SSSS Character Smackdown - All in the Family
People behaving badly:
Michael Madsen - all he was going to do was drop off his beloved cat Magnus to the family farm, enabling him to throw his weight around closing a Big Business Deal when this damn pandemic comes along and ruins all of his plans and leaves him stranded on Bornholm.  He doesn't take it well.
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The Terrible Trio aka The Changelings - Håkan, Anna and Sune Västerström, children of mission organisers Siv and Torbjörn - they get along great with their cousin Emil, but wear out their numerous babysitters quickly
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shararan · 19 days
Emil och Håkan dejtade när jag slutade prenumerera iaf
........ jag MÅSTE läsa om hela jag fattar inte att min barndoms-otp blev kanon helt utan min vetskap
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box4brains · 5 years
I’ve come to the horrible realization that there’s NO Bläckmossen/Bleckmossen (boyz) fanfics... specifically Håkan/Emil (which I shall henceforward call Hemil). This is obviously a horrible crime and I intend to change that!
... just, like, gimme a century or two.
I need to write my Claude/male my unit fic... where they can be free to be gay and/or bi as god intended! 😤
Also, eat food and pack my stuff, my time that I’ll be moving into my new apartment is creeping ever so closer...
Me: *uses chair and a whip to battle my anxiety*
Anxiety: *crabb-walks and hisses at me*
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drangues · 4 years
Atsushi singing the swedish cover of Hello to Kyouka when she can't sleep
Good bye
HEJ,,,DET ÄR JAG,,,,JAG HAR UNDRAT - i dont remember the rest of the lyrics from adele but either way i fucking C r i e d-
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triste-guillotine · 6 years
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OPHTHALAMIA "Dominion", LP 1998 (Excellent Cult Swedish Heavy Black/Doom album's take on “Macbeth” ; this is the new cover artwork for the 2011 re-edition by Soulseller Records)
1. Elishia's Mistresses Gather 2. Time for War 3. Final Hour of Joy 4. Great Are the Deeds of Death 5. Eclipse of Life (The Eternal Walk IV) 6. A Black Rainbow Rising (Castle of No Repair III) 7. Dominion 8. Legacy of the True (Death Embrace Me III)
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gallavictorious · 3 years
I was tagged the official cutest badass @catgrassplantdad Cheers, darling, I was very much in the mood for this!
name: Kee
when is your birthday? August 1
where are you from originally? Sweden.
where do you live now? Sweden. I love my city, where I was born. In a perfect world I’d spend maybe 3 months a year somewhere else, but this will always be home - my piece of Earth.
your sun sign & MBTI personality type: Leo, baby! And ENFP, it seems. Had to take a test to know.
your first OTP: James Norrington and Jack Sparrow. (Though maybe it was really Lady Ravenwaves and Lady Lovelylocks, except I was like eight and didn’t really understand what I was feeling... )
your current OTP: Ian and Mickey, obviously. And so many others. Currently reviving my old fondness for Swedish comic book characters Håkan and Emil...
you’re granted the ability to control one of the elements, which one do you choose? Ungh. See, I feel like fire is the obvious choice for me here - it’s just what I identify with and it feels like the right fit for my personality. But fire is pretty useless - not like I’m gonna go around bloody well burning people? (Maybe I can work as a one woman fire brigade, putting out fires...? That’s useful, I suppose, but not very sexy.) If air control can make me fly, it’s air all the way. Otherwise... Earth? Maybe?
a place you want to visit before you die: I’ve been dying to go to the Caribbean and pandemic and apocalypse willing, it’s happening next year. There’s other places, too, but that’s the big one. (Jessie come visit me in Sweden, I will show you all the cool places and we’ll have a blast!)
your friends are taking you to Disneyland, but you have to dress up as a character to get in. who do you pick? I’d say a Star Wars character but I’m strongly opposed to Disney owning my beloved franchise, so... Helga, from Treasure Planet.
the last text you sent and who you sent it to: “Jim hämtar oss vid 14.” (Jim [my older brother] will pick us up at 2pm.) Sent to my mom.
I’d like to tag @howlinchickhowl @damngcoffee @pathoftheranger @milligar @iwannabewhereyouaremickey @captainjowl and each and everone who feels like talking a little bit about themselves this fine Saturday. Hope you’re all having a good one!
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untitledtheunknown · 3 years
Pulled some strings, called in a few favors, but think I have our next merc group set up. Least the makings of it, few odd bodies we may pick up along the way. Running out of chances to end this thing going on with Umbra. NC is about to get a lot messier if the rat problem isn't dealt with and think this is our best shot.
First things though, sent that message like a month ago that The Veils are looking to move West, they're moving into Cali for whatever reason Azera has seen. Lord just follows her orders, but the rest of the clan follows them to death. Well, they're finally making the move which has both been a good and bad thing for us and our Nomad friends out in the Badlands. They're making quick work of some Wraith encampments, but Lord has no interest in allies, he'll start, if he hasn't already, wiping out every clan that's in their way. This is where we need to start making deals, Aldecaldos ain't gonna just give up their territory, Wraiths aren't getting a choice, and we can't have just a sit down with Lord and Azera.
