls, then the boys, then each couple!” Lynne demanded. 
What felt like hours passed before the women would let them into the limo and send them off to the event. “I know that was only a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity!” Sam whined as the car pulled away from the apartment. “I’m not even sure why they got a limo.... The apartment isn’t even that far from the school...” Alana commented. “I think its sweet. Your family adores you two enough to shower you with love and affection, and make a fuss over you when its important.” Nathaniel smiled. “Well... The one thing I’m looking forward to the most is dancing the night away in your arms.” Alana cooed as she looked at him lovingly. “I-I can’t wait to spend the whole evening with you... My princess.” He whispered into her ear. Excitement instantly shot through Alana’s nerves like a bolt of electricity and radiated throughout her body. “Watch it you two... Mom did offer to get us both hotel rooms in case we wanted to have our own little “after parties”...” Sam cackled. “WHAT?!” Nathaniel and Kentin blurted out in unison. “Yeah... Apparently Mom’s Prom was crazy... So she’s got funds set aside for whatever we might need... Including hotel rooms and extra protection...” Sam explained. “Is this true?” Nathaniel asked Alana, bewildered. “Yep.” Alana nodded. “Holy hell...” Kentin gasped. “I d-don’t think w-we’ll need a h-hotel room tonight...” Nathaniel blushed. “I’m not sure if we’re there just yet.” Alana blushed. “The fuck you’re not?! You’ve been wanting to mount him for a while!” The voice in her head boomed. “We haven’t been together long! Its not appropriate!” She thought back. “Suit yourself... We’ll probably have other plans...” Sam smirked. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived.” The driver announced as he pulled the limo to a stop. “You ready for this?” Alana asked Nathaniel. “Of course.” He sweetly smiled.
The driver opened the door and the two couples were hit by a tsunami of clicking cameras, lights, and people rushing to greet them. “GUYS! You look amazing!” Rosalaya cheered. “Thanks you and Leigh look fantastic!” Alana mused as she hugged Rosa. “Thank you!” Rosa beamed. Several members of the Photography Club took their pictures as Rosa walked ahead of the group and lead them into the Gym. “Dance floor?” Sam asked Ken. “Already?” Ken inquired. “Yes.” Sam blushed. “Okay then.” Ken smiled as he began leading her to the center of the dancefloor. The DJ began to play “Clarity” by Zedd featuring Foxes. "Look who it is!” Armin beamed when he saw them. “Hey! You don’t look too shabby!” Alana chuckled. “Hey man!” Nathaniel smiled. “You two look great!” Iris cooed. “Did you not get a date?” Alana asked. “Nah. Decided to come stag with Alexy.” Armin shrugged. “Ah, that’s sweet.” She smiled. “I hope we dance to a really romantic song...” She thought. “Ah... Yes... The DJ will most likely play “A Thousand Years” and Nathaniel will whisk you onto the dancefloor.” The voice in her head snickered. “I actually hope that happens!” She thought back. “A bunch of us girls came as a group! Melody is hanging out with Peggy. Kim is over there dancing with Violette. Priya has already teased Amber for not being asked by anyone. And Lysander and Castiel came stag.” Iris explained as she pointed everyone out. “Kim and Violette look great together! Almost like a couple!” Alana cheered. “I don’t see it.” Nathaniel shrugged. “I do.” Priya chuckled as she walked up to them.
“Nathaniel and Alana look great together.” Lysander pointed out as he and Castiel stood by a secluded set of chairs. “I suppose they do...” Castiel huffed. “Do you really love her?” Lysander quietly asked. “I think I do.” Castiel nodded. “Then you should be happy that she’s happy.” Lysander sighed. “I should have asked her... I should have taken my shot a while ago.” Castiel muttered. “But, you didn’t. You can’t dwell on what you should have done. Focus on what you’re going to do moving forward. Just be happy that you’re her friend.” Lysander reassured. “You’re not wrong... I just... Wish she wasn’t so out of reach.” Castiel sighed. “So, you’re actually pining over her?” Rosalaya asked as she and Leigh walked up to them. “He is.” Lysander nodded. “I mean... Whose to say that she and Nathaniel will be together forever? They’re not as established as Leigh and me. Maybe sometime down the road, you’ll have your chance.” Rosa shrugged as she put her hand on Castiel’s shoulder. The four of them looked at Nathaniel and Alana, who were laughing and making jokes with Sam, Kentin and Armin. The song “Man On A Wire” by The Script had begun to play. “Rosa, don’t give him false hope. The best thing for him would be to just be happy that she’s happy and they’re friends.” Leigh pointed out. “Literally what Lysander just said.” Castiel rolled his eyes.
