#help not to lose hope. help not to close himself completely‚ becoming just as cold as others have been to him.
braceletofteeth · 2 months
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Support verb.
1. to uphold or defend as valid or right;
2. to encourage, comfort, help, etc., under trial or affliction.
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sanemistar · 8 days
hii (ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
i see that your reqs are open again! if you can, can you do a fic where geto has been hiding his feelings yn for a while and he while hes alone w her, he cant hold it in anymore
smth like one day all of the friends r busy ( gojo, nanami, & shoko ) and only geto and yn r free at the moment and geto comes over to her shared apartment with that yn and shoko share nd he finds her doing skin care and self care things so he joins in, and when hes alone w her his butterflies in his stomach are going crazy and so is his heart, and as shes applying his face mask, close face to face, hes gazing at her in the eyes and he cant seem to hold back his feelings anymore, so he pushes her back, holding her arms, ears red and just admits everything.
hope this isnt too much !♡︎
can’t hold back | suguru geto
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୨୧ pairing: suguru x fem!reader
୨୧ genre: fluff
୨୧ wc: 0.8k+
୨୧ warning: suguru may be a bit ooc
୨୧ a/n: lovesick suguru is definitely something omg !! i hope you enjoy reading <3
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it’s your day off after a long week of work, so you plan to hang out with your best friends because you haven’t seen them in a while due to your busy schedule. you text them in your group chat, but they all say they’re busy except for suguru, who happens to have some free time and is nearby. you ask him privately to come over and hang out with you at your shared apartment with shoko to keep you company while she’s out, to which he agrees.
you decide to do some skincare while you’re waiting for suguru to come over, so you put on your favorite mask and play some soft music. a little while later you hear a loud ring coming from your front door, signaling suguru’s arrival. you quickly get there and open the door and happily greet him as you invite him to come in.
“enjoying yourself, huh? let me join you.” suguru asks, which of course, you gladly agree to. you guide him through the apartment until you reach your room, and the moment the door opens he’s instantly greeted with your scent that feels like a warm hug on a cold night. you sit on the edge of your soft bed and pat on the empty space next to you, waiting for suguru to join you. he’s hesitant to step any closer, wondering how can you be so defenseless around him this easily? but then decides to join in anyways.
the moment he realizes he’s completely alone with you, in your room at that, butterflies begin to form inside his stomach and his heart starts racing. but he keeps his composure and remains calm, though he’s not entirely sure how much longer can he hold himself back.
“i’m gonna apply this mask for you, it’s really good! it’ll make your skin look glowy and healthy.” you enthusiastically inform suguru. he’s not really into skincare or anything of that sort, he couldn’t care less about what this mask does. he just loves it when your eyes light up and you beam brightly whenever you talk about something you enjoy, he can never get tired of it.
you lean in to apply the mask for him, and your eyes are instantly locked in a long gaze. your faces are so dangerously close that your hot breath is fanning all over his face and your lips are only inches away from a kiss, causing his skin to slightly tingle in both excitement and nervousness. this new sensation sets his heart on fire, and it’s becoming so overwhelming. he doesn’t think his heart can handle it anymore, like it’s about to burst out of his chest. he can’t help but wonder if you’re also feeling the same way, or is it just him?
you’re done applying it, yet your eyes never dare to look away, as if you’re caught in a trance. you both stay like that for who knows how long before suguru pushes you back, his hands tightly holding your arms. he’s reached his limit, he can’t hold back any longer.
“y/n… are you deliberately tempting me or what? looking at me with those eyes with your face so dangerously close. i’m losing my mind here.” you? tempting him? what is even talking about? you’re completely oblivious to what’s going on, and suguru quickly catches onto that. of course you just have to be oblivious, which adds more to his suffering.
he lets a big sigh escape his lips, and he lets go of you. but his gaze is still onto you, you notice that his ears are turning bright red.
“i just can’t hold back anymore, i don’t think we can be friends anymore. i’m in love with you, i’ve been feeling this way for a long time now.” suguru’s sudden confession takes you by surprise, not only because you’re trying to process the fact that THE suguru geto has just confessed that he likes you, but also because you can’t believe that your crush on him has been mutual all along. you begin to connect the dots and now everything makes sense. how he used to push other guys away from you, how overprotective he is of you, how sulky he feels when you hang out with satoru and kento without him.
you start giggling all of a sudden, and it slightly startles suguru. but before he gets a chance to say anything, you pull him in a hug. arms wrapped around his neck as your fingers play with the jet black locks of his hair. it doesn’t take him long before he wraps his arms firmly around your waist.
“i love you too, suguru.” you whisper softly against his ear, sending shivers all over his spine. the moment he’s been dreaming of is no longer just a dream, but a beautiful reality. suguru pulls away from the hug and lets his hand find a home on your soft cheeks as he leans in for a deep kiss. you smile against his lips as you kiss him back, letting yourself melt in the sweet sensation.
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arjwrites · 2 months
In The Stillness (To Love is To Hurt)- Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: A glimpse into the ways you've impacted Dean.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, brief reference to sexual activity. Fem!Reader <3 (but like barely)
A/N: Hi!!! This story is a product of me wanting to try writing a one shot in the kind of writing style I use in my personal works! I write a lot of poetry and drabbley stuff outside of this blog and I felt like some of it would pair well in a one shot like this, based largely in narration rather than dialogue. I am worried it might veer a little bit too far into poetry territory in a few spots- I want to make sure it retains its clarity. Let me know what you think!
There were very few moments of true stillness in Dean’s life. Part of him was always moving somehow- legs carrying him to and from danger, hands absentmindedly cleaning guns and filling shotgun shells with salt, or perhaps the most restless of them all, his mind, always racing and always bearing the weight of the world. Dean’s brain was a machine, programmed all his life to carry out a list of simple tasks. Follow orders, protect Sammy, kill the monster, save the world. While the true meaning of these functions had changed wildly over the years, they always manifested in the worries that kept him up as he lay in bed at night, or ate at his soul during long, quiet stretches of the road.
There was nothing that could completely shut Dean’s thoughts off. Many of his younger years had been spent with a drink in his hand or a girl on his arm, picking his poison and hoping if he tried it often enough, it would become his antidote. Sure, these things sometimes helped, but only ever briefly- he would always wake in the morning, mind racing, head pounding, and searching for a quick getaway. These things were just another excuse to fill the gaps between cases, to keep from ever being still. 
Dean was always running from the quiet. When there wasn’t a task at hand, there needed to be something to fill the space. If he lingered in his own mind for too long, he would close his eyes and his thoughts would take off, always landing somewhere where Dean should have been better. Somewhere he should’ve cracked the case sooner or saved the day quicker or protected someone- usually Sam- better. And sometimes, he could swear he felt himself strung up in the pit again, all of the suffering ever inflicted upon him concentrated in the knot that formed in his stomach and pulsing through his body via the racing of his heart. But Dean could never let his mind wander that far, because that far was dangerous. So he kept busy, kept compacting the memories and tucking them away in unlabeled boxes in his head in hopes that he would misplace them. Besides, the wars of the world took precedence far above the violence waging in his own head. It made sense to keep busy. 
Dean had been a soldier for years, but the most difficult battle he ever fought was against his own feelings. When you stumbled into his life, magnetic and miraculous, he wasn’t quite sure what to do. He knew if he kept you close, his heart would force him to love you, his duty would force him to protect you, and his fear would force him to bear you as yet another burden. Another person in his life for him to love and to lose. In a desperate act of preservation- both for himself and for you- Dean fought tooth and nail to keep you at bay. He holed himself away at the brink of the darkest corners of his mind. But your warmth and light radiated through the cold world he had made for himself, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. And he couldn’t help but fall. Like much of his life thus far, he had been given no choice in the matter. He felt like you were his destiny. 
Dean didn’t believe in much. He had no faith in religion or philosophy or science or himself. Nothing in his life thus far had ever made him feel at peace with his pain and his mortality. The world was chaotic and terrifying and there was no such true thing as heaven or holy or even good. But then there was you. Dean worshipped you, prayed to you, heard your word like gospel. You were the God he had always denied himself. You made sense of his suffering and lit the path to his salvation. It was always for you.
“To love, is to hurt,” you had told Dean one day, and he had looked back at you as if you had three heads. Though he hummed in tentative response, studying your words and the way your mouth moved to create them, he couldn’t bring himself to agree- and yet, he couldn't ask what you meant. He feared that he wouldn’t like the answer. 
You would say these things to Dean from time to time, sharing tidbits about love, life, things you had learned in your years and carried with you wherever you went. It felt nice to have something to offer to him in exchange for the labor of loving you. His responses were often full of praise and piety as he kissed down your body in a practiced map of places, rhythmically, as if speaking in a secret language that only you two could decode. 
Dean loved you during late nights and early mornings when you were your most peaceful and soft. In these moments he would look outside to see the silent moon or the rising sun, and smile to himself- as if it had been you who hung them there, just for him. Dean loved you on the drive home after finishing a hunt, when he kicked Sam to the back seat just to have you close, to feel your fingers bless his knuckles with your touch as he gripped the gear shift and hummed along with a melody. The lyrics never mattered anymore- to him, every piece of music was a love song he wrote to you. 
Dean would watch you. He took you in like a piece of art- one he had waited in line for years to catch a glimpse of, just to be told that he could take the exhibit home. All the velvet ropes had fallen and the warning signs were painted over. Please, do not touch the art. And so he would. His fingertips would trace over your brushstrokes and he would compliment the artistry, always grateful to have been given a closer look. 
Your gravity was enough to pull him in from wherever he wandered, though he never wandered far if he could help it. It felt as though you were what rooted him to time and space. Early in your relationship, silence was rare, but in times when the two of you would sit and share slices of it like an orange, he swore he could hear the buzzing of your life force. After a while, he could hear his own, too. And eventually, he would revel in the way your energies would harmonize and dance around each other in a well-rehearsed routine, swirling together and swaying to their own silent rhythm- two beings in love and intertwined in their own right. 
He was scared to lose you- of course he was. He would beg for you to stay behind on hunts, or fling himself between you and the monsters you’d encounter. But in some ways, Dean felt you were most likely invincible. You were made of sunlight and stardust, how could anything kill that? And he felt you were too tied into his life to ever lose you- as if he had already peered through a window into his future and seen you in it, waving back at him. You would be there, he didn’t have to worry. It was a feeling that was so strikingly out of his nature that it grabbed hold of him and didn’t let go. He told you about this feeling once, and it comforted and worried you all at the same time. But the next hunt rolled around and he remained your fierce protector, taking on many of the injuries that would’ve befallen you had he not stepped in. As you stitched him up in a peaceful quiet, he mused- 
“I think I’m starting to understand that whole “to love is to hurt” thing. You laughed. Dean beamed. The hunting, the fighting, the saving the world. All of it was worth it. He would do it all, just so you would patch him back up afterwards with a kiss and a smile. Sometimes you would play soft music and hum to him- in these moments, he would close his eyes and if he hadn’t known any better, he would’ve thought he was in heaven. If it was his heaven, why was he in pain? As he watched you work, he came to an easy decision. He would cut himself open, over and over again for eternity, just for the chance to see your eyes narrow in focus and your mouth purse in concentration as your nimble hands worked to stitch his wounds. Just to feel the vibrations of your lips as they planted a kiss to his cheek mid-melody. He felt his pain was an offering that you rewarded with your presence, and it was an exchange he would happily make throughout his life and far beyond his death. 
Dean cherished the moments when the world outside his door faded into insignificance. You were the master switch that shut off the chaos, leaving him to bask in the warmth of your body and soul. But it took a while for Dean to realize the indelible mark you had left on him. He hadn’t spent more than a moment without you since you had first met- a hunter’s life didn’t leave much room for privacy, but that worked to his advantage in the early days. But you had left for a night, having to take care of a family obligation, pressing him a tender kiss and a don’t miss me too much as you rolled out the door that afternoon. And that night, tucked into your side of the bed in an effort to feel closer to you, Dean couldn’t sleep. Things that hadn’t crossed his mind in years went racing back and forth, round and round on a track until he couldn’t breathe- as if they had been chasing him every lap. When he closed his eyes, all of the memories he had stuffed in the closet and under the bed had spilled into a great big room and he was buried in the rubble. And when he opened his eyes and looked out at the moon, it seemed distant and cold, like it belonged to someone else. So he picked up the phone and called you, his body softening at the sound of your voice and falling asleep to the murmur of your words. He woke early, busy researching a case with Sam, but in a brief moment of stillness in the morning, he realized this was what she really meant. I get it now. Thankfully, you were home by dinnertime with a slice of your grandmother’s pie and a few crazy family stories to tell. Dean practically floated to you and wrapped you in a hug you had to beg him to release you from. 
It hadn’t been until your absence that Dean realized how much still lurked below the surface. While your presence gilded every facet of Dean’s life with a warm, glowing gold, he still hurt, ached, withered when you were gone. And it wasn’t until this realization that Dean understood the labor it was to love him. And it made him want to be better. 
The first time Dean opened up to you was a rainy spring evening. Then again one summer afternoon. He spent August feeding you breadcrumbs from his childhood. And he told you about his time in Hell in late October. You remembered this because you had looked out the window and resonated with the way the leaves trembled and fell from the trees. You raised a shaky hand to his cheek and wiped a tear and swore to Dean that he would never go through that pain again. And Dean, who had just relived each excruciating moment all over again, just for her, spoke. 
“I- I get it now. To love is to hurt because it forces you to be better. And it hurts because you take on a whole second person’s pain, wanting to spare them from it. And to love is to hurt because-”
You raised a finger to his lips and then replaced it with a kiss. And you smiled. And you leaned into his chest. And you let things be still. And so did he. 
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ethereal-night-fairy · 2 months
Slasher!Soap x Suicidal!Reader
Sometimes false kindness is better than cruel honesty. You learned that lesson the hard way.
Slasher Masterlist
Warning: MDNI, DEAD DOVE, NON CON, smut, deep throating, forced blowjob, cruel behaviour, impact play, knife play, cum play, blood kink, spit play, slight breath play at the end, mild gore and blood play, dacryphilia, dark themes, suicidal ideation, pred/prey dynamic, hunting, stalking, mention of murder and attempted murder, horny thoughts, dub-con behaviour, crude and objectifying language, harassment and torture, manipulation, lying, fear mongering, roughhousing, taunting and baiting, threats of violence, threats of sexual violence, acts of violence, acts of sexual violence, sorry if I missed any.
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Your vision was blurring. And the trees had started blending into an abstract concept, much to your dismay. You were tethering on the edge of your downfall but you needed to play the long game if you wanted to achieve your end goal. What did real victims do in this scenario? Would they shout? Would they scream for help? Or would they keep running, unable to think about anything else but escaping their would be killer. You were ill prepared, you overestimated your acting skills. But it didn't mean you weren't going to try your best. Taking a deep breath in, you prepare yourself for the next step.
“SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE! I’M BEING CHASED!” You were running out of dirt paths to take. He was close, you knew he was close. Even if you couldn't hear him over your pounding heart and screaming, you felt the chill of his sinister eyes on you.
“HELP! SOMEONE! PLEASE!” Despite you trying your best, a nagging itch in your head was telling you that it wasn't going to be enough. That you weren't enough. You weren't sure if the darkness was messing with your eyesight or that you were seeing black dots due the lack of oxygen from screaming. You were quickly losing your voice to the frost in the night air. The next few sentences that left your mouth came out broken and hoarse.
It wasn't long before you couldn't shout anymore. Your body forces you to stop from exhaustion and the lack of oxygen from belting your lungs out in hopes of pleasing your soon to be killer. Frantically you look around towards the direction that you just ran from. You couldn't see anything, he wasn't in the tree line.
Cold shivers run up your back as you whip your head around in every direction in an effort to spot him before he pounces on you. Your nerves are frayed with anxiety and anticipation. You just wanted to get this done and over with. You did a good job, didn't you? This was enough, wasn't it?
The longer you waited in the eerie silence of the forest where only your heavy breathing could be heard, the more your irrational thoughts ate away at any confidence you had in your performance.
What if it wasn't enough?...Fuck…you're so fucked…He's going to hurt you isn't he? Your mind again began screaming at you, telling you to run away while you can, telling you to get away before he finds you. But you couldn't move. Your limbs were locked into place. You might as well have become a deer in headlights.
Too lost in your own thoughts, you completely missed the shadow emerging from behind you. Soap took in your disheveled form, noting the drip of sweat coming of your clammy hands. Oh you poor thing, you were nervous. He twirled the knife idly in his hands, handling it as if it were some type of toy rather than the lethal weapon he knew it to be. He studied your body, he was mesmerized by the way you stood frozen with your breath heaving. It truly was a sight for sore eyes. Well to him it was.
The pretty outfit he had dolled you up in today was going to look so good shredded on the floor next to you. He was going to have so much fun slicing it from your body. He wonders if he should feel bad for what he's about to do to you but then again he has to remind himself that you brought this upon yourself. You wanted this. You forced his hand.
He'll give credit where credit is due. You tried your best, you really did. You ran like you meant it. It was a good 20 mins of you sprinting. You even screamed towards the end when the panic started setting in but he was in a vindictive mood. Also he couldn't quite feel the fear in your voice and that was enough to set you up for failure.
He wasn't going to let you win even if you did sound fearful, not now, not ever. You'll die when he's ready to kill you. But that doesn't mean he can't have fun with you in the meantime. He'll make sure you’ll both get something out of this. If nothing else he'll make sure you learn a very important lesson today. With his mind made up he took the final step towards you.
“Boo” You scream, your body jolting while trying to run away frantically but he's already tripping you up long before your legs kick into motion.
“H-HELP! SOMEONE!” You come tumbling down, your fate sealed in stone for the night. Knife gleaming in his hand, he depends upon you as you scramble to get away. Good…You were going to make this fun for him.
Your hands were bound. Too tight, just shy of cutting blood circulation, but you still felt the blood pooling and numbing your fingertips. To Soap you looked like an angel with your top shredded and your hands bound in front of you with its scraps. He stood above you with your face nestled into his groin as he continued to rub his hardening cock against your teary face and busted lip.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. P-please let me go..” Soap laughed at your poor attempts at negotiating. You sobbed harder after he slapped your lips with his leaking cockhead while precum stained your lips like lipgloss. It was too late for any apologies now. They weren't going to help you anyway. You dug your grave and now you were going to lay in it.
“Oh sweetheart, what's wrong? What's with the tears Dove? You wanted this, remember?” Ye were practically begging me tae hunt ye down. Bit off more than ye could chew huh?” You don't bother answering his questions realising there was no way you were going to convince him to let you go.
So you try to change tactics, you try to use your busted knees to pull yourself away from his reach. But even that is quickly halted with a boot pressing painfully down on your mound. He uses his sole to grind up cruelly, catching your clit in the process.
“Think ye can escape from me do ye?” You cry out as he nestles his boot directly below your entrance so he can force you to hump him like a bitch in heat. “Don't act like ye don't like it. Ah can hear yer slick shining my boot. Now open up or do ah have tae cut yer mouth open?”
You looked pathetic in your current state. Bloodshot eyes. Makeup ruined from crying. Bruised and busted knees. Clothes torn to shreds and your breasts decorated with red slashes. The night air had your nipples pebbling as snot and tears formed rivers flowing from your nose and eyes. But despite this you kept your mouth shut stubbornly.
“That's how ye want tae play? Fine then…let's do this the hard way.” Sudden pain erupts from your left breast. You try to trash away but the fist in your hair keeps you in place as you feel the burn and sting of flesh opening and blood spilling out. You feel his knife digging in deeper the fat of your bosom eliciting a pained scream coming from your mouth. It presents the perfect opportunity for him to shove his cock inside as he pulls your head back with his tight grip, maneuvering you like a rag doll.
You gag immediately, unable to accommodate his growing cock but that didn't stop him from trying to push it in further while you struggled. Another inch goes in and you feel your jaw locking and teeth scraping his sensitive skin.
“Watch yer teeth ye whore! Ah've no problem knocking them out” He pulls out temporarily while using the time to squeeze your jaw so it'll open wider for him. You sob and splutter out pleas to stop him but they come out intelligible. And not a second later your mouth is tasting salt and iron again. Your busted lip stretching to accommodate his whole girth. The blood mixing in with the already overwhelming taste of his seed has your brain short circuiting. Your mind was shutting down. It was trying to lull you into a dreamy headspace where you didn't have to think.
Your body on the other hand had other ideas. It screamed at you, keeping you vigilantly aware of what was happening to you and how painful everything was. Your jaw from being forcibly held open, your skin from being lacerated and bruised, your clit from being stepped on and your throat from being used so brutally. Yet you were shown no mercy for your pain.
He jerks his hips, forcing himself further into your mouth as you continue to try to pull away before your gag reflex forces you to vomit. The salty musky taste of his percum was invading all your senses. And you couldn't do anything to get rid of the overwhelming taste of him.
You wanted him out, you wanted him gone. This wasn't how the night was supposed to end. He was supposed to kill you. He was supposed to end your suffering, not add to it. Anger tears spill from your fatigued eyes at the unfairness of the situation. You had tried your best, so why wasn't it enough? Why weren't you enough?
You were so frazzled, especially with your intrusive thoughts, that you didn't clock the feral look in Soap's eyes. You continue to rub your wrists raw in a desperate attempt to gain some control back. Anything to make you feel like you weren't going off the deep end. But it was futile, no matter how much you pushed and shoved you remained firmly planted between his feet.
As you continued your pointless fight you felt his blade circle your nipple making your treacherous legs clench in need. Soap noticing your predicament withdraws the blade before another incision was made.
“What wrong luv? I thought you didn't want this. Why are yer legs rubbing together like that?” You glare at him with venom, his taunting causing your blood to boil to new heights. You hated yourself for feeling this. For being so turned on by being used like an object. There must be something seriously wrong with you. But you should have known that already, sane people aren't suicidal like you. Sane people don't taunt killers into chasing them. Sane people don't let murderers into their home and they definitely don't let killers take them out on dates.
Your many wounds sting as you feel blood trickling down your torso. Your bound hands push at his thighs trying to create some distance again but the fist in your hair was unyielding. He gives it a mean tug making you gag around his thick girth as it hits the back of your throat where it meets resistance. No doubt he was trying his best to bypass it. He was aiming to use your throat like a fleshlight.
“Yeah Gag on it ye slag! Keep fighting, it just turns me on more.” A large hand forces your head down further on the hard cock obstructing your airway while the other holds a sharp knife to your jugular. Spit was pooling and spilling down your neck leaving a sticky mess while you try your best to claw your way out. You try to kick, to scream, to pinch, anything to try to get away from this monster of a dick. But the only thing that has done for you is leave cuts all over your neck as you trash. This was exhausting, on one hand you had to physically fight off Soap and on the other you had to fight your mind for being so horny when you definitely shouldn't be.
Your bloodshot eyes glare at him through your tear stained lashes. You watch his face twist into one of ecstasy as he gets you to deep throat another inch while spit spills out of your overstuffed mouth. He closes his eyes briefly to collect himself and you take the chance to grab and twist his balls as hard as you could. If you were going to be in pain, so was he.
You think you've succeeded in your payback, you foolishly believe this would give you enough time to escape as he shouts before hastily removing his dick from your mouth. But before you could even try to get on your feet, you're struck across the face. A blinding pain blooms across your face. One that had your ears ringing and your vision blurring more than it already was.
“Ye fucking bitch!” You're on the ground clutching your face as you realise you've just been back handed. The inflamed skin immediately heats, while the bones in your face feel like they've been misaligned. You don't even have the time to cry from the pain as you watch him rub his balls to soothe the ache before his boot cruelly descends your clit.
“Two can play at this game!” He presses down sadistically as you trash on the floor unable to move while the sharp sting of having your clit crushed immobilizes you. You watch through tears as he frantically jerks off to your pained cries.
He grinds his boot down, rubbing the delicate flesh of your pussy raw with his abrasive soles. It's only when you begin to earnestly sob and plead for mercy does he have the decency to remove his foot.
“Oh look at that tsk tsk ye've left a wet spot, ye filthy girl.” Crouching down he gives your cunt a mean slap causing you to flinch before he kneels above your face while you cry out for grace. He holds his cock in one hand as he brings the others to your throat again. The knife digs in while he smears his saliva drenched rod all over your bruised swollen cheek. Making sure to give it a slap from time to time as he sandwiches his cock between his hand and your face. You jerk your head away, causing the knife to leave shallow cuts in its wake. While you try your best to keep his cock away from you.
“Keep doing that and ye won't have skin left tae cut anymore” He groans out placing his balls over your lips while straddling your head. “Kiss them better ye slag” Fear overrides your mind immediately as your mouth opens to kiss and suckle the skin of his musky balls. You turn up your nose at the overwhelming smell of sweat. But you couldn't escape this predicament even if you tried. And tired you did. He moans as he jerks off his hard cock in front of your eyes while all you could do is follow his orders.
“Open up.” He taps your tongue with his cockhead as you push your thighs together to alleviate the discomfort you were feeling from your abused clit. Your slowness to follow orders seemed to have ticked him off because not a second later the knife at your throat is being dug into the ground beside your ear nicking the edge of it. You let out a broken cry from the torment he was putting you through, but your pained sobs fell on deaf ears. He continues to ignore you while he pulls the blade out again to dig it into the skin of your cheek. The sharpness made your body jerk and shiver as you quickly opened your mouth to please him.
Despite your body struggling to accept his whole length, Soap gives you no respite. All he does is groan while shoving more of himself down your throat, taking great pleasure in hearing all the lewd sounds of you choking and gagging. He uses the knife to trace up your jaw leaving small knicks before it settles dangerously close to your bleeding ear. He digs the knife into the dirt again, freeing up his hands but leaving the threat for you to stay obedient.
“Fucking take it ye slag” both his hands tighten viciously in your hair as he uses it like a leash to pull your head to his cock while he sits his weight down on you.
Your esophagus seizes making you gag and splutter spit as he pushes through the gag reflex again and again while bullying as much of himself down a hole that had little to no training to accommodate his girth or length. The unnatural stretch of your muscles burned beyond understanding. And yet another gag erupts as his cockhead pokes your tonsil. You feel the knife digging to your cartilage when you try to jerk away. Tears are streaming down your face by this point but Soap laughs as you struggle to keep up to his pace without hurting yourself even more. You slurp and suck to keep him placated but it didn't seem like it was enough. He wanted more, and that's exactly what he took from you.
He settles his full weight on you as you feel his cock swell with his coming release. There's spit, cum and blood everywhere as Soap looks down at you almost affectionately. He watches your blown out pupils shake and flicker as you frantically look around for help. But how stupid of you to think that someone was coming to save you.
You've stopped actively fighting him. But that didn't mean your body had given up. He still feels your hips squirm and move in an effort to take his weight off your chest but he remains seated regardless. Too lost in his own carnal pleasure to care if he was hurting you. He needed to teach you a lesson after all. You couldn't be let off the hook just because you were crying and choking on his monster of a cock. You deserved to be punished after the stunt you pulled.
He's brutal in his pace refusing to let you get an air in through your mouth. But as he hunches over you and begins rocking his hips more. You begin panicking as your face is pressed to his pubic hair. His hands have left your hair in favor of placing them on the ground while he ruts into your mouth like a madman, treating your mouth like it was a fleshlight. Your throat burns from the foreign intrusion battering its walls and all you can do is lay there with your mouth open as your eyes drown in their own tears.
“Fuck I'm coming. Take it ye slag! Swallow every drop!” Soap quickly adjusts one hand to hold his weight while the other goes to pinch your nose as his hips stutter to a stop forcing your face flush to his sweat drenched pubic hair. You push your bound hands frantically at his legs to get him off before you die from the lack of oxygen in your brain but that just encourages Soap to grind his hips down more while you choke and splutter everywhere. Your eyes roll back as he seats his cock fully inside of you.
Your air gets completely cut off just as you feel the hot splash of thick viscous cum go down your burning throat while your body tries violently buck him off you but it's no use. You aren't strong enough. You'll never be able to overpower him, no matter how badly you tried. Your mind goes blank as your legs shake from the lack of oxygen and air. You feel your vision spotting while hot cum fills your stomach.
He holds down your jerking body for a good minute before he's ready to remove himself but even then his cock wouldn't soften as it continues to come all over your tongue and face. You're covered in his load. Covered in his sticky white mess. What made it worse was the way he continued to hold your jaw open to lean down to spit on your tongue and face. You had no choice but to accept his ‘gift’ since the only form of air you were getting was from your mouth.
Your muscles felt tender and wrung out. Every surface on your skin was burning with discomfort. He stops pinching your nose realising you're about to pass out if you continue to choke on his cum and spit. He looks down at you with such a satisfied yet condescending smirk and you feel yourself breaking all over again.
You stare at his smug face with your dead expression. What was all this for if he wasn't going to kill you? You take a painful breath in. One that has your body slumping with exhaustion instantaneously. Air finally re-enters your veins as you curl yourself into a ball trying to protect yourself from any further onslaught.
Now that you weren't actively choking your mind starts focusing on things that you rather not think about. The potent stench of cum, the salt and iron aftertaste, the sticky mess of cum and blood painting your abused skin. And worst of all you couldn't do anything about it. You were at his mercy until he decided he was done with you.
The smell might haunt you for the rest of your life. Just like his memories do. A broken sob leaves your body. You feel yourself shake from the impact of your cries.
What was all this for? What was the point of anything if you weren't going to die tonight?