Where our first new agent comes in; they have a daughter, Silver. She runs a lot of their military ops, likes her guns big and the explosions bigger. She's agreed to work with me, and by extension you, as she is compassionate, she wants to find that middle ground that doesn't involve the mindless slaughter of other "noble" clans. She's going to be our muscle, she has access to a armory of weapons of war, explosives, tanks, gun galore - you name it, she has access to it. She works with us, we work with her, she can convince at least her mother to have the other clans spared. Have to pull our weight that they're worth saving, satisfy Lord's bloodlust, because biggest fear is it wont stop at the city line. She has her own motives for wanting to get close, long story about situations going on back at base. Tell you some other time, probably sooner than later, but yeah. Silver is good, she's young, but she grew up with Vets and Panzerboys, she knows her shit and knows how to take orders just as well as dish them out. Her team comes first, just don't treat her as a rookie.
Emile Martinez, may of heard of her under the name Red Ring. I know you said to get a Netrunner, but trust me on her, she's better than any Runner you can find. Techie Crystaljock, she does everything old school. She knows viruses and net shutouts better than anyone. Hell, how many times she's been under investigation by NetWatch for potential RABBIDS outbreak? They really think she's the second coming of the Net wipe out, and I don't blame them. She can clear a 5 story building in 10sec flat; stealth is always an option, stealth killing the whole gang is another one. Contagion and viruses are her specialties, all her bugs are made by her and controlled strictly by her. She works on old school tech and uses old programs that are so out of date new systems can't block them out. But if we need, she is an expert hacker, she can crack most systems and override almost every security program she can get into. She just ain't about committing her life to cyberspace. She rather pull them into the real world. She's a bit wild, and has a temper, may push back. But she's damn good at what she does and her expertise in older tech may just be the foot up we need on these rats.
Now, I really need you to trust me on this next one. Håkan Rikusson, ex-Panzerboy out of Sweden, he had an incident several years back. Cyberpsychosis, but you know that's just a scape goat they use when they don't want to figure out what's going on with someone mentally. He had an incident, freaked out, like 3 people were injured and no deaths. Thing is when the cops, or Max or who the fuck ever went in to neutralize him; he did their job for them. Had burned out his eyes with some type of acid, sewn his mouth shut and was bound to the kitchen table. Took him to medical and besides the self inflicted injuries, he was completely fine, sound of mind even. This is where I need you to trust me, I'm putting my own name on the line for him, I know this guy, I've worked with him and he gets shit done. He thinks he's a reincarnation of Loki... don't know if it's how he copes with whatever happened or what. But he's got more tech in him now then he did then, and he pulls contracts for the likes of Arasaka, Militech, OASIS, you name it. He's a stealth guy, he gets in, cops data, takes what's needed and gets out. Not to mention he's a damn good fighter in hand to hand, and melee style. Guns he can do, but ain't his style.
Kelvy is also back in NC, may have stopped by the bar by now, dunno. She's going to be helping with recon, already fed her what I've got on the cult situation and where it started. She's not going flat out and asking. As much as I hate to say it - we can't go for a straight attack on this, Umbra needs to make the first move. We need to take them down slow but steady, wait for the slip and make our moves. What ounce of sanity he had is slipping away, he's going to get messy, just hope we'll have enough time on that.
Crew will be in NC in a couple days, Silver is already here, can get you two introduced. Meanwhile have my people working the Corpos in Inferno Luxuria, seeing what loose lips can spill on insider knowledge. I'm going to keep Ker in Vegas for another week, see if anything else comes up on this stalker issue. Damion has muscle from the Kings watching him... that's another story. Lot of those lately, need to catch up.
- Valor
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beelshandwarmer · 2 years
Saw someone do this on tiktok with Polish so I'll do the same thing
Giving the OM characters swedish names bc I'm bored 🤪
Lucifer: he's a Patrik for sure
Mammon: giving hella Rasmus energy
Levi: Terje
Asmo: Valter/Valentin/Vincent some kinda V name
Satan: Kalle
Beel: Håkan/Sune/Torsten
Belphie: Filip
Dia: Magnus I swear every middle aged man in some kinda CEO position is named Magnus
Barb: Nils or Klas
Simeon: Simon bc I'm boring
Luke: Melker/Emil
Solomon: Alfred
Thirteen: Kajsa
Mephisto: Otto 100%
Raphael: Fabian/Tobias
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gerardofontenelle · 3 years
Wagamama - Vegamama (Dir. cut) from BUSINESS CLUB ROYALE on Vimeo.
