#henry cavill x nicki minaj
cardierreh15 · 1 year
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Unexpected Outcomes
I did something cute for them… right before these fuckers to get mad at each other again 😂
***I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Violence (Hitting) , Drug & Alcohol Usage , Destruction of Property , Cursing , Choking , TOXIC COUPLE BEHAVIOR !
Description: Anya & Amadeo had been spending more and more time together. When everything seem to be going good, he does something to anger her.
Pairings: Henry Cavill (Amadeo Alessi) x Nicki Minaj (Anya Harris)
Word Count:
Songs for the Chapter: Bad Girls by M.I.A
(I made fake instagram pages lmao leave me alone I think it’s cute)
Fire & Desire
The day they spent together was filled with laughter. The kind that came from the tummy and that filled their eyes with tears. Neither one of them could really believe that they were having this much fun… together. Drinking the finest wine, eating the best cheeses and enjoying the autumn sun.
Sitting there with a slight smirk on her face, she was got lost in her own thoughts. Maybe … this won’t be so bad after all. He really is a great guy. She then felt his eyes burning a hole into the side of her head. Anya lifted her head a little bit, glancing over at him with those telling eyes. ‘What?’
Amadeo had this knowing smirk spread across his lips, ‘You’re thinking about me… aren’t you?’
‘Wha—‘ she scoffed, her mouth slightly dropping as she began to muster up a excuse, ‘I — I was not!’ Her face heated as her small smirk grew into a cheeky smile. This caused Amadeo to laugh, ‘I knew it! You don’t hate me as much as you think you do missy.’ He then reached over to grab his glass of wine.
‘Oh— shut up. You’re flattering yourself now.’ She rolled her eyes and looked at her watch. 5:56pm. ‘I gotta get out of here,’ she sighed, kind of not ready but she had already canceled her day plans with her mother, Nadine would probably hang her if she missed dinner too.
‘Yeah— it’s getting late.’ He added as he looked down at his watch as well. He downed the rest of his white wine and started cleaning up their mess, putting everything back into the wooden panic basket.
Anya had stood up, stepping off of the blanket, digging her toes into the white warm sand. Hmph, when was the last time she was able to enjoy the sun like this? It had seem like she was busy all the time. And after today, after seeing how carefree Amadeo lived— how happy he lived… she needed a vacation.
Lost in her own head again, Amadeo’s voice brought her out of her trance. ‘Hey,’ his eyes sized her for a moment, lingering at her lips a little longer than the other parts of her body, ‘I had a good time today. You’re a lot tolerable to hang around when you’re not angry.’ He chuckled, holding the wooden basket in his fist.
‘So are you.’ She smiled, looking up into his eyes as he looked down into hers. It was like the world had stopped around them… it was like something inside of both of them had clicked… they had both finally come to terms that it would be bad for the both of them if they fought this. And figured that simply getting along was a lot easier and wasted a lot less energy doing so.
But in this moment… this felt like more than getting along. It felt like… like they were finally bonding. It felt like… love.
‘Here. Let me walk you to your car.’ Amadeo said after clearing his throat to break the silence.
Once at her car, she unlocked the doors with her key fob and he opened her door for her. ‘Thanks.’ She said softly. Anya looked back at him, her emotions running wild with impulse. Go kiss him. Tongue him down so good that he’ll wanna take you home. Show him what’s yet to come.
Anya walked back towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her small hands rest on his muscular back, finger tips slightly digging in to ensure stability. Her head rest against his firm chest, listening to his slow paced heart. And then she gently inhaled, his cologne had once again made love to her nose… overloading her senses, igniting a raging fire within the depths of her core.
He’d wrapped his free arm around her waist, resting his dimpled chin on top of her head. He was tempted to grab a hand full of her voluptuous rump but even as the player everyone referred him to be, he was still a gentleman. Only, unlike Anya, he did give in to other urges.
Slightly pulling back so he could see her face, their eyes had met once again. He’d pushed her curly hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. He allowed it to linger there for a moment before they mutually broke the hug. ‘Get home safe.’ Amadeo said, his voice gentle yet, deep.
‘Of course,’ she smiled softly up at him before walking around her open door and half way stepping in, ‘Call me.’
Amadeo gave her a small smirk, ‘Of course.’
She then got in her car, started it up and drove home.
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Days had passed since their encounter at the beach and things between Anya & Amadeo had been great. They texted one another all day, and called every night. Asked one another how their day was going and if they had done anything for their wedding that were to come in the upcoming months.
But tonight… tonight was different.
Anya was sitting in her bedroom, sipping on a glass of Type AB+ while looking online for some ideas for dresses. Until she got a call from one of her close friends.
She decided to screen the call, as she didn’t want to bothered tonight and just enjoy the peace and quiet. Technically, she was ready for bed. Hair wrapped up in a silk bonnet, and in her cute pink custom pajamas. But little did she know that her relaxed mood would flip in a second.
Her friend texted her. ‘Girl.. please check your phone or call me back. ASAP!!’
That was alarming. So she unlocked her phone and as soon as she was about to text back, she received a screen recording of Amadeo kissing on some other chick on Instagram.
‘Are you fucking serious?!’ Anger has blossomed within her in seconds. ‘ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME YO?!’ Damn near kicking her laptop off of her bed, she called her friend back. ‘Get ready bitch! We’re going clubbing!’
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It was 11:01pm and she and Royce had finally made it to one of his father’s clubs. The Rabbit Hole. The line was wrapped damn near around the building but she was basically royalty. Anyone who were to tell her no, would face … detrimental consequences.
All eyes were on her and Royce as they made their way towards the bouncers. And they wasted no time unhooking that rope and letting them both through.
Inside, it was just as packed. So many people, she wondered if any of these humans could breathe! Strobe lights danced across the crowd as the DJ created chemistry with his music. Dancers on poles and cages, this place — was live!
She searched the crowd, her soft brown eyes had shifted into their crimson state. She was beyond talking. Anya was so angry she couldn’t even speak.
‘Anya, Anya!’ Royce tapped her arm vigorously, while her right arm stretched out and pointed towards the bar. And sure enough, Amadeo was being a little bit too touchy with that same brunette girl from social media. She stared at them, wondering if he’d feel her rage and look up but no… he seem too damn interested.
‘Fuck this.’ She uttered, ‘Let’s go to VIP.’
Pushing past people and fighting their way to get to the other side of the club, they had finally made it to the VIP section that overlooked the entire club. Here she knew she had bird’s eye view of everything. She just couldn’t wait til she got ahold of him.
After convincing promoter to put her section on Amadeo’s tab, she ordered bottle service. Even invited some other folks in other VIP sections to come join them as well. She knew all of this would cause a scene, grasp his attention the way she wanted.
It had finally hit 12am and to say that Anya was a little drunk was a understatement. She laughed at all the jokes men told her and damn near forgot the real reason why she was here. Until Bad Girls by M.I.A blared through the speaker, rattling any glass that was in the club.
She sung loudly with her friend, dancing as If they had no worries.
‘Damn. They’re loud aren’t they?’ The girl looked up, making a face at the group of people who seem to have been throwing a party of their own in VIP.
Amadeo pulled away from the girl, he looked up, his blue drunken eyes zooming in at the women who were dancing and dancing. And almost immediately their eyes had met. ‘Fuck.’ He cursed. Anya had thrown up her middle finger carelessly, making the statement fuck you.
‘Do you know them?’ The girl asked, standing up and placing her hand on his chest.
‘Yes. That’s my fiancé.’ Without further explanation, he started towards the stairs of the VIP section.
‘Oh! Oh! Girl he’s coming!’ The girls laughed as they high five one another. Anya was smooth with this kind of thing. She wasn’t just a pretty face, but intelligent as hell.
Once through, Amadeo angrily pushed through the dancing people in her section until he made it to her. Snatching her up by her arm, he pulled her away from the glass ledge that over looked everything. ‘What the fuck are you doing?!’
Anya snatched her arm away from him, ‘ME?! So you’re gonna act like you weren’t down there groping and kissing on another woman?! You’re gonna pretend that never happened?!’
‘Aw here we go!’
‘Yes here we fucking go! IM OVER HERE POSTING YOU ON MY SHIT, AND YOU GOT ME OUT HERE LOOKING FUCKING STUPID!’ She yelled, poking him in his forehead, trying her best to make it hurt. Amadeo growled and shoved her wrist away, ‘Keep your fucking hands off me, Anya.’
She really couldn’t pinpoint why she was so upset. Maybe because she had gotten comfortable with the idea of marrying him. She had fallen in love with him over the past week or so. They just seem to be best friends yesterday and now, he had spit in her face!
‘Or else what?!’ What she would give to slap him in the face right now. ‘How would you feel if I was on some random fucking dude, tongue kissing him on fucking LIVE INSTAGRAM WHILE YOU ARE HOME LOOKING FOR TUXEDOS AND SHIT?! HAVE YOU EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT HOW THAT SHIT WOULD MAKE ME FEEL?!’
Her feelings were hurt. Tears had filled her eyes, anger coarse through her veins and her hands shook. ‘You know what?! FUCK YOU!’ Her voice cracked, as tears fell from her eyes. Swiftly, she turned around— walking through the crowd and walking downstairs towards the bar.
Amadeo’s heart sunk. He didn’t mean it… he was just drunk! And angry!
Once at the bar, she turned around, slightly dizzy from all of the movement, she pointed up at him, ‘YOU WANT TO FUCK WITH ME! EXPLAIN TO YOUR FATHER, WHY HE HAS TO REPLACE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF LIQUOR!’
Her screaming had caught everyone’s attention, yet the music didn’t stop playing.
Amadeo looked over the ledge, ‘ANYA! I SWEAR TO GOD!’
‘WHAT?!’ Started pushing cocktail glasses off of the bar top. Picking some up and slamming them on the ground. Crushing others with her strong hands. ‘WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO AMADEO?!’ She screamed before lifting a empty stool. And right before she was going to toss it into the bar with intentions to destroy, he grabbed her arm once again.
He’d snatched the stool out of her hand and placed it down. ‘Alright. Enough of this shit.’ Venom and hatred so clear in his words. Quicker than lightning, he grabbed her thighs and threw her over his shoulder.
‘Let me go! Put me down, Amadeo!’ She sobbed angrily, punching at his back, kicking her feet as he effortlessly carried her upstairs towards his father’s office. ‘Get your fucking hands off of me! PUT ME DOWN!’ She demanded.
Once in his father’s office, he had slammed her on the sofa. ‘YOU SIT RIGHT THERE! AND YOU THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU’VE DONE!’ Amadeo yelled, pointing at her as he scolded her.
With her smeared make up, Anya quickly stood up, ‘Who the FUCK are you?! Talking to me like I’m some child! I ain’t your fucking kid!’ She walked over to him, ‘You have done this! This is ALL YOUR FAULT!’
‘ANYA! Put your hands on me again!’ It was a threat.
‘FUCK YOU AMADEO!’ Anya shoved him one more time before she quickly brought her hand up and slapped it across his face, leaving a bright red hand print across his chiseled jaw. ‘YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS! I HATE YOU,’ she beat and punched at his chest. ‘I HATE YOU!’ She repeated, sobbing so hard, her words were almost inaudible.
Finally, with the stinging at his cheek, he grew fed up with her shit and snatched up her wrists and slammed her against the wall. ‘ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!’ Letting go of one wrist, he wrapped the other one around her neck.
Anya whined as another tear fell in the previous one’s track, her lip quivered as she had seem to accept her fate. ‘Go ahead,’ she breathe with a slight hiccup, ‘Kill me… anything to pull me out of THIS EMOTIONAL HELL YOU’VE CREATED FOR ME!”
Amadeo’s grip grew a little bit tighter, this teeth clenched together and a frustrated grow left his chest. ‘URGH! GODDAMN YOU!’ He snatched away from her and turned his back away.
Her weakened legs crumbled beneath her and she fell to her hands and knees with a sob. She then looked up at him with wet eyes, ‘I love you… you just—‘ she choked up.
The male seem to have paused his thoughts. And swiftly turned around to look at her. His frustrated features softened and he approached her.
‘You just—‘ she hiccuped again as sat up on her knees, and sat down on her legs, ‘You make me… want to do better— be better. But you hurt me. I’m trying to give all of this a chance, you a chance but you just… don’t want me do you?’
‘Of course I want you, Anya!’ He argued as he squat down in front of her.
‘Then why act like this?! Embarrass me? Tell me you don’t care?! Do you know I came here tonight to purposely make a fool out of myself for you?!’ She gave his chest a light shove, not hard enough for him to even budge but he just grabbed her wrists.
She tried to tug away, ‘no.’ She muttered, shaking her head.
‘Anya, look at me.’ He paused until she looked up at him, ‘I’m sorry… look let me make this up to you. Let me take you home?’
Anya sniffed and wiped her nose with her wrist. ‘Why don’t you go home with that bitch downstairs? She’s probably waiting on ya anyway.’
‘Because I don’t care about her. Damn why you gotta be so fucking difficult?’
‘Would I be me if I wasn’t?’ She asked, glaring up at him with eyes that could kill.
‘I suppose not. Come on. Let’s go home.’ He grabbed her arm, pulling her up to her feet.
Amadeo looked down at her as she slept soundly; curled up against her pillow. His arms were folded across his chest. He then let out a gentle sigh before running his fingers through his thick hair. ‘Damn woman what am I going to do with you.’
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multiversxwhore · 2 years
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is pinned to my page if you wish to see more! ☽☽☽
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Black!oc
Genre: Drama, Horror.
Warnings: None
Face claims: Nicki Minaj as Cardíerre, and Henry Cavill as Roland Mikaelson
Tag: @cardierreh15 features in the story now as Cardíerre 😌
Into the Dark
Chapter 6
Dear diary, I know Damon is somewhere on the other side watching me. There’s times I think that I see him, hear him, and even feel him. I don’t want to give myself that kind of hope right now, I’m not in the head space for it. Today is the funeral, and I don't want to go. I said that I would, so I will. The whole town will be there, Caroline’s mom Sherif Frobes made up some story about how there’s been a murder going around slashing the towns people. People who aren’t in my inner circle will ask me dumb questions: “Are you okay?” “How are you?” “How are you holding up?” Different phrases, but they all mean the same thing. It’s something people who have never experienced loss ask because they don't want to feel guilty about not saying nothing at all. A selfish, reflexive response, eventhough I want to snap, and tell thouse people to fuck off, I won't. Insted, I’ll smile, and say “ Thank you for asking, but I’m fine.” I will lie, and laugh. I will reminisce on the good times, despite the fact I'm screaming, and dying on the inside.
I can’t figure out for the life of me why Sherif Forbes decided to make this a public display, but she feels it's for the best, especially since Tyler’s mom Carol Lockwood is known by the whole town. Which logically makes sense for the citizens to be allowed to mourn their now dead mayor, but they will never be as devisted as Tyler. And now we all have to share our grief in front of the whole town like charity case children…fantastic.
“Ugh, it’s sad…isn't this the second time you’ve watched your mother die?” Caroline said, her tone disingenuous, I looked up from the snack table to see her spiteful eyes looking back at me.
“Hmm, maybe I should stab this fork through your mother’s eyeball so you can know what it feels like. Maybe I should turn her into a vampire, and then shove her ass out into the sunlight. Or maybe, you can leave me the hell alone.” I spoke calmly, Caroline teeth clenched, her hand gripping the wine glass in her hands, I guess my theory about her emotions being turned off was wrong. I would actually kill Sheriff Forbes, but if Caroline pushes the right button I might.
“You wouldn't dare.” Caroline challenged me, I swiped a fork off the food table in front of us, and stabbed it into some cold cut sandwiches. I didn’t bother giving Caroline any more of my words, I flashed my teeth at her as I turned, and walked off in the opposite direction.
I weave my way through the townspeople, and finally make it out the back of the Lockwood house, and into their backyard. There are some people spread out around the yard talking quietly, gossiping about Tyler, and the Lockwood family. Which I prefer they talk about him, it’s his turn to get dragged by the public.
I was about to go talk to Bonnie when someone else caught my attention, if it weren't for my acrylics my fist would be balled tightly.
“Blaise Laurent, I was wondering why that name sounded so familiar, I know your father.” Roland spoke softly, a coffee brown skinned woman by his side. She’s beautiful, and her belly is full, and round. I can hear her unborn child’s heart beating with content, for a moment a feeling of purity comes over me, and suddenly my mood feels a little less dark. Roland stepped forward blocking my site from her, this is probably the wife he mentioned last time.
