#her husband is so proud of her from the afterlife
starrclownshazbinblog · 8 months
I was sitting in a box when I realized something. I've given you guys GENERAL facts about my Hazbin Rewrite, but have I given you STRICTLY angst facts? Sad depressing facts about these characters? I have not. Good thing I have angst to spare.
Angsty, Sad facts about my rewrite for Character purposes, general information, or because I want your day to be a little worse than it was.
Angel's wife died in child birth. She wasn't a main priority condensending she's a POC like Angel. The baby managed to survive but Angel developed depression after that instance.
Nifty's parents were never able to have a proper funeral for their daughter. When Nifty was pushed into the fire, her husband's mistress ran out of the home, leaving Nifty's body burning. She was so unrecognizable and burnt that he parents couldn't have a funeral. (I kinda just spoiled why Nifty's in hell didn't I?)
Arakaniss was the one to mess up Angel's eye. Angel holds some resentment over this but not as much as he rightfully should. Arakaniss still makes himself suffer for it.
Angel almost killed Alastor when they fought. He's the reason Alastor has that scar at the base of his neck.
Valentino gets... handsy with Vox, even more when he's drunk. It's never gotten super far but he's definitely had to be pushed off. Vox refuses to call himself a victim. (He is.)
Angel has alot internalized homophobia. Like alot.
Valerie's crack on her head is from her ex boyfriend smashing her head into the counter, affectively killing her.
Valerie's parents are kinda homophobic. Not viciously homophobic, juts passively homophobic. Valerie ended up in a relationship with a man even though she's a lesbian because she didn't want her family to disown her.
Lucifer kicked Charlie out and claimed to disown her. Lilith was the one to gift Charlie the Hotel so she could achieve her dream.
Cherrie Bomb was absolutely terrified when she showed up in Hell. This terror and confusion lead to her almost being murdered by a exterminator. Good thing Angel was there.
Cherrie was heavily abused and neglected by her parents growing up.
Angel kinda lost himself after his daughter died.
Madame Pentious was harassed and fun of when she was alive for being "ugly." She's never really been treated well.
Husk is someone who is passively suicidal. He isn't going out of his way to off himself in his afterlife but if Alastor snaps or a exterminator happens to catch him then he won't do much to fight back.
Cherrie actually gets really upset she can't hear well.
Valerie will do anything and everything to make sure Charlie is happy. Valerie has been treated so bad that she thinks "I'm nothing without you. I have to do everything right cause what am I without you."
Arakaniss and Molly we're the one to find Angel's body. They died shortly after him. They don't like to talk about it.
Husk will let you treat him like a punching bag.
Nifty has undiagnosed Adhd. She also doesn't know she has Adhd. This leads her to breaking down at times because she doesn't understand what's wrong with her and why she can't just be normal.
Alastor's parents died extremely young. Being a orphaned black child that inspired to be in a white dominated job lead to much harrasment and troubles. Over coming this harasment and being successful is one of Alastor's greatest achievements. This is where his ego stems from.
Angel, Alastor, Nifty, Valerie, Arakaniss, Molly and Velvette have all been harassed for their race.
Angel used to be like Cherrie in the worst way. Arackaniss is really bad at showing his love and appreciation so this lead to unintentional harshness he showed on Angel. Angel strived for YEARS to make Arakaniss proud. Cherrie is like this currently. Angel is trying to change this mindset because he knows how exhausting it is.
Husk was abused by alot of people in his life.
Husk being transgender has caused him problems when it comes to dating. Men see him as a woman, Woman see him as a woman. Sexual relationships are even worse.
Valerie used to self harm alot. She still has these scars on her arms. (Charlie tries to put bandaids on them not understanding that she's not actually in pain.)
Angel isn't someone who relies on drugs. He's more of a passive drug addict. He only resorts to drugs when things get tough or if he's in his own head to long. This developed after the death of his wife but got worse when his daughter died.
Isabella, Angel's daughter, died even younger than Nifty. She was somewhere in her teens. She's not in hell. She's all alone in heaven.
Henroin (Angel's dad), died before Isabella. He doesn't know how Isabella died or when she died.
Henroin, Arackaniss, and Molly don't actually know where Angel is. A Lil bit of a lore dump: After Angel became a overlord, he doesn't go out barely at all. He doesn't go to meetings ND he doesn't show his face. He only goes out for personal meetings or when he needs too. Most people don't know who he is or what he looks like, like the spider family. The spider family also keeps a low profile considering they are a actual mafia. Both sides are actively looking for wach other.
Henroin doesn't know Arackaniss is the one that messed up Angel's eye, Angel never told him.
I have more but I feel like this is enough. Why I decide to write these I don't know, just felt like I needed to take these characters and be them down emotionally.
Asks are always open, art is always here, have a good time :)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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theyjusthowl · 8 days
WIP whatever day it is
Hmmm, hi! So. Sterek is still going strong and I found my groove again but I did something different this week so here's a 911 WIP. Working title for this is "unsteaddie // not readdie".
Aaaaah I'm nerevous, never dabbled into buddie before!
Here's two truths and a lie about Eddie. Shannon was the love of his life. Eddie is a nester. Eddie is not a commitment-phobe. Number two and number three cancel each other out, so one of them must be the lie.
Eddie is not a commitment-phobe. He committed to Shannon alright. He committed to her into the afterlife. That's rock solid commitment there.
He's almost proud of himself. It's just that this truth and lie thing is just another exercise from Frank, to better understand himself, to rediscover his identity in the wake of Christopher's departure.
Eddie is alone with his thoughts, and he has many of them. He's just not comfortable sharing them with Frank. So he hands back the booklet to Frank.
Frank looks at the three lines written on the page and taps his pen over them, thinking. Eddie can already see how much he's going to hate where this is going.
"Eddie, tell me. Is this how you see yourself?"
"Yes," he says. After a brief pause, "No."
"Care to explain?"
Eddie mulls it over. "No."
"Alright, Eddie." Frank sighs. "You know we can skip the topics you don't feel like talking about, but we can't skip everything. Try to name why you don't feel like telling me about what you wrote."
The thing is, Eddie thinks, they're all truths. And they're all lies.
Eddie committed to Shannon because it was easy. There was never a question about it. Eddie got her pregnant, because Eddie didn't think to use a condom, because his Catholic upbringing only contemplated celibacy and it was more than their teenage hormones could handle. It was open and shut. Eddie had to be a man, do the right thing, so that Shannon didn't have to be ashamed of what he did to her.
Eddie committed to the army, because he had a baby on the way, and the bills were racking up, and he wanted to be a good husband, dutiful, attentive, a provider. Eddie did his first tour, because he's a nester. He wanted Shannon to buy a house with him and build a family, maybe have another child in a few years, when they were settled into their married life. He wanted to buy and put together a crib and paint the walls of the nursery in their new home, he wanted to give that baby, that boy, his son, a good life. He wanted to be there for the little milestones, so he did a tour, came back for Christopher's birth.
Eddie committed to his son when it became clear that his marriage wasn't working. He did another tour, saved up some money and tried to be better for Shannon, but it was too late. He tried to learn about his son's condition and be a good parent to him, moved them to LA and became a firefighter. That was an easy commitment too, because then there was Buck, and he wasn't alone anymore, and all he had to do was follow orders, clock in, clock out, grab a beer, go to PT nights, be present, be a father.
Eddie committed to all these things and built his identity around them because it was maybe easier than accepting that Shannon had her part in it too, that maybe she was his first love but not the love of his life. Shannon's ghost protects him from other people's prying. No one wants to disturb a widower. Shannon and Eddie didn't really fit, she was probably right about that. She'd moved on, wanted to rediscover herself as a person before jumping into being a wife. Maybe this new Shannon would have loved Eddie. Chances are she probably wouldn't have. Maybe Eddie would have hated this new Shannon.
So maybe Eddie is not a commitment-phobe. Maybe he is, but he's really good at submitting and has that mistaken for commitment. Maybe he can fool some people into thinking he's got a handle on things.
He doesn't.
"I feel… Unsteady," he says.
"That's a big feeling. Why do you think you feel that way?"
Eddie takes a deep breath.
"I'm not sure who I am. If I'm not a soldier, I'm not a husband and I'm not a father."
"You're still a father, Eddie."
Eddie thinks of Buck, telling him these exact words every other night when they hang out.
"I know. I just don't feel like I am. I'm not comfortable with this much free time."
Cue the beginning of Eddie's undoing.
He goes home with the same homework and instructions to take a good hard look at himself and think about who he is, what defines him. He rings Buck and asks him to come over on Friday night, even though he knows Evan has plans with Tommy.
Here's a truth about him.
Eddie Diaz is a possessive bastard on a power trip.
Buck is just the unlucky fixer on the receiving end of Eddie's recklessness.
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weissaddams · 1 year
Date With Death
Chapter 1
What a joke.
Well, a joke that resulted in her existence, legal existence, that is. Wednesday was certain a lack of legal proceedings would not have hindered her parents from siring her into this forsaken planet.
She was an Addams. Weddings, celebrations and romance? Binding your soul to another human being in hopes of meeting death together? It should be a day of celebration for any member of the Addams family. So far, it has been anything but.
Maybe because it's the wedding of the love of her life in which she would not be the groom, but that is beside the point.
Just thinking about the dancing, celebrating and drinking made her want to jump off a cliff. Aside from their friends, she knew none of these guests actually liked one another. Alas, connections had to be made. Arms had to be twisted. Daughters had to be married off. Sons had to be paraded around like prizes.
The Sinclairs were preening. Finally proud of Enid's choice of husband once they learned that Ajax was heir to the Petropolus Oil fortune in Central America. The Petroplous were just happy their boy found a nice girl albeit with an impossible mother. Many wonder how someone as bright and loving as Enid could come from such a horrid human being.
Wednesday was seriously considering jumping off the nearest cliff right now. She was sure she spotted a few on the drive over.
Because of course she drove herself to Enid's wedding. The entire Addams family was invited but Wednesday chose to ride alone to avoid the sad and pitiful stares her family would surely send her way had she chosen to ride with them.
They all knew. Of course they all knew. Addams, in werewolf speak, mate for life.
Wednesday found her mate, but her mate found someone else.
It was a wonder why she wasn't dead yet. She thinks the curse will most likely take full effect in once Enid says "I do" so part of the plan was to walk away before then. As pleasing as it would be to give Esther Sinclair the middle finger from the afterlife, she will not let the best day of Enid's life be marred with her death.
It was Enid’s wedding. That was incentive enough for Wednesday to, as the werewolf liked to call it, behave.
Enid. Enid. Enid.
It was her fault, really, that Enid found someone else. Well, found someone else. Again.
All things considered; Ajax was a good guy. He had matured well after University. Enough to know that he was foolish for ever letting Enid go in the first place. Better him than some entitled, narcissistic ass from whicever pack Enid’s so-called mother would have chosen.
Better him than her, at least.
And Wednesday, well, she had beaten her heart into submission once she realized how she felt for the blonde werewolf.
The Addams heir fell hard, though slow.
Hard enough to know Enid deserved sunshine, life and happiness.
Slow enough to delay any chances of making Enid fall in love with her as she’d hoped.
Enid Sinclair deserved more than Wednesday Addams would ever be able to give her. Holding hands? Hugs? Kisses?
Enid deserved it all. So, Wednesday made the executive decision to stand by the werewolf. As a friend, a confidante, a shoulder to lean for any and every little thing that made her sad.
