#her cutie mark is already a pretty good gem shape though...not even getting into how the elements of harmony are already rocks
maretriarch · 7 days
i was never really super into steven universe so forgive the details being fudged but gem mlp au where twilights gem is in her forehead like pearl but yknow it sticks out and is spiraled like a unicorn horn and she pulls her weapon out and its a magical girl wand and the horn is the handle
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itbeajen · 7 years
Omorfos Kosmo | Haikyuu x Reader
Chapter 1 - Savior
"Lullaby!" a feminine voice called out, shocking Hinata as the wolves and the giant bear froze in spot. A few "zzz's" above their heads marking their sleeping status and you grabbed Hinata. If it wasn't for your voice, he'd have known nothing of his savior's gender. But you were a female, although your attire did nothing to indicate that. However, from the weapons adorned on you, your character appeared to be built to be a support character. On your back was one of the rarest musical instruments he's only ever heard of and read of in the forums. She must be a high level player too. He's suddenly sent flying into the clearing, and he sees you suddenly equip a large bow that was the length of your entire body. And his eyes widen again, "No way." The signature royal blue bow was something he had only seen very few people with due to the difficulty of the boss and the frequency in which you were allowed to run said boss. As soon as he saw you whip out said bow, the attack you responded with shocked him once more. "Arrow Rain!" you called out. You pushed Hinata into a safe clearing before dashing into the throng of monsters. The sound of the arrows zipped through the air as they crashed down onto the monsters in the field. Hinata looked up, and his eyes widened and swirled. NO WAY! THAT ATTACK WAS AN INSTANT CAST? BUT I DIDN'T EVEN SEE THE CIRCLE ON THE FLOOR THAT INDICATES WHERE SHE AIMED IT. THAT AOE THOUGH!? EVERYTHING JUST WENT WOOSH AND BAM AND. WOAH- Once again Hinata's thoughts are cut off as he hears the whimpers of pain and cries of despair from the field monsters and bosses. Hinata hears the familiar sound of exp points being gained and he dutifully checks his profile, to see that despite not doing much more than blocking and dodging, he had gained a good 2%. "Th-" He's about to thank you, but you turned around, your colored orbs filled with confusion. "What were you doing all the way out here and away from town?" You twirled your bow once before neatly sliding it into place on your back. "I...I logged in here," he admitted softly. Your eyes widened. Here? Of all places? You can't log out at boss spawn areas though. That's considered camping!
"Hmm, maybe they did send us to all different locations," you mutter. You shake your head and offer him a hand. Hinata gratefully takes it and your eyes scan over his equipment. Orange and black? Hmm, what a strange color scheme. I feel as though I've seen it before. Your eyes close and your lips tug into a frown as you try to remember where this color scheme was from and your eyes lit up, "Ooh, are you by any chance a part of Kei's guild?!"
"Kei?" Hinata tilted his head in confusion.
"Ah, my bad, he goes by Yue on here right?" you corrected yourself. Hinata's eyes widened and he asked, "You know Tsukishima?!"
You flinched and stepped back from the outburst. You awkwardly nodded and you swipe your left hand across Hinata's head and his name suddenly appeared, hovering above his character, or well, him. You bring one finger to click on his name, revealing his guild and game ID. Your mouth opens and you smile, "Ah, Karasuno. I see. So that's the guild's name. I never paid enough attention to it... and I normally played with names off." The last part is a whisper, not quite meant for Hinata to hear, but not as though it really mattered. Hinata observed his savior a bit more now that they were out of danger. Your outfit was indeed all boss equipment. Hinata had only ever seen bits and pieces of the Fafnir set and the Tyrant gear, but this was the first time seeing the whole thing in all its glory.
The Fafnir outfit was primarily a royal blue, with trims of gold and gradients of blue to green decorating the entire attire. Sitting atop your petite frame was a beret, with a perfectly placed feather that was pinned down by a black diamond shaped gem against the beret. The feather curls around the gem protectively, and stops right atop your ear. Your hair pools down your back, slightly wavy, but not too much, just enough to look as though it was a river flowing down your back. It drapes over the double layered, majestic snow white Tyrant cape. With your arms to the side, the first layer stops in a wavy pattern with ebbing purple hues and a gold trim just at your finger tips, while the rest pools down to your feet, almost to gracing the floor. Your fingers were clad in a fingerless glove of the same design as the cape, and your shoes fashioned the same way too. The royal blue cowl that adorned your torso was tied off neatly at the chest in a small ribbon with a simple deep blue to teal gradient tunic underneath. The bottom wear was a simple, yet fashionable, pair of royal blue shorts adorned with gold striped blue gradient leggings. The royal blue bow that was once equipped on your back was conveniently stashed in your inventory, which happened to be a solid black bag with shining white trimming that was firmly wrapped around your waist and put off to the side.
