play with fire
218 posts
August Tabris the descendant of the ethereal faeries student, 24 rp account mun & muse of age
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
august-ia · 9 days ago
If August was flirting right now, Zitao would know. But instead he was simply giving his opinion to the question pointed at him, it wasn't like the scenario he'd instantly created in his head had included Zitao. August didn't even know if Zitao was a bad guy! Maybe that's not the best requirement.
"Oh-," he made a sound of realisation, nodding slowly. Partners. It was almost funny how the entire word held so much complexity to him now when it used to be so clear in the past. "Well, I hope you're alright with sharing space with another fairy! We have a pretty good track record, huh?" he grinned, a glint of mischievousness in it.
It was sort of endearing to watch someone as big as the alien before him with a mini-computer like Kandi when it returned to the alien's side. Even though that's basically what Zitao had called the pup, it still was much like a living being to the fairy and he'd treat the pup as such. Ah, August had so much love to give.
"That and a lot more, one could say," he looked away then, scanning the boxes at the foot of his bed now that his family was mentioned. "We grow our own flowers, fruits, and vegetables. They're prime quality because of our magic," with the mention of it, he sprinkled a little bit of glitter from his fingers, though he had nothing to direct his magic on right now. "We live in the woods and our farms surround our homes so you know, it's really beautiful if you like that sort of thing." Finishing that sentence, he shrugged as if that's the most normal living situation, and began to unpack the first box.
Pulling out a few trinkets for his nightstand, he flashed another toothy grin at the alien, "not guns, but I do shoot arrows." He was allergic to many metals and while bows were already not permitted in his family, his entire bloodline would probably cease to exist if he touched a firearm. "I've only seen guns in action movies. John Wick? That's a great one."
Glitter enters the chat ~ august & zitao
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august-ia · 20 days ago
"Yes, I mean- can't we all sometimes feel it?" he asked, frowning hard. He didn't think he had a specific power to feel such things like these but it was instinctual sometimes, right? August was so confused by it all that he was now questioning it even himself. Then, he held his breath for a second, Steve's words sinking in. Ethir left? Surely he wouldn't just leave. He had promised August to stand by him no matter what but the fairy had little confidence when it came to things like that. Maybe Ethirdil had changed his mind after all.
"I..," he tried to make sense of the mess in his head, taking a gulp of soju to hopefully sort himself out a little. "We're friends- It's an arranged engagement," he tried to clear up on the confusing part. It wasn't that odd, they were friends who were going to be married. It wasn't more confusing than that.. right? "He wouldn't just.. He promised to stay," he added, more quietly, like he was muttering it to himself while he stared off into distance, momentarily spacing out.
"No," he shook his head, slowly starting to feel crazy- like this conversation wasn't going anything like he'd imagined. Was this how his uncle felt? Then, before he could sink too deep into those poisonous thoughts, his attention was caught by the other's words about social media. "Even if Ethir really did leave, he'd never stop being online. He's always online. And he's not the type to hide, he wouldn't hide away just because he doesn't want to see me. He'd just.. keep living his life," he gained some sort of confidence after saying that. Whenever he wasn't letting the voice in his head tell him stories, the truth comforted him. Ethirdil would say it to his face if he no longer wanted anything to do with him, he was sure of it.
He chewed on his plush lower lip as theories began to form in his head about his uncle and this entire situation. The owlite. He'd had no luck with them- literally. He wasn't sure if Gil wanted to prove his worth to the family, if he wanted to appease the ancestors, or if there was something else he didn't know about, but Ethirdil was lucky and knowing that made him nervous. That was the exact connection he'd made. Everything else was uncertain. "Ethir has luck," he said, tapping on the glass in his hand, "like, actual luck. Things just go his way. And.. I don't know. That night when we found the owlite.. owlites are supposed to be lucky, right? The maps, the notes.. I don't have a good feeling about all of this."
He's been gone since yesterday ~ august & steve
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august-ia · 20 days ago
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WOOYOUNG 240925 Paris Fashion Week
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august-ia · 20 days ago
How could one forget August indeed. He tended to be overly excited, extroverted, and never quiet. But Baekhyun had met the opposite of him that day in the caves, he was probably in for quite a surprise once the fairy got started. "Great! I know this really good sushi place- Sanori took me there on one of my first days at the Academy, do you know Sanori? He used to live in the dorm next to me but then I had to move dorms because I kinda annoyed my old roommate and then I started rooming with this big naum and he's been nice so far, he has a puppy but the puppy is actually a robot and I'm not sure how to feel about that, we don't really have that much technology at home since we live in the woods," he was barely taking a breath between all of the words pouring out of him.