Hard day at work? Wednesday would take her to the ice cream parlour they both liked. Impossible exams? Wednesday would make sure to read up on those topics to help Enid study. Current boyfriend was being a jerk? Wednesday would let Enid choose a comfort movie and let the blonde cuddle her as they watched. Said boyfriend would have the most horrible haircut the next day, courtesy of a certain walking appendage.
Wednesday went above and beyond.
Enid did as well. She knew Enid loved her a great deal. How much, she could never tell, but not enough for Wednesday to risk the werewolf’s chance at a happier life.
Was she being a coward? Sure. Thing, Yoko and Bianca have called her out for it thousands of times, but her resolve always won out in the end. Her resolve to give Enid a happy ending. With or without her.
The curse would likely ensure it would happen without her.
She'd tied up all her loose ends. Viper's saga would end when the last book was published in the fall of next year. She had gone soft, really. She'd given Viper and her love interest a happy life that will only last until the next book is published. Viper would inevitably meet the same demise as her maker come the fall of next year.
A literal heartbreak.
She'd signed her last will and testament weeks ago.
Most of her inheritance would go to Pugsley and Pubert, with a strict clause of Enid (being her unofficial mate) being able to access it should she require any kind of support were things to go sideways. Anything that remained went to an underfunded music institute for less fortunate children.
Her beloved cello and any music she wrote would stay in the family. To be used by whomever her father saw fit to play it. Her necklace would go to her mother, fully circling back to the giver.
Her favorite knife went to Pugsley. Her best bow went to Pubert and her sturdiest mace would be given to her Uncle Fester. She'd given Thing and Lurch all her books, knowing they would be in for quite the dull life without her dragging them into her occasional misadventures.
Her typewriter and all the future rights and royalties from Viper's saga would go to Enid. Everything was set up in an account under Enid’s name. Whether she use Enid Sinclair or Enid Petropolus, it was her to access all the same.
Wednesday hopes it'll somehow ease the pain of her passing after some years. She knows Enid would be beyond furious with her for keeping the curse's effect on her a secret but there's not much more she can do now.
All the people she loved would be okay and that was all that mattered now.
She even had dinner with Eugene and their other friends two weeks ago. A goodbye, though none of them would know until later today.
She'd said her farewells to her parents, brothers and uncle the night before. Thanking them for all the love and unwarranted affection. She endured the hug Pugsley and Pubert held her in, reminding them that they'd need to step up once she was gone. She apologized for not being able to stay to protect them anymore and makes them promise on her grave to surpass her fighting skills.
She shook hands or, well, hand with Thing and Lurch. To thank them for their unwavering loyalty. Fester and her parents hugged her for a long while as well.
Tears were shed, promises were made, and yet her parents were still hopeful the curse wouldn't take her away.
How could it not, though? All previous Addams who died form heartbreak died on the day their mate was wedded to another.
It was simply her turn.
There was one last thing to do. One more person to talk to. One more gift to give.
Wednesday looked to her side. A blue, velvet box and a single black rose. She wanted to give them to Enid as a wedding gift.
She will, once she calms down and stops gripping the steering wheel of her car so tightly the blood has all but left her hands.
She had never feared death. She’d gladly welcome it with open arms. It was knowing that these will be the last moments she'd share with Enid Sinclair that terrified her.
Wednesday hated weddings, but she would have loved to marry Enid.
Enid Addams? Wednesday Sinclair?
It didn't really matter now, did it?
Chapter 2
Wednesday saw fit to dress appropriately for her date with death.
Dress shoes, dark slacks and perfectly tucked white long sleeves with the top two buttons, well, unbuttoned.  A blue paisley silk scarf around her neck. Signet ring on her left pinky.
She patted her car, thanking it for its service one last time before walking towards the venue, clutching her gifts in one hand.
It was still quite early in the morning. She checked the time on her phone, heart soaring at the displayed photo. It was a 'selfie' as Enid like to call it. The blonde liked to take selfies on her phone and set them as the new 'lock screen' whenever she remembered to. Wednesday never really complained about it. Why would she? 
She wasn’t that cruel. She had to give her heart something to keep beating for until the day it finally gave in. That something just so happened to be photos of and with Enid.
The actual wedding would not happen until this afternoon at 5PM. Just the enough time for the lovely couple to say their vows during the sunset.
Surely, the entourage was still being prepped. She hoped Enid hadn't overslept on her wedding day, of all days. 
Enid wanted her to be a bridesmaid, but she didn't know how early the curse would kick in. It could happen right when the orchestra started to play, what then? Dead body in the middle of the aisle? She wouldn't allow that.
They'd fought about for weeks but Wednesday stood her ground until Enid finally relented. The seer didn't have to be a bridesmaid so long as she attended the wedding while also promising not to bring any silver weapons, lest she be tempted to graze anyone from Enid's family.
Wednesday more than made up for it by being acting like a bridesmaid until the actual wedding. The one thing she didn’t allow herself, though, was go with Enid to shop for the wedding dress. She went to the godawful cake tastings, shopping trips and florists with Enid. Everything and everywhere except anything related to the wedding dress. 
Wednesday was not confident she would be able to stop herself from dropping onto one knee and proposing to Enid then and there, if she saw her try out even one wedding dress.
She walked around the venue, wanting to see where Enid would be getting her happily ever after. She's not sure she'll get another chance to, should the curse take her away earlier than expected.
It was all very... Enid. Garden wedding. Pastel-colored balloons. Blood-red carpet rolling down the aisle with lilies on each side. White altar. White and pink chairs. A chiffon cake. 
Hopefully she'd live enough to see Enid walk down the aisle dressed in white. Hope? She really had gone soft because of the werewolf.
Of course, life doesn't grant her much more peace after that as she runs into Eugene who is one of Ajax's groomsmen. 
"Looking for Enid?" Eugene asked cheekily, eyeing the stuff she was trying to hide behind her back.
"Yes, Eugene. How very astute of you to notice." Wednesday relents, her eyes soften the slightest bit, wondering if this would be the last conversation she'll have with one of her oldest friends.
"Penthouse suite. She saw you park your car and asked me to tell you how to get there." He gestured to the hotel lobby before walking with Wednesday to the elevators.
Enid saw her. Of course she did. The Penthouse suite had clear line of sight to anywhere in the venue. Perfect position for a sniper, or a werewolf with impressive eyesight.
"How have the preparations been going?"
"Okay. Enid's a bit jittery but once you get up there I'm sure she'll calm down." Eugene let Wednesday enter the elevator first before following and pushing the button for the top floor. "I think she sent me because she wasn't sure you knew how to use the elevator."
"Surely she doesn't think me that incompetent with modern technology?"
"She's just concerned." Her friend laughs a little, and though it's at her expense, it puts Wednesday at ease. She hopes Eugene will live a long, boring and peaceful life.
"Thank you for doing your best to comfort her, Eugene. You truly are an excellent friend."
Wednesday was good at lying, too, but in this moment, she meant nothing but the truth. Eugene would be one of the most devastated by her imminent death. The least she could do was ensure their last memory of each other would be a good one. 
It was a bit concerning to hear Enid's reaction to her absence, but all she can really do now is show up for the few remaining hours of her life. 
"I'm an excellent friend to an excellent friend. Oh, we're here. Door on the left is the girl's suite. Ours is on the right. If you need anything or need company, just call me." Eugene smiled at her like the day they met, sweet, boyish and innocent, as they walked to the left door. 
Wednesday nodded, giving him what she hoped was a grateful look before watching him walk towards the boys' suite. She was about to knock when the door was thrown wide open, and the air was knocked out of her lungs by an oversized and overenergized puppy.
Wednesday was smothered in a hug before she had a chance to dodge. She wouldn't have, but still, it was quite concerning how Enid was able to catch her off guard. Ah, she must have picked up her scent as they drew near. The werewolf never ceases to amaze her.
"You're here. You came." Enid whispered, burying her face in Wednesday's neck, inhaling her scent and hugging her tighter.
Wednesday did her best to return the hug, something she'd had much practice with over the years.
"I promised you I would see you off for your wedding." The goth hoped her voice was at least a bit more stable than her heart. Her traitorous heart that couldn’t decide whether to be calmed or excited by Enid’s presence. Was it possible to feel both at the same time?
"Well, yeah, but your color allergy! And you hate these events and not to mention my family and-" Enid had pulled back, holding Wednesday at arm’s length, noticeably reciting said reasons from memory. Knowing her, she must have worried about them since she last saw Wednesday two days ago.
"Enid." Wednesday squeezed the hand on her right shoulder with her free one, making sure to look the blonde in the eye to catch her attention. "Breathe, Only death could keep me from attending your horrendously pastel wedding."
The irony was not lost on her. The goth, however, nearly lost all lung function once she'd actually looked at the werewolf.
Oh, the world really was too cruel. To see Enid with no makeup, wearing nothing but shorts and Wednesday's old black sweatshirt. She was gorgeous. The sun could never hope to compare.
Enid smiled at her warmly, pulling her into another bone-crushing hug before tugging her inside. "You're the best, Wends! I'm so glad you're here. Maybe you can wake up Yoko and-"
Wednesday pulled Enid into the first empty room she found once they were inside the suite. It looked to be the music room, unless grand pianos were now a staple for penthouse suites.
"I wanted to give you something." Wednesday could feel her heart start to lose control. She took a breath to beat it back into submission before continuing. It helped when Enid squeezed her hand and looked at her curiously with a cute tilt of the head.
"My wedding gift. To you." Wednesday let go of the hand she was holding to place the velvet box and black rose in it.
Enid’s eyes widened somewhat at the gorgeous black rose and blue velvet box in her hand.
"Wednesday, the rose is beautiful, thank you, but you didn't have to."
"Please." The desperation in her voice must have been ever so slightly noticeable as Enid relented with a soft smile.
"Silly, just having you here is the best gift you could give me. I know how much you hate these events."
"Well, consider it an additional gift."
Enid chuckled, making Wednesday's heart do somersaults in her chest, before opening the velvet box. Inside was a key pendant, attached to a thin, white bracelet. The letter "E" was engraved into the head of the key.
"Thing helped me design it."
Enid was at a loss for words. It was very Wednesday. Every gift from Wednesday was beautiful but this was by far the best gift she’d ever been given in her life. Probably the most intricate one, too.
“It’s white gold. I thought of the normal gold too ordinary for the occasion and silver would definitely not do.”
"It's beautiful, thank you, Wednesday." Enid felt tears falling from her eyes, torn between looking at Wednesday and the bracelet. Of course her best friend would gift her something she designed herself on her wedding day. It wouldn't be her if she didn't. 
"You are crying. Is the design not to your liking? If I may-"
"No, no! I love it. It's- It’s the same "E" as the one on your signet ring, right?" Enid smiled through the tears as Wednesday was wiping them away with a white handkerchief.
Curse Enid and her observance. It was in fact the very same. Wednesday had once told Enid it was a sideways W but there's no point in denying it now. She gives Enid a small but proud smile, the werewolf has turned into quite the puzzle solver herself.
"It is. It's also the key to your share of my inheritance."
"The key to.. what? Why would I need a key to your inheritance?”
“You already pay for everything unless we stop you."
"Are you sick?"
'"Enid, please."
Do you have cancer? Are you dying?"
"Enid!" Wednesday shook the werewolf slightly. She did her best to fake an amused smile. "I am well, as you can see. It was the only gift I could think of. I... apologize if it displeases you."
Enid looked into her eyes. Possibly straight into her soul. This was too big a gift, but knowing Wednesday's family, it may just be normal thing for them. 