Your sobs are the only thing you hear for the next while. That is until you hear him move. And you immediately knew your suffering wasn't coming to an end any time soon.
“We're not done” you sob louder as your wrists are cut free but not a second later he's placing you on your stomach with your face pressed into the dirt. You can't see him from your position but you feel his calloused hands all over your skin. Poking and prodding your wounds and your cold skin. Your arms are once again twisted as he cuts away your skirt to use as a makeshift rope. It's not long after your panties are being inspected by the very knife that was used to mar your flesh tonight.
“Your dripping Dove…” he says nonchalantly. As if it was just a simple fact among lovers. You feel the chill from the wet streaks of arousal decorating your legs. An involuntary gasp escaping your mouth as you feel him press the blunt side of the blade on the tip of your clit. But unfortunately for the both of you it doesn't elicit the reaction he wanted. He pushes down harder hoping to hear you beg while simultaneously raising your hips so you're propped up onto your sore knees. But you don't have it in you to speak anymore. Or to ask for mercy when you knew for a fact nothing was going to save you tonight. Only quiet tears leave you as you try your best not to hyperventilate.
But all you were hearing, tasting and feeling was him. And you wished you were anywhere but here. If you're going to survive you needed to shut him out, you needed to disassociate to get through this.
“What? Yer not going tae fight anymore? Come on Dove don't bore me so soon, ye said ye'd make is as good as the real thing.” When you don't respond other than your labored breathing he decides he'll use other methods to make you beg and scream.
“Ah think we need something tae show everyone who ye belong tae, don't we luv? How does a tramp stamp sound?” A cold shiver jolts your body as you hear the false sweetness in his tone. Your body reanimates with his threat, forcing you to try and escape his hold but your face is quickly pushed back down into the dirt. Tears water the dirt beneath your face but even if you cried all night long no mercy was going to bloom out of your pain and suffering. He was sick to phrase your predicament as a question when you knew he was going to do whatever he wanted.
“No! Soap stop! Im s-sorry I'm s-so sorry. Please don't do this.” You feel him reposition his knife directly at the small of your back as you body tries to sway away from his hold but it's no use. You know his mind was made up.
“Should ah be nice and only do the initials? But ah think Jonathan MacTavish would look beautiful carved into yer flesh, don't ye Dove?” You just sob louder feelings the bite of the blade already cutting into the skin of your back.
“Don't worry my sweet. Ah'll make it feel good while ah do it.” With a blade to your back and a hand caressing your folds you curse yourself for ever thinking you could outsmart a killer.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Hey do you have any Drarry fic recs which basically have Draco completely changing in 8th year/after the war, like he's dyed his hair and has tattoos and just has become more friendly and changed and Harry basically loses his mind? Kinda tired of the grovelling Draco or animosity fics atp.. Thanks :)
Hi anon! Omg yes, love me confused Harry losing his mind over a changed, hotter and confident Draco. This trope always delivers even when Draco doesn’t go through major physical changes (I love it when he gets extra though 🤌🏼). I have a few recs but they’re all post-Hogwarts, I hope they still work for you!
Enjoy the Silence by @shealwaysreads (M, 3.4k)
Draco stops speaking, gets some tattoos, and discovers that Harry’s happy to be quiet with him.
Under Your Skin by p1013 (E, 4k)
He initials another section and flips the page. Being a junior Auror is a lot more grunt work than he expected, and the paperwork isn't even the worst of it. He's also managed to catch intake duty. It's getting close to 2 AM, there hasn't been a single arrest brought in tonight, and he's still got another six hours before his shift is over. Rubbing a hand over his face, he prays for something, anything, to make the interminable evening better.
The Study of Change by p1013 (M, 4.3k)
Harry's going to hell. He's going to hell immediately. Even with all of the good he's done in his life, he's never going to overcome the impure thoughts racing through his head at the sight of Draco Malfoy looking like an academic wet dream in a room full of barely legal adults.
Starstruck by phrynne (E, 4.5k)
Yeah, Malfoy has pink hair. Or sort of. Half of his hair is shaved short and dyed an aggressive pink. The other half is still white-blond, a strand falling over his right eye, only the left side of his face visible at all times. He turns it slightly and spots me beyond the moving bodies. He doesn’t stop dancing, a smile plays on his lips. This time I don’t look away like I used to when all this began.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley (E, 9.6k)
Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
Dream by the Fire by GallifreyisBurning (M, 11k)
When Draco Malfoy resurfaces in England after eight years abroad—tattooed, pierced, and wanting to take over a corner of Harry's coffee shop to work on a writing project—Harry can't help but be intrigued. Where has he been? What is he working on? Why here? And why does he have to look so stupidly hot with all those tattoos?
Cold Like Fire by QueenofThyme (M, 12k)
Head Auror Harry Potter had no problem with mandatory consent training for his team. He’d actually been looking forward to it, that is, until he discovered who the teacher was. Now, he had no idea how he was going to get through the training without throwing a hex at Draco Malfoy. Or a punch.
In the Shape of Things to Come by @academicdisasterfic (E, 15k)
Existential angst and chronic boredom are plaguing Harry Potter in his cushy post-war life. However, a chance encounter with a tattooed, pierced, disgruntled Draco Malfoy in the middle of Muggle Camden seems to spark something in Harry again—and he never could stay away from Malfoy.
We Might Be Too Old for a Bildungsroman by @wellhalesbells (T, 21k)
Harry finds something he’s been looking for since the war’s end. Admittedly, the packaging’s a bit odder than he expected.
Ink (My Skin With Your Name) by Kandakicksass (M, 22k)
Several years after the war, an ostracized Draco Malfoy covers himself in tattoos, becomes best friends with a muggle, and debates abandoning magical society entirely to work in a tattoo shop. All in all, he's having a hell of a time trying to figure out who he is and what he wants to do with his life. The last thing he needs is to run into Harry Potter, who seems intent on becoming his friend, even if he has to get a lot of ink to do it.
All Bets Are Off by dualwieldteacup (M, 31k)
Harry Potter's latest security assignment brings him to Las Vegas for the International Wizarding Casino World Series. At a magic underwater hotel, he is tasked with guarding the legendary and mysterious gambler known as Snake Eyes. The stakes are high when both Galleons and emotions are involved. Not to mention peacock pool floats, secret pizza, and most importantly of all, second chances.
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mjolnirswriststrap · 10 months
“Oh, I'm holding my breath
Won't lose you again
Something's made your eyes go cold”
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Masterlist Pt.Five
Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: Part 4/6, Bucky’s closer to figuring out the truth, and you haven’t thought about what’s his name in days.
Warnings: Nightmares and fluff.
Bucky watched as soft snores fell from your open mouth. Apparently today drained you, he understands, he feels like he just got hit by a truck. Everything is gone, everyone is gone, he doesn’t know how it happened. How did a lifetime disappear?
Bucky had plans, now there’s no chance they’ll ever happen. Him and Steve were gonna buy houses side by side when the war ended. Raise families together, bring up children together. But he doesn’t know if Steve even remembers him; he’ll find out tomorrow.
His eyes slowly drift closed, then he hears the front door swinging open. His body jerks, he looks left and right and you’re no where to be seen. Gusts of wind are blowing piles of snow through the door, he jumps up, looking up to the empty loft, the bathroom doors open and the lights off. You’re gone.
He feels a hand on his shoulder but when he turns around no one’s there. All of the blood in his body was now pounding through his ears, like a deafening throb. He runs outside, determined to find you. He quickly throws his right arm up, shielding his eyes from the shards of ice falling from the sky. The snow was relentless on the mountain.
Bucky squints into the dark woods, he swears he hears someone, but they’re too far away to make out what they’re saying. He bravely steps into the abyss in search. “Help, please, is anyone out there?”. The persons voice becomes clearer. Bucky is running through the woods, one boot in-front of the other. With the storm coming down it feels like that night he found the cabin.
A familiar pain of cold air stabbed at his lungs. He can’t see a thing, the moon bounces off some patches snow but the storm clouds make it an impossible labyrinth of trees. “Hello, can you hear me?” He bellows out, hopeful.
Bucky’s breaths sharpen, and for a second he hears someone else’s deeps breaths. He stops his trekking through the snow, turning his body in a full 360 degrees. Any moment now something would pop out at him. “Is there anyone out there? Where are you?” He tries one more time to make contact with whoever was calling out.
He hold his breath, and stands completely still, keeping the snow from crunching under his feet. He’s all alone, or so he thought. “Buck.” He whips his head around to see his friend reveal himself from behind a tree. “Steve?” Bucky can’t believe it, how did he get here so quick from New York? It couldn’t have been more than a few hours since the call with Darcy.
“How did you get here so fast? What is going on? I met this girl, she tried to convince me you were frozen in ice for 70 years.” Bucky starts rambling. Steve just stoically stands there, face devoid of any emotion. Bucky’s relief starts to fade “Steve? What’s wrong?”.
It was as if the man didn’t see Bucky. He was looking right at him, but he was unwavering in his stance. “How could you?” He finally speaks up, but it doesn’t sound like him. Bucky’s brows furrow, “How could I what?”. He takes a step back, distancing himself.
Steve drops his gaze, slowly shaking his head. “All those innocent people. Brutally killed in their homes, in their cars, in-front of the world, you have no shame.” Bucky’s face contorts in horror. He would never, he has never, and he could never do that. “Stop, I have no clue what you’re talking about. Steve, you’re starting to freak me out.”
Steve lunges forward, reaching out. Bucky doesn’t let him get close enough before he breaks out in a sprint. “Steve! Please, just tell me what’s going on.” Bucky runs faster than he ever had before. Steve is right on his heels. His feet stutter under him and it causes him to crash into the thick snow, spitting out chunks on snow and dirt.
He rolls over to his back, his chest rising and falling, causing cloud of fog to emit from his mouth. Steve stands over him, raising his shield above his head, “Why Buck? Why didn’t you just die?”.
Bucky’s eyes widen as he watches Steve release his weapon, letting it fall down to slice him. He feels the ground beneath him start to rumble and then everything goes black. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes in this dark realm. When he opens them, he’s back in that cozy little cabin, you’re curled up under a heavy blanket. The golden lamplight made your skin glow. It was warm, and the tv quietly played the third Princess Diaries movie.
He reaches up with his right hand to wipe the sleep from his eyes, but he’s met with beads of sweat on his brow. That dream felt real, all of them till now felt like he was floating.
He stares out the window behind the tv. Watching as the snow rapidly falls; as the sun comes up and you start to rise. He’s in shock, why was Steve talking about innocent people? Why was Steve blaming him? That wasn’t the Steve he knows.
If he’s honest with himself, he was terrified. He didn’t see a soul behind his friends eyes. It was like Steve was a shark who just smelled blood. His heart continues to race as you rise from the couch, stretching your tired limbs. “Hey.” You say awkwardly. You don’t know what to say, you’d never had just a sleepover with a guy. Even under these circumstances you feel embarrassed by your puffy faced state.
Bucky looks up to your comforting presence, and he feels his nerves begin to relax. “Hey.” He replies. “Are you alright, you’re as pale as a ghost.” You say, waking into the kitchen to boil water for coffee. To you, the cabin was freezing, no golden warmth like how Bucky saw it.
He nods his head at your question. “Just a bad dream.”. Now it’s your turn to nod, “We still have a while until we hear any news from Darcy, it’s still night there.” You say, emptying left over grounds into the trash.
Bucky stands, holding his left arm close, “Anything I could do for you?” He says yawning. “I wanna earn my keep, I feel like I’ve been intruding too much on your space, the least I could do is make myself useful.”
You stop mid pour, you’d never had a man be so thoughtful. Your ex just knew how to take and never give; it was exhausting. “Um, firstly, would you like a cup of coffee Sargent?” You smile, sliding a blue coffee cup across the counter.
Bucky sips the dark liquid, the roasted flavor reminding him of early mornings with his ma. He sucks on his teeth, “Sounds nice coming from you, if I’m honest.” Bucky liked the way Sargent rolled off your tongue, like it was meant to be patronizing, but it sounded genuine.
If your cheeks weren’t already pink from the cold, Bucky would definitely be able to see the blush that overtook your whole face. “Like I said, I appreciate and respect a man in uniform.” You flirt back, unashamedly.
Bucky chuckles, finishing off his mug. “Seriously though, anything I could do?”. You look past him into the living room. The black stove sat in the corner, unused. “We need wood if we’re gonna warm this place with something other than space heaters.”
“That is all you had to say.” Bucky walks back into the living room, and pulls his blue coat over his arms. “I think I seen an axe out there somewhere.” He smiles walking towards the door.
“Wait, your arm looks hurt, are you sure you should be chopping wood?” You say in concern. Bucky watches your worried eyes fall to the arm he cradled, he noticed the nervous pitch in your voice. “If I don’t, who will? Can’t let you go out and do it, not on my watch.” He says, letting you know he’s too much of a gentleman.
You’re starting to lose count on how many times this man had surpassed your expectations. You know he’s just being old fashioned, if anything you should be offended. A woman could chop wood just as good as a man. But you just knew Bucky meant it differently, like you shouldn’t have to break a sweat, chopping wood was beneath you. He’ll bare the cold for the both of you.
You watch through the kitchen window as Bucky swings the axe with one arm, he doesn’t miss once. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the way his hair fell in his face, making his perfect appearance look more disheveled.
Maybe you shouldn’t be checking him out, it’s not like you should be moving on so quickly. You need to find yourself before you get wrapped up in another person. You don’t even know your favorite flavor of ice cream, and there’s hundreds of flavors you haven’t even tried yet.
You want to help Bucky, but you’re putting yourself first, no matter what happens. If it gets too hairy or too serious, you’re out. You just want to be a good person, and good people don’t drool over their house guests. On that note, you walk over to the wood burning stove, opening the rusted door, you find a box of matches sitting on top. You light one and burn what dry wood was left from the previous owner. You needed hot coals to keep the fire going on the snow moistened wood Bucky was chopping.
You hold your cold fingers up to the cracking flames, it’s like blood was rushing back to the frost bitten tips. You close your eyes for a second to bask in the warmth you’d created for yourself, and then you hear a distant whooshing, you look out of the window to see the trees thrashing violently; snow blowing everywhere.
Bucky comes bursting through the door, axe in hand. “What is a helicopter doing all the way out here?”
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
Challenges pt 2
Rindo x Reader
Warnings: Adult themes, Mature Themes, Innapropriate language, Smut, kinda angsty, Its like hate sex in away, orgasm, Rindo lowkey being sadistic.
Part 1 (Ran)
When Rindo came into his officer seeing the stacks of paperwork on his desk he knew he was fucked. The younger Haitani had been so pre-occupied with missions that he had been neglecting his paperwork with the various businesses that Bonten were working with as well as information regarding their rivals. Rindo knew that he had to have all his neglected paperwork completed as soon as possible if Mikey had even an inclining at how Rindo had been lacking he would surely feel Mikey’s wrath. So Rindo knew what he had to do…
Now you sat quietly beside Rindo at his office desk helping him organize his paperwork into the designated files while he completed filling in any information needed onto the papers.
