“Hey guys, now that you’re all set up, like I said, food on the farm is scarce because it’s still planting season, all I really have are onions. Those hearty sons of bitches. We’ll have to forage for what we need. I’m sorry if this an inconvenience but I wasn’t expecting this much company so soon,” Tumblr explains, “We can split up into groups to cover more land area. If we get some large enough mushrooms. I can grill over the hearth with my onion.”
“Why not just kill a goat? That’d feed us,” a defiant voice from the mass proclaims.
“Those are my fucking goats, they’re how I get cheese, and their meat lasts me through the winter.” Tumblr rationalizes.
A shock but understanding murmur ensues, then Hendral says, “very well spoken, we shall abide by your rules. We don’t want to seem ungrateful.”
The resistance members continued unpacking, helping each other out of their armor.
Bristkruv is a tall but lithe Orcish woman, her long hair intricately braided under her helm. She looks a little weathered but still functional. She had an air of competency the others lacked, former militant?
The man who spoke up about slaughtering the goat, was Reimú an Elf with a dark complexion, his skin like amber sandstone. His features are angular but clean, his hair is normally silky smooth, but for now it is staticky, he wears a gold clasp on both ears.
Reimú’s lover Shurmalg a large Orc, who is soft spoken. his hair, like Bristkruv is long and braid, but less masterfully.
There was a human named Drake, which Tumblr finds unsettling, it seems like such a normal name. He is black with short hair that is slowly turning gray he wears a goatee and smells of wine. He seldom speaks but when he does it is with the wisdom of a man well traveled and well traumatized.
Another dwarf named Feldspar, she has hair the color of her namesake and a beard that rivals Hendral. She is full of youthful energy, such that she follows Hendral around like a lost puppy.
And Hendral of course.
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teamhendral · 1 year
This is not in character, this is talking through the eyes, mind, and hands of the author, Kilzye.
Q&As you’re looking for:
Q: What is this?
A: This is a “blog” about my series, R&D, and being told through the perspectives of my characters.
Q: How do we tell who is who?
A: Look at how they text, acronyms they use, etc.
Q: Can we know anything about you?
A: You can, on my Carrd.
Q: What do they look like?
A: My Carrd has the discord link on their information.
Q: Where’s your carrd?
A: https://kllzye.carrd.co
Q: Are the characters OP like other ocs?
A: Depends how you see them really.
Q: How will this story go public?
A: Sharing, newspapers, social media, etc.
Any other Questions you want answered, ask them, don’t be afraid to.
Do’s and Don’ts:
-Give writing tips
-Ask the HENDRAL questions
-Make SFW Fanart of them
-Ask about their history
-Ask what they want in life
-Ship them out of canon
-Harass them
-Harass me
-Harass other Tumblers
-Make them question their existence
-Make them do things out of character
-Make NSFW Fanart of them
-Ask about their desires
-Ask Kilzye questions
-Ask about lore (that’s on reddit ONLY)
IF NEEDED WILL BE UPDATED, happy reading everyone!
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atlas539 · 2 years
So, I need some more opinions on something.
Im DM'ing a campaign for a few new DND players (also I'm a new DM) and I'm trying to figure out a path for the BBEG, I have 3 paths for it to take, so could you tell me what sounds best?
The BBEG is named Victor who is a firbolg Necromancer/Druid lorde of a small town named Hendral. His wife and child died due to ailments and his wife is now a litch who dwells in the castle.
Victor kills himself to protect the town from the litch and after you defeat her she makes one last spell. Victor is now a vampire
Same as number 2 but he becomes part of an amalgamation creature that you might need to help.
After Victor's wife dies he gives his body up to a certain god and becomes worse in some way. Instead of killing himself you have to fight him. I haven't thought of it properly so that might need some more work.
Please, if you have any ideas, please tell me!!!
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
the open nation of Hendral is ruled by a small council and a king, this nation is made up of an alliance of five or so small kingdoms that have banned together to protect each other, the council is made of of several races, the Talwin elves, the Brandel halflings, the Corbin's who are human, Feldran Tabaxi. This nation is the main defense against the demon invasions and its capital is Vera Mundus. Hendral borders Veraldin, Sehlean and the Republic of Praetus to the south.
Vera Mundus- Small villages: Lunar mills- lumber village in northern Hendral under the dominion of the Corbin's. This village is a major exporter of lumber and is widely traveled for its famous wood work and Moonmarrow brew. Glanchester- northern Hendral Home of the Corbins and First port of Hendral. A sprawling port city governed by the Barons of the north where a large majority of the Hendral Navy is being stationed.
Edinborourgh- Northwestern port city ruled by the Corbins, a trade center for Northern Hendral that has trade routes with Ahm’serrin the port city of Sehlean and Farfair of Praetus.
