#hence just all the random doodles lately
thecryptidbard · 1 year
Some more quick little practice doodles, this time of the ghosts
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD ”Urgent ★ The Vampires Ran Out of Money”
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Original title: 切実に★お金がないヴァンパイアたち
Source: Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Takashi Kondou, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke, Morikawa Toshiyuki & Morikubo Shoutaro
Translator’s note: This CD felt really nostalgic for some reason because it offers some quality REIJI SUFFERING HOURS. If there’s one thing which has stuck with me from the early era (HDB/MB) drama CDs, it’s that Reiji almost always got the short end of the stick, haha. While it’s no different here, I can’t help but feel like it’s kind of his own fault. For someone who prides himself over being oh-so smart, maybe it wasn’t clever to mention having savings around 11 Vampires who are clearly desperate for that sweet, sweet cash. 
Shin: Haah…
Shin: Damn…This is looking pretty bad…Haah…Ugh. At this rate, we’ll…
Carla: Shin. …What have you been mumbling about this whole time?
Shin: Ahー Nii-san. You see, we’ve run into some trouble you see…
Carla: Trouble? Is your heart aching because I haven’t been attempting to murder you as of late? 
Shin: No. I’m definitely not complaining about that part…
Carla: Then what is it? Tell me. I might just offer you my advice. 
Shin: Eh? Eeeh…But I feel like you’re not the right person to ask in this case…
Carla: Who do you think I am? 
Shin: Who? I mean…The King of Founders…and my older brother.
Carla: Exactly. It is your duty to report everything to me, without hiding any details. Now, ell me. 
Shin: Hm…Actuallyーー We’ve run out.
Carla: Run out of what? Be more specific.
Shin: Money! We’re all out of money!
Carla: Money? 
Shin: Here, take a look at this bill. It displays all of our spendings for this month. They’re through the roof because you keep on buying things like whole legs of cured ham or weird abstract paintings behind my back!
Carla: No need to get so upset, Shin. I needed all of those things.
Shin: Necessary? I don’t believe that. I’ll give you a pass on the cured ham, but can you truly say the same about that painting which looks like a child went ham with their crayons doodled a bunch of pasta noodles on a blank canvas!? 
Carla: If I deem it necessary, then it is. 
Shin: Ugh…I figured you’d say that, hence why I didn’t want to bring it up. Anyway, we’ll need to come up with a way to make money. 
Carla: Can’t we have the masses donate to us? Have you tried asking Mertz to hand some over?
Shin: I’ve long tried that. I’m not sure if he knows I’m trying to ask for money, but he’s been completely ignoring my messages.
Carla: Then why don’t we make it easy on ourselves and just take it from random people around these parts? 
Shin: But if we choose the criminal path, we won’t be able to move freely around in the human world, will we? …Oh, right! I guess those guys would be an option!
Carla: The Sakamaki and Mukami family? If I recall correctly, Karlheinz has infiltrated this world and has been dabbling in politics alongside his connection with the Church. 
Shin: Yup, exactly. I heard he’s pretty stacked. …Heh. It shouldn’t be an issue then. It’s settled then. Let’s have those guys provide us with money. 
Shin gets up. 
Shin: Time is money! I’ll go give them a visit right away. 
Carla: I shall come with you as well.
Shin: Eh? No need to bother, really…
Carla: I cannot imagine they will simply hand over the money. If I am there as well, it should have at least somewhat of an impact. It is for the sake of my cured ham and paintings, therefore I have no other choice. 
Shin: Seems like you don’t want to give those up, no matter what, Nii-san…
*Flip flip* 
Reiji: Haahー … We’re cutting it close again this month as well. I suppose we spent a little too much. No, that’s not the problem. It’s all because of all the unnecessary repair costs we had to pay to have the manor fixed. Good grief…
Ayato: Reiji. 
Reiji: The answer is no. 
Ayato: But I haven’t even asked anything yet!? 
Reiji: I know exactly what you’ll ask of me. I bet you’re here to pester me for cash, correct? Either way, the answer stays no. …Well, I suppose it would be more accurate to say I cannot.
Ayato: Che…You stingy Four-Eyes!
Reiji: Oh my, are you sure you can afford to throw such insults at my head? May I remind you that I am the one who monitors the money of this family? 
Ayato: Che…What’s your problem!? I’m all out of money to buy takoyaki tomorrow. Can’t you lend me a lil’? 
Reiji: What part of ‘no’ do you not comprehend? Or rather, I cannot give you something which I do not have. 
Kanato: Reiji! Do you have a second? 
Reiji: Kanato, you too…Wha!? 
Laito: Nfu~ Actually, I’m here too!
Subaru: You can’t blame us, can you!? 
Shuu: If you’re handing out money, I’ll take some as well. 
Reiji: How do you guys think the economy works!? I gave all of you pocket money a mere three days ago, didn’t I!? 
Laito: The amount you gave us wasn’t nearly enough! I went on a couple of days with some girls and poof, it’s all gone!
Kanato: Exactly. I could barely buy any sweets with it.
Subaru: It was clearly too little. 
Shuu: Yes, exactly. You should just hand us the goods already. Hurry up. 
Reiji: No. ーー Or rather, we’re all out of money for this month. 
Ayato: Aah…!? Don’t be lyin’ to us! We know that you’re still hidin’ some!
Reiji: That would be my personal money. I’ve been setting some of my gainings aside each month and I shall not be sharing any of it with you guys, obviously. 
Subaru: Haah!? Fuck off! You’re tryin’ to live the good life all by yourself, aren’t you!? 
Reiji: You can try and threaten me all you want. If you want money that badly, why not ask Father for some instead of me? 
Shuu: Haah…The Old Man, huh?
Ayato: …!! 
Kanato: Laito. You go and ask Father for money. 
Laito: Haah!? Why me!? …As my older brother, it’s your duty to do that, isn’t it?
Kanato: …!! I-I don’t want to! As if I ever could!
Subaru: Just so you know, I’m not doin’ it either!
Reiji: Well, there you have it, so why not simply give up? If you upset Father, he might just send you to Mars for real this time. 
Reiji: Hm? A visitor? Was someone coming over today?
Shin: …And there you have it. Now give us the money. 
Reiji: You are catching me quite by surprise but…I do not see why we would need to lend you money? 
Subaru: Exactly. I mean, if we could go and hand it out for free, we wouldn’t be strugglin’ so much ourselves. 
Carla: What do you mean by that? 
Laito: Haah…In short, our family is just as short on cash as yours is. 
Ayato: Exactly! You can’t get noodles from a stone!
Kanato: Ayato, you idiot. It’s ‘soda’, not ‘noodles’. (1)
Carla: What a bunch of fools… 
Shin: Honestly, I don’t care but maybe you shouldn’t be telling lies? Who do you think you’re dealing with, huh? We’re respectable Founders, remember? Do you understand that? 
Reiji: They’re not lying. It’s the truth. Our current savings are non-existent. I almost want to show you our bank extracts, honestly. 
Carla: Sakamaki Tougo is portrayed as a wealthy individual, is he not? It does not take a genius to figure that one out. Don’t underestimate us. 
Shuu: You’re the one making a big mistake by assuming that we’re rich just because the Old Man is. 
Ayato: Yeah! That Shitty Old Man…He’s makin’ that sweet, sweet cash but he won’t even share a single penny with us! 
Kanato: Exactly…! I’ve heard that children from other wealthy families sometimes get up to one million yen for New Year’s. Yet we still have to do with only three thousand! Uuu…Uuuu~  (2)
Shin: …A-Are you…for real? 
Subaru: Dead serious. 
Carla: …!
Shin: Nii-san, what now? We’ve barked up the wrong tree. I feel like we shouldn’t expect too much from the Mukami family either at this rate…
Carla: We cannot know for sure until we ask. They were born and raised as humans, so perhaps they are skilled at saving money. 
Ruki: …What is this about us? 
The Mukami’s arrive to the scene. 
Kou: Hey there, my fellow Vampire comrades~
Subaru: The fuck’s you guys’ problem…? Whatcha all flockin’ together here for!? 
Yuma: Let’s say we’ve got a serious situation goin’ on.  
Azusa: We didn’t actually want to but…Ruki said that we have no other choice but to come and ask for it all together…
Laito: Heeh~? You’re here to ask something from us? How unusual. 
Ruki: Kou had the glorious idea to burn through our family’s entire budget.
Kou: I didn’t have any ill will! There just so happened to be a couple of things I really wanted…Whoopsie~
Yuma: ‘Whoopsie’, my ass! Ya better don’t believe that’ll get ya away with it!
Reiji: …! Don’t tell me…You guys are having money issues as well? 
Ruki: ‘As well’, you say? Don’t tell me…Are the two Tsukinami’s here to beg you for money as well? 
Carla: Do not put it in such a vulgar way. We are Founders. In other words, you Vampires are obligated to submit to us. We came here to have you bow down to us and offer everything you have. 
Azusa: So in other words…You’re trying to blackmail them? 
Shin: We’re not! We’ve already made our point!
Ruki: Who cares about that. Reiji. You get the gist of the situation now so…Would you be so kind to share some money with us? 
Reiji: Good grief…As I already explained to the two gentlemen over there earlier, I am afraid that we cannot offer something we do not have. 
Ruki: You don’t? Is that true? Don’t you guys get showered in money by Karlheinz-sama? 
Ayato: No way. 
Laito: I guess you could say it’s part of his educational approach, but he believes that children should learn how to be mindful with money. (3)
Shin: Nii-san, what are we gonna do now? Seems like the Mukami’s are all out of money too. 
Carla: …
Yuma: Ahー Guess we’ve got no other no other choice but to work, huh? 
Reiji: Exactly. If we get a daytime job, we should be able to save up enough money to get through our everyday lives. Speaking of which…Kou, you have a job, don’t you? 
Shuu: Now that you mention it. You’re an idol, aren’t you? 
Carla: An idol…Which means you’re actually fairly rich? 
Kou: J-Just so we’re all on the same page on this, but like what was mentioned, I blew through all my money so I no longer have anything!
Subaru: Smells fishy to me. I bet this guy is actually loaded on cash despite what he’s sayin’. 
Kou: S-Subaru-kun! Don’t put weird ideas into everyone’s head! Besides, if I did have secret savings, I would have long revealed them! It’s pure humiliation to have to bow our heads to you guys like this! 
Ayato: Which means we’ve really got no other choice but to work, huh? 
Kanato: I’m against the idea! Not in a million years will I work!
Shin: You say that but you’ve got no other choice, do you? We’ll wait, so you guys hurry up and go make us some money through working, okay?
Subaru: Ah? I think you’re gettin’ the wrong idea here. Even if we do earn some money through workin’, we’re not gonna lend it to you fuckers.
Carla: Like I previously stated, it is your duty to hand over your money to us.
Ayato: Idiot! Like we give a damn ‘bout that!
Carla gets upset.
Ayato: …Y-You don’t have to get that angry, do you?
Carla: You fiend…Try repeating yourself one more time. What was that you said just now?
Ayato: W-Well…
Shin: …!! A-Ayato! Take your statement back right now! Or do you want this manor to get blown to bits!? 
Reiji: Blown to bits!? Excuse me, Ayato! Do you have any idea how much it’ll cost to have the manor rebuilt from scratch!? Apologize at once!
Ayato: Ugh…My bad…
Carla: …Oh well, I suppose I can let it slide. In return, come and bring us the money at once. Do you understand? 
Shuu: Good grief…This is what we have to deal with, huh? So, what are we gonna do now? Just so you don’t, I don’t want to work. 
Subaru: I’m not workin’ either.
Laito: I mean, me neither but what are we gonna do about our money issues? 
Kanato: Can’t Reiji just hand over his savings? 
Reiji: I figured you’d say that. However, like I mentioned earlieーー
Ruki: If you have any savings left, give them to us. 
Yuma: Anyway, why would ya first claim to be all out when you’ve actually got some savings put aside? If ya the money to us, it’ll solve all problems. 
Kou: Ahー Geez, I actually was seriously worried for nothing.£
Azusa: Hey, Reiji-san…You’ll give us the money, right? 
Everyone stares at Reiji intensely
Reiji: …!? Excuse me…? Why are you staring at me like that!? …Let me inform you just in case, but trying to force me to pay will not work. I will not give in to your threats. 
Carla: Then we simply do not resort to coercion, correctly? All we need to do is make it so you will gladly hand us the money. 
Ruki: I see. I suppose we have that option. What a genius idea. 
Reiji: D-Do not be ridiculous! What on earth makes you believe I will want to do that?
Shin: I wonder? We won’t know until you try, right? 
Reiji: …W-What are you planning to do!? 
Shuu: …Reiji, let me give you a shoulder massage. 
Reiji: …!? 
Shuu: Don’t be modest now. 
Ayato: Reiji! I’ll feed you this takoyaki I’ve got over here! Come on, open wide! ‘Aaahn!’
Reiji: …N-No thank you!
Kou: Hmm~ In that case, I rarely ever give someone such a treat but I’ll perform the currently number-one popular idol song live for you! 
Reiji: No, no, no! Please don’t sing!
Yuma: Geez…Ya give me no other choice. Ya can have as many of the summer vegetables from my field as ya want. Totally free!
Reiji: That does sound tempting…No, no, if anything, you should sell those vegetables to make money yourself. 
Yuma: Nah, I’ll only get some small change for it.
Ruki: Then how does this sound? I shall cook for you using Yuma’s vegetables. 
Reiji: I prefer cooking myself rather than eating!
Laito: Then how about this? I’ll wash your back for you~!
Reiji: Please don’t even suggest something so creepy! …Ah, god!
Reiji: You guys can say whatever you want, but I’m not giving you any of my savings! End of the story!
Kanato: E-Excuse me!? Where are you going!? 
Reiji: Away from you lot. 
Azusa: No…You can’t. 
Reiji: Mukami Azusa…Move aside at once. 
Azusa: No, I won’t move. Hey…Please listen to my request? If you do, you can hit me all you want. Okay? 
Reiji: Wha…!? Y-Your request…? I bet you also want to ask for money, correct? Besides, I fail to see what I would gain from this deal. Isn’t getting hit basically your hobby?
Azusa: It isn’t.
Reiji: …!? Then what is it!? 
Azusa: My life? 
Shin: That suddenly got deep. 
Reiji: Whatever. Just please step aside. Iーー
Carla puts his hand on Reiji’s shoulder. 
Carla: You are not getting away. 
Reiji: …!! What do you want, Carla? Get your hand off me. 
Carla: I am afraid you will have to sacrifice you for the sake of my cured ham and painting collection! …Shin!
Shin: Roger~! 
Shin: Now behave, okay? 
Reiji: …!? W-What are you going to do!? 
Carla: Of course, I would have loved to be able to refrain from resorting to such extreme measures. However, none of this would have happened if you would have simply given us the money right away. 
Reiji: Hah? 
Carla: Oi, you lot! Do not stand there spacing out but help out!
Shuu: Haah…What a drag. But I guess it can’t be helped. It’s for the greater good…I don’t want to have to give up on my CDs either. 
Ayato: Yeah. …Reiji. Don’t take it personally, ‘kay? 
Kanato: It’s for my sweets, so I’m sure you can understand, right? 
Laito: I’ve got a couple of dates planned out already as well, so you leave me no other choice~ 
Subaru: Maybe you shouldn’t have been so stingy, huh? 
Reiji: …!? Y-You guys…! Aren’t you embarrassed, letting those Founders order you around like that!? 
Ruki: We haven’t become their loyal servants, really. We simply…Right.
Ruki: Share a mutual interest right now. 
Reiji: …!! Ruki, even you…
Kou: Don’t worry~! We won’t hurt you…!
Yuma: Hehehe…Now we’re talkin’...
Azusa: Reiji-san…Are you ready…?
Reiji: …! Kuh…C-Cut it out!
Carla: It is not too late to change your mind just yet. Well then, will you give us the money? 
Reiji: …Y-You’re playing it dirty! I am not the type of guy who will give in to these kinds of threats! Please do not underestimate me!
Shin: I guess our negotiations end here then. 
Carla: You leave me no other choice…You lot! Do it!
Reiji: …! S-Stop…!
They all start tickling Reiji simultaneously. 
Reiji: Excuse me…W-What are you…? Ahahahaha…!
Shuu: It’s your own fault for not simply giving us the money right away.
They continue tickling him. 
Reiji: Wait…Stoーー...! It tickles…! Hahaha…Ahahaha…! …I can’t…! I swear…!
Subaru: Ah, damnit! Just throw in the towel already!
Reiji: My god…I really can’t…Ahahaha! …You lot! I can’t believe you’d resort to this…!
Kou: Ah~ Come on, just say you give up already~ 
Reiji: …Fine! I understand! Please, just stop already! I’m begging you!
Yuma: What do you mean? …Take this!
Reiji: I’ll share the money…That’s all you want from me, right!? 
Carla: Good grief…Was that truly worth all the trouble? You should have simply given it to us from the very start. 
Reiji: Haah, haah…I never thought it’d come to this…Good grief…You lot are unbelievable… 
Shin: Well then. You better hurry up and show us the money. You don’t want a repeat of that, do you? 
Reiji: Che…
Reiji goes to fetch the money. 
*Rustle rustle* 
He returns. 
Reiji: …Now you have no more complaints, correct? 
Ayato: Woah! You’re stacked…! When did you save up all of this money? 
Reiji: …I’ve been carefully setting some money aside each time, while all of you were too busy spending it recklessly. Good grief. This is horrible. It’s always the honest people who get the short end of the stick. 
…Oh well, I suppose it’s fine. I suppose you are all in debt with me right now, so please, go ahead and use this money as you see fit. 
Shuu: Is that sarcasm I smell there? …Oh well, guess I’ll borrow some. 
Carla: …!
Shuu: Ah…
Carla: Who gave you permission to take some of that money? 
Shuu: What do you mean? 
Shin: This amount of money will barely even cut it to buy Nii-san’s cured ham, so we’ll be taking all of it. 
Ruki: Excuse me? 
Carla: If you have a problem with that, I shall gladly be your opponent. 
Ayato: Haah!? 
Subaru: So you wanna throw fists, huh!? 
Ruki: Yuma. It’s time for plan B.
Yuma: Roger! …Oi, Azusa. 
