invicta-carnelia · 4 years
Small warning about a serious transphobe in the community.
Her primary blog is @rainpath5466 (the link may not work as she has me blocked) and she also runs the blugs @helpbraixen​ , @ittakesavillagepmd​ , @askpmdorks​ , and @asklepidoptera​. I think she may have a few more but I can’t remember them.
I’ll be explaining further and providing screenshots under the cut.
CW: transphobia and homophobia (obviously)
Rain and I were good friends for 3 years. I started seeing signs of homophobia a year ago but foolishly tried to ignore them thinking she would come around eventually. I was wrong. She is in fact so homophobic that she refused to watch a show i recommended to her, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts purely because it contained a gay character.
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In June this year I began experimenting with she/her pronouns (and am now identifying as trans). When I made the announcement in a discord server I was in with her she messaged me explaining that she was against my decision to try she/her pronouns and refused to use them with me. She insisted she knew what was best for me because of her religion.
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After this conversation she unfriended me and left every server I shared with her, even dropping out of a tabletop game we were in together.
A month later I was still holding onto some sort of feeble twisted hope that she could turn around on her transphobia and sent her an ask on tumblr. She responded with this.
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Saying that she wouldn’t ‘enable’ me as if being trans is comparable to being an alcoholic or drug user, once again claimed to know what was best for me, and then hopped on her soap box.
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Finally yesterday she essentially outed herself in public by stating her support for Lupisvulpes. For those who don’t know Lupisvulpes is a rather large twitter user who was recently exposed for their transphobia.
I only go into so much detail to prove without a doubt her beliefs.
Don’t interact with her. I would recommend just blocking her and unfollowing. She uses the same username on every website she’s on so it’s easy to avoid her in the other places she uses.
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askthepokemonpc · 7 years
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Cerberus: “Return to your trainer now. There is nothing for you here.”
[ @helpbraixen ]
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zeafeon · 7 years
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“Oh, thanks for the help, I appreciate it...” She nods slightly as the Braixen comes over and begins helping her gather up her dropped things. The two nearly have everything gathered, when suddenly...
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“HEY! You dumb little Litten!” She yells as a small stack of new paper is reduced to ash by the Pokemon, before they run off. “Yeah you better run...!” The Ninetales shouts to them as they scurry away. The girl sighs, composes herself again, before turning back to the Braixen from before. 
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“Sorry about that little outburst...” She says, scratching her head. “Thank you again for your help... even though that rude little cat burned some of the new paper I had just bought... Oh, and as for what it’s for, no I’m not an artist, but you could say I’m a form of writer.” She explains, chuckling slightly. “I sell little disposable spells that I write on these sheets of paper, half of it is for that, the other half is for... well, notes. I’m still a magic student, I’m not a master yet, you see.” She tells the shorter fox. That might explain the book or two she was carrying with her as well as the paper.
“Oh, and you can call me Jasmine, by the way.”
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omniandco · 7 years
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( Feat. in order of appearance: @anonyorb, @a-twig-a-day, @askstormeye-pyonix, @dailyrocketchu, @dailyhoppip, @dailymareep, @askabraandmew, @dailyashleighraichu, @lonely-sylveon, @helpbraixen, @ask-spinning-tables, @adventuresquadharmony - Thank you for entering and sorry I couldn’t include everyone who entered! )
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yokugoat · 7 years
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tagging-ryme-city · 4 years
Hey I know I haven’t been here in a while hi but I’m just gonna say for anyone in the pokeask community:
You aren’t allowed to disagree with peoples’ existence. You don’t get to disagree with people being gay or trans or nonbinary or any other lgbtq+ identity. That’s like disagreeing with whether or not gravity exists. It makes you look like a dumbass and it’s also just fucking wrong.
I’ve seen blogs in this community that I actually loved and respect come out to defend this and honestly? Gross. Sorry if I don’t sound very nice but you’re gross.
Know where I, the mun, and every character on this blog stands on this matter: If you disagree with my existence or the existence of anyone in the lgbtq+ community you’re wrong. You’re not welcome here.
An opinion is something like “oh hey I didn’t like x movie” or “I think that I should get a longer break at work” not “I think that a certain group of people don’t exist/are wrong and sinful for existing”
An opinion is an opinion until it invalidates the rights and existence of others. Then it becomes bigotry. 
@rainpath5466 is a bigot plain and simple. Nobody slandered her. Nobody is trying to defame her. A trans person shared all the awful things she’s said and she said that she stands by all of it. And to any of my friends here in the pokeask community, stay away from @helpbraixen​ , @ittakesavillagepmd​ , @askpmdorks​ , and @asklepidoptera​ . She runs all of them. Block them please.
I want you to know that as someone who was raised on the bible, you all make me want to vomit. The way you have misconstrued what the bible and the teachings of God and Jesus have said about love and acceptance and took it as a chance to hate others for their “sinful” existence is disgusting. You took the writings of the bible, misinterpreted and mistranslated it, and now you hide behind it like it’s a shield that keeps you from having to examine and grow from your own bigotry and biases. Jesus held the hands of prostitutes and sinners. He loved them not despite the fact that they sinned or in a “I still love you even if you’re bad” kind of way, but out of nothing but respect and acceptance for who they are. You are nowhere near that. You are literally the exact opposite.
The bible never spoke of homosexuality in its original texts. It never spoke of transgender people. It never once condemned either of those things. You’re just fucking wrong. Know that the verses you clutch are man-made mistranslations and misinterpretations made from people like you who wanted to make a version of god that let them hate others with impunity. Know that god would never condone any of your actions, and that you tarnish all that he stood for and tought with your “opinions”
And to those defending/agreeing with Rain, I’ve lost too many years of my life to people like you who guilted me over my very existence to ever let that find a foothold in the pokeask community. Go get hit by a bus.
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nightly-noivern · 6 years
If mod is taking random munday questions, does mod have any blogs that they really like? Like look up to or are friends with? Self promo?
@ask-blackmarket-meowstics @sometimesshinyduskull @helpbraixen @lone-lycanroc @dailyzygardecores …are all good friends of mine ;0
as for ones I look up to??? gosh there’s too many
I look up to the above blogs as well as like, ask-sulfur, askhoennlegends, dailyreshiram, and that deactivated occasionally salazzle blog. those’re ones I can think of off the top of my head, but there’s a bunch more
As for like, outside of the pokemon fandom, er… I take a lot of inspiration from rupted? That’s the only person I can think of who’s not a fandomy blog of some sort haha! But there’s absolutely more I’m forgetting.  
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bird-bitez · 7 years
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@helpbraixen I've always seen sonic as a dj or something. Merry Christmas!
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invicta-carnelia · 5 years
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Artfight dump. 
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command-pmd · 7 years
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Amnesia is such a common trope its a good place to start with finding common ground with new friends.
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ask-veneon · 7 years
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Here’s Lector’s ref.
Designed for me as a favor by @helpbraixen
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ask-jack-eevee · 7 years
[helpbraixen] Buddy offers Jack a lollipop. He then notices Jack's lack of thumbs, unwraps the candy for him, offers it again.
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“I guess that’s why I don’t get lollipops at the pokemon center.”
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ask-veneon · 7 years
[helpbraixen] Sonic@114: "Huh. You look like a friend of mine, but obnoxiously pink. What are you, exactly?"
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“You’re not too bad of a specimen yourself. I may just have to snatch you up and collect you.
And to answer your question, I’m part liepard, part espeon. The espeon part is very faint. Think of me as 9 parts liepard and 1 part espeon.”
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