“Nathaniel, Alana! You guys look amazing!” Peggy beamed as she, Melody and Sharon walked up to them. “Thank you! You three look sublime!” Alana cheered. “Not gonna lie, I kinda hope you two get Prom King and Queen.” Sharon mused. “It’d be nice if Amber doesn’t get it.” Peggy remarked. “I’m kinda hoping that I get it.” Melody muttered. “I don’t think I’ll get it. But I hope that whoever I voted for does.” Alana smiled. “Who did you vote for?” Sharon asked. “Rosalaya.” Alana replied. “She’d be a great Prom Queen.” Peggy nodded. “Nathaniel, who did you vote for?” Melody asked. “I’m not gonna say. I’d rather just see who won.” Nathaniel stated. “A very diplomatic answer from a very diplomatic person.” Sharon grinned. “A good quote for the next issue of the School Newspaper!” Peggy cooed. “It’ll be the final edition with you two running the club, isn’t it?” Alana asked. “Yeah! But our apprentices are gonna handle it well. I have faith in them.” Sharon assured. “Natasha and Nick are good kids.” Peggy agreed. “I kinda hope that you two get the crowns.” Kim grinned as she and Violette approached them. “I think you two would be great.” Violette chirped. “When will they announce the winners?” Alana asked. “Should be soon. They wanna do it before they begin the slow dances.” Sharon explained.
It wasn’t long before the DJ stopped the music and Mr. Faraize took to the stage. “Good evening everyone! I hope you are all having fun on this lovely night!” He greeted. Several students cheered “YEAH!” in response. “Good! Not too much fun I hope!” He chuckled before his face turned a little serious. “Historically, Sweet Amouris High School has never taken part in the tradition of “Prom Royalty”. Unlike most high schools, we’ve never seen the point in this kind of popularity contest. However, this year, we resolved to change that. Other schools throughout our country have adopted this American tradition as a form of pageantry and we’ve decided to join in on the “fun”. You seniors have worked very hard and earned more celebration than just a dance. So, while only four of you will be receiving tiaras and crowns tonight; Just know, you’re all kings and queens to us.” He began. Mr. Faraize motioned for the DJ to begin playing very low music as Boris brought out a rolling table with two sets of tiaras and crowns on it. Boris then handed a very large pink envelope to Mr. Faraize, who then took out and unfolded a large piece of paper. “Your Sweet Amouris High School Prom King and Queen Runners Up are Alana Roster and Nathaniel Jacott!” He announced. “YAY!”, “GO ALANA AND NATHANIEL!”, “YOU GUYS DESERVE IT!” several students cheered. “What?!” Alana gasped. “Mels! Nath! Go! Get crowned!” Sam huffed as she pushed the pair towards the stage. “Go! Leigh and I made the crowns and tiaras for this!” Rosalaya urged as the students made a path for the pair to get to the stage. Nathaniel took Alana’s arm and proudly escorted her to the stage. “Congratulations you two!” Boris cheered as they bowed their heads before them. He placed the silver crown and tiara on their heads with great care. “The tiaras look like something straight out of Barbie: Princess Charm School.” Alana thought. “The crowns look like they’re right out of Disney movies.” The voice in her head piped up. When Nathaniel and Alana took their places by Boris on the stage, Mr. Faraize looked at the paper in his hand. “Your Sweet Amouris High School Prom King and Queen are Castiel Veilmont and Rosalaya de Meilhan!” He announced. “Castiel is Prom King but I’m not Prom Queen! This was rigged!” Amber shouted. “I’m not gonna get that crown.” Castiel huffed. “Come on! You won, fair and square. Now get over yourself and get crowned!” Rosalaya glared daggers into him as she grabbed his hand and dragged him up to the stage. Once the gold crown and tiara were on Castiel’s and Rosalaya’s heads, Boris instructed the four of them to stand on stage and pose long enough for photos to be taken and the balloons to be dropped from the net. The DJ turned the music up and started playing “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons. “So? You and Leigh made the headwear? They look like you took them straight out of Disney and Barbie movies!” Alana laughed. “I was told to make them go with the theme of the school and that if this goes well, Leigh would be commissioned to make them every year for each class!” Rosa resounded. “They look fantastic Rosa!” Nathaniel mused. “I was hoping you two would be King and Queen. But, I’m happy that you guys at least got the Runners Up!” Rosa smiled. “I actually voted for you and Castiel to be King and Queen.” Alana happily shrugged. “You voted for me to be Prom King?” Castiel blushed. “Yeah, I thought it would be nice. The bad boy with the heart of gold getting some recognition for once.” Alana grinned.
