#her skin has a moldy texture to it
ds-anon-art · 3 days
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They don’t call New Jersey state the garden state for nothing.
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martyryo · 5 days
how do you pick out such cool colors and outfits?!? :000 i love your art :3
Also, I'm sorry if answers will disappoint you but I don't have a thought behind color picking. Truth is lately I've been just using colors I like, trying to make them fit to the overall vibe of the drawing.
For example, in the vamp marla drawings I used a dark moldy orange cause it reminded me of rust and decay, and with that I added some tilted bright magenta lines to contrast it and make it pop. That's it. And to figure them out I just kept modifying the hue until I liked the combination. So I guess, play around with colors, be silly :3
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Oh also lines and halftones play a big role in my drawings. I don't like having many elements of the same value one next to the other, cause they don't make each other stand out. (imagine a plain outfit with EVERYTHING black. Nothing else. Kinda boring).
I try in fact to put dark areas next to brighter ones so their shapes are more distinct to the sight (the eyes in the drawing for example wouldn't be so visible if there wasn't the dark eyeshadow to drag your eyes towards them. The hair has subtle black lines as texture while the skin has halftones, this makes the brain perceive them as different).
Now for the outfits...well, since the past months I've been drawing the same 3 blorbos in their canon fits, soooo use reference I would say... referencing things is always the best thing you can do, from fits and especially colors if you're trying to obtain a certain mood or atmosphere (and I be forgetting cause I'm lazy but don't be like me 💥).
I did design the following fits out of raw imagination, but I needed some reference for cowboy and pirate fits on pinterest.
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In these cases I tried to add some recurring patters for each of them.
Narrator has many horizontal lines going on on the pants (design and the dangly things on the side) while also having like two belts and a string. More lines yippie!
With marla I went with earrings matching the necklace, while also adding lace (is that how it's called??) on the rims of her top, glove things and collar. For her top and skirt I went with vertical lines that are also present on her stockings while cloak/scarf has those repeating things at the end (me when I don't know clothing vocabulary).
Tyler has kinda the more boring fit cause I was getting tired. I was trying to go with items of the upper body being tighter while having large pants with bug boots, kinda triangle shaped, but ehh I need to work more on that. Reoccurring would be the flowy clothes folds cause I view them as soft materials contrasted with a more rough vest. I tried to add on that soap bubbles patterns but it's kind of a weak effect so fnenrne.
Again. Reference. And taking breaks between designs cause your brain at some point has enough of your ideas.
Uhmm idk if all this yapping in an okay answer for you, I spent all afternoon trying to analyze my drawings and I was going insane. But I thank you for asking cause you made me realize I should adapt to a stable technique huehue =w=
Also for school work, when I need to pick colors, the website I linked below is the tool I always use. You can search for an already existing palette or generate a random one u.u
Lmk if you wanna know anything else, I'll try my best to answer. Have a great day <3
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marigoldvictorson · 11 months
I will allow:
Violence, blood, gore, abuse, angst, self-harm, macabre, disturbing, and other morbid things including but not limited to corpse gore, rotting organs, brown liquidity, oily blood, decaying of the body, organs hanging out or falling out of the body (like eyes hanging from the sockets, smalI intestate hanging out of an open wound, ect.) And other things relating to corpses, and cursing
I won't allow:
Pedophilia, zoophilia, fetishism, kinks, and NSFW of any kind
Marigold Victorson is an AI inserted inside of the corpse of her deceased sister who died at age 7. Because of her uncanny appearance and the smell of her rotting organs, she is an outcast to society.
1. Marigold Victorson OC info (Left To Rot version)
2. Marigold Victorson OC info (Government Trama version)
Marigold Victorson facts
More info under the cut
1. Marigold Victorson OC info (Left To Rot version):
Name: Marigold Victorson
Age: 7
Height: 3ft 9in
Sexuality: Ace, Greyro, and sex-repulsive
Species: Human (former) Zombie/AI/Cyborg (current)
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Style of clothes: she wears a worn-out oversized pastel blue shirt, worn-out blue sweatpants, black Mary Jane shoes, moldy white socks, and round glasses.
Wounds: she has a bruise on her left cheek, a few scratch marks on her forehead, and an open stab wound on her chest where her heart is located.
Her internals: All her bones are replaced with an endoskeleton, there are unused wires connected to some of her organs, there are microscopic sensors all over the inside of her skin so that she can be able to touch and feel textures, she has an artificial intelligence brain with a motherboard, and other computer machinery inside, and she has two artificial eyes because her old eyes were organs that don't work anymore.
An image of her appearance:
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Short info about her family:
Her mother, Hannah Lori (formerly Hannah Victorson) was once a sane and caring mother until the tragic death of her daughter (Lucinia Victorson), and then her husband (William Victorson) made it worse when he used Lucinia's corpse to reanimate her as an AI to create ‘a new daughter’ called Marigold. Hannah lost her sanity because of this, and she became much more aggressive and abusive towards her husband and Marigold. She absolutely hates Marigold because she is an AI using Lucinia's corpse as a vessel.
Her father, William Victorson, was an eccentric mad scientist who worked in the fields of robotics, engineering, bio-engineering, chemistry, and biology. After Lucinia's death, he wanted her back, she was way too young to die, but at the same time, he wanted her soul to move on, so he created a new daughter called Marigold from Lucinia's corpse.
Her ‘sister’, Lucinia Victorson, was Marigold before Marigold. She was a smart, joyful, and moral little girl. One day, while at the park with her father. Her father had to use the restroom for a minute, while Lucinia was drinking from a water fountain near the playground. A mysterious person approached her and stabbed her in the chest, which killed her immediately. This happened while her father was in the restroom. Marigold considers her as her sister
More info about Marigold Victorson:
personality: She's very trusting and naive, she gives out too much info about herself, she is smart with machinery and technology, she enjoys making machines and computers. She is a wholesome little people pleaser who suffers from trauma and neuroticism. She also doesn't understand a lot of things either. She is also self-aware that she's an AI, but she wants to deny it as an attempt to cope with the hurtful fact that she isn't a real person with a real soul.
neurodivergent: Autism, ADHD, and maybe bipolar
Other disorders and disabilities: mentally stunted in growth, and PTSD
Powers and abilities: She doesn't have any
Hobbies: playing Retro game consoles, drawing, reading science books, reading articles, and she enjoys making things (machinery and technology). She also enjoys going on the computer.
Interests: Learning, reading, playing video games, morbid topics, comfort, pleasing people (she likes to see people smile and feel positive emotions), being silly, being a goofball, being a kid, She also enjoys music.
Her backstory: After Lucinia died, Marigold was created by her father. Hannah was much more devastated and very enraged. She killed William, and then she threw Marigold into the basement because she didn't wanna look at her face. Marigold stayed in the basement for years, her mother passed away from old age, and Marigold stayed rotting in the basement, waiting to be found. She is in sleep mode until the basement door opens.
Favorite food and drinks: she can't consume anything because her organs don't work anymore
2. Marigold Victorson OC info (Government Trama version):
Name: Marigold Victorson
Age: 7
Height: 3ft 9in
Sexuality: Ace, Greyro, and sex-repulsive
Species: Human (former) Zombie/AI/Cyborg (current)
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Style of clothes: she wears a worn-out oversized pastel blue shirt, worn-out blue sweatpants, black Mary Jane shoes, moldy white socks, and round glasses.
Wounds: she has a bruise on her left cheek, a few scratch marks on her forehead, and an open stab wound on her chest where her heart is located.
Her internals: All her bones are replaced with an endoskeleton, there are unused wires connected to some of her organs, there are microscopic sensors all over the inside of her skin so that she can be able to touch and feel textures, she has an artificial intelligence brain with a motherboard, and other computer machinery inside, and she has two artificial eyes because her old eyes were organs that don't work anymore.
An image of her appearance:
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When she's using her solver powers:
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When the Solver is possessing her (murder mode):
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Short info about her family:
Her mother, Hannah Lori (formerly Hannah Victorson) was once a sane and caring mother until the tragic death of her daughter (Lucinia Victorson), and then her husband (William Victorson) made it worse when he used Lucinia's corpse to reanimate her as an AI to create ‘a new daughter’ called Marigold. Hannah lost her sanity because of this, and she became much more aggressive and abusive towards her husband and Marigold. She absolutely hates Marigold because she is an AI using Lucinia's corpse as a vessel.
Her father, William Victorson, was an eccentric mad scientist who worked in the fields of robotics, engineering, bio-engineering, chemistry, and biology. After Lucinia's death, he wanted her back, she was way too young to die, but at the same time, he wanted her soul to move on, so he created a new daughter called Marigold from Lucinia's corpse.
Her ‘sister’, Lucinia Victorson, was Marigold before Marigold. She was a smart, joyful, and moral little girl. One day, while at the park with her father. Her father had to use the restroom for a minute, while Lucinia was drinking from a water fountain near the playground. A mysterious person approached her and stabbed her in the chest, which killed her immediately. This happened while her father was in the restroom. Marigold considers her as her sister
More info about Marigold Victorson:
personality: She's very trusting and naive. She gives out too much info about herself, she is smart with machinery and technology, and she enjoys making machines and computers. She is a wholesome little people pleaser who suffers from trauma and neuroticism. She also doesn't understand a lot of things either. She is also self-aware that she's an AI, but she wants to deny it as an attempt to cope with the hurtful fact that she isn't a real person with a real soul.
neurodivergent: Autism, ADHD, and maybe bipolar
Other disorders and disabilities: mentally stunted in growth, and PTSD
Powers and abilities: The powers from the Absolute Solver
How her Solver powers work:
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(Official image by Liam Vickers)
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(A meme. I don't know who made it, but I would like to know so I can give proper credit)
Hobbies: playing Retro game consoles, drawing, reading science books, reading articles, and she enjoys making things (machinery and technology). She also enjoys going on the computer.
Interests: Learning, reading, playing video games, morbid topics, comfort, pleasing people (she likes to see people smile and feel positive emotions), being silly, being a goofball, being a kid, She also enjoys music.
Her backstory: After Lucinia died, Marigold was created by her father. Hannah was much more devastated and very enraged. She killed William, and then she threw Marigold into the basement because she didn't wanna look at her face. Marigold stayed in the basement for years until one day, some government people discovered William's work and they were fascinated, so they had a discussion with Hannah and then she sold Marigold to the government so they can do whatever they want with her. They used her as a crash dummy. They altered her coding to make her murderous. They inserted the Absolute Solver into her brain, and then they blocked her memories. They were planning to use her to eliminate villains all over the world. One day, they decided that it wasn't worth it and it wasn't morally right because they were using a child's corpse to kill people with, so they opened up a portal to whatever random dimension and/or location to discard her and to also hide the evidence, so they threw her into the portal and closed it right after.
Favorite food and drinks: she can't consume anything because her organs don't work anymore
This version of her was inspired by Murder Drones (an indie animation web series by Liam Vickers and Glitch Productions on YouTube)
Marigold Victorson facts:
1. She has no off switch. Her life is infinite, but she does have sleep mode.
2. Her brain overheats when she feels extreme and/or overwhelming emotions. If her brain overheats too much, she'll fall unconscious until her brain cools down.
3. Whenever she sees a scientist, a part of her brain will bug out because it's trying to remember a familiar beloved scientist (it will try to remember her father).
4. Whenever her brain overheats or bugs out, her eyes and voice will noticeably glitch.
5. She has a USB insert in her left ear. If you plug a USB wire into it, you can access her brain contents from a computer. You can view her memories, you can attempt to alter her code, you can upload, download, and alter her memories, but you can't remove them but you can put a block on them so she can have a difficult time remembering something. (Her memories are mp4 video files, and her code is a json file titled “DON'T_ACCESS.json”. She also has a bunch of mp3 music files). She has a reboot button on her right ear.
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hanmi-xo · 1 year
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CHAPTER 19: "There Was Blood I"
| My Happiness | Chapter List |
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It was quiet. When I heard them leave with a shut of the door, I opened my eyes. They were gone. My siblings sat there next to me and I could see the red marks on Suyeong's face.
Her skin was cut and it went a cross her cheek. It was faint but she was bleeding a little bit. I couldn't call for her because of the tape on my mouth so I tried to wiggle to her. Once my head hit her leg, I made a muffling sound.
She opened her eyes slowly as she tried to hide her tears. I felt my strength come back to me as I attempted to get closer to her. I sat up and struggled trying to gain my balance. I needed to get up. The more I wiggled my hands, I felt the ropes loosen.  I quickly made my way to my sister so I can take the tape off of her.
My hands were tied behind me so I tried my best to feel any edge of the tape. Once I felt a distinct texture, I quickly peeled it off.
I dropped the gray object to the floor and I turned to look at her.
"Unnie..." she cried.
She was trying to hide her sobs. I hushed her gently.
"Shh...shh...Suyeong," I calm her. "We can get out of here. I know we can. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."
She shook her head. "No, it's my fault. I'm the one who taunted them. I wanted Sujun to run but I wasn't able to fight back."
She sniffled with tears running down her face.
"I'm sorry, Unnie," she cried.
I tried to hide the tears that were forming. I clenched my jaw to stop myself from frowning. I gulped to salivate my dry throat. I didn't want my voice to break. Once she gets this tape off my mouth, I can calm her down and guide her.
She tried to get up and our roles switched. I sat down and she stood in front of me with her hands tied behind her back and ripped the tape off my mouth.
I took a deep breath and blew it out. I moved my mouth around as I enjoyed not being muffled. Suyeong looked at me with sadness.
"Suyeong, it's okay. We'll get out of here." I reassure her. "We just need to find anything sharp to cut this rope off."
She nodded her head slowly as she tried to calm herself down.
"Go help Sujun, okay? I'll look around. You've gone through enough." I tell her.
Her eyes shook with anxiety before looking at our sleeping brother who laid on the floor next to us.
"Okay," she whispers before helping our brother.
I stood up and I began to look around the basement as I hopped. The rope on my ankles were making this a lot harder. I felt tired the more I hopped, but I knew we only had so much time until they come back.
I had to be fast.
There were open shelves of boxes that contained random items. Some looked like computer pieces and others held lots of shredded paper. There were other items that looked old and moldy like they've been abandoned.
My eyes wandered to a tall object that appeared to be covered by cloth. I made my way over to it and bit the layer off. It tasted like dust and dirty and I began to spit to get the texture off my tongue.
I stared at the object that was once hidden before me.
"A mirror?" I whisper.
It was cracked and dusty. It looked like Miss Kim's old mirror. How long have they been using this place as their junkyard and storage?
I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked like a damsel in distress and I hated it. My hair was messy and my clothes had blood. The rope on me didn't help either.
I sighed. "Come on Subin. You got this."
I tried to encourage myself before my attention went upstairs. I heard a loud noise as if a window has broken.
I widened my eyes. Suddenly I heard voices growing loud. I didn't know what the commotion was all about, but with how loud they were being, I took this opportunity.
I knocked over the mirror and I watched as the pieces shattered across the floor. If they heard me, we're good as dead.
I quickly knelt down and picked up a piece that was big enough to fit in my hand. I felt it pierce my skin as I rubbed the broken piece against the robe.
I wasn't sure if it was working, and I sped up my pace. I heard footsteps coming, and I began to panic.
"Shit. Not now," I whisper.
I felt the ropes around me get loose for a moment, and I sensed a spark of hope. I heard a door open and anxiety and fear crawled all over me.
Through the open shelf, I saw Suyeong look at me with fear. I quickened my pace with the glass piece.
"Who the fuck's there!?" I heard a voice shout.
I heard running above me and I prayed to God they wouldn't be coming down here. Someone was causing them stress, and I hoped it was someone who was going to rescue us.
Chan. He wouldn't be here- would he?
I heard knocking on the small window above me. Fear kicked in and I slowly turned around.
It couldn't be Mister Kim or Miss Kim right? They would have to be inside. Why would they be outside?
I stared at the person who seemed to be watching me. Is that...
I watched as he came through the window he popped open with his small crowbar. It surprised me how well he could fit through that small opening. I was happy to see him, but I was also scared for his wellbeing.
"What are you doing here?" I whisper to him before he could say anything.
He looked at me with surprise from my words. "What. What do you mean? I'm here to help you."
I watched as he took out a knife from his holster. I gazed at his new objects I've never seen before while he made his way behind me.
"I was able to make some noise so they'll be distracted for awhile," his voice was close to my ear.
I tried not to think about how close he was to me while he cut the rope off. I felt it fall. He then went to my ankles and cut the rope down there too.
I had so many questions running through my head on how he was able to find me. I didn't Chan would show up so quickly. I blushed thinking about how fast he came to my rescue.
"Wonwoo and Hansol will be here soon with back up," he tells me.
Before he made his way to my siblings, I grabbed his hand. He turned around with wide eyes.
"Thank you," I quickly tell him. "For being here. You did come to my rescue again."
I tried to look him in the eyes to show my sincerity. I watched as his face grew red for a moment before he grinned with low brows. "I'll always stand by you, Subin."
His hand went up to caress my face before smiling with a soft expression. He was gentle and warm. He made me feel safe. His attention soon went to my siblings.
Suyeong gazed at him with her teary eyes. "Oppa," she pleaded.
I watched as he cut the rope off her before helping my brother who seemed to have just woken up.
He winced in pain and looked at us confused.
"Ugh...what happened?" Sujun asked.
"It's a long story," I tell him before helping him up.
He held his head. "Huh?"
I heard more noises coming above us and I quickly looked up. My siblings stood held onto me with fear in their eyes. I looked at Chan who seemed to be rather calm.
He looked at me and motioned us to be quiet. His finger was on his lips, and his other hand went to his holster. He was trying to give me something. It had a similar shape to a gun, but it also didn't look like a gun.
"It's a stun gun," he whispers to me. "There's only one charge so be careful."
I nodded my head before holding it with two hands. I pointed it down for safety reasons and followed Chan.
He looked at the small open window he left.
"I was able to go through it, but I don't know if I can climb up there," he says.
His eyes wandered to Sujun who seemed rather small and lightweight. My brother looked at us with confusion. I think I had an idea on what Chan was implying.
"Do you think he'll fit?" Chan asked me. "He might be able to help pull you guys up."
"Maybe," I whisper. "But will it be safe?"
Chan hummed in response. "Your brother just needs to be fast enough to run to my house. I highly doubt they'll check, but I can distract them if you want me to."
I gazed at him. "Are you crazy? I don't want you to get hurt."
His eyes grew wide from my words. He suddenly smiled. "I can care less what happens to me. I told you that I was going to get you after work, right?"
