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sireforest · 1 year ago
thinking about percy jackson and peter parker
what if peter was never bitten by a spider? what if he was the son of arachne, and the only reason he's never had a run in with monsters is because his mother, herself, was a monster? a child of a monster who becomes a hero.
even if he made it to camp, how would that work with being spiderman? there would be no cabin to claim him, no god to pray to - he's smart enough to be an Athena kid, but the athena kids get agitated and wary just from being a few feet away from him, and they send off the smallest tingle in his spidersense. nobody considers he could be the kid of a monster, not a demigod in definition, but still mythical.
how would the other kids react? he's a child of a monster, and they all have traits from their godly parent. was peter destined to be a monster? sins of the mother, nature vs nurture and all that?
idk. just read The File by denimbeans (ao3) and now my brain is running on fumes. just interesting to me
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year ago
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justanunrealpotato · 1 month ago
Tony Stark would be Son of Hephaestus or of Athena?
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gunsandspaceships · 6 months ago
Tony is a God
If you ask people which mythological figure they associate Tony with, the most popular answer is Hephaestus. And that makes sense. Hephaestus, like Tony, is a disabled blacksmith who created all the weapons on Olympus. But this is the only similarity between them. While Hephaestus is the god of blacksmithing, crafts, and metalworking, Tony is much more than that.
He is a scientist (expert in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, AI and engineering), inventor, creator, futurist and prophet, philanthropist, benefactor, adviser, healer, warrior, leader, intercessor and protector of people from wicked gods.
There is another character in Greek mythology who has more in common with Tony than the god of blacksmithing.
He was born and raised as a titan, was betrayed by his close friend, was held captive and tortured in the mountains in the land of barbarians, took fire from the gods and gave it to humanity, created artificial life, saw the future and tried to prevent a catastrophe, participated in the war between the gods and the titans, and sacrificed himself for humanity by stopping an omnipotent god from obliterating the human race.
I just recapped Tony's arc in the MCU. But this is also the story of the titan Prometheus, god of forethought and fire, master craftsman, creator and benefactor of humankind, who stole fire from the gods to give it to humans, along with knowledge, science and technology, creating civilization.
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Iron Man: Rapture
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"Prometheus Bound", Christian Griepenkerl 
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secretmarvelsideblog · 2 months ago
What I’ve already decided on:
Tony as Hephaestus
Steve as Zeus
Thor/Loki/all Asgardians are not included since they’re already gods
Peter as Dionysus (cause Dionysus is the youngest Olympian, but honestly the vibes don’t fit. Is there a Greek god of spiders?)
Bruce as Poseidon (idk man- vibes???)
Bruce as Demeter (Bruce is green and so are plants???)
If we say that the murder twins are the archery twins- Fury as Athena??? Maybe???
Pepper as Athena- wait actually I really like this one oooooooo
Pepper as Hera????? But that would imply she’s married to Steve and just ewwwww
Pepper as Aphrodite (but specifically the versions of her where she’s also a war goddess- Aphrodite Areia and Aphrodite Urania according to Wikipedia) since she’s married to Hephaestus (Tony)- but Aphrodite is famous for cheating on Hephaestus and Pepper would never so???
Can you tell I’m running out of ideas? Give me all your ideas!!!
Ideally I want to fill all 13 olympians (including both Dionysus and Hestia) plus also Hecate since Wanda- unless there’s someone else Wanda would fit better with. Wanda and Pietro as the archery twins???
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months ago
More on the Wild Child AU:
Along with the cast of Astoria around, we have some other characters I yoinked to flesh out camp since this occurs years before Percy is around. Here is a few. Take a guess:
-Donnie the son of Athena and his younger brother Mikey the son of Hephaestus.
-The son of Mr. D Norville who makes friends in Daphne the daughter of Aphrodite, Fred the son of Athena, a clear sighted mortal named Velma and a hell hound.
-Tony the son of Hephaestus
We also have a fan creation of mine: The Chosen of Apollo. These are Demigods who nearly crossed the point of no return in morality that managed to pull back. They swear oaths to hunt down and take care of demigods who have crossed the path no one else can deal with. If they live past 5 years they become immortal in the same way the Hunters are. We meet one early on named Aleena who is the oldest immortal Chosen at 120 years old.
