#black mob
cardierreh15 · 2 years
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Unexpected Outcomes
Took a while because I wasn’t sure if I liked the final product. Tell me what you guys think 💙
**I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warning 18+: Angst , Cursing , Consumption of Alcohol , HEAVY FLIRTING 😉 , Gaslighting .
Description: Anya starts spending a little bit more time with Amadeo
Word Count:
Music for this chapter: Satellite by Harry Styles
Truly Living.
It had been a couple of weeks since the incident at the estate. Neither one of them reached out but their mothers definitely kept in touch. Nadine and Celestia made it their business to be as heavily involved as if they were the ones getting married themselves. Nadine was no longer pushing Anya to text Joseph back but, for her to call Amadeo and apologize.
Today was no different than yesterday… she’d been awakened with the soft sound of her phone vibrating on her nightstand. She figured it had been Joseph again so she just let it ring. Her back was turned, her fist gripped at the sheets so tightly, she were to tear them apart if she wanted. She closed her eyes tightly as the feeling of frustration and sadness over took her again. She wanted to talk to him. She wanted to see him, she wanted him to hold her and have him apologize. But her pride… her father’s greatest flaw— she had received it and it had become hers.
The buzzing felt like it was about to last an eternity! But when the ringing had finally stopped, she opened her eyes. Anya rolled over and reached over to grab her phone. On her Notifications showed 23 Missed Calls. Opening her phone, it was revealed that Joseph had called only 5 and Celestia had been the culprit blowing up her phone. ‘What?’ She muttered. How odd!
She hesitated before clicking the number and calling her back.
‘Hello? Anya! Good Morning, Honey!’ She sounded cheerful.
‘H-hey. Um,—‘ she placed her hand on her face tiredly, ‘What was so important that you had to call me 18 times?’
'Well my son brought me up to speed about what happened the other day at brunch and-'
'Uhhhh God, not this again,' Anya groaned and rolled her eyes in annoyance. Their mothers just wouldn't let up, 'What you're calling me to tell me how wrong I was and how i should apologize?'
'Why- mother Mary no! I've called to tell you that you in fact were the victim here. You've lost your lover and had to bury your grandfather all in the same day. You're still grieving and if no one understand's honey I do.'
Anya raised a brow in confusion, Celestia was up to something. She could feel it in her bones that was for sure. She pushed her comforters off of her lap and stood up out of her bed, 'Interesting. Well it's good to know that someone's on my side here. Thanks, I guess?'
'Of course darlin'. You are to be my daughter in law after all. Anywho, how about you meet me down at the docks today at noon? There will be champagne, the finest of cheeses, the freshest fruits. It'll be a delight!'
Anya pressed her lips together, humming in thought, something about this felt so damn fishy, 'I dunno. Me and mom had somethings we had to-'
'Oh darlin' don't worry about your mother. I will handle her as I see fit. I will see you there.' And she hung up. It was like Celestia refused to take no for an answer. Anya looked at the phone before rolling her eyes once again. 'this fuckin' lady! UGH!' she groaned and walked into her two story closet and picked out her outfit for the day.
This is Nadine Harris, sorry I couldn't make it to the phone at the moment but if you leave your name and number i'd be sure to give you a call back as soon as possible. Thank You and Have a blessed day!
Anya smacked her teeth and pressed the red button. She then sent her mother a text.
Hey ma. Celestia asked me to come to meet her for lunch at the docks. I'll have to cancel on shopping this afternoon. Love ya.
And she tossed her phone in her Black Chanel purse and stepped out of her BMW Series 3.
Locking her car behind her, she felt her phone vibrating in her purse. She pulled out again and read the text message from Celestia telling her which boat it was. Anya made a face, 'Boat? Gotta be fuckin' kidding me.' She sighed heavily and walked along the asphalt that led to the pier.
As she walked further, she heard some laughter. It had to be only 3 men and only 1 sounded familiar. Not only could she hear him, but she could also smell him. His natural scent beneath the smell of Defy by Calvin Klein. Oh and he smelled of a God. It caused her to close her eyes and simply bask in it for a moment. But she had to snap herself out of that because if she could smell him— she knew he could smell her.
But right before she could, a breeze brushed past her, his scent grew stronger. Anya inhaled deeper, and he was the only thing she could smell now. ‘I knew it,’ she said softly and opened her eyes to meet his piercing gaze before they roamed over his body to see if he was real. And by God, he was. He didn’t look happy but, he didn’t look angry either. ‘Well, you look nice today.’ She said in an teasing tone.
‘What are you doing here Anya?’ His voice was stern, deep and cold.
‘Your mother told me to meet her for lunch. So I came. Is she here?’ Anya knew the answer to that. She had already caught on the scheme when she heard his voice.
Amadeo’s eyebrows pulled in together, ‘No. she doesn’t like coming out here why would she—‘ and then it dawned on him. Just like it had dawned on Anya. He scuffed and clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disbelief, ‘She invited you here knowing that I’d be here.’
Anya nodded her head, ‘I knew it. Dammit, it was a fuckin’ set up. See? As soon as I thought I was starting to like your mother?’ She chuckled and looked off, folding her arms across her chest awkwardly.
Amadeo chuckled, looking down at her, ‘She can be devious and clever.’
It grew quiet between the both of them. But not a comfortable silence this time, more awkward. So Anya decided to cut it short, ‘Well, since she’s not here— I’ll just go home then.’
‘Yeah,’ he shoved his hands in his pockets and thought for a second, ‘Actually— I kind of feel bad about this charade my mother put on. You could hang out with me on the boat with the fellas? We’re going sailing for a lil’ bit.’ He was kind of hesitant for a second. Like he didn’t want to ask her, but he knew it was the right thing to do.
Anya scoffed and waved her hand, ‘No, no— you stay here and hang with your boys I have some—‘
‘Ah, none of that,’ and he quickly snatched his hand out of his pocket and snatched up her small hand in his. His grip was so tight, and his flesh was so cool. ‘Let’s go.’
Her eyes grew as her tiny frame pulled at his will. ‘Whoa! Sheesh! Be careful, you’re still stronger than me.’ She complained as her little legs began to catch up with his long strides.
When they arrived to the boat, Anya walked behind him on the wooden board carefully. She wasn't exactly in the mood for the water today. If it hadn't been for Amadeo literally dragging her here, she would've just been having mimosas with her mom. Amadeo had step down from the plank and held his hand out towards her, 'Here. Watch your step.' He said softly before she gently placed her small hand into his. His grip was firm and tight.