"Are you sure you're not dying?"
"We’re all dying a little bit every day, Enid."
Technically, she wasn't lying. She always found it hard to lie to Enid, so deflection was the next best thing.
Enid was still skeptical, though. Something she got from years of being friends with Wednesday and as Edgar Allan Poe said: Believe only half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.
At least, until you can confirm it yourself.
She looked Wednesday up and down. There was nothing too out of the ordinary about the very formal outfit. The top two buttons of all of Wednesday's outfits being undone was her doing, which she was very proud of.
She brought her car, which Wednesday wouldn't do if she was up to something. Can’t leave anything that could be directly traced back to her, after all.
She didn't have any of her knives, either. Enid didn't feel them when she hugged the goth and the shoes she was wearing were definitely normal ones. These were new dress shoes, probably not customized to her knives yet.
It took a few months, but she was able to memorize all of the goth's hiding places years ago. 
All evidence points to Wednesday being, well, okay. Not tall, dressed in dark clothes but definitely handsome. 
"You're not gonna run away to some undisclosed location after the wedding, are you?"
"You'd just track me down so I'll save us the trouble of running around in wedding attires."
Wednesday rarely teased, but when she did, it always made her laugh. Freely, without judgment. Because that's what you got with Wednesday Addams as a friend. Honesty and unwavering loyalty. 
"If I hear even a word from Thing that you're running off alone, I'm going to postpone my honeymoon to hunt you down."
"As I said, I'm staying right here. You have my word."
"We’re so not done discussing why I have access to your inheritance but... help me put on the bracelet?"
"Of course."
Enid looked down at the gold key. The intricate design all but screamed Wednesday to her. Yoko would not approve of the additional accessory, but it was her wedding day and she will do whatever she wanted.
Including wearing what was apparently a friendship bracelet? Yes, that seemed appropriate. 
Enid gave Wednesday a soft kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Wednesday, I really love the bracelet and the rose."
Wednesday, not trusting her voice not to break, gave Enid a small nod, her lips quirking into a smirk.
"Go get ready for your wedding."
“Help me wake up Yoko?”
“With pleasure.”
Date With Death master post
Hi guys. All the next chapters are in the link above.
I wrote this in one go for about two hours. I'm sure there are some errors since I haven’t written in two years. I just wanted to hash this out as it came to me. The angst seemed too good to pass up.
I’m not an Ajax hater. Sorry if Enid is a bit oblivious to Wednesday’s more serious affections here? Let’s call it plot armor, for now.
Does anyone know if I can post this on AO3 without using an email? Please let me know.
Hello again! I’ve added edits and covered up some plot holes. It’s still not perfect but it’s better than yesterday’s version. Give it another read if you can and tell me what you think.
Also, I’m on the fence about how to continue this fic. The easiest way would be to just let Wednesday die, right?
Realistically, how would they fall for each other? 
I like to think it’s at least in their senior year at nevermore or some time after. I love every fic about them falling for each other while a nevermore but something about an aged-up version of them falling in love also makes my heart go crazy. 
I’d love to discuss if you have any ideas for Wenclair! Just reply here or DM me, I guess. Cheers!
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tom-hunter-summah · 28 days
Born in the Wrong Era pt. 3
Tumblr media
a/n: it's finally here! sorry it took so long and thank you to @iluveveryone for sending your ask. i hope all y'all enjoy it!
edit: I linked pt. 2 because I forgot to last night.
warnings: shouting/screaming, flirty best friends, mentions of death/trauma, mentions of mr. martin, hitting (not a person but inanimate object(s))
word count: 2k
pt. 2
Reader’s POV
A frustrated noise leaves your mouth. You really wish you hadn't let Wally get into your head about Bea. You knew he had a point but could Bea have really been that different? Insistent, maybe but not stubborn. And it was always for the other person's good because she knew their potential. Bea was the only person in your life that actually listened to you. But this was her son. He knew her first. And in some weird way you knew Wally. You knew that he loves Bea with everything he has and then some. 
"Damn it. Hey Siri?"
Siri Dings.
"How do you apologize to a ghost?"
Tuesday-Wally’s POV
“Can we change? Or do we simply live in the heart of the mulberry bush destined to return where we once started?”
As Mr. Martin started on whatever pseudo-sophical rant he was going on Wally perked up. The dead have no choice to change do they? Wally remember’s Charley going on about this movie with Cybill Shepherd and Robert Downey Jr and how her dead husband was able to  cross over after living as him. Wally knows he’s missing some details but that’s besides the point. Almost every ghost movie ever made has some plot-point that the dead have to cross over and they have to grow and all that other shit before they can cross over and start their afterlife.
Wally had been here for 40 years. That’s forty years longer than he ever wanted to be in high school. But how is he to change? 
“Wally? Is there something you would like to share?”
Wally didn’t even pay attention to the last five minutes of whatever Mr. Martin was spewing this morning. Now there are many pairs of expectant eyes on him. 
“We’re debating whether or not people can change. Dead or Alive. I’d like to hear your thoughts Wally.”
Wally goes to open his mouth but his8 voice isn’t the one that’s heard. 
“He’d have to have a brain for that.” Oh Rhonda, always quick with a jab to the ego.
“Well you should start with getting a new heart, Rhonda, because the one you have now is cold and shriveled.”
Rhonda breaks out one of her sarcastic grins. “Finally someone sees me.”
There are a couple of chuckles from the circle before Mr. Martin clears his throat.
“Wally, please continue”
Wally gets one more taunt in by squinting at Rhonda before he starts talking. 
“I think when you die, you break the circle around the mudberry bush as you put it–
Wally catches Charley mouthing something out the corner of his eye but can’t make out what it was.
“And can give you the room you need to change.”
There are a couple of murmurs of agreement around the circle which made Wall feel proud of himself. 
“That’s interesting Wally. But before we break the circle; why don’t we move to the center of it?”
This made Wally think. “Maybe. Thanks Mr. M.” 
Mr. Martin gives Wally a tight-lipped smile that never seems to bring comfort to Wally but what’s new. 
Soon the morning circle is dismissed but Wally lingers for a minute after everyone else left. Or so he thought. 
“Hey Wally?”
It was Janet. Even after 40 years Wally still wasn’t used to her 60’s fashion. Her light pink gingham dress with matching ballet flats and white gloves on her hands. Compared to the others in the group it was a silent rebellion that was all Janet’s. Which is pretty rad if you ask Wally. 
“Hey Janet what’s up?”
“I was wondering; what was on your mind earlier? You don’t really space out like that.”
Wally hesitated. “Uhh.. I was tired from… working out earlier.” Wally barely believed himself.
Janet’s furrowed brows had him coming up with another lie in seconds. Before he could though; Mr8. Martin called Janet away. 
Before Janet left the gym she turned and waved goodbye. “We’ll talk later Wally!” 
Wally returns the wave and once Janet and Mr. Martin are out of sight, Wally lets out a sigh of relief. 
“Hey Wally you okay?”
It was Charley this time, luckily Wally is able to keep his shock to a minimum. 
“Yeah, it’s just sometimes the morning circle makes me want to…”
Charley interjects. “Die all over again?”
Wally snaps his fingers and points. “Yeah! I mean I know he just wants to help but Jeez sometimes it’s agonizing.”
Charley laughs. “Well, Hippie dude has a sub and they’re watching a movie. Wanna come?”
Wally pretends to think about it. “Is it Rudy?”
Charley sighs in defeat. “I don’t know what movie it is but I’m almost 100% sure an AP Lit Class will not watch “Rudy”.”
“Where is there “enjambment” in “Finding Nemo”, Charley?”
“Where is the ‘allusion’ in ‘Rudy’, Wally?”
“What are you talking about, all Rudy does is dream!”
Charley pinches the bridge of his nose. “Allusion not ILLusion!”
“You’re literally saying the same word.”
“I- you know what? Sure. Anyway if you get tired of working out you know where I’ll be.”
Charley walks off, leaving Wally alone with his thoughts. He needs to find some answers. And there’s only one person who can give him that. 
Reader’s POV
There’s a sense of comfort you feel when “Bad Reputation” flows through your ears. You wish you were more like her. Letting things roll off your back and not listening to what others say. You feel for Wally, you do. You’re not going to agree with your parents about everything but to insinuate that they don’t care? Ridiculous. Wally’s feelings are still valid though. Eye twitch inducing but valid nonetheless. You don’t know how to summon him (and you’re not sure you want to know?) but when you see him you’ll apologize for being impudent. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when “Fat Bottomed Girls” starts to play and your eyes widen. It’s not Queen that shocks you so much as this may 8be a clue as to what his type is. Not that it matters. Not that you care. 
The next thing you know there’s a giant pair of hands waving in your face, luckily they’re attached to your good friend Jacques. You take off your headphones so you can hear him. 
“Hey Jaques.”
“Hey dorkalicious!” You chuckle. “Where were you yesterday?”
“Just getting tickets to Horror Con.”
You stop in your tracks. “You’re joking.”
Jacque fights a smile as he shakes his head. “Waited in line all day for these. I can’t wait to go next week.”
“Wait tickets? As in, plural?”
“I’m pretty sure “tickets” means more than one ticket.”
You have to jump a little bit to properly hug him because he’s so damn tall but you can’t contain your happiness. 
While horror isn’t your biggest interest you’re utterly obsessed with the cinematography of it all. Plus dressing up has always been a favorite pastime. 
“Merci mon cher ami!”
Jacques blushes. “Alright, alright get down before you start licking my face dork. And stop speaking to me in french, it shifts my beret.”
You laugh as you pull away from him. “Oh shut up you’re like a quarter french.”
“My name makes it half.”
Before you can continue to call him on his bullshit, the bell for class rings and you have to go to third period which is Mr. Anderson’s class.
“Oh Jacq, do we have a sub in Anderson’s class?”
“How’d you know?”
“ I didn’t. I was hoping for it though. I had a weird interaction with Anderson outside of class.”
“Is it because you guys argued about which decade was best again?”
“It’s not my fault we had better movies! Plus peak television. I’m still looking for who shot JR. And there was history made when Alexis called Krystle a bitch. The first time it was ever said on primetime TV.”
Jacques sighs, filled with regret. “Why did I even ask? Look for whatever happened, I’m glad you can avoid addressing it for another 24 hours. Just like I will do to you if you don’t shut up.”
“Like you could go that long without talking to your personal musipedia.”
“They have this thing called shazam.”
“Yeah but I’m cuter.”
Jacques ruffles pats your head. “Yes you are. Now go make me proud okay?” You smile at him “C+ it is.”
Jacques dabs fake tears from his eyes. “I’ve never been more proud.”
“Do I want to know?” It’s Ms. Fields. You and Jacques' favorite teacher. 
You answer. “It’s best if you don’t.”
She nods her head. “Good to know. C’mon Jacques, today we’re going over the war of 1812.”
“So nap time?”
You slightly shove him into the class which makes Ms. Fields chuckle.
“Be good.”
“Bite me.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m sorry about him. I’ll catch you later Ms. Fields.”
“I’ll see you in class, hon.”
You nod and keep making your way to class. You decide to switch out Wally’s tape with your own. You love Wally’s taste but the music definitely got better later in the decade. Which is why when you hear “Raspberry Beret” You smile. 
You walk into mr. Anderson's class still smiling, causing everyone to look at you. Including the dead. 
You quickly make your way to your seat. You wait a couple of moments and are shocked when you don’t see Wally at your desk. You turn your head and your brows can’t help but furrow when you don’t see him.