While all of that was happening, he was already taking the lead on where they should head once Baekhyun was ready. He tended to never have that talk with people back and forth about what to do or where to go- if the other person didn't come up with anything, he surely would in the matter of seconds. No I don't knows. "Anyway, how long have you been taking Archery classes? I'm so jealous, I come here to watch because my parents would never let me take a class like this," although he could be considered an adult, in his family, elders had full control over pretty much everything the younger generation did until they had proven themselves worthy of autonomy. August was far from that and was watched more closely than others.
"I know my way around a bow though so if you ever need help.." his voice trailed off as he tucked his hands in the pockets of his skinny jeans, flashing the other a bright smile. He was hoping they could perhaps bond over something like this, he'd never had a chance to have someone to discuss archery or bows with and it was one of his favorite pastimes.
Sunsprite & sunshine ~ august & baekhyun
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august-ia · 1 month ago
Eloping sounded like such a silly idea. Perhaps because he'd never thought something like that was possible, not in his family anyway. But Ethirdil had a point- he always did. August's eyes practically sparkled when he saw all the different cakes, eager to try all of them. He was a bit of a child at heart, though sometimes the bit became a lot, especially when sugar was involved. "Oh my god, all of it looks amazing," he muttered with a sigh, letting go of the high elf to skip to the counter.
He was happy to take the piece offered to him and made a sound of pure joy when all the flavours mingled on his tongue. "It's so good," he groaned after swallowing, wiping the corners of his mouth with his thumb. "I don't think I've ever had elven bread, we'll have plenty," he decided, now excited; a little bit of sugar mixed with a little bit of Ethir was all it took and his mood could easily be flipped around, the high hitting him almost instantly. Why did he ever do drugs in the first place when all he needed was a few bites of cake?
He practically jolted forward, wrapping his arms around Ethirdil's middle while his chest pressed against the high elf's back, very efficiently hugging him from behind while his chin rested on the other's shoulder to glance down at the cakes, practically vibrating out of his skin from the sugar rush. "Combining cultures sounds so romantic.." he sighed, only then realising just how absurd he was being. Unwrapping his arms before he could even properly settle, he hopped to the side and went to look for another fork instead, one of the kitchen staff giving him a look when he danced around.
"Do you happen to have wooden forks?" he asked and was presented with one before the staff minded their business. "Thank you," he sang, dancing back to the elf. "The fork tickles my lips. I think I'm a little allergic," he chuckled, his skin feeling the little bit of iron the fork had. "I wanna feed you a piece too," he looked around the cakes and decided on one with something citrusy, perhaps lemon. With a smile, he offered a bite to Ethirdil. "Spring flowers will be so beautiful," not as beautiful as the both of them, but close, "So will the butterflies." He felt incredibly pampered, getting flowers and butterflies as the decorations, on top of having foxes. How could he repay all of that?
"Vanilla and strawberry is a classic- we could ask them to use strawberries from my family's field so they taste fresh and juicy," he nodded, "Pasta bar with toppings, elven bread, and oh- I'd love to have some grilled veggies from our garden!"
💍guestlists and hitlists { Ethirdust }
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august-ia · 2 months ago
The little okay Yeosang spoke was enough for both of them, for now. They both knew that it wasn't just an empty promise, something they would brush under a rug the moment the conversation shifted. August was determined to find a way. He always did find a sneaky way to do things- strict parents raised those kinds of children.
August tsked at the cloudling's jokingly mocking way of calling him a cry baby. "Hey, if we had a crying contest, I'm not even sure which one of us would win," he retorted back, sticking his tongue out childishly. He popped the champagne bottle open without too much trouble and quickly poured the first glass, then the second, and repeated the action again when some of the foam had gone down.
One thing that had made the duo such great friends was probably the fact that socially, neither of them were very aware. August was incredibly extroverted but to a point where he didn't seem aware of other people's feelings at times; he would befriend people whether they wanted to be considered friends or not. He was like a wrecking ball when he came into people's lives; he'd force his way in and stay no matter what with his chaotic personality that sometimes did damage. Yeosang was much calmer than him but both of them were determined. They hadn't needed to force their way into each other's lives, it just sort of happened naturally.