Production Company: Business Club Royale + RiffRaff Films Director Vedran Rupic Executive Producer: Tom Berendsen Producer Christian Kuosmanen DOP: Nico Poulsson SWEDEN TEAM 1st AD: Daniel Andersson PM: John Horn 1st AC: Simon Mortensen 2nd AC: Alexander Toma Gaffer: Luisa Fanciulliacci Gaffer assistant: Per Anders Nilsson Gaffer assistant: Pierre Wernäng Key grip: Sebastian Saury DIT: Olof Bäckström Production designer: Christian Olander SFX: FIXAS SFX Niklas Hermansson SFX Simon Krümmel SFX Pernilla Fisher SFX Oskar Wallroth SFX Kicki Öman SFX Moa Kristensson SFX Peter Holmgren SFX Jonas Frykberg SFX Fia Reisek VFX supervisior: Ulf Lunden Post producer: Henning Szpiro Eriksen Steady cam: Josef Persson Pyro technician: David Peter Covid 19 Robert/Livtjänst PA: Sofie Gällespång PA: Joel Niwes PA: Fredrik Pernehed Studio / GFS: Johan Jonsson
Casting: Beast Casting
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1800-talsnamn · 6 years
1-233: 2017  (x)
Lars - 89046 (17) (↘16)
Mikael - 79677 (88) (↘75)
Anders - 78409 (3) (↗7)
Johan - 75146 (48) (↘37)
Erik - 67738 (378) (↘319)
Per - 67642 (6) (↘5)
Karl - 66381 (279) (↘243)
Peter - 62737 (17) (↗24)
Jan - 61187 (33) (↘25)
Tomas - 60755 (27) (↘26)
Daniel - 56671 (172) (=172)
Fredrik - 54535 (16) (↘12)
Hans - 48855 (9) (↘6)
Andreas - 45465 (27) (↘24)
Mats - 44120 (5) (=5)
Bengt - 43912 (…) (↗7)
Markus - 42692 (76) (↘64)
Magnus - 41638 (6) (↗9)
Mathias - 41633 (72) (↘71)
Jonas - 40994 (45) (↘40)
Niklas - 39786 (21) (↗22)
Martin - 39131 (53) (↘46)
Oskar - 39048 (875) (↗892)
Nils - 38565 (550) (↘487)
Alexander - 38523 (668) (↗701)
Sven - 36133 (57) (↘53)
Patrik - 35243 (18) (↗26)
Viktor - 34515 (471) (↘392)
Henrik - 32787 (33) (↘25)
David - 32711 (188) (↘157)
Joakim - 32405 (26) (↘16)
Filip - 31500 (561) (↘469)
Emil - 31213 (414) (↘373)
Simon - 30750 (192) (↘166)
Kristoffer - 29607 (46) (↘38)
Anton - 28202 (294) (↘244)
Robert - 27920 (11) (↗19)
Gustaf - 27859 (419) (↘369)
Kristian - 27315 (80) (↘71)
Richard - 26020 (19) (↘12)
Håkan - 26009 (…) (↗4)
Göran - 25792
William - 25308 (850) (↗941)
Lennart - 24994 (5) (↘4)
Jakob - 22697 (288) (↗297)
John - 22668 (179) (=179)
Adam - 22207 (579) (↗613)
Elias - 20319 (664) (↗681)
Linus - 19833 (126) (↗128)
Axel - 19513 (550) (↘524)
Klas - 18133 (15) (↘10)
Isak - 17284 (475) (↗528)
Hugo - 17046 (688) (↘670)
Rasmus - 16216 (159) (↘100)
Gunnar - 16195 (61) (↘58)
Albin - 16126 (374) (↘343)
Ludvig - 15110 (565) (↘512)
Åke - 14970 (21) (↗28)
Joel -  14902 (179) (↘172)
Olof - 14652 (101) (↘91)
Pontus - 13338 (51) (↘33)
Olle - 13230 (414) (↘388)
Josef - 13141 (318) (↗364)
Leo - 12196 (538) (↗548)
Samuel - 12108 (175) (↗199)
Felix - 11677 (256) (↘209)
Bertil - 11485 (32) (↗48)
Edvin - 11362 (454) (↘396)
Bernt - 11045
Arvid - 11027 (507) (↘453)
Gabriel - 10776 (341) (↗355)
Sten - 10396 (3) (↗8)
Johannes - 10067 (85) (↘72)
Benjamin - 9807 (452) (↘382)
Ola - 9641 (5) (↘4)
Adrian - 8529 (556) (↘506)
Kasper - 8294 (300) (↘236)
Alfred - 8196 (541) (↘496)
Teodor - 7797 (475) (↘454)
Börje - 7382 (3) (=3)
Harry - 6726 (479) (↘451)
Paul - 6229 (20) (↘16)
Tore - 6083 (51) (↘41)
Melker - 5875 (329) (↗336)
Valter - 5859 (476) (↗538)
Henry - 5448 (294) (↗306)
Gösta - 5404 (21) (↗32)
Sixten - 5403 (359) (↘356)
Petter - 5342 (16) (↘14)
Allan - 5331 (82) (↗110)
