sw5w · 9 months
The Crowd Cheers for Anakin
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:09:25
In the canceled Reflections Gold expansion to Decipher's Star Wars CCG, the Ishi Tib in the bottom left would have been named Drem Redins and the Klatooinian to their right would have been named Griff Mirtong. (Let's hope someday these two aliens can receive their names!)
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tunaonwry · 2 years
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despite their differences, Chuli Moomo was keen to share her agricultural wisdom from the old Herdship with "Smokey" Chugggs, the arsonist. although forest fires can be essential for new growth, perhaps today's lesson won't end in a white cloud of carbon dioxide... ><((((º> #toyphotography #actionfigurephotography #actionfigures #starwarsphotography #starwars #starwars375 #375inch #118scale #toycollector #toys #toystagram #homebrew #sciencefantasy #5poa #ithorian #outdoorphotography #save375 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch0oilOpndE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sophronist · 4 years
in the darkness they climbed the wire
Everything was going to be. Fine.
Maul looked at his intake paperwork again, quadruple-checking his directions against the massive interactive map on the board in front of him. Level 3, corridor osk-9, room 27. Great. No problem. He could do this. An over-engineered, well organized Ithorian herdship designed from the ground up for public access couldn’t be more difficult to navigate than the trackless swamps of Dathomir, after all. 
Ruthlessly repressing the urge to fidget with nerves, he looked back up at the map, carefully entering the location into the search bar. To his immense relief, the path to get there lit up a brilliant gold against the glowing blue of the map, and it didn’t look all that complicated. To the lifts, down two levels, take a left, take a right at osk-9, then just count the room numbers. Easy. No problem. None whatsoever. He glanced around, and seeing no eyes turned his way, stepped to the side of the map and lifted his com.
“I’m going to my intake meeting,” he said gruffly, putting every last ounce of confidence he could muster into his voice. “Take Feral to whatever gardens he wants to see, keep out of everyone’s way, and don’t attract attention.” 
“Got it,” came Savage’s calm voice through the com. “Good luck, brother. We’ll keep a low profile, don’t worry.”
Maul breathed in deep, then slowly let it out and rested against the wall for a moment. He had a little bit of leeway on time, he could take a few seconds to release some of his tension. He already had the job, all he had to do was go sign the papers and get his orientation over with. They were off Dathomir for good. Even if his new employers found out he had brought his brothers with him, they probably wouldn’t throw them back off the herdship. He only requested a single occupant room anyway so they wouldn’t be taking up more space than he would alone. And his pay would definitely be enough to get rations to feed them as long as they pinched a little, so it wasn’t like he’d be using up more than his allotment of resources there either. It would be fine. 
Everything was fine. It was just easier to ask forgiveness than permission, so he just...wouldn’t mention his two dependents until everything was settled. Or not even then. Maybe. Who knows, maybe no one would even notice. It was a very big ship. 
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Star Wars Alien Species - Ithorian
The Ithorians, a sentient species from the planet Ithor. They also had at least one settlement on the planet Takobo, known as Hammertown. They were commonly called "Hammerheads" by less sensitive beings because of their long, curving neck and T-shaped head. They found this nickname offensive.
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The Ithorians worshipped Mother Jungle, and long ago vowed never to desecrate their planet. Once they discovered repulsorlift technology, the Ithorians built expansive "herdships" floating in the skies above their homeworld. The species migrated to these platforms, ensuring that Ithor would remain pristine forever. These herdships eventually were given the ability to travel interstellar distances. The Ithorian people were led by their high priest. First contact with the Republic occurred in 12,000 BBY.
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Abroad, Ithorians integrated well with the Galactic community. Their own language was incredibly beautiful, yet difficult to learn, as the Ithorians had twin mouths on opposite sides of their necks. Fortunately, they could speak Basic, albeit with a strange accent. Many ithorians also used translation devices such as the ithorian translator, which was usualy mounted on top of their elongated neck. Each Ithorian herd was presided over by a Force-sensitive individual who served as both a priest and healer.
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The Ithorians were crucial to the efforts to restore many planets that had been devastated by the Mandalorian and Jedi Civil Wars. One notable example was Telos IV, whose reconstruction was minutely directed and supervised by Chodo Habat and his herd.
