#her theme really goes for the heart goddamnit
byberbunk2069 · 8 months
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 4 years
What You Do to Me
Kakashi Hatake x F!reader Smut
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Warnings: oral sex, suggestive themes, lots of swearing, mention of violence/death
Cheers to the first story for the horny blog. Let’s see how this goes. Plot here follows an ANBU reader that is returning home. They are referenced as female, but could be any gender in a dress. Hope you enjoy 🖤
The leadership position was an honor— one you had fought tooth and nail for, even. You stood apart in how willing you were to climb to the top, to become the best of the best. However, it had its downsides.
You struggled making genuine friendships. You could be polite, sure, but so many people didn’t seem worth the effort anymore. It was easier to catapult all of your efforts into your training and work life.
It did make the good friends you had all the more special to you, though. You loved them dearly, and time and time again they proved their loyalty to you. Thankfully it didn’t waver whenever you were away for extended timeframes.
You had been sent away for an assassination. Somewhere nearly across the map, in a remote scavenger village where trouble had been brewing for the Hidden Leaf Village politically. It had done a number on you. You could recall the screams of the warlord’s wife when she found him in his bed with his throat cut.
As you settled into the routine of being home again, you found solace in Kurenai Yuhi. She was the friend that had been with you the longest, since the academy. You witnessed each other’s growth throughout your short lives and had been there to celebrate with and uplift the other whenever needed. That being said, she had also been quick to notice the subsequent depression that fell over you after your latest mission.
“When was the last time you went out?” She asked you flippantly.
You had come over to her home for tea the moment you had turned in the paperwork to the Hokage’s office. You shook your head.
“I’m here now, aren’t I?”
She flicked your shoulder. “That’s not what I meant. Honestly! For fun. Something that doesn’t keep you holed up in your apartment. You know, with people.”
You gave half a laugh. “You’re scheming.”
“And if I am?”
You sighed. “You’ll rope me into it somehow. Just nothing too wild, please.”
She says it’s for your own good, and she’s probably right. Kurenai arranges dinner at a local bar with your peers, and the other jonin accept their invitations quickly.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. These are people you really loved and appreciated. It would be good to let loose for a bit. And then Kurenai comes to your door to get ready with you as promised, and she throws black fabric in your face immediately.
“WHAt the fuck—?” Scrambling, you take it off your head and your eyes bulge.
It’s a beautiful black dress. Nothing outrageously fancy, but simple and refined without looking like you were trying too hard. You snorted, and Kurenai called out to you from the bathroom.
“Kakashi’s coming, too!”
“Goddamnit... Kuri—“
“Just try it on! I promise it’s not itchy. And you look good in black.”
And as it turns out, you did. The dress hugged you in all the right places without suffocating you, and fell loosely just above your knees.
You and Kurenai looked at your body in the mirror almost surprised.
“Okay, I really like it a lot.” You admitted with a small smile, and she gave a playful smack to your ass.
“I told you!”
Everything falls into place accordingly, and as you both approach the bar, you can feel a familiar fire burning in your chest.
You were happy to have time with your friends, but you were itching to see one in particular. You hadn’t seen Kakashi since weeks before you left to execute the assassination.
God, how to describe how you felt for this man and where to begin? He was within your circle of true companions, many of whom you’d known since childhood. But Kakashi— he was different.
You’d admired him from afar as children, intrigued by his protege-level talent, until you had been roped into Gai’s shenanigans along the way. In truth, you think you shocked him by not being so intimidated by his prowess.
Ultimately, you could see he was lonely. You’d had your own losses yourself, but it was hard to imagine everything he had endured. You gained an honest respect for him, and you’d protected him beyond your time together in ANBU. But nothing could deny the pull you felt to him, or how much you wanted to be the person to put a smile on his face.
...Even if you couldn’t see it.
As you wait with your posse, your eyes find him first when he is (of course) the last to show up. You can’t help but observe him greedily when no one else notices, and you can’t help but stand a little taller when you notice his brows rise when he takes in your dress.
And from there, the night is history. You all pile into a cramped booth and order several rounds of drinks and food to last the night. Everyone has something to contribute, laughing, teasing, and bickering the night away. It warms your heart; finally,
you feel like you’re back home.
Your mentality becomes stronger too as you feel the warmth from the sake hit you. With precise aim you manage to toss a piece of sushi into Gai’s mouth from across the table and your audience applauds.
Yet despite your sport, you can’t ignore the looks Kakashi has been giving you even before you laughed in triumph. He’s been particularly quiet for some time, but you can’t tell if it’s the booze or the atmosphere getting to him.
When the waitress comes to gather your third round of empty drinks you can feel your mood shift. She’s a lovely girl,
thin and with pretty doe eyes. You can’t pick it up through the noise, but she makes a comment to Kakashi and you can make out a smug smile through his mask. He holds out cash between two pointed fingers to her, and she happily takes it and bats her eyelashes at him.
Something begins to boil in your blood. It wasn’t like you to get jealous— that couldn’t be it. But you swear you see his eyes dart to follow her hips as she leaves. And it irritates the living shit out of you.
You’d yearned after this man for what? Your entire adult life? How dare he. Disregard the fact you had never had the guts to confess to him.
Fuck him. Fuck him and his pretty eyes, and his stupid soft hair, and his feathery laugh—
God, you were in so deep. Your seething turns into pouting in your head. Sitting on the sidelines sucked.
And even still... something in your resolve is building. It could be impatience, or the fear you were nowhere near drunk enough to pull this off and forget about it if it went sour. But as the waitress eyes him from the bar, you excuse yourself to the restroom while the attention is on Asuma at the other side of the table.
With Kakashi on the outer seat, it’s easy to carefully but firmly hoist his vest into your hand so you can easily whisper in his ear.
“Outside in five, Hatake.”
He could easily find you when he got outside to see you weren’t directly by the entrance. You had snuck into the side alley to patiently wait, like a cat waiting for a mouse to show itself from the underbrush.
Your nerves are broiling over while you idle, and the heat in your gut is burning you alive. But just as you’re ready to talk yourself out of it, he sneaks around the corner.
“This is some rendezvous, don’t you—“
He can’t even finish before you’ve swiftly backed him against the wall. You hold his wrists firmly in place by his shoulders, though you’re aware he could quickly break your hold if he tried.
“What the hell’s wrong with you Kakashi?” You pitifully laugh. “Do you think I’m not paying attention to you?”
Your words are more vicious than the defeated sound of your voice.
He playfully arches an eyebrow. “So, you have been watching me?”
“Of course I’ve been watching you, jackass! How could you even— but I know we’re not— but still—!”
Your resolve is quickly dissipating while his expression becomes more amused. Damn him.
“I think that was a confession if I’ve ever heard one,” he calmly adds. You glare at him.
He thinks he’s won, and gets ready to leave, but you press your knee between his legs. He can’t move, and there’s not enough pressure beneath his crotch to hurt, but he then has your attention.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me, Hatake?” You dangerously whisper to him.
Now, you see him sweat. His eyes look away, and that won’t do. Not anymore.
“Every night I was away, all I could think about was you.” You breathe into his collarbone, kissing over his clothed neck until you reach his flushed ear.
“I’m tired of playing games. You know how much I want you. Only you.” You suck on the lobe of his ear and grin when you feel him inhale sharply.
Your hands fall down to his hips and grip them harshly to ground yourself. With closed eyes, you have to steady your breathing to calm yourself. “If you don’t want this, tell me. You don’t have to.”
He’s ripped out of his haze by the sincerity of your tone. In the dim light, you can see him pull his mask down with a finger to take you in fully. His smile is so breathtakingly, beautifully raw.
“I do want you, and all of this. Now kiss me already.“
And like that, your heads are tilted and your lips are locked. The fire in your belly explodes to the rest of your body and you feel it amplified every time you touch him.
He moans deeply when you begin to push against him, reveling in how this wasn’t a dream. One of his hands cradles the back of your head through your hair, and you grin when the other trails down to grope your ass.
You gently rub your knee into his crotch, and he keens while you run your hands up his toned stomach and over his tight chest. When you’re to his face, you lower your knee to push your hips together and pull his hair as you slip your tongue into his mouth.
He submits to you willingly, openly, and freely. And it drives you wild.
Your kisses become more desperate as your tongues interlock, and he feels up from your thigh to your ass when you wrap a leg around him for balance.
His grip tightens around the back of your legs. “Jump,” he says, breathlessly.
You smile. “No.”
The wild look in your eyes sends a shiver down his spine.
He goes to ask you why, but then you’re on your knees in front of him and he swears he double-takes. You pause when your hand is at his zipper and he swears he’ll scream.
“You can stop me at anytime.”
“I don’t want to! Please,” he rasps, fingers trying to find purchase at the top of your head.
His begging sends the heat within you straight to your core. So you indulge, and pull down his pants and underwear enough to let his cock bob out into the night air.
He hisses at the cold initially, but almost chokes when he feels the flat of your tongue press against his cockhead. Your eyes are dark with a sinister lust when you stare up at him, and it takes his breath away.
“Fuck, Y/N, please,” he whines, his voice catching.
You flick your pointer finger up and trail it from between his balls up his entire length, not removing it from his now fully erect shaft.
“Please what? Use your words baby.”
He bucks his hips forward trying to get close to your mouth again.
“Please Y/N, blow me,” he pants. “Fuck me with that pretty mouth of yours.”
Did you wickedly grin once more? Probably. But you close your eyes and take his entire cock down your throat at once and he nearly seizes.
You start at an agonizing pace, making him wanton and needy for you. But just as he’s tiring, you speedily lick your tongue around his shaft and deeply suck him, making him yelp in the process.
“AH!— Holy shit!” He gasps and tightens his grip on your hair.
You hum around his cock, happy with his response, and he gives you a low, drawn out groan to follow. It’s enough to distract him while your hands hook around the back of his thighs to hold him in place.
You run your nails down his thighs just as you begin to swirl your tongue over his sensitive head, and then you take him as far back into your throat as you can once more.
Kakashi’s eyes are rolling into the back of his head, completely at your mercy and enjoying every minute of it. His silver hair frames his pearlescent skin so well in the darkness, which must contrast well with the weeping cock in your mouth.
You come up for air, and give him fast, sticky pumps as you look up at him cheekily.
“How are you feeling handsome?”
“S-So good, holy fuck.” He tries to catch his air as well, but he shakes his head. “Please, let me fuck your mouth. You feel so fucking good, please let me.”
Who were you to refuse?
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Just A Dream Away
Chapter 5/13 read here on ao3!
for @harringrovebigbang
Robin gets to the phone first.
Steve was too busy wallowing in his bed to get up and answer, though he figures it might be worth seeing who it is that’s calling. None of the kids call him anymore, but he always considers, even if it’s for just a moment, that it could be an emergency. He’ll know whenever he decides to get up, or if Robin even decides to pick it up.
Its ring echoes shrill and loud in the apartment, the tone making him want to wrap himself in a blanket and never come out, so he slides out of his bed, calling down the stairs in search of a solution to end the noise, “You gonna get that Rob?”
For a moment, he wonders if she’ll even respond. It’s barely been a couple of hours since he made her cry, but she calls back, “Are you expecting a call?”
Relieved to know she at least still tolerates him, Steve answers, “Nope.”
“Then no.” Comes her simple response, and the phone ringing promptly dies out, “Guess it didn’t matter anyways.”
But almost immediately, it starts up again, somehow sounding more sharp than before. Steve tells her just to get it so the ringing will stop, coming down the steps to see for himself who it is calling.
He watches Robin pull the receiver from its base, in the place of a greeting going straight for, “What do you want?”
Steve takes note of the fact that her mood isn’t entirely better yet, though he’s definitely glad she’s taking those feelings out on the telephone and not on him, but, despite her abrasiveness, she still receives no response.
It looks like she’s going to hang up before she hears something, her features closing off as she focuses on whatever comes through the other end, “Hello? I can’t hear you. Who is this?”
There’s a whining static loud enough for even Steve to hear from the other side of the room, getting louder, and then a pop that makes the lights flicker and the phone die out, making Robin shriek and drop it, shaking out her hand.
“Son of a bitch shocked me.” She mumbles, picking up the dead receiver and showing Steve the two burnt ends.
In the moment though, something he’ll perhaps feel bad for another time, Steve isn’t worried about his friend. He isn’t rushing to see what happened and check if she got burnt, he instead just freezes up, filtering through the overwhelming questions filling his head to ask, “Did you hear who it was?”
“No, it just sounded like it was all distorted.”
Her answer is nonchalant, but it makes Steve feel weak and panicky, sitting down at the table as pale as a ghost.
That’s obviously not a normal reaction, and Robin asks, tone more afraid than concerned, which he thinks that’s appropriate for what just happened, “What’s going on Steve?”
Grimly, he explains, “Mrs Byers’ phone did that twice before, blowing up after a call just like that.”
“Okay, well maybe there’s just a storm coming and it’s just a coincidence that happened to her too?” She tries to reason, but Steve already knows, he's felt this dread before. “No, Robs. It happened because Will called her from the Upside Down.”
“But then that means-“ Robin starts, working through the implications, Steve finishing the statement for her, “Someone is trapped over there.”
“Holy shit, but the gate, hasn’t it been closed for a year and a half now?“
“Unless someone else opened it, yeah.”
Stiffly she nods, asking hesitantly, be it because of her questions or the disagreement between them earlier, “Well what do we do?”
A reflection of his lack for anything but pessimistic doomsdaying anymore, Steve worries, “What can we do, Robin? I’ve only ever fought the things that end up in our world, and you’ve never even seen half of the monsters that come from over there. We’re too overpowered here.”
More rational than her friend, Robin suggests, “I think we should get a hold of Eleven. You said she's the one that really understands any of this other dimension stuff. She can help.”
But Steve shakes his head, “Her powers are gone. She might know what to do, but I don’t think she’ll be able to do anything.”
“So you just want to leave whoever it is over there?”
“No, fuck no. That’s not what I mean.”
“Then what should we do?”
“I don’t know..” Steve frowns, thinking hard before he answers determinedly, “But whoever it is, they reached out to us. We have to help them.”
The phone doesn’t work.
What is Billy supposed to do? He’s tried everything, and with his last resort at reaching out a dud, he’s not sure what else he even can do.
So, in true Billy Hargrove fashion, he lashes out, cursing and unnecessarily yanking the phone jack out of the wall, the plastic handheld skidding across the kitchen tile into the corner, “Goddamnit!”
The noise may have been a mistake though, because, despite how sure he was the dogs wouldn’t find this place, he hears a chitter, and the click of claws on hardwood floors. The damn thing is in the house, and his machete is by the door.
A recurring theme with these hell beasts, is that there’s never enough time to run, but unless he wants to use decorative mugs or a cookie jar to fight it, he doesn’t have much of a choice but to try.
He makes two mistakes as he runs, the first being that he hesitates, not wanting to leave Steve. Even if he couldn’t find him he had gotten so damn close, but a snarl from the dog puts things into perspective, and, with a heavy feeling of remorse in his chest, he leaves through the backdoor as quietly as he can, bolting down the rotting back steps.
His second mistake is looking over his shoulder. Just as his boots touch brittle grass, he decides just to glance back and see how much space is between him and the hellhound, but the second he sees it, he just freezes up.
Because it’s fucking big, for one thing. It has to force itself through the door frame, meaning it’s wider than he is. It has a lot more teeth than the others. It’s skin is pale and it’s limbs much longer. Something tells him the others he’s seen are immature, and this one is close to its final form, whatever that may be. Either way, he’s decidedly not fucking around with that.