“Got some nerve showing up here, what do you want?” I cut right to the chase, Roland has no idea how lucky he is that I’m not a child killer.
“All I want is to take my family home, and you’ll never hear from us again.” Roland claims, but I don't believe that will be the case.
“Well, what’s stopping you, you could have left like five months ago. Ya know, the night all our loved ones died?” I folded my arms over my chest, Roland shifted his weight uncomfortably. Good, he felt guilty because of the bullshit his family caused.
“I can’t leave without my youngest..Rebekah, I was told you know of her location.” He didn’t even look me in my eyes, always looking through me, but not at me.
“Huh…I forgot about her. No.” I said, that caught his attention, the woman behind him had peeked around his shoulder grabbing him by the arm. Maybe to calm him, or warn him.
“No?” Roland asked, confused.
“No, as in access denied.” I said, he chuckled slowly, now it’s my turn to feel confused.
“I’m sorry that was not a joke.” I said, I can hear Bonnie calling from behind me, but I ignore her.
“Bloody hell, and Stefan said you were reasonable.” Roland puffed air from his cheeks, his hand reached up to smooth over his dark brown curls in frustration.
“Stefan is an idiot, so I suggest you don't rely on information from wikipedia Roland.” I rolled my eyes, my tone harsh, and my patience slowly starting to dwindle.
“Blaise please-” Roland started but I cut him off.
“No, listen to me, and you hear me good. Your cow of a sister is rotting in a grave where she will be forgotten about like she deserves that's first of all. Second of all, your siblings, take everything from me, and my friends. Take our parents, our friends, our relationships, so I’m taking one of yours.” I felt hot, and I have not felt this angry in a while. Roland opened his mouth to respond, but the woman behind him pushed him aside.
“I’m Cardíerre, I won't pretend that I know what you're going through, but I can see the love in you. I can see the passion in you, and I hope you find your peace.” Cardierre spoke softly, a look of sympathy in her gray eyes, she pulled Roland away by the hand.
“That seemed intense, you okay?” Bonnie asked, she placed a hand on my bare shoulder.
Back in the house I could hear Caroline call for everyone to come back inside to start the service, I rolled my eyes at the sound of her voice. Without another word I turn to head back into the house, and Bonnie silently follows after me.
What shocked me most…is the open caskets with their bodies inside, this is not how I wanted to see Damon, or my mother. A sharp pain passes through my chest, I lean forward to hold onto the seat in front of me, I was about to turn to leave when someone grabbed onto my elbow. I turn to my right to see Matt wearily staring back at me, I turn to my left to see Bonnie, Elena, and Tyler.
“We’re here together.” Elena spoke, her voice low, but I heard her.
“Just breathe.” Matt said, a reassuring smile across his lips. He’s always been so sweet to me, he squeezed my hand, and I squeezed his back in return.
Later on that evening, Tyler drove Elena, Bonnie, Matt, and I to Elena’s house. My dad followed behind us in his own vehicle, no one wasn't too sure what to speak about so my dad started cooking food. I wandered into the kitchen and decided to help without saying a word, suddenly my father started laughing. I stopped chopping the sweet potatoes to watch him, I was worried he was losing his mind.
“Um…” Placing the knife carefully on the kitchen counter, I turn my attention to him.
“Seriously dad you’re freaking me out.”
“I’m sorry baby, it’s just I realized these kids have never had soul food before.” My dad’s laughter finally sobering up, he wipes the tears from his eyes, and takes a moment to catch his breath.
“You know what, you’re absolutely right…how blessed we are to have the best chef in Louisiana cook for us.” I grinned widely, his lips parting to flash his teeth back at me.
“Damn right cherie.” He winked at me playfully, and we went back to cooking. The rest of the night went smoothly, and for once I felt at ease. Elena, and Tyler scarfed down most of the food. We all just sat around talking, eventually, Matt, and Tyler went home. That left Elena, Bonnie, and my dad.
“Before I go ladies, it’s something I want to mention to you…I’m thinking of getting the covens back together. You don’t have to answer right now, but at the end of August I’ll be heading back home to Louisiana. You three are more than welcome to join, or not.” He said, I was shocked, but I'm not surprised, if he plans on bringing witches here…it’s what Mystic Falls needs. This town has become overrun with vampires, it would only be a matter of time before the scales are balanced. He kissed me on the forehead, and patted Elena, and Bonnie lightly on their heads.
“Stick close to each other, if you need me, all you have to do is call.” He said as he’s half way through the door.
“Let’s just all sleep here please.” Elena shrugged her shoulders getting comfortable on the couch with me, and Bonnie took the loveseat by herself. That night I dreamed of Damon…this is the most bliss full sleep I’ve had in a while.
a/n: the YouTube edit that’s linked does not belong to me. All credit to the person that made that edit.
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FINAL Met Gala List by Me
These are the celebrities I would invite and would not invite if I was in charge of the list. As of 2018, Anna stated that celebrities below the age of 18 are not allowed to attend, and I say that because there are three film stars who are below 18 that I would love to invite but cannot. Now, without further ado... the list.
The first 200 celebrities attending are...
Anya Taylor-Joy
Sadie Sink
Elle Fanning
Dakota Fanning
Margot Robbie
AnnaSophia Robb
Sarah Hyland
Lily Collins
Madelaine Petsch
Camila Mendes
Saoirse Ronan
Melissa McCarthy
Florence Pugh
Rebecca Ferguson
Halle Berry
Keke Palmer
Miranda Cosgrove
Madison Pettis
Sadie Sink
Amy Adams
Jessica Alba
Jessica Chastain
Phillipa Soo
Lupita Nyong’o
Gal Gadot
Anna Kendrick
Blake Lively
Jessica Biel
Ariel Winter
Winona Ryder
Zoe Saldana
Charlize Theron
Natalia Dyer
Nicole Kidman
Emilia Clarke
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Idina Menzel
Viola Davis
Emily Blunt
Sofía Vergara
Meryl Streep
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Seyfried
Constance Wu
Elizabeth Olsen
Ana de Armas
Karen Gillan
Beanie Feldstein
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Hugh Jackman
Daveed Diggs
Jared Leto
Finn Wolfhard
Tom Holland
James McAvoy
Leslie Odom Jr.
Regé-Jean Page
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Hemsworth
KJ Apa
Idris Elba
David Harbour
Caleb McLaughlin
Bill Skarsgård
Alexander Skarsgård
John Krasinski
Stanley Tucci
Charlie Heaton
Robert Downey Jr.
Taron Egerton
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Halle Bailey
Chloe Bailey
Alessia Cara 
Alicia Keys
Céline Dion
Taylor Swift
Lady Gaga
Elton John
The Weeknd
Lily-Rose Depp
Cara Delevingne
Taylor Hill
Elsa Hosk
Josephine Skriver
Romee Strijd
Jasmine Tookes
Lais Ribeiro
Sara Sampaio
Heidi Klum (does she even still model?)
Candice Swanepoel
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Behati Prinsloo
Miranda Kerr
Adut Akech
Paloma Elsesser
Kaia Gerber
Adriana Lima
Alessandra Ambrosio
Gisele Bündchen
Valentina Sampaio
Karlie Kloss (does she even still model?)
Gigi Hadid
Bella Hadid
Kendall Jenner
Lily Aldridge
Soo Joo Park
Paris Jackson
Daphne Groeneveld
Blanca Padilla 
Sophie Turner 
Nick Jonas
Jennifer Lopez 
Billie Eilish 
Billy Porter 
Zoë Kravitz
Tiffany Haddish 
Dakota Johnson 
Kerry Washington 
Mindy Kaling 
Donatella Versace 
Anna Wintour 
Vera Wang 
Tory Burch 
Benedict Cumberbatch 
Serena Williams 
Kasey Musgraves 
Katy Perry 
Frank Ocean 
Julianne Moore 
Michael B. Jordan 
Jordan Peele 
Janelle Monáe 
Ashley Graham 
Mary-Kate Olsen 
Ashley Olsen 
Jennifer Connelly
Irina Shayk
Diane von Furstenberg
Gabrielle Union-Wade 
Jeremy Scott (designer for Moschino)
Katie Holmes
Emily Ratajkowski 
Gwen Stefani 
Julia Garner
Angelina Jolie
Alicia Vikander
Adwoa Aboh
Jourdan Dunn
Solange Knowles
Billie Lourd
Daisy Ridley
John Boyega
Emma Stone
Bri Larson
Rita Ora
Dua Lipa
Naomi Scott
Law Roach
Kate Moss
Victoria Beckham
David Beckham
Mila Kunis
Natalie Portman
Zoey Deutch
Michelle Williams
Kiernan Shipka
Rachel McAdams
Florence Welch
Danielle Bernstein (@weworewhat on Instagram)
Grace Elizabeth
Joey King
Dan Stevens
Christian Siriano
Jeremy Scott
Alessandro Michele (designer for Gucci)
Miuccia Prada
Elie Saab
Iris Van Herpen
Han Chong (designer for Self-Portrait)
Maria Grazia Chiuri (designer for Christian Dior)
Anthony Vaccarello (designer for Saint Laurent)
Silvia Ventura Fendi
Giambattista Valli
Zuhair Murad
Virginie Viard (designer for Chanel)
Ben Affleck
Elaine Welteroth
Nina Garcia
Imaan Hammam
A boyfriend, wife, etc. is allowed as a +1 for the attendees.
Now, here is who I would NOT invite:
Justin Bieber
Hailey Baldwin
Cole Sprouse
Lili Reinhart
Kim Kardashian
Khloé Kardashian
Kriss Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Emma Chamberlain
Addison Rae
Charlie D'Amelio (she’s a minor anyhow, but even if she was 18 or older, she still doesn’t deserve to be invited. 😊)
Dixie D'Amelio
James Charles
Cardi B
Nicki Minaj
Miley Cyrus
Priyanka Chopra
Jeffree Star
ALL social media influencers (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram)
Lena Dunham
Pharrell Williams
Chrissy Teigen
Kanye West
Demi Lovato
Doutzen Kroes
Ezra Miller
Winnie Harlow
Chloë Grace Moretz
Johnny Depp
Amber Heard
Armie Hammer
Kristen Stewart
Travis Scott
Emma Roberts
Tom Cruise
Olivia Rodrigo
Hailee Steinfeld
Henry Cavill
Alida Morberg (Bill Skarsgård’s problematic "girlfriend")
David Dobrik
Madison Beer
Domenico Dolce
Stefano Gabbana
Dove Cameron
Sabrina Carpenter
Lil Nas X
Harry Styles
Olivia Wilde
Alexander Wang
Justin Timberlake
Camila Cabello
Shawn Mendes
Justin Timberlake
Adam Levine
Sebastian Stan
Alejandra Onieva
This was so fun yet challenging that I might make a part two!
♡ August 26, 2021 September 3, 2021 ♡
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2018 Teen Choice Awards Nominations: The Complete List
The Teen Choice Awards are almost here!
On Wednesday, Fox announced the 2018 nominees for this year's accolades, which will air live from Los Angeles, California, on Aug. 12.
Avengers: Infinity War leads all categories with seven nominations. Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Black Panther each nabbed six spots on the list, while The Greatest Showman, A Wrinkle in Time and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle got five. Riverdale and Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments lead the TV side with five nods each, while Stranger Things and The Flash aren't far behind with four apiece.
Cardi B, Drake, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift all scored three nominations each in the music category. 
Fans have the opportunity to vote up to 10 times per day on each platform -- both on Twitter and TeenChoice.com -- until June 19. For Twitter voting, simply tweet a category hashtag along with the nominee's name. 
Keep reading for the full list of nominees!