Around the time of the Cold War, a proxy conflict between the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, it was discovered that the previously unknown species responsible for building the technological wonder that were the Heffrin Aqueducts on the planet Heffrin, were in fact early Ithorian explorers. This led to great debate among the Ithorian culture.
Ithorian society maintained its peaceful nature by exiling those who had a tendency towards violence and aggression. Two such exiles were the Moomo brothers, Dob and Del, who worked for the Galactic Republic as hired muscle, although they were less than competent in their efforts. An exile named Momaw Nadon was present in the Mos Eisley cantina shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
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During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Ithor was destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong as part of their invasion plan. They chose to destroy this planet, even though it was a lush jungle world, because one of the trees' pollen could cause their Vonduun Crab Armor to expand rapidly, killing the Warrior. Many years after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Leia Organa Solo convinced Chief of State Cal Omas to allow the Ithorians to resettle on the planet Borao in the Inner Rim over RePlanetHab, a large reconstruction conglomerate. Other Ithorians settled on Öetrago, Upell and Felucia.
Ithorians worshipped the "Mother Jungle," a spiritual entity embodying the lush, tropical ecology of their world, Ithor. They were generally devoted environmentalists, staunch herbivores, and complete pacifists, devoting much time to contemplating their ecology, studying plants and their uses and the overall respecting of all living things. Most Ithorians hardly set foot on their own planet, instead living in floating cities above their world called herdships. Only three of their continents had been explored and harvested, the other two remain untouched by Ithorian hands. This demonstrated their extreme belief in the protection and sustaining of their environment which was apparent through their "Law of Life."
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The Ithorians practiced a communal form of government. Each herdship was autonomous and self-supporting. However once every Ithorian season (about five standard years), the herds gathered for a Herd meet, a grand gathering above the surface of their world, where the herd ships would join each other in a festival and regal ceremony. Within Ithorian society, there were a priestly group known as nature priests who communed with the "Mother Jungle" and had a deeper connection to the Ithorian homeworld. Within the trading guilds themselves, Merchantates were present who dealt with business matters.
The Ithorian's curious and gregarious nature meant that many found their way off-planet via their floating herdship's space-worthy counterparts. Many became galactic traders, traveling the stars either independently or as part of their herdship. They would only resort to violence if threatened, and they were more likely to use their sonic bellow than a weapon. Because of their mild demeanor, most Ithorians avoided war in general, although the Rebel Alliance did boast a few among its ranks. Their pacifistic nature meant that they refused to touch things that came as a result of bloodshed. When dealing with others, Ithorians were always supremely polite. They were very conversational and had profound respect for the views of others. Though often described as likable and friendly, many sentients found them altogether dull. Even when they had disagreements, Ithorians were unlikely to discuss their grievances with anyone unless the offending party was present. To do otherwise was considered rude.
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In Ithorian mythology Trinta was the realm of demons. The Ithorians named the planet Trinta after this realm because they disliked the planet.
Ithorians had two mouths and four throats, allowing them to speak in stereo. Female Ithorians had two humps on the back of their head, while males had only one. They had glossy, usually brown flesh.Their reflexes and coordination were somewhat slower than that of average humanoids.
In addition to allowing them to speak their unique stereophonic language, the Ithorians' four throats also had the ability to violently expel air, resulting in a deafening and potentially concussive scream. Although even common Ithorians possessed this strange talent, those with Force training, such as Jedi Master Roron Corobb, could push enough power into their sonic bellow to shatter iron and shred plasteel. Despite this fact, most Ithorians went their entire lives without ever resorting to violence, and so the ability remained relatively ambiguous.
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Ithorian youths were known as "pupa," and were commonly glassy-eyed, appendageless and limber, until they metamorphosized. After the molt, Ithorians lost an aural flap and every locomotion tube, gained lumps, craters in their craniums and an appetite for ant-flies. An adult Ithorian could father several thousand offspring.
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They stood roughly between 1.8 to 2.3 meters or 5.9 to 7.5 feet from eyestalk to toe and weighs 90 kilograms or 198 pounds.