'thank you.'
'Mmhm, don't mention it.' Then he turned his attention to the fellas who were reeling in their catches. ' Oui! Fellas! We have company!'
Anya took a gentle sniff. Besides Amadeo's intoxicating scent, she could smell the alluring scent of these men. Two healthy, human men. It made her gums tingle...made the hairs on her skin raise. Then along came the sound of the two off rhythms of heart beats.
The two men placed their fishing rods down and approached the pair. They were both tall as Amadeo, glaring down at the gorgeous woman before them. One of them had sunkissed skin with shoulder length wavy, brunette locks with eyes as green as emeralds. He had a pointy nose, with full pink lips and chiseled jaw.
The other male had beautiful dark brown skin. His eyes were brown like honey and he had full suckable lips that made you melt all the more when he flashed his pearly white teeth. His hair was cut to perfection and by the way his waves laid beautifully on his head, he took his hair care routine quite seriously.
She was lost in a daze, staring at these delicious, delectable men before her. Her mouth pooling with saliva as her urge to sink her teeth into their soft flesh became unbearable. That was until,
‘Gentlemen. This is …’ he paused for a second. It was like he wasn’t sure what and who to refer her as. The fiancé that he never wanted? Or the woman he’s been in his feelings over? ‘Anya.’
The sunkissed fella’s mouth dropped and his green eyes flashed over towards Amadeo, ‘No! Wait,’
‘Whoa, waaait, wait— this is thee Anya you’ve been telling us about?!’ The black man interrupted. Both of them appeared to be in great shock.
Anya looked up at Amadeo who was giving them the death stare. She narrowed her eyes. He could’ve either been throwing her under the bus or he could’ve just been… nice.
‘Wow! It’s truly, a pleasure! We’re just glad that Amadeo found someone who could finally challenge him. As well, match his dashing good looks!’ Amadeo rolled his eyes as the two men chuckled.
‘Whatever. This is Corey,’ he referred to the long haired male, ‘And this is John.’ The boys gave a friendly wave, ‘It’s nice to meet you.’ Un-synced.
Anya gave them a half smile and a gentle wave, ‘Nice to meet you guys too.’ The air around them grew tight and thick with tension. The boys were just staring at Amadeo as if they were just talking to him with their eyes. But Amadeo only intensified his glare. ‘Fellas, how bout y’all go head and pull the rope and pull the plank in. Do somethin’ useful with ya lives? Eh?’
Corey rolled his eyes, ‘I’d be careful with that mouth of yours, Deo. I might just end up telling your fiancé how you’ve been dreaming about her more than usual— OOPS!’ He begun to laugh and John chimed in, throwing playful punches at his arms. Amadeo’s jaw clenched together as he felt a chill sliver down his spine. He balled up his fists, counting to 10 in his head. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 —
‘Amadeo?’ She was staring up at him with wondering eyes. He had finally blinked his way out of his trance. His hands were now on the steering wheel, cruising along the beautiful open bay.
Anya placed her hand on his arm gently. He was a little warm, it could’ve been because of the sun or how annoyed he was with his friends. ‘Are you alright? You’ve barely spoken since we’ve been out.’ She kept his eyes on him, hoping to get some kind of reaction. But he did nothing. He just stared out towards the horizon and turned that wheel as he seen fit.
She breathe through her nose and raised a brow, she knew what she had to do. Poke the bear. ‘What was the dream about?’
That seem to get a reaction out of him because he glanced over at her and then back ahead of him. ‘Nothing.’ He mumbled.
Anya turned her lips up in disbelief, her eye brows tugging together as she studied his face more. ‘Then why’d you get mad if it’s nothing?’
‘I said… it’s nothing.’ He bit back at her. His voice was deep and chilling. Amadeo had obviously made it clear before that he didn’t like to talk about his feelings, but being with Anya— there was no way she was going to let this slide. ‘OK. Fine. I won’t bother you any more about it.’ She then turned her attention towards the shiny silver wheel. She had never driven a boat before. Always just been the passenger. She wanted to be spontaneous, try something different for once. ‘May I— try?’ She glanced up at him with a soft smile.
Amadeo looked down quickly before he returned his attention ahead of him, ‘What? Steering?’
She gave him an excited nod.
‘Psssh! Absolutely not, you’ll kill my friends and we’d be swimming for days.’
‘Awww c’mon please! I want to learn! And how could I learn if I don’t practice Amadeo? Please? Please?’ She begged, bringing her small hands into a praising clasp.
‘Ugh! Fine, fine, fine! But if you crash this boat woman—‘
‘Yeah yeah, I’ll write you the check. Now,’ Amadeo stepped back just a taste, allowing her to step into his place. ‘Guide me on this will ya?’
Amadeo sighed, ‘OK, Well— for starters.. put your hands on the wheel.’ He carefully grabbed her wrists and she opened her hands to grip the wheel. ‘Now, it’ll be just like driving a car right? Push down on that petal to speed up a little bit— careful now.’
‘Alright!’ Anya let out a deep breath and pressed the gas petal. With her excitement coursing through her cold dead veins, she smashed that petal and it sent them flying! Suddenly, you could hear two loud thuds in the back along with grunts.
‘Whoa, whoa— easy there! Take your foot off the petal a bit— we could still get a ticket for speeding.’ Amadeo chuckled before he looked back to check on the boys. ‘You boys alright?!’
‘Good!’ John through a thumb up in the air.
‘Kosher!’ Corey added.
‘Sorry!’ Anya called out with an embarrassed giggle.
‘It’s alright. A little pay back from earlier is all.’ He chuckled once more. He continued to watch her, ‘There you go. You got it now.’ He large hands on top of hers, his large, built body pressed right up against her backside.
Anya blinked rapidly, nervously. She hadn’t ever felt his body up, close and personal like this. Other than his natural coolness, it felt nice. Their bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces. Perhaps they were the puzzle piece they’ve been missing, needing all along.
Amadeo closed his eyes as the wind did it’s job and whiffed the scent of her hair into his face. Her hair smelled of the sea now, but also the faint smell of strawberry shampoo. He hummed silently, such a sweet delight.
Anya tilted her head back, resting it against his solid chest, ‘How am I doing?’