The daunting unfamiliarity of this part of Hawkins, intimidating as it is, isn’t Billy’s main concern right now. He just bolts like a coward, hoping against hope that there’ll be anything along his path he won’t have to corner himself to get that can be used as a weapon, basically his only other option for surviving this that this amped up dog will get bored of him fast.
But, and really, he knew this was the case, he just hadn’t wanted to admit he was prey yet, it easily charges him, going up on its back legs to knock him off his balance. It misses at first, so he thankfully doesn’t get pushed to the ground, but his reflexes, especially when blurred by emotion, are no match to a monster of this size, and before he can even process its next move, it clamps its teeth on his arm.
Now, he’s been here for a while. He’s had scratches and cuts and welts from their tails, but he’d always been quick enough, smart enough, prepared enough to not get bit. Which he really wishes was still something he could still attest to, because it fucking hurts. Razor sharp teeth from too many mouths tear into the muscle, a stinging pain all the way from the point of impact in his wrist up to his shoulder.
It’s his fault, all this stuff with Steve was getting to his head, feeling his presence and hearing his voice again for the first time in god knows how long only to be unable to reach him. It was doing things to his judgement.
But this is still bad. Really fucking bad.
As soon as it lets go, he knows it’s going to latch onto him again, so he does what he does best in a situation where he’s hurt and scared and alone. He cries, for one thing, but he also fights. But where he’d normally just use his fists and his ego to prove his strength, this world is built differently. Even with a pocket knife to stand up for himself that’s not enough to survive, but he’s still going to make it count. If at the end of this he goes down, it won’t be without a fight.
A fight to just get back to the way things were. To prove to himself he could do this and survive. For once in his fucking life, just to overcome hardship and move the hell forward, no cycles of hatred and pain, love and respect drawing him back. Nobody else in control of his body. Nobody else holding him back from being happy.
He just wants to survive this.
There’s blood on his jacket sleeve, but Billy refuses to look at how bad the wound truly is yet. There quite frankly isn’t enough oxygen down here to afford a panic, but from the pain and the blood alone, he knows it’s not going to be good for him.
The fighting isn’t going too well either, with only one arm not weighed down by injury and a knife the size of his palm his last standing lines of defense, it’s mostly him dodging the creature and flailing his limbs to either stop an incoming bite or confuse it, both of them too confident in its ability to tear him to shreds to advance further than that.
But it gets bored of fucking around with him, and it rises to its back legs again, and Billy knows he’s fucked, squeezing his eyes shut and blocking his face, but the attack never comes. There’s a huge crack of lightning in the ever looming storm above, and a chorus of eerie chittering from more dogs at varying degrees of closeness to where they are, and it draws the attention of the big one away.
While the monster is distracted, he uses that opportunity to his advantage, takes charge of his circumstances to give himself a fighting chance. That strategy never worked for him before, only ever got him into deeper shit, but he can’t exactly just stand here and be monster bait either so, though it breaks his heart to put that distance between him and Steve, Billy chooses to run.
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tartareus · 4 years
Fiona Goode as layers !
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NAME -   fiona borgia vandenheuvel goode
EYE COLOUR -   vivid hazel although her gaze visibly darkens when she’s angry
HAIR STYLE / COLOUR -   like her father before her fiona has golden blonde hair, a family genetic trait that seemed to almost skip her daughter. fiona personally hates it when her hair is too long and has never had it any longer than at shoulder length. naturally straight with the odd curls at the tips, the supreme likes to keep a classic look that is just hers, with hair cascading down in gentle waves framing her face, but with a modern air to it. eventually, when she begins to lose her hair, fiona takes on wearing wigs ( high quality ones that try to mimic what her hair was like but just won’t curl right ) and headwraps sometimes
HEIGHT -   5ft 8 / 1,73m,  that tall and still refusing to wear heels that are smaller than 5 inch
CLOTHING STYLE -  black, copious amounts of it. it is not just because she is a widow, she has been fond of the colour ever since she was a teen and not only she finds it classy and charming, it also helps that it gives her an even more threatening and severe look. the cut is flattering, hugging her curves pleasantly but not too much as she’d rather take a classy look than a sexy one anytime. in the odd occasion that she wears other colours, she goes straight to red - vivid blood red or the dark crimson piece she loves so much. she's never wearing cheap stuff - hell, even her sleepwear is from chanel - because fiona loves fancy things, always has && will not hesitate to spoil herself buying them. overall she is stylish, even if she hardly ever leaves her comfort zone and drops the classics that are her favourites , like chanel and prada.
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE -    to me, it’s her jawline (she’s got a jawline for days - beautiful), but if you were to ask her she’d probably say it’s her legs. they are long, smooth and give her a lean look && while she knows there’s nothing particularly special about them fiona has learnt to use her legs in a way that could easily rival marlene dietrich.
FEARS -   her own death, losing cordelia for good, lack of power, not being loved, being lonely,witch hunters
GUILTY PLEASURE - oh boy, i could say so many things here - sex, alcohol, manipulating people - but let’s be honest she’s not feeling guilty about any of these, they’re just plain pleasures for her. so i’m going with the REAL deal here: crispy spicy fried chicken ! i kid you not ! catch fiona smuggling into the academy some kfc in the middle of the night after she’s done some shit like killing a student or digging up a racist psycho, that is all the comfort food she needs.
BIGGEST PET PEEVE - lack of respect, insubordination and incompetence, seriously...the quickest way to get her to turn your brain into scrambled eggs is by doing any of these. she will not have it.
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE - tbh it really depends on the verse, it used to be becoming the supreme, then it became being powerful. i think, in the way i chose to play her, it’s keep her powers and position as supreme as she becomes immortal ; on a side track, patching up things with her daughter is one of her goals, but it never really makes it to her main ambition.
FIRST THOUGHTS UPON WAKING UP -   when she’s not waking up with a random joe or jane ( in which she wakes up like “who the hell is that? get out.”) beside her, considering the amount of alcohol she drinks, fiona usually wakes up with a hangover and a thundering headache so it’s something along the lines of “  goddamnit, close the drapes ! where's that  painkiller ?? ”
WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST -   “what can i do to get what i want ?” she’s always after ways to get something for herself, manipulate people so they are useful for her
WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED -   she takes a stiff drink and wishes there was someone to hold her - wishing that she truly had someone there for her, because at the end of the day, after parties and fancy meetings, that’s exactly what fiona is: alone and lonely.
WHAT YOUR BEST QUALITY IS -   she gets shit done, just goes for it with heart and soul - oh, wait...she doesn’t have one...well, semantics aside, she really applies 100% of herself to whatever she does. that dedication extends to her love life too. she might not be the most romantic person around and will try and manipulate things into her favour but if she really likes you she will do everything in her power to make it clear that you matter and that she cares about you.
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES - she does well in parties and places full of people, she’s extroverted and can be oh so charming and sweet when she wants to, but she’d prefer single dates if she’s serious - especially in the beginning - as they are more private and intimate. once she feels confident that this relationship might work, she’ll be happy enough to show you off to pretty much everybody she knows ( and take the opportunity to claim you as her own, as a way to mark her territory because she sucks at sharing )
TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED -   love never got her that far, respect is fickle so it’s neither, she’d rather be feared. the respect would come after this.
BEAUTY OR BRAINS -   brains, always, what’s the point of looking good and being a total idiot ? she values beauty (in herself and in others) but nothing compares to a cunning mind.
DOGS OR CATS - it might come as a surprise, given her own feline nature, but fiona loves dogs and always wanted to have one but...well, she doesn’t want to clean up after them && have all the responsibility that comes with having one so...she’d rather not have them to save herself from the headache.
LIE -   it might be surprising how much she tells the truth to be honest ? fiona is a truth teller, as crass and mean as that truth might come out, by default except when she lies, a shame is: she has to lie way too often.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - oh, she’ll make it seem like she’s THE shit, like she knows everything and that YOU need her... but does that meet her own standards ? no. she despises false modesty ( fiona knows she’s smart and powerful, no denying on her vain nature ) but she is, deep down, a little insecure
BELIEVE IN LOVE -   "pft, love is for fools and silly school girls.” yes, of course she does.
BEEN ON STAGE - in fancy parties when she has to talk about someone and once when she went along with stevie in a tour 
DONE DRUGS – the million dollar question that should be asked here is which drugs fiona hasn’t done yet ?
CHANGED WHO YOU WERE TO FIT IN - no, she’d rather change the people around her than change herself.
FAVOURITE COLOUR -   black and red. she despises pastels because she never looked good on them
FAVOURITE MOVIE - she'll say she likes some obscure french movie full of philosophy and complex female themes but that’s bullshit. in reality fiona is a slut for old hollywood movies like singing in the rain and to catch a thief, 80’s slashers and, surprise, the odd nancy meyers movie every once in a blue moon
FAVOURITE GAME – scheming, no just kidding…am i? chess is a bore to her, especially because she never really worked the nerve to learn the rules right. she’d take gin rummy and poker anytime ( not that she’s any good at them though )
DAY YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE -   october 17th,she’s a libra sun, leo rising with a scorpio moon
HOW OLD WILL YOU BE -   if she had lived long enough to actually have another birthday she’d be 63
DOES AGE MATTER – depends on the situation; by default she finds younger people annoying with all their antics and will not hesitate to tell them so.
BEST PERSONALITY -   someone who won’t be threatened by her or insecure by her status and actions, she likes confident and capable people, someone who won’t back down and won’t quit at the first issue they run into. someone fierce yet passionate, someone intriguing
BEST EYE COLOUR -   dark brown
BEST HAIR COLOUR – she’s usually attracted to brunettes and raven haired people.
BEST THING TO DO WITH A PARTNER -   sex. kidding, i mean, it really depends on the relationship and the partner ? she’s all for long conversations and dancing by the moonlight but she’s not the type who’ll be making grand love speeches, telling you how infatuated she is with you. Don’t expect any of that. She will however take you to places like paris and Greece, long vacations are a thing that Fiona is very prone to, especially with a partner.
I LOVE -  “ the thrill of the hunt, my dance; I love the delicious high magic and power give me, that no drug could ever imitate.”
I FEEL -   “ like I’m slipping away, fading as the world goes on without me. ”
I HIDE -   “ how much i truly care. ”
I MISS -   “ loving and being loved. ”
I WISH -   “ cordelia would understand that all I’ve done was to make sure she was tough enough to be able to survive this ugly wide wicked world”
tagged by : no one, i just stole it lmao tagging:  @copiesofme​​ (dolores) ;  @bloodykneestm​​ (ransom) ; @rosemalice​​ (avis) ; @gdvas​​ (marie) ; @flyingupward​​ (imogene) ; @hismanners​​ && @fencetm​​ !! + anyone that wants to do this, just say i tagged ya !!
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The Great Precure Watchening Part 1: Well, Futari wa Through Heartcatch Are Done
Soooo I’m about a dozen episodes into Suite Precure. I’m motoring right along! Considering that around Christmas I was still on Splash Star, I think I’m doing alright!
I really, really liked Fresh and Heartcatch a lot. Fresh was, for me, everything Yes 5 wasn’t. I loved the character’s, and Setsuna’s character arc was perfect, and while having a baby mascot isn’t exactly my favourite thing ever, Chiffon was cute and Tarte was hilarious. I loved our first introduction to Love being “here’s our protagonist crying because her sempai didn’t return her feelings...except this is something that happened to a friend of hers and not to her, actually, she just keeps sticking her nose in other people’s business and the others call her out on it.” I love her.
I wasn’t sure I’d like Heartcatch, honestly, despite hearing that it’s one of the best-loved Precure series. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the art style, honestly. But it grew on me quickly, and it gave a goofier, more cartoonish vibe that I’ve been missing in my anime lately. Of course, the story and characters were great, though I wish Moonlight’s arc had a bit more closure? The ending seemed to just have us assume that she’d moved on from everything and it’s like. No? But other than that I liked it a lot. It also has Heart Goes On in it, which is definitely one of my favourite songs so far.
Honestly at this point the only one that I really hate is Yes 5 (and GoGo by extension). Nozomi is obnoxious, I hate Milk, Coco is annoying and the romance between him and Nozomi is Big Yikes, Nuts manipulates a middle schooler’s feelings for him for comedic effect, ugh. I liked that the bad guys were a soul-crushing corporation built on despair (because I love me some hope vs. despair themes and the finale where they’re being overwhelmed by despair but manage to pull through because of something “insignificant” like wanting to make jewelry is fantastic) and a shitty museum that steals artefacts from people. And as much as I despise Milk, the relationship between her and Karen was very sweet. (In the third All Star movie when they realize they’ll never see their mascots again, the first one to really get me was Milky Rose turning back into Milk and sobbing in Karen’s arms. I’ll admit, that hit me in a soft spot.)
And I know I’m not even halfway through it yet, but I’m really kind of apathetic about Suite. I think the music theme is neat, and I like the character designs (god the outfits are just...late 00s-early 10s high school and I miss that). I like Hummy, too. I thought she’d be annoying but she’s just the right kind of “no thoughts, head empty” character without being obnoxious about it. No, I just...I don’t like that the main relationship between Hibiki and Kanade is one where they’re constantly arguing over dumb stuff. I admit a relationship where the main characters don’t get along is different for Precure, but it’s...not great. I don’t like it. With Nagisa and Honoka it was different because they were just getting to know each other and weren’t really friends yet, but watching Hibiki and Kanade bicker is like watching two bitter ex-girlfriends snipe at each other for dumb, petty reasons, and it’s awkward. Also the little kid with the glasses who’s a rude little shit sucks and I hate that I know she’s Cure Muse because goddamnit I hate being right about these things.
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kariachi · 5 years
Last episode of the day, and then I’m gonna be trying to organize shit on my Kevin Episode Order list. Actually been looking forward to this one, because I have reason to believe it has Information that I, as a Kevin fan and fanwriter, require.
Let’s start up to Adrenaland Jr.
I would like to point out that I typed up the above at 2pm and it is now 5pm. I am a disaster and mildly afraid of this episode. Also went out to dinner. Scallops and shrimp, it was nice. Moving on.
I still love that Max joins in on the selfie at the end of the intro. I’m sorry, it just warms my little black heart.
Ben, disheartened because Gwen wins at everything she does. Ever.
“You guys will be thanking me for days!“ Good luck, Max.
Oh look, they have been taken to a themepark. The Adrenaland Jr of the title. Adrenaland but kiddified. They do not seem impressed at this first look.
Awww, Max thought this was the same as normal Adrenaland and was trying to be cool. Poor Max.
Okay, scratch that. Ben is unimpressed, Gwen is more than happy to get another Adrenaland pin for her collection. As somebody who collected pressed pennies until they started asking for a whole damn dollar for them, I can relate.
Well she’s a little bit enthusiastic, in case anyone wondered if she and Ben were maybe related.
Max is trying so hard. And Ben is so unimpressed. And Gwen gives no shits because she has a pin to acquire.
Oh gods, she’s gonna have to beat a carnival game to get a pin. All her skills will be put to the test.
And it looks like this really is the one for kids, that is defs a ‘my first rollercoaster’.
The puns are horrible. That alone is worth not coming back to this park.
Ben: I must make this a good ride, so help me god *goes alien*
And we’re back to Gwen’s PinQuest
Oh she was so sure of herself, but Gwen this is a carnival game and so probably rigged to some degree.