But hearing the cloudling struggle so much with making friends hurt him. Because Yeosang was so very special, the most special of all. They didn't know what they were missing out on. "Which one takes up the most space in that pretty head of yours?" he asked with a cheeky smile as he took the glasses and made his way to the elegant couch the hotel room had, gesturing for his best friend to join him. He was especially excited to hear about the fact the cloudling had met a boy but it felt too selfish to skip there first. However, there was one thing he knew; if anyone was giving Yeosang a hard time, August would go ham on their ass. And the fairy was scary when he got angry.
Skincare & gossip ~ august & yeosang
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august-ia · 2 months ago
Somewhere along the way of their serious conversation, Ethirdil had managed to lift his spirits, as always. He knew he could go to the high elf with his troubles and come back feeling refreshed in a way, soothed almost. The fairy had that kind of personality- he needed another person's firm guidance at times or he got lost in his own head, in the terrifying things that at times went on in there. Although he could never pinpoint it on something, a lot of that fear he had in him was created by his parents and older siblings who, when he didn't follow orders, tried to scare him into submission. It had worked, in a way.
But now he had Ethirdil- his parents thought the other was a good option to keep him in line and yet he was the one who was giving August independence. On days when he was terrified, he could simply think about the high elf and what he'd do in the fairy's situation and it would immediately be a little easier to breathe. His eyes practically sparkled at the other's promise to stay by his side; the words were like sweet nectar to his immense fear of abandonment. August just needed to hear it at times, needed that reassurance.
He watched the other speak of his dream wedding and he couldn't help but smile as he imagined it and he wouldn't say that he knew the other was being genuine, those were things he noticed about Ethirdil, but also knew not to point out. "You want us to elope?" he asked with a big grin on his face, his eyes still slightly wet from all the earlier emotions but it just made them sparkle more. "It sounds beautiful," he said, a little quieter. "Even the part where we'll drink until we pass out," he laughed then, taking a hold of the high elf's wrist. "Come, do you think the kitchen is ready for taste testing the food?"
Since they were already here, he wanted to cram as many things in the day as they could fit. They had already fit elephants and foxes, a few pieces of cake should be an easy pick at this point. Even though they were joking around about most of it, August took food seriously. Well, that was probably because his family made and sold their own produce, go figure. "Since we're having like- a million guests, we could pick a few different cakes, right? Oh- would you like a flower theme? What if they were pretty colors and had different flowers on them-" he was going off again, his steps becoming faster from the excitement, "we could take full advantage of the forest theme and make all the food feel.. forest-y. What do you think?"
💍guestlists and hitlists { Ethirdust }
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august-ia · 2 months ago
August would agree that they were pretty to look at- to a certain degree. It was always also a little unnerving to look at weapons even if he technically also had one. But the fairy had never used his bow to harm anyone and he hoped he never would need to. He was no stranger to blades, his family had some for their monthly rituals, but he usually refused to touch them. Not something his older siblings or his parents were very happy about. So, all he did as a reply was nod.
He thought of his first bow; how one of the older faeries had decided to gift it to him after they saw him looking at it every time they crossed paths; he was far more fascinated with it than the fairy who'd owned it for decades, in their words. They demanded August would have it and so he did, cherishing the gift by practicing diligently. He'd come a long way since then. Not that he would ever ask for a weapon from Jiwoo, but she also probably wouldn't make him one. "Ah, makes sense," he commented, his expression concentrated. In all honesty, it was making him a little queasy because he kept thinking about where he'd seen her before.
His attention snapped from the weapons to Jiwoo, his stomach turning. He was receiving more information than he bargained for and it made him question whether he'd made the right decision to make a school project out of this. But he already had the interview and the ideas- even ones he couldn't put on paper. "I never thought people would intentionally cause more pain," he said under his breath, frowning a little.
It was a tempting offer, to try a new set of arrows. But he didn't want to give her the wrong idea that they were similar kind of people- or that she'd ask more of him. He couldn't deliver. He barely had nerves left and when his phone suddenly buzzed, he jumped and clicked to stop the recording. "Oh damn," he muttered, relieved on the inside. "I didn't realise the time, I actually have to get going- thank you so much for all of your time and information, if you want to see what I ended up using, I can email the finished product," he rushed to gather his bag and with a wave, left the shop. Thankfully with his life intact.