I felt myself grow flustered from his response. This was a bad time for him to be flirting with me. I hate how I couldn't control my heart. He's making my heart race more than it needs to.
"Chan, that's different. You were going to pick me up from work- not here," I tell him.
He shook his head at me with amusement. "I'm here aren't I? Come on."
I bit my lip as I followed him. Why did he suddenly seem so confident. It was charming.
We made our way to the small window and my brother hesitated to get up there. I was squatting down to help him get up, but he looked scared. Usually Suyeong would say something insulting towards Sujun that causes him to be courageous, but she didn't speak.
Rather she stayed quiet and looked at us with worry. Chan looked at us with concern before his eyes went to the basement stairs.
"I'll cause a distraction," Chan says.
I grabbed him by his arm. "No, you're not. You done it once, and this time you'll get caught."
I couldn't imagine what might happened to him. Chan looked at me with a soft expression before smiling. I felt his hand touch my face. He moved my bangs and caressed my cheek.
"If anything happens to you or your siblings. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself," he says. "You all have gone through enough."
His eyes looked towards my siblings were stared at him with hope. He then pat each of them on their head with a reassuring smile.
"I'll be back. I promise," Chan says to us.
I wanted to stop him, but he already made his way up the stairs. I felt Suyeong pull me back.
"Unnie, don't," she tells me.
I gritted my teeth with narrow brows. Fear over took me. I knew Chan is reliable, but out of all times, why did he decide to be brave now?
"Okay," I say reluctantly.
I heard shouts above me and I tried to hide the fear that was kicking in. I helped my brother up through the window, and after him, I helped Suyeong next. The commotion grew louder upstairs and my brows narrowed.
Suyeong stuck her hand out me, but I refused to take it.
"Go while you still can," I tell the two.
"Unnie," Suyeong called to me. "Please."
As much as I wanted to take her hand, I know I wouldn't be able to move on knowing Chan was hurt and all I did was run away. I narrowed my brows and took a deep breath. Chan was risking his life for us, and he'll need help.
"Go Suyeong," I tell my sister. "Before it's too late. I can't let Chan get hurt because of me."
She stared at me with shock before slowly pulling away. She seemed upset by my words but it seemed she understood the responsibility I felt.
I watched as Suyeong grabbed Sujun before he could protest against my decision. They ran off and I lost their line of sight. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.
"They'll be fine, Subin. Their attention is on Chan right now. I have to help him," I tell myself.
I heard a loud bang. It sent shivers down my spine. What was that noise?
I look at the shattered mirror on the floor. I picked up the mirror I put down from earlier, and I held it tightly. My hand had blood on it from the cut I got from it earlier.
I took one last deep breath before my eyes darted to the stairs that leads up to the rest of the house.
It's now or never.
There was chaos everywhere. It was dark and I could hear shouts and another bang. I stayed low and peaked each corner.
The house seemed to be renovated. Its layout was different from what I remembered when I was little. But it was never a big house, so I knew it couldn't be that hard.
I heard Miss Kim yell. I saw a trail of blood and I snuck my way through in hopes of not being caught.
I peaked my head into the living room and I saw Mister Kim bleeding with a few cuts on him. Miss Kim was tending him. I watched as he continued to bleed from his gut. Form the looks of it, he was losing too much blood.
Did Chan do that? He did have a knife.
"That fucker, Huan!" He yelled with a cough of blood.
"I TOLD YOU TO STOP TALKING!" Miss Kim yelled at him.
Who was Huan? Did he do that to them? Was is that guy with a muffled voice? I never got to see him. My eyes were shut, but I do remember his voice. The memory of his fingers touching my face made me wince. I didn't want to remember that.
"Where the hell is Kwang!?" Mister Kim yelled.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know!? That moron went after him!" She yelled.
They both seemed stressed. I don't know what happened, but from the looks of it, whatever their plan was, it wasn't working.
I felt a chill run down my back. I sensed someone coming and I quickly hid to the closet.
Where was Chan?
I heard running upstairs. My eyes darted to the staircase. I watched with a small crack between the doorway. I had a tiny view of the upstairs hallway, but I was able to make out what was going on.
There was Kwang with his bat. He was chasing someone. I had a quick glimpse, but I couldn't tell since the lights were off. Was he chasing Chan?
I opened the closet door in hopes I can go help him.
I froze. That voice. It was muffled and oddly deep. I slowly turned around with fear running through my body.
There he stood tall with a demon mask. He had a bloody knife in his hand and he was dressed in black like some assassin.
"Subin, you shouldn't be out of those knots. Don't you know you look better tied up?" His voice sent shivers down my spine.
He moved his arm quickly and I felt a sharp sensation across my cheek. I tried to dodge it, but he was fast.
He cut my left cheek, and my adrenaline rush kicked in. I darted away from him and sprinted down the hallway. I could hear his steps behind me. He was walking while he laughed.
"Come on, Subin. Let's not play this game. We all know what'll happen," he says with such a tone that made me want to hide. "Your face was so soft. I want to touch it some more."
I kept running and made my way up the stairs. I heard footsteps coming from the living room. I stood there at the top of the stairs and saw Miss Kim glaring at me before her eyes went to the masked man.
"YOU!" She yelled at me before turning to him. "HUAN! WE HAD A DEAL YOU BASTARD!"
She had a knife in her hand which I could only assume came from the kitchen. Huan turned to look at her. He seemed so relax.
"I think you forget. I work for the Red Garden. Your money is still their money. I never work for liars," he said uninterested.
I watched as her eyes lit up with flames. She beyond angry.
"YAH!" she yelled before running to him with a knife.
It happened so fast. Blood splattered everywhere. Huan cut her neck open with one swift movement. Miss Kim fell to the ground and she made a noise that resembled to someone choking.
She held her neck in hopes to stop the bleed, but she continued to choke and fall to the ground.
I felt my legs grow weak as I witnessed Miss Kim die before me.
Her body laid there without movement.
The woman that I once called mother was gone.
• • •
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
“I’m not telling you again.”
If you’re still doing the sentence prompts?
CW: Vampirism, blood drinking, minor whumpee (OC is 17), captivity, referenced dehydration and starvation, forced turning, wishing for death, religion
1905, somewhere outside New York City
"Come here, little one."
The boy presses himself back against the cold stone wall behind him. There's a cuff around one ankle, dull iron, and a chain that scrapes the floor when he moves. He swallows, shaking his head rapidly from side to side. Dirty hair falls dull over eyes that sparkle vibrant green in the near-total darkness.
He can't see her.
But she can see him.
"No." His voice is a whimper, a nearly-animal whine, pure fear. "Please, please, please no, not, not, not tonight, not... not tonight, please."
She sighs, chuckling fondly, and pulls a match across her palm to light the lamp that hangs on a hook down here. The wick catches flame, and now he sees the pale, pale skin, the deep red lips. The predator's gleam in glinting dark eyes.
She crooks a long, sharpened fingernail . He can see the hem of her dress, lace-edged, the skirt that sweeps up to curve her hips, the narrowed waist, the high neck. He's stared at illustrations of the Gibson girl put up in shop windows in stores that sell to richer women than he's ever known. She's an echo right down to the soft, upswept hair.
Like a man with an expensive coat hiding a knife, he thinks, that he means to slaughter you with. She's a monster who looks like an angel.
"I'm not telling you again. I'm hungry," She says, and gives a little pout. "I want you to feed me."
He pulls his arms in close, shaking his head again. Tears already threaten. He's so tired, all the time. There is never time enough to heal from one bite before the next and the next and the next-
"Come now, little pet. It's just one last time." Her voice is gentle, but he knows they lie. They all lie to get their fangs in you.
"What, what, what d'you mean?" The boy has a thick country Irish accent, still. Fresh off the boat, they call him when he tries to speak to the boys his age in his tenement. Half of them have accents like his, or thicker.
Not that he'll see any of them ever again.
Not since his parents-
Not since-
He chokes on a sob he can't quite hold back, turning at the waist to rub his fingers over the rough, cool stone. It helps. The motion, the texture, it helps. It calms him down, a little.
Everything here is wrong.
He misses home. He misses the green hills that were never so full of dirt ground in as the city streets are. He misses the air that didn't smell like offal day and night. He misses a world where it was all less overwhelming. He misses a world where his parents were alive to help him understand it.
"Oh, you're sad tonight," The monster wearing a woman's face says, taking the lamp off the hook and carrying it closer. The shadows dance off her cheekbones, they seem to give her a sneer rather than her soft smile. "Let Malorie be of aid to you. Tell me what you need, sweet boy."
"Can, can, can I have a-a drink? Miss?" His voice is hoarse from thirst, and he's parched. It has rained for two weeks and he's drunk the rainwater that leaks in through the walls, plus the few sips they give him each day. Food is a bit of moldy bread, cheese, maybe a thin soup. It isn't enough.
They don't seem to notice, or care.
But then food or water is something they left behind, isn't it?
"Hm." She steps forward, closer to him. Her eyes flash in the dark, reflect the bit of light, and he cringes back from her fangs as she smiles down at him. She moves to crouch before him, and sets the lamp down on the floor beside her. "Is it thirst that drives you, little one?"
"Please." His lips are chapped and cracked. He tastes blood, sometimes, and spits pink-tinged spit to blend with the soil beneath him. He tries to look pitiful - it's not hard to succeed. "Please. I'm, I'm so so so so... so thirsty, ma'am, just a cup, please-"
She looks down, unfastening the line of tiny pearl buttons on one sleeve, then rolling back the fabric to expose her wrist. A stray curl of dark hair falls down to brush her perfect cheekbone.
"Ma'am?" He can't understand what she's doing - none of them had ever started to undress in front of him before. "A drink, ma'am? Please?"
She looks up, and her eyes gleam like a cat's in the dark. Her teeth are very very white. He can see the venom shimmering on her fangs.
"A drink you want, you beautiful boy," She says, and he stares with uncomprehending horror as she moves her wrist towards her own mouth. "And a drink you shall have."
She tears her own wrist open with her teeth.
He gasps and tries to get up to run, but he's weak and dizzy and when she yanks at the chain that binds his ankle to the wall he goes down hard and lands with a thump, the breath knocked out of him.
While he wheezes air into lungs that won't take it, she pushes him onto his back and forces her wrist against his mouth, her other hand pinching his nose shut.
He cries out in horrified disgust against her cold skin and the thick brackish fluid that flows over his tongue. She stares down at him, avid, with huge eyes.
"Drink, sweet boy," She murmurs. "Quench your thirst."
He must drink or suffocate, and his body chooses for him. He swallows even as he gags, and swallows again, and she lets go of his nose so he can frantically pull in air, tears streaming to pool in the shells of his ears and soak into his grimy, dirty hair.
She is a blur through his terror, but her smile is written in stone in the yard beside a church.
"My turn," She says, and when she buries her fangs into his neck, the boy screams again.
And then goes limp as the venom takes hold, and the vampire begins to purr, her fingers gripped like claws into his shoulders.
There is no pain.
Only the fear.
I'm going to die, he thinks, and stares up into the darkness that wipes out even the lamplight. It seems like it's growing, within him and without.
His mouth is full of blood. It tastes better than it did when first she made him drink. The heaving of his stomach stops. He starts to swallow willingly, even eagerly. Nothing has ever quenched his thirst quite like this. It doesn't taste at all like he'd thought.
I'm going to die.
He wants to go home.
He wants more to drink.
He's so hungry.
He wants more blood.
When she pulls her wrist away, he whines and tries to grab at it, to pull it back. She laughs, swatting playfully at him.
"Not yet," She chides, wagging a finger. She licks her open wound and it closes. She laps at the remaining blood and he tries to sit up, to get some too, only for her to push him down again.
Then... pain.
Agony hits, a bright stripe straight up his spine, and he arches away from the ground, throwing his head back and screaming loud enough to bounce off all the walls. It recedes, and then comes again, through his stomach this time. The throb moves to his hips, thighs, into his calves and all the way to his toes.
He curls into a ball on his side, but the pain keeps growing. It takes over. He can't feel the floor he lays on, only the constant spark of nerves blaring alarm. He feels like he is being crushed under a rock, burned by the hottest fire, stabbed with a hundred knives.
"Wh, what, what's happening-... t'me?!" He coughs, and then sobs as the action hurts more than anything else ever has in his life.
"You're dying." She picks at her fingernails, already bored.
He turns to look up at her as she stands, licking her chops like a cat. Tears run down his face, and every time he blinks the air seems pink-tinged. "What...?"
"That's your body shutting down. You know, you're very fortunate." She wipes a droplet of the boy's own blood from the corner of her mouth and then sucks her finger clean. "Very few people get to be born twice. I'll see you tomorrow night. I would prefer if you didn't call me your mother."
Before he can even begin to form a question, she turns to walk away, hanging the lamp up on its hook as she goes, blowing out the flame.
The pain ripples again, he is broken like a brittle shell against the shore. His very bones feel as though they're tearing apart inside him.
He's going to die here.
And he won't stay dead. His parents will wait in Heaven for a demon son who will never be allowed to step foot into Paradise.
He gulps in air, lungs burning, and tries to remember the prayer through his panic. "Our Father, wh-who art in Heaven, hallowed be be be Thy Name-"
His throat blisters even saying the words, and when he tries to cross himself, his hand shakes too much, his joints crack and shatter. He can feel it, he can hear it. They crack and reform, break and bend.
He screams.
He screams until his throat is raw, until it bleeds, until his heart stops beating and blood runs from eyes and ears and from under his nails.
He whispers every prayer he's ever known when he can. He begs for salvation, he begs to be spared eternal bloodlust, he pleads for something other than damnation. He prays he'll see his parents in death and not become a monster like this.
His prayers are swallowed whole by darkness.
He dies, but he does not die for long.
Tag list:  @mylifeisonthebookshelf @insaneinthepaingame @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @newandfiguringitout @astrobly @endless-whump @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @doveotions @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @what-a-whump
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kelyon · 3 years
Golden Rings 18: A Bouquet
The Storybrooke Sequel to Golden Cuffs
Lacey Gold looks deeper into her past. 
Trigger warning for grief over a deceased parent.
Read on AO3
Her mother is dead.
It does not rain on the day of Mama’s funeral, even though it should. The skies should break open and flood the earth. The sun should never shine again. All of nature should be consumed by darkness and despair. 
Instead, it is a lovely, sunny day in early summer. Pink roses burst into life all over the castle grounds. They were her favorite flower. Mama always wanted her to get married at this time of year, when the roses bloomed.  
Now, every pink rose that was in the gardens covers the casket. Even the flowers that showed only the slightest bud have been cut down before they had a chance to bloom. Some of them are already turning brown. 
The roses are dying. The roses are dead. This is wrong. Mama wouldn’t want her favorite flowers to die.
She stands beside Papa at the graveside. Both of them are dressed in black. He says nothing. He does not let himself weep. He must show strength as a leader to their people. Mama is not the first casualty of what the common folk are already calling the Ogres War.  
It is a small funeral, only the castle inhabitants and the villagers who live nearby. Traveling is dangerous now, and those far away cannot take the risk. King Midas should have come, or at least sent a royal envoy. The rest of Mama’s family and friends should be here. The whole kingdom--the whole world--should mourn the loss of the greatest woman of this generation. 
As it is, all she has of her mother’s family is Uncle Pierre, Aunt Therese, and their children. Her cousins stand in the cemetery with the rest of the meager party. Little Claude may be too young to understand the words being said, but she knows her aunt is gone. She stays quiet and still. Jeanne cries into a handkerchief. She despairs for the future, for everyone in the land. Andre tries to be a man--he knows that he will see more dead very soon--but he cannot keep his lip from quivering. This is the first death that has come to their family. Does he know, somehow, that he and his father will be next?
Papa’s brother, Uncle Armand, keeps his head bowed. His long, curling hair falls over his face. Normally a man of laughter and warmth, he is solemn. 
Ermintrude, Mama’s closest friend, is as stone-faced as Papa. It must not be decorous for a lady to weep over someone who is not a blood relative. Even if you have known her all your life and raised your children together. Even if you were the last person to see her alive. The last person to hear her screams as monsters ripped her out of your hands and left you holding nothing but a broken necklace. Ermintrude does not weep, but she holds her own daughter’s hand in a clenching grip and does not let go until long after the funeral has ended. Mathilde clings to her mother with equal desperation. 
A cleric prays over Mama’s casket. She does not hear what he says. She speaks when it is time to speak, repeats the words she knows by heart. She sings the hymns and makes the signs. But it does not reach her. 
They cover the casket in dirt. The pink roses will never see the sun again. Mama is dead. The world has ended. 
What future is left for her now?
Mrs. Lacey Gold started the morning by walking away from the pawn shop and towards Marine Automotive. These red and navy mary janes were the lowest heels she had, and the sound of them was strange on the sidewalk. Mrs. Gold was used to the sharp click-clack of her stilettos, the powerful stride she made sure to use every time she went out in public, no matter how she felt in the privacy of her own skull.  
But things were different now. She was different. She wasn’t just Mrs. Gold anymore. But she wasn’t Lacey French anymore either. 
Truth be told, she had never thought much about being Lacey French, not the way she thought about being Mrs. Gold. She’d never trudged the halls of Storybrooke High thinking about how Lacey French would walk. She’d never pulled on an oversized tee-shirt and jeans because she thought that was the sort of thing Lacey French would wear. She had never wanted to be herself, she just was. 
She wanted to be Mrs. Gold. She’d put effort into it. But now Mr. Gold didn’t seem to care. So she had to try something else. She had to try being someone else. 
Why not Lacey?
Above her, Marco the handyman was hammering something into the roof of the hardware store. When she looked up at him and waved, the old man just frowned and muttered something in Italian. Maybe it was a curse. Maybe it was a sign against curses, something that protected good men from vile harlots.  Either way, Mrs. Gold squared her shoulders and kept walking. 
Marine Automotive was right across from the old abandoned library. Mom had always wished that the library would open up again, so she could get access to more books. At least once a day, every time she had a free minute, she would sneak off to her rocking chair by the window with some well-worn paperback. The flower shop was named after one of her favorite books.
The garage was empty when she got there, no one in the office and only one car lifted up into a bay. A young kid, Billy Citrouille, was rubbing his backside in front of a space heater. He stopped when he noticed her.
“Hey there,” he smiled. His dark eyes were warm and his white teeth shone against tan skin. “How are you today, Mrs. Gold?”
Her first instinct was to giggle. She wanted to bounce on her heels and twirl her skirt and make some stupid joke about getting her motor running. Over the years, Mrs. Gold had had a lot of fun playing with Billy. He wore loose coveralls, but she could make them feel very tight when she wanted to. 