Ben please don’t ruin this for the small children.
Left the littles nauseated after altering the ride, which is against the rules. Good job Benjamin, I hope this weighs on your conscience.
...these people are chill, very politely explaining why what Ben did was wrong and giving him a second chance to not fuck with shit before they’re going to move on to actual reprimands.
Ben, I swear to fuck.
Not the teacups, dear gods leave the teacups alone
Goddamnit Ben
Leave the people on the jungle safari alone, child! wtf!
Max is giving him a fourth chance to behave, honestly he’s a more patient man than me.
Even the park staff have had enough.
Stewart (worker of the game Gwen is failing miserably at) is both amazed she’s doing so poorly and also trying to be encouraging. Not quite working.
Also I’m nearly halfway through this episode and wondering where my son is at. I know he’s in this episode I’ve seen screenshots
There is a ‘ride’ that is just playing in a load of socks falling from the sky. Honestly I can almost see the appeal.
There’s my son! Bootleg-ing a Sock Tower. I am both disappointed and proud somehow.
Fucking flails, child? Have you considered adding maybe an ounce of chill to your diet?
Please let these two end up commiserating over how lame these rides are.
(I will admit though I did kinda want this to be something I could put as Kevin officially meeting Gwen, have him show her how to beat that game because he’s bored and holy shit she’s bad at this. It would’ve been nice and a good start to him kinda liking her while still giving her cousin shit.)
“There’s definitely something strange going on here“ Yes and it’s about 4′10 with an attitude problem and no sleeves
Oh look, a Kevin again. I think he’s ruining the day of the people on a ferris wheel, but it’s moving too fast to be sure.
“Dweeby-son and Dweeby-senior“ I feel like I should be judging him for the lack of variety but honestly fuck it, stick to a theme kiddo, live your dreams
“Of course you’d be here at the baby park“ Bitch, you are here too!
Oh lords and Ben can’t even hear him from up there
“See Ben, Kevin likes this park. It is cool!“ Max please.
“Better stop him before he starts destroying somethign else“ Just the tone Ben uses here, and the look on his face. Like a beagle owner whose dog just got really quiet in the backyard so they know it’s halfway across the county by now.
The boys pausing a fight on a roller coaster so a bunch of little kids could go past, because Kev’s a jerk and Ben is reckless but they’re not bad kids at heart.
Damn, Kevin is kicking ass and taking names today
Awww, little kid with a watergun trying to put out Heatbast
Gwen, meanwhile, is about to snap and start wearing people’s skins if she doesn’t beat this game. Kinda worrying Stewart.
Gwen is holding this man hostage until she beats this game. She is the biggest threat to this park right now.
Ben can at least read a room enough to figure out Kevin’s in a fouler mood than usual. Ponders if Kevin has issues with Adrenaland he’s working out with violence. And I am paused right here because, again, I’ve seen screenshots and I am scared.
Yep, my son is in a Mood.
Oh lords the boys ruined Gwen’s near win. Everybody run for shelter!
Sometimes, you look at these boys, and you think ’if they had any sort’ve chill, would they just die?’
Gwen so pissed off she knocked both of them back to human shape and has them cowering with naught but tone and expression
Even when she’s pissed she tries to be reasonable.
Oh gods Kevin pain incoming.
...welp. It’s brief but it damn well don’t need to be longer, we get plenty of info right there. Especially when you keep in mind that this is a visual medium and every choice is deliberate especially with shit like this. Gotta love that ‘subtle’ implication through the use of commercials that Kevin was raised by an alcoholic. If you didn’t read this in slightly forced manic tone, you are wrong.
Also I like the difference between the view we get of Kevin when it’s Kevin’s flashback as opposed to Ben’s. Ben’s flashbacks of Kevin in school have all had him as a joyful tormentor, active, outgoing, and very forward. Meanwhile, the little bit we get from Kevin’s pov has him very clearly alone, head down, not even glancing at the people around him. He doesn’t look up in the flashback until he’s home, and even then the look is one of contempt as he looks towards the front room. For the commercial, for his guardian, for both? We don’t know for sure. Then, when we come back from the commercial to face him again, he just looks tired before turning and heading up the stairs.
Actually, I am still horribly curious. I’m fairly certain all the other flashbacks with him, including his own, include his sleeves being gone, while they’re still around for this one. And the house he built his watch in was very clearly a one-story, while this one appears to be two-story, given the stairs and that Kevin seems to have just come in. Brings me back to my earlier wondering about if he was in foster care or something when we first met him. Or maybe he’s stuck in a dual custody situation, who knows. Just interesting little bits and pieces.
Gwen feels sorry for Kevin, as well she should, everyone should, somebody protect my child.
Ben: I’m done! If you’re a dick because your said then god as my witness you will stop being sad!
Kevin got his ride, and they’re getting kicked out before Gwen can get her pin.
The Tennysons are confused and Kevin unimpressed at the threat of using teddy-bear-based excessive force to remove them
Oh lords they’re being shoved out using squeaky teddybears
Max: At least we aren’t banned this time Park Employee: btw, here’s a You’re Banned pin
Kevin Levin, maintaining the tough-guy facade
Kevin: This park is only for dweebs Ben: This picture of you enjoying the fuck out of that ride I altered says otherwise
Gwen: I thought we got through to him Ben, who knows Kevin much better than she does: Oh we did
Gwen: *much feeling sorry for a Kevin* Kevin: *much ‘wow I actually enjoyed myself with other people for once’*
11/11 for Kevin and for Gwen
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Sync [Chapter 2] - Ignis Scientia x FemReader
Oh lordt, its been 4 months since I last updated this fic. I applaud all you fic writers out there than can hammer out quality content so quickly. I’ve been in a writing rut these last few weeks which is why it’s taking me so long to update. There’s only one chapter left of this little fic so hopefully it won’t take me another 4 months to update @,@
[EDIT] - AAND once again mobile app completely destroys the formating, so all the section breaks disappear and everything is just mashed together.  So honestly this is better to read either on PC or on AO3.
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Warnings/Themes - fluff, angst, anxiety, language, slight Gladioxreader?, non-canon storyline Word Count - 5,591 AO3 Link - “Begin At The Beginning” Screen shot - @dizzymoogle​
Could anything else possibly go wrong in your life?  Work, family, friends, your relationship; everything was pushing you to your limits.  You desperately needed a change of scenery but when a weekend of self-care suddenly goes awry, you wonder if your new found situation is not so bad after all…
“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
It was a savory scent that stirred you awake.  The sizzle of a frying pan hissed from the kitchen of your apartment as you listened to the indistinct crackle beyond your bedroom door.  You groaned, wondering how long you had slept in this Sunday morning.  But the delicious aroma was already triggering your stomach, a deep growl rumbled inside of your abdomen causing you to roll over onto your side.  You were briefly irritated with yourself; you had set a goal to wake up early and get a few errands done by this weekend, but here you were again, plastered to your bed.  A long drawn out sigh exhaled out of your mouth.
Wait.  I… live alone.
Your eyes shot open.  The trailer’s generator hummed quietly as rays of sunlight spilled through the small set of blinds over the sink.  You pushed yourself up, shock hitting you again just like it did when you had first awoken in this world.  A muffled conversation could be heard just outside the trailer door.  You kicked your legs out from under the blanket, looking down to see Ignis’ clothes twisted around your body.  You looked around the interior of the trailer as you gripped his shirt, your brain now convinced of the tangibility of this fabricated place.  You threw your legs over the edge of the bed and quietly padded over to the door, kneeling down to hear them.  
Gladio’s deep voice was the easiest to distinguish, “Do you think she has amnesia?  She seemed really confused where she was.”
“I wonder if it’s safe to take her along,” Noct said.
Prompto set a stack of plates down on the table, “She looks harmless.  Not to mention she’s actually pretty cute.”
Oh my god, that really IS Prompto.  Your heart skipped when you heard Ignis reply, “It would be irresponsible of us to leave someone in distress alone in an unfamiliar locale.  As soon as she recalls where she is, we should take her back home at once.”
Ignis was truly a considerate man.  You pulled the collar of his shirt to your face, savoring its fresh linen smell one last time before having to inevitably surrender it.   They shuffled closer to the trailer door.  You frantically bounced back into bed, shoving yourself beneath the blanket.
The trailer door squeaked and gentle footsteps tapped along the floorboards.  Ignis cleared his throat, speaking softly, “[Y/N]… if you are able to eat, breakfast is ready.”
You pretended to stir awake, pushing yourself up slowly with your arms, “Thank you.  I’ll be out there in a minute,” you sleepily moaned as convincingly as you could.
He smiled and turned to exit when you stopped him.  
“Hey.   Umm, thanks for saving me yesterday.  I mean, all of you.  I’m sorry for how I was acting last night.  I’m just… not sure what’s going on.”
“That’s quite alright.  I promise we will do what we can to help you with your situation.”
You smiled at him, ducking your head when you realized a warmth was growing on your cheeks.
“I hope that you won’t be offended but…” he headed down the narrow hallway and pulled a slim garment closet open, “I laundered your dress for you.  I thought it might be a good start to the day if you were a bit more refreshed,” he held the dress on a hanger, perfectly clean and pressed.
The blush was now clearly evident on your face, “I… oh, wow… thank you.  You really didn’t have to do that.”
He placed it back into the closet, “It’s not a problem at all.  We’ll be outside whenever you are ready.”
You bobbed your head, “Okay, thanks so much again.”
He smiled in return and headed out the door.
The palms of your hands immediately slammed into your face, the heat radiating off of your skin as if it had ignited into flames.   Keep it together, keep it together.  You shifted back out of bed, ambling over to the closet and pulled out your dress.  The fresh smell was reminiscent of Ignis’ shirt causing the heat from your face to engulf the rest of your body.  You laid it carefully on the bed, smoothing out the fabric to prevent any wrinkles.  You hurried over to the sink and splashed your face with water before dressing yourself and heading outside.
The blinding sunlight smacked you in the face; you squinted your eyes and saw the boys sitting around a plastic lawn table.  Noct waved his hand up at you, beckoning you to join them.  You walked over as Prompto pulled a seat out to his left, patting the armrest for you to sit.  The table was filled with an amazing variety of breakfast food and drinks.  The growl in your stomach swiftly returned, announcing its demands to the world.
Noct chuckled, “Well at least you haven’t lost your appetite, sit down with us and eat.”
You slid into the chair.  Realization struck you again that you were sitting next to the boys.  THE FFXV BOYS.  
Ignis noticed your reluctance, “Please help yourself, there’s plenty to go around.”
You reached for a plate and began placing a few of your favorite items on it.  If I can taste it, then this is real, and it's really not a dream.  You bit down onto the tasty morsel on your fork.   Fuck, it’s real… and amazing.  Goddamnit Ignis.
Prompto was quick to make conversation, “So I don’t think we ever got to introduce ourselves yesterday.  I’m Prompto.” He threw his right arm across his chest to shake your hand.
If they only knew… You shook his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Gladiolus, but these jokers just call me Gladio.”
You gave him a weak smile and nodded.
“I’m Noctis… but you can just call me Noct.”
You gulped when you turned your attention to the advisor.  “My apologies for not properly introducing myself last night.  My name is Ignis.”
You could feel yourself sweating, “It’s nice to meet you all.  And thank you for saving me yesterday.”
“Eh no problem, it's the least we could do for— almost killing you,“  Prompto squeaked.
You huffed a laugh, “I was in the middle of the road, it's understandable.”
The four men resumed eating.  You pushed another forkful of food into your  mouth, stealing glances at each of the boys, still trying to verify everything you were witnessing.  
Prompto muffled a question through his stuffed mouth, “Soh werr are yoo frm?”
You nearly choked, “Umm… well.  I’m from [City].”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that place here in Lucis,” Noct stated, shoveling a mouthful of eggs into his mouth.
“Indeed, it's certainly a city that I’m unfamiliar with, what nation are you from?” Ignis asked.
Shit, I didn’t think this one through.  There’s no way in hell I can tell them.  They’ll really think I’m crazy.  Your fingers began to tremble as you set your fork down, shoving your now vacant hand into your lap, “Ahh… you know.  I'm not sure now.  My head is still… kinda fuzzy from yesterday.  I’m not sure if I’m recalling anything correctly.”
Noct nodded, “That’s okay, we’re going to head back to Insomnia.  We’ll figure it out there.”
You froze, what point of the game are we in right now??  They continued dining, you had to be tactful in your line of inquiry.  If there was any hint as to knowing what you knew, it would be a turn for the worse.  “I think I’ve heard of Insomnia before, where were you all heading before you found me?”
Prompto answered after gulping down a mouth full of pastry, “A place called Galdin Quay.  We’re trying to hitch a ride to Altissia.”
Your heart was pounding now.  Oh shit, are we at the beginning of the game?!  We can’t go back to Insomnia, its about to be attacked!  “Alt-eesha?”
“Yeah, the capital of Accordo.  We’re meeting with Lady Lunafreya,” he replied.
Gladio jumped in, “We’ll have to check the ferry schedule later.  We’ll drop you off first at the Citadel and take off afterwards.”
They froze as a silence washed over you all.  They each bore their eyes into you with a look of shock and confusion.  Now you had given yourself away… if not made yourself up to be some sort of spy.
Ignis raised his brow at you, “Is there a reason why not?”
Sweat began to collect along your back as you felt the blood drain from your face, “I… I just… don’t like big cities.  Insomnia… it's a big city, right?  I just know that they make me nervous for some reason.”
They exchanged questioning glances with one another.  Noct chimed in, “Uhh, well, I guess we can see if there’s an outpost with a medical station.”
You put your hands up in front of you, “N-no, that’s okay.  Honestly I’ll be fine if you leave me here.  Just head down to Galdin Quay.  I’ll just see if someone can come get me at the diner.”
Gladio narrowed his eyes at you, “You should come with us, our best bet to finding out your identity is at the Citadel.”
“R-really, I don’t want to be a burden.  I’m not hurt, I’ll find my bearings here once I call my family.”  You could sense their heightened level of caution towards you.  It was only a matter of time before they truly saw through your facade, even as obscure and equally mysterious to you as it appeared.  There were only two options before you: quickly downplay your identity or bail out, FAST.  
They quietly resumed eating, the clinking of their utensils pushed you further to the edge of a panic attack.  You could feel their eyes lingering on you in your periphery; you kept your gaze down at your plate, forcing the food down now to avoid any further detection in your odd behavior.
“I’m just gonna go grab anything I left in the trailer and I’ll be out of your guys’ hair.  Thanks again,” you nervously laughed as you stood up and cleared your plate.  You shuffled into the trailer, wildly searching the bed and counters.  Fuck, what am I doing, I didn’t even have anything on me when I got here.  You turned to head out of the trailer when you heard the door slam shut.
Gladio stood before you, his brows cross with a look of suspicion.  He strolled up to you slowly, “Forgot something?”
You gulped, looking around your immediate area as if you were sincerely hunting for a lost item of yours, “I— I guess I didn’t have my phone on me.  So I’ll have to use the one in the diner.”
He was closer now, his large frame towering over you.  
“I’ll just be going now,” you aimed to escape through the small space between the wall and him.
He slammed his palm against the wall, instantly cutting you off from your retreat.  You jumped at the sudden action.  He leaned over, placing his other palm along the opposite side of your head, caging you in.  “You’re coming with us, there’s no say in that.”
The heat from his body was creating a sauna between the two of in the intimate space, “I’m fine.  Seriously, I—I’ll be okay.”
