#help me out pleaseee
deetealeaf · 8 months
Reblog if you want a cute lil sketch in your ask box <3
Edit: hiiii so turns out there's a lot of you lolll
Sorry if it takes me a while to actually send it to you and feel free to include prompts or requests in ur tags<333
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
i feel like im obligated to remind everyone that the time we see the characters spend with saiki on screen isnt the ONLY time they spend together,,, i just see a lot of people take their screen time very literally and assume that this is the case despite it being heavily implied that it isnt, and im not entirely sure why but i can guess that it may be because of the assumption that saiki genuinely hates his friends (i do also see people doing this with specific characters they dont like or that they have a specific agenda for, which i think is them being like "i feel a certain way about them, therefore saiki the narrator who gave me all the information that made me feel this way about them must not like them" which i dont really have a problem with (its just an hc) until they start arguing with people that their hc is the only right answer and saiki canonically hates that person or is only around them when forced to be LOL)
yumehara and teruhashi immediately recognize "kurikos" eating manner as saikis despite us never seeing him eat in front of them, kaido + nendo + kuboyasu bribe saiki for his homework with coffee jelly because they know hes obsessed with it despite us seeing no on-screen reason for them to know that (we do see a bit later that he walks home with them every day and he stares at coffee jelly every single time though LOL), and mera talks about saiki spending a lot of money at her workplace despite us only seeing her and him there at the same time once before..
saiki does not succeed at avoiding them, and in fact is probably not even trying to most of the time LMAO he loves those idiots. dearly.
the people i see the least true implications of him spending off-screen time with are actually, weirdly enough, the other two psychics. this doesnt necessarily mean to take that at face value and assume he DOESNT spend as much time with them, but its interesting i feel... please correct me if im wrong though cuz i would love to see more examples of these kinds of implications, for any characters actually!
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ayyyy-le-simp · 3 months
Does anyone have good fanfic recommendations of Captain Rex BUT royalty AU???!!!! Cause I KNOWWWW there’s more out there. Like where HES royalty or something like that?!
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hella1975 · 4 months
day so bad u go hmm what if i watched brother bear
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spooky-kakashi · 6 months
which batman comics should i read if i want to get the backstory on jason todd?? Ive seen most of the cartoon but those go from dick grayson straight to tim drake
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sevicia · 20 days
Also she'll get mad at me whenever I go to help her but don't actually know what to do or how to do it the way she wants/needs me to so she'll tell me Well why the hell did you even come here then????? like sorry I don't know... to try and help you out?? which is what you always say no one does????
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revvywevvy · 5 months
crawls in here like a little bug. i need to scream abt random scv things dont mind me im gonna just shove my face into the tags and shriek into the void
#cell mumbles#//help i tried to do a legendary souls run in the emulator and got my ass absolutely handed to me immediately by kilik#//IVE FORGOR HOW TO DO EVERYTHING SOBBING PROFUSELY#//im so bad now LMAOOOO... at least before I was able to complete the entire thing (even if it took 90+ minutes)#//but now......................... agony and suffering#//kil(ik if i (playing pyrrha) look at u with my big ol puppy eyes will you let me 3(3)B you off the raft 3 rounds in a row pretty pleaseee#//for me? the little silly? pwetty pwetty pweeeease? im just a little guy! a silly little girlie! a little baby birdie!#//you wouldnt wanna hurt a little birdie would u kil(ik? /silly#//in better news I did an arcade speedrun on my xbox; got 2'19"330 and submitted it pending review#//could u guys imagine it? the ceo of pyrrha? having the pyrrha category arcade world record?#//i can see it now... THE babygirl connoisseur /very big silly#//thooooough the time is very much beatable bc I made many-a-mistake x_x|||#//i feel like matching the general wr time is possible if you had perfect opponent + ai rng#//like. get ae/on; yoshi; zw/ei; then sieg/fried as the randomized opponents; then have them cooperate and get hit by the 3(3)B first try.#//then speed thru beating the shit out of ti/ra and night/mare; maybe even get successful ro's on the latter#//and boom#//like. i dont think u can BEAT the current wr with pyrrha per se bc like. those runs were WILD. but i feel like u could get very close!!#//u just have to get veeeeery lucky#//OH YEAH ALSO I MADE A BUNCH OF CUSTOMS OF PYRRHA AND IMMA DRAW THEM AT SOME POINT#//i already drew 2 and will do more#//can u guys tell im normal :]
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chonnysinferno · 1 year
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year
Jeremiah needs to do something Punchable soon, with the information i have about this bastard i can feel my brain starting to like him
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bensiskos · 1 year
I have going to fucking die disease
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mizzmellos · 1 year
Btw does anybody have hq scans of the Matt&Mello panels of the manga? <- i know there's an insanely small number that Matt is actually in so I'm imagining they're all collected on somebody's blog already.
