euronymous-files · 10 months
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Metalion: "Tell me how you feel about releasing a CD on DSP without the earthly existence of Euronymous?"
It: "I do not give a fuck about if people say that VOW* is a bunch of fuckin' peace lovers. If Euronymous could work with them I can as well!!! Euronymous stood behind Abruptum up to 100% all the time and he worshipped our 2nd LP. In his last letter he wrote to me that: 'Now that the cunt and his fuckin' Burzum shit is not on my label anymore we'll start to work for Abruptum real hard'. He would have been honoured to release our LP, just like he was when he released our first. Our 2nd LP belonged to DSP and with the release of it DSP went to its grave, in my heart. You know, DSP was going to release our first album before Burzum's first, but the cunt paid his LP himself and that's why it came first. Just like I admired him and Mayhem he admired me and Abruptum. We had big plans for live shows where Mayhem/Abruptum played together. Mayhem as support to the headlining Abruptum. That is proof of how much he believed in us and how his way of thinking was. Not "I'm the best" and "My band is the biggest". He blew life into Abruptum and gave us something to believe in. We were much the same and we shared many things, that's why I feel a bit splitted up nowadays. I do not have the same support from anyone that I got from him. I would like to say our 2nd LP is fully dedicated to his memory and I guess I have more reason to it than many others. So Grishnack must know he is dead as fast as he puts his face outside the prison walls."
*VOW is the record label Voices Of Wonder --------------------------------- source: Slayer Mag #10, 1995
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evilsatisfaction · 10 months
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malfeitorworldender · 2 years
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It (Abruptum), Jon (Dissection), John Zwetsloot (Dissection), Erik Hagstedt (Ophthalamia/Marduk), Emil Nödtveidt (Swordmaster) - Oslo 94
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radioactivetboy · 2 years
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fvte · 2 years
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Interview With IT For Petrified Zine 1994... Hail IT, so what is the current line- up for Abruptum? IT: I hail you Jon...The Line-up is as follows: Evil - guitars, piano, effects, torture. IT - drums, screams, torture & hell. Whatever other forces have to do with our recording sessions they can not be mentioned here. Why have "Ext" and "All" left the Band? IT: "Ext" was afraid of the pure evil that lurked behind our backs all the time...Being a member of Abruptum is no childs play. He heard the result of the first demo and got so afraid that he joined the nearest church - idiot!! "All", on the other hand, left me shortly before the recording of our EP...He couldn't handle the alcohol and he couldn't handle himself so he went for a long journey...to find himself...It must have surely been a journey in darkness...However, he has now returned stronger than ever doing the vocals in Opthalamia and Vondur. He lives at my place here in Stockholm and shares his thoughts with me...He is surely a great brother... What has been released so far through Abruptum? IT: 3 demos, "Evil" EP, "Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectere Me" CD/LP, "In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo In Aetemum In Triumpho Tenehrarum " CD , some t-shirts. Now we'll do a picture EP, a picture LP of "In Umbra...", some more t-shirts, of course our new album. Also a re-release of the "Evil" EP on vinyl and a release with first two demos and the EP on a CD is planned. We will also be on the Necropolis Records Compilation. Tell us how you go by recording the album? IT: Its true ritualistic and tenebrous/torturous music! Whatever happens in the studio while recording is both too painful and too private to discuss, those fuckoffs out there who do not believe in our torture: go and die! Abruptum are original and we are the superior ones so everybody spreading rumors are just jealous and have to he killed for that. What is the reason for such hateful and sick music? IT: We are the chosen ones to do this, we are the most hateful and sick persons ever, That's why. "Evil" stated that the new recording will have lyrics, is this true? IT: We have always have some amount of lyrix in our music more or less, that will also be the case this time. What will the new CD he titled and what will it be comprised of? IT: I'm still working on it...so you'II just have to wait for it, but I 'm absolutely sure that the new album will crush everything in its way. What do you do in Ophthalamia? What will the title of the new album be? IT: I do all the music and lyrics. I play the guitars, do whispers, vocals, screams and keep the band together (which is not always the easiest thing to do). What I hate though is that everyone seems to think of Ophthalamia as a hobby band. This is absolutely not the case! Opthalamia is a band that is fighting hard and you can hear that on our new album. We are not taking this lightly, Opthalamia belongs to the elite of Sweden. The new CD is titled "Via Dolorosa". I have heard of your solo-project "Vondur ", What is this like? IT: "Vondur" is not a solo project. "All" has joined so now Vondur consists of the two original members of Abruptum. Vondur are about to sign to Necropolis Records for a full-length CD and just like Abruptum & Opthalamia, Vondur is very original & hateful and very hard to describe. Just buy the fuckin' CD when it is released and you'll see. Can you now tell us about the "True Satanist Horde" and what it's about? IT: I formed it back in 1990, it's an organization for black, Satanic warheads, people who live on the edge, on the warpath and live only for Satan, our goals I won't discuss but they are hardly not that difficult to guess. I heard that the Norwegian Black Circle was a part of or formed because of the True Satanist Horde, is this true? IT: Yes, Euronymous and Cunt Grishfuck were members in the organization and after awhile they wanted to call it the Norwegian Horde, something different. So they did. I guess that is the