#herakles. they feel like different people :O
fireandspiceland · 3 years
Fuck it, I guess, I wanna send you some love and see some Content (tm). Prompt 17 for either AusHun or TurGre, whatever you feel more comfortable with. (Or if you are feeling adventurous, TurGreSic. Latter would surely also work wonders with 13.)
Send a ship and a number ask game
17. “Don’t treat me like a princess”
Love is always appreciatedm <3 As much as I love AusHun, I'm going with TurGre for this one. I never wrote anything for them but with this prompt I can definitely work something out. (Also I'd love to do TurGreSic sometime in the future! I just don't feel like I can do Michele justice yet)
-> nothing much to say about this one except that it's porn
A loud bang and a groan reverberated from the cold tiles of the bathroom. Greece rubbed his head and hissed at the pain.
"Shhh, are you trying to attract the whole world's attention? They are all right there in the conference room if that's what you want."
Turkey's scolding was answered by a mumbled apology and another groan, but this time it was out of pleasure, not out of pain.
Strong hands were roaming Greece's body, demanding kisses pressed to his lips, and he couldn't do anything but let it all happen. His head was still pounding from the hit against the unforgiving wall of the bathroom stall. But being kissed and touched like this by Turkey... the pain was soon overshadowed by the pricking feelings of arousal under his skin.
Turkey hummed approvingly, when he felt Greece's gentle fingers carding through his hair, massaging his scalp. He deepened their kiss, getting more bold, more desperate, before breaking it entirely.
Greece tried to pull Turkey closer to him again, but before he got the chance the other man had slid from his weak grip and was on his knees before him. A sight that Greece wouldn't dare to complain about.
Calloused hands slid up from his hips to his waist, sneaking their way beneath Greece shirt. A shiver ran down his spine and Greece gasped when Turkey's kisses went from his stomach to his hips, bruising the tender skin with little nips and bites.
Turkey settled his hands on the back of Greece's thighs, pulling him closer. Feeling him getting harder was a turn on of its own.
Another bite, another bruise, another gasp and Turkey could feel Greece's knees getting a little weaker. One hand gripped his shoulder, Greece trying to keep himself somewhat steady.
Turkey gave his thighs one last squeeze before moving his hands to undo his pants and his lips back to his stomach, slowly leaving a trail of kisses downwards until he reached the fabric he was about to remove.
Letting himself fall back against the wall, Greece gripped Turkey's shoulder a little harder when the other man kissed the tip of his erection through his briefs before pulling them down to his knees.
Turkey positioned himself a little more comfortable in the small space of the stall and looked up at Greece, meeting his eyes. The hungry look in his eyes had Greece's cock twitching, he gritted his teeth to stifle a moan.
"You better be quiet or this is the last time I miss out on those kids quarreling over nothing for you."
"O- okay."
Greece bit his lip when Turkey shifted to wrap one hand around his cock, guiding it into his mouth. He gave the tip a gentle lick before taking as much of it in his mouth as he could fit, coating it in saliva. Soon he had found the familiar rhythm of stroking and bobbing his head. Greece's hand was carefully brought to Turkey's head, only moving with him, not demanding anything. He once again felt the other man card his hand through his hair carefully. Looking up at Greece, Turkey found him still biting his lower lip, eyes tightly closed, cheeks flushed.
Turkey pulled his mouth off Greece's cock with a plop but continued to stroke him. Greece slowly opened his eyes.
"Everything good?"
His voice was strained. Turkey furrowed his brow.
"That's what I could ask you. I know I told you to be quiet, but why are you holding back? Don’t treat me like a princess, fuck my mouth and bite your tongue. The meeting will be over soon and I'm not getting caught here with you."
For a moment they started into each other's eyes, but then Turkey noticed a spark in Greece's eyes and grinned. The grin was immediately wiped off his face when Greece gripped the back of his head and guided him back onto his cock. With one hand covering his own mouth and the other holding Turkey's head in place, Greece bucked his hips, stifling his groans.
Turkey closed his eyes, his both his hands again holding onto the back of Greece's thighs, sneakily wandering up to grab his ass. He nearly gagged when Greece at a particularly forceful thrust in his mouth, Greece's cock hitting the back of his throat, but once he got used to the feeling Turkey moaned lowly when Greece was deep inside him again.