We meet anothe, who is a child of Ritual like Fem!Harry who is also immortal. She went to Hogwarts back when a certain dark lord was there and has stories. She’s a werewolf to whom was blessed by her Mother to always retain her mind no matter what. She also hates her Mother because becoming a werewolf was partly a punishment for Daphne and she has issues. (Her name has changed like 7 times to)
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hirogrimsley-stormbringer · 7 months ago
I feel like Tony Stark would be a son a Hephaestus, considering he literally built his superpower 🛠️
My friends and I have been theorizing which avengers would be the children of which gods, this is what we have:
Tony Stark - Athena
Captain America - Zeus
Natasha Romanoff - Athena
Clint Barton - Apollo
Bruce Banner - Athena
Ant Man - Hermes
Scarlet Witch - Hecate
Falcon - Either a wind based god or Zeus
Winter Soldier - Ares
And I think Spider-Man is a son of Athena but Ioni thinks he’s a son of Apollo
anyway, let me know if I’m tight or if you have any more theories or answers on the matter
Raein, cabin 20 🔮
Spider man is def an adopted of Ariadne but a child of Athena.. Wolverine sounds like a kid of Mr D and Deadpool is 100% a kid of Ares. Thanos is either a kid of Zeus or Kronos. Or even Hermes considering how his kids have been turning out in the most recent century - 🖤🥀Lark from Cabin 13🥀🖤
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ungrateful-sneeze · 2 years ago
Currently working on an Percy Jackson au
This is Tony Starks story:
Tony- (age arrived at camp:10)
He is a Son of Hephaestus (ha get cheated on Howard)
He is also a legacy of Aphrodite so has slight charm speak
Lived with his god father obi who ran Stark Industries after his parents died.
Was kidnapped for ransom but obi didn’t care and didn’t pay.
After realising they weren’t going to get paid, the terrorists ended up putting tony to work helping them make weapons.
After 3 months he managed to escape in a suit he made after a chimera found him and broke into the place he was being held causing a distraction.
After escaping and killing the chimera he is rescued by a grumpy old saytr who has been put on demi god duty after causing damage at camp.
Tony calls him Happy as a joke at how grumpy he is at being put on demigod duty.
Happy starts feeling fond for Tony (after learning about Tony’s shitty life) and looks after him even when he’s already at camp so people jokingly call him Tony’s body guard.
One of his quest resulted him having to rescue his childhood friend Rhodey (who can see through the mist) from some monsters who were attacking the military base he was training at.
Rhodey ended up becoming the oracle but after seeing how miserable and hurt his friend was doing this job, Tony managed to trap the oracle in something he called an arc reactor which was in a robot called Jarvis who could read out the prophecies and quests instead of Rhodey.
Jarvis was later replaced by Friday.
Rhodey ended up staying at camp after Tony made him his own weaponised armour and he helped them win many battles, earning him the title of ‘War Machine’ from monsters and demigods alike.
He is currently age 18 and is dating a daughter of Athena, who he calls Pepper after learning she tried to pepper spray the saytr that tried to take her to camp.
Leave your thoughts below. I’ll post the other 5 avengers story’s if people want later
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illyanarasputinfan · 4 months ago
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Medusa “TPB” (2024) Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Tony Parker
Artist: Tony Parker
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Publication Date: October 22, 2024
I was given a copy of Dark Horse Comics’ Medusa for review, which is a first for me on this blog. The mythical Gorgon is my favorite character in Greek mythology, so I decided to give it a read.
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Medusa “TPB” (2024) Dark Horse Comics
Forget everything you’ve read about Medusa being a monster. She’s in actuality the survivor of a brutal assault at the hands of the god Poseidon, wrongfully cursed by the goddess Athena out of jealousy.
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Medusa “TPB” (2024) Dark Horse Comics
For centuries, Medusa has used her powers to protect humanity from the forces of evil. When an ancient horror emerges in Scotland unleashing a plague that threatens mankind, Medusa acquires the Hammer of Hephaestus, and sets out to stop an apocalypse.