You’re slightly disappointed but you figure he’ll come around when he’s ready. 
Wally’s POV
They still make walkmans? No, they still have cassette tapes? Wally only half circles Retro as to not draw attention. He sees the walkman hanging on the waist of their jeans, and gently pulls it up. As he inspects the walkman he can tell it looks a little worn; like they bought it from a secondhand store.
Then he sees It. “W.Clark” written in black sharpie.
He drops the walkman but catches it last minute, so as not to break it. There’s too much going on in Wally’s brain to process what any of this means. 
Wally takes the walkman and storms out of the classroom. He puts the headphones on his head only to hear “Never Gonna Give You Up” which is the icing on the cake to his frustration. 
He knows you and Bea are close but that close? Wally knows it’s been 40 years but it still feels like yesterday. That tackle. It was so fast Wally barely felt the weight of the Behemoth that ended his life. It doesn’t mean it stung any less. His moms last words to him. 
“Make me proud”
It comes flooding back at the memory. That anger, the exhaustion and defeat. 
Letting these emotions consume him, with a scream Wally’s fist connects with a locker. And again. And again. He eventually has enough and has his forearms resting on the lockers while he catches his breath. Somehow, while his head is hanging low, his headphones catch his ear just in time to hear the beginning of “Deacon Blues”. 
He chuckles. “The kid’s got taste.” 
“Of course I do. And who are you calling Kid?”
Wally’s head turns in Retro’s direction. “Shouldn’t you be in class?”
“I had to take a leak. The bigger question is, how the hell are you able to listen to my music?”
“I can interact with the physical world but I don’t make an impact on it. So I can listen to your surprisingly good mixtape but I can’t skip a song I don’t like.”
Retro’s eyebrows furrow. “That doesn’t make sense. I mean have you tried with the walkman? It is yours afterall.”
Wally shakes his head with a chuckle. “I don’t think it’s going to make a diff–
Wally is cut off by his own shock as deacon blues cuts to September.
“See I told you.”
If Wally could pass out he would. 
“Walls, you okay? You look like you’re gonna be sick.”
“I knew it. You’re the answer.”
“To what?”
“You’re going to help me cross over.”
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helenvader · 2 months
As a contribution for Week 6 of the ROP Summer Celebration 2024 I offer "everything you never wanted to know about my OCs" from Tale of a King, which takes plays both in the Second and Fourth Age.
The 2nd Age characters:
Enwyn fiên Wendall (daughter of Wendall)*
*I came up with a fake Old Western Southron as the language of the Southerners in the 2nd Age, it's not very extensive, but I needed to know what names of characters and places mean, and also, I couldn't resist having a linguistic Appendix for a Tolkien story).
My fancast for Enwyn is Jane Eyre as played by Mia Wasikowska
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Family: One sister (Erriân fiên Wendall). One daughter (Neni, full name Neniêth fiên Halbrand). And an overbearing mother. Three nephews and one niece.
Character: Quiet and gentle (not submissive, though). Witty. Very patient. You have to be if you're Halbrand's/Sauron's wife. I've given some thought to what kind of partner Halbrand would need, and I came to the conclusion she'd have to have a sense of humour and not take him 100% seriously. And not to be as impulsive as he is, so as to ground him in reality.
Her struggles: Infertility. And coming to terms with her mortality, since her and her husband may never meet in the afterlife (which is why I chose a mortal woman as his wife for this story). 
Interests: Growing apples. :-) She has an orchard in my fictional village of Ramborn and later in Tir-Harad (the Queen’s orchard).
Later: Brewing cider (which is a Harfoot invention in my AU; her original orchard becomes their “collective” later on.)
She also likes to write, and the story includes excerpts from her journal.
The story also includes their daughter Neniêth, who resembles Halbrand in most respects: looks, stubbornness, talent for smithing. Becomes a well-known jeweller. Not a queen though, the Southlands are an elective monarchy in my AU.
The 4th Age characters:
Tany Perriwinkle
26 years old. Ancient languages expert, works in an archive. She is also an editor for her friend Bran who is a playwright (the whole story is framed by the play he is writing about King Halbrand). Pretty, lively, very social. Changes boyfriends a lot. :-)
Bran Tarry
In his 30s. Playwright. A reclusive bachelor. Creative (obviously), with a sense of humour. Tendency to tease Tany about her love conquests. Pragmatic. His apartment is a mess. :-)
They basically look like the characters in the play's poster. The era they live in is fake 1920s.
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An excerpt from the story:
Act V, scene 3 Excerpt from Enwyn's diary Year 1337 of the Second Age
The funniest thing happened this week. Halbrand's wedding ring mysteriously disappeared, and all attempts to locate it proved fruitless. Unlike mine, his is just a simple one with no enchantment, and thus untraceable even for him.
It turned out the culprit was our Neni. The impudent little thing marched up to her father and confessed, immensely pleased with her accomplishment. Young as she is, she instinctively knew to take his ring and not mine, and was fully confident that he would not punish her. And, indeed, instead of scolding her, he laughed so hard that couldn't help but join him. It was apparent that he was proud of her for having tricked us so. His sense of humour has always been marked by a streak of mischievousness; and who am I to deny that it's a huge part of his charm? And, of course, he is no stranger to thieving. I might have teased him that her skills are far superior to his.
His love for Neni is beautiful to witness; it burns fiercer and brighter than the fires of the forge, but then, is he not a being of living flame? Nevertheless, he needs to learn to set boundaries when it comes to her shenanigans, or else she'll be spoiled rotten. He played the penitent, promising he would try, but I shall only believe him when I see it with my own eyes!
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redhead-writes · 2 years
Every angel needs their halo
Huge contribution from my lovely friend @pollyna. Alternative name for this is: “ Halo🤝the daggers: we're going to fix what it's broken because mavdad and icepop can't be sad”.
Halo had impressed the Admiral Kazansky a lot and so he put her on this mission team. He knew she would do her best on this and keep an eye on Maverick for him. 
When Maverick found out that Callie ‘Halo’ Shen will be on this mission team, he realised he has to impress this young WSO because his husband cares about her a lot, but it seems they didn’t get off to best of the start. Mav seemed to get into a lot of trouble while Halo was working with his husband.
Maverick would go around talking with himself,saying stuff like "Don't fuck this up Mav, you need you're husband's kid to like you" and so everybody starts to think Halo is actually Adrmial Kazansky's kid. Mav is so embarrassed because they tell that to Halo. She doesn't understand why someone would think something like that!  It confuses hell out of her until she heared Mav over the comms.
Halo sends recording to Ice. Ice goes on spiel that he would love to be, he would feel honored to be counted as father figure to Halo, of course, if she wants to. Because Mav had Bradley and yes, he co-parented. Halo is different. She brings out his soft side again. He feels responsible to take care of her. Callie also never treated him with gloves like others after his sickness. Halo even tears up and says yes but that she will grill Mav for some time. She can’t allow the old man not to pay for his sins.
Ice is taken by all that and how Mav is concerned that he tries to do his best to shoot his husband's cautions away because I could never ever feel less for you even if Halo doesn't like you. “You're my wingman, Mav, and I'll take you with me even to afterlife, my love.”
But Mav still wants to impress and be on Halo's good side because she is the first kid after Bradley that his husband had shown his soft side to. This is important to his husband, so he is gonna nail it whatever it takes him. When it comes down to Ice and proving to his husband that he cares deeply about people he cares about? He wants to nail it down but it has to be good too, so it's extra work but it's all worth it.
And like Mav telling Halo after a strenuous training session I SEE WHAT HE SEES IN YOU AND THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF HIM FOR ME. After that Callie can’t keep grilling Maverick. He had broken down her walls, too, like he had done with Iceman before. So she answers with the same to him, taking Mav by surprise. That spurts Maverick asking her and Phoenix to come to dinner on Friday.  He knows they are dating each other and has since they were deployed together on previous mission. Mav has constant need to fill their nest and now he has the chance again.
Mav didn't even know he wanted all those people around until he started having them and now he just continues to invite people over and it's awesome because he can cook with Ice and it's the win of a win. When the Navy made you lose so much but finally it is giving you back what you deserve and finally these old men can be happy. And Mav takes it all, and sometimes he thinks he's a little selfish but then he looks around and on Ice's desk mostly and realizes he's hoarding too, all the moments he can in pictures and he can finally breathe.And they are the first piece of Mav's family? Literally the first two people he can call his own?
Halo teaches them how to cook her national dishes that her grandma thought her how to. Halo teaches Maverick how to eat with chopsticks and Ice sends video out to the '86 group chat because some tries are too funny. Halo is happy. She now has two gay dads that are proud of her chosen career and of her partner. Also she notices baby Roosters on the mantel and how sad her dads look at them. So she gets Phoenix help for intervention because Halo knew Rooster was an idiot but this is some kind of absurd level of it. Ok, intervention could wait because the anger was too great right now. She could not believe that someone could carry anger for over 15 years.
Bob is first to join Halo and Phoenix at these dinners. He is shy at the start but then he warms up and Ice is amazed by how smart this WSO is, not only about planes but life, when you allow him to feel safe to talk. They get into deep discussion. Next time Bob brings books that he thinks Ice would love to read. That house becomes Bob's safe space. Bob brings Fanboy next and he is amazed by the science fiction library Iceman has because secretly Ice is a geek. So Fanboy starts bringing over Lego sets. They start with Dark Star from Star Wars that they all construct together.
Bradley tries to think of what he did to piss off Halo. Because she won't stop glaring at him. He asks Phoenix but she also is curt with him. Bob looks like he is contemplating murder and it seems it is Bradley's.
Hangman: Hey, Rooster. What did you to piss off those three? Usually, it is my job. Like even Baby on board looks murderous. Even my dumb jokes never get him like that.
Rooster: Wish I knew, Bagman.
So next they bring in Hangman and he isn't his usual cocky self. More like a star struck puppy, catching every word that comes out of the admiral's mouth. But after time he also relaxes and lets his walls down. Iceman had talked with him about his attitude that reminded Ice of his own once. The hug Jake got at the end of conversation brought him close to tears, to be honest, he cried a bit. It was nice to be just Jake. Now he got why Halo, Bob and Phoenix looked so murderous to Bradley. How would that prick choose loneliness over this? Over being loved and cared for. After Hangman the rest of mission squad ends up in Icemav house, except Bradley because that would end up in drama. Ice gives them all the keys to their home. Rooster finds it strange that each Friday all the mission group disappears somewhere without bringing him along.
And Bradley is like : “Weird, where everyone has disappeared to?” He asks them but everyone tells some lies because they still need to fly this mission with him. Even if right now they would trust Hangman more than Rooster. Shame, that they aren’t the ones in power of choosing who flies it.
Tom comes in the car to get all the kids and promises doctors that he will wake Bob and Nat up for their concussion checks. So they all are allowed to leave. Fanboy and Payback had taken over the kitchen, making dinner for everyone. The Ivy league and Omaha are turning living room in one huge bed.
Halo is the one to walk in on Bradley shouting at Maverick. She had heard raised voices on her way to get Javy to hospital. Callie just stands between them both because no one talks to her Dad like that, not even this child who he raised. Rooster is towering over her, seething but she is not breaking the eye contact she has with Rooster. He once again had hurt Maverick. The man finally had started to look happier but he had to ruin it. Now Halo had seen that man really could carry anger for over 15 years. Well, if he was gonna hurt Maverick, she was gonna hit back even worse.
