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Just another average Jatp, hsmtmts, and Marvel fan
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sunsetdahliaz · 5 months ago
I mainly used this account for Jatp a few years ago and I come back to find out some of the people I follow are b*mmy shippers 🤢
Like are y’all aware one person in that ship is misogynistic, racist, and a bigot? Or did you only watch season 7 of 9-1-1…
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sunsetdahliaz · 1 year ago
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he’s just like me fr
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sunsetdahliaz · 1 year ago
the jatp fandom rn
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
Robin Buckley is canonically autistic-coded. And I love Netflix for it.
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The line: "I don’t really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues" is such an important line. It's always so refreshing to see such positive neurodivergent representation in female characters. Robin is highly intelligent, highly empathetic and struggles to contextualise and understand social situations but she is shown to be genuine and honest.
It's realistic that she doesn't have a diagnosis of ASD, given that this show is set in the 1980's and autism in females is so misunderstood still today, in 2022.
She says she is aware that her coming across as "mean or condescending" is a "flaw" because her "mother reminds me everyday", which is something so common in undiagnosed autistic people.
We know from season three that Robin wasn't overly popular at school, and was the sort of student that played band and got high grades. We know that Robin doesn't do well when talking about her emotions and she can be quite straight to the point in conversations. She struggles to make friends and has quite a monotone way of speaking. I think it's been hinted at that her special interests may be movies, languages and band.
Additionally, she's shown to have sensory issues with particular textures when she talks about hating wearing certain clothing.
Robin is so well-liked, too. So having her coded to be autistic is such a lovely reminder that being autistic is okay. I think we all need that sometimes.
I headcanon she also has Dyspraxia because she says, and I quote, "I should warn you, I have terrible co-ordination. It took me like 6 months longer to learn to walk than the other babies." She can't run. I can't run very well. She has Dyspraxia. And that's co-morbid with ASD.
Also, there have been studies to show that autistic people are more likely to be LGBTQ+, so it makes sense. Robin is 100% an autistic lesbian and I love her.
Anyways, I haven't seen autism portrayed in a female character this well since Phoebe Spengler in Ghostbusters: Afterlife; these 80's set series and films really are giving us the most incredible representation.
Thank you, Stranger Things. This is such a genuine portrayal of autism. Thank you.
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
tired of people trying to explain why netflix is dying with graphs and economic data and statistics and shit. the REAL reason netflix is dying is because they cancelled julie and the phantoms.
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
I’m never gonna be over these parallels
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
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This is just homophobia at this rate ngl
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
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#The most relatable character in Encanto was the 10 years old kid with an addiction to coffee
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
TW: Strong Language
The amount of utter bullshit Latin American people have been getting for calling out artists who are whitewashing and erasing the ethnic features of characters in Encanto is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS
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These are 3 different comments on a tiktok video where it appeared that an artist whitewashed Dolores and Camilo in a drawing. Almost everyone in the comments was calling out the artist asking why these afro latino characters appeared incredibly pale. (The artist responded saying it was a filter used on the video and apologized for the confusion, but this isn’t about the artist) What I basically said what that all we’re not trying to “cancel” anyone, all asking is that ethnic features and skin tones be respected. 
You wanna know what some people said in response? This BULLSHIT. How can some of yall claim to be so “woke” or whatever the fuck, and then come at Latin Americans for asking artists to respect their ethnic features?? Some of yall really rather not draw POC at all instead of learning how to draw curly hair, darker skin or other ethnic features. What the FUCK??
You wanna know why Latin Americans are so adamant for being accurately represented in art? You really wanna fucking know? Its because we are so fucking exhausted of non-Latin American people trying to shove us into a single box of what we’re supposed to fucking look like. These aren’t just characters in a Disney movie, these are real fucking people. I know a good handful of Colombians personally, and they all look different. I have a Colombian friend that looks almost exactly like Dolores. I know Colombians who are light skinned with wavy black hair. I know a Colombian who I genuinely thought was white for a hot second because he was pale pale, had wavy light brown hair and blue eyes. But you wanna know something? None of their features make them any less Colombian. 
I’m not Colombian but this is seen in other Latin American countries as well. I’m Costa Rican, my dad’s side of the family are all light skinned and my mom’s side are dark skinned. I have an aunt and an uncle on my dad’s side who have green eyes. My brother looks just like my (deceased) grandfather on my dad’s side. I am the spitting image of my mother. I have tan skin that gets darker in the sun, dark eyes, and dark brown curly hair. The daughters of my uncle on my mom’s side are darker than I am, and one of my aunts has a light skinned daughter and 2 dark skinned sons. And you wanna know what? That doesn’t make us any less Costa Rican. 
This is fucking Latin American culture. Families are diverse. Countries are diverse. Latin American countries have every trait in the book and that doesn’t make us any Latin American. All we want from artists, is that you fucking RESPECT what makes our culture so unique. We are a beautiful mix traits from all across the world, and that doesn’t make anyone less Latin American. We share a language, we share a culture. 
So sorry if Latin Americans just want to be respected in media. Sorry if we call out artists for erasing ethnic features from Latin American characters. Actually? NO. We’re not fucking sorry for wanting to be accurately represented. 
If you can’t be bothered to draw characters/people the way the are, with all of their ethnic features, DON’T DRAW THEM. If you can’t be bothered to learn how to draw curly hair or use digital brushes to make drawing curly hair easier, if you can’t be bothered to learn how to accurately draw ethnic features, DON’T DRAW IT and DON’T CHANGE IT TO MAKE IT “”EASIER”” FOR YOURSELF. Our features shouldn’t be erased just because you think drawing ethnic features is “too hard” or it “doesn’t fit your style”. You draw them the way they are, or not at all. 
Can you learn and practice? Of course!! PLEASE learn and practice! Make your drawing range more inclusive of different features! Just be mindful that you don’t need to post all of your practice trials. Unless you’re posting it for the sole reason of getting feedback from POC on how to make your style more inclusive, then be aware that some people can misinterpret your post and think you’re purposefully misrepresenting/whitewashing POC characters. Just specify and respect critics of POC. 
All of this applies to any and all other ethnicities!!!! Asian cultures, African cultures, Arab cultures, Indigenous cultures, etc… Every ethnic group has their own distinct culture and has their own unique combination of features! Please respect all ethnicities, cultures, and ethnic features! Its a matter of respect is all!
(It is completely 100% okay for white people to reblog this!)
Please excuse the strong language but I’m just so ANGRY and so OVER IT
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
Guess I'm going to cry for 25 years unless Netflix changes their minds, or another streaming service saves Julie and the Phantoms
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
Brazilian Fantoms created a petition to ask Netflix for a JATP season 2 and it would be awesome if everyone could sign it
David Hoge producer and screenwriter for the show said that all Netflix cares about is numbers so the fans are uniting to show them that we do have the numbers! Julie and the Phantoms is a huge success and deserves more
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the petition was created by @asantoslari on Twitter
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
Alex: I like to— I was about to say I like to experience new things, no I don’t.
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
clint turning off his hearing aid just so he doesn’t have to listen to the rogers musical my beloved
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
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she’s simply the best
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
Madison and Jadah have officially confirmed theories that they are collabing on something (mist likely a song) with these pictures on instagram:
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Both put #WhosYourMainThing as well as #StayTuned! I'm so excited!
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sunsetdahliaz · 3 years ago
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