He leaned his face in towards your own, his breath nearly grazing your skin, “No.  You’re not understanding this.  You’re coming with us until we figure out just who you are.”
You were wedged snuggly between the Shield and Prompto in the back of the Regalia, an awkward silence occupying the small area between you all.  You kept your attention facing forward, too afraid to make eye contact with any of them.  Prompto nervously cleared his throat; you could tell he was debating about being the first to say something.  But Ignis beat him to it.
“Once we arrive at the Citadel, a member of the Kingsglaive will escort you to the hospital.  Afterwards… we’ll begin the investigation on your identity,” he eyed you through the rear view window.
You inhaled a shaky breath, “Y-yes, sir.”
He raised a brow at your proper address, “If there’s anything you can remember, it would be in your best interest to relay that information to us.” Gladio shifted in his seat.  A large blue sign was coming up on your right.  
[  I N S O M N I A  ]
  Your heart began to pound.  What were you going to do?  They absolutely could not go back to the city; Noct is the chosen king, you couldn’t jeopardize his fate and the return of light.  You had no choice, you had to make them turn around.
“I… I know you guys are not very trusting of me right now.  But please listen to me when I say this.  We cannot go to the city.”
Gladio twisted his body to face you, “Really now?  And why would that be?”  His voice was laced with irritation.
You gulped, averting your eyes from his, “It’s a bad idea… please, just turn the car around.”
Noct turned around in the passenger seat to look at you, “Tell us why we shouldn’t go back.  You definitely know something that we don’t.”
Oh god, what the hell do I do?!  “It’s… it’s not safe.”
Ignis prodded, “Are you referring to the treaty signing?”
“Yes, just… just turn around and I can explain.”
Gladio asserted, “Keep going Iggy.  She needs to be taken to the Citadel.”
“Hey, guys, maybe we should just listen to her first.  She might actually know something,” Prompto suggested, his brows knit with concern.
“There’s no discussing this, we’re heading back.  If something is going to happen, we need to be there to protect the city,” the Shield growled.
“If Prompto’s right, you need to tell us now before we head into the city,” Noct countered.
“I can’t believe you are actually debating this!” Gladio shouted back.
Their squabbling went on back and forth until a group of Imperial soldiers came into view.  You leaned forward as the Regalia closed on their proximity.  Your heart began to beat out of your chest; you had to think quick before they spotted you.
Ignis cut through the fight, “We will let the court decide what to do.  For now we will leave her in their custody.  We need to retain our scheduled meeting with Lady Lunafreya.”
Their bickering resumed once more when you noticed a single soldier turn its head towards the oncoming vehicle.  You had to act now.
You lunged over the center console, landing both of your hands on the steering wheel and yanking it to the right.  The Regalia swerved to the shoulder causing your bodies to slam against the interior panels.  The vehicle spun around as sand and rock scraped beneath the tires, kicking up a giant cloud of dust before coming to a halt. 
You groaned from the dull ache in your ribs, discovering that you had landed halfway onto Noctis and your ass nearly in the air.  The others moaned and grunted, stunned by the turn of events.  You slowly lifted your head, your hair tossled over your face as you looked around you.  A firm grasp suddenly wrapped around your waist as your body was hoisted up into the air.  You heard the door thrown open and your body carried with it.  You were set down on your feet as the others exited the car.  
“Who ARE you!” Gladio shouted.
You jumped at his verbal demand.  “Look, please, you just— you just have to believe me.  We have to get out of here,” you pleaded.
Ignis stepped towards you, “You need to be honest with us right now or there will be consequences.”
You slowly stepped backwards, “I want to tell you… but you won’t believe me.” Tears began to well up in your eyes.
Noct scrambled up to you, grabbing you by the shoulder, “What is going on in Insomnia, my father is there.  You need to tell me!”
The dewy buds began to stream down your cheeks, “It’s not safe… you’re not safe.  And we have to leave,” you begged the Prince.  
He calmed his voice a bit, “Look—”
A loud ring buzzed in his pocket.  He released an annoyed grumble and pulled his phone out.  He turned away with the phone to his ear.  Gladio raised his hand to point at you, “Don’t.  Move.”
“We’re just outside of Insomnia, why?” Noct said into the phone.  The others glanced at one another.  “But—” he was silenced for another minute before nodding, “Okay, call me back as soon as you hear something.  Please check on my father too.”  He hung up the call.
“Was that the Marshal?” Ignis asked.
Noctis sighed, “Yeah, he said to make sure we’re heading down to Galdin Quay.  He received a tip from a glaive that the Imperial forces are up to something.  He said get out of sight.”
The boys exchanged concerned looks.  A dull hum began to echo in the valley becoming more thunderous by the second.
“Imperials!” Prompto exclaimed.  A massive airship hovered above the scorching desert, its massive engines roaring aloud as it headed directly your way.
“Let’s get out of here then,” Gladio stated with an annoyed tone.
You quickly loaded back into the Regalia.  Ignis threw the car into drive and sped off towards Galdin Quay.
The sun began to set over the horizon, painting a brilliant watercolor wash of pinks and oranges across the wide canvas of sky.  The drive to the seaside resort was as expected, awkward and quiet.  You wondered what they were currently thinking of you.  Were you an Imperial spy?  An assassin?  Who knows what was going through their heads right now.  You shifted uneasily in your seat, trying your best not to disturb Gladio as he leaned against the door with his eyes buried in his book, a disgruntled look spread on his face.  
The salty scent of the ocean filled the air as the Regalia made its way down the winding road.  In any other scenario you would be elated to see the bustling tourist attraction but the dread of your fate was constantly lingering on your mind.  The car came to a stop in a parking spot, Ignis switched off the engine and you briefly sat in silence.  Gladio made the first move and shifted out of his seat, followed by the rest.  You took a single step away from the vehicle when a firm hand landed on your shoulder.
“Don’t even think about trying to escape.”  Gladio’s forbidding voice caused your body to lock up.  
Prompto tapped his fingertips together, “So what now?”
“I need to get a hold of Cor,” Noct pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts.  He paced around as he pressed the phone to his ear.  After a few seconds he groaned, dropping the phone from his temple and dialed the marshal’s number again.  
You looked around the area, the darkness of the night descended on the resort as flecks of stars slowly became more visible.  One by one the street lights flickered on, illuminating the dreamy getaway.
“Damnit.  He’s not answering,” Noct sighed, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
“We should head back,” Gladio started, “If the city’s in trouble we need to be there.”
Ignis interjected, “No.  The marshal gave us clear instructions to remain out of sight.  We will leave the safety of Insomnia in the hands of the Kingsglaive.  When the marshal is ready, we will rendezvouz.”
A blanket of anxiety began to cloak each of you.  Prompto looked over at Noctis, “What do you think?”
The prince nodded, “Iggy’s right, let’s stay put until we hear from Cor.”
Gladio shook his head, planting his hands on his hips, “This is ridiculous.”
“I’m just as worried as you, Gladio.  My dad is there signing the treaty.  Your dad is there too.  But Cor said to stay here, let’s just wait it out and see,” Noct snapped.  
The group became silent as they mulled over the decision.  Noct added, “Let’s just make camp, its been a long ass day already.”
Gladio rocked his head backward with a vexed sigh and threw the trunk open, sifting through the camping equipment.  Prompto quickly joined him at his side to collect the supplies.  Once they had gathered everything, the group began heading to the camp site along the beach.
You felt your arm suddenly tugged from behind.  You whipped your head around to see Ignis’ grasp around you, holding you back from continuing on.  Noct turned his body when he noticed the two of you had stopped.  Ignis shot him a knowing look.  Noct glanced at you then back to his advisor and nodded  before trudging through the sand towards the camp site with the other two men.
“You will accompany me for the time being.  There are several questions I have for you.”
You gulped, acquiescing to his order with a dip of your head.  He led the way towards the direction of the restaurant.  You both began crossing the boardwalk as the wooden planks creaked below your footsteps.  The silence was urking you badly, you internally debated about making a run for it, but you knew Ignis, you wouldn’t get far.  You would be cut down before you even made it to the parking lot.  The lights were dim over the walkway, most of the tourists had retreated to their hotel rooms for the night, allowing a tranquil silence to accompany the gentle crashing of the waves.  When you finally made it midway up the boardwalk, Ignis cleared his throat to stop you.
You turned to face him, your body beginning to tremble.  He folded his arms across his chest, staring down at you with a stern face as if he was waiting for you to spill your confession in one go.
Finally you spoke, raising your hands before you, “Ignis, look I—”
“Before you say anything, I need only one thing from you...”
You paused, caught off guard by his request.
“…the absolute truth.”
The blood drained from your face.   How is he going to believe me?  How do I even start explaining this?  That, what, he’s not real?  He’s just a CGI character created for entertainment?  You lowered your hands in defeat.  “I could tell you everything about me… and you wold NEVER believe me,” you choked out.
He furrowed his brow at you, remaining silent.
“You would lock me up in some prison or mental hospital where I’d rot to death…” your voice began to break.
“I would never do such a thing.”
“But if I’m a threat to Noctis then you would.”
“Are you?” he asked callously.
“No.  I never was,” you collected yourself as best you could, “I will tell you everything.  But it’s up to you to decide what to make of it.  Because, in all seriousness, I don’t know what’s happening.”
He uncrossed his arms, “Agreed, proceed then.”
You began outlining your life to him: where you were from, what you did for a living, your family, and your day to day musings.  You detailed the events of the previous night, how you had fallen asleep in your apartment and awoken on a desert highway.  You noticed midway through the explanation his expression had shifted to a look of bewilderment.  Until finally… you began describing your exact knowledge of them. 
“I don’t know why I’m here or how I ended up here.  Believe me, if there’s a reason…” you began tearing up again, “I would tell you.  But I don’t know what it is.”  You had finally let the tears spill, hunching over as you hugged your waist from the sharp pain of your sob.
You couldn’t recall how many minutes had passed but eventually a pair of hands were placed delicately on your shoulders.  “I believe you, as far-fetched as your story may seem.  We will find your answers.”
You instinctively leaned into his chest, gripping his shirt as you painted his top with your tears.   
“Perhaps your ability for foresight in this given situation may be advantageous.”
You craned your neck up at him, a look of confusion on your face.  “What do you mean?”
“You may be of great assistance if you are capable of seeing how our future unfolds.”
You thought about his suggestion before your eyes widened.  Altissia.  
“Ignis… you…”
He furrowed his brow, “What is it?”
“Altissia, you—”
“Hey guys?” a soft voice cut you off from behind.
“Prompto, what’s wrong?  Is Noct alright?” Ignis sharply inquired. 
“Yeah, he’s okay.  He wanted me to come get you, he got a  hold of Cor.”
“And what did the marshal say?”
“Um, well, you might want to hear it from Noct…” motioning for you both to follow him back to camp.  He turned his back and began jogging towards shore.
Ignis turned to follow when you grasped him by the shirt.  You looked at him with a pained expression, “Ignis… there’s so much… there’s so much that’s going to happen.”
He paused and stared at you for a moment, “Then stay with us.”
That night the events of Insomnia’s demise transpired just as you remembered in the film; only, Cor had relayed Insomnia’s attack to the group as it occurred throughout the evening.  Ignis didn’t read it on a newspaper tabloid and Noct was not delivered the news of his father’s death the next morning, he received it several minutes after it happened.  The night felt heavy as sorrow filled the hearts of the young men.  You were beginning to realize your presence here was already altering their storyline.  
In the late hours of the evening, a heavy rain swept through the beach, tearing up a portion of the camp site.  Ignis concluded that it was safe enough to rent a hotel considering the rumors of Noctis’ death had already made its rounds amongst the towns of Lucis, the fear of recognition was still minimal at this point.  Unfortunately the popular resort had already booked up the majority of its rooms due to the peak season for tourism but Ignis’ influence and persuasion managed to secure two rooms for the night.  
As you walked down the hallway towards your rooms, you grabbed Ignis by the sleeve.  “I don’t think Gladio is totally convinced of me being around Noctis.”
He pondered the thought, “I believe you’re right.  We’ll have you stay in the other room.”
As the other three men approached one of the vacant room doors, Ignis addressed the group, “I will keep watch on her in the other room.  It would be in our best interest to stay separated in the event someone were to spot us with an outsider.”
“Make sure she doesn’t leave your sight,” Gladio demanded.
“You need not worry.  We will see you all in the morning.”
Somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind you had once fantasized about staying in such a lavish resort like this one day.  Galdin Quay was notorious for its luxurious rooms and opulent dining, sparing no expense in catering to those who could afford it.  The room you now occupied was a prime example of this high class lifestyle; silk sheets, porcelain washroom, exotic liquors, all the bells and whistles an upscale resort could provide.  But here you were, curled up into a ball on the lone king size bed, staring at the intricate pattern of the designer pillowcase.  
You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply, trying to make sense of things.  You wrestled with the idea of telling them what was destined in their immediate future.  But you knew the ramifications would be too great; you’d practically change the fate of Lucis in a matter of minutes.  You grimaced at the thought of Gladio hating you even more.
Ignis sat on the edge of the bed across from you, “You should get some rest, tomorrow will be quite a taxing day.  We have yet to hear of the outcome of tonight’s attack.”
You frowned at his statement, you already knew, Insomnia would be in ruins.  “I’m scared, Ignis.”
“Scared of what?”
“I’m afraid of what’s going to happen the longer I stay here.”
He contemplated your words for a moment, “There’s an infinite amount of paths that can be paved for anyone, we cannot let ourselves dwell on choosing the right one each time.”
“But… I know everything that will happen to you all.  And now that I’m here, I can change that.  I’m already doing it right now as we speak.  And I’m terrified that it will make things much worse.”
“But that is something you cannot foresee, can you?”
You shook your head.
“Then we won’t know until then, so for now, just get some rest.”
You leaned your face into the pillow, your face pinching with worry.  You pulled your legs in tighter to your body, leaving crescent indentations along your skin where you had dug your nails.  He noticed your distressed body language and placed his hand on top of yours, the gesture causing your eyes to shoot open.  
“Thanks Iggy, I’m so sorry for everything.”
“It’s not your fault, we’ll figure it out one way or another.”
A comfortable silence fleetingly filled the room before Ignis cleared his throat with a sense of uneasiness, “I apologize I was not able to acquire a double bed room, I can sleep on the couch tonight.”
“Don’t do that, this is a king bed, we can both fit on here,” you didn’t want to come off too pushy, “But I understand if you still don’t trust me… I wouldn’t trust myself if I were you,” you chuckled, trying to dispel the nervousness that had befallen the two of you.
“I will be fine on the sofa.”
“Oh-kaaay then, guess I’ll have to enjoy this super comfy and expensive bed all by myself,” you jabbed.
He hesitated, finally giving in as he twisted his body around to lay along side you.  You curled up next to him, gazing over his profile allowing you to appreciate the beautiful features of his face.  You looked away when he glanced at you from the corner of his eye.  He was the only sense of comfort you had in this world; it had been less than twenty four hours since you arrived here and you already felt like an enemy of the state.  But from the moment he had grabbed your wrist and insisted that he would help you, you knew you could rely on him to keep you safe.  
But your mind quickly lingered to the fact that you were actively affecting their future.  Ignis would go blind, but if you are here, could you change that?   Would Prompto find out his origins the way he did?  Would Noct sacrifice himself in the end?  Anxiety was beginning to grip you as you felt a wave of paranoia wash over.  You stifled back the impending rush of panic beginning to take hold, but the thought of every scenario kept swarming your mind like wildfire.  He noticed your disposition had suddenly changed.