Ithorians age at the following stages:
1- 13 Child
14 - 17 Young Adult
18 - 44 Adult
45 - 69 Middle Age
70 - 84 Old
Examples of Names: Fandomar, Momaw, Oraltor, Tomia, Trangle, Umwaw.
Ithorians were commonly named after creatures on their planet, such as the Flen and Gillom. Many females were named after the Cellwan, Haali, Ivuur, Oovei, Vonnuvi, and Wimmel; many males were named after the Boolon, Murr, Neelig, and Waawat. Aamaw, meaning "firelight", was also a very common name.
Languages: Ithorians can read and write both Basic and Ithor. When they speak the languages, they speak in a stereophonic voice.
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 4 years
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Momaw Nadon was an Ithorian exile, banished from his position as high priest on a herdship for revealing Ithorian agricultural secrets to the Empire, in order to keep them away from Ithor. Settling in Mos Eisley, Nadon began to tend a secret grove outside of the city, and allowed Rebel operatives to hide there.
Source: Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
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irrfahrer · 4 years
Wookiepedia On Spore
The Original Article is Here!
"About four hundred years ago, my people took their experiments too far. Using the genes of the vesuvague tree and the Bafforrs, along with some other things, they created a new form of life. Like the vesuvague, this creation snared its victims in its tentacle like vines. It also had a group mind like the Bafforr trees. However, unlike the wise Bafforrs, its mind was evil."―Fandomar Nadon Spore was an ancient entity imprisoned 400 years before the Galactic Civil War in an asteroid by the Ithorians. Spore was a genetic construct created by Ithorian botanists, who had hoped to merge the DNA of a Vesuvague tree and a bafforr tree with other material to create a sentient plant. Instead, they created a creature which absorbed other minds to expand its thoughts and work its destructive tendencies. The entity used the minds of almost any living creature to augment its own power. It was thought that Spore could control several thousand minds at one time. Capture The crisis began in the year 439 BBY. With the help of the Jedi Knights, it still took over 100 years for the Ithorians to capture and neutralize Spore, entombing the entity in an asteroid where it was forced into dormancy by the hard vacuum of space.The Ithorians refused to kill Spore, owing to their strict adherence to the Law of Life. When Mining Station Alpha was established on the asteroid to collect minerals, the Ithorians carefully monitored their progress, lest they discovered Spore's tomb. Unfortunately, the tomb was discovered by Hodge and his team shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Release Spore was released, and the ripples of darkness permeated the Force. Emperor Palpatine sent the Dark Jedi Jerec to capture Spore, but the entity had already escaped its prison and hidden itself in the body of the mining chief Hodge. Ithorian Fandomar was livid with fear, and rushed to escape the asteroid before Spore could infect anyone, but she was too late.She brought Hodge—and Spore—back to Ithor, and Spore attacked the rescue party that came to find them. Black vines snaked out from Hodge's mouth and eyes, entwining the Ithorians and eventually capturing the Shi'ido Mammon Hoole and Zak Arranda. Each vine that touched a being, infected it immediately. Spore was patient and knew it would eventually infect any Ithorian herdship. Jerec intercepted Spore on Ithor, and offered it the chance to get off the planet if it would infect the crew of the Vengeance and make them his slaves. Spore first attacked Jerec, but Jerec with his command of the Dark side of the Force, easily deflected Spore's vine. Spore then agreed, but had no intention of helping Jerec for very long. Spore then tried to capture Tash Arranda and Fandomar Nadon, but they led Spore into an asteroid belt infested with space slugs. The Space slugs attacked and destroyed the Vengeance deflector shields. Crushing asteroids then made holes in it large enough to expose Vengeance to the vacuum of space. Defeat Exposure to the vacuum of space caused Spore to disintegrate, neutralizing the creature, leaving only a small dark object floating in the void.
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muffin-n-waffle · 7 years
pvivax replied to your post “.”
rhow re you so wise? i hopeit is natural an dnot something that you came to be over herdship. because you don't do deerve tat, you deserve the finest muffins and bagels (waffles) in the land. man carbs are great. hey i love you and any pets you have lovr you. and generic superior being lvoes you. ybless you are an atheist then darwin just things you;re okay. but that's okat because rosalind franklin (bleesed be her dna) love you and understands that yu are amaixing and men will take credit for...