Azusa: Mmh. I know. 
Azusa: Carla-san. Shin-san. We won’t let you do with that money as you please. Well then, Kou, Yuma, Ruki…Hurry up and take the money!
Azusa becomes a shield for them.
Shin: E-Excuse me…!? What are you doing? 
Ruki: My bad, but we’re taking this cash. 
Carla: Che. Seems like you four do not value your own life. 
Azusa takes the hit. 
Azusa: …Ugh! Uu…Haah, haah…
Carla: Excuse me!? He withstood my attack…!? 
Ruki: My bad, Azusa! We’ll see each other at the meeting place later!
Kou: Don’t push yourself too much, okay, Azusa-kun!? 
Yuma: See ya!
The other three Mukami’s run away.
Azusa: Don’t…worry…I love…the pain after all…Haah…~  …Come on, Carla-san. More…! Fire more of those at me…!!
Carla: …!!
Kanato: …H-Hold up!! The money…!! They took all of it with them!
Reiji: …Come again!? When did they…!? I didn’t notice because I was too busy looking at Carla. 
Shuu: Haah…What a drag. Why did it turn out like this? Don’t you think it’s because you guys were trying to be too greedy? 
Carla: Hmph! That money was mine from the very start, so this isn’t an issue of being greedy or not. 
Ayato: It’s a lost case. There’s no talkin’ with this dude. 
Carla: Oi, Shin! Chase after them!
Shin: Yeah, yeah, I know. Or rather, if you would simply give up on your cured ham and those weird paintings, we wouldn’t even need money…
Azusa attempts to stop him. 
Azusa: Wait, Shin-san! You have to defeat me first…!
Shin: Ah, god! You better stay away from me, you freaky masochist! 
Shin runs away. 
Laito: Hey, what are we gonna do now? 
Kanato: I’m exhausted…I’ll simply content myself with the sweets I still have in the cupboard. I can’t picture myself chasing after them. 
Laito: Right? When I think about it…It’s not like I’m that desperate to go on a date with girls other than Bitch-chan. 
Ayato: Me too. I can just have Chichinashi make me free takoyaki instead, right? 
Shuu: Haah…I guess it’s obvious the same goes for me. Pwaah…I’m sleepy. 
Subaru: Damnit…! The fuck’s this shit…
Ayato: By the way, Subaru…Why did you even want money to begin with? 
Subaru: W-Well…You know…I figured I’d upgrade my coffin a lil’ here and there…
Reiji: Good grief…I suppose your situations weren’t nearly as pressing as the Mukami family’s. Haah…Oh well. You lot try to abstain from your luxuries for once, understood? …Oh. 
Carla: …
Reiji: You are still here? 
Carla: Hmph. You have some nerve to say that, you commoner. I shall stay here until Shin returns. 
Reiji: Good grief, you truly are unbelievable…Why not simply give up on your cured ham and painting collection? 
Carla: I shall give up on the latter. I could never buy them with that little money anyway. 
Reiji: Hmph. But it seems that the cured ham is something you cannot give up? 
Carla: It is my favorite food after all. 
Reiji: Ahー Well…If that’s the case, I suppose you really need the money just as badly as the Mukami family does. 
Carla: Hmph. 
Reiji: Ahーah…I suppose I will have to start saving up again. This time, I suppose I will not mention it to anyone and keep it my own little secret. 
ーー THE END ーー 
Translation notes
(1) This short back-and-forth between Ayato and Kanato is all based on a language pun around the Japanese proverb: ない袖は振れない’ which literally means ‘you can’t shake a sleeve you don’t have’ and refers to being unable to give what one does not have themselves. Ayato gets things mixed up and says そば (soba / soba noodles) instead of 袖 (sode / sleeve). Kanato then promptly ‘corrects’ him by stating that it’s ソーダ (soda) instead. Of course, both of them are equally incorrect. I struggled to translate this part quite a bit, but I eventually settled with the English provide ‘you can’t get blood from a stone’ since it was the easiest to replace one noun for another in that one. 
(2) ¥1,000,000 and ¥3,000 are approximately 10,000 and 30 USD respectively. 
(3) Laito refers to the concept of ‘Honorable poverty’ (清貧), coined by the Japanese philosophist Suzume, who believes in the dangers of excess consumption and waste.
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trilobi-te · 1 year
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Cider and a theremin! I headcanon that he's able to play it because he just seems like that type of person.. he has those vibes......
Plus some extra doodles
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Chip/Theremin rambling and doodle transcriptions below the cut. I included some explanations for the instruments pictured because I'm worried the drawings would otherwise be incomprehensible lmao
In case you can't read my handwriting: Doodle 1: Cider is saying "DANDY NO" and underneath it says *horrible theremin screaming* Doodle 2: the title says THORamin aka singing Tesla coil, and Otto is saying "Okay Cider please step a little closer to the instrument"
I like weird instruments so I assign them to fictional characters whenever it feels realistic to do so. The theremin is one of the world's first electric instruments (patented in 1928) and is played by moving one's hands around the two antennas, which are proximity sensors - vertical controls pitch and horizontal controls volume. Sound-wise, it's kind of like playing a synthesizer by hand? Also the hand gestures that are made when controlling pitch are.. interesting. (That's more or less what Cider is doing, it took an embarrassing amount of attempts to get that hand to look good enough so I just left it hhh)
Re: extra doodle 1 Touching the vertical antenna makes an unpleasant high-pitched noise (you're not meant to touch it at all while playing, just move your hands around like an electric wizard or something)
Re: extra doodle 2 "Thoramin" is another name for the singing Tesla coil, and a play on theremin and Thor (hence why it's here). It's a Tesla coil that's been modified to be a plasma speaker. I find these funny because people on YouTube always seem to be playing them in random suburbs. Just imagine looking out the window at your neighbor's yard and seeing a lightning storm set to Megalovania. Realistically Otto probably wouldn't have one (too loud, draws attention to the player) but for the purposes of The Funny™ he does now.
Something small I don't have anywhere else to bring up so I shall talk about it here: I started my Chipspeech Twitter archive project by just going through the tab on each account that says "Tweets" but it turns out that there are more tweets under the "Replies" tab that actually contain lore. So I am actually nowhere near done with this hhhhh I hate Twitter. I mean I'm still going to document everything because I want the story to be as intact as possible (including the small bits of character trivia that often show up in the replies tweets) but I am. not happy about it. I do not entirely understand the decision to put character information in the replies to fan tweets.. I mean things shared there are never really all that important, but I like weird small story details so I don't want to lose them if Twitter ever actually fully goes down. Also I am going to have to go back and put everything in chronological order (in terms of hours/minutes, everything currently is just organized by date) which means more time on Twitter. I traded efficiency for simplicity of each step in this process, which I guess was good for not becoming overwhelmed by the scale of things but it's dragging out a lot longer than I had initially anticipated. I start college in late August so ideally that's my hard deadline for this, which should absolutely be reachable but I'm still annoyed that it's taking this long in the first place hhhhhhh
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echonvoid · 7 months
Happy (late) Leap Year day! Have some rabbit/rabbit-themed characters, of which I have more of than I realized. Ya got some deku and his new mentor, the baddest bitch Mirko. All Might is still alive but his duties have spread more to being a dad to all of 2-A, not just Deku.
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And some fun art of Mirko and her girlfriend Fuyumi, whom I love and adore as an enby lesbian. This fuyumi is post-manga arc, hence all the scars. (I don’t know why I made Mirko tri-colored)
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Then here’s just a random doodle I did.
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And last but certainly not least, my oc Alopé! They’re a jackalope humanoid, that’s kinda an oc for Kipo (ataow) but kinda my own thing too. And their poppy playtime Smiling Critters version (they glow in the dark!)
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pechadream · 2 years
Genuine question for my followers
I’ve posted pretty much nothing this year, I’m sorry- all I’ve been drawing are either doodles or things related to marble hornets or creepypasta because that’s what I’ve been into again lately and I always get a lil scared posting for a different fandom-
To my followers or any lurkers of my blog: please let me know if you’d like to see my doodles or whatnot! Either in the replies or in the ask box with anon, I’d love to know what you’d think! I’d love to share my doodles, but I know that’s not what I usually post, with my usual post being colored or fully illustrated that is. 
An example of things I’ve been up to recently is: 
I’ve been making my own lil creepypasta universe (with the help of @480pfootage bc he’s the coolest person ever) and I’ve been making my own designs for characters + making my own ocs.
I’ve been learning how to animate and have been making animations/animatics recently. 
A SWSH comic I hinted to a long time ago has been put on pause, but I think I might come back to it soon with a clear mind and completely restart it.
I’m gonna be working on the SWSH dating sim at @sweetapplessappyapplins for the sprites and the character cgs.
I’m making my own lil SMTO universe as well to go in depth for my SMTO ocs and the world around them.
And just a bunch of random doodles of aus for stardew, pokemon, and creepypasta in general-
If you’d like to request anything, whether it be writing or drawings, please don’t be shy to! I get so excited to answer asks! (Also to anyone who might’ve sent things before, if I never got to your ask that’s most likely because the tumblr ask box ate them, so resend them if you’d like!) 
You can request anything for literally any fandom that I’ve been in! Doesn’t matter how long it’s been since I’ve posted about it, I love revisiting my old fandoms! (hence why I’m into MH and creepypasta again-)
So yeah, that’s about all I’d like to talk about for now, like I said before: please let me know if you want to see the doodles or not, I genuinely want to know. Plus if I do start posting doodles you’ll actually get regular posts more frequently-
(also I completely understand if you don’t wanna interact with creepypasta related things- that fandom is scary- I just plan to have my own lil corner in the fandom if I do start posting-)
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violetsoju · 3 years
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miya atsumu · fluff · 1.9k
muse: highlight - not the end
a/n: my ultimate boys are finally back after three and a half years, and my inner fangirl that has been asleep for way too long has been unleashed for the past few days. hence, this impulsive piece. do let me know if you enjoyed it ❤️
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It’s time.
After a year or so, there’s finally light at the end of the tunnel. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom again, gracing the pathways with shades of light pink and white.
It’s the beginning of a new year, of new beginnings, of new hopes and dreams. A time of renewal and rebirth. When cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the future is bursting with possibilities.
What better way to start off the new year with something that makes your heart blossom with love and joy?
You’ve been deep in slumber for the past year, so it’s about time to be awaken and open the curtains for the sunlight shine in.
Your planner is inked with colourful notes and doodles, laptop reformatted with an empty recycle bin, camera equipment cleaned and dusted, phone storage deep-cleaned.
It’s hard to not notice the bright smile tugging your lips even without the mandatory cup of morning coffee, greeting everyone in the office like a ray of sunshine. Even your supervisor notices it and is surprised with the increased efficiency of work from your end. Perhaps he’s more surprised with your razor sharp accuracy in clocking out every day, disappearing in a flash once the clock strikes 6.
Your colleagues can’t seem put a finger to the recent change in your behaviour. What’s an afterwork get-together without you and ridiculous tipsy antics? Not even your favourite yakult soju or the summoning of your supervisor could drag your feet to the dinner place.
“Do you have a boyfriend? That’s why you’re so busy recently?” They would ask. Or they would try and wiggle their way by asking “Is there someone waiting at home for you?”
No matter how tactfully they twist and turn their words, they were all futile attempts. Because all they would get was a sickly sweet innocent smile that never met your crescent-shaped eyes, and an automatic response. “Thank you for the invite, but I’m afraid I’ll have to pass tonight. Have fun!”
They had their bets that you were wrapped up with your secret little love life, spending nights over at your lover’s place, whispering sweet nothings into the night. “Ah, young love.” They would sigh. “Remember to stay protected!”
Your tight lipped smile fuelled them further instead. Why don’t you say anything, they wonder.
To you, why waste your energy explaining something that is incomprehensible to them and risk having yourself being the centre of gossip? Not that you are already the recent centre of gossip.
Because they won’t understand the surge of excitement flowing through your veins at the ping of notifications popping up on your phone screen during work. They won’t understand the of anticipation for the timer on a video screen to turn zero, whether on the way home or while having dinner. They won’t understand the happiness of late night chats with likeminded people online, sleep washed away while gushing and typing in full caps with each other. They won’t understand the buzz of giddiness with just one post, one picture or one sentence. They won’t understand the little squeal behind a picture or a minute-long video unexpectedly appearing on screen. They won’t understand having the same song or same album on loop for days, weeks, or months. They don’t understand the dilemma of choosing a wallpaper or lockscreen for your phone. They don't understand how by remembering a person or something they have said before drives unimaginable motivation and makes the toughest circumstances bearable and possible to overcome. They won't understand how a person who doesn't know your existence personally can be a source of comfort and happiness.
They won’t understand the real reason why you’re smiling like a fool at your phone.
Maybe if they peered carefully at your phone screen, they would know why.
And it’s not what they had in bet.
Well, they were partly right if you were to be completely honest.
But if you were to place your bets, you’re sure most of them would still be scratching their heads in confusion at the black, gold and white logo.
It may be foreign to them, but you swear that you can see those colours even if you’re blind.
MSBY. The 8 member boy group. Worldwide superstars. The whole damn package. Boys made for the dazzling stage. Boys that deserve the whole world. Boys whose talent knows no limits. Boys that you hold dear to your heart.
Ever since Hinata Shouyou, the youngest of the group had injured his lower back and knee during choreography practice (in which was revealed with a slip of a tongue in a livestream that Bokuto and him were so engrossed with a certain acrobatic move which involved a backflip from a higher ground, they begged their choreographer to add it into their new choreography. Instead of showing a clip of the move, they decided to give it a shot and perform it live spontaneously for everyone, where too much adrenaline and a small slip had him lying in the hospital bed for weeks), the group had collectively come to a conclusion to halt their activities until he was fully recovered and ready to roll. There were no solo activities, solo promotions or unit activities despite the attractive proposals or invitations. Such a waste of talent and time, many said. What is their company thinking? Letting their cash cow go to waste like that. But they tuned out all the crap, and firmly held to their resolve of being together as a group; all for one, and one for all.
“We’ll be back. And we know you all have our backs.” Meian Shuugo, the leader of the pack assured, eyes filled with resolute and confidence.
So after a draught of 456 days to be exact, an oasis finally appeared in the burning desert sands. When the notification titled ‘MSBY is back’ appeared on phone and laptop screens alike, it took a few seconds for everyone to blink and make sure it wasn’t a mirage. But the small tick was unmistakable. Then the whole fandom lost their shit.
This isn’t a drill. MSBY is back. In full swing.
The black jackals are ready to hunt. Their hunger has been supressed long enough. They’ve been starved for too long. They’re out for blood. They’re ready to pounce at any moment. They’re back in the game.
(If you were to be real honest, everyone should have saw this coming after that particular livestream where Bokuto, the renowned king of spoilers, animatedly announced that “We’ll be seeing you guys soon. Like real soon!” with his wide toothy smile, to which Inunaki Shion ferociously slapped him in the back with a cramped broad smile plastered on his face. “In the next livestream, of course! Can’t wait to see you guys soon!” The mom of the group added through gritted teeth. Adriah Tomas choked on his water and sheepishly grinned, while Sakusa Kiyoomi stared ahead unfazed, like this was a daily occurrence.)
Which means it’s time for you to get back to work. Which is also no surprise why you’ve been so occupied these days, having two schedules to work with: your personal schedule and MSBY’s comeback schedule. Which also means, your weekends are MSBY’s weekends.
Fangirling is a job to be taken very, seriously.
Change of word choice for the better. Supporting your idols is a job to be taken very, seriously.
So on a pleasantly warm Saturday afternoon with cherry blossoms petals dancing in the wind, as you try your best to stable yourself on the ground with the huge ass DSLR in your hands, you scan for a specific person among the sea of people ahead. A specific blond, to be exact. But lucky you, because even if you don’t scan for him, he finds his way to your camera lens. Which is why your pictures are one of the most sought after and anticipated of the idol Miya Atsumu, lead dancer of MSBY.
It’s like he has antennas on the top of his head. Despite the flurry of cameras flashing at him, confessions and screams drowning out his surroundings, rapid camera shutters going off like woodpeckers drumming relentlessly on a tree, he somehow, always manages to locate you, to look right into your camera lens, giving you his million dollar smile or infamous grin with small fangs peeking from the sides. The cherry on top? His top-notch fanservice. He never, never fails to give a reaction to you. Be it a small wave, a heart shape with his arms bent over his head, or a flirtatious wink that would combust hearts right on the spot.
You’re beyond grateful for his attentiveness and recognition towards you. It’s not like you’re on his heels. Hitting the shutter button is just a pastime of yours when your schedule allows. In better words, you’re just a random potato popping up occasionally with a camera. Plus, it’s no easy feat to pick a specific person out among a sea of people, especially with tens or hundreds of faces flashing before his eyes in one go.
Truth to be told, you’re thankful for the special attention too, because you get to share the fun and playful side of him with everyone, to light up everyone’s day with pictures of their favourite golden boy. Sharing is caring, and in this big close-knitted family, everyone deserves to be well fed.
However, the good things in life are never free.
Jealousy is a bitch, and bitches need to get well soon. Rumours are born out of wicked tongues, and wicked tongues are born out of the evil fire of envy.
Baseless ridiculous tales circulate among the community. How you’re the daughter of some big-shot of the company or political figure, using, or abusing your privilege connections to gain his favour. How you’re an obsessive fan who has intruded your way into his life, holding his career by the reins out of corrupted love by stalking and threatening him to pose for the camera, your camera specifically if he wants to keep himself and his group safe. How it’s a business relationship between the both of you: you as his private photographer, him paying you to get perfect shots of him to boost his popularity, to outshine his members, to feed his monstrous ego.
But do you care? Of course you don’t.
Because between this jam-packed schedule, this is the only time you get to see your boyfriend in real life, and you want to keep a record of his amazing journey through your lenses. It’s a diary of his growth, the beautiful moments in his life. A diary for him, you and his fans. To also show him that you’re here with him, here for him, no matter what.
And does Miya Atsumu care? Of course he doesn’t.
Because what more can he ask by having the opportunity to see you in flesh, even if it’s just a few seconds amidst his hectic back-to-back schedules. You’re his serotonin, the one that he misses holding in his arms after a long tiring day, the one that keeps him going, the one that he can count on for being there.