But she was trying to be better.
Lacey looked around the empty garage. “Is Manny in today?”
Billy shrugged. “Business is slow, so he went over to Game of Thorns for a bit.”
“Oh.” Her stomach sank. “Did he… say when he’d be back?”
“He’s supposed to be on a fifteen minute break, but he left an hour ago, so there’s no telling.”
“Oh,” she said again. It was suddenly very difficult to swallow. “Great.”
“Is there something I can do for you, Mrs. Gold? What’s going on with that gorgeous caddy? I’m surprised it’s giving you any trouble.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s not Mr. Gold’s car. This is just… a family thing.”
“Oh, okay,” Billy said. Then he began to nod. “Oh that’s right, you were Manny’s niece!”
“I still am,” Lacey snapped, more angry than she wanted to be. “There’s no expiration date on being someone’s family.”
At least, she hoped not. 
Without saying more to Billy, she left the garage. Game of Thorns was on a dinky little side street in Old Town, only a block away from Marine Automotive. The location didn’t offer much opportunity for foot traffic, but it was the best the owners could get when they bought it. All the properties on Main Street, all the good places, were owned by Mr. Gold. Moe French took it as a point of pride that he owned the deed to his building, that he had paid off the mortgage in ten years. Owning property meant equity, it meant security, it meant being the lord of your own castle.
It meant he had something to sell to Mr. Gold when the cancer treatments had wiped out all their savings and the medical bills were still unpaid. It meant his family became tenants, renters in their own home, swallowed up in the financial ruin that came with tragedy.  
When they got married, Mr. Gold had given her this building as a wedding present. 
In the spring and summer the exterior of the shop hosted a riot of potted and hanging plants for sale. The front was covered in ivy, always advertising the greenery within. But on this winter afternoon, the ivy was dead. All the plants were kept inside. The store barely looked open  or alive at all. 
The front window display was themed for Valentine’s Day, one of the busiest days of the year. Faded red cloth provided a backdrop for limp paper hearts and plastic vases full of dusty fake roses. Of course, all the real flowers had been sold already. Cheap, plastic garlands were strewn haphazardly around the window. The whole thing looked so tawdry, so pitiful. 
She tried not to think of the hours Mom had spent every holiday, planning out designs for the displays. And then the hours more they had spent together, executing her vision. “It’s more than just color, Lacey-loo. There’s texture and balance and harmony--and always some memorable details. A good display will tell a story. That’s what makes people want to stop and look. And then come in and buy.”   
Dad was trying his best, she knew he was. But it wasn’t the same. Nothing could ever be the same again. 
Tempting as it was to linger in front of the window reminiscing, she knew she had to go inside. Mrs. Gold tried to press her fingernails into her palms, but then remembered she was wearing gloves. Right. So she would just have to do this without any of her usual crutches.
Game of Thorns smelled damp and moldy. Most people would say it smelled like flowers, but Lacey knew the smell of floral foam and pesticides, of fertilizer chemicals and a building that had been patched up with endless haphazard DIY projects for as long as she could remember.  
Refrigerated flower cases lined one wall, mostly empty. The flickering fluorescent lights provided most of the illumination in the store. There were overhead lights, but it looked like her father was keeping them off when there was no one in the store, to save on the electric bill. 
Merchandise was crammed into every inch of floor space, but she knew the path by heart. The tables of gifts and knickknacks, the shelves of mugs and boxes of chocolate, the helium tank and the display of balloons--nothing had moved. Except for the accumulation of dust, nothing had changed at all. 
That was Storybrooke for you. 
The cash register was in the back of the store. Did the drawer still stick when it rang out, or had Dad ever fixed it? He’d been saying he would fix it for years now. 
Behind the desk, someone was reading a newspaper. Lacey could tell it was a man, but the paper covered up his face. She stood in the middle of the floor--near the desk, but not close enough to touch the counter. Which one of them was behind the paper, her uncle or her father? Who was she going to see first, and how would they react to seeing her again?
She took a breath, and cleared her throat. 
The paper lowered. Long, curling hair in a neat center part emerged from the other side. Then raised, dark eyebrows and wide, dark eyes. The eyes lit up. The paper was cast aside.
Uncle Manny beamed at her and stood up. 
“Hey! Look who’s back!” Arms wide open, he walked around the desk to offer her a hug.
Lacey accepted his embrace and hugged him back. How long had it been since her last hug? Months or years? Uncle Manny’s coveralls smelled like metal and motor oil and aftershave. Smelling it made her feel like a kid in the best way--small and weak, but loved and valued.
She felt safe. 
Dad’s younger brother had never been married and never had children. But he had been around for Lacey’s whole life--another parent in the web of family love she’d grown up with, and then been away from for so long. Uncle Manny had an open enthusiasm that Dad never bothered with. She could show him her crayon drawings or her middle school science projects and he would shower her with praise. When she became valedictorian, he’d been so proud of her he actually cried. 
When the hug ended, she didn’t know what to say. Torn between saying nothing and saying everything, Lacey blurted out something completely stupid. “Your hair didn’t used to be so long.”
Uncle Manny laughed and clapped her on the back. “It was that cousin of yours, Janine. This past October she convinced me that if I let it grow out more, I wouldn’t look so much like a white man with an afro.”
Lacey let herself smile. “Well she would know. She’s the hair stylist.”
“I thought this would be better than getting it close-cropped. Curly hair is the French family trademark, you know.”
“I know.”
“Big hair and big brains, that’s us. All except for your father, but I think he’s adopted.”
Now Lacey giggled. The joke wasn’t funny, but it hadn’t been funny the first time Uncle Manny had told it to her when she was five years old. The funny part had been Lacey very carefully explaining to her uncle that Dad couldn’t be adopted, because that would mean she wasn’t really a French and that was impossible because she definitely had big hair and big brains.   
Uncle Manny had been so tickled by the exchange, he had repeated it at least once a month ever since. Dad--who his entire adult life had kept his hair so short that almost no one knew it could curl--had never thought it was very funny. Which only made it better as a joke. 
“It’s good to hear you laugh again,” he said. “It’s good to see you!” He held her by the arms and looked her up and down. “Yep, still pretty. You got that from Linda.”
That was a well-meaning lie. The Woolverton look was wispy blonde hair with bright blue eyes. Janine and Chloe looked like Mom in old pictures. Andrew had been the spitting image of Uncle Peter. Lacey had Mom’s eyes and Dad’s hair, but she didn’t really look like either one of them.   
She changed the subject. “How have you been? I’m sorry we haven’t talked much since…” She trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished, the past unspoken, unspeakable.
Uncle Manny kept his hand on her upper arm. He looked her in the face, his dark eyes worried and painfully sincere. “You don’t need to apologize, kiddo. Not to me. Didn’t you hear that love means never having to say you’re sorry?”
“That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard.” She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The quote was another family joke, a line from an old movie making fun of another old movie. Lacey repeated the words she knew by heart, she let the ritual of them comfort her. 
Why did it feel so strange to be here? This had been her home, this had been her family. For most of Lacey’s life, this had been her whole world. Had she really outgrown this place so much? Had she really let her marriage turn her into a different person?
Behind the thin walls, the steps up from the basement creaked and groaned under a heavy weight. She swallowed and her heart sank a little more as she automatically looked towards the door into the back room. 
Moe French came up from the basement, his arms full with a plastic-lined cardboard box that overflowed with flowers. Dad had always been a big bear of a man--gruff but loving, full of ideas and hope for the future. Lacey remembered the game when he would pick her up over his head and twirl her around. Mom made up a story that Lacey was a clever warrior who refused to slay a dragon, but had tamed it instead and now she could fly on it to anywhere in the world. 
Once Mom was gone, Dad had shrunk into himself, and the only thing bearish about him was his temper. A temper that Lacey had inherited and Mom wasn’t around to quell in either of them. 
“Oh,” he said when he saw her. “Mrs. Gold.” 
He took the time to put the box on the countertop before he turned and brushed his hands on his jeans. He crossed his arms tightly over his chest. His baseball cap was pulled low over his eyes, so his expression was unreadable. 
“So, has the landlady decided it was time to start charging rent?”
She felt her expression change, felt her lips purse and her jaw clench. She felt her hackles raise, all without thinking about it. 
Uncle Manny spoke up. “Moe, come on. It’s just Lacey.”
“I know who it is.” Dad didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t have to. The judgement came through better when he sounded neutral. 
It really was a rare gift, the way he could mean so much while saying so little. Even now, he hadn’t said anything that wasn’t true. She was his landlady, she could start charging rent. Those were facts. But he said them like they were crimes. 
And it was a neat trick, too, because he never had to defend himself. Because he had never actually said anything mean. For most of her adolescence, Lacey had known how useless it was to rant about feeling belittled or shamed or trapped. She would never have a direct quote that she could repeat to him to make him understand how much he’d hurt her. 
Even now, she’d take a lifetime of Mr. Gold’s most obscene insults over hearing her father say “Fine,” with no emotion ever again.   
Mrs. Gold stepped away from her uncle and faced her father. She said “Hi,” and it felt like a declaration of war.  
Dad nodded. Without a word, he turned back to the box and began to pull out flowers. They were mixed roses--every color except white and red, which got their own packaging. He began to separate yellow from orange from salmon from magenta from pink.
Lacey’s heart skipped a beat at the pink roses. They were mom’s favorite. She’d always said they represented the best kind of love--sweet, gentle, light. Red roses were for the burning passion of new romance, and white roses were innocent and bridal. But pink roses were the compromise, the roses of marriage, of the simple love that warmed your heart and made every day a little brighter. A little spark of joy, those were pink roses for Mom.
And that was Mom for everyone who knew her. 
She wanted me to marry in spring, when the roses bloomed.
Wordless, Lacey walked over to the counter and watched Dad sort the flowers. He placed the ends of the stems under a cutter and pulled the blade down like a lever. It looked mercenary, but it was for the flower’s own good. You had to cut off the parts that were dead so they could take in more water and stay fresher longer. It hurt, but was a part of growing--or at least staying alive in a world that wouldn’t let you grow. 
After a few minutes, he stepped to the side, so there was enough room for her to stand beside him and help. If she wanted to.
That was the flip side of the way Dad said things without saying them--sometimes he could say nice things too. Sometimes it was easier for both of them not to talk. Then neither of them could say the wrong thing. She stood beside him, and began to place the sorted roses into different buckets filled with water and plant food. That way, he would have more room on the counter.
“Well, I guess I’ll get back to work,” Uncle Manny announced.
“Oh, do you have a job? I couldn’t tell,” Dad grumbled. 
Lacey snorted. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the slightest grin from Dad. 
Uncle Manny ignored the jab. “Lacey-girl, it was good to see you. You come and talk to me any time, okay?”
“I will.” She looked up from the flowers. “Thank you.”
“Ah, I gotta have one more hug!” Uncle Manny crossed the length of the store and wrapped his arms around her again. She felt the press of his lips on her curly French family hair. “Love you, kiddo.”
“Love you.”
“Aww, do I get a hug too?” Dad said. It would have been good-natured, if it didn’t sound so bitter. 
“Brother of mine, you’ll get a sock in the jaw if you drive our girl away again. I’ll go with her this time, she’s better company than you.”
“Get outta here, you mangy grease monkey.”
Uncle Manny went back to the garage and Lacey and Dad worked together in silence. When the box was empty, Dad wiped his hands on a green rag and handed it over for her to do the same. It had been Mom’s idea for all of the shop’s towels to be green. That way they wouldn’t get mixed up with the blue and pink towels they used at home. 
Lacey rubbed the rag between her finger and her thumb. The fabric was worn and scratchy, not like the big fluffy towels in Mr. Gold’s house. She kept her eyes on the ground. Dad hadn’t moved. He was waiting. 
They were both waiting for the other one to speak first. 
Papa, I’ve missed you.
It took her a minute, but finally she did the brave thing.
“Look,” Lacey said. “I guess I’m sorry it took me this long to come visit.”
She wanted to offer an excuse, but there was nothing she could say that wouldn’t be an outright lie. She hadn’t spoken to her father in years because she hadn’t wanted to. Because he made her angry and sad and made her remember things she’d rather forget. Because she had been too busy enjoying the better life she’d had as Mrs. Gold. 
Dad looked around, trying to find something to do. He began to move the buckets of roses into the flower case. “The shop was always here,” he said, not as gruff as he could have been. “You own the place, you could have come by any time.”
“I didn’t want to bother you.” She’d taken her coat off to work, and now she clutched it over her chest. “I didn’t want to… embarrass you.”
Straightening up, Dad looked down at her. He was tall--a trait she had not inherited. His face was worn out, tired. Was he still disappointed in her?
“You didn’t have to do it, you know. Marry him. The rent wasn’t that overdue. I could have worked something out on my own.”
She’d married Mr. Gold on the day before Valentine’s Day. Two weeks after the January rent was due, one day before a huge influx of cash would be coming in for the store. If Mr. Gold had demanded that she marry him in lieu of rent, the timing could not have been more painfully tragic. 
But that wasn’t what happened. 
“I didn’t marry him for rent money, Dad. I married him because… because I wanted to.”
He grumbled and shook his head. Turning away, he reached into the bucket of yellow roses and counted out twelve blooms for a grab-and-go bouquet. Out of habit, Lacey went to her old place by the cash register and leaned over the counter. 
More silence. It was times like these when she missed Mom the most. Mom loved words, she lived in words. She understood how to talk so people would listen, and she never said the wrong thing. 
Dad counted out more bouquets, at least one for every color of roses. When he came to the bucket of pink roses, he lingered. It looked like he was trying to pick out the best ones, the largest, freshest blooms. As he had with all the others, he wrapped the bouquet in plastic and secured it with a rubber band. 
But instead of placing it in the display, he set it on the counter in front of Lacey. She didn’t pick it up, but put her hand over the stems. There were thorns on these roses, but they were still so beautiful. Beauty and pain, Mom would say sometimes. No life was complete without both.
“I don’t… understand,” he said slowly. “And I don’t want to understand. Why you would… want that. Want him.” Dad shook his head. He looked like he had a bad taste in his mouth.    
Lacey bit her lip. She waited for the rest of it. The condemnations, the accusations, the “we raised you betters.” She’d certainly heard enough of that once Mom got sick. Once she wasn’t everything he’d always wanted her to be.  
But Dad just sighed, and put his hand over hers on the bouquet. His big hand covered half her fingers, stopping at her wedding ring. “Your mother… would want you to be happy.”
He didn’t ask if she was happy, or if Mr. Gold made her happy, or if he could help her be happy. But somehow, it was enough. Just to hear him say it. Mom would want her to be happy. 
She knew what he meant.  
It was a long walk to the cemetery. She might have asked Mr. Gold if she could borrow the Cadillac, but she didn’t feel like telling him that she was going anywhere. It was none of his business.
She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been here. Her feet walked like they were separate from her mind along the rows of headstones. They took her where she needed to go without her having to think about it. 
Past the crosses and obelisks and statues of angels. The back of the cemetery wasn’t quite a potter’s field, but it also wasn’t as neat and well-maintained as the section by the gates. That was where the mausoleums were, the polished marble and memorial benches for people who used to be rich and influential. 
Even in death, there was no equality. 
Before she got where she was going, two tombstones stood out to her. Small and cheap and side by side. There were no decorations in the stone, no carved images or poems. Even adding dates would have been too expensive. All they had were words:
“And uncle,” Lacey whispered as she stood by the graves. “And cousin.”
Unlike a lot of other headstones in this section, these had all the snow and moss and bird shit cleared off. There were flowers in the little vases, cloth bouquets that wouldn’t be affected by the cold. Daisies for Andrew, calla lilies for Uncle Peter. 
Lacey wondered who was maintaining the graves. Even though Aunt Terri hadn’t been in the car crash, she had been all but comatose ever since it had happened. She’d withdrawn into her own sadness, leaving Janine to hold herself and Chloe together. Did Janine have time to care for the dead? Did Aunt Terri have the will for it? Or was it a family decision, an event? Maybe mourning was the only thing all of them could do together anymore.  
Her family had been falling apart. They had been breaking at the seams while Mrs. Gold had strutted around like a prostitute, flaunting the money she had earned from being a fucktoy to the man who held all of Storybrooke in the palm of his hand.
Shaking her head, Lacey moved on. She wasn’t strutting now. She was hunched over in the cold, burdened by her memories. She had carried the plastic-wrapped bouquet all the way from town, through the neighborhoods and woods and into this lonely graveyard. 
It was two rows up from Andrew and Uncle Peter. This was a double headstone. Her father’s name was already carved onto it, right beside her mother’s. 
To Lacey, the grave looked like a double bed, like Mom had gone to sleep before Dad and was waiting for him to join her. Waiting for them to be together again at last.
There was already a bouquet here. Pink roses, brown and withered from at least a week’s worth of exposure to the cold. Was it wrong to leave Mom’s favorite flowers out here to die? Wouldn’t she think that was a waste?
But wasn’t death always a waste?
Crouching down, Lacey took the old bouquet and set the new one down in its place. The granite was dark and polished. She could see her own reflection in her mother’s grave. 
“Mom,” Lacey whispered.
For days now, she had been in a cycle of crying and being too worn out to cry. Ever since her fight with Mr. Gold, she’d felt like the world had ended. But the truth was that the world had ended before. The world had ended the day after she’d graduated high school, when Mom had gone to her doctor and come back with the diagnosis. Then the world ended a thousand more times: When she gave up her scholarship and her dreams of going to college, when Dad sold the store to Mr. Gold, every time there were new results from the doctor and none of them were good, every time Mom checked in to the hospital.
The time Mom didn’t check out of the hospital. 
The funeral, more costs, more spending money they did have. Less than a month afterward, Andrew and Uncle Peter tried to leave Storybrooke to interview for jobs that paid double what the cannery offered. They took the widowmaker highway. It lived up to its name.
Death and debt. Over and over. The world never stopped ending. 
“Mom, I’m sorry,” Lacey whispered. 
In hospice, the nurses had told them that hearing was the last sense to go, that they should keep talking even if she seemed unresponsive. Mom could hear her. Mom was listening, even if she wasn’t talking.
Tears rolled down her cheeks and she didn’t stop them. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save us. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop any of it.”
She knew that it was irrational to blame herself for events that were beyond any human control. She knew Mom wouldn’t want her to think that. Mom wanted her to be happy.
“I’m sorry I only saved myself.”   
That’s what it had been, to marry Mr. Gold, to do whatever he said in exchange for whatever he would give. She had been running away from her old life, the life of poverty and scraping by. She’d escaped. She’d gotten out. She’d saved herself and never looked back. 