@pvivax i gotta preserve this as one of the best replies i have ever gotten, drunk or otherwise 
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1299
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1299
Brought to you by ANN
Highlighting the December 3361 Front Line Fight
The Gaming Authorities decided to let the year end with an event where each Commander only had to take a few pilots away from the celebration, a Frontline event.
As the name implies, only the Mechs in the first (rightmost) line would be involved in the fighting, so some shuffling of assets were needed to bring the best Mechs to the arena.
As for me, a trio of Humbabas and a pair of Fexts were assembled, but hopes of a good placement were not particularily high. You see, we were once more competing on K3, and the regulars there had six Mechs in their lines, so we were at a severe disadvantage.
A bit before the scramble were to start my formation was at the bottom of the heap, out on the plains where no prizes would be awarded. A few probing attacks were squashed by those above me, before we finally managed to sneak past and get into the middle foothills.
From there we was just within striking distance of the lowest slope, currently held by lokki of the Bouncing Blue Berserkers. His licence was 62 higher than mine, which ment his Mechs outgunned mine of the same model by 21 weapons, his armor was about 25% thicker, -and as mentioned before, he had six Mechs to my five. Luckily for me friends had sent a sixpack of supers, so we couldlaunch the dozens of attacks needed to finally bring him down.
There was still some time before the scramble was to start, so burning the powder now to try for the top (held by Chong Chin of Nemesis) seemed to be the height of folly. Besides, some of the other commanders was getting active, and trying to keep the slope position would have to be prioritized. If the climb lasted long enough we might try for the top, but that was for later.
As the grains trickled into the lower part of the hourglass we were still unmolested, and the time we had set for a top strike was now only a few minutes away. Then the light flashed and it was over. Those who stood highest on the tops at that moment was:
Div 1 390+ (33 Commanders): Claude Poirier, Nemesis (1s) 2: Fabio Favaro 3: Jaime Beltran 4: Roy Cheah 5: Sal Vezzosi Jr 6: Mk Mathews 7: Terry Harper 8: Gary Muenzel 9: Jeff Haas 10: Larry Vandervort Div 2 -389 (12 Commanders): Stroker Spot, Nemesis (1s) Div 3 -295 (17 Commanders): Chong Chin, Nemesis (1h,40m) Div 4 -217 (21 Commanders): KiloToneRecoil, LEGENDS (13s) Div 5 -169 (34 Commanders): Jelloshots Suckeddown, S.w.f.l.b. (4m,36s) Div 6 -119 (21 Commanders): Matthew Homewood, S.w.f.l.b. (1h,45m) Div 7 -89 (22 Commanders): Markus Eisenhand, Psycho Squad (37m,20s) Div 8 -60 (19 Commanders): Marcondes S Paz Brondani, M&L A.R.S.E. (1d,1h) Div 9 -40 (14 Commanders): RobertGoetz, I.N.A. (11h,28m) Div 10 -27 (16 Commanders): Cathy Goetz, I.N.A. (22h,13m) Div 11 -16 (17 Commanders): Paul_Methric, I.P.G. 2 (11h,12m)
Total Contestants: 226 Total medals claimed: 161 (of 165 possible)
Compared to the Chrono we had previously, the number of contestants was reduced by a half-dozen. And again the imbalance between the tops resulted in unclaimed prizes. This time four Bronzes (3 from K2 and 1 from K9) had to be returned for resmelting after the award ceremony.