Knowing that you’re there at every step of the way makes him take each step with more confidence and pride.
So as Miya Atsumu exits the broadcasting building, he searches for a familiar camera lens among the sea of similar looking cameras shoved in his face. He sweeps his gaze from left to right, and grins when he spots the one he’s looking for.
A face sculpted by the gods with a boyish grin that could lit up the world graces the cameras of many, but only one captures his eyes gleaming with delight head on.
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There was a really cute fanart of idol! Atsumu but the artist has closed her twitter account so I can't link it here T_T but if you do have any idol! Atsumu fanarts do send them in hehe
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occasionalsnippets · 4 years
Escapism AU (Y/n) & Passione
This is mostly about mc’s interactions with the gang including a bit of La Squadra and Unita Speciale. I’ll probably add more as I think.
Bucciarati’s Gang 
Mc crashes at their house from time to time even though she has her own apartment
This either because she wants to sleep over for fun
Or because she’s finished a mission and their house is closer
Sometimes she shows up at 2 AM and just passes out on their couch
It happens more often than it should
Bruno eventually gives her a copy of the key
She steals food from the fridge too but makes up for it by buying groceries
They leave a toothbrush and cup for her in one of the bathrooms since she comes over so much
Before everyone was recuited, there were extra bedrooms in the house that weren’t being used
They left a guest room for mc but she doesn’t use it all the time, opting to pass out on the couch first
Either Bruno or Abbacchio usually brings her to her room though Abbacchio would never admit to it
Mista draws on her face with marker sometimes but leaves her on the couch most of the time. He can’t ruin her cute face all the time
Narancia cuddles with her on the couch or join Mista in doodling
Fugo leaves her on the couch but gets a blanket and readjusts her position if it’s uncomfortable
However, after Mista got recruited, mc gave up her room so Mista didn’t have to room with anyone
Now, she just sleeps on the couch or whoever’s okay with her borrowing their bed
She has tried several times to get them to wear normal clothes outside (they dressed perfectly normally before joining the mafia!) and only about half those times did it actually work
Mc is strong enough carry everyone in the group bridal style
The only ones who gets particularly mouthy when she does is Abbacchio and Mista but only because Mista wants to carry her too
She joins Fugo, Narancia and Mista in doing stupid things but it’s fun
She knows the torture dance
Mc isn’t technically a part of their team but they consider her to be because of how often she stays over and tags along for missions
She doesn’t expect anyone to really like her the way they do despite how obvious their feelings are
Part of it is because she isn’t supposed to be in this universe in the first place, that she’s an outsider of sorts. She’s here to make sure they don’t die
The other part of it is the guilt of leaving them to die in the first timeline. She feels like she doesn’t deserve how highly they think of her because of how readily she was to let fate run it’s course the first time around, even if they don’t remember it
She’s sooner die then let any of them do the same
Mc meets Giorno before he’s recruited into the gang since she does go to the same school as him even though she doesn’t really show up to classes that often
She’s about 2 years older than Giorno
They became friends prior to his hair turning blond and she almost didn’t recognize him but his eyes are rather distinctive
When it did turn blond, mc got a vaguely panicked call in the morning from him saying his hair turned blond for some reason
She’s the first person to braid his hair with the needlessly extra loop at the end after it turned blond
She wasn’t sure how the donuts worked but the next time she saw him he had the signature donut hair so she guessed he figured out how to do it
It becomes routine for her to braid Giorno’s hair when she notices it’s undone
She gave him a crash course on stands when he found out she had one
They spend a lot of time in libraries
Mc insists on paying for food when they get lunch together though Giorno always refuses
I feel like Giorno lowkey craves intimacy?
Mc calls him “GioGio” sometimes
Hmmmmm, gay
I really like Trish hence why she’s included in the harem
Out of everyone in the gang guarding her, she’s the closest with mc since they’re both girls which is also why Bruno assigns mc to her the most often
Convenient for Trish since it means more time to flirt
Unfortunately, mc does fall under the “are we just being nice to each other or are we flirting” when Trish is just about ready to ask for her hand in marriage
She’s flirting, no doubt
Trish lets mc rest her head on her thighs which mc can confirm is very comfortable
Trish is one of the two people she trusts to do her make up, the other one being Abbacchio
You know that picture where there’s one girl sitting on the other girl doing her makeup
That’s basically Trish and mc
Post-Vento Aureo, they stay in contact and remain good friends as Trish pursues a career as a singer
Mc joined Fugo on that walk where they found Narancia in the alleyway so she’s partially responsible for him joining the mafia
They bring him to Libecco where Bruno is and he gets food before going to the hospital to get his eye treated like in canon
She goes shopping with him after he’s out of the hospital
They get normal clothes but the next she sees him, he’s wearing his canon outfit and she wonders why she even bothered with his fashion sense in the first place
She’s the one who buys him his bandana that he wears in his canon outfit
They’re pretty cute together actually
She calls him “Nara” 
While she isn’t available all the time to help Fugo tutor him, when she is around, she tries her best to help
They listen to music together and mc ends up reccomending a lot though some songs haven’t come out yet so she’s only able to play them on her phone
“If I run and jump at (Y/n), she’ll definately catch me!” “Wait, I’m holding a mug-” *Drops the mug and catches Narancia*
Hugs with Narancia often end with his face buried in the crook of her neck
Probably the one mc goes with on missions the most
Part of it is because they’re the closest in age prior to everyone else joining, another part is due to mc’s nullifying ability effectively making her immune to Purple Haze’s virus
Mc be like “if I got infected with purple haze’s virus, I would simply become immune. rip to everyone else but I’m different.”
Still, Fugo is still very cautious when it comes to pulling out Purple Haze
Fugo buys her lavender hand lotion once and she decided she liked it so she continued to use it
He sorta associates lavender with mc
Mc buys him strawberry earrings. Sometimes she spontaneously buys stuff that reminds her of him
Fugo isn’t particularily fond of contact (backstory trauma) so mc tries to keep it to a minimum unless he gives an okay
Probably a few missions together where mc saves him, they’re walking down a street together and he just slips his hand into hers
Asadlskjh, I want them to hold hands
When she’s doing school assignments over at the Bucci house, Fugo helps her look over and proofread them despite the fact she has access to the internet through her phone and can search stuff literally from the future (not that he knows). She appreciates the input
I think that after Fugo leaves the group during Vento Aureo, I would like to bring him back somehow before the end of Vento Aureo
He didn’t like mc at first, no surprises here, but after they went on a few missions together where she saved his life, he begrudgingly opened up
She reminds him of his dead partner due to how reckless she is in saving people
She an idiot but she’s his idiot
He’s likely one of the most worried when she gets hurt since he doesn’t want to lose another person who died protecting him
Abbacchio does come off as very tsundere seeing how prickly he is to everyone except Bruno but everyone except for mc notices that he isn’t that prickly to her either
Mc doesn’t expect him to like her to any degree so whenever anyone points out that he’s nicer to her, she’s like “what?”
They have late night talks a lot
Abbacchio stays up late drinking and mc doesn’t sleep consistently enough
Sometimes they go up to the roof of the house to talk
She has fallen alseep on him multiple times. His tiddies make great pillows. 
Generally, she’s got her head resting on his tiddies, one arm hanging over his body, the other spawled out somewhere. He keeps one arm around her head and the other around her waist
Mc with Bruno is oddly domestic?
she helps around the house, buying groceries, helping out in the kitchen and cleaning from time to time
Bruno appreciates it a lot
If Abbacchio and mc have late night talks, Bruno and her have early morning talks when everyone else is asleep and the sun is just barely rising
Bruno keeps telling her it isn’t healthy to sleep only 3 hours so he convinces her to fall asleep for a few more hours
He spoils her a lot and brings her to cafes
Bruno is one of the last people she would expect to like her more than a friend due to the “bruno’s a mom” memes and he’s nice to everyone (almost everyone, excluding ememies), there’s no way he would like her more
Sure, he kisses the crown of her head and the back of her hand from time to time and they cook together
But they’re just good friends, right?
He frequently lectures her on being more careful and not being so reckless
They discuss weird stuff a lot
The combination of mc’s general knowledge of random things due to the internet and Mista’s bad timing when bringing up topics leads to interesting conversations
Like, your tongue never sits comfortably in your mouth, your skeleton is wet, are you inside your skeleton or is your skeleton inside you?
Mc is always in a constant state of worry when he’s on a mission because his bullets always end up in his own body something
The only reason he isn’t dead yet is because his dumb*ss aura surrounds him
Mc qualifies as a cute girl 11/10
He flirts with her casually and the pistols tell her his thought even when he doesn’t want them to but she never seems to notice
“You’ve been flirting with me?” “Have been for the last year, thanks for noticing.”
Mc gets Mista a gun holster after the events of Vento Aureo because he really shouldn’t be tucking his gun in his pants like that
If someone was really angry, they could lean over and shoot his d*ck off
La Squadra
I sorta debated whether la squadra should be a part of the harem or not but I think mostly no
That’s because I don’t really have an age range for them but Risotto’s like 28 and big age gaps are creepy. So, I guess for some of the la squadra members, it’s up to interpretation whether it’s romantic or platonic. I’m inclined towards platonic though
I’m not sure if I want to save Sorbet and Gelato yet
Mc, of course, goes along for missions as she’s ordered to
La squadra is so broke. Why doesn’t Diavolo pay them more? They literally kill people for their job
Mc doesn’t crash at their house very often but she stops by to hang out and drop off food
She buys them groceries when she notices their fridge is super empty. She doesn’t need them to pay her back (her paycheck is suprisingly big), but they should stop eating takeout all the time
She usually calls Risotto to ask if there’s anything specific they want
She’s rather fond of Pesci. They go fishing together when they have time
Illuso and mc are gossip buddies
Melone gets kink shamed during missions
Ghiaccio and mc have gone ice skating together before
I don’t really have anything else for the others... I’ll think about it
When Vento Aureo begins, mc is trying to save them though she isn’t directly working with them
La Unita Speciale
These are pretty random
Tizano and Squalo are gay, mc was there when they proposed to each other
Mc gets ordered to buy food when they have meetings though it’s pretty rare
When she does show up to drop off food, it’s a constant feeling of “let me leave quicker please” because Cioccolata is freaky
She thinks she runs into Doppio way too often when she’s doing missions
The only good thing about it is that Doppio is pretty nice when Diavolo isn’t kicking about. On one hand, Doppio=nice, on the other Doppio=Diavolo
Mc feeds Secco sugar cubes when Cioccolata isn’t looking
She would not trust Cioccolata to patch up any of her wounds, he’s likely to dissect her
Mc gets missions through calls and emails but sometimes Doppio’s around to tell her what they are 
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cyanide-latte · 3 years
You know who I am gonna ask for, let's be honest. Freddy Krueger. Lay it alllll out!
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[Was planning on drawing an entire comic response to this with all the Freddys making appearances but I don't have enough image space on a Tumblr post without separating into reblogs, and I don't have the time or energy lately, let alone the patience to draw multiple variations of his face in several panels. Also it should be noted I started this prior to my undercut, hence the hair.]
What do I love most about Freddy? Uhhh... If I'm being genuine, the unique nature he's got among the wide array of slashers. I think Wes Craven was utterly brilliant coming up with the character, and the nightmare sequences in-film are spectacularly executed.
If we're talking dislikes, that's an entire list. I should probably save it for a separate post, tbh. I've nursed a long grudge against Freddy since my early childhood and that's not exactly gone away yet, even if he's grown on me and I can appreciate him now. For now I'll just say I really don't like having competition for being the most obnoxious-yet-charming bitch in a room.
Got several favorite quotes from this bastard but I'll only list two. "Every town has an Elm Street" is probably the one I quote most as an adult and it's on some of the fan merch I own. But apparently the quote that stuck with kid me for years was "I am eternal" and I forgot it was a Freddy quote until this year and when I saw the GIFs of him saying that I just had an "oh you motHERFUCKER" moment.
BROTP: Can the various Freddys tolerate each other? Probably not, but I can't see him really having friends to even have a BROTP otherwise.
OTP: ...okay, this one should probably get a doodled comic at some point.
NOTP: Quentin. This one shouldn't bear explaining.
A random headcanon I've had for a while that I'm still a little on the fence about is that he probably always had some dormant hypnokinetic abilities. Probably unaware of it most of his life, but could tap into it during his dreams and it likely tied into his coping mechanisms. Unfortunately, his powers didn't actually have a chance to manifest until after the rather awkward business of dying.
Unpopular opinion time? *deep breath* The 2010 reboot had potential, really powerful potential, and the real tragedy of the thing isn't the fans comparing it to the OG '84 film (though that does get old fast.) The comparisons are inevitable. It was the fact that the OG script for 2010 was loads better than the final product we got, and the fact the theatrical ending killed it. I'm glad the "alternate" ending survived to DVD/Blu-Ray release because it's good. If we'd had that as the theatrical ending instead of what we'd got? While it wouldn't have saved the film from some of the jumbled writing and CGI that aged poorly, it would have made the entire thing better. The '84 film was about facing fear, whereas if the "alt" ending was kept in 2010, we would have had a very powerful story about facing one's abuser and overcoming trauma. And it's a shame and a travesty we were robbed of that, because it's a story I think is always needed.
Song that reminds me of him? Ignoring the obvious options and likewise ignoring the fact I should have made a playlist by now and haven't... In general The Python's Song reminds me of him more than it reminds me of Kaa, (despite it having been part of The Jungle Book OST my entire life.) If you wanted something more on the shippy side and you don't mind metal, Black Wedding by In This Moment is one I easily tend to associate with Freddy as well.
I'm not sure if I've picked a single favorite image of him yet, tbh. One day though!
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lumilasi · 3 years
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After doodling that oc faves set, I wanted to make another one. This is called “Redesign our new outfits already you lazy bastard” squad.
It was tricky as not all characters had established surnames yet, such as Dawn and Shanti, and some don’t have one to begin with in-story, like Kuura and Ilves.
Anyway, more details about each below:
Kaspian was a scifi oc but I decided to merge that story with the butterfly boys one. He has a little brother Sebastian, and both of them work as apprentices for an older (now retired) Demon Slayer called Vincent. Both he and his brother ended up cursed by a demon and now have fear-themed powers. He’s at peace with them, whereas Sebastian hates having these abilities. 
Kas is Aro/Ace and generally feels awkward if people flirt with him. He and his brother are also albinos. Kaspian’s vision is poor, but thanks to his demon powers heightening his other senses, he rarely wears his glasses. 
Samsara is one of the Deities of my fantasy world, namely one of the Elemental sisters who are also known as the Daughters of Mother Nature, each representing one of the four elements. Samsara tends to interact with her champions the most (I.E anyone using fire/light/warmth based magic) Her sisters are named Thalia (Earth/nature) Lumine (Water/oceans) and Aezha (Sky/wind)
Ilves is the eldest child of his family, and together with his sister they are the chiefs of their small village. He’s single and not in a rush to find anyone, but does like spending time with kids and is generally good with them. Even his brother’s kids call him the “fun tall uncle,” and like to ride on his shoulders to see further away. 
Ilves’ power allows him to communicate with carnivorous animals such as wolves, foxes and large felines, he’s also naturally really strong physically and can easily pick up all of his four siblings at once if he wants to. His name is a Finnish word that means “lynx”
Gray (real name Varis, Finnish word meaning crow) Is the middle child of his family, who decided to leave home to travel the word. He gained his nickname “Gray” when he was staying in an old shack for a while nearby a town, and ended up rescuing people getting lost in the woods during snowstorms. 
Nobody knew he was there, so he ended up becoming an urban legend called “The Graywalker” as all people he rescued tended to remember was just bunch of grey shades, being blinded by snow. He didn’t bother correcting people once they did find out some random person from the north was living in an old shack in the mountains. 
Gray has frost powers due to having some Frost Child genetics in him, but they’re not as strong as his younger brother Kuura’s. Nowadays Gray lives with his wife and three kids in the Kingdom of Valerna and works as the chief of staff for the palace Guards. He is often seen napping as the warmer climate makes him drowsy. Only his close ones know his real name. 
He’s friends with a local fire mage Ace, and before Ace lost his wife they used to spar a lot as Ace liked to annoy him. Since then he’s become more serious and also listens to Gray’s advice when he’s struggling as a dad. 
Kuura is the youngest member of his family, and has very strong Frost Child powers, hence his skin has bluish patches. Frost Children are basically half-blooded ice spirits, allowing them control over winter weather and even the ability to turn into a spirit form. Kuura is a bit bad at controlling it and may turn into a snowy cloud randomly.
 He’s also kind of an oblivious young man, who doesn’t notice it when someone attempts to flirt with him - namely a girl named Reilynn who has a crush on him. His name is a Finnish word that refers to a very specific type of frost coating individual blades of grass for example very early morning during late fall/early winter, before there’s proper snow on the ground.
Dawn Is the teenager daughter of a single parent fire mage Ace, who has inherited his fire powers. She’s not the greatest at them yet, often ending up frying things by accident. Dawn wants to be as strong as her dad someday. Their mother went missing when they were young. (IDK the details yet, she’s my friend’s oc and she’s been too busy to work on them RN)
Joshua is the prince of an infamous warrior kingdom of Arthanos, that was destroyed in a mysterious event when Joshua was a child. From what he’s able to gather of his childhood memories though, he suspects someone was trying to repeat the Deity-ritual their kingdom’s Deity Amaros did long ago to become the said Deity, and it went wrong. Despite coming from a fearsome kingdom, he’s a very gentle and kind man. 
He has a beloved called Melody, who works as a healer in his current home Kingdom’s palace. Joshua works directly under the Queen, helping her deal with secretive threats alongside the Royal Mage Azul. 
While many citizens are still intimidated by him, most of the children tend to see past his reputation as an Arthanosian warrior, and don’t find him scary but really nice. 
Shanti is Dawn’s big sister and basically took over their mother’s role somewhat to help her dad to look after Dawn at first. Ace tries his best but at the time especially he was struggling with being a single parent. She doesn’t have magic powers like her sister, but is very adept in using enchanted talismans and other magic infused objects. Reversal talismans come in handy especially if Dawn accidentally burns something.
