#her resolution is to find a s/o
gerbits · 2 years
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first date of the new year...yay?
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the-offside-rule · 8 months
Drivers while their s/o studies
Just a mini series I felt like doing. : )
Charles Leclerc
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Charles smiled as he entered the room, holding a tray with snacks and coffee for Y/n who had been sitting at her desk since that morning. "Hello mom cœur, I thought you might need a little pick-me-up while you work." He said, placing the tray on the table. Y/n looked up from her laptop, a grateful smile forming. "Oh what would I do without you?" She said as she held his face and peppered soft kisses onto it as he emptied the tray onto the desk. "Cry, maybe." He joked.
Charles sat down beside her and began eating a protein bar before Y/n continued on typing. "How's it going anyway?" he asked, genuinely interested. "It's a bit overwhelming, but I'll manage. Your snacks will definitely help." She replied, taking a sip of the coffee. Charles chuckled. "I believe in you. I'll leave you to it for a bit, though. I'm going to meet Lorenzo and Arthur in the gym. You know how it is."
Y/n nodde. "Yeah, go ahead. I'll be here when you get back." He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before heading out. "Take breaks, okay? Don't overwork yourself." He reminded her. "Of course, love. Have fun and give them my best!" As he left, Y/n couldn't help but smile. The small gestures made studying a lot more enjoyable, and she felt lucky to have Charles by her side.
Max Verstappen
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Max woke up to an empty bed, the confusion evident on his face. Rubbing his eyes, he ventured into the living room, where he found Y/n engrossed in her laptop. Y/n spotted him from the corner of her eye and smiled at his sleepy face. "Morning, sleepyhead. Slept well?" She teased, looking up from her work. Max chuckled, and walked over to her. "Yeah, until I realized I was all alone." He placed a kiss atop of her head and peered over her shoulder. "What are you up to?"
"Got an assignment to finish, but you can keep me company." She suggested with a smile. Max raised an eyebrow. "Company? I was expecting a romantic morning, not a work session." Y/n laughed, "Well, I can't help it. University." He rolled his eyes. "I told you, you should have just gave in to being a stay-at-home girlfriend and now here we are with you leaving me I'm bed to work." Y/n chuckled at the light hearted joke. "Well if you loved me you would sit right here with me and keep me company, like a good temporary stay-at-home boyfriend?" Undeterred, Max decided to make the best of the situation. "Fine, but how about some breakfast first? I'll cook."
As Max prepared breakfast, they bantered back and forth, the kitchen filled with laughter. Sitting down on the sofa with their plates, Max linked his phone to the TV and began watching his race upcoming debrief that Red Bull had sent him. Y/n glanced at the screen every so often, finding it unbelievably distracting and whilst he had to watch it for work, why couldn't he just watch it on his phone?"Mind turning that off? I need to focus." Max pouted playfully. "Aw, come on. It's just background noise." She shook her head, "No, it's distracting. I need to concentrate."
A minor disagreement ensued, but Max, ever the compromiser, reached a resolution. "Fine, wear these," he said, handing her a pair of headphones. "You study, I watch my debrief." Y/n huffed, taking the headphones, "Deal. Just don't complain if I fail my exam because of this." Max grinned. "Deal, as long as you promise we actually so something romantic later on." Y/n grinned and connected her headphones to the laptop and began playing her music.
Lando Norris
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Lando was deep into his online stream, enthusiastically commentating on his latest race in the virtual world. Meanwhile, Y/n diligently studied in the living room, trying to concentrate despite the growing noise. At first, it was fine because he only had Max on a voice call and then they started playing the F1 games and inviting drivers, and it all went to chaos.
The usual loudness was just about starting to sound normal until she heard a loud screeching from the streaming room. Y/n finally reached her limit. She threw her laptop to the side and stormed into the streaming room, wearing a bitter expression. Lando turned, smiling before the smile turned into a grim look. He...was...fucked. "Hi babe." He said quietly. "Lando, could you please keep it down a bit? I'm trying to study out here." She said calmly. She didn't want fans making up rumours about an argument.
Lando, still wearing his headset, looked guilty. "I will try, but Max is-" She cut him off. "Lando, you will be quiet. I cannot fail these exams. I just need you to be quiet. Understood?" He nodded. "I'm sorry, babe. I got carried away. I'll tone it down." The serious expression turned to a light hearted smile, before she looked to the computer, smiled and waved to greet the chat, before leaving.
Lando continued on playing, listening to the chaos on the call and not acting up. But the guilt lingered, and he suddenly had to leave the stream momentarily. "Hey, guys? I'll be right back. Just need to grab a drink, I'll be back in a sec. Promise." He announced to his fellow drivers and viewers before leaving the room. He rushed to the kitchen, returning to the living room with a peace offering of snacks and energy drinks for his girlfriend who sat on her bean bag with her study sheets sprawled across the coffee table. She looked up quickly before looking back to her work and continuing on typing. "I'm really sorry, Y/n. Here, I got you some goodies. Let me make it up to you." Lando said, kneeling down beside her and leaving a small plate of biscuits and sweets beside her. She looked between the plate and Lando, seeing the sincerity in his expression before she chuckled, accepting the snacks. "You're lucky you're cute when you're sorry. Just try to keep it down, okay?"
"Okay, I promise." He said, pecking her cheek and running back to the livestream with his can of Monster. Back in the streaming room, Lando continued his broadcast. He scrolled through the chat, noticing a comment from Y/n.
Thanks for the biccies, lovey <3 Good luck with your stream!
His fans erupted in supportive comments, finding the situation adorable. Lando couldn't help but smile, covering his face from how hard he was blushing. "You better leave me some 9f them biscuits, Y/n." Lando said into the camera. "Let's get back to the race, shall we?" The stream continued, with a more considerate Lando and a grateful Y/n watching from the sidelines.
Carlos Sainz Jr.
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As the creatures and people of Madrid lay asleep in their beds, Y/n sat on her laptop working away beside her boyfriend who had just come back from a race weekend on the other side of the globe. Carlos stirred in his sleep, as the soft glow of Y/n's laptop pierced the darkness. "What are you doing?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Y/n glanced at him, her fingers dancing across the keyboard. "Sorry, babe. Got a deadline. Can't sleep." He sighed, and turned his back so he would be able to get even a glimpse of sleep. "Alright, just keep it down, please." He whispered. "Yes sir, Mr Sainz." She yawns, still typing.
In the morning, Carlos awoke to Y/n still typing away in their bed, exhaustion evident in her eyes. She got a lot of work done and had work in three hours. "Morning." He whispered, kissing her hand before sitting up. "Morning. Did you sleep alright?" Y/n asked. "Other than that one time you woke me, yes. Did you sleep at all?" Carlos asked. Y/n shook her head. "You should get some sleep before work. Finish this when you get home, yeah?" Y/n sighed in defeat. She wouldn't be able to go to work if she was this tired. Maybe a two hour sleep wouldn't hurt? " Carlos nodded, taking her laptop, placing it on the bedside table and tucking her into bed, . "You need to rest." He insisted. "I will wake you before work, mi amor." She reassured her, kissing her hair and letting her fall asleep.
When Y/n awoke, she looked out to see that the sun was awfully bright for 8am. Then she turned and saw Carlos walking into the room with a tray of coffee and toast. "What are you doing?" Y/n asked, sitting up. Carlos paused and looked at her. "Breakfast?" He replied in a question. Y/n looked at her phone, her eyes wide. "Oh my god! It's half past 11. I'm so fucking late!" She said. "No you aren't." Carlos replied, placing the tray on his locker. "I had work two hours ago!" She protested.
Carlos shook his head. "I called your boss, said you were sick." Y/n's eyes widened to what he had said. "Why'd you do that?" She asked. "Because you needed it." He replied, pulling the duvet over them and putting his arm around Y/n. "Carlos, I cant-" He cut her off. "Should we watch Berlín? It's meant to be really good." He said, flicking through the Netflix. "Babe. I'm serious. I need to go to work." She said. "And I have said before; you could quit work and I'll take care of you. You won't quit but I am still gonna take care of you. Now stay with me in bed and help me pick a series for us to watch."
She stopped complaining and lay in his arms. "Yeah. Berlín sounds good." She mumbled quietly. "Good, now here's some toast."
George Russell
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George had brought Y/n to race weekends before, but this time, she found herself confined to the team's hospitality area, engrossed in her upcoming exams. She looked up to the TV evey so often to see how her boyfriend was doing before turning her attention back to her laptop. Like an angel sent, George decided to check in on her in between sessions, finding her buried in textbooks and notes.
"Hey, how's it going?" he asked, pressing a kiss onto her head and leaning on the table. Y/n looked up, tired but determined. "Just trying to survive this study session. Well done on topping the session by the way." George grinned. "It's only the second practise. I think we know what strategy we're going for in qualifying though." He chuckled. "Have you eaten?" Y/n thinks for a moment and shakes her head. "You do know, you need to eat too."
She sighed, burying her head in her hands from exhaustion. "I know, I just lost track of time. Can you grab me something?" George smiled. "Of course." He replied, leaving momentarily and heading to the barista bar. He returned moments later with a croissant and a latte, placing them in front of her. "Fuel for the brain." he said with a smile. Y/n looked up at him appreciatively, "You're my hero, Mr Russell. Thank you so much."
"No problem. I know how important these exams are for you." He replied, sitting beside her. As she sipped the latte and nibbled on the croissant, George and her began talking. "Anything I can help with? Maybe a quick break to clear your mind?" Y/n smiled. "You being here is already a huge help. But maybe a motivational speech wouldn't hurt."
"Im not doing motivational speeches." They both burst into laughter, lightening the mood in the cozy hospitality space. George wrapped his arm around Y/n, offering comfort and support. "You're the best distraction," she admitted, leaning into him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "And you're the best thing that ever happened to me."