You paid no attention to how close you and Rindo were sitting as all your attention was now placed at the task at hand, so focused that you hadn’t even noticed that your thigh had been grazing Rindo’s leg.
In any normal scenarios having someone lightly touch his leg, Rindo would’ve paid no mind to it, but this time it was different. Rindo hadn’t forgotten his bet he made with Ran to abstain from any sexual acts that may cause him to cum. And even if Ran already lost Rindo was not going to give up, he wanted to prove a point to Ran that he wasn’t as weak willed as his older brother.
So, the moment Rindo felt that sensation, that slight tingle of pleasure running up his thigh from your thigh brushing against his he knew action had to be taken.
“Hey (Y/N), could you just shift your chair a bit away from mine. Feeling kind of claustrophobic” Rindo said sweetly, in hopes to not offend you.
“Oh sorry, Rin” you said as you began to shift your chair away from rans until there was a 10-inch gap between you and Rindo.
Once you were far away enough Rindo brought his attention back to the papers he was analysing. But out of the corner of his eye Rindo watched as you got up from your seat now walking over to the water dispenser in the far-left corner of his office.
Rindo knew he shouldn’t have watched the way your hips swayed from side to side as you walked or that way your tight pencil skirt rose with each step, but he did, he couldn’t help it. It was only human nature for him to be looking that or that what he was telling himself.
Rindou watched as you bent over with your ass now being displayed out to him while you filled a white cup with cold refreshing water. Rindou continued starring when you turned around and began drinking the beverage. He watched as you titled your head up swallowing the cool water, as your chest was now being displayed. Rindo watched as little droplets of water fell onto your white blouse causing the already sheer fabric to become more see through allowing him to see the black lacy bra that you wore underneath, that barely hid your semi-hard nipples.
You felt Rindo’s gaze on your figure as you drank you water. Figuring that he probably wanted some for himself.
“Would you like some water?” you asked as you pointed to the water dispenser with a cute smile.
Rindo snapped out of lustres gaze, as he now blinked away his lewd thoughts of you. Just simply nodding in agreement to your request if he would like water.
‘She has to be doing this on purpose’ Rindo thought, as you had already seduced his older brother into losing such as simple. But you would not get the better of Haitani Rindo.
You walked back to the desk, still feeling Rindo’s gaze on you but choosing to ignore. You carefully tried to place the water on Rindo’s table, but as careful as you tried to be you had spilt the plastic cup all overs Rindo’s suit pants.
Quickly realizing your mistake, you rushed over to his side, grabbing at the tissue box that sit in his desk as you began to frantically wipe at his suit pants. You began praying that your mistake wouldn’t upset Rindo, as he was known to be more sadistic between the two brothers.
However, Rindo had thought your little accident was deliberate, as you were now currently rubbing the centre of his suit up and down, the exact location where his cock resided in, as it now began getting harder than it already was.
Rindo quickly stood up from his seat causing you to shift away from where you knelt on the ground trying to get his suit dry with tissues that were already soaked.
Rindo now stood with a prominent scowl on his brow.
“What do you think you’re doing (Y/N)?” He asked with a serious tone laced with anger, while you remained knelt beside his office chair.
“I was just trying to get your pants dry Rindo” you replied, as you looked up at Rindo with doe eyes, causing Rindo to move slightly back.
Rindo could feel his cock twitch at the way your face shone with innocence as you replied to him, as if you didn’t know what your actions would lead to.
“Don’t lie (Y/N). I know exactly what you’re doing. You think you can just walk around flaunting yourself off like that thinking it won’t have an effect on me, but you’re wrong I’m not like Ran, I’m not just going to whip my cock out because you shove your ass in my face” Rindo said angrily, as you now stood up from the ground, now with a scowl of your own on your face.
You couldn’t believe Rindo’s words, he really thought that your actions were intended to seduce him. You now stood eye to eye with Rindo, letting the anger settle around the two of you until you ripped your gaze away from his as you moved back to your seat.
Rindo followed your actions taking his seat, as the two for went back to organizing paperwork. But unlike the silence of before that was filled with comfort, the current silence that was in Rindo’s office was filled with agitation. Rindo angrily signing off papers, while you aggressively threw down folders after sorting them.
‘Shove my ass in his face’ you rolled your eyes at the thought; it wasn’t your fault that Rindo found a simple action like you bending over sexual. But since you were accused of shoving your ass in his face you might as well make it a reality you thought.
You stood up from your seat now slightly shifting over towards Rindo’s side, as you reached over his figure to grab a stack of papers on his side of the desk, with your ass now directly in his face. You smirked as you could practically feel the fumes of Rindo radiating from him.
“That’s it!” Rindo said as he stood up abruptly. Before you could even stand up straight Rindo had his hands on your hips moving you so that you sat on the desk now with his hands still on your hips holding you still.
“What are you doing Rindo?” you asked with a slight tremble in your voice.
“You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes” Rindo said back, with his irises now fully expanded, he looked like a predator who had successfully captured its prey ready to devour it.
You didn’t move or speak in fear of what Rindo might do, but Rindo didn’t care about your now terrified reaction.
“Why the scared face now” Rindo said as he pushed your skirt up exposing your lace panties that seemed to already have a damp spot, which was more proof to him that you wanted him to fuck you.
“Come on (Y/N), say something?” Rindo teased as he now pulled your panties down, and your face morphed from fear to aggression.
“Fuck you” you said with venom towards Rindo.
“Well, I am about to Fuck you, sweetheart” Rindo said with a smirk, as he quickly undid his belt buckle with on hand while the other remained on your hip to keep you seated on the desk.
You watched as Rindo undid his belt, and as much as you were angry the scene enfolding in front of you caused your pussy to clench with excitement and the slick that was now leaking onto Rindo’s desk was the evidence of your excitement.
Rindo had finally pulled his cock out, the tip was swollen and leaking out strings of pre-cum down his long hard shaft that twitched ever so slightly.
Rindo now took his hand and ghosted his cock tip over your pussy as it dripped out at Rindo’s teasing, causing Rindo to laugh.
“You ready princess?” Rindo asked rhetorically already knowing the answer by the way your pussy clenched around nothing.
And without any warning Rindo pushed himself into you, until his balls were now pushing against your puffy folds.
Rindo let out a shaky sigh at the sensation of your warm wet walls clamping down on him. He could feel his balls already began to contract and expand as his cum began moving to his shaft just waiting to shoot out into your tight pussy.
“Shit” Rindo moaned out still not moving.
“You gonna cum already” you said with a snicker trying your best not to moan out in pleasure.
“You wish princess” Rindo said as he pulled his cock back to the entrance of your pussy and then thrusting it back in deeper than before.
Any hopes to remain angry melted away as soon as Rindo began thrusting and you now put your arms around his shoulders as you moaned out.
Rindo kept a steady pace of cucking your pussy, with his cock hitting the deep spot in your pussy that caused a deep pressure that made your pussy tingle with pleasure.
Rindo could feel the way your walls pulled his cock in deeper trying to keep him there for as long as possible before he had to pull it out.
“Your pussy is trying to suck me in” Rindo laughed out as he began to thrust faster.
And as much as you wanted to say a remark back you were unable to as the only thing that left your lips were loud moans of pleasure as Rindo fucked your pussy like a mad man.
Your clit was being pushed against back and forth with each thrust of Rindo bringing you closer and closer to your climax, the pressure in your pussy soon becoming to much.
“Rindo I’m gon-na cu-m” uou moaned out as you grabbed at his hair, vausing him to moan out in pleasure at your rough actions.
Rindo fucked your pussy even ahrder tha before, fucking your pussy so fast and hard that a frothy ring of white was at the base of his cock.
The sensation of Rindo penetrating you so wildly becoming too much to fast. You grabbed Rindo’s hair harder than before as your pussy clamped down hard around his cock as you came hard, the pressure of your pussy finally being released as it milked Rindo’s cock.
“Look who’s cumming now” Rindo said with a smile as he continued fucking you threw your orgasm, as pussy became even tighter causing Rindo’s hips to stutter as he now came, letting the cum shoot out of his slit and into your soft swollen pussy walls that continuously milked his cock.
Rindo kept his cock buried deep inside you as his orgasm began to fade out, the two of you taking deep breathes to regulate your breathing.
Rindo brought both his hand to either side of your face, bringing your face closer to his as he placed a soft chaste kiss upon your lips. And when he pulled back a soft smile was on his face causing you to giggle out happily as Rindo did the same.
Ran sat alone in the meeting room lazily smoking a cigarette when he heard the massive doors of the room swing open with a loud bang.
Rindo trudged over to Ran quickly with an irritated look on his face.
Ran watched as Rindo pulled out a wad of yens and Ran noted from the purple band that the yens were kept together that it was the wad of yens he gave Rindo a few days prior.
“There’s your fucking money back” Rindo said as he now walked back towards the meeting room doors.
And Ran knew exactly why Rindo had given the money back, as he to had lost there no nut November bet.
“Who was it?” Ran asked, just as Rindo had asked him.
Just before Rindo walked out the door he turned back to his brother with a smile now on his face.
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
David Rossi x GN!Reader.
Words. 1.4K
Summary: Your boyfriend waking you up from a nightmare.
Warnings: Murder, swearing, blood, crying, fluff, dead bodies. (If ive forgotten something let me know)
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The fear kept building up as you ran down the corridor, your breathing becoming heavy as you sprint for your life. He was gaining on you slowly, the impending doom kept approaching and the corridor just seems to be getting longer. The place is freezing cold and bodies seem to be spread out across the hallway, having to jump over the familiar bodies of your team members. 
Their blood covering the walls, the man you have been running from for years getting closer and closer. Your mind is running with fear of the past and logic, you know this isn’t real, you remember going to bed last night then suddenly waking up running down this place. You were stuck once more in this unending nightmare, yet none of you seems to be waking up. 
SLAM! Your body is suddenly being tackled into the wall, the man you hate with every fibre of your body grins down at you keeping your shivering body pinned easily against the wall, a bloody knife firmly in his hand.
“I finally got you my little lamb” His soft chuckles make your skin crawl as he brings the knife up to your neck, slowly tracing down your body. Before he firmly pushes it into your chest, his laugh fills the room as he lets you drop to the floor, the torture finally ending. 
Glancing down at the knife that's firmly in your chest, blood dripping down as you slide on to the ground, losing the energy. 
“(Y/n)?” A soft voice calls for you, one that is unusually full of pain. Your eyes dart to your side. Your heart breaks into a million pieces when you spot Dave laying on the ground, his neck sliced open, a pile of blood pooling. 
“D Dave…”
“Why.. Why did you drag us into this” The anger and hate is all you can see in his eyes.
“I I’m sorry” You cry out as you watch the life drain out of him.
“You should be”
“We all died for you”
“You killed us all”
Your team all stand above you, all of them looking like ghosts, blood covering each and everyone of them, hatred and anger radiating off of them. You can’t help but let the tears spill over as you stare at them, the guilt catching up to you. 
“I'm sorry I’m so sorry” You keep repeating it, as Rossi brings his hand up to cup your cheek, leaving behind his bloody handprint.
Dave lays there for a few seconds, trying to figure out what the noises he could hear are. That's when they get louder and he has no doubts as to what it is. He quickly turns over, pulling himself closer to you, pulling himself into a sitting position, before rubbing your arm gently. 
“(Y/n), Sweetie, wake up” He speaks softly, hoping you're not too far in dream land, hoping you're close to waking up already. But he gets no response.
“(Y/n), come on sweetie, wake up” Dave calls again with more urgency, a sharper shake to your arm.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” You cry out, your eyes still firmly shut, still dead asleep. The fear of your dream has a tight hold on you.
“(Y/n), It's Dave I need you to open your eyes for me!” He speaks more sharply, scared about what's going on inside your mind tonight.
“I’m sorry, sorry Dave, please sorry” Your words mumble together as your crying gets harder, shaking as you try to get out of his grip.
“Darling, shh it's okay, I’m right here just wake up” Dave takes a deep breath, as he gives you one final sharp shake. Your eyes fling open with a small scream, your body launching up into a sitting position. Dave’s arms are quick to wrap around your waist, stopping you from falling off.
“Hey.. deep breaths I’m right here you're safe” Dave’s voice is soft, full of love and compassion. A tone that is completely different that the Dave from your dream, he rubs your arm gently as you take deep calming breaths, trying to calm your racing heart. 
“D Dave..” The words get stuck in your throat. Turning to look at him with a terrified look plastered over your face, tears still spilling down your face.
“It's okay darling, I’m right here” He smiles softly, wrapping his arms around your properly before pulling you into his chest, pressing his lips against your forehead, which automatically helps calm you down.
You two sit there in silence for a moment. Your head resting against his chest, listening peacefully to his heart, taking deep breaths to try and match him. Your mind is still racing from the nightmare, but the longer you sit there listening to Dave’s heartbeat and breathing, feeling his body wrapped around yours, is enough to ground you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Dave whispers softly, his hand running through your hair. 
“It was the corridor again” Your voice shakes, your mind flashing back to what your nightmare is based off of.
“Oh darling” Dave sighs softly. He had already figured that, it's not the first time you’ve woken up due to that place.
“It was worse this time.. He had k ki” The tears swell in your eyes again as you get flash back the jumping over the teams bodies, to Dave dying in your lap. “He killed the team.. I couldn't stop him.. He killed you” You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing again, that man has already taken so much from you, you can’t allow him to take your lover from you either.
“I'm right here.. The team is safe, everyone is safe” He whispers those words softly, knowing you're holding something back. Placing his hand under your chin so he can gently direct your face upwards to look at him. Catching a glimpse of your tears, he softly wipes them away, feeling his heart break as he sees the broken look on your face.
“Do you want to tell me what's really bothering you?” His stare is enough to make you break open about anything. The soft but protective, caring but stubborn look he has mastered, is enough to make you feel warm and safe inside.
“What if we never find him Dave?” Your words are barely a whisper, the fear of never finding him is one you don’t like to express.
“We will find him” Dave gives you a small smile, he doesn’t truly believe it but he knows he has to.
“It's been four years Dave.. It's not looking hopefully” Sighing softly, as you lean even further into him.
“I know, but you and I both know that the moment we have something, we have the best team and the best hope to bring him down, for good this time” Dave reassures you, kissing your cheek softly, which brings a small smile out of you.
“I know, but I never wanted anyone to have to deal with my dramas” Closing your eyes as your body starts to relax.
“We know, but the team is like a family, like hell are you dealing with any of this by yourself Amore” Dave pulls you down with him, into a more comfortable lying position.