The last half-hour saw four Golds changing hands at least once, two of them decided at the last second. Four other Golds were held for more then two hours, one of them for more than a day. So we had some intense fights, and some unchallenged winners. Question is if the fights for the lesser prizes were more of the same? To find out we look at the number of medals held for more than 30 minutes in this event:
Div 1 ....0 of 4.........1 of 10 Div 2 ....1 of 4.........6 of 7 Div 3 ....3 of 4.........9 of 10 Div 4 ....1 of 4.........6 of 10 Div 5 ....0 of 4.........4 of 10 Div 6 ....2 of 4.........4 of 10 Div 7 ....3 of 4.........9 of 10 Div 8 ....4 of 4.......10 of 10 Div 9 ....4 of 4.........9 of 9 Div 10 ..4 of 4.......10 of 10 Div 11 ..4 of 4........10 of 10
On the four lowest tops (K8, K9, K10 and K11) there was not even one succesfull medal attack, while K3 and K7 had just a Silver strike each. On the other side of the coin was Mount Olympus, K2, K4, K5 and K6 where serious action resulted in most of the medals finding fresh holders
Both the Indo Nusa Alliance (K9 + K10) and Sharks with friggin laser beams (K5 + K6) managed to claim double Golds. But both were put in the shadow by Nemesis who claimed the top THREE Golds. There were no unaligned winners this time, neither did any of the Chrono winners manage to claim a follow-up Gold.
Upcoming event: DinoMight
Here we get another event where the Heaviest mechs are excluded. But we are allowed to use Mechs up to 90 tons, so for at least some Commanders there should be no herdship.
Event ends August 7 between 2100 and 2130 New York Time
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I didn't get the ending. What does the inquisitors want from Victre?
So essentially what happened was that the Seventh Sister, a relatively inexperienced Inquisitor at this time, was sent to Felucia to investigate a potentially force-sensitive Ithorian. Ithorians live in these "herdship" groups that are each led by a force-sensitive known as a priest or healer to the group (Legends material). Most of the herdship leaders have been tracked down and captured or killed at this point, but given this colony was rather remote, there was a chance their leader still survived. So the Seventh Sister tracks this individual and finds that she is pregnant. Now Ithorians are traditionally peaceful, so the mother is essentially useless, but if they could obtain the baby, and the baby were force sensitive, they might be able to shape it for violence using the dark side of the force. Thus, she contacts the Inquisitor and the two make a plan to wait until the baby is born, and then attempt to steal the baby (the Empire doesn't really have the resources to capture the mother and continue caring for her through the pregnancy, and the chance is too great that she'll commit suicide).Now this was all planned months in advance. But when the Inquisitorius moves to Stygeon and they get Dr. Victre, the Grand Inquisitor decides that instead of waiting for the baby to be born and risking the mother find some way to hide it or otherwise get away, Victre can go to Felucia and deliver the baby, so it can come straight into the hands of the Empire without a fight or the risk of failure. The plan is set, and close to the Ithorian's due date, the Inquisitor gets Victre and prepares for her to travel to Felucia and meet at a given rendezvous point. However, the Seventh Sister makes a mistake in trying to guide the Ithorian to the correct destination, scaring her, and causing her to go into labor. Essentially, the trap is sprung too early and now again there's a risk of the mother committing suicide or otherwise doing something to prevent the Empire from getting the baby.Essentially, they want Victre to deliver a potentially-force sensitive Ithorian baby so that they can collect it and train it in the dark side of the force.
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Star Wars Alien Species - Revwien
The Revwiens evolved on Revyia, a world that was located on the northern fringes of the Outer Rim Territories, and which was considered the halfway point between the Pits of Plooma and the Galactic Rim. The planet had a temperate climate, with an equatorial jungle belt and long, rolling plains. The ancient histories of the Revwiens told of a dominant civilization on the planet, with developed cities and powerful artifacts; however, the authenticity of these legends was disputed by later archaeologists who could not unearth any evidence to support such a situation. As Revwien society developed, it formed very few formal institutions; open air universities were an exception. Rather than researching technology, the Revwiens cultivated botanical solutions to meet their needs; plants were used for lighting, adhesives, weather prediction, and even munitions. The Revwiens eventually became aware of a manifestation of the Force they called the Tyia. Force-sensitive Revwiens spent time in the holy jungle belt to study the Tyia and develop their abilities.
Despite its navigational isolation, Revyia became part of the Veragi sector, and the Revwiens received occasional visits from a handful of independently-owned light freighters. This traffic produced only light commerce, as the Revwiens had little technology to trade; however, Revwien lettuce and coleslaw were available as far away as Coruscant, where they were regular ingredients on the menu of Dexter Jettster's diner.