Alexei is the first mate of their King’s former ship, now lead by his sister Scarlet. He’s very quiet and rarely speaks, to the point many people don’t even know how he sounds like. Some even theorize that he’s mute. (he’s not, just very introverted)
Alexei is bit of a “port hottie” meaning each time their ship returns to Valerna, there’s typically plenty of young men and women trying to catch a glimpse of him or flirt with him. They also like to gossip about him a lot - namely his sex life - which he tends to just ignore. 
In truth, Alexei isn’t that interested in sex; he’s not ace, but prefers more casual intimacy and cuddling over it. He actually has a boyfriend, a local painter Aiden, who’s also taking care of his and Scarlet’s orphaned little cousin Dmitri, as they couldn’t take the small boy with them to their overseas travels.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hey! I hate to ask this, you already do so much for us! But would you mind just a tiny recap of Vlamis’ live from last night? You don’t have to go into a ton of detail or anything, I just saw that it was a half hour long. I have a weird anxiety thing that keeps me from watching lives and stories for the most. Still haven’t even been able to work myself up to watching the vlamburn one as much as I’d love to! 🙁
Either way, thank you for everything!
Okay, nonnie. I went and watched the whole thing again and wrote you a detailed account of what’s been said. I’ll link the live again, then you can watch here if you want to. Or not. Up to you. 🤗 Hope this helps. 💕
Brushing his teeth and flossing for 3 minutes while talking.
800 new follower lately “where have you been before?”
“Do you do anything to your hair at night?” He adds Moroccan hair oil in the morning, nothing at night.
“What’s your favorite of the drop?” He hasn’t seen everything from the drop (like the COSMIC tie-dye) bc he’s in Santa Fe. He loves the COSMIC and MALEX embroidered things (“so subtle”) bc they are in Vlamburn’s handwriting, he loves the Manesqueeze shirt bc you can make Alex and Michael kiss by putting your wrists together. He *loves* the candle (there’s one burning on his bedside table), the silky PJs are great, but he can’t decide on just one favorite thing.
“How’s Jesa’s sanity?” She needs like 3 weeks of sleep. He explains, that while we *are* the Vlambase, the Vlambase merch company’s just Jesa and Vlamis. Jesa has a team, but all the day-to-day things, ideas, emails/customer service (Jesa), the newsletter (Vlamis). They hadn’t collaborated with anyone before Tyler, so working with him was a new experience. 
One fan mentions how they wanted to buy stuff but couldn’t. Vlamis says that he’s been there, and when he wanted something in the past he couldn’t afford, he started putting away a Dollar a day. 
“Thought on One Direction?” Vlamis is a Harry Styles guy. “Harry Styles’ swagger is next level!”
“What do you think about Russia? Will Vlambase merch be available here?” Talks a bit about how annoying things are with shipping companies, says they wanted to protect themselves for the holidays, and now that the Christmas rush is over, some shipping options have become available again. 
“Who came up with  MANESQUEEZE” He ponders about it, and settles on Jesa. It was Vlamis’s ides to put tiny Alex and tiny Michael on the sleeves so that they can kiss tho. And Tyler came up with the idea to put a “toupee” on his head (in a previous drop, the NEVER LOOK AWAY design had tiny Alex and tiny Michael on the sleeves, but poor Alex was bald) for the design.
Someone got a MALEX pin and the candle. He knows the pin sold out fast, and he feels bad about that. They want everyone to get everything they want, but it’s difficult to make proper calculations how well an item will sell. The pandemic made things even harder. Like the PJ sets. Normally, they would wait until the sale ends and see how many sets were actually ordered, but during the pandemic, stock listings have been changing dramatically from day to day, so they had to pre-order the PJs and robes to make sure they had a certain number at their disposal. He said that they “overshot” on a couple of things, but ultimately sales have been great, and he appreciates that.
“I’m excited to make the MANESQUEEZE doodles kiss bc I do that with the NEVER LOOK AWAY shirt” Vlamis jumps up and shows his closet that’s full of Vlambase merch items.
“Why am I here, it’s almost 3am” He mentions that he’s been staying up until 4 in the past couple of days, but he has to be on set in 7 or 8 hours. 
“Hello, just wanted to let you know that I got a tattoo for you” Vlamis asks for a photo and to be tagged.
“Kyle the packer [Vlamis’s roomie KA, who works in the warehouse when a new drop is ready for shipping]” Vlamis says they’re working him to death.
“Please save this live” He doesn’t know whether he’ll save it. Thinks the one with Tyler was important, but since it’s just him, he doesn’t think it’s important.
“I followed Jesa, Jesa is the real MVP” Vlamis says that Jesa is “a beast, and best in the game”. Quickly explains who Jesa is, and that she’s his partner in the Vlambase merch company. He mentions that she recently called him with an idea for Valentine’s Day, and he was like “Jesa, we need to relax!” But she loved the idea. She’s a big fan of RNM and the characters (and Tyler). “Jesa’s amazing.”
“What about new Soli art [Soli’s the artist who created the Boys Will Be Boys art for a previous drop]?” Vlamis smiles. “What about new Soli art. I like that idea. 😏“
“Your house [in New Mexico] is so cute.” Vlamis says thank you and shows the ceiling of the house (which he likes best). “Santa Fe is dope!”
“I adore your teeth” *shows his teeth* Says he had to wear braces (some even adjustable)
“I could’ve used my birthday money to buy something but I forgot” 🤨 << Vlamis’s face. “How you you forget, man?”
“Back to Twitter after this live” He mentions that he’d just been on Twitter before the live.
He got retweeted by Mountain Dew and loves it.
“I’m from Australia and hope my merch arrives before winter” Vlamis says he hopes shipping will be fast. 
“Love the Valentines” They’re not actually Valentines, hence they’re “Love Notes”.  Vlamis considers doing them not just around Valentine’s Day. 
“You catch any of the CW shows returning this month?” “Might have to” But he knows what he’ll be catching on the 12th. “Prodigal Son, baby!”
“Where did you get the Game Boys?” Those are his Game Boys. He has a Game Boy Advanced and a Game Boy Color. 
“How do you feel about Forlex?” *scoffs* 😒 “Yeah” 
“So excited for the robe!” Vlamis gets excited. “The robes and the PJs are so comfy!” Talks about how it’s a bit weird, bc they don’t make them themselves.
Several people mention that their closet looks like his closet bc of all the merch and he loves that. 
“How do you feel about Forlex” *gets agitated* “Why are you asking me this? Don’t do that to me, alright?” *softer* “Don’t do that.”
“How are you doing?” He’s doing very well. Very relieved that eh sale went well. This drop was like 3-4 months of work, the night before the sale felt like an entire month, too. Jesa and Vlamis Facetimed for more than 5hrs. They set up the website, and that’s how the glitch with the GIVE ME MALEX OR GIVE ME DEATH shirts and poster happened. They made a mistake and only noticed after the website went live. 
“Do you know when S3 will air?” No, he thought it might’ve been sooner, but apparently not.
“I love your poetry from the last drop so why no poems this time?” He writes poems when he’s inspired, he hasn’t written a poem in a while. He’s currently preparing to direct his first movie in June 2021, and he’s been very focused on that. 
“The Meet & Greet day changed.”  Filming schedule changed bc they had snow, the schedule’s changing constantly. He’ll be set all day tomorrow (well, today, Jan 11) from 8am until 8 or 9pm. Sometimes they might even wake up in the morning and learn that the schedule’s been changed. 
 “You could talk about nothing and we’d still watch.” He doesn’t want to talk about nothing, wonders if anyone has any questions about the sale.
“I’m so excited about the robe. I was going to buy more but I’m broke.” He says we should be responsible.
Someone’s still waiting about their Black Friday stuff, but he says it’s the shipping company, not them. 
“Vlamentines" He *loves* that, thinks it’s a good pun. 
“Gotta support Aurora.” Always. 🥰
“Jealous Guerin in S3?” You’ll see, you’ll see.
“I placed 3 orders, last one last night. Give me Malex or give me death.” He loves it. He also mentions, that they’re working hard on figuring out how to combine orders in the future so people don’t have to pay for shipping several times. They just can’t do that logistically at the moment. 
“Real talk, how often do you check your DMs?” He says, that some people might’ve noticed that he occasionally likes random photos on people’s IG pages. When that happens, it’s a sign that he read someone’s DM. He feels bad when he checks his mentions with a delay, and people’s stories have already vanished after 24hours. He sometimes doesn’t get to checking DMs for a week.
“Will we ever get the original pic of the kiss recreation?” *smiles* *waggles his eyebrows* “Maybe in the morning”
“So happy the Trevor Project was chosen for this merch drop!” He’s very happy, too. According to him, it was a no-brainer. Tyler’s worked with them in the past, so it made even more sense. They wanted to make sure that Tyler felt very strongly about wherever they’d be donating. 
People urge him to go to sleep. “You want me to go to bed?” 
“Why is your merch not available in India?” *deep breath* “It should be, it’s ridiculous. Unbelievable.”
“Your poetry was awesome.” He appreciates the praise and promises to write some more poetry. 
Someone asks whether the movie he’ll be directing in June will be a comedy, but he says it’s the opposite. He’s mentioned in the past that Aurora and him will both act in the movie, but apparently he forgot about that. He doesn’t want to jinx the movie and doesn’t know how much he should reveal just yet. Talks a bit about 5 Years Apart. 
Someone mentions that it’s Jeanine’s birthday on January 14th. 
“Do (or don?) a face mask, Vlamis.” He refuses. Mentions his friend and roommate Spencer Waldner, who makes face masks.
“If there’s leftover merch, will you do another sale?” He says that most things are actually sold out bc they use Blank Clo’s blanks and will only make what’s been ordered.  They might try to restock some pins tho, bc they went so quickly. 
“USPS are a joke” He defends them. “They’re a public service, they’re trying hard, guys.”
“You should do a Vlambase drop with the Real Vlamis [a.k.a. Jeanie]” He’s excited and thinks it’s a good idea and asks if anyone’d be interested. 
Someone congratulates him on directing his first movie. He points out that he’s directed before (Making It, a 3-part web series, it’s on YouTube).
 “Would you ever come to Australia Comic Con?” He’d love to. Mentions that he’s supposed to be in Paris in May for a convention, but he’s not sure whether that’s gonna happen considering how things are currently going with the pandemic. 
Some more talk about 5 Years Apart.
Circles back to doing a merch drop with Jeanine. People like the idea. 
“Please save this live.” After an IG update, things have changed and he doesn’t know how to do it. In the past he had the option to save it [for 24hrs], now he can only upload it to IGTV. 
“$30 shipping to Australia hurts my soul but I did it anyway.” He appreciates that and mentions, that he lived in Australia for 6 months in the past.
“Sing some Bright Eyes” He thinks his singing would hurt people’s ears. 
Jesa Joy pops up in the chat and urges him to go to bed. 
“Jesa is yelling at you.” Vlamis says that Jesa’s a “yeller”, and that she has a tattoo that says “Don’t yell tho”. He admits that Jesa often yells for a good reason. “I need to be yelled at sometimes.”
Someone asks him to accept a request to join his live. He says he’s pretty tired. 
He says hello to someone from Germany (not me btw :P) “What’s up, Germany ✌️” 
More people ask him to sing, but he says he cannot sing. He says it’s not like a joke  or him being modest, he straight up can’t sing and is a horrible singer. 
“Will there be a sequel to 5 Years Apart?” Maybe a sequel called “10 Years Apart” (he’s joking and visibly tired)
“Should I buy anything before the sale ends?” Yes.
Jesa Joy’s from Michigan, and Vlamis’s grandma’s from Middlesborough, Kentucky.
“Is Tyler singing again?” He doesn’t know. “I hope so. Love that kid’s voice” (Tyler’s 3.5 years older than Vlamis :P)
He’s getting sleepy and will read a little bit before bed. Considers drinking some Mountain Dew. 
“Do you take design ideas.” Sure. Sometimes he sees design ideas from people they’ve been working on for months, but he’s gonna “steal” an idea from someone, he’ll tell them. He’ll steal it, though. 
“Are you still reading SAGA?” He read the first one and is half-way through the second. He’s currently reading a book called “My First Movie” by Stephen Lowenstein. “How cliché.” Aurora got it for him.
Purple Skittles are his favorite. Purple everything.
“Your girlfriend’s the best girlfriend.” She is, she really is.
Asks Jesa Joy whether he should go to bed now.Even though it’s late, he’s hungry. Considers eating something. People tell him to go to bed.
He asks “Should I get naked and put on the PJs?” *waggles eyebrows* “I’M KIDDING, YOU’RE SICK. YOU’RE ALL DISGUSTING.” xD
“Don’t eat!” He laughs.
Says goodbye and says that Jesa’s posted a surprise picture. 
“Any advice for aspiring actors?” Tells them to make their own stuff bc no one’s gonna hire them. (He’s being sarcastic). “It’s dark, but it’s what you need to hear.”
“Okay, love you guys. Thank you again! It was our best sale yet. Means a lot to me. Means a lot to Tyler. Us doing so well might mean that Tyler will work with us again. So I really appreciate it. Okay, I love you all.”
Jesa promises to post the pic in 4 minutes. He’s excited. “See, I got her to do it! The picture is kind of ridiculous.”
*pretends to take off his shirt, stops halfway through* “Noooooo, noooooo, noooooo!”
*throws kiss* “Love you guys, good night.”
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zodiyack · 4 years
In The Moment
Requested by anon: hihi, i see u write for american horror story? could u write xavier and u cuddling all fluff and cute but he says some dumb but cute idiot shit that ruins the softness? thx
Pairing: Pre Camp!Xavier Plympton x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, tiny bit o mature humor?, short story (sorry!)
Note: This is my first Xavier fic! I thought what he says fit his character well, so after asking a friend, I decided to include it, I hope you like it! 😂
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace​
Masterlist | Cody Fern Masterlist
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Xavier sighed, dropping his bag by the front door and walking to his room. His private class went a bit longer than he thought it would, and he was eager to get back to his girlfriend, Y/n. 
She joined him for his usual class and told him she was going to head home afterwards. Lately, work had been taking all his time, so he excitement of coming back home to her was stronger than usual.
“Y/n?” He noticed his bedroom light was off and made sure to quiet his calling. As he walked into his room, he was greeted with the sight he’d grown to love. Y/n lied in his spot of the bed, cuddled into his pillow with the hopes of his scent still there to comfort her. 
She looked so peaceful; chest rising and falling softly, mouth slightly open, eyes tightened shut as she dreamt. He would hate to wake her, especially with the stress she’d been under just trying to plan for the summer.
The blond made his way over to his bed, holding his breath like it would prevent his actions from getting any louder. Slowly, he sat down, sliding into the sheets next to her and wrapping his arms around her form. A smile graced the both of their faces.
Y/n shifted backwards, causing Xavier to groan quietly, and adjusted in his arms.
“I see you’re awake.”
“Yeah.. I woke up when you sat on the bed..” He frowned. His mission was not as successful as he thought it’d been. “Don’t worry,” she giggled softly, adjusting again, “I’m happy you’re back.”
“I’m happy to be back too.. How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good. I missed you though. It was hard to fall asleep at first- hence me being on your side.”
“There’s no need to explain yourself, Y/n.”  Xavier chuckled as he leaned over Y/n, supporting his body with an arm on the other side of her. He kissed her softly before he leaned back, wrapping his arms around her yet again.
“Okay... How was aerobics?” She laughed along with him, shuffling back for the third time.
“It’s was uh-” he grunted, “it was good, after the private class, Montana and I went over scheduling. I missed you the whole time though.”
She didn’t respond, instead, she hummed and closed her eyes. Her smile never left her face as Xavier traced random doodles onto her skin, both basking in the comfort of one another. 
They listened, to each other’s heartbeats and breathing, finding comfort in the fact that they were finally together after such a long day, and relishing in it.
Just as Y/n was about to fall asleep, she back up another time, this time earning a very loud response from her boyfriend. His shivery moan caught her attention and held onto it with a strong grasp. She turned, accidentally rubbing against him, “You okay, Xav?”
His eyes screwed shut, groaning in defeat. “It’s like you want me to get a boner.”
Y/n’s eyes did the opposite of Xavier’s, snapping open as red spread across her face. “Xavier! What the fuck!?” Teasing laughs battled the angry sounding words she had yelped while Xavier stuttered, stumbling along his words as he tried to find the right ones to say.
“What!? It was in the moment!” She shuffled back once more. Xavier bit his lip and closed his eyes again, “Okay, now you’re just fucking with me-”
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galacticnova3 · 4 years
I don't know if you've answered something like this before, but when did you start to become attached to Lor and/or Nova? Is there a history behind it or did it just happen and kind of spiral. I love your stuff by the way, stay hydrated.
It’s kinda difficult to explain without delving into some personal stuff, but I’ll try to explain it as best I can. I can’t add a read more on mobile, so be warned this is going to be a long post. I’ll tag it as such. By long I mean I’m scrolling back up to add I’ve been typing for over half an hour. Might as well just call this half of my life story. Anyways...
Nova was the first of the two I developed a big interest in, hence why all my social media is named what it is. At first it was something I kept to myself because it was during a very difficult time in my life. To be frank, if it weren’t for me deciding to draw Nova one night, I probably wouldn’t be here. What started out as what I thought would be a temporary distraction turned into my first source of legitimate interest and motivation; I saw the drawing I made that night, what I thought would be my last contribution to the world, and thought, “Well this doesn’t look great. I can do better.”
And so I begun trying to do just that. Constantly drawing Nova, slowly letting the idea of him being just a mere distraction from the inevitable choice I thought I would make fade away. Because, for once, I actually had a solid interest, something to focus on that I could keep improving at and show others I was improving at. And when you start to improve at something, suddenly you feel a bit better about yourself.
In that journey of realizing I had more reason to live than I thought, I started getting attached to Nova as a character, and one I could relate to for a very long time. While most say Nova looks sleepy, I’ve always seen it as tired; not in the physical way, but in terms of emotions. Tired of waiting, of existing; lonely, too. I felt that.
I also connected strongly with the way Nova was always treated by the fandom, as I started interacting with it. Always in the background, overshadowed by others, and in general ignored; just like how I felt constantly. Everyone around me seemed to excel at something, or was popular and beloved, or otherwise was at least something. They were the Marxes, the Galacta Knights, the Dededes, Meta Knights, Kirbies.
