august-ia · 11 days
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august-ia · 11 days
"I can so imagine that!" he grinned at his friend thinking about their family calls. "Count me in, add me, I wanna know what they're up to too. And I'll tell on you if you're ever out after dark," he poked his tongue out and shoved Yeosang playfully. He had never in his life told on Yeosang no matter what he did- and well, there wasn't much to tell on when he was usually the one who got them into trouble or dared the other to do something frowned upon. But still, the thought he'd have his friend's back was what counted.
He scrunched his nose at the other's explanation about his roommate. "Sounds about right," he sighed dramatically, "you think he's the type that can still be won over? Or just a douche?" he stopped in his tracks suddenly, gasping. "Hell, I hope he's not a douche. I'm into those," he laughed then, finding that a little impossible. August definitely had a type but it was more on the side gym bro side with a douche attitude. Talk about a wonderful taste in men. "If things go south I'm becoming your second, unofficial, roommate. Hope your friend doesn't mind," he sang the last part, skipping away with a mischievous smile.
There were many things August would lovingly bully people about- but not about waiting. He knew it was a delicate subject and although that wasn't something his ancestors required of their bloodline, there were still some other rules similar to that one that he'd hold onto. And he knew in many cultures it was a thing. "Watching that stuff might give you pointers though," he shrugged as they walked further towards their destination, "though don't think for a second any of that's real. If you start moaning like that out of the blue your boyfie will know where you got it from."
He'd said boyfie as a joke but when he was given a name, he just about lost it. It was a historical day. Yeosang had a guy wrapped around his pinkie? Finally! "What?" he exclaimed a little too loudly, crashing their bodies together while his arms wrapped around the other's torso, forcing them to walk awkwardly. "When am I gonna meet him? How far have you gone with him? Is he nice?" the endless stream of questions had just begun. "Are you gonna lose your virginity to him?"
That was most of their evening. August would ask a ton of invasive questions he knew Yeosang wouldn't mind answering to. That'd always been their dynamic; August was an open book and told his friend all the dirty details and would then ask enough to hear the same from the other.
if you see a fairy ring — yeosang & august
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august-ia · 1 month
August looked at Steve for a moment, his eyes slightly squinted, sceptical. "I'm perfectly capable of keeping an eye on myself," although his words came out a tad bit slurred, he still believed that to be true. If anyone else was asked though, he did need to be babied a little bit. He didn't want to bring back up the conversation about his marital status again even when Steve mentioned it, simply shrugging it off.
There'd never been anything wrong with Ethirdil. August loved him, though not exactly in a way one usually loved their fiancé, but that feeling was mutual. His fear of that word stimmed from somewhere completely else and he felt bad that his friend was mixed up in all of this, stuck with him. As much as Ethirdil would say this was the best outcome, he feared in time his friend would see it isn't so.
"I guess that makes sense," August could see that; he, too, craved to be surrounded by noise and people at all times. Partially because it distracted him from everything else. He nudged Steve with his elbow and snorted at the pointed look, tucking his phone away. "So you're basically saying you go to clubs to save people- I feel like people go to clubs to not be saved but to be damned to hell instead," he chuckled, amused. He wondered if that came with being an angel or if that was just Steve's personality.
"I don't know about my friend but that's the hotel, so," he paused and turned towards the other, "thanks for- the eye candy." He honestly didn't feel like thanking him for basically scolding him. He quickly leaned forward to give the angel's cheek a little peck and stepped back before he could be scolded for that too. "I'll see you around. And one day I'll wake up next to you," he flashed him a cocky smile before he turned around.
You can touch me, I won't break ~ August & Steve
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august-ia · 1 month
"Allergic?!" he straightened up on his seat suddenly, "to cherries? How?" That sounded like something illegal. Cherries were delicious. "How many times have you gone to a hospital anyway?" he looked at the other with a raised eyebrow, curious now. Yongguk did seem like the slightly rugged type, which was, ugh, exactly August's type. But it didn't mean he wanted him to collect hospital visits!
