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Longing | Semi Eita
You blinked once, then twice, and you glanced back up. "You have the wrong person." You made a move to go around the abnormally tall red head and he immediately side steps in your direction. "I'm telling you [F/N]-chan! It's for you!" He wiggled his eyebrows and you raised yours in response, "Oh really?" "Mhm," he hummed happily. He extended the letter to you again, and you look down at it. Indeed, your name was written neatly on the pale lilac envelope and you sighed, "Okay, but seriously, who?" "That I can't say." "Satori." He flinched at the way you said his name. It wasn't a hiss, nor was there anger, but you dropped the honorifics. And he sighed, "[F/N]-chan, I actually don't know. They left it in my locker. I'm just being the nice friend I am and delivering it to you." You frowned, "Your shoe box is the very top one on the corner. Mine's not even on the same side as yours." Tendou shrugged, "Who knows!" With yet another sigh, you accept the letter and Tendou stares at you intently. You sharply glanced at him and you said, "It's mine right?" Tendou tilts his head, and then nods eagerly, and you smirked, "Then that means only for my eyes to see. Thanks for the delivery, Sa-to-ri!" You sung out his syllables as you walked away, slipping the envelope into your uniform pocket, and immediately he pouted and whined, "Not fair!"
In the safety of your dorm room, you place the lilac envelope gently on your desk. Your fingers trace over the neat handwriting of your name. It was unfamiliar, perhaps from someone not in your class. You drum your fingers against your desk, before making up your mind and opening it. Your finger gently slides underneath the flap and separates them from each other. Upon lifting it, a pale pink folded paper is revealed to you. As you slide it out, something falls out and your eyes widened to see a laminated watercolor painting of a flower. Your sweetness and purity brings to me a peace of mind and smile to my lips. I can only hope that this can convey even a portion of how much you mean to me. - 2/1 "A gardenia..." you closed your eyes momentarily, and find yourself gently admiring flower. It looks so real. You can still see where the water had run off the paper, but you can see how much care and effort was put into the painted flower, for it was cut and laminated so that there were no sharp edges or bumps, and it was shaped like a small tag, as though you could loop twine through the small circle located at the top and dangle it somewhere, to be shown off and proudly displayed. You turn on your computer, ready to tell Yukio about what happened, but an unread message on the app catches your attention as the name is one you rarely get to see outside of exam seasons. "Eita-kun?" Mother Eita: Tendou wants a study session with all the third years, figured I'd invite you. It'll be some time after Valentine's though, in case you were wondering. Mother Eita: You don't have to come if you don't want to though, it's just that Tendou is probably going to force you, and I just thought this was better. You blinked and you find a small smile on your lips and you quickly typed back. Swan Flower: Sure sure! Hehe. (*´▽`*) You're the best Eita-kun~ You feel the small grin now turn into a full out smile and you sighed. It'd be nice if this year's Valentine's goes nicely too.
And so you did, now attached to your book bag was the laminated gardenia, and you gently played with the new charm and smiled as you walked towards the gym. The ever familiar squeaking of shoes on the wooden floors reminded you of the intense games that you've happily witnessed. You pop your head in, and send Coach Washijo a smile. He waves and his lips turn up into a smile and he asked, "Here to make sure Satori gets to class on time, eh?" "As always," you chirped. You turned to glance at the boys as they continued practice, none of them actually paying much mind to you as your presence is now a common occurrence to them. Your gaze falls upon the main players on the team, and no matter how many times you watch, you'll probably never get sick of the wonderful way in which they play. "Stray ball!!!" The shout doesn't take anyone by surprise, but immediately everyone is alert. Your eyes dart about quickly and upon seeing it heading your way, there's a thud as your book bag hits the floor and you neatly position yourself to receive it. The ball ricochets off your arms and back towards the court. "Thanks [L/N]-senpai!" You give them a small wave and smile and Washijo chuckled, "Your form is very good. They could learn a thing or two from you." You sheepishly pick up your bag and responded, "Well, I learned from the best." Your gaze immediately goes to Tendou and the coach nods, "Yes, Satori is talented." Tendou's head perks up and he smiled widely, "Did Coach Washijo just compliment me?!" "No, your ears malfunctioned, go back to practice," you joked around. Tendou laughed and he said, "Don't wait for me today [F/N]-chan, I have clean up duty for the gym." "Is that so?" you hummed and then shrugged, "Okay then. Don't be late to class Satori-kun!" "Yes ma'am!" Tendou mock salutes you, but he drops it as soon as he sees another volleyball coming his way. The serve was hard and he flinches on impact and then whistled, "Your serves are as strong as ever Semi-Semi!" The previous setter says nothing, but he nods and Tendou glances over to find him staring out the door where you just walked out. The red head tilted his head, a small frown on his lips. But it was a fleeting moment, and Semi was back at it again, practicing his serves and Tendou shrugged. It must have been his imagination.
You opened your locker, and your eyes widened upon opening the door to it. Multiple letters flutter out and you crouch down, quickly grabbing them. Your eyes merely scan over them, reading your name that's written in various different hand writing styles, but not one stands out to you. You gently place them into your book bag, but as you reach for your shoes, your hand feels yet another letter and you look up into your locker, only to come face to face with a familiar lilac envelope with the same neat handwriting from yesterday. Surprisingly, you felt something stir within you, perhaps your heart skipped a beat, you weren't sure. But you find yourself smiling at the envelope and you gently place it with your agenda, where you know you won't forget about it like the others. Your mood was significantly lifted, and there was a small but cheerful smile on your lips as you made your way to your classroom. "Oh? You're not with Tendou-kun today?" You turn to your left and you laughed, "Not today Yukio-chan." "I would have thought you would be, considering how he's practically glued to you," Yukio teased. The girl glances at your bag, the stack of white envelopes sticking out and she raises an eyebrow, "Looks like the day you hate the most is coming up soon." "Look, I don't hate it, it's just a tad bit annoying," you sighed, "Everyone turns so materialistic and," you paused, "I know this is inconsiderate of me to say, but I get sick of chocolates getting shoved down my throat." "Yet you don't mind helping other girls making stuff," Yukio drawled, and you pout. She smirked, "Plus, you even help guys choose the correct flower arrangements and get them sent here from your family's flower shop. What an adorable daughter." "Stop it," you whined as Yukio teased you relentlessly. She laughed and points a finger at the letters, "So." "I don't know, I'm just going to read them, but honestly if all of them say 'meet me at x on such day' I'm probably going to run into trouble." "Just pretend you have a date with someone on the volleyball team." You rolled your eyes and Yukio shrugged, "I mean, if you say you're going out with one of them, people will leave you alone. A lot of people used to until you and Tendou confirmed that you guys were just childhood friends." "Okay, but it's true? That's all we are!" You responded, and Yukio shook her head, "Okay, but seriously, either you get a fake date and get rid of people, or you deal with those." "Can I just pretend I didn't see them?" "You don't have the heart to do that, [F/N]-chan."
"Ah! Another one!" You gently picked up the laminated flower and smiled. This secret admirer is quite knowledgeable. You strive for perfection, yet you also lift others with you on your path there. You have many traits that others can only wish they could have. And with all the hard work you put in, even your efforts will be repaid. - 2/8 "A camellia." So.. admiration, huh? You smiled as you followed suit, adding the laminated flower onto your bag. You looked at the two of them side by side and you shook your head fondly. Whoever they are, they've got me curious. You were about to go off on a daze when you felt your phone vibrate, and a small smile graces your lips. "Hello?" "Hey," his voice was soft and you can hear him clear his throat, "Tendou said you've been receiving love letters." "Oh gods," you laughed, and he's taken aback, and you apologized, "Sorry for laughing, but yeah. I have. Why?" "Nothing, he just told me and I found it surprising he mentioned it, don't you get them every year?" "Mm, yeah, but it's because of-" you paused, when you hear knocking on your door and you quickly said, "Ah, I'll be back Eita-kun! Someone's at the door!" You dropped the phone on the desk, but when you open the door, you find nothing except for a small bunch of acacia blossoms. A gasp escapes your lips and you slowly lean down to pick them up. You glance back and forth, but there was no note, no letter, and no person in sight. A small sigh escapes your lips as you pick up the phone. "Did something happen?" Semi asked, and a small giggle leaves your lips, "Nope." Nothing at all.
"Another one?" Tendou loomed over your shoulder as you pulled out yet another lilac envelope, completely disregarding the rest. Unable to wait until later today, you gently and carefully open the familiar envelope. By now you've reread the neat handwriting over and over again to have familiarized yourself with it, but you've yet to figure out who it's from. "'As much as I want to be there for you, I can't. But please know that you are not alone in your endeavors, and many will support you no matter the circumstances. - 2/12'" Tendou read the letter and immediately received a hard slap to his left arm from you. The blush on your cheeks was new to him, but from the way you were clutching the letter close to you made him raise an eyebrow and he smirked, "Ololo?" "No, Satori, don't you dare start this here." He glances about, and upon realizing the situation he takes a step back and bows, "After you [F/N]-chan." You gently pat his head, flattening his normally spiky hair and you sighed, "You're such a pain." "I know."
"Semi-kun, there's a girl looking for you," one of Semi's classmates called him out. The former setter looks up in surprise and Reon does too. They exchange a glance, and the classmate clarifies, "I believe she's Tendou-kun's friend." "Tendou's?" Reon parroted, and Semi's eyes widened, "Ah, it must be [F/N]-san." Your head pops up at the door way and you give him a small smile, "Sorry, did I come at a bad time?" He attempts to not frantically shake his head and he wills himself to respond with a simple no, but he's not sure if he managed to do so properly. But from the brilliant smile that blossomed on your face, he can tell he didn't. Your step has a spring to it and you asked, "Could you help me study again?" He blinked, and was about to nod, but he hesitates and muttered, "Volleyball practice ends late." "That's fine!" you chirped, and then you give him a soft smile, "I can wait. You did the same for me whenever I had practice." He sighs in relief, and with a grateful smile, he nods, "Okay, every other day like usual?" "Mhm!" you skip out of the classroom, and send both Reon and Semi a cheerful wave, "Have a good lunch!" As soon as you were out of sight, but not yet out of mind, Reon turns to Semi with a rather sly grin resembling much of their bright loud red-head and asked, "So, you and [F/N]-chan." "It's not what you think it is," Semi muttered. "It's pretty obvious to everyone," Reon commented, and then quickly added, "Except for Tendou, Ushijima and her, of course."
"Oh? No letter?" Tendou asked. You scoffed. There were certainly letters, but not the signature lilac envelope you were looking for. You couldn't help but deflate slightly. It was finally Valentine's day and yet the one letter you were looking forward to the most wasn't there. Tendou noticed and gently patted your head, "It's okay." "I wanted to meet them," you mumbled the admittance as though you were embarrassed. You sighed and closed your locker after pulling out your shoes, and continued, "They clearly know who I am, and we've obviously talked before. They know of my dreams, my aspirations, and even about my family and friends. And you know I don't go around telling people that kind of stuff about me!" There was a pout on your lips, and Tendou doesn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. A part of him felt relief, but another part didn't and he shakes his head and asked, "Maybe they're just shy." He hears you huff and then you shook your head, "Whatever. It was nice while it lasted."
"[F/N]-san." You looked up from the practice problems you were working on and turn, only to find yourself with Semi. You give him a small smile as he sits down in front of you, "Were you waiting long?" "Nope! Please teach me well again, Eita-kun!" You laughed as he pulls out his notebook. The two of you have been meeting up every other day after his volleyball practices in the dorm study rooms, and he smiles politely at you as you wait. "You seem more focused today, did something good happen?" You hum, as though mulling over a response and shook your head. "Not something good, but I guess you can say that I'm relieved I wasn't drowned in flowers and chocolates like I was last year." "Aren't you popular?" You rolled your eyes, and you laughed, "Please, not as much as you." You lightly tap the bags at the edge of the table with your foot. "I see how admired you are, Eita-kun." Semi flushes, and you find yourself heating up as well. Stop it, Heart. Don't you dare go there. "Ah well," he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, "I can't refuse them all.. you know?" "That's kind, but misleading." "I know, but-" "You can hurt someone in the process if you're not direct enough, Eita-kun. And even someone as kind as you wouldn't want to do that to someone, right?" you finished, and then the pencil you were holding freezes and you quickly muttered an apology. Ah, what was I thinking saying something like that to him? We're good friends, but- "Yeah, you're right," he sighed. He props his head against his hand and asked, "So, what happened to your flower boy, I see you only have 13 out of 14." You tense, as though you were going to recoil, and instead, you deflate, a long sigh escaping your lips, "I didn't get one." "No?" "No," you answered, and then you sighed, "Honestly, I really wanted to know who he was. I know this is haughty of me, but I'm really just... done with the typical, 'I like you a lot, please go out with me' kind of thing that most confessions are. I mean, even stories and animations make them like that, and I just want something like, 'Oh I kind of fell in love with my best friend' kind of thing." "So Tendou?" Semi almost laughs at the distorted and disgusted expression on your face and you vehemently shook your head, "No, no, no. Not Tendou, he's basically my brother." You sighed, "I don't know, maybe I got my hopes up thinking Flower Boy was different." "Is that so...?" "Yeah," you sighed, and he diverts the topic and asked, "Do you want anything to drink? Eat?" "A drink would be nice, just water or tea is fine." He gets up, and you sighed as soon as he exits the room. Your head drops to the table ungracefully and you whined, "Why am I getting so bothered by this, it's just another Valentine's Day."
"Reon!" "Here," Reon looks over Semi and asked, "You're going to do it just like that?" "Huh?" "Like, just wearing your casual clothes?" Reon asked, and Semi laughed. He adjusted the single flower and he sighed, "I think she'll appreciate it, as it is." "Oh and here, the tea you wanted too," Reon handed it over, and Semi stifles a chuckle and Reon smiled, "Tendou found out, but he said, 'It's better that it's Semi-Semi instead of some stranger!' So go for it." Semi rolled his eyes, "I wasn't looking for Tendou's permission anyways."
"Sorry I-" Semi pauses upon seeing you asleep on the desk. The watercolor paintings of the flowers were spread out before you and he smiled as he remembered how much time and effort he put into each one. He places the flower on his chair, and gently places the tea on the table before tapping your shoulder. You're startled awake, and you frantically scramble to sit up and you look over at him. "Oh gods, was I asleep?" "Yeah, but don't worry, nothing happened," Semi chuckled and your cheeks are tinged pink and he looks down at the flowers, "Thinking of them?" "Yeah, I can't help it. They seem to know all of the meanings behind each one, and most people don't you know?" Semi nods and he asked, "What do you think the last flower would have been?" "Hmm, well, with the way things are progressing... maybe a rose, it's the only one that's missing." Semi hummed, and then he deftly grabs the rose, and hides it behind his back without you noticing. And he asked, "What would you do if you met them?" You looked over to him, away from the lovely paintings and you said, "I'd probably thank them, and... hm, I don't know actually. Why are you so curious Eita-kun?" Semi hesitated, and then sighed, and gently slid over the single red rose, and he muttered, "Uhm." He glances up, only to see that you're covering your mouth behind your hands and he softly mumbled, "Uh, yeah, I just... Sorry, I was planning on confessing to you after school today, but things happened and-" "I'm so glad it's you." Semi looked up in surprise and you laughed, "Gods, I can't believe my luck, I just- I had a feeling it was you." "How?" "Your writing," you gently pull up his notebook and then inside your agenda, you pull out the letters you kept with you. "See?" "Ah," Semi blushed and he mumbled, "I guess it was a bit too-" "No, I enjoyed it. It was fun, trying to figure it out and everything," you gently picked up the rose and you asked, "So, love at first sight?" Semi turned away, and he muttered, "Don't tease." Your giggling makes him glance back and you gently stand up until you're standing next to him. Your hand reaches out for his and he slowly entwines your fingers with his and you smiled, "I like you too, quite a lot." He sighed, and then he asked, "So, will you be my girlfriend?" There were no words needed, not when you tucked the rose behind his ear, indicating your answer.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Hinata Shouyou/Kozume Kenma, Hinata Shouyou/Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurou, Hinata Shouyou's Family, Hinata Natsu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Nishinoya Yuu, Inuoka Sou, Fukunaga Shouhei Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Polyamory, harajuku au, Fashion AU, street fashion, decora, fairy kei, angura kei, Tokyo (City), Fruit, Genderplay, Gender Related, Nonbinary Kozume Kenma, he still uses he/him pronouns though, Pastels Series: Part 1 of The Harajuku AU Summary:
It starts at the dentist with a magazine. They’re dressed in multiple layers of pastels, at least two shirts, a shall, and an overcoat, shorts or maybe a skirt? Leggings, socks and boots. Tons of sparkly jewellery, a face mask with whiskers on it, and. Those eyes. Hinata feels his own eyes widen, his hands grip the magazine tighter and he brings it closer to his face, all at once like an involuntary spasm. He looks at the person’s face, what he can see of it. He takes in their build. He looks at their hair. It’s a pale teal colour but the person has roots just like.