Side note I need to do a redraw of this panel so badly it's making me ill like I forgot Obata drew him so cute here 🤧
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why is having someone read my writing the MOST nervewracking thing in the world
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caruliaa · 1 year
#AHH OMFG IM SO EXICTED FOR BOTH OF THEM I MIGHT DIE#also was rly worried i wldnt be able to see the barbie movie in cinemas#but my cousins will b in the uk at the time so i can go with them an have my uncle take us or smth#tbh the biggest issue was tht it wldnt b appropriate for my sister and im not fucking asking my dad to go take me to the barbie movie#(mum doenst do cinemas but im not fucking asking her regardless)#but that solved that teehee#IM SO HYPE im gonna go see the movie and then stay im my room going pikmin mode for 14 days straight#also relaszed today that within the span of four days across the spiderverse is releasing i have the anniversy of a rly traumatic incident#and i have an exam so thats. funn !!! •__•#idk if im going to see spiderverse 2 when it comes out tho i would want too#and its beore the exam so its not like an issue of being ditsracted by like. wanting to go see it right after the exam#(bc i was rly scared tht wld b an issue w tears of the kingdom but i i dont have any exams that day)#but its more of a thing of. hmm i dont tend to do well around the time of that anniversy.#and my exam is like. the day after hhmmghfg. thats so greattt#idk well like. i cant do anything about that ig. might explode into a million peices /neg over that#whatever i will have to b a little baby and b like heyy can u guys be extra rly rly niceys to me pleaseee 2 my friends abt it#bc tht might help. bc the power of freindship love can do anything hashtag mlp. whateverss#flappy rambles#ask 2 tag
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shinysora · 2 years
GUYS did i tell u
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squid-pawz · 3 months
trying to upload my first art fight attack but I keep getting an error...ACK
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moechies · 5 months
kissing up on sukuna.。o○
“what’re you doing brat? stop it.”
your lips assault the man’s face, peppering sweet kisses along his plentiful tattoos. he’s always been sensitive where the black ink littered across the skin of his body, and you figured that out not long after he took you as his dearest wife .
he squirms away from your touch, a light push against your chest, “stop it.”
“what.. you don’t like it?” you purr, rubbing the sticky gloss off of his cheek. he doesn’t answer you, only a petulant frown that paints his face, likely embarrassed of the slight flush in his cheek. you don’t mind.
“can i do it more ?” you ask sweetly , although he’d never ever say no. he does his best to sit below you obediently, but can’t help but grumble when he feels your sticky lipgloss transfer onto his skin. the scent of artificial strawberry is nauseating to him, and he doesn’t get why you like it. but for you, he thinks he’ll deal with it.
for now at least, until he gets so fed up with it he ends up throwing it away. but don’t fret, he’d repay you by buying you a variety of new designer products that would last a life time, just so you won’t fuss.
“do you like me ryomen?“
his eyebrow raises,
“you think i’d let someone i didn’t like torture me like this?” he grumbles, your cheeks in between his fingers forcing you to face him whilst you spoke.
“admwit it, say you wike me pwease.” your voice slurred due to his grip on your face.
“you’ll say it if you weally do !”
“no. you already know that i do. why should i say it?”
“pleaseee , ryomen ?”
he sighs, letting go of your jaw allowing you to rest yourself on his chest.
“i like you.”
“y’ do? really?!”
“you know that! we’re married!”
“but you never said it until now! now it feels real.” you look up at sukuna with a dopey smile, eyes bright and so full of love he swears he sees hearts as pupils. he can’t help but crack a smile internally, but in reality he simply huffs.
“tch. i might even love you, dumb brat.”
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