The soft vibrations around his cock together with the view of a teary eyed Turkey on his knees before him were enough to get Greece over the edge. He came with a groan, biting his hand, but failing to stifle all the noise, pushing Turkey's head as close as he could. Turkey hummed at the feeling of Greece cumming down his throat, the additional simulation making Greece weak to his knees.
When he came down from his high, Greece released Turkey's head from his grip and joined him on the floor. For a while none of them said anything, only their heavy breaths filling the silence as they sat next to each other.
Greece cleared his throat and Turkey gave him a questioning look.
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osakaso5 · 3 years
Everyday Splendor in Olympus Town: Season 2
Episode 2: Dionysus
Episode Index
Zeus: Ah, your wines truly are special, Dionysus.
Dionysus: I know, right? It's because I gave the grapes extra pets and played them tooons of songs this year.
Zeus: Pets..?
Zeus: I'm not sure what that means, but I do appreciate all the hard work you do for me.
Dionysus: Yay, a compliment. I'm soooo happy.
Hercules: I've finally found you, Dionysus! You're under arrest on suspicion of lying!
Dionysus: Hmm, you're arresting me again? I feel like that's all you ever do, Herakles.
Hercules: It's H-E-R-C-U-L-E-S! Get it right, or I'll add constantly mispronouncing my name to your charges!
Zeus: Do you have to make so much noise?
Zeus: Either be quiet, or begone.
Hercules: ...I didn't realize you were also here, Master Zeus...
Hercules: Nevertheless, this man is a suspect, and I must take him into custody!
Zeus: Can't you see I'm giving my patronage to his oden stand? I can't have him disappear on me.
Zeus: Do not bother us any longer.
Hercules: ...Very well... I'll hold off on the arrest until you're finished dining.
Hercules: And you, don't even think of running away!
Dionysus: Wow, thanks so much for your patience. In the meantime, you should have a drink too, Hecurlies.  
Hercules: ...I'll have sake.
Dionysus: Red wine, coming right up.
Hercules: Huh? No, I said I want sake.
Dionysus: Here's the red wine you asked for.
Zeus: He doesn't serve anything else, you know.
Hercules: You run an oden stand, but don't serve sake..!? Why!?
Hercules: Hm? Wait a minute... Your oden doesn't even have any ingredients other than potato in it!
Hercules: I'd hardly call this oden... So that's another thing I'm adding to your charges.
Dionysus: What charges are those, anyhow? I haven't been lying to people.
Dionysus: All the potatoes are due to your dad here. I'm sure Master Zauss can tell you all about it.
Zeus: Do you take issue with potatoes, Hercules?
Zeus: Or are you trying to inflate your arrest numbers so they'll be as high as those of Odysseus?
Hercules: O-of course not...
Hercules: I'm not worried about Odysseus. Not one bit...
Dionysus: Ahaha, yeah, right. Since you're so cute, I'll let you have  the wine for free, Hercoolio. 
Hercules: I don't need your damn wine!
Hercules: And besides, the charges are not false.
Hercules: They were brought on by your nonsensical stories about there being gold buried somewhere in Olympus Town.
Zeus: Gold, you say..?
Hercules: My investigation points to Dionysus as the source of the rumors.
Dionysus: Oh, the gold thing. I heard about that from one of my customers.
Dionysus: Apparently, someone very important from Olympus Town buried gold to gift to their children.
Dionysus: And it wasn't just gold, I was told. There were also books with crucial knowledge written on them, such as how to pick up girls, or the secret to becoming the strongest warrior the world has ever seen.
Zeus: Knowledge on how to pick up girls, you say..!?
Hercules: The secret to becoming the strongest warrior..!?
Zeus: If I got my hands on those books, women the world over would adore me...
Hercules: If I became the strongest warrior ever, then I could finally defeat  Odysseus and become number one...
Zeus: So, where exactly is this treasure?
Hercules: Tell us right now.
Dionysus: I didn't think you two would be so interested.
Hercules: It must be investigated, that's all. I still think you're lying.
Dionysus: Hmm, but I don't know where it's located...
Dionysus: I wanted to dig it up and give it aaaall to Hestia, but I've been having trouble finding it...