The second they were allowed off stage, they took the opportunity to rejoin everyone. Student after student began to walk up to them and congratulate them. “I expect a picture perfect slow dance you two!” Sharon ordered Nathaniel and Alana. “I think we can make that happen!” Nathaniel blushed as he looked at Alana lovingly. “Hey, have any of you seen Amber?” Li asked as she walked up to them. “No. I haven’t even heard her since she got pissed about not winning.” Nathaniel shrugged. “She might be in the girls bathroom. I’ll go look.” Alana sighed as she walked towards the locker room. The sight that greeted her was absolutely horrific. “I THINK I’M GONNA VOMIT!” The voice in her head piped up. Amber was in the locker room. However, she was pressed up against the wall, lip locked with Armin. Alana quickly grabbed her phone, held it up high enough to get the pair into frame, quietly took a picture, slipped her phone back into her pocket and silently left the locker room. “Why did you take a picture of that sin?!” The voice in her head asked. “In case either of them piss me off in the future.” She thought back. “Are you gonna tell Nathaniel?” The voice in her head asked. “No. I’m not gonna tell Nathaniel that his best friend was in the locker room making out with his sister.” She thought back. “Why not?” The voice asked. “Because its not appropriate. If they feel like he needs to know, one of them will tell him.” She thought back. “Did you find her?” Nathaniel asked, almost a little frantic the second he saw her come out of the locker room. “Don’t worry. She’s just in there cleaning herself up and putting herself back together after her little tantrum. She’ll be fine.” Alana reassured him.
Shortly after Amber emerged from the locker room, she ran up to Nathaniel and demanded a dance from her brother. “NATHANIEL! Dance with me!” She whined. “Amber! I was gonna dance with Alana.” Nathaniel called back. “Give your sister a dance, we will have our slow dance before the night is done.” Alana smiled. “Does this mean I get a dance with the Runner Up?” Castiel smirked as he sauntered over to them. “No.” Nathaniel shot. “Nathaniel! He and I are JUST FRIENDS! It’d be like if Armin asked me for a dance! Go be a good brother and dance with your sister!” Alana huffed. Nathaniel gave her a look that said “Are you sure?”. “Yes.” Alana reassured him. “Okay. Amber, let’s go.” Nathaniel looked at his sister and sighed. “Shall we?” Castiel asked as he lead Alana to the dance floor. The DJ began to play “Everything You Want” by Vertical Horizon. “Is this really a song to dance to?” Alana pondered. “I would have thought you could dance to anything.” Castiel bantered. He pulled her closer to him and lead her into more of a waltz. “I mean... Its kind of weird for Nathaniel and his sister to dance to this song...” Alana replied. “So, its not weird for us to dance to it?” Castiel inquired. “Its not as if you’re interested in me, right? You’ve made it clear that you and I are just good friends. That the girls you’re actually into have bigger... Assets... And aren’t into pop music at all, like I am. Even if you were into me, you know you wouldn’t be able to be with me. I’m with Nathaniel.” Alana articulated. Castiel did everything in his power to hide the fact that Alana’s words were like a shot to the chest to him. “Yeah... I don’t like girls who sing to Taylor Swift!” He laughed. “Who told you!” Alana blurted out. “You did, just now!” His laughter boomed. “I like her music! Sue me!” Alana huffed. The song turned to “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars. “Anyway... Seriously, why did you nominate me for Prom King?” He asked as he looked deep into her eyes. “I wasn’t lying when I said what I said on stage. Cass, don’t get me wrong, you’re a jackass. But, underneath it all, you’re a really great guy with a very kind heart. Despite everything, even your own pride, you end up doing what’s right... Even if you need to be slapped first. Hell, you even put aside your differences with Nathaniel to help him get away from his father. Its obvious that you put the needs of the people you care about above your own. You made that crystal clear when Lysander got hurt. Everyone talks about how Rosa, Lysander, Alexy, Nathaniel, Sam and I all help people and show kindness... But, they never talk about how sweet and selfless you actually are. I thought you deserved some