Hinata looks back to the other person in the photo and realizes then that it can’t be anyone other than Kuroo. Hinata thinks about this the entire time his dentist has her hands in his mouth.
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hi! how do you choose which posts you're going to reblog? do/should members ask for you to reblog specific posts of theirs? ( ºΔº )
We actively track the following tags and reblog any art from them which meets our requirements (isn’t a repost, is art of Haikyuu!! characters) #hqartists, #hqart, #hqlit, #hqcosplay, #hqcrafts, Generally, if you haven’t seen your post which was tagged with one of our tags go through our blog after a week, you are welcome to send us an ask so that we can get it into our queue.
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I finally updated this fic sorry for taking so long ^^
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It’s Easy With You - Chapter 1
Words: 1,275(-ish)
AO3: x
Moving into a college dorm was both a liberating and incredibly stressful experience. Semi was finally able to do whatever the hell he wanted without his parents constantly breathing down his neck. But first he had to deal with an awkwardly long car ride and an awkward, drawn-out goodbye full with “are you going to be okay”s, “are you sure”s and reminders to call if he needed help and to visit home when he could. Don’t get him wrong, he loved his parents. It’s just that they tended to be a bit overwhelming at times.
With a sigh, he navigated his way around campus and to the dorm building. He’d seen a handful of other students milling around but made no effort to interact with them – it was far too early and he hadn’t had a single drop of coffee. Unfortunately, he still had to check-in with his dorm’s resident advisor. But he could stay civil enough for that.
Fifteen minutes and a flight of stairs later, Semi flopped onto what he now claimed as his bed in what he now claimed as his room. It didn’t really matter, though. By the looks of things, his roommate hadn’t turned up yet. Eita would be surprised if it wasn’t for the fact that his parents had woken him up at an ungodly hour to start their journey. Thinking about it made his eyelids droop, suddenly too heavy to keep open. He hadn’t even put his sheets on the bed yet, but it’s not like that bothered him. Any sleep he could get, he would. Unpacking could wait until later.
‘Later’ came much earlier than Eita would have liked. His sleep (though, it was more of a nap at this point) was disrupted by the rather loud entrance of who he assumed to be his new roommate. Refusing to even open his eyes, Eita just scrunched up his face and groaned softly.
“Oh shit whaddup,” Came a deep, monotone voice. “Your roommate’s already here, dude.”
Was… was that a fucking meme? Eita wasn’t awake enough to deal with that level of shit right now. Maybe if he just pretended to sleep they’d leave him the fuck alone.
“Weeeell,” Started another voice, sounding cheerful and mischievous, “they seem like a pretty deep sleeper, so…” Okay, that didn’t sound good. “Want to draw dicks on ‘em?”
Okay, nope.
With the most deadly, venomous glare he could manage (which wasn’t difficult, seeming as he’d just been woken up) he lifted his head to look at the two who’d entered the room.
“Draw dicks on me and you die.” It wasn’t his best threat but the glare seemed to work on at least one of them – the redhead – seeming as he put his hands up as if to surrender. Though he did have a silly grin on his face and Eita couldn’t decide if it was from nervousness or amusement. “Why draw dicks, anyway? What are you, twelve?”
“Yeah, on a scale from one to ten.” The reply came from the one with the monotone voice. He was maybe slightly taller than the other one – it was difficult to tell with the other’s spiked hair – and his hair was dark and messy, like he hadn’t bothered with it at all that morning.
Eita raised a brow at him, confused. “… What.”
All the stranger did was give a one shouldered shrug, blank expression still on his face. In response Semi just rolled his eyes and flopped back down on the bed which resulted in drawing a short laugh from the redhead.
“You know, you’re meant to put the sheets and stuff on before you sleep on it.” Eita could still see the amused grin from this angle so he politely replied by flipping him off. He briefly worried about making a poor impression but when he heard a laugh from his new roommate and a snort from his laid-back friend, he knew he hadn’t offended them (yet).
“Well, I’m going to leave you and your new best friend to get settled in.” Eita glanced over even though it was clear the laid-back guy was talking to the redhead. Said redhead looked like he was about to protest but the other guy spoke again before he could. “I’ve got my own dorm to move in to, my own new roommate to bless with my presence. I’ll swing by again later to make sure you haven’t died.” He didn’t even wait for a reply before he turned and left, taking his stuff in the process.
Which left Semi with the awkward situation of talking to his new roommate without the aid or comfort that came with someone else being there.
Which lead to Semi just spouting the first thing that came to mind.
“We don’t even know each other’s names; I doubt we could qualify as best friends.” At least it wasn’t a terrible conversation starter. Reluctantly, Eita shifted into a seated position and looked over at the other.
The redhead burst into laughter again, doing an exaggerated bow to Eita. “Tendou Satori! Pleasure to meet ya!”
Eita nodded slightly, stifling a yawn before speaking. “Semi Eita. Uh… you too, Tendou.” Semi knew he wasn’t the best when it came to conversations so he hoped that his new ‘friend’ was better at it than he was.
Tendou nodded approvingly, grinning widely as he tilted his head to the side. “Now then, Eita-kun,” Wasn’t it a bit too soon to be on first name basis? “Shall we get moved in to our brilliant new home?”
With a groan Eita slowly stood up, glancing at the bags he’d left at the base of his bed. Option one was to just leave that stuff there ‘til he needed it and option two was to do as suggested and unpack now. Option one had a lot of problems, for example: Semi possibly needing something urgently and having to go through all of his bags until he found it. Option two was definitely the smarter choice, but…
He let out a sigh. “Might as well get it over with… God, I could use some coffee right now.”
Across from him Satori started stroking his chin and tapping his foot thoughtfully. After a moment, he clicked his fingers, his grin returning. “Ah! I don’t have coffee but some upbeat music might make you feel more awake!” Before even waiting for a reply he trotted off back into the small living area of their dorm, shuffling stuff around out of Semi’s line of sight.
His curiosity getting the better of him, Semi walked over to the door and watched as Tendou set up what looked like a docking station of some sort. His roommate hummed a happy tune as he tapped his phone, selecting music and pressing play.
The music started and the redhead stood up again, head bobbing along to it and singing along with it when the lyrics came up. Eita swore he’d heard the song somewhere before but he couldn’t figure out where from. It didn’t help that he was temporarily distracted by his efforts to not laugh at Satori’s loud singing and silly little dance. It was impressive that he knew all the words, though. At least up to the chorus that is, because that’s when it hit Semi where he’d heard this before.
“Is this from Naruto?”
Tendou stopped his dance and turned to Semi with a sheepish grin.
“Well… You see… It’s not not from Naruto.”
Eita wasn’t sure how to respond. He couldn’t decide between wanting to laugh and wanting to facepalm.
At the very least, living with Tendou would be… interesting.
#haikyuu!!#hqlit#tensemi#tendou satori#semi eita#matsukawa issei#potato writes;#if you notice any mistakes let me know!
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Valentine’s Day | Tsukishima Kei
"Oh, [F/N]-chan, did you just finish your club activities?" Yachi called out as she spotted you entering the door way. You give her a bright smile and nod as you make your way towards her. "Kiyoko-senpai, Hitoka-chan, hello!" you greeted and continued, "Yeah, I just finished, thought I'd swing by since I still heard the sound of squeaking shoes." Yachi smiled and then leaned forward to whisper, "And not for a certain middle blocker?" "H-H-Hitoka!" you sputtered and Kiyoko raised an eyebrow and then she made a small 'o' before gracing you with a small smile. You pouted and whined, "Don't tease me like this too, Kiyoko-senpai!" "I'm sorry, [L/N]-chan," the pretty manager apologized, but the mirth in her eyes doesn't fade away. You sigh and gently touch your cheeks with your hands. My face is probably all pink and flushed. Am I really that obvious?
You risked a glance at Tsukishima as he dully followed through his actions and he happened to make eye contact with you. Almost immediately he smirks and you can feel your irritation level rising and you turned away with a slight huff. You can hear a small chuckle from him despite the distance and you sighed. Honestly, what a hopeless crush. You sat down Yachi, happily watching over the volleyball team as they finished up the last hour of their practice. Yachi glanced over at you and whispered, "Are you going to do anything tomorrow for Valentine's Day?" You glanced over at her and then slowly shook your head. She blinked at you in surprise and you gave her a small smile, "My parents signed me up for a mock exam, and it's on that day.. what about you?" "Mm, not really, we have a practice match at Tokyo." "Oh really?!" your voice was a bit louder, and there was a hint of excitement and she nodded and you asked, "Where at? Maybe I can come visit after the mock exam!" "Visit?" Yachi asked, slightly confused, you nodded and explained, "The mock exam is located in Tokyo, so I'll be there! I can come visit you afterwards!" "I'll-" "Hey, let's go." The two of you glance up and Tsukishima stares down at you, his expression as impassive as ever and he teased, "Or do you want to walk alone?" "Okay, okay!" you quickly got up and said, "I'll see you later Hitoka-chan!" You followed after the tall blonde, although he could walk much faster than you, he never did. You wave to Yamaguchi who greeted you in return and asked, "How was your day today, [F/N]-san?" "It was good!" you cheerfully responded and parroted, "How about yours?" "Isn't it always the same?" Tsukishima cut in. He walks between you and Yamaguchi and you glance over at him and tilted your head, "Is it? I feel like there's always something different happening each day." Tsukishima rolled his eyes, and mumbled, "You're too optimistic." You shrugged and responded, "Someone has to cancel out your negativity, Tsukishima-kun!" The remainder of the walk was mostly just chatter between you and Yamaguchi, it was the norm between the three of you. Friends since middle school, the three of you were practically inseparable. Yamaguchi was about to make his normal turn and then he paused, "Tsukki, you're walking us all the way?" Tsukishima paused, and you turned to look at him and asked, "Your street is on the opposite side." "I know," Tsukishima muttered, and then sighed, "I'm just tired." He turned away, his hand merely going up to signal his good-bye, and you frowned, your eyes narrowing and brows furrowed and you called out, "Walk home safely, Tsukishima-kun!" You see him pause, and then he glanced back and mouthed a quick thanks. He ducks his head away and a small smile breaks out on your face and Yamaguchi chuckled. How cute of them.
Moon Child has logged on. Moon Child: [F/N]. Smol Birb has logged on. Smol Birb: ??? Smol Birb: Yes? Moon Child: Never mind. Moon Child has logged off. Tsukishima leaned back in his chair and sighed. Too much work. He leaned forward and unlocked his phone again. He stared intently at your contact information. He still wasn't sure when this happened, or how it happened. Somewhere during this friendship, the line between just friends, and a little more began to blur, and Tsukishima could no longer differentiate it properly. Has he always been able to freely call you by just your name? Then why is it that you still don't call him by his? Or is it because he never brought it up like you had? He sighed again, and casually placed his phone on the table, screen facing down and he muttered, "How irritating."
"Good morning!" you greeted as Yachi walked into the classroom, and her eyes widened, "You're here so early." "Yeah, I had to help out with the student council," you sighed and Yachi shook her head, "And passed out obligatory chocolates?" She gave you a fond smile as her gaze swept the classroom desks. Each table had a small chocolate heart, unsigned and unnamed, but with you being the only one here, it was pretty obvious. You shoot her a cheeky grin and you reach into your bag before pulling out a specially wrapped chocolate heart and you said, "Here's yours, Hitoka-chan." From outside the hallway, Tsukishima stares out and Yamaguchi asked, "Tsukki?" "What?" He turns to his friend and Yamaguchi shook his head, "No, it's nothing." Nothing except that it's obvious. The blonde looked away, his gaze lingering on you for a little more. It's just another year of obligatory chocolates. "Let's go, Yamaguchi." The blonde began to walk off and almost as soon as they were out of range, Yachi asked, "Did you make any for Tsukishima-kun?" You give her a small nod, but the smile on your face was slightly strained, and after a small sigh, it fades away. You looked out the window and mumbled, "I forgot to bring it though." Yachi gently pats your back reassuringly and she cheerfully gave you a small smile, "It'll be okay."
Come lunch, Yachi was confused to see you walk out of the classroom with a troubled expression. But she hadn't given it more thought after being questioned by Hinata and Kageyama about studying together. She slowly made her way to class 1-4 in hopes of finding you there, but she finds her assumption wrong when the two boys were eating lunch with each other. Tsukishima catches her gaze and he tilts his head in confusion, causing Yamaguchi to look over with a smile. "Yachi-san, what are you doing here?" he asked as she made her way in. A shy smile was on her lips and she slowly shook her head, "I thought maybe [F/N]-chan would be here." Tsukishima's eyes slightly widened, but it was unnoticeable to the two bubbly friends before him and Yamaguchi shook his head, "No, she's not here. Doesn't she normally eat with lunch with you?" Yachi opens her mouth, about to respond, but the ruckus outside in the hallway catches her attention as the group of boys walked and chattered. "Hey man, it's okay, maybe she's just playing hard to get, you know?" One of them appeared to be trying to console his other friend who seems to have been rejected, but the other one responded dejectedly, "[L/N]-san wouldn't do that." At the mention of your name, Yachi noticed how Tsukishima suddenly tensed, his hands that were once casually holding the chopsticks tightened until his knuckles were white. His eyes narrowed, and whatever emotions that were once shown on them were gone and replaced with cold topaz. Someone confessed to [F/N]? "And besides," the rejected male spoke, albeit a bit softer this time, but still loud enough for the trio in the class to hear, "She said she already likes someone..." Tsukishima's eyes widened in shock, and he immediately excuses himself as he makes his way to the restroom. What the fuck? Tsukishima was practically storming through the hallways in silent anger as he tried to calm himself down. [F/N] likes someone? Who?
Tsukishima's mood took a turn for the worst throughout the day. Although his game wasn't off for volleyball, he was definitely more focused than usual, but also abnormally tense. Before the last practice match, Tsukishima takes a quick water break, and tries to calm his thoughts. I shouldn't be this bothered by someone confessing to her... It's not like I have the right to say who she can or can't date. I'm just her good friend anyways. The last thought irritates him, and the water bottle in his hand is crushed. A sigh escapes his lips and he shakes his head. One more practice. And then I can just forget it all when I get home. But almost as soon as Tsukishima gets home, he opens his phone and is surprised to see a slew of messages from you. Smol Birb has logged in. Smol Birb: Tsukishima! Smol Birb: ;__; Tsukishima, I'm so sad. Smol Birb: I don't think I did well on the mock exam. Smol Birb: I know it's a mock exam, but omg what if I don't do well on the actual one?? T__T Smol Birb: And it was so long. Smol Birb: I hate itttt Moon Child has logged in. Moon Child: how annoying. Smol Birb has logged in. Smol Birb: How r u d e Tsukishima mulled over what to respond, but he doesn't get the chance to when he sees your next text. Smol Birb: How was practice today? Smol Birb: I was going to visit, but I would have missed the bus back if I did. Smol Birb: I hope practice wasn't too bad for you!! x) Moon Child: It was annoying. Smol Birb: Annoying? ): That's not good! Smol Birb: Do you want me to come over and cheer you up? Hehe. Moon Child: What am I? Your child? Smol Birb: My best friend! I'll see you later then! Tsukishima shook his head fondly and then sighed. She's so nosy.