He turned his head to look at you, “Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah… I’m fine.”  NO I’m not.  
You never felt so trapped like you did right now in this very moment.  You wanted answers, you wanted something or someone to tell you it was going to be okay.  Some way to know that your presence was not a curse for these men.  Until an idea hit you… 
An instant tingling sensation shot up your entire body, causing your face to flush.  You covered your embarrassed appearance with your hand.  But the seed was already planted, at this point what else could you do?  Fuck it, I’ve got nothing else to lose.
You raised a shaky hand and placed it on top of his, “Iggy, can I… can I cuddle with you?”  Your heart threatened to beat out of your chest.  You anxiously awaited, not completely surprised if he ended up shooting you down.
You peaked up at him to see his cheeks had turned a rosy pink, pursing his lips in contemplation.  After several awkward seconds, you quickly withdrew your hand, embarrassed now that you were so brazen to ask.
“I’m—I’m sorry… that was stupid of me to—”
He grabbed your hand, “It’s… it’s quite alright.  You’ve been through a lot today.  You must be feeling quite lonely.”
Your stomach tightened at his comment as a thin film of tears began to glaze over your eyes, “I’m not even sure if anyone knows that I’m gone… or even cares.”
“I am positive every one is searching for you as we speak.  Rest assured, I will not leave you alone in our world.”
For the first time since you arrived you felt at ease, “Thanks Iggy.”  You scooted your body closer to his, wrapping both of your hands around his tone bicep.  You buried your face into the top of his shoulder, releasing an exhaustive sigh, as your eyes fluttered shut.  He smelled wonderful, the clean linen scent from earlier had still lingered along the fabric of his shirt with a slight musk that made your skin tingle.
You could hear the rapid beat of his heart more clearly now.  He gulped, “If you’re… uncomfortable, please let me know.”
You hummed with a content smile, “It’s okay.  This is perfect.”
* Cor is referencing the events of the Kingsglaive movie and Nyx
* Quote at the very beginning is from Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland
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dreamykrimi · 7 years
Sweater Weather: Yuletide
Hello and Merry Christmas everyone! I’m so sincerely sorry that I don’t have the full fic for this ready in time for the holiday, but I’ll have it up as soon as I can. Here is a teaser, as apology and as a pick me up in celebration of Christmas. Hopefully you guys are still with me, here! 
A little background: this fic does not directly follow Cider Sweet. There is a fic in between tentatively titled To Be Okay (subject to change, because I’m fickle that way), that will deal with the aftermath of Shouto training with Endeavor, and that one is still in progress. I’ll be posting Yuletide in it’s completion before that one comes out, but I’ll reorder the series so that To Be Okay comes first. Until then, I hope you enjoy this!
There’s a muted quality that comes with the powdered layer of snow covering the ground. Everything is muffled and awash in pristine white. Shouto watches a pair of rabbits bound through the snow drifts, barely distinguishable in their winter coats, and considers calling Izuku over to see his friends.
Izuku stands near Asui a few yards away, both bundled up tightly in the most hideous sweaters he’s ever seen with scarves pulled up over their faces. It seems that Asui is also weak to the cold, and the two of them have decided to stick close. For the past ten minutes he’s been thinking of going over and offering himself up as human heater for the two of them, but if he leaves now Yaoyorozu will frown at him in that way that's meant to look disapproving but really just looks sad.
“A little higher please, Todoroki!” she pipes from the other side of the tree.
Shouto sighs, his breath a thick fog around him as he lifts the string of lights above his head for Yaoyorozu to grab. She teeters precariously from her perch on Kirishima’s shoulders, but Kirishima steadies her with a firm grip on her knees. Snow crunches under his boots and he kicks aside a chunk of ice as he circles the tree with them.
In the courtyard outside of the dorm and directly in the line of sight of the largest window in the common area, there is now an enormous pine tree, courtesy of one of the 1 B students with a plant based quirk. Class 1 A had been tasked with decorating it by some kid called Monoma, who had insisted that his class had done the truly difficult part and so it was only fair that- Shouto’s getting a headache just thinking about it.
He wonders again why they couldn’t have left this part to Shouji and Satou, easily the tallest of their classmates, but they had already been put to the task of baking sweets for the class. And besides that, Kirishima had jumped at the opportunity.
“We’re the Christmas tree appreciation club, bro! Our time has come!” he’d said.
Shouto just wants to go and hold his boyfriend’s hand already.
Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. The word bounces around his head and his stomach flips. Even a month later and it hasn’t worn off in the slightest; it still makes his heart skip with nervous energy and affection.
He looks again to where Izuku is, now with Uraraka pulling his hat down further over his ears and rubbing up and down Asui’s arms. Uraraka must have been kicked out of the kitchen, probably for rough housing with Bakugou if the batter clinging to her hair is anything to go by. Why are his closest friends the most ridiculous people he’s ever met? he thinks, with probably too much fondness. Asui seems happier for her presence, though. Barely peeking up over her scarf, he can see the girl’s cheeks flush more than the cold would account for as her eyes crinkle sweetly.
His eyes slide over to Izuku again, his own freckled cheeks pink in the chill. Shouto feels his heart speed up a beat. They are still painfully slow at everything, but since the snow set in they’ve both become much less shy about touching. It’s still hit or miss when their friends are around to see, but Izuku’s aversion to cold weather has driven him to curling into Shouto’s left side at every opportunity. It always takes him by surprise, how powerful the urge is to wrap his boyfriend up in warmth at the first sign of cold. He thinks he's in danger of becoming a doting partner. Izuku’s hands are always cold, no matter what he was doing before Shouto warms them, and it would worry him, it does worry him, except that means that Izuku seeks him out and puts those cold hands in Shouto’s pockets.
Izuku laughs at something Asui says, but his laughter breaks off as he shivers.
He could fix that right now, if he weren’t figuratively and literally tied to this ridiculously huge tree in the courtyard. The strings of lights not in his hands loop loosely around his shoulders and even down his leg, and while he had allowed it as a way to keep them from getting tangled, he may have underestimated the dual purpose of it. Now he can’t escape.
“Okay, I think we’re ready to test the next string. Ready Kami?”
Shouto pulls a face and squints in preparation.
Kaminari laughs at him and touches the end of one plug to his tongue, and Shouto is awash in light, every bulb around him glowing bright and blinding and goddamnit why is this tree so fucking big that it needs twelve strings of lights.
He hears more than sees Jirou slap Kaminari hard on the back of the head until he spits the plug out into the snow.
“Gross, Kaminari! Do you have to put it in your mouth?”
“Tastes good!” he defends, but it only earns him another shove.
Shouto blinks the spots from his vision now that the lights have gone dark around him. Jirou’s sweater is probably the least ugly of the bunch, especially next to the yellow tinsel disaster Kaminari wears. It’s a simple blue with a star of David made of silver glitter on the front and some kind of punk rock shoulder spikes that look horribly out of place. Still, it has nothing on the sweater he’d seen Sero wearing, the same blue but with a menorah hooked up with actual blinking lights poking through the fabric and bedazzled words loudly proclaiming “Lit.”
Shouto has a brief moment of wishful thinking for calm, tame, blue, even if it meant he had to wear flashing lights. Anything, really, anything but this god awful red and white striped monstrosity. It’s not even a little soft, and it’s been getting glitter on everything he touches since he’d been wrestled into it.
“I’m not even religious,” he’d complained under his breath when Uraraka had shoved it at him weeks ago.
“It’s a candy cane! Candy canes aren’t religious, they’re just delicious! I’m sure Deku would agree it’s fitting!”
He’s going to have to start building up an immunity to statements like that, or else Uraraka will soon have him doing her bidding at every turn. As though sensing his thoughts on her, Uraraka turns and flashes him a thumbs up, her own bedazzled sweater twinkling with every move. Shouto tries to show the full spectrum of his distaste in the small moment of contact before Izuku steals his attention.
It’s really not fair. The theme was ugly holiday sweaters, but Izuku just looks unfairly adorable. Even with layers and layers of shirts below it making him puffy and lumpy, the green blob his boyfriend makes in the snow makes him feel floaty and warm. He looks like a Christmas tree, green hair, green eyes, green sweater with every square inch covered in tinsel, glued on pom poms, or lights. It’s a mess, and it looks itchy as all hell, but Shouto wants to touch it anyway. Izuku gives him a shy wave with his mittens.
“Hey, peppermint prince! Can you stop ogling your boyfriend for a hot second? We need you over here,” Kirishima says as he makes his way around the tree, Yaomomo still balanced precariously on his shoulders. Shouto sighs steam and goes to follow, but Kaminari chooses that moment to grab up the plug again and too late, he feels the string of lights tighten around his leg.
His momentum carries him forward and he wobbles before careening downwards. Kirishima shoots a hand out to steady him, but he can’t support both him and Yaomomo, and so the three of them tumble in a heap into the thick blanket of snow at their feet. The crunch of snow beneath his cheek is a bitingly cold insult.
Shouto growls and grumbles but Kirishima’s laughter overwhelms the sound, and Yaomomo isn’t far behind. He sits up slowly, grumpy at the cold wet spots on his knees, and starts to detangle himself from the lights. Kirishima’s rough hand pats snow off of his back and Shouto returns the favor without much thought, tugging him back when Kirishima tries to get up before the largest clump is free of his spiked hair. Jirou is kneeling in the snow next to Yaomomo, and they’re grinning at each other.
Without meaning to, Shouto turns his head to find Izuku again, only to come nose to nose with the boy.
“Sorry Shouto,” he whispers for only him to hear. “I should have caught you.”
The cold feels very far away all of a sudden.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Shouto mumbles with warm cheeks. Next to him, Kirishima rolls away and goes to rub his knuckles over Kaminari’s head for his recklessness.
Nimble fingers pull away at the last of the lights trapping him leg, and Izuku gives him a shy smile with slightly blue lips and Shouto is taken by the image of leaning forward and kissing them until they’re pink again and god sometimes he forgets just how very, very gay he is for freckles and curly hair and everything Izuku. The ugliest sweater in the world couldn’t keep his heart from racing in his chest when Izuku looks at him like that.
The moment comes to an abrupt halt when a snowball smacks Shouto directly in the face.
“S-sorry Todoroki! I was aiming for-”
Kaminari’s words are cut off with a choke as Izuku hurls a snowball almost dead on into the boy’s mouth.
“Ack! Brain freeze!”
Izuku makes a sinfully devious face of triumph that lasts exactly as long as it takes for Uraraka to toss one at the back of his head.
“Ah! Cold! Cold cold cold!” Izuku scrambles to rub at his neck, shivering violently when a chunk falls down the back of his sweater. Shouto chokes and Izuku turns to him with exaggerated betrayal. “Don’t laugh at me! I just defended your honor!”
“Aww Deku, you’re like his knight in shining armor!” Uraraka says whilst rolling another snowball.
Izuku goes very red, sputtering and waving his hands in denial and Shouto goes ahead and slaps the snowball out of the air before Uraraka can nail his boyfriend with snow again.
“Oi, timeout, we have to finish this before it gets too dark!”
“Can we please not be sitting in the snow now?” Jirou snarks, and Yaoyorozu lifts her easily to her feet.
Izuku gulps and nods vigorously, and they help each other to stand. Shouto warms his left hand and lets it sit on the back of Izuku’s neck for a moment, and the boy leans into him.
With their clothes just damp enough to let the cold in, they’re a little more careless about where they hang the lights, eager to go inside where the rest of the class is waiting with food and hot drinks. That’s not to say that there aren’t several more sneak attacks in the time it takes to finish, and Shouto is watching Izuku’s blue lips with increasing frequency.
Finally, Kaminari hooks up the extension cord, which is really three cords plus one extra long cord made by Yaomomo, and the tree lights up, a little lopsided perhaps, but it looks fine to him. He likes the way the colored lights look on the snow, how it sparkles, and how it bounces off of everything until the courtyard is bright enough for him to count the freckles on Izuku’s nose. His boyfriend is grinning excitedly next to him, and Shouto decides that it was worth it. He also decides that Christmas lights reflected in wide green eyes is one of his favorite things.
When they’re finally filing into the dorms they’re all just a little bit colder than they want to be, but the mood is light. It’s hard to be surly when every inch of the dorm building is decked in holiday decorations. It’s all a little over the top for him, but he appreciates how everyone’s smiles become a little bit brighter at the sight of colored ribbons and wreaths and hanging ornaments. His attention, however, sticks on Asui and Izuku, who are especially shivering.
Uraraka takes Asui’s hand and pulls her toward the kitchen where Satou is handing out hot cocoa, so that takes care of one of them. They fall to the back of the group and Shouto takes advantage of a brief moment out of sight to hold his hand out to Izuku. The boy looks up and gives him a grateful grin as he holds Shouto’s left hand in both of his. 
“Your lips are blue,” Shouto murmurs, not really sure what he’s offering, but offering just the same. Izuku looks shy when he presses cool lips to the back of Shouto’s warm hand, holds it there for a moment. Shouto’s spine tingles and he tries very hard not to let his hand over heat. 
As soon as Izuku moves to release him, Shouto brings Izuku’s hands up to his mouth and blows warm air over them until Izuku lets out a happy hum. Shouto leaves a warm kiss along his knuckles before he lets go.
Izuku giggles nervously and holds the hand to his chest.
“Hey lovebirds, better watch out for mistletoe!” Kirishima says over his shoulder as they enter the common room, which, now that he looks, is a veritable minefield of holly and mistletoe hung together indiscriminately. He resolves to stay out from under the doorways.
“You too, Kirishima-kun! Ashido-san was talking about trapping you and Kaachan tonight,” Izuku says and pokes at the center of Kirishima’s back, between two of the glittery poinsettia pinned to his red sweater.
“Oh, that’d go well.” He rolls his eyes.
Shouto says nothing, but Izuku laughs at the quirk of his eyebrows.
Satou comes through carrying a large tray of desserts, Shouji not far behind, each of his extra arms balancing a tray or basket. Suddenly it makes sense why Satou would ask for Shouji's help; he must be able to stir three things at once, and still have an arm to spare.  
As they settle in among their other classmates, Izuku excuses himself and hastily pulls Iida into a rapid fire conversation. Shouto lets him go knowing that he’ll make his way back eventually, and fills a plate with as many sweets as he deems polite, maybe a few more than is polite if he’s being honest, before retreating the the edge of the common space. He lets himself relax against a wall as he munches, and soon finds himself joined by Tokoyami. His sweater is dark and at first glance it seems non denominational, but looking closer it does have the word Yule across the shoulders and a star on the front. Or is it a pentagram?
Somehow it seems rude to ask.
They both seem to enjoy the bustle best at a slight distance, and the calm between them makes it easy to pick up the conversations going on around them- a guilty pleasure he knows Tokoyami shares from their occasional time in the library. At the snack table, Uraraka begrudgingly admits that Satou’s sugar cookies are just as good as hers, and Asui helps herself to some kind of treat that looks a little like a fried pancake with candied nuts. Shouto looks down at his own plate to study an identical one.
“They’re latkes,” Tokoyami says next to him.
Shouto makes a noise to acknowledge him and bites into it.
“Holy fuck,” he says softly.
If it was Izuku standing next to him, he might moan at the taste. But it’s Tokoyami, so he only nods appreciatively.