“I know”
“Do you want to try and get more sleep, It’s not like we have work for a couple days” Dave smiles down at you, watching as you reposition yourself on his chest. Just a couple years ago he would never imagine you would be here with him. 
“No more sleep, but I do not want to get up yet” Smiling softly as his hand goes and replays with your hair. “Seeing as we don’t have work for a couple more days, do you think we can go up to your cabin then, we haven’t been up there in months, an I think getting away for awhile is good”
“That sounds like a great idea Sweetie, we can do that” Dave smiles, seeing as your eyes flicker close. “Maybe we can do some shopping at the town on the way up there first” Dave starts speaking, knowing his voice helps settle you down to sleep after a nightmare. 
“And the weather should be good so we can go swimming while we are up there as well” Dave keeps talking as he watches you fall asleep on his chest.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
And the final to the blood finch story arch
Kaidan: *holding Henwen tight to his chest as the group walks through morthal just on dark* Falions house should be up here…
Serana: let’s hurry, he hasn’t fed in a few days now and I’m worried he’ll start turning feral from the hunger.
Kaidan: that can happen?
Serana: anyone can lose their composure when they’re starving… just guard your neck.
Kaidan: *pulls back the blanket to see his snow elf husband, looking so thin, a cleft in his lip forming and eyes red, the blue from them now completely gone* don’t worry love… we’ll get you cured…
Henwen: *tiredly closes his eyes again* mm…
Kaidan: … *covers him back up and walks with the group to Falions house*
Taliesin: *knocks on the door* Falion! Open up!
Falion: Go away! We’re closed for the day come back tomorrow!
Serana: Tomorrow will be t-
Taliesin: *kicks down the door and storms in grabbing Falion by his robes and dragging him out* There won’t BE a tomorrow if you don’t cure him now! Now fix him!
Falion: Are you out of your mind?! What are you- *shuts up as Kaidan uncovers henwen*
Kaidan: p-please save him…
Falion: …Meet me at the standing stones in the swamp…
*a few hours later*
Henwen: *looking up at Kaidan confused as his husband ties him up* what’s? Going on?… love?…
Kaidan: I’m sorry my love, we don’t know how you’ll respond to the ritual, Falion suggested this to keep you and us safe…
Henwen: *nods timidly, stomach growling loudly and eyes glowing like embers in the dark as he starts to succumb to his hunger* I’m afraid… h-hold me?…
Kaidan: *eyes starting to glow too, slowly becoming entranced* of course love… *moves to pull him in close*
Henwen: *opens his mouth to bite him only to get rope instead* Mmmph?!
Serana: *ties it around his head* that was close. *slaps Kaidan across the face* snap out of it and help me get him into position!
Kaidan: *shakes his head* Whot in the mind boggling fuckery was that?!
Serana: he enthralled you, he’s starting to lose himself now hurry!
Kaidan: Aye… *looks at Henwen sadly as he lifts him up* I’m sorry love, it’ll be okay…
Henwen: *thrashing with energy he previously didn’t have, gnawing on the rope and whining helplessly as he’s laid down within the circle*
Falion: If we’re ready I’ll begin…
Everyone else: *stands back cautiously*
Falion: I call upon Oblivion Realms, the home of those who are not our ancestors. Answer my plea! As in death there is new life, in Oblivion there is a beginning for that which has ended.
Henwen: *arching his back and screaming like he’s in pain, his hunger hoping he can trick his friends into saving him* MMPHHHHH!!!!
Kaidan: *takes a step forward only for inigo to stop him* …
Inigo: don’t fall for it…
Falion: I call forth that power! Accept the soul that we offer!
Henwen: *wriggles his hand free from one of his binds and tries to drag himself away, hissing and writhing* UGHMMPH! *pulls the rope from his mouth* Kaidan!! My love!!! Please! Save me!!
Falion: As the sun ends the night, end the darkness of this soul, return life to the creature you see before you!
Henwen: *freezes feeling the cold grip of cold harbour release him* … *shakily drops back onto the stone, tears pouring down his face as his eyes return to their soft crystal blue, and his skin returns to its healthy glow as the bat like cleft to his lips disappears returning to their natural pale pink state* I?… Im… tired… *passes out*
*A few days later*
Henwen: *safe in the walls of fort dawnguard, sitting out in the sunshine, skin glowing in its rays like freshly fallen snow, alive, healthy, welcomed by Auriels light* …
Kaidan: *watching him from the doorway with a heavy heart* …
Taliesin: …he’s learned what death feels like… he’s learned how to regret…
Kaidan: He’s lost a part of himself…
Taliesin: the last of his innocence… *sighs* not even 30 yet… and thousands more years ahead of him left, knowing what he knows from so very young…
Kaidan: …Should we write to miraak and ask his opinion on this?…
Taliesin: I think s-… Oh gods were stupid. Why don’t we ask him to help up with this vampire problem?!
Henwen: *sneezes as a butterfly lands on his nose* ugh…
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whumpybucky · 2 years
A little while ago @softersteve mentioned how there is so little sick Steve content and that it made her sad. I felt like that needed to be fixed so this is for her.
3.5K of an idiots-in-love grad school AU with Steve being so sick with a head cold and so sad pining over his best friend, Bucky, who is so soft for him and also pining. There’s a happy ending I promise.
“Hel–” Steve had to break his greeting to clear his throat, which turned into a rough cough. He winced, half with pain from the lingering ache in his tonsils, half from embarrassment. “Sorry, hey, Buck.”
“Well, now I know why you’ve stood me up for the first time ever. How’ya feeling?”
Steve closed his eyes and rolled back onto the pillows he had been dozing on for the past two days. His brow was furrowed as he rubbed his palm across it.
“I’mb fide,” he replied, cringing at the rounded consonants. “Is it Thursday? Gosh I’mb really sorry—snf SNFF! Coulda sworn it was Wednesday…” Steve trailed off, the statement directed more to himself than his friend.
He and Bucky always met up on Thursdays during the break before his weekly seminar and Bucky’s TA office hours. They started the recurring date (though Steve had to constantly remind himself it wasn’t an actual date) at the beginning of the semester. Thursdays quickly became Steve’s favourite day of the week.
His head immediately filled with the image of Bucky sitting at their favourite loveseat, two steaming mugs of tea on the coffee table in front of him, getting lost in people watching as folks hurried past the café, bundled up in wool and scarves and toques. Handsome, brunette Bucky, alone and waiting for Steve to show up.
His chest tightened with guilt for standing his best friend up. And a longing seeped between his ribs at missing out on their time together.
“Sorry, pal, but it’s definitely Thursday. Jeez, why didn’t you tell me you were this sick, Stevie?”
Steve’s heart clenched at his friend’s concern and the nickname. “It’s ju-huh–SNFF! Just a cold, Buck.” He grabbed a handful of fresh tissues and pressed them to his nose, hoping to quell the buzzing in his sinuses.
“A cold that I gave you, so I know for a fact that it’s a bad one. How ‘bout I bring our tea date to you?”
Steve could feel the tingling intensify, it was a losing battle. “H-hold on Bu-huh!… HUH’shiew! EHShhh! HUUHTSCHOO!”
The triplet fell out of him before he even had time to cover his mouth fully with the tissues. Instead, he made the most futile attempt at directing the increasingly strong sneezes away from the phone. After catching his breath, Steve blew his nose a few times before returning his focus back to the conversation—though the action brought little relief and only seemed to move the congestion around his sinuses.
“Guh, sorry, that mbust have sounded gross.”
“Poor Stevie. Don’t apologize, you don’t sound gross, you sound so sick. Speaking of which, what tea do you want me to bring you?”
Steve almost whined at how sweet Bucky was being, acting as if he wasn’t completely disgusted by what a mess he obviously was.
“Really, you don’t need to come over, Buck– snff SNFFF! –I’mb just going to sniffle and sneeze and cough at you and then probably end up falling asleep. Again.”
Steve cleared his throat which immediately turned into another dry, weak cough, as if his body was trying to help him prove his point. He heard Bucky sigh through the receiver and his chest tightened more.
“Just like I did with you last weekend. Remember last weekend? When you came over and watched movies with me and took care of me for two days straight? Seriously, Steven–” another sigh, “I feel so bad for getting you sick. Let me at least bring you tea. Or soup? Or maybe that natural apple juice I always tease you for still liking?”
The soft pleading in Bucky’s voice nearly pushed Steve over the edge.
The love he felt for his best friend since high school had become a challenge to suppress on the best of days. But now that he was on day three of the worst cold he’d had in ages, probably running a low grade fever, and feeling absolutely miserable? Well, it was too much for the blonde grad student to bear.
Why did Bucky have to be so nice? So caring? So sensitive? So thoughtful?
In that moment of pure and utter weakness, Steve was grateful Bucky had phoned him instead of a video call. Otherwise he would have had a difficult time explaining the stream of tears suddenly making a path down his flushed cheeks.
He sniffled into the ball of tissues he was still holding before responding. “I…sn-snffff… I’ll be fide, Buck. Really. Y-you don’t n-need SNF! don’t need to...”
Steve’s breath was hitching as he tried to quell the threatening sob bubbling in his throat. He hoped to the powers that be that it sounded as if he was about to sneeze rather than burst into tears.
“But I want to,” Bucky insisted. Soft, quiet, with a timbre of sadness.
Bucky’s admission hung between them as Steve sniffled into his crumpled tissues and, for a fleeting instance of relief, calmed the ache in his chest that wasn’t from his cold.
Maybe he could try to get off the couch and clean himself up a bit. Maybe take a shower. Tidy up the mound of tissues he had accumulated over the past few days that now surrounded his nest of blankets. Maybe he could give in to being taken care of by his best friend. Maybe he could let himself have that.
But a final sigh from Bucky broke the pause.
“Look, I don’t want to push you, especially when you’re not feeling good. But please text or call me if you need something. Anything. Promise?”
“I promise,” Steve replied, his congested voice weighted with defeat.
“I’ll call to check on you later, okay?”
“Get some rest, Stevie.”
“Thangks, Buck.”
Steve pressed the end call button just as the dam burst.
He knew crying was only going to worsen his symptoms but he couldn’t hold it in any longer. The stress of nearing the end of term. The pending holidays. Being in love with his best friend who he was certain didn’t love him like that. It becoming increasingly harder to be around said best friend because of said unreciprocated feelings.
Throw in a horrendous cold with a persistent low grade fever and Steve found himself smack in the middle of the perfect storm for a total and utter emotional meltdown.
He sobbed and sniffled his way through the remainder of the last box of tissues he had, having to reuse the balls around him until the skin around his nostrils was so irritated and his cheekbones and forehead were so sore from the combination of congestion and crying and fever that he simply fell asleep with a fist of used Kleenex pressed against his nose.
Bucky dragged his feet into his shared office with his fellow TA, Natasha. The two had met during their undergrad, while Steve was out of state on scholarship. They became fast friends, almost like siblings, eventually getting an apartment together just off campus.
It hadn’t taken long for Natasha to put two and two together about Bucky’s feelings for Steve. And if there had been any doubt, it was dispelled during second year when Natasha watched him plummet into a deep depression when Steve told him about a brief fling he had with a cute engineering student named Tony.
When Steve moved back home and started grad school at the same university as them, Natasha had warned Bucky that she wasn’t going to spend grad school watching him pine over his best friend. Three terms in and that’s exactly what she was doing.
“I can feel you moping from here, Barnes,” the redhead murmured without looking up from her laptop. “Did loverboy cancel your tea date?”
Bucky’s brow crinkled as he removed his jacket and shoulder bag, the faded royal blue canvas one that Steve had bought him last Christmas that was becoming worn in all the right places. He slumped into his chair with a huff.
“I told you not to call him that. You’re going to let it slip one day when he’s around.”
“Would that be the worst thing?” Natasha smirked over the screen of her laptop.
Bucky sighed into his hands, rubbing his face in frustration.
“We talked about this. No meddling. Besides, he didn’t cancel…” Bucky’s hands dropped to his lap as he shifted his gaze to the small window of their office. Students bundled up, crossing the quad. A faint flurry swirling around them. “He didn’t show up,” Bucky mumbled.
That made the redhead finally give Bucky her full attention. “James, I’m sure there—”
“He’s super sick,” Bucky cut her off, turning towards his roommate to meet her gaze. “He didn’t even know what day it was, Tash.” His blue eyes were a sea of worry as he subconsciously rubbed his hands up and down his jean clad thighs.
Bucky flinched at the sound of Natasha’s laptop slamming shut. The smile on her face at least told Bucky he wasn’t in for one of her I’m done with your lovesick pining lectures.
“So you’re here because why, exactly?”
“He kept saying I didn’t need to go over. I didn’t want to push him…” Bucky suddenly felt like a scolded child and his head dropped into his hands again.
“Jamie, roomie, bestie. We’ve been over this.”
“I knoooow,” he moaned, looking back up at his friend. “But what if—”
“Nope, not doing this again. He’s literally sick because he doted on you all weekend long.”
“He’d do that for anyone.”
“Not a chance. Remember that summer when we were all at the cabin and Tony, Sam, and I all got some stomach bug that somehow evaded you two?”
Bucky nodded.
“He wouldn’t even come near us and made you two sleep in a tent outside because he didn’t want to risk ruining your vacation.” Natasha emphasized the last part with her best impression of Steve’s concerned voice.
Bucky stared blankly at her, a faint blush stroke appearing across his cheeks.
“You like him, he likes you, stop stalling and go take care of the poor guy,” she directed, opening her laptop again.
Bucky could have sworn he saw an eye roll. He sat still for a moment, processing everything Natasha had just told him. Then he shook his head. “But office hours. I have—”
“I’m merging them into my schedule as we speak. Go, before I change my mind.”
This was it then. In one fluid motion, Bucky jumped up from his chair, hopped over to Natasha’s desk and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of her head—which she batted away—then turned and scooped up his jacket and bag as he rushed towards their door. He paused for an instant, free hand on the knob.
“Thanks, Tash. Really.”
“Go get the guy, Barnes” she smiled, a rare moment of softness shining through her normally surly exterior.
Bucky didn’t have to be told twice. He nodded once before turning on his heel and out of their shared office.
Steve was suspended between sleep and waking. He was vaguely aware of the dull ache in his head and sinuses, the scratch in his throat. But there was also something soothing. A gentle touch running through his hair. A soft voice, luring him to reality.
Was he dreaming?
A dry cough that only seemed to irritate his throat more pulled him fully awake. Then the voice.
“Hey Stevie. Sorry to wake you, but I think you might need some meds.”
Definitely not dreaming then.
Steve’s eyes fluttered open as he finished coughing into the ball of tissues he had fallen asleep holding. Everything still felt delayed.
“Hey Buck,” he croaked out. Though as soon as the greeting left his lips, his eyes widened as his brain finally caught up to the fact of his friend’s presence.