"Hmm," he thought about the question very seriously for a moment. "Well, I'm not sure about chocolate and sour gummies. But at home we do mix a lot of sweet with salty. Does that count?" Since the faeries were capable of growing fruits and vegetables, they oftentimes made jam and mixed it with cheese, for example. It was one of his favorite treats and he figured he wouldn't say that out loud yet, maybe he could bring some next time he visited. That'd give him a good excuse.
"What kinda cake though? Like frosted or cheesecake?" he asked while he finally pulled together an actual bag instead of eating everything in front of him, "Tough question. There are those jello-like candies covered in sugar that I like. But then I get all giggly when I have some." Hell if he wasn't going to get all giggly in about fifteen minutes from all the sugar he'd been devouring already.
“No doubt they are but I’m allergic and I would rather enjoy my ice cream then go to the hospital…again” He chuckled, he knew his allergy was out of the ordinary but he still loved to play on the line (sometimes)
“Ah are you the type to mix chocolate and like sour gummies?” Yongguk scrunched his nose in disgust, he wouldn’t yuck someone’s yum BUT he wasn’t one to mix flavors. Even in his traditional banana split he made sure to eat the three flavors separately. Until it was all melted and he had no other choice.
Yongguk stole a warhead and popped it into his mouth, immidetely scrunching up his nose at the sour tang on his tongue. “Whats your favorite sweet? I love Cake!”
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august-ia · 1 month
August himself had a very specific type in men but he did venture outside of that from time to time. Right now, however, the kiss he had been given drew him in mostly because he missed it. He'd always been a very physical person and not only in a silly platonic way, in his opinion, no- he was needy as hell and hugs and cuddles just wouldn't fill that void he constantly felt. Talk about being ignored most of his life.
He got spooked big time when the arachna popped up in front of them before August had even noticed he'd been that close. He squeezed the demon's wrist that he was still holding, frozen in place and doe-eyed when the creature spoke to him. He broke out an uncomfortable smile, feeling himself shudder. "I, uh, think I'm good," Twice in one night, he thought, praying the demon had his back.
He let go of the demon's wrist when in the corner of his eye he saw something grow out of them, only to notice the vines and flowers and he just stared, amazed. While he stepped back, he vaguely heard the demon say oh he was good alright, but he was too busy eyeing the things that suddenly bloomed from the demon's skin when the other was left to deal with the arachna.
"Huh?" he'd heard the other but he didn't want to believe that they'd asked him to turn small. He was always afraid of doing that in these types of situations, feeling like someone could grab him and squish him like a bug.
"S-sure," August cursed the nervous stutter, creating excess fairy dust that popped like an explosion as he shrank, leaving glitter on anyone nearby. Looking around at the other people around them now that he was small, he flapped his wings and bumped against the other's back, seeking security he didn't have. He honestly didn't want to give even one glance towards the arachna anymore, worried he'll just egg him on. Especially now that he was bite sized.
finale - muse a wraps themself around muse b to keep them from harm
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august-ia · 1 month
Even with how much noise August was making, screaming and kicking his feet, the creatures didn't seem affected. He abruptly stopped his act of defiance when he felt cool air against his ribs before anything else, and then the pain began to flood in and he looked down, his hoodie ripped on one side and exposing the wounds that had been left behind when one of the creatures slashed him with its claws to shut him up.
Had the situation not been so dire, he'd be sad about one of his favorite hoodies being ripped to shreds. After this, though, he probably wouldn't want to keep it anyway with how damaged and blood stained it was, his wounds already bleeding. He felt choked up as his eyes finally left the wounds, looking around at the creatures with disbelief while he slumped slightly, starting to feel the exhaustion.
Right when they were about to proceed with whatever horrifying things they were going to do to him, one of the creatures holding him down was hit with something out of nowhere, and before he could process any of it, he was already being pulled up. "Ethir?" he squeaked out as they passed the doorway, leaving the creatures behind to deal with the illusion Ethirdil had created. It was hard to keep up with his legs freezing and mostly numb. Partially, he wondered if this was a figment of his imagination and he was just disassociating from being cut open or something.
Although he was in disbelief of how he was found, he should know Ethirdil was lucky. If anyone was going to find him, it was him. Still, he was surprised someone had even figured to look for him and he clung to the other while he trusted him to find a way out, wincing every now and then.
