#henry asked for no pickles but is too shy to tell them
angeygirl · 6 months
No I don't know why it's important to me to make a dumb little fanfic about Henry and William at McDonalds but it is
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laurieelaurel · 3 years
Ah, another bueatiful blog to add to my collection of follows. <3 Could I perhaps request a headcanon where MC is quite shy and communicates with others through the brothers? i.e talks to the brother so they can talk to someone else for them. Preferably with Levi, Beel or Mammon. ♡(ӦvӦ。)
Brothers with a shy reader
(Beel, Levi, Mammon x gn!reader)
Warnings: None
so sorry for dying for a while T-T here you go nonnie I hope this was what you were asking for <3
Beel is quiet himself, almost always preferring to speak through actions over words, so he never really cared how shy you are
Is still intimidating despite his gentle nature, he can keep any unwanted social interactions at bay by just standing near you, ~menacingly~
Whether it's because he's soft-spoken himself or because of his intimidating stature, Beel is a great option to turn to
He notices you like to stick around him when going out and his protective brotherly instincts have him taking the lead for you
Reminds him of a little chick following a momma hen around which he finds real cute
If you're out shopping or something he doesn't mind doing all the talking for you (Belphie probably uses him for the same thing)
The type to offer to walk you home (well you do live together anyways) and join your outings
Always checks in with you to ask how you're doing, what you think or where you want to go next
Has no problem talking to someone for you and honestly it makes him super happy to know that you trust him so much
whether it's asking someone for directions, giving the waiter your order, or standing up to someone on your behalf, he’s got you covered
reminds me of that excuse me!! he asked for no pickles >:(( meme dsfhj
Honestly, he'd rather not talk to anyone more than he needs to so he finds it a bother at first, needing to talk on behalf of another person
I feel like Levi has been used as a middle man for many of his brothers' arguments before
Tries his best to stay out of their endless quarrelling in his room
You're free to join him, away from the chaos in his room
Wanna binge the latest adaptation of the TSL side story drama to compare it to the source material together?
He's shy as well, so he appreciates the quiet and definitely understands you better
Levi's more than happy with you just sitting by him, listening to his rants and raves. Since you're comfortable talking to him, he'll be here for you too
Why go outside anyways?
On the off chance that you are out in public with this dork, he takes care to avoid others out on the streets anyways
If you want him to talk to someone for you just tug on his sleeve to get his attention cuz oof he finds that shit adorable
Yes he's blushing but yes, he'll talk to that store clerk for you
I'm not sure who green lit letting the two socially anxious people go out to do the groceries, but if it's just this once then he'll be your Henry, saving you from the evil that is social interaction!
This one just does all the talking before you would even have a chance to anyways
Why did you choose him again?
Just kidding - if you can ignore his antics and loud personality, he's always been a good older brother
But yes, very loud. Probably finds your shyness annoying at first considering he's tasked with taking care of you
you would think that subtelty is something he's not familiar with but he's pretty decent at getting a feeling for your thoughts over time
Takes pride in the fact that he's the one you come to, probably brags to his brothers
Has absolutely no problem being assertive for you, to the point where he's outright picking fights on your behalf
him grabbing a lesser demon by his collar demanding they apologize for bumping into you in the hallway
vs you tugging on his arm, pleading with him to just let a poor demon go as your face burns with embarrassment cuz literally the entire school is watching
If you have something you want him to tell the teacher for you he'll do it no problem
Might even talk to Lucifer on your behalf if you're less comfortable around him or the other brothers
As an extrovert, Mammon is probably one of the more reliable of the brothers to count on when it comes to your situation
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Seth x Reader: Wanting you
Warning: Breaking fourth wall. Let me know if you catch it 😉 and gender-neutral parental names
Part 1: “Dreams” by Ella Eyre
Part 2: “You’ve Got It Bad” by Usher
Part 3: “Never Give Up on Love” by Bobby Tinsley
“Will that be all for you?” I say, finishing up writing down the order.
