#hence the pulse info
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daniwib · 8 months ago
I feel like doing some writing!
Opens doc. Checks tumblr. Writes two lines. Checks discord. Writes one line. Oh wait I need to check something. Searches if you can feel a pulse in a lion's leg. Gets distracted reading a very interesting blog about lion pride dynamics and the individuality of roars. Scraps the line about the pulse cos no answer fast too hard distraction bad. Wrote a whole paragraph, woohoo! That deserves a cup of coffee as a reward. I may as well put a load of laundry on while the kettle is boiling, my sheets need washing. Oh wait I was going to buy my parents new sheets and it's prime day soon and but I need to confirm what size Dad's doona is. Calls Mum. Chats for half an hour. Finds suitable sheets and puts into cart ready for the sale. Reboils kettle and actually makes a cup of coffee. Sits at keyboard and cracks knuckles. Right, let's write! Oh shit it's time for the school run. And I forgot to hang the washing out.
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toadslug · 1 year ago
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I came up with these guys for a creature design event on Rain World Amino!! They're officially named Dragon rays, but they're also known as Sky rays or Vac rays.
Several prompts were given, but I used these:
• Sky Islands.
• Cyan lizards.
• Singularity bombs.
• Grappling worms.
I was also inspired by manta rays and basking sharks! (Plus Crimson Rays from Subnautica, hence the spade tail)
More information and silly art below the cut:
Male rays have black and cyan coloration on their backs to attract female rays. Female rays have more dull coloration for camouflage; their backs are brownish-red to match the ground. Both males and females have light orange undersides (males being slightly brighter) to camouflage with the sky. The colors for both sexes can slightly vary in shade, but remain very close to the same hue.
Rays have a pair of bright turquoise eyes on the sides of their flat heads and another eye on their underside. They have stubby legs and are very clumsy on land.
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They spend most of their life in the air and eat whatever gets sucked into their huge mouths. They generally don't have predators due to their size, but hungry vultures will sometimes attempt to hunt them.
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They can extend their mouths (like basking sharks) rays can use their "singularity breath" to pull in stubborn prey (but that's about the only thing they have in common with singularity bombs; they don't make anything explode).
Dragon rays are passive to Slugcats. They will flee if the Slugcat attacks them. If the Slugcat bothers them enough, they may use their singularity breath to suck it into their mouth, instantly killing it.
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Slugcats may be able to hitch a brief ride on a ray using a grappling worm; however, the rays usually fly too high for the Slugcat to interact with them. Rays may occasionally swoop down to perch for a short period of time. When they do this, their shadows can be mistaken for vulture shadows.
Dragon rays live in pulses (that's what groups of the species are called). They do not have leaders, but older rays (male or female) are usually taken more seriously. Females and males can coexist in a pulse.
Rays give live birth to one or two rays. Young rays do not need intensive parenting and learn quickly.
Might add more info or make more art of these guys later!! Feel free to make your own rays, too.
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casoulettearchives · 10 months ago
The night scout
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Info: The main scout for the sun god also the first Latios made by the Solgaleo, he treats and cherishes them dearly hence why him and his sister have been promoted to being scouts in the area.
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Chosen name: Twilight
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Luster Purge - Psychic
Psychic - Psychic
Shadow Claw - Ghost
Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Space pocket: Endless Day
Involvement with war:Wasn't born yet during it
Shrine: Doesnt seem like they have any
Created by: Solgaleo
Creator of:
No known demi-gods were made by them. Or no one has found any fragments to become one.
doesn't own any spaces where a messenger is needed - message are deliver to her by Setting Sun's Phione
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shapeshyft · 1 year ago
Bind my blades in salt & silence.
The Living Island. Named, Honoured, Hosted, Infested, Damned, Burned, Salted, and Dead.
Across history, the perils of nations like Krakoa have been made public affairs. The stuff of gossip & legend. The Triangle. The Trench. Roanoke, so on, so forth. It was a given that whenever a people sequestered themselves away on fanciful places, far from the watchful eye of 'existence', horrid things would befall them with nary a way out.
It seemed almost destined to be thus, and in no way, shape or form was Krakoa immune from the ever-churning tides of destiny. Hence, two mutants grabbing all of their at-hand effects, slipping through a gate toward Madripoor and then vanishing into the crowds like smoke on a warm breeze.
If any of you are still alive to read this, no hard feelings. You should've listened. - M.
But that was then. Ages, a world tour, and a gorgeous chalet in the foothills of Ibiza with around-the-clock at home staffers to tend to Irene later, and a gate that had long since forgotten the aura of survival at all costs, was gifted the taste one more time.
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❝ Look at that. Paradise in throes of Mass Resurrection... ❞ If ever there were reason to 'empathize' with human fear of Mutantkind, staring across a sea of grass littered with veritable corpses reacclimatizing to pulses was it.
❝ Dexter. ❞ Her voice reached the young mutant's ears after her presence did. She could already see the 'wheels behind his eyes' spinning as he took her in, trying to find some no-doubt complicated marker in his system of systems to save himself.
She'd no time to indulge, instead resting a hand under his chin and forcing him to abandon his process to accommodate her.
❝ I'm looking for some people, Dex. I know you know where they are. ❞
Non-verbal, he stammered and sweated. He swallowed and sucked air, but he did not speak. To speak would be to 'relay info' from the card, and he - and... and she - ? She. Was squeezing his cheeks a bit harder, opening his mouth by keeping his jaw from closing.
❝ A general location. Are they near the east coast? ❞ A light squeeze, the hint of a whine of discomfort eking past parted lips. ❝ The west coast? ❞ A similar sound, tears began to well behind too-tired eyes. She did not relent. ❝ Did they find a way to leave, or - Oh. Oh, they're in the queue, aren't they? ❞
And finally? Release.
Dexter is let go, two small beads of red on his cheeks drawing down toward his bruised jaw as Mystique turned away and off toward the heart of the isle. Irene had been correct. As usual. They had fought to the very end, and as such were low on the queue. Good. She might have time to catch one alone before the other found time to tie their hips together again.
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hamable · 2 years ago
Conrad shuffles the paper to bring the Packet to Impelda’s attention. Imelda Pulse steals the packet that was supposed to be delivered to the boss’s desk EOD.
Elias has been revealed to be one that thinks ahead, so he’d know that with something this classified, any sign of him waivering, and he won’t be allowed out of the building.
He’s been taking copper supplements knowing the likelihood that if he makes a move to stop the psychometer research, he’ll be psychometered. As of right now, the psychometer functions as a mind reader, the research packet had information on how to make it a mind changer.
Either the higher ups get the info from the packet or from Elias’s mind directly. Elias must know this. It’s not confirmed he destroyed the packet but it’s my belief that he must’ve. If nothing else, hid it extremely well.
This is all happening in a matter of minutes. He steals the packet, destroys or hides it, and equips a grappling hook. Why? He’s not leaving this building alive, not before getting psychometered and maybe not after, the boss wouldn’t risk that loose string.
He meets the boss. The psychometer goes off. Two things happen at once.
Norrell Ogical is murdered by Logic, who is currently unaccounted for in Mentopolis, as the mayor is a fraud, but logics presence is clearly palpable throughout the city. Logic takes over the board to force Elias to jump out the window.
The psychometer goes off, destroys the keyhole and has entered Elias’s mind.