You replaced your weapon with your beloved mandolin, and strapped it across your back. A soft smile took over your face and with a friendly hand offered, you basically chirped, "The name's [L/N], that's my game ID at least!"
ID: [L/N] Main: Bard (?) Level: 72 - Exp 98/100% Guild: None Fun Fact: One of the most well-known mercenaries in game and on the game forums. Can use both bows and crossbows.
"But you should probably head back to town and hit the training grounds again. Lots of people have no idea what's going on and are trying to figure out how the game mechanics work." Your voice was filled with amusement and Hinata asked, "Uhm! I-"
he paused, what if you laughed at him? Your head tilted slightly to the side, waiting for him to continue. In the meanwhile you pulled up your equipment list, instantly unequipping your combat gear in fear of losing durability. You nodded at him, gesturing for him to continue, "[L/N]-san, do you think you could show me the way back to town?"
"Eh?" Your voice came out in pure surprise and Hinata blushed slightly, "I actually don't know my way back from here... I've never manually came to this map, I've only ever used the boss warping system."
"Ah, I see," you nodded and Hinata watches you as your arms and fingers swipe through the menus in the air. Obviously he can't see exactly what it is you're doing, but the fluid movements showed nothing more than mastery of the game and suddenly there is a shimmer of light as a silver thunder dragon appears on the map beside you. Sparks and jolts of lightning and electricity sear the earth around it. Hinata falls backward, stumbling over his own feet in surprise, and onto his butt as he slightly panicked over the dragon.
"Ah! Sorry, I should have warned you. This is my pet dragon," you fondly coo'ed its name, and the dragon nuzzled its head against your cheek gently and you patted its back, indicating it to lower enough for them to get on. "He won't bite, come on."
Your hand was offered to him and a brilliant smile blossoms on your face and he gulps.
It's okay. It's a pet dragon. It's her pet dragon. She won't feed me to him right after saving me... right?
The dragon snorted and huffed, steam invading Hinata's senses. He shook his head, and used his hand to blow the steam away. The dragon's crystal blue eyes looked at him with child-like wonder. Although it was already thrice the size of both of them combined, it was still considered a baby dragon. Which only meant one thing, it'll only get larger. The idea of it caused Hinata to feel slightly scared and you turned around, clearly concerned.
"Hey, you're not... prone to motion sickness right?" you asked, the concern lacing your tone was enough for Hinata to nod weakly and he mumbled, "I was never good with this stuff."
You almost sighed and then you shook your head. With another swipe or two, a potion appears in your hand, and a pair of extra goggles in another and you hand both over to Hinata. "Take that, it'll help."
"But..." This is a game.
Your eyes soften in understanding and you mumbled, "I know, it's supposed to be a game, but..." your voice trails off, and the last part was nothing more than a whisper, "It's different now."
A few minutes into taking off, Hinata had never felt so much joy and excitement in his life. It was almost everything he ever dreamed of when it came to flying. His eyes sparkled with wonder as he watched the harmless avian type monsters fly past them. Although he did fear for his life when there was a flock of Ash Moths aiming for them. The red exclamation mark indicating their aggro all went towards Hinata for some reason or another, and the boy was about to freak out until you gently patted your trusty dragon's side, and called out, "Drihtan, blast 'em!"
The electricity that the was produced from one single flap of the dragon's wings surprised Hinata as the Ash Moths were all fried and Hinata gaped, "WOAH. DID THIS LITTLE GUY DO THAT?!"
Drihtan, the thunder dragon, roared in response. A hint of a smile on its face as it glanced back for praise. You gently rubbed behind its ears and cooed, "Aren't you a good boy? You make me so proud."
"That was awesome!" Hinata cheered. His eyes glittered with excitement and you laughed, "Pretty neat huh? Drihtan's the only pet I have that doesn't have a duration."