He'd heard the name Baekhyun before, Ethirdil had mentioned him, but he wasn't expecting them even if the rational part of his brain said that of course the high elf wouldn't come alone. He halted when he saw a different kind of creature after Baekhyun than what he'd seen in the room, pulling Ethirdil to a near stop when the sunsprite said they'd stay behind to fight. "Ethir, you have to help him," he said, his voice hoarse after all the shouting. He was pretty sure that he himself didn't have much strength left to help, his powers dependent on his physical wellbeing.
Then, a door ahead of them opened and another mushroom creature walked out, looking like they didn't expect to see the trio. Quickly, the creature turned furious and started to close the distance between them, and August gathered whatever strength he had left to step between the creature and Ethirdil, clashing with the creature as his wings moved quickly in an attempt to push the creature back. His hands were on the thing's face and his palms began to glow, figuring the same thing as the sunsprite; Mushrooms. Sun. The fairy could grow and age almost anything in the forest, these creatures looked more mushroom than.. well, creatures.
The creature wailed against his touch and it grabbed a hold of him, but the hold was desperate and like it was trying to fight him off as he watched the thing begin to age under the touch of his palms, giving his everything to make the creature wither, like he was making it go through a mushroom's life cycle, while he was slowly losing the last bits of his own energy.
@ethirdil-ia @baekhyunx-ia
A snowy escape { Baek,August,Ethir }
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august-ia · 2 months
When August was supposed to choose one person to come with him, it was easiest to just draw a name from a hat. He had actually considered doing that at first- but then one person popped into his mind. Someone cool he wanted to get to know better because of Yeosang; Yeosang seemed to think he was a good guy and August wanted him to prove that. He didn't know Katashi well enough to judge his character but when it came to his friend, he was like a protective older brother whereas Katashi seemed to think he was the protective older brother too. We'll see which one is the true brother, he thought in the back of his mind.
On the outside, one could barely tell that he was mentally squinting his eyes at the other every chance he got. He was very excited about the game night though, wondering who Sanori would bring and if he knew them. He'd forced his way into so many people's lives already, could there possibly be more? Realistically the answer of course was yes, but he liked to think he had spread his joy around far and wide and when he walked the streets, he at least knew half the people around him.
Koichi on the other hand, would never say no to board games. He was extroverted enough that he would join any grouping he was invited to, generally able to get along with everyone because of his calm and comfortable personality. August had picked him up with his personal driver and they chatted on their way about nothing in particular, both of them good at meaningless small talk. It was odd, almost, how familiar sitting in a car with a personal driver was. August of course had one because his family was rich. Koichi had had one in Japan because he wasn't trusted to go to many places without being watched.
The two were opposites in another way too; where Koichi wore his pink and black hair up in a bun, loose jeans and a shirt that looked at least a size too big over his thin frame, August had brushed the long strands back from his face behind his ears, wearing a dark red silk shirt with one too many buttons unbuttoned, along with black slacks. They had said they would maybe go to a club later, right? He had to look good for that.
As soon as the door opened for them, August quickly moved over to hug Sanori like he was an old friend, pulling back with a huge grin and hands resting on his shoulders. "Hi! We brought games too, and snacks!" he nodded his chin towards Katashi who was put to carry the bags. "Katashi, Sanori. Sanori, Katashi," he introduced, his eyes then landing on a person he didn't know. "And this is..?"
What a night (the stars shine brightest for us) - Sanori&Yeomra&August&Koichi
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august-ia · 2 months
August, whether it was a good trait or not, had never been too wary of strangers. He was everyone's friend, whether they liked him or not. He had moments of clarity where he realised he was probably not liked by half the people he liked but other than that it was like the fairy lived in this delusion that everyone enjoyed his overly extroverted and touchy personality. He was, a lot of the time, a lot to deal with but he saw it as his charm. Who could resist that? His eyes practically sparkled as he looked at his newest friend who clearly was more reserved than him but it didn't matter, August could be excited for the both of them.