Vilhelm - 5290 (221) (↗222)
Bror - 5152 (19) (↗29)
Knut - 4935 (103) (↘87)
Måns - 4761 (67) (↘50)
Svante - 4752 (121) (↗127)
Tage - 4678 (258) (↘240)
Sture - 4640 (20) (↘15)
Georg - 4594 (13) (=13)
August - 4590 (317) (↗377)
Fabian - 4465 (62) (↗68)
Torsten - 4289 (13) (↗22)
Ivan - 4188 (49) (=49)
Tor - 3926 (165) (↘145)
Otto - 3875 (225) (↗256)
Folke - 3817 (151) (↗158)
Aron - 3795 (213) (↘209)
Edvard - 3776 (140) (↘108)
Emanuel - 3748 (91) (↘89)
Ivar - 3628 (185) (↗199)
Mårten - 3620 (3) (↘…)
Jon - 3393 (15) (↗35)
Elis - 3229 (187) (↘185)
Frans - 3173 (210) (↘205)
Albert - 3044 (96) (↘86)
Ture - 3011 (123) (↘121)
Ernst - 3001 (5) (↗9)
Yngve - 2981 (5) (↘…)
Hjalmar - 2901 (229) (↘197)
Herman - 2692 (86) (↘81)
Harald - 2683 (53) (↗58)
Julius - 2612 (136) (↘119)
Birger - 2435 (8) (=8)
Art(h)ur - 2430 (65) (↗73)
Einar - 2353 (80) (↘74)
Ruben - 2295 (89) (↗92)
Uno - 2084 (25) (↗29)
Ragnar - 2071 (34) (↗35)
Zakarias - 2047 (69) (↗76)
Evert - 1932 (5) (↗15)
Helge - 1908 (17) (↗25)
Valdemar - 1876 (77) (↗87)
Algot - 1869 (127) (↘126)
Eskil - 1816 (56) (↗75)
Bruno - 1783 (27) (=27)
Holger - 1764 (57) (↗62)
Alvar - 1737 (122) (↘118)
Henning - 1736 (67) (↗70)
Charles - 1649 (52) (↘36)
Leonard - 1516 (57) (↗74
Ossian - 1511 (83) (↘79)
Seth - 1494 (57) (↘45)
Levi - 1444 (123) (↗141)
Ulrik - 1406 (…) (↗4)
Erland - 1330 (8) (↘7)
Konrad - 1256 (32) (↘26)
Janne - 1196
Jean - 1150 (3) (↘2)
Manfred - 1046 (57) (↘46)
Natanael - 1024 (31) (↘26)
Fritz - 992 (3) (↗5)
Gerhard - 952 (…) (↗3)
Valentin - 946 (32) (↘31)
Mattis - 927 (37) (↘23)
Malkolm - 910 (26) (↗42)
Konstantin - 824 (15) (↘12)
Hilding - 786 (47) (↗48)
Helmer - 777 (59) (↘43)
Verner - 742 (10) (↗11)
Herbert - 710 (4) (=4)
Truls - 667 (20) (↗33)
Arnold - 661 (5) (↗10)
Abraham - 644 (9) (↘7)
Alexis - 627 (33) (↘29)
Mauritz - 618 (10) (↗13)
Pål - 565
Sigurd - 564 (7) (↘2)
Petrus - 547 (2) (↗7)
Rudolf - 547 (…) (↗2)
Elof - 541 (12) (↗18)
Leopold - 538 (28) (↘23)
Abel - 448 (14) (↘7)
Bernhard - 448 (2) (↗4)
Lorentz - 431 (15) (↘14)
Evald - 381 (10) (↘4)
Torvald - 366 (2) (↘…)
Eugen - 303 (3) (↘2)
Gottfrid - 298 (8) (↗18)
Agaton - 290 (14) (↗20)
Reinhold - 273
Sigfrid - 273 (2) (↗6)
Fritiof - 272 (3) (↘…)
Isidor - 237 (7) (=7)
Hilmer - 235 (25) (↘22)
Gideon - 234 (17) (↘9)
Amandus - 211 (15) (↘10)
Jöns - 209
Adolf - 198
Cornelius - 197 (9) (↘5)
Justus - 195 (7) (↘3)
Simeon - 195 (2) (=2)
Edmund - 193 (7) (↗8)
Alrik - 192 (5) (↗9)
Salomon - 182 (4) (=4)
Tyko - 173 (14) (↘6)
Noak - 170 (3) (↗4)
Enoch - 169 (7) (↗12)
Nikolaus - 164
Ferdinand - 163 (8) (↘4)
Efraim - 157 (7) (↗9)
Nestor - 139 (…) (↗2)
Israel - 112 (…) (↗2)
Paulus - 105 (2) (=2)
Osvald - 100 (2) (↗3)
Levin - 96 (12) (↘4)
Esaias - 90 (��) (↗6)
Leander - 80 (5) (↘4)
Antonius - 74 (2) (↘…)
Halvar - 73 (3) (=3)
Brynolf - 72
Valfrid - 70 (5) (↘…)
Napoleon - 68
Fridolf - 64 (2) (↘…)
Severin - 59 (2) (↘…)
Erhard - 48
Alexius - 39 (2) (↗4)
Gotthard - 38
Sanfrid - 19
Nikanor - 18
Ans(h)elm - 17
Engelbert - 17
Vitalis - 17
Ander - 16
Ernfrid - 15
Stefanus - 15
Lambert - 14
Heribert - 12
Engelbrekt - 10
Olaus - 10
Augustinus - 5
Laurentius - 4
Jeppa - 3
Alfrid - 2
Ansgarius - 0
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heypetu · 3 years
Betway – Evolution of Instinct (DC) from Philippe Tempelman on Vimeo.