recognition.” She explained. The shot to Castiel’s chest was then worsened by one of Cupid’s arrows going through the hole. He quickly twirled her around so in an effort to keep her from seeing him blush. He looked up and noticed Nathaniel staring daggers into him. As the song came to a close, he stopped their dance and kissed her hand. “I’m really glad you’re my friend.” He muttered barely loud enough for her to hear. “Watch it Cass! You don’t want everyone finding out your secret!” Alana chuckled. She pulled out her phone, wrote up a text and sent it before rejoining Nathaniel’s side. Castiel felt his phone vibrate, pulled it out, read the message smiled and walked back over to Lysander. “I guess, she really will always be just out of reach for me.” He muttered. “I’m really glad you’re my friend, too.”                                                      - MR
“You and Castiel danced for at least two songs. He must have really wanted to talk! Although, I don’t know WHAT he would have wanted to talk to YOU about!” Amber huffed. “You know what, Amber? Everyone knows that you’ve been wanting to dance with him all night. You threw a fit a few minutes ago over the fact that he got crowned Prom King and you weren’t his Queen! Go and take charge of your life for once and ask him! The worst he can do is say “no”!” Alana blurted out. “YEAH!”, “YOU TELL HER ALANA!” several students cheered. “After he’s danced with you? I could never!” Amber scoffed. “What do you have to lose?! Its the end of the year and after graduation, you don’t know if you’ll ever see him again.” Alana raised an eyebrow. “Fine!” Amber huffed she gathered her confidence and walked over to Castiel. “What did you two talk about?” Nathaniel asked. “He just wanted more of an explanation as to why I nominated him for Prom King.” Alana flatly replied. “Why didn’t you nominate me?” He pushed a little further. “Because it would have been conceited for me to nominate my own boyfriend for it. I nominated Cass and Rosa for King and Queen and then Sam and Ken for the Runners Up.” She clarified. Nathaniel looked down, almost a little embarrassed. “I nominated us for King and Queen and Sam and Ken for the Runners Up.” He muttered. A wave of love crashed into Alana. “Oh my god! Nathaniel! You’re too cute! You know that, right?” She gushed. “Really? You just said that you thought nominating us was conceited.” Nathaniel sputtered. “Yeah, but you still did it! I thought you would have nominated someone else! Its cute!” Alana cooed. The couple looked at the dancefloor and watched Sam melt into Ken’s arms as the DJ played “Never Knew I Needed” by Ne-Yo. “I think they should have gotten some form of recognition.” Nathaniel commented. “Yeah, but at least they’re happy for us getting it.” Alana smiled. “Your sister is such a hard-ass. Even though she’s been with Ken all this time, its still weird to see her vulnerable.” Nathaniel observed. “Sam is only this way because she wants me to be the soft one out of the two of us. But it is good to see her be soft every once in a while.” Alana replied. “Come on Castiel! You danced with Alana!” Amber called as Castiel walked away from her. “Alana’s not a self absorbed, whiny, entitled, brat like you! Find someone else to dance with you!” Castiel shouted back. He continued walking in the direction of the courtyard. “Well... I was wrong. He did say something worse than “No.”... Whoops!” Alana shrugged. “I should go console her.” Nathaniel suggested. “No, Nathaniel. She’s a grown woman, she can handle this rejection. Aside from that, Li is here and can be there for her if need be.” Alana shook her head. “I mean... He’s not wrong.” Armin commented as he joined the pair. “Why don’t you ask her to dance? You’re her brother’s best friend, it might be considered doing him a favor.” Alana suggested. “Me? No.” Armin began. He turned to Nathaniel and put his hand on his shoulder. “No offense, man... But your sister is a beast.” Armin cringed. “That’s not what I saw earlier!” Alana thought. “Send Armin the pic of him kissing Amber!” the voice in her head cheered. “Nope! He hasn’t pissed me off!” Alana thought back. “Yeah... I know.” Nathaniel exhaustedly sighed. Alana rolled her eyes. “I still think it would be nice. Go take one for the team!” She urged. “Nah! But if you wanna dance, let me know! As it is, I think I’m gonna go see if Alexy needs me for anything!” Armin rushed off.