Eastcliff- northern Hendral village under the dominion of the Corbins, viewed as a cultural center of the nation second only to Vera Mundus Itself, know for it’s vast foods, art and strange festivals.
Talywick- village in western Hendral under the dominion of the Talwin Elves, home to the estate of the Seveon family and main base of operations of Seveon Spellworks.
Farnfoss-Western village under the dominion of the Talwin Elves, popular land for Druids and rangers of all kinds because of the vast grove of witchwood trees and Arcatan trees, known for its vast harvest and rumored to contain a portal to a different plane.
Falkirk- Western village under the dominion of the Talwin Elves, home to many seedy individuals this town is ruled mainly by the vast syndicate known as the Cross Co. a company that runs many casinos and various other dubious business.
Glanyrafon- western Hendral under the rule of the Feldran Tabaxi
Skegness- Eastern village under the rule of the Feldran Tabaxi
Everport- Eastern village under the rule of the Feldran Tabaxi
Rivergrove- Training ground village ruled by the Feldran Tabaxi
Eldham- southern village under the watch of the Brandel Halflings, this village is quaint and home to rolling hills and farms filled with small houses as well as a few large ones but this town is mostly populated by small folk such as halflings. Pathstow- Southern village under the watch of the Brandel Halflings, a small town on the way to a fortress this village is often moved through by Military forces and as such is often used for training and many competitions. Sharpton- Southeastern village under the watch of the Brandel Halflings home to the Foundry, a small group that gives out jobs to adventures.
Fayburn- small farming village under direct protection of the High king of Hendral. A major producer of food and product for the Capital of Vera Mundus.
Silverwater- Large archive of knowledge watched by the Arcanum council and governed by the High king of Hendral. Home to the Arcanum Archives where the largest gathering of knowledge mystical or otherwise is located in Hendral second only to The Arcanum Council and academy in Vera Mundus. Fortresses: Bows shallow- Hendral fortress on the board to Veraldin
Shalefury- Hendral fortress on the border to Sehlean
Anvilhead- Hendral Fortress on the border to Veraldin
Irongarde- Hendral fortress on the border to the Republic of Praetus
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fyblackwomenart · 7 years
Tumblr media
Windy Curls by Hendral
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Tumblr kisses the dwarf. “How’s that for morale?”
The dwarfs cheeks and nose redden.
“You let the resistance know if they need anything, and I mean anything they can count on me and my farm.” Tumblr winks.
The dwarf too stunned to speak stumbles backwards to the gate, gathering themself on the way. “Have a fine day, citizen,” they say bashfully, “Name’s Hendral by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Hendral, stop by anytime.”
Tumblr spends the rest of the morning tending to their vegetation. Cultivation is hard work. They head into town with their remaining libra to seek out some produce. They pick out some hearty looking bread and some smoked roast beef, which they promptly hurry home with before returning to town to visit the tavern with the excitement of the last two days, they needed to unwind and familiarize themself.
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Tumblr tells Hendral of their encounter with the boar, and how that might have something to do with the transformation. They willingly omitted the part about why they were chasing it, and the fact they saw the boars aura transfer itself into Vaylii, “maybe that has something to do with this.”
“Yes, that sounds feasible.”
A worrying though crosses Tumblr’s mind, “I don’t think we’ll find her. She’s a master tracker with an unordained knowledge of these woods.”
Hendral, nods solemnly. “It’s also noteworthy, my men and I must make our leave on the morrow.”
“What? I’m supposed to track her on my own.”
“We have a rebellion to lead and a tyrant to fight. This seems an misfortune from before our involvement.”
“You’re an ass, Hendral.”
“I am a leader: I must make the hard calls.”
“I was uncertain of all seven of us finding her… I’m certain I cannot.”
“I am sorry, friend.”
“Fuck off.”
Hendral leaves.
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Tumblr agrees to house Hendral and his troops, they wave to Vaylii saying it’s all clear to come out, and she promptly joins them.
“Vaylii this is Hendral. Hendral, Vaylii.”
“Pleasure to meet you, lass.”
“Tumblr agreed to house me and my compatriots as we travel.”
“They seem wise, if not trustworthy,” she gives Tumblr a side eye glance. Tumblr couldn’t quite tell if it was anger or cautionary.
“I can assure you my men will not act unbecoming of themselves. Our presences will be a peaceful and secure one, isn’t that right Bristkruv?”
“Aye,” one of the mounted figures responds, her voice stern and authoritative.
“It’s Tumblr’s farm; they have the final say,” Vaylii’s votive seemed lost and distant.
Hendral turns to Tumblr, “we can all stay in the living quarters and you and your suitor might share the bedroom.”
Tumblr feels their cheeks warm, and Vaylii was blushing, too.
“Oh, I did not mean to imply—
“It’s quite alright Hendral, let me show you to your quarters, not like you can’t find it yourself, as I said my home is small.”
