#help i love so much ffxiv charas ;;;;
noxtivagus · 1 year
i've been using my priv twt a lot lately & i've been rambling sm abt ffxiv n other stuff but i think Soon i will get back to tumblr
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astrxealis · 26 days
i am so used to my pinned post i kinda don't want to change the format but i want to
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#Like. i want it to be more ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 u get me?#it's too small/limiting for me rn ragggghhh ..... will change it soon ^_^ 💖#wow. hard to believe it's already june. 4-5ish months till i'm not a minor anymore and around 2 months till college#happy pride btw :3 Hm. i am still not out to my parents but i am vv comfortable now w who i am.#i know for sure i prefer short hair over long hair and hate when it gets past this certain length that i then need a haircut#and i've actually grown comfortable wearing dresses and skirts! which ngl has been there a bit since i watched hamilton#but only now ?? like. Yeah.#it's funny bcs when i had shorter hair than my short hair rn LMFAO it was shorter than i actually liked#but the perks were my friends telling me You Look Like A Guy Even More and some storeclerk calling me sir#but that was funny bcs i was w my twin. and ok we're identical but maybe not obvious at first bcs i wear glasses and they have slightly more#femme and long hair and her style is diff from mine. colorful or bright or maximalist vs minimalist or dark or max 3 tones same colorsalways#LMFAO. me & my twin r super comfy w each other so sometimes we make Jokes. uh. yeah. HELP?#if u get it than yaaaa B) o/ anyway yeah. also comfortable w small amts of makeup now!#if it looks natural enough i'm cool w it :3 i also like stylistic shit. but haven't tried that stuff yet <3#i just hate makeup in general when it is too much that you don't look like yourself anymore... unless it's Cool#IDK HWO TO EXPLAIN. whatever it's not important. <3#ouuughhh i love my new pompompurin stuffed toy... official from sanrio in japan hehehehehehhe#i like making it do stupid shit like eating my soup or mochi and i like using it to tell my mom stuff like#pompompurin thinks you suck (jokingly. i love my mom she knows how i am!)#so she says back pompomsometbinv tell your amo (owner?) she sucks more LMFAOOO#also. just. fhsbkfjd official merch... >___< we were supposed to head back to our hotelwtvr after gpinf to alihabara#akihabara** but while waiting to reload the card thing. i spotted the official yostar store and :)) YAY#so got a little standee. for arknights. 1 for me 1 for my twin but it's gachafied and the fucking. thing. is.#every chara u cld get was basically a fav of mine ESP. TEQUILA. HOLY FUCK. MY ABSOLUTE JOY SEEING HIM.#but the two we got... were both my my Twin's favs... who i also like but. they are Not my faves. :)#so apparently just in general my gacha luck really sucks.#even w the gbf pins. artemis managed to get BELIAL and then for me uhh. ok we got 1 for a surprise gift for a friend#they r not active on tumblr atm i think so shhh anyway so basically anyway. i cld have gotten sandalphon. or other ppl. and i got two charas#i DO like but... more are arti's favs than mine still..... haha. at least w the ffxiv coasters we had equal luck. Amazing luck.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#sorry my head is like . ffxiv. yes. empty. just ffxiv.#i love love love love themes w like. apocalypses? the world ending wtvr yk. HDLFKAJDLFKS.. SHADOWBRINGERS. IS. SO.#okay i cld ramble on n on about each of the expansions n they're all equally special to me but i want to ramble about shb rn#i started ffxiv during shadowbringers so the expansion is. yeah. YEAH 🥹#emet-selch.. he's srs my favorite antag ever. maybe hermes too if he counts idk but they're not necessarily cruel 'villains'#they're so human they're so goddamn human n it touches me so much i love them they own my heart#listening to ffxiv ost just gets me like this thank you soken thank you to the ffxiv team i love you guys so much thank you thank you#eulmore ost w. pain in pleasure & indulgence & masquerade. THE DEVELOPMENT FROM THE START OF THE GAME TO ENDGAME#IS SO GOOD. I LOVE IT. n then grr i love songs w yk the waltz yk or rlly just stuff like this so much it's just so pleasing to my ears#it sounds like heaven. n then. the scenarios it brings in my mind! i love fantasy worlds so much they mean so much to me#huh. realizing once more i rlly like a lot of charas that end up destroying the world one way or another. or wanted to or smth#sephiroth. lucilius. n yh emet-selch & hermes as i mentioned.