Lance Stroll
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Lance sighed as he opened the door to his bedroom after his return from the gym to find Y/n looking a bit frustrated. He arched a brow as he sipped from his water bottle and decided to approach her, concern evident in his eyes. "What's wrong, babe?" He asked, sitting down beside her. She sighed. "I'm not sure, but I just can't study. Maybe it's just because of how different it is from studying in my office back home." Lance thought for a moment."How about you use my office? It's quiet, and you'll have all the space you need." He suggested. "Oh no, I couldn't." She replied. "No, seriously. I never use it anyway."
Y/n's face lit up with gratitude as Lance led her to his office. The room was filled with shelves displaying Lance's collection of racing helmets and trophies. The large floor-to-ceiling window revealed a breathtaking snowy landscape of their estate. "This is perfect." Y/n whispered, finding the desk facing the wonderous view. Lance smiled, happy to help her. "If you need me just call. I'm just gonna hit the shower." He said, pressing a kiss onto her cheek. "Thank you, babe." She grinned, setting her stuff down. "Anytime." He shot back before leaving and making his way to his bathroom to shower.
Y/n had gotten a lot done since she sat down. The view was a perfect distraction but not too distracting that she couldn't focus. If anything, it was there to just calm her down before getting right back to it. An hour passed, and Lance returned with snacks, finding Y/n engrossed in her studies. "Hey, how are you getting on?" He asked, peering through the door. "Doing good, Lancelot. I am doing good." She smiled, still jotting down some notes. He walked in with a tray of snacks. In between him showering and him walking around the kitchen, he decided Y/n needed to take a break and made up a snack tray to bring her.
"Need a study break?" he asked, handing her a twix. Y/n grinned, "Definitely. Thanks for this, Lance. This office is amazing." Lance chuckled, "Well, it's only fair you get a taste of my world too. Plus, I like having you happy." As they enjoyed their snacks, the conversation turned from how everyone in the house has an office to the trophies and helmets on the walls.
"You know-" Lance began, taking down his Balu trophy from back in 2017. "This one's from my first podium. I was so excited that day." Y/n smiled as she sipped her cola. "I can see why. You've got an impressive collection of trophies, Lancey." He looked at her warmly. "But none of them compare to having my trophy girlfriend. I worked my ass off to even get you on a date." Y/n laughed. "I'm serious! You kept saying no!"
"You should've taken the hint." Y/n replied. "Then who would be sat in this office?" Lance asked. "I don't know. One of those weird models that throw themselves at you, I guess." She joked. "Yeah, but I prefer you." Lance said. There grew a comfortable silence before Lamce stood up, collecting the wrappers off the snacks and putting them back onto the tray. "I guess it's time for you to get back to studying." Lance said. "Thank you for the company." Y/n smiled as Lamce leaned down to give her a kiss. "How about we watch a movie later and order takeout? Sound good?" Lance suggested. Y/n nodded. You really are a dream."
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jason with a vigilante s/o?
Here you go!
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Thank you so much for the ask, anon!! Here you go!!!
Shared Experience: Both would understand the complexities and challenges of leading a double life, the physical and emotional toll of their activities, and the necessity of sometimes making morally grey decisions.
Empathy and Support: They could empathize with each other’s struggles and provide emotional support. Jason, with his own troubled past, would appreciate having someone who understands his perspective.
Trust in the field: Jason would trust his s/o implicitly, knowing they have each other’s backs. This trust would extend to strategic planning and execution of missions.
Training and Skill Sharing; They might train together, learning from each other’s techniques and enhancing their combat skills, technology use, and strategic planning.
Protectiveness: Jason, known for his fierce loyalty and protective nature, might struggle with worry for his s/o’s safety. This could sometimes lead to overprotectiveness.
Mutual Protection: Conversely, his s/o would also be protective of him, understanding the dangers they face and the personal risks Jason often takes.
Clashing Ideals : There could be conflicts arising from differing approaches to justice and handling criminals. Jason’s more ruthless methods might clash with a partner who prefers non-lethal means.
Resolution and Compromise:Despite conflicts, their shared mission could lead to finding common ground and compromising, strengthening their bond.
Intense Bond:The intensity of their vigilante lives would likely translate to a passionate and deep relationship. Shared adrenaline rushes and high-stakes situations could heighten their emotional connection.
Balancing Personal and Vigilante Lives: They would need to balance their personal relationship with their vigilante responsibilities, ensuring they find time to nurture their connection outside of their crime-fighting duties.
Secrecy: Both would be adept at keeping secrets, understanding the necessity of protecting their identities. This mutual secrecy could build a strong foundation of trust.
Open Communication: Effective communication would be crucial, both in the field and in their personal lives, to ensure they are aligned and supportive of each other’s goals and challenges.
….. and now… a little story…
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Description: Red Hood and Dark Sparrow ( Y/N)
Warnings: Some violence. Nothing that bad
It was a quiet night in Gotham, or as quiet as it ever got. Jason was perched on a rooftop, scanning the city below. His comm crackled to life.
“Hey, Jay. Got eyes on the shipment yet?” It was his partner and significant other, known in vigilante circles as Dark Sparrow.
“Not yet. Patience, Sparrow. These things take time,” Jason replied, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Working with Dark Sparrow always made the job a bit more bearable.
Dark Sparrow, a skilled vigilante with a knack for stealth, was positioned on a nearby rooftop. She scanned the docks with her binoculars. “I’ve got movement. East side, by the warehouse.”
Jason adjusted his position, eyes narrowing. “Good catch. Let’s move.”
They converged on the warehouse, moving like shadows in the night. Inside, they found a group of thugs unloading a shipment of illegal weapons. With a silent nod to each other, they sprang into action.
Jason went in with guns blazing, using rubber bullets to incapacitate the criminals. Dark Sparrow moved with grace and precision, her fighting style a blend of martial arts and acrobatics. Within minutes, the thugs were subdued, tied up, and ready for the authorities.
“Nice work, love ,” Jason said, catching his breath.
“You too, Red. Now, let’s get out of here before the cops show up,” she replied, a twinkle in her eye.
Back at their shared safehouse, they debriefed and checked for any injuries. Once satisfied they were both unscathed, they relaxed. Jason pulled out a couple of beers from the fridge, handing one to Dark Sparrow.
“To another successful night,” he toasted.
“Cheers,” she replied, clinking her bottle against his.
They sat on the couch, the weight of the night’s work lifting. Jason looked over at Dark Sparrow, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the city lights outside the window. He reached out, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
“You know,” he began, a rare softness in his voice, “I don’t think I could do this without you.”
Dark Sparrow smiled, leaning into his touch. “You’d be lost without me, Jay.”
He chuckled, pulling her closer. “Yeah, I would.”
She rested her head on his shoulder, her fingers intertwining with his. “You make it all worth it, Y/N.”
“And you make it a little less lonely,” she replied, snuggling into his side.
The room fell into a comfortable silence as they sat there, bathed in the dim light from the city outside. Jason turned his head slightly, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N’s forehead. She looked up at him, their eyes meeting, a spark of warmth and affection passing between them.
“You know,” Jason murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, “I don’t say it often, but I love you.”
Y/N’s eyes softened, and she cupped his cheek with her hand. “I love you too, Jay.”
He leaned in, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss, the world outside fading away. In their chaotic lives, these moments of peace and tenderness were precious, and they cherished each one deeply.
Together, they watched the city lights flicker, finding solace in each other’s presence. In the world of darkness and danger they navigated, these moments of romance and connection were rare treasures, making their bond even stronger.
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gyusbambi · 11 months
my gyu recs >:)
@delcakoo's chapstick challenge (🤍)
in which bf!beomgyu and his s/o are doing a common challenge where one tries to guess the flavor of lipbalm the other is wearing through a short kiss
@gyuletters's vanilla kiss (🤍)
you and beomgyu decide to participate in a candy sale. but the only thing beomgyu wants now, it’s you.
@it-rains-blue's losing you pt.1 (🤍)
in which beomgyu's jealousy burns at seeing yn grow closer to his members, resulting in one thought: he was losing you.
part one is pure angst, but if you like hurt/comfort, part two is a fluff filled resolution
@akuvrus's midnight comfort (🤍)
when beomgyu calls you in the middle of the night to go eat out in a nearby convenience store together after he had a rough night and is in need of comfort.
aku's page has a lot of fluffy and comfort fics of mine, so i reccomend binging their works (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
@loveliestfelix's run pt.1 (🤍)
in which beomgyu's careless action led him to realizing two things: he was in love with his best friend, and he had just lost them, too.
i love this fic with my whole heart-- especially part two! the feelings were portrayed beautifully
my favorite smaus :D
@enluv's press play (🤍)
After a year long hiatus the once top streamer, L/N Y/N, is back and ready to take her place as #1 again, but she’s met with an astonishing find, newcomer Choi Beomgyu has taken her spot and isn’t going to give it up so easily.
