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Background guy for a story.
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@hemille I'm sorry to have accidentally misled you, I was just joking around in my reply!
The joke being, I find Camille to have a (loveable but undeniable) inflated ego at times 😂 I don't think there's any evidence that he was bi either, but some of his ott praises of Robespierre sure feel that way to a modern day reader ahaha (here is just one I came across in a book last year that I love):
"✨️Robespierre, always so pure, so incorruptible, and at this session so eloquent, was surrounded by all the elite of patriotism ✨️ "
#I swear every other thing I read from Camille about Robespierre is like “🥺🥺🥺 you're so amazing and perfect *sighs audibly* ”#robespierre#camille desmoulins
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Names generated from the English Wikipedia article on "List of card games by number of cards" and Swedish forenames
Aderkisagen Akorn Akosaige Albiecen Alemia Alian Alianis Alivest Allisef Allopf Almat Alvalin Alvint Alvische Amils Ampton Amusa Andiebe Anilineie Arotte Arwes Assigroken Auempts Auetterla...
Backla Bader Bagnes Bagnettly Barwenel Basmille Bassa Batempton Battlay Battly Bauen Bavalla Baśkairicia Baśkat Belic Belist Belliands Bender Benten Beribbers Bezzo Biden Bielfrein Binack Bined Bines Blarlese Blebzehn Bohma Boschan Bosti Botion Brictinnaps Briáš Brufen Brufor Brummes Brumpus Canscolt Carida Caridgenes Caringro Carneo Cartscrilgo Carté Casolle Castikopf Cegyptiat Cerschamuss Chneebzehn Clack Cladrentron Cobbm Coelician Coelkopf Coeppen Coinchelly Cointa Colein Coleo Colian Colle Cosevircf Couble Creeps Creid Crejassice Cummarock Cupsevera Cupton Dantiquelia Dewilmell Dorman Dourspacks Dreier Drier Drilla Dugol Ebbern Edditchnats Edmarln Educk Edwatex Egyptiqui Eiera Eliantre Elicia Elindrock Elisagge Elivira Elkout Ellan Elleonjapus Ellus Ellykke Elman Elvid Elvingam Emalman Embinettla Emionken Emmer Emptor Ernfaral Estra Felivalleie Fenusquet Ferierneo Fickopf Finat Finwest Fiver Fivolo Flusserock Flustraleia Foury Fredvia Freincegon Freinee Frekor Frence Frock Frognel Froke Frossed Froßtaigres Fünfan Fünfara Fünfarimia Gailderian Gairid Gairingersp Gamed Gamesepp Grock Groyalte Gusabrús Gustailma Gustik Haill Haiser Harwes Haucuck Heackjalia Heara Hemil Hinddriss Hingkna Huctont Hufenes Hugininer Husseln Iiiii Ilmajappe Inock Irasmedvia Isabla Isager Isettexann Jamptscar Joelielix Joepe Joeppeddree Johan Joken Jonquad Jossigras Julicern Julie Julindern Jultern Jultorschna Jundanie Junilm Junion Kaisel Katte Kenessie Kinchräus Kinisef Klayed Kleie Knachint Knappe Knappelin Knapsh Knort Koppe Koublacks Kourrufoo Kqcjalla Könils Labluck Labludvik Layeddrock Layedurra Leißiggus Leonjachara Leted Lexanache Licia Linet Lointurkise Loiupts Loker Lokerrut Loole Looltiona Lours Loury Lovallisen Lovarvia Lovige Lowelle Lowen Ludvige Ludvigrohn Lykketten Lykkeving Majker Malibbm Malip Malmelice Malviseve Mandan Mannesta Marjaccopp Marjokern Marjoles Marnsictio Marock Maroßtara Matte Mauemps Mauer Maxelippel Mayed Medral Mella Melle Metarl Milma Milmencen Mincharo Mineselly Mingrockopf Minnapolle Minuckjack Mizelle Moden Modlie Mohan Musqui Neduginucut Nicego Nionquemkop Nisarjapsh Nocks Noepshippa Novigne Offen Ofinnapp Ohmaxi Olian Ortarock Otter Penscor Peras Periáš Phathamerl Piernelto Piers Piersp Piquera Piquers Piquodlie Pityranion Plachufelva Plackenzel Placker Polan Préungrin Quithemed Quithemilma Quity Quitz Rakelion Ralbieb Rcarikopf Rcastly Rimon Roccourré Rockeln Roggo Rufenry Rufens Rufoolout Sabet Sabridan Sagerattor Saggus Sakqcv Sakqj Sakqjt Saliande Saliebu Samed Samedrikto Sarinch Scard Scaro Scastla Schal Schalle Schamerlip Scheebezzo Schilgo Schnee Schustrummy Scolebzehne Scolebzer Scoloke Scopf Screiern Sedugus Seebbm Seminock Serry Setaria Shelly Shenuck Siggo Sight Sigro Simelsarl Simirattly Simmy Sirilmeja Skack Skägge Skærvir Skærvira Smuck Smuctikopf Smuelip Sobbm Solinga Solton Spack Sperkisage Stage Stardsef Starock Starra Stava Stiloppa Stiquel Storté Strabe Styrida Suitenver Suity Suitz Sverfellie Svers Sväng Svängon Svängruus Swiced Taigridge Tapus Tarish Tarjacol Tarlout Taron Tarry Tartarwen Theadril Theebur Thenry Thred Tinel Tonapse Tongknas Tonkert Trakqjt Trast Troggo Turspie Tuvanisa Tyriand Ulieburkack Ultord Unddra Vides Vigerkacon Vignelieln Vilderklack Villiva Vilma Vindria Viner Vinet Viniet Virician Walmajke Walman Wankenvers Wellabel Wenel Wenunzehne Wesern Wicer Willeo Willick Wilsaras Wimian Wimoh Zhucti Zwalbiet