He stayed on his knees beside his new friend as they worked to lift a tiny portion of the herbs compared to the amount they had just grown together, watching like he was being taught something important. He tended to take for granted how easy it was for his kind to simply grow more plants instead of having to be careful with how much they could take at once. "I do," he replied with a tiny nod. "I mean, it's second nature to me. I feel connected to all of this," he scanned their surroundings from top to bottom and side to side; being surrounded by nature was the only time when he could actually release the tension in his shoulders.
"Oh-" he blinked at the suggestion of him selling a part of their rare flowers, but not because he was uncomfortable with the idea, "if you want one I could just bring one to you! If it looks like it won't make it, I can always give it a little boost." He wiggled his fingers at the herbs, demonstrating what he meant. "Just don't tell my parents. I'd rather not ask how they feel about it," he let out a pleased sigh and clapped his hands together for a job well done, getting back up on his feet.
"You own a flower shop? Makes sense!" he could see it now, watching how careful the other was being with the stem they were lifting up off the ground. His first reflex would have been to bounce at the invitation but the manners insisted into him kicked in and all he could do was grin. "Yeah, I wanna visit!" he paused, momentarily thoughtful, "I could bring you some of those flowers when I do!"
a primrose path (spencer & august)
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august-ia · 2 months
August grinned widely at the suggestion, rudely placing his elbows on the table again, snapping the chopsticks in his hand. "Next weekend's perfect!" He was enthusiastic about it, none of his excitement was faked. The fairy enjoyed making friends whether he understood the game they were going to play or not. He'd still have a good time.
Slowly, he nodded at the next question, his grin turning into a mischievous smile. "But don't worry, I don't mind sharing," he was very good at sharing actually, as long as he was the one who got the most attention. August had always been needy like that and it had nothing to do with the fact that his family oftentimes left him out. Nothing at all, ehm.
"Boardgames it is, next weekend, you bring someone, I bring someone, and we'll see where that goes," he liked the idea of having a chill evening getting to know more people and heading to a club afterwards. That's where he thrived, after all. "Hmm- have you ever played those where you play against the board? Those are fun. No bickering when someone is a sore loser," he chuckled, offering the last piece of sushi to Sanori.
He was excited too. He couldn't wait to drag Sanori everywhere with him and bring him out of his shell a little.
,, intro - Augori
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august-ia · 2 months
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oh my wooyoung! 🩶
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august-ia · 2 months
"He-" August stopped his pacing, froze for a second, then crossed his arms, the image of the owlite's gaping eye sockets fresh on his mind again. It made his stomach turn. He swallowed thickly, trying to not feel sick. "I don't know if that's why he took them," he answered honestly, his voice far quieter, almost like he barely breathed the words out. He had a look on his face that bordered traumatised, a shiver running down his spine. He knew Uncle Gil was capable of a lot but this? This was unexpected, even from him. Or maybe August just hadn't seen the truth before.
"Do you think-" he honestly didn't even want to finish the sentence he'd just started, his knees feeling a little shaky, heart racing. "He could've taken the eyes because the bird wasn't cooperating," that's what he didn't want to say, didn't want to think about, but the thought was there. Steve was talking a lot and the fairy barely heard half of it, his mind still spinning from what he'd seen. How could he wipe that from his memory? How could he sleep tonight without seeing what he'd been face-to-face with just a little while ago?
His head picked up when he heard his name, something akin to a whine leaving his throat when he realised he'd been holding his breath. "I have no idea," he felt helpless all of a sudden, like he needed to do something but he wasn't even sure where to begin. "He's never disappeared like this before- I mean, he has disappeared. But not like this. Not like-" he looked at Steve with concern in his eyes, for who, he wasn't sure. His legs felt numb. He needed to sit before they gave in. "Maybe we could ask my family- do you think it'd help?"
Wings without butterflies ~ august & steve
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august-ia · 3 months
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― jung wooyoung, 1999 NOVEMBER 26
   ❝ since everyone has their own pain and their own hard times, i don’t know if i’m able to give you comfort but, as a result, what i wanted to say is that you’re not alone ❞ most darling and precious wooyoung, thank you for being a source of joy and inspiration for so many, please love yourself gently and kindly ♡ ―
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august-ia · 3 months
Yeosang wasn't the only one who had imagined a future for Ethirdil and the fairy since the news broke- August, his brain always working overtime, had thought too far into the future as well but his picture was not as bright and shiny as the cloudling's. Ethirdil was one of his best friends, there was no doubt about that. August cared for him endlessly. But neither of them were the domestic type, especially when they were put in a room together, preferring to party together instead. August didn't worry about that future in itself, not what could be between him and his friend precisely, but worried more about his position in his family. That was what the marriage was all about, after all.