@suwbuns's e-daters! (🤍)
moving back to korea from america, y/n is excited to reunite with her old friends and make new ones. what she doesnt expect is to find herself reuniting with her “ex-boyfriend” from 10 years ago who she dated over minecraft. what makes things worse? he happens to be her favorite streamer who she has been pinning after for years.
this smau sadly happens to be on an indefinite hiatus, but what is posted had me hooked ^^
@gyumibear's create a sim(p)l (💕)
after stupidly claiming on stream that you’ve been dating popular youtuber choi beomgyu in secret after accidentally creating an identically looking sim, you beg him not to reveal your lie to the public when it goes viral. weirdly, he agrees and you two begin to fool the public. can your lie become the truth or will it eventually catch up with you?
i can't hide my favoritism.. while e-daters was a fic and one of the only reasons i kept coming onto tumblr early 2023, cas had me CONSPIRING. i was going on literal rants and spirals every chapter 😓
@junoswrlld's plus one (🤍)
kai, one of your closest friends, invites you as a plus one to one of his best friends birthday party. but the bday boy is kinda cute…can you steal his heart?
one of my top favorite crack fics to come back to ^^ i always find myself reading plus one to hate on rami or fangirl. it's still in progress but the updates are vv frequent!
this is getting long but i'm not done yet so i'll send in another ask :D
posting this for you guys too instead of gatekeeping😋
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zyettemoon1800 · 6 months
pillarmen when their s/o sleeps with a plush toy
Pillarmen dealing with stressed s/o's bully
Pillar men proposing to their s/o
Pillarmen with a s/o that has pet rats
small s/o being big spoon with their Pillarmen
pillarmen reacting to their s/o blowing a raspberry on their stomach
Pillarmen sharing a s/o
Pillarmens reaction to their fem Amazonian s/o being in a tournament
pillarmen's reaction when friends reader come to the reader's house for a sleepover
Pillarmen carve faces in a pumpkin
Pillarmen reacting to reader chafing
Pillermen react to their daughter getting her first period
Pillermen would react to all of the fan fics
Pillarmen x s/o who can see ghost during halloween
Pillermen reactions be to their s/o calling them cute
Pillarmen x dominant reader
Pillarmen Thanksgiving
Pillarmen singing to sleepy s/o
Christmas shots (1)
Christmas Shots (2)
Christmas Shot (3)
Christmas Shots (4)
Christmas shot(5)
Pillarmen do the Paqui One Chip Challenge
How they would act when someone is being racist towards the reader
Pillarmen New Year's Resolutions
Pillarmen taking care of sick reader who cannot speak due to their illness
Pillarmen and Valentine's day
Pillar men and a depressed self harming reader
pillarmen reacting to accidentally mistaking their s/o's identical twin for their s/o
Pillarmen helping their child find Easter eggs
Pillarmen with a cosplayer S/O
Pillarmen as ghost hunters
Pillarmen seeing Christmas light
Pillarmen x reader that doesn't have Christmas spirit
Pillarmen x reader who does a lot of tarot reading
Reader finds the caterpillar
Pillarmen caught reader tweaking
Pillarmen x reader doing just dance
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sgiandubh · 9 months
Demorei um pouco para encontrar todos os links, mas talvez ajude a contextualizar aquele período de 2022 em que Sam e Cait estavam oficialmente nos US. Fica a seu critério publicar ou não, claro.
Por favor olhe a resposta de Steven Cree a esse tt tão inofensivo. Não é nada, mas olhando para trás…
Mais adiante houve um podcast com uma moça dizendo que foi abordada por Sam no Raya, e que desistiu porque foi um convite pra pap walk e jantar, menos o jantar.
Aqui está o link:
Foi ao ar dois ou três meses após o vídeo de Gareth mas, para mim, se encaixa no mesmo momento da narrativa. A moça conta algo que aconteceu no passado recente.
Marple comentou sobre o assunto, em maio de 2022. Ela própria admite que Sam estava sistematicamente desmarcando encontros e entende que o pap walk com Monika Clarke foi encenado.
Concordo com você, não acredito que seja Sam nessas fotos.
Mas um outro detalhe me chama a atenção: não é engraçado que o sempre atraído por loiras jovens e pneumáticas estivesse tão interessado por morenas altas com grandes seios naquela época?
Se eu fosse Tony teria ficado bastante incomodado.
Dear (returning) Damage Control Anon,
Obrigada por este longo comentário que irei traduzir imediatamente, antes de responder. E desculpe pelo feedback tardio.
You write:
'It took me some time to find all the links, but maybe it would be helpful and bring some background context for that period in 2022, when Sam and Cait were both officially in the US. Posting is totally up to you, of course.
Look at Steven Cree's answer to that innocuous tweet. It's nothing, but looking back at it... https://twitter.com/SamHeughan/status/1499525792451432451?s=20&t=KH9_8JE1xbPsurz81mfr8Q
Later on, there was a podcast with a girl saying that she was approached by Sam on Raya, and that she backed out because it was an invitation to a pap walk and dinner, minus the dinner.
Here is the link: ​https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deux-u/id1604255499?i=1000562467891
It aired two or three months after Gareth's video but, in my opinion, it fits into the same moment in the narrative. The girl is talking about something that happened in the recent past.
Marple commented on the matter in May 2022. She herself admits that Sam was systematically canceling dates and suggests that the pap walk with Monika Clarke was staged.
I agree with you, I don't believe it's Sam in these photos.
But another detail catches my attention: isn't it funny that someone always attracted to young, pneumatic blondes was so interested in tall brunettes with big breasts, at that time?
If I were Tony I would have been quite uncomfortable.'
Ok, let's develop a bit, here.
Looking back at that March 2022 tweet, Cree's comment reads like this:
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That answer is a cheeky allusion at Dua Lipa's hit 'One kiss', and younger (or better informed) fans immediately cued in with the rest of the lyrics ('possibilities' comes to mind). To me, it's just the usual banter between these two, bearing in mind that Cree, the clown, knows a fair share of SC secrets. C was not amused by Dua being around, that we know for sure: #behave and that death stare immediately made me snort.
Podcast Girl is Monica Aksamit, the (in)famous fencer of the Fitness Harem. I resolutely refuse to listen one more time to that crap, because one of my New Year Resolutions is to not give undue space anymore to that particular brand of the shitshow. It is very clear that was a botched attempt to consolidate The Golden Dirk mystique, exclusively aimed at the Onlies. In her case, the encounter of demand and offer simply did not happen and the deal fell through. And I have to say I am not interested at all in whatever Marple has to say about it, simply because that woman has zero credibility in my book: she is just a pathetic troll, with no sense of humor and a penchant for verbal violence, on par with her lying abilities. I am not ready to forget her attempts at ridiculing me and I hope you will understand my position.
As for big breasted brunettes, I won't comment further. Aksamit did not, however, strike me as particularly well endowed in that department, to be honest.
Finally... Tony, who? Forget it, Anon, he is not into girls.
Thank you for the effort to put two and two together. I wish you all the best for 2024!
[Edit]: I am told the Raya girl is not the washboard breasted Aksamit, but a certain Paige Woolen. Who is well endowed in that department and probably also a p0rn whatever... I mean, what's in a name...?
Ok. Over and out. I will just jump in my car and pray for a smooth ride on the highway.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hey, can I request (angst) story of Eli & his s/o? Like they're arguing about trivial things, but they both are very sensitive & tired then suddenly Eli bring out 'the late Heather topic' and mention that Heather is better than his current s/o, etc. The ending is up to you! Sorry for my bad english and thank you in advance 💙
Hey Anon, thanks for the ask! Please don't apologise about your english!! And anyway, it's really good!
Eli Jang x Reader: The morning light
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"Just say what you've been wanting to say!"
"Oh yeah? And what is that?"
"You wish it was Heather here instead, don't you?"
It is barely a whisper, but the words are loud enough to deafen.
"Fuck you, I'm no one's second choice."
You storm out.
Eli tosses and turns in bed, angry and resolute that it is better off for everyone if you weren't around.
Then the harsh light of day arrives and brings along clarity and remorse. The empty space beside him is vast.
Did he really say all that to you?
Over the last couple months, Eli had felt the impending date like a punishing countdown. The tension was building, and you must have felt it too.
Yenna had been especially fussy last night, as if she too realised the approaching anniversary of Heather's passing.
Eli's nitpicking snowballed into snipes and jabs into sharp words and an explosive argument about... honestly, nothing at all. At least nothing significant.
Comparing you to a ghost, there are no winners.
Eli sees you seated next to Heather's tree on the anniversary.
The moment feels heavy and private, like he's intruding. But he finds himself once again spellbound in your presence.
Your eyes are closed, peaceful. As if you are having a private conversation, just between the two of you.
If fate wasn't so cruel and twisted, you would have no doubt been friends.
Perhaps you're telling her about Yenna, or updating her about Hostel. Or maybe you are recounting what happened that night. Clear as day, Eli could picture the fury and rage in Heather's eyes if she heard how he had treated you.
The thought makes him uncomfortable. The way he left things makes him uncomfortable. But some things can't be rushed.
Eli clears his throat. Your eyes remain shut though there's a stiffness in the way you hold yourself that wasn't there before.
Nevertheless, he starts to talk. He talks to the air and the trees. To the blades of grass and the morning dew. To the song birds and the clear blue sky. To Heather, who he can never see again. To You, in the present and hopeful future.
He talks about the trauma and the grief, the scars and the healing, the guilt and the love.
(Once he starts, he can't stop. He's held onto this for too long. The words tumble out of him like a sickness.)
That you gave him the push he needed.
That the first thing he did the morning after was arrange a meeting with a therapist. That during the first session he was too angry to even say anything, and the next he couldn't speak through the tears.
That he doesn't want you to fix him, but there is always space for you in his life.
That even asking you to join him on this journey is too much, yet he would be honoured if you would try to work this through with him.
That he's sorry. About this, about that night, about the circumstances.
You finally open your eyes.
For the first time, you could truly see each other.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
WIPS / REQUESTS. ౨౿ ⋆ 。 ˚ this was long due and I originally didn’t want to do this but since I’ll be away for a while, I was thinking I should let you guys know I visit these all the time. They’re called wips / requests bc some of these are actually already in the making.
DISCLAIMER : I will be excluding the more disturbing requests for everyone’s sake. here’s if you’re curious about what I mean. (it involves … rocket and cosmo.)