Halo: He has me, other daggers and his husband. Who do you have, Bradshaw?
With that she puts arm around Mavs shoulders and leads him out of room, feeling the older man's body tremble under it.
Halo: We are gonna get you some juice, dad, pick up Jake and Javy and go to hospital to visit Bob and Phee.
The older man just nodded and allowed himself to be led out of the station. There were people behind him who wouldn't leave him. He had his kids who he was going to bring back from this suicide mission.
Tom was scared when he got a call about an ejection accident because it still hit too close to home. After hop 31 every ejection is a mini heart attack for Ice and Mav. But seeing both Bobby and Phee coming out of their hospital room on their own was enough for him to relax.
So everyone stays in the living room. Those two old dogs guarding the kids and watching their chests rise and fall. Like a reminder that they all are here and okay.
Ice to Mav: You have to bring them all back.
Mav: Isn't that the reason why I am the instructor?
Ice: You know that was always just half of the  point. You have to bring them all and yourself back, Mav. I won't tolerate any less.
Mav: I promise and then I am gonna take the promotion so you don't have to worry anymore. But if you promise to come up with me again?
Ice: With you I would go anywhere. I am happy that you for once will be close by again. Just one piece of the puzzle missing.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 1 year
OC Profile: Voss Mendelson
Long read and pictures.
Basic Info
Name: Voss Mendelson
Alias(es): R3d_F0X
Date of birth: February 26 2044
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Night City, Charter Hill
Sexuality: Bisexual
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Voss in some of his preferred style
Height: 5’ 7/170 cm
Build: Slim/athletic
Hair: Bright red (is a natural ginger)
Eyes: Natural green but now red and black
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Cyberwear: Deep dive port, titanium spine with additional sockets to his internal cooling systems for coolant. Self-ICE, Mantis blades (although later replaced with regular arms), Arasaka Mk. 4 Cyberdeck, Lynx Paws, Kiroshi optical implants. Facial cybernetics linked to his cyberdeck allow him to activate pre-programmed actions with facial movements, other cybernetics to manage data flow and synchronise the link between him and his Cyberdeck.
Voss' tattoo (mod by me) coolant port and skull socket mods by Anrui.
Father: Frederick Mendelson (missing in action presumed deceased)
Mother: Hannah Mendelson (alive)
Languages: English, German (primary language)
Arasaka: former counterintelligence and Netrunner
Afterlife mercs: member
Aldecaldos: friend
Maelstrom: tolerated
Occupation: Mercenary
Role: Netrunner, infiltrator, thief
Weapons: Mantis blades, Nue, Archangel (later especially after giving up his Mantis blades.)
Personality type: INFJ-T The Advocate is one of the most conscientious, principled, and idealistic personality types. Advocates, filled with lofty goals and ambitions, are far from idle dreamers. But it’s all too easy for them to feel weighed down by internal pressures when their reality doesn’t match their great aspirations.
German Dad, NUSA Mum. Both his parents were Arasaka employees. His Dad was presumed dead when Voss was 16, while on corporate espionage operations but a body was never recovered. His mother was also an Arasaka employee, specialising in weapons development. He is an only child and speaks English and German. So handy for the mess that he was clearing up with the leak in Frankfurt before Jenkins’ hit attempt on Abernathy.
He sometimes found the life his family had limiting and restrictive; his parents were strict. They pushed him hard at school, and Voss did his best to achieve. His Dad taught hom how to run the Net from an early age, trained him in his own test environments before they ventured online together. Voss hasn’t looked back since. He’s very close to his Dad’s side of the family.
Voss was never destined to follow his Dad directly as his parents had hoped; Voss tends to stand out a bit too much for the job and never wanted to be the “grey man" his Dad tried to mould him into. His Dad was actually more relaxed of the two; he was much more kind and affectionate towards Voss, and they had a good relationship. His mother however was more detached and didn’t like her husband encouraging Voss to find a balance of achieving and becoming his own person. Frederick was still proud of his son whereas Hannah treated Voss as more of the joint experiment she originally planned. Frederick realised trying to force Voss into something he clearly wasn’t was going to do more harm than good and did his best to nurture him.
After his father vanished, his mother didn’t deal with it well. She resented Voss as he was very much his father’s son. He looks similar to Frederick and he continued to speak both languages.
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Voss in his Arasaka career years
Hannah estranged and disowned Voss when he went to university; Voss was out as bi before Frederick vanished. Frederick accepted his orientation but when Hannah discovered Voss was in a relationship with another male student while at university, she threw him out. Jackie and his Mum took Voss in, as Valerian, a friend (and an OC belonging to a friend) of Voss’ from Pacifica, wasn’t able to help him out.
Voss ended up joining Arasaka after successfully graduating but in counterintelligence with an emphasis on Netrunning. He enjoyed the work and met Jessica Kikuchi, a PR liaison representative for Arasaka who often worked with his department in managing publicity when some operations were in public view or had a public aspect to them. They were together for five years until she was summoned to a role in Japan at short notice. Jenkins refused Voss’ transfer request.
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Voss and Jessica
Trying to find friends and his place in Night City frequently brought Voss into conflict with his parents, or more exactly his Mum hated it but his Dad was relaxed. Staying out late, not telling them the whole story of where he'd been and who he was with were common reasons. Voss has known Jackie since he was quite young and in many ways Jackie was just as important an influence on the young Voss as his Dad. Jackie helped Voss become a bit more confident.
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Voss and Kerry Eurodyne
Voss suffered from scoliosis. His Dad had been setting aside money for Voss to use when he was fully grown to have surgery and give him cybernetics he would need. Part of this was a titanium spine to resolve the scoliosis as well as add in additional ports for his Netrunning. Voss hates the scar on his spine as it follows the path his organic spine went and he had it obscured by his tattoo. He has others which he also doesn’t like, particularly one on his left brow. He can be self-concious about his body as it can tend to softness, particularly around his middle. Doesn’t help that others thought he wasn’t masculine enough because of how he is physically and emotionally.
He’s great at netrunning, prefers to sneak and use stealth to deal with many things. He can talk his way into and out of things, a useful skill learned with Jackie and for survival in the Arasaka world.
Being freed from Arasaka allowed Voss to have the freedom he had craved but there are still all the tricks and plays he knows from the game which he likes to use to his advantage and as a way to get back in a small way at all that happened to him. He hasn’t forgotten what he was, and yet he fully embraced the change his removal from the corporation presented.
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Voss in his characteristic Netrunning suit
He can be a bit of a people pleaser, mostly just because he didn’t have much opportunity for making friends growing up, and the pressure on him to succeed academically strengthened those traits. He can have difficulty in saying no to some things but has learned from past mistakes. Voss is charming, easy to talk to and sensitive to those closest to him. Voss has a soft heart if you get past the sarcasm and layers of old Corpo armour he hasn’t quite got rid of. The better he knows somebody or feels comfortable around them, the better they see who he is, so if you see him at his weirdest, most crazy and lively then you’re close to him.
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L to R; Jackie, Voss and V(Vesper)
His upbringing taught him determination, resilience and how to thrive under pressure but at times when things get too much it manifests in feeling overwhelmed, anxiety and occasionally depression if left unchecked. It is exacerbated by his autism too. He tends to withdraw and isolate when he gets that way but his close friends can be relied upon to help when he’s headed that way. He is an overthinker which is useful for his work but has it’s downsides and can feed his anxiety. Voss is prone to migraines which are usually caused by stress or if a Netrunning gig has been particularly taxing.
Hyperfocus can have it's downsides!
Voss is autistic. He’s managed in corporate life by what his Dad taught him and has masked a lot. He found that his intelligence, his capabilities and manner could be used to compensate. He can tend to info dump and talk in an excitable manner, something Vesper picks up on very early on. More information is in another post to come.
He’s perceptive so he picks things up, as he’s casually going around the city. People watching is one of his favourite things to do. That said he can handle himself in a physical fight when he has to; Mantis blades and being quick on his feet makes him a surprising and challenging opponent.
Voss is friends with Jackie, V(esper), Lightning, Valerian. He meets Kerry thanks to V and over time they get into a relationship, eventually they formalise their relationship. Voss is also friendly with Panam, Judy, Carmelo, Rogue.
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 95 - A New Forever
Xander and Ophelia bring Gemma home the next day, and they are obsessed with her.
Xander: Who's Daddy's little object? Is it you? Yes it is!
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Ophelia gets started on creating a supply of milk. She should probably not do it in front of a window that people walk in front of all the time, but hey, she's tired. Give her a break, she's doing her breast.
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After a successful pumping session, Ophelia gets a call from her gran, who's on her way.
Eve: You still haven't told me her name!
Ophelia: You'll see!
Eve: Ophelia Marie, if you named that child after me-
Ophelia: I didn't, I promise. I know you think that's corny.
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Ophelia finally gets to make those biscuits she abandoned after going into labor and when she finishes up, she sees Eve let herself in.
Eve: Are those my famous biscuits?
Ophelia: You know it! Want some?
Eve: I've eaten these a million times, I want to see my great-grandbaby!
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Ophelia: Here she is!
Eve: She's beautiful, sweet pea. Now quit being so secretive about her name so I know what to call her!
Ophelia: Well, growing up, you talked about how you always wanted a daughter…
Eve: And I had your shitbag dad instead. Yes, I remember.
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Ophelia: What did you always tell me you would have named your daughter if you had one, a name you loved?
Eve: …Oh Fifi, you didn't.
Ophelia: Gran, meet Gemma Lemon.
Gemma: spits up
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Eve: You're a sweetheart, you know that?
Ophelia: I learned from the best.
Eve: Most people wouldn't really call me 'sweet'.
Ophelia: Well, you definitely taught me not to take any shit.
Eve: You're damn right I did.
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Eve: You didn't have to name her that for my sake.
Ophelia: The name is important to you! And besides, it's beautiful. I knew you'd be mad if I named her Evelyn so this was my best bet.
Eve: Well, it's an honor. I know you'll be a great mother, sweetheart. I'm proud of you.
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After Evelyn leaves to catch a loading screen back to Sulani, it's dinner time.
Xander: Alright, dinner and a show!
Ophelia: Stop it! I'm pumping milk for your daughter! This is not sexy.
Xander: Agree to disagree.
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Said milk gets fed to Gemma before everyone goes to bed.
Ophelia: Slow down, you little milk monster! We don't want you to get an upset tummy.
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Meanwhile, in Sulani, it's time for someone else to go to bed too.
Eve slowly dances with her partner, Kaipo, before it's time for both of them to turn in.
Eve: Gemma's beautiful, Kai. Ophelia's going to be fine, I just know it.
Kaipo: I still think you should have told her.
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Eve: I couldn't bring myself to. She's so happy… She'll get through it. She's got a good husband, and that beautiful little girl. I've had a long, long, LONG life, Kaipo. Damn bodybuilder aspiration. It's my time.
Kaipo: I know. I will miss you, Evelyn.
Eve: You too, darling.
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And with that, Evelyn Lemon goes to sleep for the last time.
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Eve wakes up.
Even though she finds herself laying in sand, her back doesn't hurt. Nothing hurts, actually
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When Eve stands up, her knees don't pop. The wrinkles on her hands are gone. She feels like a brand new Sim.
She sees a man staring out into the distance. It can't be… can it?
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When he turns around, her heart feels like it's going to jump out of her chest.
Eve: Walt… is that really you?
Walt: The one and only. I know I look a little different than the last time you saw me. I'm a lot less old… and a lot less bald.