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In 19 BBY, the Tyia masters on Revyia were heavily disturbed by the deaths of so many Jedi Knights during the execution of Order 66 by the Galactic Empire at the end of the Clone Wars, which they could sense through the Force. It prompted them to call a meeting within a temple grown from the largest trees on their world. They then charged their most capable students with seeking out any remaining Jedi and aiding them in whatever way possible. One such Revwien Tyia adept was consulted by a Human Jedi.
Sometime between 14 and 1 BBY, the Revwiens' home star system was the site of an Ithorian Time of Meeting, an event in which Ithorian Herdships from all across the galaxy gathered to undertake herd business and conduct trade. The event attracted smugglers such as Han Solo and Grambo the Worrt. Smugglers also established a base deep in the jungles of Revyia. Their presence attracted the attention of the Empire, which eliminated the smugglers and subsequently established a small, permanent presence on Revyia. The Revwiens cooperated with the new Imperial presence and established Revyia Station just outside the Imperial base. They also purchased several run-down freighters. However, despite these additions, Revyia remained a quiet, undeveloped world.
Revwiens were peaceful beings who valued honor. They were often unfalteringly honest, even when faced with situations in which bending the truth would produce tangible benefits. Revwiens tried to negotiate their way out of conflicts and took an extremely long-term view of issues, as reflected in the popular Revwien idiom that "In time, things will work out as intended." Many Revwiens also exhibited fatalistic tendencies, believing that all things happened for a reason. When no alternative to battle could be found, Revwiens fought with honor, refraining from taking unfair advantage of their enemies.
Very little perturbed Revwiens, who showed a remarkable ability to remain calm in stressful situations. However, they did became nervous around overly aggressive or violent individuals, and they found death an unsettling concept. Some Revwiens were also ill at ease in the company of other sentient beings who casually cut down plants for use in construction and for materials.
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Only very infrequently did Revwiens wear clothing; however, they did use other accessories for decorative or practical purposes. For instance, some Revwiens wore ribbons and amulets around their central trunk. A number of Revwiens wore amulets that were representative of the Tyia philosophy. These talismans had a triangular centerpiece to which were attached green or opalescent beads, as well as green discs. Those Revwiens who lived offworld for long periods took to wearing belts for the purposes of carrying weapons, credits, and other assorted items.
Revwien society was generally organized into small, self-governing communities that lived in groves in the wilds of their homeworld, Revyia. These communities were semi-nomadic, with annual migrations to lakes and rivers. Individuals largely lived in irenic coexistence. This peace was disturbed on occasion by herds of herbivorous creatures that preyed on Revwiens. In order to ward off these threats, some communities domesticated carnivorous animals, such as the large, wolf-like urpine.
There were two main exceptions to the unorganized Revwien social system. Firstly, Revwien universities were the sole formal institutions on Revyia. Tuition was conducted in meadows and open woods and produced excellence in learning. Revwiens characteristically spent their lives learning and sharing knowledge with others. Secondly, following the establishment of a small Imperial base on Revyia, the Revwiens set up a formal starport and customs station. Known as Revyia Station, this was the only settlement on the planet worthy of being called a city. An offworld institution linked with the Revwiens was the Revwien Comedy Academy Playhouse, located in the prominent Uscru Entertainment District of the galactic capital, Coruscant, in 22 BBY.
Revwien technological innovation centered around cultivating and utilizing plant life. Revwiens made use of plants as adhesives, as well as for healing salves and generating light. Other plants were used to forecast the weather; users interpreted color changes for predictive purposes. Revwiens also utilized plants in place of more conventional weapons. For instance, the Vognallian seed pods were thrown in a similar fashion to fragmentation grenades. The seed pods exploded when hurled, and propelled sharp seeds in all directions. Revwiens had a child-like curiosity about offworld technology, and they happily used it alongside their own indigenous innovations, even if they did not understand how the former functioned; however, problems often arose with automated pruning droids, such as the 5T Tree Feeder. Despite some familiarity with starships, Revwiens found it strange to see them in their own skies.