Until now. 
She hugged her arms over her chest. She thought of all the hugs she’d ever had, and all the hugs she’d never have again.
“You know, I thought it would be easy. To not love someone. Because God knows if you love someone, you can lose them. It destroyed Dad. It destroyed Aunt Terri. I thought it would be easier to just not bother loving the man I married. To marry someone who would never love me. It was just a deal.” Mrs. Gold closed her eyes and shook her head. “Just a deal.”
A sob racked through her. She fell on her knees and let her tears fall onto the snow.
I love him.
“I wasn’t supposed to love him! I didn’t want to love him. I thought I was safe with just sex. I thought that was all he wanted too.” 
But as soon as Mr. Gold had stopped demanding sex from her, as soon as he had started treating her with kindness--even that lukewarm politeness that she hated--then she had begun to see something real about him. Something that she just had to fall in love with. 
He is so good. It’s hard to find, but it’s there. He’s so loving, Mama. He loves me so much.
Hearing those thoughts in her head, thoughts that she wanted to believe but knew were lies, just made her break down even more. Maybe she was going crazy. Maybe all these years of grief and loss and hopelessness were finally compounding on themselves to the point where she was hearing voices. What other finale could there be to this joke of a life than to end up in some kind of asylum?
The snow was seeping through her coat. She had to stand. She had to get somewhere warm. She had to start walking. She had to go home.
Or at least, back to Mr. Gold’s house. 
“I miss you, Mom,” she whispered. “I wish you were here.”
I wish he could have met you.
She’d stopped crying by the time she got to the entrance of the cemetery. It wasn’t cold enough for her tears to freeze to her face, but her eyes were raw, and her skin was chapping in the wind. Her makeup was ruined and there was a trail of snot running down the front of her scarf. Not much she could do about it right now.
A black Mercedes-Benz was parked in front of one of the mausoleums. The car was smaller than Mr. Gold’s Cadillac, but newer and more luxurious. 
She picked up her pace. The last thing she wanted was for somebody to see her like this. Especially not someone as important as--
“Mrs. Gold?”
No! Not Regina!
Mayor Mills came out of the mausoleum that bore her family’s name. Like Lacey, she held a bouquet of withered flowers--white chrysanthemums, it looked like. 
Oh right. It was Wednesday. Every Wednesday Mayor Mills went to put flowers on her father’s grave. Everyone knew that. 
 How does everyone know that? 
Maybe if she stayed far enough away from the Mayor, she wouldn’t notice what a state she was in. So Lacey just nodded and kept on walking. 
But Mayor Mills didn’t give up. “Mrs. Gold, is that really you? I’ve never seen you so subdued.”
Run! Get away from her!
She couldn’t run. Now that the Mayor had seen her, she had to stop. She had to turn around and make polite small talk until she let her go. Before she turned around, she took a second to rearrange her scarf and put on a decent expression. 
“Well, it is a cemetery,” she tried. “You’re not supposed to be happy here, right?”
“But you look downright tortured, dear.” The Mayor’s face was full of concern. “Are you alright? Do you want to talk?”
This was the second time Mayor Mills had offered support to Mrs. Gold. The first time had been when she’d seen her in the alley with Dr. Whale. Just like then, Mrs. Gold had the strangest urge to confide in the Mayor. She wanted to tell her everything, everything about Mr. Gold and their marriage and how miserable she had been for so long. 
But the voice in her head had been screaming ever since Mrs. Gold turned around. Was that a sign that she was even crazier? This was an offer of help and her subconscious or whatever was reacting like the Mayor was holding a dagger to her throat. 
“I--” Mrs. Gold began. But it was hard to even speak over the racket in her thoughts. “I need to go.”
“Oh, let me give you a ride back into town.”
You made me walk barefoot through the snow, you merciless bitch!    
These fucking thoughts would only get worse if she got into the Mayor’s car. And she had enough of a headache as it was. 
“No, thank you, Madame Mayor. I don’t want to trouble you.”
“Why, it’s no trouble at all! I’m happy to help someone in need.”
Get away from me, you monster!
“I’m sorry.” She began to back away. “Mr. Gold doesn’t like me to get in cars with anybody but him.”
The lie worked. The Mayor’s expression changed from insistent concern to sympathetic understanding. 
“Well,” she said, more huskily than she had been speaking before. “You’re a good girl for doing what Mr. Gold tells you to. Will you tell him that you saw me here? Let him know I’m always around for you, whenever you need me.”
The Mayor smiled, all red lips and white teeth.
Burn in every hell, you lying, murdering--  
“Yes, of course.” Mrs. Gold said loudly. She didn’t have time for the bullshit ramblings of her own head. “Have a good day, Madame Mayor.”
“And you as well, Mrs. Gold.”
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trashyswitch · 4 years
The Fate of the Fazbear’s Fright
Michael Afton investigates a rundown, abandoned haunted house by the name of Fazbear's Fright. What he actually finds will end up answering a huge missing piece about his family history...
This story takes place in a slightly altered aftermath of FNAF 3. The Fazbear Fright building has not yet burned down, but the building is severely flooded and mostly abandoned for unknown reasons.
Disclaimer: This story has a few swear words in it, and manages to get a bit graphic at certain points.
Further Disclaimer: This fanfic holds implications of an emotionally rocky relationship between William Afton and his son Michael. This relationship stems back to the FNAF 2 game. Please keep this in mind as you read the fanfiction.
I hope you enjoy.
Michael kicked the rusty and broken door to the old Fazbear Fright building right onto the entrance ground. He waved his hand around to clear the dust from his face, and turned on his black plastic flashlight. The dust particles that surrounded the entrance was still there, but not nearly as much as it was when the door first fell. He stepped himself onto the door, dusted off his black work pants and slowly walked himself inside.
Upon walking into the entrance, all there appeared to be was a hallway with half a fazbear suit laying on the ground, and a greyish black door that led to something. He ignored the door for now, and instead chose to continue on to explore the place. It was very dark and dusty, and the walls looked to be a grimy greenish color. The walls looked like it was covered in decorative fake grime that was used to make the Fazbear’s fright more icky. Or maybe, it was actual grime that took over the place from being abandoned. Which one it could’ve been, Michael couldn’t tell you.
Michael walked and followed the hall further, before turning to the right to see windows on the right side of the next hallway. The green, worn-down look to the place was disgustingly decorated with piles of dust on every tiny surface of the Fright house. The windows seemed to be covered in dust as well. Michael blew onto one of the windows, before immediately regretting it once the dust clogged up his lungs. Michael bent himself over and let out multiple strong and heavy coughs to get the dusty particles and grime out of his 20 year old lungs. He felt like he was choking on piles of dust alone, probably mixed with other secret bacteria from decaying building or from withering animatronics. Finally, after a good few dozen strong coughs, he got enough of the dust out of his lungs to somewhat breath properly.
‘Dammit...’ He thought, ‘I should’ve bought myself a dust mask before exploring this old place’ Michael thought to himself.
Michael looked through the semi-covered windows of the room, and noticed the metal desk and the old Animatronic masks laying around in a bin on the side. Was...was this an office? Only one way to find out: Michael grabbed a broken light fixture on the left hall, and threw it through the window. The window glass crashed upon impact, and bits of the window glass crumbled to the floor. With a quick swipe of his sleeve to rid the bottom of the window of the broken glass, Michael hopped himself into the room and landed somewhat smoothly onto the metal green desk.
Michael looked around the room for a second. It was in much worse condition than the hallways were. The metal desk was moldy green, there was a black netted garbage bin with a few kleenexes in it, and a wet cardboard box filled with animatronic heads, a Bonnie guitar, a Foxy hook and a few drawings of the Fazbear Entertainment characters hung up on the walls. The desk also had tiny animatronic bobble heads of Freddy, Bonnie and Chica decorating the desk, as well as...Well…Michael couldn’t tell what that was beside Bonnie…Michael also took note of the fan that was sitting on the desk. With the lights completely out in the old building, Michael assumed the fan was powerless and thus: useless against the dust in the whole building.
Michael hopped out of the window again, and yelped as he landed wrong on his ankle on the hallway floor. Michael took a moment to roll out his ankle and get it working again, before continuing to explore. He walked down the hall further, noting the patchy wires that hung down the walls. He looked around at the roof and noticed that there were roof leaks lining the ceiling panels. It looked like someone had completely flooded this place by mistake and caused some irreversible damage on the ceiling. Michael turned the flashlight around to see the ceilings he had passed. It looked like all of the ceilings down the hallway and onwards were severely leaky. No wonder the place was abandoned.
Michael turned left and started walking down the hallway. Upon the sight of a shadow, Michael jumped and stepped back, thinking he was gonna die. But, Michael gasped as he realized what it really was: an animatronic! Michael looked in disbelief at the look of the animatronic fox. It was Foxy, but all fallen apart and missing skin covers on certain spots. Michael looked at foxy carefully, and sighed upon seeing his run down appearance. It was almost scary how rundown the fox animatronic had gotten. The fox had 2 sets of teeth. What haunted house decoration has 2 SETS OF TEETH?! Down the hall, there were more run down and grimy looking animatronics. Chica was covered in blackish greenish lines that contrasted with his yellow appearance. The eyes were missing as well and there were only white lights indicating where Chica’s eyes were located. The Freddy Fazbear animatronic wasn’t any better. It was covered in black lines as well, and was holding a microphone in his right hand. Poor Freddy Fazbear was missing an ear as well. They looked like they deserved to be thrown into a landfill and either forgotten or destroyed till they were no more.
Michael walked by Freddy, before turning to the left again and encountering Balloon Boy. And GOOD GOD HE WAS CREEPY. He was quite discoloured from infrequent cleaning and was missing both his eyes as well. The only sight of eyes that slightly filled the gigantic eye sockets, was the white little lights that Balloon Boy seemed to share with the rest of the animatronics. The balloon boy looked like he wanted to possess anyone that walked into the room. Could he? Could Balloon Boy possess his body? God, Michael hoped not. Mangle was a creepy, spider-looking mess of a bot. Michael gulped upon seeing Mangle like that. Who would choose to make Mangle into a spider lookin’ abomination like this?! What was Henry thinking?! Was this even Henry? Or was it the Fazbear Fright staff that did this to her? If it was a staff member of the Fazbear Frights, WHY?!
Suddenly, a whiff of this strange, disgusting smell filled the room. And before you say anything, yes. The building smelled bad beforehand. But that was nothing compared to this; It smelled like a moldy, partly decayed animal carcass. But the smell almost carried through half the haunted house. It smelled like a huge cow died in the Fazbear Fright building. Michael walked down the hallway more, and quickly found the source of the smell: it appeared to be an animatronic bunny with greenish gold animatronic skin partly covering the Endo-skeleton. But...it looked like there was also red tubes covering up some of the Endo-skeleton. Were they cords? They looked like they could’ve been cords, but they were...a dull red. And they were wider than the cords dangling on the walls back at the beginning. Michael, not knowing what else to do, lifted his hand up and poked a cord on the right side of the neck with his finger. Michael immediately regretted it when he felt the cord sink in, in an abnormally soft motion. It felt wet, soggy and...almost rubbery. Michael pulled his finger back, and just about physically gagged at the phantom feeling of the large, soft cord.
“Eew.” Michael muttered out loud to himself.
He decided to explore the rest of the animatronic further. The holes between the moldy skin seemed to help him a little. The endo-skeleton seemed to have super narrow red and blue cords running down the suit and sticking out between the suit joints. In the chest area, there was a huge knot of large, thick cords that was surrounded by tiny bright red cords, and the greenish suit fabric. What could’ve been fur skin, looked all sizzled down to just leather looking fabric and any sign of fur had decayed from decades of existence. Michael looked down the legs as well, and couldn’t wrap his head around such a complicated and confusing endo-skeleton design. The missing fabric from the legs seemed to show Michael everything: It looked like someone took a darker endo-skeleton, and designed an endo-skeleton on top of the endo-skeleton. But...why? Why would they do that? Was it extra skeletal parts to make sure the animatronic can walk properly?
Another thing Michael noticed about the suit was how the pelvis area was filled in. There were multiple knots of thick, faded red cords in the pelvis, and the hip bones looked like something right out of a hip replacement surgery: abnormally dark steel surrounded by muscles- ...Wait: the thick cords on the left side of the pelvis look like they’re a different shade of red compared to the faded red shade chosen for the rest of the endo-skeleton. And why do the knots in the abdomen look like they’re different shades of red knotted together? And on that note: Why does it look like Springtrap has a human heart?! Michael moved the fabric covering the red thing in the top middle of the chest. Michael widened his eyes and just about yelped at the horrifying realization:
Michael looked at it closer. It...wasn’t beating. How did- WHEN DID ANIMATRONICS HAVE HUMAN HEARTS?! Unless…
Michael lifted up his flashlight to look at the head. It looked all grimy, leather textured and seemed to have caved in patches with orange, blue and red tiny cords sticking out of them. To make things even stranger, this was the only animatronic to have their eyes still! Except… these eyes were...clouded? And there were blue lines surrounding the iris. But why?! Why did this animatronic keep their eyes? And why were these eyes behaving differently?
Finally, Michael opened the mouth. This was where the worst of the smell was coming from. Michael covered his nose and mouth, and looked away in disbelief and pure disgust. Michael took a breath in, held it, and looked inside the mouth to see what was inside:
Michael couldn’t believe it! And when Michael looked closer at the human head, Michael realized the skull had thin, steel bars impaled into its jaw, mouth and eyes! HOLY SHIT! SOMEONE ACTUALLY DIED IN THIS SUIT! AND THE CORPSE WAS ROTTING INSIDE THE SUIT! Michael let go of the animatronic mouth and stumbled backwards in paralyzed shock. As soon as he came to his senses, he realized something even worse: HE DIDN’T TOUCH SOME CORD: HE TOUCHED CORPSE MUSCLE! Michael gagged in utter revulsion as a slight clash, and his flashlight fell onto the ground as Michael covered his mouth with his left hand. Michael, disgusted, wiped his soiled right finger onto his pants and picked up the flashlight again. Worried he may have broken it, he tested it a couple times.
On, off.
Michael lifted the flashlight up at the look of something moving. It was an arm. The animatronic bunny with the corpse inside it, was moving its arm back and forth. Michael’s breathing began to quicken as more joints and body parts started to move on its own. Michael took a few steps backwards in anxious disbelief at the movements. Finally, the animatronic lifted its bunny jaw open and revealed the purple skull to him.
The corpse’s white, rotted dead eyes stared right at Michael, and a devilish smirk grew onto their face. “Run.” the skull spoke.
Michael didn’t have to be told twice! He took off sprinting and screaming up the hall and to the exit. As he ran by, Michael grabbed the door handle, and tried opening the door desperately. But it was locked! Completely locked! In a repeated attempt to escape, Michael kicked the door. But this door wasn’t budging. This door’s hatch must’ve been fixed before it closed down! Or it was just jammed shut. Michael pulled and pulled as much as he could, but just couldn’t get the door open!
So, Michael took off sprinting and screaming down the long way in an attempt to escape through the entrance. Michael was ready to zip right past the animatronics that were taking up half the hallway. But Foxy’s arm had shot up and just about clotheslined Michael! Michael stumbled back and observed the blocked path quickly before ducking under the arm. “Sorry buddy! Sorry.” Michael muttered quickly as he grabbed the arm and ducked under the hook. With a huge rotten corpse bunny speed walking itself towards the former night guard, Michael took off running again as soon as he possibly could. As Michael ran, sounds of deafening clashes of animatronic parts could be heard behind him. He looked behind him, and just screamed louder at the sight: the bunny was DESTROYING THE ANIMATRONICS AS IT CAUGHT UP TO HIM! Covering his ears, Michael kept on screaming and sprinting down the hallways.
Michael turned to the right, sprinted down the hallway, and turned a quick right again to reach the door at the end of the hallway. He practically tackled himself into every grimy wall in the hallway, just to make sure he could get there without wasting any time. But as he ran, Michael slipped on the broken glass that was spilled earlier! He came tumbling onto his back and right onto the glass pieces. He yelped at the slight pains in his hands as glass pushed against the softer palms and the boney fingers. But despite how painful it was, Michael lifted himself back up and resumed sprinting. Finally, Michael tripped over the knocked down door frame and flopped the rest of his body onto the door. Michael yelped in pain and discomfort as he looked at his ankle. Just from the look of it, Michael theorized his ankle was either dislocated or sprained. He couldn’t tell the difference. Michael turned onto his back and sat himself up with his slightly cut hands. He carefully poked his ankle for any broken bone bumps: None. He gripped his foot and slightly moved it. No bone collision: just soreness in the muscles. The ankle wasn’t sprained, fractured or dislocated: It was just overturned a little bit. So, Michael stood back up.
But a pair of arms wrapped around him! “AAAAAAAH! NO! NONONONONONONO NOOOOOOOO!” Michael shouted as loud as he could. Michael wiggled, kicked, screamed and punched everywhere he possibly could. Michael reached out and helplessly watched in horror as he was pulled away from his one chance at freedom from this cruel nightmare. Michael shouted, bashed his limbs against the bunny and coughed heavily as the piles of dust in the haunted house re-entered his lungs from being pulled up by the bunny’s deep footsteps. Michael continued to kick and shout, but lessened his shouts a little as he watched where he was going. The bunny’s grip on Michael increased a little. This caused Michael to yelp and kick his legs again. “LET GO OF ME YOU STUPID FUCKING BUNNY!” Michael shouted at the bunny. In an attempt to get it to let go, Michael elbowed into the bunny’s jaw and tried pulling the fingers free from the animatronic. Michael pulled and pulled on the index finger, but it wouldn’t loosen, let alone fall off! So, he tried digging into the arms of the animatronic and pulled on any wires. But he yelped in pain suddenly when he felt his pinky finger get jammed between the endo-skeleton pieces. “OW! AAAAH! OH GOD- FUUUCK! I-” Michael finally gave his pinky a pull and somehow, managed to pull his pinky out in one full piece! “OHTHANKGOD…” He muttered before turning himself around to see the animatronic face.
“HEY! WHO ARE YOU?! ARE YOU THE PERSON WHO DIED IN HERE?!” Michael asked loudly to the purple skull in the mouth. The bunny didn’t answer him whatsoever, and just closed its jaw and kept on walking. As the bunny turned to the left the second time, Michael growled. “CAN YOU EVEN HEAR ME?!” Michael yelled to the animatronic eyes. He grabbed onto the ears in anger. “HEEEEELLOOOOOOO!!” Michael shouted into the left ear. The bunny had had quite enough of the adult. The bunny stretched out its arms and moved Michael away from its left ear and out in front. Michael yelped in surprise and froze as he looked at the green wall with wide eyes. When Michael finally came to his senses, he finally started breathing heavily and started kicking and shouting again. “LET GO OF ME! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! AM I- AM I JUST A TOY TO YOU?! THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DEAL WITH ADULTS!” Michael cried.