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Medusa “TPB” (2024) Dark Horse Comics
Mortally infected with the plague during battle, Medusa has one day to locate and destroy the source of the contagion if she’s to save not only Earth, but Overworld as well.
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Medusa “TPB” (2024) Dark Horse Comics
“I bring you love.”
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Medusa “TPB” (2024) Dark Horse Comics
I appreciated Medusa’s debut tale. The artwork and story are wild. I recommend brushing up on Greek mythology if you haven’t. I’m intrigued by the Gorgon’s heroic characterization in this, and I wouldn’t be opposed to learning more about Dark Horse’s version of this tragic demigoddess in the future.
Final Verdict
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 out of 5 Stars
I liked Medusa, but I’m biased. I felt the creators are still laying the foundation on which their story can be established. Obviously they require time to flesh out the heroine’s character biography, but I enjoyed what I’ve read. Good luck to the team on making this title a hit! 👍 Give it a read, and tell me what you thought of it.
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d3vilsw0lf · 4 months ago
So I have a brainworm of a fic idea. MCU x PJO. The Gods can and do give favours to mortals as well as when they claim their kids. They are a symbol representing the deity who bestowed the favour (for example; Athena - Owl on the left wrist, Apollo - Sun on the right forearm usually with a lyre or bow on top).
The dilemma I have is I HC that some of the Avengers and MCU cast have favour or are demigods themselves. Tony being a Hephaestus kid and Clint an Apollo kid and Fury being an Athena kid, while Nat has a favour from Artemis and Coulson has a favour from Hestia. I think that Ares might give Steve a favour after the Battle of New York and Bruce has a favour but I'm not sure which deity fits him the best.
Does Bruce have a favour from Apollo because of his medicinal background, Athena for the PHDs or maybe Hermes for his constant travels whilst he was on the run?
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somethingeden · 1 year ago
Book help - Series + Characters and Love Tropes
[Firstly, here is post for the fandoms]
Hello, I am a writer on Wattpad and I am trying to think of a story. I do get writer's block so I have old books but I am to lazy to rewrite them. Okay so I have a few ideas but may you use about a minute to vote or even give me suggestions, it would be appreciated! I could also do a cross over.
Series and the characters that I am considering of doing is (I am also okay with character x character and oc x oc:
Narnia (Edmund Pevensie/Peter Pevensie/Caspian X/Lucy Pevensie/Susan Pevensie/Aslan/Eustace Scrubb)
MCU (Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Wanda Maximoff/Peter Parker/Harley Keener/Hope Lang/Scott Lang/Same Wilson/Natasha Romanoff/Pietro Maximoff/Tony Stark/Thor/Loki/Stephen Strange/Wade Wilson/Peter Quill)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Neville Longbottom/Blaise Zabini/Pansy Parkinson/Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Bellatrix Lestrange/Ginny Weasley/Fred Weasley/George Weasley/Bill Weasley/Charlie Weasley/Cedric Diggory/Tom Riddle/Mattheo Riddle)
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Albus Potter/James Potter II/Rose Granger-Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Ted Lupin)
Marauders (James Potter/Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Bellatrix Black/Marlene Mckinnon/Mary Mcdonald/Dorcas Meadows)
Doctor Who (9th Doctor/Jack Harkness/10th Doctor/Donna Noble/11th Doctor/Amy Pond/Clara Oswin Oswald/12th Doctor/13th Doctor/Yasmin Khan/Ryan Sinclair/14th Doctor/Donna Noble/Rose Noble)
Heartstopper (Ben Hope/Harry Greene/Imogen Heaney/David Nelson)
Grease (Danny Zuko/Sandy Olsson/Kenickie Murdock/Leo Balmudo)
Disney (Ariel/Maleficent/Briar Rose/Ursula/Prince Eric)
Greek Mythology (Medusa/Hades/Poseidon/Apollo/Ares/Hermes/Demeter)
The Mortal Instruments [I haven't read all the books] (Jace Wayland-Herondale.../Alec Lightwood/Raphael Santiago/Isabelle Lightwood/Magnus Bane/Jonathan Morgenstern/Maia Roberts/Jordan Kyle)
Percy Jackson [I sadly don't have the books but I am going to base it off the tv series that'll come out next month] (Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase/Grover Underwood/Luke Castellan/Ares/Poseidon/Hades/Clarisse La Rue/Medusa/Hermes/Hephaestus)
