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ralphbutler · 1 year ago
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mooifiasco · 2 years ago
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Henrichenburg alte schleusse jetzt fahrradweg
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boschintegral-photo · 5 years ago
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Schiffshebewerk (Ship Lift) Henrichenburg, Germany
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kerovous · 5 years ago
Schiffshebewerk Henrichenburg
Schiffshebewerk Henrichenburg by p.niebergall Via Flickr: LWL Museum
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logi1974 · 5 years ago
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Three waterways meet directly south of the city of Datteln: the Rhine-Herne Canal from Duisburg, the Datteln-Hamm Canal from Hamm and the Dortmund-Ems Canal from Meppen and Dortmund. A few kilometers north, the Wesel-Datteln Canal branches off towards Wesel.
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The approximately 15-kilometer-long section of canal to the port of Dortmund starts here, it´s almost 15 meters higher than the other three canals. Together with this section, the Henrichenburg boat lift necessary to bridge the height difference was opened personally by Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1899.
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The propulsion of the mighty trough, in which the ships were transported like an elevator between the levels, was a technical innovation of its time. It was a key construction of the Dortmund-Ems Canal, because only when it was completed could the Canal be navigated to the port of Dortmund. This boat lift is the largest and most spectacular building of the first construction period of the Dortmund-Ems Canal.
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Instead of a cable or hydraulic main driving force, the 68-meter-long trough rests on floating bodies in 5 water-filled cylinders. Little force was required to lower or raise the trough by ship. A complete lowering or lifting process, including entry and exit, took about 45 minutes.
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In 1969, the aging boat lift was shut down and initially fell into ruins before the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) took over the facility in 1979, renovated it and later operates the industrial museum, which is set up here today, as one of eight LWL locations in North Rhine-Westphalia.
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After restoration and reconstruction, the old boat lift is - without restoration of its original function - together with its lower outer harbor (underwater), the upper outer harbor and a piece of canal (upper water) the museum. The lower outer harbor is also used as a marina.
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The two striking towers of the lift  with their characteristic spheres on the top are stairwells, which a bridge  on the scaffold can be climbed over. From here there is a good view of the steel frame and the surrounding area.
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The trough in which the ships were moved up and down is also accessible. In the outdoor area around the old boat lift, visitors getting deep insight into the ship lifting technology.
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The area around the old boat lift was converted into an open-air museum. It will be presented with some special steamships, a shipyard, a replica loading system and an old lift bridge. Information boards explain the respective objects, including QR codes for audio guides.
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Control devices and illustrations relating to the principle of lift technology can be viewed in the building (former boiler and machine house) next to the monumental steel frame.
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The police and fire-fighting boat Cerberus from 1930 is in the upper port and the motor cargo ship MS Franz-Christian from 1929 - with the exhibition “A working life on board” in the cargo store - hold in the lower port.
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On a 400 m long section of canal following the upper outer harbor, the museum shows a collection of historical ships that is unique in Europe, including the steam tug Fortuna and the only steam tank ship in Europe that still exists, Phenol.
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There are also floating tools, a docking and loading point for freight ships, a slipway for ship repairs with a historic slewing crane from 1906 and the channel opening with an old folding gate from 1914 as well as a historic lift bridge from 1897. Unfortunately, a certain renovation backlog of the objects is obvious.
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Changing special exhibitions can be seen in the reconstructed harbor building. The city of Waltrop also runs a branch of the registry office here.
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  The Gastrobus - a London double-decker from 1959 - offers a small selection of food and drinks. When the weather is nice, you sit outside and enjoy the view of the lift and the canal bank. Open: Tue - Sun 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
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The “Schatzinsel” café is also waiting on the upper water near the water playground. Open from April 30th to September 1st: Sat, Sun from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Opening times and admission prices:
Adults € 4.00 Groups of 16 people or more € 3.50 per person Children, adolescents (6 - 17 years) and pupils 2.00 € Students with guided tours € 1.10 (2 companions free), reduced ticket € 2.50 Family day ticket € 9.00 Combo card available for the industrial museum and exhibition hall at the new sluice gate
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The LWL industrial museum at the Henrichenburg boat lift is open all year round, from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Last admission 5:30 p.m. Closed: Mondays (except public holidays) and from December 23rd. until January 1st.