The room is steadily filling with students, baked goods, and uglier and uglier sweaters. It’s as though the entire student body had set out to find the greatest contrast to the glittering decorations covering every inch of the common area. Music fills the space between conversations and Shouto settles his back against the wall and chews on a sugar cookie shaped and iced to look like a candy cane. He frowns when he sees how well it matches his sweater and drops it back on his plate, picking up a jelly filled donut instead.
Bakugou enters the room like he owns it, as per usual, and without thought Shouto seeks out Izuku with his eyes. He’s a fair distance away and preoccupied with Iida near the (smaller, better decorated) christmas tree, and he lets him be. Instead he shifts his gaze to track Bakugou’s movement towards where Kaminari is mercilessly ribbing Kirishima for his flower covered sweater.
“Hey, ugly it may be but this baby got me a phone number!” Kirishima proudly holds out a slightly crumpled napkin, black numbers scrawled in bubbly handwriting.
“Whaaaha who gave you a number when you’re dressed like my granny’s garden?!”
“The girl behind the counter at the coffee shop on fourth!” He beams.
“This should be interesting,” Tokoyami mutters next to him. They both watch Bakugou’s approach, out of Kirishima’s and Kaminari’s line of sight as they bicker.
“Dude, you should give it to me!”
“What? No way!”
“Come on, you’re in love with Bakugou anyway!”
Tokoyami makes a sound like cooing laughter and Shouto hits the panic button in his mind.
“Shh! What the hell is wrong with you?” Kirishima hisses.
The human equivalent of sticking a fork in a toaster seems unrepentant, but then, he’s also blissfully unaware of the looming danger.
If he lights himself on fire right now, he could set off the fire alarm. It would ruin the holiday party, but his best friend would be alive and decidedly unexploded. Shouto watches carefully, ready to do just that, but Bakugou’s face doesn’t look any more murderous than usual. In fact it’s almost blank as he comes up right behind Kirishima and Kaminari, who are grappling over the napkin with the phone number written on it.
Uraraka, two feet away and chatting enthusiastically with Tsuyu pauses mid sentence, taking a little gasp of air as she closes her eyes. Without breaking stride Bakugou snatches the napkin from Kirishima’s outstretched hand and shoves it under Uraraka’s nose right in time to catch her sneeze.
“Achoo! Whew. Thanks, Bakugou!”
“Cover your diseased mouth,” he grunts, but there’s something horribly satisfied in the expression he wears as Kirishima and Kaminari both moan dramatically.
“That's so not manly,” Kirishima whines.
Shouto and Tokoyami are both speechless as Bakugou continues on like nothing has changed. That is to say, with violent enthusiasm and a hostile humor. Kirishima seems unaware that he must have been in hearing range for Kaminari’s slip, and Bakugou… Bakugou has the two of them in matching headlocks, shouting about one thing or another. Kirishima is laughing brightly in his hold and Shouto sags against the wall as the crisis is- probably?- averted.
Shouto wonders if Bakugou is holding onto Kirishima a bit tighter than usual, he holds him longer than he does Kaminari, roughing up his hair until it falls around his face and the boy groans in protest. Is that Bakugou’s version of a lingering touch?
“What must he be thinking, to overhear such an ill fated confession?” Tokoyami muses.
Shouto shakes his head. He’s closely tied to not one but two people with strong connections to this ticking time bomb of angst, but he can honestly say, “I have no idea what goes on inside of Bakugou’s head.”
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eleventoes · 7 years
duets at dusk | oneshot
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 3k
themes & genres: shy!jungkook, band!bangtan, college au, fluff, jungkook is a lil bean
extras:  [ x ]  [ x ]
prequel:  [x]  
Before you could even react, long and slender fingers had gently closed around your wrist, lightly tugging you to a less crowded part of the street.
Dumbfounded, your eyes flicked up to meet a pair of curious ones, and you could only stare up at the dark-haired stranger in incredulity.
When the opportunity to sing a duet with a certain doe-eyed stranger arises, you just couldn’t bring yourself to refuse.
Alternatively, a shy bean has been crushing on you for a while.
It wasn’t uncharacteristic of you to occasionally steer away from the hectic college life and take to the streets, letting your feet take you wherever your heart desired. The thrill that often comes with exploring unfamiliar alleyways and the little nooks and crannies hidden in every town was as addictive as any other drug, and you could walk on forever, eager to constantly remind yourself of how big the world was out there. Eager for any kind of escape from pretty much all of your responsibilities, walking around random and foreign areas soon became somewhat a part of your routine; one that you could hardly live without. You suppose you may have a teeny little bit of wanderlust, but then again it doesn’t really matter, because it makes you feel all light and happy.
Your favorite haunt of the week was Hongdae—a beautiful district that’s widely known for its youthful ambience and underground culture. It was hardly an unusual sight to see aspiring musicians busking on the streets and there was an overflowing abundance of flyers promoting various music festivals decorating the walls. You’ve always been intrigued by the area, you’ve just never actually gotten around to getting to know it better.
And so perhaps it was a fortunate stroke of serendipity that you’ve decided to cross into the neighborhood when you did, strolling along as the sun hung low in the half-lit amber sky, walking your way right into fate’s hands (of course, not that you were complaining).
With an earphone bud in and the other dangling off your shoulder, you had shoved your hands into the pockets of your thin cotton hoodie, humming softly under your breath as you made your way further downtown. You weaved your way gracefully through the throngs of people, and the size of the crowd does not come as a surprise to you. After all, it was nearly dusk, and was that time of the day where everyone were getting off from school or work. While you weren’t typically the type to enjoy having your oxygen supply heavily restricted by the masses of people around you, this was different; you didn’t feel lonely despite actually being alone, and you loved the bustling atmosphere that made you feel more alive than ever.
“I don’t think she’ll make it on time, her teacher’s pretty adamant on dragging her ass to supplementary lessons.”
“Goddamnit I knew we should have gotten Namjoon-hyung to tutor her.”
Snippets of a conversation flit past your ear, but you pay it no attention because there were countless others going on around you, choosing instead to continue humming breathily, music in your ear still playing at full blast.
“What should we do? You can’t sing a duet alone, we need a vocalist.“
“It’s simple, hyung. We get one.”
“Huh? Wait what? Oh you don’t mean–”
“This really wasn’t the way I planned to introduce myself but here goes nothing.”
Before you could even react, long and slender fingers had gently closed around your wrist, lightly tugging you to a less crowded part of the street. 
Dumbfounded, your eyes flicked up to meet a pair of curious ones, and you could only stare up at the dark-haired stranger in incredulity.
He stares back, and a ridiculously out-of-place staring contest commences, during which you come to the conclusion that the stranger was (a lot more than) good-looking.
With slightly ruffled ebony hair falling across his forehead and large doe eyes to boot, he was a sight for sore eyes; and honestly, calling him good-looking was a major understatement.
Said staring contest only comes to a halt after you snap out of your stupor and looked down at the hand still enclosed around your wrist, brows furrowed. Following your line of sight, the (attractive) stranger immediately loosens his grip, hand going slack beside him as he suddenly finds his left shoe incredibly captivating and wouldn’t stop studying the ground. Taken aback by his shift in demeanor, you peer up at him, noting how he hard he’s trying to maintain that ice cool façade, though the tinge of red creeping up his neck and ears ultimately betrayed his otherwise convincing front.
He took a deep breath.
“My friends and I have a gig at that cafe over there in like 10 minutes and we prepared a duet and everything but our vocalist couldn’t make it–”
You were in awe at the speed at which the words tumbled out from his mouth, and you briefly wonder if he was any good at rapping. Cutting him off with a soft tinkling of your laughter, you smiled up at him with a minute tilt of your head, and he almost melts right there and then.
“I could sing the duet with you, if you don’t mind.”
Relief broke out across his features and he beamed back, eyes crinkled and lips stretched into a smile that strangely reminded you of a bunny.
“Are you serious? That’d be amazing.”
Upon a nod of affirmation from you, he grinned even wider than before (if that was possible), before shyly gesturing for you to follow him as he jogged back to his friends, who were leaning against the brick walls and awaiting his return.
“Hey Y/N, thanks so much for offering to help, we worked hard to get this gig so we really do appreciate it.”
The voice came from a certain tall and broad-shouldered brunette, whom you swear looked exactly like a prince who just stepped right out from some fairytale. You belatedly realize that he was the one and only Kim Seokjin, or more commonly known as the Car Door Guy (he was just getting out of his car when some of the freshmen thought he looked absolutely swoon-worthy and proceeded to upload his photo onto the campus forums, which soon went viral on the Internet), a senior whom just recently graduated from the very university you were attending—the Seoul Institute of the Arts.
Then you gasp (silently, of course), because holy shit Kim Seokjin knows my name?
“Well duh I know your name because this guy never stops—”
(You guess you weren’t as silent as you thought.)
“Omigod hyuuuuuuuuuuung—” A look of mortification crossed over the attractive stranger’s face, and his eyes darted wildly between you and Kim Seokjin, glinting with slight uncertainty.
“Shush boy, I know what I’m doing, who’s the oldest here—”
“Wow I bet it sure is peachy being as old as you are—”
“Well of course it is—”
As the two boys continue bickering over who knows what, the last boy lethargically pushed himself off of the wall he was comfortably leaning against and shrugged.
“They’re always like this, it’s pretty stupid but just leave them, it’s good entertainment every once in a while. I’m Yoongi by the way, I’m on the keyboard. We have one more doofus in our band, but Taehyung’s always late so let’s just head in first,” The boy in question, Yoongi, drawled over his shoulder as he started to make his way into the cafe, steps sluggish as if he just woke up from a nap. You think you’ve seen him somewhere before, but since you couldn’t really put your finger on it, you simply followed him with a shrug of your own, peering sporadically behind you as you did so. Much to your amusement, the two boys had gathered up their instruments and were trailing behind you, still squabbling.
The overpowering aroma of coffee hit you square in the face the moment the doors opened, and you paused to drink in your surroundings.
Strings of fairy lights and tiny trinkets adorned the spacious area, and you snorted at the witty puns framed up on the walls. The mahogany panels lining the floor and the floor-length windows, accompanied by the obvious lack of decorative furniture pointed to a cross between a vintage and a minimalistic theme, and frankly with how aesthetically pleasing the place was, you could see why it was so popular. Light chatter resounded within the four walls, and a quick glance at how majority of the seats were already occupied told you how frequented this place was.
“I’m not late this time!” A flurry of motions almost gave you whiplash and the center of it all seems to be the boy with light ketchup-colored hair who had just barged into the cafe. With bronze skin that almost shone under the lights and a cute boxy smile, he was the physical embodiment of sunshine itself, and his presence alone was enough to light up the place. You squinted at him, because oddly enough, the boy seemed familiar to you too.
Sunshine boy paused next to you and shot you a smile, “You must be Y/N, I’m Taehyung, let’s have a good time on stage yeah?”
You could barely respond back with a smile of your own before he was off again, this time heading towards the rest of his bandmates who were busy setting up the small stage, playfully whining about how it wasn’t his fault he got lost and ended up at a random field full of the prettiest flowers he has ever seen (where at least 20 mins of photo-taking was in accordance).
Shaking your head and biting back a grin, you treaded after him, joining the four guys in discussing the songs you would be performing with them. Fortunately they didn’t pose much difficulty as they were the typical duets you were used to singing and arranging for your college assignments, and you exhaled, slowly letting out a breath you weren’t aware you had been holding.  
“Come on Y/N, we’re up.”
Sure, you were hella nervous at the start, and you supposed it showed on your face, because Seokjin was sending you reassuring  looks while taking his guitar on a couple of experimental test-runs, and you assumed that the corners of Yoongi’s lips subtly lifting up was meant to be encouragement. The Hot Stranger (it was at this point that you’ve made the terrible realization that you still didn’t have an inkling of his name, and could only resort to branding him as The Hot Stranger in your head) gave you a gentle pat on your shoulder as he picked up his bass guitar, but not before he adjusted your microphone stand to match your height. The simple gesture made your insides do a double flip (one of which was because you were about to sing in front of a relatively large audience) and you shot him what you hoped was a hesitant smile and not a grimace.
Taehyung’s steady drum beat was the cue, and the mingling of the different musical instruments produced a harmony that could only be described as mellifluous; one that you were honored to be in the midst of.
As you clutched the microphone with utmost care, you started off the first song; a slow ballad full of longing (you recognized it to be IU’s Ending Scene), voice hardly above a whisper yet still low and sweet.
You were once again reminded of why you had gone against all odds and worked your butt off in order to enroll into the Seoul Institute of Fine Arts as an Applied Music major despite your parents’ initial objections—you loved everything about music. You loved how singing strips you of everything else and leaves you with nothing but raw emotion, you loved how the beat of the music pulses through your veins and ignites a sudden urge for you to dance along, and you loved how every note that leaves your lungs has your heart feeling all warm and fuzzy.
You loved how much fun you were having, especially with The Hot Stranger’s (you really had to find out his name) amazing voice, which was nothing short of euphonious. His breathy intonation was a mere introduction to his honeyed vocals (sung with his very much developed middle register, you noted for your own reference) and he climbed the high notes with the ease of a professional who has done this countless times. His voice was, to put it simply, a gift from the heavens.
Undoubtedly, everyone else in the audience shared the same sentiment, conversations halting and meals being put on hold to gaze in wonder at the owner of the dulcet voice (you were no exception), all eyes captivated by the performance (and also his charm, that boy sure has great stage presence). The polyphony created with the merger of your two voices was, for lack of a better word, pure bliss. He was blinding, all twinkly eyed, and you had to will yourself not to look away (it really wasn’t easy). And so, you held his gaze and he held yours, and in that moment, nothing else mattered and the world was yours, as well as his.
There it was again, you felt the unfamiliar butterflies and the quickening heart rate, a feeling you were unused to before meeting the stranger in question by happenstance earlier today. Regrettably (or maybe not), you couldn’t dwell on your newly surfaced feelings any longer as the ballad draws to a close, and the next number; a playful and lively piece, begins.
“Holy shit Y/N, dang girl, you can sing,” The words left Taehyung before you’d even gotten off the stage, and you turned to meet his widened eyes, full of awe and shadowed with the tiniest bit of curiosity.
Trying your best not to openly show signs of being flustered at the unexpected compliment, you chuckled bashfully and murmured a sincere thanks. You couldn’t help it, you had lived your entire life having everyone around you tell you that the pursuit of music was a dead end street instead of actually commenting on your voice.
“Uh–” The Hot Stranger had, somehow or another, ducked his way into your line of sight, and was fidgeting uncomfortably, looking as if he has a million things he wanted to say.
“Y/N you did really well, consider yourself a superstar, because you’ve just earned yourself a fan.” Seokjin cut in as the whole lot of you slowly moved out to the alley behind the cafe, eyes holding on to a hint of playfulness, yet you found it absolutely hilarious at how much he sounds exactly like a proud father. “Uh–” The stranger was still trying to get a word in, and you would have reached out to him if not for Seokjin’s and Taehyung’s tall frames enveloping your tiny stature.
“Yeah Seokjin-hyung’s right, I officially approve.” Yoongi comes up from behind, wry smile lingering on his face before a knowing look took over and he dragged Seokjin and Taehyung (who reluctantly complied) both away by the arm.
Now you were more than vaguely confused. Brows knitted together, you called weakly after them, “Approve of what?”
It goes unanswered and alas, the stranger stood before you, alone. You giggled softly to yourself when you notice he wasn’t even trying to put up that cool guy image anymore, unguarded eyes meeting your own.