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During much of the galaxy's history, Force-sensitive Revwiens withdrew to the jungles to study the Tyia philosophy—"tyia" was the Revwien word for "breathe." The central tenet of the Tyia philosophy concerned a spiritual unity between individuals. It taught that individuals should seek personal harmony with their "Tyia," which would allow numerous "Tyia" to form a "Thuwisten," namely, a bond-circle formed through the joining of spirits. The Thuwisten would then be complete in utter harmony. Due to this central precept, followers of the Tyia philosophy were called Thuwistens. The Tyia philosophy also emphasized peace and respect for all life.
Thuwisten on Revyia spread their beliefs to all who were receptive; however, despite its long history, the religion only became widely known in the galaxy around the time of the Galactic Empire. This evangelization was triggered by the killing of Jedi after the declaration of Order 66 during the Clone Wars; following these deaths, many Thuwisten were sent into the galaxy to seek out and aid any remaining Jedi. The Tyia was one of a small number of Force traditions that was openly practiced under the Empire; its practitioners largely avoided conflict with Imperial forces.
By 17 ABY, Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Master and leader of the New Jedi Order, was aware of the Tyia philosophy, which he considered to be a manifestation of the Force, analogous to Allyan magic from Dathomir or the Fallanassi adepts. Thuwisten manifested many skills similar to those of Jedi, such as healing skills, telekinesis, and telepathy. Thuwisten typically did not use lightsabers, although there were some exceptions.
Some Revwien Thuwisten fell to the dark side, which caused them to take on a shriveled appearance. Such individuals were not given names; they lost the right to any such appellation. Any Tyia practitioners who fell to the dark side, whether Revwien or of another species, sought to break out of the cycle of Tyia and inflict this state on as many other individuals as possible.
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The Revwiens were a species of plant-like sentients. The central trunk of a Revwien body was cylindrical, with a slight bulge at the lower end. The stalk was lightly ribbed and separated into five vertical portions; its color was either red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple. Stored within the chamber of the central trunk were all the vital organs. Underneath the stalk grew a dense mass of thin, flexible, short appendages.
Arrayed at the base of the trunk were between six and eleven leaves. These strong fronds were adapted for seizing, grasping, and manipulating items. They also had an ambulatory function; normally four or more were in use for movement and other support. These leaves could hoist the central trunk off the ground to a height between one-third to two-thirds of the height of the central stem itself. This resulted in an average height for Revwiens of between one to two meters. The base leaves came in colors that ranged from red and dark green to purplish-black and had striations that ran down their length. The leaves terminated in two strands that gave the appearance of fingers. Some Revwiens also had smaller leaves that sprouted from the top of the central trunk, although these leaves were shorter and remained one strand through to their termination.
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An ovoid, clear, seedcase was attached to the top of the trunk by a cluster of tiny budstalks that doubled as visual organs. Further sensory data was obtained through the species' leaves, which sensed fine vibrations and allowed for an analog to hearing. The leaves also provided Revwiens with the senses of touch and smell. The Revwiens gained sustenance from carbon dioxide and soil nutrients—typically dissolved in water—via a chlorophyll analog. The conversion of these materials into usable forms was powered by sunlight.
Revwiens age at the following stages:
1 - 13 Child 14 - 19 Young Adult 20 - 89 Adult 90 - 114 Middle Age
115 - 129 Old
Examples of Names: Wuwuhuu, Vogna, Whuwiss, Lluuiaan. Languages: Revwiens communicate by creating vibrations throughout their bodies to form words and phrases. Due to their galactic wanderlust, Revwiens all tend to learn Basic at a young age.
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irrfahrer · 3 years
Wookiepedia on Leafships
Read the Original Texts Here, Here and Here!
A leafship was a speeder-like vehicle constructed by the Ithorian species. The bodies of the leafships were made of glue produced from the roots of giant lilies.
Giant Lillies Giant lilies were a type of flower that were native to the ponds and marshes of the planet Ithor. Anchoring itself to underwater stones, the roots of the giant lily were permanently attached to the rock after they began producing a natural cement. This natural glue was harvested by the Ithorians for use in the construction of panels for their leafships.