“Alright everyone! I haven’t seen our Runners Up formally take to the dance floor! It’s time to change that!” Boris announced as he took the mic from the DJ. “Mister DJ, we all know that Miss Roster and Mister Jacott are the “Big Couple On Campus”, so play them something extra special!” He requested, his voice sounding more flamboyant than usual. A spotlight was then turned to Nathaniel and Alana and followed them as they made their way to the center of the dancefloor. As the first notes to “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri began to play, Nathaniel stood before her and bowed. “May I have this dance, my queen?” He lovingly asked. Tears instantly came to Alana’s eyes. “You may, my king.” She purred as he took one hand in hers and placed his other hand on the center of the top of her back. She placed her other hand on his right shoulder. “FUCKING FINALLY!” The voice in Alana’s head shouted. “When did you learn how to dance like this?” She asked Nathaniel as he lead her into a very elegant slow dance. “My parents thought it would be proper for Amber and me to learn it.” He did his best to hide the pain of mentioning his parents. “And you?” He asked. “My two best friends are part of the aristocracy. Aunt Verity and Aunt Cosima convinced my mom to put Sam and me in the same classes as Viktor and Rini.” She explained. “I’ll have to thank Verity when I finally get a chance to formally meet her. And, maybe, I can thank your aunt Cosima at her grave one day.” he blushed. “That sounds like a really nice idea.” She admitted. As they continued to dance, the song changed to “A Thousand Years Part Two”, as if the DJ knew their dance needed to be longer. “Alana... I love you.” Nathaniel admitted as they swept across the dancefloor. “What?!” Alana breathed. She looked into his eyes, a combination of love and shock overcoming her facial expression. “Look, I know we’re only seventeen years old. That this is high school romance. That we could grow old and grow apart one day. But, I need to tell you, now. Melody Alana Roster, I love you. I don’t know what the future holds. And I can’t promise that you and I will always be together. But I love you. I’ve loved you almost since the first day you walked through that classroom door. And I love you now.” Nathaniel professed. The song changed to “This I Promise You” by *NSYNC while Alana gathered her thoughts and they prolonged their dance. She wanted to give him this massive speech of how much she’s loved him since her early days at Sweet Amoris. However, the only words that truly fit the moment were short and sweet. “Nathaniel... I love you too. I love you with everything I have.” She almost began weeping as she spoke. Her mind then turned to the idea of walking down the aisle to meet him and become his wife. “Either you become a Jacott, or he becomes a Roster!” The voice in her head piped up. “I have a feeling that, if he and I do get married, he’ll become a Roster.” She quickly thought back. As the songs ended, the two shared a deep, romantic, kiss. “I love you, my sweet Melody.” He purred. “I love you too, my darling Nathaniel.” She cooed.