“Well, I could get your number, beautiful.” One thing that is horrible about being a waitress is dealing with the harassment that comes with it. The best way to deal with verbal harassment (like in this situation) is by giving them the “AS,” as my friends would call it. The Awkward Stare. Now, this stare isn’t having ME become awkward; oh no, this is to make sure THEY do. Essentially, you would look at the predator straight in the eyes and give a resting bitch face until they become uncomfortable and silent. To the point where the whole table is uncomfortable. Kind of like your high school teacher would look at the student when no one would shut up. Once they were fully engaged in avoiding my eyes, I gave a final smile and went put in their order at the counter.
“You know, you could be a little less cute and more intimidating?” said Orion, my now lifetime best friend since I had started this job a couple of months ago. I turn to look at him and give him the finger as he walked around me to bring his tables their food.
“He does have a point. Straighten up your back more, pull your shoulders back, and clock your head to the side just a little. That way, you’ll really knock them.” Emily said. She was a regular here. Every Wednesday at 4 pm and Sunday at 12:30 pm, she would come in, go to her usual spot at the counter, and either order the chiefs salad with a side of a sliced pickle, the garden burger with seasoned fries, or 5 stack pancake with orange/apple juice. Her husband Sam or another kid named Jared and his girlfriend Kim come on Sunday morning, grabbing a crap ton of food (so Emily doesn’t have to cook) and leave. Polite men, scary—at least Sam can be, but polite. Jared is just a child, and I can do nothing but pray for Kim.
“You mean like that ugly pink toad lady from-”
“Don’t say it!” I roll my eyes. Ever since KJ Bowling expressed her feelings towards the LGBTQA+ community, she refuses to acknowledge it. The disbelief and sadness that took over for the love of Henry Planter she had were wild, yet kind of crazy to watch.
“Look, it could be worse. You could love the Dawn saga by Tephanie Neyer and find out that she is horrid in disguise. But hey! Once it hit 2 years, you’ll start realizing all the fucked-up shit in the series and slowly be okay. Dawn fans know Tephanie is fucked up, we know the series is fucked up, we acknowledge it all and take full responsibility for liking it, but some still like it. We don’t support it, but we like it.” I tell her, shrugging my shoulders. I have to remember, she’s a rookie in this game.
“That’s true. Why are the best authors the most fucked up?” she says, playing with her fries I just placed down in front of her.
“Because they hate us and know what the population likes. Just like politics.” I say, stealing one of her fries.
“I don’t know how you guys like that series! Wasn’t there racism, classism with the Ghoul’s and Werecats, hyper-sexualization on the prides where the cats came from, misinformed information, plagiarism, and too, I don’t know, squishy and fluffy in them?” Orion asked.
“First off, they were shapeshifters. Secondly, only in Dawn, Dusk, and Night were squishy. But only because Bethany and Elliot were on their honeymoon in the last one. Daytime didn’t have it because Elliot broke up with Bethany.” I nod in agreement while grabbing the food for my tables.
“I thought their name was Ben and Evy?”
“No, that’s the gender swap version,” I say, walking away with the food. I place the food down at one table and refill drinks to another; some of the reservation guys come in. Seth, Embry, Jake, and Quil. I look over to Orion to call him for his table, but it looks like he and Emily are in a heated discussion about the book series. So, I take over for him. As I walked over to the table, I made eye contact with Seth, and my stomach flipped.
Why you in my dreams? Don't know much about you But I heard about you for the longest time And I see you 'round whenever I go out With some friends of mine And I remember when I saw you standing in a different light It's funny where my mind goes when I'm in my bed at night though
As I lay in bed, I notice that my feelings become stronger and stronger for him almost every time I see him. He was a few inches shorter than me, cheerier, and lanky. I always saw Seth and his friends, but out of nowhere, these…flutters? Feelings? Emotions I don’t like started eating me up every time I see him. I know it might be a crush, I won’t even deny that, but…why?
I toss and turn that night and eventually give up on trying to sleep and just stare at the ceiling, thinking of him. Confused and resistant to even wanting to think about it. The last thing I need is to be in a relationship while in my fucked situation as is. I don’t need my guardians knowing anything about Seth either.
But then again, just like evil authors, life fucks us all over, and you can help but go along with it. Well, unless you sue them. Then that’s different.