The group tethered their horse, grabbed their packs, and followed Tumblr inside. The house seemed smaller than before. Everyone laid out their bedrolls, strewn about the floor, with just enough space to walk between the bedroom and the front door.
Tumblr remembered that they didn’t have enough food for the group, just their groceries from yesterday, which amounted to very little, and none of their vegetables has yielded yet.
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Tumblr and Vaylii venture south in an attempt to Rendezvous with Hendral and the others on their way to Strægaard, the capital. They venture back into the woods, Vaylii and Tumblr taking turns carrying the premature basilisk.
It isn’t long before they’re in familiar territory. They died the creek Tumblr encountered Vaylii’s more boarish appearance, turning away from from the cockatrice breeder’s berg. Venturing back into unfamiliar woods.
After a time of walking they break free of the underbrush onto a path worn into the dirt by carriage wheels. There is no signage on this part of the path, so they continue southward.
The path meanders betwixt the aging hillsides, tall trees scattered blocking out the sun. A recently felled tree blocks the path.
Vaylii stops abruptly.
Tumblr is taken aback for but a moment; they had let their natural vigilance subside on the calming trek. After a moment of readjusting they soon saw why Vaylii stopped.
The felled tree was not uprooted, nor torn or chewed away by beasts, but cut by head of ax. No woodsman is visible.
“Luck be ours. This is not intended for us, deft feet and all, not as cumbersome as a coach. Any highwaymen would not squander effort on us.”
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Tumblr rolls over to get up. Their arm flopping over Vaylii. They pin her to the polished tile under their body weight. In the dim torchlight, she glows radiantly. Her eyes no longer light with the flames of the boar, but the flames surrounding the two. She isn't taken aback by the sudden closeness of their bodies.
"um, may I?" Tumblr asks, almost sheepishly.
They kiss, it is passionate and warms them in the cool cavern. Tumblr feels flustered, which felt unusual given their past relations. With Vaylii it felt different.
She gently puts her hands to Tumblr's chest; they pull away from her slightly "Enough of that. Although I enjoyed it, I'd sooner leave," pointing to the portal with a nod of her head her and a dart of her eyes.
"Yeah, of course," Tumblr replies, slightly embarrassed.
The two make their way up the stairs, as the basilisk follows. A low rumbling beneath their feet. The made their way to the main chamber, taking the main staircase out. "This was a Dwarven stronghold during the Blood Wars, that portal is all that remains: remnants of the fractured past."
"Were they harnessing the Nether?"
"The Nether has none to harness, it is a place of death."
"Then why have the portal?"
"I know not..."
They remained silent until they emerged from the small opening from which they entered. Daylight washed over Tumblr; it hurt their eyes.
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Fine! If Hendral wasn’t going to help, Tumblr is going to fix their own mistake. Perhaps it was better not to have him and his men involved.
They push themselves off the bedding, wincing in pain, and sneak through the door as the cleric and Hendral finished talking. They scrambled into the woods. They have no recollection of which direction Vaylii would’ve went, but they try to remember any defining places Vaylii might be going.
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Tumblr, in their drunken state think they can match Bristkruv’s pattern. They started off well enough. They black out, waking to the searing pain of steel in the hand.
In their blackout Tumblr pinned their hand to the table in the webbing between the thumb and gore finger, and now it’s seeping blood all over the table. Everyone is staring in disbelief. Tumblr cries out in pain, instinctually trying to pull out the blade. Hendral stops them.
“Not until we get a cleric.”
Vaylii was staring at the bloodied tabletop, her eyelids flickering open and closed. Her eyes alight with flames, and tusks grow from her mouth in a horrendous display. The next moments are absolute chaos.
Vaylii violently flips the table. Bristkruv and Shurmalg pin her to the wall. Reimú flees as the farmhouse catches fire. Feldspar batters the table with her axe, splintering off tumblrs stuck hand. Hendral and Drake drag Tumblr from the fire. Vaylii, running in all fours, disappears into the woods.
Tumblr passes out again.
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Dinner is prepared. The game fowl is served in a mushroom and onion gravy. The meat is gamy and off-putting, but not bad.
Hendral and Bristkruv are completely feasting enjoying themselves.
Drake ever the gentleman takes his time eating, but drinks a large swill of wine after every bite. Vaylii did the opposite, scarfing herself on meat, and drinking small sips of wine.
Reimú takes a small piece of bird with no gravy.
Shurmalg ate heartily, but barely touched his wine.
Tumblr hesitantly takes a sip of their wine. They aren’t much of a drinker, so no means a wine connoisseur. It is sweet —dangerously sweet. It’s a mulled blackberry wine, and it tastes of nectar. Tumblr couldn’t control themselves. The night quickly gets out of hand. They end up splitting Shurmalg’s wine with Drake.