He gave her a gentle smile, ‘Well, you could use more work. But way better than when I started out. Good Job.’
And there they were again, getting lost in one another’s eyes. Just like at the repast. But then Amadeo just cleared his throat, ‘I uh— I’m sorry about our argument at your grandfather’s estate…’
She rolled her eyes and shook her head, ‘Don’t apologize. I was— hurting. And I projected all of my emotions onto you and that wasn’t fair. So I apologize. Just—… do you really think I’m Bitter?’
Amadeo looked from her gorgeous features back to the open water. He thought about what he was going to say first. They were finally getting along decently well and didn’t want to disturb this “peace”. But it was only fair to tell her the truth. ‘Yes.’
Her features curled into a frown and without another moment to spare, she snatched her hand from beneath his, balled up her fist, and elbowed him in his gut with all her might!
‘UGHHH! OH — OH!’ He crouched over, using his right hand to soothe that sting in his abdomen. ‘You didn’t even let me finish dammit!’
‘Yeah! You’ve said all you needed to say! Jesus Christ would it kill you to be nice for once?!’ She took her hands off of the wheel and started to walk towards the back where the guys were.
Amadeo stood up straight, ‘shit.’ He cursed and rushed over to stop the motor of the boat. ‘Anya!’
‘Take me back to the docks, I want to go home. You always make me feel unwelcomed. Psssh, I don’t know how we’re going to work this shit out.’ She ran her fingers through her hair before she was grabbed by her waist and forcibly turned around by Amadeo.
‘You did not let me finish and I could tell that will be one of the many conflicts that we have in this marriage,’ he stared down at her, his tone as serious as ever. Anya looked up at him with her lips slightly parted. ‘I was going to say— with good reason. You and the man you loved were backed into a corner and forced to break up. Your grandfather died just a week before that. You’re angry. And have every right to be. So I don’t blame you nor am I mad at you… not anymore at least.’ He leaned in a bit, ‘You’re not to blame for all of this, Anya. This could be easy for us if you just accept it … I have.’ His large hands finally let of her waist and he turned around to walk back to the motor.
‘Y-you have?’ She folded her arms, slight tears brimming at her eyes. ‘Even after what I’ve said to you? Calling you jealous and — after all these years of hate. You truly don’t mind marrying me?’
‘Oh-ho-ho, don’t get it twisted princess, I still hate you profusely. But what will fighting this get us? It’ll only set us back. Plus, you're pretty. I know that way we’ll have beautiful babies.’ He shrugged as he pulled that chain to start the motor.
She was taken aback by his confession. Anya knew she was beautiful and never had to question her looks a day in her existence but coming from a man who swore to hate her guts… it made her feel like a Goddess. A large grin curled on her lips as she tried to fight the small, silent giggle that came from her lips.
When he finally pulled that motor roared back to life, she walked over to him as he started to steer. She then wrapped her arm around his, resting her cheek against his solidified arm. He looked down at her in a stir, shocked that she was willingly touching him in such an intimate way. He then smiled softly, making the attempt to rest his head on top of hers but it was so damn impossible because of their height difference.
‘I thought you didn’t want my children anyway.’ She looked up at him in curiosity.
‘Idunno. Maybe I’ve had change of heart.’ He scoffed at joke, looking down at her before shooting her a wink.
The 4 of them had made it back to the docks in one piece when Anya smelled someone familiar. ‘Your mother is here.’ Faster than lightning, she stood up and walked on that plank as if her life depended on it. Walking down the walk way, was indeed her mother in law. Wearing this chic cream and baby blue lady pants suit, with a dark blue blouse and dark blue stilettos.
‘Ah! Anya, you’ve made it!’ She had this gleam of a smile curled on her lips.
‘I have,’ Anya raised a brow, holding her heels in her fingers, ‘You’re late.’
Amadeo had just walked up behind Anya and shoved his fists in his pockets, ‘Hello mother. So nice of you to finally join us. Unfortunately for you though, Anya was getting ready to leave.’
‘Oh no! Look, I have some snacks prepared for us on the beach! You could leave after your finished then.’
‘Oh—Oh no, I Can’t I really have to get back to—‘
‘I’m starting to think you live more for your mother than you do for yourself child.’
That remark had seem to shut Anya up, stop her from saying anything else to prevent her from joining them for lunch.
‘C’mon now,’ Celestia grabbed Anya’s hands, ‘It’ll be nice to spend time with my son and daughter in law.’
Anya sighed, pressing her lips together and looked up at Amadeo. He looked back down at her, giving her a face of surrender and then shrugged his shoulders. Anya let out a groan and smacked her teeth, ‘Fine.’
Celestia walked along the side walk with them for as long as she could. ‘OK, this is the spot.’ She pointed out towards the shoreline. There laid a blanket with a bottle of wine, grapes, crackers and cheeses. All of Anya’s favorite things. Amadeo and Anya, walked into the warm sand next to one another. It was quiet between them two once again.
Amadeo then turned around to see his mother standing on the sidewalk, ‘Mama? You comin’?’
Anya then turned around halfway and once Celestia looked down at her watch, her heart sank.
‘Oh no honey. I have to be somewhere in a few with your father. Just— family business.’
Amadeo’s eyebrows pulled together, ‘Oh— with that thing?’ His mother nodded once. ‘Oh. Well alright then. I guess I’ll see you soon.’ Then he continued on walking.
‘You will baby! Y’all two behave!’ Celestia eyes then focused on Anya. And then a slow sinister grin curled on her lips. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was forcing them to get in close to one another so they could, if not love— but tolerate one another. So, Anya rolled her eyes before turning around to follow Amadeo to their spot.
She dropped her heels to the size and carefully sat down. ‘Does your mother have to have a motive to everything?’
Amadeo chuckled as he sat down as well, ‘She is the one that makes most of the business decisions. My dad just… claims them to be his own.’ He gave a nonchalant shrug, ‘But, the Pride doesn’t make it without the Lioness,’ he then reached down, grabbed the corkscrew and started working on the cork, ‘Want a glass?’
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sirlonius · 10 months
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3 notes · View notes
straybird25 · 8 days
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4K notes · View notes
deadpoolsmom · 2 months
as far as one piece antagonists go Crocodile truly gets absolutely scooby-doo’d at unmatched levels
He immediately falls for a phone scam and from basically little garden to rainbase he doesn’t even know the strawhats are alive (and clowning towards him at incredible speed). As soon as he does, they’re in his house tearing at his walls and bringing marines into his villain lair.