'Cause I push you away in real life You ain't even close to my type But when I'm sleeping Everything's upside down, upside down, yeah I saw you last night in my, my dreams It felt so beautiful, I almost believed We were a thing and I liked it I never looked at you like this Till I saw you last night in my, my dreams Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my?) Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my mind?) Seth POV
I saw her again today. She was walking down the hallway with Orion and Kayla to gym class, and we made slight eye contact before Jake decided to take my attention away from her. I look at him, but I don’t really pay attention to him. I don’t know when it happened, but I have always loved Y/n. When she transferred here in middle school, she was cute, shy, and had (and still has) a babyface.
I could never talk to her. Every time I was around her, I’d get so scared and freeze up. And although we’re in high school, I still can’t control it. Lately, my feelings have been getting stronger. Not just with her, but in general. I don’t know what it is, but it’s taking a lot more of my energy trying to control myself. Leah and mom have noticed it too. But Embry was the worst. Speaking of which,
“Hey, where’s Embry?” Quil and Jake looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.
“But did you hear a word I said?”
“Obviously not. He was too busy gawking at Y/n.” Quil said, laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Ass-whores.
After school, we head to the diner and, like always and on cue, Jake and Quil make fun of me because Y/n works there. I roll my eyes at them and attempt to push them off me without smiling, but I can’t help it; they’re stupid. It’s not their fault.
Fell asleep at nine And once I closed my eyes, girl, you were so, so mine We laid in the dark, you left in morning light But, girl, it felt so right And if it's in our minds then we should make it life Girl, I mean real, real life Nothing's never for ya We were all and over for ya 'Cause I push you away in real life You ain't even close to my type But when I'm sleeping Everything's upside down, upside down, yeah I saw you last night in my, my dreams It felt so beautiful, I almost believed We were a thing and I liked it I never looked at you like this Till I saw you last night in my, my dreams
That night I quickly dreamed of her without even having to try to at this point. Every time I want to or attempt to talk, I freeze. Thinking about her just makes me feel…warm. Her beautiful y/e/c eyes are captivating. They’ll draw you in, and once you’re in, you’re stuck. Her y/h/(L/C/T) hair embraces and defines her facial features.
The dream always starts out the same. I’m running through the forest at a high fast pace towards a place that always ends up being her home. I follow around the house to her room on the left side of the house towards the forest. As I look at her window, I see her sitting at the window seal and we instantly make eye contact. My heart stops for a second—she smiles and I walk up to her window to come inside. She doesn’t open the window. She places her hand on the window and my much larger now hands cover hers. We look at one another and smile.
I’m not bothered by her not opening the window. I’m just happy she isn’t freaked out about my presence. Unfortunately, every time she goes to open the window, my alarm wakes me up. And when I mean alarm, I mean Leah.
I groan and curse her and the need to wake me up so early. As I get ready, I think of Y/n and I can’t help but smile. Today’s going be a good day.
Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my?) Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my mind?) Y/n POV
The weekend comes and I’m heading in for my shift Sunday morning. I usually wouldn’t work weekends, but that was before I met Emily. I have Friday and Saturday off instead. It’s eight in the morning and Kayla, two of the cooks, and I all pile in before we open at nine. By 9:30, a few families start piling in and by 10, we have the food catered to Sam or Jared ready.
“Hey, Kim!” I wave to her as she walks into the diner. She waves back and heads to the counter. After setting up my table, I head over to the food and help her pack it up in the truck.
“I see you guys ordered more food than usual. Did more family members move into the area?” I say, passing her the multiple trays from the cart to the car.
“Yeah…something like that,” she laughs it off, “but rest assure, this will be gone within the next 45 minutes…maybe sooner.” I laugh with her. I believe her 100 percent. After seeing Jared and Sam, I already know their family that Kim describes them to be, is just as big, if not larger, then this food should hold them off for 2 hours. Maybe.
“Well, that’s all of them: drive safe, Hun. And stop by sometime after school. You’ll miss the adventures of Orion and Emily arguing over pink and rose gold.”
“Aren’t they different?” I nod my head. “But they’ll argue over that?” I nod my head again. She shakes her head and smiles. “Em usually starts it?”
“Sometimes. Only when she needs a good laugh or when she just feels like fucking with him. Last week they were in a heated discussion about the Dusk saga.”
“Oh, dear god! She told me about that. I can’t believe she went that deep into it with him.” Kim laughs.