You stepped into the house, it was dark and gloomy and immediately you remembered that your parents were out for the night. You sighed and muttered, "Right." You sighed, and softly mumbled to yourself, "I'm home." "Welcome back idiot, don't you check your phone?" You swung around, surprised to see Tsukishima standing at your doorway and his shit-eating grin was ever present, and he raised an eyebrow at you, "Do you always leave your door open for strangers to come in?" "I locked the screen gate," you pointed out and frowned, "Besides you have the keys to my house." You pointed at the keys that dangled from his fingers, and he quickly stuffed them into his pocket and you shook your head, "Sorry, I didn't see your messages." He nodded and made his way in, closing the door behind him. You stared at his back and you quickly followed after him and asked, "How'd you know I got back?" "I just did." "Did you ask Yamaguchi-kun to check up on me?" You teased, but you were surprisingly pleased when you saw him tense slightly and you giggled, "You didn't have to, you know?" Tsukishima looked away, and you can hear him tut in annoyance and you walked around until he was forced to look at you and you gave him a small smile, "Thank you for checking up on me." His normally indifferent liquid gold shimmered briefly with emotion and he merely nods before smirking, "If I don't, who would?" But he almost immediately regrets his words when he sees the flicker of pain on your expression and he immediately bites his lower lip and softly muttered, "I'm your childhood friend, you idiot." You give him a faint smile and said, "Could you wait here? I'm going to drop off my stuff in my room and change out of my uniform." As soon as you leave him alone in the living room, he makes himself comfortable on the couch. A long sigh escapes his lips as he relaxes himself completely on the furniture. Why did I come over? What was I hoping for? His eyes fluttered close. Childhood friend... That's all I am.
You fidgeted in your room as you changed into a more casual light pink hoodie and white pajama shorts. You pulled at the hem as you tied your hair up into a messy bun and sighed. Now that he's here, what am I supposed to do? I was planning on just dropping off the cake at his door and then leaving or something. You bit your lower lip in annoyance and a frustrated whine is heard. I don't know what I'm supposed to do! I didn't think this far! A pout forms on your lips as you make your way back down the stairs. Ah forget it, I'm just going to grab the cake, and give it to him, and I'll just tell him and... What if he rejects me though? I... Tsukishima had noticed you pause in the hallway once you made your way down the stairs. You were facing the kitchen, not the living room, and your bad habits were showing again. Your fingers were fidgeting with the hem of your hoodie and your bottom lip was being nibbled on lightly. He gets up, but notices that you twitch slightly in his direction upon hearing his footsteps on the wooden floor. "What's with that face?" Your hands flew to your face and his eyebrow quirks slightly and he asked, "Well?" "Sorry, a lot on my mind," your smile was weak and he knows. Heck, you even know that he knows. There is silence for a while and you asked, "Do you... I mean," you sighed, "Can you just wait here?" Tsukishima blinked, but before he could say anything you rushed into the kitchen and he scoffed, following you in. Your figure was slightly bent over as you looked around for the cake and upon finally finding it, you straighten out. Closing the fridge door behind you, you turn, only to momentarily panic upon seeing Tsukishima standing a little bit away from you. "I told you-" "What is that?" You looked at the cake and then slowly brought it up to level to him and said, "I made you a strawberry shortcake... for Valentine's Day." "Oh." He looks at it, then at you, and then he asked, "Don't you already like someone though?" You looked at him with disbelief and asked, "What?" He doesn't respond and you set the cake down on the kitchen counter and asked, "Who did you hear that from?" Tsukishima looked away and your voice lowered, "Did you hear about what happened today?" He doesn't answer, and the fact that he refused to look at you makes you want to cry a little bit, but you don't, you refuse to. And you take in a shaky breath and explained, "I was confessed to, but I don't like him. I already have someone I like." Tsukishima flinched, and you quickly grab his hands, knowing he was going to attempt to leave the room, and you rapidly confessed, "I like you." Your gaze was locked on the warm gold that was filled with doubt, and also hope, and you softly repeated, "I like you, Tsukishima-kun." You watch as the red that tinges his cheeks spread over and he turns away from you, a hand over his face and he muttered, "Kei." Your head tilts slightly to one side, and he repeated, "Just call me Kei." The warm hues of your orbs light up magnificently and immediately you smiled and he gently locks your fingers with his and he responded, "I like you too, idiot."
#jenbean writes#tsukishima kei#reader insert#hqlit#haikyuu#haikyuu fanfiction#tsukishima kei x reader#valentines day
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In All The Glory Update
Fic Summary: Gentle, kind, a little timid, and full of warmth, Azumane Asahi has been resting in the heavens since his rebirth as an angel, waiting for a soul to call for his protection. Nishinoya Yuu is a human, vibrant and full of life and a sort of reckless energy that has called Asahi down from worlds beyond to protect his soul and guide its journey onto other planes. But there's a reason why humans have been cut off from angels, and it's not as benevolent as angels would like to believe. This is the story of how Asahi, Noya, and the angels of the realms beyond experience love, terror, and chaos in a universe that was unfairly cut in two, and is now fraying at the seams.
Pairing: AsaNoya, side of DaiSuga and IwaOi
Chapter summary: The fallout
Read on AO3 or below!
Asahi’s stomach feels like a stone in his chest, and his heart is pounding in his ears. He’s really fucked up this time. He opens his mouth to speak, and then closes it as he feels his throat clench shut. He takes a few shaky breaths to try and steady himself. He knows he needs to tell Nishinoya the truth -- anything less would destroy their relationship. But he also knows that the truth may end up being just as damaging. He clenches his fists in the fabric of his jeans and looks down as his knuckles as they turn white with tension. He can do this. He has to.
Asahi starts as he feels a warm hand press against his shoulder. He looks up at Nishinoya, who is gazing at him with concern in his eyes. Asahi’s heart clenches at that. Nishinoya should not be worried about him, not when he’s the one who has done everything wrong. Nishinoya’s hand begins to move, rubbing soothing circles into Asahi’s back.
“I’m an angel,” Asahi rasps. The feeling of Nishinoya’s warmth against his body grounds him, and he does his best to focus on the point of contact as he speaks. Nishinoya looks at him for a moment, and then drops his hand away. Asahi mourns the loss of it.
“Normally I’d say it’s not a good time for jokes, but you’re not kidding, are you?” Nishinoya asks. His face seems less stricken, but his posture is still tense.
Asahi shakes his head. “I wish I was. That would make this a lot easier.” He sighs and buries his face in his hands. “I’ve been protecting you since you were born. You weren’t supposed to find out. I was supposed to dedicate my life to keeping you safe and blissfully ignorant of all this.” Tears drip down his cheeks as regret surges. “But I couldn’t even do that. I’m so sorry Nishinoya.”
“What are you sorry for?” Nishinoya asks, cocking his head as he processes the information. Asahi is an angel. Asahi is here to protect him. The thought that Asahi has spent his whole life looking after him normally creep him out, but right now all it makes him feel is warmth. Asahi has been taking care of him. He thinks back to all of his recklessness as a child, spurred on by neglect from parents that paid little attention to their youngest son and the desire to finally get them to look at him. But he’d never needed that, he realized. He’s always had someone who cared.
“You weren’t supposed to find out. You were supposed to live a normal happy human life and I was supposed to make sure you did so without killing yourself.”
“Well I’m not dead, so you’ve succeeded in the most important part of your job.” Nishinoya pauses, and his brow furrows. “Wait, if you weren’t here, would I be dead?”
Asahi hesitates. He knows humans get touchy about their mortality, and he doesn’t want to scare Nishinoya any further. He also knows, however, that if this is going to end well, he needs to stay honest. “Yes.”
“Like… how long ago?”
“You were eight and almost froze to death,” Asahi tells him, recalling the occasion. “That would have been it, I think.” He’s followed Nishinoya into the woods one cold winter afternoon, having left his own mother with a magical look alike so she wouldn’t worry. Nishinoya’s parents had never been big on supervision, and it hadn’t taken long for Nishinoya to get lost and then stuck in a snow bank. He’d nearly succumbed to hypothermia by the time Asahi had gathered the courage to use his magic to defrost him and give him the energy to go home. He’d led Nishinoya home with the projection of a puppy, which he had chased all the way back to his house.
“Yeah, that was horrible. But I got a random burst of energy and felt warm again, and then there was a puppy! And I chased it home! But my parents made me send it away, which sucked,” Nishinoya pouts. Not that he could have kept it anyways, Asahi thinks. The projection had been taxing, and he’d let it drop as soon as Nishinoya had stepped inside. Realization lights up Nishinoya’s face. “Wait, that was you, wasn’t it? You warmed me back up and you led me home.”
Asahi nods.
“Holy shit, I totally would be dead.” Nishinoya looks thoughtful, and he begins counting on his fingers. “I bet I could name at least eight times you saved me. Fuck. I’m a disaster.”
“Er, it’s actually been twenty two,” Asahi coughs. “Times I’ve saved you that is. My mentor told me that must have been some sort of record, since you’re only nineteen.”
“Yep, disaster seems like a good word for that,” Nishinoya confirms, bouncing his head up and down rapidly. “Man, I’m such a mess I needed my own personal savior to last nineteen years. That’s hilarious.”
Nishinoya starts to giggle uncontrollably, but Asahi is suspicious he’s not actually amused.
“Er, Nishinoya…”
“I should win some sort of award,” Nishinoya chortles, ignoring him. “Least regard for personal safety awarded to one Nishinoya Yuu. I wonder if that would finally be the thing that would get me onto my parent’s wall of achievements. ”
Asahi blinks. He’d always known Nishinoya is reckless, but he hadn’t ever really thought about why. It had certainly struck him that Nishinoya’s parents hadn’t been around, but he’d never thought much of it. The topic had never come up in conversation either, so Asahi had just put it out of mind. He realizes now that had been a mistake.
“I can just imagine the looks on their faces,” Nishinoya giggles. “He finally accomplished something!” He looks over at Asahi, and Asahi jolts as he realizes tears are streaming down his face. In that moment he sees not his human charge, but his boyfriend of several months in obvious distress. Instinct takes him, and he reaches out and pulls Nishinoya onto his lap, wrapping him in his arms.
“I’m supposed to be dead,” Nishinoya sobs into Asahi’s chest, fisting his hands in Asahi’s shirt. “I really wasn’t supposed to make it this long. God, they were right to ignore me, I wasn’t even supposed to fucking be there.”
“That’s not true,” Asahi protests. “If you were supposed to die, I wouldn’t have been Called here to take care of you.” He strokes a hand through Nishinoya’s hair, wincing as it crackles through the gel that holds it up. “If you were supposed to die, you would have. You’ve always been supposed to live .”
“I didn’t even believe that, sometimes,” Nishinoya rasps. “That I was supposed to be alive. So if I threw my life around, that was okay.” He laughs sardonically. “I guess I realized I was sort of indestructible, so I would see how far I could push it. How much shit I could pull to get them to pay attention to me, or if I could just fucking end it.” He takes a deep breath. “I’ve never actively wanted to die, but I really never avoided it did I?”
Asashi shakes his head. His heart aches hearing this from Nishinoya, the light of his life. Nishinoya has always smiled brilliantly for everyone around him, pushing them forward to be the best and happiest that they can be. It had never even occurred to him that there might be something hiding behind all his brilliance, something dark or sad. Such things don’t fit with his conception of Nishinoya, and he feels his mind scrambling to try and adjust to the new information. “Nishinoya, why… why didn’t you tell me?”
Nishinoya looks up at Asahi through watery eyes. Why hadn’t he told him? Asahi has been the ideal boyfriend, supportive and kind and fun to be around. He wraps his arms around Asahi’s waist and squeezes, feeling the warmth of their bodies pressed together. He feels safe here, and even though part of him wonders if it has to do with Asahi’s supposed status as an angel, he knows that it also has to do with the trust and love they’ve shared these past several months. “I didn’t want to taint this. We’re so good and happy, what would bringing you down with this shit do?”
“I get anxious and upset all the time,” Asahi points out. “That never ruined our happiness.” Asahi pauses, unsure. “Did it?”
“No no no,” Nishinoya says, surging up to look Asahi in the eye. “I’ve always been happy with you.”
“Well if you can be happy knowing my issues, I can be happy knowing yours, okay? No more secrets,” Asahi admonishes.
Nishinoya snorts, and Asahi wrinkles his nose as snot dribbles down Nishinoya’s face. Watching Nishinoya wipe it on his sleeve does not make him feel any better. “You can’t seriously berate me for keeping secrets if you’ve been keeping the fact that you’re a freaking angel from me your entire damn life.”
“That’s a little different,” Asahi protests. “Humans aren’t supposed to know about us.”
“Us,” Nishinoya marvels. “There’s more? Of course there’s more.” He peels back away from Asahi to get a better look at him. He doesn’t lookinhuman, although he supposes he does have a certain aura of mystery around him. He’d always thought that was just Asahi’s hipster vibe, but he supposes it could be angelic powers or something like that. “Do I know any more of them?”
“I really shouldn’t tell you that,” Asahi says, reaching back to rub the back of his neck.
“I’m pretty sure at this point it’s not going to hurt to tell me, since you already ruined the whole secrecy thing,” Nishinoya points out.
Asahi flinches at the reminder. “I did, didn’t I?” He pulls his hand from the back of his neck to drag it down his face. “Fuck. I fucked up.”
“Nothing’s going to happen to you, right?” Nishinoya asks, his voice full of concern.
Asahi shrugs. “I don’t know. I’d ask my mentor, but I’m mildly terrified of finding out what he’d say if he knew.” He can’t die, he knows, but with all the powers of the Heavens he’s sure there could be plenty of other consequences waiting for him if he’s found out. He technically should just take Nishinoya to Rise and be done with all of this, but the heat in his chest that draws him to Nishinoya is also anchoring him here, where he can feel with all his soul the feelings that bind them both together. “Maybe I should ask Suga.”
“Is Suga an angel?”
Asahi nods.
“Man, that sounds like something out of a bad sitcom,” Nishinoya laughs. “Two angels on earth living the college life as roommates. How do they adjust to the culture shock of the human world? Stay tuned to find out.”
“I went through the culture shock when I was an infant,” Asahi corrects him. “At this point it would be rather pathetic if I hadn’t figured out how to deal with this form and all that comes with it.”
“So you normally have a different form?” Nishinoya asks. Asahi is grateful to note that the sorrow in his expression has all but gone, replaced by curiosity.
“Er, I kind of look like this normally? My human form takes after the form I like to wear as an angel, which takes after my form from when I was still human. But I can technically wear any form I want when I’m in Heaven.” Asahi explains. He rubs the back of his neck and laughs nervously. “If… that makes any sense.”
“Wait, you were a human?” Nishinoya asks. “Oh! Can I see your angel form? What’s Heaven like? Is God actually a thing?”
“One question at a time, Nishinoya.” Asahi sighs. “Yes, I was a human once, but I don’t remember it well. It’s been a long time since I Rose. As for my form….” Asahi shifts Nishinoya off his lap and stands. “This isn’t quite it because I’m bound by my physical shape as a human here, but I can give you an idea.” He closes his eyes and feels for his magic and allows it to flow through him as it would in Heaven, pulsing and bright. It burns his veins, too powerful to be contained in his human flesh for very long without damaging it. He grits his teeth in determination and opens the channel within himself even further, allowing the power of the Heavens and his soul occupy his mortal form. When his eyes open, the room is ablaze with light, warm, soft and lightly gold like the first rays of sunrise. His wings, usually hidden, take form and spread wide, glimmering with power. He can feel his body trying to shift and dissolve as his spirit fights to be free of its confinement in flesh, and with a breath he yanks everything back in. He collapses on the couch, gasping.
“Wow. I don’t…. wow. You really are the real thing,” Nishinoya says, his voice hushed in awe. “So like… why me?”
There’s a vulnerability in Nishinoya’s voice that Asahi doesn’t like, so he reaches over and pulls Nishinoya back onto his lap. The feeling of his back against his chest helps stabilize his own feeling of physicality, the last traces of his true form still lingering within him and trying to break free.
“Heaven chooses the best humans, the ones that bring the most light to the world, and sends them angels to protect them,” Asahi says, tracing his hand over Nishinoya’s chest. His palm comes to rest on Nishinoya’s heart, and he leaves it there to feel its steady beat. There’s vitality there, and the faintest trace of magic that human goodness attracts here on earth. Nishinoya is ready to Rise, Asahi knows as he feels it. But as he sits here with Nishinoya on his lap, feeling all that humans can feel for each other, the prospect not only seems wrong, but unjust. Why must he take this beautiful being away from his home?
“So what, God thinks I’m a good noodle or some shit and I get a smoking hot hunk to look after me?” Nishinoya asks.
Asahi snorts. “Not quite. Heaven isn’t a being, it’s a sentient system. There was a Creator once who could direct it, but no one has seen them in hundreds of thousands of years. Heaven, the world itself, senses humans who have souls who can attract magic like angels can. And then it sends us to make sure those souls have time to develop properly so they can Rise.”