#i cld ramble on so much abt emet-selch oh dear help me i'm still not over the 'angel of truth' thing n then. azemet T_T#azemet srs is like my otp. or uh. idk a lot of ff pairing r my otps#AZEMET. THE ANGST. hdfjasdlkf emet w azem n hyth hehe his friends r so. chaotic canonically. emet probably doesn't look the part w#idk bcs he looks so grumpy n old lol but he's rlly so kind at heart 🥺 i'm sorry i'm head over heels he's so ugly /lh i love him#ffxiv ost just has this. oh my god. it's so good. it fits so much w just every aspect in the whole game n i'm not exaggerating at all#when i say i know them all so well by heart. i could ramble for hours n days on each song in the whole game n what they mean to me#i love. ffxiv so much. the recurring themes n the way they tie stuff up together is just smth i've always loved nn#ffxiv's story was smth i looked for my whole life before finding out abt the game? idk the game rlly just means so much to me#one day. one day i'll create something of my own. smth like what ffxiv means to me but.. smth entirely my own.#goddamn i'm genuinely still very anxious n nervous abt the future. n like this year yh but. i'm even more excited.#i want to do a lot i. i want to reach out to tomorrow. i want to reach my dreams!!!! i'll reach. even further. forge ahead#help it's 1 am wnvr it's later into the night i usually end up rambling like this huh.#don't mine me i rlly just like writing n i talk to myself often 😭 i'm a bit tired for other stuff tonight but.#thinking of. stories or wtvr just refreshing my mind. i love ffxiv so much :<< all these stories mean so much to me..#yk what i'll just do more tmrrw i just want to take this time rn for myself#hdjfaklsdf i love music. n video games. n stories n idk just all of it just HDLFKAJSDLF.. i'm so in love w them all i just appreciate it sm
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noxtivagus · 2 years
erichthonios final fantasy fourteen whwjdkgjshgksj
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noxtivagus · 1 year
head in hands thinking of hermes n ebenholz
#🌙.rambles#rereading question of life again a bunch today n. hermes.. searching for the answer to change in other stars.#my bro. my dear. beloved. i daresay the answer's been w you all along.. in a way#I FEEL. SO MUCH FOR HERMES. BCS HE FELT SO LONELY N DIFFERENT IN THE IMPERFECT SOCIETY OF ETHEIRYS#but bro if you're an aberration then fuck it i'll. be one too yk? you won't be alone#i haven't finished lingering echoes yet on yt or wtvr but#that freedom he rlly yearned for.. that touches me so much. i can't even begin to explain it oh my god#out of all my favs in ffxiv i probably talk abt hermes the most. in terms of his chara he's probably my fav#but alphi n emet-selch r equally as special as well i rlly don't have a fav in ffxiv 😭#in arknights. i rlly don't know much yet but with chara design there's mostima n lappland that definitely caught my eye the most#but. even w those two n others as well. ebenholz i think was the chara that i knew wld be my fav#n then help my mind has two definite like. IDK HOW TO SAY IT BUT i'm rlly thinking of both hermes n ebenholz at the same time#n. one of my ocs too. who srs just. helpp i project sm unto him he's probably like my no. 1 ideal type#ständchen & dead butterflies & no plan r the three songs i'll obsess over today it seems >.>#dead butterflies w the context n the. word choice the imagery the emotion in it :^) so special. so meaningful.#to me it. it's like a persisting emptiness. a sorrow that doesn't ever quite go away. fitting w the context of yk yeah i think#no plan! hozier! THE LYRICS R SO PERFECT MY MAN ILY#i rlly relate w the meaning behind the lyrics of the song <3#n then ständchen T_T EBENHOLZ.. N THEN. YK THE MELODY FROM SCHUBERT#i love music so so much. n everything about music. the meaning behind it n what it means to me as well n. yeah. YEAH#wait. i'm still obsessed w doomsday :^) sobs n talk from hozier too.. n. running in the dark. yeah#doomsday.. dealing w loss. inevitability of mortality. talk w the flowery insincerity oh my god. n then.#running in the dark i can't even rlly say bcs the song is just. rlly means a lot to me personally T_T it's so comforting#once i learn more of arknights! i will certainly write what i think of it in a different light someday#i think. i can rlly emphatize w these song themselves. the meaning behind them n the context n#i'm also very aware of what it personally means to me n#that small certainty in smth that's rlly just so vastly uncertain brings me some ounce of comfort.#curiosity of the unknown gives me comfort too. i've never rlly been one to hide or run away from what i fear bcs i still find it interestin#i just. rlly love sm things in life. i'm rlly glad i can still hold unto this part of me despite the painful things as well#but i'm one that. i. have to appreciate life wholly. it gets overwhelming tho but i still strive to just be myself n what that means to me.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