I, on the other hand, was not. At best I was a collection of little somethings in a trench coat, stuff that didn’t matter but at least gave me some semblance of identity. I liked bugs, I liked video games, I liked going outside, things like that. A random assortment of different, miscellaneous parts, but no real idea what those parts made or what I was without them. Sound familiar?
Nova became a huge part of my identity in a matter of months. I lived and breathed Nova, I wrote bad Nova fanfic, I made doodles of Nova on possibly every paper assignment in school. I was, honestly, entirely obsessed.
That’s kinda when things started to change, some ways for the better, some for worse. Obviously, I had a massive level of interest in one specific random character that nobody else really shared. I talked about almost nothing but said interest, made content only of said interest.
People began getting annoyed, but I didn’t notice until it was too late. Suddenly people I was close to began to express dislike towards Nova because of me. Me, who identified in every way as something tied to Nova. People talked about me behind my back, vagued about me, and ultimately some made it abundantly clear that they didn’t respect me. Some of those people I still can’t avoid today.
That became another low point for me. My depression got bad again, as did my anxiety. Not quite as low as I was that fateful night, at least, but low enough for my self esteem to plummet to levels it still hasn’t reached again. That wasn’t helped by the fact that I constantly associated myself with a character that was lonely, depressed, and tired in general.
Eventually I had the unconscious realization that I had to find something else to split my focus with. For a little bit that was Star Dream, but ultimately it didn’t stick. I’m very close to someone who really likes Meta Knight, so I tried to fixate on him, too. That didn’t last either. Marx was a definite no, given past experiences with several Marx fans sending me hate and death threats for not liking him.
Eventually I realized the problem was that I didn’t relate to any of these characters in a meaningful way. There was nothing to latch onto for me. So, I went back to square one in having to figure out what my identity was, just minus Nova. Which was a lot harder than I’d like to admit. Seriously, even my favorite color was because of Nova.
My goal eventually became to find someone that had aspects of Nova that wouldn’t encourage me to identify as lonely and depressed at all times, who was strong and independent and likable and maybe even not a background character! Like... MAGOLOR!
And then I fell in love with his pretty boat instead.
But! All that gave me something to work with; Lor was, in essence, a blank slate; had the bare minimum qualifications to be considered a character. Kinda like how I felt I had the bare minimum things to qualify as a person. It became a case of doing exactly what I did with Nova, but with the goal of making her like someone completely different and unexpected. I slapped on random personality traits I had or had had and decided, hey, this works, I can trick myself into being a new person by pretending it’s a character! Which was in essence exactly my process with Nova, just in a conscious manner this time.
It was around this time I first figured out I was asexual, thanks to my oldest sister, and how perfect was it that both my old and new obsessions were machines? Bam, they’re ace too, so now I have a medium to explore what that really means for me. Same thing happened when I realized I was panromantic. This happened with a lot of stuff as I learned more about myself via treating myself as characters that needed a happy ending.
Nowadays I’ve managed to separate myself a bit, and made Nova and Lor more than just The Staples Of My Identity. It still hurts a lot when people are mean about them, especially when it comes to old trauma, but not as much as it used to. Nowadays they’re just my big faves/comfort characters, but they’re still extremely important to me either way.
If you got this far, thank you for taking the time to read through this, it means a lot to me.
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omg-baeyoung-baeran · 4 years
Maybe I Should Resign (Jumin/MC Oneshot)
When your cringeworthy, cutesy cat-based post-its meant for your depressed friend are accidentally sent to your stone-hearted boss...take it as a sign to turn in your resignation letter.
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It was mischievous and amusing, he admitted. The words written were always related to his current situation for some reason. Initially, it was odd and suspicious, but after it had given him comfort on several occasions, he had grown a little fond of the notes sent attached to his cup of coffee. 
Unless it was something related to cats, he was never the type to waste time, energy, or even money on something that did not involve the family and the company’s benefit; therefore, he never bothered finding the person behind it. He figured it was another scheme from someone who wanted to get ahold of his affection, so it was in his best interest to leave things be. The interaction went on for months, and the unknown person did not seem to have missed a single day doing the same task.
This mysterious person had persistence he would applaud of if he or she were not using it on something insignificant.
“Make efforts for yourself too because you are worth it!” The sticky note was purple this time.
That day, he bought himself a cat mug and was delighted by it.
Is this what commoners mean by “reward yourself”?
The first time the note made him frown deeply was when his father was involved with another woman, though the message was not the reason why he had made such a face. He wondered once again who the person might be behind the notes. Is it a woman who has the same intentions like his father’s passing lovers? Is it a man who is sucking up for a promotion? 
He had asked Jaehee before who had been preparing his coffee lately, since he had her retire from the task to handle more important matters at hand.
“It’s the chef’s son who prepares the coffee for the executives, Mr. Han.”
“He is not an employee.”
“Yes, but he volunteered to work without pay to help his father fulfill his duties without problems. I have offered to raise the concern to you, Mr. Han, but he refused.”
He hummed, raising his hand to his chin in thought. “Make him sign a contract and ensure his pay is more than sufficient to compensate for the days he did not get paid.”
Jaehee nodded and reconfirmed, “We will need to help him get a lawyer for the contract. The chef has mentioned before that his son is illiterate, so I will be contacting Mr. Joyou for recommendations.”
For a brief second, his eyes flashed in confusion. “Are you sure his son is illiterate?”  
He received the third report the next day, proving that the chef’s son was indeed illiterate.
From mysterious messages, it went down south to suspicious messages.
Fortunately, nothing other than passing one-sided notes was happening. The messages were innocent and can sometimes be helpful, thus there was no need to be alarmed.
“Meow~ a kitty a day keeps the purrblem paway!”
It can sometimes be… cute… he begrudgingly confessed. 
That was the first time it made him smile and his heart flutter.
0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0
It was a huge mistake.
All this time, she was digging her own grave, and she had no idea she had dug deep enough to be a knock away from entering the gates of hell. She had been writing him notes to cheer him up and, perhaps, brighten up his troubled days. Pretending to be a maid to gather information unavailable online from a huge company seemed to be a huge hassle. He was tasked to do it for months too; hence, she made sure he wouldn’t get too lonely.
She wrote him notes—which she thought might help him smile—and stuck them on the cup of coffee he would serve for the employees. He never mentioned anything about it whenever they got the chance to chat. It was a bit disappointing, but her little help appeared to be working well. He seemed genuinely happy, and that was the only thing that mattered.
That was until she got a response in the form of a cat-shaped baby blue sticky note.
The coffee area was empty early in the morning. Most employees were yet to arrive, but the tray holding the cup where she usually stuck her messages already had a sticky note attached to it. Her lips touched the rim of the mug, her own sweetened coffee warming her cold lips.
Oh? A response? I wasn’t expecting that….
She took the note, flipping it around to inspect it.
Cat-shaped? Aw, so cute! Seven really loves cats. 
Her eyes scanned the message written.
“Write something about cats today.”
Huh? Wait, hold on, something’s wrong here.
She felt the heavy feeling of dread fill her stomach as she analyzed the piece of paper in her hand. Her mother had always jokingly called her “stupid” when she was in her teens, but she never believed it was true until she actually gave evidences to such hypothesis. Her joke was probably not a half-meant joke but a prediction of what she would become in the near future.
One thing she was certain of….
This is totally not his penmanship.
She had known Seven for years and was one of his closest friends. He would even take her out at random times to get ice cream even when his schedule was loaded. They would write on receipts and draw doodles of whatever came into their imagination. His penmanship was not necessarily messy but it carried its own charm.
This, on the other hand, looked too elegant to be his.
“Umm… good morning, Ma’am,” greeted a young man with brown hair and light brown eyes.
She forced a smile, tucking the note into her skirt’s pocket. “Good morning! Are you gonna grab a coffee?”
“Oh! Umm… no… haha! I am more of a tea person, though I make coffee for the executives.” His laugh sounded awkward, but she thought he looked like a nice guy. “Please do excuse me,” he muttered before passing in front of her, grabbing the tray where the cup with the note was placed.
The coffee she drank nearly burst out of her nose when she choked.
“Miss?” the boy questioned in a low voice, albeit slightly alarmed, “Are you okay?”
Her laugh can sound as fake as it was, but her petrified mind was too horrified to function.
“Ohohoho! I am fine! Nothing to worry about!” she beamed between coughs.
Later that day, Jumin did not get his daily note.
He tried to deny it the best he could, but it was just too evident.
It was the first time it made him upset.
Just a little bit.
0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0
When a week came without a single note from the mysterious messenger, he started to feel unusual. It may be childish of him, but because he had learned to like it, it brought him disappointment to find a typical cup of coffee served in front of him. Perhaps it was from the fact that he forcefully abandoned his childhood before that his childhood spirit came back to bite him now.
Each morning, it got him curious of what secret message he would receive for the day. Will it be another joke? Another cat pun? He learned to find excitement in the short letters and “freebies” that came with it. Once, he got a stamp, and it caused him to raise a single brow.
“What is this?” he asked the chef’s son while he studied the white cat stamp between his fingers.
The chef’s son cocked his head to the side. “I do not have a clue, Mr. Han. I just found it on the tray next to your cup. I assumed it was something important and someone wanted to send it to you.”
It was nothing expensive, yet he kept it displayed on his table.
That was weeks ago… and he missed it.
Again, just a little bit.
0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0
The gossip which greeted her ears the moment she entered the office mortified her beyond belief. Apparently, the heir of the C&R International company had asked if anyone knew of someone who was courageous enough to leave “memos” on his cup of coffee. He worded it terribly, as though it was a violation of the company’s rules and regulation, so it was not a surprise people made a huge deal out of it.
I’m leaving this company. I will never rise from the ashes of my shame and humiliation. Surely, Mr. Trust Fund Kid will know immediately if he’s ever free to check the cctv footage.
With a silent battle cry, she filed her resignation a day later…
and just her luck, a secret agent had successfully stolen quite an important document from the CEO the very same day.
“You are relieved from your mission, Agent 707.”
0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0
“Are you sure you did not misplace it, Father?”
Three people stood inside the CCTV control room. They were surrounded by more than 20 monitors that were flashing previous clips from the past weeks.
“I am sure without a single doubt that I kept it hidden in drawer 7.”
Dark, calculating orbs scrutinized the video. It was the last clip they were reviewing, and it was where the chairman can be last seen holding the documents prior leaving it in drawer 7.
“How can it disappear when no one has entered Father’s room? Have you double checked the system if anything’s amiss?”
He patiently waited for a response while the control manager worked on the system check—his eyes drifting back to the multiple clips they were previously analyzing.
There was Yeonwa chatting with Jaehee...
Jaewoo bringing in three boxes of pizza...
Helena bumping into Chong—
He frowned.
“August 6, 2018” was coded on the top right corner of the screen. If he was not mistaken, the company suspended all works that day to celebrate their successful purchase of Grace Cup Store.
So why are there employees working?
“Mr. Han,” the male manager cut off, “I believe the entire footage was placed in a loop since March using videos back in 2016.”
“Since… March?” He racked his brain for any memory that happened back in March. There were international events, meetings, partnership requests….
“Surprises will start today~ I’ll make sure you’ll enjoy it.^^”
Now that he recalled, he was pretty sure the notes started back in March.
Soooo this is meant to be an open-ended oneshot, but we MAY post a second chapter (emphasis on “may”)
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cruzrogue · 5 years
Enter My World
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previous Chapter 2
Enter My World
Giving Felicity a nickname wasn’t an easy feat. I asked eighteen random people for a nickname that could suitably be attached to Felicity. Any nickname that stood out as one that would be commonly used I got rid of. This nickname was only to be used between Oliver and Felicity. Just like Vern/Vernnie was something she called him because well I wanted to create an endearment that a seven-year-old to current date would have a pet name. In the show I can’t see her give Oliver a pet name but that is because the point of their lives it would be silly. Endearments like honey/babe and so forth well that comes with being in love over time. Anyways I landed up using Filla because of this young lady named Nadia. She is so sweet and well how could I not?
 This chapter is Oliver centric. Robert Queen is worried about his son.
  Chapter 3 
Three weeks later…
Oliver can hear the echo of his footsteps bounce off the walls when the house is tremendously quiet. The night staff is basically the estate’s security team that really do more external sweeps which usually ranges on how many men actually are seasonally required. Until his parents retire for the night to their room there is a caretaker that handles the small nightly duties. Raisa sometimes sleeps onsite but she mostly leaves after her shift is over. There aren’t many others that his parents leave their children to unsupervised. Hence why the halls are so quiet.
He’s supposed to dine with his father tonight as his mother and two sisters are out at ballet dance class. They’ll have dinner with a few other participates and enjoy a girls’ night out. He is happy to not be included so being home he is entertaining his thoughts. He is finding he hates the quiet moments and how being alone only adds to his depression.
Finishing his homework hours ago and then finding himself drawing faces of a certain girl he misses dearly. He didn’t think it would be so hard to move on. It’s not like he doesn’t have other friends which also have sisters he’s spent time with. So, what makes Felicity so special? It can’t just be countless moments they were just excited to do things together. The rare inside jokes that only they’ve shared. Being she’s the only person to ever call him Vern or Vernnie which stuck long after the reason she gave him that nickname.
Writing down their nicknames across a pad of paper he feels a certain dread after she made sure to express that she doesn’t want any more direct communication with him. He looks at the perfect cursive calligraphic penmanship that his sister spent half an afternoon teaching him even when he could care less about its visual beauty but Emilia was so happy to teach him something so he spent the time doodling words as she smiled broodily at him. The life of a big brother. Especially when trying to be a supportive brother he now wonders how many times Tommy has had to deal with his own sister’s piqued interests? He looks at the pad as the names Vernnie and Filla stare back at him before tearing the sheet from the pad and balling it up throwing it across the room.
He couldn’t stand being here any longer and needs to get out of this funk maybe get some fresh air. He just wishes their lives weren’t so interwoven because he wishes he had someone to talk about this with and Tommy is out of the question.
He needs to pass his father’s office on his way through and his father calls out to him.
“Oliver! Walter, hold on a minute I need to say a few words to my son.” He covers the phone with his hand over the receiver as his son enters the home office. His son has been very quiet lately and that has raised some concern especially with his mother who has noted a few changes.
Oliver always takes in the room when he enters. It’s large with dark leather and a deep masculine décor. Its screams old money. It’s actually quite overwhelming to him. Sometimes he forgets he comes from wealth and takes everything he has for granted but lately he has wallowed in what he’s lost.
“Yes, dad?” Oliver sits in the furthest chair close to the exit he doesn’t think he’ll be here long. His dad has been working on a business expansion that’s taken a lot of his time lately. With his mother and two sisters out it just leaves father and son to mingle about and Oliver would rather sit by the pool and let the buoyancy of the wind and the oncoming sunset reflect off its grand scale.
“I won’t be joining you for dinner. Unfortunately, a deal I need to tend to with Walter before I leave for a late business meeting. I have informed Raisa to make your favorites, just want to make sure you’ll actually eat.”
“Okay.” Oliver shrugs his shoulders. He isn’t hungry anyways he’ll just ask for a sandwich but he’ll get mac & cheese or with some grilled chicken he doesn’t care what vegetable will be served he usually eats any of the options given.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yea, I mean yes. Dad everything is fine. I’ll eat something. Don’t worry about me.”
Robert looks at his son for a few more seconds before he makes a decision. Placing the phone back on against his ear. “Walter, let me call you back.” After Walter gives a response Robert agrees and hangs up.
Robert gets up from his chair as he keeps his gaze on his son. Moira is right his son looks lanker than usual. “Have you been feeling well?”
“I’m fine dad.”
“Yes, you have stated that already.” Robert looks at the grandfather clock before resuming looking at his sullen boy. “You’ve been at home more lately. You’re usually at the Merlyns or Tommy would be here. Especially when your sisters aren’t. Hmm did something happen between you and Tommy?”
Oliver sighs but shakes his head no.
He asks his son again, “Nothing has happened?” and gets a sway of the head indicating a no.
“Oliver, I’m going to need you to be more vocal.”
“Everything is fine between me and Tommy.” Robert can sense that this is all he will pry out of his son. Nodding at the sixteen-year-old.
“Just make sure to eat enough. Your mother and sisters should be home by seven thirty. If you’re alright, I suppose you can go get yourself washed up for dinner. I’m going to make a few calls before I leave.” He looks at Oliver stand and start to head out. “You would tell me if something was bothering you?”
Oliver turns to his dad and makes sure to nod to keep his dad from meddling. “I’m fine dad.”
Robert enters the establishment ready to do business on one of the dining room tables that is off to the side from the main restaurant. He runs into seeing Malcolm on his way out with his family. The men shake hands and Robert gives Rebecca an acceptable partial hug of familiarity, and both kids get a full hug. Rebecca and the kids excuse themselves to head to the carrousel that is calling their names.
“Family night?”
“It has been awhile but Felicity has been talking about an exhibit at the science museum so it being premier night we thought it’ll be fun.”
“Oh yes, Moira mentioned this but my younger kids aren’t interested. They don’t consider added educational trips as fun.”
“Well as much fun as it can be as I had to encourage Tommy to not sulk about the torture of more science in his life. Which wouldn’t have been so bad if Oliver agreed to come along but I understand his new interest is a more enlightening matter.”
“Oliver is home alone. Strange. This time with Tommy is probably what he’d need.”
“Moira and the girls aren’t home?”
“No. The usual dance classes and all.”
Malcolm gives off a weird vibe as if he wants to tell Robert that maybe Oliver is not home alone as he thinks. Otherwise it would be strange for the boy not to hang out with his own family.
Robert catches on. Maybe his son is entertaining and that does not sit well with him. He has always had an open communication line with his kids. They can come to him for anything and he feels a slight twinge of hurt that his son would omit something and go behind his parent’s backs.
“I think I need to reschedule this meeting. I may be needed elsewhere.” He’ll have to make some apologizes to the men waiting but his boy comes first.
“Robert. Hey I’m sorry. I doubt Oliver is doing anything crazy. He is a bright boy.”