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The two kiss for the first time in over a decade.
Eve: Oh, Walt. You missed so much. Richard, he and Jane disowned Ophelia but she's excelling. She's a Rising Star, and she just started a family-
Walt: I know, dear. I've been watching.
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Eve: So you know about Kaipo.
Walt: Yes. I'm glad you had someone to enjoy your last days with. I don't know how this afterlife stuff works completely, but maybe I'll get to meet him someday and thank him.
Eve: So uh… did you ever watch us do it?
Walt: …I missed you, Eve.
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Welcome to the Forever Save, Eve.
Thanks for being the mother figure Ophelia deserved.
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ink-flavored · 11 months
FRUITS!!! (hello friend i hope you are well and your move went well!) Pride: 🍎🥑 Justice: 🌶️🥑 Feriha: 🍌🥑
hi thank you!!! my move DID go well, i'm just trying to settle into a new routine now :3 enough about me though, more about MY OCS!!!!
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
Pre-story, himself. Pride learned, in quite a violent way, that there was no one in the universe he could ever truly rely on but himself. To his own detriment, sometimes, he put himself leaps and bounds ahead of everyone he ever interacted with, because he didn't want to run the risk of trusting anyone—and being betrayed—again.
Post-story, he still values himself, but in a more honest way. He doesn't rely himself because he feels like he has to, because no one else will ever care, but out of genuine happiness and the ability to connect himself to the world and others. Justice is a very close second, and he might even be tied for first. As the one who forced him to/helped him realize that other people aren't always out to get him, and care about him even, he has a very special place in Pride's carefully curated hierarchy of importance.
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Most things? Like literally anything?
Being on Lucifer's side might make him seem bad to some people, but it's something he defends even when he's able to acknowledge it wasn't a good choice. Lucifer wasn't able to whip up a rebellion for no reason, and no matter how questionable his methods, or how terrible Hell is under his rule, Pride would never trade his choice. Not even to be an angel again, and save himself the suffering.
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them
Ooh interesting... Most politicians and police officers for taking his virtue in vain, tbh. He had his phase where justice was all about order and punishment and being very serious, but has since settled down to understand justice as righting wrongs, or preventing them from happening in the first place. A lot of people are still stuck in the first phase, and do things that Justice would......not approve of, to say the least.
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
I think this one can follow from the last answer—for Justice, punishment is a last resort, and never a solution. He exists to give the downtrodden a voice, not to make an example of those who have done wrong. All punishment does is threaten—it's a promise that you can be abused just as easily if you step out of line. It doesn't solve anything, doesn't prevent wrongdoing, and invents more problems.
There are definitely humans, and even other angels of justice, who think he's too soft or naïve for holding this conviction, but he doesn't care. Having Kindness for a sister influenced him deeply, and he's more proud of that than he is worried about what other people think of him. Justice draws his sword when every other solution has failed—it has never, and will never, be his first reaction.
🍌 [BANANA] Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
Being dead for almost 200 years means she's definitely lost something. Especially since most of those years were spent waiting for a husband she fully expected to meet her in the afterlife first. The anxiety from that would eventually shake her stiff composure, and make her more paranoid than she'd like.
Down in the living world, I can definitely imagine the random wife of a random regent who got randomly murdered wouldn't be something people would be keeping track of, so those paintings of her might be all that's left of her legacy. I don't think she'd be upset about it though.
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
She was sold to the sultan at a very young age, and had to claw her way through the harem to get anywhere. Any regrets she has she's made peace with, and won't apologize for things she did when she didn't have a choice.
[send me a fruits and vegetables ask]
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astra-galaxie · 11 months
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“Thank you, Mickey! Now, come on, let’s introduce ourselves to our son’s boss!” - Giselle Archer-Adams
Biographical information
Full Name: Giselle Archer-Adams
Alias(es): Elle
Gender: Transgender (male to female)
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Status: Alive
Age: 54 (season 3)
Birth: 1962
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Origin: Los Angeles, USA
Residence: Los Angeles, USA
Profession(s): NCIS Agent
Milan Archer-Adams (husband)
Jack Archer-Adams (son)
Lance Archer (father-in-law) (deceased)
Maaike Archer (mother-in-law) (incarcerated)
Affiliation(s): NCIS
Height: 5’11"
Age: 54 (season 3)
Weight: 183lbs
Eyes: green
Blood: AB-
Giselle is a tall and broad, but not overly muscular, woman with fair skin, long orangish-red hair that's wavy at the ends and green eyes with blue undertones. She wears a tight black top with mid-length sleeves, flowy army green pants and black boots. She also has a silver necklace with a crown-shaped pendant and matching stud earrings.
Giselle is the mother of Jack and the wife of Milan Archer-Adams.
She met Milan at university while pursuing a degree in criminal justice. The two felt an immediate spark but didn’t rush their relationship. Giselle graduated a few years before Milan did and joined the Navy. She served her country while keeping in touch with her boyfriend, who always waited for her to return. But while facing the dangers of war overseas, Giselle never imagined that a threat was coming for Milan back in the US.
Shortly before she was set to go on leave, she got a call from Maaike telling her that Milan had been attacked. She wouldn't give Giselle any details over the phone, but the distress in her voice spurred Giselle to get released a few days earlier to return to LA. Once home, she learned the full details of what had happened to Milan. The things she thought about doing to the bastard who had hurt her little Mickey weren't for the faint of heart to hear. And while she never found out the rapist’s identity, she vowed to make him pay in either this life or the afterlife.
Giselle spent her leave taking care of Milan, making sure he ate, slept, and didn't hurt himself. She was also with him when he took a pregnancy test and held him as he cried over the positive results. She promised to support whatever decision he made and would hold his hand down the path he chose. When Milan decided to keep the baby, Giselle began looking for career opportunities that would allow her to remain closer to home, and eventually, she joined NCIS’s LA division.
After returning to LA permanently, she and Milan moved in together and welcomed Jack into the world. Even though the boy had no blood connection to her, Giselle loved him as her own. She changed him, fed him, bathed him, and calmed him down when he cried, no matter how late or tired she was. She was there to witness his first steps, his first lost tooth, his first day of school and many more firsts. And with each milestone Jack achieved, Giselle rewarded him with love and praise.
Even though they were already a family, Milan and Giselle chose to wait to get married. They got married when Jack was eight, and the boy was excited to watch his parents wed with their family and friends there to celebrate. The event was made even better when Giselle took time during the ceremony to promise herself to Jack as his mother and made an official offer to adopt him. Giselle will never forget how happy Jack was to hear that she would legally be his mother and the first picture they took together as a family after the ceremony is forever one of her favourites.
Like her husband, Giselle was so proud of Jack when she heard he had been offered a position at the Bureau. And while she wished he didn't have to move so far away, she would never have kept her son from pursuing his dreams. She made him promise to check in with her weekly, and despite his grumblings of her being a “helicopter mom,” he never missed a check-in. Though she knew he couldn't tell her everything about his missions due to confidentiality, he never hid any secrets from her and Milan… Or so they thought.
She debuted as a minor character in Call Me, Kill Me during the additional investigation. Adalet ran into Giselle when the woman took a break from trying to get Jack to open up to her. She asked the agent to find Milan for her since he wasn’t answering her calls, and while Adalet and Nathan did that, Giselle kept trying to get Jack to talk to her. Later, Milan finally texted her back and informed his wife that he was at their hotel. Giselle promised Jack that she would come back with his father soon, and she prayed that Milan would be able to get their son to open up.
And he did, in a roundabout way. Milan had always been nervous about giving Jack the letters ever since he wrote the first one. He put his heart and soul into writing those and was scared to tell Jack about his deepest secrets. Giselle was pleased that Jack didn't think differently about his father, but her happiness was soon ruined when her son told them about what had happened to him in Africa. They knew about Angela’s betrayal, but they didn't know about Lavinia.
Which added someone else to the list of people Giselle wished to hurt. Of course, she wouldn't be able to do anything to Lavinia until she found the bitch in the afterlife, but Giselle would travel to hell and back to protect her boys.
After Jack had calmed down, he also revealed that he had been shot while the team was in Alaska. Giselle was furious that Chief Ripley didn’t think it was necessary to inform her and Milan about Jack’s injury, and she made sure the woman knew her opinion on the matter. Giselle was well known in the Navy and NCIS for her ability to scare anyone into submission, and she didn’t hold back when confronting Ripley. She was happy that they came to an understanding about the Bureau’s notification policy and that Ripley would be making changes to ensure that agents’ next of kin would be notified about all injuries sustained while in the field.
Later, Giselle and Milan would say goodbye to Jack and his team as they continued their mission to take down SOMBRA. And take them down they did! Giselle and Milan were almost glued to their TV as they followed the news coverage of the President’s kidnapping and the Bureau trying to find him. They were terrified when the US declared war on Russia but held on to the hope that Jack and the Bureau would find Hewett and stop World War III before it could happen. They celebrated when the news announced that the Bureau had saved the President and discovered the Vice President’s allegiance to SOMBRA. They were also happy to be notified by Ingrid about Jack getting shot (again!) and video-called their son once he was free to check on him.
Then they watched the Bureau be awarded the UN Peace Prize and couldn't have been prouder of Jack and his team’s accomplishments. They cried with their son when he told them that his teammate, Dupont, had passed away. They had only met the historian briefly, but they knew he had a good heart and was a wonderful man. So when Aslan (whom they had heard about from Jack but had never met) contacted Giselle and Milan about going to New York for the funeral, they immediately agreed and packed their bags.
Giselle and Milan (mainly Milan) fussed over Jack and his injury when they were reunited before attending Dupont’s funeral. They and the rest of the Bureau’s families who had visited stayed for about two weeks before returning home. Giselle and Milan promised Jack that he could stay with them after they found out the Bureau was being disbanded and were excited to have their son back with them after spending so much time apart. And no matter what adventure Jack’s life would take him on next, Giselle and Milan would love and support him through it all.
Story Information
First appeared: Call Me, Kill Me
She is a combination of the Disney characters Kim Possible and Giselle Phillip
Her design is based on Kim Possible’s spy outfit
Her surname, Adams, comes from the actress who played Giselle in Enchanted and Disenchanted, Amy Adams
Her necklace was a gift from Jack when he was six. He got it for her because he thought she looked like a princess from his fairy tale book and claimed that "every princess needs a crown"
People assume Jack is Giselle's biological child, given how much he takes after her personality-wise. They only correct people when they need to know the truth, which is a rare occurrence
Links to my stories: The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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serendictment · 1 year
August Books
1. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
. . . 3/10. One of those points is purely for the insight on Rosalie and Jasper's backstories and the other two points is Alice Cullen. I detest the Twilight series so very much and the only thing keeping me going is Alice. I hate how Jacob was turned into. . . Whoever he is now. He's not the same Jacob from the first/second books. I didn't really like him then either, but did he have to be turned into such a creep? Bella was insufferable as always, as was Edward. Stan Alice, I love her and also we're the same height (4'10) and we love that.
2. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
2/10. Again, it's apart of Twilight. Also, why does my mother have everything Twilight related? Anyways, I felt this was unneeded and I wish we were given a book like this from Riley's point of view. I feel as if it would've been more interesting than a character who only said her name and then a few sentences (maybe a paragraph or two?) about how she didn't know stuff and then was killed. I think seeing Victoria's manipulation being done to Riley would've been much more interesting to read. However, this is not me saying "Oh please Mrs. Meyer, write more!" She very much so does not need to do that.