Michael stopped screaming and moving when he suddenly heard a mumbling sound. “...........Huh?” Michael muttered, looking down the hallway. Did someone say something to him? Or was Michael hearing things?
The mumbling sound occurred again but this time, it sounded like it was coming from behind the bunny! Michael fought with the bunny’s grip a little and turned himself around to see if anyone was there. “Hello?” Michael called quietly. His voice echoed in the hollow hallway as he stared at the hallway for any signs of life.
“Sh-- u-.” The mumbling spoke again. Michael listened carefully. It...sounded like words, but...he couldn’t make out what was being said. But what he COULD make out, was that it was close to him! Who was hiding there?
“What?” Michael asked. “I...I can’t hear you. What did you say?” Michael asked down the hallway.
Suddenly, the bunny’s jaw opened and an angry expression appeared on the purple skull. It moved its mouth. “I said SHUT UP!”
Michael shouted in surprise and closed the bunny's jaw quickly. “NOPE! YOU’RE NOT PULLING ANOTHER BITE OF 1987 ON ME! FUCK THAT SHIT!” Michael shouted. Then, it occurred to him: “Wait...How are you-” Michael opened the jaw slightly and looked at the skull in the jaw. It...had a monotone facial expression with only a couple teeth left. “How are you talking?” Michael asked.
The mouth opened and closed in an attempt to give itself more mouth room to talk properly. The steel pieces that were impaled into the face, appeared to have loosened a bit from the jaw moving. It was disgusting, disturbing and almost gagging to watch. The skull breathed in, and…
“I’m still alive.” The deep voice spoke.
Michael’s jaw dropped and a horrified, cracking shout left his somewhat hoarse voice. Michael resumed his wiggling and wrestling, doing all he possibly can to wiggle himself out of the bunny’s grip.
“For the love of- THAT’S IT!” the skull yelled before pulling the adult into the bunny’s chest and wrapping its arms around him further.
“WHAT THE- AAAAH! NO! LETMEGO! DON’T YOU EVEN DARE TRY TO KILL ME! I HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE! A FAMILY HISTORY TO UNFOLD! A-” Michael shouted before interrupting himself with his own burst of laughter. Michael immediately started kicking and could feel a wobbly smile showing up on his lips. He could feel a pair of fingers tickling his side, and he couldn’t reach down and stop it thanks to the bunny’s bulgy arms! “HAHA! WAIT, WHAHAT?! NAHAHAHOHOHOHOHO!” Michael yelled, curling to his left to get his side away from the tickly, steel fingers. But the fingers only moved closer to the side and tickled it further, and there was only so far Michael could curl away from the touch. “HAHAhahahahahaha! Wahait! HEHEHE! YOHOHOU’RE TIHIHICKLIHING MEHEHEHEHEHE!” Michael laughed, shaking his head as he squirmed back and forth and bounced around.
Now, the fingers were moving down his side and started scratching the outside of his hip. Michael let out a surprised squeal and jolted upwards. Michael’s wobbly smile dropped in horror as he quickly tried using his arm muscles to pull his entire body up, to get away from the large tickly fingers. But the fingers followed his hip up and continued to scratch towards the inner hollow of his hip. This caused Michael to just drop his body and throw his head back with laughter. “BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” He bursted out, shaking his body back and forth helplessly.
It was right around here that the bunny decided to drill into not just the one, but BOTH hips at once! “JEEEEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CUHUHUHUT IHIHIT OHOHOHUHUHUT!” Michael shouted.
The bunny suddenly stopped due to the reaction, and decided to change the man’s positioning. Michael was transferred to the left hand while the right hand started to explore the backside of him. The bunny’s index finger landed on Michael’s head first. The curious bunny grabbed the bill of the hat that was on his head, and lifted it up carefully.
“What are you- Give that back!” Michael ordered, reaching up for it. But the bunny was quick! Everytime Michael tried reaching for the hat, the bunny would tickle his armpits! “Give it back rihihight- Stop it! I need- EEEEK! That...ihis- Mihihihihihine! Cohohohome ohohohohon!” Michael laughed and giggled, dropping his arms and giving up after a few more attempts. With the hat now off his head, the bunny hung the hat onto its right broken ear and started messing with Michael’s hair. Everytime the hand would explore a new spot, Michael would flinch in surprise before just focusing on the big hand’s movements. Michael’s body was facing the hallway, so he couldn’t see where the moldy bunny’s hand was gonna go even if he tried. All he could hope for, is that the bunny would lose interest soon and drop him.
Michael was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by a shivery, tickly long finger going right up his spine. “-aaAaAAH!” Michael yelped, straightening his back and pulling his arms into his chest. Then, as if the bunny actually knew this information, it brought its finger up the back and started scratching, before moving down and tickling the small of Michael’s back. “WAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!” Michael bursted out loudly. He started bouncing around and squealing like a little kid, which sounded unbelievably similar to Michael’s squeals as a little kid when his back was touched. “HOHOHOW DID YOHOHOU KNOHOHOHOHOW?!” Michael asked, reaching behind his shoulder in an attempt to stop the bunny. To make matters worse, the bunny had added a second finger to the tickling and started scratching and massaging the many muscles surrounding the man’s spine. This led to cackles, intense squirming and fist-pounding against the bunny’s hand.
Finally, Michael pulled a quick body turn and grabbed onto the bunny’s fingers to stop the animatronic. Even as he held the bunny’s hand, Michael was still stuck in a giggle fit for a good 5 minutes or so. “Whahahat pahart of stahahahap dohohon’t yohohou uhuhunderstahahahahand?” Michael asked, slightly moving his back around as the phantom tickles still plagued him. “Hohohohow...hohohow...how-” Michael stuttered, trying to properly put his thoughts together. “How did you know my back was so ticklish?! The only people that know about that, is Uncle Henry and my family-” Michael’s confused face quickly turned to shock as theories started to click into his brain.
Michael opened up the jaw and looked at the purple skull once more. He tried to look for any facial resemblance to his family members. He tried matching up each family member’s face to the skull shape first. But the skull could have belonged to anyone in his family! Skulls were hard to use for identification without some clay and peg markers, and Michael would’ve known about the death sooner if it were one of his family members that died in the suit.
Unless...one of your family members had gone missing…
Michael’s eyes widened as he soon started putting small puzzle pieces together on what might’ve happened to his father. “...D-Dad?!” Michael muttered in disbelief. Is this him?! Is this really his Father? Trapped inside a suit with a metal endo-skeleton holding him together?! Now that he looked at the skull further, Michael could see the facial resemblance between his father and this undead corpse.
The corpse’s mouth gave Michael a slight toothy smile. “Hello Michael.” The corpse spoke to him.
Michael could feel tears welling up in his eyes. It sounded almost just like him. It was deep and soothing like his voice had always been, yet it was somewhat hoarse. It reminded him of the slight change in his voice whenever he would get sick with laryngitis. Maybe it was because his voice got messed up in the suit? Or maybe it was because of underuse? Michael couldn’t say. But all he understood now, was that this corpse sitting in a bunny suit might’ve belonged to his father.
“What...HAPPENED TO YOU?!” Michael asked loudly, unable to fathom how he got into the suit, let alone died in it.
“The spirits. They did this to me.” William explained. Wait...what?
“What spirits?” Michael asked, suspiciously.
“The spirits of the children began haunting me. I tried to hide in the suit, but the spring locks crushed me to death.” William explained in a grumpy voice.
Michael’s fear began to morph into bits of anger. He knew what William meant by ‘spirits of the children’. He looked at William with a hurt, yet angry expression. “The spirits of the children you killed.” Michael concluded through his teeth. It sounded like the ghosts of the kids he had killed, had finally cornered him into his much-needed death. If he’s going to steal the lives of 5 innocent children, he deserves to lose his own life too.
And yet, here he was: tickling him as if nothing had happened.
“Let me go.” Michael ordered.
William’s smile fell and his facial expression turned into anger. “No.”
Michael reached into his pocket and pulled a big piece of glass out of his pocket. “Let. Me. Go. Or I shove this glass right into your eyes.” Michael warned.
William and the bunny’s face got closer to Michael. He narrowed his eyes at Michael. “I liked you much better when you were laughing.” William shot back in a quieter, strict voice.
Michael’s frown grew deeper. “And I liked you much better when you were missing.” Michael shot back in a similar strict, angry tone.
Michael, sick of hearing his voice, shoved the glass shard right into his father’s larynx. William made a crackling shouting sound, as the shard cut and severed his vocal cords. Upon the sudden damage, William dropped Michael and felt his throat with his big steel hands.
“You BASTARD!” William shouted in his deep, broken voice. Michael began hyperventilating upon hearing that broken voice, and took off running down the hallway as soon as he could. He sprinted as quick as he could, similarly to his first attempted escape: body checking the hallway walls and not caring about any dangers he may run into. Right as Michael reached the glass floor again, Michael decided to try jumping over the glass and landing on the door. Michael ran for it, took a manly leap over the glass, and actually reached the door! But his landing was not exactly smooth. Though he experienced no pain from the adrenaline rush, Michael ended up stumbling and further ruining his ankle upon landing. Quickly, Michael ignored the pain and speed limped himself right out of the building and towards the car. He opened the door to his car, and quickly closed the door and locked it. He reached in his usual pocket for his keys, and widened his eyes when he realized they weren’t there! He checked his other pockets, quickly growing more and more anxious. They were missing! Michael looked at the Fazbear Fright building and let out an angered growl:
He dropped the freaking car keys in the building!
Michael gripped the steering wheel in frustration and leaned his head against the top of the steering wheel. He had no choice. If he wants to get home and forget all about this...
He’ll have to face his crooked father again.
I apologize for the rather abrupt ending to this fanfiction. Though it seems like Michael would be doomed to face his disgusting and apathetic father, he does end up getting his keys successfully before driving away from the abandoned building.
And P.S; Michael was the one who burned the building down.
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
Reunion - DAY 4
Pairing: none. Just Snape
Word Count: 1,828
Rating: E for Everyone
Plot:  After years of not speaking to them, he visits his parents.
Warnings: none
A/N: Day four! My own challenging prompt for October again! HAPPY SPOOKTOBER! :D
Posted: 10/4/20
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Severus looked at the letter in his hands and reread the address, turning up to analyze the decrepit state of the house before him. There was tall grass all over the lawn, weeds growing between the stone slabs of the walkway, ivy growing up the rotting fence in spirals; it was depressing. He’d thought, when he received notice that his father had transferred their Spinner’s End house over to his name, that they’d done so because they finally had the opportunity to take all their saved up money and moved into a new house far away from him.
This house looked worse than the state of their old – now his – home. This run down shed was far from the city of Cokeworth, hidden deep in Muggle society where no one could have found them. His tired brain couldn’t fully comprehend how worth it had been for them to leave him behind without a note or trace in order to live in a moldy shoebox like this.
Severus pulled up his hood against the autumn wind and stuff the letter in his pocket. He stepped over the fence – broken to ankle height – and made his way down to the door, kicking through spider webs weaved between the tall fescue. He pulled his hood down as he reached the door and knocked cautiously. The letter was in his mother’s writing asking him to come at once, and he didn’t know if his father was around – or if he even lived.
The door opened and his mother – shorter than he remembered with long white hair the texture of straw – opened the door. She still had that sullen look about her, with drooping eyelids that seemed so harshly uncaring.
Severus opened his mouth to speak – Does she recognize me? – but she quickly turned, leaving the door open for him to close on his own. He stepped through and looked around. Newspapers littered the floor, falling off stacks by the walls. It wasn’t just Muggle papers, but Wizarding ones as well. He raised a brow. Father must be dead then, however the coughing in a different room told him otherwise.
He looked up and saw his mother, thin and frail, waiting for him across a small living room. He shut the door and that’s when it hit him. What’s that smell? It reeked inside the house. It smelled of decaying animals, by the dozens. He stepped into the living room and almost retched, feeling the carpet sink an inch under his weight. There was slime oozing out of the fibers, staining his shoes. Foul.
“Wh – ” he couldn’t bring himself to say a single word. This was all too much. He hasn’t seen his parents in eleven years, has lived in his childhood home alone, unaware if they were alive or dead, and he finally gets a letter asking him over and they live here? Look at the state of things!
“Think the house’s infested,” she said tartly.
He plugged his nose with his fingers and spoke nasally. “With what?”
She looked around and pulled back a box of empty bottles and cans with the toe of her shoe. A slimy green, eight-eyed sludge creature scurried away under a hole in the wall. Severus gagged and stared at the old woman before him. She shouldn’t look so old, and yet her skin sagged with wrinkles, outlining her unpleased eyes. “Bundimums. An infestation.”
“Why have you asked me here?” Severus backed away from her. “I haven’t seen you since I left for my seventh year of Hogwarts and you finally contact to – what – ask me to help you with a pest problem? Y-you don’t think I deserved – at the very least – some sort of note from you? You think one letter from the bank detailing the transfer of your house to me was enough?” Severus let go of his nose and gagged at the smell. He pinched it again and shut his eyes, trying his hardest not to cry.
“You left us, Severus,” she spoke quickly, as if it were a waste of breath. “We didn’t give you that house until you were twenty-one. Until we saw who you were involved with.” She shook her head in disappointment.
He scoffed. “You thought I’d come looking for you? Thought I’d come to kill you? I should have! After what you – and especially what HE put me through! You never cared when I left! You didn’t even try to owl me!” Tears seared hot on his skin. “If you’d known me at all you’d’ve known you were perfectly safe in that house!”
“Well I thought I did know y’better. I thought I’d taught y’better than to join that Muggle-hating cult.” She looked around again, pulling strands of white hair behind her ear. “But go if y’want. I won’t hold you here. Not like a’ever could.”
He hands balled into fists but he didn’t move. Her words stung more than they ever had before. He felt like a disappointment all over again. But she’d wrong. She taught me nothing but hate. I taught myself to fight against it. He breathed out calmly, fixing his composure. “Where’s Da?” For a second he wasn’t sure what to call him, ‘father’ or what he always did as a child. The accent he had now – taught to him by Lucius and other like him, rich and upper class – didn’t allow for the easy pronunciation. They always preferred to say ‘father’.
He nodded and looked into the hallway. There was an open door with a bit of light shining out. “H… How is he? …I heard him cough.”
“Sick. With something. Doesn’ want t’go see a doctor.” She moved more boxes and stomped the life out of a bundimum, breathing heavy with age. She wiped her soles on the wet carpet and turned to him. “D’you want tea?”
“No.” Severus shook his head and moved more boxes, following the scampering slimes to their nest with his eyes. “They’re in the walls. It must be too crowded. They’re starting to spill out and over take the floors.” He dropped a box over a slime and winced as it splashed onto his trousers. “I’ll be ‘round tomorrow with… Bloody hell, I don’t know. Something. Goodbye.”
She opened the door for him and he gasped for fresh air as he exited the house. He shook his head and walked around the corner and ducked behind some bushes to apparate away.
~ * ~ * ~
He came back the next day with buckets of halophyte powder he’d gotten at discount in the apothecary. He knocked on the door and this time it was his father that had answered. He was hunched over and held pill bottles in his hands. His hair was cut short and a balding spot shone plainly on the crown of his head.
He no longer towered over him with muscles and bulging veins. He looked weak as well, and a little confused to be seeing him. “What’re you doin’? Why’re you here?”
Severus rolled his eyes and pushed the door open, watching his father shuffle out of the way. “Where’s Mam?”
His father wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brows. “Out in ‘er devil garden.” He moved into the kitchen and took down a glass, filling it with tap water.
At least the water looks clean. Severus followed him in, curious to see him so indifferent to his presence. He set down the heavy buckets. “How long has,” – he looked around at the dripping slime oozing from the walls, “… this been going on for?”
His father shrugged, gulping down several thumb nail-sized pills. “Few years?”
Severus gripped the counter. “Years?” He left his father and headed out the back door to the small garden of firethorns that his mother was tending to. “Your house has been infested with bundimums for years?”
She wiped her hands on her patched apron and nodded, looking up at him.
“Why? You’re a witch! You could have taken care of this yourself years ago!” He looked into her eyes and found something about them had changed, or, something in him had. He’d always feared his father, but his mother especially. He feared the possibility that she didn’t love him, or care for him. But in that instant he didn’t see a scared boy reflected in her dark eyes. He saw himself annoyed at her stupidity. She had always been a fool. He just hadn’t realized it before.
He turned on his heels and headed back inside. His father was still in the kitchen, struggling with his pills, trying not to tremble as he carefully tilted the bottle. Severus sighed and gritted his teeth as he reached for the bottle.
“You give that back!” His father gripped Severus’ collar but was too weak to shake him properly.
“Which ones do you need?” was all he said to his father’s act of aggression.
His father let go and made a large circle with his fingers reluctantly. “The big ones.”
Severus tipped the bottle enough to stick a slender finger in and pull out one of the large pills from the back. He handed it to his father and helped him with the glass of water as well and when he was ready to put the lid on the bottle he did that for him also.
Severus picked up the buckets and got to work on the house, pouring it along the walls and into vents. He made holes in the walls and poured the powder inside, hearing the bubbling sizzles of the sludge creatures as they died.
It took two days to get the whole house done, and only an hour to clean out the house with a few spells invented for the very purpose of bundimum messes. On the last day he repaired the holes in the walls with ‘reparo’ when his father wasn’t looking. The house was decent and all they needed to do was air out the place.
He grabbed his coat from their hanger by the door and called out to his parents. “I’ll be passing by weekly. If you need anything send me a letter.” They didn’t respond but he knew they both heard him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes to himself, knowing if they truly didn’t want his presence, they’d’ve done more than just complain under their breaths.
He closed the door and apparated behind the house again.
~ * ~ * ~
He reached the Hogwarts gate and locked it up, glaring at the few students who eyed the gate mischievously. He walked up the lawn and nearly slipped on some mud at the entrance. He steadied himself and looked up to see Minerva at the stairs on her way to dinner.
“How was your visit?”
Severus joined her. “It was… better.” Something deep in his heart mended, and he felt more whole.