"Lucky for you, you don't need to start baby or pet sitting in a long while," August chuckled, that light-hearted sound dying down when the other's expression dropped at the mention of his family. "Don't pout," he said, all too quietly. His eyebrows pushed together, heart twisting in his chest when he could see Yeosang slip somewhere else, inside his own head. His thumb brushed over the cloudling's cheek, attempting to bring him back into the moment, trying to calm the wave of unease within him when he thought about his wedding day and the possibility of his best friend not being there. At that moment, after seeing the other's reaction, he promised himself, and silently to Yeosang, that he would work something out. The cloudling would be there.
"We'll make it happen, somehow, won't we?" he offered the other a small reassuring smile when Yeosang was back with him, the worry still shining through in his eyes. By the time the cloudling touched his cheek, his hand had already dropped back onto the bed and he was ready to nuzzle towards the palm playfully before his brother-from-another-mother spoke up. The fairy blinked, letting the words sink in. He was rarely serious, protecting himself somehow with his carefree attitude, but it was different in the cloudling's company. He could just be, simply exist.
The words did, however, make him feel choked up, combined with the soft touch that August always craved so much. His eyes were getting watery and he couldn't swallow the lump in his throat, pushing himself up to sit on the bed instead. "Hey, you're not supposed to make me emotional yet, we haven't even opened the champagne," a faint laugh left him, though it was breathy and not as happy as it usually was. He covered Yeosang's hand with his palm and placed it back down, practically hopping off the bed. It felt like he had to move, his heart pounding in his chest. Although he couldn't place where his reaction was coming from, it was the anxiety that came from being taught to do as his parents said or he would displease the ancestors and that would be bad.
"Let's change the subject for now- how are things with you? Tell me everything I've missed," he moved over to the little table by the couch where they had been left a bottle of champagne and some glasses, fumbling with it to pop it open.
Skincare & gossip ~ august & yeosang
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august-ia · 4 months
"I do!" he confirmed firmly, even nodding his head. "I know we could get snacks anywhere but that's not the point- remember that time when I got my heart broken and you bought me a chocolate bar from there because we couldn't really afford much else? Or when we had that overnight movie marathon and got all the snacks from there! It's an important place." It was the first thing on his bucket list, to visit it once more with Yongguk for old time's sake.
August slowly turned to look at his friend, giving him a chance to explain himself before he gasped in an exaggerated way, "You totally didn't make a bucket list! Before this trip is over, you have to have at least ten things on it before we do them." He crossed his arms, jutting out his lower lip in a deadly pout.
"I have so many things on there- I want to go to an amusement part but not for the rides, for the cotton candy and gross greasy hotdogs. And the mini games! We have to win a plushie," it was something he'd dreamt of doing once in his life, going on a date and having the guy he was with win him a plushie, just like in all the romantic movies. Right now though, going on dates felt useless, a waste of precious time. Doing it with Yongguk, his best friend, felt far more meaningful.
"I want to get a stick and poke tattoo too! You don't have to get one, you can if you want to, but I want one," it might be a little silly to do so now but he'd decided he wanted to know what it'd be like once in his life. "We can arrange one day where we park by the beach for a nice view and just sleep. I bet you need it," his voice became softer, his pout fading away as he smiled instead. Yongguk worked so hard, it'd be understandable he wanted to catch up on sleep.
Driving Mr.Daisy | Sunshine and Grump (AuGuk)
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august-ia · 4 months
The reddened cheeks of the other in front of him reminded him of none other than Yeosang. For a moment, he wondered just how he ended up with half his friends flushing at his every word while the other half was just as shameless as he was, there was no in between. "Oh definitely, maybe one of the upcoming weekends? I love to dance. Bet we would have such a good time," he grinned, leaning his elbows on the table and his chin on his joined hands as if to persuade the other.