Enola Holmes 1 and 2 (Enola Holmes/Tewksbury/Sherlock Holmes/Mycroft Holmes)
Jurassic Park (Ian Malcolm/Alan Grant)
Jurassic World (Own Grady/Zach Mitchell/Maisie Lockwood/Gray Mitchell/Ian Malcolm/Alan Grant)
Little Women (Theodore Laurence)
Lord of the Rings (Frodo Baggins/Legolas Greenleaf/Aragorn/Eomer/Faramir)
The Hobbit (Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield/Kili Oakenshield/Fili Oakenshield/Thranduil Greenleaf/Bard/Legolas Greenleaf)
Uncharted (Nathan Drake/Victor Sullivan/Chloe Frazer)
Supernatural (Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester/Jack Kline/Claire Novak)
Mamma Mia 1 and 2 (Sam Carmichael/Harry Bright/Bill Anderson/Sky)
Love tropes:
Enemies to Lovers
Friends to Lovers
Forbidden Love
Secret Identity/Billionaire/Royal
Best friend's Brother/Sister
Second Chance
Fake Relationships to Lovers
Wedding – Runaway Bride/Runaway Groom/Jilted/Arranged Marriage
Strangers to Lovers
Amnesia/Mistaken Identity
Holiday Romance/Flings (Can lead to a baby)
Already Together
Hero x Villain
Sworn off Relationships
Opposites Attract
Secret Baby
Two Person Love Triangle (Mistaken Identity)
Fairy Tale Retelling
Blind Date
and more...
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gunsandspaceships · 5 months ago
"A warm light for all mankind"
Tony Stark - Prometheus
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Bringer of fire: 
When creating animals and humans, Prometheus' unwise brother Epimetheus distributed all the gifts of nature among the animals, leaving men naked and unprotected, unable to defend themselves and survive in a hostile world.
Prometheus decided to steal the eternal flame of creative power from the workshop of Athena and Hephaestus and give it to humanity, allowing it to be used as a source of light and heat, for protection and as a source of technology, which led to the development of civilization.
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In the MCU, the fire represents several things::
Creation and creative power: science and technology
Weapons Howard and Tony created and gave to humans
Life and its center in the human body (heart)
Eternal Atomic Flame - Tesseract, Arc reactor and the new element created by Tony
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In The Avengers, Loki refers to the latter. In Iron Man 2 Tony creates a new element that produces the same energy as Tesseract ("stealing" it from Gods), allowing Tony to revolutionize clean energy on Earth. This discovery has the potential to give humanity unprecedented opportunities for development.
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Although Tony was not initially interested in manufacturing weapons, he continued his father's business after his death. He believed that people would use the fire given to them for protection.
Fire can be used for both creation and destruction. What it is used for depends on the intentions of the people who wield the fire. After years of believing that his people would only have good intentions, Tony was forced to see the grim reality and decided to limit their access to his weapon and give them another torch instead.
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Eternal Flame
Nuclear reactions release energy in the form of heat. This is the "eternal flame" that Tony gave to humanity in place of the weapons they used to destroy themselves, and which ran his own heart. Unlike the fission reactors we have in real life, he created a fusion reactor, which is a safe source of energy and cannot itself be used as a weapon.
In real life, we still have to use nuclear fission, which produces dangerous byproducts, and damage to these reactors can lead to a catastrophe.
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Prometheus, raising the "eternal" atomic flame above his head, a monument and symbol of the heroism of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant workers
In our universe, the man who gave us the Eternal Flame is considered to be Robert Oppenheimer.
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Teacher of arts and sciences: 
Prometheus is depicted as a preserver of humans, giving them the means to survive. But in fact, he gave them much more - the opportunity to grow and become equal to the gods. He gave them science, technology and art.