Choice Action Movie (#ChoiceActionMovie)
Avengers: Infinity War
Justice League
Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Pacific Rim: Uprising
Tomb Raider
Choice Action Movie Actor (#ChoiceActionMovieActor)
Chris Evans – Avengers: Infinity War
Dylan O’Brien – Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Henry Cavill – Justice League
John Boyega – Pacific Rim: Uprising
Robert Downey Jr. – Avengers: Infinity War
Tom Holland – Avengers: Infinity War
Choice Action Movie Actress (#ChoiceActionMovieActress)
Alicia Vikander – Tomb Raider
Amy Adams – Justice League
Elizabeth Olsen – Avengers: Infinity War
Gal Gadot – Justice League
Scarlett Johansson – Avengers: Infinity War
Zoe Saldana – Avengers: Infinity War
Choice Sci-Fi Movie (#ChoiceSciFiMovie)
Black Panther
Blade Runner 2049
Ready Player One
Thor: Ragnarok
Choice Sci-Fi Movie Actor (#ChoiceSciFiMovieActor) 
Chadwick Boseman – Black Panther
Chris Hemsworth – Thor: Ragnarok
Dwayne Johnson – Rampage
Mark Ruffalo – Thor: Ragnarok
Ryan Gosling – Blade Runner 2049
Tye Sheridan – Ready Player One
Choice Sci-Fi Movie Actress (#ChoiceSciFiMovieActress)
Danai Gurira – Black Panther
Letitia Wright – Black Panther
Lupita Nyong’o – Black Panther
Naomie Harris – Rampage
Olivia Cooke – Ready Player One
Tessa Thompson – Thor: Ragnarok
Choice Fantasy Movie (#ChoiceFantasyMovie)
A Wrinkle in Time
Peter Rabbit
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Choice Fantasy Movie Actor (#ChoiceFantasyMovieActor)
Anthony Gonzalez – Coco
Gael García Bernal – Coco
James Corden – Peter Rabbit
John Boyega – Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Mark Hamill – Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Oscar Isaac – Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Choice Fantasy Movie Actress (#ChoiceFantasyMovieActress)
Carrie Fisher – Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Daisy Ridley – Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Mindy Kaling – A Wrinkle in Time
Oprah Winfrey – A Wrinkle in Time
Reese Witherspoon – A Wrinkle in Time
Storm Reid – A Wrinkle in Time
Choice Drama Movie (#ChoiceDramaMovie)
A Quiet Place
Midnight Sun
Murder on the Orient Express
The Greatest Showman
Truth or Dare
Choice Drama Movie Actor (#ChoiceDramaMovieActor)
Hugh Jackman – The Greatest Showman
Jacob Tremblay – Wonder
Leslie Odom Jr. – Murder on the Orient Express
Patrick Schwarzenegger – Midnight Sun
Timothée Chalamet – Lady Bird
Zac Efron – The Greatest Showman
Choice Drama Movie Actress (#ChoiceDramaMovieActress)
Bella Thorne – Midnight Sun
Daisy Ridley – Murder on the Orient Express
Julia Roberts – Wonder
Lucy Hale – Truth or Dare
Saoirse Ronan – Lady Bird
Zendaya – The Greatest Showman
Choice Comedy Movie (#ChoiceComedyMovie)
Daddy’s Home 2
I Feel Pretty
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Love, Simon
Pitch Perfect 3
Choice Comedy Movie Actor (#ChoiceComedyMovieActor)
Dwayne Johnson – Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Eugenio Derbez – Overboard
Jack Black – Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Kevin Hart – Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Mark Wahlberg – Daddy’s Home 2
Will Ferrell – Daddy’s Home 2
Choice Comedy Movie Actress (#ChoiceComedyMovieActress)
Amy Schumer – I Feel Pretty
Anna Faris – Overboard
Anna Kendrick – Pitch Perfect 3
Hailee Steinfeld – Pitch Perfect 3
Karen Gillan – Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Rebel Wilson – Pitch Perfect 3
Choice Drama TV Show (#ChoiceDramaTVShow)
Famous in Love
The Fosters
This Is Us
Choice Drama TV Actor (#ChoiceDramaTVActor)
Cole Sprouse – Riverdale
Freddie Highmore – The Good Doctor
Jesse Williams – Grey's Anatomy
Jussie Smollett – Empire
K.J. Apa – Riverdale
Sterling K. Brown – This Is Us
Choice Drama TV Actress (#ChoiceDramaTVActress)
Bella Thorne – Famous in Love
Camila Mendes – Riverdale
Chrissy Metz – This Is Us
Lili Reinhart – Riverdale
Maia Mitchell – The Fosters
Ryan Destiny – Star
Choice Drama TV Show (#ChoiceDramaTVShow)
Famous in Love
The Fosters
This is Us
Choice Drama TV Actor (#ChoiceDramaTVActor)
Cole Sprouse – Riverdale
Freddie Highmore – The Good Doctor
Jesse Williams – Grey's Anatomy
Jussie Smollett – Empire
K.J. Apa – Riverdale
Sterling K. Brown – This Is Us
Choice Drama TV Actress (#ChoiceDramaTVActress)
Bella Thorne – Famous in Love
Camila Mendes – Riverdale
Chrissy Metz – This Is Us
Lili Reinhart – Riverdale
Maia Mitchell – The Fosters
Ryan Destiny – Star
Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show (#ChoiceSciFiTVShow)
Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments
Stranger Things
The 100
The Originals
Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor (#ChoiceSciFiTVActor)
Bob Morley – The 100
Dominic Sherwood – Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments
Finn Wolfhard – Stranger Things
Gaten Matarazzo – Stranger Things
Joseph Morgan – The Originals
Matthew Daddario – Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments
 Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actress (#ChoiceSciFiTVActress)
Eliza Taylor – The 100
Emeraude Toubia – Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments
Katherine McNamara – Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments
Lana Parrilla – Once Upon a Time
Millie Bobby Brown – Stranger Things
Rose McIver – iZombie
Choice Action TV Show (#ChoiceActionTVShow)
Lethal Weapon
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
The Flash
Choice Action TV Actor (#ChoiceActionTVActor)
Chris Wood – Supergirl
Damon Wayans – Lethal Weapon
David Mazouz – Gotham
Grant Gustin – The Flash
Lucas Till – MacGyver
Stephen Amell – Arrow
Choice Action TV Actress (#ChoiceActionTVActress)
Caity Lotz – DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Candice Patton – The Flash
Chloe Bennet – Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Danielle Panabaker – The Flash
Emily Bett Rickards – Arrow
Melissa Benoist – Supergirl
Choice Comedy TV Show (#ChoiceComedyTVShow)
Fuller House
Jane the Virgin
Modern Family
The Big Bang Theory
The Good Place
Choice Comedy TV Actor (#ChoiceComedyTVActor)
Andy Samberg – Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Anthony Anderson – Black-ish
Elias Harger – Fuller House
Hudson Yang – Fresh Off the Boat
Jaime Camil – Jane the Virgin
Rico Rodriguez – Modern Family
Choice Comedy TV Actress (#ChoiceComedyTVActress)
America Ferrera – Superstore
Candace Cameron Bure – Fuller House
Gina Rodriguez – Jane the Virgin
Kristen Bell – The Good Place
Sarah Hyland – Modern Family
Yara Shahidi – Black-ish, Grown-ish
Choice Animated TV Show (#ChoiceAnimatedTVShow)
Bob’s Burgers
Family Guy
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Rick and Morty
Steven Universe
The Simpsons
Choice Reality TV Show (#ChoiceRealityTVShow)
Keeping Up with the Kardashians
Lip Sync Battle
MasterChef Junior
The Four: Battle for Stardom
The Voice
Total Divas
Choice Throwback TV Show (#ChoiceThrowbackTVShow)
Dawson’s Creek
Gossip Girl
One Tree Hill
That ’70s Show
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Choice TV Personality (#ChoiceTVPersonality)
Chrissy Teigen – Lip Sync Battle
Derek Hough – World of Dance
DJ Khaled – The Four: Battle for Stardom
Hailey Baldwin – Drop the Mic
Kelly Clarkson – The Voice
Meghan Trainor – The Four: Battle for Stardom
Choice Male Artist (#ChoiceMaleArtist)
Bruno Mars
Ed Sheeran
Louis Tomlinson
Niall Horan
Shawn Mendes
Choice Female Artist (#ChoiceFemaleArtist)
Ariana Grande
Camila Cabello
Cardi B
Demi Lovato
Dua Lipa
Taylor Swift
Choice Music Group (#ChoiceMusicGroup)
5 Seconds of Summer
Fifth Harmony
Florida Georgia Line
Maroon 5
Why Don’t We
Choice Country Artist (#ChoiceCountryArtist)
Blake Shelton
Carrie Underwood
Kane Brown
Kelsea Ballerini
Maren Morris
Thomas Rhett
Choice Electronic/Dance Artist (#ChoiceElectronicDanceArtist)
Calvin Harris
Martin Garrix
Steve Aoki
The Chainsmokers
Choice Latin Artist (#ChoiceLatinArtist)
Becky G
Daddy Yankee
J Balvin
Luis Fonsi
Choice R&B/Hip-Hop Artist (#ChoiceRBHipHopArtist)
Cardi B
Childish Gambino
Nicki Minaj
Post Malone
Choice Rock Artist (#ChoiceRockArtist)
Imagine Dragons
Panic! At the Disco
Portugal. The Man
twenty one pilots
X Ambassadors
Choice Song: Female Artist (#ChoiceSongFemaleArtist)
Ariana Grande – “No Tears Left To Cry”
Camila Cabello (feat. Young Thug) – “Havana”
Demi Lovato – “Sorry Not Sorry”
Dua Lipa – “New Rules”
Halsey – “Bad at Love”
Taylor Swift – “Look What You Made Me Do”
Choice Song: Male Artist (#ChoiceSongMaleArtist)
Charlie Puth – “Attention”
Childish Gambino – “This Is America”
Drake – “God's Plan”
Ed Sheeran – “Perfect”
Justin Timberlake (feat. Chris Stapleton) – “Say Something”
Kendrick Lamar (feat. Zacari) – “Love.”
Choice Song: Group (#ChoiceSongGroup)
5 Seconds of Summer – “Youngblood”
Imagine Dragons – “Whatever It Takes”
Maroon 5 – “Wait”
Panic! At the Disco – “Say Amen (Saturday Night)”
Portugal. The Man – “Feel It Still”
Why Don’t We – “Trust Fund Baby”
Choice Collaboration (#ChoiceCollaboration)
Bebe Rexha (feat. Florida Georgia Line) – “Meant to Be”
Bruno Mars (feat. Cardi B) – “Finesse (Remix)”
Taylor Swift (feat. Ed Sheeran & Future) – “End Game”
The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar – “Pray for Me” (“Black Panther” soundtrack)
Zac Efron & Zendaya – “Rewrite the Stars” (“The Greatest Showman” soundtrack)
Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey – “The Middle”
Choice Comedian (#ChoiceComedian)
Ellen DeGeneres
James Corden
Jimmy Fallon
Kevin Hart
Lilly Singh
The Dolan Twins
Choice Male Athlete (#ChoiceMaleAthlete)
Adam Rippon
J.J. Watt
LeBron James
Red Gerard
Shaun White
Stephen Curry
Choice Female Athlete (#ChoiceFemaleAthlete)
Chloe Kim
Lindsey Vonn
Mikaela Shiffrin
Mirai Nagasu
Serena Williams
U.S. Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team
Watch the video for a look back at last year's ceremony: 
Paris Jackson Stuns in Floral Dress at the Teen Choice Awards: Pics!
Judd Apatow's 14-Year-Old Daughter Iris Looks Just Like Her Mom Leslie Mann at Teen Choice Awards: Pics!
EXCLUSIVE: Millie Bobby Brown Adorably Freaks Out Over 'Pretty Little Liars' Stars at Teen Choice Awards
1 note · View note
viralhottopics · 8 years
Kids’ Choice Awards 2017: The Complete Winners List!
The kids have spoken — and it’s not just about John Cena getting slimed!!
The 2017 Kids’ Choice Awards took place Saturday night, and some stars walked away as fan favorites.
In case you missed any of the awards, we’ve got the complete winners list right here.
Ch-ch-check it out (below)!
Favorite Kids’ Show
Game Shakers Girl Meets World Henry Danger (Winner) Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn The Thundermans
Favorite Family Show
Big Bang Theory Black-ish Fuller House (Winner) Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Supergirl The Flash
Favorite Reality Show
America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Got Talent (Winner) American Ninja Warrior Paradise Run Shark Tank The Voice
Favorite Cartoon
ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks SpongeBob SquarePants (Winner) Teen Titans Go! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Amazing World of Gumball The Loud House
Favorite Male TV Star
Benjamin Flores Jr. (Triple G, Game Shakers) Aidan Gallagher (Nicky, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn) Jack Griffo (Max, The Thundermans) Jace Norman (Henry, Henry Danger) (Winner) Casey Simpson (Ricky, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn) Tyrel Jackson Williams (Leo, Lab Rats)
Favorite Female TV Star
Zendaya (K.C., K.C. Undercover) (Winner) Rowan Blanchard (Riley, Girl Meets World) Dove Cameron (Liv and Maddie, Liv and Maddie) Lizzy Greene (Dawn, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn) Kira Kosarin (Phoebe, The Thundermans) Breanna Yde (Tomika, School of Rock)
Favorite Movie
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Captain America: Civil War Ghostbusters (Winner) Pete’s Dragon Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Favorite Movie Actor
Ben Affleck (Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Will Arnett (Vernon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows) Henry Cavill (Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man, Captain America: Civil War) Chris Evans (Captain America, Captain America: Civil War) Chris Hemsworth (Kevin, Ghostbusters) (Winner)
Favorite Movie Actress
Amy Adams (Lois, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Megan Fox (April, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows) Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow, Captain America: Civil War) Felicity Jones (Jyn, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) Melissa McCarthy (Abby, Ghostbusters) (Winner) Kristen Wiig (Erin, Ghostbusters)
Favorie Animated Movie
Finding Dory (Winner) Moana Sing The Secret Life of Pets Trolls Zootopia
Favorite Voice From An Animated Movie
Ellen DeGeneres (Dory, Finding Dory) (Winner) Kevin Hart (Snowball, The Secret Life of Pets) Dwayne Johnson (Maui, Moana) Anna Kendrick (Poppy, Trolls) Justin Timberlake (Branch, Trolls) Reese Witherspoon (Rosita, Sing)
Favorite Villain
Helena Bonham Carter (The Red Queen, Alice Through the Looking Glass) Idris Elba (Krall, Star Trek Beyond) Will Ferrell (Mugatu, Zoolander 2) Kevin Hart (Snowball, The Secret Life of Pets) (Winner) Charlize Theron (Ravenna, The Huntsman: Winter’s War) Spencer Wilding (Darth Vader, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)
Favorite Butt-Kicker
Ben Affleck (Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Henry Cavill (Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Chris Evans (Captain America, Captain America: Civil War) (Winner) Chris Hemsworth (The Huntsman, The Huntsman: Winter’s War) Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow, Captain America: Civil War) Felicity Jones (Jyn, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique, X-Men: Apocalypse) Zoe Saldana (Lieutenant Uhura, Star Trek Beyond)
BFFs (Best Friends Forever)
Ruby Barnhill & Mark Rylance (Sophie/BFG, The BFG) Kevin Hart & Dwayne Johnson (Bob/Calvin, Central Intelligence) (Winner) Kevin Hart & Ice Cube (Ben/James, Ride Along 2) Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto (Captain Kirk/Spock, Star Trek Beyond) Neel Sethi & Bill Murray (Mowgli/ Baloo, Jungle Book) Ben Stiller & Owen Wilson (Derek/Hansel, Zoolander 2)
Favorite Frenemies
Ben Affleck & Henry Cavill (Batman/Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Chris Evans & Robert Downey Jr. (Captain America/Iron Man, Captain America: Civil War) Ginnifer Goodwin & Jason Bateman (Judy/Nick, Zootopia) (Winner) Dwayne Johnson & Auli’I Cravalho (Moana/Maui, Moana) Anna Kendrick & Justin Timberlake (Poppy/Branch, Trolls) Charlize Theron & Emily Blunt (Ravenna/Freya, The Huntsman: Winter’s War)
Most Wanted Pet
Baloo from The Jungle Book (Bill Murray) Dory from Finding Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) Po from Kung Fu Panda 3 (Jack Black) Red from The Angry Birds Movie (Jason Sudeikis) Rosita from Sing (Reese Witherspoon) Snowball from The Secret Life of Pets (Kevin Hart) (Winner)
Finding Dory Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Kaitlin Olson, Hayden Rolence, Willem Dafoe, Ed O’Neill, Ty Burrell, Eugene Levy (Winner)
Captain America: Civil War – Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman Ghostbusters Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Felicity Jones, Forest Whitaker, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen, Riz Ahmed, Mads Mikkelsen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Noel Fisher, Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek, Alan Ritchson X-Men: Apocalypse James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Tye Sheridan, Ben Hardy, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Sophie Turner, Alexandra Shipp, Olivia Munn
Favorite Music Group
The Chainsmokers Fifth Harmony (Winner) Maroon 5 OneRepublic Pentatonix Twenty One Pilots
Favorite Male Singer
Drake Justin Bieber Bruno Mars Shawn Mendes (Winner) Justin Timberlake The Weeknd
Favorite Female Singer
Adele Beyonc Ariana Grande Selena Gomez (Winner) Rihanna Meghan Trainor
Favorite Song
“24K Magic” Bruno Mars “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” Justin Timberlake “Heathens” Twenty One Pilots “Send My Love (To Your New Lover)” Adele “Side to Side” Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj “Work From Home” Fifth Harmony ft. Ty Dolla $ign (Winner)
Favorite New Artist
Kelsea Ballerini The Chainsmokers Daya Lukas Graham Solange Rae Sremmurd Hailee Steinfeld Twenty One Pilots (Winner)
Favorite Music Video
“24K Magic” Bruno Mars “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” Justin Timberlake “Formation” Beyonc “Juju on That Beat” Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall (Winner) “Me Too” Meghan Trainor “Stressed Out” Twenty One Pilots
Favorite DJ/EDM Artist
Martin Garrix Calvin Harris (Winner) Major Lazer Skrillex DJ Snake Zedd
Favorite Soundtrack
Hamilton Me Before You Moana Sing Suicide Squad (Winner) Trolls
Favorite Viral Music Artist
Tiffany Alvord Matty B Carson Lueders Johnny Orlando Jacob Sartorius JoJo Siwa (Winner)
Favorite Global Music Star
5 Seconds of Summer (Australia/New Zealand) BIGBANG (Asia) Bruno Mars (North America) Little Mix (UK) (Winner) Shakira (South America) Zara Larsson (Europe)
Favorite Video Game
Just Dance 2017 (Winner) Lego Marvel’s Avengers Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Minecraft: Story Mode Paper Mario: Color Splash Pokmon Moon
So fun!!!
Congrats to all the BIG winners!!!
What’d U think of last night’s show, Perezcious readers?! Let us know in the comments (below)!!!
Read more: http://bit.ly/2mE1Ucd
from Kids’ Choice Awards 2017: The Complete Winners List!
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nickelodeon · 8 years
2017 Kids’ Choice Awards Voting Hashtags
UPDATED Here’s how to vote for your favorite KCA nominees!
All Platforms
Maximum of 100 valid votes per category per day per device (this includes social accounts, the website and the Nick Play app where applicable)
Call to action must promote a #category and #nominee and/or nominee handle for voters to include in their posts
Each post may only include one nominee for one category at a time
If a post contains a nominee for multiple categories that the chosen nominee is listed under, it will not count as a valid vote
If a post contains multiple nominees in a single category, it will not count as valid vote
Twitter Voting
Twitter account must be set to public
Re-tweets will count as valid votes
Comments on a post will not count as a vote
You can also vote on nick.com/kids-choice-awards!