“I know. That’s probably the only time they’re not being repelling off the same topic. Normally one would disagree for the fuck of it, but they put their fuckery aside and agreed to agree on that topic.” We both laugh. I finish up my conversation with Kim and head inside.
If I gotta fall asleep, sleep to see ya Then I'm gonna fall asleep, sleep to see ya It's different in the daylight Miss you, I dunno know why If I gotta fall asleep, sleep to see ya Let me fall, fall deep, deep to see ya It's different in the daylight See you in a new light 'Cause I push you away in real life You ain't even close to my type But when I'm sleeping Everything's upside down, upside down, yeah
I wave bye to Em, and Orion comes in. I clock out for my break and go sit in one of the booths in the back. As I am prepping my garden burger with ketchup, I think back to my dream I had last night. This one was recently new, confusing, but knew. I take a much-needed bite of my food and relax for the next 15 minutes.
I just got done with my daily nighttime routine, unable to sleep due to Taylor and Kennedy arguing, I go to my window and look outside. I look up at the sky and just drift off into a world of daydreaming until something catches my eye in the bestrew of trees next to my house. As I continue to look, I see big brown eyes of an animal. I smile and the animal walks out of the trees slowly and morphs into Seth. I smile brighter as he comes closer and closer to me. By the time he reaches me, I can feel myself become excited and full of glow, happiness, and this sensation of warmth.
He steps up to the window and smiles down at me. I place my hand on the cold glass and he looks down at my hand and does the same. I can feel the heat radiating from his skin, which only makes me smile more. I unlock the window and just as I am about to open it, my alarm wakes me up.
I’ve been stuck on this for so long that Orion had to shake me out of my daydream. I put my food aside for later and went back to work. I’ll just deal with the dream another time.
I saw you last night in my, my dreams It felt so beautiful, I almost believed We were a thing and I liked it I never looked at you like this Till I saw you last night in my, my dreams Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my?) Why you in my dreams? (Why you in my? Why you in my mind?)
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thorniest-rose · 5 years
“When you kiss me, I want to die” interlude #1
A while ago I said I wanted to rewrite the scenes from IT Chapter 1 as if they took place in my “When you kiss me” verse, looking at how Eddie and Richie’s relationship develops when they’re kids. So here’s the first one! Once these are all done, I’ll compile them and add them as a bonus chapter on ao3.
Class is out, the blessed sound of the bell signalling the end of the school year, when the three boys push their way into the hallway, giggling about what Stan’s upcoming bar mitzvah entails. 
“So it’s this church full of Jews, right?” Eddie says. “And Stan has to take like this super Jewie test-”
“But how’s it work?” Bill asks, still confused. 
“They slice the tip of his dick off!”
“But then Stan’ll have nothing left!” Richie says, making Eddie giggle. 
Stan catches up to them in the hallway and patiently explains what a bar mitzvah actually means, with no mention of dick slicing at all. 
As he’s talking about the Torah, Richie slips behind the group so he can insert himself between Bill and Eddie, using his elbow to nudge Bill to the side. Bill gives him a curious look but Richie’s too busy looking at Eddie to notice.
“Talking of becoming a man, Eds,” Richie says, bumping Eddie with his shoulder. “When were you planning on inviting me to your wedding?”
Eddie scowls at him. “What are you talking about, Richie?”
“I read that Catholic kids like you get to dress up in these little white dresses and go to church so they can be married off to God!”
“I’m Methodist, Richie, not Catholic,” Eddie huffs. “And that’s for girls!”
“Awww, but you’d look so cute in white,” Richie says with his customary goofy grin. “Maybe you should ask if you can do it anyway.”
Eddie looks like he’s about to snap at him when they see Henry Bowers and his goons standing by their lockers. They all go silent as they walk by, trying to avoid the weird smile Patrick gives them and Bowers’ pale, shark-like eyes.
“God, I hate those creeps,” Eddie mutters when they’re out of sight. 
Outside, they dump their books into the trash, this one act freeing them from the prison of school for months. It already makes Bill feel lighter.
“Best feeling ever,” Stan declares.
“Oh yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time,” Richie teases.
“What are we doing tomorrow?” Eddie asks, as he rolls his eyes at Richie.
“Summer training starts,” Richie replies, voice deathly serious.