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5reisende · 5 years ago
Ruhrpott-Radeln - inmitten von Industrie und Idylle
Für mich als Sächsin ist der Ruhrpott "tief im Westen". Vor wenigen Wochen bin ich nun selbst hierher gezogen und wohne fast direkt am Rhein-Herne-Kanal. Ich nutze die Wartezeit auf mein Abenteuer-Auto Dobby und die pfingstbedingte Wohnungs-Umbau-Pause zum Erkunden der Umgebung per Pedes. Das Vogelgezwitscher bei Tagesanbruch und die senile Bettflucht treiben mich früh zum Kanal, die Schleuse und die Besatzung der Frachter haben ihr Tagwerk noch nicht begonnen. Auf dem Radweg muss ich immer wieder Kaninchen ausweichen. Im Moor komme ich zu spät für den Start der Reiher, dafür kreuzt eine Gänsefamilie meinen Weg. Die ersten größeren Touren unternehme ich gemeinsam mit Florian. Radwege gibt es zuhauf, auch sind die Touren für den Ortskundigen sicher gut ausgeschildert. Für mich klingen alle Ortsnamen noch fremd und ziemlich lustig, da bewährt es sich, dass Florian die Komoot-App besitzt (eine Anschaffung, die sich schon bei der zweiten Tour nützlich und lohnend erweist). Wir fahren weitgehend an den Kanälen entlang, durch viel Grün, schöne Parks, unberührte Wälder und kleine Natur-Reservate für die Wasservögel. Grönemeyers "Bochum" liegt meist auf der anderen Seite des Kanals und bildet für mich eine völlig ungewohnte Silhouette. Vom Dreck der besungenen Jahre ist nichts mehr zu spüren, das Wasser ist klar und voller Fische und Wasservögel. Die Ruhrpöttler sitzen auf den Steinen am Kanal und schauen den Frachtern nach - mehr Entspannung als "Pulsschlag aus Stahl", dessen Produkte auf den Frachtern den Kanal hinab schippern. Die Radwege sind bis auf einige schmale Schotter- und Feldweg-Abschnitte größtenteils excellent mit eigenen Brücken übers Wasser. Das wundert mich nicht, auch in Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt sind nach dem/ durch den Bergbau in den letzten Jahren die schönen Tagebauseen mit ihrem Umfeld entstanden und hier gab es diese Entwicklung Jahrzehnte eher. Unsere erste Tour führt uns zum alten Schiffshebewerk Henrichenburg. Coronabedingt sind die Wege erstaunlich leer, es ist auch noch nicht alles geöffnet. Wir drehen eine Runde über die Inseln und ich lasse mich von der Idylle inmitten der historischen Technik verzaubern.
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Am nächsten Tag geht es Richtung Gelsenkirchen, wieder fast durchgängig am Kanal entlang, vorbei an der Schleuse Wanne-Eickel, über die schicke Brücke Grimberger Sichel bis zur Zoom Erlebniswelt. Hier haben sich alle versammelt, die nicht mit dem Rad unterwegs sind und wir drehen schnell bei auf unseren fast leeren Radweg und erklimmen die Halde Pluto. Von hier oben zeigt sich wieder das Gehimnis dieser faszinierenden Landschaft - grün, nach Kiefern duftend, voller Vogelgezwitscher und unmittelbar dahinter Türme, Fabriken, Hochspannungs-leitungen und die nächste Halde.
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Ihr seht an meinem Schnappschüssen von unterwegs und meiner Überraschung und Begeisterung, dass ich mich nicht nur beginne einzugewöhnen, sondern viel Schönes entdeckt und Lust auf weitere Entdeckungen bekommen habe. Auf die nächsten Touren nehme ich euch wieder mit - bis bald an dieser Stelle ;-). Read the full article
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jossarisfoto · 5 years ago
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Waltrop | Scheepslift Henrichenburg Zaterdag, 23 november 2019 | Deze week heb ik het Ruhrmuseum in Essen bezocht. Daar is de intrigerende maquette van de Scheepslift Henrichenburg in Waltrop te zien.