“Thanks Malcolm. I better be off. We should get together for a round a golf when the weather clears.” Malcolm nods and they say their goodbyes as Robert is on a mission.
Robert knocks once, twice, and as he knocks the third time he opens the door to his son’s room and enters looking around for more than his son’s appearance in what is supposed to be a solitary room.
“Dad! You’re home early.”
Robert notices his son who is now standing to the side off the couch. A book that hazily is by the edge falls making a thud sound as it hits the wooden floor. Oliver automatically collects it and places it on the side table. Looking like he might be guarding the closet door.
“Have you eaten?”
“I’ve had a bite.”
“Just a bite? Raisa said you came by and grabbed a few bottles of water before disappearing. Now what is going on?” As Robert says this he walks past his son to the large closet and pulls the door open and surprisingly there is no one in there.
“Dad? What are you doing?”
“Is there someone here?”
“No. Why would there be? I don’t understand.”
“I had an interesting chat with Tommy’s dad. Who assumed you were entertaining.”
“Yes oh. He asked his son to invite you for a fun night. Did he?”
“Yes, Tommy asked I declined telling him I would be busy.”
Robert looks around the boy’s room and thinks about checking the bathroom that is before Oliver states something that stops him.
“I’ve been lying to Tommy about some girl.”
Robert is shocked. Why would his son need to lie to a boy who knows him inside-and-out? This is not good. “Why?”
“Because he doesn’t want me near his sister.”
“What?” Robert shakes his head, “Have you done something to Felicity?”
“No. Gosh no. She kissed me a few weeks ago.”
“Kissed you?”
“Okay it was a peck on the lips but I realized I really like her. I mean like her and I told her we couldn’t be friends anymore.” He slumps against the couch. “Now Felicity hates me.”
“So, there is no girl in this room with you. Okay, one problem down.” Robert breathes out relieved. He hears his son moan but at least he doesn’t have to deal with getting rid of a visitor. “I came home expecting the unexpected you’d be relieved to and believe me when you become a father you’ll understand.”
Oliver just looks at his dad like he has two heads.
“All this sulking around the house I presume is about Felicity?”
“Dad! She hates me.”
“Tell me exactly what you told her. Maybe you’re being harder on yourself than you should be.”
“I don’t remember it piece by piece. I just remember I called her a kid. That I value Tommy’s friendship over hers and I ended the friendship because I knew best.”
Robert looks at his son astonished. “When did you realize you liked Felicity?”
“Why does that matter?”
It really doesn’t matter but both the Merlyn elders alongside him and his wife have seen it coming as these two have a special blossoming relationship. Robert bites his lip and against better judgement tells his son, “I thought you’d realize this much later on and now I owe your mother a backrub.”
“What? You and mom knew I liked, liked her?” Oliver looks at his dad and is stunned, “No! No way. Uncle Max and Auntie Reba knows too?”
With a nod Robert knows he is in a jam. “Oliver?”
Oliver is up and pacing. “Everybody knows? Oh my… No! This can’t be happening.”
“Calm down. Young love is beautiful.”
Oliver just wants the floor in his room to open up and swallow him whole he is so mortified. He really thought that what he felt was just so new and to know his family could see it. He feels like a total fool. Now he can’t even talk to the girl that has him brooding around thinking of ways to get her to even look at him. Though no matter what it doesn’t solve his problem. He still feels that her being younger is just a curse. “Dad she’s twelve.”
“Hmm. Hmm.” Robert then says, “I can’t assume what your male friends talk about but as a male myself I understand certain things. Let me tell you, don’t let them pressure you into doing anything you’re not ready for. It seems that maybe we need to have a certain conversation.”
“Dad I don’t need that talk again I still remember it very well.”
“No wise guy. Though as uncomfortable as getting that conversation started it needed to be done. I don’t want the information you get be from some older buddies telling you falsehoods.”
Robert makes himself as comfortable as he can because this talk is going to have with Oliver is going to be intense but his son needs this. He wants his boy to not lack in knowing that no matter what life throws at him that there are people on his side. He watches as his son readies himself. Oliver looks at his dad and nods hoping that somewhere in this conversation he can figure a way because right now he feels so lost.
tagging: @1106angel @memcjo @keabbs @lovelifelovebooks
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itsmarianstories · 6 years
All good things come in threes
[Taegiseok Oneshot]
Sequel to ‘Focus’
Taehyung loves his best friend Jimin, but he doesn’t love that Jimin keeps dragging him to boxing matches. That may or may not change once he meets a certain boxing coach... The only problem: said boxing coach already has a boyfriend. 
Part 1
Word count: 8.815
Tags: Polyamory, (mostly) Fluff, a bit of Angst, Food poisoning (just in case anyone is uncomfortable with that...)
(A/N: Okay wow does even anyone still remember how I once said I’d write a sequel to my Focus Au? Because here it it. I honest to god didn’t think I’d ever finish this lol and I’m still not really happy with the ending, it feels kinda rushed but I just really wanted this to be finished. Yah, Idk I hope you can enjoy this. Also, it’s not necessary to read my Focus Au first but feel free to do so if you like uwu :)) )
Taehyung is pissed™. Ever since he was a little boy and saw an old man kick a stray dog, a puppy on top, he hated violence. In every form and against whoever.
He thought of it as the most primitive way to get what you want and really everyone who sees no other way except violence to force his way, is more than dumb. His best friend and platonic soulmate knows that. After all Taehyung was the one who taught him that even insects deserve to live and that they are actually important for our environment. He always thought Jimin understood that but apparently not.
Because now he has dragged Tae to a fucking boxing fight. For the second time. Just because his stupid boyfriend is a boxer and has an iMpOrTaNt fight today. He would have refused, but after the last fight they had visited he kind of worried about Jimin and what might happen if he is not there for him.
Not that something happened to his friend, but let's just say Jimin doesn't look like the usual clientele to go watch a boxing fight and not everyone here welcomes the cute, petite boy with open arms.  
So now Taehyung is moping while stamping behind the ballet dancer. Jimin is happily leading the way. The last time they were here, they just went for their seats and waited till the fight would begin but that was before Jimin started dating that stupid boxer who invited them to the locker rooms. Wow, what a fucking honour thank you very much. Tae always wanted to see the dirty locker rooms of an old gym that is now holding fights regularly. He can't wait to stand awkwardly in the corner, while Jimin is making out with Jungkook, and smother on the disgusting scent of old sweat.
Taehyung never had a problem with being single. He didn't want to force a relationship and always believed it would come whenever it's the time. He can relieve some stress through parties and random hook-ups he doesn't need a partner.
That was until he started to third wheel basically everyday of his life. Gosh, is it so hard for them to keep their mouths separated for two minutes? Don't get him wrong, he loves Jimin and is truly happy for him. If anyone deserves a healthy relationship it's his best friend and (contrary to his primary believes) Jungkook is a good guy who adores Jimin more than anything, treating him like an actual angel. However, whenever Taehyung sees them together (which is often, very often) he starts wondering how it would feel to have someone like that for himself. To wake up to the same face every day, to come home to the person you love, cuddle on rainy days, go out on domestic dates, laugh together, go on late night walks together, talking about everything and nothing and just relish in each others presence.
Godamnit he was pathetic. Taehyung get a hold of yourself!
They reached the locker rooms soon after. Jimin excitedly pushed the door open and raced in his boyfriends arms. Jungkook picked him up and hugged him tightly against his chest.
Taehyung leaned against the wall, crossed the arms in front of his chest and rolled his eyes as loudly as possible.
“Hey baby.” Jungkook smiled against Jimins lips. Jimin giggled and wrapped his arms around the boxers neck.
“Oi, no making out before a fight!” A deep voice suddenly said. Taes head whipped around and his eyes landed on a rather small man. He was slim, his hair now a silky black. Tae remembered seeing pictures of him from Jungkook. It's his coach, his overly attractive coach that is.
Jimin blushed while Jungkook just smirked and pressed his nose against Jimins temple.
“Hyung, he is my lucky charm. I need to tank up on fortune.” Jimin smacked his chest playfully but Taehyung could see how much he enjoyed this.
“Shut up, brat. You don't win fights out of luck.” The coach said and spanked the back of his head. Tae couldn't help but chuckle at that, which caused the man to finally look into his direction. His brows raised slightly and he took Tae in for a few seconds before turning back to his student. Tae wasn't sure what that meant but he decided not to dwell on it either.
Just because he is stupidly attractive doesn't mean Tae has to like him. He is a boxing teacher, after all. Someone who teaches violence. Tae should stay away from him...
“Anyways, you better get ready you have to leave for the ring basically now.” Jungkook nodded and pulled Jimin in for a last peck.
“Alright, I'm ready.” The boxer grinned while his coach pushed him out of the room.
“You two" He said, addressing Taehyung and Jimin “follow me.” Jimin quickly did so, with small jumps in his steps while Taehyung only sighed and pushed himself off the wall and shambled behind them. They settled in the first row. Jungkooks coach brought the boxer in the ring, told him a few last things before coming back and sitting down besides Taehyung.
Just like the last time Taehyung was here some guy announced the fight but he didn't really listen, too occupied sulking. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and stared into thin air. Jimin beside him was squealing every time Jungkook took a hit or landed a good one but Taehyung didn't really pay attention.
“Oi, can you get anymore salty? Because in that case I'll bring some fries next time.” Jungkooks coach said next to him.
“I'm sorry?” Tae made in a mixture of confusion and annoyance.
“Your moping is giving me a headache. If you don't wanna be here just go.” Tae snorted.
“I wish.” He mumbled.
“What's your name again?”
“Great. Listen Taehyung, you either be a good friend and at least try to look supportive or you might as well leave because you sitting here sulking ain't helping no one.” Tae opened his mouth in the attempt to reply something smart but he couldn't think of anything. The conversation was pretty much over there and Tae felt even more uncomfortable now. He tried okay?! He faked a smile and clapped when Jungkook won but contrary to popular belief, he was not a good actor. Tae liked to say it's because his heart is too pure.
It didn't matter anyway because neither Jimin nor Jungkook really gave a shit about him. They barely acknowledged it when Tae swallowed his pride and congratulated Jungkook for his win but a certain, slightly smaller male threw a smile in his direction when he did so, so maybe it was kinda worth it after all.
He wanted to be salty and petty over how he had to go home alone and how Jimin didn't even notice his sour mood but he really couldn't because Jimin deserved all the luck.
It was about a week later when he found himself doodling new designs for his fashion classes on a rather short and slim silhouette. He told himself it was to break the beauty norms but who was he shitting? He was leaning over the counter of the small cafe he is part-timing in but there were currently no customers so he might as well do his homework. A hand in his hair to keep it from falling into his vision and the pencil stuck between his teeth while he was lost in thought.
Suddenly the bell over the door chimed and his head snapped up with a trained smile on his face.
“Welco-... come.” He stumbled, his smile dropping when he recognized the familiar face. The man raised his eyebrows at him, probably wondering over his strange behaviour so Tae quickly forced that smile back on his face.
“How can I help you?” The man returned his smile and Tae felt blinded for a second.
“Hi! Yeah, I'll take two Americanos to go please and can you make one of them extra strong and the other extra sweet?” The sun- eh man, the man asked.
“Isn't it just an espresso if I make it extra strong?” Tae wondered out loud and the other laughed, a loud and somehow weird laugh but it was so contagious that Tae just had to grin back.
“Yeah, I guess but it's more than you get when ordering espresso.” He answered smugly.
“Huh, so you are trying to trick the coffee shops giving you more caffeine for less money, I see.” Tae said while already starting his work. The man was now bend over a little to have a better look on the displayed pastries, not even looking at him when he mumbled his reply.
“Oh it's not for me. My boyfriend is a coffee addict. He becomes super grumpy if he doesn't get his daily doses and he overslept this morning which is partly my fault so I figured I’d bring him some lunch.” Tae wasn't sure if the man was really talking to him or more to himself, considering that they were strangers and people don't usually go around spilling private information like that. But maybe he is just a really outgoing guy and after all, he has no idea that Tae knows who he is and who this boyfriend of him is. And if it left a weird feeling in Taes chest, hearing about their relationship like this than he decided to ignore it.
Hence he didn’t answer and instead finished making the coffee.
“I'll also take a cinnamon bun and one of these Churro-Doughnuts.” The man added and Tae nodded.
“This is not a healthy lunch though.” He commented without even thinking about it. He panicked for a second not sure if he overstepped but the man grinned again.
“Ah, we are going out for dinner later anyway so it's fine.” Tae only nodded and told the man the price for everything, gave him his change and whished him a good day. His eyes followed the back in the colourful rainbow sweater until he went around a corner and Tae sighed. He looked down at his drawings and suddenly felt like the biggest idiot in the world. He ripped the page out of his notebook and crumbled it. His hand hovered over the bin but somehow he couldn't bring himself to throw it away so he let out a grunt and shoved it in the pocket of his apron.
A few days later Taehyung had another shift. It was Friday now and the cafe was packed with students. He had a hard time serving everyone on time and made a mental note to persuade his brother to hire another employee.
The door chimed for what felt like the hundredth time, to announce another customer. Tae was standing with the back to the door because he was just finishing another order but he swore he heard a familiar voice curse quietly. His eyes widened when he turned around and saw that familiar head of black hair. He almost dropped the cup he was holding. Almost.
Jungkooks coach pulled out his phone and didn't even notice him, too busy smiling at the display and sending texts back and forth while Tae made the queue disappear until it was only them two left.
“Uhm-" Tae made when the other still hasn't looked up. The smile on his face dropped for a second when he finally faced Tae and it made the younger feel a little heavy.
“Oh! It's you! I had no idea!” The man exclaimed.
“I'm sorry?” Tae lied, trying to act casual.
“Oh eh, my boyfriend got coffee from here before and it was really good so I came back for it.” He explained and Tae nodded.
“Americano, extra strong, right?” Tae said and watched the other pull up his brows in what could have been amusement or confusion. Probably both.
“How do you know?” Shitshitshitfuckshit
“Oh uhm... I-I guessed?” He tried, his palms suddenly becoming strangely sweaty. The other snorts.
“You are a horrible liar, but I already noticed that last week at the fight.”
“Sorry.” Tae mumbled, frowning at himself. Usually he was a rather extroverted person. He had no trouble socializing and was quick in making new friends but something about this guys presence gave him the chills. In a weirdly pleasant way.
“Jungkook kinda... I mean I saw a picture of you and your b-boyfriend on his phone so I kinda knew who he was.” He admitted sheepishly, avoiding the others piercing gaze.
“Aish that brat. Never respects his elders.” The coach said, shaking his head but smiling nonetheless. Taehyung bit his lip and quickly turned to make the coffee.
“I uh... who... who is this coffee for?” Taehyung asked and really he never felt a bigger urge to slam his head against the counter before. The man blinked at him and tilted his head in confusion, it made him look a bit like a cat.
“Me? Obviously? I already said that.” He answered and Tae stared down at the cup, feeling heat rush to his cheeks. He was pretty sure this was the first time ever that he blushed out of pure embarrassment.
“Ohh!” The other then made. “Sorry, how rude from me. I never introduced myself, I'm Yoongi.” Tae dared to look up only to find a warm gummy smile directed at him, which didn't really help his blush to disappear. He cleared his throat and handed over the cup.
“You asked for my name though and... well I didn't.” Yoongi grabbed the cup and waved with the other hand.
“So we are both at fault. Whatever, it's cleared now.” Yoongi said and handed him the money for the coffee. Tae reached out for it without looking away from the olders gaze, being too entranced. However, he knocked the coffee out of his hand and it landed on the counter, spilling hot, brown liquid all over the place and the both of them.
“Oh fuck! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!” He said, reaching in the pocket of his apron for a few paper towels he always has in there for when he needs to wipe his hands or something. While doing so he ripped out another piece of paper that he quickly recognized with dreading eyes. The paper, by now folded to fit better into the pocket, fell directly in the middle of the coffee puddle on the counter. Taehyung froze for barely a second but it was enough for Yoongi to pick it up first. He unfolded it, wanting to sooth the damage not knowing that he was only causing more.
“Ah no-!” Tae quickly wanted to say but it was too late. Yoongi raised his brows again while studying the drawings. It were three in total, in different poses and outfits and Tae felt the second blush of his life creep up his neck.
“Sorry, was this private?” Yoongi said, handing back the drenched paper. Taehyung wasn't sure if Yoongi was being serious or mocking him.
“Uhm no... these were only for my class. It doesn't matter.” He mumbled shoving the money back into his hands, before turning to make a new coffee and handing it over as well.
“Don't worry about this, I'll clean it up.” He said with the probably most fake smile he ever presented.
“I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Please have a great day and sorry again.” He said and bowed quickly before leaving into the staff room without sparing a second glance at Yoongi.
It took him a whole five minutes to calm down and gather a few things to actually clean up the mess he left behind. Yoongi has left once he came back out and Taehyung sighed out in relief.
He wasn't sure if Yoongi noticed that those drawings actually showed him but he had to be really oblivious to not recognize himself and unfortunately Taehyung didn't think he was the type of guy to be dense. Not after he saw basically right through Taehyung at their first encounter. Oh god, he wanted to die.
Just in that moment of his desperation his phone vibrated and he pulled it out so see he got a new message from his best friend. It eased his mood slightly but only until he actually read the message.
Hey Taetae! Kookie suggested we all go out together since it's Friday and I know you are free.
Don't worry though you won't third wheel, Kookies coach will tag along too : )
Just be at mine at 9pm <33
 Taehyung dropped his head on the counter in frustration only to notice that there was still a puddle of coffee on it, which was by now uncomfortably cold.
“You have to be kidding me.” He groaned when the door chimed and his head snapped up to meet the gaze of a rather small girl. She eyed him slightly disturbed while the coffee was dropping out of his bangs and forming small trails down his face and neck.
“Uhm sorry" She said and left again. Usually Tae would assure her that it was all fine and she can just come in but today he let it slide. Let the girl go get her drink somewhere else and let his head fall back into the puddle because really, now it didn't matter anymore anyway.
A few hours later he knocked on his friends door. Jimin opened up almost immediately and greeted him with one of their usual crashing hugs.
“Tae! I almost thought you'd ditch us because you didn't answer my text.” The boy said and Tae felt only a little guilty.
