#hemlock ia
leeknow-ia · 1 year
Pearl Eyes and Fun Guys | Hemlock & Lee Know
Lee Know was back on his shit again, actually he wasn't terrorising the masses today, he was looking to get his tattoos touched up. Now he wasn't one to obsess about his appearance every day, so he avoided make up or buying trendy clothes, those things weren't important. What he did enjoy though, were body modifications. They were pretty easy; just get them done once, perhaps a little bit of maintenance, and then they're set for at least a few years.
It had been quite a while since Lee Know got his forehead tattoos and he was looking to find someone to help him out. They were looking around for a tattoo parlor, dark eyes scanning the streets. Lee Know wasn't too fussed about who the artist in shop was or the style or anything like that, this was simply a touch up of their old design which were just simply diamonds. There was no hidden meaning for Lee Know's tattoos, he just thought the design looked neat and who didn't want a cool forehead, right?
He donned his typical combat boots with loose fit trousers with way too many pockets, along with a skin tight muscle shirt. All in black, of course, he didn't like having to think about matching colours or anything. As he walked down the street he took quite an interesting path to the shop, avoiding crowded places or any areas that he felt like could have people. Lee Know's wandering paid off and soon he laid his tapioca-like eyebolls on a tattoo parlor! With much confidence he opened the door and headed inside.
This was going to be a quick thing, just touch up his forehead tattoos and maybe if they liked the artist enough they'd ask for another design... Maybe? Lee Know wasn't opposed to getting more tattoos, but he also had limited money. Well, he was going to see who the artist was.
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jinki-ia · 8 months
A Purple Christmas
"I swear fuck tequila....smooth my ass it all taste the same, never try to outdrink an Irish android! He doesn't even get effected by alcohol!" The Shigofumi grumbled to himself stumbling into the bar far too early for anyone to be up. Or so he thought, His workers were already setting up for the upcoming night which only made the old man groan again. To do it all over again.
He slept the day away now walking into his establishment in his bathrobe and slippers holding a mug of steaming hot tea. The picture of a hangover. "Hey boss this came for you" His worker slid a box over to him. He glanced at it confused "A gift for me?" Setting down his mug he ripped open the box getting excited.
The dark purple puffy jacket was the first thing he saw, he smiled brightly pulling it out of the box "Oh this is beautiful!" The color was an almost perfect match to his wings. Pulling the tie of his robe he pulled it off quickly slipping on the jacket. A perfect fit. "How does it look?" He asks the bartender doing a little twirl in nothing but his boxers and jacket.
Going back to the box he took out the wax and pen, both extremely thoughtful gifts. Grabbing the box and leaving his tea behind he went back upstairs to his home to text the Demon.
[TEXT:LITTLE LOCKIE] You're too sweet, thank you for the gifts Hemlock! I love it all!
[TEXT: LITTLE LOCKIE] You should help me with the feather wax lol I can't reach back there
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amos-ia · 9 months
For Christmas Hemlock brings Amos a small bag of wrapped gifts. 1. A skull that is very small, but it obviously has been 'harvested' recently. 2. a golden necklace made by elvenhands from dawrvengold. It has an inscryption in old demonic saying 'BFF' 3. An old book with drawings of angel deaths and how they died, written by a demon (obviously) with pictures.
Amos was usually not one to do gifts, surprises back and forth not being his thing. Hemlock was an exception to this rule, call it best friend benefits of some sort. He had made sure to take a quiet moment to himself when he unwrapped the presents, preferring to give them his full attention since he knew the other demon knew what he enjoyed. And Hemlock picked well. The demonic letters on the necklace even made the awfully serious demon smirk; he might've found Hemlock ridiculous at times with his plushie and bff obsession but it was the only way the two were at this point after all these years.
He would keep the presents at his shop where he would see them the most. Amos spent so little time at his apartment that it'd be a waste to have them there. The skull now sat on his desk in the backroom, next to all the equipment he needed to work. The book would be kept as light reading during breaks and the necklace for special occasions.
To remind Hemlock of the day they first met, he had sent the other a similar plushie to what they had collected from the wasteland, though while this one was not dirty, it looked tormented. Just like the two enjoyed things. On top of that, he gifted the other demon a hat similar to what they usually wore, made of expensive materials. For a while he had considered making him one of his self-made bottles of toxins but yet again came to the conclusion that Hemlock himself was far more toxic than a little bit of bottled liquid.
