#hels tag
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hmshermitcraft · 2 months ago
being evil is an art, right?
Evil X brings this up and then suggests a sort of craft night (where they craft evil plans...and also maybe do each other's hair :3)
Helsknight rolls his eyes, but...RELUCTANTLY agrees to this ridiculousness after EX begs and tries to convince him it's a great idea
Well... As a minimum they at least managed to polish their armour and paint their nails. So now they're ready for evil! Can't be evil without looking their best, where would the art be in that?
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shepscapades · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year :) Featuring my favorite ships from this year!
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isjasz · 10 months ago
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[Day 302]
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
DAY 300 SPECIAL TWO DAYS LATE!! and I thought I can make this into a DTIYS for the special too so rules below :D
You have two choices for the coloring!
Keep the pose/general composition and color it however u want OR
Keep OR change the composition and just keep the general motifs BUT keep the colors muted/grayscaleish/color paletted as a fun challenge >:D
More general rules:
Feel free to use ur own designs
NO TIME LIMIT!!! I totally didn't forget to say this
Keep the same characters ofc
No AI/ tracing and all that, you know the drill
Vaguely keep the night and dancing themes but feel free to play around with it!
Use # Isjasz Darkless DTIYS and @ me :D
Last thing, not a rule but pspsppsp if u stare at the stars long enough you might find something :3
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labotor · 4 months ago
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my bougie dwarf LoF rook Tyarva and her sugar baby silly charming professor who she adores so very much <333
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highlandkall · 7 months ago
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cow bill ^^
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zzoupz · 7 months ago
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Eldritch horror yaoi
Bill's design belongs to @akamavarii, Unspeakable's is mine
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itslilacokay · 8 months ago
"i should probably be careful posting when ava ships are involved, maybe i should keep ava shipart stuff to myself"
i say as i post victim and agent being extremely fuckihg gay
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compulsiveimpairment · 22 days ago
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insp by that one artwork with them and wind archer
this was also drawn like a week ago
i have been gatekeeping yaoi for weeks.
@h-didanart bap bc why not you like em too :3
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gdsplicer · 1 year ago
I'm seeing a influx of people using the wording "aroace spectrum" as opposed to aspec, or using aroace as if it covers all aros and aces, like...
Do I really have to explain why that's not as inclusive a move as you'd think it is?
If someone addressed me, a aro, as "under the aroace spectrum", I would be questioning their allyship even if they themselves are aspec because no where in that's sentence did I say I'm also ace.
Using that wording instead of aspec is as much dismissive and hurtful to non-ace aros as it does when people shove our aromanticism under asexuality without thinking on why it's not helpful or disrespectful.
I feel so strongly on demanding that aroness and aceness is seen as separate, on demanding proper recognition and respect for aroallos and non-SAM aros, on demanding that my aroness is seen as enough on its own because calling me ace or aroace is erasure on my identity; It pushes the wrong narrative and box onto my experiences. It promotes misunderstandings on not just aromanticism but also asexuality. It treats my label something not worthy of taking up space in the aro community, in the aspec community, in the queer community.
Stop using 'aroace' or as the umbrella word to cover the aspec community.
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time-slink · 2 years ago
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left eyes not the weird one.. pt two :]
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hmshermitcraft · 6 months ago
not related to this week's theme, but
I think Evil X calls Hels his "gorgeous demon from hell" and his "beautiful princess with a disorder"
Meanwhile, Hels just calls him "E-X", "babe", "idiot" (← affectionately), or "pretty boy" (← can be /aff or /derog and I mean this in a /sillyyyy half joking way)
They've even started addressing notes or messages to each other with the pet names. If anybody asks, they're completely ironic, of course. They can't be seen as having something as affectionate as pet names for each other.
Just another way they pull the wool over the eyes of the hermits (they think - the hermits totally know they're both saps for the other.)
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shepscapades · 3 months ago
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20. Shark Week — Everything Everything
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hulloitsdani · 1 year ago
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Well if ain't the consequences of their own actions! How we feeling about the new FEH book guys?
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lunarcrown · 2 years ago
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Patho will allow ONE (1) person into his personal space and it’s a crimson jungle cursed wildman with a overactive lying bug named Dbubs who OVERACHIEVES in the “getting into your personal space” energy
And here he’s telling some extremely BS tall tale and patho is smiling under his mask at the obvious lying but the enjoyment of his voice nonetheless
Aqua made a fic that has this lil scene in it AND SO MUCH MORE!!!
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autistic-evil-xisuma · 7 months ago
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silverskye13 · 25 days ago
Hi! I love rns and have a quick question about Red and his relationship to Rendog. I remember reading a story of yours where Red actually attacked Ren and seemed to explicitly not like him, but in one of the ficlets he refers to him as his “little brother” when talking to Renbob and seems concerned about his well-being. Did something change between them? If so, may I ask what happened if it’s not too spoilery
I might be getting confused so please correct me if I am
You're not confused!
Those shorts [there are a few of Hels/Wels as well] were written before RnS, and now sit in a place in my dubious "cannon" that is pretty far in the past.
Red held a lot of resentment for Ren when he first spawned in. He was a lot like Helsknight, in that he viewed himself as the stronger necessity bred from his Hermit's faults and weaknesses. Ren didn't think he was strong enough to protect his friends in 3rd Life, so instead of trying, he opted to die and summon a monster in his place [Red, on the black stone altar]. Then that monster was forced to live all the failures Ren himself didn't want to struggle through. It would be jarring to be put in the world with a fierce sense of loyalty and protectiveness, only to be thrust into circumstances where you were doomed to lose everything, no matter how hard you hung on.
He has some vengeance. Mostly through terror, and guilting Ren into facing his own fragility [there are a couple shorts where Ren is on Hermitcraft on a yellow life, with no idea what happens when he goes to red or dies here. Unlike 3rd Life, Hermitcraft is his home server. If he dies here, will his existence simply end?].
I never wrote a resolution, but Red gains his respect for Ren when Ren comes to meet him in hels, so they can have out their grievances. Red has been demanding that Ren grow a spine, prove he's worthy of the life he's been given, and Ren finally swallows [some of] his fear and decides to fight for his right to live unbothered. It ends in a draw, mostly because Red backs down halfway through the scuffle.
Ren very firmly thinks they're on better terms now because of the fight. He made Red on a death server, so it makes sense to him that Red would value combat, and blood, and all those gritty, scary things.
Red, however, knows it's because Ren showed up. He was put in a circumstance where death was present and permanent, where retreat wasn't an option, and where, if he chose, he had a whole server who would wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him safe if he asked. Life would get difficult for sure. Life would get very inconvenient. But the Hermits are powerful, and they would find a way to break Red's curse eventually. All Ren had to do was hide and wait [like he did on 3rd Life. Sacrifice someone or something else so he doesn't have to do the scary, difficult things.]
When Ren instead decides to show up, Red allows his other half some begrudging respect. Respect that, over time, through familiarity, turns into a very cold and distant fondness. It's not that he likes Ren exactly. It's that no one else is allowed to call him out so harshly. It's sibling-like. He's Red's little brother, stumbling through a world he's trying to learn and change from for the better, and Red, who already thinks he's on the top of that mountain, watches and, rarely, offers advice.
And sometimes Ren even listens!
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