Prometheus is the discoverer of all the cultural benefits that made possible the achievements of human civilization: he taught people to build houses, mine and process metals, cultivate the land and sail ships, taught them writing, counting, observing the stars...
Prometheus' association with fire was the key to his religious significance in Athens with its "unique degree of cultic emphasis" on honoring technology.
In general, Prometheus is a symbol of:
Human progress (against the forces of nature)
Human striving (particularly the quest for scientific knowledge)
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Tony is a scientist, engineer and creator. His superpower is his creative power. He carries this fire within himself and shares it with the whole world, helping people survive and grow, directly protecting them and giving them knowledge and technology.
P.S. Red and gold
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"Man formed by Prometheus and animated by Athena", Jean-Simon Berthélemy
Prometheus is most often depicted in red and gold clothing, representing fire.
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turbobyakuren · 2 years ago
Here’s a summary of my takes on the Olympians in MagiMonsters in case you wonder
Athena: Will switch tones between Zelda-core divine maiden and Tired university teacher with so many assignments to grade and somehow pull both aesthetics extremely well
Hephaestus: Senshi from Dungeon Meshi if instead of cooking food for you, he encouraged you to partake on a creative hobby
Artemis: Ellada’s Most Impulsive Woman Ever. Sort of girl who genuinely thinks anyone could go on a hike. Extremely competent at what she does but inept at anything remotely related to civilization. Has been hit by a car once.
Apollo: Downgraded from most talented singer ever to Manager Of Biggest Diva In The World and will both have no regrets and be full of remorse for it
Hermes: Fusing Jerma with Tony Hawk and Eminem, giving you the “ultimate white boy”. Sort of character to be seen with a different funny shirt print and funny hat every time he appears. Everyone disses him for no reason because the 14 years old skater girl he has to serve as surrogate uncle to is better than him.
Dionysus: Will look at other characters pulling the most insane bonkers broken shit ever, look at the camera like in the Office and go “isn’t that fucking crazy. i’m so glad to be here. i’m having such a good time.”
Aphrodite: Unbelievably chill even by Aphrodite standards. Fashion queen. Will give you the worst dating and self-care tips, unsolicited. The ultimate spotting partner at the gym.
Zeus: What if Harry du Bois Disco Elysium was the King of the Olympians?
Hera: Has a gentle smile and closed eyes at all times but if you zoom you can see that they’re open by like 1 millimeter and she’s gazing at you with pure unfiltered wrath.
Hades: What if an OL was a man?
Persephone: CEO of Girlboss Inc.
Hestia: Neko maid cafe neko maid kawaii girl who serves you the greasiest souvlaki in the world. Under such silly smiles you would never guess she is a powerhouse.
Poseidon: Has never gotten over any grudges he’s been holding in the past 40000 years. Will always bring up how terrible you are unprompted.
Demeter: emo girl
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yellowspiralbound · 2 years ago
Cringe is dead but I'm not so here are the godly parents I think the Avengers (and a few others) would have if they were Riordanverse demigods.
Tony - Dionysus
Most people would go straight for Hephaestus when assigning Tony a godly parent, and that's not wrong, but I think Dionysus is a better fit. Tony is an alcoholic. We see that all the time. He has been since he was young. He also engages in all sort or merrymaking and revelry and is also quite dramatic - all of which are Dionysus's specialties. He also has a similar personality to Mr. D in the earlier movies, in my opinion. I think the most accurate thing to call Tony would be a son of Dionysus and a legacy of Hephaestus, with Howard being a child of Hephaestus.
Steve - Nemesis
At first, I thought Athena would be the best choice for Steve as she's a goddess of war strategy...but let's be honest, Steve is not a paragon of wisdom or reason. He shucks those traits relatively often. I think Nemesis, the goddesses of balance and retribution, is a much better fit. Steve's whole shtick is retribution; he hurts people after they've hurt someone else.
Thor - N/A (for obvious reasons)
Bruce - Janus
Might be slightly fucked to put Janus as Bruce's parent tbh but it's kind of the only god that fits him. I could have gone Ares because of the whole "I'm always angry thing," but I just don't vibe with it. Janus, as the god of transitions and the in-between, works way better and incorporates the hulk aspect of Bruce better.