“You probably didn’t notice, but I’m kinda in your Harmony and Counterpoint class, um, I’m the guy who always hoards snacks at the back of the class?”
You stifle a laugh, “I was always wondering why the room always smells like food, not that I have anything against that.”
He seems to relax a little bit at that, tension slowly leaving his shoulders, a lazy grin slowly materializing on his handsome features.
“I’ve heard your singing once before, at the freshmen introductory festival? I didn’t know it was even possible but I instantly fell in love with your voice—” His huge eyes grew larger than they already were when his own words finally sunk in and he stopped himself mid-sentence.
You weren’t any better yourself, heat quickly crawling up your neck and you were sure you could pretty much blend in with the red brick walls behind you.
He took one look at how red you were and couldn’t stop his face from exploding with the combination of both embarrassment and joy, and it took him all he had to continue speaking.
“And I really had fun with you on stage, so would you maybe like to go out sometime? We could sing together again the way we did today.” He ended with a hopeful lilt of his voice, eyes big and anxious.
You tilted your head again, the cutest smile gracing your lips as you locked eyes with him, and he almost dies from how irresistibly adorable you were being.
“I didn’t quite get your name.”
He blinked once. Twice. Three times now.
“Oh fuck, I never did introduce myself did I? Goddamnit I had one job.”
It was clearly meant to be a whisper, yet you could hear it clear as day, and you had to stop yourself from doubling over in laughter.
By this time, the sun was halfway through its descent, the clear skies turning the prettiest shades of orange and red, hues mixing together to make for a tumblr-worthy sight. The remainders of sunlight highlighted the tip of the stranger’s nose and his chiseled jaw, his strong shoulders further accentuated by the shadows present in the gradually dimming back alley of the cafe, and he looked so enchanting to the point where it should be illegal. A flash of that bunny smile and you knew you were a goner.
“Apologies for the late introduction, I’m Jeon Jungkook, and I’ve been crushing on you for a while now. Would you like to go on a date with me?”
Your heart was palpitating so fast it felt like you were going to have difficulties breathing, but that glimmer in his eye was all you needed.
“I’m Y/N, and yes, I would love to go on a date with you.”
semi-inspired by the liar and his lover! it was originally meant to just be a drabble but somehow i couldn’t stop, and this is coming from someone who usually has difficulty reaching word counts beyond 1.5k. i don’t plan for this to have a sequel (lemme know if you wanna see one!) but do keep a lookout for some extras that i’ll be posting soon (hint: a prequel and some angst;)
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mysticdragon3md3 · 5 years
md3 watches Given ep1
Maybe it's because I’m having a bad day, or maybe my distaste for most abrasive Romance genre tropes is showing.  But I did not have good reactions.  If I didn’t get spoiled on how good this series will eventually get, I probably wouldn’t continue.  Gawd I’m impatient for this to get good.
Mafuyu is sweet though.  ^___^
8:26 PM 9/27/2019
I'm going to watch Given.  After today, I'm too tired and defeated to do anything more ambitious than react to anime. ;_;
And this morning I watched some clips that suggested Mafuyu's tragic past?  I"m really hoping his childhood friend/boyfriend didn't dump him.  They both seemed so nice and in love.  Then again, if his boyfriend died that would also be very sad.  But at least it's not indirectly saying that Mafuyu was worth dumping.  He seems like such a sweet, fragile kid.  
given Episode 1 – Boys in the Band
"I'm not lonely."  I know it's a cliche now for an anime character to try to convince themselves of this with internal monologue, but it's still effectively sad and still pulls the heart-strings.  ;~;
Uenoyama is too sleepy to eat lunch and his friend asks him to play basketball instead of get bread?  omg
Everyone is sure staring at Uenoyama as he walks by though.  I wonder why.
Jeeze!  I don't know why Uenoyama has to be so upset!  What was Mafuyu doing that was even creepy anyway?  Not talking?  Sure, its more common for an anime character to leave when they've discovered they're in someone else's usual nap/hideout spot, but Mafuyu was nice about making room for Uenoyama.  And now he's throwing a tantrum about getting Mafuyu's hopes up and his naptime interrupted?  Careful or you're going to start hitting my real pet peeves and I'll drop this series.  
He just asked a stranger to teach him now to play guitar...Okay?  Well, that escalated quickly.  ^^;  
Thank you, opening theme.  I feel like I need some music to really set the tone---no, just get into this story/world.  I'm the kind of person who hates that Netflix skips opening/ending themes.
jfc  I know I've had a moderately bad day, but this series is just starting and it hit ANOTHER one of my pet peeves?!  Siblings who are nasty to each other?!  Ug.  If it weren't for all the fandom hype over this show and the nice clips I've seen of it beforehand, I would give up on it right now.  Or maybe I need to stop pausing every few seconds to write and dwell on the bad stuff, and just watch the show.  Ok, I'll try that.  I want to record all my initial thoughts for this series if I end up getting deep into the fandom, but rumination isn't good, after all.  Maybe all the annoying parts will go faster if I don't pause to react to all of them.  
"Now that I think about it, I guess I almost cired when I first broke a string, too, becuase I thought I'd broken my guitar"  Aw, Uenoyama is showing empathy.  (Finally.)  
See?  Mafuyu is reasonable.  He paid Uenoyama back for the strings and everything.
I think watching clips and hearing the fandom chatter before actually watching this series was a mistake.  I've been immune to spoilers for most of my life, but they've been starting to actually hurt my viewing in these past few years.  But it's not like when the shock of character deaths were dulled by knowing beforehand, with Madoka Magica.  This time, it's more like I'm _impatient_ to get to the good parts I saw before.  
So Mafuyu is stalking him now?  Now that I think about it, all those BL manga I used to read were quirky like this, huh?  ...Really???
I should have mentioned this before, but this background music is a little odd. It's like it doesn't quite match the tone of this very solid, real-feeling animation.  
But if he's a total newbie, he won't be able to tell the difference between a "godly performance" and a mediocre one!
"Something cool".  LOL  ^-^
OMG are they totally just riffing?  That's pretty cool.  ^___^
"Uecchi"?  Is this in Kansai?  LOL  
This guilt Uenoyama keeps dwelling on is really helping make him a sympathizable character.  
"Uesama"?  LOL
I'm glad Mafuyu tired the school's music club and that his reason for returning to Uenoyama's band was that he was much cooler.  I'll buy that reasoning.  
What is this exploision effect?  I know the animation in this series so far looks great, like they threw lots of money at it, but wow...  Was it supposed to look cheesey on purpose?  
Well, this ending theme is soothing and nice.  
But I'm not caught by this series.  So far, the primary couple has proven so be one half too angry, kinda mean, and plain grumpy to me.  And the other half is so sweet and fragile seeming, that I just feel sorry when he gets yelled at.  I feel like Mafuyu is just Uenoyama's punching bag, even if his actions are driving Uenoyama crazy.  Why does he have to over-react?  
After a month or so of being tempted to watch this series, I finally gave in today because I couldn't wait to get to answering the questions of those tragic backstories I saw some clips and spoilers of.  And maybe I'll stick around to get my answers.  But I can't say I like this series in and of itself so far. Mafuyu is sweet and intriguing, but I don't feel attached to Uenoyama so far.  I kind of want to watch something else, or just browse through the AkiRyu fandom instead.  ...In fact, I will do that.  No need to jump into ep2.  
But when I come back to this series, I should react to it like a movie.  Just watch it without stopping, then write whatever still stuck out to me enough to have inherently gotten a reaction out of me, at the end.  I shouldn't just stop every few minutes to write.  
Maybe the thing that bugs me with Given ep1 is that I prefer couples who actually like each other enough to instantly click.  At least get along together.  I abandoned my favorite shoujo manga circle because they kept insisting on this "falling in love with the person who annoys the heroine (the most)" cliche.  I generally tell people that I don't like Romance genre movies because so many of them revolve around couples who confuse friction and adrenaline for "passion" and attachment.  But that never sat well with me. I never liked the "argue/hate someone so much, you don't realize you're in love with them", as my aunt once put it.  Even the couples I like which might be mistaken for that trope actually arne't as abrasive as many filler episodes would caricature them to be: Ranma/Akane, Ichigo/Rukia. Maybe that's why I'd prefer to browse the AkiRyu fandom right now.  They actually enjoy spending time with each other!  From the first time they met!  ...I dunno...  Maybe Given will get very good, very fast, after this first ep.  Lots of BL manga had rough starts but turned into great series of scenes that were emotionally moving to experience, once the initial situation that contrived the couple to get together, is settled.  Why wouldn't Given be the same?  
I probably shouldn't post this reaction to my blog.  Or maybe have no tags, so the fandom won't come after me.  I don't need flames for my flippant venting that will likely change drastically once I get further into the series and find what I liked about those spoiler clips.  
The more time passed after watching Given ep1, the more I tried to use everything else to TRY to figure out why I wasn’t in love with Given (yet). 
6:43 PM 9/28/2019
by MemoryNK
OMG THIS SHOW!  Just a few clips, edited, talked over by commentary, and I'm already freaking half-crying!  GODDAMNIT!  ;o;  Carole's dad found her, he and his wife wanted to keep her but the wife died and he was unjustly sent to prison, and now he's still on parole and has to return to prison or his parole restrictions on Earth or something---!  ;O;!!!!!!!!!!!  THIS SHOW---! And Carole takes it as hope and something to look forward to, vs typical cliche drama contrived anger!  This show goes for the heart-felt warmth, instead of the contrived anger drama! ;U;  I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!  
Carole and Tuesday season 1 part 2 doesn't release on Netflix for probably a few more MONTHS.  Maybe it was a mistake to see spoilers.  But I've been seeing songs from season 1 part 2 all this time.  But actual scenes, spoiling the story...I went too far.  Maybe I shouldn't have.  
But only because I want to note my emotional reactions.  Especially when I'm having such trouble getting into Given.  I need to now if Carole & Tuesday were able to grab me from ep1, first intros of the main characters,...Because Given is failing hard on that!  And I want to know if I'm justified in not being as attached to Given, or if I was just having a bad day (I wasted all yesterday on that horrible cooking that even made me physically ill ~___~;!)  
6:49 PM 9/28/2019
I came in from my daily walk and had to immediately watch Carole & Tuesday becasue while I was walking, Mafuyu's song from Given was stuck in my head, even though I didn't even know it well.  I started daydreaming about Tuesday and Mafuyu hanging out, jamming, etc., and I couldn't listen to my podcasts while walking anymore.  I had to switch to Carole & Tuesday.  
7:21 PM 9/28/2019
Re-reading my reactions to watching Carole & Tuesday for the first time, I'm surprised how little I say about their characters (until much later episodes).  I wonder if it means they were so agreeable that I didnt' have to rant anything about them.  Because in contrast to my reactions to watching Given ep1 for the first time, I just kept going on and on about their characters---how mean Uenoyama was.  ...omg...I think I don't like Uenoyama.  I mean, I LOVE Carole, and Tuesday is really sweet and cute, but I never mentioned anything about that in my reactions from earlier this month until like halfway through season1 part1.  In fact, a few minutes ago was the first time I reblogged some Carole & Tuesday art with tags like "#my girls" and "i love them!".  I'd hate to say it, but maybe I only realized how good of characters Carole & Tuesday are, because of how abrasive Uenoyama's introduction has been for me.  I mean, I always thought Carole's brash confidence was cool and Tuesday was sweet, but I guess I was taking it as a given, instead of something extraordinarily rare.  ...I'm trying really hard to get into Given, you guys.  All the clips and spoilers I've seen and the music have been good.  But it's becoming clear to me now that Uenoyama is a barrier.  I used to read a lot of BL and those protagonists do tend to be really quirky or always upset to end up in the plot situation for comedic sakes...But when will the series get to Uenoyama being stupidly in love with Mafuyu so I can laugh at him for being an idiot around him?  I'm impatient over here, especially when I usually drop a series as soon as it centers too much on an abrasive character.  There are 20+ anime series every season and 4 seasons every year, and I've got a big backlog of anime to watch, so I can afford to be picky---I _HAVE TO_ be picky.  
6:18 PM 9/29/2019
I've been really bugged by how I have not enjoyed the first episode of Given.  Maybe I got my expectations too high, after watching it because of so much hype over it, and watching spoiler clips that were really intriguing.  But what really gets me, after having finally seen ep1, is that Uenoyama is not very likable!  Why does Mafuyu even like him?!  Well, Mafuyu is a sweethear and will forgive anything, ti seems...I think the problem is that _I_ as an audience member see no reason to like Uenoyama yet.  Why would I want this jerk to continue getting angry as adorable, frail Mafuyu?  Mafuyu doesn't deserve that!  ;o;  
The really bad thing are the comparisons.  I've been re-watching "Carole and Tuesday" repeatedly this month, and though it's not (blatantly) a romance story, there's just so much reason to want to see these 2 characters always be together.  I love watching them, they enjoy each other's company, they are nice to each other equally,---!  And I just realized that Given's Uenoyama and Mafuyu are similar to Kageyama and Hinata from Haikyuu.  Granted, I didn't really get into the KageHina ship (it just had some cute doujins that I personally thought were too dissimilar to the canon characters for me to think of the ship while I watched Haikyuu), but I LIKED the dynamic between Kageyama and Hinata.  WHY?  All Kageyama did was yell and treat Hinata badly whenever he could!...No...That's not true.  The story made certain from the very beginning to establish Kageyama as a more noble person inside, even though he was just so oblivious to how humans should interact, he only knew how to give commands and yell as a frustrated setter/commander.  Kageyama's first personality-establishing scene was him saving Hinata from bullies and proving that he doesn't approve of low, bully-like behaviors.  And I think pegging Kageyama, from the beginning, as seeking penance and his angsting over his regrets, the the whole first season culminating with him learning how to properly share bonds with people vs bossing them around, and thus finally remedying his past regretted behaviors---It all really turned and angry, easily annoyed character that could have become abrasive, into a character of sympathy.  (Plus, he was cool at what he does.  Which is generally another trait a main character nees to garner audience respect.)  So why couldn't Uenoyama do that from the beginning too?!?!  >O<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  It's driving me crazy!  I was supposed to like Given!!!!!!!!!  I _WANT_ to like Given!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;O;!!!  
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
Ghostfacers: 3x13 Recap
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Harry and Ed are just professional paranormal investigators trying to get a book and movie deal.
The 2007 writers’ strike is over but that’s not stopping Supernatural from laying down a little meta commentary about the unscripted hellscape we all were heading towards. Yay for writers!
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Harry and Ed are back to show us that alternate world --the one where they are the expert monster hunters; a world where we’d all be watching Ghostfacers. Catchy theme song aside, I think we can all agree with Dean with this alt-world:
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With gunslinger music apropo of their hero status, Ed and Harry exit their car in suitable slow-mo dramatics. Several cars zoom by in the background. Mockumentary style, they catch the audience up on what they’ve been doing since we last saw them in season one. They set their own hours at the Kinko’s they work at, and they’ve assembled a team.
Phase I: The Homework
We meet the Ghostfacers! Alan Corbett is the Intern/Cook, and got involved because he saw Ed put up flyers and wondered where do ghosts come from? Maggie is Ed’s adopted sister, and part of the research team. Spruce is their cameraman, licensed shamanologist, and 1/16 Cherokee.