Favorite Kids TV Show
Girl Meets World - #KCAFavKidsShow #GirlMeetsWorld
NRDD - #KCAFavKidsShow #NRDD
The Thundermans  - #KCAFavKidsShow #Thundermans
Henry Danger - #KCAFavKidsShow #HenryDanger
Game Shakers - #KCAFavKidsShow #GameShakers
Favorite Family TV Show
Fuller House - #KCAFavFamilyShow #FullerHouse
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - #KCAFavFamilyShow #AgentsOfSHIELD
Supergirl - #KCAFavFamilyShow #Supergirl
The Flash - #KCAFavFamilyShow #TheFlash
The Big Bang Theory - #KCAFavFamilyShow #BigBangTheory
Black-ish - #KCAFavFamilyShow #Blackish
Favorite TV Actor
Jack Griffo - #KCAFavTVactor #JackGriffo
Jace Norman - #KCAFavTVactor #JaceNorman
Casey Simpson - #KCAFavTVactor #CaseySimpson
Tyrel Jackson Williams - #KCAFavTVactor #TyrelJacksonWilliams
Benjamin Flores Jr - #KCAFavTVactor #BenjaminFloresJR
Aidan Gallagher #KCAFavTVactor #AidanGallagher
Favorite TV Actress
Zendaya - #KCAFavTVactress #Zendaya
Kira Kosarin - #KCAFavTVactress #KiraKosarin
Dove Cameron - #KCAFavTVactress #DoveCameron
Lizzy Greene - #KCAFavTVactress #LizzyGreene
Rowan Blanchard - #KCAFavTVactress #RowanBlanchard
Breanna Yde - #KCAFavTVactress #BreannaYde
Favorite Cartoon
SpongeBob SquarePants - #KCAFavCartoon #SpongeBob
Alvin!!! And the Chipmunks - #KCAFavCartoon #AlvinAndTheChipmunks
Teen Titans Go! - #KCAFavCartoon #TeenTitansGo
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - #KCAFavCartoon #TMNT
The Amazing World of Gumball - #KCAFavCartoon #AmazingWorldOfGumball
The Loud House - #KCAFavCartoon #TheLoudHouse
Favorite Reality Show
America’s Funniest Home Videos - #KCAFavRealityShow #AFHV
America’s Got Talent - #KCAFavRealityShow #AGT
American Ninja Warrior - #KCAFavRealityShow #AmericanNinjaWarrior
The Voice - #KCAFavRealityShow #TheVoice
Paradise Run - #KCAFavRealityShow #ParadiseRun
Shark Tank - #KCAFavRealityShow #SharkTank
Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters - #KCAFavMovie #Ghostbusters
Star Wars: Rogue One - #KCAFavMovie #RogueOne
Captain America: Civil War - #KCAFavMovie #CaptainAmericaCivilWar
Pete’s Dragon - #KCAFavMovie #PetesDragon
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice - #KCAFavMovie #BatmanvSuperman
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows - #KCAFavMovie #TMNT2
Favorite Movie Actor
Chris Evans - #KCAFavMovieActor #ChrisEvans
Robert Downey Jr - #KCAFavMovieActor #RobertDowneyJr
Ben Affleck - #KCAFavMovieActor #BenAffleck
Henry Cavill - #KCAFavMovieActor #HenryCavill
Will Arnett - #KCAFavMovieActor #WillArnett
Chris Hemsworth - #KCAFavMovieActor #ChrisHemsworth
Favorite Movie Actress
Scarlett Johansson - #KCAFavMovieActress #ScarlettJohansson
Megan Fox - #KCAFavMovieActress #MeganFox
Melissa McCarthy - #KCAFavMovieActress #MelissaMcCarthy
Amy Adams - #KCAFavMovieActress #AmyAdams
Kristen Wiig - #KCAFavMovieActress #KristenWiig
Felicity Jones - #KCAFavMovieActress #FelicityJones
Favorite Animated Movie
Moana - #KCAFavAnimatedMovie #Moana
Finding Dory - #KCAFavAnimatedMovie #FindingDory
The Secret Life of Pets - #KCAFavAnimatedMovie #SecretLifeOfPets
Zootopia - #KCAFavAnimatedMovie #Zootopia
Sing - #KCAFavAnimatedMovie #Sing
Trolls - #KCAFavAnimatedMovie #Trolls
Favorite Voice From An Animated Movie
Ellen DeGeneres (Dory, Finding Dory) - #KCAFavAnimatedVoice #FindingDory
Kevin Hart (Snowball, The Secret Life of Pets) - #KCAFavAnimatedVoice #SecretLifeSnowball
Dwayne Johnson (Maui, Moana) - #KCAFavAnimatedVoice #MoanaMaui
Justin Timberlake (Branch, Trolls) - #KCAFavAnimatedVoice #TrollsBranch
Anna Kendrick (Poppy, Trolls) - #KCAFavAnimatedVoice #TrollsPoppy
Reese Witherspoon (Rosita, Sing) - #KCAFavAnimatedVoice #SingRosita
Favorite Villain
Idris Elba (Krall in Star Trek Beyond) - #KCAFavVillain #StarTrekKrall
Helena Bonham Carter (The Red Queen in Alice Through the Looking Glass) - #KCAFavVillain #AliceTheRedQueen
Will Ferrell (Jacobim Mugatu in Zoolander 2) - #KCAFavVillain #Zoolander2Jacobim
Charlize Theron (Ravenna in The Huntsman: Winter’s War) - #KCAFavVillain #TheHuntsmanRavenna
Spencer Wilding (Darth Vader in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) - #KCAFavVillain #RogueOneDarthVader
Kevin Hart (Snowball in The Secret Life of Pets) - #KCAFavVillain #SecretLifeSnowball
Favorite Buttkicker
Zoe Saldana (Lieutenant Uhura in Star Trek Beyond) - #KCAFavButtKicker #ZoeSaldana
Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow in Captain America: Civil War) - #KCAFavButtKicker #ScarlettJohansson
Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique in X-Men: Apocalypse) - #KCAFavButtKicker #JenniferLawrence
Felicity Jones (Jyn Erso in Rouge One: A Star Wars Story) - #KCAFavButtKicker #FelicityJones
Chris Evans (Captain America in Captain America: Civil War) - #KCAFavButtKicker #ChrisEvans
Ben Affleck (Batman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) - #KCAFavButtKicker #BenAffleck
Henry Cavill (Superman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) - #KCAFavButtKicker #HenryCavill
Chris Hemsworth (The Huntsman in The Huntsman: Winter’s War) - #KCAFavButtKicker #ChrisHemsworth
BFF’s (Best Friends Forever)
Kevin Hart & Dwayne Johnson (Bob Stone/Calvin Joyner, Central Intelligence) - #KCABFFs #CentralIntelligence
Neel Sethi & Bill Murray (Mowgli/ Baloo, Jungle Book) - #KCABFFs #JungleBook
Kevin Hart & Ice Cube (Ben Barber/James Payton, Ride Along 2) - #KCABFFs #RideAlong2
Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto (Capt. Kirk/Spock, Star Trek Beyond) - #KCABFFs #StarTrek
Ben Stiller & Owen Wilson (Derek/Hansel, Zoolander 2) - #KCABFFs #Zoolander2
Ruby Barnhill & Mark Rylance (Sophie/BFG, The BFG) - #KCABFFs #TheBFG
Favorite Frenemies
Charlize Theron & Emily Blunt (Ravenna/Freya, The Huntsman: Winter’s War) - #KCAFavFrenemies #TheHuntsman
Ben Affleck & Henry Cavill (Batman/ Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) - #KCAFavFrenemies #BatmanvSuperman
Ginnifer Goodwin & Jason Bateman (Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Zootopia) - #KCAFavFrenemies #Zootopia
Anna Kendrick & Justin Timberlake (Poppy/Branch, Trolls) - #KCAFavFrenemies #Trolls
Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. (Captain America/Iron Man, Captain America: Civil War) - #KCAFavFrenemies #CaptainAmericaCivilWar
Dwayne Johnson & Auli’I Cravalho (Moana, Maui & Moana) - #KCAFavFrenemies #Moana
Most Wanted Pet
Dory from Finding Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) - #KCAMostWantedPet #FindingDory
Snowball from The Secret Life of Pets (Kevin Hart) - #KCAMostWantedPet #SecretLifeSnowball
Baloo from The Jungle Book (Bill Murray) - #KCAMostWantedPet #JungleBookBaloo
Po from Kung Fu Panda 3 (Jack Black) - #KCAMostWantedPet #KungFuPandaPo
Red from The Angry Birds Movie (Jason Sudeikis) - #KCAMostWantedPet #AngryBirdsRed
Rosita from Sing (Reese Witherspoon) - #KCAMostWantedPet #SingRosita
Ghostbusters - Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones - #KCASquad #Ghostbusters
Rogue One - Felicity Jones, Forest Whitaker, Diego Lyna, Ben Mendelsohn, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen, Riz Ahmed, Mads Mikkelsen - #KCASquad #RogueOne
X-Men Apocalypse - James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Tye Sheridan, Ben Hardy, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Sophie Turner, Alexandra Shipp,Olivia Munn - #KCASquad #XmenApocalypse
Captain America: Civil War - Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman - #KCASquad #CaptainAmericaCivilWar
Finding Dory - Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Kaitlin Olson, Hayden Rolence, Willem Dafoe, Ed O’Neill, Ty Burrell, Eugene Levy - #KCASquad #FindingDory
TMNT: Out of The Shadows - Noel Fisher, Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek, Alan Ritchson - #KCASquad #TMNT2
Favorite Music Group
Maroon 5 - #KCAFavMusicGroup #Maroon5
Twenty One Pilots - #KCAFavMusicGroup #TwentyOnePilots
OneRepublic - #KCAFavMusicGroup #OneRepublic
Fifth Harmony - #KCAFavMusicGroup #FifthHarmony
The Chainsmokers - #KCAFavMusicGroup #TheChainsmokers
Pentatonix - #KCAFavMusicGroup #Pentatonix
Favorite Male Singer
Bruno Mars - #KCAFavMaleSinger #BrunoMars
Justin Timberlake - #KCAFavMaleSinger #JustinTimberlake
Justin Bieber - #KCAFavMaleSinger #JustinBieber
Drake - #KCAFavMaleSinger #Drake
The Weekend - #KCAFavMaleSinger #TheWeeknd
Shawn Mendes - #KCAFavMaleSinger #ShawnMendes
Favorite Female Singer
Rihanna - #KCAFavFemaleSinger #Rihanna
Selena Gomez - #KCAFavFemaleSinger #SelenaGomez
Adele - #KCAFavFemaleSinger #Adele
Ariana Grande - #KCAFavFemaleSinger #ArianaGrande
Beyonce - #KCAFavFemaleSinger #Beyonce
Meghan Trainor - #KCAFavFemaleSinger #MeghanTrainor
Favorite Song
Can’t Stop the Feeling, Justin Timberlake - #KCAFavSong #CantStopTheFeeling
24K Magic, Bruno Mars - #KCAFavSong #24KMagic
Heathens, Twenty One Pilots - #KCAFavSong #Heathens
Send My Love (To Your New Lover), Adele - #KCAFavSong #SendMyLove
Work From Home, Fifth Harmony ft. Ty Dolla $ign - #KCAFavSong #WorkFromHome
Side to Side, Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj - #KCAFavSong #SideToSide
Favorite New Artist
Daya - #KCAFavNewArtist #Daya
Hailee Steinfeld - #KCAFavNewArtist #HaileeSteinfeld
Solange - #KCAFavNewArtist #Solange
Kelsea Ballerini - #KCAFavNewArtist #KelseaBallerini
Twenty One Pilots - #KCAFavNewArtist #TwentyOnePilots
The Chainsmokers - #KCAFavNewArtist #TheChainsmokers
Lukas Graham - #KCAFavNewArtist #LukasGraham
Rae Sremmurd - #KCAFavNewArtist #RaeSremmurd
Favorite Music Video
Formation, Beyonce - #KCAFavMusicVideo #Formation
24K Magic, Bruno Mars - #KCAFavMusicVideo #24KMagic
Can’t Stop The Feeling!, Justin Timberlake - #KCAFavMusicVideo #CantStopTheFeeling
JuJu On That Beat, Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall - #KCAFavMusicVideo #JujuOnThatBeat
Me Too, Meghan Trainor - #KCAFavMusicVideo #MeToo
Stressed Out, Twenty One Pilots - #KCAFavMusicVideo #StressedOut
Favorite EJ/EDM Artist
DJ Snake - #KCAFavDJ #DJSnake
Major Lazer - #KCAFavDJ #MajorLazer
Calvin Harris - #KCAFavDJ #CalvinHarris
Martin Garrix - #KCAFavDJ #MartinGarrix
Zedd - #KCAFavDJ #Zedd
Skrillex - #KCAFavDJ #Skrillex
Favorite Soundtrack
Hamilton - #KCAFavSoundtrack #Hamilton
Moana - #KCAFavSoundtrack #Moana
Sing - #KCAFavSoundtrack #Sing
Suicide Squad - #KCAFavSoundtrack #SuicideSquad
Trolls - #KCAFavSoundtrack #Trolls
Me Before You - #KCAFavSoundtrack #MeBeforeYou
Favorite Viral Music Artist
JoJo Siwa - #KCAFavViralMusicArtist #JojoSiwa
Johnny Orlando - #KCAFavViralMusicArtist #JohnnyOrlando
Jacob Sartorius - #KCAFavViralMusicArtist #JacobSartorius
Matty B - #KCAFavViralMusicArtist #MattyB
Tiffany Alvord - #KCAFavViralMusicArtist #TiffanyAlvord
Carson Lueders - #KCAFavViralMusicArtist #CarsonLueders
Global Music Star
5 Seconds of Summer (AU/New Zealand) - #KCAFavGlobalMusicStar #5SOS
BIGBANG (Asia) - #KCAFavGlobalMusicStar #BIGBANG
Bruno Mars (North America) - #KCAFavGlobalMusicStar #BrunoMars
Little Mix (UK) - #KCAFavGlobalMusicStar #LittleMix
Shakira (South America) - #KCAFavGlobalMusicStar #Shakira
Zara Larsson (Europe) - #KCAFavGlobalMusicStar #ZaraLarsson
Favorite Video Game
Just Dance 2017 - #KCAFavVideoGame #JustDance2017
Lego Marvel’s Avengers - #KCAFavVideoGame #LegoMarvelAvengers
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens - #KCAFavVideoGame #LegoStarWars
Minecraft: Story Mode - #KCAFavVideoGame #Minecraft
Paper Mario: Color Splash - #KCAFavVideoGame #PaperMario
Pokemon Moon - #KCAFavVideoGame #PokemonMoon
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onecountrycom-blog · 6 years
Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood and More Nominated For Teen Choice Awards
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Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood and Thomas Rhett are only a few country names among the first wave of nominees announced for the 2018 Teen Choice Awards. Blake, Carrie and TR are vying for Choice Country Artist against fellow country singers Kane Brown, Kelsea Ballerini and Maren Morris, while Maren and FGL are nominated in all-genre categories. FGL grabbed a nod for Choice Music Group and Maren along with Zedd and Grey grabbed a nod for Choice Collaboration for the "The Middle." Fans can vote for their favorite at TeenChoice.com or by tweeting the category hashtag with the nominee’s name. Fans can vote up to 10 times per day in each category until June 19. "The Teen Choice Awards" air live Aug. 12 at 8 p.m. ET on Fox. Choice Country Artist (#ChoiceCountryArtist) Blake Shelton Carrie Underwood Kane Brown Kelsea Ballerini Maren Morris Thomas Rhett Choice Music Group (#ChoiceMusicGroup) 5 Seconds of Summer Fifth Harmony Florida Georgia Line Maroon 5 Migos Why Don’t We Choice Song: Male Artist (#ChoiceSongMaleArtist) Charlie Puth – “Attention” Childish Gambino – “This Is America” Drake – “God’s Plan” Ed Sheeran – “Perfect” Justin Timberlake (feat. Chris Stapleton) – “Say Something” Kendrick Lamar (feat. Zacari) – “Love” Choice Collaboration (#ChoiceCollaboration) Bebe Rexha (feat. Florida Georgia Line) – “Meant to Be” Bruno Mars (feat. Cardi B) – “Finesse (Remix)” Taylor Swift (feat. Ed Sheeran & Future) – “End Game” The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar – “Pray for Me” (“Black Panther” soundtrack) Zac Efron & Zendaya – “Rewrite the Stars” (“The Greatest Showman” soundtrack) Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey – “The Middle”  
Choice Action Movie Avengers: Infinity War Justice League Maze Runner: The Death Cure Pacific Rim: Uprising Tomb Raider   Choice Action Movie Actor Chris Evans, Avengers: Infinity War Dylan O'Brien, Maze Runner: The Death Cure Henry Cavill, Justice League John Boyega, Pacific Rim: Uprising Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Infinity War Tom Holland, Avengers: Infinity War   Choice Action Movie Actress Alicia Vikander, Tomb Raider Amy Adams, Justice League Elizabeth Olsen, Avengers: Infinity War Gal Gadot, Justice League Scarlett Johansson, Avengers: Infinity War Zoe Saldana, Avengers: Infinity War   Choice Sci-Fi Movie Black Panther Blade Runner 2049 Rampage Ready Player One Thor: Ragnarok   Choice Sci-Fi Movie Actor Chadwick Boseman, Black Panther Chris Hemsworth, Thor: Ragnarok Dwayne Johnson, Rampage Mark Ruffalo, Thor: Ragnarok Ryan Gosling, Blade Runner 2049 Tye Sheridan, Ready Player One   Choice Sci-Fi Movie Actress Danai Gurira, Black Panther Letitia Wright, Black Panther Lupita Nyong'o, Black Panther Naomie Harris, Rampage Olivia Cooke, Ready Player One Tessa Thompson, Thor: Ragnarok   Choice Fantasy Movie A Wrinkle in Time Coco Peter Rabbit Star Wars: The Last Jedi   Choice Fantasy Movie Actor Anthony Gonzalez, Coco Gael García Bernal, Coco James Corden, Peter Rabbit John Boyega, Star Wars: The Last Jedi Mark Hamill, Star Wars: The Last Jedi Oscar Isaac, Star Wars: The Last Jedi   Choice Fantasy Movie Actress Carrie Fisher, Star Wars: The Last Jedi Daisy Ridley, Star Wars: The Last Jedi Mindy Kaling, A Wrinkle in Time Oprah Winfrey, A Wrinkle in Time Reese Witherspoon, A Wrinkle in Time Storm Reid, A Wrinkle in Time   Choice Drama Movie A Quiet Place Midnight Sun Murder on the Orient Express The Greatest Showman Truth or Dare Wonder   Choice Drama Movie Actor Hugh Jackman, The Greatest Showman Jacob Tremblay, Wonder Leslie Odom Jr., Murder on the Orient Express Patrick Schwarzenegger, Midnight Sun Timothée Chalamet, Lady Bird Zac Efron, The Greatest Showman   Choice Drama Movie Actress Bella Thorne, Midnight Sun Daisy Ridley, Murder on the Orient Express Julia Roberts, Wonder Lucy Hale, Truth or Dare Saoirse Ronan, Lady Bird Zendaya, The Greatest Showman   Choice Comedy Movie Daddy's Home 2 I Feel Pretty Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Love, Simon Overboard Pitch Perfect 3   Choice Comedy Movie Actor Dwayne Johnson, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Eugenio Derbez, Overboard Jack Black, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Kevin Hart, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Mark Wahlberg, Daddy's Home 2 Will Ferrell, Daddy's Home 2   Choice Comedy Movie Actress Amy Schumer, I Feel Pretty Anna Faris, Overboard Anna Kendrick, Pitch Perfect 3 Hailee Steinfeld, Pitch Perfect 3 Karen Gillan, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Rebel Wilson, Pitch Perfect 3  