While fashion was something one could expect him to gift, being very particular about how he looked at all times, the plushie was not him in the slightest. That one percent was reserved for Hemlock only though because Amos, even in all his proudness and selfishness, was not a bad best friend. He would gift someone something they could enjoy whether it was like him or not.
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august-ia · 10 months
‘ zzzzz ‘   for my muse’s reaction to hearing yours murmuring mine’s name in their sleep
"Hmm?" he asked when his name was called, turning his head towards the demon. Per August's request, they'd been watching a movie because he thought Hemlock was super cool and had wanted to hang out with them again- they'd saved him after all! He blinked when he noticed the other had fallen asleep, wondering just why they would dream of him. He was probably not dreaming at all, perhaps he was between being asleep and awake, that had to be it.
"Locky?" he whispered, leaning in a little closer curiously, trying to see if the other would say it again just to confirm they'd actually said his name and he wasn't only imagining it. Nothing. Oh well. August silently scooted a little closer to the demon and slid down until he was practically lying down, resting his head close to the other's.
Careful not to touch them, he wondered if he could take a little nap too- it remained a mystery just why the other had said his name but August didn't feel quite confident enough to ask. There was something slightly intimidating about the demon to him- they were very pretty, attractive even, something August was always drawn to but with Hemlock there was an extra layer of something that had him shy away from his usual bold personality.
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yeosang-ia · 1 day
caramel apples — yeosang & hemlock
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baekhyunx-ia · 1 year
A demonic presence makes itself known as they enter the room and watch the other, wincing slightly at the light aura of the man but quickly straightening his back again as they step closer and nod their head slightly at the other- expecting the other to introduce themselves before he does.
Baekhyun is surprised to run into someone. The being before him nodded at him slightly. The Sunsprite smiled all the same and nodded back to them. Meeting someone new is always exhilarating, especially here at the academy! There are so many different types of people. Baekhyun wants to make as good an impression as possible to as many people as possible. This means there are rules he needs to follow.
"Hello! My name is Baekhyun," The Sunsprite stated happily, "what may I call you?" He doesn't mind introducing himself first; he almost prefers it.
Since wandering the Earth for at least a hundred years, Baekhyun has found that the most interesting people are those you didn't know you would be meeting. Surprise encounters are fascinating to him. The adventure of life is always gifting him with new experiences. Once again, he has met someone with unique eyes. He had no idea eyes could be so many different colors. Although this person is obviously not a human, Baekhyun isn't going to pry. That's rude; he would instead put his best foot forward.
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spencer-ia · 2 years
"Hey watch where you're going-" Hemlock says annoyed as someone bumps into him and he is about to say more before he sees the other is attractive and he just might have ruined his Wattpad moment. "Oh sorry, I was just annoyed I pressed the wrong button on my tamagotchi" he holds up a tiny device. "I am a father."
An apology automatically slipped past his lips, hands already flailing in anticipation of any fallen items. Thankfully, it seemed like luck was on his side today and he wouldn't have to deal with an angry stranger. "Sorry, sorry." He immediately brought his hands closer to himself, wiping his palms on his jean-clad thighs as he looked over the other man. At least they didn't seem to be injured. (They also looked otherworldly, with their freckles as well as their pink and lilac gaze. But Spencer didn't let himself get too distracted).
The reaper's gaze immediately shifted to the small device in the blonde's hands, and Spencer couldn't help but squint as he tried to make out the pixelated pet on the small screen. He couldn't help but reply with a non sequitur. "Are your hands that tiny or is that Tamagotchi just really big?"
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hemlock-ia · 1 year
He stares for a moment and then his eyes shift left and right as if confused that anyone would be talking to him specifically. "Hey?" He finally responds after a few seconds as he mentally scrolls through the list of faces of people he had met in the past-- this stranger being none of them. He would have surely remembered the hair and the hat, or at the very least the freckles. "I don't think so. I'm Lee Know, and your name is...?"
The demon stares at the other, light eyes lingering on the strange man. Thinking he has met him before but perhaps the other just has one of those faces. He doesn’t know. It doesn’t seem like the other recognizes him though and Hemlock is vain enough to assume people would remember him- definitely they would. So maybe… He wonders if he has seen the other in passing or maybe in one of the strange projected visions of his fortune-telling friend with the crystal ball.
He lets out a small sigh and then answers “Hemlock.” he answers as he takes off the hat and reveals the flowers and shrooms that hide underneath, growing from his blonde locks of hair. They’re definitely alive, the plants are, stirring slightly as the cold air hits them.
