#help a girl out friends
zeravmeta · 1 year
biggest indicator of the hoes not being alright is that all isekai nowadays has gone from “ultimate power level super cool beam explosion harem fantasy” to shit like “in this new world i eat lots of delicious food and help people with minor problems and i feel incredibly fulfilled with a happy and peaceful life where the cold grip of capitalism cant touch me :)”
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theloveinc · 9 months
sugar daddy Bakugo is so funny b/c if he's paying your tuition he's getting mad if you don't go to class
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thankgod4pattsu · 3 months
I feel alone and scared.
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stuckinapril · 3 months
It’s never overstated to me when people are like “work out bc it makes you feel better” bc it literally does. I think what I used to get hung up on is making the perfect schedule / wanting to know what I was doing right away. But it’s also okay to flounder at first and experiment w things and figure out what works for you and your body. The important thing is you’re starting out bc your body really will thank you for it later down the line. You cannot keep pushing it off it will add up
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tsuchinokoroyale · 11 months
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If nautical nonsense be something you wish 🎶
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yourlocalabomination · 7 months
Some of y’all are not appreciating the fact this man has his hair in a bun in Time Bastard/Working Boys.
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seaghosst · 6 months
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ugh so very unhappy with this but idc i need it OUT OF MY BRAIN!! i’ll remake it later maybe
I have this au in my head where leo gets sent to neo edo after the kraang invasion cause portal stuff was happening in both worlds at the same time (mikey saving leo nd yuichi springing the trap) . shenanigans ensue. aka the unforeseen consequences of opening and closing inter dimensional portals at the same time
follow up here!
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nyoomfruits · 3 months
send me an au and a line of dialogue and i will write a little drabble!!
Apocalypse AU
Band AU
Celebrity AU
College AU
Demigod AU
Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
Office AU
Omegaverse AU
Body Swap AU
Room Mate AU
Royalty AU
Soulmate AU
Time Travel AU
Supernatural/Magic AU
Historical AU
Bartender/Bar AU
A. “What do you mean it was an accident? How can that be an accident!”
B. “How did you even find me?”
C. “Do I look like I belong here to you?”
D. “Well. It could be worse than this, I guess.” “Could it?”
E. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
F. "Who did this to you?"
G. "Do you want me to stay?"
H. “We’re in this together right?” “Always.”
I. “What do you think of this?” “I think you’re an idiot.” “So you don’t like it?” “No, of course I like it. You’re just an idiot.”
J. “So how upset would you be [insert silly/insane thing here]…”
K. “Are you okay?” “I am now.”
L. “Why are you covered in blood?” “Uh. Long story?”
M. "I need to ask something of you." "Always. Anything." "Don't say that before you hear what it is. Seriously."
N. “How did you get into this profession?” “Family business.”
O. “How do you know each other?” Both simultaneously, “We don’t.”
P. "Do you have some kind of spider-sense for when I need something?" "No, you idiot, [Name] texted me"
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fulgurbugs · 26 days
it’s so agneover gamers i am getting my ass beat so bad by the ot1 bosses
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Oh did that trans woman present femininely in a way you find corny?Did that autistic kid annoy you by being passionate about their interests?Did that traumatized person cope by being a therian so you think they're stupid?Did that black person act in a way you found offputting?Thank you SO much for making a whole post to make fun of them because it was completely necessary to announce your most important feelings ever because weird people are vewy scawy.Should we throw a party to cheer you up?Should we invite JK Rowling?