Choice Drama TV Show Empire Famous in Love Riverdale Star The Fosters This is Us   Choice Drama TV Actor Cole Sprouse, Riverdale Freddie Highmore, The Good Doctor Jesse Williams, Grey's Anatomy Jussie Smollett, Empire K.J. Apa, Riverdale Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us   Choice Drama TV Actress Bella Thorne, Famous in Love Camila Mendes, Riverdale Chrissy Metz, This Is Us Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Maia Mitchell, The Fosters Ryan Destiny, Star   Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show iZombie Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments Stranger Things Supernatural The 100 The Originals   Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor Bob Morley, The 100 Dominic Sherwood, Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments Finn Wolfhard, Stranger Things Gaten Matarazzo, Stranger Things Joseph Morgan, The Originals Matthew Daddario, Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments   Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actress Eliza Taylor, The 100 Emeraude Toubia, Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments Katherine McNamara, Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments Lana Parrilla, Once Upon a Time Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Rose McIver, iZombie   Choice Action TV Show Arrow Gotham Lethal Weapon Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Supergirl The Flash   Choice Action TV Actor Chris Wood, Supergirl Damon Wayans, Lethal Weapon David Mazouz, Gotham Grant Gustin, The Flash Lucas Till, MacGyver Stephen Amell, Arrow   Choice Action TV Actress Caity Lotz, DC's Legends of Tomorrow Candice Patton, The Flash Chloe Bennet, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Danielle Panabaker, The Flash Emily Bett Rickards, Arrow Melissa Benoist, Supergirl   Choice Comedy TV Show Black-ish Fuller House Jane the Virgin Modern Family The Big Bang Theory The Good Place   Choice Comedy TV Actor Andy Samberg, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Anthony Anderson, Black-ish Elias Harger, Fuller House Hudson Yang, Fresh Off the Boat Jaime Camil, Jane the Virgin Rico Rodriguez, Modern Family   Choice Comedy TV Actress America Ferrera, Superstore Candace Cameron Bure, Fuller House Gina Rodriguez, Jane the Virgin Kristen Bell, The Good Place Sarah Hyland, Modern Family Yara Shahidi, Black-ish, Grown-ish   Choice Animated TV Show Bob's Burgers Family Guy Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir Rick and Morty Steven Universe The Simpsons   Choice Reality TV Show Keeping Up with the Kardashians Lip Sync Battle MasterChef Junior The Four: Battle for Stardom The Voice Total Divas   Choice Throwback TV Show Dawson's Creek Friends Gossip Girl One Tree Hill That '70s Show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air   Choice TV Personality Chrissy Teigen, Lip Sync Battle Derek Hough, World of Dance DJ Khaled, The Four: Battle for Stardom Hailey Baldwin, Drop the Mic Kelly Clarkson, The Voice Meghan Trainor, The Four: Battle for Stardom  
Choice Male Artist Bruno Mars Drake Ed Sheeran Louis Tomlinson Niall Horan Shawn Mendes   Choice Female Artist Ariana Grande Camila Cabello Cardi B Demi Lovato Dua Lipa Taylor Swift   Choice Music Group 5 Seconds of Summer Fifth Harmony Florida Georgia Line Maroon 5 Migos Why Don't We   Choice Country Artist Blake Shelton Carrie Underwood Kane Brown Kelsea Ballerini Maren Morris Thomas Rhett   Choice Electronic/Dance Artist Calvin Harris Marshmello Martin Garrix Steve Aoki The Chainsmokers Zedd   Choice Latin Artist Becky G CNCO Daddy Yankee J Balvin Luis Fonsi Maluma   Choice R&B/Hip-Hop Artist Cardi B Childish Gambino Drake Khalid Nicki Minaj Post Malone   Choice Rock Artist Imagine Dragons Panic! At the Disco Paramore Portugal. The Man twenty one pilots X Ambassadors   Choice Song: Female Artist Ariana Grande, "No Tears Left To Cry" Camila Cabello (feat. Young Thug), "Havana" Demi Lovato, "Sorry Not Sorry" Dua Lipa, "New Rules" Halsey, "Bad at Love" Taylor Swift, "Look What You Made Me Do"   Choice Song: Male Artist Charlie Puth, "Attention" Childish Gambino, "This Is America" Drake, "God's Plan" Ed Sheeran, "Perfect" Justin Timberlake (feat. Chris Stapleton), "Say Something" Kendrick Lamar (feat. Zacari), "Love."   Choice Song: Group 5 Seconds of Summer, "Youngblood" Imagine Dragons, "Whatever It Takes" Maroon 5, "Wait" Panic! At the Disco, "Say Amen (Saturday Night)" Portugal. The Man, "Feel It Still" Why Don't We, "Trust Fund Baby"   Choice Collaboration Bebe Rexha (feat. Florida Georgia Line), "Meant to Be" Bruno Mars (feat. Cardi B), "Finesse (Remix)" Taylor Swift (feat. Ed Sheeran & Future), "End Game" The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar, "Pray for Me" ("Black Panther" soundtrack) Zac Efron & Zendaya, "Rewrite the Stars" ("The Greatest Showman" soundtrack) Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey, "The Middle"  
Choice Comedian Ellen DeGeneres James Corden Jimmy Fallon Kevin Hart Lilly Singh The Dolan Twins   Choice Male Athlete Adam Rippon J.J. Watt LeBron James Red Gerard Shaun White Stephen Curry   Choice Female Athlete Chloe Kim Lindsey Vonn Mikaela Shiffrin Mirai Nagasu Serena Williams U.S. Olympic Women's Ice Hockey Team Read the full article
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲: 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 , 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 , 𝐍𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 , 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 , 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 , 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐡 .
Chapter 1: He is Risen!
Chapter 2: The planet’s visitor
Chapter 3: Moment for Life OUT NOW!!!
Chapter 4: Memories with You (m4L part. II) OUT NOW!!!
Chapter 5: The Big Break
Chapter 6: The Truth
Chapter 7: First Time
Chapter 8: Say Yes
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲: 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 , 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 , 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 , 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 , 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 , 𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 , 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬 , 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 .
Chapter 1: “In the Beginning…”
Chapter 2: T”heir” Story
Chapter 3: Company
Chapter 4: Truly Living
Chapter 5: Fire & Desire OUT NOW!!!
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
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Unexpected Outcomes
Took a while because I wasn’t sure if I liked the final product. Tell me what you guys think 💙
**I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warning 18+: Angst , Cursing , Consumption of Alcohol , HEAVY FLIRTING 😉 , Gaslighting .
Description: Anya starts spending a little bit more time with Amadeo
Word Count:
Music for this chapter: Satellite by Harry Styles
Truly Living.
It had been a couple of weeks since the incident at the estate. Neither one of them reached out but their mothers definitely kept in touch. Nadine and Celestia made it their business to be as heavily involved as if they were the ones getting married themselves. Nadine was no longer pushing Anya to text Joseph back but, for her to call Amadeo and apologize.
Today was no different than yesterday… she’d been awakened with the soft sound of her phone vibrating on her nightstand. She figured it had been Joseph again so she just let it ring. Her back was turned, her fist gripped at the sheets so tightly, she were to tear them apart if she wanted. She closed her eyes tightly as the feeling of frustration and sadness over took her again. She wanted to talk to him. She wanted to see him, she wanted him to hold her and have him apologize. But her pride… her father’s greatest flaw— she had received it and it had become hers.
The buzzing felt like it was about to last an eternity! But when the ringing had finally stopped, she opened her eyes. Anya rolled over and reached over to grab her phone. On her Notifications showed 23 Missed Calls. Opening her phone, it was revealed that Joseph had called only 5 and Celestia had been the culprit blowing up her phone. ‘What?’ She muttered. How odd!
She hesitated before clicking the number and calling her back.
‘Hello? Anya! Good Morning, Honey!’ She sounded cheerful.
‘H-hey. Um,—‘ she placed her hand on her face tiredly, ‘What was so important that you had to call me 18 times?’
'Well my son brought me up to speed about what happened the other day at brunch and-'
'Uhhhh God, not this again,' Anya groaned and rolled her eyes in annoyance. Their mothers just wouldn't let up, 'What you're calling me to tell me how wrong I was and how i should apologize?'
'Why- mother Mary no! I've called to tell you that you in fact were the victim here. You've lost your lover and had to bury your grandfather all in the same day. You're still grieving and if no one understand's honey I do.'
Anya raised a brow in confusion, Celestia was up to something. She could feel it in her bones that was for sure. She pushed her comforters off of her lap and stood up out of her bed, 'Interesting. Well it's good to know that someone's on my side here. Thanks, I guess?'
'Of course darlin'. You are to be my daughter in law after all. Anywho, how about you meet me down at the docks today at noon? There will be champagne, the finest of cheeses, the freshest fruits. It'll be a delight!'
Anya pressed her lips together, humming in thought, something about this felt so damn fishy, 'I dunno. Me and mom had somethings we had to-'
'Oh darlin' don't worry about your mother. I will handle her as I see fit. I will see you there.' And she hung up. It was like Celestia refused to take no for an answer. Anya looked at the phone before rolling her eyes once again. 'this fuckin' lady! UGH!' she groaned and walked into her two story closet and picked out her outfit for the day.
This is Nadine Harris, sorry I couldn't make it to the phone at the moment but if you leave your name and number i'd be sure to give you a call back as soon as possible. Thank You and Have a blessed day!
Anya smacked her teeth and pressed the red button. She then sent her mother a text.
Hey ma. Celestia asked me to come to meet her for lunch at the docks. I'll have to cancel on shopping this afternoon. Love ya.
And she tossed her phone in her Black Chanel purse and stepped out of her BMW Series 3.
Locking her car behind her, she felt her phone vibrating in her purse. She pulled out again and read the text message from Celestia telling her which boat it was. Anya made a face, 'Boat? Gotta be fuckin' kidding me.' She sighed heavily and walked along the asphalt that led to the pier.
As she walked further, she heard some laughter. It had to be only 3 men and only 1 sounded familiar. Not only could she hear him, but she could also smell him. His natural scent beneath the smell of Defy by Calvin Klein. Oh and he smelled of a God. It caused her to close her eyes and simply bask in it for a moment. But she had to snap herself out of that because if she could smell him— she knew he could smell her.
But right before she could, a breeze brushed past her, his scent grew stronger. Anya inhaled deeper, and he was the only thing she could smell now. ‘I knew it,’ she said softly and opened her eyes to meet his piercing gaze before they roamed over his body to see if he was real. And by God, he was. He didn’t look happy but, he didn’t look angry either. ‘Well, you look nice today.’ She said in an teasing tone.
‘What are you doing here Anya?’ His voice was stern, deep and cold.
‘Your mother told me to meet her for lunch. So I came. Is she here?’ Anya knew the answer to that. She had already caught on the scheme when she heard his voice.
Amadeo’s eyebrows pulled in together, ‘No. she doesn’t like coming out here why would she—‘ and then it dawned on him. Just like it had dawned on Anya. He scuffed and clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disbelief, ‘She invited you here knowing that I’d be here.’
Anya nodded her head, ‘I knew it. Dammit, it was a fuckin’ set up. See? As soon as I thought I was starting to like your mother?’ She chuckled and looked off, folding her arms across her chest awkwardly.
Amadeo chuckled, looking down at her, ‘She can be devious and clever.’
It grew quiet between the both of them. But not a comfortable silence this time, more awkward. So Anya decided to cut it short, ‘Well, since she’s not here— I’ll just go home then.’
‘Yeah,’ he shoved his hands in his pockets and thought for a second, ‘Actually— I kind of feel bad about this charade my mother put on. You could hang out with me on the boat with the fellas? We’re going sailing for a lil’ bit.’ He was kind of hesitant for a second. Like he didn’t want to ask her, but he knew it was the right thing to do.
Anya scoffed and waved her hand, ‘No, no— you stay here and hang with your boys I have some—‘
‘Ah, none of that,’ and he quickly snatched his hand out of his pocket and snatched up her small hand in his. His grip was so tight, and his flesh was so cool. ‘Let’s go.’
Her eyes grew as her tiny frame pulled at his will. ‘Whoa! Sheesh! Be careful, you’re still stronger than me.’ She complained as her little legs began to catch up with his long strides.
When they arrived to the boat, Anya walked behind him on the wooden board carefully. She wasn't exactly in the mood for the water today. If it hadn't been for Amadeo literally dragging her here, she would've just been having mimosas with her mom. Amadeo had step down from the plank and held his hand out towards her, 'Here. Watch your step.' He said softly before she gently placed her small hand into his. His grip was firm and tight.
'thank you.'
'Mmhm, don't mention it.' Then he turned his attention to the fellas who were reeling in their catches. ' Oui! Fellas! We have company!'
Anya took a gentle sniff. Besides Amadeo's intoxicating scent, she could smell the alluring scent of these men. Two healthy, human men. It made her gums tingle...made the hairs on her skin raise. Then along came the sound of the two off rhythms of heart beats.
The two men placed their fishing rods down and approached the pair. They were both tall as Amadeo, glaring down at the gorgeous woman before them. One of them had sunkissed skin with shoulder length wavy, brunette locks with eyes as green as emeralds. He had a pointy nose, with full pink lips and chiseled jaw.
The other male had beautiful dark brown skin. His eyes were brown like honey and he had full suckable lips that made you melt all the more when he flashed his pearly white teeth. His hair was cut to perfection and by the way his waves laid beautifully on his head, he took his hair care routine quite seriously.
She was lost in a daze, staring at these delicious, delectable men before her. Her mouth pooling with saliva as her urge to sink her teeth into their soft flesh became unbearable. That was until,
‘Gentlemen. This is …’ he paused for a second. It was like he wasn’t sure what and who to refer her as. The fiancé that he never wanted? Or the woman he’s been in his feelings over? ‘Anya.’