Directed by Philippe Tempelman Executive producer: Jakob Preischl, BWGTBLD Produced by Leo Leis, BWGTBLD Cinematography by Khalid Mohtaseb
Editor: Paul Hardcastle, Trim Music: Håkan Eriksson Colorist: Mikey Pehanich, Blacksmith Sound Design: Aaron Reynolds, Wave Studios VFX Supervisor: Mikael Balle
Costume Designer: Nerea Torrijos Production Design: James Hatt
1st AD: Tina Fratnik Assistant Producer: Nikita Mikitin
Service Producer: Konstantina Manolova, Solent Film Service Prod. Manager: Mitko Milushev Prod. Coordinator Tina Markovich Location manager Vladimir Blagoev, Neno Shindarski
VFX: Alexander Schepelern, Christian Sjöstedt, CPH VFX Online: Mikael Balle On Set VFX supervisor: Liviu Dinu VFX producer: Nina Strøm, CPH VFX
Sound Design Assistant: Isaac Matus, Wave Studios Voice-Over Recordist: Moritz Staub Voice-Over Mixer: Mattias Eklund, FYR
Focus Puller: Frank Gardner DIT/Operator: Ilya Akiyoshi Gaffer: Filip Penev Key Grip: Vihar Nikolov 2nd AC: Hristo Uzunov, Radoi Nikolov 2nd AD: Monika Ivanova, Vasilena Boneva Stunt Coord.: Kaloyan Vodenicharov
Art Director: Momchil Tasev Stylist BG: Ina Damianova Ass. Stylist: Maria Del Rocio, R. Ramiro, Ira Tsokova
SFX Make-Up: Leonardo Cruciano SFX MU Senior: Elisabetta Paccapelo SFX MU Junior: Giulia Giorgi SFX Assistant: Ina Kulchewsk Make-Up: Daniela Avramova
SFX Supervisor: Nikolay Fartunkov SFX Senior Tech: Nikolay Stefanov
Cast: Pierre, Zdravko, Emil, Todor, Kamen, Cveta, Lora, Miha, Stanislav, Christina, Mila, Radi, Elena, Natalie, Adaobi
Agency: David+Martin Founder & Managing Partner: David Stephan Founder & Managing Partner: Martin Eggert Managing Partner Creative: Szymon Rose Managing Partner Creative: Daniel Schaefer Account Director: Mark Hassan Agency Producer: Christine Kastens Agency Producer: Fabian Kournettas
Client: Betway Group Head of Marketing Germany: Maik Brodowski International Brand Media Manager: Marta Radi Assistant Brand Manager: Katharina Kaufmann
Produced by BWGTBLD GmbH
0 notes
carlos-ritter · 3 years
Betway – Evolution of Instinct from Khalid Mohtaseb on Vimeo.
Directed by Philippe Tempelman Director of Photography: Khalid Mohtaseb Executive producer: Jakob Preischl, BWGTBLD Produced by Leo Leis, BWGTBLD
Focus Puller: Frank Gardner DIT/Operator: Ilya Akiyoshi Gaffer: Filip Penev Key Grip: Vihar Nikolov 2nd AC: Hristo Uzunov, Radoi Nikolov 2nd AD: Monika Ivanova, Vasilena Boneva Stunt Coord.: Kaloyan Vodenicharov
Editor: Paul Hardcastle, Trim Music: Håkan Eriksson Colorist: Mikey Pehanich, Blacksmith Sound Design: Aaron Reynolds, Wave Studios VFX Supervisor: Mikael Balle
Costume Designer: Nerea Torrijos Production Design: James Hatt
1st AD: Tina Fratnik Assistant Producer: Nikita Mikitin
Service Producer: Konstantina Manolova, Solent Film Service Prod. Manager: Mitko Milushev Prod. Coordinator Tina Markovich Location manager Vladimir Blagoev, Neno Shindarski
VFX: Alexander Schepelern, Christian Sjöstedt, CPH VFX Online: Mikael Balle On Set VFX supervisor: Liviu Dinu VFX producer: Nina Strøm, CPH VFX
Sound Design Assistant: Isaac Matus, Wave Studios Voice-Over Recordist: Moritz Staub Voice-Over Mixer: Mattias Eklund, FYR
Art Director: Momchil Tasev Stylist BG: Ina Damianova Ass. Stylist: Maria Del Rocio, R. Ramiro, Ira Tsokova
SFX Make-Up: Leonardo Cruciano SFX MU Senior: Elisabetta Paccapelo SFX MU Junior: Giulia Giorgi SFX Assistant: Ina Kulchewsk Make-Up: Daniela Avramova
SFX Supervisor: Nikolay Fartunkov SFX Senior Tech: Nikolay Stefanov
Cast: Pierre, Zdravko, Emil, Todor, Kamen, Cveta, Lora, Miha, Stanislav, Christina, Mila, Radi, Elena, Natalie, Adaobi
Agency: David+Martin Founder & Managing Partner: David Stephan Founder & Managing Partner: Martin Eggert Managing Partner Creative: Szymon Rose Managing Partner Creative: Daniel Schaefer Account Director: Mark Hassan Agency Producer: Christine Kastens Agency Producer: Fabian Kournettas
Client: Betway Group Head of Marketing Germany: Maik Brodowski International Brand Media Manager: Marta Radi Assistant Brand Manager: Katharina Kaufmann
Produced by BWGTBLD GmbH
1 note · View note
anastocio · 3 years
Betway – Evolution of Instinct (DC) from Philippe Tempelman on Vimeo.