“Alright, sis! Take your stuff back. Ken and I are getting out of here!” Sam announced as she stormed the dancefloor and handed Alana her purse back to her. “You could have waited for us to get off of the dancefloor?! You didn’t see me ruining YOUR moment!” Alana exasperated. “Yeah, well... I think its high time I go make Ken a man!” Sam announced. “You also didn’t need to announce that to the whole school! You don’t see Rosa and Leigh announcing their “after prom plans” to everyone!” Alana barked. “I know! But I knew it would make you two uncomfortable! Let’s go Ken!” Sam laughed as she started walking out of the gym. “Sorry guys! You two looked amazing and it was a lot of fun!” Ken shrugged before he followed Sam out. Alana looked down for a minute. “What’s wrong?” Nathaniel asked. “You know... We could take the offer to get a hotel room...” Alana suggested as her face became a deep shade of red. “No.” Nathaniel shook his head. “Why not?” Alana nervously inquired. “I don’t want your first time to be in some random hotel room. Alana, I have the chance to make your first time as special as possible... And I’m going to do exactly that. You deserve it.” He sweetly smiled as he caressed the side of her face with his fingertips. “Oh Nathaniel...” Alana breathed. “I love you Alana. When I finally lay you down, I want you to enjoy every second of it. Even if it means I end up doing all the cliché stuff to turn my apartment into the most romantic place in the world.” He purred.
As the night drew to a close, Alana couldn’t keep her mind off of the idea of making love with Nathaniel. She wanted it. She knew she wanted it. And she knew that she wanted her first time to be with him. Out of all of the other boys she’d ever met, and between him and Viktor, she wanted to give herself to Nathaniel completely. “Maybe after graduation?” the voice in her head asked. “I’m not sure. But I hope its soon.” She thought back. Nathaniel took her back to her apartment, only for the two of them to discover a note taped to the front door. “Mom says that she’s sleeping at Agatha’s tonight. She and Seraphina got into a bit of a drinking game and they both basically lost. I’ve got the apartment to myself.” She explained as Nathaniel gave her a questioning look. “Well, that’s almost convenient.” He blushed. “You could stay the night, rather than walk all the way back to your apartment...” She suggested. “I could... But, Blanche is probably missing me... And I would have to sleep in nothing but my underwear...” Nathaniel replied. “You could go home in the morning after I make us breakfast. I’m sure Blanche has enough food and water to get through to tomorrow... And, its not like its the first time we’ve been in bed together with you in nothing but your underwear and me in pajamas... Its just, this time would be under much better circumstances.” Alana urged. “Societal pressure would dictate....” Nathaniel began. “As it is, its also not like we’d be doing anything sexy anyway! I’m too tired to give informed consent! We’d just be sleeping in the same bed and waking up together! At most, we’ll end up spooning or maybe getting in a couple of kisses! And that’s IF Sylvester doesn’t decide to sleep on top of us!” Alana nervously chuckled. Nathaniel thought for a couple of minutes. “Alright. But, next time, you’re sleeping at my place.” He yawned. “Of course!” Alana smiled as she let out a long yawn.
Several memories passed through Alana’s mind as she held her sleeping boyfriend in her arms. The memory of the day they met. The first time he made her heart beat fast. Their argument when she exposed the abuse his father put him through. The day she helped him get Blanche. The hug he gave her when she slipped and fell out of the tree in the park and was caught by Castiel. The party at Iris’ house. The attempt at a double date with Rosa and Leigh. Their first kiss in the Sweet Amoris High School library. The fresh memories of Prom. The memories then shifted into hopeful visions of their future. The first time they make love. Going to college together. Introducing him to all of her family in Scotland and Ireland. Becoming his wife. One vision finally pushed Alana into the realm of dreams and sleep... The vision of herself, one day, holding their newborn.
This technically covers episode 39. Giselle Baudelaire is a reference to Giselle from Enchanted, and the Baudelaire family from A Series of Unfortunate Events.
I know that Prom King and Queen and the runners up are typically an American thing... But, I wanted to include them in this chapter. I was gonna make Lysander Prom King, but I figured Castiel would be more popular according to High School Hierarchy.
The cultural center tower that’s mentioned in the Dress Shopping section is what ultimately becomes The Black Tower.
Lynne coughing sets up her getting sick and having to leave the country for treatment.
Antoine Moulin is a slight reference to Moulin Rouge and Marie Antoinette.