Dionysus: I digged and I digged, but all I found was garbage. Where could the gold be, I wonder?
Zeus: Were there any books among the trash you found?
Dionysus: Hmm, were there?
Zeus: Any information you have will help.
Dionysus: Oh, actually!
Hercules & Zeus: What..!?
Dionysus: There was a note with Ateeny's name on it. It was inside a chest, so I mistook it for treasure.
Hercules & Zeus: That can't be it...
Hercules: ...Wait. I was wondering who's been digging holes in the ground, but it was clearly you! Do you have any idea how long it took me to fill those up!?
Dionysus: Oh, you filled them up for me? That was so nice of you. Have some more free wine, as thanks.
Zeus: I doubt going around digging tiny little holes in the ground was particularly helpful in finding the treasure.
Zeus: We should evacuate the city, and turn the entire soil inside out.
Dionysus: What!? You can do that!? Wow, Master Zauss, you're amazing!
Hercules: Evacuate the city? Hmph, it sounds like you need to be arrested for making terrorist threats. That's another one of my record.
Hercules: And since I'm apprehending such a high-profile suspect, I'll be the talk of the town.
Dionysus: You'll put Master Zauss in jail? Even though he's your old man?
Hercules: Our personal relationship has nothing to do with his wrongdoings. 
Hercules: I'd worry about myself, if I were you. Your arrest has only been postponed, not cancelled.
Dionysus: You're such a scary policeman. If I go to jail, I can't see  Hestia anymore. Or drink red wine.
Dionysus: Oh, I know! Since you're arresting us both, how about you put us in the same cell?  
Dionysus: That way, Hestia can come  bring us treats, and we can probably  keep drinking wine all day long! 
Hercules: Your laziness astounds me...
Zeus: Hmph, a mere officer of the law will not capture the almighty Zeus.
Dionysus: Whoooa! You're sooo cool! A toast to Master Zauss!
Zeus: Hah hah hah. But of course.
Hercules: ...Ugh... It's pointless to reason with these drunkards...
Dionysus: Heeey! Harculius, stop standing around and drink with us.
Hercules: It's Hercules! ...Though I suppose correcting you won't make a difference...
Zeus: Who cares about names? Have a sip of the greatest wine you'll ever have the privilege to enjoy.
Hercules: Fine... I'll have one glass with you, then.
Hercules: ........!? This actually tastes quite good...
Dionysus: Doesn't it!? I think I've managed to make something special this year.
Hercules: You're under arrest for making wine that tastes too good.
Dionysus: Hehehe, you sure do love arresting people! I must say, I like the sound of those charges.
Dionysus: Drink up, there's plenty more great wine for both of you to enjoy. 
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swamp-tastic · 6 years
Fan-Servant Idea: Helen of Sparta
Guess what. I wanted to try making one of my favorite mythological figures into a servant. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed makeing
 itHelen of Sparta
Class: Archer
Strength: D
Endurance: D
Agility: B
Mana: B+
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm:
Βέλος του ηλιόλουστου ηλίου (Vélos tou ilióloustou ilíou/ Arrow of the setting Sun)
Guide my arrow, oh Apollo, so that the great Hero will fall
Anti-Unit                                  Rank: C
The arrow that the Hero Paris shot to kill Achilles. Through the guidance of Apollo this arrow will lead to demise and death. Any weak piont, no matter how small or guarded will be targetet for maximum damage. Why has the Queen of Sparta this Noble Phantasm? "He stole me from my homeland, so it is only fair to steal his one claim to fame from him."
This also is the reason for her Archer class. Using a mask, she hides her identity to pass as a simple warrior from Sparta using a bow. Should she reveal her other Noble Phantasm the disguise will be broken and this Noble Phantasm will be sealed.