The Case? Morton House. Every four years this place becomes the most haunted place in America. The Leap Year Ghost, some call it. Corbett brings Ed some french vanilla coffee. Yeah, Corbett’s got the hots for Ed. I mean, how can he not with that really golden, beautiful sort of beard? The meeting ends when one of their parents opens the garage door, breaking up their meeting space. Gold.
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Phase II: Infiltration
The Ghostfacers arrive at the Morton House. With no permit, but bolt cutters in hand, they start to bust open the fence surrounding the property when they all hear the rumble of a car and classic rock blasting from its interior. They hide, while Sam and Dean scope the place briefly, before driving away. Ed returns to breaking open the locked gate. They quickly establish Command Center I: The Eagle’s Nest. They place cameras throughout the house. Ed inadvertently compliments Corbett. Reconvening at base camp, the team equips themselves with flashlights and ghosthunting gear.
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Phase III: Face Time!
Ed and Corbett scan the first floor with their EMF. Ed calls out for the ghosts to show themselves, while Corbett works the camera and hyperventilates. Ed tries to help by advising Corbett to “Calm the whirlwinds of your mind.”
Harry, Maggie, and Spruce sweep the second floor. Spruce’s camera briefly malfunctions, but it’s no big deal --it’s not like you’re in a haunted house and any little thing could be a sign or anything!
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Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
There’s a rat. Harry believes that rats are like the rats of the world. Harry manages to walk back to the room with the rat when Spruce flings the dead rodent at him.
Meanwhile, Corbett continues to hyperventilate and freak out over nothing when the police arrive! Well, actually, it’s Sam and Dean.
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Ed recognizes them immediately. The boys recognize Ed.
SAM: Holy [Bleep]!
DEAN: What?
SAM: Uh, West Texas... the... the tulpa we had to take out. Those two goofballs that almost got us killed... The hellhounds or something?
DEAN: [Bleep] me.
Dean tells Ed to get the hell out, but Ed called ‘dibs’, so they’re not going anywhere.
Meanwhile, the second floor group wander into a room that’s getting readings off the wall, temps dropping 11 degrees, and Spruce getting a specter on his camera. The ghost talks and then is shot, and disappears!
Dean, Sam, Ed, and Corbett head back to base camp. Dean and Sam make it very clear that people that spend the night on February 29th don’t live to talk about their visit. Their talk is interrupted by Harry, Maggie, and Spruce sprinting and screaming down the stairs. Harry then sees the brothers. And the Ghostfacers are not leaving the joint, no matter how hard Dean tries enticing them with ice cream. The team realizes that Corbett is missing. He’s wandering upstairs hoping to communicate with the restless spirits in the house. And he’s kidnapped by one of them just as it turns midnight! Now they’re all stuck in the house --and Sam happily reminds Dean that he’s got two months to live, but they’ll probably not live through the night.
Just then another spirit appears --they’re death echos, spirits that keep reliving their death. Dean tries shocking the spirit out of its loop --sometimes it works, but usually there has to be some connection with the deceased.
The group wanders the house looking for clues about the death echos, and Corbett’s whereabouts. They find information about Freeman Daggett, the house’s last owner, who died in 1964.
Daggett’s house was full of a lifetime supply of army rations and survivalist paraphernalia. He was a hospital janitor and Dean uncovers toe tags in Daggett’s box of Moste Precious Objects. Ew. Daggett was stealing himself “friends” from the morgue. The odd death echoes can be explained because the ghosts are lingering close to their remains.
Maggie goes missing, off on her own little heroic quest to save Corbett, though she’s quickly found by Dean (to Harry’s relief). The electrical equipment stutters and when the lights recover Sam is now missing, leaving only his flashlight.
While searching for Corbett and Sam, Maggie panics and Harry calms her with a kiss. OooOOOOoo. Ed, meanwhile, bursts in on them. “My best friend and my best sister,” he says angrily and the two fight. (I’m most touched by how he just calls her his sister, turning him into slightly less of an asshole.)
Cut to Corbett with a massive head wound slowly waking to the sound of Sam’s voice and the worst song in the world (“It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to”). Sam sits across from him tied to a chair at a dusty old table. There are cups, plates, and party accoutrements laid out. Dead bodies are arranged in party poses. Daggett kills Corbett with a spike to the throat while Sam looks on and shouts at the ghost to stop.
The remaining team tries to figure out what’s making Daggett tick when Dean realizes that he was a cold war nut who was terrified of the world ending.
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Dean heads to the basement where there’s likely a bomb shelter. Daggett forces the door shut, cutting Dean and Spruce off from Ed, Harry, and Maggie. Dean tells them to grab salt from his duffel bag, make a circle, and get inside. “Inside your duffel bag?” they ask. Lol.
Dean heads downstairs with Spruce while the B team follows Dean’s instructions. The lights flicker and they gather close together in the salt circle. The ghost is Corbett, shuddering in terror, blood pouring from his wounds. Oh, honey :(
Spruce asks Dean about his mysterious comment from earlier. Why did Sam say they had two months left? Dean tells him off and hones in on the dreadful repeated music. He pushes a shelf out of the way to expose a door.
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Dean breaks in just as Daggett gets behind Sam with his death spike. We finally get a good view of the party, complete with party trumpets and little elastic hats (the elastic has really stood the test of time). Sam fills us in on the back story: Daggett stole the bodies from the morgue and at midnight on a leap year, went upstairs and dosed himself to death. Now every leap year he tries to get more people to come to his creepy-ass party.
Upstairs the B team mourns Corbett, watching him replay his death over and over again. Ed tells them that they’ve got to try to help Corbett. He’s trapped, he’s in pain, but he can be helped. Ed crosses the salt line and approaches the terrified ghost.
Downstairs, Dean tries to bust through the basement door when the ghost appears. Sam shoots it away.
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Harry tells Ed that Corbett had feelings for him. Maybe he can use that connection to reach Corbett. “You’ve gotta go be gay for that poor dead intern. You gotta send him into the light.” And so, in a moment that shouldn’t be touching (but goddamnit, it totally is) Ed crosses the salt line once again.
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Ed tells him that he meant a lot to him while tears fall. He tells Corbett that he loves him and Corbett is shocked out of his death loop. “Ed?” he asks. And then Corbett, finally aware of his own death and of the peril the others face, becomes the hero of the piece. Corbett blips downstairs, and drags Daggett into the light.
Morning dawns with a gentle blush and the team stumbles out of the house. We cut back to the studio where they eulogize Corbett. “Here we were thinking that, you know, we were teaching you and all this time you were teaching us, about heart, about dedication, and about how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. Thank you, Alan J. Corbett.” It’s...touching and hilarious in one neat package. (Also I am shamelessly waiting for season 13 where gay love is totally gonna pierce through the veil of death and save the day. Right? Right??? Come on, Supernatural, it can be like a present to Edlund on the occasion of his TV show taking off.)
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Cut to Dean and Sam sitting in front of Harry and Ed’s computer watching the final cut of their Ghostfacers demo. Dean admits it was “half awesome” while Sam congratulates them on exploiting Corbett’s death. Whatever, they’re ready to make bank with DVD sales and wave the Winchesters a fond farewell. They discover a bag that Sam and Dean left behind and pull it open gleefully. In it is an electro-magnet (built, I like to think, by our little genius Dean Bean). The equipment in the room zaps and all the computers wipe. (Now the Ghostfacers back everything up to the cloud, amirite?) Dean and Sam tear out of the suburban driveway and back into the wild supernatural world beyond.
And two lone wolves need...other wolves
[Bleep] me
Listen here, chisel chest
It’s our “Grand Canyon”
I’m not gonna whine about my [bleep]ing problems to some [bleep]ing reality show
He’s never heard of a Real Doll?
Don’t be Facer-haters
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 11.07.17 lb
plain text version here. 
like we can’t guess what’s coming when the boys are standing thissss close to the pool. pfffffft. 🙄🙄🙄
shivika and ruvya ka toh theek hai, but why are rikara glaring at each other like that? unke beech toh sab theek hai. 🤔🤔🤔
billu just haaaaaaaaad to open his mouth. he just had to. take it away, girls. give him what he deserves. 😑😑😑
iske chakkar mein, bechaare omru bhi phas gaye. 😕😕😕
lol, yeah ok, how did they go from outside the pool, to that little seedi at the perimeter. pffffffffffffft. and i think shivaay’s shoes disappeared too. 😆😆😆
ughhhhhhhhhhh, what is this pinky/ragini nonsense? ragini, girl pleaseeeeee. just act alone. you’re so much more fun to watch. 😊😊😊
he’s the most WHAT guy in the world? IDOL??? (pfffffffft, more like MOST IDLE GUY in the world. 😒😒😒)
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lmaooooo, ragini’s little dance. 😂😂😂
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hahaha, her little weird eyeroll at pinky’s affectionnnnn. this girl really doesn’t know whatttttt she’s getting herself into with this family. 😆😆😆
oh i loooooooove the girls’ outfits! they all look soooo good! 😍😍😍
lmao anika is sooooooooo me. leader of the misandry club. 😈😈😈
whyyyyyy are these idiots walking around the house dripping? ugh men. 😒😒😒
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hahahahaha anika’s repressed laughing. 😂😂😂
as usual, bulbul is first to broker peace with bade bhaiyya. #brOTP 😘😘😘
heeee heeee heee “nandi bel waale seeengh” 😂😂😂
what kinda weaksauce immune system do these boys have, that they’ve caught a cold from being wet for 5 minutes? 😕😕😕
why is billu staring at wife so soulfully, out of the blue? 😯😯😯
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lololololololol OMRU. i fucking love these two idiots so much. 😂😂😂
... what is with the weird homoeroticism in this scene? they’re brothers ffs. keep that wincest kinda crap outta my show! 😑😑😑
... idhar iska taadna khatam nahi hua? 
dekh lo bhai, dekh lo, apna hi maal hai, jitna chaahe dekh lo. 😌😌😌
ok blowing a SNEEZE completely out of proportion is weird, not romantic. 🙄🙄🙄
devranis be like ok too much sexual tension and faraq in this room. let’s gtfo. 😂😂😂
“dekh rahi thi, ya TAAAAAAD rahi thi?” 😏😏😏
holy shit, his sexy whispering. *fans self* 😯😯😯
... kudos to my girl for resisting dripping wet and intensely staring baagad billa with this much confidence. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
time for anika to return the sexy whispering. 😏😏😏
is he even listening to her, coz he’s just staring at her lips... 😯😯😯
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okay, stop going all MOM on him girl. he’s already got one screechy, naggy mom. 🙄🙄🙄
oh boy. he’s going to escalate this. 😬😬😬
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ok that’s it. i love ragini. i fucking loveeeeeee herrrrr and her overdramatic ass. 😆😆😆
stop skulking around the house and frightening the devranis, billu. 😒😒😒
OUFF OH THIS BULBUL AND HER VULNERABILITY TO BADE BHAIYYA. saara plan paros ke rakh rahi hai uske saamne. 😑😑😑
snort, devranis fully calling out bade bhaiyya’s undeniable raging crush on his own wife. 🙃🙃🙃
gauriiiiii. what a sayyaaaani chirraiyya you are. you do that girl. you maintain your distance. play hard to get. make him work to win you, queen! 😌😌😌
oh ho scene is getting too cheesy now. gtfo here, girls. 😣😣😣
billu’s dimaag ke phurze are finally beginning to turn. 🙄🙄🙄
ouff again with the weird homoerotic nonsense. stop it. 😤😤😤
why do the oberois have such sasta looking terrible furniture? my ikea drawers are better than these. 😕😕😕
anika is taking her responsibility of being leader verrrrrrrrry seriously. 😐😐😐
ok i like bhavya’s dynamics in these girly scenes. just keep her away from rudra. 😕😕😕
..... and what help is that going to be, anika? who’s going to even notice one random bottle kept in one corner? 🙄🙄🙄
oh. our billu’s kanji aankhein are! waaaaaaah. kya pyaaaaaar hai. 🤐🤐🤐
“obviously, my brothers.”
why isn’t his Awareness™ working now? 😒😒😒
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lol awwwwwwwwwwww, look at these three idiots just grinning at each other. ugh. i love these stupid boys so much. 👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽
bade bhaiyya here, repping his bulbul. will defend her to death. ugh, when will your #brOTP ever be this adorable????????? 😘😘😘
um, omkara, it’s not that deep fam. why are you over-analyzing this? 😕😕😕
oh. that’s what rudra’s issue is. fragile male ego. pffffffft. 😑😑😑
oh i justttttttttt realized that common theme of all the girls being protective shields to these men. nice. nice nice nice. 😌😌😌
... they literally have nothing else to talk about. 😗😗😗
hahahaha, billu the long-suffering veteran, dealing with his newly love-struck brothers. 😆😆😆
is this whole episode going to be about these stupid boys’ shitty immune systems? it’s a fucking cold. they’ll get over it. jesus. awaiiii baat ka batangad. 😑😑😑
my babies looking hotttttttttt in white. 😍😍😍
sexy faraq scene? 😏😏😏
oh. no. it’s a dadi scene. pfffffffft. 😣😣😣
oufffff daaaaaadi and her ishqbaazi nonsense again. 😒😒😒
ok dadi, no need to blame poor billu for this. those two are fucking up all on their own accord. 🙄🙄🙄
they’re gonna team up to shipppppp devar/devranis. 😊😊😊
ugh why is ragini is this terribleeeee top again? 😣😣😣
i think her crazy is directly related to this outfit. every time she wears it, she goes off the fucking rails. 😕😕😕
snort, she’s back to angrily eating cucumbers. it really IS her comfort food. 😯😯😯
samar, why and how so rational? it’s very unnerving when a person is... NORMAL... in this show. 😟😟😟
can we know what was behind samar’s 180 waala behaviour? why did he refuse to recognize anika from the day in the chawl? 🤔🤔🤔
MOTI? ANIKA?????????? 
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samar (sotto voce): woh moti toh nahi hai? ragini: MUJH JAISI PATLI BHI NAHI HAI, BHAIYYA! 
lmaoooooo. 😂😂😂
also samar may have a wee crushy-wush on anika? 😏😏😏 as long as he’s a decent dude at the end of it all, i don’t really mind. i’ve come around to his calming personality. burn, billllllllllllu, burnnnnn. 🔥🔥🔥
be scared, samar. be scaaaaaaared. 😐😐😐
haaaye. billu in black. be still my beating heart. 💗💗💗
pfffft, why the f are YOU upset, om? she’s the one who should be upset. 
cupid is a good look on shivaay. i liiiiiiiiiike. 👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽
hee hee hee return of the “chantuuumaiiii” 😆😆😆
am i more attracted to anika or shivaay rn? i can’t tell tbqh. 🤔🤔🤔
ouffff, everyone is toooo involved in everyone else’s love life. apna apna dekh liya hota toh ab tak sab ke bachche bhi hue hote. 🙄🙄🙄
ragini is just straight up fessing that their engagement is jhoot-moot ka, in front of anika?? 😯😯😯
why is shivaay not telling khanna to track/trace the number, like he does EVERY. SINGLE. TIME? 😐😐😐
shivaay asking the right questions for once. 😐😐😐
ouff anika, is baat ke liye jealousy? come onnnnnnnnn. 🙄🙄🙄
meanwhile, his hands remain resolutely by his sides, like he’s playing thakur from sholay or something. 😂😂😂
*slips gulNeet 100 rs* kill pinky off. please. i beg of you. 😩😩😩
... what even is shivaay accusing anika of now? ugh DO NOT BRING BACK this nonsense from the tia days, or i swear, imma lose it. 😒😒😒
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