Natasha and Nick (Peggy’s and Sharon’s apprentices) are also Marvel references. Just as I have Peggy and Sharon referencing Peggy and Sharon Carter, Natasha references Natasha Romanoff and Nick references Nick Fury.
Songs directly mentioned in this chapter: “Clarity” by Zedd ft. Foxes “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri “Man On A Wire” by The Script “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons “Everything You Want” by Vertical Horizon “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars “Never Knew I Needed” by Ne-Yo “A Thousand Years Part 2″ by Christina Perry Ft Steve Kazee “This I Promise You” by *NSYNC Honorable Mention: “When The Stars Go Blue” by Tim McGraw I wanted to bring this song up, but couldn’t find the right place for it.
I was honestly considering making that final paragraph more nsfw... But I decided against it and wanted to make it more sweet and romantic. With the way the story goes, every last thing that Alana envisions for their future comes to pass.
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ikjun · 10 months ago
omg al darling pls give me your queen of tears thoughts i’m really behind and need to know if it’s worth finishing <3
tbh i am also behind but i keep up with spoilers and episode recaps for everything i am watching bc i don't really care about getting spoiled. with that being said, where do i even begin? i would have loved if the show ended on a melodrama note in the second half, with the hong family having lost queens group but recouping that through baekhong's work as a lawyer and ceo respectively and with them rekindling their relationship (without marriage or another kid) while hae-in would, well, die due to some bout of medical realism that has to remain here, but with the two of them choosing each other in their lifetime, roll credits, fin. i am putting a read more from here on in bc this is sort of my thoughts on the show in general but also the second half, since describing the second half doesn't really work without talking about the set-up of the plot. plots? whatever is happening here. (also! spoilers ahead!)
of course we did not get a well-polished plot, something as sensible as this couldn't fly with the deranged fans this drama spawned like you wouldn't believe. so in a way this fanbase deserved exactly what they got lmao. this show has been crazy from the beginning bc as much as i love hae-in, people kept acting like she didn't treat hyun-woo like shit for most of their marriage when she did. he was only marginally better off, but my one big issue was that hyun-woo has to apolgize for everything he ever did, for wanting to divorce in the first place, while the show depicted right away how awful his marriage was. so now in the second half we, of course, get hyun-woo doing everything for hae-in to make up for all his audacity, like the good kdrama male lead he is (where is moon gang-tae when we need him? kim soo-hyun can act with some fire in there, so why does he not?) hae-in keeps getting worse and he is by her side, so whoo for tha ti guess and she does apologize for how she treated him after 10 eps of grovelling lmao. anyways.
they grow closer again while hae-in stays in the hospital for her treatment, but in comes mister i-still-want-to-be-cooked-over-an-open-fire-like-a-rotissiere-chicken eun-sung. i do have to say i love park sung-hoon in this drama? not as good as the psychotic bully-slash-killer-slash-second-woman he plays in the glory, but really good. it's giving kendall roy in sucession s2! it's giving this is why rich people tax middle class families until tax evasion or murder become lifestyle choices for those families! it's giving the rite of passage creepy high school boyfriend straight women go through amped up to the max! he is so good at being evil and he shines here, somehow, in all his creepy despondency and obsession with hae-in. at one point he swipes in and tells hae-in, who is losing her memory, that he saved her life and then he does it again, using the times hyun-woo's saved her as his cover story. he keeps rocking brown three-piece suits and a crazy-good blowout and side swoop while he does that, which might be the worst thing. hyun-woo punches him in the face, which is the saving grace of this entire second half of the show. he runs over hyun-woo with a car in the PENULTIMATE episode for the hell of it, because he can't see hyun-woo and hae-in be together again. the man is batshit insane and he stands by it.