"Whaaa? HOW?!" Hinata asked, clearly intrigued. You explained how you obtained him, all the existing Thunder Dragons on the server that belong to a character are all for beta testers only. And you gently rubbed the dragon's neck and you answered, "And I only know one other person that has one though. If you weren't able to tame it within the first week that the game was launched, I heard you couldn't keep it. Isn't that right, cutie?"
Drihtan roared in answer, shaking its head in amusement and you giggled, "Ah! It's so much cooler being able to actually interact with this adorable baby then it was through the computer screen!" You scratched its neck lovingly and you turned to Hinata, "So, what kind of build do you have?"
"Ah! I'm a warrior!" He responded brightly with a grin. You shook your head, "I already knew that part. What's your build?"
"Well, Kenma always says I have an unconventional build," Hinata's voice trailed off and you hear him awkwardly laugh as he his hold on the saddle tightens and he continues, "But I tank. Kind of. It's a bit more like aggro diversion than tanking, but... it works! My guild mates like it at least."
You nod sagely, "I see, I see. Then that's all that really matters. That you're able to use your build to your advantage and to benefit others. That's great!"
"What about you [L/N]-san?" Hinata asked. You hummed, "I'm primarily support. I started off with a violin bow before I switched to my main instrument." You gently pat the head of your mandolin that was slung over your shoulder and Hinata admired the deadly weapon-like instrument. Unlike a typical mandolin, the body of the mandolin was decorated with an intricate pattern of thorns that appeared to stem from where the tailpiece was. The tailpiece appeared to be an eye of some sort, it was certainly ominous looking, and the deep red thorns started there and encompassed the body of the mandolin. Unlike the rest of your attire, the body of the mandolin was black, with the metallic thorn design a deep blood red, as though it's been stained by the life of the monsters it has encountered. The strings looked as though they were liquid silver, with the way they shimmered in the light. And Hinata asked, "How did you get your instrument? I've never seen it before."
"A friend of mine crafted it for me. He's pretty cool, a bit rambunctious and eccentric, but definitely cool. His ID is Guess," you explained and you laughed, "Although I had to fund him to rank his carpentry skill," you shook your head fondly, "I always knew creator skills were hard, but who would've thought it was that expensive to rank them up."
"Hm, never heard of him," Hinata admitted, and then he continued, "But it is really cool looking, your instrument. What's it called?"
"Devil's Crescendo," you smiled and Hinata scrunched his face in shock, "D-Devil's Cr-Crescendo?! It sounds so scary!"
"Yeah, you need to be a Grandmaster Bard in order to even equip it," you laughed, "Thank god I finished mastering my entire music tab before the game turned into this, I don't think I could have sat there for hours on end playing the same songs over and over again."
"You did that?" Hinata asked in awe, and you nodded, "Well, I kind of taped my playing button down..." Your lips were pulled ito a pout. Hinata chuckled, "You're so interesting [L/N]!"
"I can say the same to you Hinata," you laughed, and then glanced back at him, "I guess I'll have to be extra careful to make sure you don't get hurt or anything on the way back to the guild hall."
"We're not going to fly the entire way?" Hinata asked. You shook your head and patted Drihtan's side, "Even this cutie-pie gets tired, we're gonna land in a bit. Plus, there's a certain friend of mine that also needs a lift to town."
Hinata nodded, and he opened his mouth to speak, but the strong gusts of winds coming from Drihtan's wings flapping as they descended made him shut his mouth. The last thing he wanted was for something to fly in. Hinata musters enough courage to look down as they begin to descend and his face bursts into surprise and he shouts out, "Tsukishima?!"
The crowd-control mage immediately scowled and he muttered, "When she said extra luggage, she really did mean extra luggage. Tch." His golden orbs narrowed at the sight of the short warrior clinging tightly onto Drihtan's saddle and you waved cheerfully at him.
ID: Yue Main: Mage Level: 70 - EXP 98.9/100% Guild: Karasuno Fun fact: Dislikes inefficient party runs.
The tall blonde wanted to shake his head at the unnecessary trouble Hinata gave you. He adjusted his glasses, the wings on the temple tips shifting slightly as they adjusted to the slight movement change. Hovering behind the male's head was a silver crescent moon, that had the ends of the crescent facing upwards.