He uses a literal floor trap door over a gator pit to catch them, gets phone scammed again, full scooby-doo chase scenes after Chopper through the streets while still missing him, and suddenly his prisoners have escaped his impossible cage, and his giant bananagators are dead. and Nico Robin saw it all happen.
He then spends rest of the arc complaining about those meddling kids and their dog “strawhat pirates and their weird pet” and at no point does he even know how many strawhats there are.
Like yeah he keeps having plans on top of plans to stop everything Vivi can do but also she keeps coming up with a new thing to do (Tom and Jerry ass dynamic).
Part of it is that he’s underestimating them and keeps grandstanding villain monologuing but also teens keep killing hundreds of his grand line bounty hunters and he straight up does not know what is happening.
Cause he IS trying to kill them he’s sending top assassins after them and ripping out luffy’s organs, the whole time he’s yelling HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?? DIE. as whack-a-mole Luffy keeps inventing new ways to hit him.
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hawkinsbnbg · 2 months
O!Steve who had been married off to an old wealthy man because of his parents’ ambition to climb the social ladder.
He would’ve resigned himself to his fate had Henry not cheated on him constantly and abused him day in and day out.
He got bruises that could be covered easily by clothes. But sometimes, when things went really bad, he had to use concealers to hide the reds and purples on his face and neck, not for the first time wishing they were love marks instead.
For years, he endured the mistreatments until one day, he met Eddie Munson—a charming alpha who was also his husband’s longtime foe—and decided to take out the source of his suffering for good by switching sides.
Still, Steve never expected to earn himself a feral guard dog who would do anything for him at all costs.
On the day of Henry’s funeral, Eddie had proposed to him right on his husband’s grave with a diamond ring and bouquet of roses.
“Marry me, my black widow,” Eddie pressed a kiss on the back of his hand, gloved in florals and black lace.
No one dared to breathe a word because they knew Eddie was the one who had taken care of Henry Creel.
When someone pointed out that it was Steve’s scheme, Eddie had made sure to zip their mouth up forever.
All because Steve had said they were annoying.
Later, while waiting for Eddie’s knot to deflate, Steve wrapped his hand around the alpha’s throat with a raised eyebrow.
“Shouldn’t you be wary of what I might do to you, Mr. Munson?”
Eddie just smiled, eyes dark and sharp. “I’m yours, sweetheart. Do use me however you desire.”
“Oh? And on what conditions?” Steve tightened his grasp, not delusional enough to be fooled by those honeyed words.
Eddie leaned closer and whispered against his lips. “Don’t ever dream of leaving, my darlin’, ‘cause we’ll be together even in death.”
And Steve knew he was knee-deep in trouble when he heard his inner omega purr in joy.
761 notes · View notes
writerslittlelibrary · 2 months
"Children aren't payment, dipshit"
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summary: the most feared mob in all of New York only has one rival, which happens to be your father’s mob. When it turns out he is indebted to the feared mob boss Natasha Romanoff, he uses the only thing he has to pay her, you…
pairing: Mob!Natasha x rival mob young reader
warnings: guns, violence, basic mob fic stuff ig :) 
genre: angst, fluff
words: 1339
a/n: this was an adorable idea! (I feel like this is trash, but I just have to get back into my writing flow)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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It has always been difficult, being the daughter of a dangerous mob boss. It wasn’t like you were forced to kill and train with your father’s minions, but you had been living a far from normal life, to say the least.
When you turned seven, your father had called you into his office. 
You had always been a nice and obedient girl, totally opposite of your father, so when he called you to him and told you you were going to stay with your aunties for a while, you believed it. Your father had sent you and your bodyguard to your room, telling you to pack all your important items. 
Once you had finished packing, your father had given you a hug and you had been brought to the car, your bodyguard driving you across town. 
However, once the car stopped at a large apartment building, you had started getting a bit suspicious. This isn’t where your aunties lived…
Your bodyguard had taken you out of the car, but you didn’t want to, leading to him dragging you out, dragging you up to the doors of the building. Once you had arrived at the doors, two women were standing there. One had blonde hair, and the other had black hair. The women with black hair grabbed your arm, allowing your bodyguards to walk back to the car and retrieve your bag, handing it to the blonde women.
After he did so, he walked back to the car and drove away. 
The two women entered the building, walking to the elevator and pressing the button that read ‘PH’. As soon as the doors closed, the women with black hair let go of your arm. However, despite her removing her grip, you still didn’t feel like you could move freely. You were fairly certain that one wrong move and she would be on you again. 
And so, you stood perfectly still, refusing to move, even when the elevator moved a bit. 
The two women barely acknowledged your presence, instead opting to look straight ahead. You felt uneasy standing in between them. 
Once the elevator stopped at the top floor, the door opened at the women with black hair grabbed your arm again, leading you out of the elevator and to a dark wooden door. The blonde haired women walked ahead, knocking on the door twice before waiting for a “come in” to be called from the other side. 
Once the approval was given, the two women walked in, dragging you after them. 
Inside the room was another woman. You recognised her immediately. Who wouldn’t? Your father had always warned you about her. She was the most feared mob boss that New York, or the world really, had ever seen. 
You were in the office of Natasha fucking Romanoff. Were you about to get killed?
The two women walked a bit further into the room, forcefully pushing you down on the chair in front of the desk. 
You didn’t dare protest, nor did you say a word. You were absolutely terrified. Your father had warned you about this women every single day of your life, refusing to let you go outside without protection because of her, and now he had knowingly sent you to her. What the hell was wrong with him?
After you were sat down on the chair, the women with black hair exited the room again, leaving you, Natasha Romanoff, and the blonde haired women in the room. 
“Thank you for bringing her up Carol, you can put her bag in her room,” Natasha spoke, dismissing ‘Carol’ before focusing her attention on you. 
Carol left the room, leaving you and Natasha Romanoff alone. 
“I’m sure you must be very confused, sweetheart, but don’t worry, you’ll be alright,” Natasha reassured, smiling kindly as she stacked a few papers and put them off to the side.
You took a moment, gathering the courage before you spoke. 
“Why am I here…?” you asked quietly, hoping not to disturb Natasha or step out of line.
Natasha smiled, turning to you once more. 