“Become an angel, that is,” Asahi says. “If you die, your soul gets reincarnated and its potential gets scattered across worlds and people. But if you Rise, you become an angel like me and can use magic and protect people.”
“So let me get this straight,” Nishinoya says, his brow suddenly furrowing. “You find the best people on earth who bring the most joy to others and shit, and you… take them.”
Asahi frowns. “Yes, you could put it like that.”
“So basically an angel’s job is to take the goodness out of the human world and bring it to Heaven.” Nishinoya leans back and crosses his arms, eyeing Asahi suspiciously.
“Er, I suppose.”
“ Why ?”
Asahi rubs his neck. He’s honestly not sure why. He’s never questioned before why magic doesn’t exist on Earth or the other Worlds where it has been forbidden. For that matter, he’s never really questioned why there’s a barrier between Earth and Heaven that keeps magic sealed away from humanity at all. Ever since he Rose, the facts were that magic belongs in Heaven, and that it must be kept that way. Humans that can access magic must become angels. “I… have no idea, to be honest. But it does seem... wrong , doesn’t it?”
“Seriously wrong,” Nishinoya agrees with a nod.
“I’ll find out for you,” Asahi says. He feels resolve settle over him, and the hand he has placed over Nishinoya’s heart curls protectively into the fabric of his shirt. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I won’t let Heaven take you if you don’t want to go.”
“What’ll happen to you if you do that?” Nishinoya asks, looking up at Asahi with concern in his eyes.
“I have no clue, honestly,” Asahi says with a frown. “I’m almost positive I can’t be killed, but honestly… you’re worth whatever risk Heaven might pose. Earth and humans are worth that.”
“Damn right we are,” Nishinoya says, pumping a fist into the air. “Humans are great!” He turns and looks at Asahi, and his expression softens. “Thank you,” he says, pressing a gentle kiss to Asahi’s mouth.
“So you’re like… okay with this?” Asahi asks. His body has gone tense, and his hands flex open and closed around nothing.
Nishinoya shrugs. “This whole thing is fucking weird and honestly I’m pretty sure I haven’t processed it properly, but for right now I’m cool.” He takes a deep breath. “It freaks me out a bit that you’ve been following me around my whole life, I’ll be honest. And that your whole existence here is… for me. But like, this relationship means more to you than just protecting me, right?”
Asahi exhales all at once. “God yes,” he says. “At first, you drew me in just because you’re my human, but it became more than that a while ago. I know why Heaven chose you -- you’re brilliant and kind and beautiful and make the world brighter. And I chose to love you for the same reasons. Caring for you isn’t something I do for Heaven, it’s something I do because I never want to see a world without you. You… you’re so good, Nishinoya.”
Nishinoya snorts and bats Asahi’s chest with his hand. “You’re such a sap.”
“Yes but I’m your sap,” Asahi reminds him. Nishinoya grins and kisses Asahi again, lingering until they both need to pull away for air.
“We never got ice cream!” Nishinoya exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.
Asahi shakes his head. “I am not going back outside tonight.” He looks down and gives Nishinoya a meaningful look. “We’re staying here.”
Nishinoya gives Asahi his best puppy dog eyes, ever hopeful. “Can your magical angel powers make ice cream appear?”
“No, but I can use my magical cell phone to ask Suga to pick up some on his way home from work.”
“Man, that’s no fun,” Nishinoya pouts. When Asahi does not respond immediately, Nishinoya nudges him gently. “C’mon, magical cell phone time! Today was stressful and I want to eat ice cream and watch a shitty comedy.”
Asahi smiles and pulls out his phone while Nishinoya hops up to get his laptop. He’s in luck -- Suga is on his way home and responds quickly that he’ll pick up what Asahi needs. Asahi feels guilt flash as he realizes he hadn’t even bothered to check if Suga was okay after the bombing, and sends a follow-up text to make sure he didn’t know anyone that was affected. Suga assures him that he’s fine and so are all the humans that he knows, but that he’s worried about the rising levels of chaos in the city. Asahi can’t help but agree. Earth seems to be far more dangerous than he’d expected. Anxiety weighs on his chest as he thinks about that feeling he’s been getting lately, the one that warns him of imminent danger. It feels like magic, but wrong , and the only thing that he’s sure of is that it scares him.
“Stop with that worrying, you’re going to give yourself wrinkles,” Nishinoya tells him sternly, interrupting his thoughts as he plops down on the couch next to him. He flips open his laptop and pulls up netflix. “We’re de-stressing.”
And so they relax. Suga comes home and hands them a gallon of chocolate ice cream and two spoons, and they sit together on the couch eating and laughing until sleep threatens. When Noya is nodding off, Asahi sweeps him up in a bridal carry and brings him to his bedroom, placing him gently on his bed. Nishinoya has spent the night before, but Asahi pauses before getting into bed with him. For all that Nishinoya has been accepting, Asahi still worries that his boyfriend will not want him now that he knows he’s not human.
“What did I say about wrinkles?” Nishinoya murmurs sleepily, making grabbing motions towards Asahi from his place on the bed. “Are you gonna cuddle me or what?”
“I just… are you sure you’re okay with this? Me being… what I am?”
Nishinoya sits up in bed and reaches out to fist his hand in Asahi’s shirt. It’s hard to see him in the darkness of the room, but there’s no mistaking the no-nonsense look on Nishinoya’s face. “We went over this, alright? I love you. We definitely need to keep talking about this, but stop worrying so much, alright? We’re okay. We’re going to be okay.”
Asahi blinks, unsure if he’s more startled by the force or the content of Nishinoya’s words. They’d used the word love before, but Nishinoya had never declared it so clearly and resolutely. His heart feels warm, and he presses his hand to his chest as if he could calm its fluttering from the outside. Nishinoya tugs on his shirt and Asahi allows himself to be pulled down into bed, settling in among the pillows and pulling the covers up over them both.
“I love you,” Asahi tells Nishinoya, pulling him close to his chest. Nishinoya smiles and leans up for a kiss. Asahi feels a flood of gratitude as their lips meet, and he channels the feeling outwards in an attempt to show Nishinoya just how thankful he is for his acceptance. The kiss deepens and Nishinoya’s hands thread into Asahi’s hair, tugging gently to direct him. Nishinoya taking charge always turns Asahi on a little, and Asahi opens his mouth to invite Nishinoya in. Nishinoya responds eagerly, using his grip on Asahi’s hair to pull them ever closer. Asahi moans a little against Nishinoya’s mouth as Nishinoya slots a leg between Asahi’s own, rubbing gently.
“Aren’t you supposed to be tired,” Asahi asks, pulling away. Nishinoya looks up at him with a devious glint in his eye.
“I said I wanted to de-stress. There’s been a number of studies that show that sex helps with that, so I think you should fuck me.” Nishinoya grins triumphantly, clearly pleased with his argument.
Asahi laughs. “You don’t have to use science to convince me.” Asahi reaches a hand down to squeeze Nishinoya’s ass. “This is really all the convincing I need.”
“My ass is pretty great,” Nishinoya agrees.
Needing no further prompting, Asahi flips Nishinoya onto his back and straddles him, grinding his pelvis against Nishinoya’s. Nishinoya rolls his hips up to meet him and pulls Asahi down for a kiss. Asahi tuts and pulls away.
“You’re wearing entirely too many clothes,” he whispers in Nishinoya’s ear. Nishinoya shivers as he feels the heat of Asahi’s breath against his skin, and hastily strips off his shirt. He then reaches up and removes Asahi’s shirt in a blur of motion, tossing both aside in a hurry.
“Before you ask, yes, I am eager,” Nishinoya informs Asahi in a low voice. He punctuates his statement with another roll of his hips, and Asahi bites back a groan. He wants to be considerate of Suga sleeping in the next room, but Nishinoya has always made it difficult to be quiet. In an attempt to occupy his mouth, Asahi bends and begins pressing heated kisses to Nishinoya’s neck, occasionally nipping at the soft skin there. Nishinoya writhes beneath him as he moves lower, tasting the skin of his chest and scraping his teeth against a nipple. He kisses lower until his lips brush against the fine line of hair that leads down between Nishinoya’s legs, and then pauses to trace a finger along the waistband of his jeans.
“Don’t be a fucking tease Asahi,” Nishinoya groans, bucking his hips up towards Asahi’s face. Asahi chuckles, but decides angels are supposed to be merciful and slowly tugs off the rest of Nishinoya’s clothes. Nishinoya is already hard, and Asahi wastes no time running his tongue along his length and then taking him into his mouth. He relishes the weight of Nishinoya on his tongue as he works, bobbing his head and hollowing his cheeks to give Nishinoya better friction. Nishinoya’s hands find their way back into Asahi’s hair, pulling him this way and that. Asahi shivers as he allows Nishinoya take control of the situation, directing him with gentle pulls and crooned instructions. It doesn’t take long for Nishinoya to spill into Asahi’s mouth, throwing his head back and biting back a moan as he does so.
Asahi pulls off and wipes his mouth on the back of his hand while Nishinoya reaches over to grab lube and condoms from the drawer in the nightstand. “On your back,” he instructs Asahi, who scrambles to comply. Nishinoya pulls Asahi’s pants down in one fluid motion and eyes him hungrily. He opens the bottle of lube with a click and coats his fingers before reaching around to start fingering himself. He leans forward and rests his weight on his other arm, positioning his face above Asahi’s pelvis. Asahi, taking the hint, tilts his hips upward so Nishinoya can take him into his mouth. He fists his hands into the sheets as Nishinoya takes him, using his mouth and tongue to bring him to the edge. It’s not long before Nishinoya is pulling off and rolling a condom down his length, but Asahi has little time to mourn the loss of his mouth as Nishinoya shifts forward and lowers himself onto Asahi’s cock. Asahi thrusts upwards to meet him, only to have his hips pushed back down.
“Let me take care of you for once, hm?” Nishinoya says, smiling down at Asahi. Asahi is tempted to point out that Nishinoya is normally the one who does the work when they fuck, but he knows that’s not what Nishinoya means. There’s love in Nishinoya’s eyes, and Asahi’s heart swells. This is Nishinoya’s acceptance of him, extended to the most intimate parts of their relationship. And so he lies back and lets Nishinoya take care of him, covering him with kisses and sweet words as he rides him gently. There’s tenderness in every touch and love in the whispers they share, and they finish together in a rush of emotion and pleasure that leaves them both boneless.
Nishinoya rolls off Asahi and gives him space to remove and dispose of the condom before snuggling up into his chest. They’re both sweaty and a little gross, but neither of them can bring themselves to care. Riding on the intimacy of the moment, they snuggle into the covers and wrap themselves up into each other’s arms. Nishinoya falls asleep almost instantly, leaving Asahi alone with his thoughts as sleep begins to take him. He looks down at Nishinoya fondly and presses a kiss to his forehead. It astounds him how much he loves this man. He thinks of the day’s events and how close he came to losing him and tightens his arms around Nishinoya’s shoulders. Nishinoya shifts in his sleep and cuddles closer to Asahi’s chest. It’s more than his duty as an angel, he realizes, that draws him to protect Nishinoya. Heaven be damned, Nishinoya is his priority from now on, and he will do everything in his power to make sure he’s happy.
Asahi wakes early the next morning with the light of the morning sun, still clinging to Nishinoya. He yawns and carefully detangles himself from the mess of limbs and blankets that cover his bed and goes to take a quick shower. Nishinoya won’t be up for a while, he knows, and he wants to take advantage of it. He always sleeps in after they have sex. He steps out of the shower and changes into fresh clothes, enjoying the feeling of being clean after sleeping in a dirty bed all night. He makes a mental note to change the sheets later as he steps out into the living room. Suga is already up, sitting on the in his pajamas with a book in his lap and a plate with the remnants of breakfast on the table before him.
“So what happened last night?” Suga asks as Asahi plops down beside him. Asahi grimaces. He doesn’t exactly want to have this conversation first thing in the morning, but he knew if he wanted to have it before Nishinoya woke up he needed to do it now. He sighs and explains the previous night’s occurrences to Suga, who mercifully doesn’t interrupt him until he’s finished.
“Man, when I said you were fucked I didn’t think it was this bad,” Suga marvels, leaning back into the couch. “I don’t even know what the consequences are of letting your human find out about us are. Let’s hope there aren’t any, for your sake.”
Asahi hangs his head miserably. “That’s the least of my worries, to be honest. During the bombing yesterday, I felt something wrong in the air. I’ve been getting that feeling a lot lately, and it’s starting to scare me. What’s going on with this planet?”
Suga nods thoughtfully. “I’ve been noticing that too. Daichi is nowhere near as danger prone as Nishinoya, but he’s come close to dying more times than I can count the past couple months. There’s something up, and I don’t know what.” He reaches up and brushes his silvery blond bangs out of his eyes, revealing a furrowed brow. “I… I’m not sure if I can keep this one safe, which sucks because I think I care about him more than I should.”
“Than you should?”
Suga turns to look Asahi in the eyes, his expression mournful. “I fucked up too. I… I don’t want to take this one. I want to keep him here where he can be happy. And I want to be the one who makes him happy.” Suga drops his gaze away and buries his face in his hands. “I should know better, but he’s just so good . He’s not like any of the other humans I’ve had before. He makes me feel things like none of my humans have before.”
Nishinoya’s question from the previous night surges at Suga’s words. Asahi swallows hard, gathering his courage. “Suga… why do we have to take them?”
“I have no clue, to be honest.” Suga runs his fingers through his hair, a frown on his face. “But it seems kind of wrong, now that I think about it. Why do I have to take him away from this world where he does so much good? Why doesn’t he even get a choice in the matter?”
“It bothers me too,” Asahi admits. “But I have no idea what to do about it other than keep protecting him the best I can so he can live the life he wants to the fullest.”
“That’s probably the only thing you can do, to be honest,” Suga says. “It’s not exactly like we can go up to Heaven and tell them to let us do something different.”
“I know.” Asahi leans back into the couch cushions and draws his knees up to his chest. Speaking of a chaotic world and and Heaven and humans has left him feeling very small. “Do you think maybe we should introduce our humans? It might be easier to deal with protection if we can do it together. You know, because of all the mess that’s been going on.”
“That might be a good idea,” Suga admits, scratching his chin thoughtfully. He hasn’t shaved yet, and there’s the slightest scrape of blonde stubble there. “Although I don’t know how well Daichi would put up with Nishinoya’s nonsense.”
Asahi is torn between amusement and indignance, and it comes out as a snort. “Be nice to my boyfriend!” He protests. “Well, there’s only one way to find out, right?
Suga nods. Asahi gives him a scrutinizing look, and then opens his mouth to speak again. “You… might also want to tell Daichi what you are. That way he can have a say in this whole thing too.”
Suga recoils as if struck. There’s a beat of silence, and then he speaks. “I… I can’t.” He takes a deep breath, and his fists clench in the fabric of his pajama pants. “I can’t risk driving him away like that. I’ll do everything I can to make him happy, but I can’t take the chance of losing him.”
Asahi opens his mouth to argue, only to be interrupted by the creak of his bedroom door. Nishinoya steps out and gives a little wave. He’s dressed in one of Asahi’s shirts, which is so large on him that it goes down to his knees, and his hair is a wild mess of bedhead held up by yesterday’s hairgel.
“‘Morning, angel,” he says, padding over to Asahi and falling gracelessly onto his lap. Asahi adjusts so Nishinoya is more comfortable and presses a gentle kiss to his cheek. Suga looks on as they speak in low voices about their plans for the day, bitterness coiling in his chest. He wants that too, he realizes, and wonders when the human world had gotten to him. What are humans, he thinks, that they evoke so much feeling in him? He’s not sure, but he knows that no matter what, he wants to protect them.
#asanoya#Azumane asahi#Nishinoya Yuu#haikyuu!!#hqlit#hq fanfiction#my writing#hq#please like/reblog if you like!!
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Idiotic Friendship | Oikawa Tooru
"Hey [F/N]," Oikawa casually drawled. His finger drew circles on the desk as you continued to check his work. He was studying at your place, but it was more like he was trying to fool around while you were desperately trying to get him to study. If it wasn't for the fact that you two were friends since middle school, you probably would have dropped this kid the moment someone had asked you to tutor him. "Hm?" "Why don't you call me Tooru at school?" "Cause we're just friends." Oikawa frowned. Something about the way you had said that bothered him immensely and he sighed, "So what if we're just friends, I call you [F/N], you call everyone else on the volleyball team by their first names, why won't you-" "Tooru," you softly called out. And he sat up, his head no longer rested on his free hand and his finger that was once idly drawing circles were now still against the wooden table. You sighed, "Don't you get it?" "Get what?" "We're just friends."