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Law btekul ayre msh arya7? Msh arya7 lal jami3? Ma dnta li hemil l mou2assaset wel eqtisad ya akho l sharmouta w enta w sliltak sarlkun medre kam 3aqed btesr2o fina
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Exchange Rates creating a Dent in the Pockets of International Students !
Monday : 3:00 - 3:50 pm
TA : Ms. Himani Sharma
Credit: smartasset.com
“A foreign exchange rate is the rate at which a currency can be converted into another currency.”
Credit: The Street
Four of us are international students, who decided to study abroad because of the scarcity of resources in our native country, i.e the demand for a seat in a good college is greater than the availability of the seats. Moreover, we had varied academic interests, but the education system there didn’t provide us with the freedom to switch majors, or to double major and double minor in subjects that interest us. While making such a decision, all of us faced a trade off, i.e basically opportunity cost in which one had to give up one thing to attain the other.For example, one can face moderate to high stress levels directly related to food insecurity i.e a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food, especially newcomers like us who have been living abroad for the past 5 months.We had to give up the comfort of a home and spend eighty times the money to get a place to live, which is also because of the difference in the economic landscapes of both the countries. A reason for this could be the colonialism that our native country went through for 200 years. Exchange rates are constantly moving, based on supply and demand. Also, Inflation and interest rates are closely related, and both affect exchange rates.The more a country exports, the higher the demand for its currency will be. Karin Fischer said in a tweet,“Three-quarters of international students fund their U.S. degree from personal or family sources or their employment”. Thus, making it a stressing issue. One of the solutions that our native country is working on, is to invite foreign universities to open their campuses in our country, limiting the flow of money to other nations.

Group members:-
Arsheaa Garg: # 55751753
Hemil Patel: # 15563276
Jasleen Kaur Chhabra: # 63499490
Arni Tandon: # 97761760
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They have been existence-ed
#oc-helaki#dimension A demons :D#because helaki wasn’t enough :O#oc-mykia#oc-hemile#oc-metrako#spoiler kinda:#they r friends of Helaki an show up somewhere in her chapter#VoTF
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8 years old Luke confirmed in Obi Wan series.
I mean I feel like this isn’t the biggest revelation of all time. I kinda expected a young Luke to show up. It’s basically the entire reason Obi is even there so it would be weird for that not to be mentioned. But IMO, Luke will not be the focus of the series. Only a cameo.
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I’ve come to the horrible realization that there’s NO Bläckmossen/Bleckmossen (boyz) fanfics... specifically Håkan/Emil (which I shall henceforward call Hemil). This is obviously a horrible crime and I intend to change that!
... just, like, gimme a century or two.
I need to write my Claude/male my unit fic... where they can be free to be gay and/or bi as god intended! 😤
Also, eat food and pack my stuff, my time that I’ll be moving into my new apartment is creeping ever so closer...