“The local therapist.” he says smoothly “and tattoo artist, that too, another form of therapy.” A sly smirk, revealing the pointed teeth and black gums.
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junseo-ia · 2 years
[ @hemlock-ia ] "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he comments watching the other man. A small smirk playing around his lips as he leans against the wall, lighting a cigarette. "I think I saw a were pee there just now, you know how they can be, the were's."
After settling into his living space, Jun had thought it would be fitting to get some exploring done of the village near the academy before classes started on the following Monday. He was hoping that there weren't going to be many people still lingering around this late at night and he was right. Of course there were still people walking around but compared to the crowds he saw earlier on his way to his place, this was peaceful.
He had made a left through a small street, eyes finally looking up at the faint lights from the stores and he opened his mouth slightly when he caught scent of something unpleasant. His nose scrunched a bit in disgust before he heard a voice come from his peripheral vision. He turned to see the other standing there, faint amber coming from his cigarette.
"Ah, is that what it is?" He scrunched his nose once more before pursing his lips, trying to rid of the traces of the scent that lingered now in his head. "Don't tell me that happens often around here..."
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shiloh-ia · 2 years
hemlock; hate me, love me (au)
There was hardly anything that escaped Shiloh when it came to his adored one ‒ months worth of sleepless nights spent searching and collecting any piece of information that could be found. Hundreds and thousands spent without a flinch just to discover what couldn’t be disclosed, to have it all. Yet in all this mess, there was still something he couldn’t quite acquire, the very object of his obsession. Destined to remain in the shadows, Shiloh could only watch from afar, through any means possible, cursed not to cross that very last threshold. Comforting himself with scarce, forced interactions during fan meetings and calls, with lingering behind closed windows, in the dark, observing as the tips of his fingers trembled with the urge to touch, to claim. 
Like on many other occasions, the male found himself on the other’s balcony, freezing in the cold winter night as he waited through the long hours for him to come, so he could catch a glimpse of him, to see him in that privacy that wasn’t meant for eyes like his to witness. Little did Shiloh know that he was in for a surprise, one that would leave a bitter taste in his mouth as hatred, anger and jealousy built up on the tip of his tongue. To see the one he so desperately longed for step inside with another felt like a knife pierced right through his heart. A betrayal he that would break him into pieces. In utter shock, Shiloh stood still, frozen in place, blood boiling inside his veins as the pair went about their affair. 
At first he watched, petrified, taking in every touch exchanged, in a masochistic way as he could feel his heart bleed inside his chest, occasionally skipping beats from the pain, forgetting to breathe in even until his lungs desperately cried for oxygen. But then, he snapped. Something broke inside of him, and he lost it. Without taking the moment to snap out of that madness and reflect upon his intentions, Shiloh began hitting his fist against the window, thuds probably echoing loud enough in the room for those inside to hear. Enraged and bewildered, he went on, hit after hit, switching between his fist and his elbow, ignoring all physical pain, or any thoughts about consequences. 
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insolitus-academy · 3 days
It's getting colder and the winds are blowing a bit more. Time to prepare for the falling of the leaves! As always, the person mentioned first writes the starter!
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Muses: @yeosang-ia & @hemlock-ia
After picking apples together at an orchard the two muses go to a workshop to make caramel apples. A fun wholesome activity for the whole family! Of course something will go wrong - - - A mysterious woman who also attends the workshop has an eye on muse A and tries to dip him in caramel instead!
Running with the goats
Muses: @shiloh-ia & @jiwoo-ia
When Muse A and Muse B attend a fall fair with a petting zoo it is easy to forget they're in a magical place. Even if the baby goats have wings and the piglets come in all colours of the rainbow. A huge tree falls over and destroys the gates- letting all animals escape. Our heroes have to find the animals and return them before they scare the HUMANS that are just across the street in a huge mall.
Muses @baekhyunx-ia & @minwoo-ia
There is a huge flower festival at the Western coast where Muse A and Muse B are visiting. Muse A is mistaken for a celebrity by a group of people and Muse B is somehow roped in as they both run from a mass of fangirls and boys through the beautiful flower gardens.
Light a little Light
muses: @leeknow-ia & @leejieun-ia
At the light festival near the large river it is important for muse A and muse B to keep their eyes open. They get a notification that a supernatural monster has escaped confinement and will escape at any moment now... And Muse A and Muse B are the only magical being nearby to save the humans around them.