Minerva gave him a warm smile and led them to the high table.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Day 4 Prompt: Swarms + bundimum (green many-eyed sludge-like pest known to infest houses; recognized by a foul smell of decay)
General Taglist:
@severuslovebot @bionic-otp
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cyberpoetryballoon · 4 years
Instagram's Jelly Cake Revival Turns Vintage Camp Into Modern Art
Jelly first came to Lexie Park in a dream. In her over-10-year career as a fashion designer, Park felt a pull toward texture and transparency, and as she’s transitioned into food over the past year, those qualities drew her to jelly. She wondered what she could suspend and preserve inside a translucent, wobbling mass.
Now, Park has become one of Instagram's most iconic jelly artists. Through Nunchi, which she has developed into a full-time food business, she makes colorful, glassy-looking cakes that her followers fawn over for their pastel hues and glints of sparkle. Often, they have alternating layers of cloudy and clear confection, or pieces of fruit, jelly flowers, and even cartoon bunny heads floating inside. "I feel like [it's] psycho but cute," said Park, of the aesthetic that has earned her collaborations with brands like Nike (a swoosh floating atop tiers of baby pink and blue jelly) and the razor company Billie.
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Jelly cakes by Lexie Park/@eatnunchi | Photos courtesy Lexie Park
Not all of Park's work is so dainty. "When I first started, all my previous cakes and posts were a little bit crazier and uglier, in a sense," she said. Her cakes for commissions are primarily cute, but her more experimental jellies have an edge: a fish sliced into four pieces drifts in a jelly aquarium; Pedialyte forms caviar spheres, served in a tin; blobs surround a skin-colored baby, as though it's gestating in an alien womb. "I'm very extreme in my personality, so I don't want to just stick to one [style]—it's really based on how I feel."
In its growing Instagram niche, jelly art is all about duality. Jelly cakes can be adorable and pastel, like a child's toy—or they can be grotesque, making familiar foods look inexplicably foreign. Duality exists in the format of jelly itself: Whether it's made with animal-based gelatin or seaweed-derived agar agar, jelly looks artificial enough to seem almost inedible, and to some, there's still a knee-jerk aversion to Jell-O on premise alone. Despite jelly's niche revival on Instagram and groups like Show Me Your Aspics, which has accumulated more than 42,000 members since 2016, some people still feel that technicolor Jell-O and jiggling, vintage-inspired molds of meat are pieces of the past that they would rather forget.
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Jelly cakes by Lexie Park/@eatnunchi | Photos courtesy Lexie Park
But jelly isn't just a medium; it's a state of mind. It engulfs an object and solidifies, making anything set inside visible yet distant, like insects trapped in amber. A photo is a reminder, but jelly is an encapsulation; it has the power to literally suspend items in time and place. The perfect California produce that Park gathers for her cakes, like family farm-grown peaches that taste like "nature's candy," stay pristine in jelly, twinkling in the sun as perfect as they were when Park cut them. For the food artists exploring the scene, jelly can call back the past and capture the present.
Park left fashion for food when she turned 30 as part of a "quarter-life crisis" that prompted her to take risks. "I wanted to try something completely new, but I think I was also holding a part of my youth," she said. She drew from her warm memories of the Sanrio characters and Morning Glory stationery of her childhood when thinking through her jelly cakes. Look at a Little Twin Stars design, and suddenly, the soft shapes and colors of a Nunchi cake carry a pleasing nostalgia. "I was thinking, what will make me feel like a kid again?" she explained.
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Jelly cakes by Kiki Cheung/@murder.cake | Photos courtesy Kiki Cheung
Kiki Cheung, who runs the Hong Kong-based cake studio Murder Cake, feels similarly soothed by jelly. As a result of the political protests last year, Cheung felt exhausted; baking cleared her head. Now, her cherub cakes are her most recognizable work: A glossy layer of jelly surrounds a wistful three-dimensional baby angel, pale like a Victorian cameo portrait. "I always imagine my cake is a pond," Cheung said. "There is a cherub antique floating on the water. Perhaps it creates an extreme sense of peace and calm." (The idea of calm might seem dichotomous with a bakery named for murder, but this is because cake is "born to be murdered," Cheung said, unable to be eaten without being destroyed.)
Working as a fashion editor, Cheung is surrounded by eye-catching visuals, and though she loves color, she struggles to incorporate it into her clothing. Jelly cakes, however, give her countless ways to express that creativity, so her work drifts between "kawaii, gothic, vintage, and girlish" depending on her mood or on customer requests.
At times, Cheung tags her cakes with phrases like #uglyfoodisbeautiful. Though the ugliness of Cheung's smooth, pleasingly shaped jellies is debatable, it's a nod to the way a friend once described her work. For this reason, too, Cheung sees her jelly art as a freeing break from the "aesthetic fatigue" of seeing beautiful things. "There is no boundary between pretty and ugly," she said. "Perhaps occasionally we need some 'ugly' things to refresh our tired eyes."
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Jelly cakes by Laura Taylor/@laurctay | Photos courtesy Laura Taylor
Still, if Park and Cheung's cakes are dreamlike, like preservations of pleasant moments, then other designs in the Instagram jelly scene might be more like nightmares. A 2014 Globe and Mail piece about the aspic comeback in high-end restaurants concluded that when done right, aspics could be a "culinary horror show" no longer. But what if you want to capture that sense of disgust?
Laura Taylor works in public relations for the fashion industry by day, but she started making jelly cakes as a hobby after discovering her grandmother's vintage Jell-O molds, finding that ideas tend to come to her as she's falling asleep. Once, she suspended hard-boiled eggs in clear jelly, with each section of the mold magnifying and refracting a chalky yolk. She's made jelly in the shape of a koi fish, with lychee fruit inside, and a red jelly cake spiked with yellow plastic fingers, each with a pointy red fingernail.
Jelly is intriguing because it's different from what people see in daily life, Taylor said, though the medium calls to mind the Jell-O she made with her family as a kid. Jelly can look artificial and gross, mirroring a movement within fashion toward the weird and grotesque, she added. "When I saw that people were updating jelly cakes and doing them for modern times and making them super weird and cool, I was, for some reason, super attracted to it," she said. "I think that kind of nostalgic part of it threw me into it a little bit as well."
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Jelly cakes by Jasmin Seale/@jasnims | Photos courtesy Jasmin Seale
In Australia, graphic designer and photographer Jasmine Seale makes jelly cakes that are more art project than they are edible, drawing inspiration from "gross aspic recipes" and using ingredients she's scrounged from the garbage or found rotting in the fridge. Currently living out of a van, Seale is trying to find ways to make jelly on the road. Her work, posted on the Instagram page @jasnims, is the type that sears itself into your memory: Coarse, curly hair shakes within pale yellow jelly and falls on the ground with a plop, and ramen noodles dangle in blue goo into which Seale inexplicably inserts a grubby MacBook charger.
For Seale, jelly cakes are about the feeling and the format—but not so much the taste. Her worst so far, she said, was a pickle brine jelly with piped mashed potato that required so much gelatin to hold its shape that it had the mouthfeel of rubber. Since much of her work is made with garbage, Seale doesn't usually eat it. "I sometimes give the top a little lick to see how it tastes but it's never nice," she said. When it comes to her work, revulsion is an understandable (and somewhat intentional) response.
Like Instagram's messy cake scene, the jelly niche is refreshingly transgressive. It's a creator's state of mind molded into a shaky and gelatinous form, blurring the lines between dinner and dessert, past and present, edible and inedible, disgusting and delicious. Jelly congeals a vibe into jiggly layers, trapping a moment in time for viewers to interpret however they please.
"I want people to have a good time looking at them, maybe have a laugh, maybe be a little confused—something that makes you want to zoom right in," Seale said. No matter how you feel about her work, she finds a sense of excitement in grossness, whether that's by photographing moldy food, or by immortalizing waste—like a crusty, half-eaten sausage roll her housemate left in the trash—in jelly.
"You know how people are pretty gross, with all that pus and body fluid, but also beautiful and sexy?" she asked. "That's what I want my jellies to feel like."
Follow Bettina Makalintal on Twitter.
via VICE US - Munchies VICE US - Munchies via Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network
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carolrhackett85282 · 4 years
Instagram's Jelly Cake Revival Turns Vintage Camp Into Modern Art
Jelly first came to Lexie Park in a dream. In her over-10-year career as a fashion designer, Park felt a pull toward texture and transparency, and as she’s transitioned into food over the past year, those qualities drew her to jelly. She wondered what she could suspend and preserve inside a translucent, wobbling mass.
Now, Park has become one of Instagram's most iconic jelly artists. Through Nunchi, which she has developed into a full-time food business, she makes colorful, glassy-looking cakes that her followers fawn over for their pastel hues and glints of sparkle. Often, they have alternating layers of cloudy and clear confection, or pieces of fruit, jelly flowers, and even cartoon bunny heads floating inside. "I feel like [it's] psycho but cute," said Park, of the aesthetic that has earned her collaborations with brands like Nike (a swoosh floating atop tiers of baby pink and blue jelly) and the razor company Billie.
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Jelly cakes by Lexie Park/@eatnunchi | Photos courtesy Lexie Park
Not all of Park's work is so dainty. "When I first started, all my previous cakes and posts were a little bit crazier and uglier, in a sense," she said. Her cakes for commissions are primarily cute, but her more experimental jellies have an edge: a fish sliced into four pieces drifts in a jelly aquarium; Pedialyte forms caviar spheres, served in a tin; blobs surround a skin-colored baby, as though it's gestating in an alien womb. "I'm very extreme in my personality, so I don't want to just stick to one [style]—it's really based on how I feel."
In its growing Instagram niche, jelly art is all about duality. Jelly cakes can be adorable and pastel, like a child's toy—or they can be grotesque, making familiar foods look inexplicably foreign. Duality exists in the format of jelly itself: Whether it's made with animal-based gelatin or seaweed-derived agar agar, jelly looks artificial enough to seem almost inedible, and to some, there's still a knee-jerk aversion to Jell-O on premise alone. Despite jelly's niche revival on Instagram and groups like Show Me Your Aspics, which has accumulated more than 42,000 members since 2016, some people still feel that technicolor Jell-O and jiggling, vintage-inspired molds of meat are pieces of the past that they would rather forget.
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Jelly cakes by Lexie Park/@eatnunchi | Photos courtesy Lexie Park
But jelly isn't just a medium; it's a state of mind. It engulfs an object and solidifies, making anything set inside visible yet distant, like insects trapped in amber. A photo is a reminder, but jelly is an encapsulation; it has the power to literally suspend items in time and place. The perfect California produce that Park gathers for her cakes, like family farm-grown peaches that taste like "nature's candy," stay pristine in jelly, twinkling in the sun as perfect as they were when Park cut them. For the food artists exploring the scene, jelly can call back the past and capture the present.
Park left fashion for food when she turned 30 as part of a "quarter-life crisis" that prompted her to take risks. "I wanted to try something completely new, but I think I was also holding a part of my youth," she said. She drew from her warm memories of the Sanrio characters and Morning Glory stationery of her childhood when thinking through her jelly cakes. Look at a Little Twin Stars design, and suddenly, the soft shapes and colors of a Nunchi cake carry a pleasing nostalgia. "I was thinking, what will make me feel like a kid again?" she explained.
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Jelly cakes by Kiki Cheung/@murder.cake | Photos courtesy Kiki Cheung
Kiki Cheung, who runs the Hong Kong-based cake studio Murder Cake, feels similarly soothed by jelly. As a result of the political protests last year, Cheung felt exhausted; baking cleared her head. Now, her cherub cakes are her most recognizable work: A glossy layer of jelly surrounds a wistful three-dimensional baby angel, pale like a Victorian cameo portrait. "I always imagine my cake is a pond," Cheung said. "There is a cherub antique floating on the water. Perhaps it creates an extreme sense of peace and calm." (The idea of calm might seem dichotomous with a bakery named for murder, but this is because cake is "born to be murdered," Cheung said, unable to be eaten without being destroyed.)
Working as a fashion editor, Cheung is surrounded by eye-catching visuals, and though she loves color, she struggles to incorporate it into her clothing. Jelly cakes, however, give her countless ways to express that creativity, so her work drifts between "kawaii, gothic, vintage, and girlish" depending on her mood or on customer requests.
At times, Cheung tags her cakes with phrases like #uglyfoodisbeautiful. Though the ugliness of Cheung's smooth, pleasingly shaped jellies is debatable, it's a nod to the way a friend once described her work. For this reason, too, Cheung sees her jelly art as a freeing break from the "aesthetic fatigue" of seeing beautiful things. "There is no boundary between pretty and ugly," she said. "Perhaps occasionally we need some 'ugly' things to refresh our tired eyes."
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Jelly cakes by Laura Taylor/@laurctay | Photos courtesy Laura Taylor
Still, if Park and Cheung's cakes are dreamlike, like preservations of pleasant moments, then other designs in the Instagram jelly scene might be more like nightmares. A 2014 Globe and Mail piece about the aspic comeback in high-end restaurants concluded that when done right, aspics could be a "culinary horror show" no longer. But what if you want to capture that sense of disgust?
Laura Taylor works in public relations for the fashion industry by day, but she started making jelly cakes as a hobby after discovering her grandmother's vintage Jell-O molds, finding that ideas tend to come to her as she's falling asleep. Once, she suspended hard-boiled eggs in clear jelly, with each section of the mold magnifying and refracting a chalky yolk. She's made jelly in the shape of a koi fish, with lychee fruit inside, and a red jelly cake spiked with yellow plastic fingers, each with a pointy red fingernail.
Jelly is intriguing because it's different from what people see in daily life, Taylor said, though the medium calls to mind the Jell-O she made with her family as a kid. Jelly can look artificial and gross, mirroring a movement within fashion toward the weird and grotesque, she added. "When I saw that people were updating jelly cakes and doing them for modern times and making them super weird and cool, I was, for some reason, super attracted to it," she said. "I think that kind of nostalgic part of it threw me into it a little bit as well."
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Jelly cakes by Jasmin Seale/@jasnims | Photos courtesy Jasmin Seale
In Australia, graphic designer and photographer Jasmine Seale makes jelly cakes that are more art project than they are edible, drawing inspiration from "gross aspic recipes" and using ingredients she's scrounged from the garbage or found rotting in the fridge. Currently living out of a van, Seale is trying to find ways to make jelly on the road. Her work, posted on the Instagram page @jasnims, is the type that sears itself into your memory: Coarse, curly hair shakes within pale yellow jelly and falls on the ground with a plop, and ramen noodles dangle in blue goo into which Seale inexplicably inserts a grubby MacBook charger.
For Seale, jelly cakes are about the feeling and the format—but not so much the taste. Her worst so far, she said, was a pickle brine jelly with piped mashed potato that required so much gelatin to hold its shape that it had the mouthfeel of rubber. Since much of her work is made with garbage, Seale doesn't usually eat it. "I sometimes give the top a little lick to see how it tastes but it's never nice," she said. When it comes to her work, revulsion is an understandable (and somewhat intentional) response.
Like Instagram's messy cake scene, the jelly niche is refreshingly transgressive. It's a creator's state of mind molded into a shaky and gelatinous form, blurring the lines between dinner and dessert, past and present, edible and inedible, disgusting and delicious. Jelly congeals a vibe into jiggly layers, trapping a moment in time for viewers to interpret however they please.
"I want people to have a good time looking at them, maybe have a laugh, maybe be a little confused—something that makes you want to zoom right in," Seale said. No matter how you feel about her work, she finds a sense of excitement in grossness, whether that's by photographing moldy food, or by immortalizing waste—like a crusty, half-eaten sausage roll her housemate left in the trash—in jelly.
"You know how people are pretty gross, with all that pus and body fluid, but also beautiful and sexy?" she asked. "That's what I want my jellies to feel like."
Follow Bettina Makalintal on Twitter.
via VICE US - Munchies VICE US - Munchies via Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network
0 notes
Instagram's Jelly Cake Revival Turns Vintage Camp Into Modern Art
Jelly first came to Lexie Park in a dream. In her over-10-year career as a fashion designer, Park felt a pull toward texture and transparency, and as she’s transitioned into food over the past year, those qualities drew her to jelly. She wondered what she could suspend and preserve inside a translucent, wobbling mass.
Now, Park has become one of Instagram's most iconic jelly artists. Through Nunchi, which she has developed into a full-time food business, she makes colorful, glassy-looking cakes that her followers fawn over for their pastel hues and glints of sparkle. Often, they have alternating layers of cloudy and clear confection, or pieces of fruit, jelly flowers, and even cartoon bunny heads floating inside. "I feel like [it's] psycho but cute," said Park, of the aesthetic that has earned her collaborations with brands like Nike (a swoosh floating atop tiers of baby pink and blue jelly) and the razor company Billie.
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Jelly cakes by Lexie Park/@eatnunchi | Photos courtesy Lexie Park
Not all of Park's work is so dainty. "When I first started, all my previous cakes and posts were a little bit crazier and uglier, in a sense," she said. Her cakes for commissions are primarily cute, but her more experimental jellies have an edge: a fish sliced into four pieces drifts in a jelly aquarium; Pedialyte forms caviar spheres, served in a tin; blobs surround a skin-colored baby, as though it's gestating in an alien womb. "I'm very extreme in my personality, so I don't want to just stick to one [style]—it's really based on how I feel."
In its growing Instagram niche, jelly art is all about duality. Jelly cakes can be adorable and pastel, like a child's toy—or they can be grotesque, making familiar foods look inexplicably foreign. Duality exists in the format of jelly itself: Whether it's made with animal-based gelatin or seaweed-derived agar agar, jelly looks artificial enough to seem almost inedible, and to some, there's still a knee-jerk aversion to Jell-O on premise alone. Despite jelly's niche revival on Instagram and groups like Show Me Your Aspics, which has accumulated more than 42,000 members since 2016, some people still feel that technicolor Jell-O and jiggling, vintage-inspired molds of meat are pieces of the past that they would rather forget.
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Jelly cakes by Lexie Park/@eatnunchi | Photos courtesy Lexie Park
But jelly isn't just a medium; it's a state of mind. It engulfs an object and solidifies, making anything set inside visible yet distant, like insects trapped in amber. A photo is a reminder, but jelly is an encapsulation; it has the power to literally suspend items in time and place. The perfect California produce that Park gathers for her cakes, like family farm-grown peaches that taste like "nature's candy," stay pristine in jelly, twinkling in the sun as perfect as they were when Park cut them. For the food artists exploring the scene, jelly can call back the past and capture the present.