as for the plot:
the head of the hong family (hae-in's grandfather) has a slush fund, because that is the second most realistic part of the show. eun-sung and his mother scrounge around to find it to take the rest of queens group, but well, i honestly don't care much about this plot. yang-gi (hyun-woo's best friend and divorce lawyer, who is apparently barred twice over in korea and can also hold up with business law and attorney work in court lol) helps lower hyun-woo's crazy ass charges, so he lives to see another day while everyone is looking for the goddamn slush fund. eun-sung and his mother found it first btw. hae-in keeps mistaking eun-sung for hyun-woo, her memory loss gets worse, we get it. several people working for eun-sung keep trying to kill hyun-woo over the span of the last five episodes. we get another reborn rich cameo from kim shin-rok, which at this point is the only thing keeping me from tuning out of this whacky ass drama. the hong family grandfather kills himself and all of kdrama twt and mdl are mad that the raised rating wasn't an explicit scene between baekhong but seeing an old man die (i kid you not). they keep trying to convince me kim soo-hyun was in the marine corps and i keep not believing it. german hospitals apparently can do life-saving surgeries on non-german citizens, which is unheard off in this neck of the woods but alas. hae-in has to trade in her memories to have that surgery, so that is our 11 o clock moment. or something. hyun-woo gets arrested by interpol right after, so there goes that dream. soo-cheol ends up with his wife again, which i care about as much as a tree cares about a leaf falling in a forest. big yawn. hyun-woo employs yang-gi again to beat the interpol charges and they do (yippie!). eun-sung keep acting like he's hae-in's husband after her memories disappeared and all of us know it's so deeply joever but the death bell has yet to strike. in comes the car crash bc we go two for two on car crashes in this show. eun-sung is now, after 15 episodes of washed up nonsense, pursued by the police bc nothing screams real crime like vehicular manslaughter in a kdrama. tried and true to the very end he goes!
haven't checked into ep 16 yet, but i know it ends with a montage of hae-in and hyun-woo together for more years, marrying again and having a child, and then hae-in dies. hyun-woo as an old man visits her grave in germany (potsdam doesn't allow graves on the grounds of sansoucie so i wonder where they supposedly put it?) and then we get a fade in of young hae-in leading now-deceased and young again hyun-woo to heaven in a field of lavender, goblin style minus the good writing. hyun-woo kept apologising for things until the end but don't ask me what it was about, i stopped caring. i assume that eun-sung lands in jail or something for his five billion crimes and all the times he wore light blue ties in this show. fin.
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hananoami · 7 months ago
hello! :)
i’m curious, what other games do you play? i play honkai star rail, wuthering waves, and before i played genshin impact and ff ever crisis.
(this is @letsgauxplay btw hehe. i’m using my main blog to ask).
We’re mutuals from my main as well! Hehe~ 💕 Since this is a side blog I follow and interact from @darkestsprinq 🌸
I had to take step back from playing too many games because some of the dailies were becoming very time consuming. Not enough hours in the day to play all the games I want to. 🫠 So the only gachas I’m actively playing right now are Love & Deepspace, Honkai: Star Rail and Goddess of Victory: Nikke. Having an auto battle option is so nice on my irl schedule. 🥲 I’m also actively playing the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV! :3
I’m a bit of a gacha addict… so other gachas that I’ve played in the past or ones that I’m on a break from include: Genshin Impact, Tears of Themis, Mister Love: Queen’s Choice, Mystic Messenger, Fate/Grand Order, Love Nikki, Shining Nikki, NU: carnival, Arknights, Azur Lane, Honkai 3rd Impact, Fire Emblem Heroes, Wuthering Waves, What in Hell is Bad?, Zen Zenless Zero, Gran Blue Fantasy, SiNoALICE, The Alchemist Code, Seven Knights Idle Adventure, Reverse: 1999, Dear Otome, Food Fantasy, Isekai: Slow Life, and Pokémon Go (does this count?)
Gachas aren’t the only game I play though. I have a wide collection of otome games in my backlog for switch/PC. Some of my favorite otomes include Bustafellows, Olympia Soirée, Collar x Malice, Variable Barricade, Nightshade, and Steam Prison. I also used to play a lot of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Stardew Valley, Sun Haven, and Sims. Cozy, immersive games like those were my go to during Covid.
Game that I’m looking forward to? INFINITY NIKKI!!
TL;DR. I play way too many games and need to focus on completing my backlog instead of buying more, haha 🙃 Not that I have been anyway. LNDS takes up all of my gacha/games budget. Expensive 3D husbandos…
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