Regardless of how preplanned jumping out the window is, even if it was the only logical option left, it is a fundamentally illogical thing to do. Every instinct in the brain would be trying to stop you from doing it, and it only makes sense to logic, who plans to do it for Elias’s survival. Logic would have to get up to and take out some heavy hitters in order to take control of the panel in that moment. Hence, they’d have to kill Norrell Ogical.
Given that Freeze has been pretending to be Leon Logic for some extended period of time, that leaves the question of if Freeze usurped Logic (unlikely, freeze is not a man of action) or if Logic has gone more vigilante, taking care of what needs to be done under the guise of something else. The question is, what would that something else be? Is Elias only able to make Logical decisions under the guise of something else? Could Logic be working with Fawn, attempting to maintain a low profile at the company while bidding their time to put an end to the psychometer?
Conrad stated that Logic knew them, which is how they knew the Freeze was a fraud. But how long has Freeze been acting as logic? When did Conrad and logic meet, and what beef would they have? Because I don’t know if logic would blame Conrad for the ice skate accident. The Four Fs would, but logical would, I would hope, be more logical about it. And it doesn’t sound like Freeze has been in power since the ice skating incident, or else he’d know Conrad.
What really sells Logic working behind the scenes for me is the copper supplements. Obv Elias’s conscience is worried about the psychometer. That waivering faith is on his radar, no matter how small. Logically, if he were to change his mind, or even seem like he was unsure of the project, his bosses would have no reservations about using it on him. He knows this. He’s prepared for it. That, and bringing the grappling hook. It’s more of a snap decision, but proveabley NOT an impulsive one.
Oh one other thing. Logic is likely a key holder, likely even part of the Ogical family (heartbreaking). I bet a lot of the behind the scenes work has been at the board at olblongata station with Fawn. Fuck, is logical posing as someone we met? Fuckkkk if Wilton gets revealed as Logic I’m gonna bite someone.
This is my favorite type of story, I’m thriving rn.
TLDR: logic killed Norrell Ogical, it’s possible that Logic has been working undercover/vigilante for some time, we’ve yet to meet them. Freeze has been impersonating them as we know, possibly in cahoots (or too scared to say no hehe). Logic may also be working with Fawn, since it seems Elias will not allow Logic to rule his thoughts, but as Logic clearly still has a strong presence throughout the city, logic could be working with fawn to keep a low profile and bide Elias’s time as they work to end the psychometer project.
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milfygerard · 2 months ago
Other information: Remember how Scooter left the managing business to be CEO of HYBE America? Turns out HYBE acquired TAG PR (the agency I mentioned earlier where he's a majority stakeholder) and proceeded to get involved in chart and album manipulation for their artists as well as leaking emails and texts to attempt defamation for competitors (there are tweets with evidence but I'm too tired to link each one rn).
A year ago, I remember this one website got a leak of the agreements that Taylor and Scooter were supposed to sign at the start of their negotiations. Here's that article: https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/taylor-swift-catalog-sale-following-the-money/
I now fully believe Scooter leaked all of these because this article says "According to MBW’s watertight sources – who were directly involved in negotiating the deal" and I suspected that when it came out because it had more details about his side compared to hers, but now I feel like this is his MO. And it may have been his attempt to gain more credibility for that Bad Blood documentary about him and Taylor.
I also think based on all this info that it's time to go is partly about Taylor's dad because he got $15 million out of the sale, a very specific number. I think he knew about the details of the sale (he and another guy voted no according to the leaks) and didn't tell her until afterward due to the legalities, which broke her heart further. He also allegedly had an affair with her previous publicist, hence the friends line, which reads to me like he tried to hide it from her. I feel like his emails might also fit into this whole thing but it's late and I'm too tired to read through them to check.
Anyway, the ending of the song echoes Daylight, which is about letting things go, this one is about leaving things behind, and both songs mention 20 years too. Maybe how long the marriage lasted between her parents? I dunno, I know the public info mentions separation in 2011, but given the content of that email it may have happened earlier imho.
okay movey over letterboxd review written i can Absorb this and respond
The scooter stuff i lightly knew about? I have a friend into kpop who talks me thru hybe entertainment and its evil workings whenever we're chatting kpop and I remember hearing that scooter braun was involved w them bc hes so totally always at the scene of the crime. Hes a famous asshole and i dont put any underhanded tactics past him, he really did just underestimate what taylor is willing to do when shes desperate and truly pissed off.
the dad stuff i really cant talk to much, it definitely seems like a really complicated situation. I mean andrea and scott being divorced but both being close to taylor and her career is a whole thing by itself in that they have to spend an insane amount of time together for a divorced couple. Scott has always had caring but republican dad energies, I believe that him and taylor are close and that they love each other, but I also believe it is endlessly complicated for endless reasons (hes almost definitely a misogynist and probably holds many conservative views, the divorce and the issues leading up to it definitely left a mark on taylor emotionally, he is literally a financial stakeholder in her career which is batshit insane to be honest). He's hard to really discuss because even if he isnt Andrea he's still deeply entrenched as a character in the Taylor Swift Universe who you are expected to hold the customary two dimensional view of that all taylor swift characters require. I do think that a subject that i've seen very few ppl mention is how even if not directly is how taylor included her family and their culpability in her Everything on TTPD. Make spectrum pulse (my best fake internet friend mark spectrum pulse) is one of the only ppl other than me and maybe a scant few anons that mentioned it and i think that TSU Character base is a big reason why. We arent talking vaguely about taylors experience with her parents we are talking about Andrea and Scott from Taylor Swift and so broaching the topic of parental culpability in childhood stardom, even the more responsible parents who don't rely on their kids financially and try to protect them where possible, is a conversation that can't really be comfortably had regardless of its place within the text, because it just isnt how the fandom is structured. Parents and specifically fathers are definitely a motif throughout taylors discography and its an interesting and complicated one.
Um conclusion, I wouldnt be shocked if taylor was intentionally referencing pained or negative emotions towards her father and family in general throughout her music just because of how she writes (tolerate it dad song ftw) but I'm also not surprised that she's still close to her parents even if there are rough hills and complications running through everything. She said it herself, she never really got to grow up and she still clearly heavily relies on them emotionally and keeps them in the loop business wise (not shade or an insult I also rely heavily on my parents, thats just something that will vary person to person). I also think her parents have chosen to be public figures who are visually connected to (and profit from) Taylor Swift the brand & art, and it should be okay to talk about them and their complicated place within taylors music.
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perfectcomputer2 · 5 months ago
Best Social Media Marketing Course in Ahmedabad - Perfect Computer Education
Why You Should Enroll in a Social Media Marketing Course in Ahmedabad Today
In the present time, with all the technological advances made, it is safe to say that social media marketing is not a fad. It is a requirement for any company that wishes to survive. If you fall in this category and are located in Ahmedabad, your best bet would be to enrol in a Social Media Marketing Course in Ahmedabad. This city is exceptional as it is a modern conurbation with a growing economy filled with advancements and learning in this sector. This helps students comprehend the pulse of social media marketing and prepare themselves to face challenging times.
Social Media Marketing Course in Ahmedabad
Social media use is high because potential customers can be reached on sites such as Facebook, Instagram, X, etc. This is because it creates social media customers dedicated to that company that will assist in product selling without the need for direct saturation advertising. A Social Media Marketing Course in Ahmedabad will prepare you with all these techniques so that your company’s presence in social media will be enhanced rather than ignored or ordinary.