thinking about haurchefant hours (tales from the dragonsong war side stories) 🥺🤍
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#loml actually he's just the sweetest guy.#'thoughts unspoken' man wrote us letters that he never sent#i am so Weak for that. like imagine the drafts#haurchefant's one of the charas that's v obvious about his feelings for the wol in a way#he admires the wol so much.... he's so precious :')#he's a knight!!!! isn't that so charming#he never said these words. never managed to#'thoughts unspoken' THAT SENTIMENT MAKES ME SO EMOTIONAL#cries i will not say anymore on that bcs that is a very personal and intimate struggle of mine#BUT.#'I cannot deny that it filled my heart with joy to see you finally set foot in our fair city.' my beloved. this man.#^ would be me too when i finally have my friends go to ishgard for the first time hehe#he's so. he's so KINDDDD HAURCHEFANT IS SO UNCONDITIONALLY KIND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I WANT TO MARRY HIM#'I knew at once that I must do everything in my power to help you to preserve the dawn's light' sobs#'It was / to be frank / no easy thing for me.' i'm gna cry#you see. i have read this story many a time before but i still get emotional each. and. every. time.#love.... & then why he chose to be a knight :<#'And so I told him of the woman who had unexpectedly come into our lives' i'll cry#'whose very presence drove others to be better than themselves' i'm crying#'this cherished friend of mine / was a hero' N THE FOLLOWING STUFF TOO OH MY GOD THIS MAN OWNS MY HEART#HE NEVER GOT TO SAY THESE WORDS TO US.... I'M GNA CRY AGAIN#'But you will think me facetious. Pray then allow me to speak plain.' i am genuinely crying a lot right now he. he means so much to me#WHY CAN'T WE BE MORE THAN FRIENDS MF I HATE YOU HAURCHEFANT GREYSTONE#you see i am very much a romantic & i am weak to. personally i am weak for letters. that's one thing#he believes in us so much.... this stupid stupid letter#he promises he'll be there. i am so smitten. oh my god#snow night dawn promises smile trust dearest strive triumph journey swear. all these key words my man i am in love with you#the sun.... cries this is so much pain but i feel a lot better now wtf
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#ok i will move these to my spam account soon but wait quick rant. actually not fully rant just smth i find interesting to think about#since yk how we ourselves change somewhat. like. huh. everyone to an extent i think but as an empath i'm probably more susceptible to it#depending on the people we're with. the environment n all. we change a bit#like w each friend i just naturally end up matching their way of text n their mannerisms esp when i'm around them#while most of it is natural n all too it's one of my love languages >< i love the feeling of. yk having more similarity#personally for me it makes me feel more understood n connected#NO FUCKING WAYYYY WAIT. SOB. watching from apollo's laptop rn a bit of that one cutscene with emet-selch ffxiv n bestie#the way. the way he looks at the wol. THE WAY HE SMILED.... HE DOESN'T SMILE OFTEN???? THIS GRUMPY LIL MF#wait i'm emotional. meteion and hermes n. FUCKKK#SOB HERMES YOU NEVER MANAGED TO FIND YOUR ANSWER. I'M SORRY. I'M SO SORRY#GOD CCAN YOU TELL THE KIND OF PERSON I AM FROM MY FAVE CHARAS#A 'FIELD OF FLOWERS'. IM GNA CRYYYYYY 'thank you for guiding me here' i. GOD I'M EMOTIONAL THIS#mafuyu's my fav chara. i'm a kanade kin. hahaha. & then. i'm a dark knight main in ffxiv. after tank i'm also a healer main#can you see? i love to. i love to help others oh my fucking god n it burdens me but. i love it more. as a strength.#flow is making me emotional. the lyrics mean so much to me. with ffxiv context n then. my emotional attachment to it for numerous reasons#the lyrics. out of context comfort me. resonate with me. the rain. stars. fate. memory. love. water. sleep. dawn. dreams.