Me: *uses chair and a whip to battle my anxiety*
Anxiety: *crabb-walks and hisses at me*
#to do list#fanfics#bleckmossen boyz#bleckmossen#bläckmossen#Håkan/Emil#håkan/emil#Hemil#hemil#fe3h#fe3h fanfic#claude#claude/main unit#claude/my unit#claude von riegan#I’m creating tags yall#and anxiety#my imortal enemy#lol#my crap#my ramblings
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ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ; here, let me teach you smth
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ; wat
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ how to paint eyes
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ohh
Instagram ◆ DeviantART ◆ Twitter
#tutorial#drawing#how to#how to draw#eyes#tut#passo a passo#como desenhar#draw#art#digital art#hemille#hemilleart
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Reseña de libro: Proyecto Carrie. Una Antología en homenaje a Stephen King.
Reseña de libro: Proyecto Carrie. Una Antología en homenaje a Stephen King.
Proyecto Carrie. Una antología en homenaje a Stephen King. Hemil García Linares (Editor) Varios autores Editorial Raíces Latinas, Domus Gotica Virginia, 2021 El año pasado fue muy activo para la Editorial Raíces Latinas, de nuestro Blogger Hemil García Linares. La editorial publicó varias antologías temáticas dedicadas a los mayores representantes de la literatura de terror. En este caso se…

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#Alberto Chimal#Ecuador#Hemil García Linares#Horror#Mexico#Peru#Puerto Rico#Solange Rodriguez Pappe#Stephen King#terror
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Names generated out of the entire article on "olivine" from English Wikipedia
Aboweratut Aburfacer Acculane Accum Accumes Achas Actite Adrafe Alene Allion Allskalt Alteptics Altisto Alumult Aming Amohs Amossolue Anylvsks Apappred Apinfayal Arefrend Ariese Arkell Arrods Arths Artiont Ascred Asion Assiteres Athosist Aticlar Ation Ative Atomele Atureach Aturfa Avittly Axistembe Axists Azonated...
Beadrical Beans Beently Betritems Biroidge Bithes Boupost Bridailk Britected Brity Broce Broction Bundet Bundlis Bureance Burincects Buroughted Calte Camet Caminetes Categorths Catencoval Cationed Catut Celowik Chasolues Cheamord Choidailly Cless Clues Colanee Colied Colument Comen Cometalwor Comind Comine Coming Comma Commarthic Commolues Commove Compace Comped Compence Concon Concry Consity Contlin Corine Corkines Cretheane Crittlion Croccured Cropeco Cruces Crysolite Crystant Cupplans Curce Curcen Dationly Deachast Dephistar Deted Dexot Dialwor Dians Didothed Didotionly Dimetated Dirent Distabay Distations Disteove Distren Dively Docks Dolation Dommal Dompure Dothermall Eascations Emine Eming Enatmons Encenes Endrice Enorthas Entles Eured Euron Exagold Exial Exothoryso Exotioning Expents Exprocult Extramong Extrihydry Faccumixes Fergvikal Fericts Ferize Fesilencre Ficall Ficlo Fjorld Fjorthly Forchs Forder Fordermine Fores Forhousphs Founny Fousto Frans Fringsily Gight Gited Gitio Givallited Goles Gonventio Goorduce Goorpow Gpalommar Gpartative Graporica Grarkines Greastons Grefra Grefragned Grelly Haned Hanes Haral Haramen Hargapa Hasilivito Hasol Haspe Hastre Hations Hemile Heral Hight Histrate Hists Hounz Howiked Hureate Hurfal Hydrific Idexoters Idothan Idothigh Imainiterm Implites Inces Incry Inedung Infle Inglize Initely Invection Invesizes Istioners Kiste Kitalean Lasite Lastal Leace Lecom Lical Licatio Licome Lited Livals Lomete Loweed Ludestokel Maficon Magenclues Mageths Magmagna Mailic Mailism Males Manuouted Marbows Marni Martion Mastryst Maturfay Mayal Measiters Measteing Meation Membirscal Mempecture Menhassion Ments Metanst Meted Meter Metereased Methorld Micks Mighte Mighthes Minakolut Minved Molows Morced Morth Moste Munite Mushoily Mustim Nabay Naciter Nakke Namete Namord Ninced Nords Nortz Obseaster Occely Ocenedral Ocken Oidalle Oilky Oilly Oinfle Olang Olasimal Olatilikis Olons Opelas Operitypin Opoundat Opyroject Opyror Ormite Ovecoles Oxish Oxismined Oxyge Pacte Pakken Papall Papines Parnics Pbnmørents Peacte Peatia Penticelte Periessity Plack Planed Platect Plite Pollis Pount Precies Prefre