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kcibathfittings · 6 months ago
KCI Bathroom Fittings: Elevating Modern Bathrooms in India
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The skilled choice of accessories is important in creating bathroom areas that offer services in luxury. KCI bathroom accessories have enjoyed a great reputation in India for quality, design, and innovation. One of the leading names within the Indian bathroom accessories industry, KCI has established a mark for itself as a purveyor of stylish and long-lasting products to meet the needs of contemporary homes and commercial areas.
KCI bathroom fittings exporters in India possess the ability to supply high-quality merchandise to foreign markets, making Indian craftsmanship available across every part of the world. Be it premium bathroom fittings or the latest designs of bathroom faucets; KCI is a name related to perfection. The company's mantra lies in providing luxury and modern bathroom accessories in India, thus placing it at the top of leading companies.
KCI is one of those unique bathroom fittings suppliers in India which has been providing a gamut of stylish bathroom fixtures. Their products have combined functionality with design so that your bathroom not only works efficiently but looks stunning too. For instance, the wall-hung water closet manufacturers in India at KCI manufacture sleek and space-saving designs to fit into the modern place perfectly.
KCI being one of the premium exporters of bathroom fittings in India, offers a wide range of products; from being one of the leading wash basin manufacturers in India to being leading ceramic basin manufacturers and suppliers in India. The product range that they offer is crafted to cater to both aesthetic and practical reasons, ensuring thereby that each and every bathroom fixture adds value to the space. From Massage Bathtub Manufacturing in India to high-quality bath fittings manufacturers in India, KCI delivers according to the highest standards.
KCI doesn't restrict its service to just fittings, but it is one of the leading bathroom accessories manufacturers in India. From sleek faucets to modern overhead shower manufacturers in India, their newly introduced designs capture the pulse of modern taste.
The commitment of KCI to quality extends even to its range of quality flush valve manufacturers in India. All products from its stables are long-lasting, hence proving to be a very dependable choice both for homes and commercial spaces. Being one of the top bathroom fittings suppliers in India, KCI sees to it that its product quality is at par with the best standards so as to ensure customer satisfaction.
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advaitayurved · 11 months ago
Ayurvedic treatment for Thyroid in Ahmedabad
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Ayurvedic treatment for Thyroid in Ahmedabad
Thyroid is now a days a common ailment in most of the indian ladies. Thyroid is due to impurity in blood which causes hormonal imbalance and hence causing a no. of symptoms like weight gain ,anorexia,weakness, reduced in activity, loss of cheerfullness etc. In hyperthyroidism, there is increased metabolic activity, high pulse rate and weight loss, palpitation, in the patient.
The thyroid is a small gland in your neck that makes thyroidhormones. Sometimes the thyroid makes too much or too little of these hormones.  Too much thyroid hormone is called hyperthyroidism and can cause many of your body’s functions to speed up. “Hyper” means the thyroid is overactive. “Hypo” means the thyroid is less active.
Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney Stones in Ahmedabad
Metabolism : is a series of complex processes by which the human body converts food, water, and oxygen into tissue, energy, and waste products. It is a continuous process and goes on in every cell of the body. It comprises the breaking down of substances into simpler parts, and their shuffling and recombination into countless new substances that compose the body.
Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney in Ahmedabad
 For example, the carbohydrates are broken down by enzymes and acids and converted into pure sugar or glucose. The constructive chemical and physical process by which food materials are adapted for the use of the body is known as anabolism; and the destructive process by which energy is produced with the breaking down of tissues into waste products is called catabolism.
The two processes together are called metabolism. Basal Metabolic Rate: is the rate at which energy is consumed when a person is at complete rest. When a person is placed in a state of complete rest, the metabolic rate can be measured by measuring the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged during breathing under certain standard conditions. The BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is an index of a person’s health.
Ayurvedic treatment for Skin in Ahmedabad
There is no direct mention of the thyroid gland in Ayurveda, but a deases by the name Galaganda, characterized by neck swelling, is well known.
Ayurvedic treatment for Pimples in Ahmedabad
The first description of neck swelling was mentioned in Atharva Veda (the last of the four Vedas) by the name apachi. Charaka mentioned the deases under 20 sleshma vikaras. Sushruta {renowned ancient Indian surgeon}in Sareera Sthana has mentioned that of the seven layers of the skin, the sixth layer Rohini is the seat of Galaganda.
 In Nidana Sthana he described Galaganda as two encapsulated small or big swellings in the anterior angle of the neck, which hang like scrotum, whereas Charaka mentioned Galaganda as a solitary swelling.  Contact us for Ayurvedic Thyroid Treatment
Ayurvedic treatment for Hair Growth in Ahmedabad
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Address:  A 222, Shakti ETC ( Extol Trade Centre, Vandematram Circle, NR Vandematram Cross Rd, Gota, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382481, India
Call: +91 99045 57565
Website:  https://advaitayutreatment.com/
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eligator-nutrtion · 1 year ago
7 Days Home Workout Plan To Achieve Your Fitness Goals
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Fitness isn’t always a choice but a need, and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we will begin working for better health. Do you want to get began with your fitness adventure however haven’t any concept what to comply with? If yes, then you have observed your self the right article that will help you figure out a home exercise plan.
5 Step-Guide to a Fitness Program
Before we discuss the home workout plan for men and girls, allow’s talk five steps which could take you from a sedentary life-style to a health-ahead one.
1. First things first, measure your frame to learn about your modern-day frame composition. It isn’t always viable to degree progress until you understand the start line. Hence, calculate your BMI, notice down your unique frame measurements, your pulse price, and so on. Once you know about those info, you can use them as benchmarks for your health journey.
2. Next, layout your health program this is specially acceptable for your private desires. Planning is the first step for execution, and it allow you to navigate the principle areas of cognizance. For instance, consider your health goals, whether you need to get more potent, shed pounds, or construct stamina and consciousness on average health.
Once those dreams are determined, you can contain your preferred physical sports into your every day habitual to attain these objectives. For instance — while planning a home workout for girls with a piece-from-home activity, you may consist of 10-minute walks around the residence every few hours to increase step depend and live lively.
3. It’s time to act for your plans and start the health program. Gather your simple system, together with shoes, workout system, or interest monitoring device. You might want to strive some machines in the nearest gymnasium to study what device you need to personal and create a budget round it.
4. As you embark at the fitness adventure, start gradual and build gradually. Don’t strain your body too much on the primary day itself. You need to pay attention on your frame, slowly construct persistence, and then growth the exercise depth, each day step counts, etc. If you locate it hard to take out a committed time every day, you can spoil the time durations in the course of the day to reach the targets without feeling overwhelmed.
5. Lastly, test your progress, but do not obsess over results each day. If you find your self on the weighing system every single day, it is able to create strain and can demotivate you. Fix an affordable length, like checking weight every five-6 weeks. Also, recall to have a healthful, balanced, and nutrient-dense eating regimen.
When Should You Workout 7 Days a Week?
There is a lot of discussion inside the health international about the correct quantity of workout days in a week. Most human beings advise working 4 to 5 days every week, especially in case you are a amateur. But if you are an athlete or a sophisticated-degree bodybuilder, you may take someday a week to relaxation and recover.
Here are a few elements to do not forget at the same time as choosing to work seven days every week -
· If you are training for 30 to 45 minutes in step with day and the intensity is mild.