#i wonder what words others hold in importance. that resonate with their soul. & what it means to them. memories too#i know in certainty for me. i want to learn of everyone else#this little world of mine. i wonder. how. it looks like in your eyes. what others wish to learn of me too. i can only hope that#i'm so used to fiction you see. reality feels so distant at times. n with my differences it. oft feels i don't belong#yet still i hold on. why? bcs there's so much more to life. please don't give up. you deserve so much more.#n to everyone i know now. to just indulge in myself maybe. a selfish desire. i hope this will last. n i'll be there to see you#better and happier in the future. for as short and long as we know each other i care for all of you so so much#maybe i'm sorry for ever loving you in whichever way it differs per person in my life. but i'll be a bother. i don't want to#i don't want to lose anyone anymore#god... thinking back on drk and. myste's words resonate with me so much. love and forgiveness has always meant so much to me#ah yeah i remember again who i am. don't think twice is also making me extra emotional#i'm sorry though. it really does hurt n. time's going far too fast. but i'll try to do what i can. so long as you're still with me i think#i can manage. that's enough. that would be enough. even if i'm not enough. i'll hold unto myself and. what's important to me
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noxtivagus · 2 years
oh man i still love ffxv so much 🫶🏼
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxv. ]#i am thinking again of . noctis#GODDAMN I USED TO BE SO#noctis used to be my fav chara back then. he's still one of my favs rn#i love ffxv music sm man thank you yoko shimomura for composing elegant osts#i love kingdom hearts sm too.... final fantasy n kh my childhood fr#help i like so many games that are connected to sqex in a way 😭#nier published by sqex . n huh#even one of my fav animanga ( fullmetal alchemist ) is connected to sqex in a way#funny how all these interests were influenced by my father's side of the family. my dad n an aunt in particular#i actually nearly finished the manga for fma ! but not the last few volumes bcs my aunt has them w her in japan i think. 🥹#wait i'm listening to ffx rn n i am emotional. my first exposure to ff#but i played ffxiii first. i still remember the start of the second chapter i think...? then rip ps3 broke#🥹 i'm. i love my childhood#thinking abt it n i've really been exposed to a lot of video games#gow & tlou & loz & ac & the other ac & ff & nier & fe & kh & mario stuff ofc & help sm more#oh man i really have always been passionate about video games. it means so much to me esp w the ones w good stories bcs u play through them#ffxiv as an mmorpg. really fit so well with what i wanted. im really so happy#god i played a lot of board games as well when i was young n those smart wtvr stuff#n a lot of fps in gr 6 especially. n so much gacha games wtf n rhythm games n mobile mmos too#when i get interested in smth i really seek to learning as much of it as i can#i also watched sm anime back then 🫣 n i got into a lot of kpop grps back then too#in ffxiv i do most content. not quite rp yet tho. but i have rped in other places in the past LMFAOOO#thinking abt how i'm so weak for romantic stuff tho. suteki da ne... sob. i blame final fantasy for me being like this#the way i write is so filled with confusion. but also a gentle n strong love for life as a whole. n poems n stories n. longing#please pay me no mind rn i am Emotional n cringe but free#i am emotional rn n distracted n confused n a mess but at least i got that. thing out of my mind. i'll stress about it later
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#IM SO SORRY IM SO EMOTIONAL OVER FFXIV RN#I SAW A THREAD ON TWT OF ARCHE N I FEEL LIKE CRYING#MY MAN.... SOB I LOVE HIM#🥹 he was one of my top fav charas too#before emet he was in my top 3#he's still one of my favs#wahh ;; upcoming spoilers#he. his death. the tragedy of it as a whole#IM SO SAD FUCK. ALL THE THINGS HE DID FOR US#their broken family.... HELP WHY DO I LIKE SAD CHARAS SM FR#cries. sobs. he. haurchefant#i'm so proud of him. i wish there was more my wol could have done#hahahaha his death was a really important part in my wol's lore#that regret that pain. fuck#i. darling. i'm so sad. i wish i could hug him#i'm so sad. 'too little too late' that sentiment hurts me so much.