Directed by Philippe Tempelman Executive producer: Jakob Preischl, BWGTBLD Produced by Leo Leis, BWGTBLD Cinematography by Khalid Mohtaseb
Editor: Paul Hardcastle, Trim Music: Håkan Eriksson Colorist: Mikey Pehanich, Blacksmith Sound Design: Aaron Reynolds, Wave Studios VFX Supervisor: Mikael Balle
Costume Designer: Nerea Torrijos Production Design: James Hatt
1st AD: Tina Fratnik Assistant Producer: Nikita Mikitin
Service Producer: Konstantina Manolova, Solent Film Service Prod. Manager: Mitko Milushev Prod. Coordinator Tina Markovich Location manager Vladimir Blagoev, Neno Shindarski
VFX: Alexander Schepelern, Christian Sjöstedt, CPH VFX Online: Mikael Balle On Set VFX supervisor: Liviu Dinu VFX producer: Nina Strøm, CPH VFX
Sound Design Assistant: Isaac Matus, Wave Studios Voice-Over Recordist: Moritz Staub Voice-Over Mixer: Mattias Eklund, FYR
Focus Puller: Frank Gardner DIT/Operator: Ilya Akiyoshi Gaffer: Filip Penev Key Grip: Vihar Nikolov 2nd AC: Hristo Uzunov, Radoi Nikolov 2nd AD: Monika Ivanova, Vasilena Boneva Stunt Coord.: Kaloyan Vodenicharov
Art Director: Momchil Tasev Stylist BG: Ina Damianova Ass. Stylist: Maria Del Rocio, R. Ramiro, Ira Tsokova
SFX Make-Up: Leonardo Cruciano SFX MU Senior: Elisabetta Paccapelo SFX MU Junior: Giulia Giorgi SFX Assistant: Ina Kulchewsk Make-Up: Daniela Avramova
SFX Supervisor: Nikolay Fartunkov SFX Senior Tech: Nikolay Stefanov
Cast: Pierre, Zdravko, Emil, Todor, Kamen, Cveta, Lora, Miha, Stanislav, Christina, Mila, Radi, Elena, Natalie, Adaobi
Agency: David+Martin Founder & Managing Partner: David Stephan Founder & Managing Partner: Martin Eggert Managing Partner Creative: Szymon Rose Managing Partner Creative: Daniel Schaefer Account Director: Mark Hassan Agency Producer: Christine Kastens Agency Producer: Fabian Kournettas
Client: Betway Group Head of Marketing Germany: Maik Brodowski International Brand Media Manager: Marta Radi Assistant Brand Manager: Katharina Kaufmann
Produced by BWGTBLD GmbH
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cawamedia · 5 years
Tumblr media
MONSTRET OCH MÄNNISKORNA – EN MUSIKAL “Om alla bara kunde sluta vara rädda.”
Mysrysig afton för hela familjen
Med en ny Salong och en nyskriven musikal är det den 19 september 2019 premiär i dubbel bemärkelse på Junibacken. Då dras nämligen ridån upp för första gången i Salongen och samtidigt är det urpremiär för mysrysaren Monstret och människorna, en nyskriven musikal baserad på Mats Strandbergs och Sofia Falkenhems bokserie om Monstret Frank. Föreställningen riktar sig till barn mellan fem och tio år och deras närstående vuxna.
Berättelsen tar sin början på Franks nioårsdag då något händer som förändrar hans liv. Grannen Alices hund Uffe blir så uppspelt att han råkar bita Frank i handen, och snart börjar Frank drömma mystiska drömmar…
Madeléne Evertsson: Frank & Monstret Frank David Krafft: Kryger, Pica, Pappa Emmelie Rosenberg: Magnolia Anna Gunnarson: Alice, Uva-Lisa, Mamma, Svarta Madam
Dramatisering, regi & sångtexter: Mikael Kallin Kompositör, arrangering & musikproduktion: Emil Nilsson Producent/koordinator: Lisa Imander Scenografi & kostym: Maria Häggqvist & Kim Bergqvist Skräddare: Vanja Lindberg Koreograf: Catharina Allvin Scenografisnickerier: Håkan Sanchis Rekvisita & måleri: Malin Pierre Teknikleverantör: Lumination Ljusdesign: Jocke Fjelldal Ljud: Anders Åberg Animationer: TTV (Joakim Jarlsén & Martin Åberg) Ljuddesign: Åsa Jacobsson Stämarrangemang “Som en flock”: Maria Olofsson Mastering: Håkan Åkesson Musikmix: Daniel Johansson
Premiär fest på Junibacken den 18 Sept. 2019 i arrangemang av Wonderland Event.
  Monstret och Människorna – premiär MONSTRET OCH MÄNNISKORNA – EN MUSIKAL “Om alla bara kunde sluta vara rädda.” Mysrysig afton för hela familjen…
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wordfighter · 7 years
All around the world, chapter 1
Summary: It has been ten years since Emil saw his friends and he decides to take a vacation to see them. Type: fanfiction/chapter story Words: 1799 Category: Stand Still Stay Silent Genre: Friendship, hurt/comfort Rating: Teen Characters: Emil, Torbjörn, Siv & Lalli Warnings: Talking about work, Lalli smiling
Read it here or at ff.net
Emil took an extra turn around his apartment, before closing his backpack and pulling it to his back. There was still two hours until the train to Mora would leave, but he didn't see any reason to linger. He locked the door, rushed down the stairs and almost ran into his landlord Ada Johansson, a 55-year old tiny woman.