“Your father made some pretty nasty deals. Deals that he couldn’t follow through on. He needed to pay me something, and he didn’t have the money, so I demanded you instead,” Natasha explained, leaving you to look at her with a shocked face.
“You don’t have anything to worry about, sweet girl. I promise you were are much better company than your father’s mob ever was,” Natasha stated, smiling sweetly before she moved to get up, walking around the desk towards you. 
She extended her hand, motioning for you to grab it. 
“How about we go check out your new room?” she suggested, allowing you a moment to think before you nodded and hesitantly grabbed her hand, allowing her to pull you up. 
She led you out of the office, leading you through the pent house towards another door, which was a different colour than the rest of the doors. The door was a beautiful dark shade of your favourite colour, and while you thought your favourite colour would never go with the aesthetic of the apartment, for some reason Natasha made it work. 
She pushed the door open, allowing you to step inside and take in the room. It was beautifully decorated and exactly your style. 
Your eyes widened in excitement, jumping up slightly. You weren’t able to contain your excitement as you saw the room. It was perfect. 
Natasha smiled as she observed your reaction, letting go of your hand to allow you to look around. You did, running from place to place to explore all the play items placed in the cupboards, ending your little exploration by jumping on the bed. 
“I love it!” you yelled out, letting yourself drop on the bed. 
You had lived with Natasha for about three months now, and you were happier than you had ever been. Natasha never hit you if you did something wrong, and she played with you everyday. She was willing to drop all her work if you asked her to play dress up, or if you asked her to play with your dolls. 
You had never been more loved than you were now, and you were happy your father had offered you as payment to Natasha Romanoff. 
Her henge people also adored you. You would play with them as well, and everytime they happily played with you. Your favourite were Carol and Valkyrie. They were the two women that had brought you in on the first day, and they turned out to be your best friends. 
Little did you know that Natasha had known you father hit you at home. She knew the mob boss of the rival mob was not just any criminal. He didn’t have morals, or principles. He did what he did when he felt like it. He wasn’t a good person to those he cared about, so when Natasha found out he had a daughter, she knew she needed to investigate. 
She had sent a hengemen uncover to find out more about you, and what was reported back to her shocked her. 
You were hit whenever you stepped out of line, and you were not well taken care of at all. Once Natasha learned about your situation, she decided she had to get you out, setting up an elaborate deal she knew your father couldn’t get out of.
When you father unsurprisingly failed to follow through on his end of the deal, he was in large debt with Natasha, and she knew she could demand anything from him. 
And so, she demanded she would get you as payment, knowing your father couldn’t do anything but follow through. 
Over the months she had build a soft spot for you, and she was more than glad that she had done what she did. She saved you, and now you were happy. 
Natasha Romanoff may not have been the best human being on the planet, but to those she cared about, she could not have been better. 
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @daddipantherr @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @tia-thesimp @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @hor1zond1ar1es @lorsstar1st @superlegend216 @ravensinthedaylight
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ygodmyy20 · 3 months
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back to my roots
Timelapse under cut
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milkbreadtoast · 6 months
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idk how i want to draw him yet and not ready to make a srs attempt but here's a bad kdj phone doodle lol🚶🏻
#orv#kim dokja#omniscient reader's viewpoint#my art#oh yeah i didnt have ref for this fkdnfn was going off memory of the last (first) time i drew him#i cant do a serious attempt tho bc i havent read the novel so i dont have a clear image of him in my head yet...#(dont want to just copy the webtoon design hastily... if it matches my image thats fine but... idk yet)#my main opinion on the webtoon design is he's too hot/ikemen tho KFJDKDJ (this is what i thought since the beginning)#its like BONES mp100 anime reigen.... kdj is like manga reigen to me /j#but who knows maybe if i catch kdj brainrot i too will start drawing him like a kpop idol out of affection...🤷🏻‍♂️#like the webtoon artist prob draws kdj pretty bc they love him sm#just like how i draw jys pretty bc of my brainrot...#so who knows maybe that will happen to me too🤷🏻‍♂️ time will tell#my main opinion on webtoon yjh (no one asked): CUTE BUT WHERES THE T1TTY BEL- *voice muffled as i get dragged away*#(copied most of these tags from twit too lazy to retype the commentary)#EDIT: i call him reigen jokingly bc theyre abt the same age but#kdj is also mob core to me....#in that theyre both protags that dont look flashy and look more like extras/'mob charas'#yet r irrevocably unequivocably the protags of their respective stories#(just as everyone is the protag of your own life! sieze ur narrative! etcetc🖤)#also. both black haired bowlcut havers KJDJS#kdj is reigen coded (derogatory) and mob coded (POS)#hes also a 'con man like reigen..... yep hes def still reigen coded
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
Try a Little Tenderness
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Paring: Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 3.7 K
Summary: Steve can’t win you with presents. He’s got to try a little tenderness.
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, SMUT, Lil bit of ANGST. Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. Pining, flirting, organized crime, implied ice skating, teasing, former jerky boyfiend, inexperienced reader, nipple play, oral (both receiving) p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up!) breeding kink, size kink, crying during sex, violence (due to mob world).
A/N: This is for #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on this ask.
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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“Good morning, Steve!”
You were stocking onions, but you looked up and smiled as the tall blond entered the store, setting off the bell. He was well built and handsome and wearing a fine wool coat with a red scarf. It was a cool December, but New York had not yet had its first big snowfall.
“Mornin’, Ambrosia,” came his gruff response. 
You kind of liked his early morning voice. And the nickname. The first time he came in, he’d picked up an apple, already biting into it but also already paying. He handed you a twenty and said, “Mmmmm, Name?”, pointing to you with the apple. Flustered, you replied with the name of the apple instead of your name and the rest was history. 
This morning, Steve smiled at you and his blue eyes were sparkling. They always sparkled when he looked at you. He seemed very sweet.
“The usual.”
You laughed and went behind the counter to wash your hands.
“Of course, already had the fixin’s set up for you.”
You started the water for the espresso and got out the fresh everything bagels you’d put aside for him. Steve was one of your best customers, coming in every morning, and several evenings. He’d been coming in for about four months now.
Steve settled at the counter and watched you prepare his food. He looked at his watch: 7:42 am. He knew you'd been at work almost two hours now and that you were working very hard. One of your braids had come undone from your bun, and he wanted to put it back, but he didn’t touch you. You wore no makeup, yet your skin always glowed, and when you looked up at him, his heart nearly stopped. 