Note for books 3., 4., and 5.; I read them at the same time. It was a strange week of reading.
3. Chainsaw Man Buddy Stories by Tatsuki Fujimoto and Sakaku Hishikawa
7.5/10. Love me some chainsaw man. I miss Angel and Kobeni though, so I couldn't give it an 8. Other than that, it was well written and I tend to take issue with short stories branching off from mangas because a lot of the ones I read in the past seem to get the characters wrong in the. . . word-ification of them, but I have no such complaint here on that. Power was still Power-ing and Aki was the same exhausted single mother Hayakawa that he's always been.
4. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
9.7/10. I loved it from start to finish. Some bits were even relatable (don't worry, none of the. . . bad(? questionable?) bits). I liked experiencing the slow mental decline and then the very end were Esther seems to be doing better. It was a bit saddening to find out that Plath died not even a month after this book was published, but I do hope that whatever afterlife there may or may not be, that Sylvia Plath is proud of what she's done and how far this novel has come.
5. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
2/10. 2 points are for Jasper and Alice. I hated every minute of this. I honestly wish I had something nice to say other than "It had Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale" but alas, I can not. Okay the wedding seemed cute but other than that it was like your typical white teenage boy. No redeeming qualities. Carlisle and Esme were great as always, but I have mommy/daddy issues so sorry<3
6. Chainsaw Man Volumes 10 and 11
9/10, still upset about Angel's death (even though I read it months ago), bur at least Kobeni is alive and well (. . . As well as she can be). Also, Makima was great. Do I think she was a good person? No. Do I love her as a villain? Absolutely. However, I'll never forgive her (or Fujimoto) for Angel. Rip.
7. The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
7/10. Rather slow paced, but a good solid plot. Unfortunately, I did clock Bogdin (or whatever his name was) as Tony's murderer. . . pretty much as soon as the murder happened, so reading the truth at the end didn't do much. Also, I assumed that Penny would've have something to do with one of the murders, considering you don't normally have a character like her and her husband, John, without them having some secret in their pasts. Overall pretty good though.
8. Death Note Volumes 11-12
8.5/10. Glad Light finally got what was coming to him. I hated that man. Misa deserved so much better (coughMEcough). Rip Matt and Mello though. Also, I don't care what other people think, I like Near more than L. Do I think Near was smarter than L? I'm not sure, however I do believe he used his resources much better than L did. Also to anyone who may be like "Oh, well, Mello was smarter than Near-" shush. I loved both of them, but I'm autistic so Near takes forst place for me. If Near has one fan, it is me. If he has no fans, I am dead.
9. Death Note Volume 13: How to Read
5/10. These sorts of books don't tend to interest me, however some content was good so it felt wrong to rate it anything under 5. That being said, I also couldn't rate it anything above 5 because. . . I don't know.
10. Death Note Short Stories
6/10. Near<3 I was happy. Overall entertaining, but ultimately nothing special in my opinion.
11. Death Note: Another Note The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases
7/10. The Death Note fan in me is tired of Death Note. I still enjoyed it, it was well written, the "L's a dom" part killed me. I think if I read it a few months ago it would've been rated higher, but alas.
12. Scott Pilgrim Comics (1-6)
6.5/10. Kim Pine, my love<3 snd wallace<3 really I have no commentary. It was Scott Pilgrim, that says it all. Love the art style though.
13. Blue Period Volumes 1-5
9/10. I started watching the anime while in school and it inspired me in a way I haven't been in a long time. Watching just one episode gave me the motivation to actually try with art again, and I think I'll always be grateful for it. I bought the first 5 manga and after reading them I've fallen in love again. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, I'm about to go off to college as an English major, but who knows, maybe English will be miserable to me and I'll switch to art. Either way, this manga has helped me a lot. I also see a lot of myself in many of the characters, Yotasuke in particular. It could be that I'm autistic, however I relate to his whole "art is all I have" thing. Although I'm what many would label a "jack of all trades," I only have one thing that I'm really passionate about and that I consider "mine." It was nice seeing someone else like that and it not being shown in a (purely) negative way. Plus, if he can make friends then that means I have a chance at it too, which makes me feel better about moving away for college.
14. Bungou Stray Dogs Volumes 8-13
6/10. Didn't hate them, but my original love for them is steadily declining. I'm also just trying to get through all of my manga at this point. . . I crave a novel so bad but still have to get through Ouran High School Host Club. Huuh.
Update: I never got to OHSHC since I went off to college and didn't want to bring manga with. Ouran will be "books I read whenever I visit on weekend" books.
15. I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
9/10. Do I need to even explain myself? Minus one point because at some points it was lowkey triggering for my. . . 3D, we'll say (don't worry, I'm okay and nothing happened), but it was so well written and just raw. Jennette is a talented writer in my opinion and I'm so sorry for everything she's gone through. She's much stronger than I am.
16. Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
7/10. Love me some Dostoyevsky. Anyways, I didn't hate it but I didn't exactly love it. Rating it under a 7 though makes me feel disloyal to my boy. Also, I finished this is in like 5 days. College is pretty easy right now (I say as literally an hour ago (around 5pm on August 31st) I was freaking out because I didn't know how to use the Canvas app).
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saythemagicword · 1 year
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Part 1
"I-I can't breathe, I am in so much pain, I don't think I can make it..." I muttered. "Please choose her over me...save her, at-at least for me..." I told Dominique as I try to fight the strong urge to sleep. My eyes were slowly being buried by my lids, but then..
It was a majestic moment of my life. I gave birth to a dazzling baby girl. Meet Quiana Avione Castro-Luna. Her name is a combination of me and my husband's name: Diana Camerone and Avijandro Dominique. It feels like a dream. It was indeed surreal. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe I managed to survive the alluring call of afterlife. I can't believe two days have already passed by since we came to our home as a family of three. "This is the best feeling ever. I never thought I'd be able to hold her in my arms." I said while trying to control my tears. "Yes I know, my dear. You did very well, you fought very much well, and I thank you for that." my other half whispered as he slowly caressed my left shoulder while flashing an I-am-so-proud-of-you smile.
We got married three years before our daughter was born. To tell you where it all started, Dominique and I first met back when we were in college. He was as charming as ever. But do you think I like him back then? If you think so, then you are mistaken.
Eww. I hate him and his guts. He keeps on appearing on my sight. One busy day, I was sitting on a bench beside the apple tree in our campus (yes, our campus had an apple tree), doing my homework in calculus when a loud thud echoed in my ear. It was the stupid apple that fell on the top of my head which almost took all my knowledge away. While I was picking up my notebook since I accidently dropped it out of pain, I saw a tall silhoutte in front of me.
It was him, the campus crush and emotionless guy. The guy that women would sacrifice their friendship for; he was in front of me. "You okay?" he asked. There he was, asking me if I'm okay with that poker face of him. Gosh, that blank facade makes me want to go home. Yes, I know I said he's charming, but there's something inside me that makes me want to punch him for no reason. I don't even know why he became popular when he's clearly...boring. "So clumsy...oh, Diana...so clumsy..." he mumbled. I was about to contradict him but wait... did I just hear him murmur my name?
"How did you know my name?" I asked with a confused face. I know his name, I mean, he's popular so it's obvious that I know his name. But we never talked, nor crossed path with each other, so there's no way he'd knew me. "Let's just say I'm admiring you from afar.." said Dominique, still no signs of emotion. I glared at him, infuriatingly trying to understand what was going on. "That blazing eyes of yours, it's beautiful." he unhesitatingly said with a smirk. Ugh, such a creep.
At that moment, three questions lingered in my mind: How did he know my name, why was he doing all that, and what the heck was he thinking. Due to the bewilderment, I immediately picked up my things and walked out before he could even say another crap.
Ever since that happened, I was expecting that he would constantly show up. But to my surprise, that was the first and last conversation we shared as students. On our graduation day, I saw him standing seven rows away from my seat. Our eyes met but he quickly averted his gaze from me. "Ha!" I scoffed. The audacity to avoid me after what he had said. Okay, well then...I'll just forget him. I mean, nothing was going on between us so technically, he's just a passer-by in my life.
Five months after graduation, I got my first job. I was really excited to go inside my workplace. Once I got in front of the office, I knocked three times and twisted the door knob. When I swung the door open, I heard a very familiar voice.
I hope I was mistaken, I hope it's not the voice I don't want to hear again. I was frozen. "Ms. Castro, aren't you gonna come inside?" Screw it! I was right. It was him, again.
Calm down, Diana. Pretend you don't know him, pretend it's your first time meeting him. "Huh? Oh, sorry about that. I am Diana Castro, the newly hired assistant secretary. And you must be...?" I asked. "Dominique Luna." he replied. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Lun—" What I was supposed to say was cut by him. "Nice to meet you, again, Ms. Castro." He then flashed a genuine smile. Wait, he knows how to smile? For the first time, I saw him smile. Before I could react, he turned his back. "Sir! The new assistant secretary is here." He shouted. "Good. Now you have someone who can help you with your job." said by the man with the biggest table in our office. What?! Help him? What is going on?
"You must be puzzled, Ms. Castro." My heart nearly jumped when a voice passed through my ear. "I must introduce myself properly." he said. "Listen. Diana...I am Dominique Avijandro Luna, the secretary of this department."
Ha! Our fate were intertwined with each other. Who would have thought that the man I loathed the most(for no reason) would be the man who'd bring me to the altar and be the father of my child? I thought he's emotionless, but I was wrong. When he's in front of me, I get to see his biggest and brightest smile. Back when we were still working as a secretary and assistant secretary, no matter how much I try to avoid him, he'd still find a way to talk to me. When he smiled at me on my first day at work, I knew I was wrong about him. He showed me that there is no reason for me to hate him. Now that we have a daughter, he proved that I was right about marrying him. It's currently 2:00 in the morning but he's still awake and here, gently kissing the forehead of our baby who's been snuggling on my arms for more than an hour.
I guess I never hated him. Maybe I was just annoyed by the fact that many girls were head over heels for him.
After a few minutes, we decided to put Quiana in her crib so that we could go to sleep. Every night, before calling it a day, Dominique and I have a habit of telling each other how grateful we are in life. While uttering words of affirmation, our conversation was interrupted by a ring at the door bell coming from downstairs.
--------End of Part 1--------
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catwriter · 2 years
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On the morning of the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Rabbit, as Yan’s family, including her mom, three sisters, their husbands, and their children gathered to celebrate in the family home, her mom went to rest in bed, and then died shortly after taking a video call from Yan, in what has become a winter of death for many families across China. Yan through her tears today remembered and honored her mom in this poem (translated from Chinese)
Walk away on snow
(Dedicated to my mother)
As beautiful as you are,
As proud as you are,
You are like a winter plum in stormy times,
A dazzling bloom.
When you were young,
You were so strong.
You trained hard and embraced important tasks.
In Qichang City where you grew up, everyone knew you:
The middle school and high school English and Chinese teacher.
The founder and leader of a troupe of young singers, dancers, and actors
who performed all over.
I remember long ago performing an Indian dance in your group.
The wife of a regional political leader, you were famous.
How many responsibilities did you have?
You raised four daughters and cultivated them arduously,
And in the eyes of others
They grew to be your beloved daughters,
Blossoming just like you, as beautiful flowers,
Becoming the proud words on your lips.
Many years passed, and in your twilight, you said,
“Now I want to have a good rest.”
But your reality turned against your good intentions.
Your strength waned; your body weakened.
You longed to see yourself as a strong woman,
For others to see you this way too.
But you could no longer do the things that made you proud.