· If you are becoming enough sleep (7–8 hours) consistent with day.
· If you’re eating a balanced weight loss plan and your macronutrient necessities are being fulfilled.
The Best 7-Day Home Workout Plan for Beginners
While we communicate approximately a dedicated domestic workout plan, the intention is to create a steady workout habitual that may be observed in the long run. When it involves fitness, consistency reaps the pleasant, lengthy-lasting outcomes, and your exercise recurring need to be primarily based in this premise.
· Monday — Cardio
What higher way to cope with the Monday blues than to have a blood-pumping aerobic session? You need to purpose for 45 minutes of cardio interest, like going for walks, cycling, on foot, and so forth. The consultation ought to be executed at a cushty pace, and your heart charge ought to be among sixty four% and 76% of the maximum heart rate.
A consistent-nation aerobic consultation is thought to improve stamina, heart and lung health, and blood stream. This patience exercising affords extra oxygen and vitamins to the running muscle tissues, and you can both do the aerobic interest in one cross or break it down into smaller periods throughout the day.
· Tuesday — Lower Body
Strength workout routines are exquisite important and are a vital part of growing a Home workout plan for Women. A 2020 examine well-knownshows that conducting muscle-strengthening interest for 2–3 hours a week can lower the threat of demise from all reasons. Studies have shown that women overlook electricity exercises and switch them for cardio most of the time, that could lead to muscle loss within the 40s. Thus, it’s far important to awareness on strengthening each frame element.
Lower body exercises, like squats, deadlifts, and lunges, can be a smart inclusion in your exercise regime. You can start with body weight after which progressively encompass dumbbells and kettlebells for first-rate results. Make positive to include a 5-minute warm-up and cool-down consultation before and after your center workout to prevent injury.
· Wednesday — Upper Body and Core
The next consciousness in your power education session is your higher body and center. This consists of biceps, triceps, and chest muscle tissues, and you may carry out a forty five-minute exercise consultation to consciousness on singular and compound moves. Exercises like biceps curls, triceps dips, and chest presses are a super addition to your top body exercise recurring. It is suggested to start with ten reps of three sets and slowly growth the repetitions when you start constructing patience.
· Thursday — Active Rest and Recovery
As stated above, it is encouraged to take two days of rest in line with week, in particular if you are simply starting. Rest days are very underrated, but they are essential for recuperation and muscle-constructing. Not taking rest days can increase the risk of damage and muscle tissues harm.
Taking a relaxation day after electricity exercises can be a splendid way to give your muscle tissues sufficient time to get better, that may lead to better muscle increase. If you continue to want to get a few form of movement to your relaxation days, stretching physical games and slow strolling can be a splendid way to rejuvenate your frame and assist it relax.
· Friday — Lower Body
A Home workout plan for men and ladies ought to cognizance on higher-body and lower-body physical activities, and one smooth way to incorporate that is to devote separate days so you can work on particular muscle organizations. While following a decrease frame workout two times every week, one exercise ought to be committed to the glutes. You can consist of sporting events, like hinge actions and hip thrusts, that concentrate on the glutes.
· Saturday — Upper Body
For the second one upper frame exercising of the week, the point of interest should again be at the shoulders, returned, and fingers. Push-ups, pull-ups, and comparable varieties of movement can work your entire middle along with the higher body.
Some different sporting events that paintings nicely encompass lateral boost, lat pull down, shoulder press, and opposite fly. Ten reps of every workout is a respectable depth for novices, and you may steadily increase on this as you end up used to the weights.
· Sunday — Rest and Recovery
Making Sunday an universal rest day from the office and a exercising may be a exceptional way to prepare your mind and body for the following week. Including Sunday as one of the two relaxation days in step with week is a really perfect situation for most humans.
If you still feel like operating out, you can do light yoga, stretching, or breathing movements.
It is also everyday to take a complete rest day and attention on relaxing activities. This can create a mind-frame connection that is wholesome and ensures that your exercise regime does not take a toll on you mentally.
Should You Take Supplements with a Home Workout Routine?
Supplements are essential to bridge the nutritional gap even while you are doing workouts at home. For instance — if the point of interest is on muscle-constructing, you need to growth your protein consumption, which may be hard via weight loss program, and that is where supplements can help.
Here are some supplements you could opt for that will help you guide your body through workout classes -
· Whey Protein — It can help fulfill the protein necessities and additionally promote muscle boom. You can pass for the whey protein range provided through Eligator Nutrition, including a 100% platinum whey and whey protein isolate. find here Best Whey protein Supplement
· Pre-Workout Powder — If you discover yourself struggling thru a exercise consultation or experiencing fatigue closer to the quit, you could try eating pre-workouts. These can provide you with the right improve of energy and help build staying power. Eligator explosive pre-workout powder is one of the quality on the market, and it can help you get via extreme classes with more power. you can get Best Pre workout here
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emeraldspiral · 6 months ago
To add to this idea;
I'm pretty sure in The Trial it's indicated that no one knew Zim was responsible for both Horrible Painful Overload days, the Tallest assassinations, or any of Zim's other crimes prior to OIDI until they saw his memories. So I'm rolling with the idea that he wasn't reviled by the general public until OIDI, only by those unfortunate enough to have met him in person.
Dib in this AU however, was doing field research abroad at the time of OIDI and gets so absorbed in his work he doesn't keep up with current events. So he knows nothing about Zim fucking up OIDI and the Tallest certainly aren't going to tell him because they don't want him to know they've set him up with an incompetent bodyguard on purpose. Dib initially does peg Zim for a complete moron, but since everything always seems to work out for them he eventually concludes that the insane Moon Logic Zim operates on must actually make sense in a way he simply can't comprehend. His methods may be unconventional, but he is a professional who knows what he's doing. After all, he must be if he was handpicked by the Tallest.
Part of Dib's assignment includes studying humans to see how advanced their tech is and assess them as a threat to the Irken Empire. To that end, he interns at Membrane Labs in order to get close to the Professor so he always has a finger on the pulse of human scientific advancement. He doesn't talk about his paranormal studies with Membrane, so Membrane thinks he's just a very bright boy with an aptitude for "real" science and treats Dib like the son he never had.
Since Dib is not Membrane's son in this AU, Gaz in an only child, but she still doesn't get a lot of attention from her dad. Growing up she put aside hobbies like video games to focus on science so Membrane would pay attention and be proud of her. But eventually she got burnt out on bending over backwards to earn her father's love and now she's a slacker who cuts class, blows off homework, and tries really hard to pretend like she doesn't care about being a disappointment to her father. Because what's the point if she's never going to be good enough to hold her dad's attention for more than 5 minutes anyway? Naturally, she resents Dib instantly when he comes along and starts acting like the child Membrane always wanted her to be. It gets even worse when Membrane convinces Dib to be Gaz's tutor and hopes that he'll be a good influence on her. Just like canon Dib, Irken Dib is kinda self-absorbed and oblivious to how annoying his enthusiastic info-dumping is. But it's even worse in this AU because he's not just yammering about a topic Gaz doesn't care about but actually mansplaining to her concepts she already knows. To be fair, she is flunking these subjects, hence why Membrane wanted him to tutor her. But she's only flunking because she's not trying anymore.
Zim's protectiveness of Dib makes him feel special and important after a lifetime of being treated like a joke in the Irken scientific community and he starts to believe they are what other species would call "friends". Maybe something more.