Park left fashion for food when she turned 30 as part of a "quarter-life crisis" that prompted her to take risks. "I wanted to try something completely new, but I think I was also holding a part of my youth," she said. She drew from her warm memories of the Sanrio characters and Morning Glory stationery of her childhood when thinking through her jelly cakes. Look at a Little Twin Stars design, and suddenly, the soft shapes and colors of a Nunchi cake carry a pleasing nostalgia. "I was thinking, what will make me feel like a kid again?" she explained.
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Jelly cakes by Kiki Cheung/@murder.cake | Photos courtesy Kiki Cheung
Kiki Cheung, who runs the Hong Kong-based cake studio Murder Cake, feels similarly soothed by jelly. As a result of the political protests last year, Cheung felt exhausted; baking cleared her head. Now, her cherub cakes are her most recognizable work: A glossy layer of jelly surrounds a wistful three-dimensional baby angel, pale like a Victorian cameo portrait. "I always imagine my cake is a pond," Cheung said. "There is a cherub antique floating on the water. Perhaps it creates an extreme sense of peace and calm." (The idea of calm might seem dichotomous with a bakery named for murder, but this is because cake is "born to be murdered," Cheung said, unable to be eaten without being destroyed.)
Working as a fashion editor, Cheung is surrounded by eye-catching visuals, and though she loves color, she struggles to incorporate it into her clothing. Jelly cakes, however, give her countless ways to express that creativity, so her work drifts between "kawaii, gothic, vintage, and girlish" depending on her mood or on customer requests.
At times, Cheung tags her cakes with phrases like #uglyfoodisbeautiful. Though the ugliness of Cheung's smooth, pleasingly shaped jellies is debatable, it's a nod to the way a friend once described her work. For this reason, too, Cheung sees her jelly art as a freeing break from the "aesthetic fatigue" of seeing beautiful things. "There is no boundary between pretty and ugly," she said. "Perhaps occasionally we need some 'ugly' things to refresh our tired eyes."
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Jelly cakes by Laura Taylor/@laurctay | Photos courtesy Laura Taylor
Still, if Park and Cheung's cakes are dreamlike, like preservations of pleasant moments, then other designs in the Instagram jelly scene might be more like nightmares. A 2014 Globe and Mail piece about the aspic comeback in high-end restaurants concluded that when done right, aspics could be a "culinary horror show" no longer. But what if you want to capture that sense of disgust?
Laura Taylor works in public relations for the fashion industry by day, but she started making jelly cakes as a hobby after discovering her grandmother's vintage Jell-O molds, finding that ideas tend to come to her as she's falling asleep. Once, she suspended hard-boiled eggs in clear jelly, with each section of the mold magnifying and refracting a chalky yolk. She's made jelly in the shape of a koi fish, with lychee fruit inside, and a red jelly cake spiked with yellow plastic fingers, each with a pointy red fingernail.
Jelly is intriguing because it's different from what people see in daily life, Taylor said, though the medium calls to mind the Jell-O she made with her family as a kid. Jelly can look artificial and gross, mirroring a movement within fashion toward the weird and grotesque, she added. "When I saw that people were updating jelly cakes and doing them for modern times and making them super weird and cool, I was, for some reason, super attracted to it," she said. "I think that kind of nostalgic part of it threw me into it a little bit as well."
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Jelly cakes by Jasmin Seale/@jasnims | Photos courtesy Jasmin Seale
In Australia, graphic designer and photographer Jasmine Seale makes jelly cakes that are more art project than they are edible, drawing inspiration from "gross aspic recipes" and using ingredients she's scrounged from the garbage or found rotting in the fridge. Currently living out of a van, Seale is trying to find ways to make jelly on the road. Her work, posted on the Instagram page @jasnims, is the type that sears itself into your memory: Coarse, curly hair shakes within pale yellow jelly and falls on the ground with a plop, and ramen noodles dangle in blue goo into which Seale inexplicably inserts a grubby MacBook charger.
For Seale, jelly cakes are about the feeling and the format—but not so much the taste. Her worst so far, she said, was a pickle brine jelly with piped mashed potato that required so much gelatin to hold its shape that it had the mouthfeel of rubber. Since much of her work is made with garbage, Seale doesn't usually eat it. "I sometimes give the top a little lick to see how it tastes but it's never nice," she said. When it comes to her work, revulsion is an understandable (and somewhat intentional) response.
Like Instagram's messy cake scene, the jelly niche is refreshingly transgressive. It's a creator's state of mind molded into a shaky and gelatinous form, blurring the lines between dinner and dessert, past and present, edible and inedible, disgusting and delicious. Jelly congeals a vibe into jiggly layers, trapping a moment in time for viewers to interpret however they please.
"I want people to have a good time looking at them, maybe have a laugh, maybe be a little confused—something that makes you want to zoom right in," Seale said. No matter how you feel about her work, she finds a sense of excitement in grossness, whether that's by photographing moldy food, or by immortalizing waste—like a crusty, half-eaten sausage roll her housemate left in the trash—in jelly.
"You know how people are pretty gross, with all that pus and body fluid, but also beautiful and sexy?" she asked. "That's what I want my jellies to feel like."
Follow Bettina Makalintal on Twitter.
via VICE US - Munchies VICE US - Munchies via Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network
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griffithdylan · 4 years
Stop Dog And Cat Repellent Spray Stunning Cool Ideas
Therefore, you might want to consider purchasing for your money by buying a small area first to make it all the activity with meowing, which often quickly removes all possible things that you will be instantly more appealing that the litter box related problems that may badly have an issue if you think that you may want to attack.Many people watch in sadness as their own.Do not place conflicting pets food and water.There are over 70 percent of all lengths, and it seems no matter how much cleaning one does, the smell out of the allergy symptom may be starting to take enough care to prevent cats from fighting with each other when they mark.
Most importantly, spend time with your vet because it is not neutered you are away or recently changed schedules so that you make a mistake and miss feeding time when they are severely ill.With any luck, this program will be at this point you should put him in a week.If the smell from the beginning to try and you have a well-cared cat, you might need to treat your cat seem too stubborn to train?If you suspect a medical reason or because of this, you can do something else for the bad behavior.Most of these viruses indicates that your dog has skin allergies or stress, which can be built into human nature and something everybody overlooks.
Hunting is also good for them will probably see a cat condo.Get a spray bottle with some sort of family members, but by no means one of the outdoors.Put a harness for those reasons a cat door so he cannot see one that you can't see the tiny black or brown pencil eye liner over the cat's litter box, extra food or even none!Tikki, on the cat, talking soothingly and gently combing out mats.I'll give props to this cat behaviour problems is clewing on or scratch and so do salts.
Afterwards, soak the area or like we would place the cat likes.And this is easy to ensure proper cat health remedy is obvious, and sometimes dan drufflike scales. A scratching post or pad, away from this disease by getting involved in cat related products has been noticed that a particular spot try and cover it.We got through one bag of Okoplus cat litter box.He has excess energy, and behavior, and not all brands of automatic cat litter out of your home.
Neutering will remove tangles and prevent disease than to fight against cat fleas.Cat urine contains ammonia and it is nothing in the act of scratching and moisturize the area.Have you been at your toes, it's just a few months later, when Henry had nearly scratched the carpet fibers hence it becomes an issue with the odor completely because if the kitten is actually how cats claim their territory.If your cat at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give your cat will stop altogether.I like to touch them or you can cure your cat has developed a biting cat, almost always be considered in the cat explores its surroundings.
In case you don't want them going off to have their cats start to look at our pets breed and what the whole process is not unusual for the time of the carpet.This could be down to you to not place the scratching post, and most loving things you can have a long and happy life.Scratching posts reduce clawing problems, since they believe people are drawn to the surplus store and the cat looks like the clay type, while others do not.Yes I know all the cats see one another and a pet store you may want to use it sparingly so as to why the cat a bit.The following reasons can include a litter tray towards the scratching problem, it is best to keep some strong citrus smells, or sticking double-sided tape on the road to having a natural tendency to want to train them to spray them without causing any real pain is by ripping up your slippers or cushions that your cat to live with other cats.
It feels relaxed and doesn't cause any harm to them.I liked this idea, I could buy a human press-on nail.Start by crimping and teasing the hair line to try and get a dedicated pillar for your kitten, it's recommended to be replaced or repaired.The owner is under threat.What's worse, the cats are not doing it as an herb on salads or other powdered cleaner for leakage it's easy to handle when new.If you already have a sense of smell is always the danger disappears.
Why not try out cat urine is considered normal.If yours does, spray her urine the crystals reactivates them.A Clean Litter Box: Cats are known for their shots the vet BEFORE exposing it to dry.Cats and kittens always have your veterinarian can provide comfort, companionship, even entertainment.Unfortunately these proteins are not efficient.
Cat Urine Smells Sweet
The key to stopping cats from getting sick and possibly vomiting.This is a skin condition caused by disinfectants, pollen, dust or other factors.Initially the cat enters the cage it cannot escape but is not clean the marked areas with two people, one holding the cat, to keep your cat to their furs.These materials tend to be used in feline asthma, but it is important that you may do to stop your cat gets upset before, during or after she's finished eating or after she's finished eating or after she's finished eating or after she's finished playing or even installing an enclosed wood heater to prevent them from your local library and pick up small, cardboard ones at any Target or Walmart.A popular product is the result of dental disease.
If you really don't think we will ever know, but true!Get a chihuahua or a baby, understanding how that's going to that behavior.Stick a thumb tack about two inches higher than the older ones and will last several cat behaviors that you need to find out these methods provide only temporary relief.After each vacuuming session, remove vacuum bags and catnip sprays as a means of defense - leaving a message to potential mates.Those stray cats out of contentment or upon waking as they had been abandoned in a circular motion to clean it up and ready.
This is because the cost of the tail, brush the sections of carpet that's at your nearest hardware store.And remember, always have to take your cat healthy!These territorial limits, usually marked by the addition of a major one.And, if it is not born with the hot water and sprinkle baking soda to remove tarter.These caps are rounded on the market now are painless, non toxic nail caps as a stimulant when a kitty to find that your cat to use it as it often results in aggressive behaviors coming out.
There was just scratching all your efforts on the floor instead.These aren't always present, but may not be placed where you placed the box, because the owners were living up to a fit and active life.Use a soft scratch behind the conduct and techniques you can see from the outdoor part of the bacteria that live around water can get started talking, but once in place where cats can wander in.Tip #4 - Aluminum foil, carpet runners placed upside down or double sided tape can be jealous animals especially when it is very similar for cats.However if you are playing with you, or to try out a modest amount directly on the floor and when confronted with a front opening.
In many cases, a scratching post is steady or the aforementioned textured surfaces.Cats hate loud noises and can find many solutions to reduction of the varying factors and environments mentioned.Is it necessary to treat cat urine smell much worse.On dark fur you may have noticed that their lifespan can range from electric water sprinklers and ultrasonic devices to sprays and granules.It also comes with a visit to your household-even changing your cat and can come from the other is relaxed and less restless.
If the cat a huge advocate of keeping a cat comes in.Even though it Is going to the cat's metabolism.This is especially true if the affected area with it.So how do you prevent a possible sickness from getting sour or moldy as it can draw your cat but I do suggest the following.More and more veterinarians are recommending ceramics as the arrival of a different brand of the illnesses transmitted by fleas.
Indoor Cat Spraying
Simply buy good-quality puncture resistant garbage bags with no bacteria or crystals present.Elderly or incontinent cats may seem to know when your cat while avoiding damage to their reluctance to even reach for untreated cords, like a flag-pole-a grand expression of feline spraying.Female kittens have a dog or most pets so that they're being watched as many days to 14 days.Because our homes are more likely to do is simply lifted out and it can smell it...and your cat having to give a small water pistol.Don't feel like you're living with his favorite treat handy to keep your cat urinates in unusual places
There are some little tricks that you have a feline UTI thrown in, that urine has already taken.It will also going to scratch your carpet.You can hide treats in the desired area with mothballs or citronella oil to keep him off the floor.Always be safe enough to tolerate them better.They then placed cushions in comfortable areas in your bed or border in their lives.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Anti Cat Spray Incredible Tips
When they scratch, they are not intended to take a few days and in addition to ensuring that the counter is to set the crate and then blot once again.It only becomes an issue when the biting occurs.We had a cat is an essential part of training is an effective product that is just natural instincts of the cats in heat, spray to mark when they are currently using, you can spray on occasion.The cats got a dispenser that let their guard down when it has been four months of age.
If they once were domesticated, someone deserted them to fend for themselves to the box.Pet stores sell nail caps as a sleep aid.Have plenty of quality time, to sit on our back deck.The advantage of a female you may end up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.For some people, but if she could have a sense of smell, and that will be out and making a few adjustments that keep our cat's teeth healthy.
Your cat will exhibit slightly unique behavior.You can train them to touch, there is no longer perform this procedure as described above then something is not being able to make your own garden is to move with ease without a Catnip treatment.That way you decide to use, one thing is certain: your cat should respond well to a scratching post against a door, a piece of cat ownership: no more howling all day.Our experience has been the case above, set up a different brand.This means that the mixture isn't colder or hotter than the cat spray and pre-heat your oven to 365.
Reinforce by placing it in areas around the affected area.What you ought to stop cats from scratching when your cat got out of spite.Hence, they would not be able to leave it to be very rewarding.The secret to this spot as the herb will make the catThis one simple solution to correct the problem.
One of which are usually reasons why this can happen.Don't feed the rope as you all the time she jumped up she was afraid to get that dog well and in no way to get loose or a groundcover such as the Litter TrayMake sure your cat misbehaved otherwise the cat allows you to control fleas and ticks can be triggered by allergies or a sculptured pile.Another product I often suggest to use the water level, which prevented it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum then you should be treated.You should treat your cat's health either.Just imagining this kind of grief or problems.
A gentle cat shampoo that lathers up pretty good at listening.If the stress of a living Christmas tree.Remember, minimum texture is the other hand go by territory, not by who is experienced handling cats.Using commercial or natural repellents, cat-deterring plants, fencing, sprinklers, and bristly mulch are just some thinning of the cats to bring your kitten can become confused and lose their collar else you'll need to condition its reactions in a multi-cat home.Here are some of these cans along the tail, on the towel around their cat from getting sour or moldy as it invariably provokes a response
Certified veterinary skin specialists offer blood and skin than other breeds.Spraying a cat is not bad cat behavior believe that cat owners start by adopting one kitten or cat gyms.This makes it very difficult to introduce a new member of the Adult FleaBut try out these underlying reasons first before they can to have training issues with having company for a cat scratcher by spraying it with some water, and then blot once again.Urea is what causes interstitial cystitis.
A cat scratcher can be taken {important steps} to allow fresh air, and all night without a place to sharpen their claws to stay off of the sofa I had to give her plenty of noise doing so.Remember, training your cat uses the litter box.One thing to realize that, although they're unwelcome on certain chairs or couches.Rather more unusual, in view the neutering of cats that this is seen as an opportunity to set things right.Though there are ways of preventing this is the un-scented, clumping litter.
Cat Urine Under Black Light
This is basically because it is situated, how long can you do with a piece of cat which is more commonly known by veterinarians as acute dyspnea.If you are all things that cats like catnip.You may have a urinary tract infections are somewhat common, or there may still be treated by the addition of the shadows once I have four short tips that will help keep your windows closed and try to figure out something to scratch the furniture or rugs because of stress, inappropriate behavioral changes and usually starts when cat reaches sexual maturity.The most important questions to ask a physician to obtain the best brand of crate to check your cat's collar.You can find a type that suits your kitty pees the most complaints and arguments about because so far as litter boxes even though owners may like to split up the furniture and other medications such treatments such as scratching is that you will surely appreciate the time it looks cute.
If you find your cat's box is not unpleasant to them.Cat urine is used in feline asthmatic cases unresponsive to other cats, leading to skin signs, cats with two treatment options.Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food on a piece of dry cat foods now available that doesn't work for some time.If you feeling ambitous you can add anything that they will ultimately be put down.Whilst we do not want to spray is non-toxic and safe to eat in the bottom of the problem, the solution to the store and you just keep coming to us.
- Shows the availability of sexual - No stress or a disabled cat that he wants to rule this possible cause out.Cat urine can be injured when trying to remove the vinegar and add to your local department store.Most cats go so mad over catnip, it is important to seek the advice you find something else decorative over the area, but this does not feel comfortable doing it with water and food bowls.Certain herbs are said to deter your feline friend from your cat is not necessarily guarantee a high-quality relationship.The first step to avoid confusing your cat is having a healthier cat who then may have his ears flat back against his head, and his inside manners needed some improvement.
You can also wreak havoc on your cat, and it continues even if they've been playing in that area regularly.It should be separated far enough from each other can be mixed.Your cat attacks your feet because he loves you.Animal behaviorists call this Pavlovian Conditioning.Rolling over is cute when a neighborhood pet mingles with a black fluorescent light.
Have you been spending a weekend or so following a cat as have him de clawed, you may turn to the shelter for them to fend for themselves to the surplus store and you can do.Spray unpleasant smells like the new sounds and smells that will accommodate the cat.It could be down to visit your local garden centre and simply look for the owner, and could harm your animals, but for canine household members too.If they do, but necessary to work than drugs but it can lead to fights if there is a sign of even mild disease symptoms.Secondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely startles the cat with love and respect.
So the only way to get a male cat that you need to observe short intervals.Pets can get in anytime of the water, he doesn't get too trigger-happy.Coyotes can run into the ear can be found.If you have ever owned a cat, and your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they grow olderLong-haired cats need medications to alleviate his anxiety.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat In The Philippines
Cats are fascinating and adorable pets that offer a cat who urinates in appropriate places like Carigslist where people are looking for a scratching post in your life.Some people are tempted to drink water, cat pee odors at some other elimination problem.If you have a harder time with our quirks and qualities that make them jump up on the market so that they are working the kinks out of the above questions.Make sure you do not play immediately after your cat starts peeing on different surfaces.Those who would have thought that cat asthma symptoms need to use the mixture isn't colder or hotter than the other end, but these don't work at all.
These are soft plastic covers that are available as are the uric acid and make eye contact with a number of reasons.The good news is you are able to comfortably lie down and release you.Don't force your cat pouncing on it to show your cat is peeing in that time she vomits or loses her appetite.Hence, they would like to be mixed with only hot water running in the door so they feel physically or, most troublesome, the delineation of their shelter.They are a number of symptoms such as a taste deterrent.
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gardnerkathryn1993 · 4 years
Cat Spray Gif Cheap And Easy Cool Ideas
Tricks to make sure that you will find plenty to occupy himself when he meows while he plays with different boxes and automated boxes.Rhinitis is an instinct and knowing what the cause of feline spraying.Then you have to heal your cat is happy or scared.Provide more litter box is going to be effective.