Interview with a hitman ~ august & jiwoo
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august-ia · 2 months ago
August had come to watch the archery class plenty of times, dreaming of joining in. His parents would never allow him to, they said there were more important things to learn, like how to run a business and be successful. They demanded a lot from him and fun and his enjoyment was not on that list. So instead, he'd watch the class and practice on his spare time. Years ago, one of the elders back home had given him their bow after they'd seen how interested in it he was; ever since, he'd practiced endlessly in the forest and even learned to make his own arrows.
Today was no exception. He'd watched half of the class, arriving a little late because of a class of his own. This time he'd paid extra attention on one person though; Baekhyun. He was now able to connect the face to the name his best friend had spoken plenty of times; that was Yeosang's roommate. Ethirdil knew him. He hadn't expected the circles to be so small- and yet somehow the two had never really crossed paths.
He owed Baekhyun though, big time. He'd been a big part of saving the fairy from whatever those creepy things were that had captured him in the first place. August was so grateful about it, yet he hadn't had the chance to thank him properly. So he waited until the class was over to speed walk over to him before he could get away, grinning widely when he reached him. "Hi!" he greeted brightly. "August," he pointed at himself, unsure whether the other would recognise him without the blood, dirty hair, and teary eyes. He'd been a proper mess last time. "Wanna grab lunch? A drink? It's on me, I kinda owe you a thanks."
Sunsprite & sunshine ~ august & baekhyun
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august-ia · 2 months ago
Sunsprite & sunshine ~ august & baekhyun
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august-ia · 2 months ago
⋆ ⁺ ₊ ⋆ ☀︎ love languages, part two: quality time.
add [ reverse ] to change sender and receiver's roles. can be used for platonic interactions too!
[ activity ] sender agrees to do something that they're not necessarily interested in, but know that receiver likes.
[ arcade ] sender takes receiver to an arcade.
[ art ] sender and receiver go to a gallery together.
[ beach ] sender and receiver have a beach day.
[ berries ] sender and receiver go berry picking.
[ cook ] sender and receiver cook a meal together.
[ dance ] sender and receiver dance together.
[ gardens ] sender and receiver spend an afternoon at a local garden/butterfly park/etc.
[ first ] sender surprises receiver by recreating their first meeting/first date.
[ fort ] receiver comes home to find sender has made a blanket fort for them.
[ market ] sender and receiver attend the farmers' market together.
[ picnic ] sender takes receiver out for a picnic. ( could be combined with some of the other prompts. )
[ spa ] sender and receiver have a spa day together.
[ skating ] sender takes receiver ice skating, and for hot chocolate afterwards.
[ stargazing ] sender takes receiver stargazing.
[ roadtrip ] sender takes receiver on a roadtrip without revealing their destination.
[ tea ] sender takes receiver to a fancy tea shop, for coffee and cake.
[ zoo ] sender and receiver spend a day at the zoo, giving all the animals silly names.
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august-ia · 2 months ago
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august-ia · 2 months ago
August looked around himself when he was told Zitao had already figured the fairy part out, his grin wide as ever when he looked back at the other; the guy didn't seem to mind it. "I find it hot," he replied to the screws and motor-oil. While he couldn't do much with those himself, he at times dreamt of a bad guy with a bike taking him away, dreaming up an entire scenario of himself watching a handsome man work on said bike all greasy while he watched and maybe brought some lemonade.
"Had?" he asked without even thinking whether it was insensitive or not, his attention quickly moving back to the puppy as he cooed at the little thing when it opened its eyes. He made a little squeak in the back of his throat from sheer cuteness aggression when he was barked at and he quickly dropped to one knee, holding out his hand for the pup to inspect. It might be an android but androids were very advanced these days, were they not? He assumed so anyway, being with a Naum and all.
"It's so adorable," he breathed out, patting the pup's head. Truthfully, he wanted to take the little android in his arms and squeeze it until its head popped off but that was just how he'd learned to show affection; by squeezing things and people as tight as he could. He had also had to learn to hold that back a little. "What all can she do?"
"Oh," he looked up at his new roommate again, feeling his heart practically swell with joy; Zitao seemed like such a good roommate already. "Oh!" he repeated, more high-pitched this time, springing back onto his feet. "My family is in the produce business! We grow our own fruits and vegetables and sell them- I should bring you some from home next time I visit! They're the most fresh things you could ever try," he said proudly. It, of course, was not why they had risen to a certain degree of fame, but he was still extremely proud of what they could make with their hands and a little magic.
"I wasn't going to- wait, you have weapons?!" there was a mixture of shock and awe in his voice, "what kind of weapons?" and just like that, he'd become distracted from the thought of unpacking.