"I know." What are you getting at [F/N]? You sighed, "No, you don't get it. Oikawa-kun," he scowled, "Tooru," his scowl lightened, "Do you have any idea about how popular you are sometimes?" "Don't you mean all the time," he playfully teased, but the deadpanned expression and the exasperated sigh that left your pretty lips made him drop the act. And he poked your arm, "Hey, are people bothering you because we're friends? What's so wrong with our friendship? If it's bad I can-" "Your fans are ridiculously stupid and give me headaches every time you talk to me. I can't even pretend to be nothing more than a friend cause you treat me as though we're more than friends Tooru." You gave him a weak smile, "The way you would link your arm with mine, or how you always pet my head or pinch my cheeks. All of that is fine when it's just us, but around your fans it isn't." Ah. So that's what it was? Oikawa's expression dropped, the cheerful and playful demeanor that was generally seen on the volleyball captain dropped and he asked, "Does it bother you that I'm close to you? It's because it's you [F/N]-chan, that I can do those things." "Then tell me Tooru," you asked. His chocolate orbs met your [e/c] gaze, and you whispered, "Are we friends? Or are we something more? You can't leave us at an in between, it doesn't work that way." "We're just-" more than friends "just friends." He didn't see the flicker of pain in your eyes, nor did he see the way your lips slightly trembled and your hands shake. You flash him a fake bright smile, "I see." Oikawa looked down, and he grabbed his pen resuming his schoolwork. This is the right to thing to do... right?
"Oi, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi gently hit the latter's shoulder, finally grabbing his attention, "Did you and [F/N]-san get in a fight?" "Eh? No! Of course not! We'd never!" Oikawa quickly replied, the surprise was genuine in his voice, but the listlessness in his eyes showed otherwise. Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes and he sighed, "Whatever it is between you two, fix it. It's awkward." "What's awkward? Everything's the same as usual!" "Yeah?" "Yeah!" Oikawa nodded confidently and then playfully teased, "Aww, is Iwa-chan worried about us?!" A smack was heard and Oikawa was seen holding the back of his head, "Shut your mouth Trashykawa!" "Iwa-chan, you meanie!"
"Oh? You're not eating with Oikawa today?" You look up from your phone, but it takes you a while to adjust to the strong sunlight that caused the shadows over the two taller males. Upon adjusting, you recognize the familiar physical frames of Hanamaki and Matsukawa. The duo were never separated from each other and you blinked before smiling, "Nope." "Did the two of you get in a fight or something?" Hanamaki asked as he sat down beside you on the grass. Matsukawa sat down beside you on your other side and casually places his lunch next to yours. The two look at you curiously and you shook your head, "No, I just needed to breathe properly." You hear one or the other chuckle as you fumble to put your phone away. And Matsukawa softly commented, "Must be hard being our manager and Oikawa's childhood friend." "Not quite childhood, I mean, I met him after Hajime-kun did." "Hmm, but still close enough," Hanamaki pointed out, "Oikawa seemed off. Ran into him on the way to lunch when he was heading to Iwaizumi's classroom. You didn't make him lunch either." Your eyes widened. They knew I made him lunch? But I thought only Hajime knew. Hanamaki sees the surprise in your eyes, although your face was still framed with a pretty smile and he asks, "Didn't you like Oikawa at some point [F/N]?" "Hey, don't be so blunt," Matsukawa reprimanded his best friend and you shook your head, indicating that it was okay for Hanamaki to ask the question. But the latter still looked slightly guilty for saying it so bluntly. Thankfully the area you were resting at was empty since it was behind the 3rd year's building. You smiled, "Did I?" "You did," Hanamaki points out. And he sighs, "You still do huh?" "Well, I certainly don't like you in that way Hanamaki-kun." You playfully teased. The latter laughed and Matsukawa smiles, "That's right, it'd be bad if you did cause Oikawa would get mad." "He shouldn't," you muttered. We're just friends. But the sorrow in your voice didn't go unnoticed by the two quiet giants and Matsukawa gently pats your head. "Our captain is kind of dumb isn't he?" "Well I wouldn't-" "Not academically obviously, just in general." Hanamaki chimes in. "Probably from all the times Iwaizumi hit his head." Matsukawa adds. You open your mouth to retort, but you laugh instead, and the two smile. It was better to see you smiling instead of drowning in your thoughts alone.
"Too-" his name fell at the first syllable as you saw him cheerfully chatting with a bunch of his fans. Amidst the conversation, Oikawa sees you walk past, his mouth open to call your name, but he hesitates. He hesitates because he knows that this distance between you guys was necessary. Or was it really? The girls notice Oikawa's gaze on you, but you quickly walk by and Oikawa shifts his attention away and he quickly flashes them a smile and you hear him apologize. Your grip on your messenger bag tightens. This was okay. It was better this way.
"Not fighting, what bullshit," Iwaizumi called Oikawa out for it after practice. Iwaizumi had seen the changes in your friendship with the captain of the volleyball team and he strongly disapproved it. Oikawa avoided the latter's gaze and the ace sighed, "Seriously, it wasn't as though she was-" "But she said it herself, it was better if we were just friends." Iwaizumi saw the way his friend's shoulders were tense, his fist clenched and the way he gritted his teeth. It was the same expression of disappointment in himself, and also the same expression that Oikawa had whenever his insecurities ate away at him. Besides, she deserves better than me. Oikawa lowered his head and Iwaizumi asked, "What about you?" Oikawa looked up, clearly in shock and Iwaizumi let out an exasperated breath, "Well?" "I-" Oikawa's words are cut short as both males hear the gym door creak open. Your [h/c] head is seen first before the rest of your face pops up. You take a step in, and they see you take a quick breath, as though gathering your resolve. "Oi- Tooru?" you called out softly. Iwaizumi slowly made his way out, and you looked at him as though you wanted to ask him to stay. Oikawa looked at you, clearly surprised to see you there. "[F/N]..." "Were you overworking yourself again?" you asked as you approached him. The gym was littered with scattered volleyballs, probably from Oikawa overworking himself to be the best. Still wearing the school uniform, you picked up a stray volleyball on your way there before tossing it into the ball bin. "No, not really." "Don't lie," you teased. But the playful grin fell off your face and you softly mumbled something under your breath. Oikawa swears he heard it wrong. But one look at your eyes and the unshed tears were all he needed to know that he didn't. His figure immediately embraced yours, and he felt your hands fist his shirt. Both of you ignored the obvious sweat, and you mumbled, "I can't do this anymore Tooru." "[F/N]-" Oikawa is cut off though by your next words. "I've always liked you." You feel him stiffen, and then he pulls away slowly. His dark-chocolate brown orbs met yours and he murmurs your name and you continue, "I... I know that this is stupid. We're best friends. I'm the one female friend you had for years that didn't fawn over your appearance or your popularity, and simply hung out with you and talked to you like a friend should." Your grip on his shirt tightened, and you close your eyes. Your head lowers as you refuse to look at him. You were scared to see him reject you with his expression. Unknowing that his expression was pure shock right now. And you continued, your voice shaky, "I'm not as-" "Don't." Your heart fell. He didn't even hear you out. The one who was always there to pick you up, to support you. The person who was always cheering you on and encouraging you to do your best. The person who was basically one of the biggest factors that made you who you are today had just cut you off. I didn't even finish explaining my side... Tooru probably feels disgusted with me and how selfish I've been all these years. I just- "Don't you dare tell me that you're nothing compared to those other girls," you heard his voice quiver and you slowly raised your head. His hands were on your shoulder, rough and calloused from the years of volleyball training, but still gentle to the touch. His firm grip on your shoulders made you feel his desperation that had not only leaked into his voice, but his being. Your [e/c] orbs met his and he lowered his head until his forehead rested against yours. "Don't tell me that I deserve you when I don't." he whispered, "Don't make me not want to let go of you. For years [F/N], years I've been debating if I should ever tell you. You were the one person I didn't want to push away. If it meant hurting myself by deliberately friendzoning myself in order to keep you by my side, I'd do it." You felt his nose gently rub against yours as his hands traveled south to rest at your waist, pulling you close. You felt his warmth as it enveloped you and your hands shakily found their way to his broad back as you linked your arms around his neck. "Tooru." The way your lips had formed his name. The feeling of your breath as it fanned over his lips, tempting him to just lean in a bit forward was almost too much for him. "[F/N], I love you. I love you so much that I'm desperately hoping this is real." His voice cracked. Oikawa wouldn't be able to handle it if this was nothing more than a figment of his imagination. A dream that has manifested due to his constant pining and longing for your presence again. If he had known just how much it would have hurt for him to attempt to push you away in order to protect you from his fans, he wouldn't have done it to begin with. Hell, he should've never let you leave his side to begin with. "Gods, I'm an idiot aren't I?" Oikawa laughed when you didn't respond. He began to slowly pull away and then he heard your voice once more. "We're both idiots, but I still love you Tooru." Oikawa's eyes opened as he felt your lips gently press against his. No, this was not a dream. And as soon as he felt you pull away, he leaned forward, taking you once again. Your arms that were once lax around his neck had tightened as your soft hands found their way to his hair, gently tugging at the soft and fluffy brown locks. His hands trailed over your back, gently rubbing soothing circles until he heard you whimper for air. Unwillingly, he pulls away, your lips were slightly swollen, and you were out of breath, but he would never forget this moment. Never. He leaned forward once more, his nose gently rubbing against yours and he whispered, "I can finally call you mine right?" A genuine smile was flashed at you, and you quickly peck his lips, and you nod your head as pink dusted your cheeks and his. You feel him pull you tighter until you're pressed against his chest, and he mumbles against your ear, "I'll never let you go again."
#jenbean writes#hqlit#haikyuu fanfiction#oikawa tooru#oikawa tooru x reader#reader insert#fluff#but kinda angst?#but i guess not really
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Cookies | Tsukishima Kei
Presents were neatly wrapped and each and every one of them were adorned with a single gold ribbon and a neat little tag indicating the owner of each present. They were all different assortments of ornaments and lighting fixtures strung across the trees. Whether they were glittering orbs or flashing lights, or the small plush toys of the signature Christmas characters; each one decorated the tree, mixed in with the lights and the candy cane, bringing Christmas cheer to the room. And then there were the garlands, snowflakes, and wreaths decorating the hallways and doors within their small cozy home. The garlands brought a flash of Christmas cheer and the snowflakes were like a banner, concealing the top of the entrance of the hallway. But the best part of all? The food. Much like for Thanksgiving, you had already made meal plans with Kiyoko and Yachi, planning to get help recreate a Christmas dinner for not only your family and your in-laws, but also for the volleyball reunion that was going to be held at thankfully not your place. Kei had already expected the house to become more and more busy, what with Christmas right around the corner, but he was surprised that, for once, it was empty and almost quiet. Only soft Christmas songs played from the speakers that you had installed in the kitchen just last Christmas. He walks in, surprised to not even hear a "welcome home" from you, but isn't once he sees the focused look on your face as you finish frosting cookies and cupcakes and- by the Gods, did you make a Buche de Noel1? "Oh," you noticed him out of the corner of your eye. He was still wearing his business suit, his tie slightly crooked and loose; and his blazer was held in his arm. "Welcome home, Kei." The smile you flashed him made his heart warm, and he sends you a soft smile, catching you off-guard. "I'm back." You blinked and then gently set your tools down and washed your hands before approaching him. He doesn't move from his spot the entire time and you asked, "What's up?" Locks of blonde hair gently sway back and forth as he shakes his head, "Nothing, just thought it smelled sweet in the house." "Yup!" you smiled as you picked up a finished frosted cookie. It was shaped as a snowflake and you displayed it to him in your hands, "Cute isn't it?" Not as cute as you, he almost says out loud, but instead he leans down to inspect it. But as he does, he notices the bit of frosting that's somehow on your cheek and he smirks before leaning forward, his lips capturing that small bit with his tongue. "K-Kei?!" Totally caught off-guard. He chuckles as he steadies your hands with his, making sure you didn't drop the cookie and he smirked, "Yeah, definitely sweet." "I really hope you're talking about the cookie," you muttered mostly to yourself. "I was referring to you, but the cookie's alright." "Kei!" He grabs your wrist and brings the cookie to his mouth, taking a bite of it before leaning forward to press it against yours. You don't hesitate, and take a bite of it as well. Soon the snowflake was gone and he confirmed, "Yeah, it's good." "You're a horrible taste tester," you sighed. But the tug on the corner of your lips indicated a small smile and he merely shrugged, "Still think you're sweeter. But hey, to each their own." "God damn it, Kei."
#jenbean writes#tsukishima kei#hqlit#tsukishima kei x reader#reader insert#haikyuu#haikyuu fanfiction#25 days of christmas challenge 2016
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Tsukishima Kei | More Than [2/4]
I have no idea why, but I think tumblr ate this post. More Than - Hybrid!AU - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Sweets | Feather Light | Not Choosing | Crows
"Hey, who is that?" "He came in with Iwaizumi-san." "A transfer? At this time?" "Look, he's a hybrid.." "He's a really pretty hybrid though." "He's an avian hybrid too!" "Aren't those rare?!" "What if he's a..." "Oy oy, don't say those stuff in front of Iwaizumi-san, she'll get upset you know." You ignored the whispers as Tsukishima trailed behind you lazily. He looked good in the school uniform, but what caught everyone's attention was his wings. How was it that such a rare type of hybrid was found in a school like this? "Oh! [F/N]-chan!" a small petite blonde girl and a freckled boy waved at you. You waved back, before glancing back to Tsukishima to make sure he was following you. Tsukishima's eyes narrowed at the freckled boy before his eyes widened in surprise, "Yamaguchi?" Yamaguchi's bunny ears perked up momentarily, before his eyes widened and a bright smile was on his face, "Tsukki?!"
You glanced between the two, clearly obvious to see that the bunny and the crow knew each other and you asked, "Tadashi-kun, you know Tsukishima?" Yamaguchi nodded eagerly, his bunny ears flopping along, and he smiled, "We were in the same adoption center. It's been six years though. Woah, Tsukki you grew so tall!" Tsukishima nodded and he asked, "You've been here this whole time?" "Yup! I haven't left Miyagi, and well," Yamaguchi let out a small laugh before glancing at Yachi, "She's my ma-" "F-f-f-f-friend. I'm Y-Yachi. Yachi Hitoka, and you?" Yachi nervously butt in. Although the shorter girl was clearly a nervous wreck to be meeting someone new, and that someone had to be as intimidating as Tsukishima the shorter girl was more for the idea of sounding like a nervous wreck than to hear what Yamaguchi was about to say. It was obvious what Yamaguchi wanted to say, but it seemed as though Yachi was like you, absolutely against the idea of someone "owning" a hybrid. Tsukishima blinked at the petite blonde and he mumbled, "Nice to meet you. I'm Tsukishima Kei, a De-" Tsukishima never got to finish that sentence as a hand covered his mouth. He glared down to see you on your tippy-toes, blocking him from saying the last syllable and Yamaguchi and Yachi looked at the two of you in confusion. You glared at Tsukishima and he glared back and you hissed, "Can not call yourself thatfor once?!" Tsukishima glared and growled, "I am a defect." His golden orbs pierced through yours and you were close to flinching before looking away. You quickly mutter out an apology to Yachi and Yamaguchi before dragging him away from the duo and you mumbled, "Do not ever call yourself a defect." Tsukishima raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why? It's a fact." The moment you looked up and made eye contact with him, Tsukishima flinched. Your normally bright [e/c] orbs were now filled with dislike and slight irritation, and you repeated, "You. Are. Not." Tsukishima swallowed his words, and nodded before he looked away. Your gaze lingered on his for a bit longer before you sighed, and quickly mumbled an apology. You back away from him and run a hand through your black locks of hair. The tall blonde noticed the change in the atmosphere around you, but before he could say anything, you push the taller male towards your friends before you walked the opposite direction, claiming to have something to do. Yamaguchi exchanges a glance with Tsukishima. He gives his old friend a small smile, "Don't say things like that Tsukki." Yachi nodded in agreement, and Yamaguchi continued, "Or you'll end up making her cry."