But actually, Zim does not care about Dib beyond his work obligations. He protects him only because his ass will be in huge trouble if he fucks up again. Canon Zim is already constantly anxious and paranoid about blowing his cover and being captured and dissected, so it really pisses him off in this AU that Dib does a lot of reckless stuff in pursuit of his research, like trespassing and hacking government files, which could attract unwanted attention from earth authorities.
Furthermore, he does not share Dib's fascination for earth creatures and paranormal phenomena. He just sees everything as weak and inferior, begging to be conquered, and a waste of time studying and gawking at. He feels no guilt about going behind Dib's back and plotting to throw him and his research under the bus to advance his own career by conquering the planet he loves so much.
Dib meanwhile is struggling with conflicting loyalties between the Empire that never appreciated him or anything he cares about and the community of conspiracy theorists he's infiltrated in order to learn more about earth cryptids and Gaz and the Professor, who are like the family he never had.
Dib ends up choosing the earth over the Empire just as Zim finally makes a move to conquer the planet and reveals how he was working behind Dib's back the entire time. Zim is disgusted with Dib's betrayal of the Empire, but also glad to be relieved of his obligation to protect him. Dib is heartbroken to learn that Zim never liked him.
But then after the two of them split up and become mortal enemies, with Dib trying to protect the planet he's adopted as his home and Zim trying to destroy it, Zim starts to feel a nagging sense of longing and regret. Maybe there was something he kinda liked about Dib after all. Maybe it was sort of pleasant having someone around who didn't know his past and treated him as competent and trustworthy and appreciated everything Zim did for him. But whatever. He's a traitor and a sentimental weakling, and now just an obstacle in the way of Zim achieving his life's ambition.
IDK if an AU like this already exists, but ZADR where Dib is an Irken scientist sent to earth to study its strange and unique creatures and supernatural phenomena and Zim is assigned as his bodyguard. What neither of them know is that they were both sent by the Tallest to get rid of them. Dib for his outlandish theories that are an embarrassment to the Irken scientific community, and Zim for the usual reasons. The Tallest expect Zim will get himself and Dib killed with his incompetence, but Zim actually takes his duty to protect Dib extremely seriously since it's his only shot at redemption for all the times he's screwed up in the past. He still has a secret agenda to try to conquer the earth in order to impress their leaders, which he pursues behind Dib's back while Dib develops a soft spot for the earth and it's magnificent specimens and wants it to become a preserve, protected from conquest or interference from the Irken Empire which would destroy everything unique and special about it.
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rulletywriting1412 · 2 years ago
story 1
The mysterious detective
??? Pov
Didn't you hear ?
Hear what ?
The detective cracked the case again !!
Woah for real ?? How do they know.. isn't that person who ever it is Anonymous ? We don't even know if their human !
But that's if you believe in mystical creatures of course !
Ye I guess so
Hey don't we have class right now ?
Ye oh god let's run for it
As I heard those two girls talk I chuckled and walked away looking at my watch
Huh ? Oh well it's Time to go home
I thought walking back home
Time skip
Home sweet home
I thought as I put the food in the kitchen
I then went to the living room and opened the tv
It seems that our mysterious detective solved the case again ! Just who could it be
The news reporter said shocked
Oh come on I couldn't help but solve it
I thought smirking as I closed the tv and started reading the news
Case solved
A other day shopping in the tiny neighborhood
As I walked around I saw someone unconscious from far a way
The closer I got the more blood
That’s when I saw a dead lady , with blood pouring out of her stomach
What's happing
I heard someone run towards me it sounded like an old lady but not too old maybe she's in her 50-60 most likely
Hello , there I was just walking by and happened to see her do you know her by any chance ?
I asked unfazed
U-h oh yes I do but let’s call an ambulance
She replied looking at me in an unsure way
Yes if you want I can check on her I know a bit about medicine and the human body
Ah yes
I then went to feel her body
still it's a new kill ? But who knows what are the chances for her to survive
A gun ? If it was some kind of knife it would have been hidden here somewhere or taken by the killer but this is also hard if she fell from a window hence a Suicide one of these windows should be open I thought as I looked around as I felt her pulse
Miss could you call the ambulance there might be a chance so I wouldn't bet on it in the mean time I'll check the building there the windows you see
I said pointing my finger
Once the woman left to call the ambulance I quickly went to the building it seemed old and abandoned
I then went towards the first window closed it was even dusty which proved how long it's been sense people came here
I then checked the other windows till the last one none of them were open they were all locked and dusty
Time skip
Once the Emergency came taking the woman away the lady had to go with them I decided to get that lady's number using a random phone and number I had and I added her
*₊˚✺ home ✺*₊˚
I decided to search about that location and houses near it from what the dead woman was wearing she didn't seem rich but she could afford at least a tiny apartment for a living I couldn't find her Id or anything like that in her bag but oh well
There's only one shady apartment near that rundown place and that's the koha
There aren't much members so it was easy spotting her
A woman who was a part of this really rich family they had connections to a lot of good people tho it seems she went on a different path ending up pregnant and living in that rundown apartment
Although what I'd like to ask is who hates her that much to want to kill her I suspect it wasn't a gun if it was that lady she would have come earlier to her once she heard the gun
If it was a knife or something like that ... ah but it could be …I thought researching
Time skip
I then opened the tv seeing the lady's death was announced
More info I thought.
Nvm I already found all that hours ago I thought a bit pissed oh well what ever now then I know who the killer is
Once The news finished I wore my jacket and started walking towards my friends business he lets me work there so I can get some money for living expenses basically and Internet caffe but there are also private rooms if you Wana use the computer by yourself with out people sitting around u or like near u
Time skip
I decided to start a new account and text the lady from there telling her I am the detective and that I've cracked the case I'll send you everything so if I were you I'd go show this right now
The killer : lucas tamal
His connections to the lady are too complicated before she reached this state I suspect he’s the father of the kid even tho he's young
its definitely him for one the woman's family cared to much about their family name and once he found out he was the father his family's reaction was definitely not accepting what he did and hating him who knows what more they felt or did to him but it made him reach to the point of hating and resenting that lady to the point he killed her off hiding his face scared but carefully
Case solved !
If you want more info press this for detail + but I’m sure you already know the details don’t you ?
I sent as I deleted the account and the app completely
I then left the room sense it was cleaning duty
Time skip
*₊˚✺ home ✺*₊˚
This was easy I thought tired
News report : the case solved again
News report : Lucas tamal thrown in jail for murder
That was quick
I thought
Who ever the hell that other detective is that's supporting my theories is quite the quick one
the new case !
Sir the lady she came ! She wants to show u something
Someone said stuttering as they called for me
Sure I'm coming
I replied as I packed my book full of info of this case
A woman found dead in front of a rundown building , a former important person at that how unexpected
Time skip
Once I reached to the location and saw the lady she gave me her phone telling me to read what was written I looked at it a bit bothered they solved my case again
I then searched the name and did some of my researching to prove this and hell this mysterious detective who ever it is
is smart
Who ever that was that solved this case before me their right
I said as I stared at the building and then at the body trace
owen here's your part our criminal is in-fact lucas do what you can to get in him in Jail using my name or even this mysterious detective after all that we have a case to solve
I said smiling
Right of course detective arthur
Owen replied smiling
My trust worthy friend with an actual important name
we've been friends ever sense I wanted to become a detective with nothing else in mind he was there with me saying he'd be my side kick in a way
Once I crack a case , which isn't happening much now a days due to that mysterious detective
he spreads it using his power , and when it isn't something I solve and that annoying human solves it I have to put it out for the world that who ever it is that solved it
Now then time to crack this case after all it will be worth it
*₊˚✺ home ✺*₊˚
Now then our mysterious detective what could catch your attention
... the location normally people wouldn't be there would they ?