“Yeah, for Street Fighter.”
“Is that how you want to spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?” Eddie gives Richie this little smile, the tip of his tongue pushing against his teeth, and usually Richie is lightning fast with a comeback, but he just stares at Eddie.
“What?” Eddie asks, smile faltering.
“Nothing,” Richie says, though he looks a bit dazed, big eyes blinking behind his thick glasses.
“Stop staring at me then, weirdo,” Eddie says, looking suddenly insecure as he fiddles with the strap on his backpack.
“We could go to the Quarry?” Stan says.
But Bill shakes his head. “No, we have to go to the Barrens.” Because they had to look for Georgie. He’d talked about it before and they’d all agreed.
After they look at Betty Ripsom’s mom standing anxiously at the school gates, they start to wander away. And Bill’s about to ask if they want to hang out or do something in town when Patrick appears out of nowhere, pulling Richie by the backpack and sending him flying back into Stan.
“Hey!” Eddie says, small mouth set in a snarl, but he freezes when Bowers saunters over, leering down at him as he gets up in Eddie’s space. 
“Hey Kaspbrak, suck any big dicks today?”
Eddie’s entire face goes pink and he hunches his small shoulders like he’s trying to disappear inside himself. Bill’s about to tell Bowers to get lost but Richie gets there first, scrambling off the ground and squaring up to Bowers. 
“Don’t fucking talk to Eddie like that!” he says, fists clenched at his sides.
“Richie, don’t!” Eddie says, sounding frightened, his eyes wide. He reaches out and tugs on Richie’s wrist to stop him getting any closer to Bowers. But Bowers just laughs at Richie’s bared teeth, like he’s nothing more than a wild cat.
Bill is just as angry, at the way Bowers has treated them all year, at the way he sauntered around like he owned Derry High with his stupid asshole friends. And he can’t stop his mouth as he stutters out, “You s-s-s-s-uck, Bowers!”
“Oh my god, shut up, Bill,” Eddie moans, one hand still on Richie’s wrist and his other hand on Bill’s backpack, holding him back. 
And as Bowers turns to look at him, Bill thinks this is it. This is when Bowers will finally kick the shit out of him like he’s been promising for years. Except Bowers sees something that spooks him and he backs off. But not before giving Bill a final ominous warning. “This summer’s going to be a hurt train, Denbrough. For you and your little faggot friends.” His eyes drift over Bill’s shoulder at that last bit and he winks at Eddie, who sucks in a quivering breath.
They all watch as Bowers and his cronies head toward his car.
“I wish he’d go missing,” Richie mutters angrily.
“He’s probably the one doing it,” Eddie says, mouth bunched up in a pout.
Eddie rounds on Richie the second they’ve driven away.
“What the fuck were you thinking anyway? Bowers is going to have it in for you now! You’re so stupid sometimes, Richie, I can’t even believe you!”
But Richie doesn’t answer because he’s staring down at Eddie’s hand, where it’s still wrapped around Richie’s wrist. Eddie follows Richie’s eyes and notices too. He pulls his hand away fast, as if he’s just been bitten. 
Bill watches as a fresh blush bursts across Eddie’s face like a crushed fruit, and for the first time that day he realises something feels different.
“Just don’t do it again, okay?” 
Richie gives him a crooked grin. “Hey, if he beats me up, you can just patch me up, right? You could come over and be my personal nurse.”
If anything Eddie just goes pinker. “You’re an idiot, Richie.”
Richie gives him a little salute. “At your service.”
With the adrenaline slowly ebbing out of his body, Bill goes back to thinking about how it’s summer again.
“Hey Eddie, do you want to come over?”
Eddie opens his mouth to answer, but Richie cuts in first. “Sorry Bill, Eddie���s hanging out with me today,” he says, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Oh?” Bill looks at Eddie, who looks strangely shy, scuffing his sneaker against the ground. Stan just watches them silently.
“If that’s okay, Bill? Richie and I could hang out another day instead?”
Richie gives Eddie a look. “What the fuck? No we couldn’t.”
“It’s alright, you guys can hang out. I don’t mind.” And he really doesn’t. They’ll all be hanging out tomorrow anyway. And they have all summer.