You were naturally beautiful. And your apron did not hide your curves. Or the fact that you were wearing the same pants that you’d worn three days ago. Steve figured that you didn’t have many clothes. He had the urge to take you shopping on Madison Avenue and let you go crazy. But somehow he knew you would never blow a load of cash on clothing. And that’s part of why he was so far gone on you.
He watched you battle your espresso machine with bemusement.
“Why haven’t you set up your new machine yet?”
You stopped and put your hands on your hips, looking so cute that Steve restrained himself from jumping over the counter.
“Is that from you?” You shook your head. “I suspected it.” 
Steve had unexpectedly given you many gifts, the espresso machine, a cash register. He’d even tried to have a new walk in cooler installed. You refused and sent back everything he’d sent. It wasn’t right. He barely knew you. 
You wondered what he did for a living, always dressed in the finest and able to afford multiple thousand dollar gifts. You figured that he was one of those Angel investors. Well, he wasn’t very good at being anonymous.
You watched as Steve gave you a lopsided grin, then leaned over the counter toward him. 
“Listen. Steve. Mr. Rogers.” 
You looked from his eyes, to his perfect lips, to his golden St. Christopher’s medal. He smelled so damn good. You bit your lip and Steve smiled, warmed by your proximity. This was his chance.
“Yeah, Ambrosia?”
“I’m not taking your gifts.”
You straightened up abruptly, handed him his drinks and finished his order. You gave him two folded newspapers.
“One Daily News for your friend and one News Day for you.” 
“Have you thought about it yet?”
You raised your eyebrow at him.
“About what?”
You thought he was finally going to ask you on a date. You knew the main reason he came in was to check you out. But you weren’t about to be bought.
“About the possibility of getting The Times in here? Alright, the Sunday Times at least.”
“Sorry Steve, it doesn’t sell. If it doesn’t sell, I don’t order. Can’t afford a non starter. But I do subscribe to the Sunday Times myself for the crossword. You can borrow mine any time.”
You winked at him. Something about Steve brought out your inner flirt.
Steve wanted to say something about sharing the Sunday Times in bed, but he thought better of it. Any other girl, and he would have been able to spit all kinds of game. But with you, he was tongue tied.
Steve sipped his coffee and shook his head as you gave him his bag.
“You are the most stubborn person I have ever met.”
You waved at him as he stood up.
“Have a great day!”
Steve chuckled at your dismissal as he walked out of the door. Bucky was waiting by the car. Steve handed him his cup and sandwich. 
“Send Sam to pick up the espresso machine.”
“Still a tough nut, eh?”
“Yeah. She’s still refusing gifts…”
Steve got in the passenger seat while Bucky sat behind the wheel.
“Instead of giving her all of this expensive shit, why don’t you just be nice to her?Ask her out ice skating or something.”
Steve scoffed. He didn’t know how to ask a girl out anymore. He felt like that scrawny kid running around with Bucky back in the day. Now, women were always clawing at each other to get to him. And they always wanted something. 
Steve didn’t respond to Bucky, just asked about his calendar.
“What’s on the agenda for today, Buck?”
“We gotta meet with the truckers today. They don’t want to bend to our terms.” Steve put on his sunglasses. 
“We know what to do to make ‘em bend, don't we Buck?”
“Sure do, buddy.” 
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You were in your walk up apartment above the store halfway listening to the 10 o’clock news. They were doing a story about an explosion at the Eatern Tri-State Trucking hub in Bay Ridge as you put your body oil on after your shower. The reporter indicated that authorities thought that the Valkyrie crime organization was behind it. You were zoning out looking forward to the next day.
You were glad that Janie and Nate would be back at work tomorrow. Nate had just taken a week off, and Janie had recovered from the flu.  You were going to take the next afternoon off. You could have taken the entire day, but you wanted to open up for some reason.
Running an organic bodega in Brooklyn was a tough job, but the business was growing, but it was even tougher when your help was not there. You deserved a bit of a break.
The next morning, you were humming an Otis Redding song when Steve came in. You looked over your shoulder and caught him looking at your ass.
“Good morning, Mr. Rogers.”
“Mornin’ Ambrosia.”
“The usual?”
Steve wanted to say no, I want to ask you to marry me, but that might be a little too forward.
He sat down at the counter and noticed that you had on something brand new. When you turned around, he gestured to your outfit.
“What’s the occasion?”
You looked down and then grinned. 
“This outfit is my Christmas present to myself. I’m taking the afternoon off and I’m going into the city to go to the Central Public Library.”
Steve tried to respect your glee. But he had to do it.
“How thrilling.”
“You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch, “ you quipped.
Steve laughed at you. He thought about what Bucky said the day before.
“Grinch hunh. Well, would a Grinch offer to take you ice skating instead?”
You turned around and leaned on the counter. Steve leaned toward you.
“I don’t know. Are you offering, Mr. Grinch?”
You loved teasing him. Steve groaned.
“C’mon. I’m trying here. Ambrosia. Do you want to go ice skating with me in the city this afternoon? And to dinner afterward.”
“Are you asking me on a date?”
Steve was very close to you now, staring at your lips.
You stood up and put your hands on your hips.
“It’s about time. Sure!”
Steve laughed at how easy it was. You shoved his order into his hands.
“Pick me up at 1.”
Steve was grinning like an idiot out at the car, and didn't know how he got there.
“So you finally asked her out, hunh?”
Steve snapped out of it as he got in the passenger seat.
“Move the talks up to 10. I’m taking the afternoon off.”
“Rumlow is stalling. I can handle it this evening.”
“You sure?”
Bucky looked at his best friend.
“Sure as shootin’.”
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You and Steve had a great afternoon, and Steve thought that ice skating was genius. He had to thank Bucky. You had to hold hands to stay steady, and when he pulled you in close, you didn’t pull back so you could stay warm. He didn’t know that you were thinking the same things.
Steve got to treat you to Via Carota and you two walked right in. The food was great, the wine was amazing, and you even stole a kiss in your corner booth. The night was perfect.
He drove you back to your place and you sat in the car for a minute. He’d been a perfect gentleman, and you were the one to make the first move with the kiss. You looked at him quizzicaly.
“Can I ask you something, Steve?”
“Yes, Ambrosia, anything.”