I then grabbed my phone calling Owen
Owen I have an idea let's go to the scene it's self no one would walk there unless ...
Mysterious detective pov
This guy owen Bardot he's the one who called for this or at least seems like the ones with the strings but apparently he works with this detective tho I assume due to my existence that detective isn't solving anything anyway
I thought slightly proud of my self
Well I'm guessing after 4 cases I've solved this man's gonna start looking for me
I don't care if he finds me honestly but I'm still unsure if I should trust him
is he even that good he's been covering up for me and actually giving me credit but does that prove he’s worth it
until he finds me I'll solve what comes my way and stay a bit alerted more then the usual
Found out red handed
Excuse me wake up now
Who could that be
I thought as I lazily wore my jacket and washed my face walking towards the door
Oh hello there granny
Yes , hello Lucia I need you to fix this for me I'll pay you but please do fix it
She said handing me her old laptop
Heavy as usual I thought tired
Alright what's the problem ?
I asked looking at her as I let her in the tiny apartment of mine
There's this weird button that keeps popping up .....
She then continued talking about the issue and what she tried to do
Time skip
Thanks for coming again
I said smiling
Of course and don't forget to pay your rent
She said slightly smiling
Ah darn it my rent I forgot
I mumbled falling on my couch
Hello is anyone there ?
I heard a man's voice say knocking my door
Ah yes just a second please
I said in a happy loud voice as I was wearing my shoes
Once I reached to the door I opened it to end up being met by two men
owen bardot?
And some random guy I've never seen before
Owen Bardot looked at me with his green emerald eyes as he was smiling
The other behind Owen staring at me with his dark black eyes and black air giving me somewhat of mixed signs
Do you mind if we talk for a bit ?
Owen asked looking at me smiling
Oh yes of course I said smiling letting them in
So sorry about the mess I just woke up
I said as I prepared seats for them
Please sit here
I said smiling
I then brought them some sweets and made some tea
Here for you
I said smiling as I handed them both a cup
Would you like some tea ?
Why not
Well anyway what brings me the honor of meeting the both of you ?
I asked being polite
Well actually we can't give you the specifics but I'm sure you have heard of the mysterious detective.? Yes ?
Yes I have they sound like quite the clever one I said smiling
And I'm sure you heard the latest case they solved it’s somewhere near here
Oh .. yes I have although I didn't tune in on the specific location so that's news
I replied being careful about my words
It's quite a sad story but it was solved so quickly I'm still shocked at how quick they were
I replied
If I May ask why are you here at my apartment can't be because the location was close I mean who ever that detective is that solved the case I can’t be them nor the murderer
Ye your not the murder but we were thinking maybe ....
Your the detective
The other man continued
Me why's that ?
I asked keeping my laugh in
A lot of clues
The man replied
Look let's be cooperative about this we've got you surrounded
They figured me out so that's the detective aye
I thought as I looked at the man next to Owen
You sir may I ask your name ?
I asked looking at the black haired man
Of course miss my names Arthur adler Nice meeting you and finally although I wasn't expecting the mysterious detective her self to be a girl
He said smiling
So what's your plan with me now
I replied
What do you do for a living
What ? I I'm a free lancer 
Ah I see great then consider becoming a detective you've solved plenty of cases even ones I couldn't solve until I found ur answer
The man said excited looking at me
What ..??
I mumbled stuttering
Your kidding I don't want my name out there I need to do plenty of stuff to become one so it ain't worth it
I replied looking away
You have already solved so many cases covered by my friend Owen here as well as my self , we gave you credit you know
He said looking away sighing
Yea thanks
I replied smiling
Well okay how about we make a deal
Owen said intervening
I shivered a bit feeling as though I had no choice
Years later
Hey Arthur are you there ??
I asked calling out for him using my phone
Yes I am what's up ?
He replied a bit tired
This case it sounds perfect
I said smiling
Agreed !
Arthur replied I could tell he was smiling from the other side and so we started investigating
This was my first story I’m still a working writer for fun :) btw if your reading you should prob follow the order so read this first
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casoulettearchives · 10 months ago
The Sun scout
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Info: The main scout for the sun god also the first Latias made by the Solgaleo he treats and cherishes them dearly hence why her and her brother have been promoted to being scouts in the area.
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Chosen name: Dawn
Gender: Female
Nature: Jolly
Healing Wish - Psychic
Psychic - Psychic
Mist Ball - Psychic
Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Space pocket: Endless Day
Involvement with war:Wasn't born yet during it
Shrine: Doesnt seem like they have any
Created by: Solgaleo
Creator of:
No known demi-gods were made by them. Or no one has found any fragments to become one.
doesn't own any spaces where a messenger is needed - message are deliver to her by Setting Sun's Phione
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kkglinka · 2 years ago
Ok, so I've been backreading Warrior Nun fandom meta, and random assortment of fics, and I definitely have some contrary opinions. Typical me. :)
The halo is advanced medical technology that doesn't belong on the mortal realm because it channels and is powered by faith energy. (it needn't be religious faith, as the show repeatedly emphasizes, Jillian, Mary and then Ava all demonstrating other forms). It is medical tech that is inappropriately being used in a combat capacity. Much like using a cardiac crash kit as a taser — you can, but that's not what it's for.
We know that the halo will reject individuals, likely based on their mental profiles, and how focused they are on life and living. Someone in despair, too ambitious, too willing to martyr themselves, who otherwise loses faith in living becomes incompatible The biggest clue is how Adriel first chooses as the meatbag locker for the halo, upon its initial theft. He lands in the middle of a battle and looks around for the most mortally wounded by still living person who seems important, and stuffs it in her. He knew the halo would accept an injured host who had reason to live, and counted on her grateful loyalty.
What's interesting is that the halo and crown's color coding indicate that they do not come from Reya's realm, which is color coded blue. The tarasks have divinium bones and kill wraiths, so they aren't demons unless Reya's realm is 'hell'. Then there's Lilith, also color-coded orange, whom Adriel makes no attempt to strike down, but immediately attempts to seduce and placate. Because she is a threat to him. (I suspect Adriel was supposed to retrieve the halo for Reya, but made a bid to keep that power for himself, then unseat her, hence the need for the arc). The warrior nun essentially carries non-combat tech from both realms, re-purposed into weapons, symbolizing how humans have choice, etc.
Second, I don't think Ava's ever died. It's definitely framed that way, and I totally get the romantic, symbolic appeal of that, but I never even considered it while viewing.
We are given explicit info about the orphanage such as the care facilities being very low tech. No heart monitor, eeg, ekg, seemingly not even a basic pulsometer like when you get checked in at a doctor's office. We also see that Ava was unfazed by the nun administering an injection, suggesting this was at least a bit normal. {Whoops, forgot Ava explicitly states no need for pain meds). So I'm guessing she's among small percentage of individuals who have a natural resistance to opiods. She was still in a conscious, hallucinogenic state when the nun was declaring her dead.