Ithor Ithor was the fourth planet located in Ottega system of the Mid Rim. One of the oldest members of the Galactic Republic, it was a planet full of lush life, and the planet's surface had not a touch of civilization on it. The Ithorians themselves, otherwise known as "Hammerheads," built great floating cities that did not harm the surface, which they considered to be sacred. Entry upon the surface was forbidden, unless one stayed there permanently. Some Ithorians such as the Oracle were compelled to go down to the planet surface, however, as they "heard the call" of Mother Jungle, the Ithorian religion's personification of Ithor's world-spanning jungle. The surface of the planet of Ithor played host to numerous plants, including the bafforr tree, which possessed telepathic capabilities. The surface of the planet Ithor was formerly an immense jungle. Following the Ithorian belief in the Law of Life, most Ithorians never actually set foot on their own planet, instead they lived in floating cities above their world called herdships. Only three of their continents had been explored and harvested, the other two never having been touched by Ithorian hands, demonstrating their devout belief in the protection and sustainability of their environment. Such protectionism toward their environment gave rise to numerous native plants and animals. The planet contained andurite stone, and every three Ithorian years was the center of the Time of Meeting. The planet had many moons in its night sky.
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irrfahrer · 4 years
Wookiepedia on Tynnans in the Galaxy
Original Text should be read Here! Tynnans in the Galaxy Bowspritz was a Tynnan Jedi Master active some time before the Ruusan Reformation. Due to the wealth of their planet and the state-run economy, many Tynnans were free to travel the galaxy as tourists; two such Tynnans who settled offworld were Cham and Nog Teleus. Around 29 BBY, they moved to the Cularin system after making fortunes working in industry. The pair hosted a large celebration to mark the 125th anniversary of the Cularin Compact, during which some of their artworks were stolen. The recovery of the items eventually led to the rescue of Jedi Knight Ji-Ad Sarain, who had been frozen in carbonite. Another notable Tynnan during this period was Senator Streamdrinker, who served in the Senate as a result of his election by lottery and was a signatory on the Petition of 2000—a group of senators urging the Supreme Chancellor to give up some of the emergency powers granted him for the duration of the Clone Wars. This political association later led to his arrest by Imperial Intelligence as one of sixty-three senators charged with conspiracy and treason in relation to the Jedi Insurgency. Along with peers such as Senators Grebleips and Fang Zar, Streamdrinker was held in custody and encouraged to name his accomplices. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Tynnan Odumin attained the powerful post of Territorial Administrator in the Corporate Sector Authority. He received his promotion after an undercover mission in which he saved the life of High Inquisitor Laddinare Torbin from an attack by the religious cult known as the Church of the First Frequency. Following his promotion, he kept his identity as a Tynnan a secret, and so was able to continue on undercover missions. In this role, he cracked numerous slaving and criminal operations in the Corporate Sector, such as the Xiochi slaver gang. On one notable undercover mission, he posed as a debt collector named Spray. Working alongside Han Solo, he managed to stop a highly placed slaver ring. Odumin later released his memoirs and was regarded as a hero on his homeworld. Many Tynnans were encouraged by his success to take more active roles in the galaxy. A less auspicious Tynnan was the professional thief and demolitions expert Dawson. Having spent eighteen years free of responsibility on Tynna, he was selected in the lottery to fill a role in the Tynnan government. Horrified at the prospect, he fled and eventually joined up with Cecil Noone and his crew of professional thieves. Dawson brought his demolitions skills to their tasks, most notably in the heist of a Hapan Gun of Command from the Ithorian Herdship Song of the Clouds. The team struggled to find a buyer for their unique item and was forced to approach the dangerous Krish hunter Tyro Viveca. This contact turned the tables on Noone, hunting the thief in his compound on Kabal. It was only Dawson's demolitions skills that enabled the team of thieves to defeat Viveca and escape the planet. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, a number of Tynnans escaped the slave camps on their world and joined the numerous refugees circulating the galaxy. Following the establishment of the Galactic Alliance, a Tynnan diplomat accompanied Alliance commander Gar Stazi on a peace-keeping observation tour to Kuthard in the Sepan sector.
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