Bucky. Was here. In his apartment. Sitting on the chaise part of the couch Steve had fallen asleep on after his sob fest over his unrequited love. The best friend who was carding fingers through his probably very greasy hair. The best friend who was looking down at him with the most heartwarming expression, despite being surrounded by clusters of Steve's used tissues.
“Oh mby god, Buck!” Steve sputtered as he pushed himself up into a half sitting half leaning position, trying to put distance between them in hopes that Bucky hadn’t fully registered just how disgusting he must look at this moment. The movement caused a sudden shift in congestion and he felt his sinuses start to tingle. He pressed the tattered ball of tissues into his chapped nostrils.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Bucky offered, his hand falling back down to his lap.
“Snf SNF! What are you doing here?” The question came out more as a whine.
“You’re sick, I’m here to take care of you.” Bucky reinforced the matter of fact statement by holding up a canvas shopping bag that Steve hadn’t noticed until now. He then dropped the bag on his lap and started sorting through it as he continued, “Brought you some meds, the ones left over from what you brought me last weekend. The tea you always order when you’re feeling low. That raspberry oat muffin you like so much. A jug of apple juice. Soup. And some tissues—the soft ones you never buy yourself—which it looks like you need,” he finished, not unkindly, as he lifted his head up and noticed Steve’s fluttering eyes.
“Y-you didn’t ha-ha… hngxxt! Hngsht! Hngxxxsshh!”
Bucky quickly fished out the new box of tissues he had brought. “Don’t stifle, you know that just makes you sneeze more. Here,” he instructed as he pressed a handful into Steve’s palm.
Steve nodded in gratitude, eyes closing as he descended into another fit.
“Hshhmmpfff! Hngtshhh! Eishh! Tishh, tshh, ISHH!” His breath was suspended, hitching desperately as he finally brought the fresh tissues to his face. He dropped the used ball he had been holding and cupped both hands around his face just in time.
“HUH… HUUUH’HURRSSHOOOOO!” The last sneeze took him over so completely that Steve slumped sideways into the back of the couch in defeat. He muttered an “oh mby god,” before blowing his nose several times, giving up on trying to protect his friend from the grossness that was his body at this point.
“Jesus, Steve. Bless you, like ten times over.”
“Don’t have to keep count,” Steve huffed between nose blows.
Bucky chuckled at his friend’s annoyance. But he didn’t hesitate to continue his caretaking, leaning in to brush away the hair that had fallen into Steve’s face during the fit. Though upon making contact, his brow furrowed and he placed his palm across the blonde’s forehead once he had successfully pushed the hair back.
“Definitely feels like you're running a little temperature there. When was the last time you took something?” His inquiry was laden with concern.
Steve was done putting up defenses and leaned into the cool touch. Then he sniffled and coughed feebly into the now crumpled tissues before finally dropping his hands into his lap. He blinked at Bucky, simultaneously trying to recall the last time he took something and still reeling from the fit.
“Snf! Don’t know… mbabey yesterday? Or the day before?” His voice dropped and his eyes went down to his lap before adding, “I ran out.”
Bucky sighed. “What about the last time you ate something?”
Guilt flashed across Steve’s face as he looked up again. “Last night I think.”
Another sigh left Bucky’s mouth. He hesitated, but only for a moment, before moving his palm to cup Steve’s rose flushed cheek. Then he responded, barely above a whisper, “You should have called me.”
Steve returned the sigh. “Didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could never be a bother, sweetheart. You’re my guy.”
Sweetheart? My guy? Maybe he was dreaming.
An unexpected sneeze surfaced out of nowhere, forcing him to pull away from Bucky’s touch and turn his mouth into the couch cushions.
“Snf! Sorry, snfffff!”
“Nothin’ to apologize for. I should be apologizing to you, since I’m the reason you’re so sick.”
Oh, so that’s why he was here. Steve’s heart sank.
“Don’t need to feel guilty, Buck. Would’ve happened eventually. SNF! You don’t need to do this.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? I want to.”
Even though he had a low grade fever, mixed with the low blood sugar and the grogginess of being couch ridden the past two days, it was his friend’s soft words and touches that seemed to squash every insecurity he had that was making his head spin.
Surely he was reading this wrong. Bucky was just here ‘cause he’s a good guy.
“But… but I’mb so gross right now. I’mb sure you have better things to do.” Steve brought the fresh tissues that Bucky had placed into his hand after that last sneeze up to his nose, hiding behind them.
“Like what?”
Steve sniffled, nerves delaying him from voicing what was running through his head. “I dunno… going on a date or something?”
Bucky balked at that, a look of genuine offense rippling across his face before his features softened once again.
“And who would I go on a date with?” he pressed. He really wasn’t going to let Steve win this one.
The gears turned as Steve tried to figure out a way out of this hole of a conversation he had dug himself into. “What about that guy Clint? From your first year lecture. You two went out a few times, no?” He asked sheepishly, still hiding behind the tissues.
“Oh, you mean the guy that confirmed that I only have room for one hot blonde in my life?” Bucky’s smile was unfaltering, if not slightly mischievous.
Steve shook his head, unsure if he heard his friend correctly. The action must have bothered his stuffy sinuses because a triplet burst out of him before he even had time to register it was coming.
“Huh’shmmph! EISHhhhh! HURSSHHIEW!” He blew his nose before finally letting the tissues drop. “God, this cold! This is the worst.”
He knew his complaining was allowing him to avoid the elephant in the room, but he couldn’t go there. He couldn’t bear it if he was interpreting this all wrong.
“I dunno… might not be all bad.”
Steve scoffed.
“I mean, I’m here aren’t I?” Bucky asked softly, brushing a thumb across Steve’s warm cheek.
The blonde’s breath hitched at the intimate touch. “Buck,” he whispered.
“Steven,” Bucky answered, sounding so sure of himself.
“I… I don’t understand.”
Could it be?
“Sure you do, Stevie. I want to take care of you. And not just now, but… always. If that’s what you want.”
Steve couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Tears pooled at the corner of his already red and puffy eyes. “Buck… I…”
“I know, sweetheart. Trust me, I know.”
“How… how long?”
“A long time. Too long,” Bucky admitted. He let his hand drop, but Steve caught it mid air. A heavy pause hung between them as they searched each others’ eyes for a sign. Anything that might show uncertainty. Neither of them found one.
Steve’s heart was pounding so hard he was sure it would break through his ribcage and out of his chest at any moment. He finally broke the silence.
“I want that. You have no idea how much I want that.”
The relief that flooded Bucky’s face was palpable. “And you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that.” He clasped both hands around Steve’s.
“God, if it wasn’t for this cold I’d—”
Steve was cut off by Bucky’s lips crashing into his. They were soft, tender, warm. They kissed him slowly, hesitant at first, but then assured and strong without being forceful. It was just like Steve had imagined in early morning hours in bed, only infinitely better. It made his stomach flutter and warmth pool in his abdomen.
“Could get used to that,” Bucky whispered into Steve’s lips before breaking the kiss to allow his congested friend to catch his breath.
“That was…” Steve couldn’t find the right words.
“Yeah, it was.”
Before he could stop himself, Steve turned his entire body and wrapped his arms around Bucky, pulling him so that they were both leaning against the couch. He pressed his head into Bucky’s chest and sniffled wetly, overcome by the emotions of it all.
Bucky melted into the embrace, his arms wrapping tightly around Steve, one hand rubbing his back while the other gently stroked the nape of his neck. “My poor sick guy.”
They sat in quiet for a long while, holding each other, reveling in one another’s warmth.
It was Bucky that finally broke their silence, after leaning down to press his lips into Steve’s forehead and feeling the warmth still radiating.
“Babydoll, you need meds.”
“Hmmm, like those names,” Steve mumbled into Bucky’s sweater.
Bucky chuckled. “Yeah? Good. But seriously, let me go for just a sec so I can get you some water and something to eat with it.”
Steve only tightened his grip. “Five mbore mbinutes, Buck.”
Bucky sighed contentedly into the firm embrace. “‘Kay, Stevie, five more minutes. Then meds.”
“Deal,” Steve agreed, before adding, “Just got you. Not ready to let go yet.”
Bucky readjusted his arms as tight as he could around Steve. “You’ve always had me, sweetheart. And always will, for as long as you want me.”
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smuttyfang · 1 year
Levi, I Want To Care For You
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Someone on Wattpad wanted some more Levi and I’m always happy to oblige..
Words: 2,492
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“What the hell am I doing?” Levi huffed to himself as he began undoing the button of his pants. Unzipping them and pulling them down just enough, he saw his hard cock. Why was this happening? He couldn’t focus. He couldn’t sleep, more so than usual. No amount of any activity ever took his mind off of it. He was losing himself.
You. It was all your fucking fault.
His underwear clearly up in a tent, he quickly placed his hand on his rock hard cock and began rubbing it through the fabric. He couldn’t help it. And he hated it. “Fuck.. I can’t believe she does this to me..” He sighed, impatient and needy. Pulling his underwear down hastily, he grabbed his cock with his cold hand. It sent a shiver through him, causing him to gasp just slightly. He began pumping himself with a nice rhythm. Throwing his head back and sighing in pure pleasure, his thoughts ran wild with nothing but you. “She just won’t fucking stop.. so pretty..” He was so attracted to you. What were you doing to him? Nothing, in all reality. You were incredibly attracted to him, but he was so stoic that it was difficult to tell what he was feeling. So of course, you never told him anything. You tried to hint, bending over in front of him, wiggling your hips more than you normally would, making tea for him, helping him with his bandages.. but of course, his stoicism never waned. You’d lost hope. But Levi was completely entranced. Your hips.. he always thought about your hips. He couldn’t help but imagine you bent over while he thrusted into you from behind. His cock twitched at the thought as he kept pumping, his hips bucking upward so desperate to feel more. “Fuck, why.. why..?” Why were you so kind, on top of being so beautiful? You helped care for him. You helped him change the stupid bandages over his eye and his hand. You helped him get around and showed him some beautiful places nearby every chance that you had. You always helped him even when he was having his really bad days and being more grouchy than usual. You always met him with a smile. Even when he was being rude and feeling awful, you’d simply smile and continue helping him. “I don’t unders-stand.. oh, fuck..” He didn’t get why you were being so nice to him. You didn’t have to. You just did. His cock kept getting harder and harder, almost until it hurt. He felt his orgasm building up inside of him, causing his pumping to become erratic and desperate. He was so close, so close..
“Levi? I forgot my-“ You didn’t know what to expect when you came back inside, but it wasn’t this. The sight was so fucking pretty. He was breathless, staring at you with wide, horrified and glazed over eyes. His pants were down below his waist, revealing his gorgeous cock.. it was covered in his own juices, his fingers wrapped around it tightly. You both were in so much shock, it was hard for either of you to form words. You swallowed, unable to help looking down at his cock. “I-I’m so sorry, Levi.. I forgot my bag..” You saw Levi look next to the door and eye your bag, left sitting on the floor.
“Just.. come back in. Close the door.” Shit, you hadn’t even realized how embarrassing that could be for him if someone else happened to see. Closing and locking the door behind you, you kept your head down while sneakily trying to get glances of him still. He was just.. so handsome. “I.. I didn’t want you to see that. But since you have..” In your nervousness, you spoke up.
“It’s my fault. I’m so sorry. I should have knocked.” You sighed, completely sure that your face was blood red from how hot it felt.
“Listen.” He requested. You stayed silent this time as he spoke. “You help me so much, despite not having to. Why?”
“I care about you, Levi. I want to take care of you. There’s no reason except me wanting to.” He sat in the same position, unmoving. His cock twitched just slightly hearing you say that to him.
“I never ask you to do anything for me. You just do it.. this will be the only time I’ll ever ask anything of you.” You felt your breath hitch in your throat. He still hadn’t moved. His expression never changed, except for a hint of softness from his eyes that you’d never seen before. “WIll you help me?” He looked directly into your eyes this time, making you feel so many emotions. Knots in your stomach, heat between your legs, tears in your eyes from joy. Wordlessly, you walked over to him and got down on your knees in front of him. He pulled himself forward on the side of the bed for you to help you out. You looked up at him as you slowly finished pulling his pants and underwear off and tossed them to the side. Taking his cock in your hand, he was already moaning just slightly watching you touch him like this for the first time.
“Levi, I’ve wanted this for so long..” You admitted, gently kissing the tip of his cock as the precum leaked out. He groaned, throwing his head back for you. Going for it, you began sucking him while using your hand to pump him at the same time. His moans were so pretty. He hissed through his teeth a lot, letting the moans out in heavy breaths and grunts. You placed your hands on his muscular thighs for steadiness, now trying your best to take the whole thing into your mouth. You went down on him as far as you could, being sure to slide your tongue over the head each time you bobbed up.
“Holy, fuck.. How are you so-so good at this?” You smiled and let out a small muffled giggle at his compliment, causing you to just want to go faster for him. You did, making him groan and shake even more. The muscles on his legs began tensing up, and he did his best to not thrust up into your mouth as he was getting close. “I’m so close, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna.. c-cum..” With a few more bobs up and down on him, his body tensed up as he groaned loudly for you. His seed shot into your mouth, so warm and gooey. You swallowed every bit of it that he spewed as his cock twitched. His body slowly relaxed, leaving him breathless and dazed. Wiping your lips and smiling, you felt a strong sense of pride.
“How was that?” You asked innocently. He sat up, looking down at you and holding your face with his hand.
“That was.. perfect. You did amazingly.” He stared at you for a while, admiring your swollen lips and sparkling eyes. “Now, I suppose I should help you too. To be fair.” You stood up, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.
“You don’t need to, Levi. I wanted to.” He huffed.
“Now I want to do this. Lie back. You’ve taken care of me enough. Your turn.” You couldn’t help but smile so big. You felt like a giddy teenager in love for the first time again. You did as he said and sat back for him with your legs dangling off the bed. Before he could do anything, you remembered something.
“Oh, let me get up on the bed instead. I don’t want you to have a hard time getting off of the floor.” You scooted yourself up into the center of the bed and rested your head on some pillows. He crawled onto the bed, placing his hand on your ankle and running it upward. It ran from your ankle, to your calf, to your thigh..
“Still thinking of me. I know I’m old, don’t remind me.” You half smiled at his joke, but it wasn’t even his age, really. He was just tired and had pushed his body for so long. He deserved to be taken care of. He deserved to be cared for, and feel pleasure.. and you were happy to oblige. He lifted your dress up to your belly, out of his way. He looked at you softly before nudging you to lift your hips so he could easily slide your underwear down. He slid them off of your legs and laid them gently beside him on the bed. His finger trailed across your lips, making you shiver with anticipation. “I haven’t done this in a long time.” He didn’t sound unsure of himself, but it sounded like he didn’t want to end up disappointing you. You reassured him.