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request status : closed.
if you end up using any of these, please tag me so I can reblog and the anons might be able to see their request get fulfilled <33
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rocket has dreams of his s/o / reader meeting in different situations and being happy; dreams of them in college and coffee shops. — anon
reader tries to get closer to rocket by sharing his interests with him, like watching him make gizmos even though you can’t understand his technobabble but you encourage him anyway. — anon
reader knows only a bit about rocket’s backstory but he wakes up from a bad nightmare one night and he tells her what happened in full, and she comforts him and lets him know that she loves him and doesn’t think he’s any of the bad things he says about himself. — anon
rocket and reader take care of the baby raccoons together. — anon
reader and rocket get into a fight and stop talking for months, and when they meet again, reader is pregnant with someone else’s baby. — anon (2 anons requested this.)
rocket gets infatuated with reader after a night of drunken sex that ended with rocket crying to her about his past. he wants to have a relationship with you and you turn him down, which turns him into an even bigger asshole. one of the guardians asks reader to reach a resolution with him, and reader obliges because she don’t hate him and she even finds him attractive but she’s not ready to open herself up to him. reader offer him physical intimacy (pity sex) and of course it doesn’t end well for both of them. —anon on ao3
‘full fic’ of the drabble where rocket was introduced to bdsm, ‘full smut’ of reader being tied up and stopped from cumming. (I’m assuming anon meant cum control?) — anon
rocket builds sex toys to use on reader. — anon
rocket x reader smut where reader is helping to rebuild knowhere and rocket distracts her. — anon
rocket acting ravenous while giving reader cunnilingus. — @ajthefurry
rocket giving reader head, teasing, overstimulating her, holding her thighs/hips down, making her cum, etc. Bonus: hickeys on her thighs. — @caesarhamato22 <3
rocket and reader 69ing for 69 followers celebration. (this was so long ago I am so sorry) — anon
five times rocket and reader were almost caught and the one time they actually were. — anon
five times rocket and reader almost get spicy and one time they do. rocket and reader are finally getting comfortable with being physically intimate with each other (been making eyes at each other and such) but keep getting interrupted/being under attack/are on a mission and “it’s definitely not the right time.” — anon on ao3
reader is quill’s older sister, smart, good at fighting and rocket and reader know each other when rocket captures quill in vol 1. — anon
reader is a fox humanoid who is an ex-ravager who betrays yondu alongside quill who is their good friend. She’s also a looter, and they both have bounties on their head. Takes place in vol 1. — anon
posessive (almost back go classic yanderish) cute rocket x reader. — anon (whoever requested this, thank you anon, I will try to take care of myself between writing and drawing. <3)
rocket x male reader — anon
rocket x male reader where rocket died in the thanos snap and reader helps bring him back after 5 years. smut ensues. — @ero-manga-sensei
reader gets badly hurt during a mission, and they’re mistakes have happened before but it wasn’t this bad. everyone is worried but rocket worries the most. — anon on ao3
reader pines for rocket but knows he has his own issues and doesn’t think her feelings are reciprocated. she’s rather close with the guardians and one night they play ‘truth or dare’ or ‘never have I ever’ and maybe drinks can be involved. it turns out rocket pines for reader too. — @alylee-s on ao3 <3
mutual pining between reader and rocket; reader is well-liked in knowhere but thinks he’s out of her league because he’s one of the guardians and he’s the captain and very talented and she’s just a normal person. rocket feels the same way for reader, but thinks he’s out of her league because he’s just some psychopath’s experiment who’s also kind of a dick. Shenanigans and misunderstandings ensues, along with smut. — Glynnavyre on ao3.
general headcanons of rocket — @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr <3
rocket with a plus sized reader. — anon
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crowfootwrites · 10 months
Devotion & Diplomacy - Part VI
REEEEE, I have been so ✨ s t o k e d ✨ to share this chapter, because I just love Emrys and Daro together so much. There's lots of Cardassian language in this chapter, so the translation guide can be found at the end! And of course, all credit goes to @cardassianlanguage and @tinsnip for their amazing work on Cardassian linguistics - for this chapter in particular, I heavily relied on their Kardasi/English dictionary to create Daro's names for Emrys, as well as @tinsnip's Speculative Cardassian Reproductive Xenobiology because, well, smut.
Tagging my usuals: @horta-in-charge, @starrynightgardens, @sleepycat82, @vreenak, and @deepspacedukat 😘
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Read on AO3
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ on this chapter, bois, 'cause it's almost all smut 😅: inter-species sex (sex involving Cardassian genitals), oral sex, vaginal fingering, PIV smut, unprotected sex; generally fluffy, sweet, sweet loving | Words: ~3,775
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For a moment, Emrys fell through space, her mind whirling in the unknown as she waited for Daro to respond – but it was only the briefest moment before Daro was kissing her back, his hand slipping from her cheek into her hair as his other arm wrapped firmly around her. Emrys’ fingers trailed along the ridges and edges of his armor, deftly finding the soft fabric of his shirt beneath his chest plate and grasping on for dear life.
She couldn't help the little sigh that escaped her as Daro pulled back to brush his lips lightly over hers, the prominent ridge along his nose caressing her cheekbone as he placed a delicate kiss just below her ear. Emrys' head tipped back against the palm of his hand still wound in her hair, gazing at him with hooded eyes.
She couldn't recall the last time she felt this flustered, and the need to explore this with Daro tugged at her resolutely. Nervousness prickled like needles along her limbs.
"Is-," Emrys cleared her throat as her voice cracked, beginning again. "Is this something that you want?" 
Daro laughed quietly, the warmth of his breath fanning across the miniscule distance between them.
"I have wanted this since you attempted to intervene on my behalf with Chief O'Brien in that turbolift," he murmured. The ridges around his eyes furrowed slightly. "You have been so kind, so welcoming, from the very beginning. It is… not what we were taught to expect from the Federation." He paused, pressing his forehead gently to hers. "Spending time with you has been a most… enlightening experience."
Emrys felt the press of heat in her cheeks that usually heralded tears – it was the nicest thing anyone had said to her in a very long time. She slid a hand from Daro's side along his back beneath his chest plate, watching him shudder slightly as she did.
"I find myself very eager to continue this," he muttered, the hand tangled in her hair tightening just a bit. "But-," he added, and Emrys groaned.
He chuckled, pressing his lips against the crown of her head.
"You just told me you haven't eaten since breakfast, and I did invite you here for dinner, so I would be remiss if I did not feed you sooner rather than later."
He stepped back from her slowly, looking as though he'd never wanted to do anything less. Grasping one of her hands, he led her to the small kitchen table, and gestured for her to sit. 
"What can I get you to drink?" he asked as he stepped over to the replicator. The kitchen was truly tiny, with limited counter space that was already cluttered with fruit Emrys recognized as native to Cardassia, and a series of mismatched glass bottles full of colorful liquids.
"Kanar?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity. 
Daro looked at her in surprise. "You've had it before?"
Emrys shook her head. "When in Rome, though," she said with a shrug.
Daro looked confused and Emrys laughed, waving her hand dismissively. "If I'm going to try it for the first time, I'm happy to do so with you."
The glinn smiled to himself and replicated two glasses of kanar, handing her one before taking a sip of his own. He eyed her carefully as she took a sip, almost immediately sputtering as the alcohol burned in her throat.
Emrys was caught somewhere between coughing and laughter as her nostrils stung. She looked up to see Daro trying to hide his amusement.
"That is… potent," Emrys croaked.
"It takes some getting used to," he replied rather cheerfully.
He set his glass on the counter and began unbuckling his chest plate, revealing a soft brown undershirt as he pulled the armor over his head and moved to set it on the desk chair in the main room. 
Emrys allowed her eyes to follow him, biting her lip at the way his shirt fit comfortably across his shoulders, snug enough to show the ridges that ran the length of his neck and shoulders. 
"I just realized I've never seen you without your armor on," Emrys commented and Daro glanced at her in surprise.
"Do you find it strange?"
Emrys shook her head. "I find it… very appealing,” she said meaningfully, and bit her lip as a flush of cobalt blue colored his chufa and a pair of scales on his neck. 
He regarded her from his place beside his desk, eagerness and hunger rampaging in his stare. Heat pooled in Emrys’ belly as she held his gaze. She watched as Daro took a deep breath to center himself, loosening his shoulders and lifting his chin, breaking the intensity of the moment. 
A small smile played over his lips as he returned to the kitchen and stood before the replicator again. “As it so happens, Emrys, I am very much looking forward to seeing you out of uniform as well.” With his back to her, he couldn’t see her grin.
Eager to share some of his favorite foods with Emrys, Daro replicated them plates of sem'hal stew with yamok sauce and meat rolls. An undercurrent of flirtation ebbed between them, every word and glance shared colored with want.
Daro was enchanted by her delighted exclamations as she tried her food and the way her peals of laughter danced around him as he told her stories of his childhood. With a great clenching in his chest, he realized how much he wanted to always hear that sound in a home of his own, how fitting it felt to have a mate who enjoyed his company and found him charming. Not that she was his mate, he reminded himself sternly. He wasn't even certain how that would work, given the differences in their background and careers, and she might not even want that with him. But he found himself hoping anyway. 
Emrys found herself more comfortable than she had been in a very long time. She had no home of her own, so to speak, with a job that sent her across the Alpha Quadrant almost constantly. She could see friends, of course, as she had during her brief stay on the Enterprise, or by taking brief trips to space stations or Golana or Risa. Sometimes Earth if she was lucky. But she was never really home. Daro’s home, on the other hand, was cozy and pleasant, completely reflecting Daro himself.  
Emrys giggled behind her kanar glass as Daro explained why Gul Macet and his cousin, Gul Dukat, were on such poor terms with one another, something Emrys had been wondering since Macet had brushed off her question aboard the Enterprise.
When Daro rose to clear the table, Emrys put a hand on his forearm and stood. “Please, let me. You’ve been an excellent host, the least I can do is clear the dishes.”
Daro moved to protest, but Emrys was quicker, sweeping the plates up and moving them to the replicator to be recycled. As she turned back around, she found Daro leaning casually against the counter, studying her.
She raised an eyebrow playfully. “See something you like, Glinn?”