Prempal Prete Procculd Prock Prockel Profte Propen Prosed Prounited Péringle Périshord Quallow Quals Quand Quirscole Racies Raing Ralls Rally Ralte Ramire Rargoes Ratetal Reacte Relabiling Relaturody Rengesium Renhaval Rentivi Restaing Rispe Ritarboly Roides Roper Samembed Samic Sausel Saustal Scoverve Sedistrate Seduct Sesioxisks Shispach Shose Silicater Sined Sioneides Sithey Sized Smatmover Smickly Solarance Soliqualle Sollies Soloweimed Solue Sombedite Sombod Somic Somince Soribe Speachen Spectures Spers Spite Stahease Starthent Stationsi Stativelt Stivess Straced Stragoes Strals Streity Striallent Strics Strificall Suars Suationg Subsestard Subst Substruses Subsuces Suralied Surfac Surfactee Svallite Svals Symbelleas Systang Systs Tabighte Tenatis Teove Terach Thanes Thange Thodynal Thosilicas Thowid Tontice Torly Tovers Trall Trincryst Twoutes Typectat Typerac Undepecton Undmeares Uniquither Unted Upplis Ustions Vaing Varks Viely Vition Volle Volvest Wadrarnine Waval Wavalt Weimainly Weralsk Weria Weroked Wheads Widandenst Windroilky Wited Woollow Woriclen Worly Wrosily Yolsolly
#444 names#444names#dnd names#fantasy names#name stash#fantasy name#names#markov gen#character names
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I decided to do some quick sketches of @ikarralives's characters and boy do I love every single one of them??? This is part one because I realized I needed some sleep. Just as a thing I HAD TO DO THE EAGLE FACE AND THE FACE FOR HEMILE WAS WAY TOO GOOD TO PASS UP ON. Also Tal's long hair makes me swoon how are they all so amazing??? More to come
#I love them so much#friend ocs#friend oc: Sivan#friend oc: Cekke#friend oc: Talaar#friend oc: Talus#friend oc: Andaeke#friend oc: Hemile#friend oc: Emin#swtor oc#swtor#sw oc#star wars OC#my art#togruta#Zabrak#Rattataki#Chiss#twi'lek#I love them all from the bottom of my heart
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Kabar pilu datang dari Raffi Ahmad. Kandungan Nagita Slavina keguguran saat hamil 1 bulan. . Hal itu diketahui dari Channel YouTube nya yang berjudul 'Hamil 1 Bulan, Tapi Tuhan Berkehendak Lain'. Dalam video tersebut, Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina berbagi cerita mengenai hal itu. . "Kemarin kita juga udah seneng sebenarnya karena Gigi udah terlambat datang bulan," kata Raffi, dilihat detikcom, Sabtu (29/2/2020). . Namun Tuhan berkehendak lain. Nagita Slavina keguguran sampai menangis saat menelepon Raffi Ahmad. . "Gigi nangis-nangis kasian banget. Aku lagi syuting Ini Talkshow. Gigi telepon aku nangis-nangis," sambungnya. . Sumber : detikHot . #nagitaslavina #raffiahmad #nagitaslavinakeguguran #nagitakeguguran #nagitahamil #nagitaslavinahamil #hemil #keguguran #raffinagita1717 #artis #selebriti #rans #hotgosip #beritaseleb #tahu_nggak #tahunggak @tahu_nggak https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JQg3AgRK2/?igshid=n1at8am6xprf
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Hi👋🏻lol what would Mark Hemill think if he walked into the tumblr and saw that they are discussing and just admiring the ass of Luke Skywalker from Dogoba, and in many scenes! Eh Mark, you're sexy as hell in Star Wars. Your daddy Anakin isn’t even standing next to you😂🤭
...You do know that Mark Hamill spends his days on Twitter sharing Luke Skywalker thirst memes, right? Right??
Don't believe me??? Here's one specifically about Dagobah!!!
This man would log onto tumblr.com and be fucking delighted that we're all a bunch of heathens for his golden twink ass.
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Trent Zuberi / HEMI / Bass & Lead Vocals / Live at JJ Kelley’s / August 6th 2022 📸: @jordanchontosmedia 👤: @trentzuberi 🎸: @peaveyelectronics / @ampeg / @shure 🏟: @jjkelleys #HEMI #HEMIMUSIC #HEMILIVE #band #metal #metalband #heavymetal #heavymetalband #bass #bassist #bassplayer #bassistsofinstagram #chicago #chicagomusic #bassplayers #peavey #ampeg #shure #diy #independent #independentartist #independentmusic (at Lansing, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjBUMnrJ0Qr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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