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leeknow-ia · 1 year
"Hey," the demon says, nodding at the other and continuing but stopping to look back and tilt his head slightly at the other as if familiar. They didn't know for sure and narrowed their light eyes. The large hat on his blonde long hair tilting with it. Casting a shadow on his face and the ground. "Have we met before?"
He stares for a moment and then his eyes shift left and right as if confused that anyone would be talking to him specifically. "Hey?" He finally responds after a few seconds as he mentally scrolls through the list of faces of people he had met in the past-- this stranger being none of them. He would have surely remembered the hair and the hat, or at the very least the freckles. "I don't think so. I'm Lee Know, and your name is...?"
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jinki-ia · 2 years
Weeping Flower || Hemki
Wake up, get a letter, deliver a letter, go home, drink, and sleep to do it all over the next day. Jinki liked his job…not really but it was all he knew. He liked his job because it was one of the only ways he was even allowed up on earth and out of the underworld. He enjoyed being on earth with the humans, they were such funny creatures. Setting aside the grieving and crying over their loved ones because of him thing, just part of the job.
Jinki had just gotten a call for a letter which he was excited about because the earth bar was calling his name, it had been a long week for him. Humming to himself he walked the dark empty streets. It was pretty late but the shigofumi was always on call for letters, the less time he could spend in the dark realms the better.
He was pulled out of these thoughts when he thought he heard sniffling? He stopped walking for a second and looked around him, the streets were pretty barren but the people he did see none were crying. He heard it again, trying to zone in on the sound. Jinki felt like a hound dog trying to find Timmy that fell down a well. When he heard it for a third time he walked closer to where it was coming from. “Hello” Turning the corner of the street he was met with a small child alone. A kid alone in the dark realm at night is not good. He was instantly concerned for the other, his browed furrowed together with a frown he could only wonder what happened. 
“Hey, are you okay?” He said in a soft voice not to scare the child, he bent down on one knee to be at eye level with the kid but an arm's length away because he was a stranger to it.
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valentine-ia · 7 months
DONE. If I missed any- then the flower monster ate it!
Please check your inbox:
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august-ia · 11 months
Finale >: ]
finale - muse a wraps themself around muse b to keep them from harm
August, being the dumbly courageous faerie he was, had wandered off to a part of the city no faerie ( or light being in general ) should probably find themselves in. His infinite curiosity was one day going to be the death of him- just hopefully not today. Nobody was that bad, he thought. August wanted to see what these dark corners had to offer, the places near home were nothing like this.
It wasn't until he began to turn more and more heads, not exactly because of why you'd imagine, that the reality began to sink in. He must've looked like glittery prey with his doe eyes and wildly beating heart when he started to feel like he was being followed.
He wasn't only imagining it either. He glanced behind himself and saw a figure no longer walking after him but very obviously taking long strides, attempting to close the gap between them. No. August's fight or flight response told him to quicken his pace to a near jog while he glanced back every now and then until he saw someone else on the silent street- without a second thought the fairy ran into the stranger, pressing his face into their chest and covering his eyes with his hands.
Not the smartest thing to do when you didn't know the person. "Please help me," he said weakly, putting his trust in a stranger who could be just as bad as, if not also teamed up with, the person who was following him. To August's surprise, the person wrapped their arms around him when he heard the pace of his follower's steps only quicken. "Someone's following me."
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yeosang-ia · 9 months
For Christmas Hemlock brings Yeosang a few gifts. 1. a Bambi plushie with glitters 2. a large baby-blue puffy coat to stay warm. 3. a Mug that says 'pretty boy' & 4. 2 tickets to see a new movie in the cinemas
There are various love languages that one could have, and out of the five, Yeosang was admittedly not sure of which one was his. One thing he did know, though, was that he liked it best when people were straightforward with him when it came to expressing their feelings. So getting gifts a bunch of gifts from Hemlock was a sign of just how much the demon cared for him.
After placing the plushie by the corner of his (rarely used) study table, hanging the cute, puffy coat in his wardrobe, and putting away the new mug he'll now use every time he drank hot cocoa, Yeosang wondered if there was gonna be a new My Little Pony movie any time soon. If not, the upcoming Inside Out 2 movie seemed fun. He was particularly attached to Bing Bong in the first one, and he just hoped that he wouldn't be sobbing in the new sequel.
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