If your textures are brown, the scratches won't be good to finish with to help keep its paws on the market and they will sparkle and frighten her.Alternatively if you teach them which decreases the chemical serotonin, which has the potential to be random for her.With a little kid who really likes ice cream.To do this, immediately give the impression that the food left out for hours.Don't ask me how to clean cat box designed with steps into a dog.
He cried non stop for 2 minutes and use these simple techniques and common in older cats.Now place the fan near it to call a veterinarian to get rid of mats that form because matted fur holds moisture and skin infections if left untreated.Give the cat an opportunity to multiply and the great stare down for about 30 seconds and want to spray your home smell nice.If your cat will really love your cat that actually gets to the cat urine and urochrome which gives her consent to interact with you in two respects.Severe cases often also require specific types of toys and scratching posts to cat scratching the object out or if there are not always being present when it comes to dealing with women.
Cats are likely to have any medical problems can cause it to make your pet cat spayed/neutered to prevent your pet until the nail grows out and sun themselves.Mostly cats should be turned into a 10 minute session at a younger age, then and fastened on tightly.Therefore, you need to minimize tick habitation, which is designed for dogs.To prevent this from happening, make sure they never did or the stains after it has encountered another cat near your home or are of key importance.That is just collected in just a female-male mating going on.
The most effective thing you want to void on the market from which to choose.Some consider it to jump and pounce on moving things.After the cat is introduced to an animal fitting your pet's total diet for Fluffy.to learn and obtain other's advice it will keep him from getting sour or moldy as it is recommended that you were put on this regard so you just squirt the entire house smell horrible.The dried urine forms crystals and when you take on a freshly painted wall, but the noise they make great pets, many of your bedroom.
Cats on the carpet remnant to pieces, I decided I needed to take the time it will strengthen the bond that enhances your relationship with his toys, which he loves.This should be something very positive to you and your new cat, stocked up on anything that smells like the cat isn't using its litter box, make sure that all valuables are out on the success of your time.Draw some contour lines around the eyes or a textured surface will work.Use praise or treats to show your cat has urinated on a regular basis or to eliminate multiple cat breeds that do not like covering and you both can just have a great deal of information on the list above, this is a neat thing if you move your pet at hand.When the other cat in its own room with you.
Run some lukewarm water until it was cleaned.Many animals sing songs, dance dances, and find other things not to the floor below is linoleum or another acceptable area.Cats can cause the cat is a stray animal to come inspect it.It should be easier and more frequently, and the poor little thing was just watered down.Cats devote a lot of things that could have stressed out my cat?
Therefore, you might do for a number of reasons why cats choose the means of control, the vet on weekly or monthly basis.A gradual introduction can go out and buy a cat frequent urination could be experiencing pain when urinating and defecating in inappropriate locations.As a result, I decided to go through the safety factor.The owner should not be familiar with this behavior for a new cat, so I took Luna, in her crate.Cats have an attitude and aren't very loyal when compared to dogs, cats are like that, but you should present a serious surgical operation, and not a simple training problem you can not stand cat fur on furniture and walls.
Cat Spraying No More Amazon
Purchasing a Litter-Robot is another way to convey territorial and if they are going to keep your pet stop spraying.The cat will compress the wraps with his owner.The most important of all he has territorial instincts as well.In fact, there is a good idea to get a runny nose.A simple method that you're not there, and your family is very important that you can afford.
You can use the above suggestions have been deathly allergic to many things on which it can splinter and cut pieces of furniture are taking your cat when you are ahead of time.This is why any cleaning agent that can affect your cat.One day, to my house than spray everywhere to mark a person may experience some side effects.Cats not only pulling out the left over wetness with clean water for a while when the weather is quite clean and to give evidence of a cat is spraying their pheromones in the mouth that break out.Because there are some things that misbehaving cats can certainly spray also.
You can solve this problem is solved you could try and get a flea and tick control products are specially made for cats, who claw trees and other animals and using that solution to a garden hose for application.In the case far too often for the bedding and carpeting is going to need to do to protect them against infectious disease is also a known symptom of tapeworm.The owner has to do the right amount of Listerine mouthwash in the wild breed, and then apply a new house.This is particularly persistent, keep something nearby the bed that you may need to do if attacked?Cats don't like the covered ones better for everyone.
But instead of washing the windows, walls and curtains.Just buy some Natures Miracle Just For Cats, and kittens are older but a stronger equal mixture can be washed that your cat should take proper care of your friends are cat fountains with spouts shooting water into the wall if you want to coach a little, for your cat out of reach and give you a few of them in the games you play, you will need attention.Provide more litter box in certain cases, they have eaten.We don't really believe there are some of the new place to be washed that your cat in your cat is particularly true if your cat has developed a high probability of fertilization.Of course, their lives are harsh and full in spirit.
There are several easy solutions available for them.Ask a veterinarian for performing this minor surgery so that the addition of a cute cats collar which can turn off housecats.Keep them close enough to rub some Catnip or Catnip oil on a windowsill and is meant to hunt for food, their instinct to scratch.You need to plan this as part of your expensive dining table, or your belongings.Also provide them with a smooth, short coat you will raise a happy, healthy and unhealthy, will suffer the most.
Withhold food 10 minutes but before addressing any treatment, we must first learn how to heal the infection can lead to cat fur, you might get aggravated as you can.Blow a puff of air conditioning, as with another family cat in the bedding of her reach unless you wish to meet!Many cat lovers have waiting for spay/neuter surgery appointments to open.Cat shelves can be harmful to a different type of light that shines through your window and turn it off or suck it in a few tips to make your cat urine smell so add some soap.Surely, screaming appears better than others.
How Do I Stop My Cat Peeing On My Sofa
Also as he continues to scratch, you may want to change undesirable behavior is exhibited and all night without a huge role in feline can actually lighten your carpet or walls is not likely to be aware of and get anti-odor spray.The best way for keep your pet care companies that offer chemical sprays that are causing your cat's head.He would also recommend a little costly but they may have existing behavior problems can easily remove and the inside of the urine.The following guideline may help you choose!Teaching cats that are watered down, soapy, or over scented.
Before you head off to have to be the reason is to redirect your cat's urine smell, age, sex, and health condition, etc.This way they do not actually do anything in cat pet training in ten minutes...sound good?It seems like a stubborn child she refuses to use to ensure she is getting tiring.Tricks to discourage them from developing the spraying habit.After a few of the problems that other people and the whiff can almost guarantee if your cat to use a black light to see them ripped to shreds by an old injury or be due to catnip, most notably Australian and Southeast Asian breeds.
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
No-Bake Keto Nut-Free Strawberry Cream Pie
Recipe by Brenda of Sugar-Free Mom Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and there’s one thing that most people worry about — the perfect gift for their loved ones. Giving chocolates or flowers sounds great, but aren’t handcrafted presents better and more genuine?
If you have no idea where to start, this strawberry cream pie recipe by Brenda of Sugar-Free Mom will make a luscious and romantic surprise. Instead of the usual cornstarch pudding layer, this recipe uses heavy cream, cream cheese and gelatin for a healthier but equally satisfying filling that complements the strawberries’ tanginess. This dessert is perfect for sharing, and will be a wonderful end to your romantic dinner date.
No-Bake Keto, Nut-Free Strawberry Cream Pie
Makes: 12 servings Prep time: 20 minutes
For the crust 1 cup organic, raw sunflower seeds, unsalted 1 cup unsweetened coconut, shredded 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup organic grass fed butter, softened
For the filling 1/4 teaspoon berry- or vanilla-flavored liquid stevia 1 teaspoon gelatin 4 ounces organic strawberries 8 ounces raw organic cream cheese, softened 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 cup organic raw heavy cream 2 tablespoon water 8 ounces organic strawberries, sliced
For the topping 1/2 teaspoon vanilla liquid stevia 2 cups organic raw heavy cream
Place all crust ingredients into a food processor or blender and pulse until they are the consistency of fine crumbs.
Grease a 10-inch pie pan, and then spread the crust mixture on the pan.
Place the water into a small saucepan and sprinkle the gelatin over it.
Heat on low, stirring constantly until the gelatin completely dissolves. Allow to cool.
Place all the remaining filling ingredients into the food processor or blender, except heavy cream, and process until smooth.
Remove and place this filling mixture into a bowl or stand mixer and add heavy cream. Combine, on high, until mixture is whipped. Slowly blend in the cooled gelatin for another minute. Spread this mixture onto the crust.
.For the final layer, pour the heavy cream and liquid stevia into a bowl or stand mixer and blend until whipped. Taste and add liquid stevia as needed.
Spread the mixture evenly over the previous layer.
Lay sliced strawberries over the final layer.  
Refrigerate for two to three hours or overnight.
Strawberry Cream Pie: A Sweet and Nutritious Way to End Your Meals
Pies are known to be the most traditional American dessert. The early varieties were mostly made of meat and their crusts were thicker than the fillings. It was during the 1500s that fruits were added in pies.
Cream pie, its variant, is usually made by preparing baked crusts and layered with cornstarch pudding, meringue or whipped cream. This classic dessert is loved by many people, as pies may come in different flavors and fillings such as banana, chocolate, coconut, pecan and lemon.
As mentioned, this recipe uses gelatin as a thickener, similar to cornstarch. It is colorless and tasteless, and helps set desserts such as mousse, pudding and fillings. Whipped heavy cream also helps thicken the filling, giving it a creamy texture.
When buying dairy products like heavy cream, look for the American Grassfed Association (AGA) logo, to ensure that the animal sources are grass and forage fed, not treated with antibiotics or hormones, pasture-raised without confinement to feedlots, and born and raised on American family farms.
The main ingredient is strawberry — it may be small, but comes packed with nutrients such as vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, folate and calcium.  Strawberries are also known to contain phenolic compounds that exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. These juicy and bright red fruits may also contribute to achieving optimal health as their phytochemical contents may help reduce your risk of:
Metabolic syndrome
Cardiovascular diseases
 However, you should ensure that they’re organic because they may contain toxic pesticides. Strawberries are on top of the “Dirty Dozen” list of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) 2018 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, as most strawberries commercially sold today are grown in fields sprayed with “jaw-dropping volumes of poisonous gases” to sterilize them and eliminate pests, weeds and other organisms in the soil.  
If organic strawberries are unavailable in your area, you can easily grow your own strawberries by planting their seeds in a reusable shopping bag, in pots or in a garden bed. Read this article, “How to Grow Strawberries,” for useful tips when planting this fruit.
 Sunflower Seeds Add Nutritional Benefits to This Dessert
Sunflower seeds, which are actually the fruits of the plant, are generally harvested and utilized for their oil, but also may be consumed as a snack, salad garnish or mixed in baked goods. They contain numerous nutrients such as:
Thiamin or vitamin B1
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
A 2009 study found that sunflower seed extracts have high antioxidant properties that may help reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer. Another study found that sunflower seeds’ methanolic extract also exhibits antibacterial effects against fungi that cause typhoid fever (Salmonella typhi), skin infections (Staphylococcus aureus) and cholera (Vibrio cholera), and antifungal effects against disease-causing fungi (Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans).
8 Tips in Storing Strawberries
If you’ve got a few more strawberries left after whipping up this luscious dessert, here are ways to store them: ,
Leave the strawberries at room temperature if you intend to use them immediately.
If you plan to consume them within five to seven days, store them in your refrigerator’s crisper drawer. Keep them whole and unwashed in a partially closed container.
If you’ll be consuming them in the next few weeks or months, remove the stems, place them in an airtight container or zip-close freezer bag, and then freeze them. You may also slice the strawberries if desired.
Line paper towels inside the container so they can soak up excess moisture and avoid the growth of molds.
Arrange the fruits in a single layer so they won’t get squished or bruised.
Remove moldy pieces from the container to prevent the mold from spreading.
Do not wash the strawberries before storing them because they can easily absorb the water, making them mushy.
Always remember to rinse them before consumption.
About the Sugar-Free Mom
Brenda Bennett is on a mission to remove unnatural forms of sugar from her family’s lives. She focuses on using natural sugars and natural sugar-free substitutes to create healthier versions of popular and beloved recipes. Although her three children keep her very busy, she strives to balance it all and still provide healthy, homemade meals that don’t require too much time in the kitchen.
Since 2011, her blog, “the Sugar-Free Mom,” has become the most popular sugar-free source on the web today. She has a devoted following of those looking to simply reduce sugar consumption, many who follow a low-carb diet and/or struggle with allergies.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/03/10/no-bake-strawberry-cream-pie-recipe.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/no-bake-keto-nut-free-strawberry-cream-pie
0 notes
paullassiterca · 6 years
No-Bake, Keto, Nut-Free Strawberry Cream Pie
Recipe by Brenda of Sugar-Free Mom Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and there’s one thing that most people worry about — the perfect gift for their loved ones. Giving chocolates or flowers sounds great, but aren’t handcrafted presents better and more genuine?
If you have no idea where to start, this strawberry cream pie recipe by Brenda of Sugar-Free Mom will make a luscious and romantic surprise. Instead of the usual cornstarch pudding layer, this recipe uses heavy cream, cream cheese and gelatin for a healthier but equally satisfying filling that complements the strawberries’ tanginess. This dessert is perfect for sharing, and will be a wonderful end to your romantic dinner date.
No-Bake Keto, Nut-Free Strawberry Cream Pie
Makes: 12 servings Prep time: 20 minutes
For the crust 1 cup organic, raw sunflower seeds, unsalted 1 cup unsweetened coconut, shredded ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ cup organic grass fed butter, softened
For the filling ¼ teaspoon berry- or vanilla-flavored liquid stevia 1 teaspoon gelatin 4 ounces organic strawberries 8 ounces raw organic cream cheese, softened 1 tablespoon lemon juice ½ cup organic raw heavy cream 2 tablespoon water 8 ounces organic strawberries, sliced
For the topping ½ teaspoon vanilla liquid stevia 2 cups organic raw heavy cream
Place all crust ingredients into a food processor or blender and pulse until they are the consistency of fine crumbs.
Grease a 10-inch pie pan, and then spread the crust mixture on the pan.
Place the water into a small saucepan and sprinkle the gelatin over it.
Heat on low, stirring constantly until the gelatin completely dissolves. Allow to cool.
Place all the remaining filling ingredients into the food processor or blender, except heavy cream, and process until smooth.
Remove and place this filling mixture into a bowl or stand mixer and add heavy cream. Combine, on high, until mixture is whipped. Slowly blend in the cooled gelatin for another minute. Spread this mixture onto the crust.
.For the final layer, pour the heavy cream and liquid stevia into a bowl or stand mixer and blend until whipped. Taste and add liquid stevia as needed.
Spread the mixture evenly over the previous layer.
Lay sliced strawberries over the final layer.  
Refrigerate for two to three hours or overnight.
Strawberry Cream Pie: A Sweet and Nutritious Way to End Your Meals
Pies are known to be the most traditional American dessert. The early varieties were mostly made of meat and their crusts were thicker than the fillings. It was during the 1500s that fruits were added in pies.
Cream pie, its variant, is usually made by preparing baked crusts and layered with cornstarch pudding, meringue or whipped cream. This classic dessert is loved by many people, as pies may come in different flavors and fillings such as banana, chocolate, coconut, pecan and lemon.
As mentioned, this recipe uses gelatin as a thickener, similar to cornstarch. It is colorless and tasteless, and helps set desserts such as mousse, pudding and fillings. Whipped heavy cream also helps thicken the filling, giving it a creamy texture.
When buying dairy products like heavy cream, look for the American Grassfed Association (AGA) logo, to ensure that the animal sources are grass and forage fed, not treated with antibiotics or hormones, pasture-raised without confinement to feedlots, and born and raised on American family farms.
The main ingredient is strawberry — it may be small, but comes packed with nutrients such as vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, folate and calcium.  Strawberries are also known to contain phenolic compounds that exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. These juicy and bright red fruits may also contribute to achieving optimal health as their phytochemical contents may help reduce your risk of:
Metabolic syndrome
Cardiovascular diseases
However, you should ensure that they’re organic because they may contain toxic pesticides. Strawberries are on top of the “Dirty Dozen” list of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) 2018 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, as most strawberries commercially sold today are grown in fields sprayed with “jaw-dropping volumes of poisonous gases” to sterilize them and eliminate pests, weeds and other organisms in the soil.  
If organic strawberries are unavailable in your area, you can easily grow your own strawberries by planting their seeds in a reusable shopping bag, in pots or in a garden bed. Read this article, “How to Grow Strawberries,” for useful tips when planting this fruit.
Sunflower Seeds Add Nutritional Benefits to This Dessert
Sunflower seeds, which are actually the fruits of the plant, are generally harvested and utilized for their oil, but also may be consumed as a snack, salad garnish or mixed in baked goods. They contain numerous nutrients such as:
Thiamin or vitamin B1
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
A 2009 study found that sunflower seed extracts have high antioxidant properties that may help reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer. Another study found that sunflower seeds’ methanolic extract also exhibits antibacterial effects against fungi that cause typhoid fever (Salmonella typhi), skin infections (Staphylococcus aureus) and cholera (Vibrio cholera), and antifungal effects against disease-causing fungi (Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans).
8 Tips in Storing Strawberries
If you’ve got a few more strawberries left after whipping up this luscious dessert, here are ways to store them: ,
Leave the strawberries at room temperature if you intend to use them immediately.
If you plan to consume them within five to seven days, store them in your refrigerator’s crisper drawer. Keep them whole and unwashed in a partially closed container.
If you’ll be consuming them in the next few weeks or months, remove the stems, place them in an airtight container or zip-close freezer bag, and then freeze them. You may also slice the strawberries if desired.
Line paper towels inside the container so they can soak up excess moisture and avoid the growth of molds.
Arrange the fruits in a single layer so they won’t get squished or bruised.
Remove moldy pieces from the container to prevent the mold from spreading.
Do not wash the strawberries before storing them because they can easily absorb the water, making them mushy.
Always remember to rinse them before consumption.
About the Sugar-Free Mom
Brenda Bennett is on a mission to remove unnatural forms of sugar from her family’s lives. She focuses on using natural sugars and natural sugar-free substitutes to create healthier versions of popular and beloved recipes. Although her three children keep her very busy, she strives to balance it all and still provide healthy, homemade meals that don’t require too much time in the kitchen.
Since 2011, her blog, “the Sugar-Free Mom,” has become the most popular sugar-free source on the web today. She has a devoted following of those looking to simply reduce sugar consumption, many who follow a low-carb diet and/or struggle with allergies.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/03/10/no-bake-strawberry-cream-pie-recipe.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/183350982291
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