Tsukishima sat next to Yamaguchi and listened to the latter catch him up to date about what happened during the time period they were separated. Yamaguchi has been living in peace with Yachi. Yachi wasn't actually the one who adopted him, but she was the one who ultimately saved him from the adoption center, since he was too shy, too timid, too much of not what they expected; a disappointment basically. At those words, Tsukishima looked at his friend and asked, "But you look a lot happier now." Yamaguchi was slightly shocked and he laughed, "Yup! Yachi-san and Iwaizumi-san are really nice to me and," Yamaguchi paused, a wistful look in his eyes, "they make me feel alive." Tsukishima's eyes widened at the term. It wasn't something he could relate to, and the unfamiliarity of it made him curious. As though testing it on his tongue, he slowly asked, "Alive?" Yamaguchi nodded, his eyes now closed, a fond smile on his face, "Yup. Alive." Yamaguchi lazily opened his eyes and asked, "What about you Tsukki?" "Me?" Yamaguchi nodded and Tsukishima sighed, "I've been fine." "Are you staying with Iwaizumi-san?" "Mm," Tsukishima nodded, "More or less." "She didn't... Did she... She didn't adopt you, right?" Yamaguchi hesitantly asked, and Tsukishima's eyes widened, "No." Yamaguchi laughed out of relief, his bunny ears flopping around, "That sounds like Iwaizumi-san." "Does it?" Yamaguchi nodded, "Yeah," he had a fond smile on his face, and for some reason Tsukishima was increasingly more intrigued by you as his old friend continued talking, "Iwaizumi-san doesn't treat us like we're hybrids. She sees us as equals. You see, she's the one who keeps pushing for all the equality in this high school, that's why so many of us are here." The freckled boy tilted his head, indicating the other hybrids that were attending school normally. Tsukishima looked around, and he softly mumbled, "I see." You're nothing that I'm used to. Why are you so different?
"Iwa-chan," a male voice rang out, and Iwaizumi flinched, "What do you want, Shittykawa?" "Ne, ne," Oikawa continued, "Is it true [F/N]-chi adopted a hybrid? What kind is he?" "Not adopted. She found him. And he looks like a crow," Iwaizumi responded dully, still wondering about how long that hybrid was going to stay with them. It's been several weeks now and although Tsukishima has shown signs of warming up to you, he's only been polite and distant to the rest of the family, nothing like that Iwaizumi was used to when it came to hybrids. Oikawa's eyes narrowed, "A crow?" "Yeah." "With blonde hair?" Iwaizumi's eyes widened, and he softly mumbled, "Yeah, why?" "He was abandoned right?" "Not sure, [F/N] found him at the bus stop." Iwaizumi and Oikawa exchanged a look and Oikawa sighed, "You know, I only know this because of social media, but he's really popular, that hybrid. He's one of the few avians that came out like expected. The only con is his personality. He has nothing that he's supposed to have when it comes to full obedience to their master." "Yeah, kind of noticed that," Iwaizumi mumbled, "He only listens to [F/N]." Oikawa smirks, and Iwaizumi scowls, "He only listens to her half the time." The scowl on the older Iwaizumi lightened up though, and he softly mumbled, "It's only been a couple of weeks and she's already so comfortable around him though." "[F/N]-chi is?" Iwaizumi nodded as he continued cleaning up the gym with his best friend and Oikawa paused, a soft smile on his face, "Isn't that a good thing then?" "Not if he leaves," Iwaizumi curses underneath his breath. Oikawa sees the look of anguish that briefly flickered across his friend's face, and softly mumbled, "Iwa-chan."
"Why am I here again?" Tsukishima asked as he watched two idiotic duos, not one pair, but two, scream across the court about a receive that had a weird name.Something along the lines of, ROLLING THUNDER, but that wasn't any of his business, now was it His eyes narrowed at the short orange haired wolf-child who was literally like a piece of the sun bouncing around. Too bright, don't want to deal with this. He scoffed before sitting down on the bench beside Yachi, who immediately flinched. Yachi was definitely not used to Tsukishima's brashness, or his cold demeanor, but she couldn't do much but smile as he saw how intently he watched over you and Yamaguchi. Especially you. If Yachi were to describe it, Tsukishima's vision of you was a student to a teacher, he was mildly interested in the way that would be considered, "learning", but at the same time, was slightly irritated with the way you were. Tsukishima couldn't help it though, in all his years, he has never been treated as anything more than a defect, so why was it that someone like you was so kind to him? It made no sense to him. "Ne, [F/N]-chan!" The short orange hair 1st year called out. His tail was wagging at the speed of light, catching your attention as you were addressing the volleyball manager, Kiyoko. You looked over, giving Kiyoko an apologetic nod and replied, "What's up Shoyo-kun?" "Who's the tall guy?" Tsukishima's scowl deepened and you glanced over at him, stifling a giggle at the blonde's unwilling nature to meet others and smiled sweetly at Hinata, "He's Tsukishima Kei. A friend of mine." This time Tsukishima's eyes widened and an eyebrow was raised in even more confusion. Since when were we friends? I'm a Defect, and to top it off, I'm not even human. "Ooh," Hinata's eyes glimmered with interest before he casually asked, "Is he going to join the volleyball club?" "Hah?" / "I didn't think of that." Both of you responded at the same time, and you turned to him, "You don't want to Tsukishima?" "Tch." I don't belong here. You pouted at the taller male's scowl, but it was quickly wiped off your face and you said, "It's his choice. I make no decisions for him." Tsukishima looks at you from the corner of his eyes, clearly curious about how indirectly direct you were about your standing to him. So we're friends, and not in an owner-pet relationship? His scowl lightened subtly and he was about to say something, but was cut off by that orange ball of sunshine. "Eh, but last time you brought in a hy-" Hinata's mouth was clamped shut by Tanaka and Nishinoya as they saw you flinch and you subconsciously took a step back. You give them a weak smile and a bow before quickly grabbing your bag. You slung it across your shoulder and announced, "Have a nice day." Hinata broke free and cried, "Wait! [F/N]-chan!" But you paid no mind to him as you exited the gym, the door shutting close not-too-gently and the atmosphere inside the gym dropped below zero. "Hi-na-ta," a low voice growled out. The short boy flinched and cowered behind his setter. The volleyball captain, Daichi was making his way towards the short first year, but only to be stopped from going into full on lecture mode by the vice captain, Sugawara. The silver haired fox smiled warmly at him before turning to Hinata and he said, "Hinata, you know how [F/N]-chan is when you call us that." Hinata pouted, "I didn't mean to. I just..." His ears drooped and his tail went slack as it swished back and forth to show how guilty he felt, and he mumbled, "I'm still not used to how nice everyone is." Tsukishima silently agreed. He could relate to that. He was also not yet adjusted to the kindness you had shown him. After all, in the past, it was always the same treatment. Bare minimum amount of food, water, and occasional new clothes. But whenever it was showcase time, he was given the best treatment. Any other time, he was literally hung in a cage above the lobby rooms. Unknowingly his fists were clenched to the point his knuckles were white, and Yamaguchi noticed, gently placing a hand on Tsukishima's shoulder. "Tsukki," Yamaguchi called out, pulling him out of his dark thoughts, and he hesitantly said, "I think... you need to find [F/N]-san, before you get left behind here." It hit Tsukishima immediately that you were the only one with the keys to the house, and the tall male bowed and bid his farewells to the volleyball club as he rushed out, looking for you. But he didn't have to look too far, you were waiting against the railing, your eyes downcast, a sad glimmer in them. No longer were they the bright [e/c] orbs that normally shined with life, they were dull, as though plagued by thoughts that swallowed all the life in you. "Oy." You looked up, and the life came back, a bit duller than normal, but it was better than what Tsukishima just saw. That was a part of you that the tall blonde was not quite ready to confront. Although he was curious as to what it was that was haunting your thoughts, he wasn't quite sure on how to approach that, and avoided the matter. "Let's go home." The way back home was silent, not an uncomfortable or awkward one, but one that was shared between the two of you comfortably. Neither of you complaining about it at all. But at the bus stop where you first met, an unpleasant sight awaited Tsukishima and the taller male stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowed as his fist clenched. You noticed your taller companion stop, as you look between him and the male at the bus stop. "Kei." "Nii-san." Your eyes widened, but the moment Tsukishima's 'older brother' glanced at you, Tsukishima grabbed your wrist, pulling you behind him. And you don't make a single noise as you felt the pressure on your wrist. There was something about the male that put the normally indifferent blonde into agitation. "You need to stop running away from home and just come back." "I was abandoned again, you call that running away from home, Nii-san?" "That's not what Master told us.." The older Tsukishima responded. His eyes narrowed at you and he asked, "Did you get a new Master, Kei? Is she the reason you ran away?" "She's not my master," Tsukishima pauses when he feels you grab the hem of his shirt and he continues, "Besides, I'm a defect, unlike you Akiteru." No one wants me, not like you. Everyone takes good care of you cause you're so devoted to your owners. But I was never like that. Akiteru sighed and he asked, "I see. So? What are you going to do now? Live with her? Master got rid of his proof that you were ever his, so you could." He paused, and in a sad tone, "If you wanted to." Tsukishima's eyes widened. It was one thing knowing about it, but hearing the fact from his own brother's mouth was a lot to take in. Tsukishima truly was abandoned with no where to go. He didn't belong anywhere, and- What's the fucking point of living if one flaw in me means that I'm not worth anything anymore?! That one flaw, my personality, for f*ck's sake, is all they need to deem me a defect. Something useless. I'm still alive aren't I? Just because I'm not everything they had expected me to be. Because I am a disappointment. He clenches his fists even tighter, but a smaller hand that was once on his back gently took a hold of his. Unknowingly, he relaxes slightly as he glances back at you and he freezes. Why? Why are you looking at me like that? It's not pity, or sadness. Why do you look like you're upset for me? We haven't even known each other for so long, yet why? Why are you looking at me as though you care? Tsukishima's hands relaxed and you slipped yours into his, before standing beside him and you softly state, "Please leave." Tsukishima and Akiteru look at you in shock and you repeat, "Please leave. You're agitating Tsukishima-kun, and as his friend I don't appreciate that." You frown and softly mumble, "And if you really are his brother, wouldn't you want him to be happier? If he's happier here, then let him stay." If he really wanted to leave, he would, but he didn't. He hasn't. A small part of you whispered to yourself, He won't. Both of their eyes widened and Akiteru sends you a small smile before fondly turning to his younger brother, "You found a good Master." "I'm not his Master," you corrected him. And Akiteru's eyes raised, you reassuringly squeeze Tsukishima's hand before letting go and you smiled brightly, "I'm his friend." Akiteru mimicked a fish before he smiled, "I see." He laughed, before asking, "May I ask for your name?" "Iwaizumi [F/N]." "Iwa-chan, then," Akiteru smiled, and you pouted slightly cause that nickname belonged to your brother, not you, and he bowed, "Thank you for taking care of Kei. I'll come back to visit every now and then." Akiteru left just as suddenly as he came, but as you watched him walk away you softly asked, "Are you okay?" "Tch, mind your own business." Tsukishima looked away from you. He still felt the warmth from your hands and it bothered him. It bothered him how much that simple gesture had effected him. But what bothered him most was the fact that he was truly abandoned. Something within him told him that it wasn't okay, that he had to find a new owner. However, that part wasn't him, it was what those scientists had programmed into his DNA. But a very small part was cheering for joy. The part that indicated that Tsukishima was a defect. I'm free. The idea of being free was so much that he stood there in a daze, before realizing that he was zoned out while staring straight at you. Your [e/c] eyes still holding his gaze, and you cutely tilted your head to the side, confused as to why Tsukishima was so silent, yet looked so peaceful. "I don't have an owner." "No, you don't." you easily responded. Still confused as to why Tsukishima's demeanor was so strange, almost as though there was both conflict and peace raging within him. And then you softly added, "You don't need one Tsukishima-kun." His eyes widened as he heard your last sentence, and a small smile graced your features and you continued, "You are your own person, Tsukishima. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."
Upon arriving home, you noticed the second pair of shoes and you unconsciously let out a groan, causing the blonde male to look at you weirdly and before you could respond you hear a familiar, "[F/N]-CHII!!" Oikawa peeked his fluffy brown head into the doorway and you lazily greet, "Hi Tooru-nii." "Don't call him that [F/N]." "Oh ho!" Oikawa's eyes narrowed as he examined Tsukishima. Both of you visibly stiffen before you toss your schoolbag at his face. Oikawa doesn't dodge it, as he was too engrossed with Tsukishima's wings, and gets hit straight on his face with your bag, causing Iwaizumi to laugh and Tsukishima to smirk while you glowered at the taller male. "Can you stop staring at him like that Tooru-nii," You slowly ask. You were obviously unhappy with the tall brunette and Oikawa holds his hands out as an apology, and you sigh, "I'll be in my room." You gave him a strained smile before going up the stairs towards your room. Tsukishima hesitated to follow you upstairs to seek his own little safety in the bedroom he was given, but Iwaizumi shakes his head and he asks, "She seems more irritable.. what happened?" Tsukishima didn't respond right away. Do I tell them... do I not tell them? But before Tsukishima could say anything, Oikawa asked, "Did someone come for you?" Tsukishima narrowed his eyes and Iwaizumi muttered a quick and harsh, "Oikawa!" And the former nodded his head, and Oikawa whined, "I don't want [F/N] to get hurt Iwa-chan! What if he leaves her?!" Why would I...? I have no where else to go. Tsukishima tilted his head in confusion and Oikawa sighs, "Sorry, I get protective of [F/N] too. She's like my younger sister too." Oikawa gives Iwaizumi and Tsukishima a weak smile and Iwaizumi let's out a breath of relief and mumbles, "Don't worry about that, Tsukishima."
Tsukishima laid sprawled out on the guest bed, wondering if he truly was allowed to stay. They seemed okay with him being here, but... What if they got sick of him? What if they want me to leave? That I'm being a burden. He stared blankly at the ceiling before he closed his eyes. Why is this such a pain? Should I not stay longer? I have no where else to go. And I feel so empty, as though all purpose in my life is gone because I was abandoned. But am I really alone, I'm with the Iwaizumis and- "Tsukishima?" You softly called out from the other side of the door. The male sat up, and mumbled an almost inaudible 'come in' and you slowly opened the door. You were wearing one of Hajime's old sweaters and short shorts, and Tsukishima had to fight the urge to stare at your legs as you came in, closing the door behind you. Before the tall blonde could say anything to you, he held it all back as he saw the way you were leaning against the door. You lowered your head, and he saw your lips move but he didn't hear exactly what it was you said. "What did you say?" "I'm sorry." "For what?" "I... I basically forced you into adjusting to a new life and I didn't even ask for your opinion or consent. I didn't ask if you wanted to go to school, I just kind of strung you along. And even if I give you so many of your own choices, I'm limiting you to what I do and-" "You have nothing to apologize for." You lifted your head as you noticed how the distance between the two of you had shrunk. And that small part of him tells him to stay with you. Protect you. Hold you close. And he immediately looked away from you. A small 'tch' leaving his mouth and you flinched, "Sorry for troubling you Tsukishima." Once you closed the door, you mentally berated yourself. What was I thinking? I got so invested in trying to make his life better, yet all I did was make him even more confused. I'm not supposed to hold him back. What am I doing?... saying I want all hybrids to be capable of making their own choices and yet here I am, forcing one to follow my pace. I'm such a hypocrite... I'm doing nothing more than repeating the same mistakes as before.
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Young | Kuroo Tetsurou
Young We were so young when we thought that we knew how to love. The way his hands held yours as you walked through the school hallways had your heart racing. Just the fact that you were given the opportunity to be with him alone was great, you felt like you were walking on cloud nine. Lunch times were spent leaning against each other, feeding each other the shared lunch you would pack for him every morning. Occasionally he'd slip in kisses on your cheeks, or would pull you in close to him. It was moments like those that the romance between the two of you were filled with sweetness.