“I trust you, Levi.” You weren’t sure of what else to say, but you trusted him to do a wonderful job. He pushed his finger past your lips, pressing right against your clit. Of course he found it so quickly. He rubbed small circles on it, sending shivers throughout your body. His finger slid down a bit as he found your hole. You were already soaked just from pleasuring him. You could have sworn you heard him chuckle once he realized this, but you were so excited you couldn’t quite register it in your mind. You didn’t have time to dwell on it, as one of his slender fingers slid inside of you. Your mouth opened and your eyes closed, gasping as your back arched upward. Already, you were pushing your hips toward him trying to feel more of him. He quickly obliged and pushed another finger inside of you. “Oh, Levi..” You moaned out for him as he just watched you writhe beneath his touch. Before long, he slowly moved his head between your legs. While he still thrusted his fingers in and out of you, his tongue found your clit. You began grasping at the sheets on either side of you in pleasure. Heat began building up inside of your stomach as you called out his name repeatedly. He just continued, not giving you a break at all from the complete pleasure and ecstasy you were feeling. You moved your hands to his hair, just lightly tugging at it and entangling your fingers. He moaned at this just a little, sending vibrations across your pussy. Once your body began twitching and moving more erratically, Levi wrapped his arms around your thighs and placed his hands on your stomach to keep you still. You were always surprised at how strong he still was. Your hips began rolling on his mouth, desperate to feel as much of him as you possibly could. Your face was burning hot, along with the heat building inside of your lower stomach. The knot inside of it tightened until it exploded, causing you to throw your head back and moan out loudly. Your whole body shook as you rode out your orgasm on his tongue. He gave it a final lick, causing you to hiss from the slight overstimulation it gave you. “There’s..” You started to say, out of breath, “.. there’s no way it has been a long time since you’ve done that.” He smirked just a little at you.
“It has.” He crawled up to your face, holding your face in his hand again. You both forget about his bandages, his missing fingers.. His mind forgets it all when he’s looking at you, and you feel nothing but joy seeing a wonderful man like him soften up for you like this. “So..”
“So.. I want more.” You stated bluntly.
“So do I. I don’t have any protection though.” You scratched your cheek, somewhat embarrassed.
“Uh, I do.. in my bag.” He seemed a little surprised.
“I’ll get it. Take this off for me.” He tugged at your dress. You did it quickly, pulling all of it off in one swoop. He took his shirt off as he walked to your bag. It didn’t take long for him to find them. “Were you hoping this would happen or something?” He began walking back to the bed, marveling at your breasts hanging free.
“A girl can dream.. can’t she?” You smiled sweetly at him as he crawled back onto the bed, closing the distance between your lips and his.
“Not a dream anymore.” He kissed you passionately, quickly pushing his tongue past your lips and letting it dance with yours. He never broke the kiss as he opened the package and slid the condom on so smoothly. You felt him pressing his cock against your thigh before he grabbed it and slowly moved it between your legs. You could feel the head of it pushing into your hole. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, please Levi. I’ve waited so long already. I need you.” That was all the confirmation he needed. He began shoving himself inside of you, causing both of you to break the kiss to moan. You gasped and bit your lip, feeling his cock filling you up and making you feel so full.
“Fuck, shit you are.. so tight.” You smiled at him pulling him down to you to kiss you again. Moving your hips, you encouraged him to start moving. He did, not hesitating to give you exactly what you’ve been wanting. The sound of his skin slapping yours and breathy moans filled the air. Sometimes he would get excited and the bed would begin hitting the wall, causing him to slow down just a bit. You couldn’t help but smile. “You’re so beautiful..” He said as he kissed down your neck, working his way to your breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth, just lightly and gently sucking as he ran his finger over the other one. The pleasure was so intense from the overstimulation and sensitivity from cumming once before.
“Levi, I-I can’t last m-much longer..” It was so much pleasure. Tingling shot all throughout your body. You shivered and shook for him, grasping at anything you could grasp. Lightly scratching at his back for some sort of release or relief. His thrusts became erratic and needy soon enough.
“Cum with me sweetheart. Do it for me.” His words were so deliciously demanding and laced with such a sinister seriousness that it made you push yourself to try to cum faster for him. You tensed up, letting that overwhelming feeling of an orgasm take over your body. He came soon after, seeing you writhe in pleasure beneath him. His cock pulsed inside of your overly sensitive hole. You squeezed yourself around him, making him hiss through his teeth. “Are you trying to suck me dry?” You giggled at him.
“Yeah, I am.” You smiled at him. He kissed you and rubbed your lips with his thumb.
“Good. My sweet, naughty girl.”
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wyvernquill · 2 years
The mental imagine of the other Anastasia endless gathering together for the first time after the overthrowment. Seeing the damage, the new despair, and the moment of comfort in the pain when they all come together…..and the cold realization that of the empty space within them. What were their reactions, when, for their one of their own was beyond their reach?
Thank you for the ask! I'm not going to write this one out fully, I don't think, since the core of the story will be mostly the POVs of Hob, Dream, and Gilbert - so here's a little summary of what the Endless are dealing with at the time!
(Masterpost for the AU is here - and tagging @10moonymhrivertam, @martybaker and @globglobglobglobob!)
At first, the Endless all hope Destiny can provide them with some guidance, but there are only scraps and single pages of his book left, and he seems disorientated, almost helpless, without it.
Even though Death is only the second-oldest, she more or less takes on a head-of-the-family position (in part because Destiny really isn't up to the task at the moment, though the two often sit together and try to piece something together from the scraps of his book). She's the one to call them all together, and tries her best to ensure they don't lose hope/are safe from further attacks.
Desire is absolutely distraught. In this AU, they didn't have a hand in Dream's fishbowling and weren't vortex-plotting, so this came completely out of the blue for them. They might've contemplated a bit of scheming here and there in the past but - they never would've wanted anything like this, and the loss of their realm and powers is hitting them hard. (Though not as hard as the loss of their twin's past aspect, of course...) I did give them a family in Unity as their consort and Rose and Jed as their children, because I thought it would be sweet, so that's something that is keeping them at least a little more stable.
Despair's new form... struggles. Everyone fusses over her, even though, in this situation, she's probably doing better than the rest of them - they're all terribly close to despairing, after all, and though she has the memories of her past self, she has never really known any other state of affairs... Still, an Endless being "reborn" this way isn't an easy process even under the best of circumstances, and hers were the very worst.
Delight was driven to become Delirium by the whole affair (you can tell I'm focusing everything bad that happened to the Endless ever onto this one point in time) and is being fussed over just as much as Despair. Her grasp on reality is tenuous at best, and it frustrates her siblings at times - but just as often it gives them some solace when Delirium talks about something silly and nonsensical, or creates something colourful just because she can.
And then, there's the two missing brothers, of course.
Destruction ran away. He's still in existence and not trapped by humans, they know that much, but he refuses to meet up with the rest of them again. (In part because he blames himself for the destruction wrought upon his siblings, and believes they would be better off without him.) They miss him, but have accepted his choice.
Dream, however... they worry about Dream, and feel his absence keenly. They have no word of him, nothing but rumours and stories among the humans, about one of the Endless bound and turned human, and finally killed in that form. They're horrified by the thought of such a thing happening to one of their own, and only moreso that it could've happened to Dream. Many creatures of the destroyed Dreaming have attempted to contact the Endless for help, for any word of their lord... but there's nothing. With their limited powers, with the danger humanity still poses, the Endless can't very well search for Dream - hence why Death has offered the reward of immortality for his safe return. It's the one thing she could think of doing, and it's half to maintain some sense of hope among her siblings (and for herself), to keep the possibility of Dream still being out there alive...
The first time they all sit together Afterwards is especially horrible. Destiny barely a shade of himself, a new Despair, Delirium in the place of Delight - and two empty seats. "Destruction... isn't coming," Death then says, in answer to an unspoken question among them. "Has anyone heard from Dream?" Silence. Endless eyes glancing back and forth among each other, unease only increasing as nobody is speaking. A realisation dawning, in that silence. The sudden quiet understanding that they've lost even more than previously thought...
(Little bonus info I've already put into a snippet I'm working on: the Endless siblings have also been changed by the loss of their powers in some subtle ways, have become a little human-like in some minor aspects. Some need to eat, others need to thermoregulate, or to sleep. It's distressing, the keen awareness of how low they have been brought, even as they are all relatively certain they will regain their usual powers/realms/domains/abilities eventually. They are Endless, after all. Humanity might have torn them down for now, but they have all the time in the world to recover... Hence why the thought of Dream actually being dead and destroyed entirely frightens them a great deal. The thought that this is something that will remain an empty space among them, something that can never return even remotely to how things once were...)
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moprocrastinates · 2 years
Fic title: i'd send you the sunset
eh, this is a very, very loose parallel to the other one I did... also, i didn't get the wording of your prompt 100% right... sorry!!!
He'd found her the first time on Endor, loose-limbed and quiet and at peace with the gaping hole in the sky where her father's machine used to be
Now, after the Battle of Jakku, where they'd lost so many and won the entire thing, she walks on the beach towards his little house, tucked off the side of the cliff
It wasn't anywhere near her old house, still standing in the middle of a field, several tens of kilometers away, but it was nice. Cute, even. It had a big window out front where he could see the ocean.
But Kes had said he'd be there. He had nowhere else to go, supposedly
And Cassian Andor as a farmer wasn't something she'd expected
Apparently, once the list of names of fallen rebels had been released, he'd all but bolted out of the Rebellion, lost, and in pain
(She'd been on that list. The bullets went through her shoulder, sides, legs, and sternum. Melshi had seen her go down and bolted to her, and Cassian had heard her cry over their comms, and she'd seen another soldier yank Melshi back towards the ship.)
Cassian had screamed. Louder, fearful. Terrified.
Please don't leave me, she'd thought. But the soldier yanked a thrashing Melshi aboard, and Jyn had had to watch as they tore off into the sky.
The Empire had been burned to the ground, but its hold still lingered. Deserting 'troopers fled the dunes, shooting anything that moved, even their friends. By the time night fell, it was ice cold, and she was completely alone with only the sound of shifting sand and winks of stars falling
That next morning, a lone and kind Nu-Cosian found her and took her home. Terpa cared for her for three months, nursing her back to health and quietly asking if the war really was over.
("I miss my daughter," was all she said when Jyn asked why she was helping a Rebel.)
Jyn spent those three months healing, helping Terpa sell and make useful and occasionally decorative wares, and thinking of Cassian all the while
(They'd never become more. She didn't know why. Well, maybe she did, because Cassian had always maintained a respectful distance, even when she'd stepped closer.)
Thankfully, eventually, a supply ship came in, Jakku having been riddled with carnage and debris and a severe food shortage since the battle, and Jyn had hitched a ride out, Terpa looking on with something like pride.
When she'd finally contacted the Rebellion, Kes had been delighted. "Andor's going to lose his mind," he'd laughed, and Jyn had heard a baby coo in the background. "He said he was going home."
So now she's here. In Lah'mu, kilometers away from the first place she called home, and only steps away from the last.
Nearby, the sun was warm and melting, dipping slowly under the smooth ocean in front of her. Just like Scarif, Jyn thought, and rapped her knuckles twice against the blue door.
One beat, two. Then, it was wrenched open.
Cassian Andor still looked as beautiful as anyone she'd ever known
Those brown eyes stared at her, unblinking. He didn't say anything, didn't move.
"Brought you a sunset." Jyn said, giving him a small smile and gesturing to the picturesque scene behind her. "At least this time there's no giant wave and a laser--"
she didn't have time to react when Cassian hurled himself at her, one hand behind her neck and the other around her waist.
The hug was tight, and she pressed herself as close as she could to him, hoping he understood what she was saying without words.
(She couldn't breathe. But that wasn't because of the hug.)
"Jyn," Cassian murmured like a prayer, pulling away to look her in the eyes. He brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes, fingers gently caressing her cheekbone until he cupped her whole face in his hands. "Welcome home."
And he pulled her inside.
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thenavysealkie · 1 year
Deliverance Part 1 | Marcus Solo
Time: Early Morning, after the events of "A Lesson in Selkies"
Location: The shoreline and waters of Wicked's Rest.
Participants: @thenavysealkie
Trigger Warnings: Depression, Homophobia
Summary: Marcus finally devises a plan to catch the thief that stole his pelt, but finds more than he bargained for in his search.
It was another restless night of tossing and turning and trying to clear his head. Nights like these frustrated Marcus, as he had always been so peaceful and calm in his old life. But he wouldn’t have to suffer for much longer. Marcus had finally figured out what had happened to his pelt. For anyone to find any value in it beyond just selling it on the black market, they would have to be another selkie. And since the trail ran cold here in Wicked’s Rest, that meant that the culprit was likely hiding out somewhere here in town. Since they were a fellow selkie, they would likely have to transform every few nights or so to keep from feeling the sting of withdrawal symptoms. When they did, Marcus would be ready. 
Marcus had devised a plan to catch his thief in the act. A series of cameras set up along the shoreline, pretty much anywhere he could find to set one up inconspicuously. If this person came too close to shore, Marcus would have it on camera. Granted, they would be in seal form, so it wasn’t like Marcus could ID the person through sight alone. However, his plan was not to figure it out just by looking at the cameras. 
After setting up his surveillance system, Marcus returned home to have what would probably be the most restful night of sleep he had had in a very long time. For the past couple of months he had been tortured with insomnia, exhaustion, fatigue, decreasing strength, irritability, and an inability to focus. Suffice to say, he hadn’t been himself for a while, and he was desperate to become who he once was yet again. Of course, he couldn’t completely reclaim his old life. As far as the U.S Military was concerned, he was still MIA presumed dead. They wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to hear he had been living a quiet light keeping life in a small coastal town not too far from his supposed disappearance. He didn’t figure they would accept the “I’m a magical creature who needs a magic seal skin to stay alive” defense.
Still, Marcus couldn’t help but miss his old life. He was very well respected and decorated, working his way up the chain of command to an officer’s position. Had he not abandoned ship, he was on his way to promotions that would see him set for life. He also missed his parents dearly. He knew that they knew he hadn’t actually drowned and was okay, but not being able to speak with them for fear of the military tracking him down broke him a little bit more with each passing day. He had always been close with his parents and used to talk to them daily. 
Then there was the love of his life. William. They had met each other on the ship he was stationed at and had been carrying on a relationship in secret for the past 6 months. At first, it was all about sex, just as most relationships on board were. But over time, it had blossomed into something much more. He had hoped that they would be able to start a quiet life together once William’s tour was up and they were no longer serving on the same ship. While the military had gotten better and more tolerant over time, it was still very dangerous to be completely out on board the ship. Some of those men would absolutely still kill a fellow soldier just for being gay. 
A few days went by without a trace, and Marcus was beginning to lose hope. Maybe the thief had run away to a different town with his pelt after all. Maybe he had been wasting precious time in this town when for all he knew his pelt could be all the way up in Nova Scotia or even Greenland by now. The insomnia returned, the irritability, fear, and hopelessness came soon after. Marcus didn’t want to die. Even more so, he didn’t want to lose himself before dying. 