“After today, this afternoon and tonight. Do you still like me?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course. Why do you ask?”
You looked down. 
“Well, you’ve been such a gentleman. I see how you look at me, all hungry all the time. And the gifts. I don’t know. I just thought you’d be. You know. More…”
“Aggressive?” Steve responded.
“Well. yeah. I just thought.”
You looked back up and saw that Steve’s eyes had darkened.
“I am not a gentle man in my everyday life, Ambrosia. And I know that I can come on strong. But you make me want to be tender with you. I want to cherish you.”
And Steve pulled you in for a sweet, but sexy kiss.
“So, yes, I still like you. And I have very aggressive thoughts about you. Want to ruin you in fact. But I want to do it carefully. Make you feel it. And make you glad you did.”
“Oh. No one has ever…damn, Steve.”
He recognized that you had been hurt.
“Here’s an aggressive question. What kind of an asshole would make you feel that way about yourself? His name is all I need.”
You laughed.
“Do you want to come up for the answer?” You cocked your head at him as he chuckled and nodded.
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When you got up to your place, you were settled with a glass of wine on your couch.
“I’m not going to give you his name, but I will tell you that we were together for a few months, and we only did it a few times. He’s the only one I’ve ever been with.”
The way you looked as him made Steve’s heart soft, but other things hard.
“It…It didn’t feel good. He said I was frigid and too small. I… I went to the doctor and everything. She said I was fine physically. So I figured it must have been in my mind and I haven’t been able to get out of my head after that. He broke it off and then I just decided to focus on work.”
You peered at Steve to see his reaction.
Steve’s eyes flashed with anger, then cooled.
“That joker is a fucking idiot.” 
His eyes traced your body.
“He didn’t know what to do with all this?”
Steve reached for you and kissed you, this time with undeniable passion. You broke away and stood up, offering him your hand.
“Show me, Steve.”
He stood up and followed you to your bedroom.
You stood at the foot of the bed and reached up to kiss Steve, and he picked you up and sat down, sitting you down with both of your legs over his. You made out like this, Steve’s hands still in neutral places until you whined and scooted closer to him.
Then, he went under your sweater, finding your nipple in your bra and brushing it with his thumb. He was exhibiting intense will power, but he couldn’t hold it all back as you responded to his passionate kisses.
Steve lifted your sweater off and your tank top, which was underneath, with it. Your bra contained your breasts, but your nipples were erect and straining against the material. He brought your body towards his for a kiss, his thick fingers pressing and playing with your sensitive buttons. He had you squirming on his lap as he reached around and expertly unfastened your bra.
He looked down at you and then back up, eyes hungry. You’d been yearning for that look.
“I’m gonna cherish this moment, get you ready for me, Baby. You’re gonna feel so good.”
He was weighing and kneading your breast and tenderly flicking your nipple, then he leaned down and kissed you, moving down your neck and collarbone, descending your chest and kissing all around your areolas, teasing your stiff nipples.
He had you moaning and writhing, wanting some friction for your cunt.
“Patience, Baby. You’re gonna get everything you deserve. Including this.”
Steve moved your hand to the hard member in his pants, which you tried to grip in vain through his slacks. You whimpered in frustration.
“I know. I know. I want to do so many things with you.” 
Steve’s fingers were in your leggings, through our panties and tracing your wet pussy lips gently as he finally started sucking your nipples. You pulled his hair wantonly as he teased you.
“Mmmmm. Who’s got you all wet, Ambrosia?” he asked, as he pulled his fingers out and put them in his mouth.
“Y-you, Steve… unhhhhh.”
The sight of him relishing your taste made you even wetter. And he found out, because his hand was right back down your pants. 
His lips were at your ear and he was breathing hard.
“Can I…”
His thick finger parted your lips and the rough pads of two fingers slid over your clit into your wetness. You arched your back in anticipation.
“...Can I eat you out, my sweet Ambrosia?”
His voice and the request sent you on a tailspin. You nodded vigorously as Steve pulled his hand out to your whine of desperation at the loss of contact.
You quickly stood up as Steve captured your hips to stand still in front of him. His eyes raked up and down your form as he took hold of the waistband of your pants, and slowly pulled them and your panties down your legs. You stepped out of them and Steve’s hands ran back up your form as you looked down at him. He grabbed the backs of your thighs as he pulled you near him.
Steve put one knee over his shoulder and stared at your most intimate part. 
“She’s a sweet little flower. So pretty and tight.”
His fingers were parting your folds so he could see even more.
“But she will be ready for my thick cock, I know she will, Ambrosia.”
He pulled you forward and held you up as he licked through you, almost causing a near stroke as far as you could tell. 
“Mmmmmm,” Steve’s eyes rolled back into his head.  “You are so sweet. I could eat you all night.”
You almost cried as he dove back in, grabbing his hair for purchase. He grabbed your bottom and stood to place you on the bed. He kneeled on the floor and held you down and open with his huge hands.
Steve started his feast, gently licking at first, then made you build to a crescendo as he started tongue fucking you. He made sure to stimulate your nipples, and when he felt your hard little nub vibrate, he sucked your clit hard as you came.
“Was that good?”
“Oh my stars, that was good.”
You both laughed.
“You’re so fucking cute, Ambrosia, but there’s levels to this.”
You sat up and watched as  he took off his shirt. You were sure that your eyes were sparkling now.
“It’s just going to get better and better.”
He was just clad in his black boxer briefs, a huge bulge leading the charge. He reached in and you were certain that he was going to pull out an entire pack of socks, but instead, he showed you the largest, thickest dick you’d ever seen. Your eyes were like saucers. You were a little afraid, but your legs fell open out of reflex. 
“See what you do to me?”
You bit your lip and nodded, reaching out and touching it tentatively.
“I’ve never seen one that big.”
You looked up at him and his heart melted simultaneously as his cock jumped. Your trembling fingers around him made him almost bathe your hand in his spend.
“Oh, Baby.. So sweet.”
“You are too, Steve. I want to taste you.”
You looked up at him through your lashes and Steve groaned, trembling with the effort to hold back.
“Christ… I’m…I…. Whatever you want, Baby.”
You stared at his cock for what seemed like forever. Then, you tentatively reached out and kitten licked his tip, causing him to groan as he palmed the back of your head.
“You’re killing me here, Ambrosia.”