Natasha - Psyche
Natasha was actually really hard to pick for, but I think Psyche, the god of the human soul, works best for Natasha. Natasha has a very intimate understanding of humanity and what makes people tick - as a super spy, she kind of has to. Psyche being her godly parent would add to this insight.
Sam - Athena
Sam is always shown to be somewhat calculating. Unlike other members of the team, he has no superpowers or enhancements to back him up; he barely even has body protection at first. Because of this, he relies on his wit. He's clever, wise, reasonable, and a good strategist which all fall under the Athena umbrella.
Bucky - Aphrodite
This is actually the idea that prompted this post; I've been toying with the idea of writing a crossover fic with Bucky as a child of Aphrodite for a while. Aphrodite is the goddess of two things - love and war (though she's only a love goddess in the Riordanverse and people rarely recall she was a war goddess as well). Tell me that Bucky's entire life isn't defined by one of those two things. Like, pre-WWII, his life is determined by his love for Steve. He lives with him, takes care of him, and is his emotional support. He then goes to war for 70 or so years until it is love that brings him back out. He's so Aphrodite coded.
Scott - Hephaestus
Scott is defined by the things he can build and the complex physics he understands. It's how he makes his living, however shady at first, and it's how he becomes a superhero. An argument could be made for Hermes, but Scott never set out intending to be a thief; that's just where he ended up.
T'challa & Shuri - Bast, obviously
It's literally canon that Bast is the goddess (or one goddess of a pantheon) worshipped in Wakanda. She bestows the Black Panther with their powers. It's kind of a no-brainer.
Yelena - Hestia
Yelena always wanted a home, even one that wasn't real. She wanted a sister and a loving childhood. I just think it'd be fucked up and fun if her mother was literally the goddesses of home and family.
Carol - Ares
Carol is definitely the rage part of war. It's contained but definitely present. She's a powerhouse and she'd make him proud.
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x-heesy · 1 year ago
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Coming from another realm I'm a work of fiction and I'm never coming back I'm running back into the mind of Howard
Lovecraft plague mask in the back gas is irrelevant
I'm traveling on fuel from the shadow of Hephaestus flames
Crafting a blade for me so I may faithfully
Run up in to WBC and decapitate anything that I see
Funny how ignorance makes me so mean
Like, when a motherfucker believe anything he read or see on TV
Knee deep into propaganda, better pop a hand of xans
If you're too pussy to handle your life like a man
I can't relate I'm on another plane
Can somebody tell me how to live and breathe and die a mortal way?
Im a lost cause really, hey
Never gonna wanna belong, pardon while I burn sage
Everything I read leads me to believe maybe one day
Im a be apart of something so much greater than me
When I perish
Get the kerosene and burn me to oblivion but don't make a scene
I need privacy so the prophecy may be complete and I merge with the images of ethereality
Count on me when I am finally free I will watch you while scrying in the sea
Underground catatonia
I found a scroll in Rome from a secret map I found in Macedonia
Fuck this music, I don't got the time to even hate cause I got secret service people from the Vatican approaching, bruh
Whatchu tellin' me?
I'll shoot an apple off your wifey's head and miss
And hit the bitch in the head like William Lee
A murderous 8th dimension night breed killa Dylan be
Clip on my hip and the chip on my shoulder turned into the monster next to me
Bloodline illuminati 666 lizard people all around me man
Rozzy really bout to take a trip to North Korea and come back a brand new man
Coming back and founding Dylananastan
To build a wall to separate me from the stans
Bitches wanna hold my hand
But they dont even know about the demo of my favorite band
Dylan got the stamina to keep it goin' 90s baby getting buck like Pretty Tony
I don't got no time for phony rap bologna
We gon' fuck the bitch and have a ceremony
Mask on face
Weapons in my place
A hundred million bodies Ima concentrate
Anybody with a cheerful disposition
Who believe in heaven might just meet their fate
Dylan throw it, tell the bitch to go wide
Fuck around, participate in homicide
From sea to shining sea, a christian holocaust
A pagan neo-judaistic genocide
Yesterday, I got so fuming angry that
I stabbed myself, in the thigh, with a fork
Whatchu know about the wretched wicked shit?