”In a rush?” she asked, smiling.
”Not really, taking the train to Mora. Don't miss me too much, I'll be back in three months.”
”Another mission?”
”You could call it that”, Emil smiled.
”Good luck then, don't keep them waiting!”
She waved good bye to him and Emil continued through the streets of Östersund. Yes, another mission, that was a way to call it. He pulled at his ponytail. For him, it was his first vacation since he had been made captain. He stopped by the bakery, bought a loaf of bread and made his way to the trainstation. The autumn-breeze felt nice against his face, but since the train was already in he boarded it, found his seat. He hadn't planned the vacation very carefully, but knew what he wanted to do with it. He leaned back in the chair and started eating the bread.
It was ten years since he last saw his first friends, and it was about time to meet them. He had bought the tickets, but he hadn't actually told anyone he would stop by. He probably should have, he mused as he watched the train slowly filling up. Too late now. He pulled a book out of his backpack and started reading. He barely noticed when the train left the station, but obediently offered his ticket when the conductur passed by. The book kept him entertained for the whole trip and a couple of hours later the train pulled to a stop in Mora.
Mora hadn't changed much and he let his mind wander as he walked through the very familiar streets. He had considering booking a hotellroom for the night, but knew Siv and Torbjörn wouldn't mind him stopping by. He stopped outside for a while, looked at the house. He had so many memories connected to that place, but it had still been two years since he had last visited since his work as a captain kept him busy. He knocked the door, heard Torbjörn yell at Siv to open and then he met Siv's eyes. She blinked.
”Hi Siv.”
”Why didn't you...” She pulled him into a hug. ”You should have told us you were coming, we would have prepared a nice dinner! How long will you be staying?”
She let him in and he put his backpack next to the door.
”Only until tomorrow, catching an early train to Björköfjärden.”
He took off his shoes, followed her inside.
”Torbjörn is in his study, he'll be out later. He'll be so happy to see you.”
”I guess the chaos-trio isn't home?”
Siv sank down in the couch next to Emil and shook her head.
”Håkan is over in Norway hunting trolls, Sune is training for the cleansers. Anna is staying at a friend's place. You know it's your fault that they're out there, right?”
Emil laughed and scratched the back of his head.
”Yes, I might have influenced them a little, but you can't place all the blame on me.”
”I'm not”, she ruffled his hair a little and he took it out off the pony tail, pulled his fingers through it. Siv smiled. ”You've grown it long.”
”It's easier to keep it out of the way like this, and I don't have to worry about cutting it.”
”When did you stop caring about that?”
Emil shrugged, leaned back.
”How are you doing? Getting anywhere with the vaccine?”
She shook her head, also leaned back.
”So you're a captain? How is it?”
Emil laughed and told her about what he had been up to the last two years, about the training for the new recruits, about trying to organize them out in the field, about long and boring meetings with the other captains. Siv asked him about his girlfriend and he told her they broke up pretty soon after he became captain. There hadn't been time for him to keep a relationship working and she found someone else to keep her warm the nights he didn't come home. They had seperated on good grounds and still talked with each other.
Siv told him about her continued struggle with the vaccine, about how much his cousins had changed during the last years. Håkan was taking his training as a troll hunter very seriously, and had gotten lots of friends in the Norwegian army. Sune had followed Emil's footsteps and joined the cleanser's unit in Mora. Anna had chosen an academic route and was going to move to Iceland in the spring to further improve her language skills. Torbjörn had started talking about putting together a new expedition into the silent world and Emil laughed again.
”I won't volunteer for it this time.”
Torbjörn joined them after an hour and Siv started working on dinner as Emil repeated his news to his uncle. Torbjörn told Emil about his work, he had been promoted just a couple months earlier, but it was still just as boring. The two men joined Siv in the kitchen and Siv and Torbjörn asked Emil about his plans.
”I'll be taking the evening ferry to Finland tomorrow, and then I'll spend a month over there before heading down to Bornholm. Only staying there for a couple of weeks, and then I'll take a ship to Dalsnes. I'm hoping to find a ship to take me to Iceland as well, but I don't count on it and last I heard Reynir had joined the Norwegian army anyway.”
”Meeting the old team?”
Emil nodded.
”It's been ten years, I want to see how they're doing.”
”It sounds like a nice vacation”, Siv said, ”I wish we could follow you.”
”It wouldn't be the same.”
”I understand.”
She smiled at him, tried to persuade him to have a little more food since he had gotten so thin, to which Emil laughed and said he had finally gotten into shape. They offered him to stay in the guestroom during the night, and to follow him to the train the next day. Emil thanked, said he had an errand to the bakery before boarding the train. The train left at 9, so he had to leave pretty early and Siv promised she'd make sure he got up in time.