Severe overdose symptoms include cold, clammy blue skin, significant respiratory depression, extremely weak pulse and coma. The pulse may be undetectable to physical touch, and all metabolic action is depressed. It's a bit like severe hypothermia, and death in opiod resistant individuals is gradual, if left untreated. In short, the person looks and feels dead. Ava further displays the lingering symptoms of overdose through the first couple of episodes, such as disorganized thinking, emotional instability, lack of coordination, reduced inhibition and, yes, vomiting. That nun had 'mercy' killed so many other kids that she got complacent.
While Ava's midair fall likely caused multiple fractures and internal bleeding, along with loss of consciousness, it wasn't instant death. There was no rapid blood loss which would have caused heart failure, and aside from a portion of separated cranium, her head was intact. It takes several minutes of oxygen starvation for the body to begin dying, and neural function to cease.
Real life medical response would have been to drain fluid buildup while restarting and stabilizing the heart, if necessary, and sealing off the brain from infection, then monitoring for brain trauma from the deceleration squish. It was a scary fall, and Beatrice flipped out, but Mary kicked Ava off a cliff in season one, down onto an uneven rocky surface. What struck me is that Beatrice might have helped power the halo.
(As an aside, if the halo is powered by faith energy, then the decimation of the O.C.S. and their belief in the warrior nun, would have been a huge energy loss for the halo. The only rapid solution would be for Ava to go public).
Anyway, on occasions when the halo temporary runs dry, Ava does not die. Instead, she reverts to a quadriplegic state, indicating that the halo was unable to repair an existing healed injury. So it is acting in a continual state, but as a disability aid, rather than keeping her alive. For her, the halo provides a neural bypass system... which we also saw in the wheelchairs ArcTech developed. Competing disability representation needs and all, but I appreciate that Ava was not miraculously healed.
In short, Ava wouldn't die if it was removed, but her intense desire to live, disability, high altruism and lack of violent/martyr conditioning, made her the ideal candidate. For a device that's not from Reya's realm.
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drconstellation · 1 year ago
No, they are just a metaphor for being watched. It strikes me as a very Pratchett-style joke, he used to like to write sly references to current popular culture in his books, and wouldn't hesitate to do elaborate set ups for a one-line joke, or the joke would work on multiple levels. Which is why I was referring to them as surveillance ducks, as when they appear in GO there is some form of watching, listening or invisible surveillance going on, or mention of intention to do surveillance or spying.
I have not been thorough in trying to find every duck reference in GO, I only went through the first two episodes of S1, plus I had some points in mind from S2, but it was a rare case where I actually wrote out notes on paper to nut it out. Typically at the moment I have a big OneNote file open, and will be juggling a lot of info in my head, and then refer back to salient points as a cross-check. But the ducks very quickly showed their hand, er, wing? and this became an easy meta to write. Here's my actual working notes (if you can read them.)
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That said, there are still a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie off with them.
As God narrates S1E1, She mentions that the Russian attache's black bread invokes a Pavlovian response in the ducks. I'd like to be able to explain that one.
The Canadian accordion-playing duck on Mr Brown's newspaper - why? Does it refer to something specific or is a general hint about a Mr Brown being duck-like? The character reminds me of Mr Tyler, the Tadfield Neighborhood Watch guy who was out sticking his nose into everyone's business in S1 - someone who is always watching other people, or, as you would call them, a busybody. I know everyone's playing with the idea the Mr Brown has a crush on Aziraphale at the moment, but there is also the by-line story of Sodom and Gomorrah that Mr Brown is playing a part in, particularly when he get dragged out of the book shop by the demons. He's a busy character. [Edit: found the ref]
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The third thing I need to review is the conversation around the "Frozen Peas" remark. I'm pretty sure I have it right, but it all came about because of Newton Pulsifer's name. Newt's surname is a play on the word "peace," as in "peas" are pulses, hence Pulsifer. But his first name is no accident either (aaaahhhh yessssss.) I recently did a little rant about the geckos in S2E2, how they are supposed to represent newts, so I was thinking about witches and newts, and then as I reviewed S1E2 Newt turned up in a very interesting place...I'm onto you, Newt!
The Ineffable Ducks
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What's with all the ducks in Good Omens that Crowley seems to be inordinately fond of? Turns out, they do have a narrative purpose, they're not just in there as a running joke about Crowley's fondness for the animals of Earth.
They appear in both S1 and S2, and get mentioned in several seemingly random places. Like, really random. There are quite a few in St James Park, where the ducks live, where the international spies also clandestinely meet, where Aziraphale and Crowley meet on several occasions, and where Crowley and Shax have a meeting, exchanging information in S2E1.
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Ducks also get referred to here, when Aziraphale suggests they use humans to search and spy out the missing Antichrist, but Crowley insists it will be near impossible because suspicion slides off the boy like water off, what ever water slides off, because he has an automatic defense system.
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The he remembers the ducks(!) later in the Bentley when they discuss using their respective networks of highly trained human operatives (Shadwell and the Witchfinder army), and Aziraphale asks if Crowley has a better idea than his. "Ducks!" Crowley suddenly utters.
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The ducks that are always there, that you see but don't see, gathering bread crumbs, when any kind of surveillance or secret spy work is being discussed.
Nah, I thought, it couldn't be a sly ref to this famous cartoon by Larson, could it?
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Aziraphale and Crowley are always afraid that someone is watching, or listening to everything they do, from both sides. I mean isn't that partly why we got the ending we did in S2, because they have had to be so covert with their communication to each over the centuries they've forgotten how to speak plainly to each other?
Heaven has definitely been watching...
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And Hell certainly noticed Crowley's act of kindness in the Edinburgh cemetery, swiftly summoning him to Hell for punishment after his kind deed on behalf of Elspeth.
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Then when the duo meet in again 1867 Crowley wonders if "ducks have ears" before declaring they must do - that's how they hear other ducks. So its no surprise that when Crowley asks Aziraphale for holy water that he writes the request on a piece of paper to hide it from those invisible ever-present watchers they know are never far away.
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When we come to the start of S2, where Crowley is slouched in St James Park once more, reading the Tadfield Advertiser, and yelling at the Azerbaijani secret agents for feeding the ducks bread. Crumbs, it was alright to do this in the book, and S1, why is wrong now? Has Crowley suddenly become woke and caring for the ducks? Nah.
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There's a lot more to it than that. I realized this is the missing Grain offering from my post about altar offerings (see The Altar of Eccles Cakes) in S2. A Grain offering represents a voluntary expression of devotion to God - or the other side you're supposed to be aligned with, in this case.
Shax is part of this scene, discussing the latest news from below, and she mentions some special intel that Hell has received, from their own secret squirrel network. Of course they would meet in St James Park to discuss this, along with all the other spies. While Shax tries to get some intel out of Crowley about what might be going on in Heaven, because she knows he has contact with a certain angel who owns a book shop, Crowley responds by refusing to show any devotion to his former side at this point, and isn't going to give any information away that could be useful. He also doesn't have any intel at this point, anyway, but he's not going to give that away either! Heaven and Hell are toxic, and no one should be going anywhere near them, in his opinion. So stop feeding them that devotional bread!
After Shax asks what they should be feeding the ducks, he eventually says "Frozen Peas. It's good for them, they like it."