The sunkissed fella’s mouth dropped and his green eyes flashed over towards Amadeo, ‘No! Wait,’
‘Whoa, waaait, wait— this is thee Anya you’ve been telling us about?!’ The black man interrupted. Both of them appeared to be in great shock.
Anya looked up at Amadeo who was giving them the death stare. She narrowed her eyes. He could’ve either been throwing her under the bus or he could’ve just been… nice.
‘Wow! It’s truly, a pleasure! We’re just glad that Amadeo found someone who could finally challenge him. As well, match his dashing good looks!’ Amadeo rolled his eyes as the two men chuckled.
‘Whatever. This is Corey,’ he referred to the long haired male, ‘And this is John.’ The boys gave a friendly wave, ‘It’s nice to meet you.’ Un-synced.
Anya gave them a half smile and a gentle wave, ‘Nice to meet you guys too.’ The air around them grew tight and thick with tension. The boys were just staring at Amadeo as if they were just talking to him with their eyes. But Amadeo only intensified his glare. ‘Fellas, how bout y’all go head and pull the rope and pull the plank in. Do somethin’ useful with ya lives? Eh?’
Corey rolled his eyes, ‘I’d be careful with that mouth of yours, Deo. I might just end up telling your fiancé how you’ve been dreaming about her more than usual— OOPS!’ He begun to laugh and John chimed in, throwing playful punches at his arms. Amadeo’s jaw clenched together as he felt a chill sliver down his spine. He balled up his fists, counting to 10 in his head. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 —
‘Amadeo?’ She was staring up at him with wondering eyes. He had finally blinked his way out of his trance. His hands were now on the steering wheel, cruising along the beautiful open bay.
Anya placed her hand on his arm gently. He was a little warm, it could’ve been because of the sun or how annoyed he was with his friends. ‘Are you alright? You’ve barely spoken since we’ve been out.’ She kept his eyes on him, hoping to get some kind of reaction. But he did nothing. He just stared out towards the horizon and turned that wheel as he seen fit.
She breathe through her nose and raised a brow, she knew what she had to do. Poke the bear. ‘What was the dream about?’
That seem to get a reaction out of him because he glanced over at her and then back ahead of him. ‘Nothing.’ He mumbled.
Anya turned her lips up in disbelief, her eye brows tugging together as she studied his face more. ‘Then why’d you get mad if it’s nothing?’
‘I said… it’s nothing.’ He bit back at her. His voice was deep and chilling. Amadeo had obviously made it clear before that he didn’t like to talk about his feelings, but being with Anya— there was no way she was going to let this slide. ‘OK. Fine. I won’t bother you any more about it.’ She then turned her attention towards the shiny silver wheel. She had never driven a boat before. Always just been the passenger. She wanted to be spontaneous, try something different for once. ‘May I— try?’ She glanced up at him with a soft smile.
Amadeo looked down quickly before he returned his attention ahead of him, ‘What? Steering?’
She gave him an excited nod.
‘Psssh! Absolutely not, you’ll kill my friends and we’d be swimming for days.’
‘Awww c’mon please! I want to learn! And how could I learn if I don’t practice Amadeo? Please? Please?’ She begged, bringing her small hands into a praising clasp.
‘Ugh! Fine, fine, fine! But if you crash this boat woman—‘
‘Yeah yeah, I’ll write you the check. Now,’ Amadeo stepped back just a taste, allowing her to step into his place. ‘Guide me on this will ya?’
Amadeo sighed, ‘OK, Well— for starters.. put your hands on the wheel.’ He carefully grabbed her wrists and she opened her hands to grip the wheel. ‘Now, it’ll be just like driving a car right? Push down on that petal to speed up a little bit— careful now.’
‘Alright!’ Anya let out a deep breath and pressed the gas petal. With her excitement coursing through her cold dead veins, she smashed that petal and it sent them flying! Suddenly, you could hear two loud thuds in the back along with grunts.
‘Whoa, whoa— easy there! Take your foot off the petal a bit— we could still get a ticket for speeding.’ Amadeo chuckled before he looked back to check on the boys. ‘You boys alright?!’
‘Good!’ John through a thumb up in the air.
‘Kosher!’ Corey added.
‘Sorry!’ Anya called out with an embarrassed giggle.
‘It’s alright. A little pay back from earlier is all.’ He chuckled once more. He continued to watch her, ‘There you go. You got it now.’ He large hands on top of hers, his large, built body pressed right up against her backside.
Anya blinked rapidly, nervously. She hadn’t ever felt his body up, close and personal like this. Other than his natural coolness, it felt nice. Their bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces. Perhaps they were the puzzle piece they’ve been missing, needing all along.
Amadeo closed his eyes as the wind did it’s job and whiffed the scent of her hair into his face. Her hair smelled of the sea now, but also the faint smell of strawberry shampoo. He hummed silently, such a sweet delight.
Anya tilted her head back, resting it against his solid chest, ‘How am I doing?’
He gave her a gentle smile, ‘Well, you could use more work. But way better than when I started out. Good Job.’
And there they were again, getting lost in one another’s eyes. Just like at the repast. But then Amadeo just cleared his throat, ‘I uh— I’m sorry about our argument at your grandfather’s estate…’
She rolled her eyes and shook her head, ‘Don’t apologize. I was— hurting. And I projected all of my emotions onto you and that wasn’t fair. So I apologize. Just—… do you really think I’m Bitter?’
Amadeo looked from her gorgeous features back to the open water. He thought about what he was going to say first. They were finally getting along decently well and didn’t want to disturb this “peace”. But it was only fair to tell her the truth. ‘Yes.’
Her features curled into a frown and without another moment to spare, she snatched her hand from beneath his, balled up her fist, and elbowed him in his gut with all her might!
‘UGHHH! OH — OH!’ He crouched over, using his right hand to soothe that sting in his abdomen. ‘You didn’t even let me finish dammit!’
‘Yeah! You’ve said all you needed to say! Jesus Christ would it kill you to be nice for once?!’ She took her hands off of the wheel and started to walk towards the back where the guys were.
Amadeo stood up straight, ‘shit.’ He cursed and rushed over to stop the motor of the boat. ‘Anya!’
‘Take me back to the docks, I want to go home. You always make me feel unwelcomed. Psssh, I don’t know how we’re going to work this shit out.’ She ran her fingers through her hair before she was grabbed by her waist and forcibly turned around by Amadeo.
‘You did not let me finish and I could tell that will be one of the many conflicts that we have in this marriage,’ he stared down at her, his tone as serious as ever. Anya looked up at him with her lips slightly parted. ‘I was going to say— with good reason. You and the man you loved were backed into a corner and forced to break up. Your grandfather died just a week before that. You’re angry. And have every right to be. So I don’t blame you nor am I mad at you… not anymore at least.’ He leaned in a bit, ‘You’re not to blame for all of this, Anya. This could be easy for us if you just accept it … I have.’ His large hands finally let of her waist and he turned around to walk back to the motor.
‘Y-you have?’ She folded her arms, slight tears brimming at her eyes. ‘Even after what I’ve said to you? Calling you jealous and — after all these years of hate. You truly don’t mind marrying me?’
‘Oh-ho-ho, don’t get it twisted princess, I still hate you profusely. But what will fighting this get us? It’ll only set us back. Plus, you're pretty. I know that way we’ll have beautiful babies.’ He shrugged as he pulled that chain to start the motor.
She was taken aback by his confession. Anya knew she was beautiful and never had to question her looks a day in her existence but coming from a man who swore to hate her guts… it made her feel like a Goddess. A large grin curled on her lips as she tried to fight the small, silent giggle that came from her lips.
When he finally pulled that motor roared back to life, she walked over to him as he started to steer. She then wrapped her arm around his, resting her cheek against his solidified arm. He looked down at her in a stir, shocked that she was willingly touching him in such an intimate way. He then smiled softly, making the attempt to rest his head on top of hers but it was so damn impossible because of their height difference.
‘I thought you didn’t want my children anyway.’ She looked up at him in curiosity.
‘Idunno. Maybe I’ve had change of heart.’ He scoffed at joke, looking down at her before shooting her a wink.
The 4 of them had made it back to the docks in one piece when Anya smelled someone familiar. ‘Your mother is here.’ Faster than lightning, she stood up and walked on that plank as if her life depended on it. Walking down the walk way, was indeed her mother in law. Wearing this chic cream and baby blue lady pants suit, with a dark blue blouse and dark blue stilettos.
‘Ah! Anya, you’ve made it!’ She had this gleam of a smile curled on her lips.
‘I have,’ Anya raised a brow, holding her heels in her fingers, ‘You’re late.’
Amadeo had just walked up behind Anya and shoved his fists in his pockets, ‘Hello mother. So nice of you to finally join us. Unfortunately for you though, Anya was getting ready to leave.’
‘Oh no! Look, I have some snacks prepared for us on the beach! You could leave after your finished then.’
‘Oh—Oh no, I Can’t I really have to get back to—‘
‘I’m starting to think you live more for your mother than you do for yourself child.’
That remark had seem to shut Anya up, stop her from saying anything else to prevent her from joining them for lunch.
‘C’mon now,’ Celestia grabbed Anya’s hands, ‘It’ll be nice to spend time with my son and daughter in law.’
Anya sighed, pressing her lips together and looked up at Amadeo. He looked back down at her, giving her a face of surrender and then shrugged his shoulders. Anya let out a groan and smacked her teeth, ‘Fine.’
Celestia walked along the side walk with them for as long as she could. ‘OK, this is the spot.’ She pointed out towards the shoreline. There laid a blanket with a bottle of wine, grapes, crackers and cheeses. All of Anya’s favorite things. Amadeo and Anya, walked into the warm sand next to one another. It was quiet between them two once again.
Amadeo then turned around to see his mother standing on the sidewalk, ‘Mama? You comin’?’
Anya then turned around halfway and once Celestia looked down at her watch, her heart sank.
‘Oh no honey. I have to be somewhere in a few with your father. Just— family business.’
Amadeo’s eyebrows pulled together, ‘Oh— with that thing?’ His mother nodded once. ‘Oh. Well alright then. I guess I’ll see you soon.’ Then he continued on walking.
‘You will baby! Y’all two behave!’ Celestia eyes then focused on Anya. And then a slow sinister grin curled on her lips. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was forcing them to get in close to one another so they could, if not love— but tolerate one another. So, Anya rolled her eyes before turning around to follow Amadeo to their spot.
She dropped her heels to the size and carefully sat down. ‘Does your mother have to have a motive to everything?’
Amadeo chuckled as he sat down as well, ‘She is the one that makes most of the business decisions. My dad just… claims them to be his own.’ He gave a nonchalant shrug, ‘But, the Pride doesn’t make it without the Lioness,’ he then reached down, grabbed the corkscrew and started working on the cork, ‘Want a glass?’
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
Unexpected Outcomes
Hey everyone! Decided to do something a tad different with the chapter photos. Now, they’re still a work in progress and I have to tweak them a bit, but I hope y’all like the uniqueness of it anyway! Here’s Chapter 3, Company.
**I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warning 18+: Cursing , Mentions of Abuse , Mentions Of Sex , Mentions Of Violence & Infidelity
Description: Anya & Amadeo discusses the future of what is suppose to be.
Word Count: 2.3K
Listen, I'm sorry.
Please answer me.
Pick up so we can talk about this?
Read at 09:32am
'You should talk to him,' Nadine said softly, peaking over her shoulder, glancing down at the blue text messages sent from Joseph the previous night before. She walked around her daughter and sat down in her seat, bringing her hot cup of Americano to her lips. Anya looked up at her from her phone after clicking the power button. She didn't want to talk to him. She really didn't know what to say to him. 'I have nothing to say to him... urr, really don't know what to say.'
Her mother finished her drink and placed her mug down, 'Yeah, I could see that but,' she paused as if she was hesitating to tell her something grim. 'When i was a little older than you, years after your father and I got married, he lost his mind and hit me.'
Anya's head snapped over to look at her mother. She looked pained, and she was shocked really. With the way her father loved her mother, never in a million years would she have thought he would've beat her. 'Mama-' Nadine lifted her hand, stopping her daughter from continuing on, 'I don't need your pity. And there's no need to apologize, it wasn't your fault. But, i can guarantee my life... he never hit me again after that.' She gave her daughter and devious snicker before pulling her mug back up to her lips.
The young woman's eyebrows tugged into one, confused yet, intrigued- 'Well?' she leaned in, placing her arms on the table comfortably, 'What did you do?' A smile tugged on her lips. She was so much like her mother, so she knew her mother got her payback. Nadine stared at her for a brief moment before she glanced to her left, 'Your company is here.' She pressed her lips together, giving her a gentle smile.
Anya listened for a moment, the soft sound of a foreign car engine had been shut off. Amadeo was early. 'Forget about him. I'm not concerned about him,' She stood up and walked around the table to meet her mother, 'How did you handle the situation?' Her mother pressed her lips together, 'I made your father pay in the worst possible way. But it was a lesson for the both of us. I learned to forgive him and we moved past that. I will tell you more about it another time. But for now, try not to kill your fiancé? Hmm?'
Anya cringed at the word. Fiancé. She imagined being happy with the word. Being in love with the idea of being someone’s bride. Being Joseph’s bride. Her eyes diverted to the side.
‘I’m already regretting this,’ she looked back up at her mother with a sigh, ‘Can we just pretend we’re married and live in separate homes and live separate lives?’
Nadine laughed a hearty laugh before shaking her head and walking away.
Anya’s eyes followed her mother as she stride gracefully across the stone patio. Her laughter traveled throughout the estate and it caused her to grit her teeth together in annoyance.
Good morning, son. How are you?
I’m hanging in there. How is she— handlin’?
Mmm, she’ll come around. Just like you. She’s out in the garden waiting for you.
Anya’s ear’s twitched at the conversation that occurred in the house between Amadeo and her mother. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. As if her mother knew if she’d come around or not.
She grumbled, mumbling to herself, ‘she thinks she knows me? She doesn’t know me. I have to figure out how to get out of this—‘
‘Good Morning, Anya.’
A deep, yet booming voice floated across the garden. His voice was so loud, it threw off Anya’s thoughts. She squeezed her eyes shut, dropping the China mug that she held in her hand. With the hearing vampires had, that shattered glass could be heard with hundreds of people talking at one time. So she was sure her mother could hear her vintage china being destroyed as if she had done it herself.
‘Psssssh, great. She’s going to fucking kill me.’ Anya groaned and kneeled down to pick up the shattered pieces, ‘You don’t have to be so damn loud you know? I am right here!’
Amadeo scuffed and raised a brow, ‘Oh— oh I know you’re not blaming me for your clumsiness? I guess I should’ve expected that from a spoiled brat.’ He rolled his eyes, clenching her gift in his hand behind his back.
She stood up, holding the glass carefully in her hands, ‘Oh shut up! At least I had to work harder than you to get where I wanted to be!’ Anya then placed the shards on concrete table.
‘Yeah yeah, whatever look— can we just get this freggin’ shindig started? I have stuff to handle.’ He started to walk over towards the table.
Anya chuckled menacingly, ‘You know I’m getting real sick of your—‘ and Amadeo pulled out a beautiful bouquet of Sunflowers and Roses.
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Anya gasped looking down at the vibrant colors. She had completely forgotten what she was going to say! All that anger, and uneasiness had left in that moment. She placed her hand on her chest,‘W-what’s this for?’ Her voice was gentle now.
Amadeo looked down at her as she walked around the table to meet him, ‘Well… If I didn’t — I damn near broke ya boyfriend’s jaw yesterday, on the day of ya grandfather’s funeral. We also did just found out that we’ve been manipulated for the past 33 years. This is just— an apologetic gesture. And that you’re not alone in your pain.’
Anya reached out for the bouquet and smelled them once he’d placed them in her hands. She closed her eyes as she sniffed them. They smelled so fresh and new. The scent made the hairs on her arms stand. ‘They’re beautiful, Amadeo.’ She opened her eyes and looked up at him before a satisfied smile curled on her lips.
He left out a breath of relief and chuckled, ‘You’re welcome!’ He rubbed his forehead with his wrist, ‘Hadn’t been that nervous since…’ he paused for a second, tapping into his brain, ‘Ever… really.’
Anya was cradling her bouquet like a newborn baby before her eyes met his once again. She made him nervous? Normally, Amadeo was the type of man to not really give a shit. If you didn’t like his gift, he’d shrug it off and move on. But the thought of her not liking his gift… made him uncomfortable. That was interesting to her. But then her thoughts were interrupted by the burning in the pit of her gut.
