#hence why i like this blog being small and focused on poc
oathofkaslana · 11 months
like at some point your well-intentioned "genshin theories" are just you displaying bigoted beliefs lol..
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I’m aware that on a lot of academia and aesthetic blogs, owners hesitate to post social justice because it doesn’t “fit with their theme.” Furthermore, some people on here aren’t comfortable talking politics, and will avoid discussions about activism.
Just to make it absolutely clear to anyone who even slightly stumbles into my account, yes, I am pro-LGBTQIA+ (The T and A DO belong, Terfs DNI), black lives DO matter, COVID is NOT a conspiracy created by your Asian neighbors and fellow citizens, the vaccine is NOT a microchip and does save lives, the actions at the border are monstrous and need to be handled no matter who is in charge, women in America STILL have a long way to go before we can be treated as equals to men (look up stories about women trying to get permanent sterilizations and then tell me that sexism doesn’t exist in the medical US of A), women should ALWAYS have access to abortion, the actions by lawmakers in Texas ARE monstrous, Russia is NOT a conservative utopia, it’s actually terrible to live in if you’re a member of a marginalized community (??? Can’t believe I’ve seen people argue this), and there DOES need to be police reform and defunding, no matter how radical that sounds.
I’m far left. I think I actually qualify as a philosophical anarchist on the political spectrum. I know to a lot of people this might sound aggressive, particularly if you come from a traditionally white suburbia like I do. But please do some research, into the BLM movement, critical race theory, modern gender theory, the impacts of colonialism and how they affect us even now, racial objectification in the media, etc. Look into the origin of police forces. Learn why the new Texas abortion laws are so destructive to the foundations of our country (if you live in the US, of course).
I hate to have to post this, because I know I’m coming off as just another white girl whining on tumblr about things she “doesn’t have a stake in” and a lot of people on here would say something like “have loyalty to your race” (this site has a huge neonazi problem). But I do have a stake in this. My fellow college students come from all kinds of backgrounds. I’ve met people from all over the world, like Vietnam and France and Morocco and India, and they’re important to me because they’re all part of my community. I’m queer (Pan-romantic demisexual), a good amount of my friends are LGBT, and of course, I am a woman. I’m a human being. Of course I want to see other people treated like human beings. Pretending that everything is fine is only making it worse.
I can’t post any of this on my social media that has my real name, because my family would fucking kill me (very conservative background, my mother nearly disowned me when she found out that I had a crush on a girl in middle school). I accidentally admitted that I’m newly vegetarian at a family gathering and they all lost their minds over something as small as that. I had a breakdown regarding the treatment of BLM protestors back in June and my mother threatened to cancel my college application because she thought I was being dramatic. I know that it’s still bad that I have to hide this away, and I guess that this can be viewed as a kind of confession because I feel an intense amount of guilt about it. White silence is a real thing and by posting stuff like this anonymously I’m only committing to the problem. Donating and voting can only go so far. We as a society have to be vocal, but I’m just not in a place where I can do that right now, and I’m sorry.
That being said, expect a ton more social justice posts from now on. I really try to focus in on articles that I think people should read and links to donation services to help get people more funding. I don’t use tumblr a lot but when I do I try to do stuff like this at least semi often. This isn’t really an aesthetic blog, it’s just a collection of things that I care about. And I really care about this.
Again, I don’t really feel like it’s my place to say some of this stuff. White voices shouldn’t drown out POC voices. But I just want to make this absolutely clear for anyone that happens to stop by. I picked the name Ophelia and the Damned because I like focusing on the concept of “others” in literature, ones that cis white male authors tend to portray as stepping stones for the protagonist (hence, Ophelia). So Neo-Nazis, Terfs, pedophiles, racists, transphobes, homophobes, sexists, and other people of hate, DNI. I’m not interested in hearing your viewpoint. If your voice can’t come from a place of empathy, then why bother speaking at all?
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