#i feel like crying. haurchefant makes me emotional yo i cried sm when he died#n i cried in like so many other references of him throughout the story#he's a special character to me. yk the way he admires the wol? n how. sigh. SIGH#i didn't think too much on him when i first met him in-game but as yk he appeared more in msq i definitely gree attached#grew*. sighhh 🥹#i don't want my wol to have too many love interests LMFAO so haurche being dead is probably more of just a friend but#it's the kind of friend that. writing trope you know there's something more underneath.#affection runs deeper than just being friends but you hide it. afraid that maybe it'll fester more#n in this case it ends up haltering n ending altogether with death#that's how i'd write my wol if i shipped her more w haurchefant but oh well he's dead 🫠#i rmb writing last year. a letter to my wol for him.#sobbing remember that tales from the dragonsong story as well. his letter for the wol. im so smitted im so fucking sad
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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noxtivagus · 2 years
ffxiv's so healing
#🌙.rambles#joke i lowkey have an toxic relationship w it#bcs it gives me so much comfort but then also stresses me out sm 🫠#'ffxiv's so healing' - i say while listening to scream#i rmber a friend asked how i was doing yesterday and i replied with#'SLOWLY GOING INSANE BUT IT'S BEEN GREAT 🤩'#which is actually very true 😭😭#it is a bit concerning that i can't help but relate to lahabrea a lot#not specifically his own experiences but i think the intensity of emotion#bcs holy fuck imagine#the despair the anger he would've felt#falling for someone only to later realize that. (maybe) they never even loved you back#they just wanted to use you#imagine the loneliness he would've felt to hide the truth away. to be so hated and scorned by the person you protected#he regretted love as a husband; what wld become of him then as a father?#imagine the emptiness he would feel if#maybe w the sundering#if eric dies.#after athena he would't succumb to love again but imagine if he finds it again instead as a father; only to lose it again#i love how the lyrics of the song reflects sm in all of the charas#it's so painful. it's harsh. it's dark#i fucking love it#i don't know how that wld feel but. uh. i'm empathetic if that says smth#& my emotions have always been intense#being angry n broken feels better than emptiness for me#yeah ngl there's smth wrong w my head probably#sometimes i'm normal but i also really have a kind of crazy side ig#....scorpio sun capricorn moon? 🫠#💀 basically tho typically these emotions sre a bit more balanced. i guess you cld say rn that#rn i'm leaning more towards the vibes of hell ( rather than heaven ). fallen angels. red. lucilius > lucifer.
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noxtivagus · 1 year
🫣 rambling abt ffxiv quests again yes so true
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#cont yet again oops ><#HFDLKAFJSD N THE LAST QUEST 😭 'forever at your side' it's so bittersweet.#dreams n freedom n ideals n smth worthy of being proud n loved n regrests n casting away hate n#yeah making the most w our lives n the future. 'for those we have lost n for those we can yet save' ffxiv ihysm#reason to live for the present n the future.. moving on from the scars of the past. we all owe that to ourselves.#'searching for my place in the world' & 'I was always on the outside looking in.' ouch#'But I've realized if we can't find one we just have to make it ourselves.' ily#'I'll never forget my past but neither will I be beholden to it.' yeah 🥹🤍#[]'s chara development means so much to me. yeah humans n morality n our ideals r rich in complexity#'true strength resides within us' n the other stuff too [] was my fictional therapist in that cutscene lmfao#yeah that. really helped me then i remember. i was crying so much bro that resonated w me so much :c#'My children gave everything so that others might be free. I will not rest until the world they dreamed of becomes a reality.'#i'm so proud of him. n then ; 'When I recall our time together I remember the person I used to be. The person I *still* can be.'#memories n forever at your side sobbing. 'i'm the only one left... /but i'll never be alone' FAMILIAL LOVE#'[]. I won't give up on our dream.' yeah. Yeah. one of my favorites fr#i rlly love ffxiv :C#it gives me so much hope n reminds me of myself. to hells if i'll be a fool—just let me dream.