Glitter enters the chat ~ august & zitao
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august-ia · 2 months ago
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Wooyoung throwing ass, as Wooyoungs do
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august-ia · 2 months ago
Their conversation on the phone had been short, mainly because August didn't want his roommate to wake up to his intense whispering and he was freaked out enough to not be able to contain his pacing, nor was he able to form a clear thought after barely being awake for a few minutes before he'd called. After he'd been told he could come over ( so angels weren't heavy sleepers ), he'd slid out of the bathroom and gotten dressed, taking any shortcut he could to get to Steve as quickly as possible. He wasn't being chased in any way but the hairs on the back of his neck were still standing up.
He entered the office like he'd ran, even if he hadn't. He was simply out of breath because of the way his heart was pounding in his chest. "Thank you," he said as he entered, thankful that he could see Steve at such an early hour. Or late, depending on one's sleep schedule. He sat down on the familiar chair he'd sat on before under such similar circumstances. Last time he hadn't had much time to focus on the office's interior- not that he could this time either but he did notice the pile of work the other already had. Would he have time to help him?
He clutched the glass that was given to him but waved off the offer of a cigarette; he might find the smell on someone hot as ever, but he didn't enjoy smoking himself much. To calm his nerves, he took a quick gulp of soju. "Something bad is going on, I can feel it," he said after the taste of it had dissipated slightly. Not every detective would look into things based on feelings but August's stiff body language signaled he was serious. "I haven't heard back from Ethir- and it made me think of something. I had a bad dream and I'm scared it's not just that," he chewed on his lower lip, his features contorted with worry as he looked at the angel first, then looked down at his glass, rubbing the rim with his index finger nervously.
"Ethir never just disappears, he's too chatty for that. And I haven't heard of him in a while and it's very unlike him and I'm scared that it has something to do with my uncle because I keep dreaming about him and I dreamt of Ethir just now and-" he was rambling faster than he could even process what was coming out of his mouth, not even taking a breath.
He's been gone since yesterday ~ august & steve
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august-ia · 3 months ago
Ever since the disappearance of his uncle, something hadn't sat right with him. Something felt off and he could feel it in the pit of his stomach even when he wasn't specifically thinking about it. His parents had been incredibly secretive about it and cut him off instantly if he tried to ask anything, reducing him back into a child who had no knowledge of the business of adults.
It had raised some insecurities in him. Even now, months later, he couldn't wipe the image of that house out of his mind. The owlite they found- August had been to see them a few times and they were adjusting to a new life now but it was painful to witness. He'd dreamt of his uncle a few times and every time he woke up spooked, fearing his dreams tried to tell him something.
Were they really that similar? Would August end up doing something bad too? Would he end up doing anything to gain their ancestor's favour? He feared he would. Because just like his uncle, he was the odd one out who had to work harder to be a part of the family. He could see that in his mother's eyes sometimes, how she looked at him. Like she knew he was straying away from the righteous path. It scared him. All of it. He feared disappointing his family and even more his ancestors.
He woke up from another bad dream with a gasp, holding a hand on his throat as he tried to recover from the feeling of being strangled. Something definitely wasn't right. He took his phone from the bedside table and lit up the screen which told him it was just past 3am. He was trembling from the dream that had hardly made any sense but left him shaken anyway.
He opened his messages and scrolled through them. There were multiple unread ones from different people he knew and buried underneath them there was his chat with Ethir. He'd dreamt of his fiance just now. He couldn't remember what it was specifically but he felt like he needed to check up on him. Then the realisation hit him; he hadn't heard of the other in a while. If they didn't see each other, they at least texted. August wasn't usually worried because even if they had an arrangement, it wasn't like they were together. Ethir was out there living his life while August lived his.
But his recent messages had been left unread, unanswered. No matter where Ethir was, he didn't usually go entirely MIA. Something swirled in the pit of his stomach and for a moment he worried he was going to be sick. It was still dark in his room when he slid out of bed and tiptoed into the bathroom, keeping the lights off. He paced there for a while, trying to think of what to do and why he was so on edge in the first place, until he couldn't take it anymore and dialed the only number he could think of for this kind of scenario. Hopefully angels weren't heavy sleepers.
"Hi. I need your help," he said with a small voice as soon as he heard the line click, hoping the other had picked up and it hadn't gone to voicemail.
He's been gone since yesterday ~ august & steve
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august-ia · 3 months ago
He's been gone since yesterday ~ august & steve
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