“Without question,” he replied seriously, offering his hand. She stepped toward him and placed her hand in his as he pulled her close. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest as his hands slid down her sides, coming to rest on her hips. As her fingers slipped under the fabric of his shirt, caressing the smooth scales along his torso, Daro captured her mouth with his, a groan bubbling up in his throat. 
His tongue traced along the seam of her lips and Emrys welcomed him in, a pleased hum caught in her chest. She crowded him, pressing her body against his desperately, as though he could consume her entirely. Goosebumps prickled along the length of her arms at the thought. One of Daro’s hands surged upward to cradle her head, tilting it back languidly as his lips skated downward, quickly finding the places that sent shivers crawling up her spine. 
She gasped as Daro’s mouth worked at the sensitive spot just below her ear, her fingers pressing more urgently into his skin. Heat built between them, a fervor that Emrys knew could swallow her whole. Daro shifted slightly, one of his knees spreading Emrys' thighs. At the sound of her pleased sigh, his hands began an eager ascent, capturing the zipper of her uniform jacket and tugging it down until she could slip out of it. She let it fall to the floor, then slid her hands up Daro’s side, pushing his undershirt up to expose the stunning pattern of scales along his sides and across his chest. He tugged it quickly over his head, revealing the ridges that spanned his shoulders and trailed up the sides of his neck. He tossed the shirt away hurriedly, as though he couldn’t bear to be parted from her for long. 
Emrys dragged her fingers teasingly up his chest, circling the blue-tinged spoon formation there and pulling a heated moan from Daro as he pressed his forehead against hers. 
“I need to see you,” he begged, thumbing the hem of her undershirt. “Please, irc’lin, I want to see all of you.” 
Locked so closely against him, she felt the hard ridge of his length nudging insistently against her. Emrys couldn’t help the whimper that slipped between her lips as his thigh clenched, desire sparking to life fully between her legs. Practically ripping her shirt in her haste to get it off, she watched Daro’s eyes as they raked over her form. 
He swallowed hard, a cautious hand rising to cup her breast, his fingers tracing slowly over the delicate lace of her bra. As the pad of his thumb brushed over her nipple, she exhaled hard, her fingers grasping at the waistband of his pants. Her eyes met his, the hunger there new and intoxicating. Emrys was so used to the gentle, thoughtful Daro; and while those characteristics were the reason she was even in his home with her top off, and while those traits certainly remained in that moment, it was captivating to see him so overtaken by his desire – a twin to her own.
He tilted his head to the side, motioning toward the room with the open door beyond them, before cupping her face in his palms and pulling her in for another slow, deliberate kiss. He moved her easily, guiding them away from the kitchen counter and toward what Emrys assumed to be his bedroom, their lips breaking apart only to steal quick pants of air before diving into one another again.
Emrys gasped when the backs of her legs hit his bed, and he used their momentum to lower her slowly onto her back, watching her intently. He fumbled slightly with the fastening on her pants, refusing to take his eyes off her, in love with the way her flushed chest heaved on the bed before him. Admiring the way her dark hair spread around her head like the corona of the Cardassian sun. As he finally managed to unfasten her pants and began to slip them down the length of her pale legs, she propped herself up on her elbows, her hooded eyes home to a heady stare that made his Cho’Ch jump. He slipped his palms along her soft skin, leading the way with greedy kisses and nips, worrying her skin between his teeth as she groaned above him, squirming impatiently. 
He hesitated as his lips reached the apex of her thighs, breathing in her scent, and brushing his thumb lightly over the lace that covered her sex. She shuddered above him, her eyes closing in pleasure. Emboldened, he slipped the fabric to the side, allowing his fingers to skim delicately around her soaked folds. The vision of Emrys panting and whimpering atop his bed, at the execution of fingers he’d only just begun to use, sent a wave of possessiveness and adoration clamoring through him. In that moment, despite his desire to go slow and be tender with his fragile little Human, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back. He would give anything to please her. He glanced up at her, a hint of worry in his gaze. 
“I’ve never done this with a Human woman before,” he murmured, massaging the flesh of her thighs even in his insecurity. With a soft smile, she leaned onto one elbow, her other hand stretched to caress his chufa. 
“I wouldn’t have guessed based on how you’re doing so far,” she breathed. “We can teach each other.”
She pushed herself into a seated position, with Daro still kneeling between her legs. She reached behind her back and with a quick flick of her wrist, pulled her bra off and tossed it to the floor. Daro groaned at the sight of her pale breasts, his Cho’Ch painfully hard in his pants. Hands still kneading at her thighs, he watched for her reaction as he took a pink nipple into his slick mouth. He teased and tested, letting it pebble against his tongue as Emrys’ head fell back and short pants slipped between her parted lips. While she was distracted, his fingers dipped below the waistband of her panties and worked them down her legs.
When he glanced back up at her, she was already looking at him, her eyes slightly unfocused, her cheeks flushed, her lips rosy and kiss-swollen. His gentle, stunning mate. His. 
It took her a moment to find her voice and when she spoke it was in a whisper - “H-human men usually use their fingers and their mouths to prepare women to take them…”
Raw hunger gleamed in his eyes as he gently pushed her back to recline against his sheets again, pressing a soft kiss to her sex before flicking his tongue between her folds, collecting the dampness gathered there. The taste of her had his Cho’Ch twitching again. Without stopping his exploration of her cunt, he used a hand to unfasten his pants, freeing his everted length and grasping at his irllun with a tight fist.
Daro noticed the way Emrys’ hips jerked whenever his tongue swept over a small bump near the top of her slit and focused his attention there, eager to hear more of the wanton sounds pouring from her mouth. He felt her tensing as he fixated on that spot, and responded by pressing a gentle finger below his tongue, pushing into the damp heat at her center slowly, testing and giving her time to voice any displeasure. None came, her hips lurching until he had to use his forearm to hold them in place. A chorus of yeses and groans of his name rushed around his head as he slid a second digit into her. As she climbed, she threaded her fingers into his hair, grinding her hips against him restlessly. Her taste and scent surrounded him and he buried his fingers deeper, curling them against a spongy spot inside her as he nipped lightly at that delicate bundle above her entrance. 
With a shameless cry of Daro’s name, Emrys crested over the edge, shuddering helplessly as aftershocks raked through her, even as she pushed Daro away gently. 
“Fuck,” she panted, draped limply across Daro’s bed. Turning her head just slightly to meet Daro’s eyes at the end of the bed, she caught the little smirk he wore and gave him a silent thumbs up before dropping her arm heavily on the bed and laughing breathlessly.
He lingered there, between her legs, even as he rose to his feet. Emrys bit her lip hungrily as his stiff length bobbed, emerging from a scaled slit, the tip of him curving upward to rest against another spoon formation surrounded by slate-colored scales. Emrys’ cunt clenched around nothing as Daro took himself in his hand, studying her greedily.
“Come here,” she urged, lifting an open palm toward him. “Please, I need to feel you.”
Daro exhaled hard before crawling over her on the bed, slipping his fingers between hers and gripping them tightly. His lips found hers again and she mewled at the taste of herself on his tongue. She slipped her free hand down to glide her fingers along his slippery length.
His mouth broke away from hers with a gasp as her warm, small hand caressed him. 
“What do you call this in Cardassian?” she whispered against his lips before shifting her attention to the ridges on his neck, specifically the ones she'd seen turn tinged blue earlier, kissing and licking and biting as he groaned fervently above her.
“Ch-Cho’ch,” he choked out, settling his knees before grabbing Emrys by her hips and tugging her closer, draping her thighs over the top of his own, keeping her spread for him. His Cho'Ch was perilously close to her glistening entrance.
Her fingers slid down his length before delicately circling the ring of small scales around the base. Daro shuddered above her, gasping as he dropped forward over her, planting his hands beside her shoulders. He let his head drop and his mouth took up residence beside her ear. As he alternated between grazing his lips along the curve of her ear and giving in to the moans that thrummed in his throat, Emrys’ fingers trailed past the top of his slit to caress the scaled spoon that rested just above it. Daro’s elbows buckled at her touch, growling hungrily.
Although there was delight to be found in Emrys’ leisurely exploration of him, Daro already missed the feeling of her grasping his length, of the steady massage of her fingertips on his irllun. It had been a… not insignificant amount of time since he’d last been sexually involved with anyone, and he was sure that these light, teasing touches would finish him well before he intended. Pulling himself upright, he grasped both of her soft, eager hands and pressed them into the bed above her head, capturing her lips with his as he did so. She whimpered beneath him, her hips rocking, her back arching to press her chest against his, determined to feel him on every part of her. 
She pulled back desperately for air, gasping the word “please” against his lips, and the sound of her begging so prettily dissolved whatever restraint he’d managed to hang on to. Fingers digging into the supple flesh of her hips, he buried himself into his mate’s soft heat in one long stroke, her plush walls enveloping his Cho’Ch like nothing he’d ever felt before. He waited for a moment, giving her a chance to adjust, watching as her lips parted in pleasure.
When she tangled her fingers in his hair, tipping her head back and baring her neck to him, he took it as a sign to move, drawing his hips back before hilting himself inside her again. The brush of her folds against his swollen irllun as he nudged himself deeper had him groaning against the delicate skin of her neck. His teeth grazed a spot below her jaw and as he did, a beautiful cry of his name tumbled from her lips. She clenched around him, rolling her hips to meet his as he sank into her again and again. 
Chasing the gasps that escaped her whenever he was fully seated, he stopped thrusting, instead grinding his hips against hers, building the friction between his irllun and that sensitive bundle of nerves he’d discovered earlier. She moaned shamelessly, her eyes glazing over as he pushed her toward her peak.
He was following right behind her, pleasure surging in every tensed muscle, every shift of his hips, every call of his name that left her lips. She tightened her grasp around his shoulders, pulling herself up to press her brow against his, rocking against him. He was surrounded by her – her scent, her arms, her soaked core – and the combination sent him barreling towards his peak.