Donning an intricate white and gold pattern, Tsukishima's outfit was more elegant than Hinata's. His typical color scheme was white and gold with sky blue, still rejecting the guild colors that Hinata is so proudly advertising. The outerlayer consisted of an intricate coat, where the sleeves and fabric leading to the tailcoat were white as it seeped into a gold hue. White wing like designs were seen on the gold hues, further emphasizing the precious metal. The coat had a sky blue collar though, that also continued down his back until it covered the tail coat. His shoulder blade area was braced with an intricate golden design that had two sheer white feathered wings attached to them. Whether these were functional or not, only time could tell. Inside, he wore a high-collared white tunic. Unlike the sleeves, the design on the tunic was the reverse, in which the feather-like designs were gold and the base color was white. Over his chest area there was silver, gold-trimmed piece of armor that wrapped around his torso, protecting him from any possible impacts. Black pants are worn underneath, but are unnoticeable due to the outrageously long length of the top he wore. The sunset colored boots he wore reached mid-thigh, and if weren't for the fact that game logic still applied, he swears he would've switched them out for something else.
"Yahoo~ Kei!" you called out. Drihtan landed successfully next to the blonde and nuzzled his side in greeting. Tsukishima's features slightly softened as he patted the gentle thunder dragon's head and he turned to you, "Extra luggage huh?"
"Oh come on, it's your guild mate, don't be such a grumpy head," you teased and you asked, "Did you check?"
"Yeah, it seems they completely deleted our alternative characters," he muttered and he pulled up his inventory, clicking on another remote bank coupon. And his monotonous voice droned on, "Whatever equipment and items we had on them were transferred into our bank... Bank space expanded to 196 spots now, that's an additional 96 slots. And the character that accumulated the most play time on is our main character."
He adjusted his glasses and he muttered, "I confirmed it just now with Akaashi-san."
"Ah, so I guess I can give you my spare equips now," you drawled and Tsukishima's eyes flashed with excitement and you laughed, "Oh Kei, you're so simple."
"Tch," he casually flicked your forehead, or tried to at least. The growl from your pet dragon's throat warned him of the possible consequences, and he settled for scowling at you instead. Throughout the entirety of the short banter between you and the blonde, Hinata merely watched with confusion and he asked, "How do you two know each other anyways?"
Tsukishima didn't answer, instead choosing to pet your dragon. You snicker at the annoyance on the orange-haired boy's face and you explain, "We got partnered together in a raid."
"Eh? You did? But Tsukishima's more of a crowd-control kind of player and-" Hinata's eyes widened when he saw the twinkle in your eyes, "Your music." Upon receiving a nod, you whipped out the mandolin. Hinata's eyes widened as he noticed the darkness that was literally oozing out of the blade that rested against your hip, but you disregarded it as though it was something that was always present there and strummed it lightly before commanding the magical properties of it, "Lullaby!"
There were thuds as the nearby creatures, regardless of their disposition towards the trio, fell to the floor. Fast asleep. Hinata's eyes widened and he stated, "And Tsukishima wipes them out when they're knocked out..."
"What else do you think I do? Stare at them?" Tsukishima responded with irritation laced in his tone. He was still peeved that you had found the hyperactive warrior and even saved him. You noticed his irritation and you shook your head, "You know, Kei, you really shouldn't be so mean."
"Whatever [L/N], how do you plan on getting us back to town?"
"Tch, if someone here had learned how to use Magic Door..."
"I don't specialize in those kinds of skills."
"Right, cause the only support you give are for fellow mages. Sigh, when will you ever be useful to me Kei-ah?" you dramatically sighed and his eye twitched in irritation. However, he knew he couldn't win against you, and he sighed, "Whatever."
You smiled and said, "It'll be fun, walking to town again like the good old days."
Your fingertips hover in the air and you gently tap both Tsukishima's and Hinata's ID, scrolling past the add friend and trade and guild request button to find the 'Add to Party' function. You waited for the familiar tune that announced the addition of another member and you smiled brightly as you saw them join.
Your fingers fall back down and rest on the neck of your beloved instrument. Your fingertips gently glide over the strings before gently plucking a tune. As soon as you felt the familiar rush of adrenaline and thrill you announced, "March Song!" As though it was muscle memory for you, despite your first time playing it since you entered this strange new world, you felt the energy envelop you and your party members, boosting their speed and jump. A warm light appears from the scroll of the instrument, as you can visibly see musical notes in the air as you played your tune. You swing the instrument back around onto your back, the black and red clashing strongly against royal blue and white.