After dinner they went back into the living room, Emil continued talking about how work was going since that was pretty much the only thing in his life for the moment. He had tried to convince his superiors to let him send in looters before they burned down buildings but had so far been turned down. He could however say that they were starting to warm up to the idea, especially after Emil had done it anyway during his last cleansing mission.
”Disobeying orders? I never would have thought that about you!” Torbjörn said and hit his back. ”You've changed a lot, Emil.”
”I guess”, Emil smiled sadly. ”I'll blame it on Sigrun. At least I led them there myself!”
Emil thought back to that mission. He had chosen the five most level-headed people from his group and led them to the houses. He had told them to only use the guns or explosives in emergencies and stick to the knives if they saw something. He knew none of them had faced off against a troll earlier, so he had made sure to not split the group up. Two trolls had stumbled over the group, Emil had managed to pull the newbies out of the way and incapacitated the trolls. He had gotten a few deep cuts over his leg during the battle, but they had gotten out with lots of objects from the old world. Ten years earlier Emil hadn't cared much about history, but now that was his main reason for doing it. He didn't care about the extra money it could bring, he made more than enough from his salary.
Around eleven they said goodnight, Emil threw himself onto the bed and fell asleep pretty imediately. He dreamt about Lalli, like he had so many times during the years.
”I'll see you soon”, he told Lalli as they leaned against the trees.
Lalli rarely talked in his dreams and Emil worried it was because he had forgotten the other's voice. At Emil's news he looked a bit confused, but still didn't say anything. Emil looked at his friend, tried to remember how he had looked when they first met. During the years Dream-Lalli had slowly changed, as the memories grew more and more distant, and Emil thought he had transferred some of his own quirks onto the other. Both of them had hair reaching halfway to their waists, he was certain Lalli looked less distant now than he had done ten years earlier. His eyes was softer, a smile often played on his lips. Lalli was always dressed in a gray tunic with blue trims and a cape of fur covering his shoulders. Emil never understood why his mind dressed Lalli in those clothes.
”I'll arrive in a couple of days, the ferry leaves tomorrow evening.”
Lalli nodded, still didn't speak. Emil liked these quiet dreams, they were a welcome change from the dreams about trolls and giants hunting him and trying to eat him. After coming back from the Silent world he had spent every night the first year in nightmares and they still often came up ten years later. Sometimes it was the people working for him that got attacked, sometimes he dreamt about the days back in Denmark. Usually when he was out on a cleansing mission he took his sleeping bag and made room for himself as far away from the others as he dared.
A deer looked at them, Lalli's eyes followed it. The Finn always seemed a bit curious about the animals in Emil's dreams and Emil guessed it dated back to the horses in Mora. Emil looked at Lalli, tilted his head.
”Do you think about me as much as I think about you, I wonder...”
Lalli looked at him, nodded slowly. Emil laughed, leaned against the tree again.
”Good thing we'll see each other soon.”
Lalli smiled one of his rare smiles, as if he knew a secret he wouldn't share with anyone. Emil hit his arm lightly.
”Stop looking so pleased with yourself.”
Lalli's smile didn't fade and he leaned back against the tree, closed his eyes. Emil looked at his friend, leaned back himself and closed his eyes, falling asleep again.
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nicovandenberg · 5 years
Stadium (Dir. Cut) from Khalid Mohtaseb on Vimeo.
Directed by Philippe Tempelman Cinematography by Khalid Mohtaseb Produced by Ylva Axell Editor: Johan Wik Music: Håkan Eriksson Production manager: Alexandra Malmqvist
Colorist: Tom Poole, Company 3 Color producer: Alexandra Lubrano, Company 3 Sound design: Joakim Kristensen, Red Pipe Sound project manager: Jon Persson, Red Pipe VFX: Markus Bergqvist, Nicklas Buhlmann, Mattias Josefsson, Swiss Online: Peter Marin VFX producer: John Thorstensson, Swiss VFX supervisor: Pablo Fernandez, Leo Wilk, Swiss
1st AD: Anders Habenicht 2nd AD: Christopher Garplind Research: Joanna Nordahl, Christopher Garplind, Annika Barklund Production coordinator: Martin Lissola
Stylist: Sofie Krunegård Hair / Make-up: Yenifer Rojas Set design / Prop stylist: Milan Rakic
Focus puller: Anton Bergström Gaffer: Filip Marek Grip: Adrian Wigerdahl / Emil Hall 2nd AC: Therese Fagergren DIT: Simon Köcher / Milad Moore Underwater operator: Carolina Nordlund, Eric Börjesson
1st Electrician: Jiří Kubelka Grip asst.: Sebastian Karlsson Spark: Andreas Hemming, Joel Sundqvist, Hugo Wittling Electric asst.: Anders Dahl Prop stylist asst.: Michael Wirtberg / Henrik Bergqvist Stylist asst.: Lisa Pyk / Anna Sjunnesson Underwater coordinator: Henrik Wennergren Underwater assistant: Peter Kjellberg PA: Christopher Deeks, Alexander Peters, Nilas Lindgren
Location manager: Filip Aston / Alexander Peters Craft: Theodora Ventouris Camera and equipment: Ljud & Bildmedia Special thanks to: Mattias Montero
Agency: Made To Order Executive producer: Johan Lindström Production company: INDIO
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