“I-I’m close,” Emrys gasped against his lips, her hips grinding against his with more force now, desperation driving her every move.
“Yes,” Daro growled, wrapping an arm snugly around Emrys, pulling her closer against his chest. “Yes, e’zIra, come for me. You take me so well, my mate.”
Emrys flushed at the term, crying out as she came, galaxies bursting behind her eyelids. Her walls squeezed Daro so tightly he faltered for a moment, a grunt caught in his throat as he barrelled towards his own climax. His gaze met the heat in Emrys’ as his Cho’Ch throbbed. Her lips brushed against his ear, an overstimulated whine heralding her murmured, “make me yours, Daro.”
With a ragged moan, he hastily pressed Emrys onto her back in the sheets again, lurching forward to chase her lips and shield her beneath his broad chest. His hands stilled her hips with bruising force as he came, his length twitching as he spilled inside her. Mine, his mind told him dazedly. 
Emrys’ hands splayed across his lower back as he hovered over her and she placed a sweet kiss against his lips, one that made his heart stutter in his chest. She looked so open and content beneath him, a combination of emotions that could be difficult to find in others, given his career and lifestyle. 
Shifting his weight onto one of his forearms, he cupped her cheek with his other palm, studying her like she was the most precious mineral in the galaxy. “Irc’lin,” he uttered, pressing his chufa softly against her forehead. He took one last deep breath of her scent before he withdrew from her, resting back on his heels, watching his seed spill from her with a lingering greed. Emrys reached out for him as his own length began to retreat back into his ajan. 
“What does that mean?” she asked with a sleepy smile. “Irc’lin?” He moved into her embrace, stretching himself along her side and wrapping her in his arms. 
“It’s a bit of a… I believe Humans call them ‘pet names’? It would roughly translate to… ‘my dearest light’.” He seemed almost bashful as he said it, but Emrys’ eyes widened, the warmth in them brimming over.  
After a moment, she hummed, burrowing further into his grasp as he ran his fingers lightly up and down her side. “Perhaps I need to find a pet name for you,” she murmured. 
“I would like that,” he admitted, though he knew he’d be happy for her to just call him hers. “Though perhaps it can wait until you’re not falling asleep,” he whispered with a smile, peering down to find her eyes already closed.
chufa (chuh-fah) - the spoon-shaped formation located on the forehead
irc'lin (eerrsh-leen) - loosely translating to “my dear light”
Cho’Ch (choh-ch) - literally, “spear”; a slang term for penis
irllun (eerl-luhn) - the ring of slightly raised micro-scaling near the base of the penis
e’zIra (ay-zī-rrah) - “love”
ajan (ah-zhan) - the genital slit
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
Please may I have The seven deadly sins Headcanons of King with a female demon S/O who is exactly like Ai Hoshino and is Meliodas's older sister who was also cursed with immortality..S/O is highly unusual in regards of her starry eyes but she is practically cheerful as Meliodas. She tries to be optimistic regardless of her curse and watching Elizabeth die in front of her and her brother more than once. S/O found King extremely cute and wanted to snuggle him sometimes.
King's relationship with a cheerful S/O who loved him more than life itself..
I love the requests you made! You really have a lot of creativity (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)
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• When King first meets his S/O, he is immediately struck by her extraordinary appearance. The starry eyes and resemblance to Meliodas catch him off guard, but he is intrigued by the stark contrast between her cursed immortality and her cheerful disposition. He can't help but be drawn to her positive energy and genuine warmth.
• As time goes by, King finds himself inexplicably and irresistibly drawn to his S/O. Her infectious joy and unwavering love for him captivate his heart like nothing else before. He begins to realize that her affectionate nature and genuine adoration make him feel valued and cherished in a way he has never experienced before.
• King's role as the Fairy King naturally lends itself to a protective instinct, particularly when it comes to his loved ones. However, with his S/O, this instinct is magnified. He becomes fiercely protective of her, vowing to shield her from any harm that may befall her due to her immortality or her connection to Meliodas. He is determined to be her guardian and support in every way possible.
• King, with his small stature and adorable appearance, becomes a source of comfort and solace for his S/O. She often expresses her desire to snuggle with him, finding immense comfort and peace in his embrace. At first, King might feel slightly flustered by the idea, but he soon realizes the depth of her affection and begins to relish in these intimate moments, cherishing the warmth and love they share.
• Despite bearing the weight of her own immortality curse and witnessing the pain of losing loved ones, the S/O remains remarkably optimistic and cheery. However, there are moments when the gravity of their circumstances becomes overwhelming. In those times, King becomes her unwavering pillar of strength, providing the emotional support she needs. He listens attentively, offers words of encouragement, and reminds her that she is not alone in her struggles.
• King and his S/O embark on countless adventures together, venturing into unexplored realms and facing numerous challenges. These shared experiences strengthen their bond and create treasured memories. King finds solace in the fact that his S/O brings light and happiness into his life, even amid the perils of their journeys. They discover new wonders together, making each day an exciting and fulfilling adventure.
• As their relationship deepens, King and his S/O yearn for a way to break the curse of immortality that plagues her. They tirelessly search for answers, seeking a solution that would allow them to live a mortal life together. King's determination and resourcefulness are fueled by his unwavering love for his S/O. He becomes resolute in his pursuit of their shared happiness, refusing to let anything stand in their way.
•In summary, King's relationship with his cheerful and optimistic S/O is a source of comfort, joy, and inspiration for both of them. Their unwavering love and support for each other serve as a beacon of hope as they face the challenges of immortality and strive to find a way to be together in a mortal world. With King's protective nature and his S/O's unwavering optimism, they create a bond that transcends their cursed existence, paving the way for a love that is stronger than any curse or adversity they may face.
Pinterest: Credits of used icons : ^ hhorr ^
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strywoven · 9 months
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@vonerde has requested a story : With a gentle smile & chuckle would Gaia watch as the clock counted down to midnight, throwing her hands up into the air with a happy squeak. “Oh my god! Happy New Year, Kaen!” She chirped before leaning closer to them and pressing a soft kiss to their forehead with a smile.
new years things.
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Rare is it that Kaen has company for New Years ( this , the rare time of the year kaen settles for taking time for themself after over-exerting themself the entire year ) .  But how could they say no to spending their evening with Gaia ?  Gaia was not only their friend but also someone they looked up to.  Kaen was wise enough not to put their foot in their mouth by mentioning it over the phone , but they were h o n o r e d that the Goddess had thought of THEM ( is it perhaps that she is just as lonesome ? that she might not have as many people in her life as kaen suspects ? perhaps they are more alike than kaen knows ) .
Thankfully , it made for one of those LOW-ENERGY / LOW-MAINTENANCE sort of evenings : ordering out for dinner , leftover cookies from Kaen’s holiday baking rush for dessert , and simply sitting around talking , drinking , and enjoying each other’s company while the hours whittled down until midnight.  It dawns on them , t h i s is what they have been missing !  Amid all that time spent worrying about keeping up their average , fending off threats from The Wyrd as the barriers between realms weakened , and all the other stuff in their life— Kaen always forgot to make time for themself ( & for the people that loved them ) .  Gods alive , another year of living in the human world and all they have done is waste it ( again ) working themself to the bone !  When will they l e a r n ?
A new year’s resolution , then : find the time , somehow.
Kaen turns their attention to the TV , a broadcast of the annual ball drop showing a live countdown until the new year.  Only a matter of time now !  3 - 2 - 1 — !  They jump slightly when Gaia squeaks in joy , her hands flung in their air.  The faun gives her a smile , ears folding to the sides ; she’s cute when she wants to be , isn’t she ?  Even as they open their mouth to give their own piece , the Goddess has already captured their cheeks in her hands , leaning forward to bestow a friendly k i s s to the top of their fiery crown.  Kaen comes ALIGHT at the gesture ; pink , yellow , orange , a show of flickering , gleaming hue all dancing through their crystalline accents at once like an array of flattered / flustered charm.  They g r i n at her , furred ears perking upright and giving a happy little wiggle.  ❝ ‘Appy New Year , Miss Gaia ! ❞  Kaen chirps back , followed by a giggle , ❝ Ah’m real glad ta’ be spendin’ th’ first moments wit’ ye.  But ‘ere’s ta’ many more years t’gether , aye ? ❞ The godling jumps to their feet , striking a pose , fist thumping their breast , divine fire brimming around them ( lo' how dramatic ) . ❝ New adventures , new wonders , nothin’ can stop us as long as we're wit' each other ! ❞
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herwrittenuniverse · 2 years
My Honest (and long AF) Review of The Dragon Prince: Season 4
So - after coming hot off the press (literally just watched the last episode no less than 5 minutes ago), I have some thoughts on this season.
This is a long recap, just FYI.
First...I didn't think this season was as good as Seasons 2 and 3. I understand the objective was different, and it didn't have the same 'feel.' That's fine - I actually felt like it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows all over again...going around, finding clues about Aaravos...are horcruxes next? (IYKYK) In any event, the promo for this season was excellent, but I don't think it lived up to the hype.
But here's the thing.
They are going up to Season 7. I feel like this season was a filler for what's to come...the show is definitely in a transition phase right now and it needs to develop the plot. The creators have only 9 episodes a season to work with. Up until this season, I felt like everything was spaced out fairly, and the pacing felt right. The arc of Seasons 1-3 was about the war, and it was linear. This season has a lot more to develop and resolve.
On that note...this season seemed a little rushed, but I understand why it seemed so. None of us (including the creators) were sure that it would get renewed, and when it did, the nine episode timeline per season was the standard. I can forgive that - the show has already proven that it is amazing and I have no doubt that I will enjoy the 2nd half of the series.