August didn't care about the free drinks as much as Sanori probably hoped but at least it was proof that he wasn't just hanging out with someone to get free things. He had enough money to drink himself into a coma and back, however, he did need the company. Though making friends here hadn't been very hard so far.
His eyebrow slightly lifted at the deepening redness of the other's face, unable to help himself from looking amused. "Noted. Taller and rough. Something tells me we'll be drooling over the same men," he grinned widely, picking up another piece of sushi. They were pretty close to finishing the plate. He would so go man hunting for Sanori later. He had to see the other stumble over his words at the presence of someone handsome, it'd entertain him for the next week.
"Invite anyone you want, the more the merrier!" August really wouldn't mind having strangers tag along. "Well! I have a strategy game where you're there to save a forest with your group. It's fun, we've played it since we were kids with my siblings. If you have any board games, you can bring them too!"
,, intro - Augori
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august-ia · 4 months
[ kindness ] sender surprising receiver with random acts of kindness
They had finally, after so many attempts, been able to go and have their ice creams they had talked about so long ago. August had gotten the biggest serving they had to make up for it and he definitely felt it, feeling like that's all he consisted of now. But he wore the biggest smile while they were walking home, bumping his shoulder into Yongguk from time to time to get his attention.
Before he could even notice it himself, Yongguk was already taking off his jacket to place it on the fairy's shoulders, noticing he was shivering. The sun had started to set and the ice cream itself made him feel cold, he realised now that the warmth of the jacket hugged him. August grinned and linked their arms, leaning his head against the other's shoulder as they kept walking. He could have easily called his driver to pick them up but this way he could spend more time with the other.
"You're the best," he said, rubbing his head against the other's shoulder. Yongguk was one of those people he felt like he could call any day if he was in any sort of trouble.
0 notes
august-ia · 4 months
One of the reasons why the two of them had become such good friends in the first place was that August could so freely show his love to Yeosang and have it returned just as affectionately. With the cloudling, he'd never gotten the feeling that he was being too much, like he did with most people. He'd never had to watch what he did or said, not when it was just the two of them. He chuckled at the clumsy kisses to his chin, squeezing the other impossibly hard out of sheer cuteness aggression. He missed him so much. "No, you're the best!"
He let out a soft sigh in their new position, looking up at the cloudling just slightly cross-eyed, admiring his every pretty feature. He might be one of the ethereal faeries but he was hardly a match to Yeosang's beauty. "Of course I will," he replied to the question like it wasn't a question at all. In his family, all marriages were arranged, it'd been silly of him to think otherwise. Still, they would need to learn to love each other in order to be a successful part of the family, their business, and most importantly, to show their ancestors that they still held on to traditions. Arranged or not, they would have to love each other and stay together. His family knew no other way.
Of course, that kind of thinking wasn't very healthy. But it had made his family blind, so much so that none of the children saw how their parents were cordial at most towards one another. It was easy to drown out their lack of companionship to the fact they had so many children to look after.
He smiled softly at the other when a strand of hair was pushed away from his face, nuzzling himself towards the fleeting touch. Then he paused, his eyebrows gently knitting. "Are you sure? Your moms.. after you returned, they told me not to tell my family you're back," they had barely touched up on the whole disappearance thing but August knew to Yeosang it hadn't felt as long as it actually had been. "Have they.. talked with my parents at all? Because I'm pretty sure they would want to continue with the arrangements that were made before." It had all been a little weird. The letter that he shouldn't visit yet and he shouldn't tell his family. He got the impression that Yeosang's family didn't want to proceed with what had been proposed before.
What was he really worried about though? August pursed his lips and reached a hand up, brushing a stray lash from Yeosang's cheek. He gently blew on it, making a wish for the two of them to never separate again. "I don't want to be in the spotlight," he started, "and as soon as the rings are there, my family will want me to start representing them. I'm just.. I'm not good at it." They clearly timed it, sent him off to an academy where he would learn to behave himself and then get married so he would be another golden boy for them. He wasn't sure he could be that. "Oh, and I might actually never have sex again. That's enough to scare me to death," he snorted but on the inside he could honestly cry- and he would probably end up crying for real at some point.
Skincare & gossip ~ august & yeosang
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