Your later years passed like this.
You set your dreams for love and adventure aside and lived for your family.
Your heart remained calm and peaceful.
You laughed. You raised your daughters.
You smiled at your grandchildren, cared for them.
“My life is a little sad,” you said, “But I have no regrets.”
On New Year’s Eve of the Year of the Rabbit, 2023,
The winter snow arrived on schedule
And with it a relentless, merciless epidemic.
I anticipated your leaving.
Come on, follow me.
Walk away on snow
I must go now.
I’m looking forward to being myself in another world.
Behind your lonely back there remained a string of footprints in the snow.
In the vast starry sky
The brightest star is you.
Thou art the beautiful spirit and messenger.
You once said earthly, mortal love was tasteless,
But I want to say this:
We all love you dearly.
Maybe you don’t know
That no matter where you are,
In the past or the future,
Our deep love will always be with you.
If there is an afterlife,
I look forward to seeing you
Bloom like a rose,
Stand like a tree,
Fly like a butterfly.
If there is an afterlife
I want to be your daughter,
Or let me protect you instead!
I will find you, mama,
because I love you so much.
Your daughter, Yan Liang, January 22, 2023
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paranormalct · 2 years
Union Cemetery, Easton, CT
Union Cemetery has been a popular spot for paranormal investigators for many years, with gravestones dating back to the 1700s. Demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren - the world’s most renowned paranormal investigators - paid many visits to this popular spot in Easton, Connecticut, and have a book called “Graveyard: True Hauntings from an Old New England Cemetery” written about their experience.
Reports of ghost sightings in this location have been high for many years, being this is one of the most haunted graveyards in the country. Union Cemetery is home to many spirits, but the most popular being “The White Lady'' and “Red Eyes.” Nobody knows how exactly the White Lady died, or whose spirit she belongs to. Some prefer to say she died during childbirth and is still searching for her child from the afterlife, while others prefer to say she was a murder victim of the 1940s, killed after taking her husband’s life. The White Lady is the cemetery’s most popular paranormal sighting. She is said to be wearing a long white nightgown and a bonnet. Occasionally she is seen at night, wandering the cemetery. But more often than not, she is seen on Route 59, spooking drivers and causing mayhem. The other popular sighting is of Red Eyes. Red Eyes is the spirit of a man named Earlie Kellog, who was said to have set the street afire in 1935. Visitors who are in Red Eyes’ presence report feeling watched, and often hear footsteps behind them. Many claim they’ve seen red eyes peering at them from the bushes.
A reviewer on Damned Connecticut, who lives directly across the cemetery, claims they saw “unexplainable blurry bodies (dozens of them) floating around the cemetery and by the church.” Apparently it was so concerning that the household was forced to call the Easton Police Department after the blurs were seen to be moving up their driveway. Some other visitors report hearing their names spoken by unknown voices, catching the presence of spiritual orbs in photographs, and feeling cold chills.
I paid Union Cemetery several visits in November and December of 2021, after I discovered an article about it. I did not have my drivers license at the time, so I drug my poor father with me for my first visit. We had decided to drive out at night, with only the glow of the full moon to illuminate the cemetery, because we believed this would lead to an overall better experience. The first thing I noticed was the heavy energy at the back and right side of the cemetery. Truthfully, it kind of freaked me out.
The sight of me, trudging slowly through the cemetery with my camcorder, was not a sight I'm necessarily proud of, but I believed I was looking pretty professional at the time. There were several instances that I felt cold chills pass through me. This may have just been because it was late fall/early winter, but on this particular day, it just so happened to be fairly warm outside. Another thing I noticed was the amount of times I felt tapping on my shoulders, or tugs on my hair, or even the faint noise of something, or someone, trailing behind me. But the thing that topped off the night for my father and I was the anomaly we saw while walking by the chapel next to the cemetery. He decided we should explore the entirety of the grounds, as well as around the Easton Baptist Church, which lies next to the cemetery. As we were walking to the back, I peered into one of the windows just in time to see a transparent woman in her 20s or 30s walk by. She had long dark hair, and was clutching a candle. That was definitely the tipping point for the night, because we both started walking very briskly to the car after I made him aware of what I had seen.
Overall, my experiences in this cemetery have all been action-packed, and I look forward to paying this place another visit soon.
Please be aware that Union Cemetery is closed to the public after sunset, and police officers enforce this rule by patrolling the grounds. These particular few nights we did not happen to see any officers, but we were respectful to the grounds and the gravestones in it, and were sure not to make any noise. If you feel the need to investigate at night, please be sure to do the same.
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The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
This snippet came pretty randomly to me, but I needed to write it. Hope you enjoy it! :D
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Snippet 4: Ancient Egypt
She know her time on this earth was ending.
Yanara felt it in her old and fragile bones.
She should be thankful, that she lived through so much and reached this age.
70 years was not something that anybody reached in their land.
Yet, she wasn’t ready to go.
Why should she go?
In the world of the living, she was closer to her beloved death Atem, than she would be in the afterlife.
Even if it was a strange notion, it was true.
His soul was in the Millennium Puzzle for all eternity banded, he wouldn’t be there in the afterlife with all her other beloved people, her parents, her uncle, her Kisara, Isis, Mahad, and Mana.
Waiting for her.
Welcoming her.
It was the worst feeling.
Tired she rubbed her eyes.
Her second husband and cousin Seto and little, even if she wasn’t this anymore, Samira were the only one left of her family beside her children, grandchildren, and grand-grandchildren.
Yanara was so proud of her family, how she wished Atem had seen them!
But he never would.
It was so unfair.
“Yanara.”, she heard the whisper of her Ka.
Frowning she moved her eyes to the wall where she heard the voice coming from.
The winged Sphinx of Isis, her Ka, was only a shadow silhouette, but she would recognize her in any form.
Beside her…no this couldn’t be true…?
“Oh great Isis, my dearest goddess.”, she whispers roughly.
Indeed beside her Ka was the goddess she had always loved and prayed the most to. The goddess her Ka was bonded to. Making her one of Isis’s children here on earth.
“Are you here to take me to the death tribunal, my goddess?”, she asked sadly. “Has mine time come? I don’t want to leave this world knowing, HIS soul will stay here.”
Isis looked at her with the eyes of a mother who saw their child suffering.
“My dear Yanara, my dearest mortal child, I gave you part of me in form of your Ka, because I knew you would be something special. And indeed you were. You helped to make our beloved Egypt into a greater home for it’s people. You were a good queen and a good mother.”, Isis told her.
Yanara felt how a tear fall down her cheek.
“So you are here for me. It is time for me.”
The goddess came closer to her, the Winged Sphinx of Isis following her.
“Yanara, my child, do you so wish to be with HIM again?”
“More than anything in this world. I never loved someone, as I loved HIM.”, she answered desperately.
She felt how Isis wiped her tears away.
“Then listen to me my dearest mortal child. The evil HE defeated will be back one day. HE will need to face it again. If you really want to, then I will put your soul into your Millennium Item, as the price you will forget anything about yourself till HE will remember too. Do you understand me?”
The old queen nodded rabidly.
Yes, she would do it.
Anything for a second chance.
Anything to see him again.
In whatever form.
“Call for one of your daughters, give her your Millennium Item and make them swerve that they would protect it with their last breath and give this burden then to their daughter, and their daughter, till it is time for you to be again with your Pharaoh!”, demanded Isis from her.
It was not a difficult choice to decide which of her daughters would become the Keeper of her Millennium Fragment.
She called for her little Omorose-Hathor.
The last gift her beloved had giving her.
Who had never known her biological father.
Who was now a grown woman herself, awaiting the birth of her first grandchild.
Omorose-Hathor was like the mirror image of her father, the same beautiful violet eyes stared at her in shock, as she told her daughter what now would be the long-lasting duty of her side of the family.
Yanara knew her daughter would accept it.
That night one of the greatest queens of Egypt died.
She would be remembered as the wife of the Nameless Pharaoh and his successor Pharaoh Seto. The queen with the heart of a warrior and a soul of a goddess, who helped Egypt reach a new height of glory and prosperity.
And for Yanara self?
As she felt how her soul was banned into her Millennium Fragment, losing bits and bits of herself, she only had one last thought.
That she couldn’t wait to see her beloved again.
It was only a matter of time.
Can you tell I love Hamilton? If you don’t know what that is go and hear the songs! This musical is epic!
As you also read I decide to give Yanara/Afya an invented Ka which will be also a Duel Monsters card the Winged Sphinx of Isis. I didn’t find any card that was connected to Isis, or I’m just too stupid, so I made my own.
So do not steal, are we clear?
Also if you want to know the officially shipping name of Yanara/Afya and Atem/Yami it’s Infinityshipping, I just hope nobody else claimed it already. :D
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sapphira-mydnyte · 2 months
Mission: The Black Rose
" A black rose eh? Not hard to do, especially since the flower is in full bloom right now." I opened a portal to Vadenhill, eager to escape the uncontrollable fire that threatened the Dead City. As I walked through my lovingly sorted humans that I planned on feeding on later, one of them had been tending to the plants around the place. I never did like keeping my humans on short chains for torment, as I wanted them to enjoy their last days alive having some freedom. For as many as I've weighed & measured before feeding, there were some that I saved for last & today was no exception. The one tending to the plants was my last capture from Spring Valley, a lovely lady named Virga. The woman was badly abused by her husband before he died & her mind was so broken from the torment that she came willingly. She wanted her life to end by helping a vampire that knew the value of sacrifice, so I didn't let her stay a moment longer & brought her to Vadenhill to end her life in peace. "You're my last one alive Virga, but I see you've done a stellar job in keeping the black rose bush alive." She stood up, shuddering in fear at knowing that she was about to die & didn't know how. "Uh... yes ma'am, very much so. I had hoped to be buried close to it so that my corpse can feed this lovely plant. Us mortals don't deserve to see such a wickedly beautiful piece of fauna, but I can die happy if you'll bury me there after you drain me." She was a good woman despite her fears & deserved her last wish to be granted for keeping a much loved plant alive. Most vampires loved the black roses, but for a mortal to keep one of our plants so well tended to? She was deserving of having the ending she wanted. I drained her blood quickly, not wishing to let her suffer any longer. "My dearest Virga, you will be buried where you wish." Before I drained her to her death, I layed her upon the dirt next to the rose bush, ready to bury her. "Thank... you...." Those were her last words as the light went out from her eyes. I cried as I buried her among the exposed roots that I had dug down to earlier in the day. She was at peace at last & upon the gravestone I conjured for her, I placed one of the black roses upon it before heading home. Sadness took me as I walked back to the statue with a full bouquet of the black roses in my hand. As soon as I knelt before the altar, placing one of the roses upon it, I broke down. "My lady... may this black rose bring you happiness. Know this though, one of my mortal prisoners at Vadenhill did us proud in tending to the rose bush that grew these, so I buried her among the roots to continue feeding our most beloved plant. I ask that you see to it that her grave is undisturbed so she may rest in peace for the final good deed she did for us." I stayed & cried for a good thirty minutes as I put a black rose upon each of my earlier offerings, bringing the howling of the unsettled ones to an end. I suppose many would wonder what I did with the rest of the roses. I took them home, put them in a vase & stuck it in the windowsill in the kitchen. "May the lady of vampire-kind bless you in the afterlife Virga, for if you cannot rest, I would welcome you here myself." As the uncontrollable fire calmed to mere embers, the full moon was revealed in the smoky aftermath, shining upon the black roses.
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