Having said this, there were moments where I truly held my breath. I felt like the first two episodes were S L O W, but it picked up with the duel between Ibis and Claudia. Someone DID predict that Ibis would die (I saw in the comments section on Instagram and I can't remember who, sorry) because Callum was seen with his staff in some promo images. Keen eye and good call...I just didn't think it would actually happen, and a bit graphically for a straight-up kids show, too. The cinematography with Ezan's speech and the duel, along with Corvus' piece...'twas very beautiful and poignant. And the tension created when Ibis uses Claudia's own fang against her...only to have Terry kill him...really, an epic moment for TDP.
From there on, I felt the material turned a bit twisted and dark, and I am here for it. While this season was slower, action-wise, it really focused on the dialogue and character development. Seeing Callum be controlled by Aaravos was really gut-wrenching, and then having him request that Rayla kill him if anything goes wrong...'tis a very mature request for a character to make for a child's show. (Also...it was cool that they featured Callum as the statue for the opening of that episode, but was confused when he was featured in only one. I hope they switch it up from time to time.)
I feel like Claudia is truly following in her dad's footsteps and will probably meet a terrible demise eventually...but maybe there's hope for her in Terry. Holy shit, I STAN Terry. He is like Claudia's conscience. He's so good and goofy...the discussion with Viren about what he did to protect Claudia was a standout moment for me. Another one was in the last few minutes of episode 9, when Terry tells Claudia how terrible it was to deceive Rayla - again, another great moment for TDP writers. The fact that they are so clearly discussing hard feelings (or 'big feelings,' and the brothers affectionately call them) really makes me applaud this show. This is the kind of stuff kids (and adults, tbh) need to see. (Also, do we think someone bad is going to happen to Terry, which will ultimately turn Claudia either completely good or completely evil?) [Edit: I seemed to have completely missed the dialogue and parts where Terry comes out as trans, and it just makes me love this character and TDP writers even more.]
Along that note, I'm SO GLAD the Moonshadow Elf coins showed up in this season, even if it was for a few minutes. I'm hoping that we see some resolution with them in Season 5. (I'm sure this was an easy prediction, but I did figure out that Runaan and Rayla's parents were inside the coins back in Season 2.)
Another comment about the writing...I always felt like the writing was strong for this show, but at moments, it felt a bit disjointed. I understand this is a kids show and all, but when I think of ATLA (my favorite show of all time) and Steven Universe, the humor and story were always interwoven seamlessly. The juvenile humor (especially in the first three episodes or so) kind of missed the mark for me. Like, why are you talking about Terry's farts when Viren is straight up having a panic attack and about to fall off a cliff? Just...no.
In addition...I DO want Viren to have a redemption arc, but I'm not sure if it's possible. It can go either way, and I'm curious about what the writers will decide. Viren stated in Episode 1 of season 4 that perhaps he should enjoy his thirty days and live the rest of his life in peace. So there's a bit of hope in that. But...will evil shine through? (Also, did you notice in the animations at the end, that Viren visibly fainted and needed assistance upon using his magic? Interesting...)
Some positive notes...
I absolutely loved seeing Amaya and Janai full on experience their love. The conversation with Kareem about their symbolism of marriage was so prevalent, especially in the light of a LGBTQ+ conversation. While I don't identify as being part of the community, I identify as an ally, and I know what the importance of marriage is to my LGBTQ+ friends. (Also, "just have two cakes" was such excellent advice.)
Seeing more of Zubia was excellent too, and although her humor was a bit juvenile as well, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the personality of the archdragons. Rex Igneous was an WONDERFUL addition to the family. So much more complex and likeable then Sol Regem. And the gift being a chocolate tart? Go Ezran! I hope we see more of Rex in following seasons.
AND! Soren and his little dragon friend! Calling on "YIP YIP" to have her go! I actually screamed. I hope we see our angry she-dragon again. I just want Soren to have a dragon friend, ok??? (Also, no bonus sketch of Appa in the credits??? Missed opportunity!)
One last important note before I wrap up...the tension between Rayla and Callum upon her return...while it drove me crazy to no end, I absolutely dig and respect the choices that the writers made. And it's true...when someone abandons your for two years, you can't just expect to pick right up when they come back. It's going to take time to heal. In the last episode, when Callum thought Rayla was gone, and he began openly sobbing...ugh, my heart. I'm glad they ended the season with them embracing. You know they still love each other. And really, I just want them to make out. Let's go, Season 5!
Last thought - do we think Ezran will be related to the human girl who discovered Aaravos' secret? I think so. Rex even said, "You remind me so much of her." Or something like that.
Also, a bonus thought...could Aaravos somehow be working through Kareem? It would explain why he turned so quickly on his sister. Or...he could just be at odds with her.
Well, it better not be three years until we see Season 5. Internet rumors tell me the season will come out in July 2023, and I hope that's true.
Feel free to sound off in the comments. If you made it this far through my ramblings, I applaud you.
And yet another bonus thought - the creators said we would see more LBGTQ+ characters. I have my bets on who they are. I'm curious if we have the same thoughts.
Thanks for reading!
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zablife · 2 years
Happy New Year! I was hoping that I could request a headcannon for Polly, John, Tommy, Ada, Michael and Jack (I've just seen Season 6) and there s/o's about how they spend New Year's Eve and Day (especially if they get a little depressed and introverted).
Happy 2023, lovely!! I adore this festive request and have tried to put some thought into how each character might celebrate. I didn't include much angst, but I still hope you enjoy what I came up with!
How the Peaky Blinders Celebrate New Year's Eve
POLLY: She arrives looking gorgeous in the latest Parisian fashion, ready to relax with a glass of champagne. However, she is rarely able to do so bc everyone is behaving like children and she's left to sort things. Her mood greatly improves once Aberama spirits her away where they can have their own party for two.
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JOHN: We all know John is a destructive little shit (affectionately) so he would drink far too much whisky and set something ablaze. His signature deep chuckle would be heard after the explosion, ensuring everyone knew who was responsible. Also a bit reckless with shooting his guns and fighting junior peaky boys. If his s/o was Esme, I think she'd just sit back and have a laugh.
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TOMMY: He is always working, even on holidays, so his s/o would sulk and threaten no sex for a year if he didn't come find them for a kiss at midnight. The kiss is followed by the same resolution, to spend more time at home in the upcoming year. He proves his sincerity by staying in bed all morning the first day of the year. He almost certainly breaks the resolution within a few days tho.
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ADA: Ada tries to stay out of family politics during the holidays, preferring to sit quietly in the corner with Polly or Lizzie, sharing a cigarette and good gossip. Although, if she's honest, she already knows most of it. She is the only family member to make a resolution and keep it.
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MICHAEL: He takes full advantage of the party, drinking whatever is put in front of him and taking too much snow. Despite being the youngest, Michael is the first to succumb after a night of celebration. Finn draws on him and blames Isaiah.
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JACK: He's invited to the best parties and has trouble deciding which to attend so there are several stops on New Year's Eve. He makes loud, boisterous toasts and brags about the successful deals he'll make in the coming year. If his s/o was introverted he would be sure to keep them by his side, including them in conversation and perhaps offering the occasional dance to placate them.
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metabolizemotions · 1 year
This season has been steeped in irony and parallels. The mental health arcs of Maya and Jack, addiction, the captaincy drama, Dixon's villainy // those in s3 esp. They made things more extreme and took them further.  
I understand the choice to isolate Maya and the team’s lack of support or compassion for her since her demotion, and the non existence of the union were plot devices for her mental health crisis storyline. But they supported Ross wholeheartedly, no questions asked? And what was the actual point of the union again?
Ross is a flawed and complex character, just like Maya. But the framing of their actions were different. They both made questionable decisions but there was only acknowledgement of what Maya did. Not Ross. Not Beckett. Their part in Maya's mental breakdown?
For the long build up since s4’s finale of Maya's demotion and the aftermath in s5 & s6, this feels like a cop out non-resolution. And this whole storyline ending with Ross's scandal framed entirely as feminist triumph is self-contradictory for me.
I liked the slow burn of Marina’s storyline - the breakdown and reconciliation and the many //. Though I didn’t necessarily agree with the characterisation entirely, the performance of D & S were emotionally resonant for me. But I thought they dropped the ball in 617. Carina's scenes were more for the benefit of Ben and Ross. It didn’t help with the way they phrased the locker room conversation as a direct causation. It was a clever use of symbolism to encapsulate so much in ~ 1 min of screen time. But I hope they don't spoil the finale in wanting to tie up the loose ends. (Also, does that mean they won't ever change their duvets now that they are probably not moving?)
There seemed to be deliberate comparison b/w Maya and Theo - their demotion, initial captaincy, single-minded obsession and mental health issues. Also some similarities about how their partners have been affected. Although Theo's behavior was more flipped-switch than organic transition and it was mainly directed at Vic. With what happened to Beckett and the toll it would take on Vic, would she have her breakdown and Theo his wakeup call? Vic needs a hug.
Did anyone else find the kisses b/w Travis and Eli awkward? Or was it cos I think Travis had much better chemistry with Michael and Emmett?
It is interesting to see Brooke, a sort of nature/ nurture comparison to Jack. Similar DNA, dissimilar upbringing. Brooke seems more emotionally mature. Jack lacks boundaries and his way of caring is to impose his values on people and help them on his terms. While Brooke’s trying to meet him where he is - like finding Lila instead of springing their bio family on him. 
Since they made such a big hoo-ha about the forbidden love affair b/w Sullivan and Ross and Dixon’s villany this season, and both storylines are not resolved, I suspect the finale would have something to do with Dixon and the two lovers. But why should we care about Sulky & Tash again? They aren't even on the same page. Sulky has been consistently w/o much growth. Ross has been consistently inconsistent. Sulky is so much like Derek and Owen. Tash keeps pulling a Meredith with her "pick me, choose me, love me" speeches...
They love to hand Sulky the redemption arc he doesn't work for and somehow frame him as the hero... Maybe he pushes Tash away from falling debris and something happens to Dick in the process. Poetic justice. Or something something…?   