big problem, breaking up, going own ways, being too proud hen we should stay close. I have also heard that you were a true ally of Euronymouse, how did you get to know him? IT: First I was in contact with Dead from Mayhem but suddenly I did not receive anymore letters from him. Anyway, I got a letter from Euronymous instead where he described Dead's suicide in detail. I am a true ally of Euronymous as I know he was a true ally of me. Count Grishnackh is not your ally, why is this? IT: I think everyone can find that out themselves. The cunt must pay for what he did. What will happen to him if you ever meet-up with him? IT: He will meet his end. Whats your opinion of the Black Metal scene now? IT: Opinion? It's only stupid to bother that much about the scene of today. I haven't got the interest to build myself a opinion about it, I could care less. Black Metal once brought fear, now it's a huge trend scene, in your opinion, what do you think will happen in the future? IT: Yes, the future is nice to wonder I about...I do it everyday...but I only think about things that are of great importance to me and not about stupid things as the future of Black Metal. Black Metal is the greatest music, but I concentrate my thoughts on Satan instead. What bands do you hate? IT: Hmmm...I think it will be easier for me to tell you what bands I like instead...or the bands I hate would take the whole space in your mag. I enjoy the four bands of Abruptum, Marduk, Opthalamia, and Dissection. I also think Satanized, Dark Funeral and Vondur is ok. From Norway comes three great bands, namely: Mysticum, Mayhem, and Enslaved. I also enjoy Darkthrone and Isengard, besides that...well... Thanks for your time, comments? IT: Thank you. I would like to say that I hate you all and that we are the superior humans. Everybody else should kill themselves or we will do it for you. Soon the great 4th Reich will rise. You're probably stupid enough to buy our new album as well. Fuck You! Darkness it'll be. From "Lamentations Of The Flame Princess" Zine 2002... I’ve never heard any of the ABRUPTUM stuff because from all descriptions, I just had no interest in it. Is it true that they were cutting and burning themselves in the studio and recording it? That’s really true. I recorded everything with ABRUPTUM. I am the one that made them sound evil. They were really bad. They played like assholes. They sounded horrible. I took the reverb unit and cranked it toeleven and made it sound like it was recorded in a fucking church. The biggest reverb ever made on an album. That made it sound, even to me, really fucking evil. Imagine standing in a school or something that is totally silent, then all of a sudden you hear something really disharmonic and weird echoing throughout the halls. I get goosebumps talking about it. It’s weird. This sound coming from somewhere, very distant, very evil, very eerie, strange. It’s not here. Where the hell does it come from? That’s the sound of the ABRUPTUM demos, that’s what made people freak out. This is the most evil recording. There’s something in the ambience of that. They played like crap. There were no songs. They just tuned down the guitars and I played drums for a few songs. All of a sudden, they were not playing, they were out cutting themselves in the arm and smearing blood all over them and just whipping the guitar with something they found on the floor. It was this big jam session, with the lights out of course. Just this one candle so I could see the recording unit. It’s true, they cut themselves real bad. I remember one really fun thing about the ABRUPTUM sessions. Tony was a pretty small guy. He wanted to crawl under a sofa, put a microphone in there, we would put the sofa over him and sit in it, so when he had this panic attack, it should be recorded on tape. It was so really really funny. And he never got the panic attack! It was hilarious! But they were really cutting themselves with the knives I had around the studio. The knives were from like 1970, they’d never been sharpened, and I used them to cut metal stuff and whatever. Your average scissors were a lot sharper. They were trying really hard to cut themselves. It didn’t work, so they’re biting each other, “Get some blood here man!” So they start burning themselves. “Ow! That hurt!” It was not what you imagine. It was fun. There was a lot of blood. It was hilarious. For the album recording, there were tons of people coming down to the studio. I can’t remember, like ten people just hanging out. Weird times. The classic was the recording of the second album, I just soundchecked one guitar and one drum kit. “That’s good. I’m going home now, and I’ll be back in 45 minutes.” So I got in my car and went back, I had to wait a few minutes, out of tape, turn on the lights, bye then! The fastest album recording in history. In real time! I recorded them to DAT. No mixdown, no nothing. I just recorded to the master tape live. That’s the second album. Really funny. Didn’t cost them many Swedish crowns, I can tell you! It must have sold 10,000 copies! Remember the movie Prince of Darkness? There’s something about that movie, even just looking at the poster gives me chills. It inspired the hell out of me. Tony was into similar stuff. He wanted to sense the evil. The soundtrack to Omen is one of the most evil recordings ever made and it’s just strings, you know? This feeling you get in your body when you hear it, and I admit that I don’t care for the albums of ABRUPTUM, they’re just a lot of reverb. But the first demo, there was something happening in the rehearsal room, in the studio, whatever you want to call it. It was a really evil feeling in the air. I was pretty close to Tony around the time and I remember going to the gas station to buy the tapes to copy the demos, I helped him to copy the tape cover. Of course it was all black. I distributed it to some friends, I sold some. You and I could easily do something that sounded similar. Just a bunch of banging with effects. There was something, it was an accident in a way, that sound that came up. It was unique. No one had ever heard anything like it. More related to industrial music than black metal. It took everybody by surprise because there was a weird ambience in the music. That’s what got them signed.