"Let's get going then, shall we?" you said as you climbed onto Drihtan's back, urging the dragon to trudge onward. The baby dragon let out a trill and shook its head fondly before getting off the earth and moving onward. Tsukishima sighed, "Always going at your own pace aren't you?"
Hinata shrugged as he went to jogged lightly to catch up with the long strides of Tsukishima and the even longer strides of the baby dragon.
"Well, I prefer this than having to drink that nasty potion again just so we can fly."
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Yume Twins Dec 18
It’s been a week since my order on Blippo.com went through, and I’m in the stage where it’s becoming hard to wait. When my mind isn’t preoccupied with pictures or playing Atelier Totori, it’s stuck in the “anxiously waiting period” stage. The stage everyone hates while waiting for a package to come.
Oh, I’ll also be truthfully reviewing the items I get both here and on their individual pages of the Blippo website. Not sure anybody cares but I thought I’d point that out.
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This months theme: Pokemon Holiday Parade
“Happy Holidays YumeTwins family! The season of cheer is finally upon us! For this month’s box we’re bringing you a wonderful gift, a Pokemon themed box from us to you brimming with joy! A Pokemon Holiday Parade Box! Many of our YumeTwins fam have been asking for a Pokemon theme box for a long time and we heard you! In this box you’ll find some practical items and some items that are fun to decorate with, but as always everything is as kawaii as can be! So snuggle up with your Pokemon in this chilly season and enjoy all the cute items this Pokemon Holiday Parade Box has in store for you! P.S. Don’t forget to be the best Pokemon trainer there ever was!“
I love that reference in the P.S. there :P
So before we get started,  wanted to mention this booklet which was also included:
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This is part of the points system on JapanHaul the official YumeTwins/NMNL/Tokyo Treat online store. It just talks about the recent items it’s featuring in the points section, how you can earn more points, etc. Basically the exact same stuff you would see on the website.
This month the contest and Yume Prize boxes aren’t Pokemon themed at all. But they do happen to be two very good ones nonetheless:
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The photo contest featured some adorable Totoro goods.
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Meanwhile, Yume Prize features several Powerpuff Girl themed goods! I was honestly surprised, I’m not sure why. I grew up with the powerpuff girls (sorta... I was about 8-10 when they came out I think, then I think around the time I was 15-18 the series ended and all the merch slowly stopped selling). My favorite was, and always will be Blossom ♥
I also really liked the anime they came out with years back, but I haven’t really watched too much of the new cartoon (probably because I got tired of all the current stuff on Cartoon Network) series, so I’m not sure if I approve of it or not yet.
Anyway I could keep going, so for now let’s just get the review started!
Pokemon Keychain Ornament
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Our first item is this really cute blind box-esque Pokemon keychain. I say esque because it comes with gum, but you see who you’re getting- unless you subscribe in which case it’s still sort of blind box...
Anyway, this charm uses a mixture of metallic, pearlescent, and clear materials to make a very cute keychain. You could even make it a Christmas ornament if you wanted.
Available was Pikachu, Eevee, Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. While Pikachu and Eeevee come with metallic pokeballs, the three Eeveelutions came with a clear evolution stone.
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Not the best quality to capture it’s beauty, but I tried. The Pokemon has a sort of matte finish, allowing the evolution stone to contrast it very well; it’s so pretty~ 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
They’re all very cute so I would have been happy getting anyone; but we all know I love gems and translucent thingies like this so I was very happy to get one of the three this style.
The details are very nice for such a small piece, and I love the little element addition within the stone. The stone looks gold/orange/amber, but it has a lovely rainbow shine. I really, really like this!
Pokemon Luggage Tag
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Our next item in this Pokemon Parade is an adorable Pokemon Luggage Tag. As I’ve mentioned before I personally don’t really have a use for this, but you never know, and I’m sure a lot of subscribers did.
Besides Pikachu, Mimikyuu, Eevee, and Snorlax were also options.
Rating: ♥ ♥
In terms of quality it’s fantastic, look at all the detail and colored spots. I also really like how it doesn’t have a bunch of “empty space“ coloring, which I did see on the Mimikyuu and Eevee versons. That really bothers me for some reason.
Even though I personally am not a fan of this type of item, I still appreciate how nice it is.