Somehow I feel that Andy still wouldn't be captain. Stay tuned for another season of captaincy musical chairs...?
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whimsywispsblog · 2 years
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I posted 155 times in 2022
12 posts created (8%)
143 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 56 of my posts in 2022
#heavy metal - 10 posts
#classic rock - 7 posts
#steven adler - 6 posts
#duff mckagan - 6 posts
#axl rose - 6 posts
#izzy stradlin - 6 posts
#guns n roses - 6 posts
#punk rock - 5 posts
#duff gnr - 5 posts
#death metal - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#well my icon is an animated pic of me and i did punch myself last night when i tried to pull the blanket over my head 🥲👌
My Top Posts in 2022:
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and
Desert you
Never gonna let you die
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
2 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Heyyy! How would Leon and Chris react with a female s/o that has tattoos and a tongue piercing? Would the love it or rather dont? When you don’t want to write that it’s ok! ‘Was just asking :)
Okay I really like this ask, it's such a mood.
So Chris. He'd be thrilled. Fascinated, excited, awestruck....all those adjectives. He loves to trace your tattoos, while listening to the story behind it. If you plan to get anymore tattoos, he'd gladly accompany you, even your hand if you're scared or in pain. As for piercings, oh sweet heavens. The very sight of it makes him go feral. And it's feel- he goes mental. And he loves it. Although he would wonder how long it would have taken for the piercing to heal and for you to eat anything spicy, if you're a spice lover.
3 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Only Time Would Tell
There will never be a world in which this is right.
But then, who decides what is right and what is wrong?
Yennefer breathed deeply into her cupped hands, the soft smell of the sweet berries filling her nostrils. For some reason, the scent bought her comfort. She never knew if it was because of her mother. Back when she got a little whiff of motherly love. Or it was because of Tissaia. Whatever the reason it was, the scent of berries did soothe her mind.
She had grown tired of constantly fighting.
Fighting for what was rightfully hers.
Fighting to prove her worth.
Fighting for her place in the world.
Sweet dreams of death, ones that continue to plague her mind and tempt her to give in to its sweet release- how delightful.
Tempting indeed, the long undisturbed slumber of neverending golden dreams- all away from the horrible nightmare of her world.
Her cruel world. A cruel game. Surviving is a pain.
Cheating is a pleasure, but one she wasn't sure she wanted to indulge in any longer.
A scoff escaped from her mouth as she downed another mug of the rancid alcohol.
Love. What a beautiful illusion. Like an enticing mirage that captivates the mind and body.
But disappointing.
Purple orbs looked up to the starry skies that shone brilliantly. The cold breeze swept past her, making her shudder slightly.
Why was love so easy for others to find and thrive with? Or was it her fault?
Yennefer was a woman with a will of her own- unyielding and resolute.
As a young girl who was thrown around, broken, ravaged and fractured, she learnt the ways and rules of life the hard way. And she would forever be thankful for her rough past, without which she wouldn't have been her- strong and determined.
But one question remained.
Why her? Why was she constantly thrashed around relentlessly?
'I am sorry you chose power.'
'No amount of power or beauty will make you feel worthy of either.'
'A child is not a way to boost your fragile ego, Yen.'
All wise words that were thrown at her by her lovers.
Ones who she believed loved her.
But in the end, it was always about the same damn thing- power.
Her being hungry for power even though to survive, power is the key, and that is what she wanted.
But then, she was only looked at as a conduit of magic- a weapon perhaps if given autonomy and identity, disaster would prevail.
See the full post
7 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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From spiralling liquor to soft sheets - he'd done that too many times.
Simon slotted his cigarette between his lips, watching her walk towards him, slightly wobbling over her large stilettoes. The soft glimmer of the lights overhead bathed her in a honeyed glow. 
His eyes were commanded by the stunning pair of rich olive-brown of her eyes behind her bronze-dusted eyelids, full of warmth and a spark of curiosity. 
14 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hi! Question how would Chris Redfield react when his s/o is damn good into dirty talk? And everytime when he wants to dirty talk then he/she makes it even worse?
Hello Anon! I'm so sorry for replying so late.
Okay so Chris. I think he's the kind who'd get very flustered easily. Sure he can tease you a little here and there, but that's about it. And if you're the kind of person who's mastered the art of dirty talking, Chris should seriously look out for you (just kidding!). He'd be turned on, definitely, but he'd just freeze too, unsure of what to do next- should he tease you back, or just go with the flow. His s/o would let out a taunting laughing just to fluster him a little more and continue playing with him till Chris is a puddle of mush.
18 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dollystuartwrites · 2 years
7&ME - Chapter 12 - Sorry
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Pairing: OT7 x F!Reader
Genre: fluff, smut, idol AU, straight, bisexual, gay, threesome
Wordcount: 1035
Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20]   [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] MASTERLIST Wanna read all the chapters right now? You can find the complete story for free on WATTPAD
Summary: Miracles do happen! Somehow you've finally managed to secure a job at a big company! Even though it'll be a 24/7 job, they promised you a fat paycheck, so you don't care what the job is... But what if the job is managing 7 grown men? Seven men who all have needs...
Warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, size kink, oral (f&m receiving), dirty talk, gay sex, threesome sex, bisexual sex, implied masturbation, this is super vanilla compared to most of my stories, let me know what I missed.
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Y O U R    P E R S P E C T I V E
'Ah, there you are,' Jimin said as he saw me striding into the living room.
He was holding several large, pink shopping bags in his arms as he beamed at me. His face was truly a piece of art, but I wouldn't let myself get distracted by that. Not this time.
'You needed me, Mr. Park,' I said, my tone harsh as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. I felt like I could split a log with my bare hands at this point.
I read his reaction to my change of attitude towards him. He had probably also noticed that I called him Mr. Park instead of Oppa. 
'Yes,' Jimin said, the smile on his face sagging and making a place for a slight frown.
'I... I got you your new uniforms...' His voice trailed away when he saw my face. 
The fucking uniform.
I felt the fire in my increase.
Was I really nothing more than an object of lust to them?
'Right,' I said snappy, not moving an inch.
Jimin stared at me with uncertainty.
'Are you... okay?' he asked.
Was that genuine concern on his face?
I lifted my chin as I studied him standing there with the bags in his arms. He had been such a teaser before. A real charmer. But now he seemed small and vulnerable as he stood there with those bags in his hands, looking at me as if I was his favorite stuffed animal that had gotten torn up. 
This must've been how I had looked at them in the first place. 
Well, I would give him some of their own medicine. 
I walked over to him, giving him a push causing him to fall back into the seat that was standing behind him. He looked at me in utter surprise, the bags still in his hands
I crawled onto his lap, straddling him. He had nowhere to go. 
Uncomfortably he shifted in his seat.
'Now what?' I said, my face close to his. Although I was furious with all of them, I still felt the urge to kiss him. I ignored it.
'What? What are you...?' Jimin said, his voice bewildered as he was still shifting beneath me.
'Is this what you want?' I hissed angrily.
He looked at me with big surprised eyes, not saying anything. 
I bend forwards so my lips almost brushed his ear and I could feel him shiver beneath me.
'Did you guys hire me as your whore?' I whispered into his ear. 
J I M I N   P E R S P E C T I V E
Her question shocked me. 
'What?' I exclaimed. I wished she would get off of me. So I talk to her normally, but she had her arms wrapped around my neck and there was no way for me to leave.
'I said did you guys hire me as your whore,' she said louder now as she looked me directly in the face. 
I could see tears or fury in her eyes.
My god. We had messed this up somehow already.
'NO,' I said resolutely. 
'Then why did you hire me?' she demanded to know.
'Well, it's like Joon said, we needed someone to be our cleaning lady, our nanny, our planner, our manager, etc,' I said frowning.
'No, why did you hire ME?' she spat. 
'Oh,' I breathed.
She looked so scary and pitiful at the same time.
'It wouldn't be because of my credentials, because I barely have any,' she raged at me. 'So why?' 
I wasn't sure what to tell her.
'Isn't it because you all crushed on me?' she said.
She knew. She knew the truth. 
My mouth felt dry.
'Isn't it because you all couldn't stop thinking about me, and still can't stop thinking about me?' she said, her cheeks slightly pink. 
I had to get her off of me before she'd feel my boner. I couldn't help it, she was just too pretty. Even when she was pissed.
I carefully grabbed her waist and lifted her up as I stood up, then put her down so she was standing on her own two feet again. I grabbed her hands from behind my neck and unlocked them, holding her hands in front of me.
Her eyes were still wet with anger.
I sighed.
'You are correct about that last part,' I said softly, not daring to look at her.  She immediately ripped her hands from my grasp and took a step back.
'Y/n, listen to me, let me explain,' I said hastily. She looked at me as if I was a monster. And she was right.
'Fine, yes, we all like you. A lot. Even though we barely know you. But we NEVER hired you to be our whore. We DID hire you for all those things I said earlier, Joon said earlier. And I know it's a fuck up on our side to hire someone we actually like, but we would NEVER EVER do something untoward to you,' I tried to explain.
She scoffed and looked away from me, folding her arms in front of her.
'Trust me, none of the boys, including me, have ever done and would ever do anything unless we knew that person would want it,' I promised her. I could see her face turn red as she stared at the floor. More anger?
'We'd just thought that if we'd have someone we'd like to look after us, we'd listen better to that person because we'd want to impress her. You,' I tried to explain.
She still didn't look at me.
God had we fucked this up.
'Honestly, we'd never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or like you were our whore,' I said, feeling my heart break for her. I spotted the bags on the floor and felt like even more of an asshole.
'That stupid uniform... It was a joke. My idea. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry,' I said. I went down on my knees and bowed to her.
I had never felt so stupid in my life. I wanted to kick myself. Scream "I'm sorry" to her until my vocal cords would give out.
I looked up at her, only to see her crying. This absolutely shattered me.
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