At last the dawn broke after another restless night, and Marcus groggily got up to check his cameras, as was his ritual for the past week or so. There had to be something, they had to have slipped up some time. Marcus saw the usual marine life splashing along happily in the early morning sun. How he wished he could be as carefree as they were again. He had his own memories of doing just as they were doing right now, without a concern of danger or death plaguing his mind. 
Suddenly, something caught his eye. Something fast, and something big. Not a whale, or even a shark for that matter. Something human shaped, but more rounded and without definitive legs. Holy shit, he couldn’t help but think to himself. This was exactly what he was waiting for. He made note of where this person was at, and where they were last seen on the camera. He made a beeline for that exact spot in the water, summoning as much strength as he could just to run and dive into the water. 
He couldn’t believe it. The scent was still there. The pelt. His pelt. It was faint, but still left him with a very clear path. Oddly enough, it didn’t lead anywhere in town. Well, he thought to himself, that would explain why I hadn’t caught the scent before. Instead, the scent went even further into the ocean. Whoever had his pelt, they made it a point to stay relatively off the grid. A smart move, all things considered. 
His legs were beginning to feel heavy and he once again cursed his misfortune. In his prime he would be cutting through these waters with no difficulty at all. Now, however, each stroke and kick was a fight for his life. But still, he pressed on. His military training gave him the endurance and discipline to persevere even when all of his limbs felt as if they were on fire and ready to fall off of his body. This was about survival. Finally, he made landfall at a small island and pitifully crawled his way onto the shoreline. He was exhausted, panting for air, and felt as if every bone in his body was made of lead. 
He attempted to stand but collapsed back down, laying on his back and looking up at the morning sun. The sky above him began to spin and his vision began to go white before he heard a familiar voice. “Really now, Marcus, I’m disappointed. It took you this long and you couldn’t even give me a call or text in that time?”
He could recognize that voice anywhere, but he wished he hadn’t been hearing it here of all places. He thought it was a tad bittersweet that he was hearing his voice now in his time of distress, but knew all too well what him being here meant. The last phrase he could manage to utter before completely losing consciousness was just one word. “William”.
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awhitehead17 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: Day 27 - Pushed to the limit
Prompt: Stumbling
Summary: Bruce has had a long few days and it’s catching up with his body. Unfortunately rest isn't an option yet because he’s got to make his way out of the maze he's currently trapped in no matter how much he wants to go to sleep instead.
Enjoy! :D
When he hits the wall for the umpteenth time Bruce finally takes the hint and stops moving. Slumping against the cold concrete he forces himself to take a deep breath and tries to get his bearings together.
He’s been going non-stop for what feels like years but in reality it must be close to four days. He’s had very little sleep, next to no food and water and he’s now running on his reserves, feeling completely exhausted and ready to drop at any second. That also being the reason why he keeps smacking into walls as he walks, he can barely stand up right let alone walk in a straight line. He’s staggering around like he’s a lost drunk unable to make his way home at the end of a night out.
He wishes that was the case. It would certainly be better than the reality he’s facing.
For just over two days his attention was focused on Gotham, rumours of an underground drug ring had spread and while looking into it Bruce found out that some of Gotham’s socialite’s were involved with the ring. So not only was Bruce working on the case at Batman but he also ended up getting involved in the case as ‘Brucie Wayne’ too. His time had been completely occupied and he didn’t stop until he solved the case with Commissioner Gordon and moved on.
Naively he thought he may get a day’s break after that. Of course he was wrong. He didn’t even get to go bed before he got a call alerting him how the Justice League is needed for an emergency happening in Buenos Aires. The last two days have been constant running around, figuring out and talking battle strategies and always being on guard.
Bruce ended up chasing one of their prime targets into an underground labyrinth. Being at the disadvantage and not knowing where he was going, paired with the fact he’s completely exhausted, Bruce ended up losing sight and track of the target. Frustrated with himself and at the situation Bruce didn’t have any other choice but to start trying to make his way out of the maze he was lost in. Regrettably he wasn’t Theseus and he didn’t use a string to guide his way through the endless corridors meaning he walking blind until he reaches topside. How long he’s now been underground for he has no idea, but it’s certainly not helping his drained body and mind.
After a moment he prepares himself to get moving again. Taking a deep breath he pushes himself away from the wall and starts the treacherous journey back through the maze. Unsurprisingly his strength doesn’t last long, within moments he’s tripping over his own feet and crashing into the wall yet again.
Maybe he shouldn’t stray away from the wall. Isn’t there a rule or something saying if a person keeps their hand on a wall and follows it they’ll eventually make it out of the maze, even if it takes you on a horribly long route it’ll help you to escape? Using that as his excuse Bruce leans on the wall for support and continues on with his journey, hoping to get out of the maze as soon as possible.
Bruce loses track of time as he wonders. Everything becomes a blur and it takes all of his willpower to keep going instead of stopping and sliding down the wall to rest.
Bruce grumbles to himself. Great, he’s got to that point in his exhaustion where he’s begun hallucinating. Thinking about it, he’s surprised that it hasn’t happened before now.
“Batman! Can you hear us?”
Huh. He doesn’t know if it says a lot about him as a person, or a father, that the voice he's imagining is his eldest son’s voice. He has no idea on what that could mean.
“He’s here!”
Suddenly it’s not just voices he’s imagining anymore, it’s developed into him hallucinating actual people now.
He blinks rapidly as he tries to work out what he’s seeing. In front of him was his son, Dick dressed up in his Nightwing gear. Movement happening behind him grabs Bruce’s attention and when he looks over his son’s shoulder he blinks again and finds… is that Clark? Not only is he imagining Dick but he’s now imagining Clark too. He’s not telling anyone about this once he’s out of the maze.
“Batman are you injured?”
Dick’s voice pulls his attention back onto his son. He frowns, regarding the question. He’s not injured, just severely tired. “Are you actually here?” He ends up blurting out, apparently the exhaustion means he’s got no filter.
“Yeah Batman we are.” Dick answers with a frown of his own. “After you didn’t come back we followed you down here and have only just found you, we’re not far from the exit.”
Bruce grunts, slowly accepting the fact that maybe he wasn’t hallucinating after all.
“The target?”
Clark comes into his vision again as he steps up beside Dick in front of him. “We got him. When you came down here we knew there had to be another exit somewhere above and searched around, coincidently we were right next to the passage when he appeared. We apprehended him with no trouble. That’s when we came down after you when you didn’t return as soon as we expected.”
Bruce hums thoughtfully before letting out a long sigh. At least the target is captured and Bruce’s journey through the maze hadn’t been for nothing.
“Are you hurt Bats?” Clark asks him, his eyes roaming over his body, which of course was covered by his suit anyway.
“I’m fine,” he grunts and starts to make a move to push up off the wall. He’s got company now, he can’t afford to be looking as bad as he feels. “Let’s go.”
Bruce doesn’t make it more than three steps before he’s having to lean against the wall again. He’s quick to put a hand up to stop his companions from closing in on him when he senses them move after he reached for the wall.
Bruce waves off their concern and takes a deep breath to steady himself. After a few seconds he pushes away from the wall again and this time makes it six steps before he’s falling to the side. Instinctively he puts a handout to reach for the wall but he never touches it because another body is pressing up against his side instead. An arm wraps around his waist while the other takes his own arm and throws it over their shoulders. Even in Bruce’s addled mind he can make out that Clark’s come to support his weight.
Not having the energy to care or to protest against it, Bruce allows the man of steel to help him walk. He most definitely draws the line at being carried, but walking he can do. He also becomes aware of Dick hovering nearby as they make their way out of the maze.
As soon as he’s out of here he’s finding the nearest hotel and crashing, everything else can wait and anything that can’t, Clark or Diana can deal with it. The world can deal without Batman for one damn night.
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Against All Odds
Part 213
There were two showers at the poolside and a few changing stalls for those who didn’t want to traipse across the palace dripping water. McCoy stood under one, rinsing off as much chlorine as he could. Scotty was under the water of the one next to him. McCoy ran his fingers through his hair, rinsing it as well, before they drifted down across his still tingling lips.
A promise of more to come later, he smiled. He glanced at Scotty and swallowed. A night together with all the time they wanted. At school they had had to make do with stolen moments and worries of being interrupted or caught. Now though he could learn every inch of Scotty. McCoy realized his blood was pumping faster in his veins.
Not yet. They still had time to spend with Spock and Jim. He grabbed the shower controls and gave himself a blast of cold water before he turned the shower off completely. Goosebumps rose, but his mind felt clearer.
“Towels are here,” he said.
He had walked to the shelf where they were kept, and pulled one off. Scotty had ended his shower. McCoy threw a towel over to him.
“Hamper’s there,” McCoy pointed. “If you need more than one, feel free.”
He began to dry himself. They had worn clothes to the pool and changed there. Now they just had to change back. McCoy ran the towel vigorously over his hair, and stole another glance at Scotty. Should he peel out of his trunks, or go behind one of the stalls? It wasn’t as if they hadn’t seen each other completely, they’d been intimate a number of times now…
’Spock and Jim are waiting,’ his brain reminded him.
McCoy tore his gaze from Scotty’s bare skin, and picking up his own clothes, ducked into one of the stalls. He blew out a breath. He’d be too tempted and they’d never make it to the games room.
A few hours. He just had to keep himself together a few more hours while they played whatever games Spock and Jim had ready, and then he could have Scotty all to himself. That brought a grin to his face. All the time they wanted.
Jim winked at him knowingly as he and Scotty entered the games room hand in hand. McCoy rolled his eyes.
“What are we playing Jimbo?” Scotty called.
McCoy listened as Jim told them his plan of events. Jim had spent his first days in the palace wide eyed, but with Spock at his side had become quite comfortable. He had learned most of the staff’s names and had easily earned the title of most welcome guest. His charming smile opened many doors.
“I thought we might switch up partners,” Jim said as he handed a pool cue to McCoy. “You and me versus Spock and Scotty?”
McCoy looked at his boyfriend, who shrugged.
“Why not?” Scotty said. “Spock and I can take ye down handily laddie.”
Jim laughed loudly. “You’re on.”
“Who’s starting?”
“That’s you Jim,” Scotty said.
“Go ahead,” McCoy said. “Fine with me.” He looked around to Spock, who nodded.
“Alright,” Jim said, stepping to the table, “get ready to lose.”
He lined up his shot and moments later the sound of billiard balls crashing together filled the room.
“A wonderful break k’diwa,” Spock said.
McCoy looked over at Spock in surprise. The Vulcan was blushing. McCoy did not speak Vulcan very well, but living with Amanda and Sarek it was hard to avoid learning many different Vulcan terms of endearment. He couldn’t help his eyebrow rising. He had wondered how close the pair was; Spock was naturally quiet about himself and Jim had said nothing.
McCoy felt a pang for his friends when he remembered T’Pring. He had forgotten to tell Scotty about it earlier in the day. Now especially he’d have to tell him.
The four boys were still laughing as they made their way to their rooms. Much fun had been had and the sadness had faded from Scotty’s eyes. McCoy knew it would likely return, but he hoped it would be lessened when it did.
They called their good nights to Spock and Jim and made no qualms about entering McCoy’s room together. He locked the door behind them, even though no one would bother them. Scotty wandered slowly to the balcony doors and looked up. The stars shone bright and clear on Georgiares.
McCoy stepped up behind him and wrapped his arms around Scotty. He let his chin rest on his boyfriend’s shoulder. He just held Scotty close for a long moment. McCoy wanted all of him. He inhaled slowly, breathing Scotty in, then turned his face to press kisses on Scotty’s neck.
Scotty slowly turned in his arms until their mouths met. Long, slow kisses followed. McCoy savored every one. Gently he began to back Scotty towards the bed. He planned to show Scotty how much he meant to him, how much he loved him, and how much he intended to worship every inch of him.
Part 214
They dropped onto the bed and Scotty felt Leonard start to unbutton his shirt while he himself did the same to his boyfriend’s.
Soft kisses were pressed to his chest and he couldn’t help but moan softly.
Back at school they had never been able to enjoy getting intimate for there always had been the danger of getting caught by someone. Here at the palace it was totally different.
And Scotty knew that Leonard wanted to explore every inch of his body. Well… so did he. When they were fully undressed, hands started to touch his skin all over.
His heart was about to explode from all the joy he felt, being that close to Leonard.
When his brain eventually shut down and endorphins took control of everything, Scotty forgot about all the bad stuff that had happened in the morning.
It was just him and Leonard. There was no one else in this world. No parents. No reporters. Just them.
Scotty woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside. He carefully opened his eyes, allowing for them to adjust to the bright light of day.
He rolled his head over to the side and found Leonard still sleeping.
Memories of the last night flashed through his mind. It had been their most passionate time. Never before had they made sounds like that. Never before had they touched certain parts of each other’s bodies. But it had been awesome.
Scotty softly stroked Leonard’s cheek and looked at his peaceful face.
He had never imagined to be able to love someone like that. Like the way he loved Leonard McCoy. Never would he have thought to find… love. The pure and true one.
But he knew that what they had was something special.
It made them stronger. It made them more alive than ever before.
And they would fight for their love. Even if that meant to break every rule royalty had made.
Leonard had told him so many times that he didn’t want to be king. That he was scared of it. That sometimes he just wanted to run away.
They wouldn’t give up their love for Leonard to follow a fate which he hated.
But the king had already said that he was considering what Leonard had told him.
David was a great man. And Scotty knew that he would never force Leonard into something he didn’t want.
Scotty’s attention was caught by his PADD chirping quietly.
He rolled onto his side and grabbed it.
His brow furrowed in confusion as he looked at the message he’d received. It was from Khan.
*Hello Scotty, I heard about that article they wrote about your father’s death. I’m so sorry. I once was in the spotlight too for being an augment. And I just hated it. To reveal your backstory… that’s even worse. I hope you’re doing okay.*
Scotty didn’t know what to say or do.
It still was very strange for him. After everything Khan had done to the scholarship students and especially him, he still found it hard to believe that the augment was changing.
Then again… everyone deserved a second chance. Maybe he actually was mentally ill. And being with that therapist helped him.
It wouldn’t be fair of Scotty to treat him badly when he tried so hard to be nice.
Don't repay like with like.
That’s what his grandfather had always taught him.
“Morning darling.”
Scotty was startled by the voice next to him but quickly calmed down as he looked at Leonard’s smiling face.
“Morning mo gràdh.”
Leonard seemed to notice the strange look on Scotty’s face as he sat up.
“What’s wrong? Another article?”
Scotty could hear the fear and worry in his boyfriend’s voice. So he quickly shook his head.
“No, just… a message from Khan. He wants to know if I’m okay after that article.”
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