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cipactonalpilli · 2 years
Ophthalamia : Via Dolorosa / My Springnight's Sacrifice
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triste-guillotine · 4 years
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OPHTHALAMIA “A journey in Darkness” ; recorded in Spring 1993 at Unisound Studio, Sweden (The first amazing album of Black Sabbath-influenced Heavy Black/Doom Metal & pure dark poetry from the shores of Kaa-Ta-Nu in the Ophthalamian world. Featuring the legends that were It of Abruptum & Vondur, Jon Nödtveidt of Dissection & The Black, Winter and Mourning of Pan.Thy.Monium. In praise of Elishia, the goddess of all blackened lonely souls...)
“I live in the thoughts where the shadows no longer dance and where my tears fall into the colours of the lonely dreaming crying songs that my works are. The melancholy clouds of my feelings float away in the tide of faces which the soul of mine is. I wonder about life even though death is close and as my lost life falls into its definitive end... The light won't save me. Tired is the blood of mine and my brain will not speak no more. I'm living in a prison of flesh and my heart won't answer my calls. I'm shaking as I'm crying and as I feel the last drops of my life leave my useless cold body to walk the night... I'm one with the night... I AM !”
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cenobite39 · 4 years
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Ophthalamia - Via Dolorosa (1995)
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rawtotherapinee · 7 years
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Anti-Burzum flyer from Marduk, Abruptum, Dissection etc: “We do NOT support Cunt Grishnakh or any of his actions, we would rather like to see him DEAD!!! Boycott the traitor, JOIN US!!”
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mykectown · 7 years
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First day in Chicago and already scored pretty big. Both of these cost me $20 total! #Ophthalamia #GnawThierTongues
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fukkingdeath · 7 years
Ophthalamia - Journey in Darkness / Entering the Forest
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metalcultbrigade · 3 years
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Em 13/08/2006 falecia Jon Nodtveidt (28/06/1975 - 13/08/2006), guitarrista que tocou com o Dissection, ex-Outbreak, ex-Satanized, ex-Siren's Yell, ex-Terror, ex-Ophthalamia, ex-Rabbits Carrot, ex-The Black, ex-De Infernali, ex-Thunder https://www.instagram.com/p/CShSm4bgymF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blackmetalwar666 · 4 years
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Nordic Metal - A Tribute to Euronymous
#NorwegianBlackMetal #NordicMetal #Euronymous #NecropolisRecords #Tribute #90s #AntiCunt
Abruptum - De Profundis Mors Vas Consumet Mayhem - The Freezing Moon
Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie
Emperor - Moon Over Kara-Shehr
Mysticum - Kingdom Comes
Marduk - Untrodden Paths (Wolves Pt. II)
Thorns - Ærie Descent
Mayhem - Pagan Fears
Dissection - Elizabeth Bathori
Ophthalamia - Deathcrush
Enslaved - Loke
Arcturus - Raudt Og Svart
Mysticum - In Your Grave
Emperor - The Ancient Queen
Mortiis - Unreleased Outro
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superhardlikesteel · 4 years
Ophthalamia - Ophthalamia / The Eternal Walk, Pt III
Extremely weird band. It’s definitely a black metal band, but it often veers into a riffing style that sounds like a combination of prog rock and traditional doom metal that I haven’t heard really any other band attempt. 
Did I mention the project is entirely concept albums about a fantasy world created by a half-Swedish half-Native American midget named “It”? 
R.I.P. Tony Särkkä AKA It
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radioactivetboy · 2 years
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triste-guillotine · 6 years
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OPHTHALAMIA "Dominion", LP 1998 (Excellent Cult Swedish Heavy Black/Doom album's take on “Macbeth” ; this is the new cover artwork for the 2011 re-edition by Soulseller Records)
1. Elishia's Mistresses Gather 2. Time for War 3. Final Hour of Joy 4. Great Are the Deeds of Death 5. Eclipse of Life (The Eternal Walk IV) 6. A Black Rainbow Rising (Castle of No Repair III) 7. Dominion 8. Legacy of the True (Death Embrace Me III)
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