Palm-Size Animal Plush
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This is our first non-Pokemon item of the box. Yes, even though it’s a Pokemon theme we still have other things. There was 20 different varieties these came in, and I got a cute puppy. I think I’ll name him Brownie.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
While writing this review, I discovered the muzzle is sewn on separately. Which is why it looks crooked here, and why I was going to fault the plush on it until I realized it can be twisted.
Anyway I think it’s very sweet, and I love it when they bring in lines with tons of variety, it’s usually always a plush. It makes it a lot more fun to compare with other subscribers what you got, and if you know them personally you could even trade if you really wanted to.
I’m a little bothered by the different colored paws though. I know you can’t really tell in the picture but in real life you can clearly see the difference. It’s not that bad, but...
Sanrio Sticky Notes & Stickers
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These are the last of our non-Pokemon goods (unless you got the 1 sheet of Pikachu stickers), featuring a variety of the older Sanrio characters in four various sizes for a total of 40 stickers. Besides this one and the one Pikachu set, there is also a Hello Kitty set, Pompompurrin, and My Melody.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Well first of all, I really like that we got to see a bunch of the older characters. I’ve heard that lately they have been becoming more popular as of late though. They have a clear backing and I like the variety of sizes. But as you can see, some characters are “more featured“ than some, and I kind of wish there was a bit more balance to it.
Our partner item for this are a set of various shaped sticky notes, perfect for the season of gift giving or if you just need to mark down something. These were available in Hello Kitty or My Melody.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I’ve already expressed how I feel about sticky notes. I got way too many of them now- and if I actually used them then yeah, I’d be more appreciative. But lately they’re always showing up. I need a break from them!
But besides that, I love the cutesy designs with Kitty. So... at least they don’t look generic?
Pikachu Food Mold
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This is our kawaii final item, and the biggest in the box; a big mold to make adorable Pikachu head out of rice, potato, jello, etc. Along with his facial details, and the decorations surrounding him as seen in the pic. The side also provides a few other ways you can use this, like besides curry, you could make a flavored rice Pikachu with a salad, or in stew.
I haven’t used this just yet, only because I forgot about it until I went to do the pictures, and I just haven’t had it in me to take the time to really make anything super-elaborate... It happens right?
But I do plan on trying it out soon, and if I remember I’ll take some pictures and post them, give some opinions, etc.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I haven’t tried it yet, but I will rank it for it’s concept and overall cuteness! I love adorable ways to jazz of food like this and I’m excited to actually sit down and make something with it. I kind of wish maybe it had included a little booklet with more ideas.
The bag the parts came in wasn’t sealed but they’re in fine condition, nothing’s scratched or broken.
♡ Cutie Ranking ♡
Content - 3 out of 5. As much as I love Pokemon merch, and generally liked the items. I don’t know, I didn’t like this box as much as I did the previous one.
Theme: 2.5 out of 5. I’m sorry but if you plan to dedicate yourself to one theme how hard is it to stick with it for more than half of the items? Like, Pokemon is a huge series and I’m sure they could have done the entire box Pokemon if they wanted. It was pretty underwhelming and the Yume Prize and contest items had nothing to do with the series. Not only that, but I felt like they were trying to “force“ a Christmas theme with some descriptions, so I was kind of disappointed there wasn’t actually any Christmas items this year.
Total Rank: 4 out of 10. I’m probably being really picky but this box just didn’t cut it for me. The items were nice, but the theme could have been done way better in my opinion, they included nothing Christmas oriented so they didn’t need to shoehorn it in anyway.
♡ Cutie Scale ♡
1. Pokemon Keychain - I LOVE this one x3 it’s so pretty and cute to look at, I’m definitely going to find a way to display it so that I can look at it more often~ 
2. Plush - it’s very cute and squishy soft. I’m also glad this isn’t a second plush I have to fix, although I did find a long thread on it.
3. Hello Kitty Sticky Notes - I like the various unique shapes and sizes.  
4. Pikachu Mold - I’m very excited to use this soon! I’m sure it will work out, but I never used something like this before so it will be a new experience.  
5. Pokemon Luggage Tag - Again generic, nothing really that special to me. But I did really appreciate the detailing and spot-on colors. 
6. Sanrio Stickers - Generic images, and I didn’t like how uneven the characters were. As much as I love Hello Kitty, they could have put one less of her (and a few others) to include a second sticker of another character. 
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