“Ah, sorry Chims. I was working my shift and it was pretty packed today and then I rushed home to get ready. I just forgot it.” He explained, only partly lying. But the part where he forgot because he was stressing over a certain someone didn’t seem that important to him.
“No biggy. Come on, Kookie is already here. You look really good today, by the way.” Jimin said with an honest smile and Tae only smiled back. He would never admit that he spent a little extra time deciding on his outfit today.
“Hi Tae!” Jungkook greeted him and hugged him a little half-assed. The older awkwardly clapped the others back. He felt really uneasy and kinda nervous because of that incident today and he really didn't look forward to facing Yoongi again. Especially not so soon. He sighed silently and flopped on the couch, closing his eyes. This day was really tiring and actually he had no motivation to go out or drink whatsoever. Especially not with all these new weird feelings that are totally confusing him. And while he really dreaded Yoongis arrival, there was a teeny part within him that was excited. Hahaha just kidding of course he'd Never socialize with a boxer. He internally screamed at himself when that other tiny part replied with really? What's Jungkook then?
Nono he's an exception because of Jimin it's not his choice!
A second knock sounded and Jungkook got up before Jimin could.
“I got it.” He mumbled and brushed his fingers over the nape of Jimins neck while passing him by. He could hear the two boxers talking while they approached the living room and Tae bit down in his lip trying to look unbothered. Which was obviously not working, since Jimin poked his side with a frown on his face.
“Hey, what’s up?” The pink haired asked and Tae searched for a fitting answer in the depth of his mind but he really couldn't think of any. He knew he couldn't lie because Jimin always saw right through him, he also couldn't just brush him off because that would make Jimin feel even more worried and suspicious. So instead he smiled and said
“I'll tell you another time.” And then Jungkook already appeared again with Yoongi right on his heels. Tae saw how the olders eyes wandered over the room and how his expression changed the moment he caught sight of him. From slight indifference to amusement to something Tae couldn't quite put his finger on. It was a small smile but somehow apprehensive, almost guilty? As if he felt bad about something... Maybe Yoongi felt bad for making him so flustered just a few hours prior.
Greetings were made and Tae had a hard time looking the oldest in the eye without blushing. He couldn't help but wonder if Yoongi recognized his drawings and what he thought of him- eh, them. Jimin got them all drinks before settling back down by his side. The both of them sat on the couch while Jungkook sat on an armchair next to Jimin and Yoongi next to Tae.
It was not his best idea, probably really fucking stupid considering how much of a light weight he his, but Tae downed his drink in one go, hoping it would ease the awkward feeling in his stomach. Especially when Jungkook started mentioning a certain someone.
“Oh where is Hobi tonight, by the way?” The youngest asked and at first Tae didn't care because that name didn't ring any bells but then Yoongi smiled in a certain way and suddenly Tae understood who they were talking about.
“He's having a movie night with his sister. Since she moved to the city they kinda wanted to make up for lost time and meet up all the time. It’s so annoying because she is too sweet, it get's on my nerves and they are both so loud. It's like two Hoseoks in a room, which is simply too much.” Yoongi explained, though he didn't look any bothered at all. Jimin giggled, maybe he already got to know him. Tae couldn't really judge since he only saw Hoseok once for a few minutes but even there he seemed like a very energetic person. Alone the way he smiled...
“Tae!” Jimin slapped his arm.
“What? Yes! Yes what is it?” He snapped out of it, shaking his head a little.
“I asked if you want another drink?”
“Yes, please!” He answered, maybe a little too quick because Jimin frowned again. However he didn’t comment on it and just brought him his drink, which Tae accepted gratefully. He could already feel this was going to be a long night.
Actually it didn't. Because Jimin, as the sweetheart and best friend that he is, actually stayed by his side and got drunk with him. Well, more or less because unlike Tae, Jimin was basically a black hole when it came to alcohol. He could drink and drink without being affected whatsoever. Hence, Tae was pleasantly drunk rather quickly, hanging on his friends shoulders, singing and babbling.
They went to one of these fancy clubs. Jungkook and Yoongi went ahead to the bar while Tae insisted that Jimin comes to the bathroom with him. He didn't actually have to go to the toilet he just wanted to check if the drunkenness was already visible in his image, which yes, it definitely was but somehow it made him even more hot. His eyes wide, make up a little smudged, hair ruffled... he looked fucked out. Maybe it was the alcohol running through his veins but it gave him a confidence boost.
He pulled a giggling Jimin along, re-joining the other two at the bar. The dancer immediately snuggled into his boyfriends side. Jungkook smirked at him and moved the boy to stand in between his legs for he was seated on one of these barstools. Tae on the other hand, with his new confidence, wrapped an arm around Yoongi. The older looked slightly surprised but not opposed  which made Tae smile.
“Aren't those two disgusting?” He slurred. Yoongi raised his brows at him in amusement.
“I know right?” Yoongi said and wrapped an arm around Taes waist. To say he was pleasantly surprised was an understatement but was he complaining? Hell no. He couldn't say if the warm feeling in his chest was caused by the alcohol or something (-one) else but who cared anyway.
“You are just jealous!” Jungkook stated, propping his head on Jimins shoulder and wrapping his arms around the others middle. Jimin giggled and slapped his arm a little.
“I have a boyfriend, in case you don't remember.” Yoongi scoffed.
“Yeah, well, he is not here though.”
“If he was, I'd have to look after his drunk ass so whatever.” Yoongi said laughing a little. Tae giggled along just because Yoongis smile tickled his insides and he felt a little euphoric.
“Yeah, go dance with me instead!” Tae exclaimed and Jungkook already shook his head.
“Yoongi doesn't dance. Ever.” He said.
“Well, he will now.” Tae let his arm slip from the olders shoulder and used it to take his hand instead.
“Wait, what?” Yoongi asked surprised, stumbling behind Tae.
“Come on, have a little fun!”
“Yes, that's exactly why I don't dance.” Yoongi answered, almost whining. Tae wouldn't have heard him if he wasn't basically glued against his back.
“Don't worry, I'll lead you.” Tae grinned, turning around and pulling Yoongi now with both arms, further into the crowd of people. Yoongi pouted but left Tae in control anyway.
At first it was really a little awkward. Yoongi didn't look too comfortable, or like comfortable at all. He stood in the middle of the dance floor, not moving at all and face formed into a grimace. However, Tae couldn't care less about how people thought of him and if he wanted to dance then he'd fucking do as he pleases. He danced around Yoongi, letting the music and euphoria take over his body and although he might have looked like a baby giraffe just out of the womb, he felt amazing and that was all that mattered. Apparently, it seemed his mood was rubbing off on the other man because Tae could see how his face lightened with every second he watched the younger.
It may have taken a while but at some point Yoongi seemed to think “fuck it" and started to dance, too. They jumped around on the dance floor and if Jimin could have seen them he’d probably felt ashamed to be friends with them, even more so when they started to purposefully make the most silly movements possible. For example, Yoongi trying his attempts at twerking and Tae making one or two too many dabs. However, they had fun and the quirky laugh and bright gummy smile Yoongi gifted him with, made the irritated stares from the people around them definitely worth it.
After some time the euphoria was replaced with fatigue and sore muscles so they made their way back to the bar, searching for their friends. They found Jungkook standing in queue to get their jackets.
“Oi brat!” Yoongi scolded, though he didn't actually sound mad “Did you think of telling us that you were leaving?”
“Sorry coach, Jimin is tired and I couldn't find you.” The boxer explained. Yoongi was shaking his head in disapproval.
“Where is my cute Jiminie? The light of my life, the chocolate to my ice cream, the gin to my tonic, the-"
“Alright Shakespeare! We got it! He already went outside to get some fresh air.” Jungkook interrupted him. “Talking of, I'll go ahead and search him, okay? You guys can catch up to us once you got your jackets.” The boxer said and left after getting the jackets without even waiting for an answer.
“Aish, that brat!” Yoongi shook his head. It only took them a few minutes to get their own jackets and follow their friends outside. Tae wondered if they'd be able to find them but as soon as they left the hot and humid atmosphere of the club they could already hear screaming.
“What the fuck?” They both mumbled at the same time and hurried to get to the voices one of them clearly being Jimin.
“No Kookie, stop it!”
Taehyung suddenly felt very sober again. They went around a corner and found Jungkook pressing another man into the wall, hitting him again and again while Jimin stood next to him and tried to pull Jungkook away. Tae felt sick at the sight. He wanted to help Jimin but a slightly smaller man already raced past him.
“What the hell do you think you are doing, huh?!” Yoongi screamed and pushed Jungkook, seemingly effortlessly, away from the man.
“Coach!” Jungkook gasped surprised, staring at the older with wide eyes.
“I told you millions of times you must never use your boxing skills anywhere outside the ring!” Tae blinked a bit dumbfounded, not expecting this outcome.
“He was harassing Jimin, I-“ Jungkook tried to defend himself, already making moves to push past his coach but Yoongi was having none of it. He pushed Jungkook against a wall, holding him in place with one hand pressing against his shoulder.
“That doesn't give you the right to beat him to death, you brat!”
“I wasn't going to kill him? He just got what he deserved!” Jungkook snapped back.
“What is the first rule I ever taught you, huh?” Yoongi demanded.
“I don't fuckin-"
“Say it!” Jungkook averted his gaze towards the ground, his lips in a tight line not saying a word.
“Jeon Jungkook, don't make me repeat myself.” Yoongi growled and it caused a shiver to run down Taes spine. He only ever saw Yoongi as a polite, happy person. That he could switch in this dangerous older brother mode was impressive to say the least.
“...we don't fight outside the ring.” Jungkook mumbled eventually and Yoongi loosened his grip slightly.
“Exactly and what did you just do?” Tae almost felt a little bad for Jungkook, because Yoongi was fucking scary like this and the younger boxer looked like a kicked puppy right now, even though he was taller than Yoongi. The older obviously had way more authority.
“I fought.” Jungkook said and added after a few seconds “outside of the ring.”
“I get that you just wanted to defend your boyfriend but kid, look at him.” Jungkook lifted his gaze to look at Jimin, who was trembling in Taes arms, rubbing at his eyes furiously. Jungkooks eyes widened and all the sulking attitude he had held left, leaving him with nothing but guilt on his face.
“I-" He choked out but his voice broke.
“You scared him, kid. He may not be afraid of you exactly, but he tried to stop you and you didn't even listen to him. What if I hadn't shown up, huh?” Yoongi gave Jungkooks shoulder one last push before letting him go. The younger almost slumped forwards on the ground.
“You are suspended from training for the next two weeks, I don't wanna see you near the school. Understood?”
“What?! But coach I-"
“No buts, don't argue with me. I'm still pissed! Now, get out of my sight and apologize to your boyfriend, you idiot.” Yoongi said and stepped aside. Jungkook pursed his lips in a pout but followed his coachs orders. He walked over to were Tae was still hugging Jimin and Tae would swear he saw a tail stuck between Jungkooks legs.
Out of instinct he tightened his grip around Jimin slightly but the smaller slapped his arm, signing him to let go.
“I'm sorry.” Jungkook whispered and Jimin went from Taes arms straight to Jungkooks.
“You idiot!” Jimin said and pulled back to box Jungkooks chest, only to hug him again afterwards.
“I swear to god, you better listen to your coach because if you do this ever again!” Jimin said, not really finishing the sentence.
“It won't happen again.” Jungkook promised against Jimins hair. Soon after the both of them left, Jimin claiming that he was sick of treating Jungkooks bruises.
Tae turned back to Yoongi, who was kneeling in front of the beat up man.
“Dude, you look like shit.” He stated and received an angry glare from the other one. He was awkwardly holding his nose, where blood was steadily dropping out of, as well as out of a cut on his lip and cheekbone.
“What did you do to trigger Kookie like this, huh?” Yoongi mumbled, more to himself than the other man.
“We should take him to a hospital, his nose is probably broken.”
“Should I call an ambulance?” Tae asked.
“Nah, just get an uber.” Yoongi said and pulled the stranger up roughly. Tae did and then helped Yoongi to get the man to the main street.
“It uhm... it was really cool how you handled the situation just now.” Tae said eventually, suddenly feeling a little shy. Yoongi looked over to him.
“You seem surprised. How did you expect for me to react?” Tae shrugged unconsciously, causing the injured man to groan.
“I don't know.” He lied, feeling Yoongis eyes drill into the side of his skull.
“You are a horrible liar.”
“I know.” It was quiet for a while until Yoongi scoffed.
“You thought I'd help him, didn't you?” Tae continued to avoid the olders eyes.
“Kinda, to be honest.” He admitted sheepishly. “Isn't it like, I don’t know, a codex or something? To like, back up your bros?” Yoongi scoffed again.
“What do you think we are? Members of a street gang? Boxing is a sport like any other, kiddo. Jimin is not walking down the street dancing the black swan and neither do I walk around beating up people. If someone had attacked Jungkook than yeah, I'd probably had helped him but what he did was wrong.” Yoongi explained and although he talked in his normal, deep voice Tae felt like being scolded.
“Besides, Jungkook is not my 'bro'. He is my student, yes we are also friends, but I still have the responsibility to teach him and I'd like to take that serious.” Tae didn't know what to say to this. He felt dumb and also a little guilty because he transferred his hate against violence without even looking behind the whole picture.
“I'm sorry.” He said after a while. “For, you know, judging so quickly and stuff.” Yoongi smiled at him.
“It's okay, I guess you have your own reasons.” Tae frowned slightly and it became silent again.
They dropped the man off and walked down the streets together. It almost felt like a date, if Tae didn't know any better. He caught himself a few times how he almost reached out to take the olders hand. He has a boyfriend Taehyung, fucking stop that shit! ....yes, a boyfriend who is just as gorgeous. How unfair is that? If he ever were to see the two together, he'd probably be blended by their beauty or something.
“You know, I should probably introduce you to my boyfriend.” Yoongi said and Tae panicked for a second. Did he talk out loud? Can Yoongi read his thoughts? Did he drool or something??
“You two would get along so well. If I tell him that you actually got me to dance, he will start worshipping you.” Yoongi laughed. “He tried to persuade me but never succeeded you know.” Tae watched Yoongi as he spoke and he couldn't help but notice the fond smile on the others face. It made him feel so weird, he couldn't even name the emotion.
“He sounds like a great person.” Tae said because he didn't know what else to respond. Yoongi scoffed.
“Don't let yourself be fooled by his stunning looks. He is a devil, always forcing me to go out.” Yoongi replied but he didn't look bothered at all. Tae wondered if he was some kind of masochist because he actually wanted to meet that guy.
 However, maybe he should be more careful with the things he wishes for, because hardly a few days later Yoongi showed up with his boyfriend in the cafe and Tae took everything back. By now he really couldn't deny the tiny crush he had on Yoongi, especially since his 'he likes violence' excuse doesn't count anymore. And especially since he saw and heard the other mans laugh and the way he got a little shy when you stare at him for too long. But also the way he can become this sexy, serious guy in the blink of an eye and although he is not particularly buff or tall, he has this aura around him that screams 'I dare you try fucking with me'. Don't judge him okay? Tae spent the whole last few days repeating that evening in his mind, it was like he turned into a broken recorder and he couldn't keep himself from thinking about the man.
So yeah, now that very man was standing in front of him, another beautiful man by his side. And Tae still had alcohol pimple from their night out. Lifes a bitch.
“Hi.” Yoongi greeted with a smile.
“Hey.” Tae answered trying to sound casual.
“Ah, this is my boyfriend Hoseok. Hope, this is Taehyung. You know, the one I told you about.” Yoongi said and something in his voice was off but Tae didn't know what it meant. Hoseok raised his brows.
“Oh? Him? I see...” Hoseok said, eying Tae up and down before that crazily bright smile broke out on his face.
“It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jung Hoseok, but this dork here tends to call me Hobi or Hope.” Tae bowed a little, suddenly feeling strangely nervous.
“Uhm hello. I'm Taehyung but you can call me Tae.” He answered suddenly regretting not covering up his pimples, which was weird because he usually never bothers being concerned over his skin.
“So you are the mysterious guy who got this grumpy, old man here to dance?” Hoseok chuckled and patted Yoongis shoulder teasingly.
“Yah!” Yoongi complained.
“Seriously though,” Hoseok continued and suddenly leaned over the counter, so close that Tae could feel his breath brush over his face “what is your secret?”
“I-" He tried to answer but didn't know what to say. With this man so close up to him his mind suddenly blanked out completely. However, the next second he was already gone again.
“Aish, leave the boy alone. Maybe I just felt like it for once.” Yoongi said as he yanked his boyfriend back. Hoseok let out a whining sound and hugged Yoongi from behind.
“But I tried to get you to dance since forever! This is unfair.” Hoseok pouted but immediately started laughing as soon as Yoongi rolled his eyes. Taehyung gulped and turned away to make them the beverages he assumed they'd want.
“You two are sweet.” He said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. However, he didn't get a reply. Instead, when he turned around again he found both men staring at him. It caught him of guard so Tae froze in his place for a few seconds, trying to figure out what the hell was going on here. He sucked in a shaky breath and lowered his gaze, placing the two cups on the counter. The couple dropped their gazes at the dump sound of the cups hitting the wooden surface and then raised their brows in surprise.
“Sorry, I just assumed.” Tae mumbled “Two Americanos, extra strong and extra sweet.” Both of them started to smile at him but Tae didn't return their glances because it still made him kind of shy, though he usually wasn't shy at all.
“Aigoo, that's so cute!” Hoseok explained and took the cups, handing one over to Yoongi. Something warm spread in Taes chest at the praise and when he finally looked up and saw their fond expressions he couldn't help but smile back. He watched as Yoongi took a sip of his cup and hummed quietly.
“Ah, did you hear that? This means your coffee is perfect. My Yoongles is very picky so when he hums at something, it's the best praise you can get.” Hoseok said and laughed right afterwards. It was a quirky sound, loud and high pitched and absolutely contagious.  It made something flutter in Taes chest and that confused him even more. Why was he not pissed? Why didn't he hate Hoseok? Duh because he is a shining sun who can hate the sun?
He just realized his crush for Yoongi and here the very man is with his boyfriend and all Tae can think about is how good they look together, how much he enjoys seeing them together and how much he wishes he could be a part of it.