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covertblizzard · 4 months
jaykyle au where they're theatre kids in the same school but they're not the actors jason's the scriptwriter/director and kyle is the prop manager (i don't know the official terms sorry) and they'd probably do an amazing job on the backstage setting if they could stop arguing for 5 whole seconds about their artistic visions and ideas and how "this would obviously work better this way"
#jason todd#kyle rayner#jaykyle#mypost#dc thoughts#vp of the club: maybe we should find some other people to do the job if they can't get along?#pres of the club: no they're both talented af and i want this to be raving success just knock their heads tgt and tell them to play nice or#i'll make them wear the get along shirt again#WAIT ONE SEC DONNA'S THE PRES and overseer she's pissed bcos kyle played the same role last year and he was chill then#wally's vp no 1 and backstage manager and he's thinking of kicking kyle out#dick's vp no 2 and main lead and he's thinking of kicking jason out bcos it's embarrassing and annoying to work with your younger siblings#kon helps kyle with props and bart is one of the actors and kon is jealous af about it he grumbles a little#roy is the fight scene choreographer#i'm trying to think of something for garth but the only thing that comes to mind i'm not sure are fitting enough#actor manager? weapon manager? oooh maybe pet manager if they have animals... human and pet manager???? hr department but including animals#ooooh maybe pet manager if they have animals#raven can play bart's love interest (in play) maybe (wally doesn't like it and neither does gar for very different reasons)#eddie deals with the contraptions they build for this bubble machines smoke machines lowering and raising anything mechanical#rose and cass helps with the weapons stuff they keep fighting too and roy is TIRED#connor plays the villain he didn't mean to or want to but he got dragged into it and he's really hot and gunned in for next years main lead#he doesnt want this#steph and mia are hair makeup costume department but bart and kon love to hangout and help too#jennie-lynn and bart are in-charge of socials#tim pops up a lot because so many of his friends (and brothers) are here and when he does he helps steph and mia#damian too pops up to help with pet management and sometimes prop art#this is much to dicks annoyance jason is already here can his little brothers LEAVE HIM ALONE SOMETIMES UGH#damian (taking cues from talia and bruce loverenemies dynamic and wanting an artist in-law): we should set jason and kyle up#dick: no / tim: hmm / dick: NO#i want to add the yj girls (cassie cissie greta anita) but i know too little about them right now but imagine they're there and the roles#are to be determined
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bonchobrick · 10 months
(angst alert !! death + slight blood tw !!)
Tim is stuck in a sticky situation and has to call a certain 'spooky' friend for help.
Jason would probably call him a dumbass for trying to do something so stupid. Well, atleast thats what Tim thinks Jason would do, he isn't for sure though, he isn't certain.
Because Jason's laying on the ground with a flat pulse and he wont be giving him any answers anytime soon.
“Don' look so weird replacement, its just anoth’r day in gotham.” His brother slurs with the slight quirk of his lips
"Jason don't fucking do this to me!" Tim hisses tears cursing his eyes
And Jason, oh that bastard—bleeding out on the pavement and in Tim’s arms sends him his classic beaming Robin Smile. 
"Love ya' little bro take care of yo'rself, kay?" he says eyes fluttering
"Jay," Tim cries, "You dick."
For all the joy and hope and belief his smile conveyed for the first time in a long time—his red blood muddled what should’ve been such a nice sight. Tim held him on the pavement with someone yelling on the comm mic on the floor that he just can’t bother trying to pay attention to. 
The pavement is cold. The air is cold. His brother is cold. It’s all so cold tonight. 
All the younger boy does close his eyes and slowly, In. Out. In. Out.
He lets himself breathe for a minute. Lets the horror wash over him. Lets himself absorb what just happened,
Then he gets back to work. 
Like a switch his brain is back online running at a hundred miles an hour–what is the best scenario, what should I do when my brother's wrist is limp and his eyes are shut, what do I do if he’s dead again, what can i do, how can I Fix. This.
Thoughts cloud his mind, whirring around his head like layers and layers of messy documents has just been dumped on his desk and he’s shuffling through them panicked trying to find the right file because its somewhere here, there is something and he just needs to sort. it. out. And–
Then it all becomes clear. 
His desk is back to clean and stationary. All of the papers are gone back into neat piles in neat manila folders, stored away in tidy filing shelves–
Everything is gone aside from one little yellow sticky note in the center of the desk.
“Well, Jay?” Tim chuckles with a cracked voice, “Second times the charm right?”
In his mind, at the center of it all, on a yellow sticky note lies the words in green ink: ‘Contact The Ghost King.’
Slowly he shifts and with a loud grunt he lifts up Jason, “Up we go!”
“--im? Why do you have Red Hood’s Comm–Tim what happened! Tim!” the comm speaker plays faintly in the background of his head, “Tim! Whatever you’re thinking off doing, don’t!” someone Tim can’t think about hisses
Tim hums absentmindedly towards the mic, almost automatically, “Don’t worry Babs, I’ve got it covered.”
Walking away from the roof he thinks to himself, I wonder where Jason would wanna wake up? Perhaps his apartment? Yea, i think that would go well by him–let’s head to the apartment.  
And just like that Tim leaves a crime scene—shuffling away with a dead body over his shoulder and a plan.