“Cool, we’ll see you guys tomorrow then. We’ll meet you at Eddie’s in the morning, yeah?” Richie says, as he tugs Eddie away. 
Eddie waves at them as they walk down the road. “Call me tomorrow, Bill!” he yells, before Richie tugs on him again.
Stan looks sideways at Bill. “Have you noticed they’re being weird recently?”
Bill turns to look at him. “Weird? Eddie and Richie have always been weird.”
“I know, but... since when has Eddie ever wanted to hang out with Richie alone?”
Bill thinks about it. It’s true. Eddie and Richie only became friends because Bill had been friends with Richie first. Had invited him to be part of the club a couple of years ago. And it always seemed like Eddie had only barely tolerated Richie for the sake of Bill and Stan. Had something changed over the last few months? Bill’s been so taken up with Georgie going missing, he doesn’t know. 
He shrugs at Stan. “It’s nice though, right? Them being friends.”
Stan looks dubious. “I guess? And Richie’s been doing this thing.”
“Yeah, like looking at Eddie.”
Bill blinks at him, and Stan just shakes his head. “I don’t know, I can’t explain it. It’s fine, anyway. Just Richie being a freak. Want to get a soda?” 
Bill says hell yeah, he does. And as the summer afternoon unfurls in front of them, he doesn’t think about Eddie and Richie again for the rest of the day.
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finnofamerica · 6 years
Could you do the fluff a-z for Romeo? Please and thanks!💕
A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
Romeo hiding affection??? We’d never see the day. However, is affection in public vs private is very different. In public he all hand holding and cheesy pickup lines, and at home, he’s all kisses and very very grabby. 
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
He got into a fight, and so you helped him fight the guy. After the dude was on the ground eating pavement, you turned to him with the biggest grin and asked if he was okay. 
C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)
He has a duck don’t @ me. Her name is Juliet
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
He just wants to live and romance you. 
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)
He likes movie nights, especially movie nights at Henry’s, bc then he gets friend time too, but it’s still really lax. 
F = first date (what was it like?)
He met you with your favorite flower and took you to a nice restaurant. He was just so sweet and funny the whole time and afterward when he dropped you off at home, he pressed a kiss to your hand as he bid you goodnight. and he totally didn’t trip down the steps pshhht no. 
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
Romeo is just a happy boy and tends to laugh at things that he doesn’t understand as a way of “not making it awkward” 
H = hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?)
Romeo loves hugs and being held and feeling you squish against him. 
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)
surprisingly enough, he took violin lessons when he was younger, he can still play a little. 
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)
Juliet and his flowers, and seeing you light up when he brings you your fav flower.
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
He’s got really sweet kisses. Probably from the candy bowl at the store. He likes to take your hand in one of his hands and cup your face with the oher. 
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)
He tried his best to flirt but it usually comes out as a stuttered jumbles mess. 
M = memory (what’s their favorite memory?)
Dancing in your kitchen to some sweet slow jazz, humming melodies as the sun streams through the window. 
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
Messing with his arrangements. he has everything perfectly placed and if somebody messes it up he just kinda growls like a chihuahua. It’s not really intimidating but the murder in his eyes is real. 
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?)
He is a florist and I feel it in my soul. 
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
Romeo is such a good one, he’d make so many stupid dad jokes and always give his kids goodnight kisses and tuck them in. 
Q = questions (do they believe in the supernatural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
Surprisingly, no he doesn’t. he’s just not convinced. 
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
He’s Romeo, are you kidding me? He is the epitome of storybook romance cliches. 
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)
This is kinda terrible but he loves when customers run in going “I fucked up, help me fix it” 
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
He’s kinda clingy, but you don’t mind. He’s not on your ass every minute of every day. 
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable)
He leaves the toilet seat up. 
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
He takes videos to send to his mom Davey. and he has pictures of you plastered all over his work station at the store. 
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?)
It was Vienna themed because he just thought it was so beautiful. Somehow he managed to convince Spot to play the accordion and none of the boys know how he did it. 
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)
He broke his middle toe once and it never healed properly, so its bent slightly and he can’t curl it like his other toes. 
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything)
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
He’s a light sleeper and he plants kisses on you without realizing it. 
@anon-pancake @kingofsantafe @green-tea-anon 
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