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masteruser1999 · 6 years ago
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#Alter #Kanal #henrichenburg Schleuse #schiffshebewerk #schiffshebewerkhenrichenburg #masteruser1999 #nrw #ruhryork #ruhrpott #ruhrstadt #euhrgebiet #germany #juli #2019 (hier: Schleuse Henrichenburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/BznxKrHAnz_/?igshid=p9bte1bbkqea
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bild-akademie-blog · 6 years ago
Allgegenwärtige Räume 
Noch bis zum 3. November 2019 zeigt der Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) in seinem Industriemuseum Schiffshebewerk Henrichenburg in Waltrop rund 60 Bilder des Fotografen Udo Kreikenbohm auf dem Lastkahn Ostara am Oberwasser. Die Fotografien entstanden auf Touren durch das gesamte Ruhrgebiet. Zu sehen sind jedoch nicht die bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten. Kreikenbohm, bekannt als langjähriger Presse-Fotograf in Diensten der WAZ, fotografiert in den Zwischenräumen, in denen sich die Menschen bewegen und ihre Spuren hinterlassen.
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hariesautomoto · 6 years ago
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Boat Lift Henrichenburg 1899 by HariesAutoMoto
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shiinsei · 8 years ago
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november 2004
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schrott-ankauf-nrw · 3 years ago
Schrottabholung Dortmund von Schrotthändler lahib Über Flickr: www.schrott-ankauf-nrw.de/schrotthaendler-dortmund/
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boschintegral-photo · 5 years ago
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kerovousphoto · 3 years ago
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Own picture : Henrichenburg  Germany,  December 2019
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logi1974 · 5 years ago
- English -
Water-Lock Park Waltrop Three waterways meet directly south of the city of Datteln: the Rhine-Herne Canal from Duisburg, the Datteln-Hamm Canal from Hamm and the Dortmund-Ems Canal from Meppen and Dortmund. A few kilometers north, the Wesel-Datteln Canal branches off towards Wesel.
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The approximately 15-kilometer-long section of canal to the port of Dortmund starts here, almost 15 meters higher than the other three canals. Together with this section, the Henrichenburg boat lift in Waltrop-Oberwiese, necessary to bridge the height difference, was opened in 1899.
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As early as 1914, the first lock was built in close proximity to the boat lift, together with the completion of the Rhine-Herne Canal. It was decommissioned in 1969, renovated and is now part of a park-like landscape.
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In addition to the old lock, the third system for lifting or lowering the ships was built in 1962: the new lift. In 2005 the new boat lift was also closed due to technical defects.
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The only lifting system in operation is the new lock, built between the old shaft lock and the new boat lift in 1989, the fourth canal structure in Oberwiese.
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All of the lifts and locks, all four technically so-called "descent structures", form the so-called Waltrop Water-Lock Park. The LWL Industrial Museum takes up a large part of it with the old boat lift and an exhibition on the topic of inland navigation. Some areas are inaccessible company premises.
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However, the channel islands around the old lock became a park-like complex: the Waltrop Water-Lock Park. It extends on the so-called Channel Islands to the New Lock. The "islands" are the land masses between the four channel arms of the upper and lower water to the former and the current lifting device.
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The disused and unused channel arms hold numerous memories of the active time that can be discovered during a walk. Here and there, benches invite you to pause and take a dreamy look at the still water, on which numerous waterfowls can be spotted.
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The proud core of the freely accessible facility is the old shaft lock from 1914 with its western water basin. They served to save water during the lock process and to minimize the necessary and time-consuming refilling of the headwater on the section between Waltrop and Dortmund.
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The principle of the lock is very simple: the ship goes into the lock chamber, in which the water level is then slowly adjusted to the lower or upper level, lowered or raised. The ship can then leave the lock on the other side at the same height.
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When the lock was dismantled after its closure in 1989, the eastern water pools were removed and replaced by a parking space. The lock gates were also removed.
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A pedestrian path leads through the middle of the lock basin, only 10 meters wide and under the lock gate, with its romantic turrets, from the former upper water to the lower water.
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The outer harbor at the underwater is also used as a marina. The popular channel cruises on the MS Santa Monika passenger ship usually start here.
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The brick walls of the lock basin then rise to the right and left. The now dry embankments and concrete bollards testify that ships used to drive and moor here.
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In 1962, the old boat lift and the old lock were supplemented by the new boat lift. However, due to construction defects, this has already been shut down as well. Its trough is 90 meters long and 12 meters wide.
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The Café Kortmann, located between the car park and the street, invites you to take a break and offers excellent cakes and of course food and drinks.
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The park between the new lock and the open air museum is freely accessible 24/7. The visit is free of charge.
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ralphbutler · 7 years ago
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Hebewerk Henrichenburg
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