Like the atrocities of Malachi York
Busted and dusted, like an angel that just lost its way
And we all gone die anyway so
Fuck it, mane
Mind gone straight lost in a fog of haze
Two brothers from the housing authority
Came to take your kids and dogs away
@bethanythestrange @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut
Wr̵̠͖̂̀̄́́̕e̵̯̞̎̈́̀͑̂̓̽̕͝t̵͎̳̠̏͐͒͆̐c̶̡̙̙̞̊̅̋́̒̔̈̑̑h̶̨̢̺̪̻̱̞̓̓͊ͅe̵̯̞̎̈́̀͑̂̓̽̕͝d̶̖̠̖̳̏̇̏̆͆̂̾̚ (f̵̢̘̦̺̼͈́̒̈́̊͝e̵̯̞̎̈́̀͑̂̓̽̕͝ǎ̸̹͔̅̈́͘t̵͎̳̠̏͐͒͆̐. Ro̵̳̞̖̖̩̻̩̎̍̓́z̴̡͍̹̼̝̣̃̇͑̈͗͘z̴̡͍̹̼̝̣̃̇͑̈͗͘ Dy̵̧̛̝͙̪̘͑͋͌͂̓͌̉ͅl̵̡̬̹̙͕͍͙̜̂͌̾i̴̛͕͍̤̐͆͆͂̇̈́̍̍͊ǎ̸̹͔̅̈́͘m̵̖͌̈́͜͠s̶̢͎̮̝̭̫̞̏̒͛͗͜) b̵̧̙̮̰̜̳̟͈̞̓̀͋̅̓̔ͅy̵̧̛̝͙̪̘͑͋͌͂̓͌̉ͅ Gh̶̨̢̺̪̻̱̞̓̓͊ͅo̵̳̞̖̖̩̻̩̎̍̓́s̶̢͎̮̝̭̫̞̏̒͛͗͜t̵͎̳̠̏͐͒͆̐e̵̯̞̎̈́̀͑̂̓̽̕͝m̵̖͌̈́͜͠ǎ̸̹͔̅̈́͘ṋ̷͆̽̍͊e̵̯̞̎̈́̀͑̂̓̽̕͝ v̷̛̼̣͍͈̮̉̾͗̄̋̉̄̀̄8
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arukou-arukou · 1 year ago
Treat please! Happy Halloween!
A treat for a trick-or-treater! Grecian StonyAU. Tony is Antinous, Abdiou is Obadiah and Tiberius is...well, Tiberius. The XXXX is a placeholder for research.
Tiberius always knew how best to get him talking, and now was no different. Antinous was only too happy to describe his latest contraptions and war machines, demonstrating with increasingly uncoordinated gestures how this leverage or that bolt would make all the difference. Tiberius watched with an indulgent smile, sipping slowly at his wine, gesturing at the boy to refill Antinous cup whenever it was needed. And all around them the dancers whirled, naked or clad only in translucent silk chitons. Shadows danced higher on the walls, and though he could not see him, Antinous was sure that Dionysus had descended down to their revelry, an indulgent uncle overseeing all, most especially Antinous own increasingly merry mood.
He had never met the god of ecstasy face-to-face, but he knew he and Hephaestus were close, that Dionysus as such was also fond of Antinous, even where his own father was cold. Perhaps that’s why he acquiesced so easily when Tiberius beckoned over two slaves, both nude boys, and suggested that he and Antinous enjoy them away from the noise. Perhaps that’s why he was so sure what next would come was simply a blessing from his uncle, that he would not despoil himself, that no one would notice his absence, or if they did, they would note also the presence of appropriate objects of lust.
Tiberius and Antinous wandered Abdiou’s halls to the guest quarters and snuck into an opulent room made comfortable with rugs and furs, completely devoid of lamps. Once inside, Tiberius turned to the two boys. “You two, guard the door. And hold your tongues. If you do, there’s a XXXX in it for you.”
Through his drunken haze, Antinous felt both a warning ping and a buzz of anticipation. He should not. He really should not. Nor should Tiberius. And yet…
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