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noxtivagus · 1 year
the sorrow of werlyt. hmmm
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#that. storyline makes me feel so much#not only is the ost sooo goddamn good w the ruby emerald n diamond weapons but hdflaksdjfas terncliff !!!! 'and love you shall find'#the story. deals with. familial love. n there's#goddamn. the story makes me so. angry in a way? the antag there is so.. so fucking twisted.#like. he's just downright evil. one of the only charas in ffxiv that i actually hate.#like w the other antags they have other stuff w them that make me find them as a fictional character yk interesting n all but#valens. that guy. i just hate him.#the story is so sad 🥹🫶🏼 it's just so.. twisted on so many levels n. goddamn it just fills me up with so many emotions. one of my favs#hdkjaflsd it's pretty heavy :c the survivor's guilt n taking steps forward. pains of the past mhm.#n ah redemption arc too of one of the other charas. i appreciate that. he knows what he did is wrong n#nothing would ever change that but yk. i'm happy he moves forward to being a better person.#ah yeah there's also stuff w purpose n yeah n. it's just. the story's really meaningful.#hope. n protecting those we love.#ffxiv rlly strengthened me as a person honestly n really helped me be more self-aware i think. no hmm. a better way to put it is#yk yeah having it by my side helped me. help i can't write but yeah it's in my head n i find peace in. yk.#hdfalksjdfl it's not Because of ffxiv that i'm like this ? like it's not the sole reason it just helped me n#it's just. very. connected on different levels. my words can't do the thought justice though.#for simplicity's sake i'll just say one thing i meant to say bcs i have to continue working on that script sob#drk as a tank. n i guess being an older twin. protecting others.. yeah. so. the sorrow of werlyt really resonates with me#the. sacrifices they make though just rlly make me sad. that sort of loss is just so bitter even though it contributes to the future.#bcs. yk if things were different if we were all just better if society was better then yk those sacrifices wldn't have been made#in the first place. but.. such is the way of life i suppose. but i'll continue to try n try n make things better as much as i can#fuck if it's naive. there's no harm in at least doing my best n hoping right?#that one aymeric quote yeah; 'even if it is folly to hope then i am content to remain a fool' or smth along those lines.#i love him. aymeric my bro fr. i'd rather be a fool than be someone who didn't even try.#the sorrow of werlyt has stuff like that too n the way they tell the story just.. it's so. :c to me. T_T#sobbing 'we will forever be by your side' & the price to pay for freedom huh. reminds me of zack too i love him so much#'you know I'm not the sort to do things by halves.' you suck ily & the 'forgive me' 😭😭
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noxtivagus · 1 year
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noxtivagus · 2 years
a night will never not be complete without me rambling abt ffxiv huh
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#i'm so happy i found smth like ffxiv for me n apollo. later in 2023 will be the third year of playing. which is a bit hard to believe#i'm so soft for the drk quests i did enjoy it in english or wtvr but reading those fanmade jpn translations rlly warms my heart even more#n then. uwahh listening to shb osts n other vg stuff rn n masquerade at this specific point just#eulmore ost means a lot to me i rlly love that kind of vibe n then. i have a lot of fond memories in that place.#w sm friends back on twintania n 5.5 days hehe.#i am srs rambling again but i just rlly like talking to myself ok pls don't mind me uhhhh#ffxiv helped keep me grounded yes it rlly helped me through hard times. w the world in it n then. the stories that helped me so much#n the music :<< n the charas mean so much to me n then. i just appreciate the game so much. it means a lot to me#thinking abt it n i've really never been good at friendships. i rlly do want to do better bcs i value them so much but hdfjalkfsjda T_T#i rmb fucking up smth late 2020 n then first half or so of 2021 i only interacted w my family n school ppl i think n. ppl in ffxiv#srs reflecting rn n for the longest time i think i genuinely rlly struggled w social anxiety. still do to an extent but it was sm worse#twintania n my fc then changed my life fr they helped me n i don't think i ever rlly directly thanked them but yh.