“Hmmm.” You smiled. “Lay down for me, Steve.”
He did as he was told and put his arm behind his head to watch you. The way his muscles bulged inspired you anew. He reached down and roamed his fingers over your body as you hovered over him. You stroked him a couple of times and then played with his balls, Steve putty in your hands.
You smiled in triumph that you had him whining as you spread your lips over the thick mushroom cap and sucked it into your mouth vigorously, causing him to moan and buck his hips up. You took the cue and drew him into your mouth, making him hit the back of your throat and gag.
“Holyyyyyy sssssshit. Stop. StopStopStopStop.”
Steve pulled you off his dick, which made you release him with a plop. He sat up and stared at you, disbelief in his eyes. 
“Did I do it wrong?”
“Did you do it wrong. Fuck, you almost made me…. C’mere.”
You giggled as you ended up with your back on the bed again, Steve eating you out, this time one finger inside you as you came. You were in shambles as he looked up at you and inserted another finger inside as his opposite thumb stroked your still-quivering clit.
“Gotta get you up to three. Hold on.”
You did, and when he crooked his fingers this time, you let out a wail that caused dogs to bark down the street.
After your fourth orgasm, Steve looked up, smiling ear to ear.
“Still want this dick?”
You scowled at him.
“If you don’t…”
He laughed as he kneeled between your legs, stroking the magnificent beast. You opened your legs even wider and stared down at it.
“No. look at me, look at me. You’re ready. I got you Baby.”
Steve supported himself with one arm as he got nearer to you and started swiping his head between your folds. You keened as he entered you.
“Ow. Steveeeee.”
Your face looked so adorable as you struggled to take him.
“Holy shit, you’re, fuck you’re so….”
Steve kissed you through your moan of shock and pleasure as he slid all the way home. You gripped his bicep, your fingernails leaving marks. Steve pecked your lips as you pounded together, waiting for you to get used to him.
“You ok? You good?”
Steve checked to make sure you were okay. You nodded at him with tears in your eyes.
“I- I- think it feels good. You’re so big, Steveee. But.. but I like it….”
You started moving, a little at first, and then more wantonly. Steve looked down to where you were impaled upon his dick.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. You are perfect. Just so.. Fucking… tiny…. But made for me…Shit.”
You felt Steve’s cock jumping inside you when he said those words, and you clasped your hands behind his back and uttered, “More!”
And that’s when you began to get fucked. Tenderly yet filthily. It was the best Steve had ever had, trying to be gentle and knowing that he wanted to put the bed under the ground. It was such a turn on. The ragged moans that you gave him with each stroke was a gift from god, and he started cumming before he could think.
“Shit! I didn’t use a condom…Fuck. But why does that just motivate me to keep going?” 
Steve laughed into your ear as he kept stroking for dear life. He was usually so careful, knowing that most women wanted his kid. But with you he didn’t care. You wrapped your legs around him, taking the pounding he was giving you now.
“Hmmmmmm. You want me to put a baby inside you? Pump you so full of cum that you get all round and full with my seed?”
“Hnnnnghhh. Steve… I…”
“Tell me. Do you want it? You want me to get you pregnant?”
“Ohhhh shitttttttt! Steeeveeeeee!”
You detonated around him and Steve cursed, finally pulling out and jacking hard onto your stomach as three fingers on the other hand continued to fuck you through your orgasm. His pearly spend looked beautiful on your skin.
“So gorgeous. There’s time for that yet, but we gotta get you to a doctor, because I don’t want to do this too many more times. And fucking you with condoms is no longer an option.”
You were fucked out, absentmindedly playing in his cum, causing him to spurt one last rope onto your fingers. When you brought them to your mouth was when he shivered. He collapsed beside you.
“I can’t even explain how good that was.”
You just smiled at him, lips shiny with gloss that he made.
“You are an angel. A Christmas angel.”
Steve sighed as you smiled at him. He got up and went to your bathroom to clean up and get a warm towel.
“I’m hungry.”
“Anything you want, Babe. I’ll get it for you.”
You grabbed the remote and  turned on the tv, catching the tail end of the news.
“Shootout in DUMBO tonight between the Rumlow and Valkyrie crime organizations. Several high-ranking officers dead or injured, including Brock Rumlow and James Bucky Barnes. More news when we have it.”
“Steve? Bucky? What’s going on? Valkyrie?”
Steve was up and grabbing for his clothes, an inscrutable look on his face.
“I didn’t want you to find out like this, but I gotta go.” 
He gave you a quick kiss. 
“Don’t leave. Sam will come back with some food for you and he will stay with you. Don’t open the store tomorrow.”
“But Steve!”
“No buts! I will call.”
And then Steve disappeared into the night, leaving you with so many questions.
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Knock that reblog button off the block fa me. 😉
Read part two, All I Want.
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da-janela-lateral · 8 months
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Reigen critically hit by ripe jackfruit. Post.
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cozytapez · 1 year
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xblackreader · 7 months
>> Just convinced my grandmother that this was a picture of an actor and his actress wife.
Her immediate thoughts: What’d I tell you? Them Italian men…
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Cause if this isn’t an old Italian mob couple idk who is
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
"Who's Hotter?" Anime Characters in Suits
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frankencanon · 1 year
Obviously I couldn't include all of them, so I tried my best to select the ones I thought were the most popular. If there's another character you feel should be on the list, feel free to mention them in the notes!
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The final part has been posted!
Click here to vote now!
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doctorsiren · 1 month
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Got around to finishing up some more AA/MP100 character swaps that I sketched out a while ago and then forgot about!
We have Mogami swapped with Kristoph (since Apollo is Mob and Phoenix is Reigen). I gave him a moth bolo tie and I love it. Next we have Suzuki swapped with von Karma (since Miles is Serizawa and Franziska is Shou). After that we have Shimazaki swapped with Godot (the blind guys…also Shimazaki looks like Phoenix so I thought it was silly too). Then we have Sakurai swapped with Gregory Edgeworth and the way to tell the difference between the two is one has a scar! (/silly). I gave Gregory the Jugan because oopsie gun! After that we have Tsuchiya swapped with Mia (one: their names rhyme. two: cool women). With them we have Mukai swapped with Pearl since y’know little child teehee
I have some ideas for a few more but I’ll do those later.
You can find the other two posts here! AA as MP100 and MP100 as AA
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bonkrrs · 2 months
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i cooked
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