A part of it....?
Not having Yoongi for his own or maybe even having Hoseok for his own. No... both of them... wtf? He doesn't even really know these two and yet...
Since when is he so weird? Having a crush on two people can happen, yeah he sees that. But for those two people to be in a relationship themselves? And usually one would just chose, like if you have a husband and an affair you either stay with the husband or the affair... you don't get both. And you most definitely don't get both together!
Tae was a little bit freaking out right now but he really tried his best not to appear suspicious. In the end he isn't sure if the pair noticed him sweating a little and giving them their change with shaky hands but at least they didn't comment at it. As soon as they left the cafe Tae pulled out his phone and shot a text to his best friend.
Are you free tonight?
Bc I really need you I think I'm kinda panicking right now haha
But don't worry it's fine I'm fine
What? Taetae what happened??
Of course I have time! Just come over when your shift is finished
Or should I come to the cafe right now?
Thanks ily!
I'm almost done here so I'll come when I'm ready and tell you everything just...
Promise me you won't... think I’m weird
We'll always stay best friends promise?
What are you talking about? Of course we'll stay best friends!!! Tae I love you no matter what you are the bestest friend I could ever ask for!
And you could literally skin people in your basement and I'd still be your best friend
Okay maybe I'd be a little bit concerned but you get my point.
Okay wow that turned dark real quick? But I know you know I’d never do that so I won’t question it
Also I’m still slightly freaked out so I have other worries
Anyways ill be over in an hour or smth ill just clean up here
Whatever it is I’ll help you however I can!
I love you TaeTae, be careful on your way home!
 Taehyung smiled at that last message. Jimin always managed to calm him down, he really was the best best friend ever.
It took Tae about 30 minutes to clean the shop up and get his stuff so he reached their apartment building quicker than expected for the way there only took about fifteen minutes. He just entered Jimins apartment because well that's what he always does.
The smaller one came rushed out of the living room and jumped in his arms hugging him as tight as he could. Which was actually really fucking tight, damn those dancer muscles.
“Ah Jiminie... you are crushing me.” Tae rasped out.
“Oh! Sorry, I was just so worried.” The other admitted sheepishly, reminding Tae of his actual problem and causing him to groan in frustration.
“I just... I don't know what to do. This is all so weird.” He said. Jimin, of course, didn't understand anything.
“Okay, come in first and start at the beginning.” The dancer said and waited for him to take off his shoes. Jimin then grabbed Taehyungs hand and pulled him along to the kitchen where he roamed through the shelves to gather some snacks. All Taes favourites as the younger noticed. He also noticed the two sets of dirty cutlery in the sink.
“Was Jungkook here?” He asked and Jimin looked over to him, following his gaze.
“Oh, well, yes actually. I-"
“Wait did I interrupt your date? Jimin I’m so sorry, you could have just said that you are busy.” Jimin shook his head at his words, his pink locks bouncing around his head.
“Shut up, silly! As if I’d ever just tell you off when you are troubled! I told Kookie that we are in desperate need of a best-friends-night and asked him to go. He totally understood.” Jimin said and started pulling Taehyung around again, this time leading to the bedroom.
“Why are you taking me to your bedroom?” Tae asked.
“Duh, what question is that? We always cuddle when there is something troublesome to discuss. Did you lose your memory or what?” The smaller scoffed.
“But you hate it when I eat in your bed.” Tae said, nodding his head towards the snacks.
“It's okay, I know what I'm doing.” Jimin simply stated and pushed Tae on the bed only to jump on top of him immediately afterwards. Tae groaned at the impact, but Jimin already started snuggling into his side. The snacks carelessly spread out next to them.
“Just tell me when you are ready.” Jimin said quietly and Tae took a deep breath. He knew he'd have to do it quickly or he'd chicken out.
“I... I have a crush.” He admitted. Jimins head snapped up from where it was resting on Taes chest and he stared up at his best friend.
“You what? For real? On who? Do I know them?” Jimin already asked. Taehyung closed his eyes tightly, making a grimace and pulling Jimin down against his chest again.
“You do know them.” He admitted. “But before I tell you, you have to promise me not to judge.”
“Taetae, you know I'd never do that.” Jimin assured, squeezing him a little tighter.
“Okay, you also have to promise not to tell anyone! Especially not Jungkook!”
“Of course, I'd never spill your secrets. But why 'especially not Jungkook'?” Jimin was looking at him again, Tae could feel it although his eyes were still closed.
“It's... his coach, Yoongi. But,” Tae opened his eyes just in time to see Jimins frown and open his mouth so he quickly continued.
“Don't say it. I know he has a boyfriend, in fact, I think I have a crush on... them both?” Now Jimin raised his brows in surprise.
“How do you know Hobi?” He wanted to know, catching Tae a little off guard.
“Well... he came to the cafe a few times. Did you not hear what I say?” Jimin looked confused.
“What do you mean?”
“I just said I have a crush on two people, on a couple to be precise.” Tae clarified and hearing those words alone gave him Goosebumps. He wasn't sure if it was the good kind or not.
“Yes? I heard you, so? I'm not surprised that you have a crush on two people. TaeTae you have the biggest heart I know. You can get excited over the smallest things and see something positive in almost everything. You have so much love to give, no wonder it's enough for two. It's just coincidence that it happens to be Yoongi and Hobi.” Tae stared at his friend and without his notice tears suddenly pooled in his eyes.
“You... you don't think it’s weird?” He asked again and Jimin sniffled, shaking his head furiously. That always happened between them, if one starts crying the other follows.
“Just because something is rare doesn't mean it's weird.” Jimin said stubbornly. Tae hugged him again and shoved his face in Jimins neck, searching for comfort.
“I'm sorry.” He mumbled after a while, when a thought crossed his mind.
“What are you apologizing for?” Jimin asked, stroking Taehyungs hair.
“I don't think I can hang out with you guys anymore, not when Yoongi and/or Hoseok come along.” He explained.
“Wait so you just plan on ignoring your feelings?”
“Yes duh, obviously?”
“Don't you think you should tell them?” Jimin asked cautiously.
“Are you kidding? How would you react if a random ass dude came up to you and Jungkook telling you he likes the both of you?” Jimin frowned and thought about it for a while.
“I don't know.” He admitted sheepishly.
“But I don't like the idea of you bottling up your feeling, you'll get hurt.” Tae sighed deeply.
“Yeah well, it's my own fault.”
“You can't chose on whether who you like.” Jimin pointed out.
“Whatever.” Taehyung mumbled and pressed his face in Jimins neck. He didn't want to talk about it any further he felt already dumb enough. Though he also feels a little bit lighter now, knowing that Jimin is on his side.
The next following weeks Jimin became his wingman,... kinda? Can you even call it that? Anyways, whenever plans were made involving Taehyung and two other men who shall not be named, Jimin gave Taehyung a heads up and helped him ditching out of it. Taehyung thought like this he will come over his stupid crush real quick and just move on, considering that he barely knows the two.
However, in his plan he did not think of Yoongi and Hoseok starting to frequent at the cafe, a.k.a. his job where he is not able to just hide and ignore them. So instead of forgetting his little, delicate crush it suddenly starts to bloom in something that Tae kind of lost control about. Every time they enter the shop, be it together or just either of them, his heart stops for a second only to start racing right after. He starts sweating and fidgeting and honestly he lost count over how often he already dropped something in their presence just because his hands were shaking.
“You are pretty clumsy, huh?” Hoseok once said and Tae had only gulped and stared at him, watching the beautiful smile spread on his face as he added
“It's cute.” And Tae felt all his blood rushing to his cheeks.
He really couldn’t explain himself why the couple even bothered with him, his coffee isn't that good they could easily go to any other cafe. Plus, it would probably less awkward without a barista who can't even speak a full sentence without rambling silly things. It became especially uncomfortable whenever they would ask him why he can't join the meet ups together with the others and Tae never knows what to say. He is a horrible lair and he is pretty sure they see right through his lies that he is 'too busy' or has a 'very important homework due tomorrow'. Luckily they never say anything about it. Until that one day that is.
“We are doing some kind of game evening. It was Hobis idea.” Yoongi said and Tae had only smiled already searching for another excuse.
“Yes and there is a friend of us coming too, so we need you to finally get your ass up and come so we are an even amount of people!” Hoseok said looking at him almost threateningly.
“I'm... I’m sorry I really can’t I have this... thing.” Tae tried to sound convincing but he knew he sounded fake as fuck.
“Shut up you liar! We didn't even tell you when! You are coming whether you want or not, no excuses this time! I'll personally come and drag you out of your apartment if I have to, don't test me.” Hoseok continued and Tae didn't know what to do.
“But...” He had nothing to say. His mind was blank. Hoseok and Yoongi eyed him for a few moments, waiting if he comes up with another shitty excuse but when he didn't say anything they smiled.
“Great, it's settled then. Friday evening at seven pm at Jimins.” Hoseok explained with a shit-eating grin. Taehyung sighed defeated and Yoongi gave him an almost apologetic smile.
“You don't have to come if you really don't want to.” The older said and Hoseok boxed him in the side.
“Shut up, I just got him to agree!” He complained and Yoongi laughed at him.
“You can't force him to join us, baby.” He said and something flipped in Taes chest. Hoseok pouted and the couple looked at him expectantly. Taehyung sighed. He wasn't sure what it was. Maybe he was just tired of running away. Maybe he didn't want to lie anymore. Or maybe he just really wanted to see Hoseoks bright smile again. It was selfish but the words came out without him really thinking about it.
“I'll come.” He cleared his throat. “It's okay, I’ll come.” Taehyung watched the grins spreading on the other mens faces and he couldn't bring himself to regret his words.
>>Part 2
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yukheii · 7 years
notes: i’m baaaack! this is the first new set of drabbles i’m posting since reworking my blog. it was inspired by that vlive where namjoon and hobi said that yoongi randomly gave them gifts after the album release bc that was so cute
disclaimer: blanket disclaimers
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You’re going to murder your boyfriend.
Kim Seokjin, who promised to wake you up nearly four hours ago, had flaked out on his duties; he let you sleep in, that son of a bitch.
“Goddamit, Jin,” you mumble, wiping the sleep out of your eyes. Jin wasn’t next to you and there was no soft singing coming from the bathroom, so he wasn’t showering or shaving. He was gone. He had gotten up, gone to rehearsals and left you to sleep in like the bastard he was.
You grab your phone and make your way to the kitchen. When you arrive, however, you find breakfast already made; your favorite prepared carefully and left under a glass roofing, a pink, heart-shaped sticky note attacked to it.
I know you wanted me to wake you up, but you work yourself too hard! You deserve to sleep in every once in a while. And you looked too cute to disturb, baby~~ I made you breakfast, so hopefully you forgive my handsome face. I loooove you.
Taking a look at the display again, you notice he’s even prepared your favorite drink and left a little treat on a napkin that was clearly cut with a dull edged pair of scissors to resemble a heart.
“Goddammit, Jin,” you sigh again, but this time with a smile. Well, at least now you can pretend to be mad with a full stomach. 
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MIN YOONGI ◦ [cr.]
Min Yoongi considered himself to be a genius in quite a few respects. Most things concerning music were right up his alley, he’s pretty good at basketball, and he’s a good artist, rapper, brother, mentor. But above all—maybe not above music, but a close second—he is a coffee connoisseur.
Every morning that Yoongi gets up before you, he makes you a cup of coffee, just how you like it. He remembers the exact flavor and brand of creamer you pick up at the at restocks your fridge when you’re running low. He remembers the type of sugar you prefer, and even how hot you like it.
Every time you go out for coffee with Yoongi, he insists that you go grab a table while he stands in line to order. Some days he get you your usual, other days, he surprises you with new kinds of drinks. He refuses to let you get anything crappy—he’s very against blended drinks or fraps of any kind from Starbucks, claims they’re “a sugary mess for imbeciles” and that you are “a couple of coffee connoisseurs who will not stoop to the level of a unicorn frap.”
Some days Yoongi is running late and he doesn’t have time to make you coffee. When that happens, he leaves money on the counter with a small note in rushed handwriting and a cute picture of two mugs: “Sorry I couldn’t get your coffee, love. Buy yourself a cup (and please, do not get a vanilla bean frappucino or I will be forced to divorce you when we get married).”
You roll your eyes, because no where in the world does a single cup of coffee cost twenty bucks, but grab the money anyway. You take up the note too, and add it to your collection.
(Yoongi doesn’t know you keep them, but it’ll make a good edition to your montage video at this eventual wedding).
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Hoseok takes way more showers than the average person.
You suppose it’s because of all the dancing he does—he showers every morning when he gets up, every night he comes back from practice, sometimes he even showers in the middle of the day because he says he likes “feeling clean.”
His favorite kind of showers, though, are the ones where you’re involved. No sexual endeavors requires (although they are certainly a bonus); he simply likes holding you while water pours over your bodies. He likes washing your hair (if and when you let him), likes using a loofa to soap up your body and detaching the shower head to rinse you off properly. But around the time the boys have a comeback or are attending award shows, those kinds of showers don’t happen often.
So when Hobi’s forced to shower alone, he always leaves you a note in the mirror afterwards. Carves out hearts, doodles, confessions in the fog of mirror above the sink. Sometimes he even kisses the mirror for good measure.
You have to let the water run for a bit before you jump in, but it’s always worth it to see Hobi’s message appear like heated invisible ink when the bathroom becomes slightly steamy.
Today it’s simple—I love you—written in a lopsided heart and Hoseok’s lip-print off to the side. There’s an arrow pointing to where his mouth was and a message written above it: “kiss me:)”
And even though you feel stupid, it’s not like anyone can see you, right? So you lean over the sink slightly, give the mirror a kiss in the prints of Hobi’s lips and smile.
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Namjoon likes to put his brain power to work when he leaves sticky notes around your apartment. 
Most of the time they’re fun facts—some obscure tidbit of knowledge that the average person wouldn’t know or even care to know, but you find them endearing. It’s like Namjoon shares a little piece of his mind with every sticky note he leaves behind.
Other times, they’re riddles meant to leave you pondering all day. He makes you swear not to Google the answer; you’ve got three chances to text him with your guess. If you answer incorrectly, he’ll reveal it to you when he gets back, only after you’ve kissed him, of course. 
It’s cute. A strange, nerdy kind of cute. A Namjoon kind of cute. 
Sometimes the facts or riddles aren’t historical or mind-boggling or scientific at all. Sometimes they’re cringey, borderline embarrassing if anyone else ever found them. 
“Fact #6183: I love you more than life itself.”
And sometimes, you leave him a note in return. You always put it on the door, so it’s the first thing he sees when he comes home from a long day of hard work.
“Fact #6184: I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.”
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PARK JIMIN ◦ [cr.]
Jimin likes texting you. Scratch that, Jimin’s favorite pastime in the entire fucking world is texting you.
Jungkook jokes that he would dive across the entire dance practice room on his stomach when his phone pings at the odds that he’s received a message from you.
He’s bolder behind the screen that he is in person. He likes to send you suggestive texts and imagine your flustered face when you promptly send back his names in all caps and too many exclamation marks. He likes the way you use the same four emojis over and over again. He likes that just talking to you can brighten his day.
So, Jimin doesn’t know if they necessarily count as notes, but every single day since you’ve started dating, he texts you good morning along with a picture of himself. And if he forgets, he still passes along the delayed message.
YN [SENT 7:55PM]: Jimin what the hell????? It’s almost 8pm?????
JM [RECIEVED 7:55PM]: It’s a pre-good morning text for tomorrow :(( it’s never too early to start your day
He says he does because he likes your responses. (He does it because he likes you).
On the occasion that you both sleep in, he still remembers. He’ll even text you good morning when he’s seated directly beside you as you both share breakfast.
JM [RECIEVED 6:43AM]: I love you so much babyyyyyy
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Taehyung likes to leave his notes to you on the back of receipts.
And no matter how long you continue to date him, coming home to a gift box with contents worth thousands of dollars is not something you’ll get used to. Lavish foreign dishes, pricey portraits, and custom furniture all tailored to your liking.
Because Taehyung loves fashion and Taehyung loves you; he likes seeing his two loves together. He likes sharing himself with you.
No matter how much you expressed that you didn’t need all of his gifts, Taehyung wasn’t nearly as into returning things as he was into buying them. Hence, today’s debate over a pair of silk pajamas that you insisted you didn’t need, but Taehyung was vehement about you keeping.
“You didn’t read the note, did you?” He frowns, shifting through the packaging tissue to fetch the receipt.
He hands it you, you notice the sneaky little bastard has crossed out the price again, and you flip it to find his handwriting on the back: “No takesies backsies, because now we’re twinsies!!!!!!”
When you take another good look at the pajamas, you realize the familiarity you’d sense was not falsely attributed, as Taehyung had the exact same pair in dark blue. You look up to his grinning face, his large hands now holding and extending your new pajamas. You take this as a sign he wants you to put them on.
“Tae, it’s not even my birthday or—”
“Ah, ah, ah! I declared no takesies backsies, already, so you have to put them on!”
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Being away from Jungkook was never easy. His presence is an odd mix of comforting and reserved and vibrant and calm; it’s easy to notice when he’s gone. There’s no screaming when he dies in a video game, there’s no soft humming around the house, there’s no constant pleading for food, there’s no body on the left side of the bed.
And Jungkook thinks being away from you is the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. You take care of him, you care about him. You’re his silly, beautiful, amazing girlfriend who he loves a lot. If it were up to him, he’d be around you as much as he wants, whenever he wants.
But, alas, touring takes Jungkook away from you, and you away from Jungkook. So, out of fear that he might shrivel away and die if he doesn’t receive contact from you at least three times a day, Jungkook leaves his notes in the form of random reminders on your phone.
And try as you might, there’s no way to be prepared for them. Most days, they’re dramatic and extra, but truth be told, you didn’t expect any less from Jungkook.
Others get the message across, but of course, because it’s Jungkook, are portrayed in a less… classic sort of confession.
On the rare occasion that he knew he’d be feeling particularly vulnerable, or he had stolen your phone while you were sleeping and was distracted by just how much he loves you, he leaves softer notes. Something to let you know that behind all the jokes and drama is heart of gold.
REMINDER: i love and miss you so much.
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