Fought about anything, everything led to dysfunction But those times were short-lived. With the idea of education after high school began to loom over your heads and with him focusing more on volleyball than you, the feelings of sweet love slowly faded into slight tension. You wanted to talk it out, but he didn't have the time. Kuroo would still hold your hand, walk you to and from your classes, but he'd slowly forget to mention small things. And you should have seen it coming, or even he could have, with the amount of times both your voices had slowly began to raise. The way they had been laced with tension, irritation, and frustration. "You wouldn't understand me." "I thought you knew better." "To think you of all people wouldn't get me." Words that both of you perhaps never meant to say were exchanged between the two of you like gunshots during a war. And it was to the point where you two would spend time out of obligation. I'll make up for it, I promise you. You weren't sure why you had made sure he kept to that promise. You weren't quite sure you agreed to it. Perhaps it was because you knew how frustrated you were with the situation that you guys were in, not so much as being frustrated at Kuroo himself. You guys were caught up in the high from the sweetness of the relationship. Intoxicated and infatuated with everything about each other. And now it was as though that hazy blind has slowly been blown away by finer details that were glossed over at the very beginning. But Kuroo thinks that it's okay. That you guys will be okay. Because everything that's happening now will help you guys pave the road for the future that the two of you will share together. We both know I go too far like when I wrecked your car. I'll do everything in my power to make things better. And you should have known better than to trust him. Especially when he ends up causing damage to the one possession that you called your pride and joy, and ruins the trust that your father had placed in both of you. "He isn't worth the trouble." "He may have a good face, but his head sure is lacking!" You wanted to fight back, but you bit back your tongue upon receiving the scalding gaze from your parents. And when your father has finally had enough, and finally confronts Kuroo. You do everything in your capabilities to stop both of them from fighting the other. But even then, your father still ends taking a swing at the poor boy. You will never forget the sound of him hitting the floor, and the anger and rage that filled the atmosphere in the air. With you holding back your father and Kuroo's pain stricken and guilty expression, you knew that he knew what he did was wrong. He knew he fucked up. I'm calling you up, you tell me it's over. Though he knows you're filled with reluctance. The pain in your voice, and weak tone that you used was everything that you were not. It was not the you that he had become accustomed to. And so he apologizes. And you deny it. Refute it. But he persists, and his words are convincing. We're learning to love, but it's hard when you're young. It was so simple, yet so complex at once. The intricate idea of love made you stumble over your own words. It evoked emotions of love, joy, and sorrow simultaneously. But when you hear the way his voice is tinged with longing and regret, with the slight plead to give him, to give you guys another chance. You say yes. Because you're still young, and you're learning how to love.
#jenbean writes#Kuroo Tetsurou#reader insert#haikyuu!!#haikyuu fanfiction#kuroo tetsurou x reader#hqlit
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You | Oikawa Tooru
Soft. Her hair, hands, voice, her presence. It soothes me. Again. Yet again, his thoughts were of you. Many times throughout the day, his thoughts drifted away from the topics in class to you. Your smile; how the edge of your lips curl up slightly right before you smile, and how your lips are shaped so prettily, almost like a heart. Your voice; the way you'd call his name. The sound of your laughter and giggles as it filled the room and air around you, bringing a smile to those near and having others join in on your cheer and joy. He knew it was too overbearing. But he couldn't help it. How could he when your gentleness and understanding has kept him sane for the past three years whenever his thoughts turned too dark? You were always able to understand him. You always seemed to know what was on his mind. She's amazing. Oikawa isn't sure when it happened, or how it happened. When had he stopped seeing you as "just a good friend" to "someone more than a friend." But that's probably just my side. He doesn't think you feel the same way. How could you with the way he acted some times? But truth to be told, it scared him. It scares him how attached he is to you; how much you mean to him; and how much happiness and color you bring to his life. Like the single ray of light breaking through the cloudy skies. His finger trails along the windows in the hallways as he slowly takes a detour after volleyball practice. It was the usual. He had stayed after again, even though Iwaizumi and his coach had advised him not to. Even though he knew against his better judgement that he is overworking himself.
But volleyball is the only thing that keeps her off my mind. His eyelids fluttered shut as he stills all motion and energy that coursed through his being. His eyes slowly open to look out the window, his chocolate orbs gazing at the ever familiar gates of Aoba Johsai. But the feathery touch of his finger tip on the window sill is replaced with his hand as he grips onto it. When? When did this start that she became all I think about during every waking hour? His grip slowly tightens and he turns away from the window, as though that one ray of light reminded him too much of you. Everything and anything that even slightly resembled you stirred up emotions he thought he would never have. His heart palpitated rapidly at the sight of you, and a blush threatens to overtake his perfectly crafted mask that he adorns before his peers. But he suffocates those emotions of his. He ignores the way his pulse picks up its pace from the thought of you alone. He fights down the flush of pink that threatens to paint his cheeks and tinge his ears. But he can't help but occasionally tune in to the deeper part of his heart and his thoughts. His inner desire to claim you as his, and his alone. And he does his best to not contemplate either side. Because neither of them are right. She deserves so much better than someone like me. When my thoughts are so impure and... his thoughts that grumbled and dampened his calmness stops. Oikawa's lips are drawn into a slight pout and he almost sighed. He'll ignore his own selfish desires and neglect his feelings if you didn't feel the same way, after all, the most important thing to him was that you were still by his side. He didn't want to lose you. He couldn't afford to. I just want to cherish her, and maybe.. if she feels the same- "Tooru-kun?" Oikawa doesn't believe his ears at the sound of your voice, but he can't mistaken it. He can spot you from afar, no matter how many figures tower over yours. And your voice, your laughter was like a siren's song; no matter the location, he'd hear you, and he'd follow it to the end. His eyes that were once filled with turmoil and conflict are suddenly alighted with life and curiosity. Your voice had brought him away from his thoughts and he turns around, chocolate orbs locking with the warmth of your gaze. Both you and him reflect confusion on each other's faces, but mostly surprise. "You're still on campus?" you asked as you approached him. He notices that you have your school bag with you still. He glances past you, and realizes you must have been studying in the library this entire time. And he slowly, ever so slowly nods his head. You furrowed your brows and asked, "Tooru-kun... you weren't overworking yourself again, were you?" From the flinch that managed to break through his mask, Oikawa tries to muster up some sort of excuse. As much as he was infatuated with you, he didn't like it when you were upset at him. You can see him pulling up his facade again, the same one he would when around his fan girls and classmates. Before he even opens his mouth, you immediately mumbled, "Don't." "[F/N]-chan..?" his voice drops, and it's the genuine Oikawa again. Not the flirtatious and flamboyant volleyball captain that he showed to his acquaintances and opposing teams; but the serious side of him, the one that cares about those close to him. The genuine Oikawa who's deepest fear and insecurity is the idea of being replaced, the idea that he wasn't good enough. His gaze searches yours and he can see you shakily take in a breath and resolve yourself before addressing him again. "Don't pretend to be okay around me. I'm your best friend aren't I?" you confronted him, and then immediately, your resolve wavers upon seeing his surprise and slight wince. You sheepishly fiddle with the hem of your school uniform and shuffled your feet and mumbled, "I mean, I know I'm not the one who normally nags you like Iwaizumi-kun does, but I do know you. I know you're honest with me. I just-" He notices that you stopped, and you can feel the blood rushing to your face when you realized how you were acting out of your place as "just a friend." It's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything, why am I being so- "Thanks [F/N]-chan," Oikawa chuckled. This was fine. He was okay with this, this content feeling of being able to be nagged at by you. It showed you cared. And he really did appreciate it. The smile on his lips was soft, gentle, and something you'd probably never see on him if it was during normal school hours. And this time, you lose to your body as the blush takes over your cheeks, dusting it with a faint pink. But his smile goes from the gentle, genuine Oikawa, to the Oikawa that takes every advantage to tease his friends and morphs into a sly smirk. "Oh, is that a blush I see on your face?" he teased, and he internally laughs at the way your lips mouths a small o before forming a pout and you whined, "Tooru-kun!" To your surprise though, the laughter that tumbles out and fills the air is not what you had expected. You had expected an endless amount of teasing, of the two of you bantering, but this was different. It was refreshing and new; and you were more than glad that he feels comfortable enough to be so free around you. He notices that your gaze was slightly different, there was newfound appreciation and gratitude. His eyes widened, and he can feel himself relaxing yet again. There was a comfortable silence that fell between the two of you. Small smiles on both visages, and nothing but ambiance and warmth in the air. So cute. Oikawa doesn't register that his thoughts had spilled into reality until he notices you looking away. Hands on your cheek as you tried to hide the growing blush that threatened to take over your visage. Upon realization, Oikawa's hiding his face behind his hands, desperately hoping you didn't realize his mistake, but from the glances you sent his way, he's pretty sure there's no hiding it. "What are you- Tooru-kun- you.." your voice is wavering, and you're definitely flustered and you whined softly, "You're so unfair. When you act like this, I-" "I'm only like this with you," he blurted out, much to his internal voice's dismay. But upon seeing the way your eyes widened, and he, dare he say it, sees the relief and love in your gaze makes his throat feel dry. His heart seems to be jumping erratically and he softly muttered, "I'm only like this around you." His voice trailed off in the end. Oikawa, the ever cheerful and confident volleyball captain. The idol of girls on and off campus, and the one male friend you were closest to was blushing. He was clearly nervous with the way his hand gripped onto his school bag so tightly. But his eyes were determined, his gaze firm and resolute as he stared back into yours. Your lips were chapped, whether it be from the dryness of the air, or from the fact that you were nervous, you dared to ask the one question you needed an answer to. "What do you mean?" Your voice was nothing more than a whisper and he softly mumbled the answer. The three words you have been desperately hoping to hear. Your heart was racing, and it was as though fireworks had set off, but you were blinded. Whether it was from your emotions or the fact that you feel just as strongly about him as he does you, you were struggling to keep calm. But your eyes were slowly watering, and you couldn't fight back the wide grin that played at your lips. "I like you." "I like you." "I like you." Those were the three words you had only ever dreamed of hearing, but here it was. Reality. Oikawa was beyond terrified though. He couldn't read your thoughts from the fleeting emotions that crossed your features. And he wasn't sure if the glimmering of your eyes was a good sign. Out of nervousness, he takes a step forward, his hand reaching out for yours, but instead he's taken aback when you fling yourself into his open arms. His one step forward turns into three steps back as he attempts to balance both his weight and yours, but inevitably falls to the floor, landing on his butt as you ungracefully fall atop of him. Bubbles of laughter emerges and he can still feel your arms wrapped around his torso, as he sits up. "[F/N]-chan? Does this-" Oikawa barely managed to ask, but he's cut off by how stunning you were. The smile on your lips and just you, as a whole, made him feel so complete, so warm. "Yes," your answer was breathy, as though you were breathless from just the sight of him. And you gently pinched your cheek and then his, and you laughed, "This is real." "Yes," he responded, a small smile on his lips, and he sits up completely, and pulls you closer. His forehead rested against yours, and he mumbled, "This is finally real." You were here now, by his side.
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Late | Iwaizumi Hajime
"Iwa-chan! Good morning!" Oikawa cheerfully called out to his long time friend. Iwaizumi nodded, his features showing more than usual tiredness and fatigue. Oikawa pouted and he asked, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just tired," the vice captain admitted as he scratched the back of his head. He yawned again and Oikawa tilted his head in question and the black-haired male responded, "I was up late last night talking to [L/N]." "Oh?" Oikawa responded. There was a slight tone of playfulness, but there was something else in there too. One that was more curious and honest concern. Iwaizumi turned, a soft smile on his lips, "She's gonna come visit us for this Friday's practice match." "Really?!" the setter exclaimed excitedly. His features lit up and Iwaizumi nodded and Oikawa hummed, "We need to show her our best then. I'll be setting to you a lot Iwa-chan!" Iwaizumi chuckled as he watched his friend excitedly chatter on about all the things the three of you had to do as soon as you were reunited again.
From: Hajime What time? From: [F/N] Probs the same time the team gets there, I'm just bussing with them I mean, I'm their manager and all- Should I ask my parents if I can sleep over at your place? I mean, well... >///< if you're okay with that. Iwaizumi almost choked on his water at the last text. His fellow 3rd years on the volleyball team watched with amusement as his face flushed red and he frantically fumbled to type something coherent to you. From: Hajime A sleepover? I can ask. I'll let you know by tonight. He had never felt more thankful that you couldn't see how flustered he was. You'd never let go of it. And he sighs as he shuts off his screen again only to face his friends and their smug expression. His expression darkened, and they all turned away. Oikawa flashed a smile at him, "You and [F/N]-chan are so cute together." "Shut up Trashykawa!"
Iwaizumi was restless. It's been too long since he's last saw you in person. From the few and sparse video chats the two of you had, he knew you were still okay. Albeit tired from the mental and physical workload of school, but still okay. But he was certain you were still breathtakingly beautiful. Your eyes were still as bright, and they still formed an adorable eye smile with each giggle or laughter. Your lips looked just as soft he hoped they were still as soft as before. He was impatiently waiting for the announcement that the other team has arrived. And after practicing his spikes and jump serves a bit more, the gym door slid open as the familiar practice uniforms of Dateko appeared. He spots you immediately, and a soft smile almost takes over his features. But he sees the seriousness on your expression that clashed with the mirth in your eyes. As much as you wanted to see Iwaizumi and how much more impressive he's become; you were proud of the volleyball team you were the manager of. You watched as the new manager helped out and you smiled fondly at the second year. "[L/N]-senpai," Futakuchi casually approached you and he sighed, "You only came because of your boyfriend, huh?" You smirked and you drawled, "Perhaps." The new captain shook his head and he responded, "We'll do our best as always." "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Kenji," you patted his back as you walked past him and he almost wanted to laugh at the look of slight agitation on the opposing team's wing spiker. He turned to his team, and they all looked at him expectantly. "Let's play a good match!"
Much like they had expected, Aoba Johsai's team play and their coordination with each other was more than impressive. They cheered as they won yet another practice match and the Dateko members faced their final penalty. It was a long day of practice, but both teams felt as though they learned a lot from it. You spoke briefly to the coach and the manager before laughing and waving good bye to them as they left the gym. You had already informed Aoba Johsai's coach of your lingering presence and you watched as they cleaned up. You quietly slipped out the door to watch your actual team head back home as they all waved to you. Your small smile was ever present on your lips and you turned around, only to be face to face with Oikawa and his happy and bright smile. "Tooru!" "[F/N]-chan!" he responded as he gave you a quick hug before looking around. You laughed and he sheepishly smiled, "Iwa-chan would probably bite my head off." "Mm, I don't think he will. Hajime isn't that mean." "To you." "Right." The small talk between you and Oikawa only lasted for a few minutes before the gym doors all slid open as the remaining members came out. You've never met the underclassmen, only knowing Hanamaki and Matsukawa outside of Oikawa and Iwaizumi. You had greeted them politely, but the way your eyes fidgeted in search of Iwaizumi was obvious as the remaining members slowly left you alone to wait for your boyfriend. You frowned at what took him so long, but soon the familiar feeling of his arms wrapped around your waist and pulling you, spinning you around so you were facing him filled you with laughter and love. "Hajime!" "Hey," he responded, a small and soft smile on his features. Your hands immediately cupped his face and you squished his cheeks slightly, "Hey you." "I've missed you," you added in a soft whisper. His eyes widen by a fraction and then soften again and he chuckles, "I've missed you too." He leans forward, his forehead resting against yours. Your nose barely touches his and you feel him tighten his embrace around you before gently pressing his lips against your forehead. "I know it's late, but happy birthday [F/N]." You smiled brightly, before laughing and wrapping your arms around his neck. "Thank you Hajime!"
#jenbean writes#Iwaizumi Hajime#iwaizumi hajime x reader#fluff#long distance relationship#oikawa tooru#futakuchi kenji#haikyuu#haikyuu fanfiction#hqlit
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Giving | Tsukishima Kei
"Ah! Tsukishima-kun!" A rather feminine voice calls him out mid-grocery shopping. Kei turns around, slightly confused, but still glances about before his gaze falls upon yet another blonde and his eyes widen. "Hitoka." "Ehe, it's been a while! How've you been?" "Good," Tsukishima flashes a rare smile and he smirks, "So, you and Hinata, eh?" Yachi turns a deep shade of red, and the amount of stuttering and panicking that occurred was more than amusing for the taller blonde. He laughs, and Yachi finally manages to calm down, "You've changed a lot." "Have I?" "Okay, maybe not a lot," Yachi smiles and she continues, "But you're a lot nicer now." "I was always this kind," Kei frowns and Yachi almost blanks at the familiar phrase that she used to hear from another captain in another city, but she giggles, "I guess [F/N]-chan brings out the best in you. So are you grocery shopping for her?" Yachi asks. She falls in step with Kei as the two of them idly go through aisles, occasionally grabbing things they do need. He nods and adds, "My week for dinner." "How cute," Yachi squeals. One hand flies to her cheek at the idea of it and she asks, "Did you two like the gift Kiyoko-senpai and I got?" He nods, and he asks, "How did you even know the dates?" And those pictures. "We asked [F/N]-chan," Yachi answered, and she quickly adds, "Casually of course! She didn't know why we were asking. We played it off by saying we were wondering how long it took between the engagement and the actual wedding." Kei scowls, but he can't help but admit that it was a pretty good plan. He catches her glancing over to him and he raises a brow, "What." "Oh! Uhm," she hesitates and asks, "If you don't mind me asking, what do you plan to give [F/N]-chan?" Kei paused. In all honesty, he was already done with a majority of the gift, the last part was just... the hardest part. He didn't think he'd be doing something so sappy in his life. He glanced at Yachi and asked, "Are you free to help me on it actually?"