The group gets rowdy. Games are played throughout the night. Dice, and cards, Shurmalg and Reimú (eventually) join in on the fun as the daytime wanes.
Bristkruv eventually pulls out a knife, and riles everyone up to play pinfinger. Her eyes lit with fiery Orcish adrenaline.
Hendral in his stupor takes the knife from her and manages, “It’s probably not the best idea, Bri.”
Vaylii, in turn, snatches the knife from him, “I’m in.”
(Players include, Bristkruv, Vaylii, Feldspar, and Shurmalg)
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Tumblr feels the urge to share a bottle of wine with Drake, but decides it’s best to save it for later. Using their Earthen pillar spell they form a staircase back to the surface.
Drake grabs a few bottles of wine, shove them into his satchel— and by a few, I mean, like five or six, the satchel barely contained all of them. And he grabbed another, holding it in his off hand.
When they surface from the cellar the midday sun was blinding. Tumblr notices what they think is a faint aura emanating from the bottles, they shake their head slightly, and the effect fades like a morning fog. Just dust and mold from the cellar.
The two make their way back to the farm house, picking mushrooms along the way. When they arrive back only Vaylii and Bristkruv had returned. They were set with three game fowl, and a bag of wild tubers.
Hendral and Feldspar are the next to return, with little to show for, main mushrooms as well.
“Welcome back!”
Reimú and Shurmalg returned much later, absolutely disheveled, and with nothing to contribute. Shurmalg was more talkative then previously, stammering about how difficult it was to differentiate between poisonous and edible mushrooms. Reimú’s amber skin was aglow, and he was avoiding eye contact, but his pupils were huge, and he was staring at the fire burning in the hearth.
Drake presents the bottles, almost giddy. “Tonight we shall be drunk and merry!”
Reimú’s glow fades as he stares with abject horror. He responds, all too quickly, “I abstain as someone keep guard, who where the crown lurks.”
“Praise be yours, Reimú! Ever diligent, and more wine for myself!” Drake rejoices, “it is blackberry! My favorite.”
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Tumblr decides to take Drake on the foraging excusión. He seems the most knowledgeable, and perhaps spending time with him will let Tumblr learn more about this world in which they find themself.
Hendral and Feldspar pair up, much to Feldspar’s delight.
The lovebirds pair up.
And Vaylii and Bristkruv pair up.
The groups enter the woods surrounding the farmland in search of wild vegetation.
“So Drake, you seem a respectable man. What led you to join the resistance?”
Well, I was a noble in Strægaard,” he starts, but trails off, “King Knuvengel isn’t a bad king. He cares greatly for our people. He and his father have ended, for the most part, the Blood laws of Greifellen and for that we should all be grateful.”
A pause as Drake ponders his wonders. Tumblr grows impatient, “So why work to overthrow him? I may be a simple farmer but that seems like a good thing to me. I don’t understand.”
“Have you been to the war front?”
“Neither have I… I had travelled to Yynthengól before the war, it was a nice place. Bristkruv and Hendral they fought on the battlefield, they’ve seen the horrors of war. I’ll tell you this much. The war we’re waging in Yynthengól is unjust. Knuvengel says he wishes to liberate them, to spare them of their Blood laws as well. He doesn’t care the measures he takes.”
“That’s…” Tumblr struggles to find their words.
Suddenly a break in the woods, there is a cabin, and garden, overgrown with thicket and blackberry thorns. The building looks dilapidated.
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Tumblr willingly submits their weapon to inventory. The guard takes the basilisk to the aviary for safekeeping. Vaylii and Tumblr are admitted to the king's courtroom. They wait inside a giant atrium carved from the basalt mountain, the intricate knots carved into the floor remind Tumblr of those made by the celts, except here they meticulously plastered the cavernous walls and floors.
A herald came to fetch them.
He was a small elvish man. With his back fully extended in a formal posture, he stood well below Tumblr, his hair was braided in a fashion similar to Hendral's and Feldspar's.
"My name is Levlund, herald to the King, come to usher ye to his excellency Knuvengel of Greifellen."
"Of course."
"Follow me."
Levlund led them from the atrium through a large ballroom where servants were hastily cleaning and scrubbing the floors. Clean water was flushed in and dirty water out by magic users. From there they entered a wide hallway. Paintings of Kings prior line the walls, many had scorch marks on the frame, or were cropped extremely tightly.
At the end of the hall was a large wooden door. On it was scrawled many sigils and runes: ancient, illegible.
Levlund pushed open a secret smaller door, that opened into the throne room. On the throne sat Knuvengel, a large Orc: his demeanor was that of a strong king. He sat upright, not slouched, and his feet were firmly planted on the floor. He made his magnificent throne seem small.
Levlund introduces them, and Tumblr's nerves started to kick in.
"Ah, you bring us news of our liberation of Yythengól? Speak! We are all ears."
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