“Jay,” Tim murmurs to the corpse on his shoulder, “You’re really gonna hate this, but i’m doing this for you anyways cause I love you. So dont be too hard on me when you wake up okay asshole?”
Tim stumbles off into the stairwell making his descent and sometime as he walks away Barbara faintly catches him on the comm saying
“-Your gonna love Danny and making your lame 'im a dead guy' jokes with him man .”
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aroanthy · 3 months
trying to write something about how much i hate the ‘misandry in utena/the utena fandom’ crowd but it feels kind of redundant to me. i think i just don’t consider people who use the word ‘misandry’ serious people. i do however feel an obligation to occasionally make my position clear on that front, because im aware i tougapost and some people love to bring that guy up as the misandry in the utena fandom poster boy. which is so fucking stupid because touga is not victimised by ‘misandry’, touga is victimised by homophobic violence which is wrapped up in misogynistic violence, both of which are the cogs in the machine we call patriarchy. touga is not affected by misogyny in the same way that anthy is, that’s one of the key takeaways you can get from their being foils, and i don’t really like the whole ‘oh patriarchy hurts men too’ stuff because it neglects the fact that men reap so many material benefits from what some people deem ‘harm’ to them (emotional repression being the big one. it’s not great but when you’re the privileged party and gain power from it, who cares? it’s like the inverse of kozue trying to use sexuality to gain power: she can’t do that). but touga is a shitty dysfunctional person who has been shaped by violence and in turn perpetuated violence, and his character excels, imho, at examining how patriarchy functions and attempts to homogenise life’s many complexities. same deal as nanami really. they just play different roles in this gender essentialist nightmare that crunches out any grit. and you can extend that idea to all rgu characters but i am who i am and that is a kiryuu siblings enjoyer
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imogenkol · 12 days
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KINCADE PACK 🐺 (original works) — “The name goes back centuries, and all Miranda cares about is making sure it lasts for many more”
[template by @tommyarashikage]
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @simonxriley @voidika @kyberinfinitygems @voidbuggg @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @a-treides @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed @leviiackrman @strangefable @jacobseed
#insp: the lodge#too many ocs to tag here lmao#this is a little bit rushed because it’s like 2am#but I’ve been thinking about doing this template for them since I first saw it#FINALLY I get to talk about this fucked up rich werewolf family#Logan and Jayde’s dad were best friends and grew up together#so Jayde and Skye essentially grew up with Logan’s kids#there’s a lot of complicated feelings there between the kids for various reasons#they consider each other family to a degree (more like cousins)... but some of them would definitely straight up kill each other.#Miranda had her eye mostly on Jayde because she’s the same age as Garret and Miranda’s main goal is to strengthen her bloodline#and Jayde comes from a well known purebred bloodline#so Miranda’s golden boy Garret (massive douchebag) tried his darndest to rizz up Jayde for most of their childhood#Jayde fucking despises him. she beat his ass on more than one occasion. which massively bruised his fragile ego. but he still wants to hit#Amara and Mitchell are the designated chaos twins that Jayde has a love/hate relationship with. Skye gets along with them great of course#Jonas is the only mf that has his head on straight. He's mostly separated from the fam. removed at the 'heir' when he didn't want it.#now hes a werewolf therapist for werewolves with a small family of his own. he reminds Jayde of her dad. he's around the same age too#SCANDAL: Jonas is slightly older than Logan lmao#Declan is the other golden boy. the precious spoiled baby. Miranda's backup for the backup.#he's terrified of Garret so he tries to stay out of his way and mostly keeps to himself#tbh Declan is just Scared of Everything and desperately doesn't want any responsibility but tries to hide it#anyway before Jayde's dad was killed and she was captured they knew hunters were coming for them#so they went to the Kincades for help. Miranda would only accept the girls.#Jayde chose to stay with her parents and they left Skye with the family to keep her safe (she was 12)#that was the last time Skye saw her family intact :/ she didn’t see Jayde again for years.#so Miranda pampered her and groomed her to be in her family.#like she was this little jewel. the last living Thatcher.#now that Jayde is back and Skye is with her and they're living their own life#Miranda be scheming. she wants to claim their bloodline sooo bad.#anyway sorry for the massive lore dump there’s.... a lot of complicated shit going on here
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benoitblanc · 6 months
making an emily-arc gifset and screaming internally. why the fuck did they do that to scully
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sparrowposting · 8 hours
pray for me im dying trying to set boundaries girls what the fUCK
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