"Y'know, nii-san, I really do think you're over analyzing this," you responded over the phone. A strand of hair was being twirled in between your fingers as you balanced the phone precariously on just your shoulder alone. "[F/N], I'm only saying this because I still think it's weird that within the span of 24 hours, your husband," you can tell that he's still trying to get used to the idea of you being married, "has been seen with everyone from your high school, I'm just saying, if your house gets wrecked for some party, you know why," Hajime's voice roughly informed your through the phone. Your brows furrowed and you muttered, "I don't think Kei would do that." You pause, waiting for any response and Hajime chuckles, "You're probably right, both of you aren't that fond of big parties after all." You nod, a breathy laugh escaping your lips and you inquire, "So how are you doing? As much as I do appreciate you checking in on me, I'm worried about you. After all, you do have one hell of a house." The groans that escape his lips are enough to indicate that he was about to blow off into a rant, but instead he sighs, "As much as I want to say every single one of them are pains in the ass, Akaashi and Kenma aren't too bad." "Oho? No formality, last time I checked it was Akaashi-san and Kozume." "Last time you checked in on me about my living situation was months ago," he retorts and you laughed. On the other end of the phone, your older brother is smiling while he lazed around in bed, casually scrolling through his social media sites laptop. His present for you was wrapped up in a neat little box in your favorite colors. "You know-" "IWA-CHAN! DO YOU KNOW IF-" Oikawa freezes and smirks, "What's this? Iwa-chan has a stupid smile on his face and- OOF!" "I'm talking to my sister, Trashykawa, get out." "Should I hang up? We all know how Tooru-nii is about-" "Don't call him that." "Nii-san, I practically grew up with that doting idiot and-" "I'm your older brother, not him." "AWW DID [F/N]-CHAN CALL ME TOORU-NII? LEMME TALK TO MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SISTER!" "SHE'S NOT YOUR SISTER!" Hajime practically shouts. Your laughter is heard from the phone that is now laying on the bed and you say it as loudly as possible, "I'll talk to you later nii-san! Tooru-nii!" Right before you hang up though, there's a faint, "help me" and "LEAVE" coming from the other end of the line. But you do nothing but hang up, slight giggles leaving your lips. Your conversation with your older brother brought nothing but curiosity though. You had asked Kei to grab groceries simply because you had expected yourself to work overtime, but you actually didn't. I could have just gone with him. You hummed as you slipped out of bed, making your way towards the kitchen for water. The mug was held firmly in both hands as you leaned against the kitchen counter. But I wonder why he had to see everyone today? If there was a reunion I would've been invited right? I mean... You paused, a frown etched onto your face. There's no reason not to be invited, whatever club Kei was in.. I was in. But I was in more clubs than him and- "I'm home," Kei announces, and you slip the mug onto the counter. You peek your head into the hallway and smile, "Welcome back!" "I ran into your brother today." "Yeah?" "Mhm," Kei nods as he hands you the lighter stuff to carry in, "He seemed surprised and kind of confused to see me coming out of the supermarket without you." You giggle, "Typical nii-san. He never seems to know how to respond to you now that you guys are in-laws." Kei made a face and you laughed, "Okay, I guess the same goes to you too." "Years of playing against each other on different volleyball teams does that to people," he grumbled and asked, "Did he say anything to you?" "Mm, yeah," you admit and Kei internally freezes over, but externally is still passive, and you ask, "Told me you were being social for once in your life." Kei glares at you and you stick out your tongue playfully before resuming to your task of properly storing the food. You hear him huff and he mutters, "I'm not antisocial." "I know, but you're not social enough to actually go out of your way to visit people. What's up? Trying to surprise me or something?" "Don't assume everything I do is for you," Kei retorted and you laughed, "Just kidding, but it was amusing that nii-san actually called for that reason alone." "He cares," Kei adds and you nod, but still aren't looking at him. Kei watches you and he mentions, "Fried udon for dinner tonight." Your head whips back and your hair actually manages to slap the kitchen door. Both of you wince at the sound, but your eyes still twinkle with happiness and Kei smirks, "And they say food is the way to a man's heart." "Excuse me?" "Oh nothing, nothing at all." You stand up, gently closing the kitchen door and ask, "Did you bring everything in?" "Mm, maybe? Wanna go check for me? I kind of need to wash up," Kei admits. You nod and he hands you the car keys. You miss the mischief in his eyes and the slight smirk on his lips; your thoughts were too concerned about the possibility of the food being spoiled in the car. You slip on some flip flops and make your way towards the car. After thoroughly checking the trunk, you're about to just walk back in, but the outstanding box in your favorite colors calls for your attention. You open the driver's door and reach for the box, and was about to turn it around, but stopped in the case it was something fragile. Although you were filled with curiosity and you honestly couldn't help but want to open the package, you could do nothing else but bring it in. "Kei!" you called out, making your way to the shared bedroom. He sat on the bed, his hair slightly damp and your eyes widened, "What, how?" "What?" "You showered so quickly." He rolls his eyes, "I always shower quicker than you." "Okay, you're right.. BUT STILL." "So, what's that?" Kei prompts. He nods his head at the package in your arm and you shrug before hopping onto the bed beside him. "I don't know, oh Wise one. You're the one who left it in your car." "Mm," Kei nodded and he watched you turn the package around gently in your hands. It wasn't too big, probably the size of a diary placed inside a box. But was that what the contents were? You wouldn't know until you found out. Kei pulled you closer with one arm, his head coming to rest on your shoulder. "You should open it." His voice was right next to your ear, and it brought a slight shiver down your spine, but you do as he says and open the box. You slowly rip the wrapping paper off the package, it was a slow process. After all, you hated when there were shredded bits that weren't properly cleaned up afterwards. You lift the top lid of the white gift box, and you gasp upon seeing a small photo book inside. Without hesitation, you gently lift the photobook, going through all the pictures of him and you. There were a few childhood pictures, of you and him running around in one or the other's backyard, of you getting stuck in a tree after committing to a stupid dare of his, of him placing a blanket on you after you knocked out from a long day of playing games. Then there were pictures of you guys going through your school years. Elementary was when you and Kei had suddenly not hung out as much, seeing as boys and girls had cooties and would infect the other person. But that only during school, and outside of school you were both still very much friends, still practically attached at the hip and constantly playing together and "studying." Middle school had the addition of Yamaguchi, but also a time period in which Kei changed the most. You noticed the pictures there were few and sparse, but the few pictures that did exist were all thanks to Yamaguchi's mom who took pictures of the three of you, or even of just you and Kei, at any time possible. And high school? Oh gods, Kei had actually saved those stupid texts and snapchats you had sent him. There were ones filled with confessions of your deep and darkest secrets, and derpy little snapchats of you fooling around with your best friend, Yachi. College was also primarily snapchats that your friends have had of either the two of you together or alone, sent to the other. Captions of those memories were important. But what stood out to you the most were the polaroid pictures that were slipped in. There were pictures of when you first got the polaroid when college had started, to all the times you had forced Kei out of his studying time to go on an impromptu trip with you. But the last half made you melt inside as you were filled with the warm and fuzzy's. There were pictures of your new chapter in life with Kei. There were pictures from the proposal, most of them were the professionally taken ones hired by best wing man Kuroo, and the others were taken by your friends. Then, the wedding, from the kiss, to the cake, to the party and the dance floor. There were so many that you actually had a separate photo book of the wedding alone somewhere in the house. However, the ones here were the ones that Kei had purposely kept away from you. Because you don't remember that kiss on the cheek while you were singing with him on stage being photographed. Nor do you remember them flashing a photo of you and Kei dancing with your significant other's respective parent. The very end though, was what caught you off guard. You had originally thought it was solely pictures of just you and Kei. But the last four pages or so were pictures of the two of you with your friends. And each one of them had all signed off on the actual page, writing some sort of comment about that memory in particular. Each memory gave you laughter and filled you with love, and by the time you had finished, your hands were trembling as you gently closed the book. You glanced at him, and then back at the photo book, and then back at him, and you see that damn smirk of his on his face. A small pout was on your lips though when you finally look back down and remove your hand from the back cover. "I can't believe you." On the back of the photobook, there was a small hand written inscription. Your finger gently trailed over his writing and you hear him read it aloud, "Thank you for giving me these past years of happiness, joy, and love. And may we have many more. Happy 3500 days, [F/N]." He pauses, gently pressing a kiss to your temple, "And yes, I counted." "Gods, I can't believe you," you wrapped your arms around his torso, the faint sound of his laughter only made you hold onto him tighter and you softly mumble, "Thank you." I love you.
#jenbean writes#tsukishima kei#hqlit#haikyuu fanfiction#tsukishima kei x reader#reader insert#25 days of christmas challenge 2016
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Unwrapped | Tsukishima Kei
"KEI I LOVE YOU." "Shut up [F/N]." "Ehehe," you were giggling, a bright and cheerful smile on your face. Your eyes were sparkling and twinkling with happiness and Kei's expression softens. It was much too early for this, and you turned to him, handing him a relatively decent sized box. "Open it!" you exclaimed. You watched him take it warily and he gently places it next to him on his side of the living room floor in front of the Christmas tree. "Later." "Nooo! Now, Kei!" "I'll open it later." "But why?" you pouted and he pointed at your stack of presents, which was clearly larger than his size when it came to mass size, "Cause you're going to have more wrapping paper." "At least open mine?"
Kei stared at the neatly wrapped golden box. It wasn't too flashy, if anything he had almost not noticed it with how the other boxes were just so large and outstanding. "Okay, I'll open yours," he caved in and he slowly began unwrapping it, it didn't take long for him to unwrap it, and when he did, it revealed not just a small card, but also a new pair of sports glasses and knee pads. He looked up at you, and you can see that he was touched by the simple gifts from the way his gold hues sparkled just a tad bit more. "How'd you find out I broke my old knee pads?" Kei asked. You pouted, "Of course I'd know, silly. I'm the one who cleans them for you!" Kei shook his head, "I was going to buy new ones..." "These are special though, look at the inside," you prompted as you scooted closer. He made room for you by pushing the wrapping paper away, and you leaned towards him as he looked inside. Tsukishima Kei the Clever Middle Blocker. He turned to you, a very small smile on his lips, and he muttered, "You would." "Of course, and I got you new sports glasses cause the band on your old one was starting to get weak," you explained. He shook his head and teased, "Should I read the let-" "Read it when I'm not around please, I'm not ready to embarrass myself." "Please, like I haven't seen all sides of you," Kei rolled his eyes, but he had noticed the slight flush of pink on your cheeks, and he complies to your request of reading it later. He gently presses a kiss to your temple and whispered, "I still have one more gift for you." You turned to look at him slightly confused, and asked, "I thought this was it?" You turned the soft plush around before gently squeezing the face. He shook his head to confirm the negative and he reached into his sweater pocket, pulling out a small rectangular box. You frowned, and calmly stated, "You were the one who told me not to get a wand." "Tch," he scoffed, "This isn't a wand, stupid." He hands the sleek black box over to you, it felt smooth against your touch, and you gently unclasp the small gold lock in the front. You glance back at Kei, his gaze was soft as he encouraged you to open it with a simple nod of his head. As your fingers gently lifted the small box open, on a soft white velvety pillow was a simple silver chained necklace with a ring dangling on it. You lifted the ring and you gasped, "Oh.. Kei." Your voice was laced with love and he can tell you were touched. It was a replacement of the first ever couple ring he had given you. You had lost the original one after moving out of your house and into the house you live in now with him. He can still remember how you had avoided him like the plague after you had lost it. The amount of guilt that swam in your eyes and how you had hesitated to even wear any of your other accessories since then. When he has confronted you about it, he had expected something like how you had forgotten something dumb that you were going to do for him, or that you had lost his knee pads or something. He was not expecting you to break into tears as you apologized over and over again about the lost ring. You were so distraught, and he merely held you in his arms that night when you had finally told him. He watched you as you gently turned the ring around. The unshed tears in your eyes shone each time light reflected off the simple silver band with the inscriptions of his and your initials inside. "Kei, I-" you choke on your words, and duck your head, hiding your tears behind your hair. A huff of air is heard from Kei, and soon you find yourself cocooned in his warmth as he gently held you close. You tried to speak; you just wanted to thank him. For remembering, and for taking the time to make another one, but you couldn't. The overflow of emotions caused you to cry, and he doesn't sigh, he doesn't push you away, but he accepts you for everything that you are. By the time you calm down, you don't look at him, and he gently pokes your cheek, "Done?" You nod, not trusting yourself to speak, and he gently takes the necklace from you, unclasping it and looping it around your neck. He was careful, brushing away the stray strands of hair that may get caught, and once he locks it, he gently holds the ring in his palm. Your fingers reach for it gently and you murmur, "Thank you Kei." He nods, and rests his head on your shoulder as he pulls you so that your back is flush against his chest, "Yeah. Merry Christmas, [F/N]."
#jenbean writes#tsukishima kei#hqlit#haikyuu#reader insert#tsukishima kei x reader#25 days of christmas challenge 2016
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Wreath | Tsukishima Kei
"Tsukki, aren't you guys done decorating?" Yamaguchi stares at his best friend as the tall blonde glares at the wreath. He receives a curt nod and Kei sighed, "Mom really liked our wreath though, so she wants the exact same one." "Isn't the one you guys have customized though?" "No, [F/N] basically used a pool noodle and glued our her old ornaments and old fake Christmas tree leaves together to make it, but-" Kei pauses, and he sighs, "I just wish [F/N] wasn't so selfless as to offer to make one, she's already busy." "But [F/N] likes spoiling your mom," Yamaguchi reconfirms Kei's thoughts and the former middle blocker chuckles, "You're right." "So just let her be, I'm sure she's probably already done making a new one anyways."
"You really did get lucky with scoring [F/N]," Kei's mother laughs over the phone. Another content sigh escapes her lips and she mumbles, mostly to herself, "She's such a sweet child." "Mom." "You are too, Kei, but [F/N] is just so adorable. I'm so glad to have a daughter-in-law like her." "You like the wreath that much?" "Of course! My precious daughter handmade this just for me." "Daughter-in-law," Kei hears himself correct her and she laughs. Their conversation after that is idle, a bit of how he is, if they actually enjoy living together and the update on whether or not she'd be seeing her grandchildren any time soon. Kei couldn't respond to the last question properly, but he should have seen the question coming. "I'll see you soon." "Yes, I'll see you soon, Kei. Tell [F/N] not to work too hard okay?" "Yeah. I know," Kei responds, "Love you." His mom pauses, and she softly laughs, "I love you too." You watched the scene with a fond smile and you coo, "How cute." "Tch." "So she liked the wreath? I'm glad." "Didn't deliver it yourself?" "Akiteru-nii came by, so I passed it to him." "Ah, nii-chan did?" "Mhm," you nodded as you plopped down beside him on the couch. He casually wraps an arm around you as you lean into his warmth and you turned to him, "So what's in the bag?" "You have hands, open it." "Okie," you leaned forward, grabbing the plastic bag before opening it to reveal a small wreath, decorated with tiny stars and moons, with the symbol of the sun emblazoned onto the ribbon. "Oh gods, this is adorable." Your voice was soft and a mere breath, and you turned to him and Kei shrugged, "You're not the only artistic one here." You laugh, gently placing the hand crafted wreath back in the bag. You throw yourself against him, wrapping your arms around his torso, "You're the best." "I know." "Or maybe not." "Tch, what a shame. You don't know what you're missing out on." "Oh please."
#jenbean writes#tsukishima kei#tsukishima kei x reader#hqlit#haikyuu#reader insert#25 days of christmas challenge 2016
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