#n then. those social interactions helped me later that year reconnecting w my longtime irl friends that i barely talked to for those past#years bcs of the pandemic n then earlier 2022 w making new friends that weren't online friends for the first time in so long#n then being more connected w my reality again w all that yes n then making more online friends. not a lot i'm still v shy but <3#idk i know i rlly say a lot of the same things often n i write a Lot in tags n ramble sm n i genuinelly will be embarrassed if ppl actually#read this but pls i just like talking to myself i don't do it for attention T_T but I SHOULD REALLY FIX THESE STUFF UP#i think i've just been rambling for the past hour . idk i just really love n appreciate a lot of stuff in life n there's no end to what i#cld just write about like this to myself. n i write even more in my notes oh dear#i seriously look forward to so much this year i'm going to put my regrets behind me n just look towards doing the future#the best i can do is just be kind to myself n do what i can n do what i love uwahh#ok genuinely i still do feel rather stressed n anxious n i'm pretty sure i just wrote that earlier but uh my mind is a mess at this hour#i should not be on tumblr past midnight or when i'm sleepy . i've really made a habit of writing so much in tags#school starts like tmrrw now n thankfully my sleep got mostly fixed. i have so much more i want to do but i'll make sure to#take care of my health at least. for the past 2 weeks now i think i usually sleep around midnight (earlier typically) n never later than 3#I'M HAPPY W THAT sleeping better rlly improved a lot but it's so hard to start making that change when. Yeah but here i am now <3#that said though i'm gna stop. rambling now i wna be a bit more productive before i sleep but gn in advance ><
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noxtivagus · 2 years
ffxiv gives me sm hope
#🌙.rambles#rambling again yes. i really just love the story so much#it. serves as a lot of inspiration and motivation for my creativity#it makes me emotional. which was especially important for me more than a year back when#i was really bottling my emotions bcs of some painful events ig that i dealt with#i love how the story n world is so deep n i cld really lose myself in my thoughts n emotions n imagination n mind as a whole#from the msq to the charas to all sorts of side stories.#the depth of the world means so much to me. and as an mmorpg we ourselves as players are a part of it#it's personal. n it keeps in improving n continuing#n that's one thing that i used to search for before ffxiv. which is why this stupid game has such a strong grasp on me#i'm attached to it yes but my affection runs on a personal emotional level. it's intertwined in my identity. i've grown up with it#i'm thankful for that. ffxiv really has taught me a lot. both in the game in itself as an rpg n the mmo aspect as well#my connection to is has become more healthy though as well now that i've grown up and healed more#it's been a vital aspect of me maturing. brings out the good in me#through its story telling. just the way how it reaches out to me#someday hmm i really want to create a game with a similar level of depth as ffxiv#not sure if i'd like it to be an mmo. maybe. but with my focus on being a doctor in the future#i'm not entirely sure how i'll go about pursuing my other dreams. but i'll find a way. i'll achieve success#help i have sm thoughts rn it's a bit overwhelming as usual but i remember myself again#and. oh there's so much i have to do. i'll do my best though. i'll do what i can n i'll try my best even if my skills are lacking#i love life. it hurts but yes i love life deeply. so i'll continue to write even if i'm a mess#aaaa drk ffxiv really resonates w me n sm of the story as well ;;;; it helped give form to myself in a time where i was so lost#n songs like to the edge n return to the oblivion have always kept me company. its lyrics giving voice n relating to my own self#n i can appreciate it as well for what it is in itself as innately part of ffxiv's story / not just my own#it hurts definitely but i love being aware of my own depth. n of life. it hurts being different in a way from the norm but i love who i am.#even if it really does feel lonely n im not entirely sure why n im not sure what to do. i'll hold unto myself. unto life n my consciousness#i'll control what i can n make my peace w what i cannot. n i'll love life n myself for what it means to me#i'll just be myself. what will complement me and what i deserve n want will rightfully come so long as i continue being myself.#i think w who i am i shouldn't hide. i have no need to be afraid. i'm meant for so much more. i cld fly so much higher n be free#so long as i hold unto that aspect of myself i think i can eventually find proper peace. in my own way. even if it's lonely. i don't belong
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