The pair had sat in a silence for a long while. At least 15 minutes of listening to the birds chirping and the buzzing bees pollinating the flowers in the garden. There was a lot of tension between the both of them. It was clear that they couldn’t stand one another, but at this moment— they were tolerating the situation.
Suddenly, Anya started thinking a little bit harder about things. Not little things like how if the tabloids would get ahold of this or a ring— but real things. Things she thought she’d have with Joseph. ‘Amadeo?’ She asked as she pushed a grape over with her fork.
‘Mmm?’ He hummed, holding his phone in his left hand while holding his fork in his right.
‘What are we going to do? As far as this— fraudulent ass marriage? What’s our plan?’ She rolled her eyes before placing the fork down, preparing herself for the answer even though she knew he’d answer the question wrong.
‘I don’t know? Maybe get it annulled or something? Once I figure out a plan we—‘
‘Annulled? Amadeo, I don’t think you understand here— we’re stuck OK?! I know just as much as you do about why we’ve been sucked into this after being made to hate one another for all these decades but there has to be a real reason. A legit reason for all of this,’ she sighed softly bracing herself for what she was about to say next, ‘Besides, that’s not what I meant.’ She looked away, she didn’t know if she felt disgusted or embarrassed about these thoughts but these were things they had to discuss before they continued with this.
This conversation had somehow seem to peak the interest of Amadeo, so he had placed his phone face down and sat up straight, ‘OK. So what is it that you meant then?’ He then whisked up his glass in his finger tips and took a sip.
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Anya stared at him before swallowing a big gulp. Her eyes diverted away from his face, towards the breakfast foods on the table. ‘Oh I dunno— I meant shit that married folks do. Like err,’ Anya started to look up as if she were searching for her own thoughts, ‘like Um— have children and have sex—‘
Amadeo choked on his drink, placing his hand on his chest as he placed his drink down. He brought up the “time out” sign with his hands as he tried to pull himself back together.
Anya sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes, ‘Of course! Wow, what a coward! I guess Joseph was right! You are a child huh?’
He cleared his throat loudly and looked at her, ‘Ay, you watch your fuckin’ mouth. I ain’t no kid and I ain’t no coward either—’ he paused for a second looking down, ‘I just wouldn’t have expected you wanted something like that with me.’ He reached over and picked up his drink once again.
‘Honestly,’ Anya sat back in her chair, ‘I would prefer not to.’ She shrugged as she reached over for her drink, ‘But we have to play the part.’
Amadeo paused and clicked his tongue, ‘Well, we really don’t have to. We could always have someone else carry our offspring for you.’ And then he reached over and popped a grape in his mouth.
Anya never wanted to have a surrogate. She always wanted to carry her own children. She wanted to experience something so heavenly, and beautiful. ‘No, I refuse. I want to have my own kids Amadeo. Why waste money like that if I know I can do it on my own?’
It grew quiet between them. It was a valid point and it required Amadeo to think about his next remark. ‘We could get you fertilized without me… y’know… nuttin’ in you—‘
Anya sucked her teeth and sat up straight, her hands laying flat on the table, ‘Why are you so hesitant, Amadeo? Aren’t you the lady’s man? You seem really uncomfortable right now with this conversation.’
'Uncomfortable?' he chuckled and glanced to the side, 'PSSH! There's nothing about that makes me uncomfortable. Besides, you're still in love with your trash of a boyfriend.' He folded his arms across his chest, flashing her a devious smile.
She sighed, glaring across the table- picking his brain trying to see why was it that Joseph was always brought up especially when he was around? That was strange to her. 'You know you've brought up Joseph twice since you've been here,' She sat up straight, lacing her fingrs together before placing them on the table, 'Oh my God,' she stared at him, her face softened a bit.
'What?' A scowl curled on his masculine features.
She leaned in with her brown eyes, ‘You're a jealous son of a bitch aren't cha?'
‘Alright, enough of this—‘ Amadeo growled before throwing his hands up in defense. He quickly scoot his seat back and stood to his feet, ‘is this what you call having respect for your guests? Sheesh! I’m out of here!’ He swiftly turned around to walk away.
Anya’s mouth slightly dropped at his sudden reaction! She was only joking… she thought. So she quickly stood up to her feet and grabbed his bicep. Beneath his cold dead flesh, she could feel his blood curdling as his emotions took over. ‘Amadeo, I was only—‘ but he snatched away from her and spun around so quickly, he created a gust of wind.
‘Listen to me!‘ his voice roared, echoing through the garden. Anya stared up at him like this tiny thing… like a mouse staring up at a ferocious lion. ‘I was— OK?! I was! The love I saw… you and Joseph shared?! I wanted that. The happiness, the closeness! It was what fueled my hatred towards you! How you could love so easily… and for me— I’m incapable. So sure, I may be jealous but I tell you one thing—‘ he grabbed her arm firmly, ‘You— you have a trait that is so much more worse than my anger— you’re fuckin’ bitter.’
The words were like poison and it made tears fill her eyes. She looked away from his face and pulled her arm away from him.
Amadeo’s bright blue eyes were filled with rage, ‘And for that— I could never marry you. I wouldn’t dare curse my children that way.’
He stared at her for a moment longer, his eyes told her that he meant every single word he’d said. And to be honest, Anya had never felt so small and hurt before. She her chest felt so heavy as if she were going to burst into tears. But when he’s finally walked away, she looked down, folding her arms together. She walked over to the stone table and sat down in her seat as she heard her mother’s voice in the manor.
What’s wrong Amadeo?! What happened out there?
How about ye’ ask ya’ daughter? Oh, and might I add— this marriage? Whatever it is that our ancestors had planned for us? Tell them to fuck off. Because I’m not marrying some boujie, stuck up ass Princess. I ain’t doin’ it. Call my motha’ if ya’ want Nadine. I’m not freggin’ doin’ it.
And the front door slammed. Along with the shout of her mother hollering, ‘ANNNNYA!!!’
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
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Unexpected Outcomes
Because things are only getting good. 😈
**I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Strong Language , Angst , Violence .
Description: Once Amadeo & Anya find out about their future, all hell breaks loose.
Pairing: Henry Cavill (Amadeo Alessi) x Nicki Minaj (Anya Harris) No POV
Word Count:
T”heir” Story
Anya’s father stood up from his seat, taking a long deep breath as if he were to explain something — complicated. He walked over to the mini bar in the corner of the office, popped the top off of the decanter and poured some whiskey into one glass. It was so damn quiet, past the sound of the pouring liquor, you could hear the conversations that were going on outside in the garden.
Everyone’s eyes followed Fredrick as he walked across the room with that whiskey in his hand. He then held it out towards Amadeo. Anya looked up at her father with a confused glare.
‘Take it son, trust me. In about 2 minutes, you’ll need more of this.’ He stared that Amadeo before he had finally taken away from him annoyingly.
Anya’s eyes narrowed at her father as he turned to walk away. Normally, she would be offended! Her own flesh and blood offering a glass of whiskey to the enemy before he did her. But now she was more so concerned about what her grandfather had to do with his.
‘A time, way before ours, your grandfathers were the best of friends. They started this business together. Slangin’ in streets, and taking things that belonged to them. They became unstoppable together. And everything was all good until the night Pedro died.’ Her father paused for a moment and pressed his lips together before looking over at Nathan.
Nathan spoke up, ‘My father was out doing his daily rounds. Collecting money, drugs, all the shit that belonged to the business. He was on the way back to their apartment and someone— or shall I say, something , snatched him up. And drank him damn near dry on that stoop.’
Anya swallowed the spit in her mouth and shifted her weight uncomfortably. She glanced over at Amadeo, who was staring at both of their fathers and taking a long sip of that whiskey. All she could think,
How could that idiot drink at a time like this? Ugh, he makes me sick.
‘Can we just get to the point? We—‘ she cleared her throat and glanced at Amadeo for a second, ‘Or I at least— know about the transition of my grandfather. I could give less than a shit to know about his. I am ready to leave!’ Anya was getting impatient and antsy.
‘Excuse me young lady,’ her mother stood up straight with the angriest scowl on her face, ‘How dare you, disrespect our company and our family. You’re not hot shit. Last time I recall, HE was my father so you’re going to respect his wishes as a member of this family!’
Anya’s arms dropped, ‘I— don’t have to do anything! He is probably rolling in his grave now, you have the enemy in his home! I’m leaving.’ The furious woman threw her hand up and turned around to walk out of the office. But as soon as she opened that door,
‘Arranged Marriage.’
Amadeo was sipping on his drink a little more when all of a sudden, he swallowed wrong and he begun to hack up a lung.
Celestia quickly jumped to her feet and rushed over to her frazzled and choking son.
Anya stood there in that spot, staring ahead at her as she just tried her best to process what the fuck just happened. But no matter how hard she tried, she still had to turn around and ask— ‘what did you say?’ Oh, she’d heard her father as clear as a Summer’s day. Every sound had seem to drown out as she walked back into that office.
With her mother and father both standing before her like a stronghold. Their uncomfortable glares didn’t falter for a single second. Fredrick glanced over at Amadeo who was reassuring his mother that he was OK. And Anya never took her glare off of them.
‘The will. That was in their will?! For me and her to be married?! Wh-that can’t be how could—Mama, please! Tell me this is not true!’ His blue eyes stared down at his mother. She parted her lips, getting ready to speak until his father did, ‘It is son,’ he stood up out of the chair and placed his glass of whiskey down on the coaster. He adjusted his coat and buttoned the center button. ‘Just the family business.’
It was in that moment that tears finally spilled from Anya’s eyes. ‘I can’t believe this. I can’t believe—‘ her voice was then cut by her own uncontrollable sobbing.
Nadine finally took a breath and looked at her distraught daughter, ‘Anya, I know it hurts,’ she let go of her husband and crept around the desk, ‘But it’s for the greater good! This is your destiny! Anya please—‘ she reached out for her daughter but she violently snatched away from her.
‘You’ve controlled my entire life. The schools, what I wore, the people I hung around with, now— the person I am suppose to be marrying?! I can’t even live my life the way I want because of this stupid fucking family!’
Nadine’s opened her mouth to speak, ‘NO!— How long have you known? A week. A month. Since Pedro’s death 3 years ago?!’ Anya was fuming.
The room grew quiet once again with the exception of Amadeo’s rugged breathing. ‘Answer her, dammit! How long have you all have known about this!’ He hissed.
Nadine pressed her lips together before looking over at the other parents in the room as if she was confirming what she was about to say. ‘Since before you were born.’
Anya breathe in a sharp gasp, her head fell as her vision blurred as the tears formed in her eyes again. The amount of rage that she felt in her body could not be described or painted or written. It was unexplainable.
She swallowed her spit, inhaling hard through her nostrils as she glared at her mother and father. ‘We’re not your children. We’re your puppets,’ she made sure to look at Nathan and Celestia who kept their eyes fixated on their angry son. ‘You’re sick. All of you!’
‘Anya—‘ her father called out to her.
‘No, No. I’m out of here.’ She threw her hand up, swiftly turning around and walked out of the office.
Anya rushed down the steps, hyperventilating as she tried to gather her messy thoughts. Her mind kept reverting back to that dreadful conversation her family and now, her future in laws were having.
Anya stared out towards lake behind the estate. Everyone was still enjoying themselves in the garden, having drinks, laughing and dancing. Even Amadeo had come down to join the festivities and sit down at the bar to have himself a couple of drinks.
Her ears twitched at the sound of crisp grass being crushed beneath the weight of someone’s feet. With a gentle breeze, and the sound of a familiar heart beat, it was confirmed that it was Joseph that had come to check on her.
‘Anya? What’s wrong baby, you haven’t come back to join us.’
The woman glanced back and sighed out, ‘I have a lot on my plate right now, Joe. Just— leave me alone.’ Her voice was shaken. She didn’t even have the words to explain to him what happened earlier. How was she suppose to tell the man she loved that she had to marry someone else?
‘Baby you don’t sound OK. What happened back there?’ He walked up behind her and took her hand into his. His human flesh felt so soft and warm against her cold hands. She could feel his pulse, it was still steady and he was still calm. He spun her around to face him but she refused to look him in his eyes. ‘Anya, what’s going on?’
She had finally looked up at him and she felt the pain coarse through her heart. ‘We— we can’t be together anymore, Joseph.’ She felt like she had been stabbed in the chest. Her eyes had darkened with sadness once more, and thickened with tears.
Joseph paused, his eyebrow raised in complete confusion, ‘Huh? Wh-what do you mean we can’t be together anymore?! Are you— Anya are you dumping me?!’
She felt His pulse begun to pick up in his hand, and his heart started to pick up its pace. ‘I—‘ she stared up at him before her head fell forward as her emotions overpowered her body, and she burst into a pained sob.
‘Oh my god. You are dumping me!’ He let go of her hand.
‘Joseph, I don’t have a choice!’ She looked up at him as she reached out towards him, but he backed away.
‘You don’t have a choice?! You have a choice dammit! I love you! And I still decided to be with you knowing, that you could literally fucking snap and kill me… but my sacrifice isn’t enough for you— is it?’ Joseph argued back. ‘It never was. Psssh, I’m out of here.’ And he turned to walk away from her.
‘Joseph, PLEASE!’ Anya rushed after him, grabbed his wrist and he simply just snatched his arm away so violently, and without thinking, he shoved her down to the ground. Anya, even though she was the one on top of the food chain here, she was terrified in this moment. He had never put his hands on her, and this sudden fit of rage wasn’t him either. This was all a nightmare! ‘STAY. THE FUCK AWAY. FROM ME. ANYA!’
‘Hey, is there a problem over here?’ A familiar, deep and alluring voice surrounded the area as they approached the arguing couple.
Anya’s wet, eyes glanced over to the side to see Amadeo walking over with a more than concerned glare. His eyebrows were tugged in together, this lips pressed together in a thin line. Anya was still too shaken to stand up on her own at the moment. So she just sat there.
‘The fuck do you want?! You see me and my girl talking? Fuck off!’ Joseph turned around to face the tall well built, brooding vampire.
‘Look man, I saw you put your hands on the girl. And as my future wife, it is my job to protect her.’
Anya let out sigh and covered her face with her hand in embarrassment, ‘fuck.’ She whispered to herself.
Joseph looked stunned! He snapped his head back at Anya who was damn near tucked away, ‘YOU’RE MARRYING HIM?! ARE YOU FUCKING ME RIGHT NOW?!’
‘Ooooh, I’m guessin’ you didn’t tell him. Yikes.’ He looked at Anya who had balled up into a ball by now. ‘Listen, it’s not what you think OK? Look, I’m happy to explain and we can laugh about this shit later. But first, apologize to the woman. Please.’ Aw, him having manners was such a nice touch.
Joseph stepped in closer towards Amadeo, so they were standing face to face. ‘How about you go FUCK yourself Amadeo. You think you’re hot shit?! You’re just a little fucking kid, with daddy issues.’
Amadeo rolled his eyes and sucked at his teeth, ‘Really wish you had apologized to Anya instead of insulting me. Because now you don’t have much time.’
Anya’s head snapped up, she immediately thought, oh god, he’s gonna kill ‘em. ‘Amadeo!’
‘Time for what?!’ And with a shove at Amadeo’s chest, Joseph added, ‘WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!’
Amadeo allowed his body to get knocked back a bit, stepped backwards to give Joseph the idea that perhaps he was weaker than he had appeared. But Amadeo just chuckled for a mere second and threw his hands up in a “surrendering” way and turned half way to make it appear that he was walking away.
Then swiftly, he turned around, throwing a fist just as quick across Joseph’s jaw, sending him straight towards the ground.
Anya gasped, covering her mouth as she watched Joseph try to regain his strength. But while he was doing that, Amadeo had walked over and grabbed Anya’s arm and pulled her up to her feet. ‘Wh— what did you do to him?!’ She asked, looking up at him in worry.
‘Nothing that’ll kill him. He’ll be fine. With time.’ He gave her a reassuring nod and walked over to the male that was spitting out sticky blood out of his mouth, while on his hands and knees. Amadeo squat down next to him, ‘Here,’ he reached in his coat and grabbed a hankie. ‘Frankly I don’t like you all that much, considering that you think you know my family or the fact that you think you could put your hands on a woman with no consequences but I tell you one thing… don’t let me catch you around Anya again. Capeesh?’ And he tossed the hankie on top of Joseph’s hand.