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The short period of "peas" since they stopped the impending Apocalypse has been enjoyable, and good for Crowley and Aziraphale, but the forced meeting with Beelzebub later that day soon jolts Crowley out of any complacency when they indicate that the "generalized understanding" Crowley thought they had with Heaven and Hell after the body swap to leave them along, the one Aziraphale-as-Crowley negotiated, while asking for a rubber duck, no less, was looking very shaky and fragile indeed.
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And one more random duck ref to discuss.
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I was inspired to write this section by someone else's post calling Muriel a duckling imprinted on Crowley, and of course I did not save it, did I, and a search does not bring it back up again, so if you're reading this, or know that post, please let me know! I read it, and thought, cute, but nah, then realized that Muriel was sent on a surveillance mission to Whickber St to ascertain the truth of Aziraphale's 25 lazurii miracle. And she did act as the eyes of Heaven, writing up some reports, called Crowley "grice," then followed him around during his escapade in Heaven just like a duckling following a grumpy gander drake while he did his own surveillance measures in a Tactical Turtle neck, channeling his best imitation Sean Connery voice (have you noticed that as well, people?)
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No, no, the op wasn't wrong - those big cross ducks, er grice geese, they make good guard dogs, no?
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With special mention to Crowley acting as a surveillance duck just prior to this, and Mr Brown doing his own "spying out" of Aziraphale.
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To finish this meta, there is one other figure who notably offered the ducks bread, in the book. This passage, which is surely relevant to S3, but didn't appear in S1, shows another character still devoted to God in a way. Lets give Death the final word:
Crowley: "Maybe it's it's all part of a great ineffable plan. All of it. You, me, him, everything. Some great big test to see if what you've built all works properly, eh? You start thinking: it can't be a great cosmic game of chess, it has to be just very complicated Solitaire. And don't bother to answer. if we could understand, we wouldn't be us. Because it's all - all - "
INEFFABLE, said the figure feeding the ducks.
"Yeah. Right. Thanks."
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justflushme · 4 years ago
Fandom’s (that’s a me) Analysis on Chapter 76 TBHK/JSHK
Written: March 19, 2020
Let’s do this y’all (Navigation to previously written chapter analysis is linked at the bottom)
Ok first off, this chapter I found hella confusing I’ll say that but I think I made some sort of connections that could lead to some sort of theory. Alright let’s start! I’ll be going chronologically in the chapter with my reactions.
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Ok this is what really tripped me over. The kid has a pulse and is warm meaning that he is in a human body. Of course Nene and Kou beleive this is Hanako’s descendant but honestly this kid could just be Hanako or Tsukasa. If it were a descendent, then maybe the whole Yugi family didn’t die? I thought the family suicide was about them but maybe it could have been another family.
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OK WHY DIDNT NENE SAY “AMANE’S DESCENDENT” I bet the kid would have faltered then and would have given off more info! Also Kou is thinking in a good direction. I think the chapters forward are just going to keep causing Nene and Kou to think whether it’s Hanako or Tsukasa.
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Did anyone else notice that the face on the phone looked like an adult type figure? The eyes were drawn in a style that resembled the adults in the manga. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of Hanako or Tsukasas parents.
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I can’t, for the life of me, properly decipher that song. One night... Two dawns. Lowkey makes me think Hanako/Tsukasa was one person and the two dawns are his two personalities that got split when he became a ghost. But I doubt this is is true. Or one night could be a parent, two dawns could be a sibling, and all three are waiting for the morning. But what is to come at morning?
Also what happened to the other voice? In Chapter 75, there were two speech bubbles but Kou only sees one kid in that room. What happened to the other??
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Ok this is interesting. These two moments in the chapter resemble certain school mysteries. In the second panel, we can see all the clocks on the ceiling resembling No. 1, the Clock keepers. In the first panel, this may be abstract, resembled the door Yashiro and Hanako were sucked through in No.6’s boundary.
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The bugs in the trash pit of the boundary resemble the bugs that come out of the door Yashiro gets sucked into at “The Red House”. This may be a coincidence but I feel this is worth looking into. Maybe Yashiro is now going to be trapped into the pits of No.6’s boundary where Akane and Aoi were in chapter 69?
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LMFAO KOU’S FACE AT THE END PFTTT. Also, WHAT A TSUKASA MOMENT. I know its up to interpretation so far on whether this kid is Hanako or Tsukasa, but what a perfect parallel of the earlier chapters where Yashiro was kidnapped. Here is the anime scene below.
I really want to believe this kid is Tsukasa but honestly its still too early to say. (I wrote a theory on the kid being Tsukasa which you can find if you look up “fandoms theories” on my blog :))
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So this chapter was pretty short, I’m guessing this is the start of a whole new arc where Kou has to save Yashiro. I will be confused if Yashiro is not heard from and it is just Kou centric because in the very first chapters of JSHK, Yashiro was seen as the narrator. I wonder if the authors just decided to ditch the concept or they swiftly changed narrators in the middle and the fandom didn’t notice.
As to whether the kid is Tsukasa or Amane, I don’t want to give up my position on the kid being Tsukasa but I am not cutting out the possibility it could be Amane. I’ve heard some theories that one twin is with Yashiro and Kou is dealing with another but I don’t know if that could be the case. The kid seemed to be exact same kid Yashiro took with her before she got sucked in. Maybe it is a scheme and a twin is acting like the first child but since the people who don’t want the kid to leave seem really protective, I think it is the same kid that got put back into the room Yashiro and Kou originally found him in.
I think the house isn’t centric to just Hanako or Tsukasa. I am going to go with the notion that this house is the one connection to all the seven mysteries. With the clocks (No. 1), the faucets (which could be a nod to Hanako’s bathroom), and the door bugs (No.6), maybe all of the seven mysteries have some belonging to this house. I used to think that the family suicide included Amane, Tsukasa, and their parents. Now, I don’t really know what to think. This chapter gave possibility to so many things that it is tough to find a theory that interlocks everything.
If I am correct (which idk) about Yashiro being sucked into No.6’s boundary, Aoi might show up in later chapters which could be interesting to see. I wonder if the house is a sort of time trapped loop or reality in which Amane/Tsukasa didn’t die and they live on in a human body stuck as a kid forever. Other than that, I am still way too confused on how the kid has a pulse.
Other random theories/questions (with not much basis for proof but interesting to think about haha):
- What if everyone who died in that house became one of the school mysteries. I mean of course this would be a weird mother and father thing to figure out but damn dude what if
- If the house is connected to all the seven mysteries, how did Mitsuba get roped into this? He became a school mystery when Tsukasa shoved the heart in his mouth so was it always planned that Mitsuba was to become a mystery? He has some sort of relation to the house as he took a photo of it but that could just be a coincidence.
- YO- ok ok. So what if that kid truly is Amane or Tsukasa right. He is one of the two. Let’s say the kid is Tsukasa (jus stick with me here) and Tsukasa is kept away to be with his toys. Amane was the one abused by the parents hence why the people who don’t want Tsukasa to leave are so protective of him staying in that house. If Amane was abused and Tsukasa was kept away, it might explain pent up resentment which could have led to Amane killing Tsukasa. I have no proof for this, I just think it could be interesting to think about. Of course it is tough to prove though because in Chapter 75, there were two voices in the room so maybe both twins were kept there.
I know I was all over the place with this analysis but I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to send me asks/chat with me on anything! I would love to hear your thoughts!
-> Chapter 77 Analysis (In construction)
<- Chapter 75 Analysis
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