[Single-target buster NP. Grants Pierce Invincible and curse enemy for 5 turns (Overcharge)]
Ελένη ω όμορφη Ελένη (Eléni, o ómorfi Eléni /Helen, oh beautiful Helen)
The face that launched a thousand Ships
Anti-Self                                   Rank: EX
The Noble Phantasm of the Queen of Sparta, Helen. A beauty that rivaled Aphrodite and lead to tragedy. From birth Helen was said to be most beautiful woman to have ever lived. Even Aphrodite granted her blessings. Looking upon her face invokes feelings of attraction, no matter the situation. A mystic-face-type Noble Phantasm that surpasses all resistances or preferences of the target. The action that is taken after witnessing Helens beauty will differ from individual to individual. t was this beauty that led to the kidnapping of Helen and the Trojan war and ended the Age of Heroes in greek mytholgy. Since Helen herself hated to be defined only by her beauty, she wears a mask to cover her face and seal this Noble Phantasm and hide her identity. She will only reveal herself if there is no other option.
Calling the true name of this Noble Phantasm will break her disguise and seal her other Phantasm. At this piont she "technically" doesn't qualify for an Archer anymore and therefor loses Independet Action as well as a rank in Magic Resistance. Her fighting style will depend on her divinity and skills from this point.
[Charm all enemies. Greatly reduce their Debuff Resist, Critical Chance, Attack and Defence for three turns]
Passive Skills:
Independent Action E-
Since she never was an Archer in life, she "borrows" this skill from Paris. Still, she hates doing so and will refuse to use it unless absolutly necessery.
Magic Resistance B
Divinity C+
Born as the child of Zeus in the form of a swan, boasting divine beauty, Helen has a reasonable high divinity rank even though she is never really acknoleged for her divine ancestry. She is able to cloak her arrows in divine lightning by invoking her father.
Legendary Beauty EX:
A composite skill of the "Princess of Lovliness" and "Bewitchin Rosy Cheeks" skills. Men are drawn to the beauty that is Helen. She will be captured or protected. The Action taken will depend on the individual. People will ignore whatever she has to say and she can not influence them in any way.
Since others expect a weak-willed princess, they might not be prepared for a strike from a queen.
[Gain Invincibility for three attacks. Apply Taunt to self for one turn. Increase own critical damage for three turns]
Beauty Concealing Mask EX
A mask that hides her face. It seals her Noble Phantasm
[Increase own Arts-Card performance for three turns. Gain NP. Seals NP]
Golden Rule (Body): A
She possesses a perfect goddess-like body since birth. No matter how many calories she absorbs, even her figure will not change. Unlike the Natural Body Skill, there is no effect on one’s Strength parameter. In the end, it is said that it is no more than one’s beauty being preserved.
[Grants self debuff-immunity for three turns. Recovers own HP every turn for 3 turns. Charges own NP gauge every turn for 3 turns.]
Howl of the War God C+
A howl that will awaken the blood of the War God Ares. Although not a child of Ares by blood, she is his child since she was (is) the Queen of Sparta, the city that Ares watches over. Using this skill allows her to fight on the frontline. It increses her strentgth, agility and Endurance by on rank each. In extreme situations she can raise Strength, and Endurance by two ranks.
The rage of this queen is terryfing.
[Increase all Allies Buster Card performance for three turns]
Protection of the Goddess -
The divine protection from Aphrodite. This skill is sealed and will never be used, due to personal reasons...
The great Hero. I was able to see him fight from the citywalls. I would have liked to talk to him at least once.Maybe the glory he found in this war was worth all of this...
My brother-in-law. One of only two people who were good to me in all of Ilium. I wished he wouldn't have to pay for his brothers mistake. Now his wife and child are alone, as am I.
That Amazon. She too carries a curse of beauty? What? She seems enraged? The blood of Ares is boiling! I better keep my distance.
My husband. A strong but kind man.  He is the one I choose and the only one I will aknowledge as such. It breaks my heart to be away from him and our daughter.
A coward who hid behind others. He deserves not to be called a hero, so I took from him his one great deed. He can rot forever in the depths of Hades for what he did to me. And yet, when I remember our first meeting and how I was overcome with love, I wonder... was it Aphrodites curse, or... no it can only be the work of that goddess!
My half-brother whose fate was as tragic as mine. I'd like to meet him once, for my brothers tell great tells of their time with the Argonauts
My brothers told me of a huntress who has sworn of men, to honor great Artemis. Perhaps she had the right idea.
It was said that with the Argonauts there was a witch who helped a coward achieve greatness. My brothers told me that she was also cursed with love from Aphrodite. If only we had met, that goddess would surley have much to fear.
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