Anya stood there, now with her tears dry. All these years he had never snapped on her about anything. She’d thought for a while that he was scared of her. But now, this proved other wise. And maybe, she was afraid of him.
‘Come on, Anya. Let’s go get you a drink. Hell, we both need it.’ He held his hand out towards the garden where everyone had been staring at them with disbelief and curious eyes. She looked up at him, pressing her lips together before she just begun to walk off without him.
She was sitting down at the bar, her eyes reverting back over at the spot where that fight broke out a few times. Her brothers had carried Joseph out of here about an hour ago.
The repast was slowly coming to an end and most of their guests had already gone home. But the Alessi’s was still here. Anastasio and Francesca had been making fun with her brothers, Anthony and Taron, and with them, they’d forever be entertained. Anya brought her whiskey glass up to her lips, watching as the 4 for them laughed with glee. They were probably so grateful not to be the oldest children right now.
‘Anya… how you doin’ over here? Not still mad at me for breakin’ ya’ boyfriend’s jaw are ya?’ Amadeo asked as he sat down in the vacant seat next to her. ‘I’ll have what she’s havin’.’ He said to the bartender.
She placed her drink down, rolling her eyes, ‘ “Not still mad at—“ Of course I’m mad! Joseph is a fucking lawyer! He could throw you in prison in a heartbeat for battery and attempted murder!’
Amadeo snickered, thanking the bartender with a gentle nod before glancing back at her, ‘I’d have it under control by then. Besides, I was under the impression that you didn’t care much, since you didn’t thank me or nun.’
‘Of course I care!’ She hissed at him. Anya had never had anyone stick up for her that way before. Being the big sister and the strongest 3rd Generation Vampire in their clan, she had to stand up for everyone else. Her brothers, her parents, anybody she knew who would try— but would fail. So this feeling of feeling protected was foreign… and to be frank, it made her feel like something she had never truly felt before by another man. Security.
But, she pressed her full flips together, careful with her next words. If she were to say something crazy, he’d never let it go. ‘This arranged marriage is important to both of our ancestors and our families. You going to prison could create more chaos.’
Amadeo pressed his lips together, staring at her for a moment. But had been a moment too long when he started to notice features in her face. Her dimples, her big brown eyes, and that beautiful, soft brown skin. ‘Have you always had dimples?’ He wanted to deflect from the situation, pull her out of this guarded state she was in. Sure, they were both going through this emotionally— but he knew they could get through this together if they tried.
Anya looked over at him, her eyebrows tugged in together, ‘Since… always. Why?’
‘I’ve never noticed them on you before until now. They fit you.’ In other words, “if I hadn’t been raised and trained to hate you all my life, I would’ve been looking at you a lot more.” And then he took a sip of his whiskey.
Anya let out a playful gasp, trying her best not to laugh, ‘Is that a compliment?! Or dear, how the world is ending! Here I was, thinking that it was physically impossible for you to be nice on your own’ she teased, a beaming smile finally curling on her lips.
‘Aw, c’mon woman, I’m not that bad. I give credit when it’s due.’ He smirked.
The two stared at one another as if they were trying to figure each other out. But Anya looked over at the double doors to see Celestia walking out to grab her children. ‘Guys! Let’s go! If you don’t come now, you can find your own way home!’
‘Welp! That’s my cue!’ Amadeo stood up and pulled out some cash to tip the bartender. ‘I’m sure our mothers will be heavily involved so… I guess I’ll see you soon?’ He asked, his head fallen to the side.
She looked up at him with a soft smile, ‘Yeah. You will.’
Amadeo gave a nod and turned to walk away. He had made it a few feet away before Anya stood up from her bar stool and called out to him. ‘Amadeo!’ He’d turn around half way.
‘I—I want to thank you for today. No one had ever stood up for me that way. Is there anyway I could repay you?’
‘Of course. It’s something I would do a million times more,’ he paused for a second to think, ‘We can discuss my “payback” over brunch?’
Was he asking her on a date? It wasn’t too long ago that they hated one another. Maybe they were just being cordial.
‘Brunch is fine. You could meet me here tomorrow at 11am.’ She said softly, before another soft smile curled on her lips.
‘I’ll be here.’
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
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Unexpected Outcomes
What would you do if your grandparents put you up in an arranged marriage?
**I do not give permission to copy and/or repost my work
Warning 18+: Cursing , Alcohol Usage , Death , Angst .
Pairing: Henry Cavill(Amadeo Alessi) x Nicki Minaj(Anya Harris) No POV
Description: While the Harris family suffers from a huge loss, Anya & Amadeo is less than thrilled to hear about their fate.
Word Count:
"In the beginning…"
The day was beautiful. The sun was shining so bright and not a single cloud were to be found. This was suppose to be a beautiful day. A day that was suppose to be spent sharing laughter and joy. Crisp afternoon air filled the area as tears and dread corrupted the atmosphere. A beloved and staple member of the Harris family would be laid to rest today. Charles Harris. Patriarch, Mob Boss, and father. A vampire of legendary status. The list goes on. Things weren’t the same after his wife passed on before him. They tried to prepare for this day. They just didn’t think it would come so soon.
Anya was standing there, looking down as the beautiful black casket sat at the very bottom of the grave. She let out a shaky sigh as her delicate thumb ran over the soft petal of the rose. She hadn’t cried the whole service, but now— her emotions hit her like a ton of bricks! Thick hot tears filled her eyes and flowed out like water falls. She had brought the rose up to her face and placed a gentle kiss on the petals. ‘I love you papa. I hope you have a safe journey to the afterlife. May you find grandmother and you spend the eternity together.’ And she carefully tossed the rose into the grave.
She had stood there a little longer, pulling out her tissues and dabbing tears to keep from smearing her make up. She still had to make an appearance at the repast. So she had to look presentable.
A deep familiar voice called out softly, ‘Your family is about to head to the Estate. Would you like to ride with them or ride with me?’
Her boyfriend of 2 years, Joseph, was standing a great distance from her, but with her vampiric hearing, it was as if he were standing right beside her.
She then turned around halfway, with her hands in her trench coat pockets. It was then where he saw that her cheeks were covered in tears. Joseph let out a soft gasp in surprise and rushed over to her aid. ‘Anya!’ Honestly, in the past 2 years that they’ve been together, he maybe saw her cry a handful of times. So this was surprising for him. But he did also know how much she loves her grandfather.
He’d wrapped her up in a tender hug. And she did not hesitate to hug him back. ‘Are you alright?’ He asked softly as his chin rested atop her head. Her eyes were closed as she let out another shaky breath, ‘Just take me home.’
Anya was checking out her outfit in her full body mirror. She wore silky black pants, and a white dress shirt that was cropped a little shorter than the average dress shirt with all black Louis Vuitton stilettos. She gave herself a nod in approval with a smirk before she heard a knock at the door. She listened closely to the other side of the door, she knew that slow heart beat anywhere. And finally, a full smile curled on her full lips. ‘Come in!’
‘Well it’s about time you let me in this door chile. I was ready to get the hell away from those folks downstairs.’ The woman giggled as she walked in, closing the door gently behind her. ‘Well, you’ve invited them mama,’ she turned around to fully face her mother, ‘How are you?’
The woman had seem to be taken back by the question. Like she had to think about it. And honestly, that hurt Anya. It showed her that no one was really concerned about her mother— they should be! It was after all her mother and father that she’d lost. ‘Hmm,’ she looked at her daughter with sadness written in her eyes. ‘I don’t know honey. But I know I will be OK,’ she walked over and placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder in reassurance, ‘Eventually.’
The two women looked at one another before Anya embraced her mother in a hug. They didn’t get to do this often. Anya was always too damn busy helping with the family business, it was a miracle she even had a boyfriend in the first place! Shareese pulled away and placed a gentle kiss on her daughters head. ‘Thank you sweetie. I needed that,’ she sniffed and wiped the corner of her eye. ‘Come on now. Our guests are waiting downstairs. We’ve got some pretty important people showing up today.’
Little did she know, this day— would be the day that changed her life forever.
The pianist was playing All I’ve ever needed by Paul McDonald & Nikki Reed. Everyone had seem to be in higher spirits. Old friends of her grandparents came to pay their respects and tell stories on how they had met so long ago. Laughter traveled from throughout the Estate! From the backyard and the inside of the house. And all of a sudden, Anya didn’t feel too sad anymore but, grateful to have known and loved such a wonderful man. Sure, he was a Mob-boss, and he had enemies— but she knew his heart more than she knew her own. He had made a difference in many lives.
The woman was sipping on a glass of Jack Daniels Honey, when she felt the energy of the place shift. Like people who weren’t suppose to be there… were there. She turned her attention away from Joseph and her siblings to sniff the air. The Estate was 4,700 SQFT, all roaming with vampires and a few humans. But these vampires didn’t smell like the rest.
‘Anya? Are you alright?’ Joseph asked, leaning over to check on her.
She rapidly blinked herself out of a thoughtful daze and looked up at him, ‘Yes. Here, can you hold this for me? I need to go check on something.’ ‘You sure you don’t need me to—‘
‘It’s fine. I got it.’ And she carefully place with drink in his hand, before giving him a soft smile and quickly turning away.
The girl’s smile had quickly vanished as she begun to make her way towards the back door. And as soon as she walked inside, she was hit with a great whiff of their scent. She immediately stopped in her tracks, hissing at their dreadful scent.
The scent of a vampire only grew foul when their diet consisted of majority human blood. You could say, the Harris’ were “vegetarian” and preferred to feed on wild animals. But still, the thought of drinking human blood, was inevitable. It made you stronger. Faster. Smarter. But this way was working for the Harris’.
‘Mmmm,’ she hummed angrily before she started walking again. Her vigorous footsteps could be heard throughout the Estate! It was a miracle she didn’t create creators and cracks with each step. When she finally cut around the stairs, she saw the 5 of them standing in the corridor of her parent’s home. She stopped in her tracks, surprise written on her face.
The Alessis. The Harris’ rival family.
Celestia, the mother of the family, hesitated before walking over to greet Anya. Her long legs carried her fast across the marble floor. The woman took Anya’s hands in hers, and she could tell that there was something— off about all of this. ‘Anya. I am terribly sorry about your grandfather,’ she swallowed before continuing, ‘Even though, our family feud had been something that hadn’t been touched by time— he was a good man. And we saw that, just like your family saw it in Pedro, as well.’ Celestia gave her a gentle squeeze, ‘Where are your parents? I’m afraid business doesn’t stop here,’ and her hands suddenly dropped to her sides.
That probably had to be the kindest thing she had ever heard from the Alessi family. Hell, she was under the impression that they couldn’t be nice at all! ‘Thank you Lady Alessi,’ she bowed her head once before looking back up at her, ‘My parent’s are in their study. You could go there if you please.’
Celestia gave her a simple nod, ‘Thank you,’ and then she turned halfway, ‘Nathan. Come, they’re in their study.’ She then cut her bright blue eyes at her sons and daughter, ‘Boys, — Francesca! You behave and you treat this mourning family with respect while we’re gone!’ The oldest son, the one known as Amadeo Alessi, sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. He looked to the side but I’m just that moment, his father elbowed him in the ribs. He whimpered softly, and snapped his head at him, ‘Obey your mother boy. You 3 better behave, or I’ll cut that damn trust fund!’ And their parents walked up the stairs, and disappeared behind the wooden double doors.
Francesca, was beautiful— she had a smile that was to die for, Dimples and big, blue doe like eyes that could get any man to break for her. The woman favored her mother. From the way she spoke with elegance to the way she dressed. It reminded Anya much of the relationship she had with her own mother. ‘I’m going outside for a drink. You guys comin’?’
‘I’ll go! C’mon. The tension is too damn thick in here!’ The middle child, Anastasio, didn’t look much like either one of his siblings or his parents but deathly favored their grandfather before he passed. His hair was brown, but not as dark as Amadeo’s and Francesca’s, green eyes — he was a bit more light hearted that his older brother and younger sister. Honestly, if it was anyone that Anya did like in that family, it was him.
The two younger Alessi children had walked past her towards the backyard to join the festivities of the repast. So Anya and Amadeo were just standing there alone.
He had made himself comfortable and leaned against the wall with his arms folded across his broad chest. And she had shifted her weight to one leg so her hip was popping out, and her arms were folded as well. They glared at one another. Them disliking one another would’ve been an understatement.
Anya decided to be the adult and speak up first, but her attitude came out before her words did, ‘I guess you still lack manners?’
‘And I guess you still lack sense? Don’t start with me Princess, I’m in no mood for your attitude.’
The sudden bite back caused Anya to let out a soft gasp, ‘Watch your tone. You’re still in my house.’
Amadeo stood up straight with a sarcastic yet, surprised look on his face, ‘Oh? Oh— your house you say?’ He looked up at the ceilings and pressed his lips together.
‘Thats right! My house, and I demand the upmost respect. As I have treated your family when your grandfather passed.’
His sudden laughter, only infuriated Anya more! ‘Girl, this is your late grand father’s home and your parents have opened the doors onto me and my family to come pay our respects. I’m fact, I’d prefer not to be here in the first place—‘
‘So why are you still here?!’ Anya folded her arms across her chest as her brown eyes glared at him with fury.
Amadeo had paused for a moment, clearly uneasy about something. ‘Because I need to find out what’s going on. Our parents have been strangely friendlier than usual. Not cordial, but — too friendly. There’s something going on and I need to get to the bottom of it!’
Well he wasn’t wrong. It was a little bit strange how her mother had embraced his mother in a hug and how their fathers shook hands as if they were long time buddies at the funeral. But then her thoughts were interrupted by a thunderous laughter from upstairs. Her father had walked out of the office and looked down at the both of them. ‘Amadeo, Anya. Come. We have a few things to discuss.’
Anya swallowed her spit and looked back at Amadeo in a worrisome glare. He then gave her a nod and held his hand out, ‘After you. After all, this is your house.’ He teased. Anya rolled her eyes and started to make her way up the steps towards her family’s meeting room.
It was strange, as if this was some kind of dream. His parents were sitting in the two chairs facing the large leather office chair with a glass of whiskey in their hands. They looked more than comfortable. And with the laughs that were echoing around the room, you’d never even think they were enemies at one point.
Anya tried to scope out any clues that would give away their parent’s plans for them. She wanted to know what it was that was so important that made her father invite them in his office like this. His sacred area that he barely even allowed her in. Drinking his aged whiskey in his crystal glasses.
Then her brown eyes flickered to the scattered papers on the mahogany desk. The words that stuck out the most: “Last Will and Testament.” And right beneath it was her grandfather’s name. Before she could ask, Amadeo had spoke up.
‘What the hell is going on in here? VIP party?’
‘For once I’m actually with him on this one.’
The room had seem to shift, with energy. It was unsettling and Anya felt it immediately. The more she stood in the office, the more anxious she had become. It was quiet for what had seem to be forever but really for only 7 seconds.
‘Do you know the history of your grandfather’s kids?’
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
Working on that Arranged Marriage Story — Ugh, there’s so much Angst in here y’all 🥹
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I'm in bitchy mood today😈... Make a list of celebrities you'd cancel permanently/blacklist and put no (NO) reason
Hailey Baldwin
Justin Bieber
Cara Delevingne
Addison Rae (she is NOT a celebrity, but instead a fame starving attention whore who got “famous” through TikTok)
Charlie D'Amelio (she is NOT a celebrity, but instead a fame starving attention whore who got “famous” through TikTok)
Dixie D'Amelio (she is NOT a celebrity, but instead a fame starving attention whore who got “famous” through TikTok)
Kendall Jenner
Kris Jenner
Kanye West
Kylie Jenner
Amy Schumer
Kim, Khloé, and Kourtney Kardashian
Amber Heard
Ansel Elgort
Ezra Miller
Jared Leto
Lili Reinhart
Cole Sprouse
Lil Nas X
Emma Chamberlain
James Charles
Nicki Minaj
Cardi B
Lena Dunham
John Legend
Chrissy Teigen
Tom Cruise
Miley Cyrus
Scarlett Johansson
Armie Hammer
Henry Cavill
Drake Bell?
Stefano Gabbana
I'm sure there are tons of athletes, fashion models, and anyone else not affiliated with the film/television industry that deserve to be blacklisted, but I'll keep the list short. Thank you for letting me be a bitch without shame :)
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